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cresponding letter. 什么意思

responding letter 还是 corresponding letter?这要看语境, letter 一般有两个意思,一个是信件,一个是字母。responding letter : 回信corresponding letter 对应的字母

银行帐单中cred, debt, none, norm是什么意思

信用 额度 ,无债务


creditor是债权人,debtor为债务人。但是accounting里面的debt和credit指的是double entry复式记账法的左右两面。accounts payable是应付款项属于负债,计入右边贷方credit,accounts receivable是应收款项属于资产,计入左边借方debt。 “creditor是债权人,debtor是债务人”creditor:a person, company,ect.that sb owes money to(债权人,债主,贷方)如:The property will be sold to pay off their creditor.财产将会卖掉以偿还债务。debtor:a person, a country or an organization that owes money(债务人,借方) 债务人与债权人的区别:1、定义不同:债权人是借钱给他人的人(组织);而债务人就是已经借钱负债而有义务归还借钱人的人(组织)。2、所承担的责任不同:如果你是债权人:那就是别人欠了你东西,你可以请求别人偿还,相对于债务人而言,你享有的是权利。如果你是债务人:那就是你欠了别人东西,别人可以向你请求偿还,相对于债权人而言,你负担的是义务。3、撤销权享有不同:债权人对债务人有碍于债权实现的法律行为享有请求撤销这一行为的权利;而债务人无撤销权。扩展资料:债务人(debtor),通常指根据法律或合同_契约的规定,在借债关系中对债权人负有偿还义务的人。在财务会计学的术语中,债务人是指欠别人钱的实体或个人。简单地说,债务人也可以理解成是买方,而对应的债权人可以理解成卖方。债务人可以是公民,可以是法人,国家作为民事主体出现时也可以具备债务人的资格。法定义务:在债的关系中,债务人有义务按约定的条件向另一方(债权人)承担为或不为一定行为。在债的关系中,债务人是特定的,只有该义务主体才必须向债权人承担交付财产、提供劳务和为或不为一定行为的义务。


不知道中国的区别是什么,在美国creditcard是借贷卡,也就是说你的creditcard里面没有钱,你所有的刷卡消费是银行来给你买单,然后在一定时间内还清,debitcard是的debit账户里有一定金额,比如,3月你存进1000,5月又存进1000,总共就是2000,刷卡消费时从2000里面扣除,不过debitcard在有些银行比如汇丰(HSBC)是有cedit lines的,作用是一旦你的debitcard里面的金额用光,有几百甚至几千的数额可以借贷。我知道的就这么多,可能说得不是很清楚啊,不好意思。

debt和credit 作为名词和动词时、分别是什么意思??


财务报表中 debt 和 credit 相对,分别的中文意思是什么

debt 债务;借款;罪过credit 信用,信誉;信任;贷款;声望

credit invoice什么意思

credit invoice信用发票双语例句1. Contract, letter of credit, commercial invoice, packing list and so on. 合同 、 信用证 、 商业发票 、 装箱单等).2. The credit will cover the invoice, discounting, and any other bank charges. 该信贷将用于支付账单, 贴现, 以及任何其他银行的收费.

discrete discounting和Continuous Discounting


american express credit card payment美国运通信用卡支付是什么样的付款方式呢?具体是怎么样的呢?谢谢


go up和 increase有区别么?

物价上涨是go up,固定; 1,increase,增加,上升可以用于完成时1) The population has increased from 2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million now..2,Raise,饲养,举起来2) /She raised a lot of pigs.3,Rise,上升 ,3)/The sun rises is from the east.4,Ris,go up, 上升4)The price of cigarettes is going up.都有‘上升"的意思,increase,可以用于完成时和被动语态 ,Raise,只能用于手举起来。 Rise ,多用语日出。go up,可以用于物价上涨,不能 用于完成时和被动语态

go up,rise,increase,raise的区别

基本意思都是相同的,不同的是increase可以用作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词。而go up和rise都是不及物动词,既 sth goes up或sth rises;而raise是及物动词,正确的用法是someone raises sth。

go up和 increase有区别么?


在进入联想logo后摁F2将graphic选项改成了discrete graphic后再开机后连logo界面也无法进入怎么办


英语a creative stuff with their kids怎么翻译?


public static Operation createOperate(string operate)这句不懂什么意思,求解释

你可以根据public static void main(String【】 args)来理解这个代码------------public static Operation creatOperation(String operate)void==Operation 所以返回值类型为Operation 引用一楼楼主的说法createOperate是一个静态方法(static),这意味着不用创建OperationFactory类的实例对象就能调用这个方法,OperationFactory.createOperate(operate);

求大神给一篇英文短小说的翻译。题目是 A secret lost in the water

erved man, and, though he was the best friend, the

Secret Garden的《Reflection》 歌词

歌曲名:Reflection歌手:Secret Garden专辑:White Stones深林处,古树旁藤蔓舞,乱草残桩枝头斜月影无双云缥缈,夜漫长稍怯步,满眼彷徨踟蹰望,梦归何处,却逢寒霜白石路,散月光柔柔亮,照暖心房流萤闪,恍如灯盏,点拨迷航荆棘去,魅影藏昨夜路,梦魇一场心有余悸手还凉山边雾,耳畔风潮水退,海燕飞翔晨曦照,紫霞初染,待迎朝阳深林处,古树旁藤蔓舞,乱草残桩枝头斜月影无双白石路,散月光柔柔亮,照暖心房流萤闪,恍如灯盏,点拨迷航

Secret Garden的《Reflection》 歌词

歌曲名:Reflection歌手:Secret Garden专辑:The Best Of Secret Garden 20Th Century Masters - The Millemmium Collection深林处,古树旁藤蔓舞,乱草残桩枝头斜月影无双云缥缈,夜漫长稍怯步,满眼彷徨踟蹰望,梦归何处,却逢寒霜白石路,散月光柔柔亮,照暖心房流萤闪,恍如灯盏,点拨迷航荆棘去,魅影藏昨夜路,梦魇一场心有余悸手还凉山边雾,耳畔风潮水退,海燕飞翔晨曦照,紫霞初染,待迎朝阳深林处,古树旁藤蔓舞,乱草残桩枝头斜月影无双白石路,散月光柔柔亮,照暖心房流萤闪,恍如灯盏,点拨迷航

Incredible Love 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible Love歌手:Ingrid Michaelson专辑:EverybodyIngrid Michaelson - Incredible LoveI never thought I"d fall so far downThis incredibly long dark holeSomething so sweet as the soundOf your feet on the floorWould give me more room to breatheI"ll say goodbye again tonightThe third time"s the charmer they sayYour words are inked on my skinThe marks of incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveEverything says it"s time to goBut the smell of your skin makes me stayYou are not mine to ask things ofBut I ask you anywayBut I ask you anywayIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible love x2You take it away but then you give it right backJust take it away, don"t give it backDon"t give it back...Incredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveIncredible love,Incredible love,Incredible love

改错:Tom found that incredible to adapt to the climate so soon where he would settle down.




纠结中……关于HTC incredible 和desire ……


Incredible Hulk是什么意思

Incredible Hulk 绿巨人;不可思议的绿巨人;绿巨人浩克例句筛选1.That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.那让我意识到,我并不是绿巨人。2.Bruce Banner absorbed radiation in a bomb explosion and became The IncredibleHulk .布鲁斯班纳在吸收了炸弹爆炸中的辐射后,就变成了神奇绿巨人。

英文造句、简单、快、好评!! ps:一个单词一句 1.incredible 2.nominate

It was an incredible experience.这真是一个让人难以置信的经历。Opposition groups could nominate just 35 of the 300 participants.在300个参加者中反对党仅仅可以提名35个人。The euro is a better candidate.欧元是一个更好的候选人。Sci-fi thriller inception picked up the cinematography award.科幻惊悚片《盗梦空间》获得了最佳摄影奖。Tell your children about the women you admire most.告诉你的孩子你最欣赏的的一位女性。In short , they need to be talented politicians.简言之,他们必须是天才的政客。

求一首英文歌,歌词里有something incredible

Rookie Of The Year - Something Incrediblethe stars aren"t on our side.can"t change them if we tried.and this could be something incredible.or not worth my time.or not worth your time.and this clock had been going around for days without seeing your face.your star wont fade.please don"t be afraid.want to come home and stay awhile with you.and this song will not get out of my head,the song that you said, would be ours forever;while lying in bed.if we don"t know when we"ll meet.every night at three.just you and"re not here, you"re not there, you didn"t believe.stars aren"t on our side.can"t change them if we tried.i wish we could take the time and ask ourselves why.i wish we could take the time and give this another try.

英语it was an incredible怎么翻译?

It was an incredible.真是难以置信。

谁能告诉我Incredible as it may be,the story of fish and oranges was true,because men who would not


incredible 前定冠词用a还是安



是incredibly哦~~~I think your outfit is so incredible!I think your outfit is incrediblely fashionable!

the incredible是什么电影?

是《无敌浩克》《无敌浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)是一部于2008年上映的美国电影,根据漫威漫画旗下角色绿巨人的故事改编,漫威影业与环球影业联合制作。由路易斯·莱特里尔执导,扎克·佩恩编剧。爱德华·诺顿、丽芙·泰勒、蒂姆·罗斯、威廉·赫特等人主演。影片评价爱德华·诺顿版本的《无敌浩克》有激情、有动作、有场面,故事虽然曲折但是俗套至极,除了又奉献了一部大部分是科幻的电影,没有更多的营养,浩克的天涯逃亡只是为了自由和活命,并没有深思过度科技与人类变态前程的终极问题,而有俄罗斯血统的英国莽汉更是势如破竹的走向自我毁灭,两大陀肉在纽约街头横战,与暴力美学只有几毛钱的关系。

Wonderful,Incredible,Baby irrational.来自不自信不倒翁

歌曲: Wonderful U 歌手: Aga 专辑: 《Wonderful U》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Wonderful U (Demo) - AGA词曲:AGAI never knew我从不知道When the clock stopped and I"m looking at you时间静止时 我望向你I never thought I"ll miss someone like you我从未想过 我会这么想念你Someone I thought that I knew我还以为我很了解的你I never knew我从不知道I should have known something wouldn"t be true我早该知道有些梦终不能如愿Baby you know that I"m so into you亲爱的 你知道我有多爱你More than I know I should do多过我本该有的理智So why why why那为何 为何Why should we waited那为何我们就该等待And I I I而我 我I should be waiting我应该再等等吧Waiting for someone new等待另一个他的出现Even though that it wasn"t you即便那个人不是你But I know that it"s而我也知道Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was obsessional我从不知道这种感觉无法摆脱And I never knew it was with you oooh我从不知道和你在一起Baby if it"s just亲爱的 那种感觉Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was so sad我从不知道会有些伤悲Just so sad有些难过I"m so sorry我很抱歉Even now I just cannot feel you feel me即便我已麻木无法感受你HmmmHmmmSo why why why那为何 为何Why should we waited那为何我们就该等待And I I I而我 我I should be waiting我应该再等等吧Waiting for someone new等待另一个他的出现Even though that it wasn"t you即便那个人不是你But I know that it"s而我也知道Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was obsessional我从不知道这种感觉无法摆脱And I never knew it was with you oooh我从不知道和你在一起Baby if it"s just亲爱的 那种感觉Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was so sad我从不知道会有些伤悲Just so sad有些难过I"m so sorry我很抱歉Even now I just cannot feel you fall即便此刻我也感受不到你的沉沦I don"t even know now甚至我也不知道I"m not sure you"ll wait for me我不太确定你会为我等待Even now I just cannot deny即便我无法抗拒I just hold on so tight只是紧紧抱住你Until you and I never could breathe直到你我都无法喘息Oh噢~Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was obsessional我从不知道这种感觉无法摆脱And I never knew it was with you until you tell me to从不知道你和我在一起的感觉 直到你告诉我Baby if it"s just亲爱的 那种感觉Wonderful那是美好的Incredible难以置信的Baby irrational还有些不可思议I never knew it was so sad我从不知道会有些伤悲Just so sad有些难过I"m so sorry我很抱歉Even now I just cannot feel you feel me即便我已麻木无法感受你



英语incredible support怎么翻译?



incredible 不可思议的prefect 完美的excellent 优秀的 卓越的awesome 可怕的 极好的 令人敬畏的




Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict [pr??d?kt] 预言,预测; 预示,预告 例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes. 天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run. 我估计这会一直延续下去。




incredible 难以置信的,音同"音快地包_ncredible记忆方法: 1/词根助记 解析 in 表否定 + cred 相信 + ible 构成形容词,表能...的 -> 不能够信任的 -> incredible 难以置信的 2/联想 credible adj


耀眼夺目竟如此美丽让我浑身颤抖仿若梦中眼神一瞬都不愿抽离你身So can I come see you tonight身体随风起舞吧如同疯了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re original你真的很诱人You put your swag on你真的很有魅力让我无法摆脱的你是Trend setterI wanna come see you tonight跳入太阳中燃烧自己如同要爆发了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so Magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re so hypnotic girl Alpha-robotic girlBaby you"re futuristic Shine in your vega worldEverybody knows That this club is yoursShake your spaceship candy You"re so incredibleYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethinSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomethingINCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLE

The Shapeshifters的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:The Shapeshifters专辑:Sound AdviceMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)

Clique Girlz的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Clique Girlz专辑:IncredibleClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)




incredible 英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的; 未必可能的; [例句]The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain.这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。[其他] 比较级:more incredible 最高级:most incredible 形近词: incredibly 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科


incredible [in"kredu0259bl]adj.1.不能相信的;不可相信的2.[口语]难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的unbelievable [,u028cnbi"li:vu0259bl]adj.1.令人难以置信的;不可相信的




incredible的意思是:译为难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的,未必可能的。incredible,是一个英文单词,adj.难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的。最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible。短语1、The Incredible Hulk.无敌浩克;绿巨人;神奇绿巨人;不可思议的浩克。2、You"re Incredible.你几乎难以相信;你几乎难以置信;你的确难以置信。3、That"s Incredible.简直难以置信;不可思议;几乎难以相信;几乎难以放疑。例句1、The wild flowers will be incredible after this rain.这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。2、It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战时人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。




incredible简直不可思议双语对照词典结果:incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模。


incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



别人说incredible 怎么回答

incrediable意思是不可思议的,例如,It"s incrediable!(太不可思议了!)




f you say that something is incredible, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising, and you cannot believe it is really true, although it may be. 难以置信的例:It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 inconceivable /u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8siu02d0vu0259bu0259l/ TEM81. ADJ If you describe something as inconceivable, you think it is very unlikely to happen or be true. 不可思议的例:It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.托比竟会是袭击我的人,这对我来说简直是匪夷所思。


根据credible的中文意思可信的;可靠的 它的名词形式是credit意思为赊购(制度),可以这么记 一个人他是可信的,可靠的,商家才会让他赊账买东西。


unbelievable [0505nbi04li:v05bl]adj. 不可相信的; 站不住脚的 incredible [in04kred05bl]adj. 1 不能相信的, 不可信的 2 〈非正〉难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的 前者更正式一点,就是不相信,后者侧重难以置信,侧重程度的惊人





Incredible (With Isay) 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible (With Isay)歌手:Adam Tensta专辑:It"S A Tensta ThingClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)


incredible英音:[in"kredu0259bl]美音:[u026an"kru025bdu0259b!] 音。二步两拼法——介母、韵母各自独立,先两拼读在音节后位产生两合声,然后和声母再两拼读在音节中位产生新的两合声,如:q-i-ou。韵母iu ie ui in un vn ing都是这样形成的。中国汉语音韵学中,一个汉字读音,包括音节和声调两部分;声母、韵母是构成音节的两种基本音素,一个音节有声母必定有韵母,但有韵母可以无声母。汉语拼音方案中,一个汉字一次就只能用一个音节表示,没有同时需要用多个音节表示的,汉字是单音节文字。但一个音节通常都要对应好多个不同的汉字。音节常用的拼读方法:两拼法——声母韵母各自独立,两拼读在音节中位产生两合声。如:h-ào→(浩)。三拼法——声母、介母、韵母各自独立,三拼读在音节中位产生三合声。如:q-i-áng→qiáng(强)g-u-āng→guāng(光)。两拼音节;第二种:三拼音节;第三种:整体认读音节;第四种:自成音节。

Lloyd的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Lloyd专辑:Street LoveMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)


终于得到了,不容易啊Incrediblewritten by P. Williams, Madonna 不可思议 Just one of those things When everything goes incredible And all is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it And all of those things that used to get you down Now have no effect at all "Cause life is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it 哪怕只是一件小事情 一切都是不可思议的美妙 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 那些曾经发生在你身上的事 现在已经起不了作用 因为人生是如此美好 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 Remembering the very first time You caught that someone special"s eye And all of your care dropped And all of the world just stopped I hope 还记得第一次 你紧捉住了某个人的目光 于是所有顾忌都抛开 于是整个世界都停止 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) You don"t know what you got til it"s gone And everything in life just goes on Feels like nobody"s listening But something is missing I hope 你失去了以后才了解曾经拥有 而人生依旧继续在走 感觉像没人倾听 但那美好已经流逝 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) I remember when You were the one, you were my friend You gave me life, you were the sun You taught me things, I didn"t run I fell to my knees, I didn"t know why I started to breathe, I wanted to cry I need a reminder so I can relate I need to go back there before it"s too late 还记得当时 你是我唯一 唯一的挚友 你让我重生 你是我的太阳 你教了我许多 我未曾逃逸 我卑躬屈膝 我不知道为什麽 我开始呼吸 我潸然泪下 我需要美好的回忆 让我继续 我需要回到那段时光 在太迟之前 It"s time to get your hands up It"s time to get your body moving (repeat 3 times) 是时后了 高举你的手 是时后了 舞动你的身体 (chorus) Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party 不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 I don"t want this to end I am missing my best friend It was incredible There is no reason 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Sex with you is incredible [hey girl] Let"s finish what we started [Let"s finish what we started girl] Incredible [hey girl] You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] 嘿,女孩 性与你都不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 嘿,女孩 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 Don"t want this thing to end I am missing my best friend Yes it was incredible There"s no reason to pretend 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Incredible [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] It"s incredible, unbelievable It"s incredible, unachievable It"s incredible, metaphysical It"s incredible Sex with you is incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started。




Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict 预言,预测; 预示,预告例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run.我估计这会一直延续下去。


incredible的副词形式是incredibly。incredible 英 [u026an"kredu0259bl]   美 [u026an"kredu0259bl]    adj. 难以置信的;惊人的That"s the most incredible coincidence I"ve ever heard of!那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合!近义词improbable  英 [u026am"pru0252bu0259bl]   美 [u026am"prɑu02d0bu0259bl]    adj. 不大可能的;不像会发生的;似不可信的Improbable as it seems, it"s true.这虽然看起来不可能,但却是真的。


incredible [inu02c8kredu0259bu0259l]形容词adj.不可信的;不可思议的,惊人的


incredible的读法是英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl],美[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl]。一、释义incredible是一个英语单词,作形容词时,意思是不能相信的,难以置信的,极好的,极大的。二、短语搭配1、incredible discovery:了不起的发现。2、incredible prices:极好的价格。3、incredible experience:绝妙的(或不可思议的、惊人的)经历。四、例句1、In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。2、What first attracted me to her was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。3、You"re always an incredible help on these cases.在这些事情上你一直是个难得的好帮手。4、It seemed incredible that she had been there a week already.真让人难以置信,她已经在那里待了一个星期了。


incredible 英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的; 未必可能的; [例句]The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。[其他] 比较级:more incredible 最高级:most incredible

求《secret love song》这首歌的mp3_(:з」∠)_ 百度云微盘都阔以√不过最好是


谁有secret的love is move歌词?中文的,中译音都要!!!


Secret Valentine 歌词

歌名:Secret Valentine歌手:We The Kings所属专辑:《We The Kings》歌词:Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of minewe"re finally intertwinednervous and shy for the moment we will comealive tonightsecret valentineWe"ll write a songthat turns out the lightswhen both boy and girl start suddenly shaking insidedon"t waste your timespeed up your breathingjust close your eyeswe"ll hope it"s not for nothing at alllay down be stilldon"t worry talk they willi"ll be loving you untilmorning"s first lightbreaks tomorrowi"ll take care of you tonightsecret valentineWe"ll write a songthat turns out the lightswhen both boy and girl start suddenly shaking insidedon"t waste your timespeed up your breathingjust close your eyeswe"ll hope it"s not for nothing at allwhen guilt fills your headbrush off rise up from the deadthis is the moment that wewill come alivebrace yourself for lovesweet lovesecret love.We"ll write a songthat turns out the lightswhen both boy and girl start suddenly shaking insidedon"t waste your timespeed up your breathingjust close your eyeswe"ll hope it"s not for nothing at allWe"ll write a songthat turns out the lightswhen both boy and girl start suddenly shaking insidedon"t waste your timespeed up your breathingjust close your eyeswe"ll hope it"s not for nothing at all

开头唱好几遍secret love的日文歌是什么

secret for my love?

Secret Love (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nancy Wilson专辑:Hollywood - My WaySecret LoveS ClubSeeing Double Secret Love--S ClubLYC by <<Susi <La la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laI come to see youEvery nightAll on my ownNobody elseThe way that you"re dancingThe look in your eyesHow your body movesWill hypnotiseI can"tShow my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laUnderneath the moonlightI imagine his kissAll of my dreamsStart like thisI"m way downtownI"m out of my depthWhy am I hereWhat do I sayBut I can"tFight my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laThe way you move"s so firey and strongDark latin heats me up as the beat goes onYour moody stares send shivers down my spineThe more I watch the more my temperature climbsAnd my secret showsI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la la

secret love mariah carey中文歌词 求翻译。

希望你喜欢,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……Swizz beats, ladies and gentlemen (come on, come on, come on) Ladies and gentlemen (Mariah, Mariah) Ladies and gentlemen As we go a little somethin" like thisHit it![Mariah]Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it between us You and me got a secret love, baby Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it on the hush You"re not mine, got a secret love, baby It was a summers day When walking by She didn"t notice as As you turned and you discreetly winked your eye And I remember you from back in the day You were the boy I couldn"t breathe without The one that got away Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it between us You and me got a secret love, baby (secret love) Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it on the hush You"re not mine, got a secret love, baby (you"re not mine) Oh, now that I found you, I cannot let you go You know I got my man at home But baby, I still need you so And I know you ain"t never leaving that girl But everytime you touch me, baby, it feels so incredible Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby (oh baby) But keep it between us You and me got a secret love, baby (you and me) Oh baby, oh baby (oh baby) Come give it to me now, baby (come on and give it to me, boy) But keep it on the hush You"re not mine, got a secret love, baby Breakdown Secret lovers, yeah You and me, you and me, you and me, baby Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it between us (keep it on the hush) You and me got a secret love, baby Oh baby, oh baby Come give it to me now, baby But keep it on the hush (but keep it) You"re not mine got a secret love, baby Baby, baby, baby Come give it to me, baby We got a secret love, darling Keep it between us, baby

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:George Michael专辑:Songs From The Last CenturySECRET LOVEWritten by P.F. Webster / S. FainOnce I had a secret loveThat lived within the heart of meAll too soon my secret loveBecame impatient to be freeSo I told a friendly starThe way that dreamers often doJust how wonderful you areAnd why I"m so in love with youNow I shout it from the highest hillsEven told the golden daffodilsAt last my heart"s an open doorAnd my secret love"s no secret anymoreNow I shout it from the highest hillsEven told the golden daffodilsAt last my heart"s an open doorAnd my secret love"s no secretMy secret love"s no secretMy secret love"s no secret anymore

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:Doris Day专辑:A Day At The MoviesWhen do I cryThis breakin" heartJust hurts me moreWhen we"re apartAnd there are two of usWith our secret loveHey pretty baby why you wait so longLivin" with a love that"s not just make believeLonely nights, I see your candle glowAnd in my mind, I traceTogether we can take awayThe time and the spaceBaby when you got a secret loveEvery little touch is not enoughEvery little moment we"re apart is pain to meMaybe we can find some hideawayEverybody knows but who can saySecretly you know I"d followAnywhere to make it happenAnyway you want me I"ll be standing byI don"t wanna lose the one I"ve hungered forNaked eyes, they watch us everywhereNowhere to run, I cryEverything to lose and no alibi(CHORUS)Baby when you got a secret loveNothin" you can do but rise aboveSecretly you know I"d followAnywhere to make it happenThere"s no GoodbyeThis breakin" heartJust hurts me moreWhen we"re apartAnd there are two of usWith our secret love (together we can take away the time and the space)(CHORUS)Baby when you got a secret loveNothin" you can do but rise aboveEvery little moment we"re apart is pain to meMaybe we can find some hideawayEverybody knows but who can saySecretly you know I"d followAnywhere to make it happenBaby when you got a secret loveEvery little touch is not enoughEvery little moment we"re apart is pain to meMaybe we can find some hideawayEverybody knows but who can saySecretly you know I"d followAnywhere to make it happen.

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:Luther Henderson专辑:The Greatest Sound Around「爱してる」なんて 言叶じゃなくて二人の时だけ 呼び合う名前一人の夜 思い出して あなたに届けと愿うの「今、私を想っていて」「Secret Love」作词∶Yuka Masaki作曲∶Shinichiro Murayama歌∶真崎ゆかいつか终わり迎える恋だとわかっていたハズなのにね都合イイ言叶 期待させる事また信じてる 抜け出せないの もう会えない夜 待ってても 着信あるわけないし谁かと笑い合ってる あなたばかり浮かぶ「爱してる」なんて 言叶じゃなくて二人の时だけ 呼び合う名前どんな饰った言叶よりも 胸が热くなる一人じゃもういられない薬指光る指轮 そのままだって构わないから「今すぐ来て、待ってるね」…なんてワガママは言わないから今だけ 爱していて…あと何回季节越えたなら「幸せ」と笑える日が来るの?ケータイに二人のメールや写真私のだけきっと増えてゆくのね会いたいのに会えなくて言いたいのに言えなくて强くないのに强がって心が壊れそう「爱してる」なんて 言叶じゃなくて二人の吐息が重なる度にまた「二人の秘密だね」ってあなたは笑って优しく口づけする诞生日くれた指轮はあなたと揃いじゃないこと知ってる握りしめて また涙が心を濡らすよそれでも もう少しだけ 爱していて…仅かな时间(とき) 运命を変えてもっと早く出逢えてたなら…「会いたい、なんで私じゃないの?」「どうして 私を一人にするの?」言えば离れていくよね きっとあなたの前では泣けない 泣かないから…「爱してる」 言叶じゃなくて二人の时だけ 呼び合う名前どんな饰った言叶よりも 胸が热くなる一人じゃもういられない薬指光る指轮 そのままだって构わないから「今すぐ来て、待ってるね」…なんてワガママは言わないから今だけ 爱させてね…【 おわり 】

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:S Club专辑:Seeing DoubleSecret LoveS ClubSeeing Double Secret Love--S ClubLYC by <<Susi <La la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laI come to see youEvery nightAll on my ownNobody elseThe way that you"re dancingThe look in your eyesHow your body movesWill hypnotiseI can"tShow my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laUnderneath the moonlightI imagine his kissAll of my dreamsStart like thisI"m way downtownI"m out of my depthWhy am I hereWhat do I sayBut I can"tFight my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laThe way you move"s so firey and strongDark latin heats me up as the beat goes onYour moody stares send shivers down my spineThe more I watch the more my temperature climbsAnd my secret showsI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la la

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:Ahmad Jamal Trio专辑:Ahmad"S BluesMariah CareySecret LoveSwizz beats, ladies and gentlemen (come on, come on, come on)Ladies and gentlemen (Mariah, Mariah)Ladies and gentlemenAs we go a little somethin" like thisHit it!Oh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, babyIt was a summers dayWhen walking byShe didn"t notice asAs you turned and you discreetly winked your eyeAnd I remember you from back in the dayYou were the boy I couldn"t breathe withoutThe one that got awayOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, baby (secret love)Oh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, baby (you"re not mine)Oh, now that I found you, I cannot let you goYou know I got my man at homeBut baby, I still need you soAnd I know you ain"t never leaving that girlBut everytime you touch me, baby, it feels so incredibleOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, baby (oh baby)But keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, baby (you and me)Oh baby, oh baby (oh baby)Come give it to me now, baby (come on and give it to me, boy)But keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, babyBreakdownSecret lovers, yeahYou and me, you and me, you and me, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between us (keep it on the hush)You and me got a secret love, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hush (but keep it)You"re not mine got a secret love, babyBaby, baby, babyCome give it to me, babyWe got a secret love, darlingKeep it between us, babyBaby, baby, babyCome give it to me, babyWe got a secret love, darlingKeep it between us, baby

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:The Chiffons专辑:Sweet Talkin Girls: The Best Of The ChiffonsSecret LoveS ClubSeeing Double Secret Love--S ClubLYC by <<Susi <La la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laI come to see youEvery nightAll on my ownNobody elseThe way that you"re dancingThe look in your eyesHow your body movesWill hypnotiseI can"tShow my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laUnderneath the moonlightI imagine his kissAll of my dreamsStart like thisI"m way downtownI"m out of my depthWhy am I hereWhat do I sayBut I can"tFight my feelingsWhen I"m around youBut I canHide this secret secret secretLike I doI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la laThe way you move"s so firey and strongDark latin heats me up as the beat goes onYour moody stares send shivers down my spineThe more I watch the more my temperature climbsAnd my secret showsI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveI see the fire in your soulAnd it drives me wildThe music"s burning in my heartI feel desireWhen you dance I lose controlCause you lead me onTo the point of no returnMy secret loveLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la la la

Secret Love 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Love歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:Picture ThisMariah CareySecret LoveSwizz beats, ladies and gentlemen (come on, come on, come on)Ladies and gentlemen (Mariah, Mariah)Ladies and gentlemenAs we go a little somethin" like thisHit it!Oh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, babyIt was a summers dayWhen walking byShe didn"t notice asAs you turned and you discreetly winked your eyeAnd I remember you from back in the dayYou were the boy I couldn"t breathe withoutThe one that got awayOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, baby (secret love)Oh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, baby (you"re not mine)Oh, now that I found you, I cannot let you goYou know I got my man at homeBut baby, I still need you soAnd I know you ain"t never leaving that girlBut everytime you touch me, baby, it feels so incredibleOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, baby (oh baby)But keep it between usYou and me got a secret love, baby (you and me)Oh baby, oh baby (oh baby)Come give it to me now, baby (come on and give it to me, boy)But keep it on the hushYou"re not mine, got a secret love, babyBreakdownSecret lovers, yeahYou and me, you and me, you and me, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it between us (keep it on the hush)You and me got a secret love, babyOh baby, oh babyCome give it to me now, babyBut keep it on the hush (but keep it)You"re not mine got a secret love, babyBaby, baby, babyCome give it to me, babyWe got a secret love, darlingKeep it between us, babyBaby, baby, babyCome give it to me, babyWe got a secret love, darlingKeep it between us, baby
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