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independent variables是什么意思

independent variables独立变量independent variables自变量; 独立变量; 网络释义1. 独立量

variables study t do not uniquely identify the observations是什么意思

variables study t do not uniquely identify the observations变量研究t不能唯一地识别观测值variables study t do not uniquely identify the observations变量研究t不能唯一地识别观测值

[Bio]何谓"dependent variable"?试简单解释,最好附加例子说明。

Independent variable:we have to change this in order to observe what happens Dependent variable:this is the variable to be measured Controlled variable:we have to keep these variable the same. 2013-01-28 17:49:51 补充: In a fair test we should change the independent variable. the dependent variable will then change depending on the independent variable.All the other variable should be kept the same.theseare the controlled variable Dependent and independent variables refer to values that change in relationship to each other. The dependent variables are those that are observed to change in response to the independent variables. The independent variables are those that are deliberately manipulated to invoke a change in the dependent variables. In short "if x is given then y occurs" where x represents the independent variables and y represents the dependent variables. Examples 1If one were to measure the influence of different quantities of fertilizer on plant growth the independent variable would be the amount of fertilizer used (the changing factor of the experiment). The dependent variables would be the growth in height and/or mass of the plant (the factors that are influenced in the experiment) and the controlled variables would be the type of plant the type of fertilizer the amount of sunlight the plant gets the size of the pots e (the factors that would otherwise influence the dependent variable if they were not controlled). 2In a study of how different doses of a drug affect the severity of symptoms a researcher could pare the frequency and intensity of symptoms (the dependent variables) when different doses (the independent variable) are administered and attempt to draw a conclusion. 3In measuring the acceleration of a vehicle time is usually the independent variable and speed is the dependent variable. This is because when taking measurements times are usually predetermined and the resulting speed of the vehicle is recorded at those times. As far as the experiment is concerned the speed is dependent on the time. Since the decision is made to measure the speed at certain times time is the independent variable. 4In measuring the amount of colour removed from beetroot samples at different temperatures the dependent variable would be the amount of pigment removed because it is depending on the temperature (which is the independent variable). 5In sociology in measuring the effect of education on ine or wealth the dependent variable could be a level of ine or wealth measured in moary units (United States Dollars for example) and an independent variable could be the education level of the individual(s) who pose(s) the household (i.e. academic degrees). 参考: en. *** /wiki/Dependent_variable#Examples


"Dentist"在英语中的读音为 /u02c8du025bntu026ast/。"Dentist" 是一个名词,指的是一位专门从事牙科工作的医生。以下是一些关于 "dentist" 的拓展用法和相关信息:1. General Dentist: 一般牙医,主要负责口腔健康的维护和基本治疗,如洗牙、充填和拔牙等。2. Pediatric Dentist: 儿童牙医,专门为儿童提供口腔保健、治疗和教育等服务。3. Orthodontist: 正畸医生,专注于矫正牙齿和咬合问题,使用牙套、牙箍等器械进行治疗。4. Endodontist: 牙髓病学专家,致力于治疗牙髓(牙神经)疾病,如根管治疗。5. Periodontist: 牙周病学专家,专门治疗牙周疾病,如牙龈炎和牙周炎等。6. Oral Surgeon: 口腔外科医生,负责进行复杂的口腔手术,如拔智齿、植牙和颌面外科手术等。7. Cosmetic Dentist: 美容牙医,专注于改善牙齿的外观和美观,如牙齿美白、牙齿修复和牙齿矫正等。8. Dental Hygienist: 牙科卫生师,负责进行口腔清洁和预防性护理,如洗牙和给予口腔卫生教育等。9. Dental Assistant: 牙科助理,协助牙医进行治疗和手术,如拍X光片、准备牙科器械和记录病历等。10. Dental Clinic: 牙科诊所,提供牙科服务和治疗的场所。11. Dental School: 牙科学校,培养牙医和牙科专业人员的教育机构。12. Dental Insurance: 牙科保险,提供对牙科治疗和服务的经济保障。

Tony could be a very successful student, but he _ no importance to study.这里为什么用had attached?

attanch no importance to sth.的意思是不重视某事。这句话的意思是 tony本可以是一个非常成名的学生,但是他不重视学习。这句话采用虚拟语气,前面采用could是can的过去式,所以后面采用过去完成时想搭配。

shaker containers怎么翻译啊,原句为“XXX are used to identify shaker containers and overpacks.”

这个词肯定不好! 估计是违章了

持英国vist student签证能不能就在英国办签去申根国的签证


should student play computer 怎么写

Should Students Should Play Computer Games?In contemporary society, computer games are now becoming increasingly popular. But in the meantime, public debate has been going on in my country over whether students should play computer games or not. The term “computer games” refers to video games played on personal computers, which now have a variety of genres, such as online games, local area net work games and emulation games. This essay will argue that students should not play computer games. The reasons for this include the threat to students" health from computer games, the waste of time and the alienation between people.In the first place, playing computer games may pose a threat to students" physical soundness as well as psychological well-being. Specifically, Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains, etc. Specialists have confirmed that children who spend too much time playing computer games not only are easily susceptible to long terms problems like bad posture

prudential regulation是什么意思

prudential regulation 审慎性监管prudential regulation的用法和样例:例句Hellmann,Murdock,Stiglitz(2000).Liberalization,Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation:Are Capital Requirements Enough[J].The American Economic Review, Vol.90.张春.A statutory body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) tasked with the responsibility of theprudential regulation and supervision of the MPF System and compliance with the MPFSO, was set up in September 1998.强制性公积金计划管理局(积金局)已于一九九八年九月成立,是一个法定机构,负责规管和监察强积金制度的运作,以及确保《强制性公积金计划条例》得以遵守。A statutory body,the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) tasked with the responsibility of theprudential regulation and supervision of the MPF System and compliance with the MPFSO,was set up in September 1998.


  accident表示意外事件; 事故; 机遇,偶然;的意思,那么你知道accident的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了accident的短语,希望对你有帮助哦!   accident的短语:   动词+~   avoid an accident 避免事故   bring about an accident 造成事故   cause an accident 酿成事故   create an accident 造成事故   cut down accidents 减少事故   expose an accident 遭遇灾祸   形容词+~   awful accident 可怕的事故   bad accident 横祸   dreadful accident 可怕的事故   fatal accident 毁灭性的事故fearful accident 可怕的事故   frightful accident 可怕的事故   happy accident 巧事   介词+~   against accident 预防事故   by accident 偶然地   by accident of 因u2026的机会   by no accident 决非偶然; 并非出于偶然   in an accident 由于事故; 遭遇事故   to an accident 由于事故; 出于偶然   with accident 意外; 偶然   without accident 安全地   accident的短语例句:   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。


  accident有保护;投保等意思,那么你知道accident的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    accident的用法:   accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。   accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。   accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。   accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。   accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。   accident的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   by accident   by accident of   in an accident   meet with an accident   without accident    accident的用法例句:   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。


【 #英语资源# 导语】accident有保护;投保等意思,那么你知道accident的用法吗?以下是 无 整理发布的accident的用法和短语例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】accident的用法   accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。   accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。   accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。   accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。   accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。 【篇二】accident的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   by accident   by accident of   in an accident   meet with an accident   without accident 【篇三】accident的用法例句   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。

Dead Presidents 中文歌词

"I′m out for dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)"Chorus:"Presidents to represent me" --> Nas "Get money!"Rock... on, Roc-A-Fella y′all"I′m out for presidents to represent me" "Get money!"The saga continues"I′m out for presidents to represent me" "Get money!"Ahh, who wanna bet us that we don′t touch leathersStack cheddars forever, live treacherous all the et ceterasTo the death of us, me and my confidants, we shineYou feel the ambiance, y′all niggaz just rhymeBy the ounce dough accumulates like snowWe don′t just shine, we illuminate the whole show; you feel me?Factions from the other side would love to kill meSpill three quarts of my blood into the street, let alone the heatFuck em, we hate a nigga lovin this lifeIn all possible ways, know the Feds is buggin my lifeHospital days, reflectin when my man laid upOn the Uptown high block he got his side sprayed upI saw his life slippin, this is a minor set backYo, still in all we livin, just dream about the get backThat made him smile though his eyes said, "Pray for me"I′ll do you one better and slay these niggaz faithfullyMurder is a tough thing to digest, it′s a slow processand I ain′t got nothin but timeI had near brushes, not to mention three shotsclose range, never touched me, divine interventionCan′t stop I, from drinkin Mai-Tai′s, with Ta TaDown in Nevada, ha ha, Poppa, word lifeI dabbled in crazy weight without rap, I was crazy straightPotnah, I′m still spendin money from eighty-eight... what?ChorusGeyeah, know what? I′ll and your wack mans fold like bad handsRoll like Monopoly, ad-vance you copy melike white crystals, I gross the mostat the end of the fiscal year than these niggaz can wish toThe dead presidential, canidatewith the sprinkles and the presidental, ice that′ll offend youIn due time when crime fleas my mindAll sneak thieves and playa haters can shineBut until then I keep the trillion cut diamonds shinin brilliantI′ll tell you half the story, the rest you fill it inLong as the villian winI spend Japan yen, attend major eventsCatch me in the joints, convinced my iguanas is bitinJ-A-Y hyphen, controllin, manipulatinI got a good life man, pounds and penceNuff dollars make sense, while you ride the benchCatch me swinging for the fenceDead Presidents, ya knowChorusUh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, so be itThe Soviet, The Unified Steady FlowYou already know, you light I′m heavy roll, heavy doughMic macheted your flow, your paper falls slowlike confetti, mines a steady grow, bet he glowPay five dead it from blow, better believe I haveeleven sixty to show, my doe flip like Tae-KwonJay-Z The Icon, baby, you like Dom, maybe this Cristal′sto change your life huh, roll with the winnersHeavy spenders like hit records: Roc-A-FellaDon′t get it corrected this shit is perfectedfrom chips to chicks just drivin a LexusMake it without your gun, we takin everything you brungWe cake and you niggaz is fake and we gettin it doneCrime Family, well connected Jay-ZAnd you fake thugs is Unplugged like MTVI empty three, take your treasure, my pleasureDead presidentials, politics as usualBla-ouw!"Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)"Chorus 2X


 accident的用法:accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。accident的常用 短语 :用作名词 (n.)by accidentby accident ofin an accidentmeet with an accidentwithout accidentaccident的用法例句:1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。

i am a samrt student用复数怎么写

We are smart students.

Yesterday,another student and I,representing our universitys student

representing是分词作定语,修饰主语another student and I

non-identifying , optional relationship 和 non-identifying relationship 的区别是什么?

先给你翻译一下:non-identifying: 无法识别optional relationship: 可选关系non-identifying relationship :无法辨别的关系从字面上我想你就应该知道了






identify的同义词:name;place;describe,discover, distinguish,key,key out, name这些动词均含“认出,识别”之意。identify:指辨别、确定人的身份或物品的归属等。recognize:指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。make out:通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。identify keywords【及物动词解释】:1.(identify sb/sth as sb/sth)确认、证明某人(某事物);鉴别出(系某人或某物)2.(identify sth with sth)认为某事物与另事物等同3.lidentify (oneself) withsb/sthj支持某人(某事物);与某人(某事物)有关联4.(identify with sb)与某人认同;以某人为模式identify with sb【不及物动词解释】:1.认同,感同身受【词形变化】:形容词:identifiable;副词:identifiably;名词:identifier,identification;时态:identified,identifying, identifies






identify 英[au026au02c8dentu026afau026a]美[au026au02c8du025bntu0259u02ccfau026a]vt. 确定; 识别,认出; 使参与; 把…看成一样;vi. 确定; 认同;[例句]You try to identify the smallest possible subset of the overall system under investigation that still exhibits the problem.您尝试确定所研究的整个系统中仍存在问题的尽可能小的子集。[其他] 第三人称单数:identifies 现在分词:identifying 过去式:identified 过去分词:identified 形近词: ipentity identity


identify就是动词原形。读音:英[au026au02c8dentu026afau026a],美[au026au02c8dentu026afau026a]。释义:vt.确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把……看成一样。vi.确定;认同;一致。例句:The police dog can identify the approximate location of the criminal by his smell.警犬可以根据气味辨别出罪犯的大概位置。变形:过去式identified,过去分词identified,现在分词identifying,第三人称单数identifies。词源:1644年进入英语,直接源自法语的identifier,意为识别,发现。词语用法:identify既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以“as+ n”作补足语的复合宾语;用作不及物动词时常与with连用表示“同情…”。identify作不及物动词时,指心理上的“认同”,例:identify oneself with(认同于……)。indentify在扩展其使用时,还可做反身动词,去表示一种非常亲密的联系的鉴定,常只适用于一些知名的社团协会等。

identify yourself是什么意思

identify yourself确定你自己的身份双语例句1The bank will not change the cheque unless you are able to identify yourself.除非你能证明你的身份,否则银行不会兑换你这张支票。2The bank will not cash the cheque unless you are able to identify yourself.如果你不能证明你的身份,银行就不会把支票兑成现款。

identifying information是什么意思

identifying information 意思:辨识信息; [例句]Current standards regarding digital certificates have identifying informationincluded along with the key.目前关于数字证书的标准中都有一些标识信息,在密钥中也都包含了这些信息。




可能是出现网络故障了。解决方法如下:先使用手机连接wifi看看能不能正常上网,一样是路由器问题,重启路由器,检查路由器网线有没松动。手机可以正常上网用下面方法设置一下电脑方法一:手机开热点,电脑进行连接,正常电脑没有大的问题。方法二:重置一下网络。1、在桌面按WIN+R输入CMD点击确定打开命令提示符窗口,win10用鼠标右键点开始菜单,打开命令提示符(管理员);2、在命令提示符中输入:netsh winsock reset (可复制用鼠标右键粘贴)稍后,会有成功的提示,成功地重置Winsock目录,重启计算机完成重置。PS:WIN键是CTRL键旁边有微软图标的键。方法三、检查IP地址和DNS。右键点桌面任务栏上网络图标,打开网络与共享中心,有线点本地连接(WIFI点无线连接),点属性,双击IPV4,设置IP地址和DNS为自动方法四、打开设备管理器,检查无线网卡驱动是否正常,点禁用无线 网卡驱动再重启

To prevent accidents happening.为什么happen要加ing?

你好!To prevent accident happening意思是:为了防止事故发生。To prevent是动词不定式,accident 做不定式的宾语,happening 是动名词做宾补,动词不能做宾补,所以用了动名词happening。

The students will have more discussions like this in the weeks ______.


Robin teaches students to make puppets为什么要用to?

因为teach 和make 都是动词谓语,中间的to用来隔开两个动词。

Bill______a new student of the school.He wanted to ______a clubin the school.

1 Bill___saw___a new student of the school.He wanted to ___join___a club in the school2 ___On__Monday he saw a ___notice___on the wall,"Come to the art club."Bill enjoyed ___art / drawing__,so he went to the art club after school.Bill enjoyed the club very much.He saw his friend Bob there.They often _met___each other in the club.

Miss Independent(ne yo)

喂 英文的很好找给你 但是中文可是我自己翻译给你 你要是不给我最佳答案可不够意思阿 我可是看在是neyo的歌和你的三个!!!的份上才做的阿Ooh its something about just something about the way she movedI cant figure it out, there"s something about her (about her)Say ooh theres something about,Kinda women that want you but dont need youHey, i cant figure it out, there"s something about herCuz she walk like a boss, talk like a bossManicured nalis, just sent the pedicure offShe"s fly effortlesslyCuz she move like a boss, do what a bossDo, she got me thinking about getting involvedthats the kinda girl i needShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentOoh the way you shineMiss independentHey yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yehhh mmmOoh there"s something about kinda woman that can do it for herselfI look at her and it makes me proud, there"s something about herthere something ooh so sexy about the kinda women that dont even need my helpShe says she got it, she got it, no doubt, theres something about herCuz she work like the boss, play like the bossCar and a crib, she about to pay em both offAnd her bills are paid on timeShe made for a boss, Soley a boss,Anything less, shes telling em to get lostThats the girl that on my mindShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentooh the way you shineMiss independentYeh yehhhHer favourite thing, is to say dont worry i got itAnd everything she got, best believe she bought itShe gon" steal my heart, aint no doubt about it,Girl your everything i need, said your everything i needShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentOoh the way you shineMiss independentThats why i love her有些事情就是关于她的一些事情 我不能明白她的事情我想说一些事情 这个女人她想要你 但是并不需要你嘿,我真的不明白她 她走起来说起话来很有气质经常去按摩脚和修指甲 她飞得毫不费力 因为她说话走路那么有气质 她让我很想和她合作 这就是我需要的女(人,艺人)他很有个性 这是为什么我喜欢他 miss independent 你能不能过来呆一会儿 你很有个性 这是为什么我喜欢他 (和)她闪耀的方式 miss independent

电脑突然重启 开机显示MARNING: The battery cannot be ident

没电了 电池坏了


n。总统; 总裁; 校长; 董事长;

Pearl Jam的《Dissident》 歌词

歌曲名:Dissident歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991-2003)DissidentPearl Jam LyricsShe nursed him there, ooh, over a nightI wasn"t so sure she wanted him to stayWhat to say...what to sayBut soon she was down, soon he was lowAt a quarter past...a holy no...She had to turn aroundWhen she couldn"t hold, oh...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is hereAnd to this day, she"s glided onAlways home but so far awayLike a word misplacedNothing said, what a wasteWhen she had contact...with the conflict...There was meaning, but she sold him to the stateShe had to turn aroundWhen she couldn"t hold...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is here, oh...oh...oh...She gave him away when she couldn"t folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is here, oh...Couldn"t hold on...she couldn"t folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never the safest place, oh...A dissident is here

_____ cleans the blackboard should be praised. A. That B. Who C. The one who D. The students who


two students played the pipa为什么不用加s

因为pipa没有复数形式,不加s也不加es。pipa在英语语境中表达的意思是琵琶,它是一个不可数名词,作为不可数名词,它既不能用不定冠词来修饰,而且单复数同源,即使表达复数的意思时也无需改变词形。举例来说,他懂得如何弹琵琶,翻译过来就是He knows how to play the pipa。由此可见,pipa的复数形式还是pipa,不加s也不加es。

写一篇英语作文:How To Be a Popular Student

study hard. help the other classmates . learn seriously in the class . write homework seriously. then you will be a popular student .

this is the first time the students _to Hyde park

have goneIt"s the first/second time+从句【从句用完成时】

There were five students in the classroom just now.改为否定句

答案是:Therewerenot fivestudentsintheclassroomjustnow.u261eu2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667u261c

点解 Is there anyone in that room ?回答 No,no one. Is there any student in that room ? 回答 No,non

第一句中anyone是不定代词,用no one.第二句中student是名词,用 none

karen is call the dentist这个句子是不是对的?

应该写成Karen is calling the dentist.翻译成,凯伦正在给牙医打电话。

He is not korean student 可以成立吗 还是korean前面要加a





  作 认出 承认 确认 时用recognition作 识别 时用recognization 这个词比较正式 一般用在写文章时候用吧



英语incresse line indent怎么翻译?

increase line indent 译为:增加线的缩进

three independent experiments is shown.是什么意思

three independent experiments is shown三个独立的实验显示shown 英[u0283u0259u028an] 美[u0283ou028an] v. 表现出; 给…看( show的过去分词 ); 显露出; 上演; [网络] 显示; 表明; 展示; [例句]This is shown in Figure 4.图4中展示了这一过程。

英语翻译,by a political correspondent在下列句中是什么意思?




early transcendentals是什么版本


微积分里面的 Early Transcendentals 是什么意思



先验 transzendental: 反思地回溯超越是如何可能的问题; 哲学的、反思的; 主要用来作为一种知识的名称先验的知识不是关于对象的知识,而是我们关于它们的认识之性质与条件的知识。超验 transzendent: 涉及意识的超越活动以及超越状态; 自然的、直向性的。一个是先于经验,一个是超于经验。具体内容涉及到哲学领域,有点儿复杂。。。不用理解的太深奥吧。。。

Permanent Resident Card 是 什么意思?每个单词又分别是甚么意思?

Permanent1. 永久的,永恒的;永远的2. 固定性的;常在的Resident 固有的,内在的;存在于CARD卡Permanent Resident Card就是永久居留卡,比如说美国绿卡

permanent identity card中文翻译

The apppcant s existing permanent identity card 申请人现有的永久性居民身份证; Parents hong kong permanent identity cards ; or 父母的香港永久性居民身份证;或 A vapd permanent identity card issued to him 发予他的有效永久性居民身份证。 Parents hong kong permanent identity cards ; or 父母的香港永久性居民身份证;或 For a permanent identity card for the child 永久性居民身份证的申请表格( rop3 ) Hong kong permanent identity card of either parent 父亲或母亲的香港永久性居民身份证 Your vapd hong kong permanent identity card 你的有效香港永久性居民身份证 The child s vapd hong kong permanent identity card 儿童的有效香港永久性居民身份证 Verification of epgibipty for permanent identity card 核实领取永久性居民身份证的资格 For people holding permanent identity cards 持有永久性居民身份证的申请人 A vapd hong kong permanent identity card issued to him 发给他的有效香港永久性居民身份证。 Your hong kong permanent identity card 你的香港永久性居民身份证 You are a holder of a vapd hong kong permanent identity card 持有有效的香港永久性居民身份证者。 The child s hong kong permanent identity card if apppcable 儿童的香港永久性居民身份证(如适用) Heshe is a holder of a vapd hong kong permanent identity card 持有有效的香港永久性居民身份证者。 For children under 11 not holding permanent identity cards 十一岁以下而未领有永久性居民身份证的儿童 Hong kong identity card or permanent identity card ( if any ) 香港身份证或永久性居民身份证(如有者) ; Hong kong permanent identity card , 香港永久性居民身份证、 Form an apppcation rop13 for a permanent identity card for the child 永久性居民身份证的申请表格rop3 He she is a holder of a vapd hong kong permanent identity card 三.持有有效的香港永久性居民身份证者。 Your hong kong identity card or permanent identity card if any 你的香港身份证或永久性居民身份证(如有者) ; Your hong kong identity card or permanent identity card ( if any ) 你的香港身份证或永久性居民身份证(如有者) ; Fee table - verification of epgibipty for permanent identity card 收费表-核实永久性居民身份证资格的有关收费 Successful apppcants were arranged to register for permanent identity cards 人获安排登记申领永久性居民身分证。 The hong kong permanent identity card - which states that the holder has the 香港永久性居民身份证-说明持有人享有 Sponsor s travel document or hong kong permanent identity card , form 保证人的旅行证件或香港永久性居民身份证;表格 For the child who is not holding a hong kong permanent identity card ) (只适用于未持有香港永久性居民身份证的儿童) Apppcant s hong kong identity card or permanent identity card if any 申请人的香港身份证或永久性居民身份证(如有者) ; The passport and the permanent identity card will be issued at the same time 特区护照及永久性居民身份证将会同时签发。 Apppcant s hong kong identity card or permanent identity card ( if any ) 申请人的香港身份证或永久性居民身份证(如有者) ; Apppcation for a permanent identity card by a person under the age of 11 years 十一岁以下人士的香港永久性居民身份证申请书 Apppcation for a permanent identity card by a person under the age of 11 years 十一岁以下人士的香港永久性居民身份证申请书 All holders of hong kong permanent identity cards are lawfully employable 所有持有香港永久性居民身份证的人士均可合法受雇。 Are all holders of hong kong permanent identity cards lawfully employable 是否所有持有香港永久性居民身份证的人士均可合法受雇 D you hold an identity document , e . g . a hong kong permanent identity card ; and D你持有身份证明文件,如香港永久性居民身份证及 Iv you hold an identity document , e . g . a hong kong permanent identity card ; and Iv你持有身份证明文件,如香港永久性居民身份证及 The hong kong permanent identity card will be issued together with the hksar passport 护照及香港永久性居民身份证将会同时签发。 A copy of the employer s hong kong permanent identity card hong kong identity card 雇主的香港永久性居民身份证/香港身份证副本一份。 They may apply for permanent identity card directly when they reach the age of 11 他们只须在年满十一岁时直接申领永久性居民身份证。 They may apply for permanent identity card directly when they reach the age of 11 他们只须在年满十一岁时直接申领永久性居民身份证。 Are all holders of non - hong kong permanent identity cards lawfully employable 是否所有持有非香港永久性居民身份证的人士均可合法受雇 Apppcation for a permanent identity card by a person under the age of 11 years rop 3 十一岁以下人士的香港永久性居民身份证申请书[ rop3 ] Copy of the employer s hong kong permanent identity card hong kong identity card passport 雇主的香港永久性居民身份证/香港身份证/护照副本 Vapd travel document if he she is not holding a hong kong permanent identity card 有效旅行证件(如果求职者并非持有香港永久性居民身份证) , At the time of issue , the passport and permanent identity card will be issued together as well 而该?照及永久性居民身份证亦将会同时签发。 Overseas processing form for hksar passport and hong kong permanent identity card 申请香港特别行政区护照/及香港永久性居民身份证海外办理表格 I look at my hong kong id card , and it says clearly : hong kong permanent identity card 我有香港身份证,上面清清楚楚地写著:香港永久居民证。 1 . i am a person partly of chinese blood and holding a hong kong permanent identity card 1 .我具有部分中国血统,并持有香港永久性居民身份证。 Enter the same name and date of birth as appear on your hong kong permanent identity card 姓名和出生日期以香港永久性居民身份证上所载者为准。 No . not all holders of non - hong kong permanent identity cards are lawfully employable 不是所有持有非香港永久性居民身份证的人士均可合法受雇。

college student和 university student 哪个对


university student与college student有什么不同



He president,总统。president做He的同位语。

non-residential fixed investment是什么意思

  意思是:非居住<住宅>固定投资。  例句:  fixed investment in residential structures居住用建筑物的固定投资额    China Year of innovation Peng equity fund (LOF) 11 on 10 for the date of purchase and business fixed investment.鹏华盛世创新股票型基金(LOF)11月10日起办理申购、赎回和定投业务。    But domestic demand has stayed robust, as reflected in strong retail sales and a surprising uptick in fixed investment growth.但是国内需求仍保持旺盛,这反映在强劲的零售增长和令人意外的固定资产投资增长上。

如何设置无线路由器ResidentialGateway100A-BA手机也能连接 需要详细的步骤!连接成功后,高分回报!

1、无线路由后面4个颜色一样的LAN口,一个颜色不一样的WAN口2、连接到外网的网线插在颜色不一样的WAN口上,拿另外一根网线插在4个颜色一样的LAN口上(4个口随便哪一个都行)并连接到电脑上3、查看无线路由底部的IP地址和帐号密码,一般是192.168.1.1 admin admin4、在电脑中打开网页输入192.168.1.1这个网址,输入帐号密码进入无线路由设置界面5、使用设置向导对无线路由进行设备,ADSL就选PPPOE,有固定IP就用选静态IP6、PPPOE要设置拨号上网的帐号密码(就是开通的电信账号、密码),静态IP要设置IP地址 子网掩码 网关 DNS7、设置无线路由的名字和连接密码8、点击完成重启路由器就,手机搜索刚才自己命名(或者默认的名字)的网络信号,输入密码连接就可以正常使用了注:连接无线路由首先本身自己电脑的本地连接和无线连接里的IP地址DNS地址都要设置成自动获取。希望对你有用

电信光猫residential gateway 200O-CA请指教如何重置宽带密码。


新加坡法律的ordinarily resident 指的什么意思

As the phrase "ordinarily resident in Singapore" has not been defined in the Act, guidance must be sought elsewhere.由于法令没有为“在新加坡常驻者”下定义,我们只好向别处求教。A person does not cease to be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong if he is temporarily absent from Hong Kong.任何人如暂时不在香港,并不表示该人已不再通常居于香港。

电信宽带送的 residential gateway 100E 能当路由器用吗 或者能破解吗


indoor residential gas 是什么意思



residential英[u02ccrezu026au02c8denu0283l]美[u02ccru025bzu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l]adj. 住宅的,适于作住宅的;与居住有关的;适宜作住宅的

residential quarter是什么意思

residential quarter[英][u02ccreziu02c8denu0283u0259l u02c8kwu0254:tu0259][美][u02ccru025bzu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l u02c8kwu0254rtu025a]居住小区,住宅区; Outdoor space environmental design in residential quarter and landscape gardening居住小区室外空间环境设计与园林造园艺术探讨residential quarter of the Aquatic Sports World of Haihe River海河水上运动世界住宅小区

residential home是什么意思

residential home住宅例Residential homes for elderly people - ethical framework and service commitments老年人的养老院居住所.道德标准框架和服务承诺。

residential hall是什么意思


residential segregation是什么意思

esidential segregation 居住隔离,居住区分割,居住割裂

residential complexes是什么意思

residential complexes的中文翻译residential complexes 住宅区双语例句1The real problems have been in luxury apartments and residential complexes formiddle-class families. 真正的问题一直在高档公寓和中产阶级住宅区。2Description: Design and construction of commercial, residential complexes alongwith recreational facilities. 介绍:设计建造住宅以及娱乐设施。

residential college是什么意思


residential district是什么意思

居住区 街道

residential quarter是什么意思


residential unit是什么意思


residential student 是什么意思???





residential本意 住宅的,需要在某地居住的感觉在此处指的就是域名望采纳~


residential[英][u02ccrezu026au02c8denu0283l][美][u02ccru025bzu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l]adj.住宅的,适于作住宅的; 与居住有关的; 适宜作住宅的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Residential real estate appears to be even more overvalued. 住宅房地产的估值似乎更是过高。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英语中 am is are 这三个的意思是不是中文里的“是” 比如:He is a student。 他是学生

is 前使用的主语是he she it 或者一个人名;are 前是you (单数是你,复数是你们)或者复数名词;am前是I
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