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精神障碍(mental disorders)、精神疾病(mental diseases)、心理疾病(mental diseases)是什么意思


When a rare disease ALD threatened to kill the four-year-old boy Lorenzo, his parents refused t...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析:文章讲述Lorenzo得了罕见的ALD,医生说ALD 还没有治愈的方法,但是他的父母不放弃,坚持实验,最后找到适合治疗这种病的方法。小题1:细节题:从文章第一段的句子:Doctors explained that there was no cure for ALD, and that he would probably die within three years.可知医生说Lorenzo 在三年内可能会死,是因为ALD 还没有治愈的方法,选C小题2:细节题;从文章第二段的句子; But doctors and the families of other ALD patients often refused to take them seriously. They thought the efforts to find a cure were a waste of time,可知其他ALD的病人认为Lorenzo父母的努力是浪费时间,选 B小题3:细节题:从文章第三段的句子:Despite the good results, scientists and doctors remained unconvinced. They said there was no real evidence that the oil worked and that the treatment was just a theory.可知科学家和医生相信Lorenzo"s Oil 只是在理论上有用,选C小题4:归纳题:从文章最后一段的句子:Finally, the boy"s father organized an international study to test the oil. After ten years of trials, the answer is: the oil keeps ALD children healthy.可知这种油做为ALD的疗法真的管用。选D



英语完成填空;the doctor said he was suffering from a rare disease and he ----- ?{对此无能为力](do

can do nothing at all

肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)(运动神经元病,Motor Neuron Disease,MND)吃什么药?【肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)(运动神经


chronic disease是什么意思

chronic disease 报错 跟读 口语练习慢性病网络释义 专业释义 慢性病 慢性疾病 顽疾 慢性短语Chronic renal disease 慢性肾脏病 ; 慢性肾病chronic Keshan disease 慢型克山病 ; 中国地方病chronic radiation disease 慢性放射病 更多网络短语双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.The question remains, of course, whether someone with a chronic disease in thedeveloping world would have access to these therapies. 跟读当然一个长久以来存在的问题是,发展中国家的慢性疾病患者是否能够获得这些治疗呢?www.scidev.net2.Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does notproduce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin itproduces. 跟读糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,当胰腺产生不了足够的胰岛素或者人体无法有效地利用所产生的胰岛素时,就会出现糖尿病。

英语technique of curing diseases怎么翻译?


shewas so weakened by the disease that she could


What diseases are genetically hereditary?

更新1: richardhong18: Thank you for your wer Downs syndrome is NOT hereditary. Patients with Downs their parents can be normal. 更新2: ln3053ah: 请问你的资料可否注明出处? Li-Fraumeni syndrome: p35? 不是 p53 吗? The following diseases can be inherited. Common cancers:[gene related] Colorectal carcinoma: C-SRC C-MYB and CERB-2 Breast cancer: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Wilms tumour:WT1 Retinoblastoma: RB1 Neurofibromatosis type 1: NF1 Neurofibromatosis type 2: NF2 Familial adenomatous polyposis: apc Familial non-polyposis colon cancer: MSH2 Li-Fraumeni syndrome: p35 Multiple endocrine neoplasia: RET Common diseases: [gene related] Schizophrenia: B5 Rheumatoid arthritis ( *** ): DR4 Rheumatoid arthritis (juvenile ): B27 Multiple sclerosis: DR7 and DR2 Myasthenia gravis: B8 and DR3 Systemic lupus erythematous: B8 and DR3 Reactive arthritis: B27 Other diseases: [gene related] Polycystic kidney disease: B5 Hashimoto"s thyroiditis: DR5 Goodpasture"s syndrome: DR7 and DR2 Haemochromatosis: A3 and B14 Coeliac disease: B8 DR3 DR7and DQW2 Tuberculoid Leprosy:B8 2008-06-20 15:26:30 补充: The information is from a textbook called Clinical medicine Chapter 3 nutrition and geic disease. 2008-06-20 16:41:43 补充: Yes you are right. Li-Fraumeni syndrome is : p53 and Two more disease from my memory(1) cystic fibrosis caused by the defected gene Cystic Fibrosis Trmembrane Regulator CFTR. 2008-06-20 16:41:53 补充: Without CFTR chloride ions cannot go in and out of the mucus membrane. This leads to the decrease in the flow of water moleucles as well. The mucus created bees in high viscosity 2008-06-20 16:42:04 补充: (2)Retinitis Pigmentosa due to the defected gene calledPro-23-Histidine. This is a horrible disease and cannot be cured even NOW! Without Pro-23-Histidine the light sensitive pigment called rhodopsin in rod cells cannot be made. The patient will finally blind in middle age. well examples are huntington diseasae and sickle cell anemia which huntington is a dormanent and sickle cell is recessive allile hope it helps! Down's syndrome(chromosome defect) -- > extra one chromosomes on number21 Colour blindness(gene defect) -- > defective colour-blindness (recessive) allele located on X chromosome. G6PD deficiency(gene defect) -- > defective G6PD (recessive) allele located on X chromosome 注意: night blindness(not colour blindness!)唔系geically hereditary disease 参考: my notes

血液病的Blood Diseases

Open Journal of Blood Diseases is a peer reviewed international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Blood Diseases. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and to promote study, research and improvement within its various specialties.血液病是一本开源评审的国际期刊,致力于血液病的最新进展,由美国科研出版社出版发行。这本杂志的目标是记录的一些国家的最先进的研究,并促进在其各类专业中的学习,研究和改进。包含以下领域:Acquired Clotting Disorders Anemias Animal Models Antiphospholipid Syndrome Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases Blood Disorders Chemotherapy Coagulopathies Endothelium/Inflammation Fibrinolysis Gene Therapy Haemophilia Hematological Malignancies Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hemoglobinopathies Immunologic Diseases Inherited Clotting Disorders Pediatric Blood & Cancer Platelets Disorders Thrombotic Disorders Vascular Biology

____ is well-know to all, too much stress can cause disease.



首先ill sick是形容词 ill只能做表语 而sick能做表语和定语 sick有恶心的之意 而ill是坏了的的意思 再说disease illness sickness 是名词 disease做疾病的总称 illness指生病的状态 sickness侧重不健康的状态或特指某种疾病

disease illness可数吗

disease illness不可数。 disease:n.病;疾病;弊端;恶疾;痼疾;复数: diseases illness:n.(身体或精神上的)疾病,病;(某种)病;患病期; 复数: illnesses 扩展资料   Extensive research has been done into this disease.   对这种疾病已进行了广泛研究。   According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.   根据官方的统计数字,500多人死于这种疾病。   The illness can be treated provided it"s caught early enough.   此病若及早发现是可医治的。   She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans.   她没有提到她的病,只说了她未来的计划。

illness和disease 在翻译上的区别

“illness"和" sickness"通用,表示生病的状态;illness指某种具体疾病。



illness 与 disease有什么区别?

"disease"指身体上具体的疾病. 例:Disease is usually caused by germs.疾病一般是由细菌引起的. “illness"和" sickness"通用,表示抽象的生病或生病的状态. 例:After a long period of illness,she stopped work.一场大病之后,她停止了工作.





injury 和disease的区别?

injury(对名誉、感情、自尊心等的)伤害,损害,创伤(对具体人或物的)伤害,毁坏,损伤disease 疾病,病,不适两个单词意思不同的。


condition 情况,状况,条件disease 疾病


  1、illness往往指病人内部的虚弱或失调所致,故着眼点是内因,一般是一段时间或更长时间的不适,还可指一切心理的病症,从轻微神经病到严重的精神病,均可称之为illness。   例:After a long period of illness,she stopped work。一场大病之后,她停止了工作。   2、disease指具体的病,尤指有细菌或病毒所致的传染病,如流感、麻疹、腮腺炎等,如心脏病heart disease,慢性病chronic disease。   Disease is usually caused by germs。疾病一般是由细菌引起的。

"disease"" illness"" sickness"用法上的区别是什么?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: "disease"" illness"" sickness"用法的区别是什么? 解析: "disease"指身体上具体的疾病。 例:Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病一般是由细菌引起的。 “illness"和" sickness"通用,表示抽象的生病或生病的状态。例:After a long period of illness,she stopped work. 一场大病之后,她停止了工作。 打得很辛苦诶。 。 。 犒劳①下拉~`

disease desease区别

desease 这个单词是错误拼写disease 是正确的拼写


disease用于身体的某个部分,表示相应的病,通常不可数。表示疾病的总称,也为不可数名词。如:Flies spread disease.苍蝇能传播疾病。表示某种疾病,为可数名词。如:Cancer is a deadly disease.癌症是一种致命的疾病。disease、illness、sickness的用法区别:三者都可表示“疾病”,区别如下:一、 disease 表示“疾病”, 弊病,通常指具体的“疾病”(可数)。如:Most diseases could be wiped out. 多数疾病是可以消灭的。I caught the disease from you. 这病我是从你那传染来的。注:有时指疾病的总称(不可数),即通称的“疾病”。如:Rats spread disease. 老鼠传染疾病。二、 illness 和 sickness 常可通用,它们主要用于表示生病的时间或因病(disease)导致的不健康状态等。Sickness多指“患病;疾病,不适;恶心如”He can"t come because of illness. 他因病不能来。






disease[英][du026au02c8zi:z][美][du026au02c8ziz]n.疾病;弊端;不安vt.传染;使…有病复数: diseases双语例句1.About 40% of the country"s population is afflicted with thedisease.全国40%左右的人口患有这种疾病。2.Many deaths from heart disease are actually avoidable.许多因心脏病造成的死亡实际上是可以避免的。3.the causal relationship between poverty and disease贫穷与疾病的因果关系4.Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联。5.The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.这种疾病使大批兔子死亡。



disease怎么读 disease英文解释

1、disease,读音:美/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/;英/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/。 2、释义:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病。vt.传染;使…有病。 3、例句:The doctor is poring over the patients disease.这位医生在仔细研究病人的病。




disease[英][du026au02c8zi:z][美][du026au02c8ziz]n.疾病; 弊端; 不安; vt.传染; 使…有病; 复数:diseases例句:1.Why assume one disease? 为什么假定是一种病?

disease怎么读 disease英文解释

1、disease,读音:美/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/;英/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/。 2、释义:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病。vt.传染;使…有病。 3、例句:The doctor is poring over the patients disease.这位医生在仔细研究病人的病。

disease是什么意思 disease英文解释

1、disease,病,读音:美/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/;英/du026au02c8ziu02d0z/。 2、释义:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病vt.传染;使…有病。 3、例句:He suffers from a rare blood disease.他患有一种罕见的血液病。


disease的意思如下:1、n.疾病;弊端;不安。2、vt.传染;使~有病。双语释义n.(名词)【U】【C】疾病,病患,(植物的)病害case of illness of the body,of the mind or of plants,caused by infection or internal disorder.英英释义disease【di"zi:z】n.an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.例句:1、The disease is still in its primary stage.这疾病仍然在初发阶段。2、The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去了生命。3、The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。4、The treatment arrested the growth of the disease.治疗抑制了病情的发展。5、He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.他推断到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法。




Disease (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Disease (Lp Version)歌手:The Dictators专辑:Manifest DestinyJulien-K - DiseaseSo you grew up slow, in a shit-hole townWith nothing to do, and nobody aroundWasting your time in made up placesA queen surrounded by familiar facesSo life is hard, and you let it showPriced to sell, with nowhere to goThis isn"t who you wanted to beSo does it ease your mind to take it out on me?You know you"re like a diseaseWhen you"re so easy to pleaseDon"t try to tie me downDown on your hands and your kneesYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downNow everybody"s gathered around,like there"s something to seeBut all feel your eyes looking at meTo many times, and to many placesA love is lost, leaving no tracesAnd this is how the story goesWasted time with record lowsSo tell me who you want me to beA dead end ride or a new belief?You know you"re like a diseaseWhen you"re so easy to pleaseDon"t try to tie me downDown on your hands and your kneesYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break meStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break meCan"t blame everyone you seeWhen you only look at meDon"t get upYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break meDon"t get upStand upLet upWon"t let you bring me downYou can"t save me, as you break mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7674808

disease 什么时候可数(通俗易懂)?

心脏病、肾病、肝病等,看成不可数,不用冠词。当表示一种疾病时,可数,前面可以用a,对应复数可以加s,比如transmitted diseases(传播性疾病)。


of steam做前面power的定语,相当于是特指,所以前面要用定冠词the





disease plague的区别

disease 指的是疾病plague 指的是瘟疫disease 范围要大很多。




disease用于身体的某个部分,表示相应的病,通常不可数,表示疾病的总称,也为不可数名词,如:Flies spread disease.苍蝇能传播疾病;表示某种疾病,为可数名词,如:Cancer is a deadly disease.癌症是一种致命的疾病。 扩展资料   例句:   The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.   此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。   Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.   传染病的感染途径有几种。   It took years to understand many perplexing diseases.   许多疑难病症要耗时多年才能搞明白。   The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.   这些疾病的作用方式极其复杂。   The public is generally uninformed about these diseases.   大众对这些疾病普遍知之甚少。




  disease表疾病; 弊端; 不安的意思,那么你知道diseaser的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了disease的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   同义词辨析:   illness, sickness, disease, complaint   这些名词均有"疾病"之意。   illness : 不具体指,而是泛指一切疾病,强调生病的时间或状语,语体较sickness正式一些。   sickness : 较口语化,可与illness换用,但还可表示"恶心"。   disease : 指具体的疾病,且通常较严重,发病时间也较长。   complaint : 现代英语中,既可指症状,也可指疾病。   词组习语:   mental illness   1.精神病   2.精神疾病   fall ill   1.病倒   disease的例句:   1. The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease.   这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。   2. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke.   该疾病一下子就使4,000万只兔子丧命。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.   抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。   5. When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.   牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。   6. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.   没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。   7. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.   压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。   8. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。   9. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   10. British forces in the Caribbean were being decimated by disease.   加勒比海地区的英国部队有大批的人病死。   11. When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.   约翰17岁时死于先天性心脏病。   12. Children in evacuation centres are falling prey to disease.   疏散中心的孩子正受到疾病的折磨。   13. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.   牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。   14. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.   吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。   15. Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?   他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?   disease的同义词例句:   1. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.   最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。   2. He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.   他炫耀自己通过装病来逃避服兵役。   3. She was determined not to let the illness take hold again.   她决心不让疾病再次击垮自己。   4. Although her illness is serious, her condition is beginning to stabilize.   虽然她病得很重,但病情正开始趋于稳定。   5. The illness had a profound effect on his outlook.   这场病对他的人生观产生了深刻的影响。   6. Career-wise, this illness couldn"t have come at a worse time.   考虑到事业,这场病来得最不是时候。   7. Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour.   雨果以巨大的勇气和良好的精神状态面对疾病。   8. In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.   尽管有病在身,他仍顽强地坚持工作。   9. For years he tended her in her painful illness.   多年来她一直受到病痛的折磨,都是他在照料。   10. You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.   可以购买保险以防失业或患病。   11. It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness.   无可争辩的是,英国的鸟类携带着这种疾病的病菌。   12. She returned to her family home to recover from an illness.   她回家养病来了。   13. Her father"s illness left the family short of money.   她父亲的病造成家里经济拮据。   14. Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.   病症的及早诊断可避免死亡与病痛。   15. A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month.   他得了一种神秘的怪病,卧床有一个多月。   1. The official reason given for the President"s absence was sickness.   对外公布的总统未到场原因是身体有恙。   2. The contributions employees pay give cover against sickness, including chronic invalidity.   员工的定期缴款用来支付生病的花费,包括长期病残的开销。   3. Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy.   在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。   4. In fifty-two years of working he had one week of sickness.   在52年的工作中他仅病过一周。   5. He felt a great rush of sickness.   他忽然觉得非常想吐。   6. Many women experience sickness during pregnancy .   许多妇女在怀孕期都会有恶心现象。   7. She"s been off work because of sickness.   她因病没有上班。   8. She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home - sickness.   她努力排遣涌上心头的思乡之情.   9. Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.   这个国家的农村地区疾病流行.   10. He received the news of his father"s sickness with great anxiety.   他得知父亲生病的消息时焦急万分.   11. He put up a good fight against his sickness.   他同疾病作顽强的斗争.   12. The physician made a prescription against sea - sickness for him.   医生给他开了个治晕船的药方.   13. He didn"t attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.   他以生病为借口,没参加那个会议.   14. Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.   生病是请假的一个正当的理由.   15. Several workers complained of feelings of sickness and headaches.   几个工人表示感到恶心、头痛.   1. The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease.   这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。   2. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke.   该疾病一下子就使4,000万只兔子丧命。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.   抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。   5. When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.   牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。   6. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.   没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。   7. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.   压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。   8. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。   9. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   10. British forces in the Caribbean were being decimated by disease.   加勒比海地区的英国部队有大批的人病死。   11. When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.   约翰17岁时死于先天性心脏病。   12. Children in evacuation centres are falling prey to disease.   疏散中心的孩子正受到疾病的折磨。   13. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.   牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。   14. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.   吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。   15. Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?   他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?


  disease有疾病;生病,感染等意思,那么你知道disease的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    disease的用法:   disease的用法1:disease用作不可数名词时,是“疾病”的通称。disease用作可数名词时,指某种具体的疾病。   disease的用法2:disease引申可指对社会、心理方面有害的,有破坏性的或不健康的状态。   disease的用法例句:   1. The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease.   这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。   2. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke.   该疾病一下子就使4,000万只兔子丧命。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.   抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。   5. When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.   牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。   6. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.   没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。   7. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.   压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。   8. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。   9. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   10. British forces in the Caribbean were being decimated by disease.   加勒比海地区的英国部队有大批的人病死。   11. When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.   约翰17岁时死于先天性心脏病。   12. Children in evacuation centres are falling prey to disease.   疏散中心的孩子正受到疾病的折磨。   13. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.   牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。   14. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.   吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。   15. Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?   他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?






做名词用的时候是病; 疾病; 弊端; 恶疾; 痼疾的意思。做动词用的时候是使...生病或感染的意思。该单词的英式发音音标为[du026au02c8ziu02d0z],美式的发音音标为[美][du026au02c8ziz]。如搭配短语heart disease(心脏病)、breed disease(酿成疾病)。disease用作不可数名词时,是“疾病”的通称。disease用作可数名词时,指某种具体的疾病。disease引申可指对社会、心理方面有害的,有破坏性的或不健康的状态。扩展资料:一、disease, illness, sickness的区别:1、疾病程度不同:disease泛指各种疾病,尤指传染病,遗传病和诸如心脏病、癌症等严重疾病。illness多指患病的状态及持续的时间,很可能是某种disease引起的,如不及时治疗,会导致严重的后果。sickness多指晕船、恶心、胃病等方面的疾病或有关饮食方面的疾病。2、疾病范围不同。disease多指具体的疾病, illness和sickness则通常表示抽象的疾病或生病状态。二、常见错误用法:你得了什么病?:What is your disease?(错误)。What is your trouble?(正确)。当医生问病人时,用What is your trouble〔complaint〕?较委婉,病人容易接受。


disease作名词时译为"病,疾病;弊病",作及物动词时译为"传染;使…有病"。disease用作不可数名词时,是“疾病”的通称。disease用作可数名词时,指某种具体的疾病。disease引申可指对社会、心理方面有害的,有破坏性的或不健康的状态。disease,illness,sinkness都有“病”“疾病”的意思。disease泛指各种疾病,尤指传染病,遗传病和诸如心脏病、癌症等疾病; sickness多指晕船、恶心等方面的疾病; illness多指患病的状态及持续的时间,很可能是某种disease引起的,如不及时治疗,会导致严重的后果。sickness指各种身体上和感觉上一时的不适,病期最短,而disease病期最长。disease多指具体的疾病, illness和sickness则通常表示抽象的疾病或生病状态。预防疾病的措施:运动是提高人体抵抗力的首选。运动有利于人体的生长发育,提高抗病能力,增强有机体的适应能力。一般积极参加运动的人在面对流感的时候都有很好的自愈能力。做好个人卫生是阻隔流感病毒最有效的方式。保持屋内通风,保持个人卫生,饭前便后都要洗手。在人群多的地方,尽量带着口罩,如果去医院回来还得换身干净整洁的衣服,这样才可以有效地阻隔病毒。健康的饮食对于提高人体免疫力是很有效的,我们应该少吃些垃圾食品,多吃绿色蔬菜和瓜果,保持人体肝脏的健康。多饮茶,少喝饮料。多喝水,少吃油炸上火的食物,让自己的身体始终保证良好的状态。


n. 1.病,疾病;【植物;植物学】病害。 2. (精神等的)病态,弊病。 3. (酒等的)变质; (食物等的)腐败。 4.〔废语〕不安。 an acute [chronic] disease 急性 [慢性]病。 a family disease 遗传病。 foot-and-mouth disease 【兽医】口蹄疫。 tin disease 铁皮的锈蚀。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。

disease 是什么意思





disease [英][dɪˈzi:z][美][dɪˈziz] n. 疾病;弊端;不安 vt. 传染;使…有病 复数:diseases 双语例句 1. About 40% of the country"s population is afflicted with thedisease. 全国40%左右的人口患有这种疾病. 2. Many deaths from heart disease are actually avoidable. 许多因心脏病造成的死亡实际上是可以避免的. 3. the causal relationship between poverty and disease 贫穷与疾病的因果关系 4. Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. 科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联. 5. The rabbit population was decimated by the disease. 这种疾病使大批兔子死亡.

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Listening:Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. That"s because they are adaptable. Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger. One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. There are several kinds of infectious diseases. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria. These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria. Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. An example of parasitic infection is malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control. And of course these parasites are also adaptable. Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria. How serious are infectious diseases? Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic. It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold. In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world"s population. In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people. The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses. Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics. It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours. Schools and businesses closed in many places, and people wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air. What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children. Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics . These vaccines need to be updated every year because the virus changes and new strains emerge. What researchers fear is that a new strain of the virus will develop and cause another pandemic. Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before. An unintended consequence of our improved transportation system will be the speed at which an epidemic can spread. Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. A new strain of a virus is a mutated form of the virus. A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original. So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring. This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data. It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals. Animals, such as birds and pigs, carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. Such a new strain could lead to another pandemic well before a new vaccine could be developed. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national boarders , this is a global issue requiring global action. The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together. It allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Epidemics don"t stop at national borders. One danger is that an animal virus may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not .” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “there"s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian. “it"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. If he asks to be grounded he isn"t crazy. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

chronic kidney disease是什么意思


chronic kidney disease是什么意思





用于医学上表示各种病称时,通常用 disease。如:contagious diseases 传染病 English disease 气管炎heart disease 心脏病 lung disease 肺病a nervous disease 神经病 a sex disease 性病skin disease 皮肤病注:有个别搭配也用 illness。如:mental illness [sickness] 精神病 disease 表示“疾病”,通常指具体的“疾病”(可数)。如:Most diseases could be wiped out. 多数疾病是可以消灭的。I caught the disease from you. 这病我是从你那传染来的。It was a horrible disease. 这是一种可怕的疾病。Arthritis is a chronic disease. 关节炎是一种慢性病。Measles, mumps and influenza are common diseases. 麻疹、腮腺炎和流感是常见病。注:有时指疾病的总称(不可数),即通称的“疾病”。如:Rats spread disease. 老鼠传染疾病。Cleanliness helps prevent disease. 清洁有助于预防疾病。Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病多由病菌引起。Many antibiotic drugs ore used to combat disease. 许多抗生素药品用来和疾病作斗争。2. sickness ,它们主要用于表示生病的时间或因病(disease)导致的不健康状态等。如:He can"t come because of sickness. 他因病不能来。He died after a long sickness. 他死之前病了很久。She is cheerful in spite of her sickness. 她尽管有病,但还是快乐。He was weak from a long sickness. 由于长期生病他身体很虚弱。Tell me a little about your sickness. 给我谈谈你的病。Chicken pox is a common childhood sickness. 水痘是儿童时期的常见病。Do you know what his sickness is? 你知道他患什么病吗?另外,sickness还可表示“呕吐”“恶心”。如:He"s suffering from sickness and diarrhoea. 他上吐下泻。He felt a wave of sickness come over him. 他感到一阵恶心。


恶心 病态 疾病 困境

高中英语词汇:高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease

《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为06月03日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 摘要: Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or anim 乐加乐星级老师 乐加乐星级英语老师是通过层层筛选出来的,教学经验丰富,风格各有不同,点击进入课堂……[详细] 2011年北京市城六区高考英语一模试题 2011年高考英语考点大预测 | 高考英语复习四要素 谈初中英语与高中英语衔接 | 吕腾飞老师答疑专贴 高中英语应该怎么学 | 高考英语答题策略与技巧 Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or animals 致命的 Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌是一种致命的疾病。 imaginary adj. not real,only in the mind不真实的;想象中的;虚构的 It isn"t real--it"s only imaginary. 那不是真的,那只不过是想象出来的罢了。 narrative n. story or tale; orderly account of events 叙述;讲述 My narrative ends. 我的叙述结束了。 adj. in the form of narrative叙述的;叙述体的 He is a writer of great narrative power. 他是个叙述手法高超的作家。 quiz n.[c] game where you try to answer questions问答比赛;知识测验 I"m going to have a physics quiz tomorrow. 明天我们将进行物理测验。 false adj. wrong, not true, lying假的;不真实的;错误的 The thief gave a false name to the police. 小偷给警察报了个假名字。 infect vt. give a disease to someone 传染;感染 My brother has infected me with a bad cold. 我哥哥把重感冒传染给我。 infection n. illness传染病;感染 The mosquito communicates infection. 蚊子传染病菌。 inject vt. put medicine, etc, into the body with a special needle 注射 He injected my arm with penicillin. 他给我的手臂注射盘尼西林。 virus n.[c] 病毒 a virus disease 病毒引起的疾病 transmit vt. send over; pass through, pass on传送;传播 The news will be transmitted by radio. 这消息将由电台播送。 via prep. by way of 经由 He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。 prep. by means of凭借 The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛经由人造卫星做实况转播。 route n.[c] a way to go; a road or course to travel from one place to another路;路线 Which route did you choose? 你挑选了哪条路? blood n.[u] red liquid flowing through the body血;血液 Blood was trickling from his mouth. 鲜血从他嘴里一滴一滴地流出来。 n.[u] family; birth; descent 血统 They"re near in blood. 他们血统相近。 prevention n. 预防;阻止 Prevention of disease is very important. 预防疾病是很重要的。 persuade vt. make someone believe or do something by talking to him说服;劝导; I have persuaded him to give up smoking. 我已说服了他戒烟。 heroin n. 海洛因 immune adj. [对传染病、病毒等] 免疫的;有免疫 (性) 的[to, from] be immune to [from] smallpox 对天花有免疫力的 defenseless adj. 无防备的;不设防的 a defenseless city 不设防的城市 illness n. the state of being ill; disease病;疾病 He is suffering from a serious illness. 他身患重病。 treatment n. way of curing an illness; doctor"s care 疗法;治疗 She is now under(medical) treatment. 她现在正在治疗中。 n. way you behave towards someone or something 对待;处理 We received good treatment. 我们受到很好的款待。 unprotected adj. 无保护的;无防卫的 sex n. the difference between male and female 性;性别 Write down your name, age and sex. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来。 adj. 性的;与性有关的 transfusion n. 输血;输液 (a) blood transfusion 输血 contract vt. 染上(疾病、习惯等) vi. to make a contract缔结(合同) He has contracted for the building of the house of 20,000 dollars. 他以二万元承揽建造这幢房子。 die of stop living because of something因u2026致死;病(饿、冻)死 In old days, my father died of hunger and cold. 在旧社会,我父亲死于饥寒交迫。 lack n. not be enough 缺乏;不足 He cannot do the work for lack of skill. 由于缺乏技术,他不能做这项工作。 v. not have something important or necessary 缺乏;欠缺 We lacked both time and money. 我们缺少时间和金钱。 proper adj. right, correct恰当的;合适的 It must be done in the proper way. 这件事必须以恰当的方式来做。 available adj. ready for use or service可用的;有效的 They have tried all available means to open the door. 他们曾试用所有有用的方法来开这门。 discourage vt. make someone lose hope 使失去信心;使泄气 Though the village was hit by a big flood the villagers were not discouraged. 村子虽然遭了严重水灾,可是村民们并不气馁。 cheer v. shout to show that you are pleased欢呼;喝采 The crowds cheered as the old man ran to the finish. 老人跑到终点,人群欢呼起来。 v. make someone happy使高兴;使快慰 He was encouragingly cheered by the crowd. 人群向他发出令人鼓舞的欢呼。 n.[c] 欢呼;喝采 The curtain went up amid cheers. 幕在欢呼声中升起。 cheer (...) up become more cheerful 高兴起来;振作起来 Every one of us cheered up at the news that the experiment had proved a complete success. 一听到实验完全成功的消息,我们大家都高兴起来。 become happy; make someone happy 高兴;使振奋 I tried to cheer her up by telling her the news. 我把这消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。 suffer from v. experience something painful, unpleasant, sorrow or grief遭受(痛苦、不幸、疾病等) He is suffering from toothache. 他牙正痛。 network n. a netting or net; any system of lines that cross 网;网状系统 specialist n.[c] expert; someone who knows a lot about something专家 n.[c] doctor who knows a lot about one part of the body or one sort of disease专科医生 curable adj. 可医治的;医得好的 meaningful adj. 富有意义的;意味深长的 a meaningful glance 意味深长的一瞥 defensive adj. protecting; defending 保卫的;防御的 They were on the defensive. 他们采取守势。 fierce adj. strong and dangerous 激烈的; 凶猛的 There was some fierce fighting. 发生了激烈的战斗。 invisible adj. that cannot be seen看不见的 Wind is invisible. 风是看不见的。 stranger n. someone whom one does not know 陌生人;新来者 They never talk to strangers. 他们从不跟生人谈话。 diagnose vt. to discover the nature of (a disease) 诊断 The doctor diagnosed my illness as smallpox. 医生诊断我的病为天花。 sample n.[c] small piece that shows what the rest is like; one example of a group of things 样品;范例 The salesman showed some samples of dress material. 店员展示一些布料样品。 cell n. a very small division of a living matter 细胞 All animals and plants are made up of cells. 一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。 n. 小房间;单人牢房 disrupt vt. 扰乱;破坏 contagious adj. 传染的;感染的 radiation n.[c] something radiated; the energy thus sent out in the form of waves or particles放射物;辐射线 A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。 n.[u] the act or process of radiating; esp. the sending out of radiant energy, as from radio-active substances辐射 the radiation of heat from a stove 热量从火炉放出 strength n. the quality of being strong in body or mind 体力;精力 The little boy hasn"t the strength to lift that heavy box. 这小男孩没有那么大力气把那个很重的箱子提起来。 recover v. become well, happy, etc. again恢复;复原 I hope you will soon recover. 希望你早日康复。 fighter n. a person that fights a person that is able or eager to fight战士;斗争者 The two fighters will meet next week for the boxing championship. 那两位拳击运动员将在一周进行比赛争夺冠军。 contrary adj. opposed; opposite 相反的 He has a contrary opinion (idea, etc.) 他有一个相反的看法(想法)。 on the contrary strong words to show that the opposite is true正相反;恰恰相反 "You look ill, Ben." "On the contrary, I feel fine!" "本,你看上去好像病了。" "恰恰相反,我感觉非常好!" for the moment 暂时;目前 free from not having something 没有u2026的;不受u2026u2026的影响 You are free from care. 你无忧无虑。 category n.[c]分类;种类;部门 They were put into two categories. 他们被分成两个部门。 课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班高中一年级英语十次课学完高一上(尖子) 10 1670 暑期班高中二年级英语目标清华北大班 10 1670 暑期班高中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班高中组英语词汇4000特训班 10 1120 暑期班高中组英语高考语法特训班 10 1120 咨询电话: 010-82618899 《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

"Dirt and disease go hand in hand."中为什么用"hand"?


Some diseases are not at all dangerous if ___________ (treat) in time.为啥填treated?


potentially fatal diseases什么意思

potentially fatal diseases的中文翻译potentially fatal diseases 潜在的致命的疾病

foodborne disease(食品产生的疾病)是可数名词吗?可以用复数吗?

可数,disease在作为“一项疾病”时是可数的。可以使用复述,+s。foodborne disease有很多种,比如能够引起stomachache和dizziness,当然可数。

lung disease

肺部疾病肺脏本身的疾病或全身性疾病的肺部表现。呼吸系统由呼吸道(鼻、咽、喉、气管和各级支气管)和肺泡组成。肺脏是呼吸系统的主要器官,肺部疾病属于呼吸系统疾病。Lung disease or lung disease itself, Pulmonary complications of systemic disease. Respiratory system from the respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi at all levels) and the alveolar component. Lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system, lung diseases are respiratory diseases. 病因 经过多年的大量调查研究,目前公认下列因素与肺癌的病因有密切关系。 (一)吸烟。烟是极酸的物质,极易导致人体酸化,酸性体质容易诱发癌症。根据各国的大量调查资料都说明肺癌的病因与吸纸烟关系极为密切。肺癌发病率的增长与纸烟销售量增多呈平行关系。纸烟中含有多种致癌物质。有吸烟习惯者肺癌发病率比不吸烟者高10倍,吸烟量大者发病率更高,比不吸烟者高20倍。 (二)职业因素。上世纪30年代文献上就有欧洲的一个矿区肺癌发病率高的报道。经过多年的调查研究,目前已公认长期接触铀、镭等放射性物质及其衍化物、致癌性碳氢化合物、砷、铬、镍、铜、锡、铁、煤焦油、沥青、石油、石棉、芥子气等物质,由于人的饮食结构和生活习惯的改变,体质酸化造成代谢循环变慢,整体的免疫机能下降,给这些放射性元素以可趁之机,诱发细胞癌变。 (三)肺部慢性疾病。如肺结核、矽肺、尘肺等可与肺癌并存,本身这些慢性病的发生就是体质酸化导致的肺部细胞感染,细胞缺氧,细胞活性降低。这些病例癌症的发病率高于正常人。此外肺支气管慢性炎症以及肺纤维疤痕病变,在愈合过程中可能引起鳞状上皮化生或增生,在此基础上,部分病例可发展成为癌症。 无论是何种诱因,其他根源都是需要大环境支持的,那就是酸性体质,体液如果是弱碱性的,那癌细胞就不会在弱碱性体液中发生。Cause After years of extensive research, now recognized as the cause of the following factors closely related with cancer. (A) smoking. Tobacco is extremely acid substances, the body can easily lead to acidification, acidic likely to cause cancer. According to national survey data showed that a large number of lung cancer and smoking cigarettes cause very close relationship. Incidence of lung cancer growth and increased sales of cigarettes were parallel. Cigarettes contain carcinogens. The habit of smoking lung cancer incidence rate 10 times higher than non-smokers, those smoking a higher incidence of large, 20 times higher than non-smokers. (B) occupational factors. 30s of last century European literature, there is a mine reported a high incidence of lung cancer. After years of investigation and research, now recognized as long-term exposure of uranium, radium and other radioactive materials and their derivatives, carcinogenic hydrocarbons, arsenic, chromium, nickel, copper, tin, iron, coal tar, asphalt, oil, asbestos, substances such as mustard gas, due to human diet and lifestyle changes, acidic metabolic cycle slows down causing the overall decline in immune function, to those of radioactive elements in order to take advantage of the opportunity, induced carcinogenesis. (C) chronic lung disease. Such as tuberculosis, silicosis, pneumoconiosis and lung cancer and other can co-exist in itself these chronic diseases is acidic in lung cells caused by infection, hypoxia, cell activity decreased. These cases of cancer were higher than normal. In addition, chronic inflammation of bronchial and pulmonary fibrous scar lesions in the healing process may lead to squamous metaplasia or hyperplasia, on this basis, in some cases can develop into cancer. No matter what kind of incentive, other causes are necessary to support the larger environment, that is acidic, alkaline body fluids if weak, that cancer will not occur in the weak alkaline body fluids. 肺癌是最常见的肺原发性恶性肿瘤,绝大多数肺癌起源于支气管粘膜上皮,故亦称支气管肺癌。近50多年来,世界各国特别是工业发达国家,肺癌的发病率和病死率均迅速肺癌上升,死于癌病的男性病人中肺癌已居首位。40多年前,在中国因肺部疾病施行外科手术治疗的病人中,绝大多数为肺结核,次之为支气管扩张、肺脓肿等肺化脓性感染疾病,肺癌病例为数不多。近30多年来,肺切除术的病例中肺癌逐渐增多,已跃居首位。据上海市恶性肿瘤统计资料,在男性癌肿病例中,肺癌发病率急剧增多,居第一位。Lung cancer is the most common primary lung cancer, most lung cancer originated in the bronchial epithelium, it is also known as lung cancer. Nearly 50 years, the world countries, especially industrialized countries, lung cancer incidence and mortality of lung cancer are rapidly rising, died of cancer in male patients of lung cancer ranks first. 40 years ago, in China for the purposes of surgical treatment of pulmonary disease in patients, most of the tuberculosis, and the next bronchiectasis, pulmonary abscess and other suppurative lung diseases, few cases of lung cancer. Nearly 30 years, cases of pulmonary resection of lung cancer increased gradually, has leapt to the top. According to the Shanghai Cancer statistics, cancer cases in men, lung cancer incidence has risen dramatically, first place.预防 病毒感染后抗体出现较迟,对控制感染作用不大。干扰素对易感细胞的病毒感染具有保护作用,有阻止病情发展和防止其播散作用。细胞免疫对某种病毒有控制作用,如白血病或何杰金病的细胞免疫缺损,很易感受疹和水痘属病毒,而对其他病毒却无易感性。目前国内已对婴幼儿广泛接种减毒麻疹活疫苗,现麻疹已极为少见,麻疹肺炎更为罕见。 人体免疫球蛋白(蛋白补充产品,蛋白补充资讯)被动免疫对易感的病人,特别是针对水痘与麻疹有一定的保护作用。特异性免疫接种对流行性感冒、腺病毒、麻疹等虽有保护作用,但不能完全防止发作。PreventionLate appearance of antibodies after infection, little effect on infection control. Interferon on cells susceptible to virus infection has a protective effect, to stop progression of the disease and prevent its spread effect. Cell immunity against a virus is controlled, such as leukemia or Hodgkin"s disease cell immune deficiency, it is easy to feel the rash and chickenpox is a virus, but susceptibility to other viruses Quewu. Currently has extensive vaccination in infants with measles vaccine, measles has now extremely rare, measles, pneumonia and even more rare. Immune globulin (protein supplement products, protein supplements information) passive immunization on the susceptibility of the patient, especially for chicken pox and measles have some protection. Specific vaccination against influenza, adenovirus, measles, etc. Although the protective effect, but can not completely prevent attacks.

underlying disease是什么意思

underlying disease[英][u02ccu028cndu0259u02c8laiiu014b diu02c8zi:z][美][u02c8u028cndu025au02cclau026au026au014b du026au02c8ziz][医]隐晦的疾病; 例句:1.He or she does not have to go through treatment for an underlying disease. 他/她不需要对这一潜在的疾病进行任何治疗。2.It is unlikely that all these athletes have a monogenetic underlying disease,nor that performance enhancing drugs are the sole explanation of thesechanges. 并不是所有运动员都有潜在性单基因疾病,性能增强的药物也并非是这些变化的唯一解释。

disease-free interval是什么意思

disease-free interval无病间隔双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 健康的间隔-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

谁能给我super junior的Love Disease的歌词

SUPER JUNIOR<<爱是致死的病》(LOVE DISEASE) (艺声)你痛苦 喘气地跟著我的日子 不能抓著离开了的你的双手剩下孤独的我 (奎贤)我用力地握住你的肩膀,大声的说了 我们结束了 (东海)已经有种叫离别的毒在你不知道的时候 在心中扩散了 (全体)我的爱是种慢慢死去的病 (厉旭)虽然有少许痛苦 但心里不想失去 (全体)全部记忆都被消去了 (厉旭)回到彼此都是陌生人的时候 (艺声)现在想休息了 (东海)好像一直在玩火 全部都只剩下灰烬(剩下灰烬) (晟敏)连最初的感觉也减淡了 全部没有用了(没用了) (厉旭)我想抓紧你的双手带著微笑说 无论如何也要幸福 要找个能抚平我给你的伤的人 (全体)我的爱是种慢慢死去的病 (艺声)虽然有少许痛苦 但心里不想失去 (全体)全部记忆都被消去了 (圭贤)回到彼此都是陌生人的时候 (晟敏)现在想休息了 (艺声)现在真的很痛苦 总有一天你也会 到连接吻的回忆也变得讨厌,想擦嘴 (厉旭)打算消去曾在我怀抱的温暖 用变冷了的眼泪洗去吧 (全体)我的爱是种慢慢死去的病 (圭贤)虽然有少许痛苦 但心里不想失去 (全体)全部记忆都被消去了 (厉旭)回到彼此都是陌生人的时候 (圭贤)现在想休息了 (全体)我的爱是种慢慢死去的病 虽然有少许痛苦 但心里不想失去 全部记忆都被消去了 回到彼此都是陌生人的时候 (东海)现在想休息了 Love Disease [Yesung] Neon gwaeromgeh nal ddara-ohmyeonseo gappeun sumeul mulashwi-eo (sumeul mulashwi-eo) Neol waeromgeh dugo ddeonagago itneun motdwaen nal kkot jabeuryeo (jabeuryeo) [Kyu] Nan neo-ae eokkaereul sehgeh jwigoseo keun soriro malhaetseo uri kkeutnangeorago [Donghae] imi ibyeoliran dogi neo moreugeh oneuteumeh gaseumeh peojyeotdago * Nae sarangi seoseohi jugeoganeun byeong [Ryeowook] Jogeum apeujiman natgo shipeun ma-eumeun eopneungeol Namgimeopshi gi-eogi jiwojyeobeoryeo [Ryeowook] Seoroga nami-eotdeon shiganeuro dwaedulragaseo [Yesung] ijehn shwigo shipeo [Donghae] Orae manna bulnolrireul han geotcheoreom da tago jaeman nama (jaeman nama) [Sungmin] Cheo-eom neukkimjocha heurithaejil mankeum da sseulmo-eopgeh dwaengeoya (dwaengeoya) [Ryeowook] Nan neo-ae du suneul maju jabgoseo sseun misoro malhaetseo budi haengbokharago Naega jugo gan sangcheoreul kkot eorumanjyeo gamssa jul sarameul chajeurago * Nae sarangi seoseohi jugeoganeun byeong [Yesung] Jogeum apeujiman natgo shipeun ma-eumeun eopneungeol Namgimeopshi gi-eogi jiwojyeobeoryeo [Kyu] Seoroga nami-eotdeon shiganeuro dwaedulragaseo [Sungmin] ijehn shwigo shipeo [Yesung] Jigeumeun neomu apado eonjehnga neoneun amado Ipmatchumae gi-eokmajeo shihreojyeo ipsuleul dakkgehtji [Ryeowook] Nae pumeh angyro neukkyeotdeon ddaseuhan ongi ji-uryeo Shigeun nunmulro neol smini coopergehtji * Nae sarangi seoseohi jugeoganeun byeong [Kyu] Jogeum apeujiman natgo shipeun ma-eumeun eopneungeol Namgimeopshi gi-eogi jiwojyeobeoryeo [Ryeowook] Seoroga nami-eotdeon shiganeuro dwaedulragaseo [Kyu] ijehn shwigo shipeo * Nae sarangi seoseohi jugeoganeun byeong Jogeum apeujiman natgo shipeun ma-eumeun eopneungeol ([Yesung] Ma-eumeun eopneungeol) Namgimeopshi gi-eogi jiwojyeobeoryeo ([Yesung] Jiwojyeobeoryeo) Seoroga nami-eotdeon shiganeuro dwaedulragaseo [Donghae] ijehn shwigo shipeo

disease-modifying therapies什么意思

disease-modifying therapies疾病修正疗法disease-modifying疾病修饰双语对照例句:1."Disease-modifying treatments are emerging for each specific cause ofdementia," grossman said. 格鲁斯曼说:“针对每种痴呆症特定病因的疾病修正疗法,正在出现。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

infection disease是什么意思


Walking for the Heart DiseaseWalking is one of the most important steps for the recovery of hea...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:G小题5:E 试题分析:这篇题目是为心脏病而步行 的文章提到:心脏病人的要想康复最好的运动方式是走路。文章是从为什么走?、如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?如何开始?和注意事项四个方面讲述的。最重要的是注意步行的时间和速度,同时注意生活中不要有过大的压力。小题1:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:一个人必须每天至少走35分钟。与D(这样做好处多多。)前后衔接恰当。小题2:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:步行是心脏病人必须做的。与A(步行在帮助心脏病人恢复方面起到了很重要的作用。)构成因果关系。小题3:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据下文的内容(先慢走,逐渐增加速度。如果有心绞痛的感觉就停止,然后再慢些走,如果感觉不到疼,这时就是合适的速度。)可知,与C(如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?)相符合。小题4:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前的意思(先一分钟,然后2分钟)可知,这里与G(他们应该渐渐增加时间而不是速度。)前后衔接恰当。小题5:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空后的意思(事实上,压力也会导致其他的疾病。)可知,这里与E(但是要避免各种各样的压力,因为压力会加速心跳。)前后衔接恰当。。

heart attack 和 heart disease的区别

heart attack 是心脏病发作heart disease 是患心脏病

French disease是什么意思

就是syphilis,梅毒。具体原因,我只有英文的,您参看一下吧。``The French Disease"" is what the Italians of the 16th century called syphilis; the French, naturally, called it the Italian Disease, or the Disease of Naples. For a couple of years, I"ve been using the phrase as a mocking label for structuralism (with some caveats) and post-structuralism and post-modernism (with no caveats). I know perfectly well that (1) the French produce plenty of excellent intellectual works which in no way deserve to be associated with this nonsense, which is unfortunate for the label (but fortunate for the French, and indeed the rest of us) and (2) said nonsense is not exclusively, and by this point maybe not even mostly, French (which only makes the joke better, once you know the relevant history). ``Studies in the French Disease"" is going to be a highly irregular series of reviews of books which are themselves structuralist, post-structrualist, etc., or about structrualism and its kin. I"d like to protest lofty motives (like an inability to stomach humbug, or a wish to help maintain the standards of intellectual discourse) and deep qualifications (like actually knowing something about logic), but mere desires to sow mischief, to show off, and to write harsh reviews are probably closer to the mark. Since many of the books written as prophylactics against the French Disease are fully as bad as its instances, the last-named can be satisfied in a reasonably even-handed manner.