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Reading Comprehension

46。A,try to divide your assignments into short reading sections. 这句话是46题的答案47。b.Take your time and concern yourself with only one part. 这句话是47题的答案48.c。we are actually controlling our minds。这句话是48题的答案49a, If there is a “fuzzy” area, go back and reread that part. 这句话是49题的答案50.b Then stop and think again about what you read and make some notes. Doing so focuses attention on the content, and the result is better comprehension and control over mind-wandering. 这句话是50题的答案

raading comprehension什么意思

应该是【reading comprehension】reading comprehension阅读理解And reading comprehension is also a crucial factor.另外阅读理解也是一项决定性因素。

求 comprehand的名词形式?


beyond comprehension 用法




comprehend 和apprehend有什么区别

  comprehend 正式用词,指完全了解、理解某事物的意义。与 understand 相比,更侧重理解过程。名词为comprehension 。  1)If you comprehend this article while listening, retell it in your words.  如果你在听的过程中能理解这篇文章,请你用自己的话复述一下。  2)His problem lies in failing to comprehend the seriousness of the complicated situation.  他的问题在于未能理解这种复杂情况的严重性。  3)I am afraid that he will not comprehend what you intend to do for him.  恐怕他不会明白你为他所做的一切的用意。  4)The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.  这个孩子读了那个故事,但不完全理解故事的意义。  5)You must have a thorough comprehension of the real meaning of the reform.  你们必须彻底理解这次改革的真正意义。  6)The overall appearance of many programs is overly complex and confusing,  making navigation and comprehension difficult.  从整体上看,很多程序都过于复杂和费解,用户理解和操作起来都困难重重。    apprehend 指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,理解的程度比 comprehend 浅,未能完全理解其内涵意义。名词为apprehension。  1)I can apprehend the mean of the word, but I cannot use it properly.  能理解这个词的意思,但我不能正确的使用它。  2)After his repeated explanations, she at least apprehended his meaning.  经过他再解释, 她至少领悟他的意思。  3)Listen to the tape time and again till you can apprehend what the text reqally means.  反复听录音,直到你能领悟这篇文章的真正含义。  4)Are you sure you entirely apprehend the importance of completing these forms  as accurately as possible?  你肯定你完全明白了尽可能准确地填写这些表格的重要性了吗?  5)Your explannation is still above my apprehension.  你的解释是仍然超出我的理解。




可以 读成 “康普瑞嘿深”


其实图上已经分析了不同了。我说的详细些吧。形容理解这类抽象的概念的时候,比如,这件事超乎了我的理解,this is beyond my comprehension,就是不可数名词。在形容一道阅读理解题时,就可以是可数名词,因为是具体的名词。比如,a listening comprehension,一道听力阅读理解。至于你的疑问,在表示“理解能力练习,理解能力测试”的时候,什么时候用可数,什么时候用不可数,这个并不重要,因为它同时可以是可数或是不可数。比如a comprehension,意思是 一道阅读理解题,这个是具体可数的名词,再加上前面有个a,就是可数。你也可以放,to test reading comprehension, 意思是测试你的理解能力,理解能力这种东西,不是很具体的名词,可以当做不可数名词。什么时候用可数什么时候当做不可数,就要看你要表达哪个意思了。


comprehension n. 理解;包含网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 理解 理解力 领悟 包含短语reading comprehension 阅读理解 ; 第三部分阅读 ; 阅读测验 ; 阅读考试direct comprehension 直接理解comprehension strategy 理解策略 更多网络短语柯林斯英汉双解大词典 21世纪大英汉词典comprehension /u02ccku0252mpru026au02c8hu025bnu0283u0259n/ CET4 TEM41.N-UNCOUNT Comprehension is the ability to understand something. 理解力例:This was utterly beyond her comprehension.这完全超出了她的理解力。2.N-UNCOUNT Comprehension is full knowledge and understanding of the meaning of something. 理解例:They turned to one another with the same expression of dawning comprehension, surprise, and relief.他们带着一样恍然大悟、惊奇、松了一口气的表情相互看了看。


n. 理解力; 领悟能力


comprehension[英][u02ccku0252mpru026au02c8henu0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpru026au02c8henu0283n]n.理解,理解力; 包含的能力; [逻辑学]内涵; 复数:comprehensions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Seeing a person"s lips move helps comprehension of speech. 看一个人的嘴唇运动可以帮助理解他所说的话。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


comprehension D.J.[u02ccku0254mpriu02c8henu0283u0259n] K.K.[u02cckɑmpru026au02c8hu025bnu0283u0259n] n.理解, 理解力The teacher set the class a comprehension test.老师对全班同学进行了一次理解力测验




comprehension[英][u02ccku0252mpru026au02c8henu0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpru026au02c8henu0283n]n.理解,理解力; 包含的能力; [逻辑学]内涵; 复数:comprehensions例句:1.Seeing a person"s lips move helps comprehension of speech. 看一个人的嘴唇运动可以帮助理解他所说的话。2.Even large, sophisticated institutional investors are said to bewary of a foreign beast they have little comprehension of. 据说,甚至连老道的大型机构投资者都开始对它们缺乏了解的外国猛兽变得谨慎了起来。




罪与罚 不过是英文版的



the true courage is not to overcome everything, but not to be overwhelmed by everything.是什

the true courage is not to overcome everything, but not to be overwhelmed by everything.意思是:真正的勇气不是去征服一切,而是不要被一切所征服。

[A] educational[B] political[C] commercial[D] social



进步的英文短语:step foreward. step:n. 迈步; 脚步声; 步伐; 步态; 一步(的距离); foreward:前方; 前言; 扩展资料   Going into the hotel is like stepping back in time.   走进这家旅馆就像是回到了过去。   The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease.   这种新药的发现是治疗这一疾病的重大进展。   This was a first step towards a united Europe.   这是向建立统一欧洲的.目标迈出的第一步。   Step on the gas, we"re late.   加大油门,我们要迟到了。   This is a first step towards political union.   这是走向政治上联合的第一步。

关于e-business, e-commerce, m-commerce的概念,定义和3者之间有什么不同怎么不同



E-commerce 属于E-business E-commerce 是纯盈利性机构间的商务 而E-business还包括与非盈利性机构件的商务,如政府等

what is the differents between E-Commere and E-Business ?

e-commerce 属于e-business e-commerce 是纯盈利性机构间的商务 而e-business还包括与非盈利性机构件的商务,如政府等




e-business:电子商务。e-commerce:电子商务。网络:电子商贸; 电子商务模式; 电子商务,电子贸易。Leverage existing e-business architectures for implementation of web services.利用现有的电子商务体系结构来实现Web服务。I work mostly in e-commerce, so the models I work on are a collaborative effort between several companies.我主要从事电子商务,因此处理的模型是多家公司的协作项目。

“on competion”还是“in competion”

competion 应该是competition 的笔误!没有上下文,相信您是指参加比赛,那是 in competition. 例:He participates in the competition. He has won first prize in the competition.

电流silicom limited是什么意思

silicon limited硅有限公司






高手请写下should computer games be prohibited ?正方的一辨稿~也就是电脑应该被废止,英文的哦~谢谢

Shall computer games be prohibited?Even if the computer was designed mainly as a help in human"s work, it has been very quickly regarded as an excellent way of relaxing. These days PCs are able to play music, video animations and movies. This causes that they are slowly replacing radio, TV, cinemas and even theatres. However, it"s more than certain that computers cannot completely substitute these elements, and it"s even better. A very intensive form of relaxing in front of the PC has its own way of amusing people: computer games.A PC game is an application which allows a player to become somebody (or something) extraordinary, which allows them to challenge other human players via the internet. There aren"t only games played via the net but let me concentrate only on them right now.There are many groups of PC games and the most popular one is the kind, where the creators allow you to become someone supernatural. Some kind of person you are not able to become in real life: a private detective who has to arrest dangerous criminals, a commander of an army who must lead his forces to victory, a pilot of a spacecraft fighting the alien fleet... The possibilities are almost infinite. Like everything which has any influence on our lives, computer games have some bright and dark sides. Besides being a good form of relaxing, they have some more advantages:First of all they shape our imagination, increase knowledge and sharpen our reflexes. They can also teach responsibility and there are many other useful qualities for our future life skills. For instance economic simulators are an excellent introduction to real economic science. Despite horrible news from newspapers and TV they are a good way to reduce stress.On the other hand, though, computer games are an incredibly addictive hobby. There is one of many striking cons which cannot be disregarded: violence. Some games shouldn"t be played by children, because of the bad influence they have on their personality. Even TV nor newspapers can"t stand a month without an article about teenagers who murdered some people, because they played a game the ‘kill as much as you can" type. Well, there"s always a bit of truth in these stories, but it"s impossible for parents to always control their children when they use their PCs.Nowadays there are a lot of so called “School-Runnings”. Young people rush into a school and try to kill as many people as they can. Most of them kill themselves after their massacre. I think most of you know the “Bowling for Columbine” massacre, or the School-Running in Erfurt. As we cannot prohibit using knives because somebody uses them to stab victims, we cannot prohibit computer games either even if they could be dangerous when they are played by emotionally immature persons. You have to see that number of bad news about computer game players in relation. There are over 50 million people playing via the internet at this moment. The newspapers and television just pick out these bad examples and compare them with the rest of the community. People who aren"t familiar with that scene get a creepy impression and transfer the problems of the addicts or the assassins mentioned to the rest of the community.

remedy ,common, illnesses, simple各是什么意思。

治疗法;药物共同的, 公共的, 公有的, 普通的, 庸俗的, 伪劣的疾病, 生病简单的, 简易的, 朴素的, 简朴的, 天真的, 率直的, 无经验的, 易受骗的

请问这句话什么意思? commencing surface is the stripped ground level.

commencing 启动, 展开surface 区域, 最上层, 表面stripped 剥去, 删除, 清理掉ground level 地面commencing surface is the stripped ground level = 启动的区域是清理好的地面层

求好的英语电影配音素材(大学的),时间在三到五分钟,有背景音乐的。最好是现成的 邮箱



buttonStb.Completed += new EventHandler(buttonStb_Completed);放在buttonStb.Begin(this);之前




我也在跪求............老是要求激活 可烦了...

化学上substance 和 compound的区别是什么?

随着人民的生活水平的不断提升和经济的快速发展,人们对冷链产品的新鲜感和安全性的要求也越来越高。这些年来,国家不断出台相应的政策,例如:国家发改委已经公布了“农产品冷藏物流发展规划”,贸易发展委员会与改革委和供销合作部联合颁发的“冷链物流的发展规划”等等。从这些可以看出,国家正在积极创建一个高效、成本低、损失小、安全性和灵活性高的现代冷链物流系统。当前,冷链物流的技术不断完善,处理业务的流程也在不断调整。然而从目前情况来看,中国茶企在冷链物流的管理上还存在很多问题,比如说,茶叶的高损耗,据统计,茶产品的冷链价格高是因为货物的损失没有库存来补充,导致价格提升。总的来说,我国茶企的冷链物流水平还不高,没有专业的管理体系以及系统化的冷链物流链。中国茶企的冷链物流的发展还只是处在一个刚开始的过程,还有许多要完善的问题。  1.冷链物流的定义和特点  冷链物流主要是指冷冻冷藏物品在生产、储存、运输和加工销售的过程中一直存放在低温冷藏的环境中,使得产品的质量和功能得到完整保护的体系。这是一个以低温环境维护为主要核心的供应链体系[1]。其是 跟着科学技术的进步和制冷技术的飞速发展而发展的体系,这是一个基于制冷技术和制冷技术的低温物流过程。可以使用冷链物流的产品大致有这三种:第一种是农产品,主要有蔬菜、水果、肉类、水产品等;第二种是需要加工的食品,主要有冷冻食品、肉类、熟食、以及茶叶等;第三种主要为一些特殊商品,主要有一些疫苗以及需要低温保存的药品等。

求英语达人帮我翻译这段建筑摘要 ,不要用软件翻译的 写好发我邮箱 好的话我会速度给分的!


求mcfly的Too Close for Comfort中文歌词

i never meant the things i said 我从没有想过我说的这些 to make you cry 会让你哭泣 can i say i"m sorry 我可以说我很抱歉吗? it"s hard to forget 这的确很难忘记 and yes i regret all these mistakes 当然我很后悔我犯的这些错误 i don"t know why you"re leaving me 我不知道你为什么会离开我 but i know you must have your reasons 但我知道你一定有自己的原因 there"s tears in your eyes 你的眼睛里有泪水 i watch as you cry 我看着你哭了 but it"s getting late 但是太迟了 was i invading in on your secrets 我是在偷窥你的秘密吗? was i too close for comfort 是我离舒适太近了吗? you"re pushing me out when i"m wanting in 当我想近来的时候你把我推了出去 what was i just about to discover 什么是等待我去发现的呢? when i got too close for comfort 什么时候我才能离舒适近点呢? driving you home 开车去你家的路上 guess i"ll never know 我想我不会知道 remember when we scratched our names into the sand and told me you loved me 记得当我们把各自的名字写在沙子上然后告诉自己你爱我 but now that i find 但我现在我发现了 that you"ve changed your mind 你改变了你的想法 i"m lost for words 我无话可说 and everything i feel for you 我一直想着你 i wrote down on one piece of paper 我把所有写在一张纸上 the one in your hand 在你手上的那个人 you won"t understand 你永远都不会明白 how much it hurts to let you go 我受伤多深才让你走 i got too close for comfort 我离舒适太近了 all this time you"ve been telling me lies 这些时候一直在对我说谎 hidden in bags that are under your eyes 把你眼睛底下的思想都藏在你的背包里 and when i asked you i knew i was right 当我问你我是对的 but if you turn your back on me now 但你只把你的背影对着我 when i need you most 当我最需要你的时候 but you just let me down, down, down 你却让我失望失望失望 would you think about what you"re about to do to me 你有没有想过要对我做些什么呢? and back down... 回落吧 (yeh yeh yeh) 那句Too Close for Comfort应该翻译为追的紧~逼的紧...大致翻的都对

communications of the acm 怎麼样

ACM ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)国际计算机组织 ACM 是一个国际科学教育计算机组织,它致力于发展在高 级艺术、最新科学、工程技术和应用领域中的信息技术。它强调在专业领域或在社会感兴趣的领 域中培养、发展开放式的信息交换

我刚学arcgis不会获得mxd 文件,请各位高手帮帮小弟撒 拜谢,再拜谢! 我邮箱是














会议论文得分怎么算 soundness / correctness:meaningful comparison




请问施拉姆给出的 “传播”(communication)定义的英文原文?


1、文化传播用英语如何翻译?我感觉是cultural communication,但看别人翻译的不是这个。



你好communication英 [ku0259mjuu02d0nu026a"keu026au0283(u0259)n]美 [ku0259,mjunu026a"keu0283u0259n]n. 通讯,[通信] 通信;交流[网络短语]Communication 沟通,通信,通讯interpersonal communication 人际沟通,人际传播,人际交往intercultural communication 跨文化交际,国际文化交流,跨文化交流交通一般用另一个词transportation




competition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8tu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑmpu026au02c8tu026au0283u0259n] n. 竞争;比赛;竞争者;[生]生存竞争 名词复数:competitions [例句]Competition is also a threat.竞争也是一个威胁。

self-discipline and social commitment是什么意思


Your company or organisation is becoming more successful. In order for this success to continue, yo


Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never____again. be seen B.being seen

不定式是个很复杂的语法结构。不仅可以表示出乎意料的结果,还可以表示:目的,将来等很多意思。首先B是不对的,因为是表示现在进行时,在这里明显不对哈~A的不定式在这里表示将来的意思:将来再也见不到了。和never刚好对应。又如I don"t know what is to happen to us. 我不知道我们会发生什么事。The worst is still to come. 还有最糟糕的事情要发生。很高兴能帮助到你~如果你满意~请选择为“满意答案”~谢谢支持哈~

forthcoming years

有啊. 改为:We may reasonably predict it will continue in the forthcoming years. 把形容词reasonable改为副词reasonably,因为不能用形容词修饰动词predict. 这个句子是宾语从句,predict后面省略了that. 请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮, 不懂再追问》》》

______your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided. A.Having checke..

B 试题分析:句意:仔细检查你的作文,一些拼写错误都能避免。这里使用了固定句型“祈使句+and/or+简单句”,所以选B。

用适当的介词完成句子 What compositions are there ( ) television , ( ) newspaper or at you

on television, in newspaper



The committee has anticipated the problems that



Thelonious Monk的《Locomotive》 歌词

歌曲名:Locomotive歌手:Thelonious Monk专辑:Sony Jazz Trios  Gonna find a way to cure this lonelinessYeah I"ll find a way to cure the painIf I said that you"re my friendAnd our love would never endHow long before I had your trust againI opened up the doors when it was cold outsideHopin" that you"d find your own way inBut how can I protect youOr try not to neglect youWhen you won"t take the love I have to giveI bought me an illusionAn I put it on the wallI let it fill my head with dreamsAnd I had to have them allBut oh the taste is never so sweetAs what you"d believe it is-Well I guess it never isIt"s these prejudiced illusionsThat pump the bloodTo the heart of the bizYou know I never thoughtThat it could take so longYou know I never knew how to be strongYeah, I let you shape meBut I feel as though you raped me"Cause you climbed inside my worldAnd in my songsSo now I"ve closed the doorTo keep the cold outsideSeems somehow I"ve found the will to liveBut how can I forget youOr try not to reject youWhen we both know it takes time to forgiveSweetness is a virtueAnd you lost your virtue long agoYou know I"d like to hurt youBut my conscience always tells me noYou could sell your body on the streetTo anyone whom you might meetWho"d love to try and get insideAnd bust your innocence open wide"Cause my baby"s got a locomotiveMy baby"s gone off the trackMy baby"s got a locomotiveGot ta peel the bitch off my backI know it looks like I"m insaneTake a closer look I"m not to blameNoGonna have some fun with my frustrationGonna watch the big screen in my headI"d rather take a detour"Cause this road ain"t gettin" clearerYour train of thought has cut me off againBetter tame that boy "cause he"s a wild oneBetter tame that boy for he"s a manSweetheart don"t make me laughYou"s gettin" too big for your pantsAnd I"s think maybe you shouldCut out while you canYou can use you illusion-Let it take you where it mayWe live and learnAnd then sometimes it"s best to walk awayMe I"m just here hangin" onIt"s my only place to stay at leastFor now anywayI"ve worked too hard for my illusionsJust to throw them all awayI"m taking time for quiet consolationIn passing by this love that"s passed awayI know it"s never easy-So why should you believe meWhen I"ve always got so many things to sayCalling off the dogs a simple choice is made"Cause playful heartsCan sometimes be enragedYou know I tried to wake you-I mean how long could it take youTo open up your eyes and turn the pageKindness is a treasure-And it"s one towards me you"ve seldom shownSo I"ll say it for good measureTo all the ones like you I"ve knownYa know I"d like to shave your headAnd all my friends couldpaint it red"Cause love to me"s a two way streetAn all I really want is peaceBut my baby"s got a locomotiveMy baby"s gone off the trackMy baby"s got a locomotiveGot ta peel the bitch off my backI know it looks like I"m insaneTake a closer look I"m not to blameNoAffection is a blessingCan you find it in your sordid heartI tried to keep this thingta-getherBut the tremor tore my pad apartYeah I know it"s hard to faceWhen all we"ve worked for"s gone to wasteBut you"re such a stupid womanAnd I"m such a stupid manBut love like time"s got its own plans"Cause my baby"s got a locomotiveMy baby"s gone off the trackMy baby"s got a locomotiveGot ta peel the bitch off my backI know it looks like I"m insaneTake a closer look I"m not to blameYeahIf love is blind I guessI"ll buy myself a caneLOVE"S SO STRANGE LOVE"S SO STRANGE

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springer publishing company在哪

德国西柏林和海德堡.springer publishing company(施普林格出版公司)联邦德国专业出版社,主要科技书出版社之一.1842年由J.施普林格在柏林创立.早期出版科学、技术图书,后又出版医学文献.1912年出版世界上第 1部《医学文摘通报》.总部设在西柏林和海德堡.

do⋯come from句型,do后面要加the吗?

要根据句子意思如 Do you come from China? (不能加the) Do the students come from China?这些学生来自中国吗?(必须加the)

docker commit和docker file的区别

制作镜像的方式主要有两种:通过docker commit 制作镜像通过docker build 制作镜像这两种方式都是通过改进已有的镜像来达到自己的目的。制作基础镜像,会在另外一篇文章“从零开始制作基础镜像”中介绍。docker commitdocker commit 是往版本控制系统里提交一次变更。使用这种方式制作镜像,本质上是运行一个基础镜像,然后在基础镜像上进行软件安装和修改。最后再将改动提交到版本系统中。选择基础镜像基础镜像的选择要结合自己的需求。可以选择已有的应用镜像来改造,也可以选择Ubuntu,Debian,OpenSuse这类基础系统镜像我们以ubuntu为例子来说明步骤1:运行ubuntu 镜像docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash步骤2:安装软件并修改软件配置, 比如:安装apache2apt-get -yqq updateapt-get -y install apache2安装完成后,对apache2进行配置和修改步骤3:退出docker并保存镜像使用“exit”命令退出容器运行docker comit 命令, 进行保存docker commit 61412230ae46 own-apache2docker commit 命令参数说明命令格式docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]OPTIONS:-a, --author= 提交的镜像作者-c, --change=[] Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image, 没用过-m, --message= 提交时的说明文字-p, --pause=true 在commit时,将container 暂停CONTAINER:可以使用container 的名字或者IDREPOSITORY指定镜像仓库,上述例子中,指定的是本地存储可以指定远程镜像仓库,如docker hub。也可自建仓库来存放imageTAG:镜像TAGdocker build使用docker build创建镜像需要编写Dockerfile.步骤:编写自己的Dcokerfile运行docker build 命令打包镜像仍然以apache打包为例子。以下是Dockerfile的例子FROM ubuntu:latestMAINTAINER sky#Add 163 mirror for aptADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.listADD .bashrc /root/.bashrcENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive# PackagesRUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/listsRUN apt-get update -q --fix-missingRUN apt-get -y upgrade#ubuntu wwwRUN apt-get install -y apache2 curl libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql rsync mysql-client -qqRUN apt-get autocleanRUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*# Setup environmnt for apache"s init scriptENV APACHE_CONFDIR /etc/apache2ENV APACHE_ENVVARS $APACHE_CONFDIR/envvarsENV APACHE_RUN_USER www-dataENV APACHE_RUN_GROUP www-dataENV APACHE_RUN_DIR /var/run/apache2ENV APACHE_PID_FILE $APACHE_RUN_DIR/apache2.pidENV APACHE_LOCK_DIR /var/lock/apache2ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2ENV LANG CRUN mkdir -p $APACHE_RUN_DIR $APACHE_LOCK_DIR $APACHE_LOG_DIRRUN find "$APACHE_CONFDIR" -type f -exec sed -ri " s!^(s*CustomLog)s+S+!1 /proc/self/fd/1!g; s!^(s*ErrorLog)s+S+!1 /proc/self/fd/2!g; " "{}" ";"EXPOSE 80CMD ["apache2", "-DFOREGROUND"]编辑完成后,在与Dockerfile同一目录下运行docker build 命令docker build -t apache-img .如果没有命令出错,docker build会持续运行直到镜像创建完成而创建的过程本质上是运行一个镜像,然后在镜像中按序执行在Dockerfile中的命令,直到执行结束。如果中间有命令执行失败,镜像创建会停止。这时就需要看log,并修改Dockerfile,然后再次执行docker build注:两种镜像创建方式的对比:docker commitdocker build难度相对容易,适合新手和对Linux不熟悉的用户相对难,要求有一定的linux和脚本基础知识文档化文档化在通过其他文件来实现Dockerfile本身就是比较好的文档,可读和可理解性比较强。也可配合其他文档带来详细说明升级,维护后续升级和维护麻烦,需要再次运行镜像并对内部软件进行升级或者安装新软件增加特性后续升级和维护会相对简单,可以直接在dockerfile中更改并增加新特性具体选择哪种方式来制作镜像需要结合实际情况来选择Dockerfile 关键字详解FROMFROM用来指定基础包。在上面的例子中,基础包用的是ubuntu。MAINTAINER镜像作者信息,或者维护人员信息ADD将文件拷贝到Container内文件系统对应的路径格式 ADD <src file> <dst file>所有拷贝到Container中的文件和文件夹权限为0755,uid和gid为0如果需要修改owner用户或者权限,需要使用RUN进行修改ADD文件,文件路径要在docker build<PATH>中指定的<PATH>下RUN创建镜像时执行ENV用来设置环境变量EXPOSEContainer内部服务开启的端口主机上如果要使用,还需要在启动Container时,做host-container的商品映射使用EXPOSE后,一些自动化布署工具可以直接读取这个信息,自动进行端口映射EXPOSE可以有多条,指定多个端口WORKDIR切换工作目录,可进行多次切换(相当于cd命令)切换目录对RUN,CMD,ENTRYPOINT有效USER执行container的用户,如未指定,则默认使用root用户ENTRYPOINTContainer启动时执行的命令,一个Dockerfile中只能有一条ENTRYPOINTENTRYPOINT没有CMD的可替换特性CMDContainer 启动时执行的命令,一个Dockerfile 中只能有一条CMD命令,如果有多条则只执行最后一条CMD如果有多条命令希望在启动后执行,可以考虑使用shell 脚本与ENTRYPOINT的区别CMD的主要用途是为可执行的container提供默认命令CMD在运行时是可替换的,比如在ubuntu中,CMD指定的是/bin/bash。默认情况下运行ubuntu,container中的/bin/bash会被执行如果使用docker run指定运行命令,那CMD会被替换掉如:docker run ubuntu /bin/echo "this is a echo". 这时,container 启动后会执行echo 而不是/bin/bash了ENTRYPOINT是不会替换的,如果在ubuntu镜像中加入ENTRYPOINT,那ENTRYPOINT在启动后会先被执行CMD可以为ENTRYPOINT来提供参数例子:FROM ubuntu:14.10 ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"] CMD ["-c"]VOLUME语法:VOLUME [PATH]VOLUME指令用来设置一个挂载点,可以用来让其他容器挂载以实现数据共享或对容器数据的备份、恢复或迁移可以将本地文件夹或者其他Container的文件夹挂载到Container中

Fedora14 安装gmp时出错 configure: error: could not find a working compiler




求英语大神翻译:中国是举世公认的发明指南针(compass)的国家。最初的指南针叫做司南 ( Si

中国是举世公认的发明compass的国家。最初的指南针叫做 Sinan, a south-pointing ladle,出现在战国时期。一般在指南针上标有东南西北四个方位,并且还有刻度。北对应零度,刻度随顺时针方向而增加。作为中国古代的四大发明之一,指南针对人们的生活,尤其是航海业的发展,起到了重要的作用。指南针对西方世界也产生了显著的影响,这些国家由此开始了大规模的海外冒险活动。China is widely recognized as a country with the invention of compass. The initial compass is called a, south-pointing ladle Sinan, which appeared in the Warring States period. There are four directions of the compass in the southeast and northwest superscript, and scale. The corresponding zero scale with clockwise increases. As one of the four great inventions of ancient China, compass on people"s life, especially the development of shipping industry has played an important role. The compass also has significant impact on the western world, these countries began a large-scale overseas adventure.



网页错误详细信息 用户代理: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .


网页错误详细信息 用户代理: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR

1. 应用程序版本“Mozilla/4.0”表示:你使用Maxthon 2.0 浏览器使用 IE8 内核;2. 版本标识“MSIE 8.0”3. 平台自身的识别信息“Windows NT 5.1”表示“操作系统为 Windows XP”4. Trident内核版本“Trident/4.0”,浏览器的一种内核,还有一种就是WebKit内核5. .NET CLR 运行在微软公共语言运行库上

网页错误详细信息用户代理: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)时间戳:

‍1. 应用程序版本“Mozilla/4.0”表示:你使用Maxthon 2.0 浏览器使用 IE8 内核;2. 版本标识“MSIE 8.0”3. 平台自身的识别信息“Windows NT 5.1”表示“操作系统为 Windows XP”4. Trident内核版本“Trident/4.0”,浏览器的一种内核,还有一种就是WebKit内核你可以这样操作:第一、打开电脑,选择电脑屏幕左下角“开始”—>“运行”。第二、输入regsvr32 jscript.dll后选择“确定”。第三、再次输入regsvr32 vbscript.dll 选择“确定”。 第四、以上两次输入都会有注册成功提示。说明您已成功修复您的IE组件。再清空IE后打开网页即可。最后点击IE浏览页的工具--Internet选项,删除cookies 再点删除文件,记得勾选所有脱机文件,就可以了。如果还不行,升级你的浏览器.因为网站都基于新的浏览器来设计了。


Story of the Year : Until The Day I Die 歌词Story Of The Year 继The Used、Finch、Thrice、Thursday等异军突起的新生代Emo-Punk团,于全球摇滚市场获得一致好评,并大受摇滚迷的喜爱,更开启朋克乐的新视野,深获滚石音乐杂志预估:21世纪将掀起的音乐新品种!在此终于又诞生了一组询问度超高的优质EMO团Story Of The Year(以下简称SOTY)。 来自美国密苏里州的SOTY,由Dan Marsala(主唱)、Ryan Phillips、Phillip Sneed(双吉他手)、Adam Russell(贝斯手)及Joshua Willis(鼓手)等五人于1995年成军之初,以Big Blue Monkey(当时Phillip跟Joshua尚未入团)之名四处在家乡走唱,并发行5张EP,直到遇上Goldfinger的团员,同样也是The Used、Mest等朋克团之专辑制作人John Feldman后,引荐SOTY跟Maverick签下一纸合约,同时将团名正式改为Story Of The Year,并录制第一张专辑《Page Avenue》! 早在2003年9月便发行首张大碟的SOTY,因为种种因素在台湾迟至现在才跟乐迷朋友们见面!他们的恩师John Feldmann成为SOTY不二人选的专辑制作人!阵阵厚实的吉他音墙堆砌出一股猛力的朋克动力,开场曲And The Hero Will Down,完全EMO情绪铺陈下,被主唱Dan失控狂放的嗓音带动,打从第一个起音开始,就让你热血亢奋到曲毕!首支冲入摇滚榜的超优正点成名之作 Until The Day I Die,辅入朗朗上口的副歌部分,重头到尾一气呵成,过瘾十足,急躁的吉他声响,不断刺激每位聆听者的神经! 第二支进榜单曲Anthem Of Our Dying Day,穿透威力强猛的高能量,并透着一点点诡蹫的气氛,让SOTY一路由2003年持续发热到2004年;乐曲起落幅度颇大的Dive Right In,处处暗藏着急起直落的情绪反应,及编曲的顺时变化;Swallow The Knife与Sidewalks是专辑中令人惊喜的舒缓佳作,虽然有着极为动人的旋律辅助,但是Dan的声线诠释仍是百变生猛;Razorblades是首相当流畅动听的佳作,颇具市场的调性,若是选择性推出单曲,势必能再次获得不错的回响;享受速度感再次冲击的Falling Down,呈现出Underground朋克生鲜快活的音韵!末曲听毕,别急着STOP,后头还有SOTY耍白痴的录音片段,此碟更可连接他们的官方网站、照片选取及观赏MTV,相当超值,别错过!再次体验EMO乐所散射出的极致感染力!



eclipse-jee-kepler 怎么设置编译compiler为1.8

到Eclipse的 Windows--Preferences 打开,找到下边的添加你要编译的JDK 1.8 设为默认就可以了.
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