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张敬轩的《Deadline》 歌词

Deadline作词:黄伟文 作曲:张敬轩演唱:张敬轩执起笔想写再见 算算有哪个想见至发觉世上还有太多可 恋这首歌应该抱怨却教我重头充了电 yeah假使我要 更爱目前天天当做 最终那天天天讲听朝会变而明晨何其遥远 何妨当 无明天I wanna change (Why not)I need a break (Why not)I wanna feel love (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna dance (Why not)I wanna sing (Why not)I want to be loved (Wo Wo )I wanna fly (Why not)I wanna dive (Why not)I wanna feel life (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna smile (Why not)I wanna cry (Why not)I"m staying alive (Wo Wo )即使间悲观似我 世界有我也不错有了这觉悟还有哪些不 可想不通怎么跃过最讽刺凭遗嘱 协助 yeah花凋镜破 寄语若何光阴有尽 爱惜更多一朝将生死看破原来能重头来过 仍然有 何其多I wanna change (Why not)I need a break (Why not)I wanna feel love (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna dance (Why not)I wanna sing (Why not)I want to be loved (Wo Wo )I wanna fly (Why not)I wanna dive (Why not)I wanna feel life (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna smile (Why not)I wanna cry (Why not)I"m staying alive (Wo Wo )I wanna change (Why not)I need a break (Why not)I wanna feel (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna dance(Why not)I wanna sing (Why not)I want to be loved (Wo Wo )I wanna fly(Why not)I wanna dive (Why not)I wanna feel life (You are what you are Wo Wo )I wanna smile (Why not)I wanna cry (Why not)I"ll beat the deadline (Wo Wo )


编辑/黄家佳 好消息:你签到了一笔大合同。坏消息:你明知不可能在deadline完成。 既不想失去挣钱的机会,又不想失了信誉。面对这种两难的问题,该怎么办? 作家暨Invisor Consulting的任事股东Steve Tobak在《Entrepreneur》发文指出,无论你在哪行哪业,拟定deadline都有两个考虑的重点:1)客户什么时候才真正需要产品? 2)公司交付商品需要花多少时间? 接着,他又给出了5个不会错失deadline的办法。 1、知道自己大概需要多少时间 看起来好像废话,但别笑——Tobak指出,很多人都没有预估时间的能力!如果不能准确预估时间,事情到最后一定会搞砸。不过这是可以练习的。每次在完成一个项目时,回头看一下自己每一个步骤,是不是都按时完成了。如果没有,多用了多少时间?为什么?好好分析一下这些资料,可以为下一次的工作做准备。久而久之,你对时间的把握程度也会大大提高。 2、弄清楚客户真正的时间安排 而不是他表面上要求你的,因为那一定会比实际情况早很多。当客户问你问题的时候,不要急于给出答案,先搞清楚对方的计画和想法。比如说,当客户问你什么时候能交货,你应该先反问他「您什么时候需要?」或「能让我了解一下你们专案的具体内容吗?」在弄清楚之后,估算一下自己的时间,再给答案也不迟。 另外,也要记住,给自己留些余地。因为情况永远在变化。 3、你不需要老老实实地交代每一件事 当你一不小心推迟了工作中的任何一步,记住,不要让客户知道。除非他真的问你。一五一十地说出来,不一定会比较好。 真正防止自己进一步出错的做法是,拟定一个内部的日程,并且严格的执行。这个日程一定要比客户手中的那一份快上一歩,以免来个突发状况把自己杀个措手不及。 4、无法在规定期限内完成却一口答应下来,也不是什么坏事 Tobak指出,任何企业家都会遇到「不可能的任务」,但一口答应下来也不是什么坏事。实际上,纵观全球企业大厂,没有一个不要求下面的供应商完成在很短的时间内完成供货,但也没有人拒绝。原因很简单,大家都抢着要他们的订单。 那怎么办呢?先向客户表明你的心意:「您对我来说是很重要的客户,虽然这对我们来说是个不小的挑战,但我们一定会竭尽所能地满足您的需求。」然后再在合同上签下你的大名。 5、但我知道你肯定会搞砸!不过没关系 你搞砸了,理论上来说,对方应该会很不爽,生意也砸了。不过Tobak说,不用紧张,他有办法。这时候,你应该穿得整整齐齐,正正经经地到对方公司道个歉。反正你也没有其他选择了。努力求情,告诉他们你会尽全力弥补等等等的。如果你真的卯足全力,演了一场感人肺腑的道歉戏,这笔生意还是有回转的余地的。 反正,他现在跟你都是一条船上的人了。弄出补救方案,总比一起去死好吧? 原文出处:Entrepreneur



4 关于Deadline设置的一些笔记

怎么才能保证deadline有效执行? 1、Deadline的设置包括 2、Deadline的辅助工具 闹钟,相当于“时间止损”,特别是经常“懵逼状态”的同学,需要一个闹钟把自己从懵逼的状态中拉回来……其次就是“紧迫感”,不看一下时间,不知道自己效率有多低。 3、PDCA PDCA(计划—执行—检查—改进)是个不错的微系统,任何公司、任何项目、任何个人,在追求效率的路上都会用到……我的习惯是早上开工前10分钟规划(有的人是昨晚),晚上10分钟总结。 Deadline的不可忽视条件 1、心理建设 一个平和的开始是成功的前奏,这并不容易,尝试在开始前,腹式呼吸3分钟。 2、身体状况 休息、饮食、运动,这三个环节没保障,自我斗争与纠结会吞噬稀缺的时间……所以,尽可能地减少自我消耗、自律。 Deadline的应用场景 1、工作安排 主动设置胜过被动KPI、不再赘述,值得强调的是,任务分解最好细化到每个小时…… 2、做决策 艰难的决策,如果没有deadline,大多数人会选择逃避然后一拖再拖…… 3、暂时的放松 比如看电视、刷手机,都要设置时间限制,刚开始可能不一定能刹得住车,但至少能清晰地知道自己“浪费”了多少时间…… 结语 不要怨恨自己不够优秀,告诉自己现在就是最早的行动时间。 要自律,更要温柔待自己。 愿你我早日成为理想中的自己!


set a deadline 设置个最后期限within the deadline 在规定期限之内the deadline of sth ...的最后期限关于一个词的短语,其实可以用句子来帮助记忆。卓美教育的孩子们都是一次英语戏剧表演下来,记住了很多固定搭配。



deadline 与due 的用法有什么不同

Deadline 是名词,is the deadline,due 作为截止的,到期的,这时是形容词


eadline是第一生产力是高效的流程工作可以最快达到目的。 按工作流程办事,可少走弯路,以最快最直接的方法达到最有效的执行。而真正高效的流程工作,是没有任何流程的。 扩展资料 这与崔西定律的推断如出一辙:“任何工作的困难度与其执行步骤的数目平方成正比。”例如,完成a工作有3个执行步骤,则此困难度是9。完成b工作有5个执行步骤,则此工作的.困难度是25。 若想在最短的时间内,快速提升自己的执行力,那就应实施更好、更简洁的工作流程。为高效工作,有人追捧GTD(Getting Things Done,做完每一件事)的时间管理方法,而刻板走过收集、处理、整理、检查、行动五步骤是一件非常痛苦且低效的事情。如果事务缠身,不妨试试化繁为简,简化无关紧要的选择,把这些时间花在重要的决策上,结果或许会事半功倍。 碎片化时间工作≠工作时间碎片化 碎片化时间工作,即“高效”;工作时间碎片化,即“瞎忙”。 比如在等地铁的时间回复了一封邮件,或睡觉前与客户约了拜访时间……这属于高效率人士的办公习惯,他们对时间有着很清晰的判断,知道哪些工作可以利用碎片化时间来处理。


执起笔想写再见   算算有哪个想见   至发觉世上还有太多可恋   这首歌应该抱怨   却教我重头充了电 yeah   假使我要 更爱目前   天天当做最终那天   天天讲听朝会变   而明晨何其遥远   何妨当无明天   I wanna change (Why not)   I need a break (Why not)   I wanna feel love   (You are what you are Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna dance (Why not)   I wanna sing (Why not)   I want to be loved (Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna fly (Why not)   I wanna dive (Why not)   I wanna feel life   (You are what you are Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna smile (Why not)   I wanna cry (Why not)   I"m staying alive (Wo~ Wo~)   即使间悲观似我   世界有我也不错   有了这觉悟还有哪些不可   想不通怎么跃过   最讽刺凭遗嘱协助 oh   花凋镜破 寄语若何   光阴有尽 爱惜更多   一朝将生死看破   原来能重头来过仍然有何其多   I wanna change (Why not)   I need a break (Why not)   I wanna feel love   (You are what you are Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna dance (Why not)   I wanna sing (Why not)   I want to be loved (Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna fly (Why not)   I wanna dive (Why not)   I wanna feel yeah yeah yeah~   (You are what you are Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna smile (Why not)   I wanna cry (Why not)   I"m staying alive (Wo~ Wo~yeah!)   I wanna change   (Why not I wanna change)   I need a break   (Why not I need a break)   I wanna feel   (Why not I wanna feel)   I wanna dance(Why not)   I wanna sing (Why not)   I want to be loved (Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna fly (Why not)   I wanna dive (Why not)   I wanna feel life (You are what you are Wo~ Wo~)   I wanna smile (Why not)   I wanna cry (Why not)   I"ll beat the deadline (Wo~ Wo


不是。这个说法并不准确"Deadline"是一个英语词汇,意思是“截止日期”,是一个常用的工作术语。在某些情况下,人们可能会把“deadline”与“第一生产力”联系起来,因为在完成任务时,遵守截止日期是非常重要的一环。deadline 网络释义: 最后期限...最后期限(Deadline)是软件从业人员必须面临的最大困难与挑战,准确地说,它是所有程序员包括项目管理者的可怕梦魇。





meet the deadline是什么意思


deadline 由来

deadline 这个词源于美国南北战争时期的南部政府的联军在战俘集中营内画的一条线,战俘越线者死,这条线叫“死亡线”,deadline 后来也泛指监狱的死亡线。现在演化成了最后期限,报纸文章的截稿日期。Miss a deadline… 就是超过了....的期限。




1. Deadline的含义Deadline最初用于新闻界,指的是媒体规定的截稿时间。随后,这个词开始在商业和工业领域得到广泛使用。它通常用于描述业务活动或项目的截止日期或完成日期,以确保工作能够按时完成。在工作中,deadline代表项目完成或工作提交的最终期限。2. 影响deadline的因素在工作中,deadline可以受到许多因素的影响,包括资源、人员、技术、预算和质量等。如果这些因素不足够充分或完全满足,则可能会影响工作的进度和最终完成日期。此外,改变规格、项目目标和其他变量也可能会影响deadline。因此,确保好的项目计划和里程碑计划是十分重要的。3. 如何应对deadline应对deadline的关键在于制定一个可行的计划并严格按照计划执行。首先,需要确定项目的目标和所需的资源。接下来,为每个任务分配时间,并制定计划,包括每个任务的截止日期。在执行计划的过程中,需要进行有效的沟通,确保所有团队成员知道自己的责任和任务。此外,需要对进度进行监控并进行适当的调整,以确保计划的完成并保持与deadline的一致性。4. 如何避免deadline的延迟在处理工作中的deadline时,可以采取以下策略来避免delay:提前安排时间并对工作进行合理安排。分配足够的资源。定期进行进度检查,并及时调整计划。确保有效的沟通和协作,对团队成员的任务进行明确和明晰。5. deadline延迟的后果如果deadline没有得到遵守,将会有一系列的后果。首先,如果未能按时完成工作,客户或上级领导可能会对工作的质量和效率产生质疑。此外,delay将会增加项目成本,可能还会导致延迟其他相关工作的进度。即使是一个小小的delay也会对工作的整体进度产生严重的影响。 因此,有必要在工作开展之初便规划好,以确保工作能够按时完成。6. 总结在工作中,deadline是一个非常重要的概念。了解其含义,能够帮助我们合理规划工作计划,为工作的进度和最终完成日期提供指导。应对deadline的关键是创建可行的计划并按照计划执行,同时需要充分利用现代技术和有效的沟通手段。最终目标是确保最高品质的工作以及加快项目进度。

申请美研推荐信在 deadline 之后提交会不会影响申请?

u2f24部分美国学校给出的ddl是我们递交网申的期限,对于推荐信是没有明确DDl的。当然,部分学校会给推荐u2f08邮箱发链接的同时便告知推荐u2f08提交推荐信的截u2f4c日期,有的学校会在官u2f79的申请要求中明确推荐信提交的 deadline。这种情况,要尽量按照学校要求的日期完成推荐信的提交。这种情况一般学校在申请材料不齐的情况下是不审理你提交的申请的。如果推荐u2f08由于各种原因在申请截u2f4c日后才能提交推荐信,u2f00般来说不会影响申请结果,但可能会延后出结果的时间


Thinkbox Deadline是一款专业的渲染工具包,Deadline适用任何的 Render Farm 主机,使用灵活、且包含最广泛平台和彩线组合。其提供了管理方案为各种规模的渲染农场的主人,并灵活地运行在业界最广泛的平台和配套的软件渲染。内容来自


Thinkbox Deadline8.0破解版1、运行Deadline8.0安装程序,点击next2、勾选允许用户协议3、选择安装目录4、5、选择用户文件目录6、许可默认,点击Next7、直接点击NEXT跳过8、等待安装完成9、安装完成后,打开安装包“Win64_med”文件夹,将Deadline 8破解补丁“deadline.dll”和“Draft.pyd”复制到安装目录下覆盖源文件,默认安装目录为C:Program FilesThinkboxDeadline8in





【deadline 中文】秒懂英文「deadline」的意思!

deadline 中文 意思是指「截止期限,最后限期」的意思,deadline 的名词复数为deadlines。deadline 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出deadline的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.deadline 截止期限,最后限期 (名词) deadline当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「截止期限,最后限期」的意思。 deadline相关英文例句: 例:We"re working to a tight deadline. 我们工作期限很紧。 例:The deadline for applications is September 22th. 申请截止日期为9月22号。 deadline, deadline 中文, deadline 中文意思, deadline 中文的意思, deadline 中文解释, deadline 意思, deadline 用法, deadline 翻译, 英文 deadline


deadline最后期限这个梗指的是拖延症,要到截止日期才会奋起干活。英语deadline的缩写,指的是最终期限、截止日期。deadline常用词汇英["dedlau026an美["dedlau026an]n.最后期限;(鉴于边上的)警戒线;截止时间I hope we can finish this before the deadline.我希望我们能在最后期限之前完成这项工作。bid deadline投标截止日期...deadline factor失修的因素(车辆),...拖延症是指自我调节失败,在能够预料后果有害的情况下,仍然把计划要做的事情往后推迟的一种行为。拖延是一种普遍存在的现象,一项调查显示大约75%的大学生认为自己有时拖延,50%认为自己一直拖延。一、个体差异:(1)非理性的观念如果个体认为回避失败动机高于追求成功动机时,个体将倾向于以拖延的方式逃避可能的失败。(2)低自我效能感和自尊从心理层面分析,部分人对工作能力不自信是导致拖延行为的一个重要原因。工作上曾遭遇过重大挫败,对自己不够自信的人,容易产生逃避心理,不断地推迟完成任务。二、固定搭配:1、bid deadline投标截止日期2、deadline factor失修的因素(车辆)3、deadline delivery date交货截止日三、以下是梗的相关介绍:梗(拼音:gěng),网络用语,常出现在综艺节目及网络中。所谓“梗”的意思是笑点,铺梗就是为笑点作铺垫,系对“哏”字的误用。一般来说,梗用于流行事物比如综艺、动画剧、动画电影、真人剧、真人电影、漫画小说、电子游戏等。“梗”字的词义被不断扩大引申,大到某个时间段,小到情节插曲,乃至故事中发生的片段都可以叫“梗”,比如“身高梗”、“经典梗”、“撞脸梗”、“言情梗”、“创意梗”、“幽默梗”等。值得注意的是,这些用法多来自网络语言,所以“××梗”式的词语往往有一定的时效性,随着时间的推进,老梗会被新梗覆盖。




deadline缩写ddl是因为取其中的第一个和第三四个字母而来的,意思是截止日期,最后的期限,全称dead line,如果只取每个单词的第一个字母就是dl,而dl表示的意思并不是截止日期。 扩展资料   deadline:n.最后期限;截止日期,复数: deadlines   记忆技巧:dead 死 + line 直线,线条 → 死期,最后期限   例句:   He expected the transfer to go through by today"s noon deadline.   他希望转账在今天中午的最后期限之前完成。   The deadline to publish the document is a week tomorrow   一周后的明天是公布这份文件的最后期限。   The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline.   在联合国的`最后期限到来前数小时取得了重大突破。   It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline   想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。




deadline /u02c8du025bdu02cclau026an/ CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT A deadline is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done. 最后期限例:We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays.由于生产延误,我们没能在截止日期前完成工作。由此可见,只有有截止期限,才会有压力,才会是生产的动力


deadline n.截止期限,最后期限 近义词: [n.] point, point in time 词组|习惯用语:meet the deadline 赶上最后期限;按期完成






dead adj.形容词death n. 名词

die.dead 和death有什么区别.?



1,she died--她死了2,Her death---她的死3,She is dead----注意这里就可以有歧义了,dead有"疲倦"的意思,这句话可以理解为"她很累"或者"她死了",dead的用法很灵活,如果说气氛很凝重,死气沉沉的也可以说是"dead air",dead本身也可做名词,死人的意思.4,She is dying----她快死了

die dead之类的几种形式和用法区别

die、dead之类的几种形式有:die,dead,death,dying。区别是:形式不同,用法不同,侧重点不同。1、定义不同:(1)die:死亡,熄灭;凋零,枯萎;渴望,盼望。(2)dead:死去的;完全的;无感觉的;呆板的。(3)death:死亡;(某种)死法,死亡方式;病危;死神。(4)dying:渴望,切盼;垂死的,临终的。2、用法不同(1)die:不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,可以用于进行时态,表示"即将死去;奄奄一息"。(2)dead:常用来作定语、表语或补语,表示死的状态。(3)death:用来作主语、宾语等。(4)dying:用来作状语。3、侧重点不同(1)die:第三人称单数,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词。(2)dead:形容词,与be动词连用。 (3)death:名词,是不可数名词。(4)dying:die的现在分词,形容词。


die瞬间动词,也就是死的那一刻 death名词,死亡 dead死的,形容词 dying奄奄一息的,濒临死亡的,也是形容词 例句: 1.His father died last week. 2.She cried out after knowing his husband"s death. 3.He found a dead bird in the garden. 4.The dying man was saved by a kind-hearted lady. die意为“死”,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如: His father died five years ago. 他父亲去世五年了。 Plants and people die without water. 没有水,植物就要枯死,人就要渴死。 die可以用于进行时态,表示“即将死去;奄奄一息”。例如: He is dying. 他快要死了。 die 的形容词形式是dead,意为“死的”,可作表语或定语。作表语时,表示状态。例如: His dog has been dead for two weeks. 他的狗已死了两周了。 The ground was covered with dead flowers. 地上覆盖着凋落的花。 die的名词形式是death,意为“死亡”。例如: His mother"s death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一个巨大的打击。 ●常用短语 die from 意为“由于……而死”,但一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的死亡。例如: The old man died from a car accident last year. 这个老人去年死于一场车祸。 die of意思同die from,但它一般指由于疾病、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如: His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992. 他的祖父1992年死于肝癌。 die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”。例如: Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. 恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了。


词性分别为:名词,动词、形容词。Death是名词,死亡。例:Iafraidofdeath.我害怕死亡。Die是动词,死。例:Mygrandpa diedlongtimeago.我爷爷很久之前就死了。Dead是形容词,死亡的。例:Thecatisdead.这只猫是死的。扩展资料:英文单词词性用法:1、形容词修饰名词,不可修饰动词。2、副词修饰形容词、动词、形容词的比较级和最高级,表加深程度、或置于句子开头表语气.3、名词不能修饰任何词,它只能被其他词修饰。4、系动词不是形容词,不能用来修饰词,它们就是动词,例如be,get,have,感官动词等。5、介词用来连接地点、时间等或用来构成一个短语。6、冠词用来修饰名词,但the也可用来作特指。7、动词不能用来修饰其他词,它们只能被副词修饰。8、连词是用来连接两个有关联的成份,这两个成份必须是同一类型,即句子连句子、短语连短语等。9、数词用来修饰可数名词或部分不可数名词。10、代词用来代之前面某样提及过的东西。11、感叹词,顾名思义用来表示个人情感。12、助动词没有实际的意义,只是用来加深程度,如用在强调句、倒装句等。参考资料来源:百度百科--词性


die与dead与death的用法如下:die,dead,death三者均有“死” 之意。die是动词,通常句子中做谓语,dead是形容词,做定语,表语。而death是名词,用来作主语、宾语等。主要区别如下:die是终止性动词,表示动作常用作谓语,含义为“断气”。dead是形容词,与be动词连用,常用来作定语、表语或补语,表示死的状态。death是名词,用来作主语、宾语等。另一个相关的词是dying,dying即是die的现在分词,也是个形容词,不表示“已死”,而表示“濒临垂危”、"要死”之意。第三人称单数:dies现在分词:dying过去式:died过去分词:died。died同时也为形容词,死亡蔽埋缓的,已逝的;dying是形容词,快要死的,垂死的还有渴望的意思。dead是形容词,死去宏模的,用法和died一样。dead做副词,完全的,绝对的。dead right就是完全正确。death是名词,还有液虚死神的意思。

dead by daylight deluxe edition是什么意思?

dead by daylight 是一款叫做黎明杀机的游戏。dead by daylight deluxe edition是黎明杀机的豪华版本。《黎明杀机Dead By Daylight》购豪华版包含内容:2个特别的 DLCDAY 2 面具。(6月14日开放使用)封测许可。(预购专享)2个额外的封测激活码,您可以分给您的朋友们。(预购专享)原声音轨/影视原声大碟。数字版画册《黎明杀机》是一款由Behaviour Digital工作室制作的恐怖游戏,这是一款有关杀手与逃亡者的网游。如游戏的LOGO所示,一名玩家扮演能力强大的杀手来猎杀四名逃亡者。这款游戏的独特之处在于扮演杀手的玩家视角为第一人称视角,拥有强大的能力,还可以使用特殊能力来追踪逃亡者。而扮演逃亡者的四名玩家则是第三人称视角,可以更好地观察周遭环境。玩家在游戏中永远不知道下一步会发生什么,因此伴随着时时刻刻存在的恐惧来进行逃亡,玩家必须在强大的压力下做出决定自己命运的决定。


dead印在衣服后面可以理解为“心死”。dead英[duded]美[ded]adj.死的;失去生命的;枯萎的;不再有人相信(或争取);过时的;已废弃的;不流行的;n.死;死人;死者;adv.完全地;全然地;确实地;非常;绝对;极度;[例句]Her husband"s been dead a year now.她的丈夫已经去世一年了。[其他]比较级:deader最高级:deadest扩展资料:波兰的服装品牌Sugarpills在网上颜色丰富多彩,还有专门针对青少年设计的词汇,表情符号和大麻等设计。艺术家Bei Badgirl起初发现Sugarpills服装公司的一件针织衫的设计是抄袭的。Bei Badgirl并为此谴责该品牌。接着Bei Badgirl偶然又发现这家公司一件印有“Dead girls can"t say no”的T恤,于是指责该公司以这种形式来传播强暴犯罪,在日常生活中可以选择有个性的衣服图案,但一些带有“死亡”“狗”等都是贬义,在购买时要注意。

英语 DEAD是什么意思?

dead[英][ded][美][du025bd] adj.死去的; 完全的; 无感觉的; 呆板的; adv.完全地; 非常; 绝对; 极度; n.死者; (死一样的)寂静; 极寒时候;



谁能告诉我“I am deadman”是什么意思?


Sleep When I M Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep When I M Dead歌手:The Cure专辑:四点十三分的梦(4:13 Dream)The Cure - Sleep When I"m DeadSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsWell until then...Told me I could run the worldIf I kept it cleanTold me I could be the chosen oneIf I took one for the teamAnd it"s the only way to beNever think it isn"t fairIt"s a green-eyed panic prideTo the edge of nowhereGive it to the chickAnd see if it ticksGive it to the kidSee if it sticksGive it to the wonderful, wonderful meI"ll let you know on my return just how it iswith all the other boys and girlsThe way they grew to beThe love they feel about meSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidTold me I could run the worldIf I kept it quietThey said I could be the manIf I took it out of sightSo in a monkey suit of pinsHaving fun with all your friendsHow a casual act can pullAll this world to piecesGive it to the bunnyAnd see if she kicksGive it to the puppySee if it sticksGive it to the wonderful, wonderful meI"ll let you know when I return on how it iswith all the other boys and girlsThe way they feel insideThe why they never make it byThe way they are insideThe why I never take the timeThe way they are insideThe why I never act surprisedYeah, just how it isSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m deadWell until then...I may as well be tired, I thinkBefore I lay me down to dream

A Dead Heavy Day 歌词

歌曲名:A Dead Heavy Day歌手:Poisonblack专辑:ClassicsPoisonBlack - A Dead Heavy DayWhen two becomes oneLife pulls a gunMany turns to noneDevotion and sharingLoving and caringThen it all disappearsIt holds onto our fearsAnd we just want to disappearHold our breath right here united in our miseryTorn in the claws of fearEnd it all right here inside our bitter agonyWhen there"s nothing thereThat we can bearJust lay beside me hereIndifference prevailingWe fell and we gave inAs it all disappearedIt holds onto our fearsAnd we just want to disappearHold our breath right here united in our miseryTorn in the claws of fearEnd it all right here inside our bitter agony

Wake The Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Wake The Dead歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:Along Came A SpiderAlice Cooper - Wake The DeadHow many more will cross my pathHow many more must dieI never wonder where they come fromI never wonder whyYou don"t know what"s going on inside of meYou don"t wanna know what"s running through my mindyeah yeah yeah(Sick.... Sick...)You wake up every morning thinking everything"s okayBut if by chance you walk my way you just may seal your fateGive me a redhead, give me a brunette, send a blonde to meWhen I unwind I"m colour blind, they"re all the same to me(Sick.... Sick...)Shake my head, wake the deadShake my head, wake the deadRun for your life, you better run for your lifeRun for your life, you gotta run for your lifeI just do the things I do, it"s natural to meThere"s no rhyme or reason for my odd insanityYou don"t know what"s going on inside of meYou don"t wanna know what"s going through my mindyeah yeah yeahShake my head, wake the deadShake my head, wake the deadShake my head, wake the deadShake my head, wake the deadRun for your life you better run for your lifeRun for your life you gotta run for your life(you gotta.... you gotta.... you gotta.... you gotta.... wake up wake up, you gotta.... wake up wake up,wake up wake up....

Dead Bodies Everywhere 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Bodies Everywhere歌手:Korn专辑:Follow The LeaderDead Bodies EverywhereCome on step insideAnd youll realizeTell me what you needTell me what to beWhats your vision you seeWhat do you expect of meI cant live that lie.Hey, Ive seen momwith a fucked dad dealingwith your life.Dead bodies everywhereYou really want me to be a good sonWhy? you make me feel like no one!Let me strip the plainlet me not give inFree me of your liesInside my heart diesYour dreams never Ive achivedDont lay that shit on meLet me live my lifeHey, Ive seen momwith a fucked dad dealing with your life.Dead bodies everywhereYou really want me to be a good sonWhy? you make me feel like no one!AHH!! (WHHHHHHYYYYYY)You want me to be,Something I can never ever beYou want me to be,Something I can never ever beHey, Ive seen momwith a fucked dad dealingwith your life.Dead bodies everywhereYou really want me to be a good sonWhy? you make me feel like no one!Dead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhereDead bodies everywhere

Stars 的Dead Hearts歌词

Tell me everything that happened,Tell me everything you saw.They had lights inside their eyes...They had lights inside their eyes...Did you see the closing window,Did you hear the slamming door?They moved forward and my heart died...They moved forward and my heart died..Please, please tell me what they looked like,Did they seem afraid of you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew..I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!Did you touch them, did you hold them?Did they follow you to town?They make me feel I"m falling down...They make me feel I"m falling down...Was there one you saw too clearly,Did they seem too real to you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it,but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...

dead end的《SSS》 歌词

歌曲名:SSS歌手:dead end专辑:Dream Demon AnalyzerDEAD END - SSS作词:MORRIE作曲:YOUFeel sky Sea outsideFeel fly Sea insideメタモルフォセス取り凭くバッカス饮み干す远点おまえが全貌天使杀す定め血のように舍て去る喘ぐ命数壊れそうな夜はさらに夜となれ星はさらに星となれ谁も彼もいなくなる莫迦のように立ち尽くすメフィストフェレスもぎ取るヴィーナス清める谗言我らが月光死ぬのは一度だけ醒めて见るかfantasy正気保つ涎畜生オナニーBoil, boil, boil, boil, boilBurn, burn, burn, burn, burnSlash ああ 醒めに醒めてSlice ああ 千年杀してSlash ああ 目醒め直せSplice ああ 万年爱してFeel sky Sea outsideFeel fly Sea inside死なばもろとも血の中を进めそうでなければそれまでだこのまま 行くのさどこまでも おまえと一绪に いつまでもSlash ああ 醒めに醒めてSlice ああ 千年杀してSlash I love you Savig youSplice ああ 万年爱して次はおまえか 血の中を进め

dead hearts 歌词


Not dead yet the weepies的中文歌词

Not Dead Yet  歌手:The Weepies  专辑:Hideaway  It"s hard to say what you mean to me  Everyone is scenery  So you take a late night drive alone  Trying to get home  Oh come on, come on, come on  Give me a sign of life  Cause there"s another way that I"d rather be  If I could only get you alone  It"s an inside joke that I never get  And I"m dying inside but  I"m not dead yet  Everyone is beautiful, traffic like a funeral  And everybody tries to keep in touch  Through the radio  Oh come on, come on, come on  Give me a sign of life "  Cause there"s another way that I"d rather be  If I could only get you alone It"s an inside joke that I never get And I"m dying inside but I"m not dead yet  I guess you"d say you still are mine  Never mind the years of waste time  I"ll see you much later on After everybody else is gone  Wasted on a Saturday, join the Great Majority  With all the ways I tried to keep in touch  That you will never know  Oh come on, come on, come on  Give me a sign of life  Cause there"s another way that I"d rather be  If I could only get you alone  It"s an inside joke that I never get  And I"m dying inside but I"m not dead yet

Never Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Never Dead 歌手:Megadeth专辑:Never Deadalbum: Thirteenreleased on November 1, 2011ΨThe killers lie in wait for innocent bloodSwallow the lives of harmless soulsWalking a crooked pathTheir wicked names will riseEvil lives in the dark(It"s right to be feeling wrong)The torment never ends (it never ends)The fire that burns inside!That"s blistering their brains!That"s makes them sacrifice!That"s driving them insane!Trapped in this no man"s landWhere angels dare to threadForever banned to the realms of the Never Dead!There is no one you can trust upon this graveDie with those things with flu to sinFeeding all the warsThey"ll feed up in the endIf I fall I"ll set the dark(It"s right to be feeling wrong)The torment never ends (it never ends)The fire that burns inside!Lets blitzkrieg their brains!That"s makes them sacrifice!Let"s drive them insane!Swatting is no man"s lairWhere angels dare to threadForever bet to the rounds of the Never Dead!(Dead swifts before you, to cross up to suicideImagine builds up in your body, you will be dying)FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!IN THE REALMS OF THE NEVER DEAD!-solo-The fire that burns inside!That"s blistering their brains!That"s makes them sacrifice!That"s driving them insane!Trapped in this no man"s landWhere angels dare to treadForever banned to the realmsOf the Never Dead!

Zoe的《Dead》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead歌手:Zoe专辑:MTV Unplugged Música De FondoDead Song LyricsArtist(Band):NortherBY fyongcuThere"s pain within,I can"t defineInside, within, inside,illhealthy I feelWhen your inmost yieldsand you falldeeper and deeper into grieffor each breath you takeDark dresses my pale skincold shivers down my spineI have lost hopeof loving a day of lifeFaithhas fallen from meI"m rotting insideFearsickening conditionsfrightening reflections...feeling divine!!! dim the light in nothing......all ending...solo: P.Lindroos & K.RantaSleeping well in my killing bedstaring blind around -Am I slipping away?In the hollow decorating my gravebegging please...disconnect the painWhen you"re going blindfrom your tearsand you wander deeperand deeper into sorrowfor each step you takeAnd your feet won"t carryyou no moreand you sink deeperand deeper into miseryand you"ll soon dim the light in nothing......all ending...

love is dead中文是什么意思?


那首歌叫drop dead beautiful 布兰妮的歌


Love Is Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Dead歌手:Brett Anderson专辑:Love Is Deadsong:artist:Brett Andersonablum: Brett AndersonNothing ever goes right, nothing really flows in my lifeNo one really cares if no one ever shares my bedPeople push by with fear in their eyes in my lifeLove is deadLove is deadThe telephone rings but no one ever thinks to speak to meTraffic speeds by but no one"s ever stopped it yetIntelligent friends don"t care in the end, believe meLove is deadLove is deadAnd plastic people with imaginary smilesExchanging secrets at the back of their mindsPlastic people, plastic peopleNothing ever goes right, nothing really flows in my lifeNo one really cares if there"s horrors inside my headPeople push by with fear in their eyes in my lifeLove is deadLove is deadLove is deadLove is deadAnd all the lies that you"ve given usAnd all the things that you saidAnd all the lies that you"ve given usBlow like wind in my head

Not Dead Yet 歌词

歌曲名:Not Dead Yet歌手:SPiT LiKE THiS专辑:Scary Tales The CollectionIt"s hard to say what you mean to meEveryone is scenerySo you take a late night drive aloneTrying to get homeOh come on, come on, come onGive me a sign of life"Cause there"s another way that I"d rather beIf I could only get you aloneIt"s an inside joke that I never getAnd I"m dying inside but I"m not dead yetEveryone is beautiful, traffic like a funeralAnd everybody tries to keep in touchThrough the radioOh come on, come on, come onGive me a sign of life"Cause there"s another way that I"d rather beIf I could only get you aloneIt"s an inside joke that I never getAnd I"m dying inside but I"m not dead yetI guess you"d say you still are mineNever mind the years of waste timeI"ll see you much later onAfter everybody else is goneWasted on a Saturday, join the Great MajorityWith all the ways I tried to keep in touchThat you will never knowOh come on, come on, come onGive me a sign of life"Cause there"s another way that I"d rather beIf I could only get you aloneIt"s an inside joke that I never getAnd I"m dying inside but I"m not dead yet

dont dead open inside是什么意思?!

是一个梗,有些人看到此图会下意识念成dont dead open inside(变成病句)实际上是don"t open dead inside。不要开门,内有行尸。

Dead Inside 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Inside歌手:Mudvayne专辑:MudvayneMudvayne - Dead InsideI don"t feel goodJust an ordinary dayI don"t care muchAbout what you thinkIt all wash"s awayIn the endUnder the skies so grayWe"re all dead insideCant deny what is realThe pain I feelDead insideCant deny, all the sufferingIts just my wayI"ve seen enoughNo more hurt todayAll damage is doneNo more life this wayIt all washes awayWe"re all, dead insideYeahEvery single oneFrom every single wayAll they do is drag me downAnd I know it"ll never changeEvery drop of bloodFlows right down the drainAlthough I spilt it all for youYou"d never appreciateCant denyWhat is realAll the suffering

dead inside字母印在衣服上的意思?

1、在外国人思想里是代表 心灰意冷、行尸走肉、灵魂已死 之类的意思,就好比中国学生考完试觉得不理想可能会喊一句“我已心灰意冷……”。 2 、也有中国人的直译 : 死在里面 (这种解释一些网络翻译器也会显示,具体意思要看双方对话内容的理解。不过如果是和外国人对话的话,一般不会是这个意思的。)

dead inside字母衣服这上面的字母翻译成中文是什么意思

1、在外国人思想里是代表 心灰意冷、行尸走肉、灵魂已死 之类的意思,就好比中国学生考完试觉得不理想可能会喊一句“我已心灰意冷……”。 2 、也有中国人的直译 : 死在里面 (这种解释一些网络翻译器也会显示,具体意思要看双方对话内容的理解。不过如果是和外国人对话的话,一般不会是这个意思的。)

love is dead中英文对照歌词?

brett anderson - love is dead nothing ever goes right 从没有选对过人生的道路 nothing really flows in my life 人生中从没有留下什么记忆 no one really cares if no one ever shares my bed 从没有人用感情和我赌博 也没有人真的关心过我 people push by with fear in their eyes in my life 我的人生中充满了别人恐惧的目光 love is dead, love is dead 我的爱已死去,永远死去 the telephone rings, but no one ever thinks to speak to me 电话响起,但是没有人想起给我打过电话 the traffic speeds by, but no one"s ever stopped too late 在人生的道路上,没有人为我逗留过 intelligent friends don"t care in the end, believe me 理解我的朋友最后都不再关心我,相信我 love is dead, love is dead 我的人生中不再有爱,不再有爱 and plastic people with imaginary smiles 就如同幻想假人对我微笑 exchanging secrets at the back of their minds 在心中和他们交谈心中的秘密 plastic people 不是真实的人 plastic people 不能心跳的人 blow like wind in my head 让我如同中风一般

Dead hearts 英文歌词和中文翻译是什么啊

Dead (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dead (Lp Version)歌手:They Might Be Giants专辑:FloodDead Song LyricsArtist(Band):NortherBY fyongcuThere"s pain within,I can"t defineInside, within, inside,illhealthy I feelWhen your inmost yieldsand you falldeeper and deeper into grieffor each breath you takeDark dresses my pale skincold shivers down my spineI have lost hopeof loving a day of lifeFaithhas fallen from meI"m rotting insideFearsickening conditionsfrightening reflections...feeling divine!!! dim the light in nothing......all ending...solo: P.Lindroos & K.RantaSleeping well in my killing bedstaring blind around -Am I slipping away?In the hollow decorating my gravebegging please...disconnect the painWhen you"re going blindfrom your tearsand you wander deeperand deeper into sorrowfor each step you takeAnd your feet won"t carryyou no moreand you sink deeperand deeper into miseryand you"ll soon dim the light in nothing......all ending...

dont dead open inside什么意思

那是dont open dead inside...门上的字是竖着看的

dead on the inside/内心已经死了

可以inside有副词形式,意思正是“在心里”的意思。例如 There‘s nothing left inside. 心里空空如也。

dead on the inside/内心已经死了 缩写成dead inside

可以 inside有副词形式,意思正是“在心里”的意思. 例如 There‘s nothing left inside.心里空空如也.


可以的,dead inside大约意思是内心已经对这个世界麻木了,这种衣服一般都是以黑灰白为主,比较酷炫,与世无争的感觉,这是一种穿衣服的自由,有些人就是走高冷路线,只要是自己的个人风格,我觉得就没问题,因为穿衣服就是为了舒服,给自己一种赏析悦目的感觉

dead inside翻译成中文是什么?


dead lnsids是什么意思

dead inside心死;内心已死;心碎时刻例句1.Money-hungry fascists are dead inside.金钱饥渴的法西斯主义者们内心腐朽。2.Are you truly alive or dead inside?你是真正地活着还是内心已死去?3.The pain you caused has left me dead inside你所引起的痛苦已经彻底让我死心了。4.So I call these people are unhealthy of the body and the life that they possess,simply like a walking dead, at least dead inside.我说他们这种人不配拥有他们的身体和所赋予的生命,他们简直就是行尸走肉,至少他们的内心已经死了。

dead inside翻译成中文是什么

dead inside死在里面例句:1.I feel dead inside. 我觉得死在里面。





dead inside是什么意思?有引申的意思吗?




Deadlines And Commitments 歌词

歌曲名:Deadlines And Commitments歌手:The Killers专辑:Battle BornDeadlines And CommitmentsThe KillersThat place we all run toIt can come down on youThe expectation can be greatIf you should ever tireOr if you should requireA sudden, simple twist of fateDon"t hide awayThere"s something to be said for pushing throughWe"d never ride on horses that discourage youIf you should fall upon hard timesIf you should lose your wayThere is a placeHere in this houseThat you can stayIf you should find romanceGo on and take that chanceBefore the strategies beginDeadlines and commitmentsEvery morningAnd in the eveningThey can suck you inBoy, don"t I know itThis offer would be standingAll you"ve got to do is callDon"t be afraid to knock on the doorIf you should fall upon hard timesIf you should lose your wayThere is a placeHere in this houseThat you can stayI"m not talking aboutDeadlines and commitmentsSold out of confusionThere is a placeHere in this houseThat you can stayCatch you, darlingI"ll be waitingI am on your sideThis offer would be standingAll you"ve got to do is callDon"t be afraid to knock on the doorIf you should fall upon hard timesIf you should lose your wayThere is a placeHere in this houseThat you can stayI"m not talking aboutDeadlines and commitmentsSold out of confusionThere is a placeHere in this houseThat you can stayCatch you, darlingI"ll be waitingI am on your sideI"ll catch you, darlingI"ll be waitingI am on your side

求Over My Head (Better Off Dead)(Sum 41)演唱会版


问Dead By Sunrise的《Too Late》中英文歌词

Too Late (太迟了)It"s cold and dark寒冷与黑暗I think I"m going insane我想我将要失控The end is coming - it"s true终结时刻将要到来 - 这是真的I"m all alone and I"m screaming your name我孤身一人嘶吼着你的名字It seems that"s all I can do这似乎是我唯一能做的But it"s too late to turn back now但如今要挽回这一切已经太迟了It"s too loud to hear the sound太过吵杂,让我听不见这声音I"m so lost, I can not breathe out极度的迷失,让我无法呼吸It"s too late to turn back now但如今要挽回这一切已经太迟了It"s hard to focus when your life is a blur无法锁定焦点,当你的人生一片混沌It"s hard to see the truth要看清真相是如此的困难How can I move on when there"s so much to learnAnd every road comes back to you当有这麼多事情需要学习 当所有的一切都与你息息相关之时我该如何举步向前But it"s too late to turn back now但如今要挽回这一切已经太迟了It"s too loud to hear the sound太过吵杂,让我听不见这声音I"m so lost, I can not breathe out极度的迷失,让我无法呼吸But it"s too late to turn back now但如今要挽回这一切已经太迟了It"s too loud to hear the sound太过吵杂,让我听不见这声音I"m so lost, I can not breathe out极度的迷失,让我无法被寻获now如今I"m so lost I can"t be found极度迷失的我,无法被寻获It"s too late to turn back now要挽回这一切已经太迟了

Hollywood Undead的《Lights Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Lights Out歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:American Tragedy≡卐 Hollywood Undead - Lights Out 卐≡Album: American TragedyReleased on April 5, 2011Lights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lifestyles of the young and the recklessChecked in the real world that don"t ask questionsDodging on bullets like a fucked up westernDragged you on a rope til you"re choked out senselessKings or crown we"re the best aroundGot an underground army yeah we holding it downWe built our base and what we foundIt takes blood and sweat and always moving the crowdNo skill then you"re going the fast wayLet me see you dance on from the AKBullshit now he"s dropping namesWho you know, what you doing all sounds the sameA piece of advice quit dropping mineYou"re be done way before it even it is your timeLike a stripper in a cage making minimum wageYou"re be done like a dollar bill hitting the stageLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?I"m gonna wake your ass up cause you ain"t got what it takesYou cruise right on my nuts so tell you how my dick tastesYeah I"m shit faced and all black looking creepyIt"s Charlie Scene this shit is way too easyI"m gonna give it to you quick going straight to your throatPut the burner in your mouth and turn you in to a ghostAll these people making music with nothing to showWho doesn"t have a band? Shit I don"t knowWhat kind of sane person drops his own nameWhat kind of sane person boos his own band off stageWhat kind of sane person drops a verse like thisDamn this ain"t working I"m just too damn sickDeuce you coming out heres got me provedI"m gonna cut your ash up like a line of cokeI"m gonna roll your crew up like a fat ass roachPut you in my ashtray cause you just got smokedLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Another classic case you crash and burnAnd it"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songThe world has turned it"s face you"ll never findAnd It"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songWalls are closing in, their falling downLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outYou"re talking too loudWho the fuck are you now?Who the fuck are you now?Lights out!!!

Hollywood Undead的《Dead Bite》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Bite歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Notes from the UndergroundGoodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteJohnny 3, and he"s dipping in the four door44 and it"s pointing at your windowAin"t a good shot, here come four moreGetting hot, so I play in the snowIn a town made wicked, made from these wicked thingsSee the dead on the cover of a magazineI see my smile, it was born from amphetaminesBetter duck, "cause it"s war on my enemiesOh, God, think I lost it oh noLost some and wanna watch the rest goA mad man when I"m mixed with SocoWho would"ve thought a man could sink to so lowNow, who wants to die from the Mossberg shotty?Putting holes in the hotel lobby!All you fake bitches are just another hobbyAnd I"ll let you dig, where I dump your bodyWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!You know I got a grenade, and it"s got your name on itImma spit on your grave and engrave a dick on itPeople say I"m insane and to put the b-b-b-brakes on itLet me buy you a drink, how "bout a roofie, gin and tonic?Yeah, Charlie Scene seems to be so hatedIt"s just me being intoxicated"Cause being sober"s so overratedHollywood Undead, what have you created?I know that we have never really met beforeBut, tell me, does this rag smell like chloroform?You know that I"m the reason people lock their doorsBut, I got nothing but time, so, Imma wait on the porchYou got nowhere to run too, so, don"t try hiding"Cause I"m known to be like Jack Nicholson from The ShiningYeah, I"m breaking your door down, so, don"t try fightingYeah, you gotta keep "em fed, or the dead keep bitingWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!Goodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flightYou better check twice! look under your bedTurn on your nightlight, cover up your head"Cause we do exist, and there"s no need to pretendThat you"re not afraid of me and the UndeadRed, red rum, when you look into these eyesSay goodnight, "cause it"s almost your bedtimeBuckle up, "cause it"s time to flyYou got a first-class ticket to Columbian NecktiesTake a seat, you could sit in the front rowThe voice in your head is just me in your headphonesEverybody knows that we"re the devil"s heroesCome and get a ticket, follow me to the creep showWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!Goodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flightGoodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight
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