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英语翻译醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk梦回吹?

醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk 梦回吹角连营.In my dream, I return the military base surrounded by the sound of horn 八百里分麾下炙,sharing the supply (beef) with my inferiors 五十弦翻塞外声,listening to the music made by the northen tribe 沙场秋点兵.I am in a troop-view in the Autumn 马作的卢飞快,the warhorse is as fast as the wind 弓如霹雳弦惊.the sound from the arrow shooting is as loud as the thunder 了却君王天下事,I serve the emperor to conquer the world! 赢得生前身后名,leaving my name to the histroy! 可怜白发生.but I sadly find that my hair has got pale.,4,英语翻译 醉里挑灯看剑,i used to appreciate my sword when I get drunk 梦回吹角连营.In my dream,I return the military base surrounded by the sound of horn 八百里分麾下炙,sharing the supply (beef) with my inferiors 五十弦翻塞外声,listening to the music made by the northen tribe 沙场秋点兵.I am in a troop-view in the Autumn 马作的卢飞快,the warhorse is as fast as the wind 弓如霹雳弦惊.the sound from the arrow shooting is as loud as the thunder 了却君王天下事,I serve the emperor to conquer the world! 赢得生前身后名,leaving my name to the histroy! 可怜白发生.but I sadly find that my hair has got pale.

Drunk on the stars是什么意思?

意思是:喝醉在星星上。重点词汇:drunk 英[drʌŋk] 美[drʌŋk] adj. 醉的; 沉醉; 陶醉的; 飘飘然; n. 醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者; v. 喝(酒)( drink的过去分词); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指) 酗酒; [例句]Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk.斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。star 英[stɑ:(r)] 美[stɑr] n. 明星; 星; 星级; 星状物; v. 主演; (在文字等旁) 标星号; [例句]The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud.夜很黑,星星都躲在云的后面。

Drunk driving,which was once a____occurrence,is now under control.

【答案】:B【考情点拨】本题考查形容词辨析。 【应试指导】句意:酒后驾车是过去常常发生的事,现在已经得到控制。general普遍的,全面的:frequent时常发生的;normal正常的,正规的;particular特别的,特殊的。

求大神帮我写篇英语作文On Fighting Against Drunk Driving,谢谢

以下原创 Difference between good and great Many people want to be a great person. This is not only a dream for great people , but also a dream for the ordinary. In order to have a best possition in the sociaty, what we should do is to be focused. Here are some examples in the long history of science . Albert Einstan"s great achievement had been discovered when he was just 20s years old ,working as a employer in a research collage. He has already t6hought of his great ideas of relativity, and in the same time , he printed to the magazines. However , it wasn"t a hit .Because nobody understood him . Deprssed it is ,but Einstan did"t give up. He continued to focu on his reasearch ,until secceed. Here we can make a conclusion that he is seccessful because he never give up when in trouble, and also he is always focused to his theary and his devoted belief. Another example is Mary courier . As we all know, she was a great scientist who won Noble prize two times . Her seccess is all about her focuse on sciece and her hard work until death. So it is to say that if we want to reach the top of something , what we must do is to focused on it . Not just be good , but to be the best need this spirit . Be focused on what you really care about , and in this way can you acvhieve your dream sooner or later.

(Mothers Against Drunk Driving)的来历是怎样的?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving 简称 MADD 它成立于1980年,当时一名加利福尼亚州的少女被酒后开车的司机撞死,女孩的母亲为了制止酒后驾车,开始四处开展社会活动,提倡禁止酒后驾车,得到社会响应和赞助,成立了这个协会。目前,协会有会员500余人,分布美国各地。在协会的倡导下,很多州都就酒后驾车问题制订了严厉的法规。

drunk driving is serious problem

答案:A 此题考查不定冠词的用法.联系语境,根据Drunk driving is _______ serious problem可知这里指酒驾是一个严重的问题,强调一个,表泛指;所以应该用不定冠词a或an,由于serious是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用a.故选A.

求关于on drunk driving的英语作文

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below.醉酒驾车增多的原因醉酒驾车的危害如何减少醉酒驾车(Drunken Driving) Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon. Firstly, recent decades have witnessed the rapid development of people"s living standards. As a result, cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road a nightmare, and thus, it will cause serious losses of faith in governments and the society. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.

求作业答案:Drunk driving_______


英语作文drunk driving 怎么写

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below. 醉酒驾车增多的原因 醉酒驾车的危害 如何减少醉酒驾车 (Drunken Driving) Nobody could have failed to notice th...

drunk driving是什么意思?


翻译"Love Drunk"

实在找不着 抱歉

get drunk有溺水的意思吗


i was drunk是什么时态?

一般过去时I was drunk.我醉了。



i have drunk是什么意思


get drunk是什么意思


“酩酊大醉”drunk as a skunk

drunk as a skunk   Skunk(臭鼬)喷出的臭气那可谓是“大名鼎鼎”,但如果论酒量,它也就是个“无名小卒”,因此drunk as a skunk就是“酩酊大醉”的一种形象的说法。   英语中有很多说法可以指“酩酊大醉”,例如:as drunk as a lord,as drunk as a log, go to bed in one"s boots等等。但是这些说法都没有drunk as a skunk听起来有韵律,drunk和skunk和谐的韵律使它好读又好记,因此这个说法流传甚广。   Skunk是一个俚语词,因为臭鼬放出的气体极臭,所以它的意思经常带有贬义。Skunk作名词的意思是“卑鄙或可恶的人,讨厌鬼”;作动词的意思是“战胜,完全击败对方”,尤指使对方“不得分”或“欺骗”。


祁醉电竞中的名字:Drunk,于炀电竞中的名字:Youth。 于炀和祁醉是在晋江文学城上著的电竞纯爱小说《AWM[绝地求生]》中的男主角。作者漫漫何其多。 AWM[绝地求生]是作者漫漫何其多在晋江文学城连载的一部电竞耽美小说。 作品简介 AWM:PUBG游戏中伤害最高获取最难的怪物大狙,空投终极梦想,威力足伤害高,无视任何头部防具爆头一枪倒地,缺点:几率产出,获取极难,全凭运气。 你是我的AWM的意思就是:你是我的可遇不可求。

I am drunk.语法正确吗


I have drunk是什么意思?

i have drunk意思是:我已经醉了以下双语例句:1.I have drunk lead, which somewhat benumbed my head. 我喝了石墨,脑袋因此发僵。2.Shall I pay you now for what I have drunk? 我需要现在支付我喝的饮料钱吗?3.If I have drunk brandy, it was out of misery. 我并不贪喝,但是酒会把人弄糊涂的。4.Don"t think that I have drunk too much, I"m not drunk at all. 你别以为我喝多了,我没有醉.5.To be intoxicated by a single glass of wine; I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines. 饮下一杯,既便醉了;当我饮下那深奥的理论时就曾有此感。

find sb drunk是什么意思


if drunk regularly为什么用drunk?



鞋舌的厚度与鞋底的厚度不同首先air force重在air,它是有air sole气垫的.dunk除了sb有zoom air气垫外其他都是没气垫的.其次,force的底比较高,要硬一些,dunk的底则要低一些.软一些.这个是他们主要的不同.



Drunk, Youth,Flower,Soso,Wincy,Momo是什么意思?

drunk v.喝酒(drink的过去分词)agj.喝醉了的youth n.青年,青春,年轻,青少年时期flower n.花,精华,开花植物 v. 成熟,发育,使开花soso 李玖哲wincy 始终momo n.卯卯 (人名)莫莫

Lubnin G.的《Drunk》 歌词

Drunk演唱:Super Super乐队我的心脏,变得慌张我的脑海,一片空白我的眼睛,模糊不清记忆,停在现在间奏。。。。生活让我喝醉了酒痛苦让我喝醉了酒快乐让我喝醉了酒寂寞让我喝醉了酒啊…..啊…..啊…..啊…..我的脚步,忘了来时的路我的脑海,一片空白前面的路,变得模糊记忆,停在现在我的心脏,变得慌张我的脑海,一片空白我的眼睛,模糊不清记忆,停在现在http://music.baidu.com/song/15127989

求Ed sheeran《drunk》的歌词

I wanna be drunk when I wake up On the right side of the wrong bed And every excuse I made up Tell you the truth I hate What didn"t kill me It never made me stronger at all. Love will scar your make-up lip sticks to me So now I"ll maybe leave back there I"m sat here wishing I was sober I know I"ll never hold you like I used to. But our house gets cold when you cut the heating Without you to hold I"ll be freezing Can"t rely on my heart to beat it "Cause you take part of it every evening Take words out of my mouth just from breathing Replace with phrases like when you"re leaving me. Should I, should I? Maybe I"ll get drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again To feel a little love I wanna hold your heart in both hands I"ll watch it fizzle at the bottom of a Coke can And I"ve got no plans for the weekend So shall we speak thenKeep it between friends Though I know you"ll never love me like you used to. There maybe other people like us You see the flicker of the clip when they light up Flames just create us, burns don"t heal like before You don"t hold me anymore. On cold days Coldplay"s out like the band"s the name I know I can"t heal things with a hand shake You know I can"t change as I began saying You cut me wide open like landscape Open bottles of beer but never champagne We"ll applaud you with the sound that my hands make. Should I, should I? Maybe I"ll get drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again To feel a little love. All by myself I"m here again All by myself You know I"ll never change All by myself All by myself I"m just drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again。




drunk [dru028cu014bk] v.喝酒(drink的过去分词) adj.喝醉了的 (通常作表语) 短语 1.(as) drunk as a fiddler (或the devil,a fish,a lord an owl,a piper,a sow,David"s sow,boiled owl,bilod owl) 烂醉如泥,酩酊大醉 2.drink himself drunk一醉方休 3.drink and incapable醉得不能动弹 4.on the drunk[俚语]长时间不断地狂饮,沉溺于狂饮,滥饮 drink [driu014bk] vt.喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆贺 vi.喝酒;饮水;干杯 n.酒,饮料;喝酒 [ 过去式drank 或 drunk 过去分词drunk 或drank 现在分词drinking ]

drunk什么意思 drunk的意思

1、drunk,英 [dru028cu014bk] 美 [dru028cu014bk] adj.醉的;沉醉;(酒)醉;陶醉;飘飘然; 2、I think we could all use a drink after that! 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。 3、Would you like a drink of some kind? 您想喝点什么吗?


作形容词时意为“喝醉的,喝醉了的”,作名词时意为“醉汉,醉酒者;酒鬼,酗酒者;(非正式)纵饮,醉酒”,作动词时意为“喝酒”。单词发音:英[dru028cu014bk]美[dru028cu014bk]短语搭配:1、Drunk wind 醉清风2、A drunk 一醉 ; 酒鬼 ; 醉汉3、Drunk Man 酒鬼寻路 ; 醉鬼寻路4、drunk drive 醉酒驾车 ; 醉驾5、Drunk Cam 醉酒状态6、Drunk Angel 醉天使7、Drunk Rider 醉酒的车手 ; 播放器8、Blind drunk 喝得烂醉的 ; 泥醉 ; 烂醉的9、Drunk style 醉酒的风格 ; 正在翻译双语例句:1、What shall we do with the drunk sailor?我们拿这个喝醉的水手怎么办?。2、If not drink drunk, do not forget oneself not anything to do.如果不喝酒喝醉了,不要忘记自己不要做任何事情。

drunk怎么读 drunk解释

1、drunk,喝醉的。读音:美/dru028cu014bk/;英/dru028cu014bk/。 2、释义:v.喝酒(drink 的过去分词)。adj.喝醉的,喝醉了的。n.醉汉,醉酒者;酒鬼,酗酒者;(非正式)纵饮,醉酒。 3、例句:Several drunks on the street woke up the nearby residents.街边的几个醉汉把附近居民都吵醒了。

喝酒getting drunk 与get drink,含义有什么区别吗,get使用动名词是想表达什

drunk过去分词表喝醉的状态 drink就是喝东西

翻译,he talks as if he is drunk。并解释为什么用is drunk


I drunk a lot of water just now . 这里为什么要用“drunk"呢?

应该用drank一般过去时的形式,而不是过去分词drunk的形式。或者这句话改成I‘ve drunk 。。。。

这里为什么用are drunk?英语学习

drunk 除了是drink 的过去分词外,还可以是形容词。

good drunk是什么

没这个说法,good 是形容词,drunk 是 v. 喝酒(drink的过去分词) adj. 喝醉了的

I drunk a lot of water just now . 这里为什么要用“drunk"呢?

just now 意为刚才,用过去式

drunk- Ed sheeran歌词翻译



drunk是普通的说法,就是说明结果是醉了。 tipsy 是微醉的; 略有醉意的; 两个词的程度不一样,

drunk 怎么读。?


单词"drunk"的发音为 /dru028cu014bk/。以下是详细解释:饮醉是指在过量饮酒的情况下失去正常的思考和行为能力,给身体带来危害。饮醉不仅可能导致公共场合的尴尬和不良行为,还可能对健康造成长期影响。有研究表明,饮醉容易引起心脏病、高血压、肝病等多种健康问题。除了健康问题,饮醉还会对社会带来负面影响。在许多国家,饮醉驾驶是一种严重的违法行为,会导致交通事故或其他伤害事件。此外,在职场和个人生活中,过度饮酒也可能给自己和他人带来负面后果,影响工作和人际关系。因此,如何控制自己的饮酒量,避免饮醉成为一个重要的社会议题。对于那些容易饮醉的人来说,建议逐渐减少酒量,加强对饮酒的认识和控制,遵守当地的法律和规定。此外,社会组织和政府部门也可以加强宣传和教育,提高公众对饮酒和饮醉的认识,帮助人们更好地维护自己的健康和社会责任。另外,针对饮醉问题,很多国家和地区都有相关的法律法规和政策。例如一些国家规定,在公共场合不能饮酒或者饮酒量有限制;同时,还有许多组织和社区为人们提供戒酒和康复服务,帮助那些酗酒者戒酒并重新回归社会。此外,除了个人行为和法律规定外,商家和酒类生产企业也应当承担一定的责任。他们可以通过加强对酒精含量的监管、提供更丰富的非酒精饮品选择等方式来降低人们的饮酒量和饮醉风险。同时,商家也应当遵守相关的法律规定,不向未成年人或者已经饮醉的人出售酒类产品。总之,正确对待饮酒和饮醉问题,对个人和社会都至关重要。所有人都应该认识到,过度饮酒和饮醉不仅会对自己的健康和安全造成威胁,还可能危及他人的生命和财产安全。因此,我们需要依靠个人、社会组织和政府等多方面的力量共同应对此类社会问题,切实保障公众的健康和安全。

Ed Sheeran的《Drunk》 歌词

歌曲名:Drunk歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:+Ed Sheeran - DrunkI wanna be drunk when I wake up,On the right side of the wrong bed,And every excuse I made up,Tell you the truth I hate,What didn"t kill me, it never made me stronger at all,Love will scar your makeup lip sticks to me,So now I"ll maybe lean back there I"m sat here, wishing I was sober,I know i"ll never hold you like I used toBut our house gets cold when you cut the heating,Without you to hold i"ll be freezing,Can"t rely on my heart to beat itCause you take part of it every evening,Take words out of my mouth just from breathing,Replace with phrases like "when you leaving me?"Should I, Should I,Maybe I"ll get drunk, againI"ll be drunk, again, I"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little love.I wanna hold your heart in both hands,Now I"ll watch you fizzle at the bottom of a coke can,And i"ve got no plans for the weekend,So should we speak then? Keep it between friends?Though I know you"ll never love me, like you used toThere maybe other people like us, Will see the flicker of the clipper when they light our,Flames just create us, burns dont heal like beforeYou dont hold me anymoreOn cold days Coldplay"s out like the band"s nameI know i cant heal things with a handshakeYou know i can change, as I began sayingYou cut me wide open like a landscapeOpen bottles of beer but never champagneTo applaud you with the sound that my hands makeShould I? Should I?Maybe I"ll get drunk, againI"ll be drunk, again I"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little loveAll by myself I"m here againAll by myself You know I"ll never changeAll by myself All by myselfI"m just drunk, againI"ll be drunk, againI"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13847071

drunk是什么意思 探究drunk这个词的含义?


英语短文 drunk怎么读

drunk_百度翻译drunk 英[dru028cu014bk] 美[dru028cu014bk] adj. 醉的; 沉醉; 陶醉的; 飘飘然; n. 醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者; v. 喝(酒)( drink的过去分词); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指) 酗酒; [网络] 过去分词; 喝醉酒的; 酒醉; [例句]Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk.斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。[其他] 复数:drunks




drunk 英[dru028cu014bk] 美[dru028cu014bk] adj. 醉的; 沉醉; 陶醉的; 飘飘然; n. 醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者; v. 喝(酒)( drink的过去分词); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指) 酗酒; [例句]Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。[其他] 原型: drink 复数:drunks

Drunk On You 歌词

歌曲名:Drunk On You歌手:Luke Bryan专辑:Tailgates & TanlinesDrunk On YouLuke BryanCotton wool fallin" like snow in JulySunset, riverside, 4 wheel drivesand a tail light circleRoll down the windows, turn it on upPour a little crown in a dixie cupGet the party startedGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin" on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mmm mmmYou"re lookin" so good in what"s left of those bluejeansDrip of honey on the money make it gotta beThe best buzz I"m ever gonna findHey, ya I"m a little drunk on youAnd high on summertimeIf you ain"t a 10 you"re a 9.9Tipin" n" spilin" that home made wineOn your tied up T-shirtEvery little kiss is drivin" me wildThrown little cherry bombs into my fireGood god all mightyGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin" on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mmm mmmYou"re lookin" so good in what"s left of those bluejeansDrip of honey on the money make it gotta beThe best buzz I"m ever gonna findHey, ya I"m a little drunk on youAnd high on summertimeSo let"s slip on out where it"s a little bit darkerAnd when it gets a little bit hotterWe"ll take it off out in the waterGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin" on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mmm mmmYou"re lookin" so good in what"s left of those bluejeansDrip of honey on the money make it gotta beThe best buzz I"m ever gonna findHey, ya I"m a little drunk on youAnd high on summertimeyeah I"m a little drunk on youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7946590

Punch-Drunk Love的《Here We Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Here We Go歌手:Punch-Drunk Love专辑:Punch-Drunk LoveHere we gop.o.d.He never knew the meaningOf love until he"d seen herOh man, she really drives him crazyAnd she knows what she"s doingHeart aches, he can"t fight this feelingAnd won"t stop until he tells herShe is his one and only ladyAnd you"ve got to believe mePre Chorus:It"s what he said, what he saidThis is what he saidChorus:If you take my handWe can run awayStay close to my love"Cause here we go againDon"t let go of my handSo we can fly awayIf you trust in my loveThis will never endShe never did believe inLove until she"d seen himHe"s got to be pretty amazingFor her to share what she"s feelingShe takes the chance, time for livingIf she wants to get with himShe said you"re gonna think i"m crazybut you"ve got to believe mePre Chorus:It"s what she said, what she saidThis is what she saidChorus:If you take my handWe can run awayStay close to my love"Cause here we go againDon"t let go of my handSo we can fly awayIf you trust in my loveThis will never endBridge:Seems like we spend so much timeDriving this to our kneesI guess I won"t really mindIf we"re living for you and meAnd this is what we saidChorus:If you take my handWe can run awayStay close to my love"Cause here we go againDon"t let go of my handSo we can fly awayIf you trust in my loveThis will never endIf you take my handWe can run awayStay close to my love"Cause here we go againDon"t let go of my handSo we can fly awayIf you trust in my loveThis will never endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7666045

Hurricane Drunk 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane Drunk歌手:Florence + The Machine专辑:LungsFlorence And The Machine - Hurricane DrunkNo walls,Can keep me protectedNo sleep,Nothing inbetween me and the rainAnd you can"t save me now,I"m in the grip of a hurricaneI"m gonna blow myself away.I"m going out,I"m gonna drink myself to deathAnd in the crowdI see you with someone else,I brace myself,Cause I know it"s going to hurt,But I like to think at least things can"t get any worse.No home,I don"t want shelter,No calm,Nothing to keep me from the storm,And you can"t hold me down,Cause I belong to the hurricane.It"s gonna blow us all away.I"m going out,I"m gonna drink myself to deathAnd in the crowdI see you with someone else,I brace myself,Cause I know it"s going to hurt,But I like to think at least things can"t get any worse.I hope that you see me,Cause I"m staring at you,But when you look over,You look right through,Then you lean and kiss her on the head,And I never felt so alive, and so.. dead.I"m going out,I"m gonna drink myself to deathAnd in the crowdI see you with someone else,I brace myself,Cause I know it"s going to hurt,I"m going outI"m going outI"m gonna drink myself to deathAnd in the crowdI see you with someone else,I brace myself,Cause I know it"s going to hurt,I"m going out, woah-oh-oI"m going out, woah-oh-oI"m going o-o-o-o-o-o-outI"m going out,I"m going out,woah-oh-o.http://music.baidu.com/song/7383573

英语谚语:Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals 中文意思: 酒后露真言。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Butter to butter is no relish 千篇一律的东西令人生厌。 By doing nothing we learn to do ill 懒散学为非。 By doing we learn 经一事,长一智。 By falling we learn to go safely 吃一堑,长一智。 By gambling we lose both time and treasure two things most precious to the life of man 赌博使我们丢失时间和金钱,这两样人生最珍贵的东西。 By other"s faults wise men correct their own 他山之石,可以攻玉。 By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。 By the hands of many a great work made light 众擎易举。 By the side of sickness health bees sweet 和疾病相比较,才显得健康的可贵。 By the street of Bye and bye one arrives at the house of Never 迁延因循,一事无成。 英语谚语: Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals 中文意思: 酒后露真言。

英语谚语:What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals 中文意思: 醉汉口里露真言。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Death when it es will have no denial 死亡来临时,无可抗拒之。 Debt is better than death 负债总比死亡强。 Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves 行动是果实,言语只是树叶而已。 Deeds are males and words are females 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。 Deeds no words 不要光说不练。 Deep rivers move in silence shallow brooks are noisy 深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。 Delays are dangerous 坐失良机必有忧患。 Deliberate before you begin then execute with vigour 著手前要深思熟虑,执行要果断有力。 Deliberate in counsel prompt in action 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。 Deliberating is not delaying 慎思不是拖延。 英语谚语: What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals 中文意思: 醉汉口里露真言。