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程度副词,是对一个形容词或者副词在程度上加以限定或修饰的副词。 一般位置在被修饰的形容词或者副词之前。(用汉语举例:很,非常,相当, 一点, 明显地……等等。至于语气和感觉是由它们后面的词决定的, 程度副词只是说明它的程度)所有的英语程度副词:much, little, very, rather, so, too, quite,perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly, fairly, alot/bit/little, far, by far, even, nearly, pretty, as, this/that(=so), fully,absolutely,barely, completely, hardly, just, only, really, scarcely


问题一:英语中的程度副词有哪些? 常见的程度副词有: fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 1. 程度副词表示动词、形容词或其他副词的程度,如:too(太),very(非常),much(很),almost(几乎),nearly(几乎),enough(充分),hardly(几乎不)等。 问题二:英语中有哪些程度副词 much (a) little a bit very so too enough quite rather pretty fairly extremely considerably entirely greatly pletely awfully terribly definitely perfectly amazingly deeply nearly almost hardly scarcely partly half slightly not at all 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 问题三:程度副词的所有的英语程度副词 much, little, very, rather, so, too, quite,perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly, fairly, alot/bit/little, far, by far, even, nearly, pretty, as, this/that(=so), fully, absolutely,barely, pletely, hardly, just, only, really, scarcely 问题四:英语的程度副词有哪些 问题五:英语中副词的种类有哪些 (1) 时间副词:常见的有now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, still, already, just等。如:An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然产生一个念头。 (2) 地点副词:常见的有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, abroad, indoors, overseas, upstairs, downstairs等。如:I am considering going abroad.我正在考虑出国。 (3) 方式副词:表示行为方式的副词大多以-ly结尾,常见的有quietly, heavily, warmly, carefully, happily, politely, angrily等。如:Look at the picture carefully.仔细看这幅画。 (4) 频度副词:常见的有always, usually, often, frequently, constantly, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, hardly, rarely, never等。如:Sometimes he gets up early.他有时起得早。 (5) 程度副词:常见的有fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, deeply, partly, perfectly, really等。如:The film was quite good.这个电影不错。 (6) 焦点副词:就是通过强调使之成为人们注意的焦点的副词,常见的有:only, alone, also, even, just, merely, simply, mainly, especially, exactly, too, as well等。如:Only Tom knows the answer.只有汤姆知道答案。 (7) 连接副词:这类副词有相当于并列连词的therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover, furthermore, still, thus, meanwhile等,也有引导名词性从句或不定式的when, why, where, how等。如:I don"t want to go out now, and besides, I must work.我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。 (8) 关系副词:就是引导定语从句的when, where, why等。如:This is the factory where his father works.这就是他父亲工作的那家工厂。 (9) 疑问副词:就是用于引出特殊疑问句的when, where, why, how等。如:When will he be back?他什么时候回来? (10) 句子副词:就是修饰整个句子,表达说话人的观点态度的副词,常见的有frankly, honestly, clearly, obviously, evidently, generally, briefly, fortunately, lucki......>>


问题一:英语中的程度副词有哪些? 常见的程度副词有: fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 1. 程度副词表示动词、形容词或其他副词的程度,如:too(太),very(非常),much(很),almost(几乎),nearly(几乎),enough(充分),hardly(几乎不)等。 问题二:程度副词的所有的英语程度副词 much, little, very, rather, so, too, quite,perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly, fairly, alot/bit/little, far, by far, even, nearly, pretty, as, this/that(=so), fully, absolutely,barely, pletely, hardly, just, only, really, scarcely 问题三:英语中有哪些程度副词 much (a) little a bit very so too enough quite rather pretty fairly extremely considerably entirely greatly pletely awfully terribly definitely perfectly amazingly deeply nearly almost hardly scarcely partly half slightly not at all 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 问题四:英语的程度副词有哪些 问题五:程度副词的中学英语中的“非常”程度副词系列 1.very   修饰原级形容词和副词以及完全形容词性化的现在分词或过去分词,如:tired, ashamed, exciting等  【注意】  1) 非形容词性化的分词不能用very修饰, 可用much修饰.   例:She is very pleased by his words. (×)   She is much pleased by his words. (√)   2) 一些限度形容词不能用very修饰, 可用quite (pletely) 修饰.   例:You are very wrong. (×)   You are quite wrong. (√)   3) 部分以a 开头的形容词不能用very修饰, 可用 much修饰.   例:She was very afraid of dogs. (×)   She was much afraid of dogs. (√)   2. much   1) 修饰动词;   2) 修饰介词以及形容词和副词的比较级;   例:a) The girl is much like her mother. 这女孩非常像她妈妈。  b) She is much younger than her hu *** and. 她比她丈夫年轻多了。  3) 修饰部分以a开头的形容词, 如: afraid, awake, alive, ashamed, alone, etc。  3. well 作“很,非常,相当”讲, 主要用来修饰动词、介词短语或用于固定搭配。  例:a) She was well past thirty at that time. 她那时刚好过了30岁。  b) His house is over there, well above the other houses. 他的房子在那边,就在其他房子的上方。  c) I don"t know him well. 我不是特别了解他。  d) The book is well worth reading. 这本书非常值得读。  4. quite   1) 修饰表示绝对意义的形容词或副词, 如:sure, certain, possible, impossible, right, wrong, perfect, dead, ready等。例:  I"m quite sure the dog is quite dead. 我非常确信狗确实是死了。  2) 修饰动词或名词。例:  a) She quite likes the bike, but she is not quite ready to buy it. 她非常喜欢自行车,但是她不是特别想买它。  b) I had quite a time at your party that evening. 那晚我在你的聚会上呆了相当长的时间。  3) 可修饰good, well, ld, young等个别形容词的比较级。例:  a) She"s feeling quite better today. 她今天感觉好多了。  b) She looks quite older than before. 她看上去比以前老多了。  5.badly   表示程度时含有迫切之意,常修饰want, need等动词或表示不良情况的短语  例:a) They are badly in need of teachers. 他们急需老师。  b) She wants to go abroad badly. 她非常想出国。  c)......>>


所有的英语程度副词:much, little, very, rather, so, too, quite,perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly, fairly, alot/bit/little, far, by far, even, nearly, pretty, as, this/that(=so), fully, absolutely,barely, completely, hardly, just, only, really, scarcely。很多、很少、非常、相当、如此、太、相当、完美、足够、极端、完全、几乎、轻微、公平、很多/位/很少、远、远、远、甚至、几乎、漂亮、as、这个/那个、完全、绝对、几乎、完全、几乎、几乎、仅仅、真正、几乎。变化的方法:英语“-ly”副词与其同源副词的用法比较。英语中有一些表示方式、程度的副词具有两种形式。如late,lately;high,highly;slow,showly等等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。英语中有一些表示方式、程度的副词具有两种形式。如late,lately;high,highly;slow,showly等等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们使用这些词时带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用时的混淆。笔者想就此问题分类作一点探讨。