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eastern countries 与 oriental countries 有什么区别?

eastern countries 东部国家oriental countries 东方国家

单词eastern 和 oriental 有什么区别啊?

eastern 东方的,东部的

英语the Eastern和Oriental区别是什么?

the Eastern是个相对位置,也就是任何一个区域都可以有东部,譬如亚洲东部,欧洲东部,非洲东部……而Oriental是个绝对概念,就是指世界的东方。

oriental 与eastern的区别

前者是东方,后者是东部!我只能这么说例如:eastern countries 东部国家 oriental countries 东方国家 oriental countries 指的是地图上在东边的国家比如说日本。中国。eastern countries 指的是对于一个国家相对来说在东边的国家。比如德国在英国东边。 Oriental beauty strip东方美女地带Eastern girl country 东方女儿国




oriental [7C(:)ri5entl] n. 东方人(尤指中国人和日本人) adj. 东方诸国的, 亚洲的, 东方的, (珍珠等)最优质的美国传统词典[双解]oriental o.ri.en.tal AHD:[?r”?-μn“tl, ?r”-] D.J.[7%8ri86entl, 7our-] K.K.[7%ri6Wntl, 7or-] adj.(形容词) (1) Often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern: 常作 Oriental 东方的:属于或者有关东方的国家或者这些国家的人民或文化的;东方的: “Oriental immigration”(S.I. Hayakawa) “向东方国家迁移”(S.I.早川一会) (2) Oriental Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Oriental 东方区的:属于或表示包括亚洲喜马拉雅山脉南部和爱琴海诸岛的生物地理区域的 (3) Lustrous and valuable: 有光泽的和价值连城的: oriental pearls. 价值连城的珍珠 (4) Of or relating to a genuine or superior gem: 优质的:属于或关于纯的或上等的宝石的: an oriental ruby. 上等的红宝石 (5) Relating to or designating corundum that resembles another stone in color. 刚玉的:关于或表示在颜色上类似另一块石头的刚玉的 n.(名词) Often Oriental Offensive Used as a disparaging term for an Asian person.See Usage Note at Asian 常作 Oriental 【无礼用语】 东方佬:用于对亚洲人的蔑称参见 Asian

eatsern与oriental的区别? eastern与oriental的区别

eastern就是指方位、方向上的东部的,东方的, 而oriental的含义其实是泛指“亚洲的”,就好像中国人称欧洲或美国是西方国家一样,不仅仅是地理上的西方,而用西方来指代.

easterntimes tech键盘怎么激活?

通常来说,大多数键盘并不需要激活即可使用。Eastern Times Tech(东方创想科技)是一家知名的电子产品制造商,他们生产各种键盘和鼠标等外设设备。这些设备通常在连接到计算机后即可使用,而不需要进行额外的激活步骤。以下是一些常见的设置步骤,以确保你的Eastern Times Tech键盘能够正常工作:1. 连接键盘:将Eastern Times Tech键盘通过USB接口连接到电脑。通常,键盘将会被自动识别并开始工作。2. 重新启动计算机:如果键盘在连接后无法正常工作,尝试重新启动计算机。有时,操作系统需要重新识别新连接的设备才能使其正常工作。3. 更新驱动程序:在某些情况下,你的操作系统可能需要更新或安装适当的驱动程序才能支持Eastern Times Tech键盘的特定功能。你可以访问东方创想科技的官方网站,并查找他们所提供的驱动程序或软件更新。4. 检查连接和电源:确保键盘连接稳固,USB接口没有松动或损坏。如果键盘需要电源,确保它已经正确连接并具有足够的电力供应。如果你遇到了特定的问题或无法解决的问题,建议查阅相关的产品说明书

Easterm Elevator 怎么读?

Easter Elevator复活节电梯elevator英 ["elɪveɪtə] 美 ["ɛlɪvetɚ] n. 电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机短语elevator operator 电梯小姐 ; 电梯工The Elevator 电梯 ; 升降机操作 ; 准时赴约 ; 下电梯tailing elevator 尾矿提升机 ; 杂穗升运器 ; 尾矿晋升机 ; 尾矿吊斗

easter bunny首字母为什么大写?

Easter Bunny:复活节兔子是专有名词



easter bunny怎么读

Easter bunny英 [u02c8i:stu0259 u02c8bu028cni] 美 [u02c8istu025a u02c8bu028cni](复活节人们用作礼物或装饰品的)复活节兔子Here Comes the Easter Bunny! 复活节Bunny来了!来自互联网

Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than __Eastern Nebraska.

than连接比较状语从句,than从句的主语和谓语必须进行部分倒装,即助动词或联系动词与主语倒装。有in ,那就变成是在 Nebraska的东部,变成状语了,而前面句子中没有in不是状语,为了前后一致,所以是does

《Eastern Standard Tribe》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Eastern Standard Tribe》(Cory Doctorow)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/15bCKbBVdXjNwjyYf9d-yvw 提取码: 2vmu书名:Eastern Standard Tribe作者:Cory Doctorow出版社:Tor Books出版年份:2005-04-01页数:223内容简介:A comedy of loyalty, betrayal, sex, madness, and music-swappingArt is an up-and-coming interface designer, working on the management of data flow along the Massachusetts Turnpike. He"s doing the best work of his career and can guarantee that the system will be, without a question, the most counterintuitive, user-hostile piece of software ever pushed forth onto the world. Why? Because Art is an industrial saboteur. He may live in London and work for an EU telecommunications megacorp, but Art"s real home is the Eastern Standard Tribe. Instant wireless communication puts everyone in touch with everyone else, twenty-four hours a day. But one thing hasn"t changed: the need for sleep. The world is slowly splintering into Tribes held together by a common time zone, less than family and more than nations. Art is working to humiliate the Greenwich Mean Tribe to the benefit of his own people. But in a world without boundaries, nothing can be taken for granted-not happiness, not money, and most certainly not love. Which might explain why Art finds himself stranded on the roof of an insane asylum outside Boston, debating whether to push a pencil into his brain....

4:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 请问是北京时间几点?谢谢

New York, GMT-04:00北京时间所在时区为 GMT+8:00所以,与纽约时间有12个小时的时差,北京时间领先于纽约时间。纽约时间为4:00 pm,那么北京时间在此基础上加12小时,即为4:00 AM


1、east:可做名词、形容词和副词,而eastern:仅能做形容词;2、east:在句中做主语,而eastern:在句中做定语等。 扩展资料 east和eastern形容词的区别:East是指明确的地理划分,尤其是政治上的.行政划分,比如East Africa东非;而Eastern则用来描述不具体的位置关系,比如东边的天空。

east和eastern都有东方的意思,,但表示东方的国家,还是eastern country

用eastern, east作形容词时,表示明确的方位,界限。接名词要用east of,而eastern 是形容词,意为东方的,比如eastern Asia 东亚。而如果用east 则是the east of Asia 意为亚洲东部。


east可作名词,东方,东部,China is in the east of Asia. 形容词,东方的,东部的,朝东的,the side of the street. 副词,在东方,向东方,The room faces east. eastern可作形容词,东方的,东部的 名词,东方人

east eastern区别

1、词性不同:east可以作名词、形容词、副词;eastern只能作名词和形容词。2、词义不同:east作名词时,表示东、东方、东方国家;eastern作名词时,表示东方人、(美国)东部地区的人。 east例句 1、The principal range runs east to west. 主体山脉呈东西走向。 2、They are said to control large parts of the east and south of the country. 据说他们控制了该国东部和南部的大片地区。 3、To drive, go east on Route 9. 如果开车,在9号公路向东行驶 eastern例句 1、In many Eastern countries massage was and is a part of everyday life. 在很多东方国家,按摩从古至今都是日常生活的一部分。 2、The Soviet Union"s grip on Eastern Europe loosened. 苏联对东欧的控制已经放松。 3、The nation states of Eastern Europe finally sloughed off their totalitarian regimes. 东欧民族国家最终抛弃了极权统治。

east & eastern 怎么用这两个词?

east可作名词:东方,东部,China is in the east of Asia. 形容词:东方的,东部的,朝东的,the side of the street. 副词:在东方,向东方,The room faces east. eastern可作形容词,东方的,东部的China is an eastern country. 中国是一个东方国家. 名词,东方人 east 指方向 eastern 方位


1、词性不同:east可以作名词,形容词,副词;eastern只能作名词和形容词。2、词义不同:east作名词时,表示东、东方、东方国家;eastern作名词时,表示东方人、(美国)东部地区的人。 eastern短语搭配 Eastern Province 东部省;东方省 Eastern District 东区;都台东区 ;香港学界 Eastern Bloc 东方集团;东欧集团;方集 Eastern Street 东边街 Eastern Wu 东吴;吴国 Eastern philosophy 东方哲学;唱片名;方哲 Eastern League 东方联盟;东部联合会 Eastern Highlands 东高地省;东部高地;东高地;详细翻译 Eastern Samar 东萨马省;东萨马


east 和eastern都是形容词,表示东方的。而作为名词,east是东方,eastern多用来指东方人。


east可以作形容词,意思为:东方的,东边的;也可以作名词,意思为:东边,东方。eastern只能作为形容词,放在名词前。意思为:东部的,东边的。east用于明确的地理划分,常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。eastern作为东部的,地理划分比较模糊,用于指不具体的位置。 east和eastern的区别 一、词义不同 1、east: n.东;东方;东部;东边;亚洲国家,东方国家(尤指中国、日本和印度) adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东风的;东方吹来的 adv.向东;朝东 2、eastern: adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;(欧洲以东的)亚洲国家的,东方国家的 二、词性不同 1、east:可做名词、形zhuan词和副词 2、eastern:仅能做形shu词 三、在句中所做成分不同 1、east:在句中做主语 例证:East and West are still spying on one another. 东西方仍在互相进行间谍活动。 2、eastern:在句中做定语 例证:Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient asstate-owned ones. 东欧的经验表明,工人所有的工厂可能和国有工厂一样效率低下。

这几个单词有什么区别啊? catastrophe,calamity,misfortune,deseaster

这些名词均表示“灾难”或“不幸”之意. disaster〓普通用词,指大破坏、痛苦或伤亡. calamity〓多指个人的不幸,比disaster严重,强调灾难引起的悲痛以及对于损失的感觉. catastrophe〓语气最强,指可怕的灾难,强调最终的结局. misfortune〓普通用词,多批较为严重的不幸,强调不幸多由外界因素所致.

谁知道复活节(The Easter Day)的由来


easter day加不加the


Easter Day 是2018年的几月几月

Easter Day 是2018年的4月1日,复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。

easter day是哪一天

easter day 复活节 基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。天主教/新教和东正教复活节的计算略有差异,根据罗马教会传统,在春分(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东正教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。

连词成句 the,we,an,After,meet,Easter,sports,party,hav


Jeff & Sheri Easter的《Sunshine》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunshine歌手:Jeff & Sheri Easter专辑:SunshineSunshine (Love Like That)Simon WebbeGraceIt"s one of those timesWhen you know what to sayShould have said it a little moreBut life gets in the WayAnd that can be the fifferenceBetween a woman and a manWhen one shows affectionAnd the other does the best he canI just know,gotta get, from my heart to my headGot the words on my breath right now.(Like a shadow you are my sunshine)You make me smile when the tide is running in highTake all the weight that troubles my mind(Like fire under the night sky)You make me strong through the times both happy and sadAnd everybody is looking for a love like thatLove like that, love like that(Lay beside me, guide me home)Everybody"s searchingTrying so hard to findSome kind of AngelWho can share their whole livesAs we turn all the cornersDon"t want to lose you on the waySo, i"ll turn back the pagesI gotta say this girl before its too lateI just knowGotta get from my heart to my headGot the words on my breath right now(Like a shadow you are my sunshine)You make me smile when the tide is running in highTake all the weight that troubles my mind(Like fire under the night sky)You make me strong through the times both happy and sadAnd everybody is looking for a love like thatLove like that, love like that(Lay beside me, guide me home)I just knowGotta get from my heart to my headGot these words on my breath right now(Like a shadow you are my sunshine)You make me smile when the tide is running in highTake all the weight that troubles my mind(Like fire under the night sky)You make me strong through the times both happy and sadAnd everybody is looking for a love like thatLove like that, love like that(Lay beside me, guide me home)http://music.baidu.com/song/3484378

What are Easter Eggs?


苏菲·玛索有没有拍过《初吻3》不是84年的《最后一次接触》(Happy Easter)[

happy easter什么意思


Happy Easter 是什么意思?

Happy Easter复活节快乐复活节,是耶稣被杀,之后复活的日子。

easter day

Most English holidays have a religious origin. Easter Day occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox.It is originally the day to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. But now for most people, Easter is a secular spring holiday, while for the children, it means, more than anything else, Easter eggs or chocolate eggs!On Easter Sunday morning, the breakfast eggs are boiled in several pans in some families.Each containing a different vegetable dye, so that when they are served the shells are no longer white or pale brown in color, but yellow or pink, blue or green. The dyes do not penetrate the shell of course.

Easter is a ( )holiday.


Eastern holiday 是哪月哪日啊??


happy easter holiday是什么意思


a easter holiday作文

i had a great Easter holiday this year.On the first day of the holiday easter is not only a holiday but a season unto itself. to many religious people, it marks a time of miracles and a reaffirming of faith. to those with a more secular view of the world, it is a celebration of the end of winter, a time to look toward the warmth of the coming summer and a chance to shed the heavy clothing of the winter for the bright colors of spring. the date of easter goddess of the spring easter is a movable holiday, which is calculated as the first sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox. if the full moon falls on a sunday, then easter is the following sunday. the holiday can occur anywhere between march 22 and april 25. this year easter is april 16, 2008. the pagan oigins of easter long before easter became the holiday it is today, the spring festival was celebrated by the people around the world. the celebration was originally based on the lunar calendar. the name easter is derived from the saxon eostre (which is synonymous with the name of the phoenician goddess of the moon, astartephoto), a germanic goddess of spring and the deity who measured time

easter holiday 2015是什么时候


Jeep发布多款概念车 将亮相Easter Jeep Safari越野大会

易车讯 第56届Easter Jeep Safari越野大会将于4月9日至17日在美国举行,Jeep品牌及Mopar旗下Jeep Performance Parts性能部件团队联袂推出多款概念车。官方透露,今年将在国内举办相似的活动,并将展出其中部分概念车。Jeep牧马人Magneto 2.0概念车此前Jeep曾推出过Magneto版本,新车为升级款,彰显了Jeep品牌致力于推进“零排放自由出行”愿景的决心。车辆动力系统最大功率625马力,纯电驱动系统的峰值电流增加了一倍多,60英里加速时间在2秒内。为了配合70千瓦时电池和电动机的布局,整车轴距增加了12英寸,底盘进行了3英寸套件升高,20英寸轮圈配合40英寸越野轮胎使用。细节方面,前后桥为Dynatrac 60 Pro-Rock及Pro-Rock Dynatrac 80,速比5.38且配有差速器锁。外观方面,碳纤维B柱、碳纤维引擎盖中间的透明玻璃设计格外显眼。Jeep大切诺基Trailhawk PHEV概念车目前,全新Jeep大切诺基还未引入国内,海外市场的Trailhawk 4xe车型纯电续航里程25英里,曾以纯电驱动征服卢比肯小道。概念车在此基础上应运而生,个性化涂装、配置以及20英寸轮圈、33英寸MT轮胎,让它的性能超越同级竞品。Jeep Rubicon 20周年概念车熟悉牧马人的朋友可能还有印象,Jeep Rubicon 10周年版本曾在国内上市销售。如今,传奇小道的命名已有20周年。新车以牧马人家族最强版本392为基础打造,采用乙烯基包覆的哑光花岗岩晶体外观,搭配金色的拖钩与品牌标识、Rubicon 20周年纪念引擎盖贴纸、翼子板贴纸以及Mopar气泵等。Jeep Bob概念车新车兼顾了牧马人和角斗士的优势,并且缩短一英尺的货箱长度,从而应对各种地形条件。四个车门和B柱均被拆除,只为重新定义敞篷自由。此外,新车的定制化硬顶采用帆布穿孔设计。新车使用角斗士海外市场的3.0T柴油发动机,配合8挡自动变速箱,进气系统和变速箱进行了单独的设定。底盘方面,进行了3英寸套件的升高,配合Dynatrac 60 Pro-Rock车桥及部分第三方改装件。此外,还使用了20英寸防脱圈及40英寸MT轮胎。除此之外,还有Jeep "41 概念车和由Jeep Performance Parts性能部件团队打造的Jeep D-Coder、Jeep Bridcage概念车,其提供了由官方出品的最新改装零配件及改装方案。值得注意的是,车身改动的部分在零配件上印有二维码,用户可直接扫描查看具体信息并进行订购。最后,曾在2021 SEMA改装展亮相的三款概念车也将在第56届Easter Jeep Safari越野大会展出。作为参考,Easter Jeep Safari越野大会由摩押红岩四驱俱乐部(Red Rock 4-Wheelers)主办,由摩押商会(Moab Chamber of Commerce)于1967年发起。多年来随着参与人数的增加,活动规模不断扩大,Jeep官方也会参与其中,以下为近些年的全家福。


Nanjing is in Jiangsu province eastern China.

The cities on the eastern coast of China are now


A pipeline will be built to () some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.

选A supply一般用于能源上的供给.管道建设将用于从西部提供天然气给东部省份

dear ace trael, my family and I want to take a trip summer somewhere in eastern China.


Dense fog is also set to blanket parts of central and eastern China. 这个be set to如何理解?谢谢

看着像天气预报里的句子。你可以理解成“is going to”。

somewhere eastern in China?对吗?以及“在二十世纪五十年代”用英语怎么说

应该是somewhere in eastern China原句语序出错在二十世纪五十年代:in the 1950s

china is the origin of the eastern civilizaition(关于翻译的)


初三英:我随便造个句Guangdong is in eastern China.对吗?还是要+in( the)?还是east? 我分不清了.

Guangdong is in the east of China.或者Guangdong is in the eastern part of China.

in the eastern China= in the east of China?



头尾两个单词首字母大写,题目中其他的单词只要是实词首字母就要大写,虚词(比如the, and等等)一般不大写。举个例子:比如一篇文章题目叫the story about

in eastern China=in the east of China???


in the east part of China 和in the eastern part of China 哪个对,分析一下

in the east part of China 是指在中国内部的西部,而 in the eastern part of China是指中国以外的国家位于中国的西边,两个都对

in the east of China 和 in the eastern China 有什么区别???

in the east of china 中国的东边in the eastern China 中国的东部

in eastern China 和 in east China哪个对


in the eastern China还是in eastern China还是in the eastern of China

in eastern China不加to


一般东方国家,不用eastern, 用orientalChina is an oriental country.中国是一个东方国家的英文

in east China 和 in East China 和 in eastern China 和 in the East 哪个对啊

in East China 对

in the east of China 和 in the eastern China 有什么区别???

in the east of China 中国的东面in the eastern China 华东区

香水的名字:China eastern是什么牌子????急用~~~~~~


East China,in eastern China,in the east of China究竟有何区别?

east 东方,东面。表示方向。 eastern 东方的、东部的。表示地区。 in eastern China 在中国东部。(范围之内) in the east of China 指在中国的东面。(在中国范围之内) 关键是看“the”,有“the”的通常是指范围之内,如: Shanghai is in the east of China. 而没有“the”的指范围之外,如: Japan is in east of China.求采纳

“华东地区”英文该怎么说? East China 和Eastern China 有什么区别? 副主

Eastern China 华东地区

Orient Oriental east eastern差别??

orient 多用在书籍里面oriental 就比较口语化,比如She has Oriental features. east 表方位 东方的The east wall of the house is painted red 或者 an east wind 东风eastern 天气预报经常用到 Eastern regions will have heavy rain today 比如 an eastern wind 从东边吹来的风。an eastern trip 向东边去旅行


south-eastern 英[sauθ ˈi:stən] 美[saʊθ ˈistən] adj. 东南的; 位于东南方的; [例句]In fact, the university town in the south-eastern German state of Thuringia is a thriving high-tech hub.事实上,德国东南部图林根州的大学城已经成为了繁荣的高科技中心。东南海岸 [网络] south-east coast; Southeast Coast; [例句]印度洋中的一个岛屿,位于印度东南海岸以外。An island in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of India.

Southeast China和Southeastern China哪种表述正确?为什么?

Southeast Chinaeastern是形容词,比如Eastern Foods望采纳~

Southeast China和Southeastern China哪种表述正确?为什么

这里填写应该填写 southeastern China, 原因如下:southeast后接地名时是一个固定的词,比如,东南亚(Southeast Asia,这里注意Southeast的首字母大写了,因为这是一个固定名次,就像英国是the United Kingdom一个道理)southeastern被用来指代一个国家的东南区域,比如你说的southeastern China,是中国的东南部分的意思。

southeast和southeastern 有什么区别?说的简单点要不我看不懂


southeastern 和 southeast的区别

前者是形容词 东南的后者是名词表示方向 东南



请问11:59 p.m Eastern Time, December 6th是国内的几点?


easter day是什么节日

Easter day 复活节 april fool"s day 愚人节(4月1日) Independence Day 美国独立日(7月4日)

“The deadline is January 9, 2013 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.”这是指9号零点还是9号24点?

报名截止日期为2013年1月9日的美国东部时间午夜十二时,也就是说 假如今天是9号了,截止时间是今晚的24点,10号0点

Sep 23 09:00 AM ZW3 是什么时间?Sep 22, 2010 Time: 8:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time 又是什么时间?


1:00 pm Eastern DT 是什么时间, Eastern DT 指的是哪?

Eastern DT :Eastern Daylight Time 中文,东部白昼时间。 夏天东部白昼时间是用12小时, eg:12pm 7/18 EDT 就是你的0:00am 7/19 在冬天是用13个小时 eg:12pm 12/24 EST (Eastern Standard Time)就是你的 1am 12/25.这是我翻译过来的,大概意思是这个。那你那个时间应该是当天的下午1点应该。 The U.S. daylight saving time zone that is 4 hours earlier than universal time. The following table gives the conversions between universal time (UT) and standard and daylight saving time in the United States.这段文字是在下面的网址内找到的 http://blog.5d.cn/user2/iamet/200501/46109.html

这是北京时间的几点?Time:7:00 pm,Eastern Standard Time (New York,GMT-0

北京是东八区(GMT+8),所以时差是13小时,当地晚上7点,北京是早上8点 如果纽约是夏时制(夏时制开始时间:2010-3-14 2:00:00 夏时制结束时间:2010-11-7 2:00:00),那么刚好12小时,当地晚上7点,北京早上7点

美国东部时间Eastern Standard Time 和北京时间怎么换算


9点(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)表示北京时间几点?

北京时间是GMT+08:00,所以我们比美国东部时间GMT-05:00早13小时,由于他们实行夏时制,提前1个小时. 他们与我们时差为12小时. 非夏时制:美国是9:00,我们是晚上10:00; 夏时制:美国是9:00,我们是晚上9:00.

4:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 请问是北京时间几点?谢谢

New York,GMT-04:00 北京时间所在时区为 GMT+8:00 所以,与纽约时间有12个小时的时差,北京时间领先于纽约时间. 纽约时间为4:00 pm,那么北京时间在此基础上加12小时,即为4:00 AM

下面的美国东部时间换成北京时间是何时: 10am Eastern (Daylight) Time on Thursday October 23, 2014?


急!Eastern Standard Time和北京时间

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