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高中英语词汇:高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease

2023-07-25 13:17:28
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《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.l******.com。本内容整理时间为06月03日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

摘要: Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or anim




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  • Words and expressions

    live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应

    I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。

    deadly adj. likely to kill people or animals 致命的

    Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌是一种致命的疾病。

    imaginary adj. not real,only in the mind不真实的;想象中的;虚构的

    It isn"t real--it"s only imaginary. 那不是真的,那只不过是想象出来的罢了。

    narrative n. story or tale; orderly account of events 叙述;讲述

    My narrative ends. 我的叙述结束了。

    adj. in the form of narrative叙述的;叙述体的

    He is a writer of great narrative power. 他是个叙述手法高超的作家。

    quiz n.[c] game where you try to answer questions问答比赛;知识测验

    I"m going to have a physics quiz tomorrow. 明天我们将进行物理测验。

    false adj. wrong, not true, lying假的;不真实的;错误的

    The thief gave a false name to the police. 小偷给警察报了个假名字。

    infect vt. give a disease to someone 传染;感染

    My brother has infected me with a bad cold. 我哥哥把重感冒传染给我。

    infection n. illness传染病;感染

    The mosquito communicates infection. 蚊子传染病菌。

    inject vt. put medicine, etc, into the body with a special needle 注射

    He injected my arm with penicillin. 他给我的手臂注射盘尼西林。

    virus n.[c] 病毒

    a virus disease 病毒引起的疾病

    transmit vt. send over; pass through, pass on传送;传播

    The news will be transmitted by radio. 这消息将由电台播送。

    via prep. by way of 经由

    He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。

    prep. by means of凭借

    The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛经由人造卫星做实况转播。

    route n.[c] a way to go; a road or course to travel from one place to another路;路线

    Which route did you choose? 你挑选了哪条路?

    blood n.[u] red liquid flowing through the body血;血液

    Blood was trickling from his mouth. 鲜血从他嘴里一滴一滴地流出来。

    n.[u] family; birth; descent 血统

    They"re near in blood. 他们血统相近。

    prevention n. 预防;阻止

    Prevention of disease is very important. 预防疾病是很重要的。

    persuade vt. make someone believe or do something by talking to him说服;劝导; I have persuaded him to give up smoking. 我已说服了他戒烟。

    heroin n. 海洛因

    immune adj. [对传染病、病毒等] 免疫的;有免疫 (性) 的[to, from]

    be immune to [from] smallpox 对天花有免疫力的

    defenseless adj. 无防备的;不设防的

    a defenseless city 不设防的城市

    illness n. the state of being ill; disease病;疾病

    He is suffering from a serious illness. 他身患重病。

    treatment n. way of curing an illness; doctor"s care 疗法;治疗

    She is now under(medical) treatment. 她现在正在治疗中。

    n. way you behave towards someone or something 对待;处理

    We received good treatment. 我们受到很好的款待。

    unprotected adj. 无保护的;无防卫的

    sex n. the difference between male and female 性;性别

    Write down your name, age and sex. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来。

    adj. 性的;与性有关的

    transfusion n. 输血;输液

    (a) blood transfusion 输血

    contract vt. 染上(疾病、习惯等)

    vi. to make a contract缔结(合同)

    He has contracted for the building of the house of 20,000 dollars.


    die of stop living because of something因u2026致死;病(饿、冻)死

    In old days, my father died of hunger and cold. 在旧社会,我父亲死于饥寒交迫。

    lack n. not be enough 缺乏;不足

    He cannot do the work for lack of skill. 由于缺乏技术,他不能做这项工作。

    v. not have something important or necessary 缺乏;欠缺

    We lacked both time and money. 我们缺少时间和金钱。

    proper adj. right, correct恰当的;合适的

    It must be done in the proper way. 这件事必须以恰当的方式来做。

    available adj. ready for use or service可用的;有效的

    They have tried all available means to open the door. 他们曾试用所有有用的方法来开这门。

    discourage vt. make someone lose hope 使失去信心;使泄气

    Though the village was hit by a big flood the villagers were not discouraged.


    cheer v. shout to show that you are pleased欢呼;喝采

    The crowds cheered as the old man ran to the finish. 老人跑到终点,人群欢呼起来。

    v. make someone happy使高兴;使快慰

    He was encouragingly cheered by the crowd. 人群向他发出令人鼓舞的欢呼。

    n.[c] 欢呼;喝采

    The curtain went up amid cheers. 幕在欢呼声中升起。

    cheer (...) up become more cheerful 高兴起来;振作起来

    Every one of us cheered up at the news that the experiment had proved a complete success.


    become happy; make someone happy 高兴;使振奋

    I tried to cheer her up by telling her the news. 我把这消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。

    suffer from v. experience something painful, unpleasant, sorrow or grief遭受(痛苦、不幸、疾病等)

    He is suffering from toothache. 他牙正痛。

    network n. a netting or net; any system of lines that cross 网;网状系统

    specialist n.[c] expert; someone who knows a lot about something专家

    n.[c] doctor who knows a lot about one part of the body or one sort of disease专科医生

    curable adj. 可医治的;医得好的

    meaningful adj. 富有意义的;意味深长的

    a meaningful glance 意味深长的一瞥

    defensive adj. protecting; defending 保卫的;防御的

    They were on the defensive. 他们采取守势。

    fierce adj. strong and dangerous 激烈的; 凶猛的

    There was some fierce fighting. 发生了激烈的战斗。

    invisible adj. that cannot be seen看不见的

    Wind is invisible. 风是看不见的。

    stranger n. someone whom one does not know 陌生人;新来者

    They never talk to strangers. 他们从不跟生人谈话。

    diagnose vt. to discover the nature of (a disease) 诊断

    The doctor diagnosed my illness as smallpox. 医生诊断我的病为天花。

    sample n.[c] small piece that shows what the rest is like; one example of a group of things 样品;范例

    The salesman showed some samples of dress material. 店员展示一些布料样品。

    cell n. a very small division of a living matter 细胞

    All animals and plants are made up of cells. 一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。

    n. 小房间;单人牢房

    disrupt vt. 扰乱;破坏

    contagious adj. 传染的;感染的

    radiation n.[c] something radiated; the energy thus sent out in the form of waves or particles放射物;辐射线

    A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。

    n.[u] the act or process of radiating; esp. the sending out of radiant energy, as from radio-active substances辐射

    the radiation of heat from a stove 热量从火炉放出

    strength n. the quality of being strong in body or mind 体力;精力

    The little boy hasn"t the strength to lift that heavy box.


    recover v. become well, happy, etc. again恢复;复原

    I hope you will soon recover. 希望你早日康复。

    fighter n. a person that fights a person that is able or eager to fight战士;斗争者

    The two fighters will meet next week for the boxing championship.


    contrary adj. opposed; opposite 相反的

    He has a contrary opinion (idea, etc.) 他有一个相反的看法(想法)。

    on the contrary strong words to show that the opposite is true正相反;恰恰相反

    "You look ill, Ben." "On the contrary, I feel fine!"

    "本,你看上去好像病了。" "恰恰相反,我感觉非常好!"

    for the moment 暂时;目前

    free from not having something 没有u2026的;不受u2026u2026的影响

    You are free from care. 你无忧无虑。

    category n.[c]分类;种类;部门

    They were put into two categories. 他们被分成两个部门。

    课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班高中一年级英语十次课学完高一上(尖子) 10 1670 暑期班高中二年级英语目标清华北大班 10 1670 暑期班高中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班高中组英语词汇4000特训班 10 1120 暑期班高中组英语高考语法特训班 10 1120

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    《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.l******.com



    2023-07-24 22:24:242

    infectious 和 contagious

    背单词的时候看到 contagious 这个词,释义为“可传染的”,心想,这不是和 infectious 同义么。于是查了一下,二者的区别是: 所有 contagious 的疾病都是 infectious 的,反之则不成立 : 参考文章: Contagious vs. Infectious: What"s the difference?
    2023-07-24 22:24:561

    infections , contagious 有什么不同

    infections 是名词contagious 是形容词 要是比较都是形容词的infectious 和 contagious.这两个都是传染的意思,但是contagious必须是人传人的,而infectious并没有那个限制也就是说infectious的范围要比contagious大.
    2023-07-24 22:25:052

    transmittable; infectant; contagious.contract 在指传染,疾病方面用法有什么区别?

    2023-07-24 22:25:122

    The government warned the people of being careful about this kind of contagious disease.

    【答案】:A【题 干】政府警告人们要小心这种传染病。 A.传染的 B.严重的 C.肮脏的 D.令人担忧的 【解 析】本题考查形容词。划线词contagious意为“感染性的,蔓延的”,故而正确答案为A。
    2023-07-24 22:25:191


    a smile is contagious
    2023-07-24 22:26:234

    谁能解释下面英文的意思? 1,抗衡2 contempuous三考虑4遏制5传染性6完善7领事8诠释9 consrict10惊愕
    2023-07-24 22:26:313

    歌词翻译:Regina Spektor的US(和莎玛的500天片头曲)

    2023-07-24 22:26:472

    Maxi Priest的《Human Cry》 歌词

    歌曲名:Human Cry歌手:Maxi Priest专辑:Man With The FunSkye Sweetnam - HumanYou know what Simon saysHe tells you what to doWhat if he told you toTake off all your clothesAnd dance in your birthday suitSure, it"s the latest crazeWe all get influencedThe little secret they don"t want you to knowNo noWe"re only humanSeperated by our thoughtsSo hang on to themOr you"ll find you might get caughtCaught up in the...Hey, monkey see and monkey doMust I get brainwashedBy what"s surrounding youDidn"t you know thatEvery little thing"s contagiousOh yes, every little thing"s contagiousIt"s when you watch TVIn everything you seeThe virus seeping throughAnd you start to wantWhat they tell you you should wantIt"s in the air you breatheIt"s hidden up their sleevesThey"re even marketingwhat I say right nowWatch outWe"re only humanSeperated by our thoughtsSo hang on to themOr you"ll find you might get caughtCaught up in the...Hey, monkey see and monkey doMust I get brainwashedBy what"s surrounding youDidn"t you know thatEvery little thing"s contagiousOh yes, every little thing"s contagiousNa na na na na na naWe"re only human separatedNa na na na na na naWe"re only human separatedOnly human separatedCaught up in the...Hey, monkey see and monkey doMust I get brainwashedBy what"s surrounding youDidn"t you know thatEvery little thing"s contagiousOh yes, every little thing"s contagiousHey, monkey see and monkey doMust I get brainwashedBy what"s surrounding youDidn"t you know thatEvery little thing"s contagiousOh yes, every little thing"s contagious
    2023-07-24 22:27:071

    Regina Spektor的《Us》 歌词

    歌曲名:Us歌手:Regina Spektor专辑:(500) Days Of Summer (Music From the Motion Picture)Regina Spektor - Us"Story of a boy and a girl"They made a statue of usAnd it put it on a mountain topNow tourists come and stare at usBlow bubbles with their gumTake photographs for fun, for funThey"ll name a city after usAnd later say it"s all our faultThen they"ll give us a talking toThen they"ll give us a talking toBecause they"ve got years of experienceWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousWe wear our scarves just like a nooseBut not "cause we want eternal sleepAnd though our parts are slightly usedNew ones are slave labor you can keepWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usThe tourists come and stare at usThe sculptor"s marble sends regardsThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usOur noses have begun to rustWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWere living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousFor the movie 《500 days of summer》
    2023-07-24 22:27:151

    Hands On Deck 歌词

    歌曲名:Hands On Deck歌手:Waking Ashland专辑:ComposureAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownA step to the right To your own rhythmAnd what comes next Is up to youAnd I need a miracleTo save me from thisAnd i need the angelsTo all pray for meI cant believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAnother dayAnother worryBreaks right throughAnd indecision bleeds me dryAnd shes painting picturesI"m not making for herAnd she"s got a vision Without me in mindI can"t believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownthe long walks on moon light beachthe promises you could not keepYour so contagiousYour so contagiousfor all the world we did not seefor all the smiles you gave to metheyre so contagious so very fakeAll Hands on deckdont abandon the shipyoull never know what it could have beenall hands on deckmy ship is sinkingdont let me godont let me drowngoodbye to yougoodbye to you yougoodbye to yougoodbye to you you
    2023-07-24 22:27:371

    Smells Like A Teen Spirit 歌词

    歌曲名:Smells Like A Teen Spirit歌手:Damian Ukeje专辑:The Voice Of Poland Vol. 2Load up on guns and, Bring your friends, It"s fun to lose, And to pretendShe"s over bored, And self assured,Oh no, I know, A dirty wordhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now, Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now, Entertain usA mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My Libido, YeahI"m worse at what I do best,And for this gift I feel blessedOur little group has always been, And always will until the endhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now, Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now, Entertain usA mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My Libido, Yeah....MUSIC...And I forget , Just why I taste,Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smileI found it hard, It was hard to find, Oh well, whatever, nevermindhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now, Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now, Entertain usA mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My LibidoA denial, A denial, A denial, A denial,A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial,A denial
    2023-07-24 22:27:451


    2023-07-24 22:27:541

    一首英文歌 白话翻译过来差不多是 爱家瓦的手 乌拉一味的谁为谁手

    Artistuff1anirvanaSongs Titleuff1asmells like teen spiritLoad up on gunsBring your friendsIts fun to loseAnd to pretendShes overboardMyself assuredI know I knowA dirty wordHello uff08x 16uff09With the lights out its less dangerousHere we are nowEntertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are nowEntertain usA mulattoAn albinoA mosquitoMy libidoYeaIm worse at what I do bestAnd for this gift I feel blessedOur little group has always beenAnd always will until the endHello uff08x 16uff09With the lights out its less dangerousHere we are nowEntertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are nowEntertain usA mulattoAn albinoA mosquitoMy libidoYeaAnd I forgetJust what it takesAnd yet I guess it makes me smileI found it hardIts hard to findOh well, whatever, nevermindHello uff08x 16uff09With the lights out its less dangerousHere we are nowEntertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are nowEntertain usA mulattoAn albinoA mosquitoMy libidoYea
    2023-07-24 22:28:011

    Brother Ali的《Us》 歌词

    歌曲名:Us歌手:Brother Ali专辑:UsRegina Spektor - Us"Story of a boy and a girl"They made a statue of usAnd it put it on a mountain topNow tourists come and stare at usBlow bubbles with their gumTake photographs for fun, for funThey"ll name a city after usAnd later say it"s all our faultThen they"ll give us a talking toThen they"ll give us a talking toBecause they"ve got years of experienceWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousWe wear our scarves just like a nooseBut not "cause we want eternal sleepAnd though our parts are slightly usedNew ones are slave labor you can keepWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usThe tourists come and stare at usThe sculptor"s marble sends regardsThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usOur noses have begun to rustWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWere living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousFor the movie 《500 days of summer》
    2023-07-24 22:28:081

    英语翻译 14

     它成为了很明确的一点是,传染性打哈欠与同理心。但是为什么呢?也许最好的解释我们为什么打哈欠,以及为什么打哈欠是传染的,可以发现在酒吧在大草原上几万年前。  一些科学家认为,打哈欠是一种无意识的应对压力的情况下:当我们打哈欠,我们增加的血液流向大脑,从而使我们更加警惕。呵欠传染的可能是一种安静的沟通,我们的祖先散布消息说一头饥饿的狮子在附近。恐惧是一种情感,我们会同情、打哈欠可以作为一个线索,我们恐惧的蔓延。
    2023-07-24 22:28:163


    contagious 英[ku0259nu02c8teu026adu0292u0259s]美[ku0259nu02c8tedu0292u0259s]adj. 有传染性的; 传染病的; 有感染力的; 会蔓延的;全部释义>>[例句]Sometimes people can be contagious without even having symptoms.有时人们甚至没有任何症状就开始传染病毒了。
    2023-07-24 22:28:431


    ContagiousUh oh Uh ohWhen you"re around但你在我周围I don"t know what to do我不知所措I do not think that I can wait我迫不及待To go over and to talk to you想重温你,和你交谈I do not know what I should say我不知道应该说什么So I walk out in silence于是我在安静中走开That"s when I start to realize这是我开始意识到的时候What you bring to my life你给我的生活带来了什么Damn this guy can make me cry这个可恶的家伙使我哭泣It"s so contagious太具有感染力了I cannot get it out of my mind我不能停止想你It"s so outrageous太惊人了You make me feel so high all the time你永远使我觉得兴奋They all say that you"re no good for me他们都说爱上你对我没有好处But I"m too close to turn around但我已不能自拔I"ll show them they don"t know anything我会让他们知道他们一无所知I think I"ve got you figured out我认为我会让你被理解So I walk out in silence于是我在安静中走开That"s when I start to realize这是我开始意识到的时候What you bring to my life你给我的生活带来了什么Damn this guy can make me smile这个可恶的家伙使我微笑It"s so contagious太具有感染力了I cannot get it out of my mind我不能停止想你It"s so outrageous太惊人了You make me feel so high你使我觉得兴奋I will give you everything我会给你我的一切I will treat you right我会好好对待你If you just give me a chance如果你给我一个机会I can prove I"m right我会证明我是适合你的It"s so contagious太具有感染力了I cannot get it out of my mind我不能停止想你It"s so outrageous太惊人了You make me feel so high你使我觉得兴奋All the time永远
    2023-07-24 22:29:071

    anthem的《Contagious》 歌词

    歌曲名:Contagious歌手:anthem专辑:HERALDIC DEVICE[by:赖润诫「Contagious」作词∶Naoto ShibataVICP-64961作曲∶Naoto Shibata歌∶ANTHEMHey! 无敌のbright man 话を闻いてくれよ役には立たないだろうが话を闻いてくれよ bright manOh, may be fairy talesFor you, must be meaninglessまわりの谁もがみんな自分を叹いて生きてる同时に谁もがみんな自分を蹴り上げ这い回るOh, the one and only wayYes! だからもがくのさOh, until we get to the place sometimeIt"s Contagious. No refuse. Never die. Never die.Do you think that we are foolish men 止まれないのさThe Contagious. It"s taking me to the end. To the end.Do you feel it"s a foolish game?何かがまた駆り立てるのさWe are sailing, we are sailingToward the light that we neededWe are calling, we are callingTo the place that we want to stayOh, maybe fairy talesYes! だからもがくのさFor you, must be meaninglessOh, the one and only wayYes! 今日も もがくのさOh, until we get to the place sometimeIt"s Contagious. No refuse. Never die. Never dieDo you think that we are foolish men 止まれないのさThe Contagious. It"s taking me to the end. To the endDo you feel it"s a foolish game?何かがまた駆り立てるのさNo refuse, no refuseNever die, never die
    2023-07-24 22:29:201

    So Contagious 歌词

    歌曲名:So Contagious歌手:acceptance专辑:PhantomsSo ContagiousAcceptancePhantomsartis-Acceptancesong-So ContagiousOh no, this couldn"t be more unexpectedAnd I can tell that I"ve been moving in so slowDon"t let it throw you off too farCause I"ll be running right behind youCould this be out of line? (Could this be out of line?)To say you"re the only one breaking me down like thisYou"re the only one I would take a shot onKeep me hanging on so contagiouslyOohhh, when I"m around you I"m predictableCause I believe in loving you at first sightI know it"s crazy but I"m hoping to..To take a hold of youCould this be out of line? (Could this be out of line?)To say you"re the only one breaking me down like thisYou"re the only one I would take a shot onKeep me hanging on so contagiouslyOh you"re everything I"m wantingCome to think of it, I"m achingOn account of my transgression..Will you welcome this confession?Could this be out of line? (Could this be out of line?)To say you"re the only one breaking me down like thisYou"re the only one I would take a shot onKeep me hanging on so contagiouslyCould this be out of line? (Could this be out of line?)To say you"re the only one breaking me down like thisYou"re the only one I would take a shot onKeep me hanging on so contagiously
    2023-07-24 22:29:271

    Smells Like Teen Spirit 歌词

    歌曲名:Smells Like Teen Spirit歌手:Nirvana专辑:SinglesNirvanaSmells Like Teen SpiritLoad up on guns and Bring your friendsIt"s fun to lose And to pretendShe"s over bored And self assuredOh no, I know A dirty wordhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeahI"m worse at what I do bestAnd for this gift I feel blessedOur little group has always beenAnd always will until the endhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeahAnd I forget Just why I tasteOh yeah, I guess it makes me smileI found it hard It was hard to findOh well, whatever, nevermindhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeah, a denialA denialA denial...
    2023-07-24 22:29:471

    Céline Dion的《Us》 歌词

    歌曲名:Us歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Original Album ClassicsRegina Spektor - Us"Story of a boy and a girl"They made a statue of usAnd it put it on a mountain topNow tourists come and stare at usBlow bubbles with their gumTake photographs for fun, for funThey"ll name a city after usAnd later say it"s all our faultThen they"ll give us a talking toThen they"ll give us a talking toBecause they"ve got years of experienceWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousWe wear our scarves just like a nooseBut not "cause we want eternal sleepAnd though our parts are slightly usedNew ones are slave labor you can keepWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWe"re living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usThe tourists come and stare at usThe sculptor"s marble sends regardsThey made a statue of usThey made a statue of usOur noses have begun to rustWe"re living in a den of thievesRummaging for answers in the pagesWere living in a den of thievesAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousAnd it"s contagiousFor the movie 《500 days of summer》
    2023-07-24 22:29:561

    Smells Like Teen Spirit 歌词

    歌曲名:Smells Like Teen Spirit歌手:The Flying Pickets专辑:The Original Flying Pickets Vol. One「Smells Like Teen Spirit」作词∶Krist Novoselic作曲∶Krist Novoselic歌∶MiChiLoad up on guns and Bring your friendsIt"s fun to lose And to pretendShe"s over bored And self assuredOh no, I know A dirty wordhello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello.With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albino A mosquito My LibidoYay, yay, yayI"m worse at what I do bestAnd for this gift I feel blessedOur little group has always beenAnd always will until the endhello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello.With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albino A mosquito My LibidoYay, yay, yayAnd I forget Just why I tasteOh yeah, I guess it makes me smileI found it hard It was hard to findOh well, whatever, nevermindhello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello, how low?hello, hello, hello.With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libidoa denial A denial A denial...収録:KiSS KiSS xxx発売日:2009/05/27
    2023-07-24 22:30:031

    Smells Like Teen Spirit 歌词

    歌曲名:Smells Like Teen Spirit歌手:Nirvana专辑:From The Muddy Banks Of The WishkahNirvanaSmells Like Teen SpiritLoad up on guns and Bring your friendsIt"s fun to lose And to pretendShe"s over bored And self assuredOh no, I know A dirty wordhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeahI"m worse at what I do bestAnd for this gift I feel blessedOur little group has always beenAnd always will until the endhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeahAnd I forget Just why I tasteOh yeah, I guess it makes me smileI found it hard It was hard to findOh well, whatever, nevermindhello, how low? (x bunch of times)With the lights out it"s less dangerousHere we are now Entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now Entertain usA mulatto An albinoA mosquito My LibidoYeah, a denialA denialA denial...
    2023-07-24 22:30:101


    2023-07-24 22:30:202


    Too much too askyou were mineinnocencehotcontagiousbomb astic lovetake me away我觉得这些都挺不错的,好的也还有很多,你慢慢就会发现的…
    2023-07-24 22:30:465

    来源: https://learningenglish.voanews.comLaughing is one of life"s most simple pleasures. It is free. You can do it anywhere. And it makes you feel good! 笑是生活中最简单的乐趣之一。笑不受约束,不受地域限制,还能让你心情舒畅! There is another thing you should know about laughter: Laughter is contagious. 你还应该了解笑的另一个特点:笑具有感染力。 Like the flu, laughter can spread easily among people. Often when we hear someone laughing in a crowded room or a packed train, for example, we start laughing too — even if we have no idea why. 像流感一样,笑声很容易在人与人之间弥漫。例如,我们在拥挤的房间或火车上听到有人大笑时,不知为何我们也会跟着大笑。 But unlike the flu, even a good handwashing will not protect you against breaking into a fit of laughter. Your eyes water, your heart rate goes up and your face gets that beautiful laughter glow. 但与流感不同的是,洗手洗得再仔细也无法让你遏制笑的冲动。你的眼睛笑得盈满泪水,心跳加快,脸上也笑出美丽的红晕。In fact, many doctors say that mental health can affect physical health. You might even say, "Laughter is the best medicine." 实际上,许多医生都说心理健康会影响生理健康。你甚至可以说:“笑是最佳良药。” However, "laughter is the best medicine" does not mean that you should not take medicine when you are sick. It simply means that having a positive outlook might help ease your troubles. 但是,“笑是最佳良药” 并不意味着你生病时可以不吃药。这句话只是在说,积极的心态可能会减轻你的痛苦。 People who use this expression are probably pretty happy people. 会说这句话的人,大多是快乐的人。 Then there are those other types — you know, people who are always grumpy. 你知道的,有的人爱发脾气。 We could call someone who does not like to laugh a curmudgeon. A curmudgeon is bad-tempered, ill-natured and just generally not fun to be around. 我们称某些不喜欢笑的人为急性子。他们脾气暴躁,性格不善,与之相处大抵不会有趣。 Well, unless you yourself are a curmudgeon. If that is the case, you two could hang out and not laugh and not have fun together! You know what we say — misery loves company. 好吧,除非你就是急性子。若真是这样,你可以和另一个急性子一起出去玩,一起板着脸,一起不开心。你懂的——痛苦需要陪伴。 As we also like to say: Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone. 我们还想说:笑时,世界跟你一起笑,哭时,你只能独自垂泪。
    2023-07-24 22:31:001


    How to protect from the H1N1 Flu In recent days,the H1N1 Flu has spread throu the whole world and has caused so many cases that brought about a great deal of panic.H1N1 mainly can be infected via the unprotected contact with H1N1 patients or the infected environment.It is appreaing that people who contact may be hot,coughing,and has a sore throat,a headache,severely may even to be cold as well as vomit,and eventually to death. In order to prevent it happens,infecting vaccine and having a healthy and clean habbit is of great significance.It is not a serious matter that we can cant"s master,to believe is to be brave!
    2023-07-24 22:31:383


    1. 拿,取,获得[U]2. 捕获物,捕获量[C]3. 进款,收入[P]4. 【主英】【古】激动,不安a.1. 动人的,迷人的2. 【口】(疾病)传染性的加-S; takings: 进款,收入take的进行时 taking.
    2023-07-24 22:32:052

    Chester see everything中文歌词

    Chester see everything中文歌词她爱我,离开了我她仍然保持我想要更多,但感觉是空的她必须去吗?我会知道吗?爱与离开我她欺骗我她吻的方式如此误导我以为她会留下来然后她就走了在我关闭你的名字的章节之前有一对夫妇的东西,我从来没有说你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是每一个梦想的人的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河已经有一段时间了但我仍然发现我在与我们的最后的再见我以为这份爱会持续现在我生活在过去因为这只是我和我的心的回忆将跳过一个节拍当你靠近的时候现在你从来没有在这里在我找到力量之前让这个去有一对夫妇的东西我需要你知道你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是每一个梦想的人的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的是的,你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是我的一切是的你是我的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河是的,在爱中Chester see everything英文歌词She loved and left meStill she kept meWanting more, but feelings emptyDid she have to go?Will I ever know?Love and leave meShe decieved meThe way she kissedWas so misleadingI thought that she might stayThen she went awayBefore I close the chapter to your nameThere"s a couple things I never got to sayYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueThere"s beauty in your touchAnd your kiss is loveYou"re everything that every guy dreams ofYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveIt"s been some timeBut still I findI"m struggling with ourLast goodbyeI thought this love would lastNow I"m living in the pastCause it"s just meAnd memories of how my heartWould skip a beatWhenever you were nearNow you"re never hereBefore I find the strengthTo let this goThere"s a couple thingsI need for you to knowYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueThere"s beauty in your touchAnd your kiss is loveYou"re everything that every guy dreams ofYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueYEAH, there"s beauty in your touchAnd your KISS is loveYou"re everythingYesYou"re everythingYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveYeah, in love
    2023-07-24 22:32:211

    求Little Boots的remedy的歌词以及中文翻译!!

    去百度MP3里输入Little Boots就可以了,那里有歌词,最前面的人已经把它翻译了。。。
    2023-07-24 22:32:514


    Smells Like Teen Spirit - NirvanaLoad up on guns把枪上膛and Bring your friends带上狐朋狗友It s fun to lose多好玩去迷失And to pretend去假装She s over bored她行为极端And self assured并且自傲无比Oh no I know哦,不!我不由得想到A dirty word一个肮字hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点With the lights out当灯光熄灭it s less dangerous危险少些Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us来给我们一个乐子I feel stupid我感觉有点愚蠢and contagious却感染所有人Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us娱乐我们A mulatto一位黑白混血An albino一个白化病人A mosquito一只蚊子My Libido还有我的性冲动,Yeah耶~I m worse at what我天生有毁掉I do best我一技之长的事情And for this gift对这个天赋I feel blessed还感觉良好Our little group我们的小团体has always been将永远存在And always will并且不朽until the end直到永远hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点With the lights out当灯光熄灭it s less dangerous危险少些Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us来给我们一个乐子I feel stupid娱乐我们and contagious却感染所有人Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us来给我们一个乐子A mulatto一位黑白混血An albino一个白化病人A mosquito一只蚊子My Libido还有我的性冲动,Yeah耶~And I forget然后我忘了Just why I taste为什么我尝它?Oh yeah I guess哦,我猜it makes me smile它会让我微笑吧I found it hard这问题太难It was hard to find找不到答案Oh well whatever喔,好吧,无所谓了,nevermind管他呢hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点hello hello你好 你好hello how low你好怎样低点With the lights out当灯光熄灭it s less dangerous危险少些Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us来给我们一个乐子I feel stupid我感觉挺蠢?and contagious却感染所有人Here we are now我们在这里Entertain us来给我们一个乐子A mulatto一位黑白混血An albino一个白化病人A mosquito一只蚊子My Libido还有我的性冲动,A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避A denial逃避
    2023-07-24 22:33:101

    Catching Feelings 歌词

    歌曲名:Catching Feelings歌手:Justin Bieber专辑:BelieveCatching FeelingsJustin BieberSwing comes up on another morningMy mind never wakes up with that you wantedAnd it"s crazy to me, I even see you in my dreamsIs this meant to be? could this happening to meWe were best of friends since we were this highSo why do I get nervous every time you walk byWe would be on the phone all dayNow I can"t find the words to say to youNow what i"m supposed to doCould there be a possibilityI"m trying to say what"s upCause i"m made for you, and you for meBaby now is time for rightsTry to keep it all togetherBut enough is enoughThey say we"re too young for loveBut i"m catching feelings, catching feelingsIn my head we"re already togetherI"m cool alone, but with you i"m betterI just wanna see you smileYou say the word and i"ll be right thereI ain"t never going nowehreI"m just trying to see where this can take usCause everything about you girl is so contagiousI think I finally got it doneNow it"s left to do now, it"s get at the mirrorAnd say it to herCould there be a possibilityI"m trying to say what"s upCause i"m made for you, and you for meBaby now is time for rightsTry to keep it all togetherBut enough is enoughThey say we"re too young for loveBut i"m catching feelings, catching feelingsShould I tell her, how I really feelOr should I moving closer just be stillHow would I know?Cause if I take a chance, and I touch her handWell everything changesHow do I know, if she feels the same?Could there be a possibilityI"m trying to say what"s upCause i"m made for you, and you for meBaby now is time for rightsTry to keep it all togetherBut enough is enoughThey say we"re too young for loveBut i"m catching feelings, catching feelings
    2023-07-24 22:33:181


    The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie   《出卖世界的人》       We passed upon the stair   我们在天堂阶梯的两边(评价自己一生)      We spoke of was and when   谈论着过去的岁月与往事      Although I wasn"t there   虽然我与他已不在同一世界      He said I was his friend   他却说他曾是我的朋友      Which came as some surprise   对我来说多么震惊      I spoke into his eyes   于是我凝视着他说      I thought you died alone   “我以为你已经死去      A long long time ago   在很久很久以前就已经孤独死去了”      Oh no, not me   哦,不,那不是我      I never lost control   我从未失去控制      You"re face to face   与你面对面的      With The Man Who Sold The World   是这个出卖世界的人      I laughed and shook his hand   于是我笑着握他的手      And made my way back home   并踏上回乡的旅途      I searched for form and land   我寻找我的家园和归宿      For years and years I roamed   我多年流浪四方      I gazed a gazely stare at all the millions here   我凝视数百万闪烁的星光      We must have died alone,   我们早该孤独地逝去了      A long long time ago   在很久很久以前就孤独地逝去      Who knows? not me   谁知道呢?反正不是我      We never lost control   我们从未失去控制      You"re face to face   与你面对面的      With the Man who Sold the World   是这个出卖世界的人
    2023-07-24 22:33:282


    恶心 病态 疾病 困境
    2023-07-24 22:33:594


    2023-07-24 22:34:091


    用于医学上表示各种病称时,通常用 disease。如:contagious diseases 传染病 English disease 气管炎heart disease 心脏病 lung disease 肺病a nervous disease 神经病 a sex disease 性病skin disease 皮肤病注:有个别搭配也用 illness。如:mental illness [sickness] 精神病 disease 表示“疾病”,通常指具体的“疾病”(可数)。如:Most diseases could be wiped out. 多数疾病是可以消灭的。I caught the disease from you. 这病我是从你那传染来的。It was a horrible disease. 这是一种可怕的疾病。Arthritis is a chronic disease. 关节炎是一种慢性病。Measles, mumps and influenza are common diseases. 麻疹、腮腺炎和流感是常见病。注:有时指疾病的总称(不可数),即通称的“疾病”。如:Rats spread disease. 老鼠传染疾病。Cleanliness helps prevent disease. 清洁有助于预防疾病。Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病多由病菌引起。Many antibiotic drugs ore used to combat disease. 许多抗生素药品用来和疾病作斗争。2. sickness ,它们主要用于表示生病的时间或因病(disease)导致的不健康状态等。如:He can"t come because of sickness. 他因病不能来。He died after a long sickness. 他死之前病了很久。She is cheerful in spite of her sickness. 她尽管有病,但还是快乐。He was weak from a long sickness. 由于长期生病他身体很虚弱。Tell me a little about your sickness. 给我谈谈你的病。Chicken pox is a common childhood sickness. 水痘是儿童时期的常见病。Do you know what his sickness is? 你知道他患什么病吗?另外,sickness还可表示“呕吐”“恶心”。如:He"s suffering from sickness and diarrhoea. 他上吐下泻。He felt a wave of sickness come over him. 他感到一阵恶心。
    2023-07-24 22:34:191

    高二英语上册必修五知识点:Living with disease

    【 #高二# 导语】直面高二的挑战,认清高二的自己,明确高二的目标,意义重大。因为,高二的这个岔路口,分出的是渐行渐远的两条路,指向的是人生意义上的两个截然相反的阶段性终端。 高二频道为正在奋斗的你整理了《高二英语上册必修五知识点:Living with disease》希望你喜欢! Ⅰ.Hot words and hot phrases常用词与常用词组 1.Medical studies show that AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes:cups,glasses,toilet seats,swimming pools,mosquitoes,other insects or blood donation.(P.49) 2.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body"s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51) 3.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51) 4.People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or,as in Xiaohua"s case,through birth.(P.51) 5.Xiaohua"s mother contracted the HIV virus when she was 28,and she died of AIDS only three years after Xiaohua was born.(P.51) 6.The disease is spreading faster in Africa and parts of Asia,mainly because of a lack of proper health care,prevention and education.(P.51) 7.The drugs that are available are much too expensive and difficult to find.(P.51) 8....but she does not let that knowledge discourage her.(P.51) 9.She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.(P.51) 10.The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from.(P.52) 11....that can persuade hospitals and companies to allocate more funds for AIDS research and education.(P.52) 12.Xiaohua has learnt to live with HIV and the fact she will eventually get AIDS.(P.52) 13.Two years ago,Dr Richards had asked me a great many questions and had taken samples of my blood.(P.55) 14.Mum held my hand and I saw that she was weeping.(P.55) 15.Cancer is a disease that begins in cells.(P.55) 16.In my body,the production of cells is disrupted.(P.55) 17.Doctors do know that cancer is not caused by injury and is not contagious—it does not spread from one person to another.(P.55) 18.The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment.(P.55) 19.Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.(P.55) 20.Every day is a new opportunity and I have learnt to appreciate every minute of each day. Ⅱ.Language points and grammar focus语言点和语法重点 A.Language points语言点 1.HIV/AIDS is incurable...(P.49) AIDS is a disease that...leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51) 本单元中由前缀或后缀派生出的反义词的小结 2.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51) 完成时的动名词的被动式的内涵及用法 3.As with most diseases and disasters,the young suffer the most. “定冠词 + 形容词/过去分词”表示“一类人”的用法的小结 4.I had been feeling sick for a long time and my mum had taken me to hospital to have me examined.(P.55) 1)过去完成进行时的内涵及用法 2)“to have + 宾语 + 过去分词”的两个内涵及用法 5.The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months,two days and six hours in hospital.(P.55) was/were able to do与could do在内涵上的区别及各自的用法 6.I have been living with cancer for two years and...(P.55) 现在完成进行时的内涵及用法 Ⅲ.Skills of the four essential abilities:listening,speaking,reading and writing听、说、读、写四项基本能力的学习技巧 1.Listening:Master the main idea of a long dialogue through the inner connections among the questions so as to have better understanding of the questioned details 从各设问间的内在联系把握较长对话的中心思想,更好理解各检测点的细节 2.Speaking:Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS,cancer,etc. 关于那些致命疾病及对待艾滋病、癌症等的态度的谈论 3.Reading:Make full use of informational words and phrases 充分利用信息词 4.Writing:How to write a personal narrative 如何写一篇个人经历过的叙述性故事 【同步练习题】 Ⅰ.课文练习 1.根据句意及提示,在空白处填入适合语境且语法正确的单词。 1)We have a________(十多岁的,青少年的)son. 2)A doctor can"t cure his own________.(疾病) 3)Many sick people have been saved because of________.(输血) 4)The TV________(电视公司)provides educational programs. 5)They are________(专家),but his specialism is omniscience. 2.单项填空。 1)Talk about ________diseases and attitudes towards AIDS,cancer,etc. A.death B.dying C.dead D.deadly 2)Some people got ________this strange disease and they died within a few months. A.infected with B.infected to C.immune to D.immune with 3)I have been there ________times. A.a great deal of B.a good deal of C.a great many D.a large amount of 4)I remember ________you about it once. tell B.telling C.told D.tell 5)The book ________on the floor for ten minutes but no one has picked it up. lying B.has lain C.has been lying D.lay 3.语法重点练习。 用括号中动词的虚拟语气的正确形式填空。 1)If I________(be)you,I would wear the overcoat. 2)If you________(leave)earlier,you would have caught the train. 3)If you had taken her advice,you________(not fail). 4)I wish I________(know)several foreign languages. 5)It was a lovely day yesterday,I wish I________(go)for an outing. 6)I suggest that he________(report)the matter to the police. Ⅰ. 1.1)teenager 根据此句的上下文及提示,应填teenager。 2)illness 根据句意及提示,应填illness。 3)transfusion 根据句意及提示,应填名词transfusion。 4)network 根据句意及提示,应填network。 5)specialists 根据句意及提示,应填名词复数。 2.1)D 根据句意及这四个词的区别,应选deadly(致命的)。 2)A 根据句意及infect的用法,应选infected with。 3)C 根据句意及这四个词的用法,A、B选项修饰不可数名词,D选项也修饰不可数名词,只有C选项修饰可数名词。 4)B 根据句意及remember to do sth.及remember doing sth.的用法,应选B。 5)C 此句应用现在完成进行时。 3.1)were 请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 2)had left 请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 3)would not have failed.请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 4)knew 请查看Grammar focus部分(5)。 5)had gone 请查看Grammar focus部分(5)。 6)(should)report 请查看Grammar focus部分(6)。
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    toss it upselwyn - negative thingsRihanna - Only Girljls - privatepitbull - give me every thingkaty perry - last friday night
    2023-07-24 22:34:344


    1 There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.在每一个学生的内在,都深藏着一颗闪闪发光的赤子之心。2 Don"t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed.不要试图改变学生,首先要改变自己。好老师使差学生成为好学生,好学生变得更出色。如果我们的学生失败了,作为教师的我们也同样失败了。3 The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another.教的实质就是努力使学习的热情蔓延,并使彼此之间的灵感持续不断地相互激发。4 Once teachers try the Socratic, or direct method of teaching, they will never return to anything that cannot produce the "magic."一旦教师试图使用问答式或直接结论式的教学法,他们就再也没有可能回到任何可以产生“奇迹”的地方了。5 Success doesn"t come to you... you go to it.成功不是想来的...你只能走向成功。6 Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do best.卓越不是一个行为,而是一种习惯。你做的最出色的事都是你最愿意尽力做的事。7 Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.相信自己,想你自己所想的,做你自己愿做的,说你自己要说的,做你自己。任何模仿都是自杀行为。8 Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail.果断的决定和坚韧的意志可以改变世界,期待依赖什么人的帮助就能达到目标是绝对行不通的。9 Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.自己是怎样的人自己最知道,管他别人怎么说呢。10 If you can"t make a mistake, you can"t make anything.一个人如果连犯错都不敢,他终将一事无成。11 Mr. Meant-to has a friend, his name is Didn"t-Do. Have you met them? They live together in a house called Never-Win. And I am told that it is haunted by the Ghost of Might-have-Been.“认命”先生有一位朋友,他的名字叫“别干”。你见过他们吗?他们俩一起住在一间被叫做“不成”的房子里。我听说这栋房子里游荡着一个叫做“没准”的鬼魂。
    2023-07-24 22:34:521


    2023-07-24 22:26:411

    我想知道类似gxg 卡宾 等一些服装品牌哪个质量好点~

    2023-07-24 22:26:454


    2023-07-24 22:26:471


    望岳杜甫岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了。造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。望岳【诗文解释】  泰山是如此雄伟,青翠的山色望不到边际。大自然在这里凝聚了一切钟灵神秀,山南山北如同被分割为黄昏与白昼。望着山中冉冉升起的云霞,荡涤着我的心灵,极目追踪那暮归的鸟儿隐入了山林。我一定要登上泰山的顶峰,俯瞰那众山,而众山就会显得极为渺小。望岳【词语解释】岱宗:泰山别名岱山,因居五岳之首,故尊为岱宗。齐鲁:古代二国名,这里泛指山东一带地区。造化:指天地、大自然。钟:聚集。阴阳:阴指山北,阳指山南。割:分割。层云:云气层层叠叠,变化万千。决眦:形容极力张大眼睛远望,眼眶像要决裂开了。眦:眼眶。会当:一定要。望岳【诗文赏析】  《望岳》是现存杜诗中年代最早的一首。诗人到了泰山脚下,但并未登山,故题作「望岳」。诗篇描绘了泰山雄伟磅礴的气象,抒发了诗人向往登上绝顶的壮志。表现了一种敢于进取、积极向上的人生态度,极富哲理性。诗篇气魄宏伟,笔力囊括,造语挺拔,充分显示了青年杜甫卓越的创作才华。清人浦起龙说:「杜子心胸气魄,于斯可观。取为压卷,屹然作镇。」(《读杜心解》),却是中肯的评价。望岳岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了。造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。望岳【诗文解释】  泰山是如此雄伟,青翠的山色望不到边际。大自然在这里凝聚了一切钟灵神秀,山南山北如同被分割为黄昏与白昼。望着山中冉冉升起的云霞,荡涤着我的心灵,极目追踪那暮归的鸟儿隐入了山林。我一定要登上泰山的顶峰,俯瞰那众山,而众山就会显得极为渺小。望岳【词语解释】岱宗:泰山别名岱山,因居五岳之首,故尊为岱宗。齐鲁:古代二国名,这里泛指山东一带地区。造化:指天地、大自然。钟:聚集。阴阳:阴指山北,阳指山南。割:分割。层云:云气层层叠叠,变化万千。决眦:形容极力张大眼睛远望,眼眶像要决裂开了。眦:眼眶。会当:一定要。望岳【诗文赏析】  《望岳》是现存杜诗中年代最早的一首。诗人到了泰山脚下,但并未登山,故题作「望岳」。诗篇描绘了泰山雄伟磅礴的气象,抒发了诗人向往登上绝顶的壮志。表现了一种敢于进取、积极向上的人生态度,极富哲理性。诗篇气魄宏伟,笔力囊括,造语挺拔,充分显示了青年杜甫卓越的创作才华。清人浦起龙说:「杜子心胸气魄,于斯可观。取为压卷,屹然作镇。」(《读杜心解》),却是中肯的评价。u200b
    2023-07-24 22:26:491


    亲要树立信心。还好是ALK阳性的,对于间变性大细胞淋巴瘤ALK阳性对于化疗的敏感度比较高,化疗一般可以有效的缓解。积极治疗五年的生存率可以达到71%—93% 。而且ALK阳性可以使用ALK的靶向药,这样即使化疗效果不好,使用靶向药又多了一层保障,而且靶向药现在已经纳入医保了。
    2023-07-24 22:26:501


    2023-07-24 22:26:383


    难。如下:考试时间:50分钟试题数量:45题试题类型:选择题(包括单选题和多选题)、配对题通过成绩:700分(总分为1000分)专业国际认证的权威性考核学生的综合能力。系统完善的国际认证标准。专业与职业之间的桥梁。企业选拔人才的标准。提升学生职场自信力。成为未来求职的加分点。与雇主建立良好的谈话切入点。扩展资料ESB认证考试以能力为导向,可实现6大部分的培训目标:企业家特质、机会识别、创业、企业经营、市场营销和销售、财务管理。企业家的特征、风险、利益、缺陷。分析对商品或服务的需求,识别价值主张,特许经营与购买现有企业的利弊。计算创业所需的金额,在基本层次上理解不同法律结构的企业。 理解供应链,不同的操作流程,比如职责分离,需要考虑哪些关键点分析寻找新客户的成本/效益,如何留住客户,不同营销/沟通方法的价值。解释基本的财务报表,固定费用和可变费用,确定盈亏平衡点.参考资料来源:百度百科-ESB
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    prefer是比起什么更喜欢什么,一般两种用法 1、prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事 例:My daddy prefers me not to swim in that river because it"s too dangerous.我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了. 2、prefer A to B 在A和B中更喜欢A 例:I prefer green tea to coffee.绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶. I prefer cooking myself to eating out.我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃. 注意: 注意这个用法中肯定的是前者,A和B必须在形式上保持一致,即要么都是名词,要么都是动名词.没有使用不定式的用法.
    2023-07-24 22:26:351

    和女装的only moda 欧时力什么的差不多的男装品牌有哪些啊

    2023-07-24 22:26:342


    11 days travel around AustraliaDay 1:Fly from Beijing to Sydney.Day 2:Arrive @ Sydney airport,check into hotel ( after 2 pm),have a good rest.Day 3:Bus to Blue Mountain for a day trip.Day 4:Visit Sydney Harbour and Opera House,keep going with royal Imperial Garden,Hyde Park,China Town,Darling Harbour.Fly to Gold Coast.Day 5:Theme parks day,free time by yourselves!Day 6:Paradise Farm and cruise tour,bus to Brisbane.Day 7:Brisbane City center tour for half day,fly to Melbourne.Day 8:Great Ocean Road tour for a day.Day 9:City Center with city tram and shopping,casion day.Day 10:Fly back to ChinaDay 11:Safely arrive back home,finish the lovely trip.
    2023-07-24 22:26:341