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capacity 和capability什么区别


profits after financial items是什么意思?

这个= 利润 - 利息financial items相当于贷款,融资


ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下。 1. ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味。其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。如: She has the ability to do the job. 她有能力做好这项工作。 He found the company more suited to his abilities. 他找到了更容易发挥他才能的公司。 2. capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。 Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。 3. capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。 The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。--------------------------4: faculty作能力讲的时候,通常强调思维方面:英文解释为:an ability, esp. of the mind.!


ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下:1.ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味。其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。如:She has the ability to do the job. 她有能力做好这项工作。He found the company more suited to his abilities. 他找到了更容易发挥他才能的公司。2.capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如:He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。3.capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。


  ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下. 1. ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味.其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth..如: She has the ability to do the job. 她有能力做好这项工作. He found the company more suited to his abilities. 他找到了更容易发挥他才能的公司. 2. capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物.其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth..如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作. Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者. 3. capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth..如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好. The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人.

capacity 和capability什么区别?

capacity n.(名词) 【复数】 ca.pac.i.ties缩写 c., C., cap. The ability to receive, hold, or absorb. 接受力,吸收力:接收、容纳或吸收的能力 A measure of this ability; volume. 容积:这种能力的大小;体积 The maximum amount that can be contained: 最大容量:所能容纳的最大量: a trunk filled to capacity. 一个装满的箱子 Ability to perform or produce; capability. 生产力:执行或生产…的能力;能力 The maximum or optimum amount that can be produced: 最大生产量:能生产的最大量或最大限度: factories operating below capacity. 未满负荷运转的工厂 The power to learn or retain knowledge; mental ability. 学习能力,心智能力:学习或吸取知识的能力;大脑的智力 Innate potential for growth, development, or accomplishment; faculty.See Synonyms at ability 发展能力:内在的增长、发展或取得成就的潜力;能力参见 ability The quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment: 性能:适于或能够接受某种特定心理的品质: the capacity of elastic to be stretched. 橡皮圈能被拉长的特性 The position in which one functions; role: 职位:一个人发挥功能的职位;角色: in your capacity as sales manager. 你的销售经理职位 Legal qualification or authority: 合法资格或权威: the capacity to make an arrest. 执行逮捕的权力 Electricity Capacitance. 【电学】 电容 adj.(形容词) Filling a space with the most it can hold: 满置的:以最大限度填充某一空间的: a capacity crowd at the concert. 音乐会座无虚席 capability n.(名词) 【复数】 The quality of being capable; ability. 能力:具有能力的品质;能力 Often capabilities A talent or ability that has potential for development or use: 常作 capabilities 天分,潜能:一种可能得到发展或应用的才能或能力: a student of great capabilities. 一个能力极强的学生 The capacity to be used, treated, or developed for a specific purpose: 性能,容量:能够被某一特定目的而使用、处理或发展的能力: nuclear capability.核能参考资料:金山词霸


capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。 Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。 3 capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。 The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。 capacity多用来描述容量和资格。例如上课的班满人,工厂所有设备都在投产,够不够资格申请一个工作等。


Ability, capability, and capacity are synonyms in many of their uses. All are frequently used to refer to one"s power to perform an action. For example, one might have the ability, capability, or capacity to read two books in a week. But capacity—which is extended figuratively in the senses it shares with the other verbs—has special uses it doesn"t share with the others. It tends to relate to volumes and quantities; for example, in the sentence, “The vehicle"s fuel capacity is 120 gallons,” capacity refers to the measure of the vehicle"s ability to hold and is not interchangeable with the other two verbs. “The vehicle"s fuel ability” would not sound right.Another distinction commonly drawn between ability and capacity holds that, in humans and animals, capacities are inborn, while abilities are learned. For instance, a child might be born with the capacity to become a chef, but the ability to cook must be learnedCapability, meanwhile, often refers to extremes of ability. For instance, if you say you have the ability to write well, I might ask whether you have the capability to write a 10-page essay by tomorrow. Also, capabilities tend to be either-or propositions, while ability tends to come in degrees. For example, I might say that while I have the ability to write, I don"t have the capability to write a novel. But as with most of the other distinctions between these words, the lines are blurry, and the words are interchangeable despite the general usage patterns.from 网页链接

capacity 和capability什么区别

capability 只作 名词,意思 才能,能力; 容量; 性能; 生产率 。capacity 作名词 容量; 才能; 性能; 生产能力。 也作 形容词 充其量的,最大限度的 。capability 强调 “潜在 的” 能力,“有可能 做 的” 才能和能力。capacity 平铺叙述 “就是有”这样的 能力。

capacity 和capability什么区别

capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物.其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth./ of doing sth./ for sth..如:He has the capability to complete this job.他有能力完成这项工作.Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder.我国有能力战胜任何侵略者.3 capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth./ of sth..如:His capacity for languages is wonderful.他学语言的能力极好.The hall has a capacity of five hundred people.这个会堂可以容纳五百人.capacity多用来描述容量和资格.例如上课的班满人,工厂所有设备都在投产,够不够资格申请一个工作等.


The child"s reading ________ was great. A. ability B. capability C. capacity D. talent 这道题的答案是A。但B和C不是也有“能力”的意思吗?为什么不选它们呢?【答】 谢谢你的来信。ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下。 1. ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味。其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。如: She has the ability to do the job. 她有能力做好这项工作。 He found the company more suited to his abilities. 他找到了更容易发挥他才能的公司。 2. capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。 Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。 3. capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。 The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。

Ability、capability 和 capacity 的区别

Ability、capability 和 capacity 就许多用法而言是近义词。这三个词常用于描述一个人完成某个动作的能力。例如,一个人可能拥有一周读两本的 ability、capability 或 capacity。但是 capacity——其与其它动词共有的含义通过比喻得到了进一步扩展——还有其它动词没有的特殊用法。Capacity 往往与体积、容量和数量相关。例如,“The vehicle"s fuel capacity is 120 gallons,”,在这句话中,capacity 指对车辆机油装载能力的一种度量,不能与剩下的两个词互换使用。“The vehicle"s fuel ability”听起来不正确。 ability 和 capacity 之间的另一个常见不同点在于,对于人类和动物而言,capacities 是天生的,而 abilities 是学到的。例如,一个孩子可能天生就具有成为厨师的 capacity,但是做菜的 ability 必须通过学习获得。 同时,Capability 通常表示 ability 的极限。例如,你说你有写好文章的 ability,我可能会问你有没有在明天之前写出10页文章的 capability。此外,capabilities 往往是一种非此即彼的命题,而ability 往往是程度上的问题。例如,我可能会说,我虽然有写作的 ability,但是我没有写小说的 capability。不过,跟这些词的其它区别一样,这些不同比较模糊,除了一般固定的用法之外,这些词都是可以互换使用的。 via


capacity指人时侧重与潜在能力(一种可能得到发展或应用的才能或天分)。如:  Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his. 她的才智和气质和他一样出众。  They have capacity for hard work  他们能吃苦耐劳。 指物时侧重于负载量或能量。如:  aerial capacity 天线电容  annual capacity 年产量 capability指人时侧重胜任某项具体工作的能力,也可以指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。如:  He is a student of great capabilities. 他是一个能力极强的学生。  She has capabilities as a singer, and she is worth training. 她具备歌唱家的才能, 值得培养。指物时侧重于性能或功率。如:  rated power capability 额定功率  capability of swelling 可膨胀性


capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如: He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。 Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。 3 capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如: His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。 The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。 capacity多用来描述容量和资格。例如上课的班满人,工厂所有设备都在投产,够不够资格申请一个工作等。




ability, capability和capacity三个名词都有“能力”的意思,区别如下1、含义不同ability的含义较广,主要指人具有从事体力或脑力劳动的能力,并且暗含能够干好的意味。其复数形式表示“才能,专门技能”。capability的含义与ability相似,但它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”。capacity的含义指人或物的容纳或吸收能力。2、用法不同ability其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。Some people question his ability to do the job. 有人对他是否胜任这项工作提出疑问。capability其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。They have the capability to destroy the enemy in days rather than weeks.他们有能力在几天内,而不是几个星期内消灭敌人。capacity其后接for sth. / of sth.。Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception. 人类自欺的本事是无穷的。扩展资料除了ability,capability和capacity,能力还可以翻译为:competence、skill.1、competence英 [ˈkɒmpɪtəns]   美 [ˈkɑ:mpɪtəns]  n.能力;技能;相当的资产复数: competencesThe young surgeon showed exceptional competence. 这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。2、skill英 [skɪl]   美 [skɪl]  n.技能,技巧;熟练,巧妙;才能,本领The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman. 钻石切割靠的是工匠的技艺。


1、capacity:容量,生产量,容量,智能,才能,能力,受力,地位.capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力.如:transport capacity 运输能力transmission capacity 输送容量seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量parking capacity 停车容量2、capability:(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力如:nuclear capability 核能力the capability of a metal to be fused 金属的可熔合性。The act or capability of attracting.吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力。.3、ability:能,能力(特别如体力、 脑力或法律能力等) 本领,技能,技巧,才能,天才,性能,效率如:abstract ability 抽象能力academic ability 学习能力,研究能力a man of ability 有本事的人ability in music 音乐天才4、faculty:才能,本领,能力,全体教员,(大学的)系,科,(授予的)权力.①能力:任何正常的能力或功能,尤指精神上的能力;②〔大学〕教工:学院或大学的教授和讲师的同仁组织或团体如:comprehensive faculty 理解力the medical faculty 医界同人the imaginative faculty 想象力a constructive faculty 组织力,建设力the faculty of memory 记忆力ability是可通过练习或锻炼获得的,而capability指的是固有的能力,它与练习或锻炼无关.如:I do not doubt his ability to do the work.He has the capability to benefit from university education.第一句的ability是指通过训练或工作磨炼而获得的“能力”,而第二句的capability则是指"天赋之才",与后天无关.仔细一点儿就可以看到,capacity着重指容量;capability着重指性能;ability着重指身体的能力,能量;faculty着重指全体教员,指人。

ability, capability和capacity三有什么区别?

Ability、capability 和 capacity 就许多用法而言是近义词。这三个词常用于描述一个人完成某个动作的能力。例如,一个人可能拥有一周读两本的 ability、capability 或 capacity。但是 capacity——其与其它动词共有的含义通过比喻得到了进一步扩展——还有其它动词没有的特殊用法。Capacity 往往与体积、容量和数量相关。例如,“The vehicle"s fuel capacity is 120 gallons,”,在这句话中,capacity 指对车辆机油装载能力的一种度量,不能与剩下的两个词互换使用。“The vehicle"s fuel ability”听起来不正确。ability 和 capacity 之间的另一个常见不同点在于,对于人类和动物而言,capacities 是天生的,而 abilities 是学到的。例如,一个孩子可能天生就具有成为厨师的 capacity,但是做菜的 ability 必须通过学习获得。同时,Capability 通常表示 ability 的极限。例如,你说你有写好文章的 ability,我可能会问你有没有在明天之前写出10页文章的 capability。此外,capabilities 往往是一种非此即彼的命题,而ability 往往是程度上的问题。例如,我可能会说,我虽然有写作的 ability,但是我没有写小说的 capability。不过,跟这些词的其它区别一样,这些不同比较模糊,除了一般固定的用法之外,这些词都是可以互换使用的。


capability和capacity的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.capability意思:n. 能力; 才能; (国家的)军事力量,军事武器;2.capacity意思:n. 容量; 容积; 容纳能力; 领悟(或理解、办事)能力; 职位; 职责;二、用法不同1.capability用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:He had no capability to deal with the matter.他没有能力处理那件事。2.capacity用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:That bowl has a capacity of two pints.那只碗的容量有两品脱。三、侧重点不同1.capability侧重点:capability的含义既可以指人,又可以指物。2.capacity侧重点:capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力。


capability    英[ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]    美[ˌkeɪpə"bɪləti]    n.    性能; 容量; 才能,能力; 生产率;    [例句]People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day在一天当中的不同时间,人的体力和脑力也会有所差异。[其他]    复数:capabilities    capacity    英[kəˈpæsəti]    美[kəˈpæsɪti]    n.    容量; 性能; 才能; 生产能力;    adj.    充其量的,最大限度的;    [例句]Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited我们能够给予的关怀、关爱和关注是有限的。[其他]    复数:capacities    capability和capacity都有“能力”“容量”的意思,区别如下:2.capability它既可以指人,又可以指物。其复数形式常常表示“潜在的能力”,其后接to do sth. / of doing sth. / for sth.。如:He has the capability to complete this job. 他有能力完成这项工作。Our country has the capability to defeat any intruder. 我国有能力战胜任何侵略者。3.capacity指人或物的容纳或吸收能力,其后接for sth. / of sth.。如:His capacity for languages is wonderful. 他学语言的能力极好。The hall has a capacity of five hundred people. 这个会堂可以容纳五百人。

power的近义词为什么选capacity而不是 capability


capability 后加of 还是for 和capacity 有什么区别 请简单解释下

加 of。capability暗指能力水平的高低、好坏等,capacity则暗指能力的容量,多少。比如一条生产线的capability指的是其管理、技术水准等能做出多好的东西。而一条生产线的capacity则是其在理想情况下的产量。

急求capability 与capacity 的区别



1、capacity:容量,生产量,容量,智能,才能,能力,接受力,地位.capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力.如:transport capacity 运输能力transmission capacity 输送容量sorption capacity 吸附能力,吸附容量seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量parking capacity 停车容量2、capability:(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力如:nuclear capability 核能力testing equipment for interrupting capability of switchgear 开关设备断流试验装置the capability of a metal to be fused 金属的可熔合性The act or capability of attracting.吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力Processing capability as found in an intelligent terminal.在智能终端上实现的处理能力.3、ability:能,能力(特别如体力、 脑力或法律能力等) 本领,技能,技巧,才能,天才,性能,效率如:abstract ability 抽象能力academic ability 学习能力,研究能力a man of ability 有本事的人ability in music 音乐天才4、faculty:才能,本领,能力,全体教员,(大学的)系,科,(授予的)权力.①能力:任何正常的能力或功能,尤指精神上的能力;②〔大学〕教工:学院或大学的教授和讲师的同仁组织或团体如:comprehensive faculty 理解力the medical faculty 医界同人the imaginative faculty 想象力a constructive faculty 组织力,建设力the students and faculty 全院师生the faculty of memory 记忆力ability是可通过练习或锻炼获得的,而capability指的是固有的能力,它与练习或锻炼无关.如:I do not doubt his ability to do the work.He has the capability to benefit from university education.第一句的ability是指通过训练或工作磨炼而获得的“能力”,而第二句的capability则是指"天赋之才",与后天无关.仔细一点儿就可以看到,capacity着重指容量;capability着重指性能;ability着重指身体的能力,能量;faculty着重指全体教员,指人.



it seems that the information society expands the

The information society 做主语,是个单数概念

急求capability 与capacity 的区别

补充楼上capability 是由capable变来的capable的意思是有才能的, 有能力的; 可容纳的有知识的, 有技能的, 有资格的 所以可以知道capability的意思是 1.能做某事的素质;能力2.尚未发挥的天资或素质 capacity补充:各种物品的容量 比如 某个杯子的容量是200ml


1、capacity:容量,生产量,容量,智能,才能,能力,接受力,地位.capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力.如:transport capacity 运输能力transmission capacity 输送容量sorption capacity 吸附能力,吸附容量seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量parking capacity 停车容量2、capability:(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力如:nuclear capability 核能力testing equipment for interrupting capability of switchgear 开关设备断流试验装置the capability of a metal to be fused 金属的可熔合性The act or capability of attracting.吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力Processing capability as found in an intelligent terminal.在智能终端上实现的处理能力.3、ability:能,能力(特别如体力、 脑力或法律能力等) 本领,技能,技巧,才能,天才,性能,效率如:abstract ability 抽象能力academic ability 学习能力,研究能力a man of ability 有本事的人ability in music 音乐天才4、faculty:才能,本领,能力,全体教员,(大学的)系,科,(授予的)权力.①能力:任何正常的能力或功能,尤指精神上的能力;②〔大学〕教工:学院或大学的教授和讲师的同仁组织或团体如:comprehensive faculty 理解力the medical faculty 医界同人the imaginative faculty 想象力a constructive faculty 组织力,建设力the students and faculty 全院师生the faculty of memory 记忆力ability是可通过练习或锻炼获得的,而capability指的是固有的能力,它与练习或锻炼无关.如:I do not doubt his ability to do the work.He has the capability to benefit from university education.第一句的ability是指通过训练或工作磨炼而获得的“能力”,而第二句的capability则是指"天赋之才",与后天无关.仔细一点儿就可以看到,capacity着重指容量;capability着重指性能;ability着重指身体的能力,能量;faculty着重指全体教员,指人.

it seems that the information society expands

it (主)/ seems(系) / that {the information society / expands / the quantity of information}表语从句翻译:看起来信息化社会增加了信息的质量。因为从句是含有主语和谓语的整句,在表语从句中expand是the information society发出的动作,而the quantity of information是动作的承受者,所以expand应当是句子的谓语。当expand后增加了ing的时候,expanding成为了一个现在分词或动名词,成为了非谓语动词;所以句子的成分会残缺。

capativity,capacity, competence表达能力的意思的时候能相互替换使用吗?





exercise是指运动,exercises是指练习,比如数学练习题:math exercises,practice后面加doing,是指练习做一件事,而exercises前面加形容词,activities是指活动(复数)。 总之其他区别很明显,只是加不加s而带来的深层意义,更要注意两个词之间的联系和其后所加的。。。 =w=

social activist是什么意思

social activist英 [ˈsəuʃəl ˈæktivist] 美 [ˈsoʃəl ˈæktəvɪst] 释义 社会活动家

sci s ab能组成哪个单词

可以组成单词:basics,basic作为名词时的复数形式。分析单词:basics;音标:  /ˈbeɪsɪks/ 单词意思:n. 基础;基本要素(basic的复数) 双语例句用作形容词 (adj.)The family is the basic unit of society.家庭是社会的基本单位。The right to work is a basic right of the citizens.劳动权是公民的一项基本权利。Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life.衣、 食、 住所是生活的基本必需品。Basic research is of great importance in all scientific fields.在各个科学领域里,基础研究是非常重要的。We should give priority to the development of the basic industries.我们要优先发展基础工业。All the people can be accessible to basic health care services in the future.在将来能实现人人享有初级卫生保健服务。用作名词 (n.)His research formed the basic of his new book.他的研究成果构成了这本新书的基础。BASIC is the language most programmers learn first.BASIC是大多数程序编制者首先学习的语言。

sci s ab能组成哪个单词?

可以组成basics,是basic的复数形式,表示基本因素(或原理、原则、规律等); 基本设施; 基本需要They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic他们将集中教授阅读、写作和算术基础知识。

英语选择题it has been proposed that we —— our decision until the next morning.


San Francisco英文简介 要简短!但不用太短~抓住重点!

Room One:San Francisco in the New Century The dawn of the twentieth century was a time of great hope and prosperity in Northern California.Everyone was looking forward to the new century that would surely be the greatest in the American West"s very short history.Few looked backward to the Native American tales of movements of the earth,the fires that had destroyed San Francisco numerous times in mid-nineteenth century,and the destructive earthquakes of 1865 and 1868 in the Bay Area.There were a few muted warnings.A catalogue of prior earthquakes in California was published in 1898 by the Smithsonian Institution,but few libraries bothered to stock it. The fire chief wanted a backup water system and the insurance industry thought it was "inevitable" that the city would again burn to the ground.Life went blithely on in the "queen city" of the West.With a population of 400,000,San Francisco was the largest city in California and the economic capital of the West.The buildings were the tallest,the restaurants the finest,the entertainment,the most risque,and the factories the most productive. Not all were well off,however.One in three inhabitants were foreign born.Immigrants from southern Europe and Asia were swelling the population and providing cheap labor.On the evening of April 17,1906 the greatest single display of visible wealth in the West adorned the audience assembled at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street to hear the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso sing. The weather was unusually balmy.Carriages and a few belching automobiles arrived at the entrance and disgorged their passengers.The jewels sparkled.The fashionable,high-necked gowns were vibrant.The men traded jests in the foyer while smoking between acts.Supper was taken after the opera.A newspaper reporter trudging home in the early morning hours of Wednesday,April 18th noticed that the horses stabled at Powell and Mason Streets seemed unusually restless. Grand Opera:The 1906 Season San Francisco had long been a haven for creativity,as literature,photography,fine arts,and music all flourished there.The economic boom of the 1890s lent the bohemian city a gaiety that did not disappear at the turn of the century:With fortunes made and money flowing,wealthier San Franciscans turned their attention to culture.They were determined to refine their city"s reputation and make it a recognized center for the arts.Their efforts were rewarded with the engagement of the Metropolitan Opera Company"s production of Bizet"s "Carmen." Staged the evening of April 17,1906 at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street,"Carmen" was the most exciting cultural event of the season.The renowned tenor Enrico Caruso played the character of Don Jose; famed soprano Olive Fremstad was cast in the title role. The Grand Opera House program for its 1906 season reflected the economic prosperity and high level of cultural interest prevalent in San Francisco at the time.Its cover is a stylish rendering of a couple in evening clothes,the woman in a long white dress and veil and the man in top hat and dress suit.The profusion of advertisements for material goods highlight the city"s burgeoning consumer demands.Wealthy citizens had the funds,leisure,and inclination to don their best and patronize highbrow entertainment.Tickets to that evening"s performance were expensive and difficult to find; their stubs marked both social standing and seat reservations Wealth and the Wealthy Mark Hopkins and Leland Stanford were one half of "The Big Four," industrial barons who made their fortunes through railroads (the other two members were Charles Crocker and Collis P.Huntington).During the 1870s,Stanford and Hopkins built enormous,ostentatious mansions on San Francisco"s Nob Hill,a neighborhood dominated by the very rich.The two men personified San Francisco"s easy-come economy,and they intended their houses as public monuments to their wealth and power.Completed in 1876,Stanford"s residence consisted of 50 rooms and housed an art collection worth an estimated $2 million.Next door was the Hopkins home.Finished in 1878 after Hopkins" death,it was an artless melange of architectural styles that featured a profusion of spires,turrets,and other gingerbread details. Stanford and Hopkins were both long dead by 1906,but their mansions remained as examples of the conspicuous consumption that colored San Francisco"s already colorful reputation.On a more somber note,the buildings also symbolized the wide gap between social classes that only a great calamity could possibly narrow. The Growth in Population Due to increased foreign immigration and the rise of domestic industry,American cities experienced a population boom in the late 19th century.San Francisco was no exception.Its population had been increasing exponentially since the Gold Rush.There were less than 35,000 residents in 1852; by 1900,the US Census counted nearly 343,000.One of the leading factors of that growth was a steady stream of Chinese immigration during the latter half of the century.Not only did this phenomenon raise San Francisco"s population,it inspired an anti-Chinese labor movement whose broad charges were illustrated by this lithograph. Autographed by "C.M." and housed in the Bancroft Library"s Robert Honeyman Collection,this piece used the "bird"s-eye view" style common at the time.From a contrived vantagepoint on an unidentified hill,it shows San Francisco as caught in a triangle of Chinese immigration 钬 Vancouver,BC being one point of entry,the docks of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.the other.The city teems with Chinese who occupy all manner of industrial works,and across the sea looms the threat of China,illustrated as a sun-like visage with Chinese facial features and a queue.The message is clear:hundreds of miles of land and leagues of ocean were not barriers enough to thwart mass Chinese immigration.Moreover,it proved extremely popular,as the political movement culminated in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.Yet the Chinese remained an integral part of the city"s population and helped San Francisco to become the largest urban center in California. Politics and Politicians Large cities across America enjoyed strong-willed,if not nefarious,politicians.San Francisco enjoyed a different twist on this theme,a man behind the scenes.Of French and Jewish descent,Abraham Ruef was an intelligent,shrewd man who had been involved in politics for most of his adult life.He joined the Republican Party at the age of 21,but became disillusioned with the confines of formal party structure.Turning toward a more lucrative career as legal counsel for labor unions and other private clients,Ruef saw the advantage of matching politics with parallel enterprises.He established the Union Labor Party in 1901 and plucked Eugene Schmitz from the orchestra pit,successfully installing the former conductor as the head of a puppet city government. Schmitz may have occupied the Mayor"s seat,but Ruef was the real power behind the throne,directing his party to electoral victories in 1903 and 1905.Ruef and his followers declared that they stood for the common man against institutional elitism.Their opponents charged that the Union Labor Party meant graft and corruption.Yet as long as the city prospered,there seemed little Democratic and Republican leaders could do. So Many Places to Stay! San Francisco had been a destination since 1849 and the tradition continued during the following decades.Drawn to its beautiful location,climate,and economic opportunities,visitors and transplants alike flocked to the city.They often stayed in one of the beautiful high-rise hotels located downtown. Opened in 1904 and named after the patron saint of San Francisco,the Hotel St.Francis was one of the city"s newest buildings.With "an army of well-trained employees under chefs whose names are famous wherever Epicurus is revered," it catered to the whims of the wealthy traveler.According to this souvenir book,the St.Francis offered Tyrolean-themed cuisine,a 4000-volume library,and special tours of Chinatown,among other amenities.The opulence of the Union Square hotel reflected the city"s prosperity on the eve of the earthquake and fire.

化学 :basicity = 碱性?为什么我们的字典都说是碱性、碱度? 以什么衡量?以什么判断?跟碱何干?

就化学专业词典里,它有两个意思:1.the state of being a base.2.the power of an acid to react with bases, dependent on the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms of the acid.再讨论”the basicity of acid"时很显然用的是第二个意思,表述与碱反应的能力。至于the basicity of acid的definition: refers to the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms in one molecule of the acid。如果你是用普通字典,或者计算机翻译,那绝对会翻译出碱 度之类的意思,但这也无可厚非,这是专业词汇的解释。其实不止国内,国外学生一开始接触这个概念绝对也会出错。以下引用一个国外老师的话“Do note that “BASICITY of ACIDs” is associated with the acids itself, and not on BASES. Many students always argued that Basicity comes directly from the word BASE itself and should only be associated with BASE as “BASICITY of BASEs”. I want to highlight over here that this is incorrect! Best way to persuade you would be checking out the Chemical Definition of “BASICITY”.”正如他所言,先查定义。至于这东西具体到中文里,应该是“n原酸”的概念,如次磷酸H3PO2只能电离一个H+,是一元酸,the basicity is 1. 语言翻译可能有时直译会行不通,但只要最后传送到的知识是对的就好,毕竟语言文字只是一种符号而已。



acting as a principal是什么意思

acting as a principal_百度翻译acting as a principal 英[ˈæktɪŋ æz ə ˈprinsəpəl] 美[ˈæktɪŋ æz e ˈprɪnsəpəl] [词典] 以当事人身份(交易);

based an important decision

答案B 现在分词作状语.因为句子的主语you和动词base之间是主动关系.相当于条件状语从句 if you base…on…而A项表示被动,可用作be based on.C项只能作谓语;D项不定式,一般表示将要发生的动作.



单细胞好文1--Tracing tumorigenesis in a solid tumor model at single-cell resolution

我在2019年3月份写过一篇这样的文章 (一文读懂scRNA-Seq)到底要花多久时间才能看懂一套单细胞测序数据结果? ,并在文末许诺,对PPT感兴趣的小伙伴可以留言询要PPT。没想到后来有陆陆续续超过几十个人留下了邮箱,这时候发现事情大条了。那篇文章是我第一次认真看的单细胞文章,可以说是什么都不懂,因此看了有超过十个小时,看的时候还查专业词汇和背景知识,可见那一文必然非常青涩。时常觉得自己对不起这几十个读者的信任,非常担心自己并没有提供什么好的学习经验,因此早早打定主意说要重新写一篇,让大家看到单细胞的文章其实也并非那么简单,体会到单细胞的美。 这里仍然会按照之前提到的看文献方法: 老板亲自传授的文献阅读方法 来准备这篇文献解读。废话不多说,开始吧。 文章标题囊括了三个热点:tracing tumorigenesis,tumor model,single-cell resolution 1. tumorigenesis :肿瘤发生是一个非常细微且难以察觉的事件,其具体进程如下图所示。肿瘤的发生非常难以检测,并且缺少临床样本。因此,tracing tumorigenesis 还有许多未知且绝对是肿瘤学的热点之一。 2. tumor model :肿瘤的研究离不开好的模型。目前我们知道的肿瘤研究模型有: 肿瘤细胞系,原代细胞系,CDX,PDX,基因工程小鼠,包括最近大火的organoid等等 。这些研究模型各有利弊, PDX和基因工程小鼠,其中某些基因工程小鼠的表现十分优异 ,例如邓初夏教授培育的:Brca1 flox/flox ; MMTV-Cre mice (带有Brca1 exon11的缺失,可自发形成乳腺癌)。那么这篇文章其实是基于作者团队的前期研究结果来进行的,他们在前期的时候构建了 K14-cre-β-catGOF Bmpr1aLOF mice (gain of function of β-catenin; loss of function of Bmpr1a ),这种小鼠可以自发发生特异性的 salivary gland head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs),即唾液腺头颈部鳞癌。拥有这样的肿瘤模型小鼠,他们在自己的领域上就没有人可以跟上了。 3. single-cell resolution :无需多做解释 再次提一下我看文的思路: 常规套路:(1)某某癌症是非常严重的疾病;(2)某某基因、蛋白在这个癌症中起很大的作用, But ,它在某个过程中的作用尚未明确;(3)某某过程是在肿瘤发生中非常关键, But ,我们目前对它还知之甚少。。。。。。 本文提到:肿瘤发生过程是对肿瘤治疗研究的非常重要的一步,但是目前我们对肿瘤发生这个起点知道的太少了。虽然patient samples可提供巨量的信息, But ,由于肿瘤样本的异质性以及疾病的复杂性,样本常常是混杂的多期肿瘤细胞,并已丢失tumorigenesis阶段的信息,因此,合理的tumor model和对照十分重要。正好作者的前期研究发现:某基因、信号通路对salivary gland SSCs的发生起非常重要的作用,并创建了相应的肿瘤模型,因此打算来个高精度的研究,探一探这肿瘤发生的究竟 略 hypothesis高度浓缩了预期的结果,要求不仅仅看摘要,还要了解introduction。Introduction是文章中非常宝贵的一段,这是作者思路的集中体现,同时我们也可以通过认真阅读来快速了解作者这一领域的大致情况。这比自己疯狂找十篇文章来看要高效得多。当然有时候别人引用文献只是提及其中小小一点,不能代替被引文献的全貌,因此只能说是大致了解用,真正要了解还得下苦功。 Hypothesis: 重要的实验设计、材料、方法非常重要,不然无法理解文章结果从何而来,这边我一般是先一扫而过method,然后再结合结果来看那些我无法理解的实验结果。 1. Mouse strains:介绍小鼠的基本情况,以及杂交培育设计,略。 2. Tissue dissociation and single-cell sample preparation 3. Drop-seq procedure, single-cell and bulk library generation, and sequencing 4. CITE-seq experiments 5. Immunostainings 6. Processing and analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data ,生信工程师上场,原文写得非常非常详细。 框架: (1) Single-cell RNA sequencing of salivary gland tumors. (2) A comprehensive salivary gland cell atlas. (3) Identification of cancer stem cells and other tumor-specific cell populations. (4) Simultaneous quantification of mRNA and cell surface proteins resolves immune cell diversity. (5) Subclustering reveals two subpopulations of cancer stem and basal cells. (6) Computational lineage analyses reconstruct tumorigenesis. 这部分涉及到样本准备的方法,还有测序数据的基本情况。主要目的是:证明样本、数据质量合格。这里的标准是: 1)single-cell 测序数据要和bulk-seq数据的相关性高(相关性分析);2)测序深度,测序数据量要够(过滤后查看genes和UMI数量);3)为避免批次效应,作者使用基于熵的测量方法来测定:细胞最近邻在不同样本中的分布有多均匀 (To quantify sample-to-sample variation and the extent of possible batch effects, we developed an entropy-based approach to measure how evenly cells nearest neighbors are distributed among different samples)。 Protocol procedure(如下图) 1)single-cell 测序数据要和bulk-seq数据的相关性高(相关性分析);2)测序深度; 3)数据均匀度 总结,1)单细胞测序数据和bulk相关性高,说明单细胞测序数据可以代表样本的情况,证明方法科学可靠;2)通过过滤后,得到足够多的具有一定测序深度的细胞数以及UMI,说明测序过程良好,数据量够,证明数据可靠;3)通过数据处理,消除批次效应后发现,有性别,基因型以及疾病等级会一定程度上影响细胞的均匀程度,但这恰恰是真实情况,描述即可。大的单细胞文章都会把这部分放在补充材料中,这篇文章也不例外。 为了提供一个全面的唾液腺细胞图谱,也可以作为一个适当的参考肿瘤的背景, 作者对control组(唾液腺)的单细胞数据集进行了cluster,并根据已报道的marker来定义每一个细胞簇(上图b) 。同样他们也发现了一些性别依赖的marker,以及不同细胞的marker,这些数据放在了补充材料中。之后 进行免疫荧光染色,确定不同细胞和表达不同的marker(下图b),并根据这些结果并绘制出解剖结构图 (上图c)。 作者还发现,随着时间的变化,细胞proportion也会随之变化(补充材料) 小结:这些结果提供了cluster结果,这是常规做法,亮点在于解剖结构图的绘制,且解剖结构图还经过免疫荧光染色验证(如果能有连续切片的HE染色结果则数据完整性和说服力更好)。 注意,本文亮点 。作者将control组和double mutant (DM) 的单细胞数据都放在一起,原样又做了一次cluster,诶,发现有一群细胞是在tumor中特有的。发现,在肿瘤环境中具有独特转录特征的上皮细胞簇,包括管腔样细胞和基底样细胞,以及小而独特的癌症干细胞(CSC)样群,其中Wnt特异性基因被激活(如下图)。并发现少数基因是在tumor-specific族群中是特异表达的。 利用在单细胞数据挖掘中得到的marker,使用免疫荧光验证后发现,这些高表达细胞确实在肿瘤中出现,可以证明这些gene是tumor-specific的(如下图)。在这里,作者可以明确,他们提出了一个tumor-specific的gene set。 小结:做单细胞cluster谁都会,但是结合细胞的实际空间位置去寻找特异细胞簇是非常聪明的做法,有免疫荧光的结果验证gene set,使得gene set不仅仅是RNA水平,同时上升到了蛋白水平,更具说服力。 在做cluster分析的时候,作者已经发现了 immune,basal细胞簇是在DM组中比例大,且acinar在control中比例大 (如下图),引起作者的注意,并往immune cell这方面继续挖掘。 对于可以固定住的细胞,做免疫荧光是可行的方法,但是对于免疫细胞则相对困难,在这里作者想到了 CITE-seq(参照上面介绍) 发现: CITE-seq的结果和scRNA-seq的结果确实是重叠的,再一次从蛋白水平验证了scRNA-seq的结果 ,同时还计算了immune cell proportion的变化,证实DM组中的免疫细胞数量都高于control组,说明肿瘤周边的免疫细胞更多,免疫微环境处于激活状态(如下图)。提示TAMs是广泛而连续的功能状态和分化状态,而不是一个明确的极化肿瘤支持与肿瘤抑制模型 。 小结:多组学结合之CITE-seq 将某个特地细胞群做subclustering也是常规操作。根据先前的结果,有一群tumor-specific的细胞,是非常适合拿来再分析的 (如下图)。 通过subclustering,作者分出了CSC1 CSC2两个群体,并且发现了它们特异的gene-set (如下图1)。同时发现basal tumor相较于normal,basal tumor具有EMT和matrisome的gene表达特征,并用荧光染色验证EMT是早期basal tumorigenesis的特征(如下图 supplementary figure 10)。 小结:根据前期研究结果,将proportion异常的细胞群拿来再cluster是常规操作,使用免疫荧光验证gene set则是不易。 总结:basal细胞在分化为luminal-like细胞之前,在β-catenin激活和Bmpr1a功能丧失的情况下,肿瘤的发生由EMT的信号启动,并表现为Wnt差异信号驱动的CSC细胞的异质性(如下图所示)。 这篇文章第一次粗略看+做5页内PPT大花费3小时。这次是第二次看,边看边整理出这篇文章,花费约7个半小时。收获很大,第二次看比第一次更细,且终于可以理解文章的大部分细节和思路,这对我们来说是最重要的。精读对了解一个陌生领域非常重要。

请问拟南芥植物中 basal daughter cell和Hypophysis specification怎么翻译~急需,谢谢

basal cell意思是基底细胞daughter cell意思是子细胞联系起来为基底子细胞Hypophysis specification是垂体规格的意思希望对你有所帮助!欢迎随时追问!

The newly-built bridge will ____ the citizens to cross the river more conveniently.(able)


这是一句不完整的话。the financial relief of getting rid of her 这个是什么意思?

giving前可以家their,giving相当于一个动词性名词, newly married, 里面newly是形容词,the married 是相当于名词,结了婚的一对。



different副词,名词。 special副词


谁知道The Jackson 5的Dancing machine的歌词?

歌名:Dancing Machine语言:英语所属专辑:《Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection》歌手: The Jackson 5歌词:Michael, we love you moreOh, baby, do it, babyDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeMove it babyAutomatic SystematicFull of color self containedTuned and gentle to your vibesCaptivating StimulatingShe said you sexy ladyFilled with space age designShe"s movingShe"s grooving dancing until the music stop nowyeahRythmetic acrobaticShe"s a dynamite attractionAt the drop of a coin she comes aliveYeahShe knows what she"s doingShe"s super bad nowShe"s geared to blow your mindDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeDo it babyDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeMove it babyShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machineWatch her get down, watch her get downAs she do, do, do her thingRight on the sceneShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machineWatch her get down, watch her get downAs she do, do, do her thingRight on the sceneCome on babeCome on babebabebabeShake it babyShake it babebabebabebabeShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machine(Dance)Watch her get down, watch her get down(Dance)As she do, do, do her thingRight on the scene(Dance)She"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machine(I like it)Watch her get down, watch her get down(I like)As she do, do, do her thing(I love you)Right on the scene(I love you)Michael, we"ll never let you partCause you are always in our hearts

make decisions make resolutions区别


高中英语常见的字形相近的词语总结 例presentation application qualification appreciation

1.presentation (n.) 介绍;赠送;描述,陈述 presentation layer表示层;呈现层 presentation skill演讲技巧;表达技巧presenter(n.) 提出者;推荐者;赠送者;任命者presentiment(n.) 预感present (vt.)呈现;介绍;提出;赠送 present sth. to sb.赠与 present itself to呈现在 present sb with sth将某物赠与某人;授予某人某物(vi. )举枪瞄准(adj.) 出席的;现在的(n. )现在;礼物;瞄准presentative(adj.) 表象的;直觉的;有圣职推荐权的2.application(n.)应用;申请;敷用;应用程序 application form申请表;申请书applicant(n.)申请人,申请者;请求者applicator(n.)涂药器;敷帖器;上涂装置apply(vt.)申请;涂,敷;应用 apply oneself减少对…之消耗量;努力,致力于…(vi.)申请;涂,敷;适用;请求 apply for申请 apply for reimbursement报销applicative(adj.)可适用的3.qualification(n.) 资格;限制;条件;赋予资格 qualifications职位要求;任职资格;资格证书;限定性条件qualifier(n.)限定词,限定语;取得资格的人;修饰语qualify(vt.)使具有资格;证明…合格;限制 to qualify合格(vi.) 取得资格,有资格 qualify as取得……资格;作为……合适 qualify for合格;有…的资格qualificatory(adj.)限定的;赋予资格的4.appreciation(n.)感谢;增值;欣赏,鉴别 appreciation duty财产增值税appreciator(n.)鉴赏者;了解真价者appreciate(vt.)欣赏;感激;鉴别;领会 appreciate doing欣赏;感激(vi.)增值;涨价appreciative(adj.)感激的;有欣赏力的;赏识的;承认有价值的


shorter shortesthungrier hungeriestbetter bestmore mostmore delicious most delliciousmore mostbetter best

律师的英语表达 有layer ,solicitor ,attorney 有什么区别啊

wyer比较强调职业(profession),干这行的,受过训练可以提供法律咨询/意见的都叫lawyer Attorney强调被委任(appointment),被授权可以代表委托人行事的叫attorney Solicitor,主要是向委托人获取信息,准备文件,很少出庭;要出庭也大多只是在初级法院 lawyer 最一般的说法 attorney 美语里常用,且即可表示单个律师,也可以表示律师整体 solicitor 事务律师,与barrister对称


teachterfarmerdriverengineerplanner(规划师)gardenerhacker(黑客)lawyer(律师) barristerlandownerofficer rainer(助理教练)manager eportersingerdrawerdancer···doctoraviator(飞行员)solicitorprofessorinspector administratorinstructor(教练)proprietoractor ranslatorjuniorseniorsubprior utordirectorpolitician (政治学家)statistician (统计学家) Physician echnicianscientist(科学家)、archaeologist(考古学家) biologist(生物学家)physicist(物理学家)chemist (化学家) seismologist (地震学家)futurologist (未来学家)Anthropologist(人类学家)meteorologist (气象学家)vibraphonist(钢琴演奏家)pharmacist ovelistjournalist


solicitor 初级律师 barrister (英国有资格在任何法庭作辩护的)专门律师,出庭律师 advocate 辩护者;律师 在英国,律师分为barrister(大律师)和Solicitor(小律师)两种。大律师是能在高等法院出庭辩护的律师,而小律师只能在下级法院出庭,以及从事为当事人撰写诉状、解答疑问等非诉讼法律事务。然而,大律师不能直接接受当事人委托或者接见当事人,当事人只能通过小律师来聘请大律师出庭辩护。大律师出庭的一切准备工作均由助理律师完成。因此,如果是一个在高等法院审理的案件,当事人一般得同时聘请三名律师:大律师、小律师和助理律师 advocate 不是专用名词,只是律师或辩护者的统称。





律师的英语表达 有layer ,solicitor ,attorney 有什么区别啊

wyer比较强调职业(profession),干这行的,受过训练可以提供法律咨询/意见的都叫lawyer Attorney强调被委任(appointment),被授权可以代表委托人行事的叫attorney Solicitor,主要是向委托人获取信息,准备文件,很少出庭;要出庭也大多只是在初级法院 lawyer 最一般的说法 attorney 美语里常用,且即可表示单个律师,也可以表示律师整体 solicitor 事务律师,与barrister对称




barristers和solicitors的区别两个单词都是律师,等级不同.barristers n. (可在高等法院出庭的) 大律师,专门律师( barrister的名词复数 );solicitors n. 初级律师( solicitor的名词复数 );



Attorney, lawyer, barrister和solicitor有什么区别?

可能没有哪个职业的抬头会像‘律师"这样分得这么细。在法律英语中,Attorney, lawyer, barrister和solicitor这几个词被使用的比较频繁,有时候它们之间甚至可以互换。不过这些词每个都有自己独特的含义。 1. Attorney或者attorney-at-law, 中文意思是律师或者法律代理人。是指可以接受当事人的委托并有资格在法庭上代表委托人,并以委托人的名义参与案件的申辩。 2. Lawyer, 这个词我们都是直接把它译成‘律师",它的定义是指受过专门的法律培训,在法律事务上提供法律建议和帮助的人。因为lawyer可以在法庭审理程序中参与诉讼,并且在各个不同的审理阶段代表客户。所以lawyer一词超出且覆盖了attorney的含义。在美国,lawyer和attorney这两个词被认为是同义词。 3. barrister和solicitor的区别在英国和在香港,律师的抬头就更加细分了。律师分为两种,solicitor是普通事物律师或简称为律师,其职责大体上是处理各种法律文书,接受各种诉讼委托,准备庭审所需的各种文件,其出庭的发言权是受到限制的;只有所谓的大律师或大状(barrister)才在所有法院享有不受限制的出庭发言权,可在庭上与原告律师或控方(the Prosecution/prosecutors)唇枪舌剑,展开辩护(advocacy),但他们不能直接与讼人/当事人接触。




barrister是资深律师,通常也就是在香港说的大状(香港沿袭英制),这种律师可以在高级法院出庭辩护,初级律师则不行solicitor就是上面说的初级律师,在香港中文叫事务律师,只能出席基层法院,法律咨询等lower则是一个很宽泛的概念,常用语口语中,类似汉语所说的"法律人",从事法律业的、律师业的 AttorneyCounselor也可翻译做律师,或者法律顾问,attorney还有刑事辩护人的意思

they lift barriers to finacial investment什么意思?

They lift barriers to finacial investment他们解除了投资壁垒

principal barrier如何翻译


city复数 right 反义词 woman 复数 there 同音词 tooth 复数 l "v



Lucifer语出拉丁,直指 the morning star (相当于现实世界中黎明时的金星)自然亦可拟人化于他意之上。 所以它与希伯莱系统的传说无关(圣经中的撒旦Satan 是翻自希伯莱文的英文)。他原是非基督教系中的黎明(即明亮)之神,在彼得和犹大的时代,“明亮之星”这个词从来没有被用来当作魔鬼的名字。比较让人不可思议的是,彼得自己所说的“明亮之星”(彼得后书1:19)是指基督。这个词在拉丁文的圣经中就是“Lucifer”,因此在早期的教会中,“Lucifer”被认为是指基督,早期的赞美诗中也是这样唱的,很多主教也给自己起名叫“Lucifer”。 到了中世纪,有一首诗中提到:...Lucifer, how fallest thee from the heaven.... (路西法,你如此由苍穹而降)。要弄清处的是,这里提到的fall是"下凡" 而不是"堕落",heaven也不是指天堂而是天空。但这段黎明曙光的拟人格描写,在中世纪基督教的世俗化风气下 ,信徒多以偏陋的智识来曲解圣经。其中最广为人知的就是圣经中关于圣母生基督时所提到的“少女生子”被误翻 成“处女生子”。人们竟然毫不深究以讹传讹地流传开去,最后居然弄出个什么“非精子受孕”研究出来。同理,由于Lucifer原本便是异教神,人们就想当然地将Lucifer与Fallen Angel以及撒旦划上等号了。


NEU就业更有优势一些,NEU针对找工也提供很有力的支持。包括开设了coop系统,学生可以在上面申请一学期不上课去实习。也有一些对就业有帮助的workshop, career fair,招聘岗位和工作机会, 虽然以中小厂的就业机会为主,但类似微软等大厂也有入驻。


canilookatthemenuforafewmoremiutesbeforeidecideofcourseCan I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide ,of course?在我作出决定之前,我可以再把菜单多看几分钟吗,可以吧?

statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals是什么意思

statement of acquisition of beneficial...的中文翻译statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals个人利益所有制的获取





pronunciation 是可数名词么求大神帮助

要是指抽象的“发音”这个概念,不如I can"t get my pronunciation right就是不可数. 要是指单词的发音比如The word has two pronunciations 就是可数





The residents approve of the measure _________ so far in our city, _________ to bring a sharp rise

翻译出来就是:居民同意目前我们城市采取打算在油价上大幅增长的措施。A不能选 因为意思是打算采取的措施而不是已经采取的措施 having been taken是已经采取 B to be taken 是将来时 不能这样用 第二个空 的由来是be intended to do 打算做某事短语的用法




pronunciation 是否可数取决于它的意思:若表示抽象意义的“发音”或侧重指发音的动作,则不可数;若表示发音的不同形式或种类,则为可数名词。1、不可数用法Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.  你发音的错误可以补救。She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation. 她对自己准确的发音而得意。2、 可数用法There are two different pronunciations of this word.  这个词有两种读音。Which of these three pronunciations is the most usual?  这三种读法中,哪一种最常用?扩展资料:常见词组:acquire pronunciation学习发音correct pronunciation纠正发音improve pronunciation改善发音learn pronunciation学习发音practise pronunciation练习发音 bad pronunciation发音不好excellent pronunciation很标准的发音good pronunciation发音好native pronunciation地方口音,乡音poor pronunciation发音不好right pronunciation正确的发音

resident physician是什么意思

resident physician 英[ˈrezidənt fiˈziʃən] 美[ˈrɛzɪdənt fɪˈzɪʃən] [释义] 住院内科医师;
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