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unexpected indent是什么意思

词组翻译: “unexpected indent” 可以翻译为 “意外的缩进”。形式变化:“unexpected indent” 不发生形式变化。短语搭配:SyntaxError: unexpected indent(语法错误:意外的缩进)Fix the unexpected indent in line 10.(修复第10行的意外缩进)Remove the unexpected indent before the “if” statement.(删除在 “if” 语句之前的意外缩进)The code runs into an unexpected indent error at runtime.(代码在运行时遇到了意外的缩进错误)The editor automatically adjusts the indent to avoid unexpected indents.(编辑器会自动调整缩进以避免意外缩进)含义解释:“unexpected indent” 指的是在编程语言中出现的缩进错误。当程序中出现不符合语法规则的缩进时,可能会导致意外结果或导致语法错误。语法详解:在许多编程语言中,代码块通常需要进行缩进,以表示它们属于同一级别的逻辑单元。然而,如果出现意外的缩进(例如,额外的空格或制表符),编译器或解释器将抛出"unexpected indent"错误。单词用法:“unexpected” 是形容词,表示不被预料的、意外的;“indent” 是名词,表示缩进。举例句子:The Python interpreter raised a SyntaxError due to an unexpected indent.(Python解释器因为意外的缩进而引发了SyntaxError错误。)The code block is not properly indented, causing an unexpected indent error.(代码块的缩进不正确,导致了意外缩进错误。)Please fix the unexpected indent in your script to ensure it runs correctly.(请修复脚本中的意外缩进,以确保它正确运行。)The developer accidentally added an extra space, resulting in an unexpected indent.(开发者意外地添加了一个额外的空格,导致了意外缩进。)The error message shows an “unexpected indent” at line 7 of the code.(错误信息显示代码的第7行存在一个“意外缩进”。)

unexpected indent是什么意思

这是编程问题吧。IndentationError: unexpected indentindentation是缩进,缩排的意思。unexpected indent 就是说“p”是一个“意外的”缩进。也就是说,这里的问题就是指“p”是一个意外的缩进。参考网站:网页链接

A deligient studentuff0cshe got remarkable grades exc


domiciled 和resident有什么不同


resident 和residence 有什么区别啊``

该用residence 名词 n. 居住,驻留,居留 resident 可数名词 n.[C] 居住者,居民; 侨民 可数名词 n.[C] 驻在外国的事务官 可数名词 n.[C] [R~] (从前派驻印度土邦宫廷的) 英国总督代表 可数名词 n.[C] 旧荷属东印度群岛的行政官 可数名词 n.[C] <美>住院医师((做完实习医师 (intern) 后开业前的医师; 参看 house physician 1))



《Should students make friends on line》为题的英语作文?

Should students make friends on line?学生应该在网上交朋友吗?以下是一篇以《Should students make friends on line》为题的英语作文,希望对你有所帮助。Title: Should Students Make Friends Online?With the development of technology, making friends online has become increasingly popular among students. But is it a good idea? In my opinion, while there are advantages to making friends online, there are also some potential risks that need to be considered.On the one hand, making friends online can broaden a student"s social circle beyond their physical environment. It allows them to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures who they may not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. Online friendships can also provide emotional support and a sense of belonging to those who may feel isolated or alone in their offline lives.On the other hand, there are potential dangers associated with making friends online. Students may encounter strangers who are not who they claim to be, leading to potential safety risks. Additionally, online friendships can sometimes lack the depth and authenticity of offline relationships, as it can be easier to present a curated version of oneself online.In conclusion, while making friends online has its benefits, students should be cautious and aware of the potential risks. It is important to prioritize safety and ensure that online friendships do not replace meaningful face-to-face interactions.文章翻译:标题:学生应该在网上交朋友吗?随着科技的发展,通过网上交朋友已经越来越受到学生们的欢迎。但这是一个好主意吗?我认为,虽然通过网上交朋友有一些好处,但也存在一些潜在风险需要考虑。一方面,通过网上交朋友可以扩大学生的社交圈,超越他们所处的物理环境。这使他们能够与来自不同背景和文化的人联系,否则他们可能没有机会见面。在线友谊还可以为那些在离线生活中感到孤立或孤独的人提供情感支持和归属感。另一方面,网上交朋友也存在潜在的危险。学生们可能会遇到不是他们所声称的陌生人,从而导致潜在的安全风险。此外,网上友谊有时可能缺乏离线关系的深度和真实性,因为在网上呈现自己的版本更容易。总之,尽管网上交友有其好处,但学生们应该谨慎并意识到潜在的风险。重要的是要优先考虑安全,并确保在线友谊不会取代有意义的面对面交往。解释难词:1. Development (noun) - the process of growing or improving; 发展例句:The development of technology has greatly changed our lives.2. Advantages (noun) - positive aspects or benefits; 优点例句:One advantage of living in the city is the availability of public transportation.3. Potential (adjective) - possible but not yet actual; 潜在的例句:There is potential for growth in this market if we invest more resources.4. Risks (noun) - situations involving danger or harm; 风险例句:Driving without a seatbelt poses a risk to your safety.5. Authenticity (noun) - the quality of being genuine or true; 真实性例句:I value authenticity in a person and prefer honesty over deception.


worker student

Java声明Student类的对象stu的语句为( )?

Student stu=new Student();

在sql server 2005新建一个名为Student的数据库,在下面新建一个名为stu的表

2005?15年前的软件,早淘汰了(居然还有人用?)对sqlserver,最简单的建库命令为createdatabase 如:createdatabaseStudent而建表要看你要什么字段的,最简单的表为createtablestu(idinteger)而实际,建库有N多复杂的参数的(数据库DBA年薪几十万到上百万不是好拿的)以下是microsoft官方的建库命令CREATEDATABASEdatabase_name[CONTAINMENT={NONE|PARTIAL}][ON[PRIMARY]<filespec>[,...n][,<filegroup>[,...n]][LOGON<filespec>[,...n]]][COLLATEcollation_name][WITH<option>[,...n]][;]<option>::={FILESTREAM(<filestream_option>[,...n]) |DEFAULT_FULLTEXT_LANGUAGE={lcid|language_name|language_alias} |DEFAULT_LANGUAGE={lcid|language_name|language_alias} |NESTED_TRIGGERS={OFF|ON} |TRANSFORM_NOISE_WORDS={OFF|ON} |TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_CUTOFF=<two_digit_year_cutoff> |DB_CHAINING{OFF|ON} |TRUSTWORTHY{OFF|ON} |PERSISTENT_LOG_BUFFER=ON(DIRECTORY_NAME="<FilepathtofolderonDAXformattedvolume>")}<filestream_option>::={NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS={OFF|READ_ONLY|FULL} |DIRECTORY_NAME="directory_name"}<filespec>::={( NAME=logical_file_name, FILENAME={"os_file_name"|"filestream_path"} [,SIZE=size[KB|MB|GB|TB]] [,MAXSIZE={max_size[KB|MB|GB|TB]|UNLIMITED}] [,FILEGROWTH=growth_increment[KB|MB|GB|TB|%]])}<filegroup>::={FILEGROUPfilegroupname[[CONTAINSFILESTREAM][DEFAULT]|CONTAINSMEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA] <filespec>[,...n]}<service_broker_option>::={ ENABLE_BROKER |NEW_BROKER |ERROR_BROKER_CONVERSATIONS}

c++中为什么在这个程序中student stu []。



(1)STU [I] =新的学生();(2)汕头大学 [i] = 新学生() (3)教科文组织工作人员工会[i]=新学生();

请问JAVA中,例如:类Student stu=null;和Student stu=new Student();有什么区别,详细点,谢谢啊


C语言void input(struct stu student[N],int n);是什么意思




void (*stu)(struct student*)这样表示什么意思啊,为什么会这样表示啊,小弟刚学C 求讲解。

这个是函数指针的用法stu是一个指向函数的指针,函数的参数为struct student*,也就是student结构体的指针函数的返回值为voidstu在声明后需要赋值函数地址例如这样:void fstu (struct student* pstu){...}void fstu2 (struct student* pstu){...}void main(){stuct student s_stu;stu = fstu; // 对函数指针进行赋值,stu指向fstu函数stu(&s_stu); // 相当于调用fstu(&s_stu)stu = fstu2; // 对函数指针进行赋值,stu指向fstu2函数stu(&s_stu); // 相当于调用fstu2(&s_stu)}如果还不明白看参考资料中的文章吧

stu[i]=new Students();是什么意思呢?

No.Stu[i] highlights the student.



c语言中 struct student {…………}stu[N]; stu[N]是什么意思?


dependent lung和non-dependent lung是代表依赖呼吸的肺,和不依赖呼吸机的肺吗?

—— 英文:dependent lung 依赖性肺。non dependent lung 非依赖性肺。

建立单向动态链表中 struct student *creat (void ) 为什么creat 函数里面有个void 。


Students in the class are mainly girls? 这句话中mainly是什么用法?



outline 轮廓,大纲,identify 区分,确定身份,explain 解释,讲解,define 给...下定义,对...诠释,demonstrate 演示,示威,describe 描述,描写根据单词的翻译得出它们之间没有什么联系,各就其位啊。

homestay provides english language students with the opportunity to speak english outside the cl...




in 1993 he was made president of south africa an

中小学英语语法精品讲解 ( 10大英语词性精品讲解)主讲老师:(Peter Chen)(日期:2015年9月1日)了解英语语法规则是学好英语的首要途径及重要关键掌握英语三大要素:①语音+②语法+③词汇★ ★★序言:英语语法:①词法+②句法① 词法:研究的是各种词的形式及其用法.②句法:研究的句子成分,语序,语气,语态,结构,以及句子的种类.★★★词法中的10大词性:实词:具有完整意思并在句子中可独立担任句子某个成分的词叫实词虚词:不具有完整意思不能独立担任句子成分词叫虚词实词:① 名词;②动词;③形容词;④数词;⑤副词;⑥代词虚词:① 冠词;②感叹词;③介词;④连词英文知识结构(2014年9月6日)一,国际音标:共计48个(1)元音:20个(呼出气流不受发音器官阻碍)(2)辅音:28个(呼出气流受发音器官阻碍)二:词法(词的种类)(是研究词的各种形式及其用法)(1)名词:(1)名词种类;(2)名词的数;(3)名词的格;(4)名词的性;(5)名词用法;(6) 名词修饰语 (7) 名词转化(2)动词:(1)限定性动词;(2)非限定动词;(3)动词时态;(4)动词语态(3)形容词:(1)形容词分类;(2)形容词功能;(3)形容词位置;(4)形容词比较级和最高级;(5)形容词与介词的搭配(4)数次:(1)基数词;(2)序数词;(3)分数词;(4)时间,日期,年代数字表达(5)副词:(1)副词构成,分类,功能:(2)副词位置;(3)副词比较级和最高级(6)代词:(1)人称代词;(2)物主代词;(3)反身代词;(4)指示代词;(5)不定代词;(6)相互代词;(7)疑问代词;(8)连接代词;(9)it 用法(7) 介词:(1)介词的分类;(2)介词的宾语;(3)介词短语的功能;(4)介词的位置;(5)介词的用法;(6)介词的固定搭配(8)冠词:(1)不定冠词;(2)定冠词;(3)零冠词;(4)冠词的位置(9)连词(1)连词的构成(2)连词位置;(3)对等连词(并列连词);(4)从属连词(10)感叹词:(1)感叹词定义;(2)感叹词功能;(3)感叹词位置三:句法(句法是研究句子的成分,语序以及句子的种类)(1)主语:(1)名词充当;(2)名词短语充当;(3)动词不定式充当;(4)动名词充当;(4)句子充当(2)谓语:(1)动词充当;(2)动词短语充当(3)宾语:(1)名词充当‘(2)动词不定式充当;(3)动名词充当;(4)名词短语充当;(5)句子充当(4)定语:(1)形容词充当;(2)副词充当;(3)名词充当;(4)介词短语充当;(5)动词不定式充当;(6)动名词充当;(7)分词充当(7)句子充当(5)状语:(1)副词充当;(2)介词短语充当;(3)动词不定式充当;(4)分词充当;(5)句子充当(6)补语:(1)名词充当;(2)名词短语;(3)形容词充当;(4)介词短语充当;(5)动词不定式充当;(6)动名词充当;(7)分词充当;(7)句子充当(7)插入语:(1)动词不定式;(2)介词短语;(3)分词短语四,句子的种类(1)陈述句:(1)肯定陈述;(2)否定陈述(2)疑问句:(1)一般疑问句;(2)选择疑问句;(3)特殊疑问句;(4)反意疑问句(3)祈使句:(1)祈使句构成 ;(2)祈使句功能;(3)祈使句的强调(4)感叹句;(1)感叹句构成;(2)感叹句功能;(3)感叹句的强调(4)感叹句省略五,句子结构(1)简单句:(1)主语+谓语;(2)主语+BE/连系动词+表语;(3)主语+谓语+宾语;(4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语;(5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(2)并列句:(1)表示添加关系;(2)表示选择关系;(3)表转折对比关系;(4)表原因关系(3)复合句:(1)名词性从句;(2)定语从句;(3)状语从句六, 动词的分类(1)限定性动词:(1)实义动词(2)助动词 (3)连系动词(4)情态动词(2)非限定性动词:(1)动词不定式;(2)动名词;(3)现在分词;(4)过去分词七,限定性动词(1)实义动词:(1)及物动词;(2)不及物动词(2)助动词:(1) be;(2) does;(3) do ;(4) has ;(5) have ;(6) had (3)连系动词:(1) 表示感官动词;(2)表示变化动词;(3)表示结果动词(4)情态动词:(1)shall/should/ will / would / may/ might / can/ could/ must/ need/dare八,非限定动词:(1)动词不定式:(1)作主语;(2)作宾语;(3)作表语;(4)作定语;(5)作状语(6)作补足语;(2)动名词: (1)作主语;(2)作宾语;(3)作表语;(4)作定语;(5)作状语(6)作补足语;(3)现在分词: (1)作表语;(2)作定语;(3)作状语;(4)作补足语;(4)过去分词:(1)作定语;(2)作表语;(3)作状语;(4)作补足语九,动词语态(1)主动语态:主语为动作发出者:宾语为动作承受者(2)被动语态:主语为动作承受者:宾语为动作发出者(3)主动与被动的转换:主语和宾语互相条换位置,(4)被动语态的注意事项:省"TO "不定式要加上"TO"十,动词时态(1)一般现在时: (1) 表示状态 am /is/ are/ ;(2)表示动作 do / does (2)现在进行时 : am / is / are +doing (3)现在完成时: has / have +done (4)现在完成进行时:has/ have +been doing (5)一般过去时: (1) 表示状态 was /were/ ;(2)表示动作 did(6)过去进行时: was/ were +doing (7)过去完成时: had +done (8)过去完成进行时:had been doing (9)一般将来时:shall / will /be going to do (10)将来进行时:shall / will be doing / be going to be doing (11)将来完成时:shall / will +have done / be going to have done (12)将来完成进行时: shall/ will+have been doing (13)过去将来时:should / would do / was/ were going to do (14)过去将来进行时:should / would be doing (15)过去将来完成时: should/ would/ was/were going to have done (16)过去将来完成进行时should, would,/ was,were going to have been doing 十一,简单句结构(五种基本句子结构)(1)主语+谓语(2)主语+谓语+表语(3)主语+谓语+宾语(动词后接单宾语)(4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(动词后接双宾语)(5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(动词后接复合宾语)十一,并列句结构种类(1)表示添加,对等(1)and同,和 ;(2)not only..but also不仅..而且 ; (3)neither...nor...既不...也不...(4) so 所以,因此(5)therefore 所以,因此(6)as well as和,同 (2)表示选择:(1)or或者;(2)otherwise否则;(3)or else否则;(4) either ..or 不是...就是..(3)表示转折,对比:(1) but; (2) yet; (3)still;(4)however;(5)nevertheless;(6)while;(7)whereas(4)表示因果:(1)SO 所以用来表示结果;(2)FOR 由于用来表示原因十二,复合句结构种类:(1)并列复合句;(2)从属复合句(1)名词性从句:(1)从属连词that /whether:(2)疑问代词who/whose/what/which;(3)疑问副词 when;where;why;how (2)定语从句:(1)限制性定语 ;(2)非限制性定语(3)状语从句(1)时间状语从句;(2)地点状语从句;(3)条件状语从句;(4)原因状语从句;(5)目的状语从句;(6)结果状语从句;(7)比较状语从句;(8)方式状语从句(9)让步状语从句十三,名词性从句(1)主语从句:(1)从属连词that /whether:(2)疑问代词who/whose/what/which;(3)疑问副词 when;where;why;how (2)宾语从句:(1) that ;(2) whether/if ;(3) what ;(4) which ;(5) how ;(6) why (3)表语从句:(1)that/ whether; who /whose/what/which/; when/where/why/how; as if/as thought/; as /(4)同位语从句:(1) that;(2) why ;(3) who (常用名词;fact,news,idea,hope,thought,doubt)十四,定语从句(1)限制性定语从句:(1)关系代词who/whom/whose/which/that ; (2)关系副词when/ where/ why(2)非限制性定语从句: which / who / as 十四,状语从句(1)时间状语从句:(1)before 在..之前 ; (2)after在..之后 ;(3)when当...时; (4)as当,一边...一边);(5)while在....期间;(6)since自从...以来;(7)til或until直到);(8)whenever任何时候;(9)as soon as 一...就 (2)地点状语从句:(1)where 在...地方;(2)wherever无论什么地方(3)条件状语从句:常用从属连词(1)假如if;(2)除非,若不unless;(3)假设suppose;(4)假设supposing;(5)假若provided;(6)只要as long as (4)原因状语从句:(1)because因为 ; (2)since既然,由于 ;(3) as因为由于 ;(4) now that既然 (5)目的状语从句:常用从属连词; (1)that以便;(2) so that 以便(3)so that以便,为了;(3)lest免得,唯恐;(4)for fear that生怕,以免(6)结果状语从句:(1)that 以致;(2)so that结果,因而 ;(3)so....that如此...以致 ;(4)such...that这样....以致 (7)比较状语从句:常用从属连词(1)比...more ....than ;(2)和...一样;(3) not so 和....不一样(4)越...越....the more ....the more .....(8)方式状语从句:常用从属连词(1) 如....那样 as ..;(2) 正像just as ;(3)宛如,好像 as if ,as though(9)让步状语从句:常用从属连词(1)though虽然;(2)although虽然;(3)as尽管;(4)即使even though, even if ;(5)无论....还是...whether ....or ;(6)尽管however;(7)不管 matter ...;(8)无论什么whatever 十五:独立主格结构:是一种特殊的结构,可以理解为一个在句中作状语的短语,主要有两部分组成;逻辑主语+逻辑谓语,逻辑主语有名词,代词充当,逻辑谓语由非谓语动词,形容词;副词;介词短语;名词充当。独立主格结构用于修饰整个句子.十六,直接引语和间接引语定义及其用法(1)直接引语:直接引用别人的原话称为直接引语(2)间接引语:用自己的话把别人的意思转达出的话称为间接引语(3)转换方法:(1)间接陈述句----由that引导宾语从句;(2)间接疑问句---以whether/if和疑问代词,疑问副词引导宾语从句;(3)间接祈使句--将祈使句的谓语动词变为不定式做宾语补足语,原句引述动词say,须改为ask,tell, order, beg, advise否定句需要在不定式前加上not有的祈使句表示建议需要改为suggest /advise that ...should do ...结构;(4)感叹句,可以用what 或how 引导,也可以用that 引导.十七,语气种类(1)陈诉语气:用来陈述事实和可能发生的事情,有肯定,否定,疑问和感叹等形式(2)祈使语气:用来向对方提出请求,邀请,给予忠告,指示,警告命令的语气(3)虚拟语气:用来表示所说的话不是事实,或者不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,与事实相反的假设等形式十八,虚拟语气:(1)对过去虚拟;(2)对现在虚拟;(3)将来虚拟(1)真实条件句:表示假设的情况是可能发生的就是真实条件句(2)虚拟条件句::如果假设的情况根本不可能发生或者发生的可能很小就是非真实条件句.(1)表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气:(2)表示与过去事实相反虚拟语气;(3)表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气 ;(3)表示一种完全假设的主观愿望.(3)虚拟语气在14种从属复合句中用法:(1)It is /was important (necessary,appropriate,proper,right,desirable,essential etc.) +that ....should do (表示应该,必须)It is necessary that you (should) seize every possible chance/ it is proper that an independent inquiry (should )take place (2)It is /was a surprise (natural,unthinkable, strange, surprising, etc,) +that ...should do (表示竟然) It is surprising that you (should ) not understand me/ It"s strange that tourist (should )never visit tis place (3)it is /was suggested (requested, required,ordered, proposed,decided,etc,) that ..should do (表示 建议)It is advised that one (should ) take plenty of boiled water (4)表示本打算做而未做:注意动词hope,want,plan,mean,intend,expect过去完成时和这些动词的过去式+have done 都表示过去未曾实现的希望,打算和意图(5)过去将来完成时should/would/ like to have done; was/were to have done ; was/were supposed to have done ;had better have done,would /had rather have done 等结构表示,本想,本应该做某事而未做成.(5)If only 结构:跟虚拟语气,表示“要是....就好了”If only I were younger (6)表示祝愿及其它情况:I wish you had come to the party yesterday (7)时间暗示法;语气暗示法;重要词汇及句型提示法十九,特殊句式(1)There be 结构:(1)there is /are / were ;(2) there is/are going to be ; (3) there has/have been ;(4)there seem /happen to be / (5) there exist / occur (2)倒装句式:(1) 全倒装; (2)半倒装 ;(3)疑问句倒装;(4)THERE BE 倒装;(5)句首为这儿here;那儿there;现在now;那时then;因此thus;等副词,用于BE,COME,GO 等动词之前,主语要后置;(6)以从不never;不仅not only;直到not until;几乎没有little;几乎不hardly;刚...就scarcely;一...就no sooner ...when..等否定意义词开头句子,要用倒装语序;(7) 以so也; nor ;neither 也不 也不开头的句子或并列分句,要用倒装语序;(8)在虚拟条件从句中,省略IF 用倒装语序;(9)有AS 引导让步状语从句,可将表语,谓语放在AS 之间;(9)在句首为介词短语作表语或状语句中,用倒装语序.;(10)在某些表达祝愿的句子中用倒装语序May you succeed ! May you all be happy !(3)强调句结构:(1)结构IT IS +强调部分+THAT /WHO ;(1)可以强调主语;(2)可以强调地点或时间状语;(3)可以强调宾语;(4)省略句结构:(1)简单省略主语,谓语和表语;(2)并列句省略重复的部分; (3)复合句中,在表示时间,地点,条件,方式,比较,让步状语从句中,如果谓语含动词BE ,主语又和主句主语一致,或主语为IT 时,常将从句中的主语和谓语的一部分省略掉.(5)插入语结构:(1)形容词及形容短语插入语;(2)副词及副词短语插入语(3)介词短语插入语;(4)分词短语插入语;(5)不定式短语插入语;(6)单句或从句插入语;(7)插入语的位置(6)分隔结构:(1)分隔句式使用场合:(1)习惯用法;(2)避免产生歧义;(3)为了把握句子意义重心,避免头重脚轻的现象;(4)插入修饰语,由于被修饰语嵌入在另一结构中,往往不得不把修饰语分隔开来,(2)成分间的分隔:(1)主谓分隔; (2)动宾分隔;(3)介词与其宾语分隔;(4)定语与被修饰语分隔;(5)定语从句与先行词的分隔;(6)不定式分隔(7)还原法及结构分析法二十,主语和谓语保持一致(1)主语和谓语一致3原则:(1)语法一致原则; (2)意义一致原则;(3)邻近原则(2)主语为特定词,短语,从句:(1)不定代词;(2)集体名词;(3)以复数结尾的名词;(4)含有修饰语的名词;(5)名词化的形容词;(6)非谓语动词短语及从句;(7)表示度量;价格;时间;长度等的词(3)并列结构作主语:(1)and ,both...and ;(2)each..and each ...,every...and every ;(3)not...but...,not only...but also....;(4) or,either...or...,neither...nor

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无法加载安装Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010所需的文

这个版本只能购买许可!卸载这个,安装Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Vol版本,序号网上有的是,可以用kms重复激活使用,与正版一样!

Microsoft Office Home and Students2019可以卸载吗?

这是电脑自带软件吧,微软Microsoft Office Home and Students2019软件!如果你非要卸载应该可以吧,你可以让卖电脑师傅给你弄掉呗!

Microsoft Office Home and Students2019是联想自带的吗?


Microsoft Office Home And Student 2007可以删了吗


Office Home and Student是什么软件,有什么用

Office 家庭和学生版 2016是Office软件的一种版本,价格低廉,包含了大多数软件功能。适合一般个人或学生使用。

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Office Home and Student是什么软件,有什么用

微软公司推出的办公软件,Home and Student是其家庭学生版。就是功能会比专业版的少一些但是也足够你的使用了记得采纳

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直接用激活工具就可以了1.下载好激活工具后,双击蓝色激活工具图标。2.左键单击最上面的“Install/Uninstall KMService”,弹出的对话框输入“y”,如图。3.输入y后,按回车键,等待一小会,看到底部出现“Prease any key to exit...”,就可以把当前的对话窗口关闭了。4.然后点击最下面的Rearm Office 2010,输入y,按回车,等待一会,出现“Prease any key to exit...”,就可以把当前的对话窗口关闭了。5.最后一步,点击Activate office 2010 VL,即可成功激活。

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在Windows菜单中找到Office。打开任何项目。下面以Excel为例进行说明。打开其他工作簿-帐户-登录或注册一个新帐户。单击Office Update首先更新Office。更新完成后重新启动Office。在激活列表中选择当前软件的license。有些是办公室家庭和学生2019,有些是家庭和学生2019。激活成功后,它将被永久使用。Non-office 365订阅如果之前有多个产品被激活过,请务必激活没有激活时间的产品。不要犯激活前一个的错误

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condition precedent: must be satified before a contractual duty coms into existencecondition subsequent: after condition precedent actor must fulfill this condition for duty to arise

prospective student是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:prospective student预期学生;欲申请的学生;潜在学生;预科学生例句:Second, the prospective student obviously didn"t do their homework. 第二, 显然,预科学生不做作业.祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

英翻中:Dear prospective student!


prospective student是什么意思

prospective student未来学生;预备学生例句The school of agriculture"s dean of admissions was interviewing a prospective student. 农业学校的招生办主任正在面试一个很有希望的学生。

Prospective student的中文意思是什么?

以预备学生(Prospective student)和学生(Student)。身份申请入境签证获准,可以进入英国,并且在批准居留期内,自由出入境英国。

java 里literal和identifier的区别。declaration和assignmen

1, 2.3, "Hello", true , null 是 literalpassword , hell123 是 identifier 标志符int a ; 是声明 declarationa = 3;是 assignment 赋值int a = 3; 是 声明+赋值。

1.How is a President voted into office in the United States of America?

美国总统选举要四步骤,自己按照下边英文总结一下吧,浓缩成80字有点难。The Presidentialelection consists of four stages:In the first stage: the majorparties hold conventions to choose candidates for President and Vice-Presidentand to determine the party"s platform.The second stage is thecampaigning stage. By early fall the presidential race is on. From that timeuntil the Election Day, voters are bombarded from all sides — by radio,television, newspapers, and personal communications with political material.There are whistle stop tours by train, by plane, and by car. The candidatedelivers countless speeches and shakes countless hands. This is a veryimportant stage in the general election.The third stage is the time for voters tochoose the list of presidential electors[1]for the state. The number of electors of each state is equal to that of itssenators and representatives in Congress. There are altogether 538 presidentialelectors, 535 from the states and 3 from the District of Columbia (without seats inCongress). All the candidates of Presidential electors are party nominees.People will vote their party candidate for the presidency. As a result, a voteris actually choosing a President when he casts his vote for an elector.If the candidate of a party for“electors” in a given state receives a majority of the total vote, then theparty is entitled to have all the electoral votes for that state. When thepresidential electors are chosen out in the presidential election year, peoplehave already known who is going to be the US president in the next fouryears. Although the result is already known, the electors still meet in theirstate capitals and cast their votes for President and vice-President on thefirst Monday after the second Wednesday in December. That is the fourth stage.

elementary students是什么意思



不是,没有定语。will take是谓语动词,measures是宾语。

medical student是什么意思

医科学生双语对照词典结果:medical student[英][u02c8mediku0259l u02c8stju:du0259nt][美][u02c8mu025bdu026aku0259l u02c8studnt]医科学生; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

medical student是什么意思

medical student[英][u02c8mediku0259l u02c8stju:du0259nt][美][u02c8mu025bdu026aku0259l u02c8studnt]医科学生;

a student with many talents对么?



“绘图函数里的stat参数表示对样本点做统计的方式,默认为identity,表示一个x对应一个y,同时还可以是bin,表示一个x对应落到该x的样本数。”说白了就是,identity提取横坐标x对应的y值,bin提取横坐标x的频数。资料来源:下面是R帮助中的说明:“If you have presummarised data, use <code>stat="identity" to turn off the default summary. Sometimes, bar charts are used not as a distributional summary, but instead of a dotplot. Generally, it"s preferable to use a dotplot (see geom\_point) as it has a better data-ink ratio. However, if you do want to create this type of plot, you can set y to the value you have calculated, and use stat="identity".”

英语语法:collateral 和 incidental 有何区别?collateral damage 和 incidental damega 字典 都有解释


The police are__________ the traffic accident that happened yesterdayuff0e

【答案】:C本题考查动词词组的词义辨析。look down upon“轻视,歧视”;look fonⅣard to“盼望,期待”;look after“寻找,照顾”;look into“仔细调查,研究”。句意为:警察正在凋查昨天发生的那起交通事故。所以按照题意,正确的答案为C。



pour, depuis, pendent的区别

1.我认为第一题应该选pour,pendant强调的是在某个时间段内的一个动作,而与depuis有一个明显的区别是il y a 可以用任何的过去时态,而depuis肯定不

求批改托福作文 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for ...

第一段:qualify不常用,significance用法错误,或of more significance、more significant,absorbance用法ok 但老外不会用太大的词,看着比较奇怪。a。。。methods 语法错误,objectively 语法错误,which用法错误小结:需要重写,意思表达不明确,像是从中文直翻的。建议用最简单的句式清晰的表达出主题意思第二段:ankle是angle吧?第一句简化,例如可改为 learning facts could provide a better understanding to obsure concepts。Compare to abstract concepts whichtend to generalise a lot,facts are expressed in terms of explicit numbers and figures making them easier for us to comprenhendmode of thinking 是从中文的思考模式直翻的吧?从来没有外国人这么用过,offers the advantages of visualized pieces for brain to link complex concepts to ubiquitous daily facts这句话我看了三遍才懂,修改吧例子不错authentically understood 用法太诡异了,直接说never really understand会让人看着舒服多了第三段 surface of a real issue-中文”事物的表面“吧,真的别用中文的mode of thinking,这太metaphorical了,当一段的开头句会把人弄糊涂的。第三段需大改因为跟第二段太像,都是说idea 和concept需要facts来联系。总结:整篇文章没有特别令人深刻的观点,与你破题的方法有关。直接it is more important for us to know the concepts than to do a massive amount of practice立题应该更好。用一些哲学性的论点以托福的英文作文要求来说没必要,因为土生土长的老外在大学写的哲学论文都很难看懂更别提你的语法错误太多。建议直接写填鸭式教育(练习)对比国外散发式教育假设第一段:题型固定,如果换题型就有可能不会做,而直到concept就能想出来之类的二段:缺乏想象力之类的论点三段:论只知道concept的坏处,如要花大量的时间做联想总结:知道concept是必须的但一定的训练是必要的

校长奖学金 英文如何翻译 是president Scholarship 还是presidential Scholarship

scholarship for president/headmaster

top student英语作文


Economics,several courses of which i have taken thus far,proves but useful for almost all students.


求the responsibilities of college students为主题的英语演讲稿

可以具体一点,说大学生的社会责任感,复制粘贴的,感觉写得不错关于大学生的社会责任感(The Major Social Responsibilities of Being a College Student) Concretely speaking, being a current university man/college man,we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country. The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly. Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other. In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced. Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility: First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less. Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly. They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society. Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage. Being a current university man, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you"ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty. Being a current university man, you must know what"s success and what"s happiness. What"s happiness? It"s not concerned how much money you have earned, now it"s not strange that a millionaire suicides.It"s a real happiness for people who has a peaceful and simpatico heart. And what is success? It"s not becoming a president or a famous star, those are in the minority. where the shoe pinches is that you have a sound constitution , a fine personality and also a career which you are falling over yourself for. The students must have an idea to develop a fine personality. Of course, there must be many difficulties and problems when you are trying . You need a profound consciousness and strong willpower to face and deal with these problems , difficulties and venture. 责任,从具体的方面来说,既有对自己、对家庭的责任,又有对社会、对国家的责任。 现在的大学生自我责任意识已明显增强,对自我设计、自我实现、自我价值的发展要求也比较高。但同时也存在一些问题,如家庭责任意识不强,爱情、婚姻责任观念比较混乱,职业责任认识比较模糊,他人责任和集体责任观念淡化,合作意识不强等。总体来说,责任意识在提升,但社会责任感还有待增强。 大学生缺乏社会责任感,主要有三个方面的原因: 第一,在校学生与社会的直接沟通越来越少。 第二,在校学生与社会的沟通环节不畅。他们所能参与的社会活动,十分有限,不能使同学们完全地认知这个社会,因而,也就不能树立起强烈的社会责任感。 第三,“亚文化”在校园内大行其道,外来文化和网络文化十分盛行,其中有不少都是具有浓重的个人主义、自由主义色彩的文学、影视作品。长期接触,不免也会沾染其中一些不良思想,如过分看重个人得失、个人感受,从而忽略整体利益。 作为当代大学生,已经成为也必须成为责任主体,因为他已经具备公民权利、公民意识,也必须具备责任意识。要正确认识权利和责任的关系。 作为大学生,首先要正确认识什么是成功,什么是幸福。 什么是幸福?不是你赚了多少钱,现在百万富翁自杀的也不少。心灵的宁静与和谐才是幸福。 什么是成功呢?并不是要成为总统、成为名人,那毕竟是少数,关键在于有一个健康的体魄和完善的人格,有一份自己热爱的事业。大学生要增强健全自己人格的观念。 当然,在实际生活中,这样做会遇到很多问题,关键在于如何去面对和处理这些问题,如何应对风险和困难,这需要有深刻的思想认识,又要有坚强的毅力。

爱德华王子自行创立了一家电视节目制作公司Ardent Productions,为什么又会在后来卸任监制呢?


网页错误详细信息 用户代理: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0;S

网页有错误,可能是病毒造成的,也可能是浏览器的原因造成网页有错误,还有可能就是自身网页的问题造成网页错误解决办法1、打开浏览器,点“工具”→“管理加载项”那里禁用所有可疑插件,或者你能准确知道没问题的保留。然后→工具→INTERNET选项→常规页面→删除cookies→删除文件→钩选删除所有脱机内容→确定→设置使用的磁盘空间为:8MB或以下(我自己使用1MB)→确定→清除历史纪录→网页保存在历史记录中的天数:3以下→应用确定(我自己使用的设置是0天)。 2、还原浏览器高级设置默认值:工具→INTERNET选项→高级→还原默认设置。 3、恢复默认浏览器的方法“工具”→Internet选项→程序→最下面有个“检查Internet Explorer是否为默认的浏览器”把前面的钩选上,确定。 4、设置主页:“工具”→Internet选项→常规→可以更改主页地址→键入你喜欢的常用网址→应用。 5、如果浏览器中毒就使用金山毒霸系统修复选择系统清理选项,点击立即清理选择安全百宝箱中系统修复,即可解决网页上有错误解问题 如果是手机建议使用免费金山手机卫士,清理你的 手机病毒和垃圾再打开网页

posdent 手表什么牌子


msc student是什么意思?

MSc 缩写 = Master of Science 理科硕士所以就是理科硕士生~~


这是因为这句话里secretary是特指,指的是我是市学联的干事。但 student,professor在这句子里是泛指,指的是我是一名学生,我是一名教授。

#define N 5 struct student { char num[6]; char name[8]; int score[3]; } stu[N]; #include

#define N 5struct student{char num[6];char name[8];int score[3];}stu[N];#include <stdio.h>void main( ){int i,j ;for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf(" Input score of student %d: ",i+1);printf("NO.:");scanf("%s",stu[i].num);printf("name:");scanf("%s",stu[i].name);for(j=0;j<3;j++){printf("score %d:",j++);//这个位置有问题,不能让j++,应该改成j+1scanf("%d",&stu[i].score[j]);}printf(" ");}print(stu);}/* 定义函数print */print(struct student stu[5]){int i,j ;printf(" NO. name score1 score2 score3 ");for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf("%5s%10s",stu[i].num,stu[i].name);for(j=0;j<3;j++)printf("%9d",stu[i].score[j]);printf(" ");}}

President Romney是什么意思

Romney 总统

how can college students handle their money ef

大学生如何有效地处理他们的钱呢how can college students handle their money efficiently.



a day in the life of a college student 翻译


all the students这里的all是什么词,作什么成分

all是形容词,修饰定语the studentsboth也是形容词,修饰主语they详细说下两词用法你就知道是什么了!!!all形容词 a. 1. 一切的,所有的Our aim is that all children complete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有儿童完成中等教育。 2. 整个的,全部的The strike paralyzed all Paris that day. 该日,罢工使整个巴黎陷于瘫痪。 3. 尽量的,尽可能的Lanny was all attention. 兰尼全神贯注。 副词 ad. 1. 完全地;全然地She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全赞同我的建议。 2. 【口】很,极其He was all excited. 他万分激动。 3. (与the+比较级连用)更加She hated him all the more. 她更加恨他了。 4. (比分等)双方相等The score is one all. 比分为一比一。 代词 pron. 1. 全体,一切,全部[G]I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。 名词 n. 1. 所有一切;全部财产John Brown gave his all in the struggle for freedom. 约翰·布朗为争取自由而献出自己的一切。 Both形容词 a. 1. 两...(都),两个...(都)Both his eyes were severely burned. 他的双眼都严重烧伤了。 代词 pron. 1. 两者(都);两个(都);双方(都)Why not buy both? 为什么不把两件都买下? 副词 ad. 1. 并;又;两者皆We like Amy and Phil both. 艾米和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。 连接词 conj. 1. 既...且...;...和...都The prospects both excited and worried me. 这前景既使我激动又令我忧虑。

all the students和all of the students 的区别是什么,都怎么用

all the +名词all of +the +名词all of +复数宾格代词all形容词 adj.1.一切的, 所有的 All the children are not noisy.并不是所有的儿童都吵闹.All his toys cannot make him happy.即使他的全部玩具也不能使他快乐.2.全部的, 总的, 整个的 All my flowers have died.我的花全死了.3.尽量的, 极度的 All five men are hard workers.他们五个人工作都很努力.4.每人,人人5.任何的6.每一的,每个的;各(种)的,各种各样的[现只用于像all manner of men (各种各样的人)这样的短语中]7.仅仅的,惟一的,只,只有8.似乎只不过的,似乎只有的代词 pron.1.全部; 一切 All were silent.大家都不吭声.All of us were disappointed by him.他使我们大家都失望了.2.事事,凡事,所有(或一切、全部)事情;全部情况3.每一部分,每一点,完全[代词all只用来指三个或三个以上的人或物;指两个用both]副词 adv.1.完全地, 很 She was dressed all in white.她从头到脚一身白.He was all excited.他非常兴奋.2.[口语]很,极其3.只,仅仅,单单4.每个,每人,各,各自5.(球赛等得分)双方相等,平,打平,双方平局名词 n.1.[常与my, your, his, her等连用](某人)所有的一切;全部财产(或精力、兴趣)2.全体,全部,整个;总数3.[常作A-]整体;(整个)宇宙4.[商业电视日程安排术语]所有,全部(表示都用由所有IBA公司主办的节目)

all the students和all of the students有什么不同,all 什么时候要加of

1. all 是“全部”、“都”的意思,具有名词和形容词功能。在代表或修饰表示数目在“三”以上的可数名词时,其后接复数动词;在代表或修饰不可数名词时,其后接单数动词。例如: All of us are fond of swimming. 我们都喜欢游泳。 All the workers are working with great enthusiasm. 所有工人都在干劲十足地工作。 All of the food is good to eat. 所有的食品都好吃。 All the money is spent. 所有的钱都花光了。 试译:我们俩都喜欢乒乓球。 误:All of us like ping-pong. 正:Both of us like ping-pong. 2. all of 后可跟人称代词或有限定词修饰的名词。 All of us went. 我们全去了。 All of the students went. 全体学生都去了。 误:All of students went. 3. all of 后接跟限定词修饰的名词时,这 of 可以省略,意思不变。例如: All (of) the students went. 全体学生都去了。 All (of) the food is good to eat. 所有这些食品都好吃。 all 直接修饰无限定词的名词时,表示“所有的”、“一切的”意思。例如: All children want presents on their birthdays. 所有的孩子生日时都想得到礼物。 Not all food is goot to eat. 并不是所有的食物都好吃。 4. all 和 not 连用表示部分否定,不作“全部不”、“都不”解。例如: All the students of the college do not come from the countryside. 这个学院的学生并非全部来自农村。 All the teachers do not live in this street. 老师们并不是个个都住在这条街上。 I don"t know all of them. 我对他们并不是个个都认识。 表示全部否定应用 none。 5. all 可以用于句子主语之后,注意它在句中的位置: (1) 放在由一个词构成的简单动词之前: We all like ping-pong. 我们都喜欢打乒乓球。 (2) 如果有助动词,放在第一个助动词之后: They have all gone. 他们都走了。 (3) 放在动词 be 之后: The delegates are all present. 代表们都出席了。 We are all tired. 我们都累了。 all 可以放在宾语之后,这宾语必须是人称代词。例如: 正:I have eaten them all. 我们都吃光了。 误:I have eaten the cakes all.

本人在欧洲,想进cf外服可是账号注册号后登陆时会出现incorrect login credentials,这是怎么回事啊


All of them are students 疑问句形式

1.不需要用all of了,就用are they2.None of the three is students The three men aren"t all students3. Are the three men students?4.Are the three men not students?5.Are they both American? Are they neither American?

all the students的语法结构中all做什么成分,all of them呢


辩论 Pressure is a killer for students 帮帮忙,有没有相关的英语名言或资料 正规一点的 谢谢啊 感激啊

If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. If you don"t want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can — and recognize there are many things beyond your control. So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He"s a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska. Eliot says there are people in this world that he calls "hot reactors". For these people, being tense may cause tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure. Eliot says researchers have found that stressed people have higher cholesterol levels, among other things. "We"ve done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. When that happens it happens very quickly, within five minutes. It creates many short circuits, and that causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. And when that happens, we can"t live." Eliot, 64, suffered a heart attack at age 44. He attributes some of the cause to stress. For years he was a "hot reactor". On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected but on the interior, stress was killing him. He"s now doing very well. The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors — fear, uncertainty and doubt — together with perceived lack of control, he says. For many people, the root of their stress is anger, and the trick is to find out where the anger is coming from. "Does the anger come from a feeling that everything must be perfect?" Eliot asks. "That"s very common in professional women. They feel they have to be all things to all people and do it all perfectly. They think, "I should, I must, I have to." Good enough is never good enough. Perfectionists cannot delegate. They get angry that they have to carry it all, and they blow their tops. Then they feel guilty and they start the whole cycle over again." "Others are angry because they have no compass in life. And they give the same emphasis to a traffic jam that they give a family argument," he says. "If you own anger for more than five minutes — if you stir in your own juice with no safety outlet — you have to find out where it"s coming from." "What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem." One step to calming down is recognizing you have this tendency. Learn to be less hostile by changing some of your attitudes and negative thinking. Eliot recommends taking charge of your life. "If there is one word that should be substituted for stress, it"s control. Instead of the FUD factors, what you want is the NICE factors — new, interesting, challenging experiences." "You have to decide what parts of your life you can control", he says. "Stop where you are on your trail and say, "I"m going to get my compass out and find out what I need to do."" He suggests that people write down the six things in their lives that they feel are the most important things they"d like to achieve. Ben Franklin did it at age 32. "He wrote down things like being a better father, being a better husband, being financially independent, being stimulated intellectually and remaining even-tempered — he wasn"t good at that." Eliot says you can first make a list of 12 things, then cut it down to 6 and set your priorities. "Don"t give yourself impossible things, but things that will affect your identity, control and self-worth." "Put them on a note card and take it with you and look at it when you need to. Since we can"t create a 26-hour day we have to decide what things we"re going to do." Keep in mind that over time these priorities are going to change. "The kids grow up, the dog dies and you change your priorities." From Eliot"s viewpoint, the other key to controlling stress is to "realize that there are other troublesome parts of your life over which you can have little or no control — like the economy and politicians". You have to realize that sometimes with things like traffic jams, deadlines and unpleasant bosses, "You can"t flee. You can"t flee. You have to learn how to flow."这篇是讲压力可能会导致心脏病等一系列疾病 你可以自己筛选一下,然后还可以搜一些由于压力大导致学生自杀的相关报道,总的来说就是1.压力会影响身心健康 2.压力会带来精神隐患 3.压力过大可能会成为行动的阻力等等 反正就是那么些套话 说的有点逻辑性就可以了希望有所帮助

Is it good for students to have part-time jobs ?please give some more advice in English .

serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes. First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, If a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he"s learned from books. What"s more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he"s been taught in class, and he"ll learn something that doesn"t exist in books but in practice. Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduate, and help them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the society, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It"s easier to find jobs for those who have accumulated experiences in part-time jobs. Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students" financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many students from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, so taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives. It"s an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict with each other. But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs.

students around the world 为什么不是around the world student

AROUND THE WORLD因为是定语词组,比较长,所以一般定语就后置了!

----the help of my teacher,i caught up with the other students.

填 withwith the help of.... 在。。的帮助下
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