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velocity accuracy是什么意思

velocity accuracy速度精度双语对照例句:1.Influences of the isometric strength and flexibility of upper extremity on the velocity and accuracy of overarm in high school baseball players. 国高中棒球员上肢等长肌力与关节活动度对於投掷准度与速度之影响。


principle的意思:英 [ˈprɪnsəpl]  美 [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] 。n. (行为)准则,(道德)原则;道义,正直;基本原则,基本法则;(机器等或自然界的)原理,定律;(宗教或政治的)主义,信条;起源,本原;本质,实质;(化)成分,要素短语Pareto principle 帕雷托法则 ; 帕拉图原理 ; 帕累托法则 ; 帕累托原理anthropic principle 人择原理 ; 人本原理 ; 人择道理 ; 人类原则Fermat"s principle 费马原理 ; 根据费马定律 ; 里提到费马原理Peter Principle 彼得原则 ; 彼得定律 ; 彼得原理equivalence principle 等效原理uncertainty principle 不确定性原理 ; [量子] 测不准原理 ; 不确定原理 ; 测不准定理pigeonhole principle 鸽巢原理 ; 鸽笼原理 ; 抽屉原理词语辨析law, principle, theorem, fundamental这组词都有“原理、原则”的意思,其区别是:law 指一直公认的。陈述各种现象的条理或关系的公理或定理等。principle 普通用词,含义广。指作判断的基础或行动的普通准则;也指自然科学的规律。theorem 多指经过推理或演算能得到证明的原理、定理或定律。fundamental 通常指原理、原则。




这是一个经典的贝叶斯案例,也是很反直觉的,很多解释认为这个反直觉是因为我们的日常错误的思维习惯,但我觉得可能恰恰相反,下面我们先回顾一下这个案例,然后再进一步讨论。 对所有人来说某种癌症的患病率为5%,医生使用某设备为你做了检查,此设备检查的准确率为80%,检查结果显示你患有此病(阳性)。请问你真实患有此病的概率是多少? 首先我们要理解5%和80%这两个概率是什么意思。 患病率为5%,也就是说100个普通人里面有5个人生病,如图中红色。 设备的准确率为80%,也就是说有20%会搞错,95个真实无病的人来做检查,也会有95x0.2=19个人被查出病来,同样5个有病的也只查出4个来 。 这么算的话,总共有4+19=23个人被查出有病,你是其中之一。而实际上真有病的可能是4/23大约是17%,所以你可以稍微放宽心一些,因为 你真的患了这种癌症的可能性还不足五分之一 ,这就是常见解答给出的结论。 上面的解说看似科学完美,而且结果足够的乐观,但是不要高兴的太早。 你的乐观完全建立在对“检查准确率80%”这个说法的理解之上的,如果我把它解释成 检查出100个有病,那么80个就真实有病 ,你还会乐观起来吗? 这简直就是纯粹文字游戏而已。 “检查准确率80%”到底怎么解?为100个人做检查,最终结果(无论真有病或真无病)有80%是正确的吗?真这么解释的话就不用买设备了,直接来问我吧,100个人来问我,我说100个人无病,那么我的准确率岂不是95%?(因为我对95个人的判断是正确的)。 在上面的常规解答中认为,80%的解释是: 对真有病和真无病的分辨能力可以控制在同一水平,是不是太巧合了?这就好像说如果100个男人中你可能错误认为其中20个是女人,那么你就一定也会把100个女人中的20个误认为是男人一样不靠谱。 假设某种疾病,只要某个血液指标k超过500就可以断定患有这种病,真实患病者中一半的患者都k>500,而k<500的普通人中也有1/4的人可能患病,这批人占病患总数的另一半。 某设备就是根据k值进行检查的,只要k>500就判断有病,k<500就判断健康。 普通人中这种病的发病率是40%,那么100人来检查,20个被正确检查为有病,另外80人中的1/4也就是20个病患没有检测出来,60个没病的被正确判断,那么设备的“准确率”是80%。 如果这个设备也检查你并判断有病,那么你真实患病可能是多少?100%!和30%、80%完全无关。 所以,如果你已经被检查出有病,那么真实的患病可能性只和设备对于真实病患的识别能力有关,换句话说,它查出100个有病结果中实际多少人真的有病。 为了搞明白这个问题,我们要首先明确几个词语的定义,否则讨论是没有意义的。 对于设备检查病情这个事情,无外乎四种情况: 如下图所示,False开头的红色FP、FN都是误诊。 打的准和打的对是两回事,你枪枪爆头固然是打得准,但如果杀得都是自己人那就不是打的对。 直接从公式上可以看出它们的不同含义。 精确率Precision也叫查准率,或PPV(positive predictive value阳性预测值) ,就是你不管你从多少人中查出100个有病的,其中实际多少人真的有病,即真阳病患数TP除以所有阳性报告数量TP+FP。 准确度Accuracy 就是你总共就查了100个人出了100份报告,其中有多少报告被你写对了,既包含真有病你写的也是阳性,也包含真没病你也写的是阴性,就是所有真阳和真阴TP+TN的数量占所有报告总数的比例,也就是1减误诊率。 准确度Accuracy有些时候没卵用,比如类似上面刚才举过的例子,某普通人患病率0.01%的癌症,随便弄台机器检查谁都说没病,这机器的Acc都能达到99.99%,Acc对于这种有病没病的数量比例严重失调的情况可以说毫无意义。 所以后来又发明出了平衡准确度Balanced Accuracy。 在这里, TPR是指真阳率true positive rate,也叫Recall召回率或者hit rate命中率、sensitivity敏感度 ,即查出的真患病人数占实际所有病患人数的比例;TNR是真阴率true negative rate,即查出的真没病人数占实际所有没病人数的比例;平衡准确度Balanced Accuracy是这两个比例的平均数。 从上面看,对于重病检查的案例,我们知道的如果是准确度Accuracy,其实没啥用。我们要的是精确率Precision,就是你查出100个有病,其中多少人实际会中招。 再看一下上面我们在Balanceed Accuracy中提到的 TPR,Recall召回率,它也叫做查全率 ,它表示全部生病的人里面你能查出多少个来,比如开始例子中,5个人生病,如果只查出4个,那么这个设备的召回率就是4/5等于80%。 对比下图可以帮助我们理解精确率Precision和召回率Recall的关系: Recall查准率和Precision查全率往往有此消彼长的关系。比如开始的案例,如果我们把100人都检查为有病,那么查全率就是100%,一个不漏,但这样导致查准率变为5/100等于5%,低的可怜。反之,我们只查出5个人中的1个有病,那么查准率就是100%,查全率却只有1/5等于20%,也是低的可怜。最好的情况是查准率和查全率都是100%,5个有病的都查出来,一个不多一个也不少。 从上面我们也看出,单用查全率或者查准率都不全面,于是就出现了将两者糅合在一起的F值F-measure: 就是查准率Precision和查全率Recall的调和平均数,两数积2倍除以两数和。 由于Precision又叫PPV(positive predictive value阳性预测值),Recall又叫做 TPR(true positive rate真阳性率),所以有: F值就是2倍真阳除以2倍真阳、假阳与假阴的和,它的分母部分看起来像这样: 另外,如果认为查准率或者查全率更重要的话,F值还可以为Precision和Recall使用不同的权重,得到更多变体。此外也有很多其他用于评估类似设备或算法质量的方法,大家有兴趣可以多关注一些。 假阳率FPR(false positive rate)也叫fall-out,是误诊为有病的数量除以真实无病的数量(假阳性加真阴性): 最初我们的案例的下图中,由于设定了假阳率FPR也是80%,查全率Recall是80%,所以设备的查准率Precision是4/23大约是17%,F1值是(2x5)/(2x5+1+19)大约等于28%,都还是蛮低的。 总之,如果一个查准率只有17%的设备检查你患了绝症,你还是可以坚强一些再看看进一步情况,但如果一个查准率有80%的设备检查你患了绝症,那么你很可能遇到了大麻烦。 END



precision 和 accuracy有区别吗


precision 和 accuracy有区别吗



准确率(accuracy)、召唤率(recall)和精确率(precision)的关系 准确率(accuracy)=(TP+TN)/(TP+FN+FP+TN) 通俗解释: 在所有样本中,预测正确的概率 precision和recall都是针对某一类的分类状况来说的。 精确率(precision)=TP/(TP+FP) 通俗解释:预测为正的样本中,真实为正的概率 召回率(recall)=TP/(TP+FN) 通俗解释:真实为正的样本中,预测为正的概率


准确度 是每一次独立的测量之间,其平均值与已知的数据真值之间的差距(与理论值相符合的程度)。 精密 则是当实验数据很精准时,会要求实验有高度的 再现性 ,表示实验数据是可信的,也就是实验数据需要具有高 精密度 (多次量度或计算的结果的一致程度)。 国际标准组织 ISO发表一份标准文件ISO5725,其名称为“Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results”(量测方法与成果之准确度(真实度与精密度)),其内涵最大的改变是趋向从俗的定义accuracy为一般用语(the general term),即一般用来描述量测、实验整体成果的“精准”度一词,或者简称为“精度”。其间差异主要在于ISO5725使用“真实度”(trueness)替代原本的准确度(accuracy)。 “精度”为真实度与精密度的组合,包含受到偶然与系统两部分误差的影响,实务上,以被认可的参考值视为真值。 从下图中可以看出,统计学中的期望与准确度对应,方差与精密度对应。

准确率(Accuracy) | 查准率(Precision) | 查全率(Recall)

在机器学习中,对于一个模型的性能评估是必不可少的。准确率(Accuracy)、查准率(Precision)、查全率(Recall)是常见的基本指标。 为了方便说明,假设有以下问题场景: 要了解这些指标的含义,首先需要了解两种样本: 于是我们可以得到下面一张表: 有了上述知识,就可以计算各种指标了。 分类正确的样本数 与 样本总数之比。即: (TP + TN) / ( ALL ) . 在本例中,正确分类了45人(及格37 + 不及格8),所以 Accuracy = 45 / 50 = 90% . 被正确检索的样本数 与 被检索到样本总数之比。即: TP / (TP + FP) . 在本例中,正确检索到了37人,总共检索到39人,所以 Precision = 37 / 39 = 94.9% . 被正确检索的样本数 与 应当被检索到的样本数之比。即: TP / (TP + FN) . 在本例中,正确检索到了37人,应当检索到40人,所以 Recall = 37 / 40 = 92.5% . 根据上边公式的不同,可以借此理解不同指标的意义。 准确率 是最常用的指标,可以总体上衡量一个预测的性能。但是某些情况下,我们也许会更偏向于其他两种情况。 「宁愿漏掉,不可错杀」 在识别垃圾邮件的场景中可能偏向这一种思路,因为我们不希望很多的正常邮件被误杀,这样会造成严重的困扰。 因此,Precision 将是一个被侧重关心的指标。 「宁愿错杀,不可漏掉」 在金融风控领域大多偏向这种思路,我们希望系统能够筛选出所有有风险的行为或用户,然后交给人工鉴别,漏掉一个可能造成灾难性后果。 因此,Recall 将是一个被侧重关心的指标。 更多时候,我们希望能够同时参考 Precision 与 Recall,但又不是像 Accuracy 那样只是泛泛地计算准确率,此时便引入一个新指标 F-Score ,用来综合考虑 Precision 与 Recall. 其中 β 用于调整权重,当 β=1 时两者权重相同,简称为 F1-Score . 若认为 Precision 更重要,则减小 β,若认为 Recall 更重要,则增大 β.

这两组单词有什么区别? precise,precision与accurate,accuracy,请尽量具体些,

这两组词每一组的第一个词是形容词,第二个是名词.先把两个形容词区别一下.precise和accurate都有“准确”的意思,precise强调精准、精细,注重细节,侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误.例句:It was difficult to get precise information.得到确切的信息很困难.(这个信息是准确而且有细节的),如果修饰人的话就表示“谨小慎微,一丝不苟”的意思,如,a precise,careful woman 一个谨小慎微一丝不苟的女人.accurate指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入,就不像PRECISE那样特别强调细节,只要是没有出入就算是accurate.通常指数据的准确,击中目标的准确等.名词precison侧重指精密度,accuracy侧重指准确度、精确度.总之,precise指的精确度范围较小,accurate 指的精确度范围较大.


Accuracy 为精(确)度Precision 为精密度Repeatability 为再现性(Precision)精密度δ:说明仪表指示值的分散性,δ愈小则说明测量愈精密。(Accuracy)精度τ:说明测量的综合优良程度。在最简单的场合下τ=δ+ε。精度最终是以测量误差的相对值来表示的。 也就是说精度涉及到精密度和另一个正确度ε这两个方面, 正确度ε它说明仪表示值偏差大小的程度。即示值有规则偏离真值的程度。Repeatability 为再现性。表示在改变了的测量条件下,对同一被测量的测量结果之间的一致性。再现性又称为复现性、重现性。


accuracy和precision区别:含义不同、指代范围不同。precision指的是所得数值与真实值之间的精确程度,一般翻译成“精确度”;accuracy指的是是否与事实一致,一般翻译为“正确性”或者“准确性”。accuracy的意思是“准确(性);精确(度)”,可指由于细心而结果“准确”或“精确”,也可指事物的准确性或精确度。accuracy强调与要求之间无距离。accuracy前可用great修饰,表示“十分准确”。He"s a man of accuracy and strict method.他是个精细而严谨的人。Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job.对他的新工作,准确比速度更重要。I can predict something with great accuracy.我能很准确地预测某事。He cannot vouch for the accuracy of the story.他不能证明这一说法的准确性。

学过会计的进来啊,英文accumulated depreciation 和obsolescence allowance 有何区别???

accumulated discrepancy累积差obsolescence allowance折旧

less accumulated depreciation是什么意思

less accumulated depreciation减累计折旧您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

累积折旧(accumulated depreciation)属于财务中的哪部分内容啊?

属于财务中的固定资产备抵账户。在记账时,应该借:管理费用 贷:累积折旧 借:制造费用贷累积折旧。

accumulated amortization 和accumulated depreciation 有什么区别?

累计摊销,累积折旧. Accumulated amortization is the cumulative amount of all amortization expense that has so far been charged against an intangible asset.Amortization is used to indicate the gradual consumption of an intangible asset over time.Amortization is nearly always calculated on a straight-line basis.The typical amortization entry is a debit to amortization expense and a credit to the accumulated amortization account. Accumulated depreciation is the sum total of all depreciation expense recognized to date on a depreciable fixed asset.A fixed asset"s original cost,minus its accumulated depreciation,equals its book value.

less accumulated depreciation是什么意思


accumulated depreciation

depreciation是expense项目,费用项目的增加是要减少所有者权益的,而所有者权益的减少是在借方也就是debit account. 完整的记录应该是: DR:Depreciation或者Depreciation Expense(加拿大会计准则中是Amortization Expense) CR:Accumulated Depreciation(或者Accumulated Amortization)

accumulated depreciation是什么意思

accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 双语对照 词典结果: accumulated depreciation 累积折旧; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. Accumulated depreciation of equipment acquired by financing lease. 通过融资租赁租入的机器设备累计折旧.

accumulated depreciation是什么意思

累 积 折 旧

provision for depreciation 跟 accumulated depreciation是一样的吗?

provision for depreciation 是折旧accumulated depreciation是累计折旧一个是当期量,一个是累计量。provision的和就是accumulated

Accumulated Depreciation是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  累计折旧                  自固定资产购置之日起累计被确定的折旧费用。   作为全球领先的财经证书网络教育领导品牌,高顿网校集财经教育核心资源于一身,旗下拥有公开课、在线直播、网站联盟、财经题库、高顿部落、app客户端等平台资源,为全球财经界人士提供优质的服务及全面的解决方案。   希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。   再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。    高顿祝您生活愉快!

accumulated amortization 和accumulated depreciation 有什么区别?


累积折旧(accumulated depreciation)属于财务中的哪部分内容啊?


accumulated deficit是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  accumulated deficit,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:累计赤字。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

accumulated deficit什么意思

accumulated deficit累计亏损双语对照词典结果:accumulated deficit累积亏绌,累计亏绌; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.If you"re hungary, a country with relatively untested financial institutions, an accumulateddeficit of 70% triggers a financial crisis that requires a bailout by the international monetaryfund, as happened this year. 如果你是匈牙利,你国家的金融机构相应没有经历过考验,累积赤字到了70%时,就需要国际货币基金组织来打救了,今年的情况就是这样。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

accumulated depreciation is an expense in the

depreciation expense才是记在expense一栏里的accumulated depreciation是与之对应的asset中的一个抵减项目

accumulated depreciation是什么

accumulated depreciation 累积折旧例句1.The book balance under this System refers to the actual amount of account without deductions of provision made for the account (e.g., accumulated depreciation, provisions for impairment of assets). 本制度所称的账面余额,是指某科目的账面实际余额,不扣除作为该科目备抵的项目(如累计折旧、相关资产的减值准备等)。2.The cost of a plant asset minus the total recorded depreciation, as shown by the Accumulated Depreciation account. The remaining undepreciated cost is also known as carrying value. 等于厂场资产的成本减去已记录的折旧总额,即累计折旧账户中所显示的数额。剩余的未折旧成本也叫做帐面价值。

accumulated depreciation


为什么accumulated depreciation是credit side


financial accounting与accounting有什么区别?


commercial accounting是什么意思

commercial accounting英 [kəˈmə:ʃəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ]美 [kəˈmɚʃəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ][词典] 商业会计,经济核算制;[网络] 商业会计; 公司会计;[例句]How to select commercial accounting software如何选择商品化财务软件

Financial Accounting代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!       您所说的这个词语,是属于CFA词汇的一个,掌握好CFA词汇可以让您在CFA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:公司通过定期对外发表财务报表,向公众通报公司的财务状况及表现       希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CFA问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Financial Accounting是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!      Financial Accounting财务会计您所说的这个词语,是属于FRM词汇的一个,掌握好FRM词汇可以让您在FRM的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:公司通过定期对外发表财务报表,向公众通报公司的财务状况及表现  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多FRM问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

bank of america和bank of america financial center有什么区别

)【 Bank of America】美国银行总行的名称。【Bank of America NA】美国银行田纳西州纳什维尔【Nashville】分行名称。2)美国银行(Bank of America,NYSE:BAC;TYO:8648),该行的建立可以追溯到1784年的马萨诸塞州银行,是美国第二个历史最悠久的银行。2002年8月,美国第一大银行美国美洲银行(Bank Of America Corporation ,全称:美洲国民信托储蓄银行,简称:美洲银行)将其在中国大陆注册的中文名美国美洲银行正式更名为美国银行。同时,该行的法律地位及其英文名字保持不变。美国银行解释其原因时称:美国银行1981年在北京开设第一个代表处时,由于当时担心公众可能会误认美国银行为美国中央银行,因此使用了美国美洲银行这一中文名字。

bank of america,na 555 california st san francisco,ca 94104中文是什么意思

bank of america,na 555 california st san francisco,ca 94104美国银行,555加利福尼亚州圣弗朗西斯科,ca 94104

managerial accounting和financial accounting分别是什么

Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。

Financial Accounting是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!        Financial Accounting财务会计您所说的这个词语,是属于FRM词汇的一个,掌握好FRM词汇可以让您在FRM的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:公司通过定期对外发表财务报表,向公众通报公司的财务状况及表现  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Science, depends on the experiments it prepares

解释如下Science, depends on the experiments it prepares这句话的意思是科学,取决于它准备的实验。在 experiments后面省略了that.其实it prepares是个定语从句。

How can traffic accidents be prevented?

只能帮你到这了,打开翻译词典。具体的看一遍稍作修改。Prevention is the most effective means to prevent and reduce traffic accidents. Prevention is ideological vigilance, and more importantly, preventive measures, equipment, technology and staffing. Preventive measures are to take precautions in the future and eliminate all factors that are not conducive to driving safety in the budding state. When driving under any circumstances, we should keep a clear mind. We should carefully analyze and correctly judge the situations that may affect the safety of driving, and take corresponding measures at any time so as to be ready and safe. Firmly establish the idea of safety first and prevention first, firmly establish the idea of safety first, have a high sense of responsibility for people"s lives and national property safety, take seriously their special occupation, drive cautiously, regulate driving, and ensure the safety of passengers, goods, pedestrians and their own, which is not only the premise of completing the transportation task, but also the basic requirement of automobile transportation. It can be said that there is nothing without safety, and the importance of safety is determined by the position of safety in automobile transportation. As an automobile driver, only if we have a sufficient understanding of this importance can we consciously carry out the idea of safety first and prevention first. Therefore, drivers must cultivate good habits of conscious compliance with the law, civilized driving, not running red lights, driving at medium speed, not driving heroic cars, not driving after drinking, not driving sick cars. Therefore, I always take some time to study traffic laws and regulations, automobile drivers and other books conscientiously, and learn from the effective experience of safe driving in learning by doing. By combining practical experience with books, I can broaden my knowledge, deepen my understanding and apply it more deeply. It"s easy to add. It is the key to avoid traffic accidents to firmly establish traffic safety awareness. Violation of regulations is the hidden danger of accidents. Accidents are the result of violations. This is a blood lesson. Peers should bear in mind that traffic accidents are caused by speeding, illegal driving, inattention, poor driving skills, poor driving conditions, unsafe road conditions, pedestrians and passengers. 2. Drivers must have market-based driving skills in order to continuously improve driving technology and safety. Efforts should be made to study business, strengthen learning, master common sense of safe driving, constantly sum up experience of safe driving, especially through analyzing accidents happened by others, to learn lessons, guide driving practice, correctly handle the relationship among people, vehicles and roads on the road, and constantly improve driving technology, so as to ensure driving safety. 3. Experience checking and maintenance vehicles, people are in good working condition, people are lazy and break down. As a driver, only by checking and maintaining the vehicles, can we drive safely and create more economic benefits. Therefore, no matter how busy and tired the work is, the vehicles should be carefully checked. Before leaving, we should check the steering system, brake system and lights, horns, wipers and rearview mirrors for completeness and effectiveness, whether the bolts of the transmission system are loose or not, and do a good job of vehicle cleaning, so as to have a good idea. In driving, we should pay attention to the working condition of each instrument, check whether there is any abnormal noise, stop immediately when abnormal phenomena are found, find out the reasons, and eliminate the faults in time. Summarize one day"s driving experience, eliminate hidden dangers, prepare for the next day"s driving, keep the vehicle in good technical condition and lay a good foundation for safe driving. It can be seen that consciously abiding by the rules and regulations, establishing safety awareness and keeping the car in good condition are the key to prevent and reduce accidents. It is very worthwhile and extremely important to replace safety with prevention. Safety is a blessing! It"s the greatest economy.


CPA:注册会计师 ACCA:英国特许公认会计师 CIA: 国际注册内部审计师

beneficiary bank是什么意思


beneficiary bank是什么意思

beneficiary bank的意思是:收款银行bank 读法 英 [bæŋk]   美 [bæŋk]  1、作名词的意思是:银行;(条形的)堆;(河的)岸;库存2、作动词的意思是:堆积;筑(堤);将(钱)存入银行3、作不及物动词的意思是:(转弯时)倾斜飞行;(在某银行)开账户,存款4、作及物动词的意思是:(用煤等)封炉火短语:1、people"s bank of china 中国人民银行2、investment bank 投资银行3、development bank 开发银行4、construction bank 建设银行例句:I have banked with Coutts & Co. for years.我已经使用雇资银行很多年了。扩展资料bank的用法:一、作名词的用法:1、bank的基本意思是“银行”,引申可作储存东西的“库”。bank也可指河或湖的“岸”“堤”。bank还可作顶部平坦的、长条形的“堆”解,多指土壤、泥或雪积起来而形成的堆。2、bank是可数名词,其前可加冠词a或the。在句中主要用作主语或宾语。3、the Bank特指英格兰银行。二、作动词的用法:1、bank常与on连用,用于比喻作“寄希望于某人或某事”解。2、bank在指河的两岸时,向下游看,在右边的为right bank,左边的为left bank,如若黄河从西向东流,右边的南岸为right bank,而左边的北岸为left bank;3、一般来说,岸是用来形容河的,不适用在湖上(分不清楚哪两个岸),但习惯上还是用复数形式的banks来描述湖;按字面上来说,讲河的一边岸时,用on one of the banks of the river或on a bank of the river,但人们习惯上用on the bank(s) of the river。

beneficiary bank是什么意思

beneficiary bank 收款银行; 受益人银行;[例句]A person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary. The bank keeps money for people.为受益人保管资产的人。银行替人保管存款。

ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:注册会计师协会会员。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

financial accountant是什么意思

financial accountant英[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l əˈkauntənt]美[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l əˈkaʊntənt][经] 财务会计人员

financial accountant是什么意思

financial accountant财务会计双语对照词典结果:financial accountant[英][faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l əˈkauntənt][美][faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l əˈkaʊntənt][经] 财务会计人员;

isaac gracie 的terrified 歌词




purified terephthalic acid中文是什么意思

purified terephthalic acid_有道词典purified terephthalic acid精对苯二甲酸[网络短语]Purified terephthalic acid 精对苯二甲酸,净化对苯二酸,纯对苯二酸Purified terephthalic acid PTA 精对苯二甲酸purified terephthalic acid wastewater 精对苯二甲酸,pta废水,精对苯二甲酸废水

Anastacia的《Rearview》 歌词

歌曲名:Rearview歌手:Anastacia专辑:AnastaciaYoung Rocky - Rear ViewLove drive me down this roadYou don"t know where to goMy mind is so confused becus you"re all I knowI tend to slow it down whenever you come aroundAnd when it"s time to speak my heart out I never release the soundNow I"m thinking with my mouth and talking with my mindI see right through you girl yeah you need some blindsGet it and I say blind but I still seeWhen I think about the future I see what we can beBut damn you have to leave it"s the cause of relief and gameIs that drinker really working tell me the pros and cons pleaseGive it to me straight don"t shift your cold shitEven though you"re not single you"re still who I admittedCus girl you get me tripping and I don"t know what to doCus as much as I hate you girl I"m still in love with youI can"t put you off my mind I think about you all the timeNo matter how far I drive you"ll still stuck in my rearviewSo I put my foot hold in gas I"m driving really fastMaybe as fast as the speed limit but I can"t cut off my pastSo baby girl when I"m looking to my rearviewYeah I hated it a few times cus I still see youShe said how she ever wanted was some consistencyA friends never saw what she"s seen in mePaving night years of a girl who was the dream of meModern day queen seems to bring down the king you meetFirst day ever girl we went to party kingNumber one with the spirit girl you ordered the same thingLife"s a movie but we stuck gotta the same sceneTry to play the player role but honestly you"re ain"t meCus girl you get me tripping and I don"t know what to doCus as much as I hate you girl I"m still in love with youI can"t put you off my mind I think about you all the timeNo matter how far I drive you"ll still stuck in my rearviewSo I put my foot hold in gas I"m driving really fastMaybe as fast as the speed limit but I can"t cut off my pastSo baby girl when I"m looking to my rearviewYeah I hated it a few times cus I still see you

fellow intern和associate intern是什么意思

Fellow Intern (internship for undergraduate students)本科生的实习生(实习)„Associate Intern (internship for PhD or MBA students)博士学位或MBA学生助理实习生(实习)

希望大家帮忙找错误,顺便指点。A Recruiting Poster of Student Volunteers" Association

Dear fellow students, The Student Volunteers" Association now is recruting volunteers.We hope you will join our term. The Student Volunteers" Association was established in 1999.There are about 70 students in our organization.The Student Volunteers" Association aims at helping people who are in trouble.The Student Volunteers" Association has taken part in many activities and obtains widespread high praise. Any student who is interested in this organizaion and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get more experience is welcomed. Please contact us. Our telephone number is 123456. Or you can email us at: We are waiting for you.

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist 招聘专员 助理Recruiting & Staffing specialist 招聘专员Recruiting and CandB Specialist 招聘薪资专员APAC Recruiting Specialist 工作地点上海1.Jackson——recruiting specialist, who report to Li Wenhua, but leave from DB at last. 杰生 ――招聘专员,向李文华报告,后离开。

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist招聘专员双语对照词典结果:Recruiting Specialist招聘专员; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He insisted that failing schools often had problems recruiting specialist teachers neededto trigger better results

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist招聘专员-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Spent all day driving around the city

spend time (in) doing sth所以用driving,spent是spend的过去式,谓语动词用过去式多用于一般过去时态


推荐一个我最近在用的吧,毕竟外网资源不是很稳定掌桥科研如果比较着急用还是得付费 ,正常可以等一等一般都会有一些免费活动

有关能力capacity等近义词的辨析 高手教教我

faculty 指内在的力量或能力 An inherent power or abilityability是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 the power,mental or physical,to do sth.capacity是指天赋的 an innate potential for growth,development,or accomplishmentFaculty denotes an inherent power or ability: Faculty 指内在的力量或能力 参考资料:希望对你有些帮助

revitalift rejuvenating make-up removing milk cieanses & revitalises 请问这些英文字是

revitalift 抗皱紧致rejuvenating 使恢复青春;使恢复活力make-up 化妆,上妆removing milk 卸妆乳cleanses & revitalises 净化并恢复新生

cisco 接口上bandwidth作用


associaet 什么意思

associate[英][əˈsəʊʃieɪt][美][əˈsoʊʃieɪt]vt.联想; (使)发生联系; (使)联合; 结交; vi.联盟; 陪伴同事; associaten.合伙人; 伴侣,同志; 非正式会员; adj.联合的; 合伙的; 非正式的; (性质上)有密切联系的;


accomplice牛津的解释a person who helps another to commit a crime or to do sth wrongcomplicity 牛津的解释U] ~ (in sth) (formal) the act of taking part with another person in a crimeACCOMPLICE讲的是人 解释为 共犯COMPLICITY讲的是共同犯罪这件事 行为. 解释为 共谋

adverbial denoting accompanying circumstances意思?

adverbial denoting accompanying circumstances没有主语、谓语,这不是一句完整的英语句子。adverbial adj. 状语的, 副词的, n. 状语denoting ( denote 的现在分词)指示accompaying adj. 伴随的,相随的circumstances n. 情况,( 复数形式 )短语意思是: 状语指示伴随情况

personnel and material facilities在这里是什么意思


no solicitation of personnel 什么意思




Damn Yankees的《Rock City》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock City歌手:Damn Yankees专辑:Damn Yankees(Eminem) RockCityRoyce59SlimShadyCome on!(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Can\\\"t stop the hustle,Royce nickel nine, glocks stop the tusselNine shots\\\"ll bust you, Pine Box we stuff youFuck You(Eminem) Fuck You(Royce Da 5\\\"9) I am not the tusselniggas dont know me(Eminem) come on(Royce Da 5\\\"9) I\\\"m Detroit\\\"s king, nigga, bowRock City\\\"s where the niggas pimp hoes, and ballStrip hoes in bars, steal clothes in malls(Eminem) As long as your citys got the bombs?then your citys got the alarms?Then your cities got the...(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Titties saggin, lookin like they got four armsGold bottles, green bottles, Cris\\\" to the DonNiggas get popped, for sellin weed shaked with seedsIf you hate me, you hate the \\\"D\\\", nigga pleaseI\\\"m takin shit back to the riots in the sixtiesThink I\\\"m lyin, visit me, where you at?(Eminem) Rock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock with me, (rock)Come on and rock with meRock CityCome on the block with meRock CityAnd come and rock with meRock City, Come onRock, (on) City... COME ON!da da da da da(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Suburban and city niggas hussle togetherLong as there\\\"s money involved, niggas\\\"ll tussle togetherLong as the hussle\\\"s, a hussle, the green is greenWhite is white, nigga we buying if the price is rightSo, drop the mic\\\"s, everything\\\"s on cockfrom the shots to the dice, we have notin\\\" to hideYou cant say we cant work,(Eminem) What(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Either we some plant workers, or we some niggas the plant worked, what!Detroit bitches, is bout itYou can just ask any one of your niggas that visit about itAny seven mile bitch, know how\\\"ta get richShe\\\"ll fuck you till you sleep, plus lie to your bitchPlus she\\\"ll suck the swallow up outta your dickAnd she keep a sugar daddy that\\\"ll buy her some shit (come on)(Eminem) Rock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock with me, (rock)Come on and rock with meRock CityCome on the block with meRock CityAnd come and rock with meRock City, Come onRock, (on) City... COME ON!da da da da da(Royce Da 5\\\"9) In the casinos, card shuffle\\\"s, number\\\"s to betDisrespect, and get a new smile under you neckA city full of thug ass niggas and punk rockersA lot of niggas act like Pac, so cops watch \\\"emThe shop blocks up, in the black or the light Timb\\\"sWhite boys look, act and rap like Slim(Eminem) (Hi!)(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Fight music, night fuses, never respect it,Guns talk, high schools with metal detectorsA city full of Tommy Hearst thumpersGrant Hill hoopers, Barry Sanders runners, stunnersChaldeans with weed, connects like whoa!hyper weed, no need to test like \\\"dro!hyper cats you got dough, they like soreal then you might go (where?)(Eminem) Rock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock with me, (rock)Come on and rock with meRock CityCome on the block with meRock CityAnd come and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock City, (rock, come on)Come on and rock with meRock with me, (rock)Come on and rock with meRock CityCome on the block with meRock CityAnd come and rock with me(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Detroit Rock City(Eminem) Slim Shady(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Won\\\"t you come on the block with us?(Eminem) Royce The 5\\\"9(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Royce is on the block with us(Eminem) Royce The 5\\\"9(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Next Level(Eminem) Rock City(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Royce nickel nine, ugh(Eminem) Rock(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Slim Shady, ugh ugh(Eminem) Rock City(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Won\\\"t you come and rock with us?(Eminem) Rock City(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Won\\\"t you come on the block with us?(Eminem) Rock with me(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Won\\\"t you come and rock with us?(Eminem) Rock with, with, with..(Royce Da 5\\\"9) Rock CityDon\\\"t touch it(Eminem) Fuck...

racial tension是什么意思



就是拆成super califra gilist icexpiad ocious 连起来读就好了.(不好意思,不知道音标怎么打) 曾出现在一部名叫 Mary Poppins 的电影里,意思是「好」.


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious   这个是英语中最长的单词   supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 【adjective】   〈口〉 奇妙的; 难以置信的   (源自电影 Mary Poppins 的插曲, 儿童用于表示赞同或太长的单词时的胡言乱语)



谁知道这是什么:supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 自认为英语好的都进来!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 这个是英语中最长的单词 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 【adjective】 〈口〉 奇妙的; 难以置信的 (源自电影 Mary Poppins 的插曲, 儿童用于表示赞同或太长的单词时的胡言乱语)网络释义 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is an English word in the song with the same title in the musical film Mary Poppins. ...来源 It"s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 这是朱丽·安德鲁斯的银幕处女作,扮演一个跟她次年主演的《音乐之声》几乎相同的角色。影片不仅歌曲非常出色,一点也不亚于《音乐之声》,而且特技也属一流,尤其是真人跟动画共舞的段落在当时达到新的境界。本片还创造了一个英语中最长的单词:supercalifragilisticexpialidocious。 2004年本片被搬上百老汇舞台,除了原片中雪曼兄弟(Sherman brothers)创作的插曲外,还添加了“Anything Can Happen”、“Temper, Temper”、“Brimstone and Treacle”等曲目。最初美国百老汇版本的玛丽·波平斯由艾许莉·布朗(Ashley Brown)饰演。舞台剧推出后,社会反响极其热烈,并在世界各地巡演。








supercalifragilisticexpialidociousadj.奇妙的; 难以置信的; 例句If a word is coined just to be long, like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,should that count? 如果一个单词是为了成为长词而被创造出来的,比如说supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,这算不算?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 是什么意思?



supercalifragilisticexpialidociousadj.奇妙的; 难以置信的; 例句If a word is coined just to be long,like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,should that count?如果一个单词是为了成为长词而被创造出来的,比...
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