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Loco (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Loco (Album Version)歌手:coal chamber专辑:Coal ChamberAnnie - LocoMy wild love childJust a riddle I"m keeping for meYeah, babyI, I drove 500 miles, my style boyGive in to me, give in to me, yeahJust a minute, I"m living the dreamGive in to me, give into me, yeahYeah, you"re so locoEverybody says that you"re a no-goI knowBaby, take me down before I go-goYeah, gimme what I needI tried to make a fireThe flame you"ll find in meBreak out, can"t you seeKelly told me "Why don"t you want to wake up?"O-Oh, O-OhI can"t tell them I"m gonna see you laterBut I"ll see you laterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11300127

Oceans (Album Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Oceans (Album Mix)歌手:Milk Inc.专辑:Apocalypse CowThe Title - Oceansi want to write oceans deepi"ve gotta sound so sincerei"ll surely strike a chordand you"ll make your way herei wanna write words that moveand make your heart skip beatsand if i can"t do thatat least you"ll tap your feetif i were to ask would you be willingto lay right here and watch the ceilingand stay up late with meand then we"d kiss till threeand if i should ask would you be happyto learn these words and sing them at metake my hand and holdand show me what you knowi gotta be rationaland take my time with thisi"m making god damn surethere"s not a thing i"ll missi work with a balanced heartand never with steady handswhen you"re around i can"t speakbut i know my songs cansleep is for the weakand baby i can stay the weekendas long as you"re with mei think maybe we can sleep inhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7956800

Bud Powell&Don Byas的《Myth》 歌词

歌曲名:Myth歌手:Bud Powell&Don Byas专辑:A Tribute To CannonballMYTH词 陈时安. 曲 黄家驹.陈时安. 主唱 黄家驹.It was a story told for yearsWhen a young girl dwelled this landWith eyes shone like the starAnd a smile that charmed both heaven and earthThe moon was ashamed when next to herAnd the flowers bowed their headsHer songs could tame the beastsHer hands could wave all sorrows awayYet that Fate was envy "bout this girl"And a plot was planned to lay her downTo a pasture she was ledWhere the grass was always greenIn the midst of this wonderlandStood the plant that"d bring her permanent endThe plant of death was in her eyesSending its fragrant through the airLaughter form below was heardWith a touch the task was doneLike an arrow it speared her heartLike venom it killed her lightAs her body slowly droppedStopped the singing from aroundHer soul left without a soundThe god of love was deeply hurtWhen the tragedy was knownIt cut right into his heartWith tears and pain he flew to herTo end this sorrow he drawn his swordHow red the blood that sprayed aroundAs the thorns grew around it stemAnd the petals stained in redTurned the plant into a roseBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/8790390

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使命召唤12 内心的恶魔 追查沙拉霍尔,小教堂bug怎么破?人都打死完了,霍尔还在那穿墙飞来飞去的





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不学英语 所以不知道

2*pfu酶跑完pcr后需要加loading buffer

看你的2XPFU是什么形式,如果是mix的形式,一般已经有染料在里面了,可以看到mix的溶液就是蓝色,这样的话,样品可以直接上样的. 但是如果你加的溶液都是透明的,完成后还是需要加loading buffer.普通自己配的loading都是5X的,就按照样品:loading=4:1的比例混合就可以了.

请问!博凌科为 的 Pfu DNA Polymerase(含预混Mg2+的10×Pfu Buffer)怎么样啊?有没有谁能详细介绍下?

博凌科为 的 Pfu DNA Polymerase(含预混Mg2+的10×Pfu Buffer), 超纯高保真耐热DNA聚合酶 Pfu DNA Polymerase 是从克隆有Pyrococcus furiosis DNA Polymerase 基因的大肠杆菌中表达并经多次过柱纯化分离出来的。由于Pfu 有3"-5"的外切酶活性,它能纠正DNA扩增过程中产生的错误, 而传统的Taq DNA Polymerase却不能。 其它高温DNA Polymerase 如:Vent,Deep Vent,Tli,UITma 等虽具有校正功能,但Pfu 是目前已发现的所有耐高温DNA Polymerase中出错率最低的。Pfu DNA聚合酶比普通Taq DNA 聚合酶热稳定性更好,95℃1 小时仍保持90%以上活性。适用范围用于DNA 的高保真扩增,如基因表达克隆、基因定点突变、细胞内基因点突变的分析(SNP)和末端补平等。活性定义1 单位(U) Pfu DNA Polymerase 活力定义为在74℃、30 分钟内,以活性化的大马哈鱼精子DNA作为模板/ 引物,将10 nmol 脱氧核苷酸掺入到酸不溶物质所需的酶量。质量控制检测SDS-PAGE 检测纯度大于99%;经检测无外源核酸酶活性;PCR方法检测无宿主残余DNA;能有效地扩增人基因组中的单拷贝基因;室温存放一周,无明显活性改变。主要技术参数有3"-5"外切核酸酶活性,无5"-3"外切核酸酶活性,DNA 扩增时延伸速度低于Taq酶,一般情况下Pfu酶的延伸速度为每分钟0.5-1 kb。Pfu 酶的热稳定性比Taq 酶好,对于GC 含量很高的模板,变性温度可以提高到98℃,对Pfu 酶的活性无影响。其PCR产物为平端,可加A处理再与TA载体连接或使用平末端克隆载体。保存条件: -20℃保存

2*pfu酶跑完pcr后需要加loading buffer

看你的2XPFU是什么形式,如果是mix的形式,一般已经有染料在里面了,可以看到mix的溶液就是蓝色,这样的话,样品可以直接上样的。但是如果你加的溶液都是透明的,完成后还是需要加loading buffer。普通自己配的loading都是5X的,就按照样品:loading=4:1的比例混合就可以了。

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形容东西一闪一闪 bulinbulin的 英文单词是什么,英译中文的词是什么

形容东西一闪一闪的英文单词shiny,译为闪亮的,发光的。读音:英["u0283au026ani] 美["u0283au026ani] 其原形为shine,shine的基本意思是“照耀”“发光”,指太阳、灯等发光体发出光亮,也可指物体反射出光亮,还可指用手电筒等的光向某方向照射。引申可作“表现突出,出众”解。其过去式和过去分词都是shone。 在美式英语中shine还可作“擦”解,表示把某物擦亮、磨光或使之发亮,其过去式和过去分词都是shined,不是shone。 shine作“发光”解时是不及物动词,作“擦亮”解时是及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 例句:I am amazed to see a beggar step into a shiny Mercedes.看到一个乞丐跨进一辆闪亮的奔驰轿车我惊愕不已。The genie gave her a big, shiny ruby.精灵给她一颗又大又闪亮的红宝石。扩展资料:shine, light up两者都有“发光”“照亮”的意思。其区别在于:1、shine是不及物动词,指太阳等能发亮的主体自身发光; 而light up则是及物动词,意思是“照亮…”。例如:The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home.明媚的阳光照耀着我古老的肯塔基故乡。All the streets were lit up with electricity.所有街道上灯火通明。2、shine和light up均可用于比喻,指“眼睛亮”,但前者强调状态,后者强调由不亮到亮的变化。例如:Her eyes shone with pleasure.她的眼睛里闪烁着愉快的光芒。Her eyes lit up when I mentioned a holi- day.当我提到去度假时,她的双眼顿时亮了起来。

幸田来未的Butterfly juicy someday中文歌词

Butterfly Words: Kumi Koda Music & arrangement: Miki Watanabe Mixed by Naoki Yamada ◆现在就用这双手将我相信的未来 握在掌心所以 说放弃还太早 美化的Burning Heart 要更加更加的绽放光芒 Butterfly 在指甲上涂新亮彩的无聊日子 我希望改变 为你 也为自己 能不能做到都在自己 我要做给你看 就算是浮浮沉沉 反反复复 你不是我的『一切』 但没有你 我的『一切』都完蛋 所以 有些改变 想让你早点发现 ◆Repeat 洗澡时在肥皂泡上 映照着你的笑容 想问你 现在怎么样了? 奇迹会一再发生 没错 正如季节如此 不断反复到来一般 很美好对不对? 因为我愿意相信 手指绕着小小的回忆 拥抱着入眠 醒来的时候 发现这个思念 让我除了你以外 什么都视而不见 闪耀 再闪耀吧 Butterfly ◆Repeat Someday 倘若再次相遇我要与你一同欢笑 我会等待 这一天的到来 因为你是我的宝物... 每一个到来的日子 都有它的意义 无论是与你的相遇 还是之后的事情 将会变成什么模样 相信并不是由任何人来决定 而是自己朝着未来一步步前进 你不经意的一句话 却让我俩 从此分开 但如今我俩依然强烈思念着对方 *你说我红红的鼻子很可爱 可以遇见你我真的觉得很开心 与你之间的一堆相片与Email 都是我珍贵的宝物... 我俩共度的时光虽然不是那么长 但是我俩感情的深度却难以丈量 我无法只把它当成 一段会逐渐褪色的回忆 与你共度的时光不能用任何事物取代 若是某一天在某处 能够与你相遇 为了可以用笑容面对你 我要好好的谈恋爱 等到有一天 让你看见一个崭新的我 尽管我改变了发型你也没有注意 不过能够遇见你我真的觉得很开心 就算我忌妒你也没有生气 只是紧紧将我拥入了怀里 你曾经 这么的温柔... 与你一同听过的歌 你的香味你的习性 与你一同看过的天空 与你一起走过的路 倘若再次相遇我要与你一同欢笑 我会等待 这一天的到来 *Repeat JUICY 用力挤榨 Juice 一口饮尽 Your body 更加 Deep inside of me 走得更远 更加地 游走在极限边缘 好好地 Make it real hot 火热 在火热的今夜 要不要失控看看? Kill me now Ooh 带我前往 越过黑夜 到了天亮依然 Kill me tonight 满满溢出的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 Ooh 你不想吃吃看吗? 定眼凝视 更加地Play with my mind 如果想一直待在这里 应该有方法吧? 悄悄在耳畔Whisper Don"t tell 要不要在 没有人知道的幽会现场 偷偷玩玩看? Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧 U know I want it baby I know u want it baby U know I want it baby You make me hot and wet… Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧… …oh juicy! 以上,完毕

各位大神,求助 java中ant打包BUILD SUCCESSFUL,为什么jar里面只有一个MANIFEST.MF文件呢

您好,这样:<span style="font-family:SimSun;font-size:12px;"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <project default="create_run_jar" name="Create Runnable Jar for Project SeleniumAutomation-3.1 with libraries in sub-folder"> <!--this file was created by Eclipse Runnable JAR Export Wizard--> <!--ANT 1.7 is required --> <target name="create_run_jar"> <jar destfile="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/333.jar"> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.safx.processor.Starter"/> <attribute name="Class-Path" value=". lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-6.jar lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar lib/mail.jar lib/testng-6.0.1.jar lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar lib/guava-r09.jar lib/jxl.jar lib/selenium-java-2.21.0.jar"/> </manifest> <fileset dir="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/bin"/> </jar> <delete dir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <mkdir dir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-6.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/mail.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/testng-6.0.1.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/guava-r09.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/jxl.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> <copy file="D:/SeleniumAutomation/SAFX-3.1/lib/selenium-java-2.21.0.jar" todir="C:/Users/topcat/Desktop/lib"/> </target> </project></span>

BUMICO建材城项目介绍会在马来西亚吉隆坡SUMMIT 酒店成功举办

导读 7月12日~15日,中国建材商赴马来西亚中睿品正·BUMICO建材城项目考察招商活动取得圆满成功!考察团一行在此期间获取当地建材市场信息,相互探讨交流!增强了对吉隆坡乃至马来西亚建材行业的了解和信心!更对成功入驻BUMICO建材商城充满期待! 7月12~15日,为推进马来西亚BUMICO建材城项目招商工作,中睿品正集团运营总监柯东剑、市场总监黄庆敏组织率领一批国内建材商前往马来西亚吉隆坡实地考察BUMICO建材城项目及马来西亚建材市场,向意向和即将入驻BUMICO建材城的建材商提供更多了解市场的机会和解决市场营销问题所需的信息。 考察团出发前在深圳机场留影 7月13日,考察团一行首先来到SUMMIT酒店参加BUMICO建材城项目介绍会。东鹏陶瓷、德国KRONO地板、毕加索实木、添百丽木地板、美迪斯电梯、冠珠陶瓷、美心门门业、恒洁卫浴、欧陆卫浴、小五金、夹板、大理石等数十家国内外知名建材品牌商代表了聆听会议。马来西亚当地知名媒体《星洲日报》、《ACG MEDIA》、国内《建材装饰信息》等多家国内外媒体对此次会议进行报道! 潘总在介绍BUMICO建材城 会上, BUMICO 建材城总经理潘志勇先生为来自国内外的客商介绍了BUMICO建材城项目规划、业态布局以及施工进度等,让在场来宾对BUMICO 建材城有了详细的了解。马来西亚五金机械建材联合总商会拿督罗夫表示,BUMICO建材城作为马来西亚首家大型一站式建材商城,为当地的建筑商,承包商提供了多种多样的材料选择,改善了当地的就业情况,将会是马来西亚建材行业发展的一个里程碑。并愿与BUMICO及广大中国建材商一起推动马来西亚建材贸易的发展! 王星总在介绍云顶项目 嘉宾&商户代表发言 公司领导和与会商户代表&嘉宾合影 (左起:BUMICO 建材城潘志勇总经理、中睿品正控股(海外)王星总经理、中国建筑珠江(马来西亚)有限公司李文古总经理、马来西亚五金机械建材联合总商会拿督罗夫、广东东鹏控股股份有限公司马力总经理、潮州市工艺家居陶瓷行业协会黄玉明会长) 会后,与会嘉宾及建材商一行在柯总、潘总、黄总等相关领导的陪同下来到了BUMICO建材城实地考察,并就项目合作和业内相关事宜进行洽谈。潘总指出,BUMICO 建材城定位于马来西亚建筑材料批发交易基地和建筑商采购中心。主要面向大吉隆坡商圈乃至马来西亚建筑商客户,经营范围涵盖建筑行业所需要的各种品类的材料、品质保证且价格优惠,能够满足承建商方便、快捷的一站式采购服务需求。增强了在国内建材商对BUMICO建材城的信心。 潘总在为考察团介绍BUMICO建材城项目 为期2天的考察期间,考察团一行还深入到吉隆坡Feruni、OSK Ryan、Paramount Property、Super Ceramic Tiles以及中睿品正集团自有8-Conlay Hotel、Genting Project等多个项目参观考察,与当地建材商沟通交流,寻找马来西亚建材市场切入点,推动产品落地。 Super Ceramic Tiles市场考察多天的实地考察,给考察团留下了深刻的印象,为广大建材商入驻BUMICO建材城提供更多了解市场的机会和解决市场营销问题所需的信息。接下来,BUMICO建材城将以此为契机,盛邀更多优秀的建材品牌入驻!与广大建材商共享商机,在中马“平等互利、共同发展”的经贸原则基础上,进一步加强推动马来西亚建材市场的发展,将为中马友好注入更多的实质性内容。

有一首英文歌开头是i wanna.... 中间是but ...。开头和中间都是女唱。


金针菇用英语怎么说?是tiger lily buds么

金针菇学名毛柄金钱菌,又称毛柄小火菇、构菌、朴菇、冬菇、朴菰 、冻菌、金菇、智力菇等,英文为:“Enoki Mushroom”。希望对您有帮助



英雄无敌WOG的超级BUG 怎么办啊


我的ubuntu11.04装了virtualbox ose,但是网银usb是灰色,连不上,怎么办?


使命召唤8 生存模式最后一张图巴卡拉(黑鹰坠落)BUG怎么修复啊???

1楼回答的很不错 我就不多说了! 火力压制是必须的!

我在电视上看F1赛车的时候,不经意看到“Read Bull”的赞助商,请问这与“中国红牛”是同一个品牌吗?


Incubus的《Stellar》 歌词

歌曲名:Stellar歌手:Incubus专辑:Monuments And Melodiesincubus-stellarMeet me in outerspaceWe could spend the night,watch the earth come upI"ve grown tired of that place,wont you come with meWe could start againHow do you do it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewMeet me in outerspaceI will hold you close,If your afraid of heightsI need you to see this place,It might be the only wayThat I can show you how,it feels to be inside of youHow do you it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewHow do you do it,make me feel like I doDo oh oh oh oh ohYou are stellarYou are stellarHow do you it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewHow do you do it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,make me feel like I do,Yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/8012148

Incubus的《Stellar》 歌词

歌曲名:Stellar歌手:Incubus专辑:Incubus HQ Liveincubus-stellarMeet me in outerspaceWe could spend the night,watch the earth come upI"ve grown tired of that place,wont you come with meWe could start againHow do you do it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewMeet me in outerspaceI will hold you close,If your afraid of heightsI need you to see this place,It might be the only wayThat I can show you how,it feels to be inside of youHow do you it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewHow do you do it,make me feel like I doDo oh oh oh oh ohYou are stellarYou are stellarHow do you it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,its better than I ever knewHow do you do it,make me feel like I doHow do you do it,make me feel like I do,Yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/20349388

求分享《加拿大国家建筑规范》,national building code of canada,2005



【burger和hamburger有什么区别】1. 翻译和含义解释:- burger(名词):指的是一种由肉、鱼、蔬菜等制成的圆形或扁平形状的食物,通常夹在两片面包中间。- hamburger(名词):是指一种由煎熟的或烤熟的碎肉制成的圆形厚饼,通常夹在两片面包中间。2. 语法详解:- burger和hamburger都是名词,可用作主语、宾语、定语等。- burger作为一般名词,可单数或复数形式使用;hamburger通常用复数形式hamburgers来表示多个。3. 英文的具体用法举例:- "I would like a cheeseburger, please."(请给我来一个芝士汉堡包。)- "He ordered two hamburgers for lunch."(他午餐点了两份汉堡包。)

FCT Debug与AOI Debug有什么区别?

FCT(功能测试)它指的是对测试目标板(UUT:Unit Under Test)提供模拟的运行环境(激励和负载),使其工作于各种设计状态,从而获取到各个状态的参数来验证UUT的功能好坏的测试方法。简单地说,就是对UUT加载合适的激励,测量输出端响应是否合乎要求。一般专指PCBA的功能测试AOI(Automatic Optic Inspection)的全称是自动光学检测,是基于光学原理来对焊接生产中遇到的常见缺陷进行检测的设备。AOI是近几年才兴起的一种新型测试技术,但发展迅速,目前很多厂家都推出了AOI测试设备。当自动检测时,机器通过摄像头自动扫描PCB,采集图像,测试的焊点与数据库中的合格的参数进行比较,经过图像处理,检查出PCB上缺陷,并通过显示器或自动标志把缺陷显示/标示出来,供维修人员修整两者都是检查工具 都是测试不良的区别是FCT 是测试功能不良。需点亮基板操作AOI 是表面粘贴不良测试 无需点亮基板

can bus总线方面的好书籍

现场总线can原理与应用技术 北航出版的 我现在正在看感觉还行,很多文献上的东西都是以它为基础的




can总线是博世搞得,主要应用在汽车上,实时性和可靠性都要高。modbus是施耐德搞得,应用在输送电等电气领域。 can协议规定了应用层、数据链路层和物理层。其价格比以太网低,但是比UART等RS232或者485要高。但是,实时性在10ms,传输距离远。这一点比别的多数网络都要好。不但用在汽车,工控、电梯等等各方面都有应用。Modbus协议建立在串行接口之上,比如232或485上,只规定了应用层。在PLC等工控领域有比较广泛的应用。485是在232基础上的一个加强版本,可靠性都有所提高。物理层协议。

Hearts On Parade (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Hearts On Parade (Album Version)歌手:American Hi-Fi专辑:Hearts On ParadeAmerican Hi-Fi - Hearts On ParadeI don"t understandHow we drift so far awayI keep on holding onBut your hands are feeling so numbNobody told me that there would be days like theseAnd you"re in no hurry to keep me from coming undoneTake a look at what we"ve becomeWhere do we go from here?I don"t wanna disappearOur hearts are on paradeSo you can watch them fadeI don"t understand how the worst of timesGet stuck in your mindI"d like to take awayAll the stupid things that we sayNobody told me that there would be days like theseI"m falling baby can"t you seeAnd you"re in no hurry to keep me from coming undoneTake a look at what we"ve becomeWhere do we go from here?I don"t wanna disappearOur hearts are on paradeSo you can watch them fadeNobody told me that there would be days like theseI"m falling baby can"t you seeAnd you"re in no hurry to keep me from coming undoneTake a look at what we"ve becomeWhere do we go from here?I don"t wanna disappearWhere do we go from here?Our hearts are on paradeSo you can watch them fadeOur hearts are on paradeSo you can watch them fadehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7675842

Bulls On Parade 英语高手中文歌词翻译

大哥 不知道你这歌词从哪弄来的 这也太。。。(这个发歌词的人也真是的 一定要这样么 字都不打全 有的我根本猜不出来)他这个歌词打得太有水平了 就像rap的歌 我不怎么听rap 所以他的那些字我没见过 无法理解反正大概意思就是讲斗牛的呵呵不好意思帮不上你了

Bulls On Parade 歌词

歌曲名:Bulls On Parade歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Live At The Grand Olympic AuditoriumBulls On ParadeRage Against The MachineEvil EmpireCome wit it now!Come wit it now!The microphone explodes, shattering the boneEither drop tha hits like de la O or get tha fuck off tha commodeWit tha sure shock, sure ta make tha bodies dropDrop an don"t copy yo, don"t call this a co-opTerror rains drenchin", quenchin" tha thirst of tha power donsThat five sided fist-a-gonTha rotten sore on tha face of mother earth gets biggerTha triggers go into ya purseRally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsWeapons not food, not homes, not shoesNot need, just feed the war cannibal animalI walk tha corner to tha rubble that used to be a libraryLinin" to the mine cemetery nowWhat we don"t know keeps tha contracts alive an movin"They don"t gotta burn tha books they just remove "emWhile arms warehouses fill as quick as tha cellsRally round tha family, pockets full of shellsRally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsThey rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shellsBulls on paradeCome wit it now!Come wit it now!Bulls on parade!Bulls on parade!Bulls on parade!Bulls on parade!Bulls on parade!http://music.baidu.com/song/8884510


英国公元1856年,创办人Thomas Burberry在英国Hampshire的Basingstoke开设了一间成衣店,1879年,他研发出一种组织结实、防水透气的斜纹布料-Gabardine(轧别丁),因耐用实穿的特性使然,很快就被英国机师及军队广泛使用。 1901年,Burberry设计出第一款风衣,一次大战爆发,Burberry风衣被指定为英国军队的高级军服,而为配合军事用途,在设计上也修改为双排扣、肩盖、背部有保暖的厚片,腰际附上D型金属腰带环,以便收放弹药、军刀的Trench Coat!直到今日,翻开英国牛津辞典,如果想查「风衣」这个单字,你会发现「Burberry」已成为风衣的另一代名词,意义非凡!而原本用于风衣内里的格纹,于1924年首度现身,优雅时髦的调性,直到今日更被广泛运用。 90年代末期,时尚界吹起品牌新生的趋势,Burberry开始在大环境下寻求突破。现任品牌CEO的Rose Marie Bravo女士在1997年加入Burberry,并先后请来Roberto Menichetti与Christopher Bailey担任设计总监,搭配摄影师Mario Testino与超级名模Stella Tennant与Kate Moss的组合,在拥抱前人之余,透过独有的设计思考,将经典元素注入其中,让传统英国的尊贵个性与生活品味延伸,重新演绎Burberry的新动力哲学。实用与时尚并重的英伦名牌Burberry,以独家的布料、经典的格子图案、大方优雅的剪裁,赢取了无数人的欢心。要了解Burberry的形象,最好先从好莱坞电影中窥探一番。最早也是最成功的例子便是:亨弗莱.鲍嘉在影片《北非谍影》中身穿的战服;奥黛莉.赫本在《蒂凡内早餐》中身穿Burberry的避雨装;当然,这种服装也常常与间谍同日而语,因此间谍片总少不了它的身影。此外还有在《克蓝玛对克蓝玛》中身穿Burberry的梅丽.史翠普及《华尔街》中向城市大声呼喊的迈克尔.道格拉斯。另外,由骆驼色、黑色、红色、白色组合成的格子图案,几乎就代表了Burberry。这格子图案原是1924年Burberry雨衣系列的衬里设计,现在则成了Burberry的经典标志。 1853年出生的Thomas Burberry,曾在布店里当学徒,21岁那年,他决定自立门户,于英国的Hampshire开设服饰用品店,从而也开创了Burberry这一光辉的品牌。1879年Burberry研制了一种布料:gabardine,也就在此时Burberry赢得大家的认可。非常有意思的是这种布料的灵感来源,Thomas Burberry发觉当时的牧羊人及农夫,身上穿的麻质罩衫竟有冬暖夏凉的奇妙特性,便决定从中取经。经过几番研究,他以秘而不宣的独特手法,制成了一种防水防绉、透气耐穿的布料。Thomas Burberry给这种布料起名gabardine,并以此字作为Burberry的注册商标达40年。直到今天,Burberry制作轻便、防水服装的方法仍是个秘密。1891年,Burberry又在伦敦的比加得力广场附近开设了一家分店,沿袭并巩固了它原有的风格。 Burberry在成为时尚品牌之前一直是个较为实用的牌子,直到19世纪末,它还在人们的户外服饰中占了主流。在维多利亚后期和爱德华七世初期,Burberry几乎为所有的户外运动生产了专门的防水服和猎装,包括女士高尔夫球和射箭穿的衣服,男士的网球装、钓鱼装,以及登山、滑雪、骑单车的服装等。甚至在1914年第一次世界大战中,英国军官们也穿了Burberry专门生产的“防风雨服”,由此Burberry形成了一种“战衣”的风格并进而达到了极致:与众不同的肩章、带皮条的袖口、领间的钮扣、深深的袋兜、防风雨的口袋盖及附着的金属环。据估计,在大战期间有50多万的英国官兵都是穿Burberry的。 20世纪初,Burberry推出了多款分别适用于各种场合的运动装束,为喜爱户外活动者提供不同选择。由于具备极佳的防风和保温功能,它一次又一次成为探险家及飞行家之选。Roald Amundsen便以一身Burberry装束踏足南极,而在成为登陆南极的第一人后,他不但力赞Burberry是冰天雪地里的良伴,更于当地留下了一个Burberry帐蓬。其后Sir John Alcock及 Arthur Brown创下度成功飞越大西洋的纪录时,穿的也是Burberry服饰。 过去的几十年,Burberry主要以生产雨衣、伞具及丝巾为主,而今在杂志等媒介中,我们不难看到它的格子长呢披肩及各种结婚礼服,可谓是另谋新路。幕后的主脑是1998年被聘为设计总监和主管的Roberto Menichetti。他的宗旨是:汲取Burberry传统服装中的精髓以求更好地发展新一代产品。Menichetti将他的创作范围拓展到女装、裙装、配饰及男士西服上。为了将Burberry的新形象公诸于众,Menichetti还特意聘请了摄影师Mario Testino,并展开了一个名为“岩石与王权”的诙谐的宣传活动。现今,Burberry在世界各大城市开设多间专门店,其主要负责人Rose Marie Bravo表示她将会花数年时间去实现她对Burberry的梦想。我们拭目以待吧!


buy 英[baɪ] 美[baɪ] v. 购买; 买; 够支付; 买通; 收买; 贿赂; n. 购买; 合算的商品; 买进(或出售)的东西; [例句]You would do well to consider all the options before buying.你购买之前最好对各种选择都考虑一下。[其他] 第三人称单数:buys 现在分词:buying 过去式:bought 过去分词:bought

Noel - ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0 歌词是什么?


WIN7 64位系统怎么在PR里加载 LUT BUDDY

您好,我用的就是CC,用Lumetri加载不出“S-curve_for_CineStyle.mga”啊。。百度了下说是需要Red Giant家LUT Buddy的格式转换功能,导出另存为合适的LUT格式,说是.cube格式兼容性较好。这步不晓得咋个弄。 查看原帖>>

aecs6 red giant magic bullet suite插件怎么卸载

估计是这个版本和AE不兼容,我下的1.4只支持AE CS5,我的AE CS6就用不了,1.3可能只支持AE CS3或CS4吧(从你的安装目录来看估计只支持CS3)


试试:8335 2967 1000 7517 96809443-2929-1498-8572-38362226-2975-1561-7392-9125



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Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13.0.11 无法正常显示

重启电脑一次看看是否是因为系统运行出错导致的如果不行就按照以下方法这个还是需要一个一个排查首先考虑软件问题 卸载并且重装最近安装的软件或者有程序错误的软件并且如果有电脑管家或者杀毒软件就进行垃圾清理然后重启电脑试试有没有用如果没有就是硬件问题了



如何使用Ubuntu U盘启动盘修复更新后无法启动系统的问题

首先,当然是准备一个1G以上容量的U盘,用来制作可启动U盘;其次,到官网上下载Ubuntu desktop镜像文件。Ubuntu Desktop镜像一般700多兆,从而可以把它写到1G大的U盘上,可以从Ubuntu官网下载10.4的镜像文件。用UltraISO将其写入U盘,制作成可启动的U盘。自作完成后重启电脑,选择从U盘启动。由于你写入U盘的实际上是个像光盘一样的Ubuntu安装盘,所以进入U盘Ubuntu后,你可以选择不安装而直接试用体验Ubuntu,这也是本方法的关键所在,利用LiveCD,我们可以暂时进入系统,借以修复原有系统!进入Ubuntu系统后,启动命令终端,输入如下指令,在线安装lilo和mbr:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install liloReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree Reading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed: mbrSuggested packages: lilo-docThe following NEW packages will be installed: lilo mbr0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 408 not upgraded.Need to get 413kB of archives.After this operation, 1,315kB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? yFetched 413kB in 3s (124kB/s)Preconfiguring packages ...Selecting previously deselected package mbr.(Reading database ... 129801 files and directories currently installed.)Unpacking mbr (from .../archives/mbr_1.1.10-2_i386.deb) ...Selecting previously deselected package lilo.Unpacking lilo (from .../lilo_1%3a22.8-8ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...Processing triggers for man-db ...Setting up mbr (1.1.10-2) ...Setting up lilo (1:22.8-8ubuntu1) ...WARNING: kernel & initrd not found in the root directory (/vmlinuz & /initrd.img)WARNING: Do NOT reboot or LILO may fail to boot if your kernel+initrd is large.WARNING: Please read /usr/share/doc/lilo/README.Debianubuntu@ubuntu:~$安装过程中,会得到如下lilo的配置提示,按OK就行了: Package configuration ┌───────────────────────────┤ Configuring lilo ├────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ LILO configuration │ │ │ │ It seems to be your first LILO installation. It is absolutely necessary │ │ to run liloconfig(8) when you complete this process and execute │ │ /sbin/lilo after this. │ │ │ │ LILO won"t work if you don"t do this. │ │ │ │ <Ok> │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 然后使用lilo修复系统:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo lilo -M /dev/sda mbrBackup copy of /dev/sda in /boot/boot.0800The Master Boot Record of /dev/sda has been updated.ubuntu@ubuntu:~$修复完成,重启系统:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo -s -Hroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# rebootOK了,相信重启后选择进入系统的画面就出现了,是不是很简单?

ubuntu apache 安装出错该怎么解决呢

上次安装没有正确退出貌似试试sudo dpkg --configure -a 进行重置试试~~ 然后再重装 Apache2

ubuntu下已经安装JDK,为什么java -version命令还是提示安装



sudo apt-get install [你想安装的软件包名]




wilson@ubuntu:~$ wget -qO - https://download.sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - [sudo] password for wilson: OK wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done apt-transport-https is already the newest version (1.4.6~17.04.1). apt-transport-https set to manually installed. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded. wilson@ubuntu:~$ echo "deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/ wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages will be REMOVED: sublime-text-installer The following NEW packages will be installed: sublime-text 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 11 not upgraded. Need to get 8,190 kB of archives. After this operation, 23.0 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y


dpkg卸载软件步骤:1、查看dpkg的帮助。选择 dpkg -l来查看软件的状态。选择 dpkg -P来卸载软件。因为dpkg --remove只是删除安装的文件,但不删除配置文件。而dpkg --purge则安装文件和配置文件都删除。2、先列举出libreoffice相关的软件,看哪些是已经安装的。命令为: dpkg -l libreoffice*3、其中,un, ii, rc等是Desired和StatusDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/HoldStatus=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pendii就是已经安装的软件, rc则表示已经被删除,但配置文件还存在。4、选择libreoffice-base-core包来演示卸载5、使用命令dpkg -P libreoffice-base-core进行卸载

ubuntu 安装软件出错

Ubuntu 13.04 中文桌面版这个可以试试

ubuntu 安装软件出错

Ubuntu 13.04 中文桌面版这个可以试试

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palm distribution棕榈分布如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


中国山寨品牌。并非真的新百伦。真的只有New balance.New bunren New bailun New balan 都是中国山寨品牌!山寨!!!正宗的新百伦其实没有中文名,他到现在都没注册下来正宗的中文名字。就叫New balance新百伦是音译。而新百伦(中国)是类似阿迪王的山寨货!!!!!

Lift (Lift Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lift (Lift Album Version)歌手:Audio Adrenaline专辑:LiftI know you"re hurtingFeels like you"re learning"Bout life the hard wayAnd it ain"t workingSems like foreverThat you"ve been fallingIt"s time to move onYour life is calling, yeah* This was never meant to be the endClose the book and start againBut you"ve gotta liftyou"ve gotta liftAnd sometimes that"s how it isBut i know you"re strongerStronger than thisYou"ve gotta liftYou"ve gotta liftWhen you can feel yourWhole body"s achingWhat"s left of your heartIt won"t stop breakingYou"ve got to let goyou took a hitTime to pick up nowmove on from thisYou"ve got to lift yourself up above all the hurtDon"t give inWipe your eyes and remember you"re better than thislet them know that they took their best shot and they missedCome on and lifthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2651638

Lift (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lift (Album Version)歌手:Doug Martsch专辑:Now You KnowI know you"re hurtingFeels like you"re learning"Bout life the hard wayAnd it ain"t workingSems like foreverThat you"ve been fallingIt"s time to move onYour life is calling, yeah* This was never meant to be the endClose the book and start againBut you"ve gotta liftyou"ve gotta liftAnd sometimes that"s how it isBut i know you"re strongerStronger than thisYou"ve gotta liftYou"ve gotta liftWhen you can feel yourWhole body"s achingWhat"s left of your heartIt won"t stop breakingYou"ve got to let goyou took a hitTime to pick up nowmove on from thisYou"ve got to lift yourself up above all the hurtDon"t give inWipe your eyes and remember you"re better than thislet them know that they took their best shot and they missedCome on and lifthttp://music.baidu.com/song/777021

school bus 歌曲

可能是 The Bus Song 也叫做 Wheels on the BusThe wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll through the town.(Roll hands over each other)The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"All through the town.(Put arms together in front of you and "swish" like windshield wipers)The door on the bus goes open and shutOpen and shut, open and shutThe door on the bus goes open and shutAll through the town.(Cover eyes with hands on "shut" and uncover them on "open")The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beepBeep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep"The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep"All through the town.(Pretend to honk horn)The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glugGlug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug"The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug"All through the town.(Pretend to fill tank using pointer finger as gas nozzle)The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink,Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink"The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"All through the town.(Pretend to put money in cash box on bus)The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!"The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!"All through the town.(Fisted hands in front of eyes and rub them like baby crying)The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh,Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh"The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh"All through the town.(Put pointer finger to mouth to "shhh")The mommy on the bus says, "I love you,I love you, I love you"The daddy on the bus says, "I love you, too"All through the town.(Point to self on "I", right hand over heart on "love", and point to other on "you")

yer it will but it ll be sunny this sunday


ubuntu 下SHH 无密码远程登录不了。SHH 本地可以 但远程SHH一直提示输入密码

没有图啊, 图呢


ubuntu默认并没有安装ssh服务,如果通过ssh链接ubuntu,需要自己手动安装ssh-server。判断是否安装ssh服务,可以通过如下命令进行:xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ ssh localhostssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused如上所示,表示没有还没有安装,可以通过apt安装,命令如下:-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server系统将自动进行安装,安装完成以后,先启动服务:@xjj-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start启动后,可以通过如下命令查看服务是否正确启动@xjj-desktop:~$ ps -e|grep ssh 6212 ? 00:00:00 sshd xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ ps -e|grep ssh 6212 ? 00:00:00 sshd如上表示启动ok。注意,ssh默认的端口是22,可以更改端口,更改后先stop,然后start就可以了。改配置在/etc/ssh/sshd_config下,如下所示。xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Package generated configuration file # See the sshd(8) manpage for details # What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for Port 22 # Package generated configuration file# See the sshd(8) manpage for details# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen forPort 22最后,应该是连接的时候了。请看如下命令:xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ ssh exceljava@ xjj@xjj-desktop:~$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config



这是cytus2的bug 么?为什么角色全部替换成全新的neko了…而且以前的游戏数据都不见了……


美国BPI NITE-BURN夜间减脂胶囊真的有效吗?


汽车零部件行业中有CBU ,好象是整机的意思?请问具体什么意思?英文原句告知,谢谢!



/bin/sh: 第 0 行:[: -lt: 期待一元表达式make -C usrmake[1]: 进入目录“/home/guoliping/下载/iscsitarget-”make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。make[1]: 离开目录“/home/guoliping/下载/iscsitarget-”make -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/home/guoliping/下载/iscsitarget- modulesmake: *** /lib/modules/


//这里用了JQUERY,function checkbox_sel(){var check_vals = ""; $("input[name="radio_btn[]"]").each(function(i){ if($(this).is(":checked")) { check_vals +=$(this).val()+","; } });return check_vals; }

大神求解答(用英文回答) What has teeth but cannot eat? What

saw 锯子eggage







Lay Down My Life (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down My Life (Album)歌手:Sidewalk Prophets专辑:These Simple TruthsSidewalk Prophets - Lay Down My LifeAll your painWill be made mineAll your troublesThe tears you cryGive it upAll that bindsI will place it on my shouldersAnd up this hill I"ll climbFather, give me strengthI know there is no other wayI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planSo I lay down my life for youThis is loveThat had to bleedTo bring you mercyTo set you freeYou are mineI am yoursAnd I will wear your burdensJust like this crown of thornsI will take your placeI know there is no other wayI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youGive me all your prideGive me all your fearsGive me all your secretsGive me all your tearsGive me all you doubtGive me all your shameWatch them wash awayWatch them wash awayGive me all your prideGive me all your fearsGive me all your secretsGive me all your tearsGive me all you doubtGive me all your shameWatch them wash awayIn Jesus" nameI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youThough I know that you don"t understandThese scars are part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youArms stretched outUpon this treeTo show true loveTo set you freehttp://music.baidu.com/song/24468332

this hamburger tastes very delicious为什么不是taste?

因为the hamburger是第三人称,所以taste需要加s


1. 衰减 2. 血尿酸 3. 超声

rpc框架:thrift 和protobuf有什么区别?

fastrpc protobuf的一个全部开源的高性能rpc实现,支持客户端跨平台 中国人写的

London Bridge (25 Toddler Songs Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:London Bridge (25 Toddler Songs Album Version)歌手:Kids Choir专辑:25 Toddler Songs For PreschoolersO snap, o snap, o snapAre you ready for this?London Bridge (O Snap)Artist: FergieAlbum: The DutchessOhIt"s meFergieOKPauloFergie, Ferg what"s up baby?Come onWhen I come to the clubs step aside (o snap)Pop the seats don"t be hating me in the line (o snap)V.I.P. cuz you know I gotta shine (o snap)I"m Fergie Fergie and me love you long time (o snap)All my girls get down on the floor (o snap)Back to back drop it down real low (o snap)I"m such a lady but I"m dancing like a (whore,o snap)Cuz you know what, I don"t give a fuckSo here we go (o snap)How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...Drinks start pouringAnd my speech start slurringEverybody start looking real goodThe Grey Goose got the girl feeling looseNow I wishing that I didn"t wear these shoes (I hate heels)It"s like everytime I get up on the dudePapparazzi put my business in the newsAnd I"m like get up out my face (o snap)My lips make you wanna have a taste (o snap)You got that? I got the bassHow come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...Ah da da da da da du du du du...Me like a bullet type, you know they comin" rightFergie love "em long time, my girls support rightAh da da da da da du du du du...Me like a bullet type you know they comin" rightFergie love "em long time, my girls support rightAnother A.T.O.Cali CollaboFergie and PauloWhen I come to the clubs step aside (o snap)Pop the seats don"t be hating me in the line (o snap)V.I.P. cuz you know I gotta shine (o snap)I"m Fergie Fergie and me love you long time (o snap)All my girls get down on the floor (o snap)Back to back drop it down real low (o snap)I"m such a lady but I"m dancing like a (whore, o snap)Cuz you know what, I don"t give a fuckSo here we go (o snap)How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...http://music.baidu.com/song/2622253

ubuntu NAT traceroute只显示一行

ubuntu是一个基于开源GNU/Linux操作系统,Traceroute是一个使用TCP/IP网络者必不可少的工具,他发送TTL初始值为1的UDP包,以TTL+1来确定路径上的个路由器,traceroute指令会显示出本机与其他服务器之间的全部路由,既可以有助于准确判断故障位置,也可以通过显示的时间、IP等信息了解数据的流向。,traceroute的工作原理是将TTL从0-> n的ICMP(或UDP)数据包发送到特定目标,直到到达目标为止。沿途在每个位置连续发送出去的探测数据包将超时,从而产生ICMP“超时”答复,并在到达目的地时最终产生“端口不可达”消息。

japan bus tits big asian什么意思

tits 胸部。。。你猜这句话什么意思。。。--!

问下 一个太阳能电池充电器 中的BUCK 斩波电路时什么意思啊 或单单这个电路时啥意思 谢谢

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