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Form Border Style表格边框样式

C# pictureBox.BorderStyle 怎么自定义颜色?



这是html中设置边框的一个样式。这个是把边框设置为无。相当于css常用的 border-style:none




privatesubcommand1_click()withform1 form1.borderstyle=0 form1.caption="新窗体"endwithendsub要给窗体改个名字,form1的borderstyle属性是不能在运行里改变的,改变的是名叫“新窗体”的窗体。好像是这样解释吧,不对的请指正!





在VB中 当borderstyle属性值为4和5的区别?

Form 对象的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 固定工具窗口。不能改变尺寸。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 5 可变尺寸工具窗口。可变大小。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 Line 和 Shape 控件的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 点划线 5 双点划线



VB form 的边框属性,borderstyle



你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: border style边界风格希望我的回答对你有帮助。



英翻中。Understanding Media Cultures

了解媒体文化因此,文化发展的说法可以被假定为"镜" 经济发展不能再被视为适用。在视角转换 暗示这些结构性变化已导致马特拉和马特拉(1992) 主张对媒介帝国主义论文抛弃。他们认为,虽然 政治经济学的尺寸仍然是重要的文化生产 它应该连接到一个更具体的路口之间的不同升值 全球各地区和当地的条件。现在他们认为,虽然媒体 帝国主义历史上重要的论文已在提高意识 富人俱乐部以外的资本主义国家,不再充分的理论 地图(如果确实曾有过的)全球沟通关系。此外,Mattelarts 媒体认为,帝国主义一直有其弱点,因为它始终 没有考虑到在"第三世界"国家和文化关系 分配不均的资本主义的技术。以占全球关系 在"媒体帝国主义毕业论文需要更换一个不同的理论 范例。 最近马特拉和马特拉(1992)点对提高 商业化和经济渗透的共享公共空间的最 有希望的竞争者的新的范例。这些论点有加 种族中心主义的西化开沟概念的优势,而不是谈 一个多极的商业文化。对于那些有兴趣在全球问题 政治经济已经不再是强加的文化同质性 通过美国化,而是涉及改造和私有化 在世界经济中的公共空间。这些变革,尤其是在 欧洲,破坏了国家的媒体制作公共服务模式 通过放松管制的过程,以及在国际竞争的需要 市场。从政治经济学的角度看,全球化进程的关注 自由化,商业化,私有化和国际化。该 走到一起的大型传媒集团和新信息技术 定义了一个由商业通信领域,而不是国家调控明显 (摩士高,1996)。 无论是否足够这些反射我认为主要的绊脚石 为媒体帝国主义论文,就在于它的经济本质。这些谁 席勒帝国主义的媒体,如提倡形式获得他们的研究主要是从 经济依赖理论。在这个论点的缺陷是,文化身份 和进程被认为是反映物质的社会结构。对于席勒,如果 美国是在20世纪60年代占主导地位的文化力量,这是一个直接反映 其经济地位。此外,如果我们可以证明全球性的 美国文化则是十分恰当的假设,世界人民 被灌输其意识形态的影响。

underscore.js 如何提取数组中非空字段

_.filter(list, function(elem){return elem != ""})

lodash underscore哪个更好

  jquery主要是用于处理js和html页面交互的,封装了很多操作dom的方法,以及ajax,相比于原生的js更加的简洁,提高了开发效率。  而underscore则可以理解为一个js的函数库,其中主要封装了一些常用的js方法,比如数组操作的map,reduce,filter等等,不过这些函数大多在es6中已经实现了。  类似underscore的还是lodash,都是辅助js开发的。





翻译At that point, i understood that nothing i wrote could ever match or replace for few

在那一刻, 我明白我所写的一切都没法匹配或是替代我让自己置身于峡谷那种刻骨铭心的美景中的哪怕才几秒钟的时光。您好,很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步

英语speak out for the elders怎么翻译?

speak out for the elders: 为长辈/老人说话

could you understand what i have done?my heart w



folders的读音是:。folders的读音是:。folders的例句是用作名词(n.)Displayfilesaswellasfolders.显示文件和文件夹。folders的意思是n.文件夹。一、网络释义点此查看folders的详细内容 文件夹文件夹(Folders):苹果iPhone4.0的又一大革新,使用过苹果的人一定会为你的iPhone安装大量的软件,而当你面对9屏软件的时候,会不会经常束... 折页我的团队助理负责管理一堆标记杂乱的文档(files)、定点(bins)和折页(folders),工作很出色,但是我一看到它们就害怕!Q:最后问一个问题,您对新入行的剪辑师有什么建议吗? 资料夹...次建立多份文件Method44EnterpriseAdoption选择文件建立位置建立文件选择产品(Product)及资料夹(Folders)一份产品开发相关文件,通常都需要进行公司内部的标准签核流程才能够正式发行,则此时应将该份文件放置在产品下的资料夹中。 目录...fok=前桅下帆folders=目录folders=赠送品...二、例句Displayfilesaswellasfolders.显示文件和文件夹。Clickonfolderstoopenandclosethem.在文件夹上单击可以打开或关闭它。folders的相关临近词folder、foldergluer、folderwindow、foldermember、folderfilter、folderdetails、folderofrock、foldersecurity、foldermetaphor、folderhierarchy、folderdirectory点此查看更多关于folders的详细信息

to stop a problem,you have to understand its _(underlie) causes


Readers can ____ quite well without knowing the exact meanin?

get through 1.通过,穿过 2.(工作)完成; get along 和...相处的好; get in切入; get over 摆脱,克服. 因此,本题选择B,1,D get through 有读完 理解 完成 的意思 给你几个例句 i have piles of papers to get ghrough before the meeting . i got through the novel in one evening .,2,D get through浏览,2,D 书上的吧? 翻译为理解的意思,1,Readers can ____ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A.get over B.get in C.get along D.get through 满分:4 分

Thunderstone的《Spire》 歌词

歌曲名:Spire歌手:Thunderstone专辑:The Burning-Avalon Japan标题:Spire艺术家:ThunderstoneLying on the floor, I feel nothingTrying to rememberEverything"s a haze, yesterday is goneFeels like I"ve been hypnotizedWill this be the last time?I wonder will I ever learn?Still searching for the rhymeMaybe now it"s time for me to turnI rise, I fallI always stand before I crawlI smile, I ruleBut who am I really trying to fool?I"m on the spireReaching up to the sky, high aboveAnd it"s on fire, I"m going down belowAnother day, another yearAnd the wheel keeps on spinningAnother joy, another fearI believe some day I"ll be winningEvery time I swear this will be the last timeEvery time I crash to the groundEvery time I"m standing on the spireI fall, but come around-solo-Spire...金属梦:66032164

Boulders - New Found Glory [Coming Home] 歌词中文翻译

ooh~~ooh~~oh~oh~here I am in another place我在另一个地方another city another plane另一座城市另一架飞机上different soul? different face不同的灵魂?不同的脸wherever I go无论我去哪but I see you in every crowd我总能在人群中看见你hear your voice I can"t keep it out你的声音一直在我脑中环绕feel your breath like youre all around我能感到你的呼吸就好象你一直围绕在我身旁cause I miss you so因为我是如此的思念你and I know you cry我只到你哭了and it hurts me too那也伤了我another day goes by又一天过去that I don"t think of you我不再想念你I know I"m so faraway now我知道此刻我离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我总会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿I miss you the same way too我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll coming home to you我会回家到你身边coming home to you baby回家到你的身边babyI"m coming home I"m coming home I"m coming home to you~回家回家回家到你身边Its when I lie alone in night当我在夜晚独自躺着的时候without you right here by my side没有你的陪伴picturing how we talked about just anything设想我们如何讨论着事情thats when I find its hard to sleep就在那时,我发现是如此难以入睡thats when it really hits me deep就在那时,它使我深受痛苦thats when I feel so incomplete就在那时,我感到我是如此不完整and lost within深深地迷惘了I know its hope to try我知道尝试是有希望的to try and hide love in尝试着把爱情藏起but it will be alright但它会好起来的when I see you once again当我再一次看到你I know I"m so faraway now我知道我现在离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿cos I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you ooh ~我总会回家到你身边baby I"m coming home I"m coming home I"m coming home to you~baby我会回家回家回家到你身边oh baby all I need is something哦 baby我所需要的就是to hold on to yeah~ yeah~(ooh yeah yeah)坚持住feels like we"ve been waiting forever感觉就像我们已经等了一辈子counting days counting nights数着日日夜夜when I"d be coming home to you当我回家回到你身边的时候I"m know so far away我知道是如此的遥远hey we will be get to one dayhey我们总有一天会在一起的cos I miss you the same way to因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"m coming home to you我会回家到你身边I know I"m so faraway now我知道我现在离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我总会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿I miss you the same way too我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边ooh~~ooh~~coming home to youooh~~ooh~~oh~oh~here我在另一个地方我在另一个地方another城市另一架飞机另一座城市另一架飞机上different灵魂? 另外面孔不同的灵魂 ?不同的脸wherever我去无论我去哪but我看见您每人群的我总能在人群中看见你hear您的声音我不可能把它关在外面你的声音一直在我脑中环绕feel您的呼吸喜欢youre所有 我能感到你的呼吸就好象你一直围绕在我身旁cause我如此想念您因为我是如此的思念你and我认识您啼声我只到你哭了and它伤害仿造那也伤了我another天流失又一天过去我不认为您的that我不再想念你I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道此刻我离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我总会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿I错过您也是同一个方式我也在以同样的方式想念你I将回家到您我会回家到你身边coming回家给您婴孩回家到你的身边baby来的I上午在家我来临在家我回家到you~ 回家回家回家到你身边Its,当我在夜单独在当我在夜晚独自躺着的时候without您这里由我的边没有你的陪伴picturing我们怎么谈论了任何东西设想我们如何讨论着事情that是我发现它难睡觉就在那时, 我发现是如此难以入睡that是它真正地击中我深深就在那时, 它使我深受痛苦that是我感到很残缺不全就在那时, 我感到我是如此不完整失去的and内深深地迷惘了I知道它的希望尝试我知道尝试是有希望的to尝试和皮爱尝试着把爱情藏起but它将行是但它会好起来的when我再次看见您当我再一次看到你I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道我现在离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿cos我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您ooh ~我总会回家到你身边我来临在家我的baby来临在家我回家到you~ baby我会回家回家回家到你身边oh婴孩我需要的全部是某事哦 baby我所需要的就是to坚持yeah~ yeah~ (ooh呀呀)坚持住feels,如我们永远等待感觉就像我们已经等了一辈子计数夜的counting天数着日日夜夜when我会回家到您当我回家回到你身边的时候I上午知道到目前为止 我知道是如此的遥远我们将是的hey有一天hey我们总有一天会在一起的cos我想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你回家到您的I上午我会回家到你身边I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道我现在离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我总会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿I错过您也是同一个方式我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边ooh~~ooh~~coming回家给您回家到你身边回家的I上午我已经在路上了coming回家给您 回家到你身边 回家到你身边I"m coming home我已经在路上了coming home to you 回家到你身边

Auf Wiedersehen是什么意思?

【Auf Wiedersehen 】: 音标:英 [aufu02c8vi:du0259ru02c8zein] 美 [au028afu02c8vidu025au02cczeu0259n] 语言:德语 释义:再见,再会 例句: Vielen Dank an alle Leser meines Blogs, und Auf Wiedersehen bei den Olympischen Spielen in Peking! (非常感谢阅读我搜狐博客的读者朋友们,让我们在北京奥运会上再见!)

Auf Wiedersehen是什么意思?

德语再见 的意思

graduated cylinders是什么意思

Graduated cylinders 量筒

求批改托福作文 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for ...

第一段:qualify不常用,significance用法错误,或of more significance、more significant,absorbance用法ok 但老外不会用太大的词,看着比较奇怪。a。。。methods 语法错误,objectively 语法错误,which用法错误小结:需要重写,意思表达不明确,像是从中文直翻的。建议用最简单的句式清晰的表达出主题意思第二段:ankle是angle吧?第一句简化,例如可改为 learning facts could provide a better understanding to obsure concepts。Compare to abstract concepts whichtend to generalise a lot,facts are expressed in terms of explicit numbers and figures making them easier for us to comprenhendmode of thinking 是从中文的思考模式直翻的吧?从来没有外国人这么用过,offers the advantages of visualized pieces for brain to link complex concepts to ubiquitous daily facts这句话我看了三遍才懂,修改吧例子不错authentically understood 用法太诡异了,直接说never really understand会让人看着舒服多了第三段 surface of a real issue-中文”事物的表面“吧,真的别用中文的mode of thinking,这太metaphorical了,当一段的开头句会把人弄糊涂的。第三段需大改因为跟第二段太像,都是说idea 和concept需要facts来联系。总结:整篇文章没有特别令人深刻的观点,与你破题的方法有关。直接it is more important for us to know the concepts than to do a massive amount of practice立题应该更好。用一些哲学性的论点以托福的英文作文要求来说没必要,因为土生土长的老外在大学写的哲学论文都很难看懂更别提你的语法错误太多。建议直接写填鸭式教育(练习)对比国外散发式教育假设第一段:题型固定,如果换题型就有可能不会做,而直到concept就能想出来之类的二段:缺乏想象力之类的论点三段:论只知道concept的坏处,如要花大量的时间做联想总结:知道concept是必须的但一定的训练是必要的


package com.example.mocktest;import;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.Menu;import android.widget.TextView;public class MockContextExampleActivity extends Activity {public final static String FILE_NAME = "myfile.txt";private TextView mTv;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);mTv = (TextView) findViewById(;final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];try {final FileInputStream fis = openFileInput(FILE_NAME);final int n =;mTv.setText(new String(buffer, 0, n-1));} catch (Exception e) {mTv.setText(e.toString());mTv.setTextColor(Color.RED);}}//这里写了个getText方法,测试工程会用到。public String getText() {return mTv.getText().toString();}@Overridepublic boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);return true;}}



Fernando Saunders的《Jesus》 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus歌手:Fernando Saunders专辑:Plant A SeedJesus/Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C伤ついた抜け壳をただ 抱きしめていた【拥抱著受伤的躯壳】降り注ぐ雨は静かな 君の涙【雨静静地落下 如同你的眼泪】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から 【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 教えてくれ Maria..【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我 Maria..】「杀して..」と微笑みながら頬に触れた【一边微笑著说「杀了我」一边触碰著脸颊】见えない目に涙を溜めて消えて逝く【盈满泪水的眼睛已经什麼也看不见并逐渐消失 】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】God said when you die,【上帝说在你死之前,】Your life will pass before your eyes.【你的眼睛会在生命之前消失】If you want to feel it right now,【如果你想感受一下就现在】Just do it.. do it.. do it..【大胆的试一下.. 试一下.. 试一下..】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream?教えてくれ【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream?【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】Jesus/Gackt

One wonders what Dane thought

the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churches整个的都是think of 的宾语what do you feel happy 不合语法。 是什么让你感觉开心 应该译为what does make you happy


毁灭者( Devastator)收起毁灭者( Devastator)烈焰术士(Pyromancer)机械巫师(Technomancer)魔术师(Trickster)先驱者OUTRIDERS中职业是很多玩家关注的重点,本次就为大家带来了先驱者OUTRIDERS全职业技能天赋汇总,也是职业技能效果大全,非常全面的内容,想了解的朋友可以参考,希望能帮到大家。毁灭者( Devastator) 25%血量上限加成,30%护甲上限加成近距离击杀敌人恢复24%的生命值。技能震波(Earthquake):释放一道冲击波,造成1207伤害并击退正面锥形范围内的敌人。地震、打断技能,CD13秒。石化魔像(Golem):石化自己减少65%受到的伤害。保护技能,持续8秒,CD25秒。重力跳跃(Gravity Leap):跳到空中躲避敌人的攻击,然后从空中砸落在目标地点,对附近的所有敌人造成2413点伤害并击退他们。运动、打断技能,CD19秒。反射子弹(Relect Bullets):在前方创建一个能捕捉所有敌人投射物的屏障,屏障在触发技能的10秒内累积伤害,技能持续时间结束或主动结束后将积累的伤害反射到你面前的敌人身上。保护技能,持续10秒或主动结束,CD21秒。穿刺(Impale):选择一个目标来打断他们的技能并造成造成2413点伤害和流血效果。如果该伤害直接击杀了敌人,敌人的尸体将被石柱刺穿,然后创建一个区域,在区域内给予所有盟友护甲和血量回复加成,持续9秒。地震、打断技能,CD31秒。震颤(Tremor):在你周围制造一系列的爆炸,对每个敌人造成302点伤害并抽取他们的197点生命值来治疗自己。地震技能,CD22秒。巨石冲锋(Boulderdash):向前冲锋打断沿途所有碰到的敌人并造成1991伤害,在冲锋结束时你将粉碎地面并对你周围小范围内的所有敌人造成1991点的伤害。运动、打断技能,CD21秒。无尽质量(Endless Mass):选择一个敌人用石头包裹住他,然后使敌人流血并将其拉向被包裹住的敌人,随后被包裹住的敌人就会爆炸,对目标周围的所有敌人造成453点伤害。运动技能,CD23秒。征服者(Vanquisher)浩劫(Havoc):使您的物理伤害提高8%。霰弹精通(Shotgun Adept):霰弹枪伤害提高12%。霰弹大师(Shotgun Master):霰弹枪伤害提高20%,霰弹枪弹药掉落率提高12%。争斗者(Brawler):近战伤害提高15%。永动机(Perpetual Motion):运动技能冷却降低15%。稳健之手(Steady Hands):武器后坐力降低30%。突击专家(Assault Adept):突击步枪伤害提高12%。突击大师(Assault Master):突击步枪伤害提高20%,突击步枪弹药掉落率12%。传家宝甲(Heirloom Armor):当敌人在近距离死亡时,会得到20%的护甲,持续10秒。吃回扣(Profit Squared):拾取弹药可以使你恢复5%血量。命中靶心(Bull"s Eye):暴击伤害提高20%。变更收费(Altered Charge):运动技能结束后,将您的物理伤害提高20%,持续10秒。干掉他们(Dry Them Out):武器收益提高5%。子弹风暴(Bulletstorm):上弹时间减少20%。弹药库存(Ammo Stockpile):备弹量增加50%。对抗(Confrontation):攻击你的敌人物理伤害降低10%,持续5秒。如果同时伤害该敌人,效果也会加倍。冠军(Champion):使用防护技能可使物理伤害提高60%,持续5秒。穿刺者(Armorbreaker):护甲穿透提高10%。赏金猎人(Bounty Hunter):对精英的物理伤害提高15%。受到精英的伤害降低15%。守望者(Warden)巨人(Colossus):血量上限提高10%。坦克(Tank):护甲上限提高20%。活力与活力(Vim and Vigor):每解锁一个天赋,物理伤害提高10%。抵抗典范(Resistance Paragon):抗性提高20%。异常力量(Strong Arm of the Anomaly):使用“石推”,每击中一个敌人提高15%穿刺抗性,持续10秒。陷入困境(Into the Fray):运动技能结束后的10秒内,减少20%受到的伤害。静脉异常(Anomaly in Veins):使生命恢复提高1%。通过暴民(Through the Mob):每个靠近自己的敌人都会增加自身15%护甲,上限10个。巨石阵(Stone Circle):所有关于近距离的判定范围增大2米。先驱领袖(Outrider Commander):为自己和队友增加20%的血量、护甲上限。永恒守望(Unending Watch):防护技能的冷却时间缩短15%。抵抗暴民(Resist the Mob):每个靠近自己的敌人都会增加自身15%抗性,上限5个。战场霸主(Overlord of the Battleground):每个靠近自己的敌人死亡后都会增加自身10%血量。不灭誓言(Unbroken Vow ):每隔180秒都可以在死亡后重生一次,复活后恢复最大血量上限的50%。大地震撼者(Seismic Shifter)异能储备(Anomaly Reservoir):技能加成提高6%。回春术(Rejuvenation):技能吸取量提高10%。血如泉涌(Bloodbath):增加流血伤害30%。圣骑士(Paladin):使用保护技能可使技能伤害提高60%,持续5秒。纯粹异能(Pure Anomaly):穿刺抗性提高15%。永动机(Perpetual Motion):运动技能冷却时间降低20%。异能子弹(Anomaly Bullets):技能伤害提高15%。无尽的震颤(Endless Tremors):将地震技能的冷却时间缩短15%。强大的法律力量(Strong Arm of the Law):使“石推”的伤害加倍。处刑者(Executioner):对生命值少于30%的敌人造成的伤害提高20%。血流不止(Red Rivers):增加流血持续时间30%。献血(Blood Donation):对敌人造成流血伤害的50%将治疗自己。异能防护(Protected by the Anomaly)使你的护甲加成提高你的异常力量的40%。娴熟守卫(Skilled Sentry):技能结束后的10秒钟内,增加20%护甲、抗性。大地的馈赠(Earth"s Heritage):双倍地震技能伤害。


elders意思是:长者; 长辈; 元老; 比…年长的人; (某些基督教会中的)长老;elder,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“年龄较大的;(用于人名前或后,指同名者中)年龄较大的一个;资格老的”,作名词时意为“长辈,年长者;比……年长的人;(基督教会中的)长老;(部落等群体的)头人,族长;接骨木,(美)埃德(人名)”。Elder Wand 老魔杖 ; 接骨木魔杖 ; 长老魔杖 ; 一只至尊魔棍儿Linda Elder 埃尔德the elder 老年 ; 老年人 ; 高龄 ; 上古卷轴Elder Tree 接骨木 ; 这里长老之树 ; 接骨木属Elder Extract 接骨木萃取液 ; 接骨木粹取 ; 抗菌 ; 收敛Elder Sage 大贤者 ; 贤者Elder Thing 远古种族Bruce Elder 艾德勒Elder Gods 古神 ; 旧神 ; 古老之神Maybe you should apologize to him because he is an elder.或许你该向他道歉,毕竟他是位长辈。If it is an ordinary meal of family, families should start after the elder.如果它是家庭一顿普通的膳食,家庭应该在长辈以后开始。"You have given us the greatest of gifts: the secret of how to make soup from stones", said an elder, "and we shall never forget.“你们把最好的礼物送给了我们:如何从石头里做汤的秘密”,一位长老说道,“这一点我们永远也不会忘记。”

prior understanding

双方之间 取代所有先前的理解,如果有的话,那里是没有其他口头或书面 承诺,条件,陈述,谅解,或任何条款好心 条件或利诱来执行本协议,并没有一直依赖 任何一方.


《潜龙轰天 Under Siege》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:7nkb美国历史上著名的密苏里号战列舰即将退役,盛大的庆典连总统也莅临。而老舰长的生日亦在这一天,舰上的厨师——雷白下士(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)正在全力筹备宴席,讨人嫌的副舰长奎尔与雷白发生冲突并将其关入冷藏室。一支劳军演艺队伍来到舰上,正当表演掀起高潮之际,劳军艺人们突然与奎尔同时行动,袭击船员并控制了密苏里号。“艺人”中的史崔尼(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)原是中情局特工,精通舰只,他与奎尔合作,获得了舰上多枚携带核弹头的战斧导弹发射密码。军方被这一恐怖袭击彻底震惊,却又应对无法,此时从冷藏室逃出的雷白成为了他们唯一的希望……

cry on my shoulders歌词

cry on my shoulder(在我肩上哭泣)If the hero never comes to you如果你的真命天子仍未来到If you need someone you"re feeling blue如果你情绪低落需要有人陪伴If you"re away from love and you"re alone如果你离爱遥远,孑然一人If you call your friends and nobody"s home如果你打电话给朋友却没有一人在家You can run away but you can"t hide你可以逃开却不可以隐藏Through a storm and through a lonely night经历了风暴忍受了孤独Then I show you there"s a destiny我要让你知道每人都有他的命运The best things in life一生中最美的事They"re free那就是自由But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量If your sky is grey oh let me know如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我There"s a place in heaven where we"ll go如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我If heaven is a million years away如果天堂离我们有百万年远Oh just call me and I make your day哦,只要来个电话 让我与你相约When the nights are getting cold and blue当夜变冷变深When the days are getting hard for you当日子变得艰难I will always stay here by your side我会一直陪在你身边I promise you I"ll never hide我向你承诺,我不会躲藏But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量What love can do爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量What love can do爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量


position of leadership领导地位position of位置双语对照例句:1.It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.而对那些目前就已太过庞大和庞杂的机构来说,其地位还将借此得到巩固。2.Tuesday night"s results halted the momentum from rival newt gingrich"s win in south carolina last month and returned mr. romney to the familiar position of the race"s clear front-runner. 周二夜间的选举结果中止了对手金里奇(newt gingrich)上个月赢得南卡罗莱纳州初选之后形成的势头,并使罗姆尼重新回到他所熟悉的明显领先的位置

男生唱的一首英文歌曲记得有一句是:I hope you understand


C-Murder的《Riders》 歌词

歌曲名:Riders歌手:C-Murder专辑:Life Or DeathBlue - RidersGirl we waited long enough, short dress is dangerousPersonality major plus, come back it upWhen I think about you and me, red hot probablyHey baby won"t you set me free, can"t get enoughWhen you walked into my life, we were in a club that nightNever seen somebody looking so tightWhen I"m all alone with you, I know just what I wanna doI never been with anybody so right(So damn right.)This is for my riders who like to get on downThis is for my girls cause you know I get on downThis is for my people can you holla backTell me where the party atThis is for my riders who like to get on downThis is for my girls cause you know I get on downThis is for my people can you holla backTell me where the party atGirl it"s not a sacrifice, one look hypnotized.Get a six when I roll the dice, Come back it upI been around the block before, one time, maybe moreMy player days are gone for sure, I"ve had enoughIs it over here?Is it over there?Is it over here?Is it over there?If you wanna ride - ride it with me.If you wanna slide - slide it with me.If you want it hot - it"s hotter with me.And if you want it hard - we"re hard as can be.Tell me where the party at

上网出现,Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a

(2013·高考陕西卷)Let those in need________that we will go all out to help them. understa

选B。题干的意思是:“要让那些生活困难的人们相信我们会全力以赴帮助他们的。”本题考查let sth.结构,let是使役动词,其后作宾补的动词不定式要省略to,故该题的正确答案为B。in need生活困难的,作those的后置定语。

Your suspenders (is are) not here.选什么?




We saw the houses of the Chinese tfaders from 100 years ago.翻译中文,急啊


Whatever it Takes-The Faders 谁有这首歌歌词?急需谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Whatever It Takes- The Faders I"ve been lying here for like a million years in my bed Get up get up get up All the time I can hear you talking in my head Shut up shut up shut up Everybody says I should be moving on Everybody knows I"m still waiting I don"t care whatever it takes to be with you Your under my skin and no matter what I do I"m nothing without you so I"ll do whatever it takes I"ve been thinking about how we could have done things differently Give up give up give up Yesterday I could have sworn I heard you calling me Wake up wake up wake up Everybody says even life goes on Everybody knows I"m still waiting I don"t care whatever it takes to be with you Your under my skin and no matter what I do I"m nothing without you so I"ll do whatever I"ll do whatever it takes Nothing will stand in my way We had it good I want it back I know your feeling the same And I"ll do whatever it takes I don"t care whatever it takes to be with you Your under my skin and no matter what i do I"m nothing without you I have to be with you So I"ll do whatever it takes 是这首吧??

the faders 的look at me now的歌词

Was There something she could have done now?Was this just a part of the play?Or is this the inevitable crashWhen couples loose their intimate flameNo warning of what was to come noOr were eyes shut refusing to seeIn their life, it used to be them twoAll of a sudden, they"re threeLook at me now and tell me everything"s the sameAnd you and I will always stay togetherThis is all in vainLook at me now, look at me nowThe truth came divided in portionsSlowly painting a picture of shameMerciless she realised their realityWas never the sameSo two worlds collapsed at the same timeThough in very different waysTwo minds in total disorderOne with shame. the other with hateLook at me now and tell me everything"s the sameAnd you and I will always stay togertherThis was not in vainLook at me now,Look at me now and tell me everything"s the sameAnd you and I will alwas stay togetherThis was not in vainLook at me now, look at me now.Time went by and they slowly recoveredAfter endless days filled with painBoth reliving their life once togetherOver and over againWhen spring came in all its gloryAnd heaven took over hellThey happened to meet once againAnd you know, things in life seldom happen in vainLook at me now and tell me everything"s the sameAnd you and I will alwas stay togetherThis was not in vainLook at me now,Look at me now and tell me everything"s the sameAnd you and I will alwas stay togetherThis was not in vainLook at me now, look at me now

The Faders的《Jump》 歌词

歌曲名:Jump歌手:The Faders专辑:Plug In + PlayJUMP 「JUMP」歌:入野自由通い惯れた路(みち)キャンパスの笑い声呆(あき)れるくらいにふざけあった日々は心に刻まれた青春の证明(あかし)さこの绊ずっと続くと信じて本当は淋しくて泣きそうだ“サヨナラは始まり”というけど今は 戻りたくてだからもっと ありのまま All Rightセーノ de JUMP するよ未来の自分めがけ High Touch するのさバカになって はしゃいだ仲间へ最高の时间(とき)をサンキュー过ごした思い出 忘れないさ いつまでもアルバム开けば懐かしい笑颜たちいつも隣には仲间がいたから他爱もないことが楽しすぎたからねありがとうずっと忘れはしないたくさんの优しさに导かれ远くから助走つけて目一杯强く 踏み切るのさだからもっと ありのまま All Rightセーノ de JUMP するよつまらない忧郁なんて High Kick するのさ游びだって 真剣になって気が済むまでやりたいね泣いても笑っても 一度きりさ ユメじゃないんだだからもっと ありのまま All Rightセーノ de JUMP するよどこかで弱音吐いた 仆を笑い飞ばそうだからもっと 高いとこまで思いっきり JUMP するよ新しい世界へ Three、Two、One GO! で飞びだそう…いつの日か…飞びだそう

the faders的no sleep tonight 歌词

No Sleep Tonight Artist(Band):Faders I got you, I got you on my mind And it"s time to make you see (What I want) So I"ll just make this a little more obvious "Cos I get what I want And I want you to get with me Don"t think you know How far I"m gonna go You can"t stop this feeling You can"t run away Baby I"m what"s on your mind You can"t stop this feeling There"s no escape No sleep tonight You won"t get no sleep tonight You want me, You want me all the time And you don"t need nothing else But you seem to be a little oblivious So I"ll show you the way If you think that you need some help Tell me baby Are you coming with me You can"t stop this feeling You can"t run away Baby I"m what"s on your mind You can"t stop this feeling There"s no escape No sleep tonight You won"t get no sleep tonight No sleep tonight No sleep tonight Boy you won"t be sleeping No sleep tonight Do I have to spell it out in black and white Boy you won"t be sleeping No sleep tonight Do I have to spell it out in black and white No sleep tonight No sleep tonight No sleep tonight

We saw the houses of the Chinese tfaders from 100 years ago.翻译中文,急啊



I"m feelin" alrightI"m sleepin" OKI"m getting to work on timeBut everything else I guessHas really turned out a messOohhhWhat can I doWhat can I sayNothing will change your mindI"m thinkin" that I should callBut baby I"m not that kindWoman look at me nowI"m doing better on my own somehowWoman I"m making my way through the day nowHey nowWoman look what you"ve doneUnleashed this fool on everyoneWoman I"m making my way through the dayI"m shining my shirtI"ve ironed my shoesI think that I"m lookin" fineI"m getting all kinds of looksForgot how much time it tookI run out of gasI fall on my assIt"s happenin" all the timeWhat am I doing wrongI"m practicing all day longWoman look at me nowI"m doing better on my own somehowWoman I"m making my way through the day nowHey nowWoman look what you"ve doneUnleashed this fool on everyoneWoman I"m making my way through the dayLife is so strangeRoles constantly changingHey hey heyWoman look at me nowI"m doing better on my own somehowWoman look what you"ve doneUnleashed this fool on everyoneWoman look at me nowDih diddah dih diddahWoman look at me nowDih diddah diddahWoman look at me nowDi diddah di diddahWoman look at me now

the faders是哪国的?






thunderstruck ~ac/dc 歌词

Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunderI was caughtIn the middle of a railroad trackI looked roundAnd I knew there was no turning backMy mind racedAnd I thought what could I doAnd I knewThere was no help, no help from youSound of the drumsBeating in my heartThe thunder of gunsTore me apartYou"ve beenThunderstruckRode down the highwayBroke the limit, we hit the townWent through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some funWe met some girlsSome dancers who gave a good timeBroke all the rulesPlayed all the foolsYeah yeah they, they, they blew our mindsAnd I was shaking at the kneesCould I come again pleaseYeah them ladies were too kindYou"ve beenThunderstruckI was shaking at the kneesCould I come again pleaseThunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, ThunderstruckIt"s alright, we"re doin" fineIt"s alright, we"re doin" fine, fine, fineThunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeahThunderstruck, ThunderstruckThunderstruck, baby, babyThunderstruck, you"ve been ThunderstruckThunderstruck, ThunderstruckYou"ve been Thunderstruck

Thunderstruck 歌词

歌曲名:Thunderstruck歌手:David Garrett专辑:EncoreTHUNDERSTRUCKAC/DC(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunder!(Thunder!)Thunder!(Thunder!)I was caught,In the middle of a railroad track! (Thunder!)I looked "round,And I knew there was no turnin" back! (Thunder!)My mind raced,And I thought, "What could I do?" (Thunder!)And I knew,There was no help, no help from you! (Thunder!)Sound of the drums...Beatin" in my heart!The thunder of guns, yeah...Tore me apart!You"ve been... thunderstruck!Rode down the highway,Broke the limit, we hit the town!Went through to Texas,Yeah, Texas, and we had some fun!We met some girls,Some dancers who gave a good time!Broke all the rules, played all the fools,Yeah-yeah, they - they - they blew our mind!And I was shakin" at the knees!Could I come again, please?Yeah, the ladies were too kind!You"ve been...You"ve been... thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Ooh, thunderstruck!Yeah...I was shakin" at the knees!Could I come again, please?Ow!SOLORah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Ooh...Thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, said:Yeah, it"s alright!We"re - doin" fine!Yeah, it"s alright!We"re - doin" fine!So fine!Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Thunderstruck! (Thunderstruck!)Whoa, baby-baby! (Thunderstruck!)You"ve been thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunderstruck!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) You"ve been thunderstruck!

求G.I.JANE(伴我雄心)中的插曲-GOODBYE,由the pretenders乐队唱的下载地址1来自:xuite.cdn.hinet.net不好意思,只有一首,而且还是WMA格式的,你下载完之后在千千静听里转换下喽!

i finally understand love作文

in junior high a grade, my teacher told me very good, and often patting their heads at me, i boasted clever, and said i will certainly be able admitted to peking university tsinghua university. the recognition of significant interest in learning my culture, i have been learning in class to the middle and upper levels. however, at a junior high school second-grade teacher changed, the teacher who only pay attention to the principal health (there are several very rich). for me this zhongdeng sheng neither cold nor hot, but also with fun, lazy, these adverse factors, so that my last final examination period of poor mothers and fathers also criticized me lazy, sleep, victims of a spring festival i are cautious. the new semester, the teachers again i was transferred to the rear, my mind was that she hated this approach, secretly vowed to study hard, admitted to china normal university, the best future for all students to do a favorite teacher , so like me "victims" can not, as now i am the same as "afflicted." from then on, i no longer play all day, exceeding the operation, i even think hard for a long time for a challenge, (a fit of anger did not ask the teacher) to make up the correct answer. in order to change their own past and establish a new image for their own good, i have to do whatever chores at home, in the class to help the poor than my classmates, helping the disadvantaged students, public-spirited undertakings. in learning more, i do not relax, i can give classes in the top student learning, i have more than they sleep late, starting earlier, in order to recover previously wasted time, so that i can get in a relatively short period of time considerable progress. hard work pays off, opening the first time in yuekao arrived, i finally achieved good results, mathematics and english are the perfect score, the first class! when the teacher read time-sharing, and many students astonished zhangtailezui pakistan, when the teacher praised me, i think the teacher"s smile is so genuine. when a teacher in class, and at the right yuekao sum up, mention my name applause rings, i finally understood: the learning progress, can only rely on their own efforts, and a sub-sweat, no gain, a good teacher is important, but more importantly, themselves to work hard.

No doubt he wonders whether he wasnu2019t happier in his village working his own land.


Dumb Reminders 歌词

歌曲|Dumb Reminders歌手|No Use For A Name专辑|Hard Rock Bottom制作人|SuperFarmerQQ|171759248i heard the messagethen i rang it off the hooki didn"t get you till 1 amwho was wrong and who was rightand this distance caused a fightnow i"m ready to give inhonestlyi"d give anythingto be with youright nowthis town is full of dumb remindershaving a good time can"t you tellhang up the phone and then i come back downmiss you i hope you"re doing welli"m used to waitingwhat"s a voice without a facei think i"m dying without you hereso i drink myself to sleepand then i hide beneath the sheetand i try to disappeari get upevery single timecuz you keep mealivethis town is full of dumb remindershow far ahead from you in milesif i could get one time as take it downmaybe then i could see youthis town is full of dumb remindershaving a good time can"t you tellhang up the phone and then i come back downmiss you i hope you"re doingmiss you i hope you"re doing well

请问al-Qaida leaders是什么?


谁有关于wonders of the world 的英语文章啊

Various lists of the Wonders of the World have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world"s most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim. The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty Many similar lists have been made.The historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE), and the scholar Callimachus of Cyrene (ca. 305 – 240 BCE) at the Museum of Alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders but their writings have not survived, except as references. The seven wonders were:Great Pyramid of GizaHanging Gardens of BabylonStatue of Zeus at OlympiaTemple of Artemis at EphesusMausoleum at HalicarnassusColossus of RhodesLighthouse of AlexandriaThe earliest lists had the Ishtar Gate as the seventh wonder of the world instead of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.The list known today was compiled in the Middle Ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence. Today, the only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

long live understanding 什么意思

long live understanding理解万岁万岁的理解


got it 常用于口语,可以不需要前接 I ,意味听到了,知道了,记下了等常用交际场合,较随意;understand则多用作书面语,侧重对事物的理解,此外也会用于向别人讲述简单道理的语气中的轻微不满.相较而言前者更常用.


got it 常用于口语,可以不需要前接 I ,意味听到了,知道了,记下了等常用交际场合,较随意;understand则多用作书面语,侧重对事物的理解,此外也会用于向别人讲述简单道理的语气中的轻微不满. 相较而言前者更常用.


口语里面用I got it更多吧

This book is written in __ easy english ___ beginners can understand.

外语soso回答真确 答案是d 这是as 引导的定语从句 as是关系代词代替先行词在从句中作宾语如果选b的话是结果状语从句但缺宾语 必须加it作宾语 故错thebookiswrittenin such easyenglish asbeginnerscanunderstand.定从thebookiswrittenin such easyenglish that beginnerscanunderstandit.状从

I see和I know和I understand。

我明白,我知道 我理解

shoulders with the chinese flag everyday

there was a weight i carried with me every day on my shoulders是没错 on my shoulders was a weight i carried with me every day还原后是a weight was on my shoulders ……, 这里是完全倒装,主语与宾语都倒了,起强调作用

On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something ...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B 小题1:本文第一句提到感恩节,所以本故事发生在感恩节,故本题选D。小题2:本文第一段提到老师要求学生们画一幅画以表示对某人的感谢,第二段提到道格拉斯画了一只手,是老师的手,以表示对老师的感谢,故本题选C。小题3:本文第三段第一句为She remembered that she had often taken Douglas, a dirty lonely child, 所以我们可知道格拉斯是一个孤独的儿童,故本题选A。小题4:本文主要谈论了不同的人在感恩节所表现的方式是不一样,故本题选B 。


有的 艾尔文 类似经济人 是把花栗鼠们推到公众对你说过面前的 你仔细看看

下面英语orders of magnitude怎么翻译???

orders of magnitude可以翻译为:数量级的

求寂静岭归乡soldiers orders的歌词

Soldiers Orders & Alex Theme 歌词:It started long before me...I never saw it coming...The distance, the promise...A state of isolation...And in my darkest nightmare,Things that I can"t remember...The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflection...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be?Or is it?The shadow cast before me...A walk inside your circle...Protect me...Correct me...You got your orders, soldier...Inside my head is humming...Sometimes I hear them coming...The power...Believing...The hate I hate believing...Where is this?It can"t be...Who are you?I know you...You wouldn"t...Or would you?Don"t fight me!Ignite me!My trigger...Your finger...Your darkness...I know it...Come forward!I"ve seen it!I mean it!Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the order!My training, is perfect!I"m back, again, your promise, is broken!I drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflections...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be...?Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the orderMy training, is perfect!I"m back, again!Your promise, is broken!I"ve drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...You have your orders, soldier...如果要推荐归乡的歌曲的话,有如下:One More Soul To The Call Theme Sacred Line

Hate Breeders 歌词

歌曲名:Hate Breeders歌手:The Misfits专辑:Collection 2Hatebreeder-Children Of BodomI found session, betrayed now, it′s all nowI saw, human, I see soWhat I am certain of, I don′t knowOther souls beyond this smileI hate you from the bottom of my heartI have the fucking right now, I"d say soBeside you, I saw, your ignitionOther souls beyond this smileWell I thought now I said I saw some ignitionI saw it, your vanity, your mentality for sure!.....Never seen the fooled, beast inside of meWell I"m an asshole, and really will always beSo why now, let it beIs that so fucking hard, be dead, I"m freeYawww... ....Burn it hard, make a void that sucks till it sucks you dryWe need the open thing with my special little part of lifeI"m accessing in the northern lightYou know I got no fucking other souls, guilty nowI′ve got no fine, no fucking thoughts, soA combination, now you"re fucking deadNever seen the fooled beast inside of meWell I"m an asshole, and really will always beSo why now, let it beIs that so fucking hard, be dead, I"m free

What do you understand by the american dream

"The American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."美国梦想就是一个国家的梦想--在这个国家里,人们的生活更好更富裕更充实,并且根据能力或者成就有着各自的机会。这个难以实现梦想对于欧洲上层阶级来说很难充分解释,我们中的许多人已经厌倦了并且对此保持怀疑。它不仅仅是拥有汽车和高工资这么简单,而是希望有一个很好的社会秩序使得每个人都能充分发挥个人的潜力,为别人所认可,不管其出生或者地位所带来的优越环境。

love understands love,itneeds no talk!是什么意思?




英语谚语:Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文意思: 爱情可以意会,无需言传。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Bitter pills may have wholesome effects 良药苦口利于病。 Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed 人无所求最享福,因他不为失望苦。 Blind men can judge no colours 不宜问道于盲。 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水。 Blood will have blood 血债要用血来还。 Books like friends should be few and well chosen 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 Borrowed garments never fit well 借来的衣服不合身。 Brave actions never want a trumpet 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。 Bread is the staff of life 民以食为天。 Brevity is the soul of wit 言以简洁为贵。 英语谚语: Love understands love; it needs no talk 中文意思: 爱情可以意会,无需言传。
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