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Appreciation 是什么意思啊

一、释义1、n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢;2、N-SING Your appreciation for something that someone does for you is your gratitude for it. 感激.二、词汇搭配official appreciation      法定升值  appreciation of capital     资本的增值 reserve for appreciation 涨价准备  terrain appreciation   地形判断 appreciation surplus   涨价盈余  exchange appreciation     外汇升值 appreciation of fixed assets     资产增值  appreciation of money    货币增值 appreciation in asset value 资产增值  appreciation duty       财产增值税 realized appreciation      已实现涨价  appreciation of market prices     市价上扩展资料:一、同义词n. admiration,discernment,grasp,hold二、反义词n.   depreciation三、词根词缀1、ap =加强appall v. 使惊骇,使大为震惊ap加强+pall苍白 =使惊骇apparatus n.仪器; 器,系统ap加强+par准备;安置+atus名词后缀 =准备好用的东西→设备apparent adj.明显的ap加强+par出现+ent...的 =出现了的→表面上的→明显的2、preci =价值appreciable adj. 可觉察的ap加强+preci价值+able可以... =可估价的;可察觉的appreciably adv. 明显地ap加强+preci价格+ab(le)可以...的+ly副词 =可估价地→明显地appreciate vt. 欣赏ap加强+prec价值+i+ate表动词 =一再给以价值→欣赏3、ate =表动词abbreviate v. 缩写ab加强意义+brev短+i+ate表动词 =缩写accelerate vi.加快;增速ac使+celer快+ate表动词 =加快accommodate vi. 适应ac来+com共同+mod模式+ate表动词 =以共同的方式做→容纳,供应4、ion =表名词abrasion n. 磨损ab表加强+ras刮擦+ion表名词 =磨损abstraction n. 抽象化abs离开+tract拉+ion表名词 =被拉开→抽象accentuation n. 重读ac来+cent唱歌+uate使动+ion名词后缀 =重读参考资料:百度百科-appreciation

fanciful abstraction什么意思


Are you taking any medicineTake 这可为什么要变ing形式?

"Are you taking any medicine" 中,因为 “Are . . . . . . . . “;所以 “take” 需要 “ing” 。这时态是 “进行式”

remember, recite,memorize的区别


remember,recite,memorize的区别 如题

remember,recite,memorize 不用想太复杂了,我觉得它们意思似乎相近,不过使用的场合不同. recite 一般就用于表示背诵,朗诵课文的意思,这个好区分. remember 比较常用通用的,表示记得,记起的意思. 如固定搭配: remember to do sth/remember doing sth 要记得去做某事/记得(自己)已经做了某事. Please remember to close the window before you leave.记得走前关窗. I remember closing the door.我记得已经关了门. memorize 则一般表示用记忆力记住,记下某事,是一种要记下和存储信息的感觉. 如:She can memorize facts very quickly. 她能很快记住许多资料. He memorized all the words on the list. 他把表上的所有单词都记在心里了.


wire 电线(强调传输电力)cable 电缆,数据线(强调传输数据用)circuit是电路, 显得比较专业, 用在电子仪器装置上

remember, recite,memorize的区别

一、表达意思不同1、remember:vt. 记得;牢记;纪念;代?问好、vi. 记得,记起2、recite:vt. 背诵;叙述;列举、vi. 背诵;叙述3、memorize:vt. 记住,背熟;记忆二、侧重不同1、remember:侧重于脑海中突然记起、回忆起。2、recite:侧重用于表示背诵,朗诵课文的意思。3、memorize:侧重于表示用记忆力记住,记下某事,是一种要记下和存储信息的感觉。扩展资料:“recite”的近义词:repeat1、读音:英 [rɪˈpiːt] 、美 [rɪˈpiːt]2、表达意思:v. 重复说(或写);照着说;再说一次;重复做;重播(节目);重修;(选举中违法)重复投票;再次成功;(钟表按要求)连打;在口中留下余味;转述、n. 重复的行动(或事件);(电视或广播的)重播;重复;(同类货物的)再次运送;重复装饰图案;(音乐)反复部分;反复记号3、相关短语:selective repeat 选择重传 ; 选择性重传 ; 选择重发 ; 选择性重复Repeat Frames 重复影格repeat instruction 重复指令repeat breeder 屡配不孕母畜 ; 重分配剂4、例句:I trust you not to repeat that to anyone else.我相信你不会把这事告诉别人。

请详细解释以下单词的不同. Congress,Council,commission,cabinet和parliament

congress n.国会、议会(美国的说法).含参、众议院. council n.委员会,比如UN的security council,安理会. commission n.佣金,委托 cabinet n.内阁.如日本内阁. parliament n.国会、议会.

medicinal plant?


中英-Jack Welch, the Commercial genius

Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co. from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, has died at 84, GE said. 通用电气公司:杰克韦尔奇颠覆了商业界。在上世界八九十年代,他把一个灯泡和洗衣机制造商转变成为美国最具价值的上市公司。而在他84岁时,他的传奇停止了。 Known as “Neutron Jack” for cutting thousands of jobs, Welch bought and sold scores of businesses, expanded the industrial giant into financial services and produced steadily rising profits. His success led other CEOs to begin using financial wizardry to improve earnings and wow Wall Street. 因裁员数千人而为人所知的“中子弹杰克”,他通过买卖数十家企业,把工业界的巨人拓展到金融服务并且持续盈利。他的成功,启发其他的企业领导人也开始使用金融的魔法提高收入,是华尔街都为之震惊。 ​ In Welch"s 20 years as chief executive, GE"s market value grew from US 410 billion, making him one of the most iconic corporate leaders of his era. 在韦尔奇20年首席执行官生涯,通用电气的市场价值从120亿美元增长到4100亿美元,这使得他成为他那个时代的标志性的企业领军人物。 “When the book about business leaders in this century is written, Jack Welch will be near the very top,” said Thomas Cooke, professor at Georgetown University"s McDonough School of Business. “What he did as the leader of GE was remarkable.” “当在写关于本世纪的商业领军人物时,杰克韦尔奇将是站在顶端的人,“乔治大学麦克唐纳商业学院的教授汤姆斯·库克说,”他作为通用电气的领导人,他的事迹是卓越非凡的。“ US President Donald Trump tweeted: “There was no corporate leader like “neutron” Jack,” adding his warmest sympathies “to his wonderful wife & family!” 美国总统特朗姆发了推特表示世界上不再有第二个像“中子弹”杰克这样的企业领导人,他还像杰克的完美妻子和家庭表示了最温暖的同情。 But Welch"s innovations, which included ruthless personnel management, cost-cutting and offshoring, also set the stage for problems that would hit the company years after he left. 韦尔奇的创新之处,包括无情的人事管理,成本削减和离岸外包,也为在他离开之后为公司能避免不少麻烦。 John F. Welch, Jr., followed Reginald Jones as CEO in April 1981 and served in that role until he retired in September 2001, choosing Jeff Immelt as his successor. 小约翰韦尔奇跟随Reginald Jones在1981年4月出任CEO,并于2001年9月退休,选择Jeff Immelt作为他的继任者。 Two of Welch"s other top disciples – and Immelt rivals – left GE to head other major companies, helping spread Welch"s gospel: Jim McNerney at Boeing Co. and Bob Nardelli at Chrysler and Home Depot Inc. 两位韦尔奇的顶级门徒——Immelt的竞争者——离开通用电气去了其他大公司,开始传播韦尔奇的哲学:波音的Jim McNerney和在克莱斯勒和家得宝的Bob Nardelli。 “Today is a sad day for the entire GE family,” current GE chairman and CEO Larry Culp said in a statement. “Jack was larger than life and the heart of GE for half a century. He reshaped the face of our company and the business world.” “今天对于通用电气这个大家庭来说是个悲伤的日期,“现任通用电气的董事长兼首席执行官Larry Culp在一份声明中说。“半个世纪以来,杰克比通用电气的声明和核心更重要,他重塑了我们公司的面貌和商业世界。” The outsized financing business Welch built nearly toppled GE during the 2008 financial crisis, requiring a bailout from legendary investor Warren Buffett. Immelt sold most of GE Capital and GE now trades at a fraction of its peak value. 韦尔奇打造的庞大的金融在2008年几近破产,不得不向传奇投资家巴菲特求助。Immelt卖掉了大部分GE的股票,而现在GE交易的价格仅为其峰值时的一小部分。 The stock closed at US 57.68 in August 2000, according to Eikon data from Refinitiv. 星期一股市以11.21美元收盘,上升了3个百分点。据Refinitiy的Eikon数据,它在2008年顶峰交易价格是57.68美元。 Welch acquired new businesses and did not hesitate to use layoffs and outsourcing to streamline them, sometimes leaving shattered, embittered communities behind. 韦尔奇收购了新的企业,并毫不犹豫地通过裁员和外包来精简这些企业,有时还会留下一些支离破碎、痛苦不堪的团体。 He faced criticism – particularly after he retired from GE – for his cavalier attitude about offshoring and shutting US plants, a theme that has grown more potent since Trump"s election. 尤其是在他从GE退休之后,他因对离岸外包和关闭美国工厂的傲慢态度而受到批判,自美国总统选举以来,这一主题影响力越来越大。 The US industrial belt is dotted with communities devastated by GE"s downsizing. At its peak, for instance, GE employed 30,000 at a sprawling integrated industrial plant in Schenectady, New York, that now employs fewer than 3,000. 随着GE规模的减小,美国产业带变得支离破碎。例如在GE发展巅峰的时候,他们在纽约的庞大综合工厂雇用了30,000人,而现在的工人不足3,000。 Both Welch"s style of management and the strategy he pursued to expand GE have since fallen from favor. CEOs who order mass layoffs now get attacked in tweets from the Oval Office, and Wall Street has lost its appetite for conglomerates. 自那以后,韦尔奇的管理风格和他所追求的扩张GE的战略都因此失宠。企业CEO们因大量裁员遭到白宫办公室在推特上的攻击,并且华尔街对企业集团也失去了胃口。 Welch also made GE a training ground for business leaders and advocated aggressively ousting poor performers. In a 2001 New Yorker interview, he said, “If they"re in the bottom 10, they get zero raises, zero stock options, they don"t get a bit of bonus, they get zero.” 韦尔奇也在GE创建了一个为企业领导人的训练基地,并积极提倡驱逐表现差的人。在2001年的纽约报采访中,他说,“如果他们在倒数后十名,他们不会得到任何加薪,没有任何股票期权,他们不会得到分红,什么也得不到。” Thomas F. O"Boyle, author of the 1998 book, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit, was an early critic of Welch"s tenure. 托马斯·O·鲍伊尔(Thomas F. O"Boyle)是1998年《不惜一切代价:杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气和追求利润》一书的作者,他是韦尔奇任期的早期批评者。 In an interview on Monday, O"Boyle said: “You have to look at the totality of what occurred based on the strategy Welch initiated: the de-emphasizing of manufacturing, offshoring as many jobs as possible, and emphasizing financial services in GE Capital for earnings growth.” 在一个周一的采访中,O"Boyle说:“你一定要根据韦尔奇所开创的战略来审视一切:通过削减生产制造业,尽可能的离岸外包,并强调GE股票的金融服务来实现经济增长。” O"Boyle noted that 80 percent of the some 1,000 acquisitions under Welch were in financial services. “And that strategy had terrible, terrible consequences for General Electric in the long run.” O"Boyle注意到,韦尔奇所收购的1000家企业中,有80%是在金融服务领域。“那样的战略对通用电气的长远发展有着非常可怕的影响。” Diminished conglomerate 企业集团减少 In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of US 130 billion. In 2001, GE was one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world, up from America"s tenth-largest by market cap in 1981. 在1980年,韦尔奇成为CEO之前,GE的收益记录是268亿美元;在2000年,他离开之前,收益达到了1300亿美元。在2001年,GE成为从1981年的市值排在美国第十位之后的公司一举成为世界上最大的和最具价值的公司之一。 Yet today, GE has sold most of the divisions Welch added, and many fault him for much of GE"s recent decline. 然而今天,通用电气已经卖掉了韦尔奇新增的大部分业务,许多人都为通用电气最近的下滑感到难过。 “He was lauded in business schools, and many CEOs considered him a role model, but few today would praise his tactics,” said Erik Gordon, assistant professor at the University of Michigan"s Ross School of Business. “He left a bloated, hollow mess to his successors. GE went from being a titan of industry to a dismembered wreck.” “他曾被商业学校的人赞美,许多CEO把他视作榜样,但是今天很少人会赞扬他的那些策略了,“密歇根大学罗斯商学院助理教授Erik Gordon说,“他走之后给他的接班人留下了臃肿的空洞的烂摊子。GE从一个行业巨人变成了残缺的沉船。” The company spun off its insurance business into Genworth Financial Inc. in 2004, for example, but kept a large batch of money-losing policies written during Welch"s tenure. Those forced GE in 2018 to take a US 15 billion in reserves. 该公司把他的保险业务剥离后成立了Genworth Financial公司。例如,在2004年,在韦尔奇任职期间保留了一大笔亏本政策。这些都迫使通用电气在2018年承担了62亿美元的费用,并拨出了150亿美元的储备金。 In 2015, activist investor Nelson Pelz"s Trian Partners bought a US$2.5 billion stake in GE and pushed for further focus on core industrial businesses, prompting Immelt to sell most of the remaining parts of GE Capital. 2015年,激进投资者纳尔逊·佩尔兹(Nelson Pelz)的Trian Partners购买了GE 25亿美元的股份,并推动进一步专注于核心工业业务,促使伊梅尔特出售了GE Capital其余大部分股份。 Engineer by training 培训出来的工程师 Born in 1935, Welch earned his B.S. degree in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering at the University of Illinois in 1960. 韦尔奇生于1935年,获得了理学学士学位。马萨诸塞大学化学工程学士学位及其硕士学位和博士学位1960年在伊利诺伊大学获得化学工程学位。 That same year, Welch joined GE as a chemical engineer at its plastics division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was elected the company"s youngest vice president in 1972 and became vice chairman in 1979. 同年,韦尔奇加入通用电气,在马萨诸塞州匹兹菲尔德的塑料部门担任化学工程师。1972年,他当选为公司最年轻的副总裁,并于1979年成为副董事长。 While his GE career is mostly seen as an upward trajectory, it included an early setback. In 1963, the Pittsfield plastics factory had an explosion that tore off the roof, and Welch was nearly fired. He later touted the experience as part of what created his management approach, noting that a manager at the time talked him through what he could have done better. 虽然外界普遍认为他在通用电气的职业生涯处于上升期,但也有早期的挫折。1963年,皮茨菲尔德塑料厂发生爆炸,屋顶被掀翻,韦尔奇差点被解雇。后来,他把这段经历吹嘘为自己管理方式的一部分,并指出当时的一位经理告诉他,他本可以做得更好。 Books by Welch include Winning, from 2005. He co-wrote a column with his wife Suzy Welch for Reuters and other media. 韦尔奇的著作包括2005年的《赢》。他与妻子Suzy Welch共同为路透社和其他媒体撰写了专栏。 “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others,” Welch wrote in Winning. Reuters 最后一段:不想翻译了。。。原来这句话是他说的,这句话在科比身上也体现的淋漓尽致! 吴一清/译

我有一个DBR diamondback racing牌的山地自行车架 架子上有venture字样 请问高手这个车架怎么样


primary loss absorbing capacity是什么意思


Absorb Science是跟医学药物有关的天然补充剂吗?

Absorb Science由博士Dr. Massoud Eftekhari创立于2006年,注重科研,致力于研发创新型、有效的高品质产品给消费者,在加拿大本土十分受专业人士推崇。

black label society的《Overlord》 歌词

歌曲名:Overlord歌手:black label society专辑:Greatest Ever Rock Guitars CD1Ti:OverlordAr:Black Label SocietyAl:Order Of The BlackThe undying embrace of chaos and warAs the oppressed lie writhing down on the floorThis Babylon of fear that you shall knowTo rule and suppress, destroy and overthrowKings of this worldThe servants shall serveSlaves never freeKings of this world all thats to beAll that you hear and all that you seeI am your overlordEverything above and belowI am your overlordThe exodus of your will andAll that you"ll ever knowThis brotherhood of snakes shallRule and controlThe corruption of man his fateAnd his soulKings of this worldThe servants shall serveSlaves never freeKings of this world all thats to beAll that you hear and all that you seeI am your overlordEverything above and belowI am your overlordThe exodus of your will andAll that you"ll ever knowThis flame of black which burnsSo brightFor the slaves shall never seeThe apocalyptic end of the pastThe new world shall forever be这厮开彪了= -#The great conspiracyThe betrayal of godThe fires of revolutionAimed at the heavens aboveKings of this worldThe servants shall serveSlaves never freeKings of this world all thats to beAll that you hear and all that you seeI am your overlordEverything above and belowI am your overlordThe exodus of your will andAll that you"ll ever knowI am your overlordEverything above and belowI am your overlordThe exodus of your will andAll that you"ll ever knowSHE IS MY OVER~~~~SHE IS MY OVER~~~~SHE IS MY OVERLORD~~~~SHE IS MY OVERLORD~~~~SHE IS MY OVERLORD~~~~~~~~

pencil是什么意思 pencil的意思

1、pencil英[ˈpensl]美[ˈpensl]。 2、n.铅笔; 3、v.用铅笔写(或画、作记号); 4、[例句]Ill get a pencil and paper.我去拿铅笔和纸。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:pencils 复数:pencils 现在分词:pencilling 过去式:pencilled 过去分词:pencilled。


pencil 铅笔


“pencil”的意思是:(1)n. 铅笔;笔状物。(2)vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂。(3)vi. 成铅笔状。短语:(1)Pencil case :笔盒 ; 铅笔盒 ; 文具盒 ; 笔袋(2)Pencil skirt:铅笔裙 ; 紧身窄裙 ; 铅笔形裙子 ; 紧身儿窄裙(3)Pencil Sketch:素描 ; 铅笔素描 ; 铅笔素描画 ; 铅笔画(4)lip pencil:唇线笔 ; 唇笔 ; 笔状唇膏 ; 笔状(5)pencil test:铅笔测试稿 ; 试电笔 ; 笔测试 ; 线稿检查(6)Blue Pencil:蓝铅笔 ; 删除 ; 修正 ; 删改或删节(7)pencil beam:[电子] 笔形波束 ; 锐方向性射束 ; 笔形束 ; 三维针堆:(8)Cover pencil:覆盖铅笔 ; 掩盖铅笔(9)Cluth Pencil:自动铅笔例句:(1)He roughed in the buildings and trees with a pencil. 他用铅笔勾画出建筑物和树木的轮廓。(2)Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil? 你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔?

It"s difficult for us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world

It"s difficult for us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world能不能说一下语法这个句子中,it是形式主语,to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world是真正的主语,是不定式作主语。is difficult是系表结构作谓语,for us是状语。再来解析主语中的从句:to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient worldwhat 是imagine 的宾语,引导一个从句,即宾语从句,what life was like 是从句的主体,for slaves in the ancient world是定语,修饰what




p占中下格,enc占中格,il占上中格,如下图所示:pencil英 [ˈpensl]   美 [ˈpensl]  n.铅笔。v.用铅笔写(或画、作记号)。第三人称单数: pencils 复数: pencils 现在分词: pencilling 过去式: pencilled 过去分词: pencilled扩展资料with a pencil, in pencil这两个短语都是“用铅笔”的意思。辨析如下:1.with pencil强调“工具”; in pencil强调“材料”或“状态”。例如:He is drawing a cat with a pencil.他在用铅笔画猫。Shall I sign the paper in pencil?我应该用铅笔签署这个文件吗?2.with a pencil在句中通常只用作状语,而in pencil除作状语外,还可作后置定语。例如:She gave me her photo, with a few words in pencil on its back.她把她的照片给了我,背后有几个铅笔字。3.在介词with后pencil可用单数形式,前面加不定冠词a,也可用复数形式; 但在介词in后pencil则不可有复数形式,且无不定冠词。例如:All the corrections are made in red pencil.所有的修改都是用红笔写的。Mary colored her picture with pencils.玛丽用彩色铅笔给她的图画上色。


n.铅笔;笔状物vt.用铅笔写一、读音:英["pensl],美["pensl]二、例句:He erases pencil marks.他擦去铅笔的痕迹。三、词汇用法:1、pencil是可数名词,基本意思是“铅笔”,尤指木杆铅芯的铅笔,表示“用铅笔画或写”时用介词with或in。 2、pencil引申可表示“笔状物”,用于光学,还可作“光线锥”解。 扩展资料:近义词:write一、翻译:v.写;书写;填写;作曲二、读音:英[raɪt],美[raɪt]三、例句:I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。四、词汇用法:write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。

In ancient Rome we have particians .knights.plebeians.slaves.....怎么翻译


想请教你,介词短语in regard to official reciept submitted,这里的sumbitted是做补语吗?

regard有关于的意思,在这里作某方面讲in this regard在这方面

求各种考试的英文缩写,如LEC.BEC. CPA .CAAC .CIA等……拜托啦~~灰常灰常感谢~

LEC = LEGAL ENGLISH CERTIFICATE 法律英语证书BEC= Business English Certificate 剑桥商务英语证书考试 CPA= Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师CAAC=Civil Aviation Administration of China中国民航ACCA = The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants 英国特许注册会计师考试CIA =CERTIFIED INTERNAL AUDITOR 国际注册内部审计师考试

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of China)是什么意思?

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of C全部释义和例句>> CAAC(中国民用航空总局(C);民航局



He gets even more excited.



《Even More Top Secret Recipes》(Wilbur, Todd)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:m7yd    书名:Even More Top Secret Recipes作者:Wilbur, Todd出版社:Penguin USA出版年份:2002-12页数:224内容简介:Bestselling author Todd Wilbur serves up another mouth-watering batch of your favorite brand-name foods to make at homeWith more than 1.5 million Top Secret Recipes books sold, Todd Wilbur is the reigning master of professional-quality clones of America-s best-loved, brand-name foods. In Even More Top Secret Recipes, Wilbur shares the secrets to making your own delicious versions of:- McDonald-s - French Fries- KFC - Extra Crispy-Chicken- Wendy-s - Spicy Chicken Fillet Sandwich- Drake-s - Devil Dogs -- Taco Bell - Burrito Supreme -- Boston Market- Meatloaf- And many more!With a dash of humor, a tantalizing spoonful of food facts and trivia, and a hearty sprinkling of culinary curiosity, Even More Top Secret Recipes gives you the blueprints for reproducing the brand-name foods you love.

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Authority of China)是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Aviation Authority of China),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:中国民航。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

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《Even More Top Secret Recipes 》  链接:  密码:hncm


participle和absolute的区别:意思不同、读音不同。participle英 [pɑː"tɪsɪpl]     美 [pɑːr"tɪsɪpl]    n. 分词。absolute英 [ˈæbsəluːt]   美 [ˈæbsəluːt]  adj.完全的;全部的;绝对的;(英语口语中尤用以强调)道地的,确实的,十足的;肯定的;无疑的;明确的;不受限制的;独立的。n.绝对真理(指思想或原理)。I need absolute silence when I"m working. 我工作时需要绝对的安静。A sick person needs absolute confidence and trust in a doctor. 病人需要对医生有绝对的信心和信任。Give the past and past participle forms of the verbs.写出动词的过去式和过去分词形式。

sci投稿 AE invited 啥意思

AE指:Associate Editors,副编辑。invited :说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中 投稿后,进入审稿阶段,可以看到一些奇怪的缩写,现将其小结如下:Authors:作者。EIC: Editors in Chief,主编,权力最大,有稿件最终决定权。ADM:Administrator,相当于编辑部的执行编辑(Managing Editor),编辑部给读者的信大都是他写的。 他是编辑部里和读者最接近的人,给读者分配稿件号(Edit the manuscript ID number),修改各种投稿状态和日期(Edit the submission date)。Reviewers: 审稿人。(Article要求两个审稿人+AE,总共三个人审。communication只有一个人审,这个人或者是编辑部指定的审稿人,或者是AE)。

public attitude toward science课文翻译如何?

public attitude toward science课文翻译如下公众科学观——斯蒂芬·霍金无论我们是否愿意,我们生活的世界在过去一百年间已经变化了许多,而且在未来的一百年里可能变化更多。有人想中止这种种变化,回到那个他们认为更纯洁更朴素的时代。但正如历史所表明的,过去并非那么美妙。过去对享有特权的少数人不算太糟,但即便他们也无从享受现代医疗,而生育对妇女来说风险极大。对占人口大多数的民众而言,生活是艰难、残忍而又短暂的。不管怎样,即使有人想这么做,他也无法将时钟拨回到早先的时代。知识与技术不可能说忘就忘了。也没有人能阻止未来的进一步发展。即使所有用于研究的政府资金都被取消(现政府最擅此事),竞争的力量仍将继续带来技术的发展。更何况,没有人能阻止探究求索之士去思索基础科学,无论他们是否会为此得到酬劳。惟一能阻止进一步发展的办法或许是一个压制任何新事物的全球政府,但人类的进取心与创造力如此旺盛,即便这个政府也不会成功。它所能做到的只是延缓变化的速度。如果我们承认,我们无法阻止科学技术改变我们的世界,我们至少可以努力确保科技带来的变化方向正确。在一个民主社会里,这意味着公众需要对科学有一个基本的了解,从而可以作出明达的决定,而不是把决定留给专家去作。目前,公众对科学存有矛盾之心。公众期望科技新发展带来的生活水准的稳定提高能继续,但又怀疑科学,因为他们不懂科学。那个在实验室里设法制造弗兰肯斯泰因的疯狂的科学家的卡通人物清楚地体现了公众的这种怀疑。这也是人们之所以支持各种绿色组织的一个重要因素。但公众同时也对科学深感兴趣,尤其是对天文学,诸如《夜空》之类的电视系列节目观众不少以及科幻小说读者甚多就是明证。怎么样才能利用这种兴趣,向公众提供所需要的科学知识,以便其在酸雨、温室效应、核武器以及基因工程等问题上做出明达的决定呢?显然,必须把基础建立在学校课程上。但在学校里,科学往往被教得枯燥乏味。孩子们死记硬背应付考试,他们看不出科学与他们的周围世界的联系。更有甚者,科学常常是用公式来教的。虽然公式是阐述数学概念的一种简单而精确的方式,它们却使大多数人望而生畏。前不久我写了一本通俗读物,当时有人告诫我说,我每使用一个公式就会使销量减半。我只使用了一个公式,即爱因斯坦那个著名的公式,E=mc2。如果不用这个公式的话,也许我能多卖出一倍的书。科学家和工程师倾向于用公式阐述观点,因为他们需要知道量的精确值。但对我们其余的人来说,对科学概念有个质的认识就已足够,这可以用文字和图表来表述,大可不必使用公式。人们在学校学到的科学知识可以提供一个基本的框架。但如今科学进步的速度如此之快,一个人离开学校或大学后新的发展层出不穷。我在学校从未学过分子生物学或晶体管,但基因工程和计算机是极有可能改变我们未来生活的两项发展。有关科学的通俗读物和杂志文章能帮助人们了解新发展,但即使是最畅销的科普读物也只有一小部分人阅读。只有电视能赢得真正广大的观众。电视上有一些相当优秀的科学节目,但其他的节目把科学奇迹简单地作为魔术播出,既不加以说明,也不展现它们与科学观念的整体框架的关系。电视科学节目的制片人应该认识到,他们负有教育民众的重任,而不仅仅是为他们提供娱乐。当今世界充满危险,因此就有了那个令人毛骨悚然的玩笑,说我们尚未受到外星文明造访的原因在于:但凡文明发展到我们目前的程度,它们往往就自我毁灭了。然而我对公众的明智充满信心,因而相信,我们将证明这一说法是错误的。"


1、中文释义不同。drug指任何用于预防或治疗肉体上或精神上疾病的药品,也可指毒品。medication意义则比较狭窄,仅指医生为了治疗或预防目的,给病人开的药。但不能用作毒品使用。/"target="_blank"title="点击查看大图"class="ikqb_img_alink">/"esrc=""/>2、词性不同。drug除了可以做名词,还可以做动词,意为使服麻醉药;用药麻醉;使服兴奋剂;在(食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药,下麻醉药。medicine只可做名词。扩展资料:同样可以表示药的单词为:medication一、意思:n. 药;药物二、读音:英[ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn]  美[ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn] 三、例句:She stopped taking the prescribed medications.她不再服用医生开的药。

city defense什么意思




defense science and technology什么意思

defense : 名词,防卫science : 名词,科学technology :名词,技术defense science and technology :防御科技应该是游戏里常见的。

CIFC5中的C5是什么意思? 书上没写.

C是COMMISION的缩写,即用佣金的意思,5是指5%——CIFC5,或CFR C5等等,都是指CIF或CFR价格中保函5%的佣金.

abruptly和 accidently区别?

abruptly 1. 突然地,意外地 2. (言谈举止)唐突地,冒失地 3. <地质>陡起地 accidently adv. 偶然地,意外地

英语they"re somehow special怎么翻译?


英语英语they"re somehow special怎么翻译?

英语英语they"re somehow special的翻译:它们很特别。重点词汇:specialadj. 特殊的,特别的;格外看重的,特别要好的;专门的,特设的;特有的,独具特色的;格外的,分外的;(主题)研究深入的;(数)特殊(矩阵)的n. 特色菜;特别节目;特价商品,折扣商品;特派员,临时警察,特约记者;专车【名】 (Special)(印、美、俄)史派西娅乐(人名)短语special education 特殊教育 ; 特殊教育学 ; 特别教育special effects 特殊效果 ; 特技 ; 特技效果 ; 特效例句You"re very special to me, darling.你对我来说很特别,亲爱的。My special guest will be Jerry Seinfeld.我的特邀嘉宾将是杰瑞•塞菲尔德。


knife和scissors区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同knife:英 [naɪf]     美 [naɪf]。 scissors:英 ["sɪzəz]     美 ["sɪzərz]。    2、意思不同knife:n. 刀;v. 用刀切割。scissors:n. 剪刀。3、用法不同knife是刀的总称,指用来切东西的工具,通常是有柄的,可指用来吃饭的餐刀,也可指菜刀,还可用来指武器。knife的复数形式为knives。He cleaved an apple with a knife.他用一把刀子将苹果切开。scissors常以复数形式出现,用作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.达芬奇发明了剪刀。


knife penci复数形式是knife pencils

be beneficial to还是for 以及他们的用法


J. Petrol.Science and Engineering是什么期刊

简介:J PETROL SCI ENG 杂志属于工程技术行业,“工程:石油”子行业的中等级别杂志。 投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期偏长,但容易发表 审稿速度:较慢,6-12周级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“投稿经验分享系统”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,更值得分享和参考。注意,上述热门指数采用专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。

姚明英文简介(只要名字,年龄28,city上海,job basketball player)

  Yao Ming | 11  Position: C  Born: Sep 12, 1980  Height: 7-5 / 2,26  Weight: 296 lbs. / 134,3 kg.  From : China  2004-05  Statistics  PPG 18.3  RPG 8.40  APG 0.8  EFF + 20.60  Ranked third in NBA field goal percentage in 2004-05 with a .552 average  three-time NBA All-Star (2003-05)  Among NBA leaders, ranked seventh in field goal percentage, 13th in blocked shots per game and 15th rebounding average (2003-04)  Through 2003-04, has yet to miss a game in his NBA career  Named starting center for Western Conference All-Star team for second consecutive season (2004)  Ranks third in Rockets history in career blocked shots per game and eighth in career blocked shots  Has compiled 60 career double-doubles  Earned first-ever Western Conference Player of the Week honors on 3/8/04  Scored a career-high and Rockets individual season-high 41 points with 16 rebounds and a career-high seven assists vs. Atlanta on 2/22/04  Scored 22 points with a Rockets individual season-high and career-high 20 rebounds vs. Detroit on 12/6/03  Blocked a career-high seven shots vs. Miami on 11/11/03  Voted The Sporting News Rookie of the Year by NBA executives  Earned unanimous NBA All-Rookie First Team honors after averaging 13.5 points with 8.2 rebounds and 1.74 blocks in 82 games (2002-03)  Reached three blocks 26 times, as Houston held a 22-4 record in these contests (2002-03)  Started at center for the Western Conference in the 2003 NBA All-Star Game after ranking fourth overall in All-Star balloting with 1,286,324 votes  Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for December 2002  Named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for February 2003  Posted the highest field goal percentage in NBA history over a six-game stretch, making 31-of-35 shot attempts for an accuracy of 88.6 percent from 11/9/02 - 11/21/02  Scored 20 points on a perfect nine-for-nine shooting against the LA Lakers on 11/17/02


不需要。按照一般规定,进口货物以到岸价格或海关核定价格,交纳进口关税。并以到岸价格加关税,计算征收进口增值税。提示:到岸价(CIF):也称为成本加运保费(指定目的港)条款。是指卖方除负有在CFR条款下的同样义务外,还必须就运输中买方负担的货物灭失或损坏的风险对 货物保险 。卖方签订 保险合同 并 支付保险费。

国际货运代理----日本基本港附加费BAF/YAS/EBS/CIC/PSS/ECRS/CAF分别是多少 ?

BAF YAS EBS 加一起22000日元 CIC 300人民币 ECRS 300人民币 PSS 100人民币 收费基础都是没TEU







英语A dropped cigarette怎么翻译?


decidedly average,and trending down什么意思

decidedly average,and trending down果断平均水平,并向下趋势decidedly英 [dɪˈsaɪdɪdli] 美 [dɪˈsaɪdɪdli] adv.果断地;明确地;坚决地;毫无疑问地

B.o.B的《Circles》 歌词

歌曲名:Circles歌手:B.o.B专辑:Strange CloudsB.o.B - CirclesSplendidyangBut she the type of girl drive the whole hood crazyLittle Red Riding Hood riding M80"sThe type of girl that will probly be famousHollywood superstar, magazine pagesApparently she had a thing for a niggaUnfortunately the nigga wasn"t meNowadays she"s the life of the partyGlamorous and glossy, taking all those in the VIPNow I"m like damn, wowLook at you nowYou got the whole world chasing you downThis man re-met her now nowY"all dressed in black black blackWith a rude attitude tude tudeAnd tattoos down your back back backBut still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)Circles through my head (circles through my head)These she goes again (These she goes again)And there she goes again (These she goes again)I just wanna get to know yaBut you turn the other shoulderAnd there she goes again (These she goes again)Running circles through my head (circles through my head)Burning circles through membraneTop the beat, shift gears, switch lanes on itI haven"t seen ya in a minute but the hands of time show me it"s some good thangs for yaLike a A list stylerity, ain"t gotta see IDCause nowadays she"s the life of the partyGlamorous and glossy, taking all those in the VIPNow I"m like damn, wowLook at you nowYou got the whole world chasing you downThis man re-met her now nowY"all dressed in black black blackWith a rude attitude tude tudeAnd tattoos down your back back backBut still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)Circles through my head (circles through my head)These she goes again (These she goes again)And there she goes again (These she goes again)I just wanna get to know yaBut you turn the other shoulderAnd there she goes again (These she goes again)Running circles through my head (circles through my head)SplendidyangBut still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)Circles through my head (circles through my head)These she goes again (These she goes again)And there she goes again (These she goes again)I just wanna get to know yaBut you turn the other shoulderAnd there she goes again (These she goes again)Running circles through my head (circles through my head)


  愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的。

research associate为什么叫mr

名称无所谓,不同国家,甚至同一个国家的不同称谓都会不同。关键是看,其所做工作的份量及承担的责任。比如说有家研究所:几年前,research associate 就是博后的样子;research fellow 是博后满三年(大概)留所后相对固定的职位。现在,research associate 依旧,research fellow名称改 research scientist了,而以前的本科或硕士毕业叫research officer的,却改叫research fellow了,呵呵research scientist 常常比 assistant professor的位置要低。senior research scientist 大概可以到学校拿个assistant professor的位置, 但不确定,因为后者对背景的要求很高,而且是走faculty路线的。但是,也有很多research scientist 到某些学校拿个ajunct assistant professor 啥的(senior 就拿 ajunct associate professor, 呵呵),不过感觉比较水,ajunct就以为着文章成果大家分,何乐而不为呢?要真做assistant professor 了,就会动真格了另外的研究所,post-doctor fellow, research fellow, research engineer 都是博后的叫法。不过,research engineer 有点区分不清:本科,硕士,甚至博后留所后也有继续叫research engineer 的。research associate/scientist, senior research scientist都可以带博士生的,但都是替老板(有faculty身份的)带。顺带说一句,看到不少research scientis回国说自己是博导的,不过应该和国内的定义不一样。

博后和Research Associate有何区别

名称无所谓,不同国家,甚至同一个国家的不同机构称谓都会不同。关键是看,其所做工作的份量及承担的责任。比如说有家研究所:几年前,research associate 就是博后的样子;research fellow 是博后满三年(大概)留所后相对固定的职位。现在,research associate 依旧,research fellow名称改 research scientist了,而以前的本科或硕士毕业叫research officer的,却改叫research fellow了,呵呵research scientist 常常比 assistant professor的位置要低。senior research scientist 大概可以到学校拿个assistant professor的位置, 但不确定,因为后者对背景的要求很高,而且是走faculty路线的。但是,也有很多research scientist 到某些学校拿个ajunct assistant professor 啥的(senior 就拿 ajunct associate professor, 呵呵),不过感觉比较水,ajunct就以为着文章成果大家分,何乐而不为呢?要真做assistant professor 了,就会动真格了另外的研究所,post-doctor fellow, research fellow, research engineer 都是博后的叫法。不过,research engineer 有点区分不清:本科,硕士,甚至博后留所后也有继续叫research engineer 的。research associate/scientist, senior research scientist都可以带博士生的,但都是替老板(有faculty身份的)带。顺带说一句,看到不少research scientis回国说自己是博导的,不过应该和国内的定义不一样。

scientsts say that something very serio



首先,cient不是词根或词缀.的确cient常常是单词的一部分,但只有ent是后缀.ci是相关单词前面词根的一部分,举例子给你. scient 中文简解: 有知识的, 有技巧的 构词法则: sci:知道 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的) ancient 中文简解: a. 古代的,古老的 n. 古人 构词法则: anci:古老 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的) → 古老的 如有其它问题,欢迎向我提问.

用所给词的正确形式填空。 need,many,leave,good,housework,scient,help,interest,are,because.



首先,cient不是词根或词缀。的确cient常常是单词的一部分,但只有ent是后缀。ci是相关单词前面词根的一部分,举例子给你。scient中文简解:有知识的, 有技巧的构词法则:sci:知道 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的)ancient中文简解:a. 古代的,古老的n. 古人构词法则:anci:古老 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的) → 古老的如有其它问题,欢迎向我提问。

scientsts found that dogs ,not wolves ,as originally ______,were responsible的答案

同上= =






首先,cient不是词根或词缀.的确cient常常是单词的一部分,但只有ent是后缀.ci是相关单词前面词根的一部分,举例子给你. scient 中文简解: 有知识的, 有技巧的 构词法则: sci:知道 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的) ancient 中文简解: a. 古代的,古老的 n. 古人 构词法则: anci:古老 + ent:形容词后缀(与名词后缀-ence或-ency相对应,表示具有…性质的,关于…的) → 古老的 如有其它问题,欢迎向我提问.


science 科学science book 科学书


science:名词.(科学类)学科 scientific:形容词.科学的 scientist:从事science的人——科学家


science:名词.(科学类)学科 scientific:形容词.科学的 scientist:从事science的人——科学家



Scientiss 什么意思

scientist 英[ˈsaɪəntɪst] 美[ˈsaɪəntɪst] n. 科学家;科学工作者 名词复数:scientists [例句]Scientist brian pasley enrolled 15 patients to take part.科学家布赖恩帕斯利征募15名患者参加实验。


science ["saiəns]n.1.科学2.自然科学3.一门科学;学科短语1.blind with science 以炫耀专门知识吓倒2.have something down to a science 精通某事,擅长某事以上来源于: 21世纪大英汉词典

If you want to be a scients,you must have a clear


keep scient 还是keep science



scientist 英[ˈsaɪəntɪst] 美[ˈsaɪəntɪst] n. 科学家; 科学工作者; [网络] 研究科学家; 专家; 迷信家; [例句]Scientists have collected more data than expected.科学家们已经收集到了比预期更多的数据。[其他] 复数:scientists 形近词: scientism sciential scientize

scicence 职业名称是什么?

science职业名称是 Scientiet

scilent 什么意思啊?

真有这个单词? 查不到哎 是不是silent印错啦啊??





2. 如何快速记单词-词根、词缀拆分法,事半功倍之词根-sci

本篇文章首发于【英译文学】公众号,更多内容尽在英译文学 英语单词由前缀、连字符、词根、后缀组合而成,其中词根是必选,其他可选。 其中词根是关键,词根的意思很大部分决定了单词的意思。 -sci-词根: -sci-词根表知的意思,引申意:晓/知道/了解。 -sci-组词如下: ["saiəns] n. 科学;技术,知识;学科;理科 【sci-词根+-ence=ency-名词后缀,表行为或或该行为的性质状态等】 2.scient ["saiənt] adj. 有知识的;有技巧的 【sci-词根+-ent-形容词后缀,表……的或……性质、状态的】 3.scientist ["saiəntist] n. 科学家 【scient +-ist-名词或形容词后缀,表……的人、……主义的】 4.scientism ["saɪəntɪz(ə)m] n. 科学态度;科学至上主义 【scient +-ism-名词后缀,表……主义,……现象、……风格、……特征】 5.scientific [saɪən"tɪfɪk] adj. 科学的 【scient +-ific=fic-形容词后缀,表致……的,令……的、产生……的,或表示具有某种性质……的】 6.conscious ["kɒnʃəs] adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的 【con=com-前缀,表加强或一起 +-sci-词根+-ous-形容词后缀,表具有……的、充满……的】 7.consciously ["kɑnʃəsli] adv. 自觉地;有意识地 【conscious+-ly-副词后缀】 8.consciousness ["kɔnʃəsnis] n. 意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉 【conscious+-ness-名词后缀,加在形容词之后,构成抽象名词,表示性质、情况、状态】 9. unconscious  [ʌn"kɒnʃəs] adj. 无意识的;失去知觉的;不省人事的;未发觉的 【un-动词前缀,表否定或相反的或无+-conscious】 10unconsciously [ʌn"kɑnʃəsli] adv. 不知不觉;无意识地 【unconscious +-ly-副词后缀】 11.unconsciousness [ʌn"kɑnʃəsnəs] n. 无意识;意识不清;[医] 人事不省 【unconscious +-ness-名词后缀,加在形容词之后,构成抽象名词,表示性质、情况、状态】 12. subconscious  [,sʌb"kɔnʃəs] adj. 潜意识的;下意识的 n. 潜在意识;下意识心理活动 【sub-介词前缀,表在……下面或代替……或稍许 +-conscious】 13.subconsciously [,sʌb"kɔnʃəsli] adv. 潜意识地 【subconscious  +-ly-副词后缀】


前者是 n.科学后者是 adj.有知识的;有技巧的
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