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Rome wasn’t built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by Go


Always Will (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Always Will (Lp Version)歌手:Nanci Griffith专辑:The Dustbowl SymphonyRaining and OK - Always Will BeOh could it really beThat I am to pretend?That the sky is a brilliant blueWhen I see a fog linger over youAm I to exclude this hideous truth?That we"re all slowly dyingDrinking from the fountain of youthMy hands are tremblingAnd my nerves have lost all of their feeling, yeahI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh high up in the trees,Do the birds sing of peace?While bullets rip the sky for wars from idiots and gunsAm I to adhere for the fears we hold so dear?It aches within our heartsAs we stuff our shopping cartsMy knees are caving inFrom the weight of our insanity and sin, yeahI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohWe see the world in tunnel vision yeah its trueI wanna close my eyes and dream of a place without youSeems like everybody"s losing their mindsAm I losing mine?I am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of them and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh...http://music.baidu.com/song/805764

Always Will Be 歌词

歌曲名:Always Will Be歌手:Raining and OK专辑:Always Will Be (EP)Raining and OK - Always Will BeOh could it really beThat I am to pretend?That the sky is a brilliant blueWhen I see a fog linger over youAm I to exclude this hideous truth?That we"re all slowly dyingDrinking from the fountain of youthMy hands are tremblingAnd my nerves have lost all of their feeling, yeahI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh high up in the trees,Do the birds sing of peace?While bullets rip the sky for wars from idiots and gunsAm I to adhere for the fears we hold so dear?It aches within our heartsAs we stuff our shopping cartsMy knees are caving inFrom the weight of our insanity and sin, yeahI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohWe see the world in tunnel vision yeah its trueI wanna close my eyes and dream of a place without youSeems like everybody"s losing their mindsAm I losing mine?I am paranoidI"m scared of you and I always will beThere"s no stopping this, there"s no stopping thisI am paranoidI"m scared of them and I always will beThere"s no hiding this, there"s no hiding thisOh...http://music.baidu.com/song/55194630

Mary Lou Williams的《Nicole》 歌词

歌曲名:Nicole歌手:Mary Lou Williams专辑:30 Years North Sea Jazz FestivalNico - Lucy van Pelt目を覚ましたら 闻こえてくる雨音に耳をすます明けない夜に 升るはずの阳の位置を思い浮かべるふつりあいな程大きな黒い伞薄明るい空に手を伸ばしさしたら小さな闇になった近すぎた影 远い嘘静かすぎる部屋は嫌い确かめる间も ないままになぜ急いで沈むのだろう何も见えない夜は见失わないように苛立ちと愿いをろうそくに 灯せば寂し気な天体になったもしも言叶が星よりも数え切れない程あるなら伝えられるかもしれないけどそんな大切なものではないと思うそこまで 歩いてゆこう雨が降りやんだら穏やかな朝焼けが眩しいだろうhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10259107

请问Shall 和 Will 有什么分别, (在 tense里)??

THEY ARE THE SAME SHALL:NO PAST TENSE WILL:WOULD 参考: ME 这是一个好问题,相信很多中国香港人都唔系好明两者的分别。其实,Shall和Will两个字在英文中算是古字,用法也有不同。不过,由于时代交替和文化改变,现在这两个字的用法已经变得糢糊了。甚至英语地区的人,也不一定能分辨出来。所以,要认识两者的分别,不得不由历史开始。 在古代英语里,其实没有Future Tense。Present Tense已包含了Future Tesne的意思。而Shall字本身有命令(mand)的意思,所以当时的人指将要发生的事,而又是一项命令的时候,便会说You shall He shall They shall等。例如:You shall go to school tomorrow 即明天你将要回学校(命令式;可能是校长,老师或家长说的)。注意,由于Shall本身带有命令的含意,所以绝少人会用I shall,因为没有人会命令自己的!不过当问人指令时,却可以用Shall I ... ? Will的意思则是意愿(it is my will to...),所以会说I will,但不会说He will You will They will等,因为很难从表面看出其他人的意愿。不过,当然可以问人的意愿,所以会用Will he Will you Will they...? 由此可见,Shall和Will的意思和用法其实有很大的分别。不过,现代人有多少人还会跟随,就是一个大疑问! 后来英文「进化」成有了Future Tense(Simple Future),就发展出第一身(I/We)要用Shall,而第二(You)或第三身(He/She/It)要用Will的定律。中国香港老师所教的,相信就是源于此处。 再后来出现了Modal Future的文法,Shall可以用在第二和第三身上,而Will又可以用在第一身上,两者开始变成共通,但又变得糢糊。 直至现在,Shall和Will是共通的,不过Shall很多时给人比较严肃和正统的感觉,所以都用了Will。只有在法律或 *** 文件中,Shall字才比较普遍。比如:Company A shall pay Company B $x dollars,即A公司将要(带有命令的)付B公司$x元。当然,你也可以用You shall或He shall,文法没错,只是看者或听者不习惯。正如在美国,大部份人都惯用Will,一般都说I will They will He will,跟美国人说I shall,他们还会以为你在拍古装片!但在英国说I shall,仍有大部份人接受。 另外要注意,古文里Shall的Past Tense是Should,Will的Past Tense是Would,不过现代英语中,Should已变成应该(ought),而Would就有不太肯定的意愿的意思;都是英文因时代变化的例子。 参考: en. *** /wiki/Shall_and_will bartleby/116/213 shall or will 后面加 verb 是简单未来时态的形成 (The Formation of Simple Future Tense) (1) Shall is used with the First Person. Shall 多用于第一身的未来时态, 如(I we)。 e.g. I shall learn to swim next week. We shall go to Macau tomorrow. (2) Will is used with the Second and Third Person. Will 多用于第二身或第三身的未来时态, 如(you he she it they)。 e.g. He/She will go next week. They will arrive on time. You will lend him the money. 而 Should 和 Would 就是 Shall 和 Will 的过去时态, 但这里就不讲太多了。 但要注意:有时 shall 都会用于第二身或第三身, 而 will 都会用于第一身的。 当出现这个情况时 shall 和 will 就不是一个辅助的动词, 就变成表达的(命令mand) (承诺promise) (确定determination) 等意思。 e.g. I will lend him the money.(我承诺借钱给他) You shall follow the doctors advice.(你决心跟随医生的劝告) We will spend a holiday there.(我们确定在那里度过假期) 希望帮到你﹗ 参考: 以上取材于 ESSENCE OF ENGLISH FOR UPPER CLASSES 冇分别,大家都系future tense,只系学校会叫学生,系 I 同we 之后,要用shall做future tense,其他都用will。 例: I shall go to the zoo tomorrow. 例2: We shall see the teacher tomorrow. 例3: They will do their homework later. 例4: You will pay for the bill after lunch. 参考: Myself 我们很多时把shall和will混淆。何时说I shall,何时说I will?现代英文的shall和will用法,和一百年前的英文分别很大。基本上,现在只有We和I会跟shall,he、she、they不会跟shall。至于will,若用于I will,那意思是「我情愿」、「我相信我会做」。I will see you.是说我相信我会来见你,这是我的意愿。I shall die one day.就用shall,因为那没甚么意愿可言,是定律。小童说I shall go to school tomorrow.这也不是他可以选择的,没意愿可言,所以用shall。要认真地讲究shall和will的分别,可以很复杂,但大致的分别就是这样。 future tense 除了用will 和shall表达之外,亦可以用am/is/are going to。 will 和shall通常是说unplanned future。 am/is/are going to通常是说planned future。 例如: I shall/will go to the pinic tomorrow. 上面是指我之前没想过明天会去旅行,现在突然决定明天去旅行。 I am going to go to pinictomorrow. 上面是指我在很久之前已经决定了明天去旅行。 首先系will同shall既问题 原来will 同shall 既分别已经没太多被重视 参考: rt/elearning/yangtl/studyroom_topic2_p11 nakuz/viewthread?tid=3287878


在Lisp程序中,用:VLR-Command-Reactor反应器可以得到...nil "((:VLR-commandWillStart . cmdstart)))如果...1 更多相关问题>> 网友都在找: cad块屏蔽 wipeout...

tenancy for years , periodic tenancy, tenancy at will ,tenancy at sufferance 各是什么意思,有什么区

这是都是关于不动产的美国法里词汇啊!因为不是专业,确实无法说出什么。只能是查到什么就是什么啦。抱歉。=====================================tenancy for years定期租赁periodic tenancy定期续租tenancy at will不定期租赁随意终止的租赁 tenancy at sufferance 默许租赁 ===========================美国的财产法认为,不动产权所有人所拥有的并不是土地本身,而是对于土地的产权(estate)。这些土地产权主要包括非限定继承不动产(fee simple)、限嗣继承不动产(fee tail)、终身产权(life estate)、未来权益(future interests)、定期租赁(tenancy for years)、定期续租(periodic tenancy)、不定期租赁(tenancy at will)等等;还包括不动产的几种共同所有形式以及地役权(easements)、随土地转移的约定(covenants running with land)和基于衡平法的地役权(equitable servitudes)。

Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomor翻译


求一首英文歌,女声的,歌词里好想有will you fuck her,kill me。

Goodbye Fader

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .翻译?

我一直相信, 学习就如逆水行舟, 不进则退。


the robots will be on duty 24/7机器人将全天候每周7天,每天24小时值班


回答如下:本句有误,应该是:We will be pilots one day.根据提问对象的不同,可有不同的选择。例如:Who will be pilots one day?(提问主语) What will we be one day? (提问表语)When will we be pilots? (提问时间状语)

Willow S Song (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Willow S Song (Edit)歌手:Doves专辑:Caught By The RiverIsobel Campbell - Willow"s Song猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Hey hoWho is thereNo one but me my dearPlease comeSay how doThe things I"ll give to you,A stroke as gentle as a featherHey hoI am hereAm I not young and fair,Please comeSay how doThe things I"ll show to youWould you have a wondrous sightThe midday sun at midnightFair maidWhite and redComb you smooth and stroke your hair2009.06.25 2猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/2736240


swallow 吞咽,吞下 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Willow Weep For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Willow Weep For Me歌手:McCoy Tyner专辑:SoliloquyWillow weep for meWillow weep for meBent your branches down along the ground and cover meListen to my pleaHear me willow and weep for meGone my lovely dreamsLovely summer dreamsGone and left me hereTo wheep my tears along the streamSad as I can beHear me willow and weep for meWhisper to the wind and say thay love has sinnedTo leave my heart a signAnd crying aloneMurmur to the nightHide her starry lightSo none will find me sighingCrying all aloneWheeping willow treeWheeping sympathyBent your branches down along the ground and cover meListen to me pleeHear me willow and weep for meWillowWillowWheep for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2900022

Willow Weep For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Willow Weep For Me歌手:Stan Getz专辑:Jazz MastersWillow weep for meWillow weep for meBent your branches down along the ground and cover meListen to my pleaHear me willow and weep for meGone my lovely dreamsLovely summer dreamsGone and left me hereTo wheep my tears along the streamSad as I can beHear me willow and weep for meWhisper to the wind and say thay love has sinnedTo leave my heart a signAnd crying aloneMurmur to the nightHide her starry lightSo none will find me sighingCrying all aloneWheeping willow treeWheeping sympathyBent your branches down along the ground and cover meListen to me pleeHear me willow and weep for meWillowWillowWheep for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2715202

I study in Willow school . 的中文

可有几种译法:我就读于Willow学校。我是Willow学校的学生。我在Willow学校上学。willow 是有“柳树”的意思,但也可能是人名。在不确定的情况下,先不翻译为妥。

willow smith 的summer fling歌词

"Summer Flings"artist : John CenaLyrics maker : 亻= 杰 (珠海D)Yeah we doin things now manIt"s just another day in the life y"knowAlways tryin to do some big bid"nessSometimes when we havin funSome shit goes down y"know, you ain"t expectin nothinThen, somethin come out of nothinIt was just another typical day in the summerMe, Trademarc, Crouch and my little brotherWe put the whips out, we cruise up to the strip manThree wheel motion killin fools like a hit manWe on some chill shit, vibin outBut we still in the mix, fuck hidin outOn the corner of L Street, I locked eyes with herI ain"t steppin man this bitch had guys with herShe came through the crowd and walked over to meCatchin P off guard, she actin like she knew meHer name was Shannon, she was canonShe"s hangin with Melissa, this big booty chick you couldn"t miss herThis chick was like a fitted cap, all over my domeSaid she wanna be down, but I ain"t takin her homeThat"s when she said she live right down the streetShe love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetWe run game, feel Blanson, what"s your hon"s nameI can take an Eva hot bitch like bum changePlayin hard to get when I step, I"m afraidI can treat a chick like cheap gas and upgradeWhatever you need, whatever you wantWith Trademarc on your arm, girl what more could you flauntThere"s just something about us, summer fling got you wonderingwhere I"ll be in spring, but that"s another thingI"ll be out girl, quicker than tansIf you want somethin stick hurr, stick wit"cha manI ain"t lookin for a lover girl, I"m lookin for sexI can tell you I got money or I"m pushin a LexWhatever gets you hot, that"s what I say nextGettin passed through the crew girl that"s a safe betI think it"s funny how it doesn"t take a whole lotTrademarc"s like an open flame, getting girls hotSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetYo... with these sweet flows, the streets knowswhether we pimped out in streets clothes, we the bomb like deep throwsMy speech grows to reach hoes - all over the globeI got class like a Ric Flair robeMan I"m in and out quick like Jordan in the zoneD takin out a bitch like a pass from Shaq to KobeYou know me with a extra set of handsa bitch couldn"t hold me man I leave "em lonelyIf I catch a glimpse of your chick when she smile and fineI make sure she lose your number, she"d be dialin mineI ain"t about a wife even if she won this rightI"ll fuck for seven days but stand for one nightMan we decked out John, the strict gutterI"ll have a girl repeatin my name in sex like the bitch stutterI got moves lookin butter with a tight fadeForever dipped fresh man like Minot GraySaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for meLover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet"夏天把”;artist : John Cena艺术家:约翰塞纳Lyrics maker : 亻= 杰 (珠海D)歌词者:亻=杰(珠海D)Yeah we doin things now man是的我们在现在的人It"s just another day in the life y"know这# 039;只是另一个生命中的一天# & 039;知道Always tryin to do some big bid"ness总想做一些大的招#度039;Sometimes when we havin fun有时当我们有乐趣Some shit goes down y"know, you ain"t expectin nothin一些狗屎下山Y & # 039;知道,你也# 039;T期待什么Then, somethin come out of nothin然后,做出来的东西It was just another typical day in the summer它是在夏天的另一个典型的一天Me, Trademarc, Crouch and my little brother我,打电话Trademarc,克劳奇和我的小弟弟We put the whips out, we cruise up to the strip man我们把鞭子,我们航行到带人Three wheel motion killin fools like a hit man三轮的运动链的傻瓜像一个杀手We on some chill shit, vibin out我们在一些寒冷的狗屎,脱离But we still in the mix, fuck hidin out但我们还是混在一起,他妈的车了On the corner of L Street, I locked eyes with her在L街的拐角处,我闭上眼睛和她I ain"t steppin man this bitch had guys with her我也# 039;T退休人这婊子有人与她She came through the crowd and walked over to me她从人群中向我走来Catchin P off guard, she actin like she knew me儿茶素P措手不及,她表现的就像她知道我Her name was Shannon, she was canon她的名字是香的,她是佳能She"s hangin with Melissa, this big booty chick you couldn"t miss her她# 039;与梅丽莎的一起,这屁股大的鸡你看# 039;不想念她This chick was like a fitted cap, all over my dome这女人就像一个装有帽,都在我的圆顶Said she wanna be down, but I ain"t takin her home她说她要下来了,但我还# 039;T接她回家That"s when she said she live right down the street这# 039;当她说她就住在街上She love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweet她喜欢白巧克力,我有点甜Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的We run game, feel Blanson, what"s your hon"s name我们运行游戏,感觉blanson,什么# 039;你的议员和039名#;I can take an Eva hot bitch like bum change我可以拿一个伊娃热母狗一样的流浪汉的变化Playin hard to get when I step, I"m afraid在很难找到当我步,我恐怕# 039;I can treat a chick like cheap gas and upgrade我可以把小鸡像廉价的天然气和升级Whatever you need, whatever you want无论你需要什么,你想要什么With Trademarc on your arm, girl what more could you flaunt在你的手臂打电话Trademarc,女孩你更想炫耀There"s just something about us, summer fling got you wondering有039 #;只是关于我们的东西,夏天的恋情让你知道where I"ll be in spring, but that"s another thing在我# 039;会在春天,但那是另一回事# 039;I"ll be out girl, quicker than tans我# 039;要的女孩,比晒黑If you want somethin stick hurr, stick wit"cha man如果你想得到什么坚持赫尔,跟与# 039;茶的人I ain"t lookin for a lover girl, I"m lookin for sex我也# 039;T找情人的女孩,我# 039 m找性;I can tell you I got money or I"m pushin a Lex我可以告诉你我的钱和我# 039;M付出,lexWhatever gets you hot, that"s what I say next不管是什么原因让你热,这# 039;是我说下Gettin passed through the crew girl that"s a safe bet要通过船员的女孩,与# 039;是一个安全的赌注I think it"s funny how it doesn"t take a whole lot我认为这# 039;有意思的是,它并# 039;T采取很多Trademarc"s like an open flame, getting girls hot打电话Trademarc和# 039;就像一个开放的火焰,让女孩热Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Yo... with these sweet flows, the streets knows哟…这些甜美的流动,街上知道whether we pimped out in streets clothes, we the bomb like deep throws我们是否合适在街道的衣服,我们喜欢深投炸弹My speech grows to reach hoes - all over the globe我的言语发展到世界各地的锄头-I got class like a Ric Flair robe我班像Ric Flair长袍Man I"m in and out quick like Jordan in the zone我和# 039;m和快像在带乔丹D takin out a bitch like a pass from Shaq to KobeD羚牛出来母狗一样从沙克给科比You know me with a extra set of hands你知道我有一套额外的手a bitch couldn"t hold me man I leave "em lonely一个婊子也# 039;T抱我的人我离开& # 039;EM孤独If I catch a glimpse of your chick when she smile and fine如果我瞥见你的小鸡当她微笑和细I make sure she lose your number, she"d be dialin mine我一定要让她弄丢了你的号码,她#会拨入我的039;I ain"t about a wife even if she won this right我也# 039;T对妻子即使她赢得这项权利I"ll fuck for seven days but stand for one night我# 039;就他妈的七天但站一个晚上Man we decked out John, the strict gutter我们装饰了约翰,严格的排水沟I"ll have a girl repeatin my name in sex like the bitch stutter我# 039;将有一个女孩,我的名字一样重复序列性母狗口吃I got moves lookin butter with a tight fade我将看紧褪色黄油Forever dipped fresh man like Minot Gray永远新鲜的人喜欢被浸灰Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的Saw you walkin down the street and I看见你走在街上,我heard you say you had somethin sweet for me听到你说你对我有点甜Lover.. (somethin sweet) lover.. somethin sweet爱人。(什么甜)的爱人。什么甜蜜的

big willow在英语里隐喻


Joshua Radin的《The Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:The Willow歌手:Joshua Radin专辑:Underwater (Deluxe Version)Joshua Radin - The Willow.The wind blows through the willow like a lionHer feet are strong but he can""t help from tryingTo keep that weeping lady cryingBut don""t you worry, she""ll be fine.I""m holding on to something tightYou may have taken us for a rideInto darkness from the lightBut don""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want more.With you I""m a king and a beggarOur favorite role, the victim, lasts foreverIt""s been this way since I rememberDon""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want more.Don""t you worry, we""ll be fine.We""ll be fine when I take your handShow you the way, I""m gonna be your manGive me a sign, I""ll be at your doorI""ll be at your door, as I want morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52591673

green willow表达了什么

greenwillow的意思是杨柳青青,表示杨柳长得很不错。第三人称单数:willows。复数:willows。现在分词:willowing。过去式:willowed。过去分词:willowed。willow的使用方法:最伤感的时候,总是低徊,絮絮。杨柳之柔,却对着凉意晓风,更有残缺之月。这离愁开始似是醉酒,柔肠回转,继而变凉,是心凉而非风凉。最不堪直面的,是那弯缺月,缺的何止是那残月?更是坚硬的现实:别离!在不知不觉中,哀伤逐级递升,直至离人 此去经年,良辰好景都成了虚设。词源解说:直接源自中古英语的grene,意为绿。词语用法:1、green通常用作不可数名词,当作“绿色蔬菜”解时用作可数名词,常用复数形式。2、green用作形容词时的意思是“绿色的,青色的”,指事物呈现出绿色的状态。3、green在表示“在…方面是新手”时,常与介词at搭配。


**Willowhill**是一个贴花刺绣 Dionysus刺绣肩背包的品牌。价格在1500-2000左右。


同音的单词有:window, slow, snow, know, low, bowl 等都是在这里发/ou/音。



Joan Armatrading的《Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:Willow歌手:Joan Armatrading专辑:Love And Affection: Joan Armatrading Classics (1975-1983)jj72-willowby the bright leaves in the garden of my saviouras the parasol gently shades heri can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeahonly way i want to beonly thing i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveonly way i want to beonly one i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveby the old wood burning in the gardenas the moths fly in the flames like our little harlemi can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeah    endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8274611

Jj72的《Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:Willow歌手:Jj72专辑:Jj72jj72-willowby the bright leaves in the garden of my saviouras the parasol gently shades heri can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeahonly way i want to beonly thing i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveonly way i want to beonly one i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveby the old wood burning in the gardenas the moths fly in the flames like our little harlemi can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeah    endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2178219

翻译 Poet William Stafford once said that we are de



willow读法如下:英 [ u02c8wu026alu0259u028a ];美 [ u02c8wu026alou028a ]。n:柳,柳树;柳木(常用以制作板球拍);柳木制品。名:(Willow)(英)威洛,薇洛(人名)。例句1、The baskets are woven from strips of willow.这些篮子是用柳条编的。2、The strips of willow are woven into baskets.用柳条编成篮子。3、He has captured pollen from alder, pine, and willow.他从桤树、松树和柳树上捕捉到了花粉。4、He has also captured pollen from alder, pine and willow.他还从桤树、松树和柳树上采集了花粉。5、He really admired the big willow tree south of the house.他很崇拜房子南面的那颗大柳树。


willow读法如下:英 [ u02c8wu026alu0259u028a ];美 [ u02c8wu026alou028a ]。n:柳,柳树;柳木(常用以制作板球拍);柳木制品。名:(Willow)(英)威洛,薇洛(人名)。例句1、The baskets are woven from strips of willow.这些篮子是用柳条编的。2、The strips of willow are woven into baskets.用柳条编成篮子。3、He has captured pollen from alder, pine, and willow.他从桤树、松树和柳树上捕捉到了花粉。4、He has also captured pollen from alder, pine and willow.他还从桤树、松树和柳树上采集了花粉。5、He really admired the big willow tree south of the house.他很崇拜房子南面的那颗大柳树。


WILLOW PRIMARY 柳原primary 英[u02c8prau026amu0259ri]美[u02c8prau026ameri]adj. 首要的,主要的; 最早的,原始的; [地质学] 原生的; 基本的;n. 第一位; 最好者; 要素; 候选人提拔会;[例句]That"s the primary reason the company"s share price has held up so well.这是公司股票价格一直居高不下的主要原因。


没有这个字,只有willow这个字,意思是柳树。柳树是一类植物的总称:旱柳Salix matsudana Koidz.、腺柳Salix chaenomeloides Kimura、垂柳 Salix babylonica Linn.、枫杨 Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC.柳树种类多,容易杂交。杂种生长势和适应性强,易无性繁殖,可从天然或人工杂种群体内选择,通过无性繁殖,获得优良无性系品种;另外,也可用植物组织培养的方法快速获取大量优质树苗。以园林观赏为主的育种,应重点改良其枝叶及树形,提高抗污染、耐修剪整形的能力。柳树在中国已有2000多年的栽培历史,属落叶大乔木,别名杨柳。杨柳科柳属落叶乔木或灌木,绿绿叶子,细长柳枝,柔软下垂,性喜湿地;树皮组织厚,纵裂,老龄树干中心多朽腐而中空。果实为蒴果,成熟后2瓣裂,内藏种子多枚,种子上具有一丛绵毛。柳树枝条细长而低垂,褐绿色,无毛;冬芽线形,密着于枝条。叶互生,线状披针形,长7-15厘米,宽6-12厘米,两端尖削,边缘具有腺状小锯齿,表面浓绿色,背面为绿灰白色,两面均平滑无毛,具有托叶。花开于叶后,雄花序为葇荑花序,有短梗,略弯曲,长1-1.5公分。果实为蒴果,成熟后2瓣裂,内藏种子多枚,种子上具有一丛绵毛。叶的形状为线状披针形或狭披针形,长约6~14cm,宽约5~12mm,边缘有细锯齿。每年的4--5月开花,葇荑花序,雄花序长2~4cm,雌花序长约2cm。杨柳科柳属植物的总称。有520多种,中国有257种,120个变种和33个变型。落叶乔木或灌木,芽鳞1枚,雌雄异株,雄蕊2、3、5或多数。蒴果,2裂。主要分布于北半球温带地区。主要树种有旱柳(高约20 m、胸径80 cm)、垂柳(高约18 m)和白柳(高约30 m,胸径1.5 m)。元音字母i在重读闭音节里发短元音/u026a/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位中高,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床半合,唇形扁平,这个音出现在字首、字中、字尾位置,如:lick 舔six 六bib 围嘴儿pig 猪pin 别针kiss 亲吻ink 墨水hill 丘陵希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

willow park是什么公园

Willow Park 是德克萨斯州的一个城市名~~~


willow: 柳树wicker:(编结篮、筐或家具用的)树枝或藤条


恐鬼症willow是游戏推出的一张新地图,willow地图有哪些常用的躲避点位?下面给大家分享一个恐鬼症willow地图攻略恐鬼症willow地图攻略 如图,新图是个尺寸跟新手房(tangewood)差不多的房,官方更新得出其不意让我措手不及(凑字数),嗯,不多说,讲一下结构。进屋客厅,看起来靠墙边的柜子后面可以躲,但是如果鬼巡逻路线会到达客厅的话基本凉凉。厨房,非客厅和厨房鬼基本上溜达不到冰箱侧面,那个地方是比较安全的点。车库,车库红车旁边有个黄色木板与车库铁门形成的小夹缝是个安全的躲避点,另外车库里的洗衣机房,洗衣机的最里面是个十分安全的点,基本上,包括有时候的车库鬼都不会找到那里,只要你不当着鬼的面进去。地下室,地下室房间的铁柜子后面可以躲,虽然看起来是有空隙的,但是鬼是瞎的,只要不瞎比比,鬼房在地下室都没问题。地下室的走廊走到最里面有个塑料大桶,它旁边有几率刷电闸,那个桶后面可以躲,鬼眼瞎看不见。主卧,大木柜可以稍微躲一躲,但是地下室鬼跟过来有概率白给。男孩房,巫毒娃娃的柜子后面可以稍微躲一躲,就,随缘看看,基本没在那里躲过。PS:图示忘记做厕所了,在④hallway右边的小隔间,厕所鬼问题不大。在测试服玩了三天这个图,总的来说,除了没有柜子,能躲的地方还是挺多的,鉴于现在鬼不会安静在鬼房做个美鬼子,经常瞎XX乱跑,开猎杀的时候位置也不会固定在鬼房附近,所以一定要注意,在手电筒闪烁的前五秒环顾附近是否有鬼的身影,然后借用圣木等道具跑最近的点去躲,就是上面给出的那几个,比如你在③看到鬼开猎杀,那就赶紧去②车库的洗衣房后面躲,基本是可以逃过一劫的。多玩玩新图就会找到最合适的方法去躲,另外,有动静的地方不一定是鬼房,但鬼房一定有动静。再再注意,通灵板告诉你的位置不一定是真正的鬼房,这个点在所有图都适用。

willow 在后面用大写吗?

一般不做一切专有名词是不用首字母大写的 没有什么特别强调的意思 更不要全部大写





Joan Armatrading的《Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:Willow歌手:Joan Armatrading专辑:Goldjj72-willowby the bright leaves in the garden of my saviouras the parasol gently shades heri can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeahonly way i want to beonly thing i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveonly way i want to beonly one i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveby the old wood burning in the gardenas the moths fly in the flames like our little harlemi can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeah    endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9933534




由此可见,对于柳三变来说,杨柳也好,晓风也好,残月也罢,都只是意象,成了虚物,真实的倒是那无法诉说的离愁,哀伤无法诉说,故随手抓来杨柳、晓风、残月,却不知此三物一著我之色彩,立刻神活。最后总结诗歌鉴赏的基本方法,供大家在学习中体会、运用:●识字——掌握诗词语汇知识●知人——了解作家生平经历●论世——熟悉必要的历史背景●诗法——了解基本的诗学常识●会意——调动相应的生活体验●吟诵——学会因声求气的咏味●比较——积累一定数量的赏析案例电影:Willow 中文名《小魔仙》Screenplay by Bob DolmanProduced by Nigel WoollDirected by Ron HowardCast List:Val Kilmer MadmartiganJoanne Whalley-Kilmer SorshaWarwick Davis WillowJean Marsh Queen BavmordaPatricia Hayes Fin RazielBilly Barty High AldwinPat Roach General KaelGavan O"Herlihy Airk Thaughbaer朗·霍华德(Ron Howard)(《美丽心灵》《达芬奇密码》)执导,讲述Willow是身材矮小的Nelwvn族人,他们大部分是农人和矿工,生活在一块平静的中立地区,但是围绕在他们四周的土地却是战火连连。一天,Willow无意中捡到能够破坏女巫魔力的女婴,于是他便负起护送女婴前往正义城堡的使命。虽然征途遥远,而且女巫还派精兵沿途搜掠追杀,幸而得到族人武士以及两个小妖精的帮助,Willow终于不屈不挠地护送女婴到达目的地。本片就剧情来讲可谓是有点天方夜谭,但在特技、拍摄场面等方面也还是有可取的优点的。


风云际会(Willow)电影简介 作者: firewalker(rangers@seed.net.tw)   风云际会出来的时候评价不是很高,George Lucas 是故事的作者以及电影的制作,和星际大战比起来,风云际会黯淡了些,但它绝对是一部值得一看的 Cult Movie。  这是一部冒险奇幻电影,熟悉星际大战的人,一看到风云际会的开头必定会有种亲切感,故事的预言就直接用文字的方式叙述并且向上卷动。片中好人坏人分明保护,一个注定要推翻邪恶皇后成为仁君的小孩的冒险旅程,保护他的就是好人,阻挡的就是坏人,故事很简单,结局也可以料想的到,简单的说就是一个英雄的故事,开头都会是平凡人以自己的为重心,後来就会转变成能够牺牲小我,最後变成英雄这样,不过冒险路上也有很多有趣的惊喜,几个角色也演的颇不错。  主角也就是英文片名的 Willow 是保护小孩团队的首要人物,也是故事中标准的看起来不是英雄可是最後却是个英雄的角色,他的信心跟勇气让好人的团队不至於解散。另外一个看起来比较像是主角模样的,则是 Val Kilmer 饰演的人类佣兵 Mad Martigan,他也受到好人团队的感化,想法从佣兵价值观变成了骑士精神,这个角色有点类似星际大战的 Han Solo,外表不错、善战、幽默...Martigan 的比剑架势也不错看...  其他好坏两方的角色没有这两个主要角色这麼凸显,但也绝对不差。现在回头看特效不算特别,但在当时是很顶级的了,人变成猪、邪恶巫师变成烟消失、双头龙等等,都做的很棒,能补足其他角色的不足跟一些故事的缺陷。光是精心制作的场景就值得起码去看一遍这部电影,其实剧本也还好啦,只是比较忽略了故事性跟一些奇幻的元素,能多花点心力在上面会更好。另外还有个缺点是,James Horner 的音乐,不是做的不好,做的很棒,可是就是他老兄的老问题,跟电影不搭,音乐是音乐,电影是电影,有时音乐亢奋了半天,只见角色们站著说话也没发生什麼事情。整部电影前半步调慢了些(慢归慢,也没有说把角色就花时间刻画得很好之类的),後半就真的是刺激多了。  卢卡斯把各种巫师、魔法、龙、精灵等等通通丢进电影里,但跟魔戒或是哈利波特比起来,风云际会的故事真的是浅显了些,然而若对象是放在小孩的话,又太过暴力了些,不太容易看出定位是在哪里,但若不抱著要看魔戒那样剧情的电影的话,用轻松的心情去欣赏这部奇幻电影,娱乐性是很够的,看完也会觉得不错,只是要把期望放对位置就是了。  讲了这麼多,坦白说,我以前第一次看得时候觉得真的是很喜欢,每次看得感觉会不太一样,所以我还是分享一下我最喜欢的那一次的观点。风云际会像是一个我们小时後最爱的冒险故事发生在奇幻世界里。或许曾经有这样的年纪,我们不会在乎白雪公主的母后为什麼那麼坏,不会在乎为何屠龙的勇士会无所惧,更不在乎为什麼灰姑娘身在那种环境还会心地善良,我们喜欢看到各有所长的好人小队展开大冒险,过关斩将化险为夷,而可恶的大坏蛋终将获得报应。这样的故事是让我们看过瘾的,而如果你刚好也喜欢奇幻世界,风云际会就是一部满足这样「看爽」欲望的娱乐片。每个角色都有很显著的一种特徵,善良的主角,从自私变成正直的配角,邪恶有野心的黑心坏皇后,皇后善战的女儿被爱所改变,以及许多其他的角色,每个角色都不复杂,很容易从电影中看出他们代表的性格。危机→挑战→挣扎→获胜,经过这样的过程,最後当然也是我们希望看到的结局。  虽然老套了些,但风云际会会成为一部 Cult Movie 不是没有原因的。建议对上述这种剧情不排斥的奇幻迷可以尝试看看,说不定就会变成死忠影迷的一份子。  最後补充一提,跟电影没有很直接的关系,但我相信风云际会的原声带绝对是配乐爱好者必须收藏的作品,起码在我自己的原声带喜好排名会出现在前廿的名单中。听多了 James Horner 自我抄袭完全没有进步的音乐以後回来听听 Willow 真是一种享受,伦敦交响乐团、合唱、各种稀奇的乐器加上电子合成乐,非常丰富的一张原声带,只可惜收录在原声带的音乐实在少了些,看电影的时候不妨也享受一下 Horner 非常有代表性的一张佳作。




willow威洛薇洛名字寓意逻辑分析能力强。名字印象实际,逻辑分析能力强,有耐心。喜欢机械,技术方面的工作。崇尚‘要做就做好"的原则。已掌握的知识不会忘记。喜欢井井有条的生活。名字含义Willow [wil-low] 作为女孩的名字发音为WIL-oh。它是英语起源。苗条和优雅的木树的名称。电视记者杨柳湾。从树的名称,这是最终派生自古英语welig。英文起名注意事项:1、注意所用的的英文名字的含义有一些英文名字在国外会有不好的歧义,所以在大家起英文名的时候应该好好了解一下所用名字的含义,再决定是否适用。2、避免把中文名字直译成英文除非你有过硬的英文功底和对英美文化的了解,否则不推荐直接翻译中文名。中国人起名,要求是含义好、听着上口。外国人起名,则是要尽量从约定俗成的已有的名字中选一个。

一首中文歌中有everything will be ok。好像后面就是中文的。蛮欢快的


_____ good news! The World Cup will be held in South Africa.




the most pressing problem created by the rapid increase will be a shortage of food.


weaver的《Free will》 歌词

歌曲名:Free will歌手:weaver专辑:HandmadeFree willWEAVER作词:河邉彻作曲:杉本雄治木々を薙ぎ払う风がやめば云の切れ间に光が差した50亿年 この场所で全ての力を手に入れたんだ指を弾けば命が増えた扇いだ风は岚になった瞳を闭じればそこに映るこの星にある全てを见ていた街は今広大な大地を埋めた雨に打たれ群众は悲しみに触れ 声を合わす止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心に决められた明日に抗う为発明した言叶が「运命」かただの操り人形ではないあなたのその一言が响いた台本のない舞台で踊れるか?握りしめた自由でどこへ行くのか见守ってよう止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心に止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心にhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56263976

Ten days later ,all the old houses ____ a.were pulled down b.will pull down

a. were pulled downTen days later ,all the old houses【were pulled down】翻译: 十天后,所有的老房子都被拆毁了。这里应该用被动语态。

our dream will be realized

our dream will be realized我们的梦想一定会实现。

realize可以放在句末吗如your dream will be realize.

within the relati onship

Nguyen Le的《Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:Willow歌手:Nguyen Le专辑:Miraclesjj72-willowby the bright leaves in the garden of my saviouras the parasol gently shades heri can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeahonly way i want to beonly thing i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveonly way i want to beonly one i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveby the old wood burning in the gardenas the moths fly in the flames like our little harlemi can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeah    endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10268528



if people cut down the forest,they will have nowhere to live为什么后面不用介词in

用in读不通啊,没有地方去居住用toin即live in











I __ a cousin.___ name is willy.

have ,his,and.是想填什么?



求一部电影的名字 剧情是男女主小时候认识,女主叫男主willy(没记错的话……)

willy warmer什么意思

willy warmer威利温暖

Willy Clay Band的《Jailbird》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbird歌手:Willy Clay Band专辑:BlueM. Ward - JailbirdJailbird, jailbird, singing through the wiresCause his cage is closed and he"s stuck insideSaid who"s gonna hear my "Help me, help me" now?Yeah, who"s gonna hear my "Help me, help me" now?Help me, help me...help me help me nowHangman, hangman, knocking on the doorSays heaven can"t wait to have you no moreSo who"s gonna hear your "Help me, help me" now?Help me, help me...help me, help me nowYeah, who"s gonna hear your "Help me, help me" now?Help me, help me...help me, help me nowBetter go find another best friend somehowHelp me, help me...help me, help me nowHelp me, help me...help me, help me nowAngel, angel, coming for me nowOn eagle"s wings, down from the cloudsSave my soul before they lay my whole body downSave my soul before they lay me whole body downHelp me, help me...help me, help me nowSo there"s nothing but skin and boneshiding under a dead man"s clothesSix feet deep in a black box undergroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8469974



willy-nilly 一词的由来

willy-nilly 其实是 will I, nill I 的缩写。Nil 是古英语,即不愿意,Will I, nill I 就是 I am willing, I am not willing 原来的意思是 我愿意、我不愿意,表示迟疑不决。a willy-nilly person 就是一个优柔寡断的人 ,经过多年变化,这个副词被加上了这些意思:不管三七二十一无奈地拖延的无计划的。满意请及时采纳,谢。



Willy Sommers的《Jenny》 歌词

歌曲名:Jenny歌手:Willy Sommers专辑:Willy SommersThe Click Five -- Jennyby: www.ningshell.cnShe calls me baby, then she won"t call me.Says she adores me and then ignores me.Jenny, what"s the problem?She keeps her distance and sits on fences.Puts up resistance and builds defenses.Jenny, what"s the problem?You leave me hanging on the line.Every time you change your mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me.She needs her own space. She"s playing mind games.Ends up at my place saying that she"s changed.Jenny, what"s the problem?I"m trying to read between the lines.You got me going out of my mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me. It"s killing me. It"s killing me.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me It"s killing me. Jenny.Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2901812


willy wonka威利·旺卡举例:1Maybe now someone will invent a perfume that works like Willy Wonka"s Three-Course Gum或许会有人发明一种香水,闻起来就像查理巧克力工厂里的三层口香糖2Mars can make Willy Wonka "s workplace appear downright normal.和玛氏相比,电影《查理和巧克力工厂》里的那座工厂就显得再平常不过了。


Did Willy read books with us just nowuff1f

Willy ban chen是什么意思




星露谷物语威利willy喜欢什么 威利willy送什么礼物好

生日:夏季10日住址:海滩上的渔具店朋友:艾利奥特Elliott最爱的东西:鲶鱼,章鱼,海参,鲟鱼,南瓜,钻石,铱块喜欢的东西:蛋黄酱,Tiger Trout(虎鳟鱼),Lingcod(可怕的食肉鱼),蜂蜜,金块,啤酒,红酒,欧洲萝卜,Kale(甘蓝),香豌豆,土豆,郁金香,绿豆,Juice(果汁)无感的东西:Bream(鲂),鸭毛,黑莓,蓝莓,珊瑚,鸭蛋,鳗鱼,Largemouth Bass(黑鲈),Red Mullet(红鲻鱼),沙丁鱼,Smallmouth Bass(小黑鲈),Spice Berry(香料浆果),葡萄,Super Cucumber(紫色海参),虾不喜欢的东西:所有烹饪,所有绿色蔬菜,石头,粘土,披萨,生鱼片,水仙花,沙拉,Spring Onion(大葱),韭菜。厌恶的东西:Anchor(锚),Carp(鲤鱼)事件:达到三心时,威利会送你食谱:Chowder(杂烩)达到六心时,威利会送你食谱:Fish Stew(鱼汤)

泰拉瑞亚willy是谁 能入住么

泰拉瑞亚里面出现的有名有姓的NPC都是能入住的,但是每个NPC的名字都会随机虽然说会在几个名字里面随机,不过willy我还真不知道是谁,这样说吧 背后有钳子的是电工妹,头上有个矿工头盔背了个鱼竿似的东西的人是爆破商,穿灰风衣的男人是军火商,哥布林是买火箭靴还有重铸属性的,那个升上花花绿绿塔藤条的是女神,然后蓝黑条纹的一个很科幻的人是纳米商人,带着红帽子的白吊带裤男是画家,带着平帽子的灰衣服老头是商人,红衣服老头是时装商人,最开始碰到那个人是向导,还有一个头发比较杀马特的女的是派对女孩,一个带奇怪面具的是巫医,穿法师袍子的是魔法师梅林,长得和蘑菇一样的是蘑菇人,还有一个穿的比较科幻的女孩是蒸汽朋克商人,然后还有一个就是圣诞节的圣诞老人了,差不多这些就是全部NPC了吧哦对了还有一个海盗船长一般都叫gunpowder什么什么的

Willy says (the next sentence)划线提问

What does Willy say?Willy说了什么?

Oh for sure if Willy

Oh for sure if Willy哦,肯定如果威利

william 的昵称是不是 bill/willy






i will revert 什么意思

i will revert释义我将恢复revert英-[ru026a"vu025cu02d0t]美-[ru026a"vu025dt]释义n. 恢复原状者vt. 使回复原状vi. 回复;重提;返祖遗传;归还n. (Revert)人名;(西)雷韦特;(法)勒韦尔
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