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这五个词的区别我懂,circumstance常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。situation更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。state更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。environment主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。condition更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:1.内容范围区别:- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)- The patient"s condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)2. 强调程度区别:- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。例句:- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)- The state of the patient"s health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child"s development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)3. 时间和空间维度区别:- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)- The state of the patient"s mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)

空调的英文air condition

空调的英文是"air conditioner"。【空调的定义和作用】空调(air conditioner)是一种用于调节室内温度、湿度、流速和质量等环境因素的设备。它通过循环处理空气,控制室内温度,使人们在不同季节保持舒适的生活环境。【空调的组成结构】空调主要由室内机和室外机两部分组成。室内机包括蒸发器、风扇和过滤器等元件,负责将冷/热空气送入室内。而室外机则包括压缩机、冷凝器和膨胀阀等,负责对空气进行冷却/加热并排出。【空调的工作原理】空调的工作原理基于热力学和制冷技术。首先,室内机通过蒸发器吸收室内热空气中的热量,使空气变得凉爽。然后,室外机的压缩机将低温低压的制冷剂压缩成高温高压状态,从而释放热量。最后,制冷剂通过冷凝器放出热量并变成液态,再通过膨胀阀降温变成低温低压状态,形成循环。【空调的种类和使用场景】空调根据不同的工作原理和使用场景可以分为多种类型,包括中央空调、分体式空调、窗式空调、便携式空调等。不同类型的空调适用于不同的场所,如家庭、办公室、商场、酒店、车辆等。【空调的优缺点】空调的使用给人们带来了许多便利和舒适,但同时也存在一些不足。优点包括能够调节温度、湿度等环境因素,提供舒适的生活和工作环境;缺点包括耗电量大、对环境产生负面影响、容易引起空气干燥等。【空调的环保与节能】随着环境保护和节能意识的提高,空调技术也在不断发展以减少对环境的影响。现代空调逐渐采用更加节能和环保的制冷剂、控制系统和设计结构,以降低能耗,并且一些新型空调还加入了智能控制和能源回收等技术。

“ERROR-NRC-ConditionsNotCorrect:Servicel” 大家帮忙翻译一下 谢了!是与汽车有关吗?



condition-指某时某处事情发展,存在的状况、状态,一个人的"感觉如何". situation-往往指一组情况或一些情况的综合.常译为"情况"、"形势". occasion-指物定的"时机"、"场合"、"良机".

为什么在fluent中maters已添加材料,在cell zone conditions 中只显示air






什么是有条件录取通知书(Conditional Offer),看到好多的招生简章上面有这些内容?


conditional independence是什么意思

conditional independence条件独立性; independence[英][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns][美][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns]n.独立,自主; 足够维持闭居生活的收入; 独立心; 自恃心; 双语例句 1Do they think that we will tire of independence?他们是不是觉得我们会厌倦独立?

shipping conditions ddp什么意思

SMARTRANSGROUP国际货代DDP[1] 英文全称Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destina-tion)。中文名称税后交货(……指定目的港)“完税后交货(……指定目的地)”是指卖方在指定的目的地,办理完进口清关手续,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交与买方,完成交货。卖方必须承担将货物运至指定的目的地的一切风险和费用,包括在需要办理海关手续时在目的地应交纳的任何“税费”(包括办理海关手续的责任和风险,以及交纳手续费、关税、税款和其他费用)。EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。但是,如当事方希望将任何进口时所要支付的一切费用(如增值税)从卖方的义务中排除,则应在销售合同中明确写明。 若当事方希望买方承担进口的风险和费用,则应使用DDU术语。该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DAP术语。


conditionn. 条件;情况;环境;身份vt. 决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件sightn. 视力;景象;眼界;见解adj. 见票即付的;即席的vt. 看见;瞄准vi. 瞄准;观看

hair conditioner是什么意思



hydrate conditioner水合物调节;保湿护发素Gas hydrate cold storage technology is recognized as a new generation air conditioning technology with bright prospect. It is because that the gas hydrate has comparative latent heat as that of the ice. its phase changing temperature is between 5~ 13 ℃, it is compatible with the conventional air conditioner and it has a good chemical stability.气体水合物蓄冷技术,因其相变潜热与冰相当,相变温度在5~13℃之间,与常规空调兼容性好,化学稳定性好等优点,是公认的前景广阔的新一代蓄冷空调技术。



air conditioner怎么读

air conditioner英[eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259]美[er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]n. 空气调节机;空调设备;空气调节器;空调设施名词复数:air conditioners[例句]He gave her an air conditioner and may even have proposed marriage.他曾送给她一台空调,甚至还可能向她求过婚。1. This new style of air conditioner is noiseless. 这种新型空调没有噪音。来自《简明英汉词典》2. The room is cooled with air conditioner. 这房间用空调降温。来自《简明英汉词典》3. It was so hot that we had to have the air conditioner on all day long. 天太热,我们不得不整天开着空调。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The air-conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room. 在挤那么多人的房间里空气调节器不起作用了。来自辞典例句5. He"s going to install an air-conditioner in the house. 他要在这屋子里装空调机。


rose 英 [ru0259u028az] 美 [roz]n. 玫瑰;粉红色;蔷薇(花);粉红色的葡萄酒adj. 玫瑰花的;玫瑰色的;粉红色的;带有玫瑰香味的vt. 使成玫瑰色,使(面颊)发红;使有玫瑰香味vi. 起义( rise的过去式);升起;(数量)增加;休会conditioner 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] n. 调节器,调节装置; 请根据具体语境灵活理解。

repairing conditioner是什么意思


air conditioner是什么意思

air conditioner 英[eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259] 美[er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] n. 空气调节器; 空调设备; 空气调节机; 空调设施; [例句]After working well for a year, the air conditioner suddenly started kicking up.这台空调正常工作了一年之后突然开始出毛病了。[其他] 复数:air conditioners

air conditioner是什么意思

air conditioner 英[eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259] 美[er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] n. 空气调节器; 空调设备; 空气调节机; 空调设施; [例句]This office is equipped with air conditioner.这间办公室安装了空调。[其他] 复数:air conditioners

air conditioner是什么意思

air conditioner空调双语对照词典结果:air conditioner[英][eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259][美][er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]n.空气调节机; 空调设备; 空气调节器; 空调设施; 复数:air conditioners以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He gave her an air conditioner and may even have proposed marriage. 他曾送给她一台空调,甚至还可能向她求过婚。

repairing conditioner是什么意思

repairing conditioner修护护发素双语对照例句:1.So if you have an oily scalp and split ends, a shampoo formulated foroily hair will remove grease, and a repairing conditioner will helpprotect the ends. 如果你是油性头皮,发梢分叉,那么使用适合油性发质的洗发水来清除油脂,用修护型护发素来帮助保护发梢。

nourishing conditioner是什么意思

  nourishing conditioner  营养护发素;滋养护发素;滋润护发素  护发素亦称润丝,一般与香波成对使用。洗发后将适量护发素均匀涂抹在头发上,轻揉一分钟左右,再用清水漂洗干净,故也有人称为漂洗护发剂,属于发用化妆品。

body conditioner什么意思

hair conditioner 是护发素的意思,body conditioner 就是身体修护霜的意思。

a portable air conditioner是什么意思

air一conditionerair conditioner[英][eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259][美][er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]n.空气调节机; 空调设备; 空气调节器; 空调设施; 复数:air conditioners以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He gave her an air conditioner and may even have proposed marriage. 他曾送给她一台空调,甚至还可能向她求过婚。

hair conditioner是什么意思

hair conditioner护发素;护发液双语例句1. This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。2. Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。3. Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics.口红和护发素都是化妆品.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

softening conditioner什么意思

softening conditioner软化调节装置softening[英]["su0252fnu026au014b][美]["su0252fnu026au014b]n.变软,软化; v.(使)变软( soften的现在分词 ); 缓解打击; 缓和; 安慰; 例句:1.Mr li"s speech may signal a softening of attitude. 李先生的讲话可能是政府态度软化的信号。conditioner[英][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)][美][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]n.调节器,调节装置;

air conditioner是什么意思?

区别如下:1、air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备。2、air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温、升温、通风和除菌来调节空气状况。相关短语facilities air-conditioner 空调 ; 中央空调 ; 电风扇;cooler air-conditioner 空调制冷;Air-conditioner Problem 空调问题;air-conditioner switched 空调器交换了 ; 空调开关 ; 空调空调开关;air bells conditioner 空气调节装置;air-conditioner syndrome 空调综合症;AIR-CONDITIONER thermostat 供应窗式空调温控器;tank air-conditioner 柜式空调器;Air- conditioner 空调。

air conditioner是什么意思?

区别如下:1、air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备。2、air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温、升温、通风和除菌来调节空气状况。相关短语facilities air-conditioner 空调 ; 中央空调 ; 电风扇;cooler air-conditioner 空调制冷;Air-conditioner Problem 空调问题;air-conditioner switched 空调器交换了 ; 空调开关 ; 空调空调开关;air bells conditioner 空气调节装置;air-conditioner syndrome 空调综合症;AIR-CONDITIONER thermostat 供应窗式空调温控器;tank air-conditioner 柜式空调器;Air- conditioner 空调。


调节剂,保护,照顾的意思一般用于护发素比如 hair conditioner护发素从外观形态上分为透明型和乳液型两种,市场上较为常见的是乳液型产品。洗发香波是以阴离子、非离子表面活性剂为主要原料提供去污和泡沫作用,而护发素的主要原料是阳离子表面活性剂。香波洗净头发后,再使用护发素,它可以中和残留在头发表面带阴离子的分子,形成单分子膜,而使缠结的头发顺服,易于梳理。护发素主要是由表面活性剂、辅助表面活性剂、阳离子调理剂、增脂剂、油份、螯合剂、防腐剂、色素、香精及其他活性成分组成。其中,表面活性剂主要起乳化、抗静电、抑菌作用;辅助表面活性剂可以辅助乳化;阳离子调理剂可对头发起到柔软、抗静电、保湿和调理作用;增脂剂如羊毛脂、橄榄油、硅油等在护发素中可改善头发营养状况,使头发光亮,易梳理;其他活性成分去头皮屑、润湿、防晒、维生素、水解蛋白、植物提取液等赋予护发素各种功能,市场上常见的有去头皮屑护发素、含芦荟或含人参的护发素等等。漂洗型护发素的主要特点是通过水漂过程,将护发成分均匀分布在头发上,是目前最常用的护发产品,特点如下:①膏体稠度适中,易于使用;②使用时没有油腻感,便于涂抹,轻柔、滑爽;③能均匀分布在头发上;④易于清洗,护发效果好。随着环境污染、染发、烫发等各种不利因素的影响,使人们对头发护理更加重视,出现了许许多多的护发产品,其中二合一香波曾一度成为洗发、护发的主要用品。二合一香波因将洗发与护发一步完成,方便快捷而受到人们的喜爱,但洗发香波和护发素分开使用,护发素明显的护发效果又受到了人们的青睐,使香波、护发素的分开使用趋势有所回升。




shampoo 和 conditioner 在汉语中的意思分别是:shampoo:洗发水conditioner:护发素它们是洗头时用的两种专门用品。Shampoo主要用于清洁头发和除去头皮上的油脂。各种shampoo配方的不同,可以满足不同人群的需要,如抗敏、修复、加厚和滋润等。Conditioner在洗发水之后使用。它含有丰富的护发成分,可以滋养头发,改善头发质地、弥补洗发水的损失。主要有以下作用:1. 滋养头发,弥补洗发水清洗头发时带走的养分2. 加强防水效果,减少吸水性,让头发光泽3. 加强卷曲力和管理头发的结构力4. 调节pH值和改善头发的盐水平衡5. 抑制静电,减少头发抱头现象总的来说:Shampoo主要用于清洁作用Conditioner主要用于滋养和护理作用所以, daily haircare(日常头发护理)往往包括shampoo + conditioner两步。同时选择配套适合自己头发特点的产品。希望能为您解释 shampoo 和 conditioner 的含义提供借鉴!



hair conditioner中文是什么意思

hair conditioner 英[hu025bu0259 ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259] 美[hu025br ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] [词典] 护发素; [例句]This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。


空调(调节空气的东西)读音:air conditioner(艾尔 肯迪神呢儿)

power conditioner是什么意思

power conditioner[英][u02c8pauu0259 ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259][美][u02c8pau028au025a ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]动力[功率]调节器; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Among all existing power electronics apparatus, the unified power quality conditioner( upqc) seems to be the most advanced and effective way for power qualityenhancement. 在现有的电力电子装置中,对於提升电力品质,整合式强化电力品质调节器似乎是最先进且有效的装置。2.As the electronics and control technique develop rapidly, unified power qualitymanagement equipments included unified power quality conditioner and unifiedpower flow conditioner become more mature and available, which are expected toimprove all-sided power quality. 随着电子技术和控制技术的迅速发展,统一电能质量调节器和统一潮流控制器等综合电能质量管理装置的研究与应用日趋成熟,有望全面提高电网电能质量

air conditioner是什么意思




hair conditioner是什么意思

hair conditioner 英[hu025bu0259 ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259] 美[hu025br ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] [词典] 护发素; [例句]This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。

air conditioner怎么读

air conditioner[英][eu0259(r) ku0259nu02c8diu0283u0259nu0259] [美][er ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] 生词本简明释义n.空气调节机;空调设备;空气调节器;空调设施复数:air conditioners以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 air-conditioner1.N-COUNT空调机;空调设备An air conditioner is a machine which keeps the air in a building cool and dry.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句He gave her an air conditioner and may even have proposed marriage.他曾送给她一台空调,甚至还可能向她求过婚。

air conditioner是什么意思

air conditioner:空调

air conditioner是什么意思?

区别如下:1、air-conditioner一般指某个在指定范围内(比如,建筑,交通工具等)通过制冷剂或者蒸发等方式吸热的装置,系统或者设备。2、air conditioning大多指室内空气的降温和除湿,可以通过空气的降温、升温、通风和除菌来调节空气状况。相关短语facilities air-conditioner 空调 ; 中央空调 ; 电风扇;cooler air-conditioner 空调制冷;Air-conditioner Problem 空调问题;air-conditioner switched 空调器交换了 ; 空调开关 ; 空调空调开关;air bells conditioner 空气调节装置;air-conditioner syndrome 空调综合症;AIR-CONDITIONER thermostat 供应窗式空调温控器;tank air-conditioner 柜式空调器;Air- conditioner 空调。


你好,为你解答,正确答案为:shampoo&conditioner洗发水和护发素;1. an all-in-one shampoo and conditioner 二合一洗发护发剂2. I brought my own shampoo and conditioner. Here you go. 我自己带了洗发精和润丝精, 在这里.3. Brian : Help yourself. There is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you. 布莱恩: 自己来吧, 这是香皂 、 洗头水和护发素.4. A bar of soap, organic shampoo and conditioner basic moisturiser are all I need now. 我现在只用肥皂 、 有机洗发精和护发剂,再加一点润肤水.5. Catherine Zeta - Jones , it would seem , has a similar attitude to shampoo and conditioner. 而凯瑟琳·塔 -琼斯 对于洗发水和护发用品的要求则与此如出一辙很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~




conditioner是护发素。读音:英 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)]美 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259r]。释义:护发剂;护发素;(洗衣后用的)柔顺剂。护发素主要是由表面活性剂、辅助表面活性剂、阳离子调理剂、增脂剂、油份、螯合剂、防腐剂、色素、香精及其他活性成分组成。护发素从外观形态上分为透明型和乳液型两种,市场上较为常见的是乳液型产品。作用原理一般认为,头发带有负电荷。用香波(主要是阴离子洗涤剂,肥皂也属于此类)洗发后,会使头发带有更多的负电荷,从而产生静电,致使梳理不便。使用了护发素,其中的主要成分阳离子季铵盐可以吸附在头发表面,留下一层均匀的单分子膜,这会给头发带来一系列好处:柔软、光泽、易于梳理、抗静电,并使头发的机械损伤和化学烫、电烫、染发剂所带来的损伤受到一定程度的修复。


  这里的conditioner意思是:润丝精。  conditioner英 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)] 美 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]  n.调节器,调节装置;  [网络]调节器; 空调器; 润丝精;  [例句]In any event, conditioned water may be drawn after rinse water stops flowing from the water conditioner drain line.  无论如何,条件的水可能在漂洗水以后被拉停从水调节器排水线流动。  [其他]复数:conditioners 形近词: conditiones conditional conditioned


shampoo 1。洗发剂,香波【洗地毯,家具罩,汽车等的】洗涤剂 2. 用洗发剂洗头的conditioner 1、护法剂、护发素 2.【洗衣后的】柔顺剂shampoo and conditoner 就是 洗发剂 和护法剂


空调器双语对照词典结果:conditioner[英][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)][美][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a]n.调节器,调节装置; 复数:conditioners很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


conditioner 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu025a] n. 调节器,调节装置 名词复数:conditioners




conditionern. 调节器,调节装置



在水泵试验模拟分析中,condition栏里有: LMC , NMC ,MMC, 不知道这3个词各是什么意思! 请大家帮帮忙!

Least material condition (LMC) 最少材料条件Nominal material condition (NMC) 标称材料条件Maximum material condition (MMC) 最大材料条件

可以帮忙解释一下stage ,position ,situation ,state ,condition的区别吗?谢谢哦

stage [steidu0292] n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站vt. 举行;上演;筹划vi. 举行;适于上演;乘驿车旅行[ 过去式staged 过去分词staged 现在分词staging ] positionn. 位置,方位;职位,工作;姿态;站位vt. 安置;把……放在适当位置situation [,sitju"eiu0283u0259n, -tu0283u-]n. 情况;形势;处境;位置state [steit] n. 国家;州;情形vt. 规定;声明;陈述adj. 国家的;州的;正式的[ 过去式stated 过去分词stated 现在分词stating ] condition [ku0259n"diu0283u0259n] n. 条件;情况;环境;身分vt. 使适应;使健康;决定;以…为条件

将括号内汉语翻译成英语(如果你能接受合同中的条款,请在此签名“terms and conditions”)

If you can accept the terms and conditions in the contract,please sign here.

on condition that是什么意思

如果条件是假如The logjam was broken this afternoon when Brown yielded on condition thatBritain obtained the foreign policy job in return. 今天下午,直到布朗以英国人相应获得外交政策职位为条件作出让步,僵局才被打破。I shall give you the dictionary on condition that you return in no later thantomorrow. 只要你决不迟于明天还给我这本词典,我就将它借给你。



condition and concession什么意思

condition and concession条件和让步The two relation completely covers all the transitionalized senses ofsentences, such as comparison, contrast, cause-effect, condition-concession, interpretation-exactness and so on. 这两种意义关系基本囊括了所有使句子繁化的意义,如比较意义、对比意义、包孕意义、原因—结果意义、条件—让步意义、解说—确切意义、接续意义等。

The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a pati


warranty 和 condition 作为法律名词,怎么解释?

Warranty 指的是同一个contract中次要的东西condition 指的是主要的


Contract Law里,conditions是特别重要的term, 如果是the breach of condition, 你可以repudiate合同还可以 sue for damage. 而warranties重要的,如果是the breach of warranties, 你只可以sue for damage.

coagulation condition中文翻译

Effect of coagulation conditions on morphology and performance of polyethersulfone membranes 凝固条件对聚醚砜膜结构和性能的影响 Onpne monitoring of the coagulation process by pda2000 shows that flocculation index is fairly consistent with the removal of toc , the bigger the fi , the higher the toc removal . in this paper , prepminary study on floc structure is also reported . it is found that various coagulation conditions lead to different floc structures 在混凝过程中利用pda2000进行光学在线监测,充分表明其输出信号fi指数与toc去除率之间具有很好的相关性, fi指数越大, toc去除率越好,并且通过对fi指数的解析,可看出其对混凝过程及絮体的变化具有很灵敏的表征作用。


Factory-Reconditioned是指由于各种原因退回到工程,但完全可以使用的,经过工厂或指定第三方重新翻新、包装,基本接近新机。 Refurbished是指出售后的产品返回工厂经过维修、翻新、包装出售,可以定义为二手翻新。


  contextual fear conditioning的中文翻译  contextual fear conditioning  情境恐惧制约;前后关系的恐惧状况  双语例句  1  Effects of abstinence on locomotor activity and contextual fear conditioning in morphine-dependent mice  戒断对吗啡依赖小鼠自发活动及场景性恐惧条件化表达的影响  2  Effects of septal lesions on contextual fear conditioning in rats  大鼠脑中隔核毁损对关联性条件化恐惧的影响

Big Mama (Unconditional Love) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Big Mama (Unconditional Love)歌手:Ll Cool J专辑:10(feat. Dru Hill)Yeah, this one"s dedicated, to my grandmother, and your grandmotherIt"s all love, let"s not forget who raised us, word upBig Mama, my grandmother, my main girlI love you much more than the scandalous worldAs a young boy you gave me whoopings to save my lifeCursed me out, to keep me out the streets at nightCause my momma had me when she was youngSo you took on the responsbility to raise your grandsonYou taught me if a task is once begun, ToddNever leave it "til it"s done, ToddBe thy labor great or small ToddDo it well or not at all, GodBig Mama, my blood is your bloodWhen the whole world"s against me, I know I got your loveIf I was in a cell for the rest of my lifeI know I"d hear your prayers in the middle of the nightUsed to sit me on your lap and teach me mother witEarly Sunday morning for them salmon and gritsI love you baby, you the one and only, that"s a fact"Til death do us part, I"ma always have your backYou beefed cause you heard that I was cursin in my rapsEighty-six, still you wanna run and get the strapsI love you, I promise you I care for you deepCause when I had bronchitis you would rock me to sleepRub me down with green alcoholLittle brown-skinned lady bout five feet tall, Big MamaEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)I remember when you told me certain friends wasn"t realI didn"t wanna listen, I swore I knew the dealCome to find out, everything you said was trueWho I end up goin to for advice? YouI love you, that"s why you got nurses and maidsEver since I got paid, you ain"t never been afraidThat"s granddaddy wife, she taught me how to thinkHow to navigate through life, you made the sacrificeYou kept on livin, cause when my granddaddy diedIt took all your might, but you ain"t quit on lifeWe took trips down South, biscuits and chickenMe you granddad and Alison, trippinRemember, you used to pick me up from junior highAnd classmates laughed when the Buick rolled byRemember, I pulled my privates out in classAnd from Farmers to Dunkirk you straight whooped my (woo!!)The best cookin a man could ever tasteIt"s written in my heart, it can never be erasedThank you so much, you taught me wellHow to not get souped up, because I"m LLHow to walk the street, and hold my head real highHow to live with Christ and not be afraid to dieWe sipped daquiris, but you never told momsWe even shared beers, Big Mama my dearA toast to a woman that raised a manIn popular demand all across the landYou"re my lawyer, my teacher, my doctor, my friendMy mother, my father, you with me "til the endI love you, I mean that from the bottom of my heartThat"s the reason why my record"s #1 on the chartsI"ma tell it like it is, I love you foreverDead or alive, we"ll always be togetherBig Mama I love youEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)I dedicate this to the Big Mama"s everywhereThe ones who raised us - when nobody else was thereThe ones who held us and told us it"ll be alrightWhen gunshots was goin off every nightTaught us how to lock the door and check the peepholeAnd how to swallow Vicks when we had a chest coldHow to stay proud, and represent hardEat plenty baby, but first say grace for GodBig Mama, I"ma miss youWhen one of us leave this earthBut baby for what it"s worth, I love you since the date of my birthAnd if it wasn"t for my children, I would wanna go firstYou"re the reason I"m the man I am todayThe inspiration, for me to be LL Cool JWhen you told me "Knock "Em Out," I brought you home a GrammyI learned to be tough from Big Mama and Aunt CammyA black man that was raised by black womenOn tour, sippin your special honey and lemonYou told me, gargle with vinegar water and saltThe concert was hot, thanks to your supportGirl - you"re the one I loveWhether right here with me or smilin from up aboveTrouble or no trouble, you always had my backSo I had to let you know your son appreciates that, Big MamaEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)http://music.b***.com/song/8525678

英国的conditional offer是不是很好拿?

这个都是有要求的。。你只有符合他们的要求了他们才会收你。学校一般会发很多conditional offer, 以确保有人能上他们的学校。你必须看他们的每个学校的不同的要求, 然后合格了,拿到unconditional offer 才叫有学上~~~ 加油!!

华威最晚什么时候换unconditional offer

华威最晚5月2日换unconditional offer在接触留学的过程中,我们难免会遇到一些问题和疑惑。对于英国留学生来讲,世界上最长的时间就是等待offer到来的时间,每天会刷N遍邮箱,生怕错过了offer发放的时间,其实,一般情况下,英国大学发offer时间是6-8周之间,可是也有比较快的大学,也有时间比较长的大学。下面就和选校帝了解一下英国ucl等院校最晚几月发offer,希望对大家有所帮助。

求Katy Perry 的unconditionally中英对照歌词,thx

Unconditionally - Katy Perry  凯蒂佩芮 无条件爱你  Oh no, did I get too close?  喔不 我是不是靠得太近  Oh, did I almost see what"s really on the inside?  喔 我是不是几乎看清 你的心里真正藏着什么  All your insecurities  所有的不安全感  All the dirty laundry  所有的不堪过去  Never made me blink one time  我无法一次洗清  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  I will love you unconditionally 白雪皑皑,不忘回眸我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  Come just as you are to me  在我面前 就做你自己  Don"t need apologies  无需道歉  Know that you are unworthy  要知道 你值得这一切  I"ll take your bad days with your good  你的黑暗 我会用你的光明抹去  Walk through this storm I would  即使要穿越风雨 我也愿意  I"d do it all because I love you  这一切 都因为我爱你  I love you  我爱你  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  So open up your heart and just let it begin  所以就敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart, and just let it begin  敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart, and just let it begin  敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart  敞开你的心  Acceptance is the key to be  接纳就是一把钥匙  To be truly free  释放真正的自由  Will you do the same for me?  你是否也愿意这样对我?  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  "Cause I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你

Unconditional Firm offer什么意思



中英歌词Unconditionally - Katy Perry  凯蒂佩芮 无条件爱你  Oh no, did I get too close?  喔不 我是不是靠得太近  Oh, did I almost see what"s really on the inside?  喔 我是不是几乎看清 你的心里真正藏着什么  All your insecurities  所有的不安全感  All the dirty laundry  所有的不堪过去  Never made me blink one time  我无法一次洗清  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  I will love you unconditionally白雪皑皑,不忘回眸我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  Come just as you are to me  在我面前 就做你自己  Don"t need apologies  无需道歉  Know that you are unworthy  要知道 你值得这一切  I"ll take your bad days with your good  你的黑暗 我会用你的光明抹去  Walk through this storm I would  即使要穿越风雨 我也愿意  I"d do it all because I love you  这一切 都因为我爱你  I love you  我爱你  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  So open up your heart and just let it begin  所以就敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart, and just let it begin  敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart, and just let it begin  敞开你的心 让爱开启  Open up your heart  敞开你的心  Acceptance is the key to be  接纳就是一把钥匙  To be truly free  释放真正的自由  Will you do the same for me?  你是否也愿意这样对我?  Unconditional, unconditionally  无条件爱你 无条件爱你  I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你  There is no fear now  没有什么好怕的  Let go and just be free  放手吧 尽情表现自己  "Cause I will love you unconditionally  我既然爱你 就无条件爱你

请问被英国大学无条件录取(unconditional offer)后,什么时候才能拿到签证用的cas号码

被英国大学无条件录取后在2_3周后可以拿到签证用的CAS号码。当然不同的学校给出号码的的速度也是不一样的,最快的几天最慢的一个月。超过一个月没有收到可以联系一下学校。签证官在获取了这个CAS代码之后可以联网查询到所有申请者的相关信息。这里需要注意的是CAS的有效期为6个月。一般会是电子版扫描件或者邮件正文形式发给你,当然你也可以向学校申请电子版或者邮件。扩展资料:CAS即录取确认函是在申请学校成功之后,学校会发送邮件给我们,里面包括学生CAS的号码Sponsor、学习背景等各种信息,另外在CAS里还会明确写明你所需要的学费及生活费。CAS是担保方签发给未来学生的一个特别电子参考号码。从2010年2月22日起,英国新启用的电子录取通知书,也就是以CAS替代Visa Letter。中国学生赴英留学将不需要收取英国院校的录取通知书,而仅凭电子通知书的编号便可直接办理赴英签证。留学生获得CAS需满足2个条件:1.交付学费时,该英国大学Offer依然有效(一般要求在4-6周内确认);2.交付学费时,所申请专业还有空位(英国大学采用先确认先得到的原则,申请早晚没有关系,关键在于什么时候确认)。参考资料:百度百科_CAS

unconditional transfer是什么意思


Unconditional Love 歌词

歌曲名:Unconditional Love歌手:2Pac专辑:The Best of 2Pac, Pt. 1: Thug(What y"all want?)Unconditional Love (no doubt)(你们都希望得到什么?)无条件的爱(毫无疑问)Talking bout the stuff that don"t wear off 就是那些永远不会损坏的东西It don"t fade 它永不褪色It"ll last for all these crazy days 它永远存在于那些疯狂的白天These crazy nights 与疯狂的黑夜Whether you wrong or you right 无论你是对还是错I"m a still love you 我都是你永远的爱Still feel you 始终感觉你Still there for you 始终为你而等待No matter what (hehe) 无论发生什么事You will always be in my heart 你始终在我的心中With unconditional love 拥有无条件的爱Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings 就可以来倾听我最真的想法,最真的感All my peers doing years beyond drug dealing 我的哥们做毒品交易已经很多年了How many caskets can we witnessBefore we see it"s hard to live 在我们了解生活的艰辛之前我们见过多少棺材了?This life without God, so we must ask forgiveness 生活里没有神的存在,因此我们必须请求宽恕Ask mama why i got this urge to die 然后问妈妈为什么我们如此迫切的想死Witness the tears falling free from my eyes 在她回答之前,看着我的眼泪夺眶而出Before she could replyThough we were born without a silver spoon 尽管我们没有带着银勺子出生(出生贫困)My broken down TV, show cartoons in my living room (hey) 我的那台烂电视还在房间里播着无聊的动画片One day I hope to make itA player in this gameMama don"t cry, long as we try 妈妈别哭,只要我们试着忍住Maybe things change 也许有些事情会改变Perhaps it"s just a fantasy 也许一切只是幻影A life where we don"t need no welfare 一种我们不需要福利的生活Shit with our whole family 也许我就是一切的起因Maybe it"s me that caused it 一切伤害与战斗的源头The fighting and the hurting 我在房间里痛哭只因为不想自己成为别人的负担In my room crying cause I didn"t want to be a burdenWatch mama open up her arms to hugging 看着妈妈张开双臂的拥抱And I ain"t worried bout a damn thang, with unconditionl love 有了无条件的爱,我什么*事都不想烦In this game the lesson"s in your eyes to see 你眼中看见的这场游戏人生 ap game里Though things change, the future"s still inside of me 尽管有些事会改变,但未来依然取决于我We must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark 我们应该牢记黑暗过后又是新的一天So you will always be in my heart, with unconditional love 所以你永远在我心中,永远和无条件的爱在一起Just got the message you"ve been calling all week 刚收到你发了一整个礼拜的短信Been out here hustling on these streets, ain"t had a chance to speak 我一直在街上忙来忙去,都没有机会看一下But you know, with you and me it"s on GWe could never be enemies, cause you been such a good friend to me 我们永远都不会是敌人,因为你是个那么棒的朋友Where would I be without my dogs 如果没有那帮哥们的存在我又能怎么样呢No wonder why when times get hard 管它什么时候会变糟Cause it ain"t easy being who we are 因为生为我们这样的家伙本身就没什么容易的事Driven by my ambitions, desire higher positions 我被自己的野心驱使,期望爬到更高的位置So I proceed to make Gs, eternally in my mission 因此我不断向黑帮前进,这是我永远的使命Is to be more than just a rap musicianThe elevation of today"s generation 有一天我想让自己成为真正的rapper(黑帮、枪..)If could make "em listenPrison ain"t what we need, no longer stuck in greedTime to play and strategize, my family"s gotta eatWhen we make somethin out of nothingNo pleasure in the suffering, neighborhood would be goodIf they could cut out all the bustingThe liquor and the weed the cussingSending love out to my blockThe struggle never stops (unconditional love)I"ll probably never understand ya waysWith everyday I swear I hear yaTrying to change your ways while gettin paid at the same timeJust had a baby with the same manSomething inside, please let me die these are strange timesHow come I never made itMaybe it"s the way the played it in my heartI knew one day I gotta be a starMy hopes and all my wishesSo many vivid pictures, and all the currencyI"ll never even get to seeThis fast life soon shatter usCause after all the lights and screamsNothing but my dreams matterHoping for better daysMaybe a peaceful night, baby don"t cryCause everythang gonna be alrightJust lay your head on my shoulderDon"t worry bout a thang babyGirl I"m a soldier (huh)Never treated me bad, no matter who I wasYou still came with that, unconditional love分享万岁

Unconditional Love 歌词

歌曲名:Unconditional Love歌手:2Pac专辑:The Best Of 2Pac - Pt. 1: Thug(What y"all want?)Unconditional Love (no doubt)(你们都希望得到什么?)无条件的爱(毫无疑问)Talking bout the stuff that don"t wear off 就是那些永远不会损坏的东西It don"t fade 它永不褪色It"ll last for all these crazy days 它永远存在于那些疯狂的白天These crazy nights 与疯狂的黑夜Whether you wrong or you right 无论你是对还是错I"m a still love you 我都是你永远的爱Still feel you 始终感觉你Still there for you 始终为你而等待No matter what (hehe) 无论发生什么事You will always be in my heart 你始终在我的心中With unconditional love 拥有无条件的爱Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings 就可以来倾听我最真的想法,最真的感All my peers doing years beyond drug dealing 我的哥们做毒品交易已经很多年了How many caskets can we witnessBefore we see it"s hard to live 在我们了解生活的艰辛之前我们见过多少棺材了?This life without God, so we must ask forgiveness 生活里没有神的存在,因此我们必须请求宽恕Ask mama why i got this urge to die 然后问妈妈为什么我们如此迫切的想死Witness the tears falling free from my eyes 在她回答之前,看着我的眼泪夺眶而出Before she could replyThough we were born without a silver spoon 尽管我们没有带着银勺子出生(出生贫困)My broken down TV, show cartoons in my living room (hey) 我的那台烂电视还在房间里播着无聊的动画片One day I hope to make itA player in this gameMama don"t cry, long as we try 妈妈别哭,只要我们试着忍住Maybe things change 也许有些事情会改变Perhaps it"s just a fantasy 也许一切只是幻影A life where we don"t need no welfare 一种我们不需要福利的生活Shit with our whole family 也许我就是一切的起因Maybe it"s me that caused it 一切伤害与战斗的源头The fighting and the hurting 我在房间里痛哭只因为不想自己成为别人的负担In my room crying cause I didn"t want to be a burdenWatch mama open up her arms to hugging 看着妈妈张开双臂的拥抱And I ain"t worried bout a damn thang, with unconditionl love 有了无条件的爱,我什么*事都不想烦In this game the lesson"s in your eyes to see 你眼中看见的这场游戏人生 ap game里Though things change, the future"s still inside of me 尽管有些事会改变,但未来依然取决于我We must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark 我们应该牢记黑暗过后又是新的一天So you will always be in my heart, with unconditional love 所以你永远在我心中,永远和无条件的爱在一起Just got the message you"ve been calling all week 刚收到你发了一整个礼拜的短信Been out here hustling on these streets, ain"t had a chance to speak 我一直在街上忙来忙去,都没有机会看一下But you know, with you and me it"s on GWe could never be enemies, cause you been such a good friend to me 我们永远都不会是敌人,因为你是个那么棒的朋友Where would I be without my dogs 如果没有那帮哥们的存在我又能怎么样呢No wonder why when times get hard 管它什么时候会变糟Cause it ain"t easy being who we are 因为生为我们这样的家伙本身就没什么容易的事Driven by my ambitions, desire higher positions 我被自己的野心驱使,期望爬到更高的位置So I proceed to make Gs, eternally in my mission 因此我不断向黑帮前进,这是我永远的使命Is to be more than just a rap musicianThe elevation of today"s generation 有一天我想让自己成为真正的rapper(黑帮、枪..)If could make "em listenPrison ain"t what we need, no longer stuck in greedTime to play and strategize, my family"s gotta eatWhen we make somethin out of nothingNo pleasure in the suffering, neighborhood would be goodIf they could cut out all the bustingThe liquor and the weed the cussingSending love out to my blockThe struggle never stops (unconditional love)I"ll probably never understand ya waysWith everyday I swear I hear yaTrying to change your ways while gettin paid at the same timeJust had a baby with the same manSomething inside, please let me die these are strange timesHow come I never made itMaybe it"s the way the played it in my heartI knew one day I gotta be a starMy hopes and all my wishesSo many vivid pictures, and all the currencyI"ll never even get to seeThis fast life soon shatter usCause after all the lights and screamsNothing but my dreams matterHoping for better daysMaybe a peaceful night, baby don"t cryCause everythang gonna be alrightJust lay your head on my shoulderDon"t worry bout a thang babyGirl I"m a soldier (huh)Never treated me bad, no matter who I wasYou still came with that, unconditional love分享万岁

UCAS 里面,firm的choice是unconditional offer,insurance也是unconditional offer,正常吗?


英国读研拿到unconditional offer,不想去了怎么办


在英国办理签证和换unconditional offer的问题

帅哥/美女,我是冲分来的,帮你解答一下啊只要你签证就需要学校出示一份student letter,这个东西在签证里面占分数(签证有个分数评定你知道吧,就是提供材料越多越详细评出来的分越高)。student letter这个东西说明你在或者将要在这所学校学习。这时候大使馆才会给你签证。赶紧问问你们学校能不能帮您出示这个东西啊,时间不多了抓紧吧。分给我吧

无条件的爱(unconditional love) —Just love the way you are 就爱你本来的模样

心理学上有个名词,非常浪漫,叫做 无条件的爱 (unconditional love)。就如其名,这一种爱不附带任何条件,就爱你原本的模样,是因为你是你而爱你。不需要担心因为自己做错了什么事,而使那一份爱少了一点点,Just love the way you are 纯然的爱。 如果有办法拥有对方的 无条件的爱 ,你可以不需要顾虑,勇敢地去探索世界,毋须担心对方是否会无端端地生气,你可以勇敢地做自己,因为你知道,就算你变成了一坨屎,对方还是会爱你的。不需要因为对方的喜乐而去调整自己的行为,不需要特地为了讨好对方而委屈自己。快乐地、简单地做自己就可以了,因为他就是喜欢这样的你。 这种关系通常会出现在亲子关系当中。倘若父母可以给予孩子 无条件的爱 ,孩子们有充足的信心去玩耍,学习,不需要担心会被家长惩罚,也不需要学习看家长脸色做人,随心所欲地发展出忠于自己,自信勇敢的健全人格。然而,在两性关系当中就有些复杂了。当我们被一个人所吸引的时候,或许是因为费洛蒙的作用,或许是因为对方符合了我们对于伴侣的条件要求。当你原本的特质正是对方所喜欢的时候,这种感觉当然是很美好,因为你不需要去改变自己,而去换来一些对方的爱。   但是如果这一份爱,是你必须要努力地、不情愿地改变自己,去迎合对方的需求,才能换来的。譬如:你必须要瘦个十公斤,我才有办法爱你、你必须学会弹吉他,我才会更喜欢你、你必须要拥有一辆车,并每天都来接送我,我才有办法接受你、你必须放弃你的爱好,我才能够爱你……你是否就会开始思考,这种爱,到底是不是自己想要的?这份爱,值得让自己去做出那么多努力,牺牲那么多自己吗?还是,只是为了找个人来爱自己,愿意放弃那么多原来可以定义你自己的部分?   换个方向来想想自己,当你开始要求对方,应该要携带一些条件,那份原本的爱才不会不见,变质的时候,是否就要开始想想,你爱的是他这个人,还是他这个人可以带给你得更多额外条件(例:财富、身体、陪伴)?如果他不愿意改变,你还愿意爱他吗? 在母亲节的前夕,这个感恩的时节,我想念我的母亲,她已经不在这个世上了,但是她似乎离我更近了些,在父母的身上让我体会到,什么是 无条件的爱 ,自己成为父母之后,渐渐地发现对孩子的那份无条件的爱,是人类最伟大的特质,愿我随时关照自己,擦亮心灯,无条件的爱自己、爱孩子、爱家人、爱每一位来到我身边的朋友!感恩!感恩!感恩!

无条件的爱(unconditional love) —Just love the way you are 就爱你本来的模样

无条件的爱(unconditional love) —Just love the way you are 就爱你本来的模样 心理学上有个名词,非常浪漫,叫做 无条件的爱 (unconditional love)。就如其名,这一种爱不附带任何条件,就爱你原本的模样,是因为你是你而爱你。不需要担心因为自己做错了什么事,而使那一份爱少了一点点,Just love the way you are 纯然的爱。如果有办法拥有对方的 无条件的爱 ,你可以不需要顾虑,勇敢地去探索世界,毋须担心对方是否会无端端地生气,你可以勇敢地做自己,因为你知道,就算你变成了一坨屎,对方还是会爱你的。不需要因为对方的喜乐而去调整自己的行为,不需要特地为了讨好对方而委屈自己。快乐地、简单地做自己就可以了,因为他就是喜欢这样的你。 这种关系通常会出现在亲子关系当中。倘若父母可以给予孩子 无条件的爱 ,孩子们有充足的信心去玩耍,学习,不需要担心会被家长惩罚,也不需要学习看家长脸色做人,随心所欲地发展出忠于自己,自信勇敢的健全人格。然而,在两性关系当中就有些复杂了。当我们被一个人所吸引的时候,或许是因为费洛蒙的作用,或许是因为对方符合了我们对于伴侣的条件要求。当你原本的特质正是对方所喜欢的时候,这种感觉当然是很美好,因为你不需要去改变自己,而去换来一些对方的爱。   但是如果这一份爱,是你必须要努力地、不情愿地改变自己,去迎合对方的需求,才能换来的。譬如:你必须要瘦个十公斤,我才有办法爱你、你必须学会弹吉他,我才会更喜欢你、你必须要拥有一辆车,并每天都来接送我,我才有办法接受你、你必须放弃你的爱好,我才能够爱你……你是否就会开始思考,这种爱,到底是不是自己想要的?这份爱,值得让自己去做出那么多努力,牺牲那么多自己吗?还是,只是为了找个人来爱自己,愿意放弃那么多原来可以定义你自己的部分?  换个方向来想想自己,当你开始要求对方,应该要携带一些条件,那份原本的爱才不会不见,变质的时候,是否就要开始想想,你爱的是他这个人,还是他这个人可以带给你得更多额外条件(例:财富、身体、陪伴)?如果他不愿意改变,你还愿意爱他吗? 在父母的身上让我体会到,什么是 无条件的爱 ,自己成为父母之后,渐渐地发现对孩子的那份无条件的爱,是人类最伟大的特质,愿我随时关照自己,擦亮心灯,无条件的爱自己、爱孩子、爱家人、爱每一位来到我身边的朋友!

曼彻斯特大学offer换无条件unconditional offer要多久

英国学校办事效率出了名得慢,发邮件或者打电话先问问材料收到了没有?之后问问多久能给CAS和offer letter。

请问多伦多大学unconditional offer 一般啥时候会发?

对于每一年申请加拿大多伦多大学的应届生来讲,Unconditional Offer-无条件录取通知书的发放会是比较晚的。因为,在此之前会发放Conditional Offer-有条件录取通知书,其中“条件”可能包括,学生的语言成绩(雅思、托福)、高考成绩、最终完整的高中成绩、以及最重要的“获得高中毕业证”。无论是在中国国内就读普通高级中学的申请人,或是在加拿大本地就读高中的申请人,都是在每一年6月初之后才会录取获得高中毕业证。所以,不会太早发放Unconditional-Offer无条件录取通知书!但是对于非应届生,也就是已经高中毕业的学生的申请,可能会在第一时间发放Unconditional-Offer无条件录取通知书,让学生在规定时间内决定是否接受或拒绝录取。
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