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您可以从两个角度来思考。一,从语法上来说,a +名词+of是一种固定搭配,collect是动词,其对应的名词时collection。二,从句意上来理解,“有一系列的邮票收藏品供您欣赏”,其中a colleciton of 意思是“一系列,一组收藏品”。


可数名词 collections 一般情况下是可数名词 1.收集,采集;收取[UHe has a very good collection of foreign coins.他收藏着不少外国硬币


可数名词哦 可以是collections collection:[ ku0259"leku0283u0259n ] n.收藏品,收集物 例句 1.There are two collections a day from this letter box. 这个邮箱每天开两次. 希望对你有所帮助 新年快乐哈 亲 (≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

collection 和collections的区别

collection既可以表示单数 又可以表示复数当它为可数名词时 就是单数 当它为不可数名词时 单复数同形可数 1.收藏品 收集物2.诗歌作品集3.一堆东西4.系列时装5.为新季设计的系列时装6.募捐7.教堂慈善捐款 不可数1.采集


Collection和Collections的区别如下:1、java.util.Collection 是一个集合接口。它提供了对集合对象进行基本操作的通用接口方法。Collection接口在Java 类库中有很多具体的实现。Collection接口的意义是为各种具体的集合提供了最大化的统一操作方式。Collection ├List │├LinkedList │├ArrayList │└Vector │ └Stack └Set 2、java.util.Collections 是一个包装类。它包含有各种有关集合操作的静态多态方法。此类不能实例化,就像一个工具类,服务于Java的Collection框架。


collection和collections的区别是collections是collection的复数形式。collection是可数名词,除了可以表示“收集;收取,托收;聚集”的基本意思外,还可以表示“募集的钱,搜集到的东西”。 collection是个名词,其含义为“(常指同类的)收集物,收藏品;一批物品;一群人;作品集;(为慈善机构或做礼拜时的)募捐,募集;募集的钱;(常为季节性推出的)系列时装(或家用品);拿走;聚集”,其复数形式为collections。 例句: There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor. 地板上有成堆的书和鞋。 Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday. 你的西服可在星期二领取。

collections的中文意思 是什么

collection KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 收集,采集;收取[U][C] The collection of these stamps took ten years. 收集这些邮票花了十年时间. 2. 收藏品,搜集的东西[C] He has a very good collection of foreign coins. 他收藏着不少外国硬币. 3. 募捐;募集的钱[C] take up a collection 募款 4. 聚集;积聚;大量,大堆[C][S1][(+of)] There is a collection of dust in an unused room. 空着不用的房间常常积起大量灰尘. (注意,S是他的名词复数形式!)


collections[英][ku0259"leku0283u0259nz][美][ku0259"leku0283u0259nz]n.收集( collection的名词复数 ); 收藏品; 作品集; 募集的款项;



special collections是什么意思

special collections特别收藏1. 特藏例句:1.Where is the "special collections" room? 特别收藏书部在哪儿?2.As it stands today at our university and many others, rich special collectionshave only begun to be digitized and put online. 站在今日我们和其他许多大学的立场上,丰富的特殊馆藏已经数字化并放到了网上。

My collections 英语作文

I am interested in collecting varies kinds of coins from ancient ones to recent foreign ones .I cultivate my habit since my primery school. I remember the first coin I collected was the one my father brought from UK,the second year of my primary school,on his travel back from Britain.It was such a lovely coin that i like it very much.There is an elegant Queen in the middle of it with an unamely flower surrending it.Since then i am fond of it till now. In my room there is a big box of my collections.They are classified and all of them are dust-proof for I have set each of them in a little crystal bag. I love my collections

unreal collections在哪




iesi.collections干什么用的,ISet 和IList什么不同?



1.1 Collection.sort()排序通过泛型实现对所有类型的排序,对于基础类型,int等,按照数字大小排序,对于自定义对象类型,通过实现Comperable接口,重写compareto函数自定义比较大小的方式。接收对象类型为Comparable子类挥着Comparator外部比较器。 1.2 Collections.sort()内部调用的Arrays.sort()方法,对于Arrays类,有两个sort()方法,sort(Object) (归并排序) sort(int) (快排)

java collections 可以对 map操作吗


关于Collections中sort(List list)的一些问题

ComparableTimSort中的 binarySort():pivot = (Comparable)a[start];在while循环时会调用每个对象的compareTo方法:if(pivot.compareTo(a[mid]))

java里面的Arrays 、Array、Collection和Collections 是什么关系?

Arrays数组工具类,有Arrays.toString()数组转字符串等方法,Array翻译过来就是数组,int[] arr 就是Array的简写;Collections是集合工具类,Collections.sort()集合自然排序等方法操作集合的;Collection是集合的顶层接口,注意是接口;有两个子类List接口和Set接口

java Collections.sort实现的排序是升序还是降序



java.util. Collections

collections类中哪个方法向列表中填充元素 copy fill sort shuffle

[java] view plain copypackage ocm.axb.cheney.collection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class CollectionSort { public CollectionSort() { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(String args[]) { double array[] = { 111, 22, 333, 40, 10, 411 }; double targetArray[] = { 1, 2, 10, 4, 7, 6 }; List list1 = new ArrayList(); List list2 = new ArrayList(); returnList(list1, array); returnList(list2, targetArray); // 使用sort方法可以根据元素的自然顺序 对指定列表按升序进行排序。列表中的所有元素都必须实现 // Comparable 接口。此列表内的所有元素都必须是使用指定比较器可相互比较的 //Collections.sort(list1); /* 混排(Shuffling) 混排算法所做的正好与 sort 相反: 它打乱在一个 List 中可能有的任何排列的踪迹。也就是说,基于随机源的输入重排该 List, 这样的排列具有相同的可能性(假设随机源是公正的)。这个算法在实现一个碰运气的游戏中是非常有用的。例如,它可被用来混排代表一副牌的 Card 对象的一个 List 。另外,在生成 测试案例时,它也是十分有用的*/ //Collections.shuffle(list1); //反转(Reverse) 使用Reverse方法可以先根据元素的自然顺序(Collections.sort(list1);)再对指定列表按降序进行排序 //Collections.reverse(list1); //替换所以的元素(Fill)使用指定元素替换指定列表中的所有元素。 //Collections.fill(list1, "aaa"); //拷贝(Copy) 用两个参数,一个目标 List 和一个源 List, 将源的元素拷贝到目标,并覆盖它的内容。目标 List 至少与 //源一样长。如果它更长,则在目标 List 中的剩余元素不受影响。 Collections.copy(list,li): 后面一个参数是目标列表 ,前一个是源列表 //Collections.copy(list1,list2); //返回Collections中最小元素(min)或者最大元素(max) //根据指定比较器产生的顺序,返回给定 collection 的最小元素。collection 中的所有元素都必须是通过指 //定比较器可相互比较的 //System.out.println(Collections.min(list1)); //System.out.println(Collections.max(list1)); //交换一个线性表中两个元素的位置。 Collections.swap(list1, 0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { System.out.println(list1.get(i)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List returnList(List list, double array[]) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { list.add(new Double(array[i])); } return list; } }


  List集合:  List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>();list.add("a");list.add("b");list.add("c");//将现有的List集合转换为线程安全的list=Collections.synchronizedList(list);System.out.println(list);  Set集合:  Set<String> set=new HashSet<String>();//将现有的set集合转换为线程安全的set=Collections.synchronizedSet(set);  Map集合:  Map<String, Integer> map=new HashMap<String, Integer>();//将现有的Map转换为线程安全的map=Collections.synchronizedMap(map);

以My collections 为题的英语作文

1,I am interested in collecting varies kinds of coins from ancient ones to recent foreign ones .I cultivate my habit since my primery school. I remember the first coin I collected was the one my father brought from UK,the second year of my primary school,on his travel back from Britain.It was such a lovely coin that i like it very much.There is an elegant Queen in the middle of it with an unamely flower surrending it.Since then i am fond of it till now. In my room there is a big box of my collections.They are classified and all of them are dust-proof for I have set each of them in a little crystal bag. I love my collections. 祝你学习进步!希望能够帮助到您谢谢您!

一些收藏品 用英语怎没写,收藏品(collection用加s吗?)



Collection 和 Collections的区别。 Collections是个java.util下的类,它包含有各种有关集合操作的静态方法。 Collection是个java.util下的接口,它是各种集合结构的父接口。 List, Set, Map是否继承自Collection接口? List,Set是 Map不是 ArrayList和Vector的区别。 一.同步性:Vector是线程安全的,也就是说是同步的,而ArrayList是线程序不安全的,不是同步的 二.数据增长:当需要增长时,Vector默认增长为原来一培,而ArrayList却是原来的一半 HashMap和Hashtable的区别 一.历史原因:Hashtable是基于陈旧的Dictionary类的,HashMap是Java 1.2引进的Map接口的一个实现 二.同步性:Hashtable是线程安全的,也就是说是同步的,而HashMap是线程序不安全的,不是同步的 三.值:只有HashMap可以让你将空值作为一个表的条目的key或value


其他关于Python的总结文章请访问: collections 模块给出了python中一些功能更加强大的数据结构、集合类 顾名思义, namedtuple 就是有了名字的 tuple ,声明一个 namedtuple 类的时候可以传入两个参数,第一个是这个 tuple 的名字,第二个是一个 str 的 list ,依次说明其中每一个元素的名称: 运行结果: 再比如,使用一个 namedtuple 来存储一个 马尔可夫决策过程 (Markov Decision Process,MDP)模型: deque 是一个双向列表,非常适用于队列和栈,因为普通的 list 是一个线性结构,使用索引访问元素时非常快,但是对于插入和删除就比较慢,所以 deque 可以提高插入和删除的效率,可以使用 list(a_deque) 将 deque 转换成 list 。 常用的方法: 一个例子: 运行结果: defaultdict 是给不存在的 key 分配一个默认值的字典,和普通的 dict 相比,如果遇到 key 不存在的情况,不会抛出 KeyError ,而是返回默认值。其他的行为和 dict 一模一样: 运行结果为: 正如其名字所说, OrderedDict 是一个有序的字典,普通的 dict 中的 key 是没有顺序,即我们遍历一个字典的时候是不知道它所遍历的顺序的,单独 OrderedDict 为 key 进行了排序,顺序就是拆入键的顺序,后插入的排在后边,这样在遍历的时候就有了顺序: 运行结果为: ChainMap 是一个将多个 dict 按照循序串起来的数据结构,在查找字典中的某一个键所对应的值的时候,先从 ChainMap 中的第一个字典查起,如果该字典有该 key ,就返回对应的值,没有就依次往后查找后边的 dict 。 获得的结果为: Counter 是一个计数器,它是 dict 的一个子类,可以根据键来区别记录多个不同的计数,相当于一个计数器集合,还可以通过 update 函数一次性更新多个计数器: 得到的结果:




Collection是集合的顶层即可,就像Map一样,也是集合的一个顶层接口; Collections是集合的一个工具类,就像Arrays是数组的一个工具类。它里面有一些操作集合的方法。




n.收藏品 搜集品 捐款


n. 收集(collection的复数);集合物件a collection of 一批,一些;收藏的;许多的;集…为一体的 data collection 数据收集;资料收集 collection system 收集系统;拖收系统 tax collection 征税;税捐稽征 dust collection 收尘;集尘;吸尘 collection efficiency 收集效率 collection of data 数据收集;资料收集 garbage collection 碎片帐集 refuse collection 垃圾收集 fund collection 集资;资金吸收 collection box 募捐箱 collection agency 为其他公司代收欠款的公司 specimen collection 样本采集;样本收集 collection basis 回收基准;[经]征收基础 collection agent 托收代理人;代收人 field data collection 野外数据收集 goods collection 集货 collection tube 收集管,接收管 collection period 赊销货款回收期





收集 名词性 求采纳


名词是:collection英[ku0259'leku0283n]释义:n.采集,聚集;[税收]征收;收藏品;募捐[复数:collections]短语:data collection [计]数据收集;数据采集;数据搜集;搜集资料扩展资料:词语辨析:accumulate,amass,collect,gather这些动词均含“积聚,聚集,积累”之意。1、accumulate几乎可用于指任何事物量的增加,侧重连续不断地,一点一滴地聚积。2、amass着重大量地积聚,尤指对如金钱、珠宝等有价值东西的大量积聚。3、collect普通用词,多用于指物,侧重指有区别地作选择或有安排有计划地把零散物集中起来。4、gather普通用词,指人或物或抽象事物都可用。侧重于围绕一个中心的集合、聚集。

collection是什么意思 怎么理解和使用

1、n.(常指同类的)收集物,收藏品;一批物品;一群人;取走;拿走;聚集; 2、复数: collections 3、词汇搭配:collection of taxes 税收,征税、break up a collection 收藏品失散、collection of fines and penalties 收取罚金 4、双语例句:The collection of these stamps took ten years.收集这些邮票花了十年时间。


collection[英][ku0259u02c8leku0283n][美][ku0259u02c8lu025bku0283u0259n]n.征收; 收集,采集; 收藏品; 募捐; 复数:collections双语例句 1Did you see her collection?你看了她的收藏了?2How aboutthe whole collection?怎样要整组收集吗?

求李弘基black chocolate日文版的歌词和罗马音~

Black Chocolate作词:Ken Kato·Lee Honggi作曲:Lee Honggi歌:FTIsland暗い闇のような日には戻らない I won"tkurai yami no youna hi niwa modoranai I won"t重く歪む爱は、おれを壊そうとしたomoku yugamu ai wa , ore wo kowasou to shitaI"m so afraid of your loveWasting my life, wasting my lifeBaby, no, no, no, your love光を呑み込み、见えない、见えないhikari wo nomi komi , mienai , mienaiNo, no, no, please go away纯粋であり过ぎて、やけに苦过ぎた for mejunsui de ari sugite , yake ni niga sugita for me甘く见えた恋は、すぐにカタチを変えamaku mieta koi wa , sugu ni katachi wo kaeI"m so afraid of your loveWasting my life, wasting my lifeBaby, no, no, no, your love缚りつけられて、动けない、动けないshibari tsukerarete , ugokenai , ugokenaiNo, no, no, please go awayNo!No!No!No!I"m so afraid of your loveWasting my life, wasting my lifeBaby, no, no, no, your love君との未来は、望めない、望めないkimi tono mirai wa , nozomenai , nozomenaiNo, no, no, please go away

soccer cold clock哪个发音不同


flutter 之Container、Column、ListView分析

listView:会尽可能的占据多的高度(默认高度是不明确的); column:希望所有的子widget 有一个明确的高度 所以当column 里面嵌套listView 或者listview里面嵌套listview的时候就容易出现 "hasSize"的错误 解决方法一:listview 外面添加一个container,并且给定一个指定的高度。这样就形成了局部滚动的效果 解决方法二:listview 里面设置shrinkWrap:true

英语Collape level怎么翻译?

Collape levelCollape水平

perfume my color 歌词

窝巢tmd棒子文,竟然还有和my color同名的棒子歌


lipgloss就是唇彩的意思。有些品牌的唇彩会使用lipgloss这个词,比如迪奥的LIPGLOSS,但有些品牌的唇彩就不一定会用这个词而是用其他词来替代,比如美宝莲的Fruity Jelly。使用唇彩呢肯定会有一定量吞到肚里的,所以一定要选择比较好的品牌。如果平民价呢,选择美宝莲Fruity Jelly或是曼秀雷敦的LipIce Color Gloss就可以,好一点可以选择倩碧的glosswear for lips或是兰蔻的JUICY GELEE,这些是我用过的,都不错的,推荐给你。

bodycology和BERRY LIP GLOSS分别是什么意思啊?

保体高乐Bodycology(保体高乐)是来自美国的产品,原产于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯市,产品具有新时尚、新创意理念,获得美国化妆品协会2007年金奖。BERRY LIP GLOSS浆果润唇膏

pomegranate Collagen 是什么牌子

好的 谢谢

以colours and moods为题按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文

Color, without our realizing it, can have a profound effect on how we feel both mentally and physically. It is said that the ancient Egyptians as well as the Native American Indians used color and colored light to heal. Below are some emotional associations that humans tend to have with certain colors. These are important to keep in mind in order to create the mood you are seeking.Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology and depression. Blue can "slow the pulse rate, lower body temperature, and reduce appetite." Blue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability. In China, blue is associated with immortality. Note: Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color. It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death. In speech we say "Black Market" or "Black Monday".Green, one of most-often cited favorite colors. It represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy and misfortune. In China, green hats mean a man"s wife is cheating on him; it is not a good color for packaging.Orange is a combination of yellow and red. Orange is considered a warm color like red, but to a lesser extent; orange expresses energy. It has luminous qualities and has been used for attention-getting purposes, such as on caution signs. Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention.Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance and mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color. Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.Red is the color that we pay the most attention to. It is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. We associate red with love, valentines, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs and blood. Red can evoke a fight-or-flight response, raise blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. Red would not be the color of choice for psychiatric wards, prisons or a hospital. In China red symbolizes celebration and luck, used in many cultural ceremonies that range from funerals to weddings.White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance. It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility and marriage. We use white in figures of speech like "pure as the driven snow" or "a white lie." We associate white with the good guy in old Western movies. Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirituality and inspiration. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship, less passionate or threatening than red ones. In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.




colourful 形容词 五颜六色的可作表语也可作定语如Our life is colorful.There are all kinds of colorful flowers in the park.



巴德学院 Bard College 这所美国院校是不是属于社区学院?排名怎么样 谢谢~!

笑死 社区大学哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

The tea is too hot to drink .I prefer some cold ___ water .?

I prefer some cold _boiled__ water . 我宁愿喝一些凉的白开水 这道题可直接根据语境开判断,凉的白开水,也就是说已经煮沸了,那么煮沸这个动作发生在过去,就要用过去式,1,答案是D Boiled,1,D boiled cold boiled water= 凉白开prefer 不是应该加 doing/to do 的吗?不太懂,这里的prefer 怎么理解两个都可以 prefer doing sth 网络释义 prefer doing sth:宁愿做某事 | 乐意做某事 | 更喜欢做某事 prefer to do 基本翻译 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事 ...,1,选D。已经煮开的白开水,1,D 过去分词表示的动作已经被完成,这里boiled water表示已经煮沸的开水,这水的温度肯定不再是212华氏度了,所以一定用boiled,如果用现在分词,表示的是正在煮沸的水,温度是212华氏度,不是cold(凉的)了。而现在分词的完成式则一般不做定语。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。...,0,选D 这里需要一个定语,分词和不定式都能做定语,但是有区别。分词做定语相当于形容词,现在分词表示主动的,正在进行的状态,boiling water 就是正在烧开沸腾着的水,过去分词表示被动的已经完成的状态,或者只表示已经完成得状态,boiled water表示已经被烧开过的水,是凉白开,所以这题选D。 A 也是分词,但是但分词有时态出现的时候,一般用做状语。不定式做定语时一般放在名词后边,...,0,The tea is too hot to drink .I prefer some cold ___ water . A having boiled B to boil C boiling D boiled





加拿大洗标machine wash in coldwater的温度



The water is cold in Beijing.


Is the water cold in Sydney

Hot Cold Water 歌词

歌曲名:Hot Cold Water歌手:Jeannie专辑:NY to LondonHot cold water insideHot cold water insideHot cold water inside「Hot Cold Water」作词∶Jeannie作曲∶Jeannie歌∶JeannieHot cold water insideHot cold water insideUpside down, inside out, round and roundI fall, I down, I feel, I crySuddenly everything has changed that I hadI choose, I try, I looseIf I could change the way things will never be the sameHot cold water insideHot cold water insideUpside down, inside out, round and roundI fall, I down, I feel, I crySuddenly everything has changed that I hadI choose, I try, I looseIf I could change the way things will never be the sameI fall, I down, I feel, I crySuddenly everything has changed that I hadI choose, I try, I looseIf I could change the way things will never be the sameDon"t cry, be bold, don"t be shame, be proudCertainly everything will gonna be alrightI choose, I try, I looseIf I could change the way things will never be the same【 おわり 】

add 1/3cup 35g of devondale instant milk power to 1/2 cup of hot or cold water是什么意思


colder water的歌词


钢琴谱cold water

《Cold Water》由丹麦歌手M&#216;和加拿大歌手Justin Bieber演唱,由Major Lazer和Benny Blanco编曲,由M&#216;、Ed Sheeran、Major Lazer成员Diplo、Justin Bieber作词。



求Damien rice的《cold water》的中文歌词

呃.. 你给的歌词是Deep Purple的《Smoke on the water》但是你要的是Damien Rice的《Cold water》...( ̄_ ̄|||)你到底要哪个.. 得 .. 两个都给你吧... 《Smoke on the water》We all came out to Montreux我们全来到了蒙特罗斯On the Lake Geneva shoreline在日内瓦湖海岸线上 To make records with a mobile 用行动电话留下记录 We didn"t have much time 我们没有很多时间 Frank Zappa and the Mothers法兰克萨帕与发明之母合唱团 Were at the best place around在附近最好的地方 But some stupid with a flare gun但有些笨蛋用信号枪弹 Burned the place to the ground将这片土地烧尽Smoke on the water, fire in the sky水上的烟雾,天空上的火光 They burned down the gambling house他们烧毁掉了赌场 It died with an awful sound赌场在可怕的声响中消失 Funky & Claude was running in and out 克劳德忙进忙出Pulling kids out the ground把小孩救到外面来When it all was over当这场火结束后 We had to find another place我们必须另外找地方But Swiss time was running out 瑞士时间依然在计时 It seemed that we would lose the race看来我们会输掉这场比赛Smoke on the water, fire in the sky水上的烟雾,天空上的火光 We ended up at the Grand Hotel我们结束在格兰多旅馆It was empty cold and bare它是空荡荡而又贫瘠But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside但是滚动的沙石就在外面Making our music there在那里做我们的音乐With a few red lights and a few old beds用几盏红灯和几张旧床We make a place to sweat我们有一个地方流汗No matter what we get out of this不管我们是否摆脱它I know we"ll never forget我知道我们不会忘记Smoke on the water, fire in the sky水上的烟雾,天空上的火光《Cold water》Cold, cold water surrounds me now冷,冰冷的水正包围在我周围And all I"ve got is your hand我唯一能抓住的是你的手Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Or am I lost?难道我已迷失?Love one"s daughter爱上某人的女儿Allow me that允许我吧And I can"t let go of your hand我不能放开你的手Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Or am I lost?难道我已迷失?Cold, cold water surrounds me now冷,冰冷的水正包围在我周围And all I"ve got is your hand我不能放开你的手Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Lord, can you hear me now?主啊,你能听见我么?Or am I lost?难道我已离世?

求justin bieber 《cold water》歌词版和巡演版mv百度云资源

若链接失效 可加百度云 发个信息给我就行了追问那有链接?

She should drink cold water . 改为否定句


how to make chocolate

Start your project with raw cocoa beans, which can be found through many online sites.Beans need to be roasted by spreading them in a single layer on a pan, and leaving them in the oven for approximately 30 minutes at 400F degrees. Allow them to cool, and then peel off the husks, which is a really fiddly job.Next, you"ll want to break them up. Spreading them out on a tea towel, placing another over top and using a hammer will work, but possibly too well. A more restrained and easy to control way of breaking them into pieces is with a mortar and pestle. Once you have pieces, put them in a clean pepper or other mill and grind them. Be careful though, because as the bits get smaller, they tend to liquefy. Grind just to the point where you can put them back in a dish and use the mortar and pestle again for the final mashing.By now you have a mush. Heat the dish in a pan of water, and then grind a little more in the mortar. It should have reached a fairly smooth consistency after this stage. Now you can add a drop of mint flavoring, and your sugar. A rule of thumb is 1/2 cup sugar per pound of cocoa beans processed, but you may want to start out with less, in order to see how sweet it gets. Pour into molds, and you have pure chocolate!

a box of chocolates为什么后面是of,不是with,in,for

这是一种固定表达,类似于汉语的量词,a box of 一盒...

Nat King Cole的《Route 66》 歌词

歌曲名:Route 66歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Golden Greats [3CD]Route66If you ever plan to motor west,travel my way, take the highway that"s the best.Get your kicks on Route six-six.It winds from Chicago to LA,more than two thousand miles all the way.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Now you go through Saint LouisJoplin, Missouri,and Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.You see Amarillo,Gallup, New Mexico,Flagstaff, Arizona.Don"t forget Winona,Kingman, Barstow, San Bernandino.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.soloGet your kicks on Route six-six.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your...onGet your...on

什么是linear color blending

线性混合颜色linear color blendinglinear是线的,线型的意思。color是颜色;肤色的意思。blending是混合;调配;混和物的意思。希望能帮助你的学习~谢谢采纳( ̄▽ ̄)"

keyshia cole - I Remember 翻译成中文的歌词.

I Remember - Keyshia ColeArtist: Keyshia ColeAlbum: Just Like YouYear: 2007Title: I RememberOhhh....哦....Remember...记得...Ohhh, I remember...哦,我记得...I wanna know...我想知道...[Verse 1:]Where were you when I said I loved you?当我说爱你的时候你在哪里?And where were you when I cried at night?当我在夜晚哭泣的时候你在哪里?Waiting up, couldn"t sleep without you.守候着,没有你我无法入眠Thinking of all the times we shared.回忆着我们一同分享的那些时光[Chorus:]I remember when my heart broke.我记得当我心碎的时候I remember when I gave up loving you.我记得当我放弃爱你的时候My heart couldn"t take no more of you.没有了你我的心再也无法承受I was sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单I remember when I walked out.我记得当我出走的时候I remember when I screamed I hated you.我记得当我尖叫着说我恨你的时候But somehow deep inside I"m still loving you.但不知为何在内心深处我仍深爱着你I"m sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单[Verse 2:]No one knew all the pain I went through.没人知道我曾经历怎样的痛苦All the love I saved deep in my heart for you.所有的爱我都为你深深的埋在心底Didn"t know where I would go, where I would be.不知道我要去哪里,我会变成怎样But you made me leave.但是是你使我离开的And plus my heart it just,it kept telling me so.再加上我的心,它一直这样告诉我[Chorus:]I remember when my heart broke.我记得当我心碎的时候I remember when I gave up loving you.我记得当我放弃爱你的时候My heart couldn"t take no more of you.没有了你我的心再也无法承受I was sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单I remember when I walked out.我记得当我出走的时候I remember when I screamed I hated you.我记得当我尖叫着说我恨你的时候But somehow deep inside I"m still loving you.但不知为何在内心深处我仍深爱着你I"m sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单[Bridge:]There was nowhere else to go, oh.我没有地方可以去,哦Nobody else to turn to, no.我无法向任何人求助,不For the rest of my life, I promised myself I will love me first genuinely.我向自己发誓,在我以后的生活中,我要首先学会爱自己[Chorus:]I remember when my heart broke.我记得当我心碎的时候I remember when I gave up loving you.我记得当我放弃爱你的时候My heart couldn"t take no more of you.没有了你我的心再也无法承受I was sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单I remember when I walked out.我记得当我出走的时候I remember when I screamed I hated you.我记得当我尖叫着说我恨你的时候But somehow deep inside I"m still loving you.但不知为何在内心深处我仍深爱着你I"m sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单I remember when my heart broke.我记得当我心碎的时候I remember when I gave up loving you.我记得当我放弃爱你的时候My heart couldn"t take no more of you.没有了你我的心再也无法承受I was sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单I remember when I walked out.我记得当我出走的时候I remember when I screamed I hated you.我记得当我尖叫着说我恨你的时候But somehow deep inside I"m still loving you.但不知为何在内心深处我仍深爱着你I"m sad and lonely.我那么的悲伤和孤单

grande ecole是什么

Riding on a sled can be very cold是对还是错?

结构没错,但意思不合适。Riding on a sled can be very cold. Riding on a sled, you can feel very cold. 坐在雪橇上,你会感到很冷。

studying abroad is the best choice for college students

这个么肯定就是谈advantage and disadvantage. 你可以先说下,你喜欢那种,为什么,来决定先谈adv. 还是disadv.advantage 就是 eg. broaden ur view 啦, keep my mind widely open啦,increase my ability work in multi-culture environment啦, 反正多的去了,自己编吧。dis么,一是花钱,cost much, 二是可能有negtive effects, 比如homesick 导致depress,或则是adict to drugs/gambling什么的。总之这个问题就是随便瞎编。--------------------------如果是presentation呢,你就直接抄上面的自己背背。但是,如果是对话的话,千万不要死背,记住key words,key points就可以了。背的太死不太好。

Hot N Cold的歌词。

You change your mindLike a girl changes clothesYeah you, PMSLike a bitchI would knowAnd you over thinkAlways speakCrypticlyI should knowThat you"re no good for me[CHORUS]Cause you"re hot then you"re coldYou"re yes then you"re noYou"re in then you"re outYou"re up then you"re downYou"re wrong when it"s rightIt"s black and it"s whiteWe fight, we break upWe kiss, we make up(you) You don"t really want to stay, no(but you) But you don"t really want to go-oYou"re hot then you"re coldYou"re yes then you"re noYou"re in and you"re outYou"re up and you"re downWe used to beJust like twinsSo in syncThe same energyNow"s a dead batteryUsed to laugh bout nothingNow your plain boringI should know thatYou"re not gonna change[CHORUS]Someone call the doctorGot a case of a love bi-polarStuck on a roller coasterCan"t get off this rideYou change your mindLike a girl changes clothes


tf.feature_column主要针对离散特征和连续特征, 概括而言, tf.feature_column可以实现四种场景 tf.feature_column对离散变量的处理有四个接口, 分别是 整数直接onehot , 指定词表onehot , hash降维onehot , embedding离散特征连续化 , 其中前三种都会把字符串/整数特征处理成onehot 0/1向量,最后一种embedding_column会对onehot的结果之上在做低维稠密向量映射, 接口如下 如果这一列离散特征本身就是用连续的整数表示的(从0开始),则可以直接映射为离散变量,提前指定最大取值数量,如果超出了用默认值填充,适合本来就是用整数ID编码,并且编码氛围不是很大的离散特征, 如果传入的值列表包含多个元素, 可以实现mutihot, 但是列表元素个数要相同 如果一列离散特征是字符串(也可以是整数), 并且取值范围不多, 可以使用这个接口, 定义好离散特征的取值就好, 当出现新值的时候可以分配新的索引位置,或者映射到已有的位置上, 词表映射也支持mutihot 如果设置num_oov_buckets=0, 或者不设置默认, 新词会直接忽略掉 另一种方式设置, 也可以处理新词问题, 直接映射到一个其他的词上面, 比如叫其他 测试mutihot, 同一个元素在一行出现多次, 计数会超过1 如果这一列是字符串离散变量(也可以是整数, 支持整数和字符串), 并且取值很多的情况下, 比如ID, 可以使用这个接口 如果输入是整数数值, 使用dtype设置dtype=tf.int32, 内部会把整数先转化为字符串在做hash 整数,词表,hash之后通过indicator_column直接离散化, 进一步可以使用embedding_column将onehot矩阵通过一个中间的embedding随机词表, lookup成一个embedding稠密向量, 默认情况下embedding可以跟着模型继续训练, 即trainable=True, 对于mutihot, embedding支持向量组合方式mean, sqrtn和sum 1.hash之后做embedding 2.词表onehot之后做embedding 3.整数直接onehot之后再embedding mutihot的embedding tf.feature_column对连续变量的处理有两个个接口, 分别是 连续值直接映射成连续变量 , 连续值分箱离散离散化 ,接口如下 连续变量分箱之后可以继续接embedding tf.feature_column.crossed_column可以对离散特征进行交叉组合, 增加模型特征的表征能力 尝试用连续特征和离散特征进行交叉, 结果报错 定义多个特征时, 在features字典中定义多个key, tensor对象传入一个list, 其中list的特征顺序不影响特征组合结果, 以 feature_a.name的字符串顺序 决定组合的特征组合的顺序

what color is a rose这篇文章讲了什么?



QUEEN ETHELBURGA"S COLLEGE   Queen Ethelburga"s College欢迎年龄11至18岁的女孩入读,该校座落于英国的东北部。学校招收的女生必须富有多方面的才能,而该校的教职员亦会尽他们的努力,希望能确保所有女生在离校后都能充满自信心,并知道怎样利用在学校内所学会的一切运用在日常生活中。   校内的学生成绩优异,在过去数年的公开考试中均有出色的表现,例如在GCSE考试中有接近90%的合格率,而在A-level考试中更曾经有100%的合格率。学校又提供英语强化班,帮助海外生打好英文基础,适应全面的英语教学。而为了配合各学员不同的兴趣,学校又提供多个公开考试的科目给学生选择,A-level的科目有16个,而GCSE的科目则有多个20个。   大部份学生会选读四或五个A-level科目。除了传统的科目以外,学校还会提供其他有趣的学科选择,包括商科、演绎、和BHSAI骑术课程等。很多学生都会在A-Level中选读通识课程(General Study),务求学习广泛的知识。另外,学校又设有一个资料齐全的职业辅导组,帮助同学选择大学课程、实习见工技巧和填写UCAS表格,该校更会鼓励中六女生参加年轻企业计划和爱丁堡奖励计划。   中六学生不需要穿校服,但他们需穿着整洁的服装。校内之学生均可享用学校齐备之设施,例如健身室和休闲室等。星期天早上,中六学生可以于早课后到游泳池游泳,或悠闲地阅读报纸,又可写信给家人或朋友,校园内更设有一个桑拿室和日光浴室。学校又会定期安排学员参观歌剧院、艺术馆和博物馆和欣赏芭蕾舞表现等。而学校与学校之间的联校活动亦十分多。   该校学生的宿舍生活亦十分舒适,例如学生可享用高级的设施,包括自修室、泡茶设施、直接拨出及打入的电话、录音机、收音机/录音带/CD播放中心、时间控制之电影和录音机。另外,还有一个Jacuzzi浴室和一个宁静的温习房、Pentium多媒体电脑供应。舍内又有一个大厨房和客厅,休息室有20个频道之卫星电视和录音机,更有各报纸和杂志。    需入学评核考试 每年叁个学期,每学期学费:小学 £5,885 (06)   中学 £7,995 (06)    学生人数: 537人(女校)    位于: York 临近机场:Leeds/Bradford 英语辅导班:有 师生比例: 1:11 寄宿生比率:60%

college, school, faculty三个词的差别?


Your hand feels cold,feels为什么要加S?

1/The camels can smell the water a mile off. camel骆驼,这是没有写2只3只,为什么要加S写成复数?表示不是一头骆驼2/Your hand feels cold, feel是什么情况加的S?第三人称单数3/The soup tastes good, tastse是什么情况加的S?第三人称单数

she( )cold。填feel还是feels


Titanix的《Hot N Cold》 歌词

歌曲名:Hot N Cold歌手:Titanix专辑:Mitt i ett andetagDon"t know why you speak to me no moreI wanna hear, if i can hear when you callDo you really mean that I have might just seem invincibleWhatever it is, its bringin" me to pointing the pointHot n coldwhip n rollhot n coldlets just make one thing we can all have when it all goes downuh uh uh uh uhNow I hear you"re talking some nonsenseAnd I know its perfectly and completely amissible butNicer been silenceAnd the odds, then our man would otherwise be a liarHot n coldwhip n rollhot n coldI"ve been to hear you, hear you when you callHot n coldwhip n rollhot n coldlets just make one thing we can all have when it all goes downuh uh uh uh uhIt makes no sense at all to meIt makes no sense at all to meIt makes no sense at allReturn to slither under my skinSlide under me, take my veinsAnd go straight toThe black hole withinNow I hear you"re talking some nonsenseAnd I know its perfectly and completely admissible butNicer than silenceAnd the odds, that our man would otherwise be a liarHot n coldwhip n rollhot n coldI"ve been to hear you, hear you when you callHot n coldwhip n rollhot n coldlets just make one thing we can all have when it all goes downoohh ahhhhbop bop bop ooooohh
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