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找一首歌,歌词里有一段every time i close my eyes

请问是哪首歌阿 找到了吗

The word tracks in Paragraph 9 is closest in meaning


get off与close down与turn off的区别

嗯 他说的对

英语Turn off 和close在用法上有什么不同?

turn off指“关上开关”,close指“关上物体本身”例如:turn off the light/ computer/ radioclose the door/ window/ book

turn on turn off 和 open close的区别是什么?

他们的区别分别是:turn on 英[tə:n ɔn] 美[tɚn ɑn] 打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等); (使) 感兴趣; (使) 兴奋; 发动; [例句]I want to turn on the television.我想开电视。turn off 英[tə:n ɔf] 美[tɚn ɔf] (把…) 关掉; 完成; 解雇; 转向; [例句]The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.卡车驶离大路,沿着通向农场的碎石小道行进。open 英[ˈəʊpən] 美[ˈoʊpən] adj. 敞开的,开着的; 公开的,公共的; 坦率的; 有议论余地的; vt. (打) 开; 开始; 睁开; 启动; n. 公开; 户外,野外; 空旷; [例句]He opened the window and looked out.他打开窗户往外看。close 英[kləʊz] 美[kloʊz] adj. 亲密的; 紧密的; 亲近的; vt. 关; 结束; 使靠近; vi. 关闭; 关; 结束; [例句]I"m close with her.我和她关系密切。

turn off与close down的区别

turn off:关掉,避开,使转变方向,生产,制造,用车床加工出,使厌烦,变成 close down:关闭,封闭,停止播音

turn off和close的区别

turn off "关闭” 一般用于关闭“有开关的”物体 ,如电视机、收音机等 Do you mind turning off the light in the living room ?你介意关掉客厅的灯吗?close “一般指关闭物体,使其处于闭合的状态。如:close the door ,please

“turn off”和“close”的区别是什么?

turn off "关闭” 一般用于关闭“有开关的”物体 ,如电视机、收音机等 Do you mind turning off the light in the living room ?你介意关掉客厅的灯吗?close “一般指关闭物体,使其处于闭合的状态。如:close the door ,please

普印力打印机出现代码403:close platen


turn off和close的区别

turn off 一般是关掉带电的开关。close 一般是关闭实物。像关门,闭眼,闭嘴之类的。

お愿いだから (Close-up Ver) - 真野惠里菜中文歌词

振り向かずに さよならね连头也不回地说了声再见见た目よりも 强くないの我的内心并不比外在更坚强こんな时に どんな颜在这一刻 我真的不知道すればいいか わからないよ应该用什么表情去面对, 自信なんてそう はじめから自信什么的,从一开始就ないのに ふりしていた不曾拥有 以前只不过是在装模作样お愿いだから あの日 所以啊,拜托你,つないだ手をほどいて不要松开那一天牵起的手お愿いだから ふたり拜托你 让我们出会う前にもどしてよ回到相遇之前吧二十岁になる その日にはふたりきりで ずっといよう变回20岁 那一天我们独自一起, 就一直那样继续下去吧ずっと先の ことだけど虽然是早已过去的事情この胸へと 刻んでいた但是却已深深刻入了心房强く信じれば そうなると“只要坚信着的话 就一定会变成那样”言ったの あなたじゃない、、、说出这句话的不正是你吗?お愿いだから もっと 拜托你,让我听到笑う声を闻かせて你更多的笑声お愿いだから ひとり 拜托你 淋しさを抱きしめたい我只不过想拥抱这寂寞お愿いだから あの日 拜托你 不要放开つないだ手をほどいて那天就牵起的手お愿いだから ふたり 拜托你 出会う前にもどしてよ 让我们回到相遇之前吧





1996年电影《Up close and personal》(《因为你爱过我》)哪儿有下 很想看

优酷网 土豆网。

Coming Up Close 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Up Close歌手:"Til Tuesday专辑:Welcome Homeshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

get up close and personal with sth 这个词组是什么意思

您好,很高兴为您解答:get up and personal with sth 个人近距离做某事Underwater volcanic eruptions also provide a chance to get up close and personalwith observing eruptions, where volcanic plumes act very differently than they doon land. 水下火山爆发也为个人近距离观测火山爆发提供了机会,在水下,火山熔流与地面火山的活动不同立即采纳哟~~-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------呼吁:共同抵制不处理提问者行动:坚决拒绝为其二次解答


王洛勇 百老汇的中国人 著名歌舞剧《西贡小姐》一直是纽约百老汇的传统节目。而其中男主角将换用一位地地道道的中国演员的消息,曾轰动了整个纽约。 这是中国人第一次在百老汇的演出剧目中担当主角。当时虽有很多人对此持怀疑态度,但在随后的六年里,这位中国演员以成功连演2478场《西贡小姐》,而被当地众多媒体称为百老汇的“百年奇迹”。 对戏剧演员来说,能够登上百老汇的舞台,就像是运动员参加了世界级比赛。1985年毕业于上海戏剧学院的王洛勇,是从1989年开始产生在百老汇演出愿望的。 ■敲开百老汇的大门 那年,百老汇有个非常成功的戏叫《蝴蝶君》,一下震惊了所有的美国舞台,乃至世界舞台。剧中一个扮演“中国京剧演员”的亚洲演员大受观众称道。王洛勇也慕名去看了这部戏。“看到那个所谓中国演员的表演,我觉得浑身都在颤抖,作为中国国粹的京剧艺术,他在里面充其量只表演出二三成的水平来。”戏结束后,王洛勇悄悄躲在马路对面房檐的黑影下,看到观众像潮水一样涌上去,王洛勇对自己说:总有一天,我也要站在他那个地方!一个在美国出生的东方人能做到,我就一定能做到!而王洛勇当时的身份,还仅仅是一名学生。 1989年,纽约爆发了一次亚裔演员大游行。已从学校毕业的王洛勇也就是在这年,接触了《西贡小姐》这部戏。当时,《纽约时报》发表了一篇文章,就是制作人拒绝用美籍华人演员来饰演这个角色的做法,使得全美国的亚洲演员,组织了一次空前的大罢工,纽约、华盛顿、洛杉矶的街道上,到处都是罢工的人流。 那年夏天,王洛勇到纽约看戏。看了10分钟后,他就对戏中那个不知是个酒吧还是妓院的老板,产生了兴趣:这个演员演得不错,角色感觉很好,但他对亚洲人的生活太不了解了,演的不是亚洲人啊!演出结束后,怀着对角色的渴望,王洛勇迫不及待地找到了导演所在的办公地点,却被误认为是是旅游公司送飞机票。王洛勇只好解释说:我是个中国演员,刚刚从波士顿大学毕业,演了一个《蝴蝶君》的男主角。我想试试《西贡小姐》这部戏。那总导演很不情愿地看着王洛勇。王洛勇说:我给你来一段台词吧?总导演说:行,来一段。一边说一边又给秘书写纸条什么的,王洛勇感觉对方完全是同情自己才给自己那么几分钟的时间说台词,看他那脚还在不停地晃荡,眼神是散的,根本没注意王洛勇。 ■天鹅群里的笨牛 几天后,王洛勇意外地接到了一个来自演员工会———这个只有专业演员才可以实习的地方打来的电话:让他去参加一个爵士舞的训练班,还给他找了个台词老师。王洛勇一阵兴奋,这个电话意味着他向百老汇舞台又走近了一步。 可上舞蹈课的第一天,那情景把王洛勇给震住了:“演《白夜》的苏联演员跳起芭蕾舞那个漂亮啊……我看得目瞪口呆。”他进去换上舞蹈鞋上场后,只觉得自己的脚步越迈越小,自信心也越来越小。在这帮人中跳舞,王洛勇觉得自己简直就像是一头笨拙的牛,蹒跚在优雅的天鹅群里,实实在在地感觉出自己不足的距离。此情此景,让他大为感慨:有时候,理想让你发狂,但现实会让你清醒。 在那三个星期里,王洛勇就像是拼了命似的天天练舞蹈的组合,心无旁骛地度过了三个星期后,王洛勇终于等来了一个让他振奋不已的消息:在顺利通过前两次面试后,即将进行的第三次面试,安排在他梦寐已久的百老汇大街中心规模最大的百老汇剧院里进行。走上舞台时,他感到自己面对着一个黑黝黝的大洞,只在远景里有几丝光亮。一些伟大的制作人、导演、编剧、作曲,变得那么小,而自己站在舞台上显得那么高大……导演催促他道:你怎么不唱?王洛勇说:我感受太多了,我从没想到过自己会站在百老汇舞台上!导演对他嘘了一声说:开始! 然而,从1991年这第一次面试到1994年,王洛勇付出了三年的等待,却没有任何结果,生活中原有的信心和勤奋,渐渐被焦躁和颓废取代,他开始怀疑自己的 选择。经过再三斟酌,已经拥有波士顿大学教师身份的王洛勇决定:放弃梦想,彻底离开纽约。临行前,王洛勇去拜访了曾给过自己很多鼓励的台词老师。 ■“把你的爱给别人” 王洛勇当时非常沮丧。而台词老师说:“你什么时候准备好了你心里明白。”王洛勇不解:“怎么我心里明白?是他们决定。”“可他们做决定之前,是你最先决定。你为什么走到今天,难道不是你自己的决定?你的决定就是你动力的来源。演员这个职业是个很伟大的职业,你得把你的爱给别人。” 做教师也好做演员也好,心理素质的完善和技能的提高同等重要,而这也许正是百老汇对一个专业演员全面素质的考核。在老师的鼓励下,王洛勇终于找回了那份丢失已久的自信,以及那个差点和自己失之交臂的梦想。他开始脚踏实地地攻破面前的一道道难关。 对于第一次在百老汇舞台进行正式演出的印象,王洛勇只记得:“音乐轰响。我一上去就亮开嗓子唱,却觉得听不见自己的声音,无论使多大劲,仍是如此。我觉得自己充满激情地做着动作,却没人理睬……”所有的人在下面看着他,似乎他们中没有人相信他———一个中国的演员在这个著名的舞台上,出演着剧中的主角…… “你会觉得好像一列火车在飞速地前行,你要跳上去不能耽误,可伸出的手碰到车上的扶手却抓不住,你不断地奔跑、伸手,最后终于抓住了……”两个小时一刻钟的演出就这么圆满地结束了。 正像王洛勇期待的那样,那晚的演出获得了巨大的成功。在观众多达20多次的掌声中,百老汇这个最负盛名的世界戏剧之都的舞台上,没有中国人出演主角的历史,也永远成为了过去。

CCTV-9《up close》主持人徐亦怡的简介,谁知道?

英文名Eyee Hsu 美籍华人 美国加利福尼亚大学---伯克利分校毕业,主修国际新闻传播学,2005年进入中央电视台工作,与之前的主持刘飞飞是校友。

Up close&personal

cctv9 有个栏目就是 up close 进一步了解主题曲是celion dion的版本么,相当经典呀下载你随便搜索一下就有吧

Rascal Flatts的《close》 歌词

歌曲名:close歌手:Rascal Flatts专辑:UnstoppableRascal Flatts - CloseIt"s just another simple voice mail messageI"ll pick you up and we"ll do dinner by the fireAnd we"ll just .... ... you knowIt"s from a year agoBaby I love you and I can"t wait to see you tonightI"ve been thinking "bout you all day longShe pushes nine to saveShe still can"t .... hear.. aehcae..Cause it makes her feel closeMakes her smile it"s like he"s with her almostTill the tears take over she"s still in hellBut she tells herself she"s ready to let him goCause that makes her feel closeIt"s just a worn out Notre Dame T-shirtShe"s gotten mad and tried to throwThat thing away at least a hundred timesBut she"s got it on tonightHe used to wear it on the weekend just running aroundWhy he forgot he even left it behindShe says it keeps her warmOh, but it"s so much moreIt makes her feel closeMakes her smile it"s like he"s with her almostTill the tears take overShe"s still in hellBut she tells herselfShe"s ready to let him goCause that makes her feel closeJust sayin" goodbyeGetting on with her lifeMaybe give love another tryOne more tryOne more tryIt makes her feel closeMakes her smile it"s like he"s with her almostTill the tears take overShe"s still in hellBut she tells herselfShe"s ready to let him goCause that makes her feelIt makes her feel closeIt makes her feel closeIt"s just a worn out Notre Dame T-shirtShe"s gotten mad and tried to throwThat thing away at least a hundred timesBut she"s got it on tonight



一首很有节奏英语歌,在国外的电台听到,歌词貌似come baby come close to me,i will never let you go

Be What You Wanna Be

这句如何翻译 Your Viber code is: 3550. Close this messa

这么简单的东西都没人翻译?刷分了。。Your Viber code is: 3550. 你的Viber码是:3550Close this message and enter the code into Viber to activate your account.关闭此条信息并在viber中输入此号码来激活你的帐号。

look closely at是什么意思




Close To The Edge 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Edge歌手:Robert Palmer专辑:Essentialshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To The Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Heart歌手:Julie Blue专辑:Heart Of The Rivershayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To The Edge 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Edge歌手:Robert Palmer专辑:Honeyshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close the Door 歌词

歌曲名:Close the Door歌手:soul sirkus专辑:2005 soul sirkus-world.playshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To My Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Close To My Fire歌手:Slackwax专辑:Big City Bar 2shayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Unzip、Run WinZip、Close 、About 、Help是什么意思?

As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately


看区别的话,直接对比close和shut这两个单词的区别就可以了1.两者都表示逗关(闭)地,在很多情况下可换用.如:Close [Shut] the door.把门关上.He closed [shut] his eyes.他闭上了眼睛.Shops close [shut] at 5:30 关门.They shut [closed] the door on me.他们把我拒之门外.He closed [shut] his ears to our advice.他对我们的劝告充耳不闻.2.但要注意以下情况:(1) 两者的过去式和过去分词分别是 shut和 closed,都可用作形容词.如:The windows were all closed [shut].窗户都关上了.但 closed 可放在名词前作定语,而 shut 一般不这样用.如:a closed window 已关上的窗户(2) 表示逗结束(会议等)地、逗关闭(交通等)地、逗遮住(表面)地等,通常要用 close (不用 shut).如:The meeting closed at six o"clock.会议 6 点钟结束.She closed her face with her hands.她用手捂住脸.They"ve closed the road for repairs.他们已关闭这条公路,准备翻修.(3)表示逗禁闭地,通常用 shut(不用 close).如:He was shut in the bedroom.他被关在

shup和close的区别如题 谢谢了

其实没有什么很大的区别,但是close的词性要多些,比如说close friend意思是“亲密的朋友”,这里close是形容词;close the door,是动词;I stand close to you,是副词。 shut有固定的用法,比如说,“闭嘴”要说成shut up而不是close up.有时候在电影里面也会看到shut your mouth,但是这种很少出现。也可以说成shut the door=close the door 另外它们还有一个小区别: shut 英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子 另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思 另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花 close 英文解释是: to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门

close shut有什么区别呢?

楼上的都说的的很详细了,我只想在补充一点,close比shut更正式一些,shut更倾向于口语化,比如shut up。而且close从语感上也比shut要抽象一些,可以用在一些比喻的句子里,比如The door to my dream of being an adventurer seems closed to me.


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: shut 英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子 另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思 另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花 close 英文解释是: to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门 close,shut这两个词的一般含义是“关”或“关闭”。 close 比较普通,有时可以和shut互换使用,但它更强调“不让某人或某物进入或通过”的意思,有时有“不接纳”的意思,但通常表示“关闭”这一动作 It"s Sunday, so all the shops are closed. 今天是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。 I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. 我肯定没有办法再把箱子关上了。 2.shut 与 close 的含义差别在于,shut仅表示“关闭”之状态,不包含“不让进入”或“不接纳”的意思 As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he es into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. 它一旦从外面把门打开,便走进园子里等着关门。 3.在某些习语中,只有 shut 而不用close。 Shut up! 住口! He found every road to the acplishment of his desire shut against him. 他发现通向实现自己愿望的所有道路都被堵死了。 He shut his eyes to the severs reality. 对于这严峻的现实,他是闭着眼睛不肯看的。


shut: 1、v.关闭;关上;合上;(使)停止营业,关门,打烊 2、adj.关闭;合拢;停业;关门 close: 1、v.关;关闭;闭上;;合上;合拢;(使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放 2、n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了 扩展资料   变形词不一样:   shut   第三人称单数: shuts 现在分词: shutting 过去式: shut 过去分词: shut   close   第三人称单数: closes 现在分词: closing 过去式: closed 过去分词: closed 比较级: closer 最高级: closest   词义辨析不一样:   close, shut这两个词的共同意思是“关闭”。其细微区别在于:   1、close指把门等关到让人不能出入的程度,只表示关上;   He did not close the door when he left the room.   他离开房间时没有关门。   2、shut指关严并紧紧闩住,强调与外界隔绝。   Shut the door so that the cat won"t get out.   把门关严,别让猫跑出去。


shut英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花close英文解释是:to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门

shut close区别

一、表达意思不同1、shut:关闭;停业;幽禁;关上;停止营业;关闭的;围绕的2、close:紧密的;亲密的;直系的;全面细致的;势均力敌的;几近的;在即的;闷热的;类似的;危险的;吝啬的;被严守的;剪得很短的;闭塞音的;关闭;合上;封闭(洞口或开口);把各部分结合起来;停止运作;靠近;包围;接通(电路);结束讲话;(使)关门;歇业;结束;(股票)收盘;成交;结清(银行账户);使缩小;把......牢牢抓住;(计算机)关闭(文件)二、词性不同1、shut:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、名词。2、close:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、副词、名词。三、用法不同1、shut:表示“禁闭”,通常用 shut(不用 close)。2、close:在描述 “封闭道路、关闭机场” 的时候,只能用动词 “close”,而不能用 “shut”。


两者都表示“52位粉丝1. 两者都表示“关(闭)”,在很多情况下可换用。如:Close [Shut] the door. 把门关上。He closed [shut] his eyes. 他闭上了眼睛。Shops close [shut] at 5:30. 商店 5:30 关门。粗谢谢枫华谷刚洗过徐顾兮兮咕咕咕信息工程刚才广告词晨光i几个西瓜i效果i


Life is a revoloving door. When it closes, it also opens. 生活就像一扇旋转门, 一面关上后另一面却是打开.


你好,你给的单词coffee ,open,close ,rose这几个单词当中发音相同的是open close,rose这三个单词当中的 o 都读字母本身的音。而coffee里面的o读的是短元音。

and可以连接祈使句吗,比如说open the window and close the door

可以,没什么特别的.只是如果动作的单词都一样,可以用并列主语句 祈使句+and后面加的句子为一般将来时,祈使句表条件,第二这也符合条件状语从句中“主将从现”的规则 祈使句(表条件)+ and +主句(表结果) (1)、祈使句(表条件)+ or else/or/otherwise + 主句(表结果)…… “否则……,要不然……” (2)、祈使句(表条件)+ and +主句(表结果) [例句] Hurry up,or you"ll be late for class. Please call me up before you come,otherwise/or else/or we might be out. 你来之前打个电话,否则,我们也许会出去. Think it over and you will find the answer. Give him an inch and he will take a mile.得寸进尺. Work hard and you will make progress every day.好好学习,天天向上. 要了解“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”句型的三种变化形式   1. “祈使句 + 破折号 + 陈述句”   Try some of this juice—perhaps you"ll like it.(2000年京皖春招)   尝尝这种果汁,也许你会喜欢的.   2. “名词词组 + and + 陈述句”   名词词组中通常含有more,another,further,earlier等词.   It is really very dangerous. One more step,and the baby will fall into the well.   真危险.再多迈一步,这个小孩儿就掉进井里了.   Another £500,and I could buy a car.   假如我再有500镑,就能买辆小汽车了.   One step further and you"ll lost.   再多走一步,你就会迷失方向了.   A few minutes earlier,and I could have seen the famous scientist.   要是我早来几分钟,就能见到那位著名的科学家了.   3. “祈使句 + or + 陈述句”   or表示“否则”、“要不然的话”,or可用or else或otherwise替换,从反面来预测结果.   Take the chance,or you will regret it.   抓住机会吧,否则你会遗憾的.   Watch your step,or else you might fall into the water.   留神脚下,不然你会掉进水里的.   Do as you"re told,otherwise you"ll be in trouble.   叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则你会有麻烦的.要使用好此句型,要注意以下两个问题:   1.当陈述句是一般将来时或一般现在时的时候,祈使句是真实条件句.例如:   Follow the advice of the doctor,and you"ll be well very soon.   解析:陈述句谓语部分为一般将来时,所以祈使句表示真实条件句(If you follow the advice of the doctor).   Work hard,and you can make rapid progress in your study.   解析:陈述句谓语部分为一般现在时,所以祈使句表示真实条件句(If you work hard).   2.当陈述句的谓语动词是would / should / could / might + 动词原形或完成体时,祈使句表示非真实条件句.例如:   Pass my house and you might return the book you borrowed.   解析:陈述句谓语部分为might return,所以祈使句表示非真实条件句(If you should pass my house).   Come tomorrow and I would tell you everything.   解析:陈述句谓语部分为would tell,所以祈使句表示非真实条件句(If you should come tomorrow).

求陶喆所有歌曲英文名 例:沙滩Blue moon 天天Close to you 暗恋Adoration


架子鼓中的Closed Hihat - Shank是什么?

Clised hihat就是闭镲的意思啊,指的踩镲闭合

求翻译一句话:A man had a close knock on Oct 22.


And it is close to the Queen ishouse是什么意思

And it is close to the Queen is house这是接近女王是房子



求救,为什么PC与单片机通讯是一直提示The port is closed


reveal disclose expose 有什么区别?

reveal侧重于指揭露 一直隐藏或隐秘 的东西。侧重于这件东西之前的状态是隐藏着的,不为人所知的,而且这动作是人为的主动的。揭露出来的可能是好事也可能是坏事。 eg: These few words fully revealed her noble quality. disclose侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事。一般disclose揭露的是好事,而且不一定是人为的,可能是无意识的。 eg: Science can disclose the mysteries of nature. It was suggested that all government ministers should disclose information on their financial interests. expose多指揭露丑闻,坏人坏事或各种阴谋。也可指某物暴露在外。



python中 .flush()与.close()有什么区别







Da, da, da, da, da, daI just wanna be close to youThe way you look in the morning.I can see your face and your daze.The way(the way,the way)your silenceAlways has so to say,to say.With you my king is where i belong.Our castle is beautiful and strong.I just wanna be close to youI just wanna be close to youHow you own this bodySmoke your cigarette Sing to me in bedThe way (the way, the way)You hold me like yourProtecting your throneI"ll be your queen we"ll fit so wellYet near me darling is where dwellI just wanna be close to youI just wanna be close to youYou say I"m talking and laughing I"m notBreakfest in bed have a play pillow fightWe"ll hang like homies "cause your best friendI know I"m safe just as long as I feel your skinNot that I need I"m secure with myselfSpace, trust, and respect I understand wellBaby I just see such beauty in youThat I need is being close tooIf near me darling is where you dwellI wanna be close to you, you, you, you是这个么 望采纳!!



tom thinks with his eyes closed.请问,如果把close换成open 就无需用过去式,为啥?

closed在这里是形容词,而如果换成open,open本身也是形容词(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……是你把closed的词性理解错了啦!

From see you one eye, I shit love you. Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to


close down与turn off的区别

close down 关闭 关小 turn off 关闭 是关收音机啊


close是关闭socket,彻底释放socket资源。 shutdown只是关闭掉socket中的某种行为(read/write),并不关闭socket。


close与shutdown的区别主要表现在:close函数会关闭套接字ID,如果有其他的进程共享着这个套接字,那么它仍然是打开的,这个连接仍然可以用来读和写,并且有时候这是非常重要的 ,特别是对于多进程并发服务器来说。而shutdown会切断进程共享的套接字的所有连接,不管这个套接字的引用计数是否为零,那些试图读得进程将会接收到EOF标识,那些试图写的进程将会检测到SIGPIPE信号,同时可利用shutdown的第二个参数选择断连的方式。

海运出口SO 里面的CV close是什么意思? 这个时间是什么时间 ?




海运出口SO里面的CV/CY close是什么意思?这个时间是什么时间?


求一首歌,歌词里有close your eye, good bye女声

Surf ColoradoI saw you thereYour long brown hairFalling on your face the way it used to fall on mineAt one timeA long time agoI still remember everything you said to me that nightIt"s too bad and it"s too lateYou were such a big mistakePlease don"t call here anymoreI used to miss youThere"s no surf in Colorado anywayAnd it"s a shame to hear you"re happyand you still look at me that wayThere"s no surf in Colorado anyway, yeahShe never waved to me or said "good Bye"One night she just left me and her behindThere she goesAnd no one knowsWhat she does to my heartstill, she"ll never knowHow we speakAcross the roomEye to eye she"s holding him,holding me soonIt"s too bad and it"s too lateWas it such a big mistake?You don"t call me anymoreAnd I still miss youThere"s no surf in Colorado anywayAnd it"s a shame to hear you"re happyand you still look at me that wayThere"s no surf in Colorado anyway, yeahShe never waved to me or said "good Bye"One night she just left me and her behindRemember the first timeGodDamn we got so highShe held me so close that I thought that I might breakAnd know she"s a mile highAnd I"m on Texas timeShe traded rattlesnakes for bunny runs in Colorado SpringsThere"s no surf in Colorado anywayAnd it"s a shame to hear you"re happyand you still look at me that wayThere"s no surf in Colorado anyway, yeahShe never waved to me or said "good Bye"One night she just left me and her behind胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏The end

so close to 为什么win ing

这里to是介词 后面接动词的ing形式啊

so much water so close to home什么意思

so much water ,so close to home这么多的水,离家这么近双语对照例句:1.Ever been so close to so much? 从来没有接触过那么多的钱吧?2.You don"t often find ritual cannibalism practiced so close to home. 你不能经常找到仪式食人的案子在这么近的地方。

Calvin Harris - Feel So Close歌词和中文翻译

我觉得你现在如此接近  这是一个力场。  我穿我的心在我的袖子,像一个大的交易  你的爱对我倒下来,围绕著我像一个瀑布  并没有阻止我们现在  我觉得你现在如此接近    (舞蹈击败扮演)    我觉得你现在如此接近  这是一个力场  我穿我的心在我的袖子,像一个大的交易  你的爱对我倒下来,围绕著我像一个瀑布  并没有阻止我们现在  我觉得你现在如此接近    (舞蹈击败扮演)    并没有阻止我们现在    并没有阻止我们现在    并没有阻止我们现在    我感觉如此接近你现在…

Feel So Close 歌词

歌曲名:Feel So Close歌手:Calvin Harris专辑:NRJ 200% Hits 2013Feel So CloseCalvin HarrisI feel so close to you right nowIt"s a force fieldI wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big dealYour love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfallAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right nowI feel so close to you right nowIt"s a force fieldI wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big dealYour love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfallAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right now...

Feel So Close 歌词

歌曲名:Feel So Close歌手:Calvin Harris专辑:18 MonthsFeel So CloseCalvin HarrisI feel so close to you right nowIt"s a force fieldI wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big dealYour love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfallAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right nowI feel so close to you right nowIt"s a force fieldI wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big dealYour love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfallAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowAnd there"s no stopping us right nowI feel so close to you right now...

up so close 歌词

歌曲名:up so close歌手:Cake专辑:motorcade of generosityshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

So Far So Close 歌词

歌曲名:So Far So Close歌手:氷室京介专辑:MELLOWshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"


So Close To如此接近

歌曲when you LIPS are so close表达了什么感情

《When Your Lips Are So Close》表达对倾慕之人的爱慕之情。

So Close...So Far 歌词

歌曲名:So Close...So Far歌手:Adrian Galysh专辑:Venusian SunriseHoobastank - So Close, So FarI wake up all alone, somewhere unfamiliar.Been gone so many days, I"m losing count.When I think of home, I see your face.I know I have to wait…We"re so close, yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to be there with youSo close yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to be back with youI miss hearing your laughterAnd all the little thingsForgotten what it"s like to hold youCause where I am right now so unforgivingIt"s numbing everythingWe"re so close, yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to be there with youSo close yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to be back with youSo promiseNo matter how long it takes for me to get back to youYou"ll wait for me.I PromiseNo matter how far away I go I"ll come back for youJust wait and seeI miss being at homeI miss your faceDon"t think I can wait...We"re So close, yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to here with youSo close yet so farIt"s tearing me apartWhat I would do to be back with youI promise,Its tearing me apartNo matter how far away I go I"ll come back for youI promiseIts tearing me apartWhat I would do-What I would do-What I would do to be there with you

so close的歌词

So farThere was not a second thoughtNo heartEver got close enoughYou areWatching as I am caughtIn a moment off-gaurdSocloseI can nearly taste itSupposeThis is that one promised loveGod knowsAll that I"ve wasted nowNever letting it startNow all my resistanceI feel it slip awayNow all of the distanceEver less with every day by daySo farThere was no connectionNo sparkOut of which a fire growsI startIn your direction I"mEver so closeNow all my resistanceI feel it slip awayNow all of the distanceEver less with every day by daySo far, I have never beenSo close

Carol Fran的《So Close》 歌词

歌曲名:So Close歌手:Carol Fran专辑:The Complete Calla, Port And Roulette RecordingsJennette McCurdy - So CloseYou just keep tuggin, pushin, pullinOn my little heartstringsGot me all tied up in knotsAnytime I see your faceOh it brings outIt brings out the girl in meDont know just how ya did itBut ya got me real goodHook, line and sinkerLike I knew you couldBut you don"t even noticeBoy I wish you wouldI can"t help myselfI can"t help but smileEverytime I see your faceAnd we"ve never metI bet you don"t know my nameAm I outta my mindI think that I might be goin crazyCoz my heart is yours to have and hold or break itHow"d you get to be so closeWhen you"re so far awayI think you might be close to perfectGirls you know what I meanHe"s got a face straight outOf a magazineGotta pinch myselfTo prove he aint a dreamOh oh ohI can"t help myselfNow my secrets outI can"t help but smileEverytime I see your faceAnd we"ve never metI bet you don"t know my nameAm I outta my mindI think that I might be goin crazyCoz my heart is yours to have and hold or break itHow"d you get to be so closeWhen you"re so far awayI wish you were mine all mineMine all mineI wish you were mine all mineI wish you were mineI can"t help but smileEverytime I see your faceAnd we"ve never metI bet you don"t know my nameAm I outta my mindI think that I might be goin crazyCoz my heart is yours to have and hold or break itHow"d you get to be so closeWhen you"re so far awayHow"d you get to be so closeWhen you"re so far away

Silent Knight的《So Close》 歌词

歌曲名:So Close歌手:Silent Knight专辑:Hunger Strikeshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

急求 一首 英文名字为tonight i feel so close to you的歌词,要中文的

我多么希望我俩能永远在一起 永不分离 您好~仓木麻衣吧的zzyl9696为您解答~! Tonight,I feel close to you (今晚我离你很近 歌词) Close my

谁可以把·魔法奇缘so close发给我?这个地址可以下载!

the island is so close to the equator

this is 分别是主句的主语和谓语(或者叫系动词),所以该句是主系表结构. because引导的是表语从句(也可称为宾语从句),在这个从句中: the island是主语,is是谓语(或系动词),so close to the equator是表语(或宾语). 翻译:这是因为该岛如此贴近赤道.
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