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little short by exigencies of shipboard




copper是铜的英文J.COPPER是法国时尚女装品牌 Levi"s Copper也是服装品牌,由冠希牌腊肠代理





bronze ,copper的区别?





【化学组成】Cu。原生自然铜中常含Au(可达2%~3%),Ag(可达3%~4%),Fe(可达2%~3%)等混入物,次生自然铜较纯净。【晶体结构】等轴晶系;铜型结构(图15-2);空间群 Fm3m;a0=0.362nm;Z=4。图15-2 自然铜的晶体结构(铜型结构)铜呈立方面心排列,以金属键连接图15-3 自然铜的习性晶【形态】对称型m3m。常呈不规则树枝状、片状或致密块状集合体。自形晶可呈立方体a{100}、八面体o{111}、菱形十二面体d{110}和四六面体h{410}等单形(图15-3),但自形晶少见。可依(111)成双晶。【物理性质】铜红色,棕黑色锖色;铜红色条痕;金属光泽,不透明。无解理;断口呈锯齿状。硬度2.5~3。相对密度为8.95(纯铜)。强延展性。是热和电的良导体。熔点1 083℃。【成因产状】在含铜硫化物矿床氧化带下部与赤铁矿、孔雀石、辉铜矿等伴生;在火山岩气孔中与沸石、葡萄石及方解石共生;也见于富有机质沉积岩中,是还原条件下的产物。易氧化成赤铜矿、孔雀石、蓝铜矿等矿物。【鉴定特征】铜红色,棕黑色氧化膜,延展性强,硬度低,相对密度大。【主要用途】积聚量大时可作为铜矿石开采。


copper2n.1. 【口】警察[C]以上结果由"Dr.eye译典通字典"提供







this is the icescope may shy five why go 是什么歌

Suddenly I See - KT TunstallHer face is a map of the worldIs a map of the worldYou can see she"s a beautiful girlShe"s a beautiful girlAnd everything around heris a silver pool of lightThe people who surround herfeel the benefit of itIt makes you calmShe holds you captivated in her palmSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meI feel like walking the worldLike walking the worldYou can hear she"s a beautiful girlShe"s a beautiful girlShe fills up every corner likeshe"s born in black and whiteMakes you feel warmerwhen you"re trying to rememberWhat you heardShe likes to leave you hanging on a wireSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meAnd she"s taller than mostAnd she"s looking at meI can see her eyeslooking from a page in a magazineOh she makes me feel likeI could be a towerA big strong towerShe got the power to beThe power to giveThe power to seeShe got the power to beThe power to giveThe power to seeShe got the power to beThe power to giveThe power to seeSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meSuddenly I seeThis is what I wanna beSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meSuddenly I seeSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to meSuddenly I seeWhy the hell it means so much to me

cop和police 的区别



简单的说就是 Scope是范围、规模的意思 Objectiove是 目的、目标比如说在北海建立一个面积为XX平方米年产量XX桶的原油XX立方米的天然气的油井,用来缓解英格兰持续上涨的油价。前面就是scope后面就是Objective了。你学的也是business administration吧 project management不算难

my favorite city 大学英语作文 要求写哈尔滨的 要自己写的 COPY的别来了

Why do I love Harbin? Let me count the reasons why.(1)While Harbin is infamous for its very cold winters, it can be a great place to visit in the summer, with daytime temperatures normally in the upper 20s °C. (2)Russian Buildings. Harbin"s old quarter, which covers a wide area of the city near the Songhua River, is still today mostly made up of buildings that were constructed by the Russians at the turn of the 19th century. (3)Zhongyang Dajie. This cobblestone lined street is a pedestrian only street that could serve as a perfect remnant of the bustling international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a veritable museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, a Russian resteraunt, French fashion houses (Fake Chinese Brands), American snack food outlets (Mcdonalds and KFC and a Chinese owned "American Bar"), and a Japanese restaurant. In winter, one can walk out onto the ice or take a dog sledge or horse sledge ride. It is the prettiest site in Harbin as far as the city itself is concerned, however, if you go mid-day during the weekend be prepared to push through the crowds. (3)Unit 731 Museum. A grim reminder of what happened during the Japanese occupation to over 2,000 prisoners of war. The museum, located out in the suburbs, tells the story of these individuals although its displays are limited. (4) Siberian Tiger Preserve. This is without a doubt Harbin"s "must see". Not for the faint hearted or obsessive animal lovers. There are literally hundreds of tigers in multiple huge pens.(5)Harbin International Snow and Ice Festivals. Every year, January 5th until warm weather erodes the constructions (exact dates vary). (6)Food. If there is one thing special about Harbin, it has to be the food. Taking influences from Russia, Mongolia, Korea and of course China, the food in Harbin is much "heartier" than you can find anywhere in China, and stews and other duncai are popular dishes.Six good reasons why Harbin is my favorite city.

我买了个教学光盘,在电脑上看是可以的。但是我想把内容COPY出来放在硬盘上,提示是无法拷贝,,,请问 怎



可以编辑RM以及RMVB的软件--RealMedia Editor v11.0汉化版RealMedia Editor v11.0 汉化版 下载地址:软件大小:7.52 MB Helix Real媒体编辑器汉化版,可以编辑RM以及RMVB,这是最新版本的 RM 编辑软件,直接解压到任一目录下,即可使用(rmedtgui.exe)。 Helix 是业界第一个跨平台,跨流媒体、高性能的流媒体服务器。配合Helix先进的功能,Realnetworks 推出了第10代的流媒体压缩软件Helix Producer。Realnetworks全新改写代码的图形化专业流媒体文件制作工具。利用它,你可以轻松地实现RealAudio8、RealAudio9文件格式到实时文件的转换,转换后的文件更加适合实时观看、在线广播和下载。Helix Producer基于Realnetworks完全改写的核心代码,提供简单、高效的界面操作。 从 RealProducer 11 中剥离的 Real 媒体格式的音频或视频编辑工具,可用来合并、提取片段,以及修改 Real 媒体信息。RealMedia Editor 汉化版(合并提取修改Real 媒体信息)从 RealProducer 11 中剥离的 Real 媒体格式的音频或视频编辑工具,可用来合并、提取片段,以及修改 Real 媒体信息。



exact copy什么意思


如何正确使用Exact Audio Copy抓取无损音乐

先把CUE文件,导入这个软件在打开Exact Audio Copy软件,打开抓取。

如何正确使用Exact Audio Copy抓取无损音乐

EAC 为 Exact Audio Copy 的缩写. Exact Audio Copy 简称EAC,几乎能抓取任何光碟的音轨,不失真的转成WAV.然后通过Monkey"s Audio压缩成APE.

如何正确使用Exact Audio Copy抓取无损音乐

EAC 为 Exact Audio Copy 的缩写. Exact Audio Copy 简称EAC,几乎能抓取任何光碟的音轨,不失真的转成WAV.然后通过Monkey"s Audio压缩成APE.

Exact Audio Copy软件(EAC)读取CD的信息,全都是乱码,可以通过设置更改吗?


求求路过的神仙帮帮我Exact Audio Copy怎么用不了了


我用exact audio copy从CD翻录无损wav,可是完成后播放没有任何声音,这是怎么回事?

你直接用Windous media player 不也行么

Exact Audio Copy 不能完成间隙检测问题!


Exact Audio Copy在抓轨时结尾最后一秒总是出现可疑.


我的CUE文件,Exact Audio Copy为什么说我有错误!

用EAC刻录? 还是什么?

求助,Exact Audio Copy不能完成检测音轨前间隙是怎么回事?


无损音乐,关于Exact Audio Copy抓轨!log 检测得分问题!


用Exact Audio Copy抓轨.nrg文件无声音。

用DAEMON Tools lite虚拟光驱加载的文件后,用foobar2000打开改虚拟光驱的文件,在要抓轨的音乐名称上点击右键,选择转换,选择你想转换的格式,转换即可。

如何在win7下运行Exact Audio Copy

又用了EAC即Exact Audio Copy(点此下载),从WAV文件中提取音轨文件。 接着用CuteAPE(点此 Q:Win98系统启动后为什么会自动弹出C盘窗口来? A:如果有使用Windows优化大师的话,进入优化大师“系

多个APE文件(每首歌一个APE),均无cue文件,如何用Exact Audio Copy刻录CD?


请教如何用Exact Audio Copy创建CUE文件

1、先去下载一个叫Exact Audio Copy的软件 2、然后将ape转换为wav, 3、打开Eac--工具--处理wav--找到转换后的wav--(等待扫描)--cue节目单--生成CUE节目单--(等待扫描)--保存 4、然后记事本打开cue,修改这样一行拼音: FILE "APE歌曲名.后缀名" ...

如何正确使用Exact Audio Copy抓取无损音乐

EAC 为 Exact Audio Copy 的缩写. Exact Audio Copy 简称EAC,几乎能抓取任何光碟的音轨,不失真的转成WAV.然后通过Monkey"s Audio压缩成APE.1.接口选择建议采用“安装外部ASPI接口”。这样可以提高操作性能,也能改善一部分的兼容问题。ASPI接口安装方法:把NERO安装目录下的WNASPI32.dll复制到EAC目录下,或者安装ASPI安装包。如果光驱没有兼容问题,也可选择“本地Win32接口”选项。2 驱动器选项(非常重要)抓取模式中(非常重要)选择推荐的“带有下列驱动器特性的安全模式(推荐)”,其中应该选择“驱动器具备精确流”特性和“驱动器可以缓冲音频数据”。不要选择“驱动器可以找回C2错误信息”,同样也不要选择快速模式和暴发模式 。有条件的话可以选择“使用读取采样偏移校正”,然后测试出偏移值从而得出自己驱动器的取样偏移;但因为偏移问题并不影响EAC正确工作,若是没有条件,略过这步即可。间隙检测在“检测精确度”中先选安全,确定后按键盘上的“F4”来检测上面的检测方法A-C的测试看驱动器能否支持此模式。3 压缩选项(0.99以上版本已支持ape和flac的直接压缩)4 freedb/数据库选项点击“获取当前可用的freedb服务器列表”,取得可用服务器列表,这样在一个服务器无效时,可以有更多选择。freedb是一个网上的CD数据库,是包括 CD 信息诸如音轨名称和演奏者名字的庞大的在线数据库。EAC 可以查找 freedb 数据库中的 CD 并填写所有信息,取代手动输入每条音轨名称的工作-当然前提是 freedb 中有此 CD 的信息。需要网络连接的支持。5 接下来就是无损单曲压缩6 或是无损专辑压缩7 最后就是大功告成


不是真的。1、kimcop这个cp是营销号通过17年逐月之月这个剧,为了宣传热度进行营业捆绑在一起的。不过很多cp都是一年左右时间就会自动解除cp,他们两个就是断断续续营业到成团,然后越来越熟,最后营业到现在。2、kimcop他们之前营业痕迹特别重,感觉看着起来有点假,但是后面看着两人又从开始的不熟悉到熟了以后就很有cp感,看着很甜,而且还越来越好的那种关系,像从陌生人到朋友一样。3、虽然在剧里面看着非常甜,像一对cp,但还是得回到现实,除去营销号的捆绑,两人只能算是朋友关系了,绝对算不上是真cp。kimcop相关信息1、kim即KimMon,与很多泰国新生代偶像从校园剧起家一样,KimMon凭借亲切爽朗的阳光大男孩深入人心,这种率性和真诚不仅是他饰演的角色写照,他本人在真实生活中亦是如此形象,只不过更加调皮随性。2、cop即Copter Panuwat,起初参加了泰国选秀活动THE STAR,未得名次,却被伯乐相中,给予培训机会,2016年出演泰国歌手Boy Peacemarker歌曲《u0e22u0e31u0e07u0e44u0e01u0e25》MV男主。3、Copter Panuwat在2017年出演泰剧《逐月之月》,Copter饰演医学院大二学生kitkat,一位可爱傲娇的学长,剧中与男星Kimmon一度成为热门CP档。4、2018年,Copter与kimmon, bas, tae, tee组成男子偶像团体组合SBFIVE ,首支单曲《whenever》反响热烈。

如何知道法国公鸡鞋le cop sportif是哪一年的款和生产日期?

创建年代: 1982年产品类别:T-shirt,女款休闲鞋,女款运动鞋,手提包,斜挎包,旅行包,男士休闲鞋,男款运动鞋,背包,运动服饰,针织衫创始人:艾米鲁?卡米哲先生公司总部:法国官方网址品牌历史 Le coq品牌于1882年由创始人艾米鲁?卡米哲先生创建于法国的洛米里?希鲁塞。随着公司的发展,公司的产品受到越来越多人的喜爱。1948年“大公鸡”标志首次被起用。“大公鸡”是法国的象征,这个象征源于一族侨居法国的古老民族,他们以斗鸡图案为旗帜,自此公鸡的标志在法国落地生根,并成为法国民族的精神象征。Le coq品牌服装与其夺目的“大公鸡”形象在欧洲很快名声大噪,并迅速风靡全球。1981年春天,Le coq品牌在日本正式启动,其产品融合了法国的浪漫气息与日本的精致典雅,为引领潮流者打造了广泛的个性化空间。经过在亚太地区的长足发展,Le coq已遍布日本、韩国、台湾、香港、泰国、新加坡等地,并赢得当地时尚年轻男女的广泛认同和追捧。公鸡的casual服系列名为sports lifestyle,设计简单,强调悠闲舒适,细节精致,不失时装设计感觉。而它的便鞋运动鞋亦同样以活泼缤纷见称。便鞋名为[smod],即sports+mode+art,采用皮革、网料、斜布等配合多色图案,适合不同场合。起源:原产地法国,大热于日本。字面解作[一只热爱运动的小公鸡]1882年由热爱运动的纺织商人Emile Camuset于法国小镇织做专业赛跑服及运动裤开始,供应运动团体,当时只写上Athletic Knitwear及产品编号。1948年渐受欢迎,追捧人数渐多,正式登记为专业品牌,并采用四方形标志,小公鸡为logo。Logo:60年、66年、68年、75年logo曾改动,而目前的标志是1975年沿用至今——三角形中有一只公鸡。三角形代表Emile Camuset与他两位子女的亲密三角关系。公鸡是法国象征,有吉祥物的意思,而三角形中间的公鸡,寓意太阳照耀着一家人。运动员着上公鸡,代表尊严、坚毅及勇气。49年由Roland接任50年代公鸡运动服在法国单车赛Tour de France扬名,从此经常出现在奥运、世界杯及大满贯网球赛中。66年-74年曾一度在adidas旗下。82年、86年分别是意大利、阿根廷世界杯冠军队足球服赞助商,马拉多纳着公鸡服亲吻奖杯的经典一幕,成功建立品牌领导地位。90年代,日本名古屋八鲸球队、大阪飞脚也穿上其球衣,在日本名声大嗓。2000年在日本推出日本运服动服系列。01年与同样来自法国agnes b搞cross over,开设休闲运动鞋。02年起又与时装品牌mina perhonen及A/T推出别注鞋款及服装至今。现时,le coq sportif主要分两大系列:运动系列与时尚运动系列。你一定已注意到我们的标志。三角形中一只小公鸡的确很夺目。公鸡一向是法国的象征。这个象征相信源于一族侨居法国的古老民族。他们以斗鸡图案为旗帜。自此,公鸡标志在法国落地生根,法国人也尊崇公鸡,并以此为法国的神圣象征。Le coq sportif的始创人Emile Camuset先生选择三角形来象征他自己与两位子女的亲密关系。他重视家庭关系,以维系家庭的和睦团结为首务,总是希望能一家人一同共事。一只勇敢的小公鸡,正反映出法国民族的精神和传统;而三角形标志却给我们温馨的亲情。从这标志中体现的那种坚毅,那份温情,会冲破地域界限,留传千古。与时装品牌结盟:与众多日本名气时装品牌合作,将公鸡提升为流行时装品牌。01年起与agnes b合作的运动鞋便鞋,一出即成抢手货。由于agnes b 在日本人心目中非常流行,亦令公鸡成为日本少女必备。02年与时装Tsumori Chisato、北欧少女服mina perhonen、03年与A/T合作设计别注系列,结合时装特色,运动服变得有型有款。最瞩目是03年由曾任职Louis Vuitton杂志创作总监河源真介,以牛仔布及金箔设计一对限量运动鞋,鞋内有其手绘图案,订购价高达$21,500,成为潮流界盛事。(这对金箔运动鞋只得两个size,每对附有木箱盛载,十分矜贵。)le coq sportif简史1882年 艾米鲁?卡米哲先生在法国的洛米里?希鲁塞创办了针织运动服。1948年 第一个商标注册。1950年 三角商标注册。1951年 “环法自行车赛”指定le coq服装为官方指定服装。1965年 三角商标的颜色注册。1966年 与阿迪达斯签署公开协定。1968年 亚瑟?阿什穿着LCS服装夺得第一届美国公开赛冠军。1968年 LCS与MICHAELJAZY签约。1968年 简化标志注册。1970年 埃迪?默克斯“环法自行车赛”夺冠。1974年 阿迪达斯收购LCS,正式开始努力扩展国际市场。1975年 第一次使用现在的标志。1980年 加入到日本东方公司。1982年 意大利队穿着LCS服装在世界杯上夺冠。1983年 耶尼科?诺亚穿着LCS服装在法国公开赛上夺冠。1985年 LCS日本加入TORUBION公司旗下。1986年 阿根廷队穿着LCS服装在世界杯上夺冠。1987年 达斯勒(adidas总裁)逝世。1988年 SARRAGAN FRANCE组成。1991年 迪桑特公司获得LCS产品在亚太地区的经营权。1995年 NIKE?PRICE在英国公开赛夺冠。1995年 BROWN集团获得LCS在亚太地区的经营权。1998年 LCS加入BROWN SHOE公司旗下。1998年 LCS(日本)加入迪桑特公司旗下。品牌风格Le coq品牌以“欢乐体育运动,幸福生活方式(HAPPY SPORTS!HAPPY STYLE!)”为品牌理念,目前杉杉经营的Le coq定义为“法国原创,东京韵味”,其产品融合了法国的浪漫气息与日本的精致典雅, 并以“把体育的竞技与休闲和生活方式相结合”作为品牌使命,为引领潮流者打造了广泛的个性化空间。其设计简洁,强调悠闲舒适,注重细节,结合时装特色,使运动服也变得有型有款。品牌定位Le coq品牌的服务对象是以18-35岁崇尚自然、休闲、热爱运动,具有独到生活见解,并对最新流行事物有感知的青年男女。

le cop sportif这个品牌的中文名叫什么


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roly-poly in copacabana韩文歌词


Copacabana (At the Copa) 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana (At the Copa)歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:2 Nights LiveCopacabana - Barry ManilowHer name was Lola, she was a showgirlWith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereShe would merengue and do the cha-chaAnd while she tried to be a star, Tony always tended barAcross a crowded floor, they worked from 8 till 4They were young and they had each otherWho could ask for more?At the Copa , CopacabanaThe hottest spot north of HavanaAt the Copa , CopacabanaMusic and passion were always the fashionAt the Copa....they fell in loveHis name was Rico, he wore a diamondHe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancin" thereAnd when she finished, he called her overBut Rico went a bit too far, Tony sailed across the barAnd then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twoThere was blood and a single gun shotBut just who shot who?At the Copa , CopacabanaThe hottest spot north of HavanaAt the Copa , CopacabanaMusic and passion were always the fashionAt the Copa....she lost her loveHer name is Lola, she was a showgirlBut that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a showNow it"s a disco, but not for LolaShe sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blindShe lost her youth and she lost her TonyNow she"s lost her mind!At the Copa , Copacabana

Copacabana (At The Copa) 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana (At The Copa)歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Even NowArtist: Barry ManilowAlbum: Ultimate ManilowTitle: Copacabana (at The Copa)Her name was Lola, she was a showgirlwith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereshe would merengue and do the cha-chaand while she tried to be a starTony always tended baracross the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4they were young and they had each otherwho could ask for more?CHORUS:At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... they fell in loveHis name was Ricohe wore a diamondhe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing thereand when she finished,he called her overbut Rico went a bit to farTony sailed across the barand then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twothere was blood and a single gun shotbut just who shot who?REPEAT CHORUSAt the copa... she lost her loveHer name is Lola, she was a showgirl,but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a shownow it"s a disco, but not for Lola,still in dress she used to wear,faded feathers in her hairshe sits there so refined,and drinks herself half-blindshe lost her youth and she lost her Tonynow she"s lost her mindREPEAT CHORUSAt the copa... don"t fall in lovedon"t fall in love

COPACABANA 歌词中,COPACABANA 本是巴西一地名,可为什么歌词中频频出现古巴一词,为什么?



copacabana是迪斯尼的园歌Her name is lolaShe was a showgirlWith yellow feathers in her hairAnd a dress cut down to thereShe would merengueAnd do the cha-chaAnd while she tried to be a starTony always tended barAcross the crowded floorThey worked from eight til" fourThey were young and they had each otherWho could ask for more?At the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaHere at the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaThey fell in love…His name was RicoHe wore a diamondHe was escorted to his chairHe saw lola dancing thereAnd when she finishedHe called her overBut rico went a bit too farTony sailed across the barAnd then the punches flewAnd chairs were smashed in twoThere was blood and a single gun shotBut just who shot who?At the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaAt the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaShe lost her loveHer name is lola She was a showgirlBut that was many years agoWhen they use to have a showNow it"s a discoBut not for lolaStill in the dress she use to wearFaded feathers in her hairShe sits there so refined And drinks herself half blindShe lost her youthAnd she lost her tonyNow she"s lost her mindAt the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaAt the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaDon"t fall in love…

at the copa是什么意思

at the copa 在科巴卡巴那


copacabana(获得1978年格莱美音乐奖) 歌手:Barry Manilow Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there she would merengue and do the cha-cha and while she tried to be a star Tony always tended bar across the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4 they were young and they had each other who could ask for more? At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana) the hottest spot north of Havana (here) at the copa (CO!) Copacabana music and passion were always in fashion At the copa. they fell in love His name was Rico he wore a diamond he was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing there and when she finished, he called her over but Rico went a bit too far Tony sailed across the bar and then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two there was blood and a single gun shot but just who shot who? At the copa she lost her love Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl, but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show now it‘s a disco, but not for Lola, still in dress she used to wear, faded feathers in her hair she sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind she lost her youth and she lost her Tony now she‘s lost her mind At the copa don‘t fall in love don‘t fall in love


《眼泪徒流》 是啊,我很在意你不再爱我 我的心伤,我不隐藏 我渴望一个前兆,预示着我会振作 圆桌旋转 我并不羞惭,这就是我的感想 我荒谬地认为,你是祸首罪魁 你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光 今晚平静与我无缘 但我定会涅磐,你也不必不安 我想我会找到生命的意义 我有时间,我不急 我们这样结局,或许还算可以 我们该想想未来,而不是只有回忆 你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光(上面4行重复) 但我仍想倾尽全力,改变你的决意 尽管你伤害了我的自尊心 我想我们根本不互补 我想错误的俩无法走到一起 我们踏过的路已经是过去 我会走向哪里? 我们已终止,不再继续。 (重复)你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光

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《Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu》(Laurence Bergreen (Author))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:3bq4书名:Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu作者:Laurence Bergreen (Author)出版社:Books on Tape出版年份:2007内容简介:Book Description================ Times Book Review:Here"s a lesson in the graceful acceptance of defeat. In 1298, the Genoese navy bested the Venetian fleet at the Battle of Curzola. Unable to live with the disgrace, one Venetian commander, Andrea Dandolo, killed himself by beating his head against his ship"s mast. Another Venetian leader, Marco Polo, surrendered calmly, was taken prisoner and spent a few years writing his memoirs in comfortable captivity. Dandolo"s fame died on the deck; Polo"s will outlive our grandchildren. Few famous names have as much vagueness attached to their exploits, though. Marco Polo opened Asia to European trade, so we"re told, but we generally don"t know much else. Laurence Bergreen remedies that by bolstering Polo"s reputation and arguing for his historical importance in a book as enthralling as a rollicking travel journal. Bergreen, who has written biographies of Louis Armstrong, James Agee and Irving Berlin, turned his attention to ancient explorers with “Over the Edge of the World,” which tracked Ferdinand Magellan"s circumnavigation of the globe. I was a fan of that book, but “Marco Polo” far outshines it, and not surprisingly. Marco Polo, unlike Magellan, left his biographers a masterpiece of a memoir to work with.Marco Polo wasn"t the first European to venture into what we now know as China; he wasn"t even the first Polo. In 1253, Marco"s father, Niccolò, and uncle Maffeo set off on a trading journey to the heart of the Mongol empire established by Genghis Khan. To their contemporaries, this was madness. Genghis Khan had established his kingdom by leading expert warriors, 100,000 strong, on campaigns marked by extreme brutality. Word got around. In Europe, Bergreen writes, “the Mongols were considered Satan"s spawn, among the most lawless, violent and sinful people on the face of the earth.”The Polo brothers knew something their peers didn"t: Genghis Khan and his successors were pitiless warriors, but they were just as fierce about keeping the post-conquest peace. Sensing a chance for profit in the Pax Mongolica imposed across Asia, the Polo brothers journeyed to the court of Genghis"s grandson and imperial heir, Kublai Khan. The man they met bore no resemblance to his reputation. Kublai Khan welcomed foreign traders and exhibited a rare tolerance and interest in all religions, including Christianity.Sixteen years later — business trips were a stretch back then — Niccolò Polo returned to Venice to find that his wife, now dead, had given birth to a son 15 years earlier.In 1271, Niccolò and Maffeo took Marco with them on another journey to the court of the great Khan. Marco hit it off so well with the emperor that he stayed with the Mongol ruler for the next 17 years, earning his keep as a tax assessor and trusted adviser. Acting as Kublai Khan"s eyes and ears, Marco roamed Asia and Africa and reported back to the emperor on the people and taxable commerce he encountered. Shortly before Kublai Khan"s death in 1294, Marco returned to Venice, assumed his place as a prominent merchant, fought the Genoese at Curzola and eventually wrote his famous memoir.He should have been forgotten by history. The merchant Benjamin of Tudela and the Franciscan missionaries Giovanni da Pian del Carpini and William of Rubruck beat him to market with manuscripts about their travels in the exotic land. But Marco Polo, Bergreen points out, had two advantages rival authors lacked: he took great notes and had a terrific ghostwriter.On his return journey to Venice, Marco Polo carted back years" worth of journals and reports. While a captive of the Genoese, he sent for those notes (nobility had its privileges even in a prison) and used them to jog his memory. Also prodding him was his co-author, Rustichello of Pisa, a fellow prisoner and experienced writer of popular romances. Rustichello knew how to play up the drama, and in Marco Polo he found a rare subject. “Without the stubborn Pisan to force the Venetian wayfarer to sit still long enough to dictate his overflowing reminiscences,” Bergreen notes, “the story of Marco"s travels would never have been written.”What the two came up with was nothing short of a blockbuster. Marco Polo"s “Travels” spilled over with sex, violence, suspense, exotic lands, strange people and bizarre practices. Mongol horsemen thundered out of its pages. Marco dazzled readers with descriptions of the singing sands of the Desert of Lop and a firsthand account of the metropolis of Quinsai, now known as Hangzhou, the most advanced and prosperous city in the world. Marco recounted the cutthroat politics of Kublai Khan"s court in all its delicious drama, complete with power-mad counselors, back-stabbing colleagues and grisly executions.Temptations of the flesh abounded. Marco was forever stumbling into the 13th-century version of the farmer"s daughter joke. Time and again the delighted young man — remember, he was teenager when he set out from Venice — found villagers lined up outside his tent offering their nubile daughters for his pleasure and their honor. His description of Kublai Khan"s sexual talent search, with scouts scouring the provinces to send the best of the best to the emperor"s bedchamber, reads like a fable spun by Scheherazade.Lest readers think his journey was one big Tom Jonesian romp, Marco included the dark side, too. He had to elude marauders, survive shipwrecks and cross treacherous deserts. Anxiety, loneliness and thirst were constant companions. In Myanmar, he survived a night among villagers who regularly murdered noble visitors to trap their souls and bring good fortune to the house. Poor Marco. As he rode into each new town, he didn"t know whether he was checking into the Playboy mansion or the Bates Motel.The world he encountered was stranger than any fable he"d been told in Venice. “Wherever he roamed,” Bergreen writes, “Marco Polo found examples of the natural order of things overturned: astrologers conjuring up tempests at will; salt employed as money; householders inviting strangers to lie with their wives, sisters and daughters; deadly serpents yielding life-saving medicine — a dizzying succession of curiosities and paradoxes.”Curiously, the figure who makes the greatest impression in Bergreen"s biography isn"t Marco Polo but his patron, Kublai Khan. Marco was many things: master capitalist, ancient journalist, all-time champion traveler. As a person, though, he"s a bit thin and empty. He"s more of an Everyman watching amazing events unfold.Kublai Khan, by contrast, comes off as both a giant of history and a man of flesh and blood. His excesses were legendary, of course — Samuel Taylor Coleridge immortalized his summer palace, Xanadu — but the emperor doesn"t deserve the Caligula rap. His religious tolerance and encouragement of international trade marked him as a ruler with wisdom that put him centuries before his time. Marco describes Khan as a bold, politically deft administrator who knew how to play territories and factions off one another to keep the kingdom"s peace. The emperor used paper money, unheard of in Europe, to unify the empire"s economy. “Marco revealed Kublai Khan"s splendid realm not as a static, remote fantasyland populated by savages,” Bergreen writes, “but as a vital state constantly on the alert for danger — an empire that never slept, where swift messengers moved by night if necessary, their way marked by reassuring rows of trees and lit by flickering torchlight.”In the end, Marco Polo"s greatest contribution to history was to deliver this simple news to Europe: The Asians, they"re not so bad. They"re kind of like us. In some ways, they"re better.作者简介:劳伦斯·贝尔格林是位优秀的作家,他毕业于哈佛大学。他的代表作品有《在世界的边缘:麦哲伦的环球之旅》《雅梅斯·阿吉:一个生命》《路易斯·阿姆斯特朗:奢华的生活》《卡波恩:他的为人与时代》《数以千计的呼唤:欧文·柏林的一生》。 劳伦斯的每一部作品都堪称经典之作。

roger that和copy that的区别是什么?

roger that和copy that的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、roger that:收到,明白,收到了。2、copy that:复制那个,引申为收到。二、用法不同1、roger that:通常会用于下属收到上司通过无线电发出的作战命令作出的回应(较尊敬的语气)。2、copy that:引申出来的用语,通常会用于战友、同事间互通信息的回应(比ROGER THAT语气稍弱),copy的基本意思是对原物的复制,并力图在形状、外观、特征等方面与原物尽可能相似,可表示“模仿”“仿效”,也可表示“复印”“抄写”。三、侧重点不同1、roger that:Roger that主要就是收到了的意思。2、copy that:Copy that更突出了会照对方做的意思。

英语roger that跟copy that 有什么区别啊?

Roger that!(收到了)无线电话通讯用语Copy that!虽然也有相同的意思,但是属于非无线电话通讯用语。 举两个例子: Roger that. I"ll watch your back!明白,我来照看你背后!Roger that, Control.收到,控制官。 小注:此外Roger还可以做人名使用。

roger that 和 copy that 的区别是什么?

roger that和copy that的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、roger that:收到,明白,收到了。2、copy that:复制那个,引申为收到。二、用法不同1、roger that:通常会用于下属收到上司通过无线电发出的作战命令作出的回应(较尊敬的语气)。2、copy that:引申出来的用语,通常会用于战友、同事间互通信息的回应(比ROGER THAT语气稍弱),copy的基本意思是对原物的复制,并力图在形状、外观、特征等方面与原物尽可能相似,可表示“模仿”“仿效”,也可表示“复印”“抄写”。三、侧重点不同1、roger that:Roger that主要就是收到了的意思。2、copy that:Copy that更突出了会照对方做的意思。

copy that和roger that 有什么区别?


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la copa del amor是什么歌?

La Copa de la Vida1998年法国世界杯主题曲歌手:Ricky MartinLa vida es pura pasion活着就要享受刺激hay que llenar copa de amor这一杯 用爱满上para vivir hay que luchar为生而战un corazon para ganar决意取胜Como cain y abel es un partido cruel斗争残酷有如该隐和亚伯的角逐tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战consigue con honor la copa del amor追逐荣光 追逐生命之杯para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗luchar por ella (si)为她而战luchar por ella (si)为她而战Tu y you! Ale ale ale你和我 Ale Ale AleGo go gol! Ale ale ale走走走 Ale Ale AleArriba va! El mundo esta de pie快快快快 世界都在看着Go go gol! Ale ale ale走走走 Ale Ale AleLa vida es生活就是competicion一场比赛hay que sonar你对冠军ser campeon势在必得la copa es这一杯la bendicion给你祝福la ganaras必胜!Go Go GO!走走走Tu instinto natural你的本能vencer a tu rival就是打败对手Tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战consigue con honor追逐荣光la copa de la amor追逐生命之杯!para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗luchar por ella (si)为她而战luchar por ella (si)为她而战Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Como Cain y Abel有如该隐和亚伯之斗Es un partido cruel比赛如此残酷Tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战Consigue con honor追逐荣光La copa del amor追逐生命之杯!Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗Luchar por ella为她而战Luchar por ella为她而战Luchar por ella为她而战Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油扩展资料:1986年的世界杯是属于马拉多纳的,这位阿根廷天皇巨星以“上帝之手”和连过五人的长途奔袭进球得分,闻名于世,并为本队再次夺得世界杯桂冠。1984年瑞奇马丁加入过波多黎各少年偶像团体Menudo,1991年后开始个人演唱事业。他最著名的歌曲之一是1998年世界杯足球赛主题曲《生命之杯》(The Cup of Life),此歌曲红极一时风靡全球。而Ricky在1999年的格莱美颁奖典礼上现场表演《The Cup of Life》也成为格莱美历史上的经典现场演出之一。他至今在全世界的唱片总销量已经突破7000万张,同时他拥有6张美国Billboard专辑榜冠军专辑,11首Billboard拉丁单曲榜冠军单曲。Ricky也是波多黎各史上第一位红遍全球的流行巨星,波多黎各史上唱片销量最高的艺人。









《la copa de la vie》的歌词是什么意思

La Copa de la Vida1998年法国世界杯主题曲歌手:Ricky MartinLa vida es pura pasion活着就要享受刺激hay que llenar copa de amor这一杯 用爱满上para vivir hay que luchar为生而战un corazon para ganar决意取胜Como cain y abel es un partido cruel斗争残酷有如该隐和亚伯的角逐tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战consigue con honor la copa del amor追逐荣光 追逐生命之杯para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗luchar por ella (si)为她而战luchar por ella (si)为她而战Tu y you! Ale ale ale你和我 Ale Ale AleGo go gol! Ale ale ale走走走 Ale Ale AleArriba va! El mundo esta de pie快快快快 世界都在看着Go go gol! Ale ale ale走走走 Ale Ale AleLa vida es生活就是competicion一场比赛hay que sonar你对冠军ser campeon势在必得la copa es这一杯la bendicion给你祝福la ganaras必胜!Go Go GO!走走走Tu instinto natural你的本能vencer a tu rival就是打败对手Tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战consigue con honor追逐荣光la copa de la amor追逐生命之杯!para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗luchar por ella (si)为她而战luchar por ella (si)为她而战Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Como Cain y Abel有如该隐和亚伯之斗Es un partido cruel比赛如此残酷Tienes que pelear por una estrella为誉而战Consigue con honor追逐荣光La copa del amor追逐生命之杯!Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella这是为了生存而斗Luchar por ella为她而战Luchar por ella为她而战Luchar por ella为她而战Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Tu y yo你和我Allez allez allez加油加油加油Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油Arriba va朝上走El mundo esta de pie世界尽在掌握Go go go走走走Allez allez allez加油加油加油扩展资料:1986年的世界杯是属于马拉多纳的,这位阿根廷天皇巨星以“上帝之手”和连过五人的长途奔袭进球得分,闻名于世,并为本队再次夺得世界杯桂冠。1984年瑞奇马丁加入过波多黎各少年偶像团体Menudo,1991年后开始个人演唱事业。他最著名的歌曲之一是1998年世界杯足球赛主题曲《生命之杯》(The Cup of Life),此歌曲红极一时风靡全球。而Ricky在1999年的格莱美颁奖典礼上现场表演《The Cup of Life》也成为格莱美历史上的经典现场演出之一。他至今在全世界的唱片总销量已经突破7000万张,同时他拥有6张美国Billboard专辑榜冠军专辑,11首Billboard拉丁单曲榜冠军单曲。Ricky也是波多黎各史上第一位红遍全球的流行巨星,波多黎各史上唱片销量最高的艺人。





我用fastcopy传输文件,速度只有5MB???? 先说明,不是数据线的问题



copy 不行, 没有无视错误的命令, 用 xcopy /c 是可以的 .另外,如果你能进入windows 或者 winpe 界面,那我给你推荐fastcopy,我一般用它抢救坏硬盘,无视错误,自动跳过.






FastCopy V1.84


FastCopy是Windows平台上最快的文件拷贝、删除软件。由于其功能强劲,性能优越,一时间便超越相同类型的所有其他软件。由于该软件十分小巧,你甚至可以在安装后,直接将安装目录中的文件复制到任何可移动存储设备中,方便携带,随取随用。 FastCopy 主要包含下列功能: 1.完全支持拖曳操作,支持拖曳多个文件到来源中; 2.支持外壳整合,方便的让你利用右键菜单直接复制文件; 3.支持三种不同的 HDD 模式; 4.内建多种人性化的操作模式; 5.支持过滤,可以使用通配符;


那个版本?我用2.11用的满好的,WIN7 64系统,建议重新下吧。官方英文站:
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