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如果是私人港币支票,抬头是本人的话(意思是开给你的话),即期有效的(指的是日期不是将来到期付款的)那么本人凭身份证可以到银行柜台直接要求现金付款或者转账付款到本人账户。当然也可以拿着支票到其他银行当作存款入账,存进自己在别家银行的账户。私人支票一般都会有明确的抬头人,比如支付给 “XX” 或者“XX公司”,除非是一张不记名的持票人支票 (bearer cheque),那么就是谁拿着支票都有权到柜台要求银行支付。希望帮到你。


双语对照词典结果:accordingly[英][əˈkɔ:dɪŋli][美][əˈkɔ:rdɪŋli]adv.因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Production lines can be modified accordingly. 生产线因而能做出相应调整。.----------- ------------------------很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


Call for action呼吁采取行动双语例句1And there has never been a stronger call for action from the international community.国际社会对采取行动的呼吁比以往任何时候都更为强烈。2Therefore, Latvia strongly supports the EU Call for Action initiative on the MDGs.因此,拉脱维亚坚决支持欧盟的“千年发展目标行动呼吁”。


Call-for-action 行动呼吁 双语对照 例句: 1. This urgent call for action is amplified by what we feel are still overly optimistic ec projections. 我们觉得欧洲委员会的预测仍然过于乐观,意味着采取行动的紧迫性更大。 a



固定搭配前面为什么不加in? He actions accord with his words.

he要改为his噢,accord with是作动词用.“his actions”指他的行为,如果写成he actions那就是把action当成动词用,一个句子不能出现两个动词作谓语噢。His actions accord with his words. 他言行一致。固定搭配:accord with 与…相一致;与…相符合out of one"s accord with 与…不一致;与…不符合with one accord (=with everyone agreeing) 一致地in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照;依据

英语短篇作文Directions: For this part you are required to write a composition My View on Luck accor


This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter accor

Dear Mary: thank you send me the dictionary yesterday. You are always so thoughtful, consider to love me, care for me. You know for a long time, I always need to also want such a dictionary, holiday this year I will attend a senior English classes, I do everything possible to buy the expensive new dictionary. Dear Mary, your gift to the time when I use this dictionary, I will be with you, love and appreciate the sincerity of friends

This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice accor

You should do it by yourself, then, ask others to help you correct it.It"s the best way to improve yourself.

英语作文。。Directions: For this part, you are required to write a short composition accor

When it comes to cars,different people have different views.Some people think cars have a lot of advantages.In the first place,driving a car saves time.because competition is very fierce in this society ,time equals money .Secondly,people can go shopping o traveling at their spare time .But ,others people suggest that cars are bad for society,such as:cars will increasing air pollution ,which will influence our life and production .Meanwhile ,cars will make the energy crisis worsen.In addition ,with the number of cars growing,plenty of new drivers don"t abide by traffic regulation ,which leads to traffic accidents .

关于临床试验状态的,terminated,completed是什么意思,它们有什么区别?Active, not recruiting呢?

terminated提前终止,completed按计划完成,Active正在进行,not recruiting不再招募,已入组患者继续随访,并对数据进行最终的统计分析处理。

willing to supervise与actively recruiting什么区别?

区别是:willing to supervise指的是愿意监督。actively recruiting指的是积极招募。例句:willing to superviseYet, while they can do much to address directors "remuneration if they are empowered and willing to put in the effort, shareholders cannot supervise payacross whole banks. 然而,虽然如果得到授权并且愿意付出努力,股东在解决董事薪酬问题上大有可为,但他们不能监督所有银行的薪资。actively recruitingComputer companies are so desperate to snag fresh talent that many are actively recruiting high school seniors. 计算机公司都拼命物色新的优秀人才,以至很多公司积极招收中学高年级学生。


招募应徵者之基本目标除了要达到量的需求也必须讲求质的问题。太多不合格的应徵者也会造成问题。运用不同的方式可以解决这些问题。选择何种方法最好必须取决於:应徵工作的本质为何 你想要吸引及发现优秀应徵者的困难度如何 你花费在招募的时间及金钱 不仅是你所选择的方法重要,你所运用的技巧也很重要。 一位已经在公司工作一段时间的员工,你已经可以知道他是否是位可信赖的、努力工作的且诚实的工作者。内部的应徵者已非常熟悉公司的运作方式,对於新工作仅需较少的训练时间,如此你就可以集中精神去筛选应徵职位所需的特定既能及个人特性。运用布告栏张贴、在公司内部刊物或传真宣示的工作公布系统来宣布开放职位及晋升的机会。工作公布系统市在告诉员工:管理阶层是很认真的考量内部晋升并给予员工发展自己潜能的机会。看到自己同事在公司内部获得晋升的员工会较努力工作以求自己获得晋升的机会。此系统也可有助主管知道哪些员工对生涯发展较有兴趣,因为此系统鼓励所有员工,且若未来有工作歧视纠纷时,工作公布系统是个保险。最大的缺点是局限助应徵的范围使得一些新想法无法进入公司内部,此外,拒绝不合格的应徵者后,会得到负面效果并影响其以后之生产力。为了对抗此内部招募缺点, 许多餐饮业公司鼓励员工作职位调换,一段时间即调换员工以避免成为“公司内定”并提供另一职位之学习机会,职场内之怨恨即会减少。内部招募会激起公司内部其他敏感问题,如:将你知道优秀且已工作很久的考量人选拒绝,会使该员工有受伤的感觉。这必须要你及你的主管确定“对的人,不对的职位”;换句话说,”适合“的字眼可能是错的,应用”称职的、有价值“的员工 如果你鼓励员工争取开放职位,你可能会抢到其他部门的优秀员工,为避免此问题,主管们应建立制度及方法,这部指示将依工作换成另一工作,它应该强调:如何接触到工作的未来应徵者。有时主管会对一位应徵者感到最初的兴奋,太快速亲近此位应徵者,而稍晚才给予其心理建设,如此,主管即给予员工无限的希望并产生了目前的工作不适合的观感,有时此位员工还会离开公司。 一部门之主管如何接触有合格应徵者之另一部门主管。不只是专业素养而已,也必须知道此未来应徵者对所选职位会产生何种影响。 人力资源部所扮演的角色。既然,部门已经描绘出对此职位之未来蓝图,他们必须知道会影响主管决策之有关此应徵者之相关资讯。 除了建立内部调职之政策及机制外,人力资源部必须负责监督此规定。有时,各部门主管为了各种不同理由,想要“后门晋用”破坏规定。为了避免这种状况,应该在每一职位开放时,要求主管填写“工作需求表”,此表格不仅是让主管及人力资源部留档作纪录,也提供人力资源部知道应徵者之条件可以告知其他主管。工作需求表的内容有:部门、职位、工时、提出需求日期、需求日期、与谁交接、主管姓名、特别需求、外部招募有许多方法可供选择:walk-ins是应徵者自己来公司寻求职位。有时应徵者是看到报纸广告来的。有许多餐饮服务业对於WALK-INS开放,再每周特定日期及特定时间,应徵者可以应徵开放职位,或根据职位的需求,虽然该职位目前无缺额,但会将资料留存。接受WALK-INS是吸引应徵者的便宜做法,然而,长期看来也不是最有成本效益的方法。当失业率高时,WALK-INS就会很多,但品质参差,一般来说,一合格应徵者要从10名WALK-INS中才能找出。 广告:此为餐饮服务业中最广泛使用的方法,广告的主要价值是可以吸引最多数的应徵者。 有效的广告方式包括报纸、杂志、电台、电视、公告栏及在市场与购物中心张贴告示、收银台广告及直接邮寄等方式。依照所希望得到的反应,广告可以是一般或加以限制的,每次的求才广告都应显现公司的积极面且广告也必须显现出公司的专业素养。因为广告很昂贵,公司必须小心斟酌广告预算及确定预吸引何种应徵者前来,若要应徵一名餐厅经理,可以考虑在销售的餐饮杂志上刊登广告。如果你希望找些较多样的员工,可以将广告刊登在外文报纸上,如果你所提供的工作机会是位於偏远地区,当地的报纸则会是不错的广告媒体,特别是应徵的职位并不是那麼专业性时。你所刊登的广告多大,必须取决於你的预算,通常餐饮业者刊登大型求才广告,是因为有不同职位的许多职缺需求时,通常是开幕前或专门性管理职缺。在周日所刊登的求才广告常能吸引较多的求职者,因为周日的报纸刊登较多的求才讯息。不建议将同一求才广告连续刊登2或3周,因为如此,较慎重的猎人头公司会要找出为何该公司找不到适合应徵者的原因。有时公司刊登的广告似乎很少反应,这是因为:这公司虽然向外徵才,却不希望外面的人来公司工作 这公司的名号及名声无法吸引应徵者 公司并外提供明确的职称只是随便找找 此公司可能有搬迁、建立新产品生产线、改变营运方向或服务阶层却不将这些相关讯息提供给外界。 一搬来说,此种广告及不是好广告,找工作的人不信任如此的广告也不会将自己的资料寄给不清楚来路的公司,而且,如此的广告是不会吸引目前有工作的优秀应徵者前来,他们会觉得太危险。保留每次报纸广告的资料是很重要的,可以追踪应徵者、未来撰写广告及评估广告效用(包括成本花费及应徵者素质)。 虽然履历表不是应徵者合格与否或适合与否的最佳代表,但却是在未来考量时,很重要的评估工具。在看一张履历表时,应注意其写明及隐藏的各项线索。这些线索会因你所提供职位而有所不同。包括了:1.成就。仔细地查看其履历表中的各次工作变换,找出其工作期望,而不是仅看未来期望。经常变换工作的应徵者会藉由规定的履历表中引常经常变换工作的事实。这不表示如此的应徵者不须再次评估其适合与否,只是可能表示其定性不够。注意其教育经历,有越来越多的餐饮业应徵者以一大堆的训练名目来掩盖未受完整教育的事实。2.稳定性及职业性向。经常换工作的应徵者不表示是不适当人选,例如:有可能其每次的转变是越来越好或者是应徵者希望自己可以在不同的公司试试拳脚。3.工作描述中之特别事项,若应徵者在履历表中很少提及他做过什麼,很可能他为了隐藏重要事项,例如:若有一应徵者在其履历表中提及在上个工作他使销售量增加20%,却未提到他做了些什麼,你即必须向他询问更进一步的资讯。4.希望工作勤奋并为公司效命。虽然这很难从履历表中判定出,但你可从其社团活动找到一些线索。例如:应徵者以前在大学为社团社长或自愿做社区服务,我们及可以考虑其为餐饮服务业辛勤工作者,愿意为公司卖力。5.公司特性、服务热诚及利润心性。寻找任何可以证明应徵者知道餐饮业为营利事业,且获利是来自於高品质服务的证据。另外看看是否有任何相关的成就,如:完成服务品质之教育训练。 若你同时必须阅读许多履历,你应每次仅阅读一些,然后将其分成三类:确定、可能的及否定的。首先先看其相关经历,然后教育背景,其余的最后才看。若有其他人协助你完成此工作,应确定他是此方面的专家,知道如何做,并检视他归为否定的履历表,以确认是否与你的评估标准相符。其他外部招募来源员工推荐-运用最有利的广告方法-口碑,员工部会推荐不好的应徵者,因为这会显示此名员工亦不佳。员工推荐应订定奖赏制度,如:对推荐成功并以获录取的员工给予现金奖励。 专业招募。很多公司喜欢招募社会新鲜人,所以会将公司招材讯息给予学校之就业辅导室,同时也会将讯息发送至职业工会或职业训练中心,这些都是专业招募的一部分。 实习。既然大多数大学以下的餐饮科系都有实习课程,这也是很有效的招募管道。实习必须小心规划、协调及监督以确保学生做的是有意义的工作,且主管真正执行此工作。实习给予学生机会作操作实际学习,在学生实习之最出阶段,会被教导公司政策、策略及公司文化。对於管理而言,招募实习学生提供评估一人潜能及能力的机会。 许多公家、法律及社区机构提供招募之极佳来源。 收取费用之职业媒合中心。 为了吸引及获得优秀应徵者,许多公司会提供额外福利(如:交通及儿童照护补助)及选择性工时(如:压缩工时、工作分享及弹性工时)。除了增加士气外,这些规划可以增加生产力及因减少个人工作之延误、缺席及离职所降低之成本。交通补助可以是交通费用为免费或折扣、共乘制或交通车於指定地点接送员工。儿童照护补助,范围从工作地点之托婴日间照护服务、利用弹性工时安排其他地点托婴服务或雇用照护妈妈。压缩工时,每周员工可於少於五天的日子将标准工时上完。工作分享是让两名员工分享一全职工作之职责。如:正常工作应从上午八时至下午五时。让两位员工分摊此一工作一位从上午八时上到下午一时,另一位从中午十二时至下午五时,一个小时的时间重叠给予其工作交接,此制度对於那些想工作但无法全职工作的人极具吸引力,短期看来,此计画将会使公司之人事成本增加,但长期来看,若其中一位离职,公司较有时间可以寻找另一位合适工作者并维持工作之持续性。弹性工时是让员工在一定限制下,可以自由选择工作开始及结束的时间。弹性工时帮助员工避免交通颠峰时间,也像压缩工时及工作分享一般可降低缺席率及工作延误。为了将面试当作筛选应徵者之工具之一,你必须了解有技巧的面试必须包括:知道工作。了解所提供之职位相关事项。预备应徵者可能会问的问题及你应有之回答。 面试应徵者之主要目的是从应徵者处获得足够资讯以作最佳之雇用。所以,在每次面试之前,花些时间想想在面试时,你想完成的工作为何。 与应徵者碰面时,向其解市面式的目的及其范围。如:今天我们面试的主要目的是进一步了解你,以知道哪一职位适合你。 建立和谐并让应徵者感到舒服的气氛。 注意肢体语言 6. 在你开始描述工作之前,必须等到你已经从应徵者触获得资讯才开始。7. 花些时间去得到你所需的资讯。8. 以正确方式提出问题。9. 提供应徵者有关公司之诚实讯息。10 一切在掌控中。 交通问题有困难或无法解决。 经历不够 过去的工作经历及教育背景都指出此应徵者对此职位不会满意。 无法配合工作所需之班表或出差需求。 无法或不愿意配合调职。 要求比职位所能提供之更高薪资。 条件更高的应徵者 一般印象 回答问题的方式 与成功及不成功应徵者作比较 偏差 特性评估 光圈效应 相似度之错误 工作测验 需求测验 药物检验 参考检测

actions lead to accomplishments是什么意思?


帮忙解答什么是fractional bandwidth?越详细越好

Fractional Bandwidth(部分带宽):使用链路的部分带宽传输数据,每个 N_Port 端口最多可有254 个Class 4 连接。

英语作文---Recreational Activities



noise[英][nɔɪz][美][nɔɪz]n.噪音; 嘈杂声,喧闹声; 声音,声响; 杂音; vt.谣传; 哄传; 传说; vi.发出声音; 大声议论; 第三人称单数:noises过去分词:noised复数:noises现在进行时:noising过去式:noised易混淆单词:NoiseNOISE以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It has no compressor to break or make noise. 它没有容易出故障、制造噪音的压缩机。

registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks 的用途(kotlin)

registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks是Application的一个接口,注册之后应用里的所有activity的生命周期都会被监控起来,我们可以在此接口方法里实现一些特殊的需求。比如统计用户对每个Activity使用情况,我们可以定义一个BaseActivity,在onStart()和onStop()人工插入统计方法。比如从桌面进应用的时候,检测某些状态,就可以在onActivityResumed方法里检测。 使用方法:在Application 的onCreate方法中使用registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(callback)注册你的CallBack,如下: registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(object:ActivityLifecycleCallbacks{overridefunonActivityPaused(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityResumed(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityStarted(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityDestroyed(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivitySaveInstanceState(p0: Activity?, p1: Bundle?) { } overridefunonActivityStopped(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityCreated(p0: Activity?, p1: Bundle?) { } })官方文档: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.html


activities英 [æk"tɪvɪtɪ]  美 [æk"tɪvəti]    n. 活动;活跃vt. 表演adj. 厉害[例句]Some governments have been victims and perhaps unknowing accomplices in the bank"s activities.一些政府成为了银行活动的受害者,而且可能在不知不觉中做了其帮凶。[其他] 原型: activity


最近细看Android docs,发现finish()在不同地方的生命周期有所区别。 在Android Studio中新建Android项目,分别重写onCreate、onResume、onPause、onStop、onDestroy方法,并打印相关信息。 好显然,在onCreate中finish是跳过了onPause和onStop方法,直接执行onDestroy。 原因:开发文档中说到,Activity只有在Resumed、Paused、Stopped这三种状态下存在较长时间(即可以运行较长时间),Activity在其他状态下都是一闪而过。其中,在onResume中,Activity变为用户可见并且可以交互。因此,如果Activity不存在交互的概念(即在onCreate()中finish掉),就不会回调onPause、onStop等需要用户交互的方法。

如何在 Calibre设置kindle collection

  首先,下载calibre  本人推荐使用portable的calibre。portable 的意思就是免安装的软件,类似于绿色软件。这样在受限制的电脑(比如说公司的电脑)上也可以运行了(鬼知道你在运行什么软件,因为你根本没有安装它,可以躲过监控)。最新的Calibre portable 是版本0.8.31。   第二步:解压,运行  下载的软件是calibre-portable-0.8.31.zip。解压它,在Calibre Portable目录下,有个可执行的软件:calibre-portable.exe,运行它吧。  首次运行时,要求设置语言,图书馆路径。你可以选择Simple Chinese, 默认的路径。然后输入你的电子书,本例选择Amazon, kindle 1/2/3/4。先忽略邮箱设置。  第三步,下载设置Plug-in:kindle colletion。  连接你的kindle 3。现在的Calibre 长得这样:    在顶部的菜单上,有个“首选项”,点入。进入后,点“plugins”, 再点“获取新的插件(N)”。选择“Kindle collections”,然后点“安装(I)”。系统会打开一个窗口:    你可以选择第4项:“设备连接后的菜单栏”。然后关闭Calibre。  第四步,管理kindle collction。  经过上面第三步的设置后,下次运行Calibre ,界面的顶部多了一个项目“kindle collection”。    你可以选择“Edit kindle collection manually”。到此,你就可以自主管理kindle 的collection(目录)啦!

请教什么叫 personnel practices


personnel section是什么意思

personnel section[英][ˌpə:səˈnel ˈsekʃən][美][ˌpɚsəˈnɛl ˈsɛkʃən]人事处[科]; section[英][ˈsekʃn][美][ ˈsɛkʃən]n.部分; 节; 部件; 部门; vi.切开; 切断; 做(动物或植物组织)切片; 把(精神病患者)正式送入精神病院; vt.把…切成片(或段); 作…的切片; 把…作成截面; 制作…的剖面图; 第三人称单数:sections复数:sections现在进行时:sectioning过去式:sectioned过去分词:sectioned

take action与take actions的区别

没有take actions这种短语。take action意思有采取行动; 提起诉讼。action在有修饰语时可加不定冠词,但在take action中,即使有形容词修饰,也不加不定冠词。


Give the adjective form of the following words.

形容词形式:1)rigorous 2)prospective 3)administrative 4)expansive 5)managing/manageable 6)feasible 7)compromising 8)global 9)distrustful 10)courageous11)literal 12)financial 13)scenic 14)exceptive 15)initiative(本身也有形容词性)另外,也有initial 最初的,开头的。16)accommodative 17) explicit 18) confident 19)industrial 20) boring/bored总结:注意记一些形容词后缀,在平时多积累,慢慢总结经验。加油!

连点成线—— connecting the dots

乔布斯最有名的那场在斯坦福大学的演讲看了很多遍,除了最有名的那句 stay hungry, stay foolish, 最喜欢前面的一段“I"m connecting the dots.” 连点成线。 “Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.  Again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust something — your god, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made the difference in my life. ” 这段真的打动我。如他所说,当站在当时往未来看的时候,我们并不知道会发生什么,但是也许在某个时刻,回头的时候你会发现,冥冥之中,跟随着内心的那些热情,自己走到了现在。 我想,既然世界是变的,那是不是从自己出发,再去连接世界,会是更稳妥的方式呢? 最近在找工作,很多时候被问到为什么要选择这个工作,为什么这么笃定要做老师,为什么希望在这个行业发展? 所以,我也在想,走到现在这个时刻,我连接的点有哪些? 第一个开始闪亮的点,是一对一教学的时候热情,虽然只是几个月的兼职,但是和学生接触的时候,发现有一些从来没有显示出的热情,我会非常希望自己成长 才能让孩子们有更多成长、会熬夜希望能有更好的课堂。 后来在科研上遇到问题的时候,最想要逃离到的 也是课堂,也是希望能和孩子们的接触 去影响和感染他们。 再后来真的开始尝试,也会察觉到自己真实的热情。 回想起连接起来的那些点,我会发现,我问自己的这些问题 用过的这些“工具”帮助了我,所以你也不妨问问自己这些问题,甚至找一个安静的时候在纸上写下来,或是和最亲近的人聊一聊,哪怕只是闲聊,也许都会对认识自己有所启发。 一、你的高光时刻是什么时候? 你的低谷时刻是什么时候?  二、做哪些事情,你会比大多数人做得好,做的快?—— 核心优势 同样来自你做过的事情,自己记忆里的取得的一些成就,基于经历和事实的对自己的认知。 周围人的回应与评价也是重要的参考,你被很多人夸过的事情是什么?有什么事情得过奖,或者被他人认可,或者让你自己很有成就感,从经历里找到这些时刻,点亮它。 热情和能力不同,有时候只有passion是不够的,比如只是非常希望成为篮球运动员但是身体条件并不是和符合,那就是能力和passion并不匹配。 但其实很多时候两者是相辅相成的,因为我们会因为一件事情做得好而喜欢它,对吧?想想自己小时候喜欢的事情就是了,如果我的数学一直都是100分,那我会很喜欢这门课的,如果次次都是59,无论多么有毅力有热情的学生 也会丢失兴趣了。 以下两个问题,我用来挖掘自己的热情,思考内心真正想做的事情是什么,思考什么能激发真实的热情。 三、有什么事情,你在非常疲惫的情况下还是会希望做到最好?在没有外界要求的情况下,你还是希望做到最好? 其实小时候,我们喜欢玩的游戏、喜欢做的事情,是会不由自主主动完成的,比如我自己对于一场演讲 或课程的要求,大概是这样的,可以试着想想自己自发主动做的那些事情,那可能是热情所在。 四、有哪些事情是让你怦然心动,觉得非常想要做的? 最近读马斯库 白金汉的《现在,发现你的职业优势》(职业探索的经典书籍之一,除了《远见》最想推荐的职业规划相关书籍) 我非常认同作者在第一章所说的:每个人都有自己的核心优势,在优势范围内 才最有求知欲,最有创造力,也最乐于学习新事物,在工作中,最理想的状态就是工作可以发挥优势。所以每个人其实都需要探索自己的优势是什么 弱势是什么,不断了解自己。书中给出了更为详细科学的优势弱势探测器,还在慢读和实践中,之后再来分享~ 附 《Stay hungry, Stay foolish》演讲全文 Thank you. I"m honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college,and this is the closest I"ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today, I want to tell you three stories from my life. That"s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife -- except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, "We"ve got an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said, "Of course." My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start in my life. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents" savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn"t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out okay. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn"t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting. It wasn"t all romantic. I didn"t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends" rooms. I returned coke bottles for the five cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn"t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can"t capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the "Mac" would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it"s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on that calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards 10 years later. Again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever -- because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference. My second story is about love and loss. I was lucky -- I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz1 and I started Apple in my parents" garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. We"d just released our finest creation -- the Macintosh -- a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. And so at 30, I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating. I really didn"t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down -- that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me: I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over. I didn"t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world"s first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple"s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. I"m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn"t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometime life -- Sometimes life going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don"t lose faith. I"m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You"ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven"t found it yet, keep looking -- and don"t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you"ll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking -- don"t settle. My third story is about death. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you"ll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I"ve looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn"t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor"s code for "prepare to die." It means to try and tell your kids everything you thought you"d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes. I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and, thankfully, I"m fine now. This was the closest I"ve been to facing death, and I hope it"s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don"t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It"s Life"s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it"s quite true. Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life. Don"t be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people"s thinking. Don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the "bibles" of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 60s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along. It was idealistic, overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out

Directions: Change the following sentences to the passive voice.


delphi 中怎么解决no mdi forms are currently active

你是不是意思是 类似登录窗体时主窗体然后显示一个主界面是fsMDIform模式其他弹出的界面是fsMDIchild模式想做成这样的?如果是:你可以这样做把显示的主界面做成主窗体登录窗体写在主窗体的 创建事件 中if not assinged(frm_login) then frm_login:=tfrm_login.create(application);frm_login.show;

please activate your accoumt in order to play去官网激活了但为什么邮件没来,我用


ACCA让学员填就业单位organization size中non practice 1-10 employees是什么意思?


accidental activation是什么意思


在HTML中a:link ;a:visited ;a:hover; a:active ;分别表示什么意思

a:link 英文link就是链接的意思,代表当一段文本为链接时的属性。a:visited 英文visited就是访问过的意思,代表这段文本被点击之后的属性。a:hover 英文hover就是悬停的意思,代表鼠标指针放在这个链接上时的属性。a:active 英文active就是有效的、快速的意思,代表鼠标按下时一瞬间的属性。一般最常用的方法是a {CSS属性} a后面什么也没有,代表一次定义这四个属性,然后根据需要再定义其中某个属性就可以了,最常用的是a:hover {CSS属性}a:active 很少定义,a:visited根据具体需要来


link,正常状态visited,鼠标点击后再次停留在上面的状态hover,鼠标经过的状态active 按下鼠标时的状态

急要这几个单词的翻译,哪位高手来看一下:strep . agalactiae.staph.seruous.squirts.aureus.cannulas


a:link,a:visited,a:hover,a:active 分别是什么意思

  a:link,a:visited,a:hover,a:active 分别是什么意思?  (2008-04-10 09:34:20)  转载▼  标签:  杂谈    a:link,a:visited,a:hover,a:active 分别是什么意思?  学习:css样式 /liutingxu1 发表于2007-03-19, 11:09  link:连接平常的状态 active:连接被按下的时候 visited:连接被访问过之后 hover:鼠标放到连接上的时候  具体一点就是:  :hover版本:CSS1/CSS2  兼容性:IE4+ NS4+语法:Selector : hover { sRules }说明:设置对象在其鼠标悬停时的样式表属性。在CSS1中此伪类仅可用于a对象。且对于无href属性(特性)的a对象,此伪类不发生作用。在CSS2中此伪类可以应用于任何对象。目前IE5.5+仅支持CSS1中的:hover。:active版本:CSS1/CSS2  兼容性:IE4+语法:Selector : active { sRules }说明:设置对象在被用户激活(在鼠标点击与释放之间发生的事件)时的样式表属性。在CSS1中此伪类仅可用于a对象。且对于无href属性(特性)的a对象,此伪类不发生作用。在CSS2中此伪类可以应用于任何对象。并且:active状态可以和:link以及:visited状态同时发生。目前IE5.5+仅支持CSS1中的:active。:link版本:CSS1  兼容性:IE4+ NS4+语法:Selector : link { sRules }说明:设置a对象在未被访问前的样式表属性。IE3将:link伪类的样式表属性作用于visited伪类。默认值由浏览器决定。对于无href属性(特性)的a对象,此伪类不发生作用。:visited版本:CSS1  兼容性:IE4+ NS4+语法:Selector : visited { sRules }说明:设置a对象在其链接地址已被访问过时的样式表属性。IE3将:link伪类的样式表属性作用于visited伪类。默认值由浏览器决定。定义网页过期时间或用户清空历史记录将影响此伪类的作用。对于无href属性(特性)的a对象,此伪类不发生作用。  

stages of production什么意思

stages of production生产阶段stages of production生产阶段

英语Love as an abstraction or personification怎么翻译?


fanciful abstraction什么意思


data abstraction


hydrogen abstraction是什么意思

hydrogen abstraction去氢反应; 抽氢反应; 夺氢; 攫氢So detailed research of hydrogen abstraction mechanism and dynamic property is significant. 对这一系列抽氢反应进行详细的机理和动力学研究,具有十分重要的意义。The potential energy profiles of the two reaction pathway, i.e. hydrogen abstraction and addition between atomic bromine and propene have been studied by the ab initio methods. 使用从头计算法对溴原子与丙烯发生的夺氢和加成反应的反应势能面进行了研究。

Basic Abstraction——Introduction to reliable and secure distributed programming

分布式系统需要同时满足Safety and Liveness; 在该上下文中,一旦process crash,就不再recovery,也称为 crash fault 或者 crash stop ;有一点需要注意,in practice,并不意味者process禁止recovery,或者说process recovery会破坏该上线文下设计的算法。只是说不需要process recovery,即使recovery了,也不会被算法纳入process set中。如果说实现上,那就是一旦P认为Q已经crash了,那么P在未来不会与Q有任何交互,即使Q已经recovery了。 not send a message which is supported to send. :造成的原因可能是内存溢出等,注意,不是message lost,因为lost可以retransmission,而是根本就没有send。(这个情况这本书今后不会再讨论); 该上下文中,recovery的process仍然被认为是correct,这里并不限制recovery次数,也就是说process在未来的某一段时间仍然在正确得(correctly)处理事情。但是failure-recovery肯定会带来 记忆丢失 的问题,一般的解决方案就是在deliver时将message存储到持久性存储设备中。 Untrusted和Byzantine暂时不去了解 这节主要介绍了通信模型 => link the probability for a message to reach its destination is nonzero. : 我们认为通信不是完全断块的,因为通过retransmission,只要网络在某一段时间是可用的,那么message最终会reach its destination。本节有如下几种模型: 模型的具体定义这里不写了,后面需要的话可以翻书。 是对 Fair-Loss 的再一次抽象,隐藏底层的retransmission; 因为 Fair-loss 可以通过无限的retransmission来达到目的,但是无限总是太浪费了。通过检测message是否已经被deliver了,然后抑制message retransmission,就相对比较高效了。将上面两个概念(技术)附加到 Fair-loss 上就转变成了 Stubborn 。 在crash-recovery中,会存在记忆丢失的问题,所以需要持久化存储。文中介绍的方式是,在process进行deliver时,先将message写入storage,然后向上层component发送已经deliver的信息;然后上层在每次receive message后需要先根据storage校验该message是否已经被deliver了,如果没有deliver,再交给下层进行deliver; 其实上述的过程在Perfect Links中也应该是如此,只不过现在message在持久化存储中,而不是挥发性存储中(内存); 不介绍 这一节主要想讲的是, Asynchronous System 对process和link完全没有时间假设(assumption)。准确来说是异步系统对物理时间不需要假设。这里所谓的假设其实是对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间的假设。也是就是需要对上述行为话费的时间做upper的假设,这也就意味这,如果这个cost time的无限的话,那么系统就可能崩溃了。(对异步系统的概念其实我也不太了解)。举几个例子: Synchronous System 对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。 对物理时间没有假设 对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。 在Synchronous System中,如果这个upper假设是合理的,那么皆大欢喜。但是在实际情况下,可能由于网络拥堵等因素,导致真是的cost大于假设的upper, 那么就会导致错误的判断。这时我们就需要一种弥补的手段,retransmission是可选的方式。所以Partial Synchrony希望通过retransmission来处理那种cost大于upper而导致处于问题的后续弥补手段; 还有设置的upper需要能够真实反映cost的情况,如果upper设置太小了,那么上述的错误判断会增加;如果upper设置太大了,虽然降低了错误判断情况,但是系统性能降低了; 异步系统对时间没有假设,而同步和半同步系统对时间有upper假设。但是如果直接将对时间的假设添加到process和link上可能会造成复杂性,所以通过抽象failure-detection来达到上述目的,同时降低复杂性。 failure-detection用来检测process是否crash或correct,这个检测不是必须地正确的,也就是说检测允许错误(实际没有crash,但是检测出来crash了); 可以通过向远程process周期性发送心跳的方式来进行检测。这里可能link的异常也会影响检测错误,但是在Fair-loss模型中,link不是完全不可用的,所以错误检测可以得到弥补。 Perfect Failure Detection 是正对 Synchronous System 的,它强调PFD最终会检测到所有的crash process;而且不会出现detect fail(不会检测错误)。而且一旦process被检测出来crash,那么该process将被永久标示为crash。 个人觉得,PFD是一个理想模型,是建立在对同步系统的upper cost假设之上。而在现实环境中,该upper cost假设并不总是那么可靠,所以实际上会导致检测错误(检测方式一般都是通过timeout机制)。 但是也要注意,这并不是说PFD无法实现。就像crash-stop一样,并不否认recovery的存在,只是recovery的process将不再认为是系统的一部分。PFD也一样,即使存在检测错误,那么将错就错好了,即使该process实际是correct,或者crash后又recovery了,那么也不会再是系统的一部分。这样做主要可以简化算法的实现。 在 Perfect Failure Detection 中,由于现实中upper cost的假设不绝对正确,导致failure detect 失败。PDF采用将错就错的方式来简化算法,但是这导致了correct process被误杀,或者对后来recovery的process判了无期徒刑。EPFD则认为自己的每次failure detect都不一定是正确的(这种想法是正确的,因为网络系统是异步的,只能通过response知道remote process在过去的某个时间点是活跃的,而不能判断它是否不活跃),只能称为 failure suspicion 。当未来某一刻再次检测到remote process活跃了,那么该为它洗去嫌疑人身份。这个模型就现实很多了。 DSM 是process abstraction、link abstraction和time abstraction(failure detect)的组合产物。 跳过 跳过


(数据)抽象层 虚拟层

什么叫abstraction java


化学术语里 abstraction什么意思



这个你要看外语词典的解释和用词习惯:abstractionan abstract or general idea or term.the act of considering something as a general quality or characteristic,apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances.an impractical idea; something visionary and unrealistic.the act of taking away or separating; withdrawal:The sensation of cold is due to the abstraction of heat from ourbodies.secret removal, especially theft.absent-mindedness; inattention; mental absorption.Fine Arts.而extractionan act or instance of extracting : the extraction of a molar.the state or fact of being extracted.descent or lineage: to be of foreign extraction.something extracted; extract.从含义上看,extraction用于整体的外移,比如拔牙。而abstraction作为提取的时候,提出的东西不是一个整体,比如提出某种成分




abstraction英 [æbˈstrækʃn] 美 [æbˈstrækʃən, əb-]n.抽象; 出神; 抽象概念; 抽象化抽象化;提取;抽象概念;出神复数: abstractions 双语例句1. "Third World" is an abstraction, a form of shorthand. “第三世界”是个抽象概念,是一种简称。2. Andrew noticed her abstraction and asked, "What"s bothering you?" 安德鲁注意到她在愣神,便问道:“你怎么啦?”3. water abstraction from rivers 从河流中抽取水4. The idea of redness is an abstraction. 红色概念是一种抽象概念.5. The abstraction , generally as the opposite the real, is mostly misunderstood as absence of content. Abstraction(萃取、抽象)这个字, 一般的认知是真实的相反, 而最常被误解的一点是它缺乏内涵.


abstract 和introduction都是论文写作中重要的环节。abstract是论文正文前面的摘要,是用简洁的语言指出论文的主要内容、研究方法和成果发现,行文简洁,逻辑性强,具有程式化的特点。introduction是论文主体部分的开端词,用较为详细的语言指出论文写作所涉及的内容或者要着力解决的问题,是论文正文的引论部分,起到提纲挈领的作用。




introduction :1, 是引论,相当于绪论,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文;2,作为引子,也就是所谓的开场白,通常介绍下背景知识;例如:(1)Chapter I Introduction.  第一章绪论。(2) Introduction to Information Security Engineering.  信息安全工程导论“,”(3)No introduction yet. Please contact us if this is your restaurant, Thanks.  还没有介绍。如果这是您的餐厅,请与我们联系,谢谢。 abstract:1, 概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等;目的是让别人快速了解你的论文的最中心的内容。2,用于概要,也就是整篇文章的中心思想,例如:(1)“Yes, yes,”said Phillotson, abstractedly…“哦倒也是,倒也是,”费劳孙心神恍惚地说。(2)It was a requiem, a dirge, a moan, a howl, a wail, a lament; an abstract of everything that is sorrowful and hideous in sound.这是一首安灵曲,一首挽歌,一种呻吟,一种感叹,一种呼号,一种啼哭,可以说是总其精华,集悲惨与难听之大成。




1、作用不同abstract是摘要,概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等。introduction是引言,在英文文献中一般是文章的第一部分,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文。2、目的不同摘要的重要目的是便于人们进行文献检索和初步分类。引言目的是向读者简略描述短文内容或相关背景,吸引读者对本篇论文产生兴趣,对正文起到提纲掣领和激发阅读兴趣的作用。扩展资料:引言的写作要求1、开门见山,不绕圈子。避免大篇幅地讲述历史渊源和立题研究过程。2、言简意赅,突出重点。不应过多叙述同行熟知的及教科书中的常识性内容,确有必要提及他人的研究成果和基本原理时,只需以参考引文的形式标出即可。在引言中提示本文的工作和观点时,意思应明确,语言应简练。3、回顾历史要有重点,内容要紧扣文章标题,围绕标题介绍背景,用几句话概括即可;在提示所用的方法时,不要求写出方法、结果,不要展开讨论;虽可适当引用过去的文献内容,但不要长篇罗列,不能把前言写成该研究的历史发展;不要把前言写成文献小综述,更不要去重复说明那些教科书上已有,或本领域研究人员所共知的常识性内容。4、尊重科学,实事求是。在前言中,评价论文的价值要恰如其分、实事求是,用词要科学,对本文的创新性最好不要使用“本研究国内首创、首次报道”、“填补了国内空白”、“有很高的学术价值”、”本研究内容国内未见报道”或“本研究处于国内外领先水平”等不适当的自我评语。5、引言的内容不应与摘要雷同,注意不用客套话,如“才疏学浅”、“水平有限”、“恳请指正”、“抛砖引玉”之类的语言;前言最好不分段论述,不要插图、列表,不进行公式的推导与证明。6、引言的篇幅一般不要太长,太长可致读者乏味,太短则不易交待清楚,一篇3 000一5 000字的论文,引言字数一般掌握在200一250字为宜。参考资料来源:百度百科-摘要参考资料来源:百度百科-引言


introduction :1, 是引论,相当于绪论,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文;2,作为引子,也就是所谓的开场白,通常介绍下背景知识;例如:(1)Chapter I Introduction.  第一章绪论。(2) Introduction to Information Security Engineering.  信息安全工程导论“,”(3)No introduction yet. Please contact us if this is your restaurant, Thanks.  还没有介绍。如果这是您的餐厅,请与我们联系,谢谢。 abstract:1, 概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等;目的是让别人快速了解你的论文的最中心的内容。2,用于概要,也就是整篇文章的中心思想,例如:(1)“Yes, yes,”said Phillotson, abstractedly…“哦倒也是,倒也是,”费劳孙心神恍惚地说。(2)It was a requiem, a dirge, a moan, a howl, a wail, a lament; an abstract of everything that is sorrowful and hideous in sound.这是一首安灵曲,一首挽歌,一种呻吟,一种感叹,一种呼号,一种啼哭,可以说是总其精华,集悲惨与难听之大成。


abstract是摘要 概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等.introduction是引言,在英文文献中一般是文章的第一部分,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文.建议找找相关的英文文献 看看就明白了




abstract译为抽象的introduction译为介绍引见 引进,传入 采用引言这两个词为什么没有区别?


1、作用不同abstract是摘要,概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等。introduction是引言,在英文文献中一般是文章的第一部分,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文。2、目的不同摘要的重要目的是便于人们进行文献检索和初步分类。引言目的是向读者简略描述短文内容或相关背景,吸引读者对本篇论文产生兴趣,对正文起到提纲掣领和激发阅读兴趣的作用。扩展资料:引言的写作要求1、开门见山,不绕圈子。避免大篇幅地讲述历史渊源和立题研究过程。2、言简意赅,突出重点。不应过多叙述同行熟知的及教科书中的常识性内容,确有必要提及他人的研究成果和基本原理时,只需以参考引文的形式标出即可。在引言中提示本文的工作和观点时,意思应明确,语言应简练。3、回顾历史要有重点,内容要紧扣文章标题,围绕标题介绍背景,用几句话概括即可;在提示所用的方法时,不要求写出方法、结果,不要展开讨论;虽可适当引用过去的文献内容,但不要长篇罗列,不能把前言写成该研究的历史发展;不要把前言写成文献小综述,更不要去重复说明那些教科书上已有,或本领域研究人员所共知的常识性内容。4、尊重科学,实事求是。在前言中,评价论文的价值要恰如其分、实事求是,用词要科学,对本文的创新性最好不要使用“本研究国内首创、首次报道”、“填补了国内空白”、“有很高的学术价值”、”本研究内容国内未见报道”或“本研究处于国内外领先水平”等不适当的自我评语。5、引言的内容不应与摘要雷同,注意不用客套话,如“才疏学浅”、“水平有限”、“恳请指正”、“抛砖引玉”之类的语言;前言最好不分段论述,不要插图、列表,不进行公式的推导与证明。6、引言的篇幅一般不要太长,太长可致读者乏味,太短则不易交待清楚,一篇3 000一5 000字的论文,引言字数一般掌握在200一250字为宜。参考资料来源:百度百科-摘要参考资料来源:百度百科-引言

cable connection什么意思?

check cable connection是“检查电缆连接”的意思。1、检查电脑所有设备之间的连线是不是都连接好了;2、是不是什么地方松了,或者接触不良了;3、把显示器、鼠标、键盘、音箱等等都重新插拔,检查一下4、检查无误后,再启动电脑无此信息提醒了。扩展资料:开机无显示故障检查流程:一、开机能听到"嘀"一声(正常启动声音);说明主机启动正常,若无显示,则检查显示电源是否正常;检查数据线是否松动(若主板有集成显卡和独立显卡,则检查是否插的正确)。检查显卡是否松动或被氧化了,重新插拔一下(若集成显卡则检查内存)。二、开机听不到"嘀"一声;说明故障在于主机,打开机箱检查。1、通电开机,若电源和CPU风扇运转正常。则可能是内存被氧化。处理办法:断开主机电源,拔下内存,用橡皮擦拭后重新插牢。(若装有独立显卡,则按此法检查独立显卡)。2、通电后,CPU风扇不转;则可能是主板供电故障,检查是否漏液或鼓包电容。若没有,则故障较隐蔽,请专人检查。3、通电后,电源风扇不转;则首先检查电源插头是否松动。若插头正常,则断开电源插头,用曲别针或铁丝连接插头的"绿线"和"黑线"孔后,再接通电源,若风扇运转,说明电源正常。若不转,说明电源坏了,更换电源。参考资料:百度百科-FXE

java 里的 ByteArrayInputStream 与ObjectInputStream



奔驰车中的malfunction的意思是出现故障。英[ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn]  美[ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn]  v.运转失常;失灵;出现故障n.失灵;故障,功能障碍第三人称单数:malfunctions复数:malfunctions现在分词:malfunctioning过去式: 例句:Theremusthavebeenacomputer malfunction.肯定出了什么电脑故障。Thepilotwasforcedtobailoutduetotechnicalmalfunction.由于技术故障飞行员被迫跳伞。扩展资料:近义词:1、breakdown的意思是故障,损坏,失灵,停止运行,健康、体力、精神、情感等的衰弱,衰竭,衰退,垮下例句:Hisfrequentdepressionswerethepreludetoacompletementalbreakdown.他经常抑郁寡欢,后来精神完全崩溃了。2、gowrong出错Anythingthatcangowrongwillgowrong.任何有可能出错的事将会出错。Ican"tquiteputmyfingeronwhat"swrong.我找不出错在什么地方。

I have even more people contacting me.为啥不是contact

have sb.doing让某人一直做某事。表示正在进行。再如:have the horse running让马跑着,have the lamp lighting让灯亮着

document.anchors is not a function 在火狐下报错了

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effectively:英【ɪˈfektɪvlɪ】。短语搭配:effectively grounded直接接地;有效被接地;有枣企跨效接地;有效接地的。use effectively有效利用漏祝欢;有效巴民舟享地使用组纸埋。deal effectively有效地处理。perform effectively有效地执行。brush effectively有效地画。encourage effectively有效地鼓励。resist effectivel有效地抵抗。effectively regulate有效规范。protect effectively有效地束糊保护;有效保护。双语例句:1. Plastic bags don"t recycle cost-effectively.塑料袋回收成本太高,不划算。2. From this moment Bulgaria was effectively independent.从此刻起,保加利亚实际上已经独立。3. The region was effectively independent.实际上,该地区已经独立。4. McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set.在第二局中,麦克尼尔对球的截击更加有效了。5. The writer could have conveyed ideas more effectively by punctuating sentences with full stops.要是用句号断句的话,作者就能更好地表达思想了。

a great number of students _____said they were forced to practise the piano.

c 许多被问到的学生提到他们曾被强迫练习钢琴。

matlab中这问题Undefined function "randint" for input arguments of type "doub咋解决啊?

% 可以用 fix(ma*rand(m,n))+mi 达到同样效果> m = 2; n = 3; mi = 0; ma = 99;>> randint(m,n,[mi ma])ans = 92 17 93 73 40 91>> fix(ma*rand(m,n))+mians = 40 5 80 88 34 0

如何区分distinguished distinctive distinct



distinguished 是: 著名的; 卓越的; 受人尊敬的; 显得重要的; 辨别,区别( distinguish的过去式和过去分词); 突出; 区别(distinguish的过去式); [网络] 卓越; 杰出的; 尊贵; [例句]He looked very distinguished.他看上去非常高贵。distinctive是:有特色的,特殊的。distinctive features 特点 Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels.士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。如:Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一种特殊的味道.distinct是指:清楚的,明显的,截然不同的,独特的。如:on two distinct occasions.在两种不同的场合。



distinct distinctive distinguish 有什么区别

distinct侧重于比较具体的东西,侧重于表现对比的两者的不同。There are some distinct feathers between those 2 kinds of birds.distinctive有怪异,与众不同的感觉。The bird has 3 legs which is very distinctive.distinguish有优秀而与众不同的感觉。He is one of the most distinguish expert in his field.个人的理解,希望有用。

Ro ute Geological section of the Proterozoic in Jixian

Jixian County,an ancient county(previously Yuyang County)in North China,is located at the southern foot of the Yanshan Range and in the northern outer suburbs of Tianjin municipality.It is about 90 km east of Beijing and 100 km west of Tianjin.Well-developed Proterozoic sequences crop out in the northern parto f the Jixian area(Fig.3-6).A NW-trending syncline with a core of Cambrian rocks occurs between Hongshuizhuang and Jing"eryu villages.A thrust fault parallel to the strike of the rocks between Yangzhuang and Chuancangyu villages caused a repetition of the strata.In addition,a large N-S trending fault from Huangyaguan to Yangzhuang with ENE-trending thrusts occurs along the front of the hill,north of Jixian(Fig.3-6).The Proterozoic geology of the Jixian area and its vicinity was firsts tudied by Gao Zhenxi(C.C.Kao)et al.in 1934.These authors and many subsequent studies provided detailed descriptions of the lithology and subdivided the rocks into formations.They also properly identified the stromatolites occurring in the rocks.Based on these works,the Jixian section has been regarded as a typical section of the Middle and Upper Proterozoic in North China.Fig.3-6 Geological map and cross-section of Jixian and adjacent areas1—Quaternary;2—Cambrian;3—Jing"eryu Fm.;4—Luotuolingfm.;5—Xiamaling Fm.;6—Tieling Fm.;7—Hongshuizhuang Fm.;8—Wumishan Fm.;9—Yangzhuang Fm.;10—Gaoyuzhuang Fm.;11—Dahongyu Fm.;12—Tuan Shanzi Fm.;13—Chuanlinggou Fm.;14—Changzhougou Fm.;15—Archean;16—Pluton;17—UnconformityAt the beginning of the 1970"s,the Proterozoic sequences around Jixian and Yanshan Range have been studied by many geologists,and numerous papers and monographs have been published on the lithology,paleontology,geochemistry,geochronology,paleomagnetism and paleogeography of these rocks.The Proterozoic sequences in the Jixian area are underlain by Archean rocks and overlain by lower Cambrian strata.These sequences have a total thickness of 9193 m,which can be divided into 12 formations that define 3 systems,the Changcheng,Jixian and Qingbaikou systems.Geochronological results date the Proterozoic sequences in Jixian area as ranging ca.1800 to 850 Ma.The Changcheng System is dated at ca.1800-1 600Ma,and the Jixian System at ca.1600~1000Ma and the Qingbaikou System at ca.1000-850Ma,and these systems belong to the late Paleoproterozoic,Mesoproterozoic and Early Neoproterozoic,respectively.The stratigraphic succession of these units is described as below:1.The Late Paleoproterozoic Changcheng SystemThe Changcheng system con Sists of four formations with a total thickness of 2762 m.The lowermost Changzhougou Formation rests unconformably over the Archean metamorphic Zunhua Complex-Group,and is chiefly composed of conglomerate,pebble-bearing sandstone and arkosic sandstone of fluvial origin in the lower portion and sandstone of marine facies in the middle-upper part.The second formation,the Chuanlinggou Fm.,is mostly composed of neritic shales grading upward into the dolomitic Tuanshanzi Fm.The fourth formation,the Dahongyu Fm.,co nsists o f littoral and neritic sandstone,shale and K-rich trachyte with cherty dolo stone in the upper part.(1)The Changzhougou FormationLocation:North top of Changzhougou(40°13′03″N,117°30′47″E,494m)Content:Unconformity between Changzhougou Formation(Chch)and Archean(Fig.3-7).Fig.3-7 Unconformity between Changzhougou Formation and Archean in ChangzhougouA—the unconformity of Chch/Ar;B—the river conglomerate and cross-bed in ChchThe Changzho ugo u Fo rmatio n,the lo wermost unit of the Changcheng System,co nsists o f grayish purple,massive to thick-bedded co nglo merate and co arse-grained sandsto ne,pinkish and white quartz sandsto ne,sedimentary quartzite and so me thin-bedded sandsto ne,fine-grained sandsto ne,clayey and feldspathic sand Sto ne with a thickness o f 859 m.The quartzite and quartzitic sandsto ne of shallo w marine o rigin are the chief co mpo nents o f the fluvial conglomerate,and coarse grained sandstone dominates in the lower part.So far,no stromatolites have been identitied in this formation.However,a numbero fa critarches,including ssme unicellular eukaryotes,have been identified from the intercalated beds of muddy siltstone in the upper part of the formation.(2)The Chuanlinggou FormationLocation:Chuanglinggou(40°11′52″N,117°28′50″E,295m).Content:Boundary of Chuanglinggou Formation/Changzhougou Formation(Chc/Chch).The Chuanlinggou Formation consists chiefly of silty and illitic lenses.It has a thickness of 889m in Jixian area,but much less in the eastern and western parts of the Yanshan Range.This formation can be subdivided into three sections based on the quantity of sandstone and the color of rocks.The lower section of supratidal to intertidal origin is characterized by a large amount of yellowish-green sandstone,and the middle section is composed of black shale of subtidal to lagoonal facies with many intercalations of intertidal sandstone.Mud cracks are spectacularly developed and sand veinlets are common in the sandstone of the lower section.Acritarchs are abundant in this formation and they include the following groups:Sphaeromorphida(e.g.Leiominuscula,Margominuscula,Dictgosphaera,Kildinellaand Leiosphaerida),Scaphomorphida(e.g.Dictgosphaera,Kildinellaand Schizovalvia),Versimorphida,including blade-like,lobe-like,valve-like and band-like forms(e.g.Pholimorphaaa,Lobomorphaand Valvimorpha):and Nematomorphida(e.g.Qingshaniaand Changchengonema).In addition,some macroscopic,ribbon-shaped fossil algae have been reported.There are no stromatolites in this formation in Jixian area,but two horizons containing stromatolites have been found in the western Yanshan Range.(3)The Tuanshanzi FormationLocation:40°10′32″N,117°27′59″E,291m.Content:Tuansanzi Formation/Chuanglinggou Formation(Cht/Chc).The Tuanshanzi Formation is composed mainly of muddy and silty,micritic dolomite with a total thickness of 518 m(Chen et al.,1980).The lower member of this formation contains abundant muddy,silty and carbonaceous material,with pyrite impregnations and black carbonaceous films on the bedding planes.In the upper member,the content of clastic material increases considerably resulting in micritic sandstone,sandy dolostone,thin-bedded sandstone and small stromatolite bioherms.The lower member of the Tuanshanzi Formation is characterized by even bedding indicating deposition in a quiet,weakly reducing,subtidal environment(lagoonal facies),whereas the upper part formed in an unstable environment probably between the intertidal and supratidal zones.Previously,the Tuanshanzi Formation was regarded as being poor in fossils,containing only a few of stromatolites,microfossils and doubtful megafossils dominated by Tyrasotaenia(Hofmann and Chen,1981).However,a large collection of megafossils represented by Iongfenshanids(Antiqufolia,gixianfolium and others)have been identified in the lower part of this formation in recent years,and interpreted as Paleoproterozoic megasc Opic eukaryotes Or metaphytes.(4)The Dahongyu FormationLocation:40°10′28″N,117°28′00″E,258m.Content:Dahongyu Formation/Tuansanzi Formation(Chd/Cht).The Dahongyu Formation can be subdivided into two units.The lower unit consists mainly of white quartz sandstone and sandy dolostone,intercalated With purple and green tuffaceous siltstone or tuffaceous silty shale,locally accompanied by beds of volcanic breccia,tuffaceous sandstone and high-K lava.The upper section consists of micritic dolomite and cherty micritic dolomite with abundant stromatolites.A fe W poorly preserved acritarches have also been found mainly in the lower section of this formation.Some microscopic algal fossils occur in the cherty beds of the upper unit.2.The Mesoproterozoic Ji Xian SystemDisconformably overlying the Changcheng System,the Jixian system consists of five conformable formations with a total thickness of about 6088 m.The Gaoyuzhuang Formation at the base,is composed of littoral-neritic dolostone and dolomitic limestone.The overlying Yangzhuang Formation i S chiefly made up of alternating red-white marine dolostone with minor limestone.In the middle,the Wumishan Formation is composed of thick beds of siliceous dolostone intercalated with abundant cherty bands,and it grades upward into the Hongshuizhuang Formation composed dominantly of black shale.The uppermost Tieling Formation consists of shale and limestone with abundant stromatolites.(5)The Gaoyuzhuang FormationThe Gaoyuzhuang Formation disconformably overlies the Dahongyou Formation of the Changcheng Group.Because it has sedimentary and paleontological characteristics typical of the“Jixianian System”.This formation consists chiefly of carbonates and is subdivided into four members:Member 1 is characterized chiefly by dark-gray cherty micritic dolomite,containing lenses of muddy and sandy dolomite.It also contains intercalations of thin-bedded,clayey,micritic dolomite and shale or silty shale.In addition,a bed of sandstone,about three meters thick,with ripple marks occurs at the base,where it overlies an erosional surface.Member 2 could be further subdivided into two parts.The lower part consists of thin-bedded manganiferous,sandy micritic dolomite intercalated with dolomitic siltstone.Thick-bedded to massive dolomite with wavy bedding surfaces and large-scale ripple marks makes up the upper part of this Subformation.Member 3 i S characterized by dark-gray muddy dolomite,calcareous micritic dolomite and dolomitic and micritic limestone with platy bedding,intercalated with some clastic layers and nodular limestone.Member 4 begin S with dark,thick-bedded,calcareou S dolomitic micrite and dolomite,interca-lated with black,bituminous and muddy dolomite.This passes upward into gray,micritic dolomite with siliceous layers.All of these rocks in the upper part are thin-bedded and contain wavy bedding and cherty concretions.The Gaoyuzhuang Formation contains various fossils.Stromatolites occur mainly in member 1 and are represented by Confusoconophytonmultiangulum,Gaoyuzhuangiacrassibrevis,G.Bulbosa,G.gaoyuzhuangensis,Tabuloconigera paraepiphyta,Conophyton garganicum and C.cylindricum.Microfossils interpreted as microscopic algae occur mainly in the cherty rocks of member 1.Although the microfossils are poorly preserved in the Jixian area,they are abundant in the same horizon in adjacent areas.Acritarchs are generally sparse and poorly preserved in the formation,and occur only member 1 and 3.The carbonaceous megafossils are represented by G.rvpaniaspiralis(namely Sangshuaniaspiralis,S.sangsuanensis and S.buccinata)and they occur only in the lower part of member 3.(6)The Yangzhuang FormationThe Yangzhuang Formation consists of brick-red argillic,silty micritic dolomite with alternating white layers.Near both the base and top of the unit,there are thick layers of siliceous micritic or sparry dolomite.Many of the red layers have small,white spots.This formation is subdivided into three members based on lithology.Both the lower and middle members contain ripple marks,mud cracks,cross-beds,and gypsum and salt casts indicating that they formed in supra-and intertidal lagoonal environments in a hot,dry climate.However,these features are absent in the upper member,which consists of bituminous dolostone.The Se rocks probably formed in a hot,wet,lagoonal environment.Fossils are sparse and poorly preserved in the Yangzhuang Formation.Only some small stromatolites(Microstylus,Scyphus,Yangzhuangia)and a few achritarchs have been found in the lower and upper members.(7)The Wumishan FormationThe Wumishan Formation,with a thickness of3336m,makes up one third oft he total Proterozoic section in the Jixian system.The rocks of this formation are rich in organic matter and show many cycles,suggesting deposition in a tidal environment.This formation includes four members:1)The Lozhuang MemberThe lower part of this unit contains alternating layers of white,muddy to silty,micritic dolomite,banded cherty micritic and sparry dolomite with intercalations of bituminous dolostone.The upper part is composed mainly of gray and dark-gray,medium-to thick-bedded,sparry dolomite with bands of chert and black,bituminous dolostone.These microbial deposits are characterized by small,wavy,laminated and columnar stromatolites.2)The Mopanyu MemberThis member consists chiefly of white silty to shaly micritic dolomite and thick-bedded stromatolitic,sparry dolomite.Chert layers,chert concretions and flat-pebble cherty conglomerates occur in the lower part of the unit.The upper part contains some thick-bedded,bituminous sparry dolomite with wavy laminae of algae,with several large,conic stromatolitic and silicified oolitic beds atthe top.3)The Ershilipu MemberThis member is subdivided into a lowera nd an upper parts.The lowerp art consists of white,rhythmically layered shaly to silty micritic dolomite,gray calcareous to muddy dolomite and gray,calcareous micritic dolomite with layers of black chert.Red,shaly,silty or sandy micritic dolomite occur in the base of the lower unit.The upper part generally consist S of dark-gray and thick-bedded calcareous,micritic dolomite.4)The Shanpoling MemberThis member can be subdivided into al owera nd an upperp arts.The lowerp arti s composed of gray to grayish-white,calcareous,micritic dolomite and cherty micritic dolomite intercalated with bituminous dolostone.The upper part consists mainly of light gray,thin-bedded calcareous,micritic dolomite without chert.In addition,a bed of white dolomitic sandst

abnormal activities是什么意思


克里斯蒂娃 The "semiotic" and Abjection

The "semiotic"[ edit ]One of Kristeva"s most important contributions is that signification is composed of two elements, the symbolic and the semiotic , the latter being distinct from the discipline of semiotics founded by Ferdinand de Saussure . As explained in The History of Women in Philosophy by Augustine Perumalil, Kristeva"s "semiotic is closely related to the infantile pre-Oedipal referred to in the works of Freud, Otto Rank , Melanie Klein , British Object Relation psychoanalysis, and Lacan"s pre- mirror stage . It is an emotional field, tied to the instincts , which dwells in the fissures and prosody of language rather than in the denotative meanings of words." Furthermore, according to Birgit Schippers" 2011 book Julia Kristeva and Feminist Thought , the semiotic is a realm associated with the musical, the poetic, the rhythmic, and that which lacks structure and meaning. It is closely tied to the "feminine", and represents the undifferentiated state of the pre-Mirror Stage infant. Upon entering the Mirror Stage, the child learns to distinguish between self and other, and enters the realm of shared cultural meaning, known as the symbolic . In Desire in Language (1980), Kristeva describes the symbolic as the space in which the development of language allows the child to become a "speaking subject," and to develop a sense of identity separate from the mother. This process of separation is known as abjection, whereby the child must reject and move away from the mother in order to enter into the world of language, culture, meaning, and the social. This realm of language is called the symbolic and is contrasted with the semiotic in that it is associated with the masculine, the law, and structure. Kristeva departs from Lacan in the idea that even after entering the symbolic, the subject continues to oscillate between the semiotic and the symbolic. Therefore, rather than arriving at a fixed identity, the subject is permanently "in process". Because female children continue to identify to some degree with the mother figure, they are especially likely to retain a close connection to the semiotic. This continued identification with the mother may result in what Kristeva refers to in Black Sun (1989) as melancholia ( depression ), given that female children simultaneously reject and identify with the mother figure. It has also been suggested (e.g., Creed, 1993) that the degradation of women and women"s bodies in popular culture (and particularly, for example, in slasher films ) emerges because of the threat to identity that the mother"s body poses: it is a reminder of time spent in the undifferentiated state of the semiotic, where one has no concept of self or identity. After abjecting the mother, subjects retain an unconscious fascination with the semiotic, desiring to reunite with the mother, while at the same time fearing the loss of identity that accompanies it. Slasher film thus provide a way for audience members to safely reenact the process of abjection by vicariously expelling and destroying the mother figure. Kristeva is also known for her adoption of Plato "s idea of the chora , meaning “a nourishing maternal space” (Schippers, 2011). Kristeva"s idea of the chora has been interpreted in several ways: as a reference to the uterus, as a metaphor for the relationship between the mother and child, and as the temporal period preceding the Mirror Stage. In her essay Motherhood According to Giovanni Bellini from Desire in Language (1980), Kristeva refers to the chora as a “non-expressive totality formed by drives and their stases in a motility that is full of movement as it is regulated.” She goes on to suggest that it is the mother"s body that mediates between the chora and the symbolic realm: the mother has access to culture and meaning, yet also forms a totalizing bond with the child. Kristeva is also noted for her work on the concept of intertextuality . AbjectionThe term  abjection  literally means "the state of being cast off." While in common usage it has connotations of degradation, baseness and meanness of spirit, the term has been explored in post-structuralism as that which inherently disturbs conventional identity and cultural concepts. [1] Among the most popular interpretations of abjection is Julia Kristeva "s (pursued particularly in her work Powers of Horror ), which describes the subjective horror one, and therefore one"s body, experiences when one is confronted with what she terms one"s “corporeal reality,” or a breakdown in the distinction between what is self and what is other . [2] The concept of abjection is best described as the process by which one separates their sense of self – be that physical and biological, social or cultural – from that which they consider intolerable and infringes upon their ‘self", otherwise known as the abject. The abject is, as such, the “me that is not me.”[ citation needed ]Kristeva"s concept of abjection is utilized commonly and effectively to explain popular cultural narratives of horror and misogyny, and builds on the traditional psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan . [3] Drawing on the French tradition of interest in the monstrous (e.g., novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline ), [4] and of the subject as grounded in filth (e.g., psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan ), [5] Julia Kristeva developed the idea of the abject as that which is rejected by/disturbs social reason — the communal consensus that underpins a social order. [6] The "abject" exists accordingly somewhere between the concept of an object and the concept of the subject, representing taboo elements of the self barely separated off in a liminal space. [7] Kristeva claims that within the boundaries of what one defines as subject – a part of oneself – and object – something that exists independently of oneself – there resides pieces that were once categorized as a part of oneself or one"s identity that has since been rejected – the abject.It is important to note, however, that Kristeva created a distinction in the true meaning of abjection: it is not the lack of “cleanliness or health” that causes abjection, but that which disturbs identity, system, and order. [8] Since the abject is situated outside the symbolic order , being forced to face it is an inherently traumatic experience, as with the repulsion presented by confrontation with filth, waste, or a corpse — an object which is violently cast out of the cultural world, having once been a subject. [9] Thus the sense of the abject complements the existence of the superego - the representative of culture, of the symbolic order: [10] in Kristeva"s aphorism, "To each ego its object, to each superego its abject". [11] From Kristeva"s psychoanalytic perspective, abjection is done to the part of ourselves that we exclude: the mother. We must abject the maternal, the object which has created us, in order to construct an identity. [9] Abjection occurs on the micro level of the speaking being, through their subjective dynamics, as well as on the macro level of society, through "language as a common and universal law". We use rituals , specifically those of defilement, to attempt to maintain clear boundaries between nature and society, the semiotic and the symbolic, paradoxically both excluding and renewing contact with the abject in the ritual act. [12] The concept of abjection is often coupled (and sometimes confused) with the idea of the uncanny , the concept of something being "un-home-like", or foreign, yet familiar. [13] The abject can be uncanny in the sense that we can recognize aspects in it, despite its being "foreign": a corpse, having fallen out of the symbolic order, creates abjection through its uncanniness [14] — creates a cognitive dissonance .

Seurat(v4)官方教程 | Introduction to scRNA-seq integration

https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/integration_introduction.html https://blog.csdn.net/zengwanqin/article/details/114969068 Integration goals The following tutorial is designed to give you an overview of the kinds of comparative analyses on complex cell types that are possible using the Seurat integration procedure. Here, we address a few key goals: 1Create an ‘integrated" data assay for downstream analysis 2Identify cell types that are present in both datasets 3Obtain cell type markers that are conserved in both control and stimulated cells 4Compare the datasets to find cell-type specific responses to stimulation 1Setup the Seurat objects library(Seurat) library(SeuratData) library(patchwork) InstallData("ifnb") LoadData("ifnb") ifnb str(ifnb) ifnb.list <- SplitObject(ifnb, split.by = "stim") ifnb.list <- lapply(X = ifnb.list, FUN = function(x) { x <- NormalizeData(x) x <- FindVariableFeatures(x, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000) }) features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = ifnb.list) 2Perform integration We then identify anchors using the FindIntegrationAnchors() function, which takes a list of Seurat objects as input, and use these anchors to integrate the two datasets together with IntegrateData(). immune.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = ifnb.list, anchor.features = features) immune.anchors str(immune.anchors) immune.combined <- IntegrateData(anchorset = immune.anchors) 3Perform an integrated analysis Now we can run a single integrated analysis on all cells! DefaultAssay(immune.combined) <- "integrated" immune.combined <- ScaleData(immune.combined, verbose = FALSE) immune.combined <- RunPCA(immune.combined, npcs = 30, verbose = FALSE) immune.combined <- RunUMAP(immune.combined, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30) immune.combined <- FindNeighbors(immune.combined, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30) immune.combined <- FindClusters(immune.combined, resolution = 0.5) p1 <- DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", group.by = "stim") p2 <- DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, repel = TRUE) p1 + p2 To visualize the two conditions side-by-side, we can use the split.by argument to show each condition colored by cluster. DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", split.by = "stim") 4Identify conserved cell type markers To identify canonical cell type marker genes that are conserved across conditions, we provide the FindConservedMarkers() function. This function performs differential gene expression testing for each dataset/group and combines the p-values using meta-analysis methods from the MetaDE R package. For example, we can calculated the genes that are conserved markers irrespective of stimulation condition in cluster 6 (NK cells). DefaultAssay(immune.combined) <- "RNA" """ BiocManager::install("multtest") install.packages("metap") library("multtest") """ nk.markers <- FindConservedMarkers(immune.combined, ident.1 = 6, grouping.var = "stim", verbose = FALSE) head(nk.markers) We can explore these marker genes for each cluster and use them to annotate our clusters as specific cell types. str(nk.markers) rownames(nk.markers) head(rownames(nk.markers)) FeaturePlot(immune.combined, features = head(rownames(nk.markers),5), min.cutoff = "q9") FeaturePlot(immune.combined, features = c("CD3D", "SELL", "CREM", "CD8A", "GNLY", "CD79A", "FCGR3A", "CCL2", "PPBP"), min.cutoff = "q9") immune.combined <- RenameIdents(immune.combined, 0 = "CD14 Mono", 1 = "CD4 Naive T", 2 = "CD4 Memory T", 3 = "CD16 Mono", 4 = "B", 5 = "CD8 T", 6 = "NK", 7 = "T activated", 8 = "DC", 9 = "B Activated", 10 = "Mk", 11 = "pDC", 12 = "Eryth", 13 = "Mono/Mk Doublets", 14 = "HSPC") DimPlot(immune.combined, label = TRUE) The DotPlot() function with the split.by parameter can be useful for viewing conserved cell type markers across conditions, showing both the expression level and the percentage of cells in a cluster expressing any given gene. Here we plot 2-3 strong marker genes for each of our 14 clusters. Idents(immune.combined) <- factor(Idents(immune.combined), levels = c("HSPC", "Mono/Mk Doublets", "pDC", "Eryth", "Mk", "DC", "CD14 Mono", "CD16 Mono", "B Activated", "B", "CD8 T", "NK", "T activated", "CD4 Naive T", "CD4 Memory T")) markers.to.plot <- c("CD3D", "CREM", "HSPH1", "SELL", "GIMAP5", "CACYBP", "GNLY", "NKG7", "CCL5", "CD8A", "MS4A1", "CD79A", "MIR155HG", "NME1", "FCGR3A", "VMO1", "CCL2", "S100A9", "HLA-DQA1", "GPR183", "PPBP", "GNG11", "HBA2", "HBB", "TSPAN13", "IL3RA", "IGJ", "PRSS57") DotPlot(immune.combined, features = markers.to.plot, cols = c("blue", "red"), dot.scale = 8, split.by = "stim") + RotatedAxis() 5Identify differential expressed genes across conditions Now that we"ve aligned the stimulated and control cells, we can start to do comparative analyses and look at the differences induced by stimulation. One way to look broadly at these changes is to plot the average expression of both the stimulated and control cells and look for genes that are visual outliers on a scatter plot. Here, we take the average expression of both the stimulated and control naive T cells and CD14 monocyte populations and generate the scatter plots, highlighting genes that exhibit dramatic responses to interferon stimulation. library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) theme_set(theme_cowplot()) Idents(immune.combined) t.cells <- subset(immune.combined, idents = "CD4 Naive T") head(t.cells) tail(t.cells) str(t.cells) """ my_tcells<-immune.combined@assays$RNA[,orig.ident=c("IMMUNE_CTRL","IMMUNE_STIM")] head(my_tcells) colnames(my_tcells) """ Idents(t.cells) ##此时的level为 CD4 Naive T Idents(t.cells) <- "stim" ##此时的level为 CONTROL 和STIM t.cells RNA t.cells@assays RNA)) avg.t.cells avg.t.cells$gene <- rownames(avg.t.cells) avg.t.cells cd14.mono <- subset(immune.combined, idents = "CD14 Mono") Idents(cd14.mono) <- "stim" avg.cd14.mono <- as.data.frame(log1p(AverageExpression(cd14.mono, verbose = FALSE) gene <- rownames(avg.cd14.mono) avg.cd14.mono genes.to.label = c("ISG15", "LY6E", "IFI6", "ISG20", "MX1", "IFIT2", "IFIT1", "CXCL10", "CCL8") p1 <- ggplot(avg.t.cells, aes(CTRL, STIM)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("CD4 Naive T Cells") p1 p1 <- LabelPoints(plot = p1, points = genes.to.label, repel = FALSE) p2 <- ggplot(avg.cd14.mono, aes(CTRL, STIM)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("CD14 Monocytes") p2 <- LabelPoints(plot = p2, points = genes.to.label, repel = TRUE) p1 + p2 """ library(dplyr) avg.t.cells avg.t.cells %>% select(CTRL,STIM) %>% unlist () %>% sd() """ As you can see, many of the same genes are upregulated in both of these cell types and likely represent a conserved interferon response pathway. Because we are confident in having identified common cell types across condition, we can ask what genes change in different conditions for cells of the same type. First, we create a column in the meta.data slot to hold both the cell type and stimulation information and switch the current ident to that column. Then we use FindMarkers() to find the genes that are different between stimulated and control B cells. Notice that many of the top genes that show up here are the same as the ones we plotted earlier as core interferon response genes. Additionally, genes like CXCL10 which we saw were specific to monocyte and B cell interferon response show up as highly significant in this list as well. head(immune.combined@meta.data,10) immune.combined stim, sep = "_") head(immune.combined@meta.data,10) immune.combined$celltype <- Idents(immune.combined) head(immune.combined@meta.data,10) Idents(immune.combined) Idents(immune.combined) <- "celltype.stim" Idents(immune.combined) b.interferon.response <- FindMarkers(immune.combined, ident.1 = "B_STIM", ident.2 = "B_CTRL", verbose = FALSE) head(b.interferon.response, n = 15) Another useful way to visualize these changes in gene expression is with the split.by option to the FeaturePlot() or VlnPlot() function. This will display FeaturePlots of the list of given genes, split by a grouping variable (stimulation condition here). Genes such as CD3D and GNLY are canonical cell type markers (for T cells and NK/CD8 T cells) that are virtually unaffected by interferon stimulation and display similar gene expression patterns in the control and stimulated group. IFI6 and ISG15, on the other hand, are core interferon response genes and are upregulated accordingly in all cell types. Finally, CD14 and CXCL10 are genes that show a cell type specific interferon response. CD14 expression decreases after stimulation in CD14 monocytes, which could lead to misclassification in a supervised analysis framework, underscoring the value of integrated analysis. CXCL10 shows a distinct upregulation in monocytes and B cells after interferon stimulation but not in other cell types. FeaturePlot(immune.combined, features = c("CD3D", "GNLY", "IFI6"), split.by = "stim", max.cutoff = 3, cols = c("grey", "red")) plots <- VlnPlot(immune.combined, features = c("LYZ", "ISG15", "CXCL10"), split.by = "stim", group.by = "celltype",split.plot = TRUE, pt.size = 0, combine = FALSE) wrap_plots(plots = plots, ncol = 1) https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/integration_introduction.html https://blog.csdn.net/zengwanqin/article/details/114969068 Integration goals The following tutorial is designed to give you an overview of the kinds of comparative analyses on complex cell types that are possible using the Seurat integration procedure. Here, we address a few key goals: 1Create an ‘integrated" data assay for downstream analysis 2Identify cell types that are present in both datasets 3Obtain cell type markers that are conserved in both control and stimulated cells 4Compare the datasets to find cell-type specific responses to stimulation 1Setup the Seurat objects library(Seurat) library(SeuratData) library(patchwork) InstallData("ifnb") LoadData("ifnb") ifnb str(ifnb) ifnb.list <- SplitObject(ifnb, split.by = "stim") ifnb.list <- lapply(X = ifnb.list, FUN = function(x) { x <- NormalizeData(x) x <- FindVariableFeatures(x, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000) }) features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = ifnb.list) 2Perform integration We then identify anchors using the FindIntegrationAnchors() function, which takes a list of Seurat objects as input, and use these anchors to integrate the two datasets together with IntegrateData(). immune.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = ifnb.list, anchor.features = features) immune.anchors str(immune.anchors) immune.combined <- IntegrateData(anchorset = immune.anchors) 3Perform an integrated analysis Now we can run a single integrated analysis on all cells! DefaultAssay(immune.combined) <- "integrated" immune.combined <- ScaleData(immune.combined, verbose = FALSE) immune.combined <- RunPCA(immune.combined, npcs = 30, verbose = FALSE) immune.combined <- RunUMAP(immune.combined, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30) immune.combined <- FindNeighbors(immune.combined, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30) immune.combined <- FindClusters(immune.combined, resolution = 0.5) p1 <- DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", group.by = "stim") p2 <- DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, repel = TRUE) p1 + p2 To visualize the two conditions side-by-side, we can use the split.by argument to show each condition colored by cluster. DimPlot(immune.combined, reduction = "umap", split.by = "stim") 4Identify conserved cell type markers To identify canonical cell type marker genes that are conserved across conditions, we provide the FindConservedMarkers() function. This function performs differential gene expression testing for each dataset/group and combines the p-values using meta-analysis methods from the MetaDE R package. For example, we can calculated the genes that are conserved markers



期刊中interactive plots 是什么意思

interactive plots and graphs交互图双语对照例句:1.Check headers, footers, graphs and text boxes 核对标题、脚注、图表和文本框

如何用excel画interaction plots


not exactiy 和not entirely

entirely是全部的意思 exactly 是准确的 确切的意思exactly也经常用在口语中表示赞同的意思。比如:---I think we"d better go there by bus. ----Exactly. Let"s go.如果表示不完全赞同,就用Not exactly,表示不完全是对方所说的那样,有部分否定的意思满意请采纳。

I am entire for your plan as it"s very practical.


英语an entirely different perspective怎么翻译?

an entirely different perspective:一个完全不同的视角当perspective用作名词,代表视角,方式,看法 is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences。entirely,副词,表示 completely and not just partly,完全地和different放在一起表示完全不同的。
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