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buck 变换器 电感 负载 电容 的电流电压变化







你说的是哪种斩波电路?一般情况下都是U= (a/1-a) *Ea是导通比








BUCK 用于降压,BOOST用于升压,BUCK-BOOST一般是降压和升压串联方式,可以得到更宽的电压范围。 这些知识可以参考开关电源方面的基础书籍。


1. 开关整流器 2. 传说中的“伏-秒平衡” 3. 同步整流死区时间 三部分详细介绍Buck电路的工作原理。 Part 1 开关整流器基本原理 在[0,Ton]期间,开关导通;在[Ton,Ts]期间,Q截止。设开关管开关周期为Ts,则开关频率fs=1/Ts。导通时间为Ton,关断时间为Toff,则Ts=Ton+Toff。设占空比为D,则D=Ton/Ts。改变占空比D,即改变了导通时间Ton的长短,这种控制方式成为脉冲宽度调制控制方式(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)。 Buck电路特征u2022 输出电压≤输入电压 u2022 输入电流断续u2022 输出电流连续 u2022 需要输出滤波电感L和输出滤波电容C Part 2 传说中的“伏-秒平衡” 伏秒原则,又称伏秒平衡,是指开关电源稳定工作状态下,加在电感两端的电压乘以导通时间等于关断时刻电感两端电压乘以关断时间,或指在稳态工作的开关电源中电感两端的正伏秒值等于负伏秒值。 在一个周期 T 内, 电感电压对时间的积分为 0,称为伏秒平衡原理。正如本文开头视频中指出,任何稳定拓扑中的电感都是传递能量而不消耗能量, 都会满足伏秒平衡原理。 Part 3 同步整流死区时间 同步整流是采用极低导通电阻的的MOSFET来取代二极管以降低损耗的技术,大大提高了DCDC的效率。 物理特性的极限使二极管的正向电压难以低于0.3V。对MOSFET来说,可以通过选取导通电阻更小的MOSFET来降低导通损耗。 在开关电源系统中,死区时间(Dead Time)是指为了避免两个晶体管开关同时导通而引入的屏蔽时间。 连接的两个晶体管开关通过交互地闭合和关断来决定线圈中电流的增减。为避免两个晶体管同时导通造成不必要的电流浪涌,即需控制电路在开关动作引入死区特性。在死区时间内,需要完成对已导通晶体管的关断和另一晶体管的导通。死区时间u2022 设置必要的死区时间以防止短路。u2022 死区时间越小,体二极管传导越少。u2022 死区时间越小,损耗越小,效率越高


这个是个很简单的降压BUCK电路,主要有两部份:主电路是通过Q1的工作,通过N1和D1,CXX将能量从电源传递到CXX上供给主负载;副回路通过N2从N1感 应能量,和D2,C2将能量传递到副回路C2上面,供给一些芯片等作电源使用.






你这电路很明显就是MOS管驱动有问题,IRF540手册你可以查下,饱和Ugs至少需要达到10V。先测测你的Ugs有多少V,看看是不是这个问题,如果不是的话,可以考虑优化驱动,不用NMOS而用PMOS,很明显用PMOS比较容易驱动。用PMOS的话需要转换一下电平,同时做一下驱动优化。同时你也可以将IRF540放在底边(输出0与GND之间)而不放在高边,这样也比你现在好驱动。当然首先从简单的开始 你可以查查布线:1、你的反馈接出点是不是从滤波电容后接出 还是没经过滤波电容就接出了。2、看看你的地线是否完整,或拉的太长,或布局合不合理。



电感反电动势大, BUCK降压电路如何输出稳定的电压?

因为你的图不全啊。5 V输出还有一个分压反馈电路,当5V偏高,BUCK控制器会关闭Q1,当5V偏低,BUCK控制器会开启Q1,这样5V就稳定了。






 一个BUCK电源电路设计测试过程. 如下图1所示为本模块的电路原理图,具体可以简化为输入部分、控制部分、输出部分以及反馈部分。. 输入部分:电容C1、C2、C3以及R1;控制部分:MP4420H芯片以及自举电路C5、R5;输出部分:电感L1、电容C6、C7以及C8。. 反馈部分 ...


xl1509是一个DC-DC电源转换芯片,1脚电压输入4.5V-40V, 2脚电压输出5V,(输出电压可调1.23-37V)431与电阻R6,R7,构成稳压电路输出4v电压,4脚控制,控制输出电压开/关,低电平为开,高电平为关。肖特基二极管与三极管部分都是控制开关。




为什么说buck-boost斩波电路是一个反极性的变换电路也称为直流--直流变换器(DC/DC Converter)。一般指直接将直流电变为另一直流...输出电压与输入电压极性相同 3、Buck-Boost电路:降压或升压斩波器,其输出平均

buck电路输出功率一定 输入电压高时电感为什么会发响 如果接着升高输入电压 输入电流为什么会增大很多

buck的开关频率一般很高,能够到兆级,所以人耳一般是听不到的。但是在轻载情况下buck会工作在burst mode(即跳频模式),开关可能开一段时间,再关一段时间。这样就出现了可能被人耳听到的低频信号(20kHz以下)。输入电压升高,输入电流减小,buck也可能进入burst mode。你可以测试SW的波形,看看是否有低频的周期变化。输入电压继续升高,输出功率一定的情况下,输入电流应该是减小的,除非出现了输入电压超过了buck开关能够承受的最高耐压,导致开关漏电,你可以测试一下和输入相连的开关的电流,在开关关断时,是否还有电流。







BUCK 电路为什么为什么............能降压?!占空比D

开关导通/(开关导通+开关关闭) 为占空比D,即 D=T_ON/T当D<1时,你可以根据电感两端能量守恒原理进行分析:开关导通时电感存储的能量=开关断开时电感释放的能量,V_L(ON)*I_ON*T_ON=V_L(OFF)*I_OFF*T_OFF I_ON=I_OFF所以得出以下公式:V_L(ON)*T_ON=V_L(OFF)*T_OFF 伏秒平衡原则,即导通时电感两端电压与时间的乘积=关断时电感两端的电压与时间的乘积。 设输入电压为12V 输出为6V, 计算占空比:D(12-6)*T_ON=6*T_OFF D=T_ON/(T-T_ON)=0.5 给分哦...


BUCK是常见的降压拓扑结构,对于BUCK开关节点的波形,有的文章画的是标准的方波?而有的文章画的却是有一个负的脉冲波形呢? 就比如下面两个波形,高电平是一样的,但是负电平却又很大差异。第一个图在开关节点位置有-0.7V的恒定负电平,而第二个却比较复杂,有一个-0.7V的脉冲负电平后又变为0电平,这两种波形是分别怎么产生的呢? 这从要BUCK的分类说起了,BUCK分为非同步BUCK和同步BUCK两种,下图中使用二极管D1的是非同步BUCK,如果把二极管换为开关管,那么就是同步BUCK了。 BUCK工作原理参考以前的文章, 请搜索《BUCK电路详细原理》 。高电平时两种波形一样,我们只讨论低电平时的情况。 在下图非同步BUCK中,当开关S1断开时,是通过储能电感L1向负载放电,放电路径是L1->负载->D1,因此在A点测量,Vsw会有一个恒定的二极管导通电压,即-0.7V。 对于同步BUCK而言,如果上下两个管子同时导通,将会发生短路的现象。为了避免上下管S1和S2同时导通,需要增加死区时间(dead time)。 在死区时间内,上下两个管子都不导通,此时电感是通过MOS的体二极管进行放电的,MOS体二极管的原理请搜索文章《为什么MOS管要并联个二极管,有什么作用?》,既然是通过体二极管放电,那在Vsw就有一个接近于-0.7V的负压。而过了死区时间后,下管MOS S2被导通,放电路径为电感->负载->MOS(二极管被MOS短路),MOS的导通阻抗很小,所以此时VSW的负电压很快从-0.7V衰减到0V,而后又进入死区时间,负压又变为大约-0.7V。


: Q1关断时,由电感电流不会突变的特性,原边励磁电感的电流因Q1关断而失去继续流动的通路,其产生的感应电动势将会很高以致Q1击穿损坏。

BUCK电路图,12V到5V怎么画 ,其工作原理是什么

这是一个典型的BUCK型DC-DC转换电路。核心元件就是LM2576-5,是5V定电压型号,高压版本是LM2596-5。 工作原理: 12V输入电压经过防反接肖特基二极管D1,送入LM2576-5的1脚(VIN端,也与内部开关管的集电极相连)。另一路经R10和L3用于电源指示。




在电路系统中,负电压的应用远没有正电压多,因此是很多人忽略的一个电源架构,很多同学经常就会问,怎么产生负电压? BUCK-BOOST是一种经典的负电源架构,属于斩波器的一种,广泛应用在OLED驱动、音频等领域,其基本架构见下图,与BUCK、BOOST一样,BUCK-BOOST也是由基本的开关、二极管和电感组成。 BUCK-BOOST工作流程也分为开关断开和导通两个过程,开关的周期为T,占空比为D,当开关闭合导通时,电源对储能电感充电: 当开关断开时,电感通过二极管向负载放电(要注意电流方向). 根据伏秒平衡原理,开关在断开时和导通时,电感储存的能量是相等的: 整理公式可以得到输入输出之间的关系: 占空比D是小于1的系数,因此0<1-D<1,因此BUCK-BOOST是升降压型斩波电源:|Vout|>Vin;Vout<0。 以上就是BUCK-BOOST负电压电源基本原理介绍。后面会讲解如何对电感进行选型。








升压和降压电路,就是指电力电子设计当中常说的BUCK/BOOST电路。这两种电路经常一起出现在电路设计当中,BUCK电路指输出小于电压的单管不隔离直流变换,BOOST指输出电压高于输入电压的单管不隔离直流变换。作为最常见也比较基础的两种电路,本篇文章就主要对BUCK/BOOST电路原理进行讲解。首先让我们从BUCK变换器的概念开始讲起,BUCK变换器也称降压式变换器,是一种输出电压小于输进电压的单管不隔离直流变换器。图中,Q为开关管,其驱动电压一般为PWM(Pulse width modulatiON脉宽调制)信号,信号周期为Ts,则信号频率为f=1/Ts,导通时间为Ton,关断时间为Toff,则周期Ts=Ton+Toff,占空比Dy= Ton/Ts。开关管Q也为PWM控制方式,但最大占空比Dy必须限制,不答应在Dy=1的状态下工作。电感Lf在输进侧,称为升压电感。BOOST变换器也有CCM和DCM两种工作方式。BUCK/BOOST变换器:也称升降压式变换器,是一种输出电压既可低于也可高于输进电压的单管不隔离直流变换器,但其输出电压的极性与输进电压相反。BUCK/BOOST变换器可看做是BUCK变换器和BOOST变换器串联而成,合并了开关管。BUCK/BOOST变换器也有CCM和DCM两种工作方式,开关管Q也为PWM控制方式









Katie Goes To Tokyod的Suburban Street的歌词

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One Wish: The Holiday Album的歌手简介

惠特妮·休斯顿(英文名:Whitney Houston)是位曾获得格莱美奖的美国R&B歌手、演员、作曲家、电影制作人与并曾担任模特。她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广的音域为世人所熟知,并成为流行天后。惠特妮在全世界有超过一亿八千万张专辑的销售纪录。根据吉尼斯世界纪录,惠特妮是获奖最多的女歌手(获奖415次,提名562次)。惠特妮·伊丽莎白·休斯顿(英语:Whitney Elizabeth Houston,1963年8月9日-2012年2月11日)是位曾获得格莱美奖的美国R&B歌手、演员、电影制作人与并曾担任模特。她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广的音域为世人所熟知,并成为国际乐坛天后。在1980 年代,惠特妮是少数能够在 MTV 获得大量的播出机会的黑人艺人之一,而那时是男性为主的摇滚时代。AOL Black Voices 曾说“虽然她的成功如同避雷针 (lightning rod) 一般,但总是能够从她那优美且有力的声音中得到证明。”而封她为 The Voice 更是使她闻名。  她是唯一在美国拥有两张最佳销售前 35 名的专辑的女性歌手,更是唯一拥有在告示牌流行榜 (Billboard) 连续七周冠军单曲纪录的歌手。惠特妮在全世界有超过一亿 7000 万张专辑的销售纪录。1985年的第一张同名专《WHITNEY HOUSTON》,不仅全球狂卖2200万张,蝉联BILLBOARD专辑榜14周冠军,多首畅销单曲如《YOU GIVE GOOD LOVE》(#3)、《SAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU》(#1)更是大家耳熟能详的WHITNEY的代表作,WHITNEY可说是一踏入歌坛就奠定了她未来屹立不摇的伟大的天后地位。根据<Ebony> 杂志,惠特妮被认为是 20世纪中,世界最迷人的黑人女性前100 名之一。但自从在事业高峰时期嫁给 R&B 歌手 Bobby Brown 之后,使用禁药与婚姻暴力的传闻致使其唱片销售量和公众形象下降。在小报上出现有关对于她个人的麻烦事讨论的次数,远多于其音乐上的表现。惠特妮开始不像一般歌手常会被看见或是听见,她也停止在公开场合现身。惠特妮在 2005年与 2006年接受两次药物治疗计划。在第二次(2006年)成功的完成治疗计划之后,惠特妮与 Bobby Brown 离婚并且得到女儿的监护权。与音乐界的重量级人物、亲近的朋友,以及良师益友 Clive Davis 一起,2009年9月惠特妮·休斯顿发行她睽违7年的最新作品《I Look To You》。虽然惠特尼嗓音或许不如以前,但这张专辑还是打动了很多人,销量很好。

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Victim (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Victim (Album Version)歌手:front line assembly专辑:Caustic GripClaude Kelly-Victimwhim(675278014)@LK GROUPI just can"t sleep tonightI know you"re not alone and it don"t feel rightIt should be me holding your body tightBut instead you"re giving him what was always mineAll the love that I put into youAnd now he is getting all the benefitsI"m sittin here only thinking of youBut you don"t care that my world is crumblingI can"t believe you let somebody tear this apartI can"t believe you let a stranger in your heartYou and me were supposed to last forever,butnow I"m just a victimCan"t stop the suffering (victim)Never thought I"d be (victim),I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneI"m down on my knees (victim),Can only be (victim)I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneTell me how he took your hand and swept ya (off your feet)I play it over and over in my headDon"t know what he"s doing better (better than me)Is there something that I just don"t get?All the love that I put into youAnd now he is getting all the benefitsI"m sittin here only thinking of youBut you don"t care that my world is crumblingI can"t believe you let somebody tear this apartI can"t believe you let a stranger in your heartYou and me were supposed to last forever,butNow I"m just a victim,Can"t stop this suffering (victim)Never thought I"d be (victim),I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneI,m down on my knees (victim),Can only be (victim)I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneI can"t live knowing he holds youWhen you"re doin" things to him that I showed youNow I"m here with you stuck in my systemWishing you will come to so I won"t be your victimI can"t believe you let somebody tear this apartI can"t believe you let a stranger in your heartYou and me were supposed to last forever,butI"m just a victim,Can"t stop the suffering (victim)Never thought I"d be (victim),I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneI,m down on my knees (victim),Can only be (victim)I"m only a victim since you"ve been goneoh ohh yeah~A victim since you"ve been goneVictim since you"ve been goneohh woo~,A victim since you"ve been gone~~~music~~~share with youwhim(675278014)@LK Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/10749167

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焦糖玛奇朵(CaramelMacchiato):这是星巴克的独创的饮品,在蒸奶中加入浓缩咖啡和香草糖浆,然后覆盖上一层风格独特的焦糖,口味香甜. 香草糖浆及香滑的热鲜奶,面层加上绵绵细滑的奶泡,混和醇厚的浓缩咖啡,再加上软滑的焦糖酱,香甜醇厚的焦糖玛奇朵便成为咖啡爱好者品尝特浓咖啡的好选择。 拿铁(CaffèLatte)是一种鲜奶浓缩咖啡,据说是法国人的至爱。 拿铁咖啡是由浓缩咖啡与热鲜奶按一定比例调制而成。浓缩咖啡号称咖啡的灵魂,包涵三个层面的享受:香浓的泡沫,醇厚的浓度与浓郁的精华。为了保持刚酿制出来的浓缩咖啡绝对新鲜,咖啡大师十分专注且迅速地将它倒入一份准备好的热鲜奶中,再于顶端覆上一层精致的鲜奶泡沫,令这杯拿铁像豪华牛奶与咖啡的浪漫夜曲一样迷人。 Latte在意大利文中就是牛奶的意思,拿铁是音译。





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String、StingBuffer都是(  )类,都不能被继承。


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赛车游戏下载ftp~~~~FTP地址 : FTP://用户名: chinaspeed密码: chinaspeed目录结构├—DriftBibble │ └—DriftBibble.wmv //土屋圭市的飘移圣经中文版├—RBR │ ├—CamHack│ │ └—CamHack3.rar //回放摄像头视角补丁│ ├—DatTool│ │ └—DatTool 101.zip //据说可以用于导航员语音的工具│ ├—Keyboard Settings│ │ └—Setting.txt //TT!! 网友的键盘调教│ ├—Patch│ │ └—Richard Burns Rally 1.02 Patch.exe //1.02的补丁│ ├—RBRdll│ │ └—RBRdll1.3.rar //回放显示转速表│ ├—RBRNET│ │ ├—Rbrnet3.0.zip //联网工具│ ├—Replays│ │ └— *.rpl //各个赛道的最佳成绩│ │ └—My Replays //本人的回放│ ├—RSRBR3│ │ ├— install_rsrbr3.exe│ │ └— installation.bat //一定要运行这个批处理安装│ ├—SavedGames│ │ └—SavedGames.rar //本人的游戏进程│ └—Other│ ├—All Traces and All Cars.txt //游戏秘籍│ ├—Computer AI.png //各个赛道的电脑记录│ ├—Flash.swf //官方Flash│ ├—Hard Copy Version.reg //注册表文件│ ├—Rally School.jpg //19843 * 19843 超大地图│ └—Richard Burns Korsyka 99.mpg //Richard Burns本人视频录像├—3D Driving School│ ├—3dDriv-INSTALL.exe //模拟驾校安装文件│ ├—pack3_3.exe //官方下的补丁,好像安装程序已经打过补丁了│ ├—readme.txt //一定看看安装说明├—Evolution GT│ ├—Evolution GT.iso //镜像文件│ └—Evolution GT.nfo //说明文件├—TOCA Race Driver 3│ ├—TOCA Race Driver 3.iso //镜像文件 包含crack│ └—TOCA Race Driver 3.nfo //说明文件├—ps头文字D│ ├—头文字D.mdf│ ├—头文字D.mds //镜像文件│ └—PS│ └—HA-ePSXe160_full.exe //PS模拟器└—WRC //2006年WRC录像 (R1-R8)

Abarth 695 Tributo 131 Rally特别版官图发布 限量发售695辆

易车讯 Abarth日前发布695 Tributo 131 Rally特别版,其将限量发售695辆。新车为纪念最后一场Abarth 131 Rally比赛四十周年而推出,对运动感和配置方面进行了优化。Abarth 695 Tributo 131 Rally搭载1.4T发动机,最大功率180马力,峰值扭矩250牛·米。百公里加速时间6.7秒,极速225公里/小时。车辆减震器、半轴、制动系统均为高性能版配置,其中制动系统为前四活塞,前制动盘尺寸305毫米、后制动盘尺寸240毫米。同时,车辆配备了17英寸铝合金轮圈及Record Monza Sovrapposto排气系统。车辆顶部的扰流板可进行12个位置的调节,角度范围0-60°,在200公里/小时情况下可提供最大42公斤的下压力。作为参考,Abarth将被平行进口引入,695车型即将上市,价格约37.8万起。如需更多数据,请到易车App查看。

not only but also 连接两个谓语时的问题

1。90%的情况下,是was not only voted这种用法,所以相反,应该是第2句最正规。 2。‘我认为not only but also是连接两个谓语的",你说得没错,但这里谓语是voted 3。not only 是副词用法。比如he is not only a teacher,but also a good father.他不仅仅是老师,也是个好父亲。 照你的说法,NOT ONLY就要放在IS 前面了?系动词最好紧跟名词。所以:HE IS NOT ONLY A TEACHER 比HE NOT ONLY IS A TEACHER说法要好。 4。我说了90%,HE NOT ONLY IS A TEACHER也马马虎虎可以。把NOT ONLY当插入语用。 5。但是,NOT ONLY如果出现在句首,要倒转。NOT ONLY IS HE A TEACHER。。。。。

英语翻译:buy off 什么意思? buy people off 什么意思?怎么翻译“收买人心”?


cry to me-Solomon Burke

cry to me,以前我也很喜欢这首歌,睡觉起床必来的一首歌,百听不腻,也不知道为什么感触特深

请教电影达人。。 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo.

哥来救你 我也有过这类疑惑像 镖客三部曲 这类西部片被称为 Spaghetti Western 也就是意大利美国西部片 这类片子一般由意大利的制片和导演拍摄 有时会和西班牙或者德国的影厂合作 一般来说 影片成本不高 会时常采用好莱坞已经过气或者尚未成名(当时的伊斯特伍德就是一例)的演员 所以里面有时会同时出现这些国家的演员 影片主题一般也都是和墨西哥革命 墨西哥强盗 美国墨西哥边境有关说回 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 这部片子,影片拍摄的时候演员时用的都是自己的母语,你所说的英文版确实是后期将非英语部分重新制作完成的


shell.setLayout(new GridLayout()); Composite composite = new YtComposite(shell , SWT.BORDER); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL , true,false)); //设置gridlayout的num为2 composite.setLayout(new GridLayout(2 , false)); Button btnButton = new Button(composite, SWT.PUSH); //设置布局数据,是右对齐,且水平充满 btnButton.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL , true,false)); btnButton.setText("点击1"); Button btnButton2 = new Button(composite, SWT.PUSH); //设置布局数据,是左对齐,且水平充满 btnButton2.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.FILL , true,false)); btnButton2.setText("点击2");原理就是,设置两个按钮的右对齐,和左对齐。

Survivor (Coming To Life Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Survivor (Coming To Life Album Version)歌手:The Normals专辑:Coming To LifeNow that you"re out of my lifeI"m so much betterYou thought that I"d be weak without youBut I"m strongerYou thought that I"d be broke without youBut I"m richerYou thought that I"d be sad without youI laugh harderYou thought I wouldn"t grow without youNow I"m wiserThough that I"d be helpless without youBut I"m smarterYou thought that I"d be stressed without youBut I"m chillin"You thought I wouldn"t sell without youSold 9 millionI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)Thought I couldn"t breathe withoutI"m inhalingYou thought I couldn"t see without youPerfect visionYou thought I couldn"t last without youBut I"m lastin"You thought that I would die without youBut I"m livin"Thought that I would fail without youBut I"m on topThought it would be over by nowBut it won"t stopThought that I would self destructBut I"m still hereEven in my years to comeI"m still gon be hereI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m wishin" you the bestPray that you are blessedBring much success, no stress, and lots of happiness(I"m better than that)I"m not gon blast you on the radio(I"m better than that)I"m not gon lie on you and your family(I"m better than that)I"m not gon hate on you in the magazines("m better than that)I"m not gon compromise my Christianity(I"m better than that)You know I"m not gon diss you on the internetCause my mama taught me better than thatI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)(Beyonce)Oh (oh) oh (oh)...After of all of the darkness and sadnessSoon comes happinessIf I surround my self with positive thingsI"ll gain prosperityI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)http://music.baidu.com/song/2627858

请教KFC中工作站的术语PA, PC, PP, KM, KB, KO, BU,AA,CC... 还有许多许多这样的词都是哪些英语的缩写呢


Modbus Poll模拟Modbus TCP服务的设置

1、Modbus Poll软件的主界面如下所示,菜单项包括File、Edit、Connection、Setup、Functions、Display、View、Windows、Help。 2、建立连接,点击菜单项Connection中的Connect,弹出Connection Setup窗口 2、按照下图进行Modbus TCP的设置 Connection:Modbus TCP/IP Serial Settings:COM1 9600bAUD 8Data bits Even Parity 1 Stop Bit Mode:RTU Response Timeout:1000 Delay Between Polls:20 IP Address or Node Name: Server Port:502 Connect Timeout:3000 IPv4 3、TX是发送的次数,红字NO CONNECTION字消失即为连接成功。


不可以,modbuspoll是仿真调试工具,不提供链接,但是可以用Virtual Serial Port Driver 9.0在一台电脑里创建虚拟机,实现链接的目的Modbus学习必备的三大神器分别是ModbusPoll、ModbusSlave及VSPD,可以非常方便的进行modbus调试ModbusPoll软件主要用于仿真Modbus主站或Modbus客户端ModbusSlave软件主要用于仿真Modbus从站或Modbus服务器而VSPD全称Configure Virtual Serial Port Driver,是用来给电脑创建虚拟串口使用的。Modbus Poll :Modbus主机仿真器,用于测试和调试Modbus从设备。该软件支持ModbusRTU、ASCII、TCP/IP。用来帮助开发人员测试Modbus从设备,或者其它Modbus协议的测试和仿真。它支持多文档接口,即,可以同时监视多个从设备/数据域。每个窗口简单地设定从设备ID,功能,地址,大小和轮询间隔。你可以从任意一个窗口读写寄存器和线圈。如果你想改变一个单独的寄存器,简单地双击这个值即可。或者你可以改变多个寄存器/线圈值。提供数据的多种格式方式,比如浮点、双精度、长整型(可以字节序列交换)。Modbus Slave: Modbus从设备仿真器,可以仿真32个从设备/地址域。每个接口都提供了对EXCEL报表的OLE自动化支持。主要用来模拟Modbus从站设备,接收主站的命令包,回送数据包。帮助Modbus通讯设备开发人员进行Modbus通讯协议的模拟和测试,用于模拟、测试、调试Modbus通讯设备。可以32个窗口中模拟多达32个Modbus子设备。与Modbus Poll的用户界面相同,支持功能01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 15, 16, 22和23,监视串口数据。Virtual Serial Port Driver 9.0 虚拟com端口工具Virtual Serial Port Driver 9.0使用Modbus调试需要需要两台电脑联机或者上位机与下位机进行调试。有了这个工具后就可以在一个电脑上虚拟出两个连接的com端口,就可以在一台电脑上进行调试。安装过程一直点next即可,这里不再阐述,安装完成之后打开软件,主体是下图我们分成两个部分,左边是虚拟串口的设置,右边是虚拟串口的添加注意添加虚拟串口时尽量选择较大的COM口,因为较小的COM口可能被电脑的键盘,鼠标,U盘等设备占用,会出现冲突。我这里选择COM10跟COM11 点击Add virtual pair在左边就可以看到建立的虚拟串口。在此电脑----右键----管理----设备管理器->端口中查看是否新加了两个端口:Modbus Poll使用安装过程一直点next即可,安装完成之后破解一下(输一下密钥,很简单),软件界面如下图所示。状态框:Tx = 0表示向主站发送数据帧次数,图中为0次;Err = 0表示通讯错误次数,图中为0次;ID = 1表示模拟的Modbus子设备的设备地址,图中地址为1;F = 03表示所使用的Modbus功能码,图中为03功能码;SR = 1000ms表示发送周期,1S一次。红字部分,表示当前的错误状态,“No Connection”表示未连接状态。单击Setup----Read/Write Definition… 或者按F8进行参数设置,会弹出参数设置对话框。Slave ID为要访问的Modbus从机的地址,Function 功能码的选择,Address 为寄存器起始地址,根据功能码的不同,访问地址不同Quantity:为访问寄存器个数,Scan Rate为读取数据周期,轮询发送,单位毫秒,Modbus协议同时规定了二十几种功能码,但是常用的只有8种,用于对存储区的读写,如下表所示:功能码 功能说明01H 读取输出线圈02H 读取输入线圈03H 读取保持寄存器04H 读取输入寄存器05H 写入单线圈06H 写入单寄存器0FH 写入多线圈10H 写入多寄存器当然我们用的最多的就是03和06 一个是读取数据,一个是修改数据。关于功能码以及寄存器地址看这篇讲解原理的文章:详解Modbus通信协议—清晰易懂点击Display可以设置数据的显示方式,默认为Signed方式(16进制无符号二进制),数据范围为-32768~32767点击 Connection -> Connect或者按“F3”进行连接端口主从机分别选择我们虚拟出来的com10和com11端口,其他选项如波特率9600,比特位8,校验位1,无等价位等可以保持不变,然后点击确定进行连接,未连接成功窗口第二行会给出提示信息。Response Timeout,表示读取超时时间,从站在超时时间内没有返回数据,则认为通讯失败。Delay Between Polls,每次扫描的最小间隔时间,默认为20ms。Remote Modbus Server,表示TCP/IP模式时的终端从站设备的网络设置。IP Address,表示TCP/IP模式时从站IP地址。Port,表示TCP模式时从站网络端口Connect Timeout 表示TCP链接超时时间IPV4/IPV6

请翻译,谢谢You know but too yell to hold your tongue.


Tomorrow the mayor is ( )to a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.



第一个窗体LoginFrame.java:package winRelation;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.Rectangle;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class LoginFrame extends JFrame {JButton button = new JButton("点击我");class LoginOKAction implements ActionListener {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "将进入另一个窗体!");new MainFrame();setVisible(false);}}public LoginFrame(){super();this.setResizable(false);this.setSize(new Dimension(300, 205));this.setTitle("第一个窗体");this.setLayout(null);this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);this.setLocation(300, 200);this.setVisible(true);this.getContentPane().add(button, null);button.setBounds(new Rectangle(111, 70, 78, 27));button.addActionListener(new LoginOKAction());//给按钮加事件监听器}public static void main(String[] args) {new LoginFrame();}}第二个窗体MainFrame.java:package winRelation;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;import javax.swing.JMenu;import javax.swing.JMenuBar;import javax.swing.JMenuItem;import javax.swing.JToolBar;public class MainFrame extends JFrame{private static final JDesktopPane DESKTOP_PANE = new JDesktopPane();public MainFrame() {super("这是主窗体");setSize(640, 480);//菜单设置JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();this.setJMenuBar(menuBar);JMenu menu1 = new JMenu("菜单1");JMenu menu101 = new JMenu("菜单101");JMenuItem menu10101 = new JMenuItem("菜单10101");JMenuItem menu102 = new JMenuItem("菜单102");menu102.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {addIFame(new InternalFrame());}});menu101.add(menu10101);menu1.add(menu101);menu1.add(menu102);JMenu menu2 = new JMenu("菜单2");menuBar.add(menu1);menuBar.add(menu2);this.getContentPane().add(DESKTOP_PANE);this.setVisible(true);}public static void addIFame(JInternalFrame iframe) { // 添加子窗体的方法DESKTOP_PANE.add(iframe);}public static void main(String[] args) {new MainFrame();}}第三个窗体(MainFrame中的窗体)InternalFrame.java:package winRelation;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;public class InternalFrame extends JInternalFrame{public InternalFrame() {super();setClosable(true);setIconifiable(true);setTitle("内部窗体");setBounds(50,50,400,300);setVisible(true);}}

Lately (Turn Off The Stars Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lately (Turn Off The Stars Album Version)歌手:Turn Off The Stars专辑:Turn Off The StarsDontae - LatelyI"m just sitting back and realizing,all the reasons I made a bad turn.She was getting fed up and slowly drifting,like it"s the love we had crashed and burned.I had excuses for everything,I put your feelings last, I kept my business first.I never knew how much you meant to me,until the last minute it hit me.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ???,no I can"t save it."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.What I don"t get most of all,What makes us stand up, and make love girl?I"m so confused I can"t come in.I feel so bad that ??? doesnt know,I put on a front, and see whats going onand I dont feel right, because I know that it"s wrong.I took advantage of your love and it hurts,Oh it hurts.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ??,no one can save me."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(Girl)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.Baby, I should have paid more attention;Took up ties that you was giving.But I had too much going on girl, girl."Cause ?????I don"t know what to do,what to do..Maybe I deserve for you to go,I deserve for you to go..Oh,Oh oh ohh, ( Don"t know what I should do )Ohh oh ohh,Yeah yeah yeah.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.....http://music.baidu.com/song/2824202


SQLCA.AutoCommit = False设成false之后需要手动提交update执行之后并没有更新数据库,而放到了缓冲区里,如果要更新数据库就commit;否则用rollback回滚一般在update之后都要检查执行情况比如if sqlca.sqlcode <> 0 then rollback;else commit;end if

1. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C.

1. in terms of 是对于什么什么来说,in view of是由于的意思,不要用中文的思维来顾名思义2.witness 见证 遭受,用在此处最合适3.flagrant含有恶意的意思,本来浪费公款就是一种恶意的行为,而CD都是名声不好,臭名昭著的意思,用在这个地方不合适



Melanie C的《Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Burn歌手:Melanie C专辑:The SeaMelanie C - BurnQQ : 349777127If I were somebody elseI"d be calling me stupidBut I still do thisNo way that you"re gonna changeNothing to say that I wanna hearI gotta get out of hereI"ve been driving down this road with my eyes closedTrying to get lostBut I know I"ll be back againAnd it"s easy to escapeBut as long as there"s a way I can reach youI know it"s never gonna be overI"m throwing matchesI"m lighting dynamiteIt never catchesThis bridge won"t burnI drop the lighterInto the gasolineNo fireThis bridge won"t burn, burn, bu-urnThis bridge won"t burn, burn, bu-u-u-urnCan"t even say it"s your faultBecause I know it"s meThat let you let me downAnother last chanceBut I"m not fooling anyoneYou know better than anyoneI"ve been driving down this road with my eyes closedTrying to get lostBut I know I"ll be back againAnd it"s easy to escapeBut as long as there"s a way I can reach youI know it"s never gonna be overI"m throwing matchesI"m lighting dynamiteIt never catchesThis bridge won"t burnI drop the lighterInto the gasolineNo fireThis bridge won"t burn, burn, burnThis bridge won"t burn, burn, burnMaybe there"s a reason that I"dRather be lonely with youThan lonely aloneTell me the reason why I"dRather be lonely with youThan lonely aloneI"m throwing matchesI"m lighting dynamiteIt never catchesThis bridge won"t burnThis bridge won"t burnI"m throwing matchesI"m lighting dynamiteIt never catchesThis bridge won"t burnI dropped the lighterInto the gasolineNo fireThis bridge won"t burn, burn, burnThis bridge won"t burn, burn, burnThis bridge won"t burn , burn, burnThis bridge won"t burn , burn, burnThis bridge won"t burnhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17469118

VB问题,Dir1.Path= Drive1.Drive File1.Pah=Dir1.Path Debug.Print Fn 都是什么意思啊泪!

Chr(13)是回车,Chr(10)是换行,那么Chr(13) & Chr(10)就是回车换行的意思。可以用常数vbCrLf来代替,即Text1.Text = Text1.Text & s & Chr(13) & Chr(10)可改为Text1.Text = Text1.Text & s & vbCrLfDir1.Path = Drive1.Drive 是把Dir1的路径设为Drive1中选定的驱动器的根目录File1.Path = Dir1.Path 是把File1的文件列表设为Dir1中选定的文件夹里面的文件以上两句结合就可以使这三个控件实现联动Debug.Print Fn是把Fn的内容输出到立即窗口

Rebirth (Explicit Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Rebirth (Explicit Album Version)歌手:Bone Thugs-N-Harmony专辑:Uni5: The World"S EnemyBone Thugs-N-Harmony - RebirthMaxR&B - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.(Layzie Bone)Hold down! Welcome to the showdown! (showdown!)I think it"s "bout time little Layzie let "em know now.Take it to the streets and let the pump, pump go "Pow!"Take my style, let me show you how I go wild.Now you playin" with a fully-grown man, with a fully-blown plan,With a fully-loaded clip. I"ma go up in your sh-t.I don"t play with little kids, I spank that ass, boy you know who we is!(Bone, Bone, Bone!) My homies the greatest! I roll with the best, see?Who in the f-ck wanna test these n-ggas from the S-C-T, C-L-E?We got heat! Y"all know what happened to the thief when the king catch him stealin",got his hands in the cookie jar.Off with his hand! F-ck it, off with his head! Make him stand front and center,Let me see what the rookie got? Bet a n-gga ain"t got nothin",They bluffin"! Tryin" to come up on somethin", bubblin"!I"ma say this really, really, really loud! Y"all wanna rumble, I"ll bust them, rush them!Trust him, never! On a whole "nother level.If God The Creator, then y"all n-ggas" devils.The fight won"t end "til the war get settled.And Bone gonna win "cause them Bone n-ggas" rebels.Playa!… Yeah!… N-gga!(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.(Krayzie Bone)They don"t wanna see me shine! Everybody wanna sound like Bone thoughcome back in the Bone zone! But you beginnin" with the daddy you don"t know.They call me The Granddad – Granddaddy of the Bone flow!Well little lazy rappers, obviously we never figured this would be the lickand we"d be next to shine. And we got everybody screamin" and singin"but these out-of-shape suckas need exercise! So I"ma get up in their mental.I"ma work "em out over the instrumental! Give "em a criminal rhythm, the lyrical nympho!Wanna see the wicked? Better know what you"re in for!First, the fan side could be forgiven – you didn"t know!Second time, I got up in "em like "here we go!"No matter what, they sayin" we still the most realest that ever did it, feel me flow!And everybody want a little bit against a little Krayzie, Layzie, Bizzy, Wish, and Flesh!A little taste so they can test and make "em see how we the bestand I"ll be realer than the rest don"t flex "cause the pump gonna get "em.I"m like a bullet to the chest, suffer a cardiac arrest that"s so hardand I can still get their heart and leave "em dead and give "em all they can get!Send them suckas to the lyric cemetery, or the rap hospital. Never no competition!(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.(Flesh-n-Bone)Come "on, now let me take you back to The Land, you know where the heart of it all.In 1993, when we was up out the scene.The fellas with hell of a harmony with the flow hooked up with Eazy-Eand shook up the industry and y"all just in time to get another phase.This certainly is somethin" that you wouldn"t wanna miss!The drama when it hit the fan, we got "em trippin" off the gift,and split a wig up with a pretty sick twist.The Ruger like a surgeon and it"s on, exactly what I cut you with is sharper than a scalpel.Actually, it"s too many Bone Thug clones and they all malpractice, arrested, and send "em to the gallows!My trues brought a style that"s unfound and you can feel it naturally.But we ain"t no magicians. Really ain"t no thing to make a fraud disappear.Steady givin" what they love to hear, make "em listen up close.Everybody know we got the dough. We choppin" nothin" but missiles, still the n-gga who the greatest!Y"all lost! Can"t even afford the cost, this is authentic and nothin" that"s dealin" with them world-wide bosses!We got the sauce, baby, we got the juice! We keep "em in a frenzy fiendin" for more!On the ThugLine with F.B.G., 7th Sign, and Mo" Thug once again we about to blow!We about to blow! Set it off – explode! Set it off – explode!(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.(Wish Bone)I"ma treat it like a race and I gotta win it! Ahead of you bums with the Bone flow.Thug invented. Haters wanna wonder why them thug n-ggas still gettin" in.Nothin" changed the game like we did so we here, still with it. Gotta tell the truth.We changed things. Bringin" somethin" new that"s everlasting.I"ma keep it real. It"s next to nothin"! Doin" the same thing "cause less creating.Flow just borin", the spit just corny. What happened to old bitin" "self?Writin" battles done face to face. I miss those days.These days, ghost writers, fake artists with nothin" to say.I"ma give it Wish due my street dues. Just stay cool.I know I got you when I need to pop you"ll let loose.And you don"t wanna see a thugsta hit with a Grey Goose.Or we could buy the bar. Just stay cool and we good.Recognize we thug, could of been all hood.The flow"s all love, thugs could of been all hood.Pick up on it, never fully get it – this Bone flow!Smilin", hatin" but you"ll see me on the low! (low) In the game with the number one!Straight from the Cleveland slums. Straight off the block, never hustle to the floor though.Kickin" "em down how them Bone Thugs came through.Yeah, yeah. We took it to another level (level), level (level), level (level)… Yeeaahh!(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.(Bizzy Bone)As soon as I"m receivin" the call, now give me the ball,I run with the dog and keep the balland meet me at the mall on the walland makin" money off the Bone Thugs equipment for sure!With a knife in my back, everybody rappin" fast!But the harmony in it and now that"s too much to pass, now that"s too much to ask.And they pick up a crash course style and change up, come on!My trigger-finger"s itchy from my carpel tunnel.? is written like water flowin" ? is walkin" with seven shovels,the grave-diggers ? nobody understand the man.Clones shutout! ? I"m quicker than a ? wicked mobsteryou pray to God. Do whatever, we get the hustle on in the Spring, Fall!In Summer and the Winter months, we gonna praise Jesus!Dummy representers, like we ain"t said nothin"!Present the flow then grown know where we come from.Sun come shinin", Equinox rhymin", Layzie perfect timin", grab my gun!Much love to my nigga young Hova, Twista, Bun B, Pimp C, A.C. Killer!Get your money, get your paper. Elevate like my n-gga DMX. Here"s a prayer God bless playa!(Thin-C & Krayzie Bone - Chorus)Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.Everybody wanna sound like, sound like, sound like Bone, Bone, Bone!Everybody wanna rap like, rap like, rap like Bone, Bone, Bone!As we continue to pick up the pieces, they follow us Kings "til the sundown.Deadly issues of telekinesis, better show love or lay down.MaxR&B - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7443445

甲醇空气电池方程式酸碱都bu hui

甲醇燃料电池负极反应方程式是:①碱性条件负极:2 CH3OH-12e﹣+16 OH﹣ → 2 CO32﹣+12 H2O②酸性条件负极:2 CH3OH -12e﹣ + 2 H2O → 12 H﹢ + 2 CO2 所有燃料电池的工作原理都是一样的,其电极反应式的书写也同样是有规律可循的.书写燃料电池电极反应式一般分为三步:第一步,先写出燃料电池的总反应方程式;第二步,再写出燃料电池的正极反应式;第三步,写出燃料电池的负极反应式。如:碱性条件总反应式 2 CH3OH + 3 O2 + 4 OH﹣=2 CO3 2﹣+6 H2O 正极:3 O2 + 12e﹣ +6 H20 → 12 OH﹣负极:2 CH3OH - 12e– + 16OH~ → 2CO3 2﹣ + 12H2O 酸性条件总反应式:2 CH3OH + 3 O2 = 2 CO2 + 4 H2O 正极:3 O2 + 12e﹣ + 12 H﹢ → 6 H2O 负极:2 CH3OH - 12e﹣ + 2 H2O → 12 H﹢ + 2 CO2

西门子1200mogbus rtu 没有实物硬件可以轮询吗?

应该是MODBUS RTU,串口通讯的轮询有很多种方法,有的是时间轮询,就是一个站号通讯一定的时间,然后转入下一站号,在通讯一定的时间,这期间不管某个站号有没有通讯上,只要时间一到,就会转入下一个站号。这种轮询通讯能保证每个站号都能通讯,不会因为其中某个站号通讯失败而影响其他的站号的通信。这种通讯的话,就算是没有接实物通讯,还是能观察到轮询的数据报文的。有的是数据轮询,就是一个站号通讯成功了,接收到了需要的反馈数据,然后才会转入下一个站号的通讯。这种的轮询通讯能保证每个站号都收发到数据,但是如果有一个站号通信断开了,就无法继续进行了。这种的如果不接实物通讯,甚至实物通讯没成功,都无法进行下一步的轮询,就观察不到下面的轮询的数据报文了。轮询还有其他的方法,也还有多种轮询结合的。因此你做的这个轮询需不需要硬件,就看你是怎么做的了。望采纳。。。。。。

一首女生唱的英文歌,很轻柔,其中有一句是 But I take the same mistake twice

歌曲名:Same Mistake歌手:James Blunt专辑:P.S. I Love You (Music from the Motion Picture)same mistakeJames Bluntby:…劼_7So while I"m turning in my sheets 在床单下我辗转难眠And once again, I cannot sleep 在一次无法入睡Walk out the door and up the street 在街上我来回彷徨Look at the stars beneath my feet 看着我脚下的星星Remember rights that I did wrong 想起曾经做过的错事So here I go 于是我再次出发Hello, helloThere is no place I cannot go 你好,你好,没有我去不了的地方My mind is muddy butMy heart is heavy, does it show 我的思想一片混沌我的心无比沉重 它表现出来了吗?I lose the track that loses me 我迷失了了丢弃的我的道路So here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And so I sent some men to fight, 于是我派出了男人去战斗And one came back at dead of night, 其中的一个在深夜回来said "Have you seen my enemy?" 说他看见了我的敌人said "he looked just like me" 说我的敌人看起来就象我一样So I set out to cut myself 于是我出发要打倒我自己And here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake again, 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And maybe someday we will meet 也许有一天我们将会见面And maybe talk and not just speak 也许我们会交谈而不只是说话Don"t buy the promises 不要对我的许诺认真Cause there are no promises I keep, 因为我从来不信守诺言and my reflection troubles me 回忆让我烦扰so here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake again 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...So while I"m turning in my sheets 在床单下我辗转难眠oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And once again, I cannot sleep 在一次无法入睡oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Walk out the door and up the street 在街上我来回彷徨oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Look at the stars 看着那些星星oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Look at the stars, falling down, 看着那些星星坠落oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And I wonder where,oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...did I go wrong. 思考我在哪些地方出错

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