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roger that 和 copy that 的区别

美国军方最常用的无线电通话用语ROGER THAT = COPY THAT都有“收到”“明白”“知道”的意思。ROGER THAT通常会用於下属收到上司通过无线电发出的作战命令作出的回应(较尊敬的语气);而COPY THAT则是引申出来的用语,通常会用於战友、同事间互通信息的回应(比ROGER THAT语气稍弱);这种情况也可用ROGER THAT;但由於受到美国军队和警方,以及某些电影的影响,已经变成了很多地区的口语了。保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问


copy that,英语词组,释义收到了、知道了。copy that一般用于电话通话中,表示别人说过的话自己已经明白,至于你说的收到,有些情况下可以意会,但正常情况下与roger that一个意思,都表示收到对方信息表示领悟,明白。例句:James said "Copy that, we"re going in, " Jeff whispered. 詹姆斯说。 “收到 我们这就冲进去 ”杰夫低声说。

安室奈美惠的《Copy That》 歌词


在网络或者其他地方,表示收到"copy that"有直接说"copy"的用法吗?

收到消息是message received并没有用copy的情况Copy that是后面的代词,代指的是这件事情直接用copy的话,人家并不知道你说的是什么

rogar that 和copy that 的区别

口语不存在上下级关系。不同部队的习惯不同而已。如有人问Do you copy?答copy that.而非Roger.

copy that什么意思?

copy that 指英语词组,收到了、知道了【美】【口】无线电话用语,用于无线电通讯中表示收到讯息的答语。一般提问方通话完毕后会问:“Did you copy?”收听方则回答:“Copy that.”

copy that什么意思?

copy that意为收到。这时一句无线电话用语,意思为:收到了,知道了。用于无线电通讯中表示收到讯息的答语,一般提问方通话完毕后会问:“Did you copy?”收听方则回答:“Copy that.”一般不懂英语的人会误以为是复制上一句话。其他常用术语1、This is:放在对方名称之后,用于介绍自己,意思是“某某,我是某某”。如,“Mother Goose, this is Messenger Pigeon, over.”2、Come in:You may begin speaking now。意思是“请回答”。如,“Contact C. This is L. Come in. Over.”3、Go ahead/stand by:意思是“收到,请讲”或“收到,等待”,用于回应对方呼叫。如,“Adam, this is Mike, Go Ahead. Over.”4、Over:I have finished talking and I am listening for your reply。它是“Over to you”的简写,因此“over”不是“完毕”的意思,而是“该你了”或者“收到请回答”。每说完一句话要用“over”结尾,以提醒对方回答,直到最终结束通话。如,“Mother Goose, this is Messenger Pigeon. Over.”

copy that可以日常说吗?

可以日常说,copy that是一句口语,copy that意为收到。重点词汇解释:1、thatdet. 那,那个;那种pron. 那, 那个;那,那种;就那样conj. 由于;以至于;为了adv. 那样,那么;很,非常双语例句:That"s my wife you were talking to.刚才和你说话的是我妻子。2、copyn. 副本;一册;稿件;作业本;广告文字vt. 复制;抄写;抄送;抄袭;效仿;收到,听见vi. 复制;抄写双语例句:He copied the chart from a book.他从书上复制了表格。copy的具体用法:copy的基本意思是对原物的复制,并力图在形状,外观,特征等方面与原物尽可能相似,可表示模仿,仿效,也可表示复印,抄写的意思。copy作抄写的意思时,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接word,letter等名词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。copy作模仿,仿效的意思时,只用作及物动词,可指模仿人物的行为,思想或穿着打扮等。copy后接动名词作宾语时,该动名词可加名词或代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。

Copy that 是什么意思??


下面句子中,is being given错了 还是scope错了 还是for错了 还是ever since 错了?


pads2007如何重新PO:修改走线后如何重新COPPER POUR

tools-pour manager, 选中flood all,点击start就可以了

求黑子的篮球角色歌perfect copy的罗马拼音和中日文

Perfect Copy演唱:黄瀬凉太(CV:木村良平)作词:こだまさおり作曲:渡辺翔饶舌だよその仕草 目线ひとつ手に取るようだね/话太多了哦那个表情jyouzetsudayo sonoshigusa mesenhitotsu teni toruyoudane冗谈だろその程度か? 真似たくなるくらいに魅せてよ/开玩笑吧那种程度 模仿展示给你看jyodan daro sonoteidoka manitaku narukuraini miseteyoイメージの先も裏も どこからでも构わないぜ/印象的表里 从哪里开始也没关系ime-jino sakimo uramo dokokarademo kamawanaize刺激的に/用刺激的方法shigekitekiniPerfect Copy? no no もうそれ以上さ/完美复制?不不 到这个程度以上Perfect Copy? no no mou sore ijyousa瞬间でBe mine/瞬间就成了我的东西shunkande Be mineIt"s your style, no no もうオレのものだ/是你的风格?不不 已经是我的了It"s your style no no mou oreno monodaオリジナルが霞むほどのキレで返すぜ/原型反而成了朦胧的程度 瞄准你还给你orijinaruga kasumu hodono kirede kaesuze楽しめそうなプレイだね そうこなくちゃ张り合いがないよ/看起来很好玩呢 不来的话就没劲了tanoshime souna pureidane soukonakucha hariaiga naiyoあたりまえで饱き饱きだ 早くオレを燃えさせてくれよ/理所当然会腻烦 快点让我情绪高涨起来atarimaede akiakida hayaku orewo moesasete kureyo分かりきった胜ちや负けじゃ そろそろ物足りないだろ?/领会到的话胜负也好 该觉得不满足了吧wakari kitta kachiya makejya sorosoro monotarinai daro惊かせて/让你惊讶odorokaseteUnreadable? no no ありえないことさ/难以理解?不不 怎麼可能Unreadable? no no arienai kotosa瞬间でComplete/瞬间完成shunkande CompleteIt"s too late もうありふれているね/太慢了 已经不稀罕了哦It"s too late mou arifurete iruneオリジナルで胜てないなら次はどう出る?/赢不了原型的话 下次会怎麼样出击?orijinarude katenai nara tsugiwa doudasuイメージの先も裏も どこからでも构わないぜ/印象的表里 哪里开始也没关系ime-jino sakimo uramo dokokarademo kamawanaize魅せて欲しい/想展示给你看misete hohiiPerfect Copy? no no もうそれ以上さ/完美复制?不不 到这个程度以上Perfect Copy? no no mou sore ijyousa瞬间でBe mine/瞬间就成了我的东西shunkande Be mineIt"s your style, no no もうオレのものだ/是你的风格?不不 已经是我的了It"s your style no no mou oreno monoda当然のConfusion/当然会糊涂touzenno ConfusionUnreadable? no no ありえないことさ/难以理解?不不 怎麼可能Unreadable? no no arienai kotosa瞬间でComplete/瞬间完成shunkande CompleteIt"s too late もうありふれているね/太慢了 已经不稀罕了哦It"s too late mou arifurete iruneオリジナルが霞むほどのキレで返すぜ/原型反而成了朦胧的程度 瞄准你还给你orijinaruga kasumu hodono kirede kaesuze

“收到”的英语是Roger that 还是Copy that

roger that


COP值在ARI标准中,关于冬夏季循环效率提出了以下定义:在冬季供热时,制热量(W)与输入功率(W)的比率定义为热泵的循环性能系数COP(coefficient of performance,W/W);在夏季制冷时,制冷量(W或Btu/h)与输入功率(W)的比率定义为热泵的能效比EER(energy efficiency ration, W/W 或Btu/W.h)为不引起歧义,我们将冬季热泵循环性能系数和夏季热泵的能效比表达形式均采用COP(能效比)表示。其计算公式为 :εs=Q0/Ne=Q0/N0·ηs=ε0·ηs 。Q0:制冷系统需要的制冷量(或制热量)N0:制冷压缩机的理论功率Ne:轴功率ε0:是理论制冷系数(制热系数)ηs:是总效率(绝热效率)COP值(制冷效率)实际就是热泵系统所能实现的制冷量(制热量)和输入功率的比值,在相同的工况下,其比值越大说明这个热泵系统的效率越高越节能;因此在作制冷系统COP值比较之前,首先要确定各个热泵系统是否在相同的工况之下,然后再进行计算比较。影响机组的COP的因素有以下几点:a、压缩机的性能系数b、热泵机组的系统匹配性:(所谓系统匹配是指:压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器、节流机构和自控系统的匹配性能。)






樱井~~步 应该就是她了 你指的第一个一定是第一个出现的。



scop224 女的叫什么 按顺序



<template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button size="mini" @click="handleEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)">Edit</el-button><el-button size="mini" type="danger" @click="handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)">Delete</el-button> </template>看文档 这不就是 实例吗


转贴:如何编辑和保存simulink中scope显示结果关于scope结果的保存,论坛里的一般回答都是输出到workspace,再plot,但是plot在一张图里只可以有一个坐标系,在多变量情况下很不方便,不能实现scope中多axis的情况。另外若直接打印scope显示的结果,图形颜色无法编辑,也不能在图上加线条或文字。可以在打开scope情况下,在matlab中输入命令shh = get(0,"ShowHiddenHandles");set(0,"ShowHiddenHandles","On")set(gcf,"menubar","figure")set(gcf,"CloseRequestFcn","closereq")set(gcf,"DefaultLineClipping","Off")set(0,"ShowHiddenHandles",shh)这样scope隐藏的编辑菜单就会出现,与plot中的菜单类似,可以方便的编辑scope中的图形,并可以将图形另存为*.fig,或者export为*.jpg,*.bmp等等。 使用plot打印图片:1.首先添加一个clock时间控件,输出时间t到一个示波器里。修改该示波器参数,进入到data history,删除limit data,勾选save data to workspace,变量名t,格式array。(或者使用to workspace这样一个控件)2.仿照上面示波器参数设置,修改你所要显示的示波器。设变量名为x3.在MATLAB主界面(或新建一个m文件)输入:plot(t,x)(ps:有时候t可能不止一列,需要选择一下,如:plot(t(:,1),x))4.整理图像,选edit下copy figure,粘贴入word中。

制冷机组COP SCOP有什么区别?






编号scop是什么 系列的作品?求告知

根据您的描述,我所能找到的最接近的答案是,日本动画电影《银魂剧场版: 天空篇》的中文片名为《银魂:试炼者之眼》,其英文片名为《Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya》,其中包含了“Final Chapter”的字样。另外,类似于“scop”这样的编号或代号在电影中也有出现过,例如《007:幽灵党》中的“SPECTRE”,以及《变形金刚》系列中的“N.E.S.T.”等,但它们并不是一种普遍的编码标识,而是各自作品独立设置的特定名称。如果您能提供更多信息或上下文,我可能会更精确地回答您的问题。



in two copies和in duplicate有什么区别没?那in two copies在信用证里翻译成两个复印件可以不?

copy复制品 duplicate一式两份 triplicate一式三份

帮助审核信用证!!各条款重要词3 copies 是哪些duplicate是哪些,多少正本多少副本副本是复印的吗?

  1. signed commercial invioce in 3 copies indicating this credit number  3份盖章签字商业发票的副本,发票中标明本信用证号(注意:一般交单发票都会要一正几副,你这个信用证规定的有些奇怪,为了万无一失,我建议你交单时同时提交一份发票正本)  2. full set of clean om marine bills of lading made out to the order of taiwan besiness bank notify applicant marked freiht prepaid and indicating this credit number  全套(三正三副)清洁海运提单,收货人显示“凭台湾商业银行指示放货”,通知方显示开证申请人,并且提单上标明“运费已付”以及信用证号码(注意:这些信息都必须是机打的,不能人工手写上去,不然就是不清洁提单了;另外出提单时通知方显示申请人,不仅是申请人的名字还有地址,只要信用证Applicant那一栏有什么就全部填进去)  3. insurance policy or certificate in duplicate ,endosed in nlank fot at least 110percent of invoice value .stipulating that claims are payable in taiwain in the same currency and including 1982 institute cargo clauses  一正一副的保险单或者保险证书,空白背面(没有任何公司的背书盖章或签字),保险金额要是发票金额的110%,另外保单里的条款要包括注明(如果发生意外事件)可以在台湾进行索赔,保险公司赔偿的币种要为台币的条款,以及《1982公会货物保险条款》(注意:1.一般保险的投保金额就是货物的实际价值,这个LC要你为货物加成保险,其实也是为了在索赔的时候能够获得更多的赔偿;2.这个信用证对你们保险公司的要求很高,发生意外能在台湾索赔台币意味着这个保险公司要在台湾有分公司或者分保处或者其他合作公司;3.信用证说duplicate是指一正一副,Triplicate是指一正二副,一正三副或更多就会明确写明"in one original and 3 copies)  4. additional conditions附加条款  1) an extra photocopy of all ducument is required for issuing bank"s file otherwise USD10.00 will be deducted from our payment ..  受益人交单时必须同时向开证行另附一份全套单据的复印件,否则将会从给受益人的议付金额中扣除10美元  (这是银行的额外交单要求,其实就是让你们多交一份交单资料备份,你们不复印,他自己就得复印一份,10美元说穿了就是复印费,银行收钱很狠的,交单时要把给开证申请人的单据和这份给银行的复印件隔开。  2) ducumentary presentations received at our counters after 3:30PM local time will be considered as having been presented on the next bank day  若交单单据是在开证行柜台所在地当地时间下午3点30之后,开证行将视单据实际收到时间为下一个银行工作日(这个时间一般不影响,但如果临界最迟交单期,就有麻烦。例如说是提单日后14天交单,你们的单据是在提单日后14天的下午4点送到开证行柜台,那么你们就晚交单,有罚款,最终要的是开证申请人有权拒付。)  PS:  我每周都会经历至少一两个信用证,我的经验是:信用证没有一个地方是不重要的,一个标点都有可能导致买方拒付。你如果是作为新人,一定要拿一份信用证再好再对比相应的合同,一字一句的看。其中,在信用证的后半部的Additional Condition里面,有一些是银行自己的特殊规定(比如你列出的那两条),通常会说的比较绕口,一定要和银行沟通好。当然这部分一般都是格式条款,无法更改。  但是,你也不用太担心,除了银行的格式条款,有些条件你觉得公司难以达到的(比如关于投保的规定),你也可以跟你们开证申请人协商,要求改证。





copy与duplicate有什么区别 外贸单据里面的。

copy 是副印件duplicate 是原件两份

please o——me a copy

你好!please o——me a copy请啊,我一份

i have a copy of my own什么意思


I want to copy one me to put in your eyes,your heart and your life


pls send me paper copy 是什么意思

pls send me paper copy 请给我复印纸send英[send]美[su025bnd]vt. 送; 派遣; 使作出(某种反应); 使进入(某状态);vt. 用无线电波发送,发出信息;vi. 派遣,发出,派人;[例句]Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner迈拉·坎宁安给我寄了张便笺感谢我招待的晚餐。[其他] 第三人称单数:sends 现在分词:sending 过去式:sent 过去分词:sent



there are many sentences to copy for me 翻译成汉语


can you lend homework to me copy?这是什么意思?这样写对吗

for me to copy

put me in copy在句中应该怎么翻译,put sb in 是一个词组?


duplicate 与 copy用法上有什么分别

Duplicate and copy can both be used as verbs or nouns. They are similar in meaning and different in the ways they are used as below. As a noun duplicate is different in meaning from copy. It me a total of o copies (or a additional second copy). (Similarly triplicate me three copies quadruplicate four copies e) We use duplicate when we only want to get a second copy. eg Can I have a duplicate of the document? Please issue the invoice in duplicate. On the other hand copy (or copies) is used differently. We can use it when we want any number of copies of the document. eg Can I have a copy of the menu? -- one copy Please give copies of the wers to every student in the class.--more than one copies As a verb duplicate is different in meaning from copy in a similar way. Thus if we want to make another copy of a letter we can say: Please duplicate this letter for me. Copy is used as a verb in a general sense with no specific limitation to how many times something is copied unless it is otherwise stated. eg The students copy all the notes from the white-board. -- usually the students copy once. The teacher asked the students to copy the school rules ten times in the detention class. -- copy ten times as stated 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! 先讲动词 duplicate 系 复制 copy系 "抄" 或者 照实物弄一个副本 同中文一样 "复制"系个比较"严重"既字 唔系随便用得 你可以话你用手抄份文件 但唔会话你用手"复制"份文件 duplicate系一定要成品同原本一模一样先可用duplicate 例如: duplicate a puter file duplicate an image duplicate a sample e 影印都可以话 make a duplicate. 基本上用得duplicate都可以用copy代替 除左复制人 复制羊果d啦.. _________________________________________ 而duplicate同copy都可以系名词 同上 要一模一样的复制品先可以叫duplicate copy系副本 很多时都可以通用 参考: me... is it helpful?


copy cop.y[`kɑpI; ˋku0252pi]《源自拉丁文“丰富,多量”的意思; 原义来自复写可使正本增多》名词1 (C)抄本,誊本,副本; 复制品a clean [fair] ~誊清本a rough ~草稿→ carbon copy 1the original and five copies正本和五份副本make [take] a ~ (of?) 复写 (…) ,誊写) (…)keep a ~ of a deed on file把一份证书的副本存档2 (C) (同一书籍、杂志等的) …本 [份,册,部]Five thousand copies of the book were sold.那本书卖了五千部3 (U)a. (印刷的) 原稿follow ~照原稿排版knock up ~ (为准备立刻付印而) 整理 (新闻等) 原稿b. (新闻的) 题材make good ~成为新闻的好题材4 (U)广告文 (稿)(cf. copywriter)及物动词1 a. 抄写,誊写; 复印(→ imitate 2【同义字】)C~ this letter.把这封信复印b. [从…]抄下[from]They copied the sentences (down) from the blackboard.他们从黑板上抄下那些句子c. 将…全部照抄2 效法,模仿,仿效 <长处等>You should ~ your sister.你应该效法你的姊姊3(英) (作弊时) [从…]全部抄下[from, off]She copied the idea from a foreign magazine.她从某外国杂志抄袭了那个构想不及物动词1 a. 抄写,誊写b. 被复写 [誊写] (于…)2 模仿3 (英) [看著他人的答案或书]抄袭[from, off]No ~ing!.不可抄袭 (他人的东西) !He accused me of ~ing from my neighbor.他责备我抄袭邻座者 (的试卷)

哪位BJ有2NE1的Try to copy me里CL的这张原图呀!!


2ne1 try to copy me 罗马歌词

Try To Copy Me 罗马歌词2NE1, 2010, you know how we do itLet me show you somethin real quick, follow menal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireokehan sum tta win , jebal geuman swigo eoseo nareul ttarawai je , saenggageun da , beorigo geujeo ne mamdaero ja umjigyeobwa geochilge dallyeoboja feels good tonightdeo ppalli gal teni jeoldae nun gamjima I got that thang thang , if you know what I meanIt goes bang bang , you can"t handle it hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s go! Unal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireokenunchittawin ije geuman bogo eoseo neoreul boyeobwa nega wonhadeongeojanha step by step jeoldaero meomchujimada gatchi naraboja up in the sky deo nopi gal teni jeongsineul butjaba I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang, hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s goOh nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke eh~eh~eh~ Pral~ eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come againeh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come againnal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke



teath copy me是什么意思


if you copy me in to the emails that will keep me up to date翻译,急求


求2ne1 try to copy me歌词的音译。

Try To Copy Me 罗马歌词2NE1, 2010, you know how we do itLet me show you somethin real quick, follow menal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke han sum tta win , jebal geuman swigo eoseo nareul ttarawai je , saenggageun da , beorigo geujeo ne mamdaero ja umjigyeobwa geochilge dallyeoboja feels good tonightdeo ppalli gal teni jeoldae nun gamjima I got that thang thang , if you know what I meanIt goes bang bang , you can"t handle it hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s go! U nal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nunchittawin ije geuman bogo eoseo neoreul boyeobwa nega wonhadeongeojanha step by step jeoldaero meomchujima da gatchi naraboja up in the sky deo nopi gal teni jeongsineul butjaba I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang, hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s goOh nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke eh~eh~eh~ Pral~ eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come againeh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come again nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke

求2NE1的Try to copy me的歌词(中文+罗马音译+韩文)

TRY TO COPY ME 歌词 2NE1, 2010, you know how we do it If you ain"t know, now you know Let me show you somethin real quick, follow me 现在开始不要再叹息 快跟着我 没用的想法都丢掉 随着你的心 开始摇摆 feels good tonight 来疯狂的奔跑吧 feels good tonight 要更快乐 所以绝对不要闭上眼睛 I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang bang, you can"t handle it , yes Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go! Hook Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别 Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go! hook step by step 不要再看眼色之类的 将你自己展现出来 不就是你想要的嘛!Step by step 不要停下 up in the sky 让我们飞得更高吧 up in the sky 要飞得更高了 不要松懈 I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang, , say Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别 Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go! hook

帮我翻译这句英语。到底这个是什么意思呀! 内容如下: Why you copy me what I


copy in me和copy me in有什么区别

都有复制的意思。copy一般是指文件的复制或纸张的复印。 duplicate有时指光盘的刻录。


跟我学吧 或者 跟我做吧 。

2ne1 Try To Copy Me 歌词

  TRY TO COPY ME 歌词  2NE1, 2010, you know how we do it  If you ain"t know, now you know  Let me show you somethin real quick, follow me  现在开始不要再叹息 快跟着我  没用的想法都丢掉 随着你的心 开始摇摆  feels good tonight  来疯狂的奔跑吧 feels good tonight  要更快乐 所以绝对不要闭上眼睛  I got that thang thang if you know what I mean  It goes bang bang, you can"t handle it  , yes  Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go!  Hook  Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别  Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go!  hook  step by step  不要再看眼色之类的 将你自己展现出来  不就是你想要的嘛!Step by step 不要停下  up in the sky  让我们飞得更高吧 up in the sky  要飞得更高了 不要松懈  I got that thang thang if you know what I mean  It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang,  , say  Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go  Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别  Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go!  hook  Hook

2ne1 Try To Copy Me 歌词

  TRY TO COPY ME 歌词  2NE1, 2010, you know how we do it  If you ain"t know, now you know  Let me show you somethin real quick, follow me  现在开始不要再叹息 快跟着我  没用的想法都丢掉 随着你的心 开始摇摆  feels good tonight  来疯狂的奔跑吧 feels good tonight  要更快乐 所以绝对不要闭上眼睛  I got that thang thang if you know what I mean  It goes bang bang, you can"t handle it  , yes  Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go!  Hook  Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别  Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go!  hook  step by step  不要再看眼色之类的 将你自己展现出来  不就是你想要的嘛!Step by step 不要停下  up in the sky  让我们飞得更高吧 up in the sky  要飞得更高了 不要松懈  I got that thang thang if you know what I mean  It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang,  , say  Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes let"s go  Hahaha 有趣的 yes lalala 我很特别  Callme minzy minzy yes 来 沦陷吧 let"s go!  hook  Hook

2NE1的 Try to copy me 第一句说的是中文么?


Do not copy me 是什么意思

不要模仿我。Do not copy me .

copy that用在什么场合

无线通话用。Copy that是美军最常用的无线通话用语之一,后来也运用到日常生活中,被用来回应“收到”,看美剧的同学应该不陌生!例句:Boss: Bring it back to my desk not later than 11:00.Me:Copy that.老板:资料11点前放到我桌上。我:收到!这个词相当于我们在工作群中成片的“1”。类似词语:Roger that美军无线通话用语之二,这句话同样可以用来表示“收到”“明白”。例句:Boss: Set up a conference at 3 p.m。Me: Roger that.老板: 安排个下午三点的会议室。我:收到!收到领导和老板的短信,别只会心大大地说“OK”一句 Roger that就能完美地体现你的专业素质。




copy的复数形式是copies。说到copy这个单词,很多人会想到抄袭,是一个动词。其实copy还可以做名称,意思是复制品。下面,我们就一起来看一下copy的用法。首先,我们看一下copy做名词的用法。1、I will send you a copy of the report.我会把这个报告的复印本寄给你。这句话中copy的意思是复印件、副本、复制品,尤其指文件或艺术品的复制品,通常与of连用。2、The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.这本书在两周内销售了2万册。这句话中copies是copy的复数形式,意思是(书、报纸等的)一本、一册、一份 。一份《泰晤士报》可以表达为a copy of ‘The Times"。3、The subeditors prepare the reporters" copy for the paper and write the headlines.助理编辑处理记者为报纸写的稿件并加标题。这句话中copy的意思是(报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息、信息 。其次,我们看一下copy做动词的用法。1、They copied the designs from those on Greek vases.他们临摹那些希腊花瓶上的图案。这句话中copied是copy的过去式,意思是复制、复印、仿造、临摹 。2、She copied the phone number into her address book.她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。这句话中copied的意思是抄写、誊写。常用的搭配是copy sth from sth into/onto sth和copy sth down/out。3、She copies everything her sister does.她一切都效仿她的姐姐。这句话中copies是copy的第三人称单数,意思是模仿、效仿、仿效。4、You can"t copy from your deskmate in the exam.考试时你不能抄袭同桌。这句话中copy的意思是作弊、抄袭。最后,我们看一个与copy相关的短语。1、copy sb in (on sth) 把(信件、电子邮件等)抄送某人、给某人寄…的副本Can you copy me in on your report?你的报告给我抄送一份好吗?

2ne1的try to copy me的中韩对照歌词(带时间的) 谢谢o(∩_∩)o


求BoA《copy & paste》的歌词和中文意思和罗马翻译

BoA(宝儿) - Copy&Paste中文歌词+韩文歌词+罗马拼音+英文翻译+中文翻译歌词Hey, for all you crazy guys out thereYou know the ones who think that they can"t be replacedThere"s a new wordYou"re gonna hit Ctrl+C for copyAnd then you"re gonna hit Ctrl+V for pasting[can"t make out the rest]uc124ub808uc784uc774 ub0a0 uc9c0ubc30ud574 uc5b4uc9c0ub7ecuc6b4 uba38ub9ac uc18d ud5e4uc9d1uace0 ub4e4uc5b4uc640seol le im i nal ji bae hae eo ji reo un meo ri sok e jip go deu reo wauc18cub140uac00 uc655uc790ub2d8uc744 ub9ccub098ub4ef ud558, uafc8uac19uc740 uc2a4ud1a0ub9acuc9c0so nyeo ga wang ja nim eul man na deut ha, kkum ga teun seu to ri jiubc88uca4duc774ub294 uc800 ub728uac70uc6b4 ud50cub798uc26c ub77cuc774ud2b8 ubaa8ub450 ub0b4uac8c ubaa9ub9d0ub77c uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00 ub54cbeon jjeok i neun jeo tteu geo un peul lae swi ra i teu mo du nae ge mok mal la son eul nae il ttaeuc9c0ub098uce58uc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 ub2c8 ub208ube5buc5d0 uc7a1ud78c ub098ji na chi ji mot ha go ni nun bi che ja gin nahello, Mr. Perfect. ub098ub97c ub9ccub09cuac70uc57c uc774uc81cubd80ud130 uc9c4uc9dc Super Starub85c ubcc0uc2e0ud574hello, Mr. Perfect. na reul man nan geo ya i je bu teo jin jja Super Star ro byeon shin haeud750ub974ub294 ud54fuc18duc5d0 uc2a4uba70ub4dcub294 uba5cub85cub514 uc644ubcbdud55c ub108ub85c ub2e4uc2dc ud0dcuc5b4ub098uac8cheu reu neun pi ssok e seu m yeo deu neun mel lo di wan byeok han neo ro da shin tae eo na ge*B.o.A, D.N.A. uc774uc720uc788ub294 uc790ubd80uc2ec*B.o.A, D.N.A. i yu itt neun ja bu shimit"s all right. yeah, That"s right.uafc8uafb8ub358 uadf8 fantasyit"s all right. yeah, That"s right. kkum kku deon geu fantasyuc0c8ub86duac8c ube5bub098ub294 uc800 ud30cub780 ubcc4uc774 ub418ub294 ubc95saw rop ke bit na neun jeo pa ran byeo ri dwae neun beopub0b4uac00 uac00uc9c4 ubaa8ub4e0uac83 ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc ub2e4 copy and pastenae ga ga jin mo deun geot neo e ge man da copy and pasteubcf4uace0 ub4e3uace0 ub2e4 uc548ub2e4uace0 ubbffuc9c0ub9c8 uba3cuc800 uc77cuc5b4ub09c uc0c8ub294 uc870uae08 uc678ub85cuc6b4uac78bo go deut go da an da go mit ji ma meon jeo i reo nan sae neun jo geum wae ro un geoluc601ud654ubcf4ub2e4 ub354ud55c uc0acuac74ub4e4ub3c4 ub9e4uc77c uc9c4uc9dcub85c uc77cuc5b4ub098yeong hwa bo da deo han sa geon deul do mae il jin jja ro i reo naub0b4 uc8fcuc704 uce5cuad6cub4e4ubcf4ub2e4 uba3cuc800 uc5b4ub978uc774 ub418uc57c ud558uc9c0ub9ccnae ju wi chin gu deul bo da meon jeo eo reun i dwae ya ha ji manub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 uc5b4ub9b0uac78 ub098uc911uc5d0uc57c uc54cuac8c ub3fcnu gu bo da eo rin geol na jung e ya al ke dwaeubbffuc9c0 uc6b0ub9acub294 MATCH uc774ub04cub9bc uadf8 uc774uc720 ub9c8uce58 Puzzleucc98ub7fc uc644ubcbdud788 ub531 ub9deuc744 uac78mit ji u ri neun MATCH i kkeul lim geu i yu ma chi Puzzle cheo reom wan byeok hi ttak ma jeul geoluae30uc068ub3c4 uc2acud514ub3c4. uc774 ub9acub4ecucc98ub7fc ub9d0uc57c ub10c ub610 ud558ub098uc758 ub098 ppeum do seul peum do. i ri deum cheo reom mal ya neon tto ha na ui na mak ji mot hae*B.o.A, D.N.A. ub108ub85cuc778ud55c uc790ubd80uc2ec*B.o.A., D.N.A. neo ro in han ja bu shimub2e4 copy ub0a0 copy uc0acub791uc774ub780 uba54uc138uc9c0.da copy nal copy sa rang i ran me se ji.uc5b8uc81cub098 uc870uae08ub354 ub530ub73bud558uac8c ubc14ub77cubd10uc900 ub108eon je na jo geum deo tta tteut ha ge ba ra bwa jun neoub0b4uac00 uac00uc9c4 ubaa8ub4e0uac83 ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc ub2e4 copy and pastenae ga ga jin mo deun geot neo e ge man da copy and paste(uc774ubbf8uc774ubbf8) uadf8ub807uac8c ubbffuace0 uc788uc5c8uc9c0(i mi i mi) geu reo ke mit go i sseot ji(cosmic cosmic) uc628 uc6b0uc8fcuac00 ub098ub97c ub530ub77c ub3c8ub2e4uace0(cosmic cosmic) on u ju ga na reul tta ra don da go(uc774uc81cubd80ud130) uc774uc81cubd80ud130 uadf8ub300uac00 ub098uc758(i je bu teo) i je bu teo geu dae ga na ui(ud0dcuc591uc774 ub418uaca0ub2c8) ud0dcuc591uc774 ub418uc5b4 uc8fcuaca0ub2c8(tae yang i dwae gett ni) tae yang i twae eo ju gett niub108ub97c ub530ub77c ub3ccud14cub2c8, ub098ub97c ube44ucdb0 uc8fcuaca0ub2c8neo reul tta ra dol te ni, na reul bi chwo ju gett ni* B.o.A, D.N.A. uc774uc720uc788ub294 uc790ubd80uc2ec* B.o.A, D.N.A. i yu itt neun ja bu shimit"s all right. yeah, That"s right.uafc8uafb8ub358 uadf8 fantasyit"s all right. yeah, That"s right. kkum kku deon geu fantasyuc0c8ub86duac8c ube5bub098ub294 uc800 ud30cub780 ubcc4uc774 ub418ub294 ubc95sae rop ke bit na neun jeo pa ran byeo ri dwae neun beopub0b4uac00 uac00uc9c4 ubaa8ub4e0uac83 ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc ub2e4 copy and pastenae ga ga jin mo deun geot neo e ge man da copy and paste英文歌词:Hey all you crazy guys out thereYou know the ones who think they can"t be replacedThere"s a new wayYou"re gonna hit CTRL+C for copyAnd then you"re gonna hit CTRL+V for pastingAnd create the man of my desireMy heart"s throbbing manipulates me/Tear up my dizzy head and enterLike a girl meeting a prince ha, it"s a dream-like storyThat hot blinking flashlight/Everything it makes me thirsty/my hand rips off the secretsCouldn"t escpae it/Your eyes captured meHello Mr. Perfect You"ve mt me it"s from now I"ll truly turn into a Super StarInto the flowing blood, the spreading melody/To transform you to be born again into perfection*B.O.A, D.N.A, a self confidence with a reasonIt"s all right. Yeah, That"s right. A fantasy you"ve dreamtThe way to become that new, shining, blue starEverything I have I"ll give it to you copy and paste all of itSaw it, heard it but don"t believe you know everything/A bird that stands up for the first time is lonelyMore than movies, incidents happen every dayI have to become an adult faster than all my friends near meYou get to realize who is younger than whomBelieve it our MATCH, this pull, this reason fits perfectly like a PUZZLEHappiness and sadness. You know this rhythm. You still can"t stop me.*B.O.A, D.N.A, a self-confidence for youCopy all, copy me this love messageYou staring at me a bit more warmly nowEverything I have I"ll give it to you copy and paste all of it(Already already) You"ve believed it(Cosmic cosmic) All of space follows me and spins(From here) From here you and I(Become the sun) Will you become the sun?I"ll follow you and spin, will you shine for me*B.O.A, D.N.A, a self-confidence with a reasonIt"s all right. Yeah, that"s right. A fantasy you"ve dreamtA way to become that new, shining, blue starEverything I have I"ll give it to you copy and paste all of itHey all you crazy guys out thereYou know the ones who think they can"t be replacedThere"s a new wayYou"re gonna hit CTRL+C for copyAnd then you"re gonna hit CTRL+V for pastingAnd create the man of my desire我心脏的跳动控制着我/撕破我眩晕的脑袋并回车像是女孩遇见了王子,这是一个梦一般的故事那道热烈晃眼的闪光/一切都让我渴望/双手扯出那些秘密无法逃离/你的眼神囚禁了我Hello Mr. Perfect从此刻起你 我将变成真正的Superstar流行的音调传入流淌的血液/让你重生为完美之人B.O,A,D.N.A,是有理由的自信It"s alright It is right一个你梦想过的Fantasy变身成为那个崭新、闪耀、受宠的明星的方法是所有我拥有的都给你,复制粘贴所有的一切看到它,听到它却不信你知道一切/先飞的鸟儿是孤独的甚于电影,事故每天发生我不得不比身边的朋友更快长大成人你开始意识到谁比谁更年轻相信我们的合拍,这种引力,这种原因完美地契合成一个谜快乐与伤悲 你知道这个节奏 你仍然无法阻止我B.O,A,D.N.A,是有理由的自信没关系,耶,那没错。一个你梦想过的奇迹变身成为那个崭新、闪耀、受宠的明星的方法是所有我拥有的都给你,复制粘贴所有的一切(已经 已经)你已经相信(宇宙的 宇宙的)所有的空间跟随我转动(从此)从此你和我(变成太阳)你会变成那太阳么?我将跟随你转动,你会为我闪耀么B.O,A,D.N.A,是有理由的自信没关系,耶,那没错。一个你梦想过的奇迹变身成为那个崭新、闪耀、受宠的明星的方法是所有我拥有的都给你,复制粘贴所有的一切

求 2ne1的try to copy me中文音译~~ 不要罗马的 中文歌词 能分每段谁唱的~~谢谢啊

try to copy me中文音译歌词2NE1 YG Entertainment, 2010.02.09 CL 2NE1, 2010, you know how we do it If you ain"t know, now you know Let me show you somethin real quick, follow me 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 一楼开eh x4 汗桑达 一介吧古满西 够哦丝那鲁大到瓦 一介 桑噶横打 波里够古酱你 满带咯 恰卡西要bwa 够介个 大料波家 feels good tonight 得巴利噶特你 就得怒噶鸡马 I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang bang, you can"t handle it 哈哈哈 介名难够,say啦啦啦 难特表喊够 Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes 家吧就bwa let"s go! 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 一楼开eh x4 弄起打 问介吧弄问波够 一艘 难路波哟bwa 你噶问哈等够介那 step by step 就得咯木搜就鸡马 到噶其那料波加奥(up) in the sky 到噶破 噶疼你 就心鲁不就bwa I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang, 哈哈哈 介名难够,say啦啦啦 难特表喊够 Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes 家吧就bwa let"s go! 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 一楼开eh x4eheheheh (brrrrrrrah) eheheheheheheheh (ho) eheheheheheh(you got me singing like ) eheheheheheh (ho) eheheheheh (come again)eheheheheheh(you got me singing like ) eheheheheh (ho)eheheheheh (come again)难带那不哟 难带那不哟 难带那不哟 一楼开eh x4

求2NE1的try to copy me罗马歌词

Try To Copy Me2NE1, 2010, you know how we do itLet me show you somethin real quick, follow menal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireokehan sum tta win , jebal geuman swigo eoseo nareul ttarawai je , saenggageun da , beorigo geujeo ne mamdaero ja umjigyeobwa geochilge dallyeoboja feels good tonightdeo ppalli gal teni jeoldae nun gamjima I got that thang thang , if you know what I meanIt goes bang bang , you can"t handle it hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s go! Unal ttara haebwayo , nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireokenunchittawin ije geuman bogo eoseo neoreul boyeobwa nega wonhadeongeojanha step by step jeoldaero meomchujimada gatchi naraboja up in the sky deo nopi gal teni jeongsineul butjaba I got that thang thang if you know what I mean It goes bang-a bang-a bang, bang-a bang-a bang, hahaha jaeminneungeol, say lalala nan teukbyeolhangeol Call me MINZY MINZY, Yes ja ppajyeobwa let"s goOh nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke eh~eh~eh~ Pral~ eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come againeh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ You"ve got me feeling like eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~eh~ Come againnal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo nal ttara haebwayo ireoke

新病毒??大哥大叔专家们,救救我,U盘文件中了copyme 病毒



跟高手学的:步骤1:打开记事本编辑如下:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000B5[HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000B5(复制一下就行了)将上另存为文件名: 禁止U盘自动运行.reg 保存类型选"所有文件"然后双击此文件将其导入注册表步骤2: 显示所有文件;(如果已经设置过的可以进入下一步)我的电脑→工具→文件夹选项→查看勾选“显示所有文件和文件夹”,取消“隐藏受保护的操作系统文件(推荐)”步骤3:删除U盘下的病毒文件autorun.inf、toy.exe最后选中所有文件点右键弹出对话框点击属性把只读和隐藏的已勾选去掉,应用,就ok啦!

try to copy me 的韩文


copy me on your email是什么意思啊?求解答

发邮件的时候抄送给我copy list 是抄送

李贞贤的《跟我学》英文名到底应该叫《copy me》还是《follow me》啊?

[follow me]才是最正确的



有谁知道李贞贤的“跟我学(copy me)”的中文歌词

ub530ub77cud574ubd10 - uc774uc815ud604 uc6b0uc6b8ud574 ubcf4uc5ec ub204uac00 ub110 uad34ub86dud614ub2c8 uc65c uccd0uc9c4 uac70uc57c uc0acub294uac8c uc7acubbf8uc5c6ub2c8 uc870uae08ub9cc ucc38uc544 ub0b4uac00 ub110 uad6cud574uc904uaed8 ub108 uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130 ub098ub9cc uccd0ub2e4ubd10 ( ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ) uc0dduac01uc744 uaebc ( uacfcuac10ud558uac8c ) ub108ub97c ube44uc6cc ( uac71uc815 ubaa8ub450 ) uc9d1uc5b4uce58uc6cc uc774uc820 ub110 ub0b4uac8c uc918ubd10 ub0b4 ucda4uc744 uc990uaca8ubd10 ub110 uc704ud55c uac70uc57c ub0b4uac8cub85c ub2e4uac00uc640 ub098ub97c uac00uc838ubd10 ub2e4 ud138uc5b4 ubc84ub9acuace0 ud55cubc88 uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 uc138uc0c1uc774 ub108ub97c uc6b8ub824ub3c4 ub110 ubc84ub9acuc9c0ub9c8 oh ub0a0 ub530ub77cud574 ubd10 ( oh ub0a0 ub530ub77cud574ubd10 ) uc0acuc18cud55c uc77cuc5d0 uc65c ubaa9uc228 uac78uace0 ub364ubcbc ud55cubc1c ubb3cub7ecub098 ub354 ud070 uc138uc0c1uc744 ubd10ubd10 ub204uad6cub098 uadf8ub798 ub611uac19uc774 ud798ub4e0uac70uc57c ub10c uc870uae08 ub2ecub77c ub0b4uac00 uc788uc796uc544 ( ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ) uc0dduac01uc744 uaebc ( uacfcuac10ud558uac8c ) ub108ub97c ube44uc6cc ( uac71uc815 ubaa8ub450 ) uc9d1uc5b4uce58uc6cc uc774uc820 ub110 ub0b4uac8c uc918ubd10 ub0b4 ucda4uc744 uc990uaca8ubd10 ub110 uc704ud55c uac70uc57c ub0b4uac8cub85c ub2e4uac00uc640 ub098ub97c uac00uc838ubd10 ub2e4 ud138uc5b4 ubc84ub9acuace0 ud55cubc88 uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 uc138uc0c1uc774 ub108ub97c uc6b8ub824ub3c4 ub110 ubc84ub9acuc9c0ub9c8 uc65c uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub10c uc6b0uc6b8ud574 ubcf4uc774ub2c8 uadf8 ub204uac00 ubb50ub798ub3c4 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub780uac74 ud558ub098ubfd0uc57c ub0a0 ubbffuace0 ub530ub77cuc640 ub110 ucc3euc544 uc904uac8c ub108ub97c ub2e4 ub358uc838ubd10 uc774 ucda4uc5d0 ube60uc838 uae30ud68cub294 ud55cubc88ubfd0 ub108ub97c ubcf4uc5ecuc918, ubb63 ub55cuc5d0 uafb8ubb3cub300ub294uc9c0 uc6a9uae30ub97c ub0b4ubd10 oh ub0a0 ub530ub77cud574ubd10 oh uc774ub807uac8c ud574ubd10! oh ubb50ud558ub2c8 uc9c0uae08 oh ub354 uc798 uc880ud574ubd10


应该这样分解pneumono ultra microscopic silico volcano koniosis意思是:由火山灰里的超微硅粉尘引起的尘肺病意思费解如下:pneumono:肺,医学此类,估计是拉丁文ultra:超microscopic:微观silico:硅,硅的化学式:Si,你在学化学,就知道了volcano:火山Koniosis:尘肺病


普通模式下,差不多每个字母代表一个命令。为了好记,字母和命令多是对应的。比如 移到单词尾(end) 是 e;向后(backward)移则是 b;下一个(next) 则是 n 这样。删除(delete) 是 d,插入(insert) 是 i,粘贴(paste/put) 是 p。(其实 vim 用的是 unix 的惯用语 put,意思是往里放。Windows 用的术语是 paste,好在都是 p 开头)而复制(copy) 和 修改(change) 都是 c 开头,这就要有点取舍。vim 是用 c 表示 change 的。用 y 表示 yank(拉)来做为复制。拉这个动作正好粘贴用的那个 put (有点推的意思)相反,所以就这么拿来用了。其实还有不少这样单词重了的情况,vim 都巧妙的换了个术语把这种情况避开了,比如 diff 里的 get(获得),后来 vim 用的是 obtain(也是获得)。即使英语不好,也可以自己记记这些术语。因为有些时候翻译的不一样。

Lucky Daddy get a helicopter ride after all。 为什么get不用加on?

get a helicopter ride,相当于 take/have a helicopter ride ,后边有ride 一次 所以 不用on.

电脑启动后显示 yukon pxe v6。15。3.(20070328) (c)copyright 2003-2007 marvell(r)。all right

这是你的电脑BioS设置问题,PXE是远程启动的意思,他是你的电脑设置从网卡启动里的一个远程协议,不需要的话,把你电脑启动到BioS。看看Intergrated peripherals内是否有bootrom或相关选项将其关闭,还可以直接重新加载你的BioS,选择LOADFail----Safe DefaultsSafe (载入最安全的缺省值)存盘退出就好了


Neo4j就是一个数据库(可以理解成一个类似HBASE的东西,不过Neo4j是几乎是单机数据库,于HBASE不同,HBASE的数据时存储在HDFS上,由HDFS进行维护,HDFS将数据存储在exfat等单机文件系统上。Neo4j直接将数据格式化到单机文件系统)每一个服务器保存完整的图数据。GraphX是一个计算引擎(类似于mapreduce的东西),它的数据是从SHARK中使用SQL读取数据,或者RDD运算符从文件中读取,然后直接进行计算另外数据库和计算引擎都可以进行计算任务,不过数据库的接口比较弱,只支持简单的查询计算引擎提供了强大的计算接口,方便了编程,可以很容易的实现pagerank等图算法GraphX做数据挖掘应该更方便,有通用的编程几口Neo4j就需要自己写代码了 编程比较麻烦,不过性能上或许有优势



请问copper concentrate 的学名怎么翻译?


谁有the strokes的New York City Cops的歌词

Here in the streets so mechanisedRise to the bottom of the meaning of lifeStudied all the rules didn"t want no partBut I let you in just to break this heartEven though it was only one nightIt was fucking strangeNina"s in the bedroomShe said time to go nowBut leavin" it ain"t easyI got to let goI got to let goAnd the hours they ran slowI said everynight she just can"t stop sayin"New York City copsStrokesNew York City cops New York City copsThey ain"t too smartNew York City copsNew York City cops New York City copsThey ain"t too smartWell, kill me now, I let you downI swear one day we"re gonna leave this townStopYes I"m leavin" "Cause it just won"t workThey act like RomansBut they dress like TurksSometime, in your primeSee me, I like the summertimeShe said time to go nowBut leavin" it ain"t easyI got to let goI got to let goOh! Trapped in an apartmentShe would not let them get herShe wrote it in a letterI got to come cleanThe authorities they"ve seendarling I"m somewhere in betweenI said everynight every night, I just can"t stop sayin"New York City copsNew York City cops New York City copsThey ain"t too smartNew York City copsNew York City cops New York City copsThey ain"t too smart

cmos setup utility-copyright(c)1985-2005 Ameircan Megatrends怎么超频


请问模具中这是什么意思? Single drop valve gate. Copper core cap, 2" thick with air poppets



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