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hello英文。复数hellos或helloes。过去式helloed。过去分词helloed。现在分词helloing。Hello出自英语。本义为“你好、喂”。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词。hello用作感叹词主要用于熟人间打招呼“喂”,常可音译为“哈罗”。也可用于呼叫远处的熟人或陌生人,以引起注意。还可作为打电话时呼叫对方之用语。平常,大家见面了,无疑都说声Hello。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词,关于它的来历,众说纷纭。有的人说,Hello这个词来源于法语ho和la,其在英语里的意思就是(嘿,好哇)。大约在1066年左右,诺曼人入侵英国时,ho和la传入英语。随着时间的推移,ho、la慢慢演变成了一个读音类似hallow的词。大约又过了几百年,也就是到了莎士比亚时代,hallow又变成了halloo。再后来,又变为读音像halloa,halloo和hallo的词语,这些词语当时在演员和猎人中间广为流传。hallo一词今天仍然在猎人中间沿用。但是,也有人认为,Hello一词是在电话发明之后才出现的。据说电话发明之初,人们况是不自觉地要说Are you there?以示他们对电话究竟能否传递信息的怀疑,但发明家爱迪生却不浪费时间,他一拿起话筒就说Hello。于是乎,这个词就成了我们今天的共用语。学英语的好处:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。5、学习英语有利于出国学习或者旅游,不会迷路或者手足无措。6、学习英语有利于看外国的原著小说或者电视电影等。


你好,喂,诶,有人吗,你还在吗?什么? 看语境。


hello  1.(用以打招呼或唤起注意)喂,你好  Hello,Jim!Howareyou?  嗨!,吉姆!你好吗?  2.(用作打电话时的招呼语)喂  3.(表示惊讶等)嘿;啊  4.在跟打招呼用hello是不礼貌的,应该用Hi才是有礼貌的  n.  1.表示问候(或惊奇,或唤起注意时)的叫声[C][U]  Shesaidhellotomewhenshesawme.  她见到我时向我打招呼。  4.同“hi”  HELLO一词的由来  平常,大家见面了,无疑都说声Hello。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词,关于它的来历,众说纷纭。有的人说,Hello这个词来源于法语ho和la,其在英语里的意思就是(嘿,好哇)。大约在1066年左右,诺尔曼人(Normans)人侵英国时,ho,la传入英语。  随着时间的推移,ho,la慢慢演变成了一个读音类似hallow的词。大约又过了几百年,也就是到了莎士比亚(Shakespear)时代,hallow又变成了halloo。再后来,又变为读音像halloa,halloo和hallo的词语,这些词语当时在演员和猎人中间广为流传。hallo一词今天仍然在猎人中间沿用。  再后来,人们见面了就说Hullo,hullo,howareyou?用它来打招呼。  但是,也有人认为,Hello一词是在电话发明之后才出现的。据说电话发明之初,人们况是不自觉地要说Areyouthere?以示他们对电话究竟能否传递信息的怀疑,在发明家爱迪生却不浪费时间,他一拿起话筒就说Hello。于是乎,这个词就成了我们今天的共用语。  亲爱的同学们,你明白hello这个词的来历了吗?Hello,hello,howareyou?


 hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow。这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340--1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow。在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello。可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。美国著名小说家马克.吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。


hello的由来 www.iselong.com 作者:chat123_me 主题:hello的由来 版权所有:chat123_me 原作 提交时间:22:03:51 06月03日 hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow。这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340--1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow。在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello。可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。美国著名小说家马克.吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。


hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。   hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow.这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340——1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow.在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello.可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。   美国小说家马克。吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。



Marti Pellow的《Temptation》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Temptation歌手:Marti Pellow专辑:Marti Pellow Sings The Hits Of Wet Wet Wet & SmileTemptationCradle Of FilthI"ve never been closer,I"ve tried to understand,That certain feeling,Called by another sound,But it"s too late to hesitate,We can"t keep on living like this.Leave no track,Don"t look back.All I desire (temptation)Keep climbing higher and higher (temptation)Adorable creatures (temptation)With unacceptable features (temptation)And Trouble is coming (temptation)It"s just a high cost of lovin(temptation)And you can take it or leave it (temptation)But you better believe it.You"ve got to make me an offer,That cannot be ignored,So lets head for home now,Everything I have is yours,Step by step and day by day,Every second counts I can"t break away.Leave no trace,Hide your face.All I desire (temptation)Keep climbing higher and higher (temptation)And you can take it or leave it (temptation)But you better believe it. (yeah)Step by step and day by day,Every second counts I can"t break away.(keep us from temptation, Keep us from temptation, Keep us from temptation, lead us right to temptation)Trying to find it (temptation)You"ve got to get up behind it (temptation)But you"ve turned into heart slots(temptation)But it"s a million to one shots (temptation)That fit you right now (temptation)You"ve got to fake it tonight now (temptation)But don"t give me a breakdown (temptation)Because it"s life or a shakedownTemptation (x16)http://music.b***.com/song/8052576

good night,my fair fellow 用于什么人之间?

no end of a good fellow的意思: 十分和气的人,和蔼可亲者 no end of a good fellow的例句:He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions观对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is Bound to suffer in the end专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it解铃还需系铃人All good things come to an end.一切美好的事物都有终结的时候(天下没有不散的筵席)。Things rashly taken end as ill草率从事没有好结果

good night,my fair fellow 用于什么人之间?

no end of a good fellow的意思: 十分和气的人,和蔼可亲者 no end of a good fellow的例句:He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions观对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is Bound to suffer in the end专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it解铃还需系铃人All good things come to an end.一切美好的事物都有终结的时候(天下没有不散的筵席)。Things rashly taken end as ill草率从事没有好结果

求《I put my hand in》的歌词 from 《Hello,Dolly》

I Put My Hand In (From "Hello, Dolly!")I Put My Hand In记得赞同采纳哦 谢谢

Hello, Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26023626

Finale (From "Hello, Dolly!") 歌词

歌曲名:Finale (From "Hello, Dolly!")歌手:Carol Channing&David Burns&Shepard Coleman专辑:Hello, Dolly! Deluxe Edition「Finale」作词:KOKOMI作曲:黒瀬圭亮歌:Asrielそう 雪(ゆき)のように现(あらわ)れた恋(こい)すぐ小指(こゆび)に乗(の)って溶(と)けていっただって どんな场所(ばしょ)でどんな记忆(きおく)に梦(ゆめ)を见(み)つけ 今(いま)の君(きみ)がいて…その景色(けしき)を 仆(ぼく)に见(み)せてそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)てを知(し)りたいと思(おも)う「爱(あい)すること」は「支配(しはい)」と似(に)て深(ふか)く积(つ)もる何(なに)も言(い)わず 何(なに)も闻(き)かずにいられなくて may I... shall I...缲(く)り返(かえ)すそう 柔(やわ)らかく溶(と)け溢(あふ)る涙(なみだ)この求(もと)めがもたらした结末(けつまつ)きっと 互(たが)いに向(む)かいあい目(め)を见(み)つめあっていても 一瞬(いっしゅん)の惑(まど)いその奥(おく)には 秘密(ひみつ)があるそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)て 谁(だれ)にも知(し)らせない「爱(あい)すること」は「犠牲(ぎせい)」があり重(おも)さを増(ま)す言叶(ことば)よりも 见(み)えないものに伤(きず)ついていた may I... shall I...手(て)を离(はな)すそう 此処(ここ)に见(み)えないものは怖(こわ)く追(お)い求(もと)めるほど 深(ふか)みに沈(しず)んだ今(いま)ある君(きみ)を见(み)ていたいはずがそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)てを知(し)りたいと思(おも)う「爱(あい)すること」は「支配(しはい)」と似(に)て深(ふか)く积(つ)もる何(なに)も言(い)わず 何(なに)も闻(き)かずにいられなくて may I... shall I...缲(く)り返(かえ)す终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7405092

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9881884

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2788695

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8968442

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55933805

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53527004

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/428765

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8561451

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8234433

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8267137

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7513131

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10213293

Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8094157

Put On Your Sunday Clothes (From "Hello, Dolly!") 歌词

歌曲名:Put On Your Sunday Clothes (From "Hello, Dolly!")歌手:Carol Channing&Charles Nelson Reilly&Igors Gavon&Jerry Dodge&Shepard Coleman专辑:Hello, Dolly!put on your sunday clothesFrom Wall-Eout there, there"s a world outside of yonkers,way out there beyond this hick town, barnaby,there"s a slick town, barnaby.out there, full of shine and full of sparkle,close your eyes and see it glisten, barnaby.listen, barnaby!put on your sunday clothes, there"s lots of world out thereget out the brilliantine and dime cigarswe"re gonna find adventure in the evening airgirls in white in a perfumed nightwhere the lights are bright as the stars!put on your sunday clothes, we"re gonna ride through townin one of those new horse drawn open carswe"ll see the shows at delmonicosand we"ll close the town in a whirland we won"t come home until we"ve kissed a girl!http://music.baidu.com/song/8398743

Hello, Dolly (With Louis Armstrong) 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8786533

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13771851

请教coldplay的 yellow的真正含义到底指的是什么?

前几天在百度有关COLDPLAY的新闻的时候,搜到一条这么说的,CP在开过演唱会后接受记者采访,记者问关于YELLOW这首歌的意思(我也想问),马丁当时回答说:我到现在也没弄清这首歌到底在唱啥,不过既然歌迷们掏钱来听演唱会,我们就唱呗!不知马丁这么说是什么意思,他难道真不知道?还是表现一贯对记者访问的态度?但无论如何他没有给我们YELLLOW明确的含义,下面这段是从CP的中文BLOG复制来的“在马萨诸塞州的一次演唱会期间,Coldplay的主唱Chris Martin谈了一些有关”Yellow”这首歌的情况:关于它是如何帮助乐队进军美国,以及很高兴能获得如此多的赞扬,然后他说“有许多人在讨论关于歌名的含义……但实际上,我只是写歌时碰巧看到了电话簿黄页,然后那颜色就挥之不去了!”在接受VH1 Storytellers的采访时,Martin再次确认了这一说法。尽管在这个老大难问题上,这名猥琐的歌手向歌迷们作出了一系列模棱两可的暗示,但人们还是禁不住要问:你丫到底是什么意思?尽管Martin自己在有关浪漫的主题、一个毫无意义的词、电话簿黄页之间摇摆不定,但Coldplay的铁杆粉丝们可有自己的想法。看起来 “Your skin, Oh yeah, your skin and bones. Turn into something beautiful. You know, you know I love you so” 这几句是争论的焦点,最流行的说法是这首歌是有关于黄疸病的。“这首歌是献给他母亲的,她死于这种肝脏方面的疾病。染上这种病,皮肤会变黄,肝脏功能持续衰竭。这首歌承载了他看见她被死神带走的痛苦,是一首非常悲伤的歌曲。”I wrote a song, I wrote a song for you and it was called yellow”他说他宁肯流感自己的血(bleed himself dry)因为他为了救他母亲愿意做任何事,尽管这样做也无法挽回她的生命。”这是在Lyric Interpretations上最流行的说法之一。(注:当时应该是Will的母亲患病吧)另一些人认为这首歌是写给Martin的教女的,那时她饱受肾病的折磨,而Martin是如此心疼她。“这首歌让我想起了亚斯伯格,我不知道为什么但我就是想起了亚斯伯格综合症。”不知道这几种说法的可信度有多高,但是算是给了几种新鲜的解释,不过YELLOW的MV拍摄期间赶上WILL母亲的葬礼倒是真的,而且MV得格调很黑暗(囧暂且这么说吧),不过YELLOW的含义从爱情到亲情的转变我还是很喜欢的,很深情的歌曲啊,不知道大家对这些有什么看法(认为YELLOW怎么理解都可以的可以无视)

Coldplay 乐队的歌曲名 Yellow 是什么意思?

yellow确实有胆怯的意思,但是我觉得翻译成害羞更恰当,因为这首歌就是表达的青春羞涩的爱慕之情,是一个害羞男孩示爱的情歌 歌词很清纯腼腆。《Yellow》是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由乐队四位成员克里斯·马汀、盖·贝瑞曼、强尼·邦蓝、威尔·查平共同填词,肯·尼尔森和乐队四位成员共同制作。这首歌被收录于乐队的首张专辑《Parachutes》里,并于2000年6月26日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。创作背景:2000年的一个晚上,酷玩乐队录制完专辑《Parachutes》中的歌曲《Shiver》后,一起出门休息。当时天上的星星在漆黑夜空中显得特别耀眼。坐在一旁胡乱弹着吉他的主唱克里斯·马汀抬起头凝望着夜空,即兴哼出了《Yellow》的旋律,灵感迅速地冲进了马汀的大脑里。马汀在构思歌名的时候遇到了瓶颈,他想用一个特定的词来贴合这首歌。他无意间看见当时录音室里的斯蒂芬妮(马汀碰巧在录音室的朋友)的黄色皮肤,斯蒂芬妮皮肤洋溢的黄色光芒让马汀立即将这首歌被命名为《Yellow》。




歌名:Yellow歌手:Coldplay作曲/作词:Christopher Anthony John Martin, Zheng Jun, Guy Rupert Berryman, William Champion, Jonathan Mark Buckland专辑:Parachutes发行日期:2000年7月10日歌词:Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called "Yellow".So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn intoSomething beautiful,Do you know,You know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do."Cause you were all yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn intoSomething beautiful,Do you know,For you I"d bleed myself dry,For you I"d bleed myself dry.It"s true,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine.Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And all the things that you do.

yellow中文歌词 是谁唱的

1、《Yellow》是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由乐队四位成员克里斯·马汀、盖·贝瑞曼、强尼·邦蓝、威尔·查平共同填词,肯·尼尔森和乐队四位成员共同制作。这首歌被收录于乐队的首张专辑《Parachutes》里,并于2000年6月26日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。 2、2001年,《Yellow》先后获得了全英音乐奖的英国最佳单曲、英国最佳录像带和MTV音乐录影带大奖的最佳新人的提名。2002年,《Yellow》获得了格莱美的最佳摇滚歌曲的提名,并因单曲获得最佳摇滚组合的提名。 3、歌词: Look at the stars 仰望天上的星星 Look how they shine for you 看着它你绽放光芒 And everything you do而 你的一颦一举 Yeah, they were all yellow 却如此胆怯小心 I came along 跟随着你 I wrote a song for you 我为你写下了一首情歌 And all the things you do 因为你表现出的胆怯小心 And it was called yellow 歌名叫做黄色 So then I took my turn 我会全心全意 Oh what a thing to have done 想突破你的心房赢得你的芳心 And it was all yellow 却也担心害怕起来 Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤 Turn into something beautiful 是如此的美丽脱俗而真实 Do you know? 你该知道 You know I love you so 我不可自拔的爱上了你 You know I love you so 你该明了我已经深深地爱上了你 I swam across 整个心早已游向你 I jumped across for you 整个人急着想飞奔到你面前却又却步 Oh what a thing to do 不知如何靠近你 "Cos you were all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心 I drew a line 我画出你的肖像 I drew a line for you 我画下了你的样子 Oh what a thing to do 却不知该如何表示 And it was all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心 And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤 Turn into something beautiful 是如此美丽脱俗而真实 Do you know? 你该知道 For you I bleed myself dry 我愿为你抛开一切 For you I bleed myself dry 你该明了,我为你失去生命也不可惜 It"s true 这是真的 Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒 Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒 Look how they shine for you 看!它们都为你绽放光芒 Look how they shine for you 看!它们都为你绽放光芒 Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒 Look how they shine for you星星都为你绽放光芒 Look at the stars 仰望天上的星星 Look how they shine for you 看着它们为你绽放光芒 And all the things that you do 而你却如此胆怯小心

yellow歌词 yellow介绍

1、Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called Yellow.So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all Yellow.Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,Do you know, you know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do.Cos you were all Yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all Yellow。 2、《Yellow》是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由乐队四位成员克里斯·马汀、盖·贝瑞曼、强尼·邦蓝、威尔·查平共同填词,肯·尼尔森和乐队四位成员共同制作。这首歌被收录于乐队的首张专辑《Parachutes》里,并于2000年6月26日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。


歌手:Coldplay 专辑名:PARACHUTES 关于yellow的翻译一直争议不断,有说歌颂母亲的,有说描摹吸毒者心境的......可能酷玩的魅力正在于此吧。 Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all Yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called Yellow. So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all Yellow. Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, You know, you know I love you so, You know I love you so. I swam across, I jumped across for you, Oh what a thing to do. Cos you were all Yellow, I drew a line, I drew a line for you, Oh what a thing to do, And it was all Yellow. Your skin, Oh yeah your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, And you know, For you I"d bleed myself dry, For you I"d bleed myself dry. It"s true, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine. Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do. 译文 附上一种翻译吧: 仰望天上星星 看着它们为你绽放光芒 而你却如此胆怯小心 跟随着你 我为你写下一首情歌 因为你表现出的胆怯小心 歌名叫做YELLOW 我会全心全意 想突破你心房 赢的你芳心 却也担心害怕起来 你的肌肤 是如此美丽脱俗而真实 你该知道 我不可自拔地爱上你 你该明了 我以深深爱上你 整颗心早已游向你 整个人想急着飞奔到你面前 却又止步 不知如何靠近你 哦!这是多么艰难的一件事 因为你事如此胆怯小心 你的肌肤 是如此美丽脱俗而真实 你该知道 我愿意为你抛开一切 你该明了 我为你失去生命也不可惜 这是真的 星星都因为你绽放光芒 星星都因为你绽放光芒 看!他们为你绽放光芒 看!他们为你绽放光芒 星星都因为你绽放光芒 仰望天上星星 看着他们为你绽放光芒 而你却依然如此胆怯小心



Hello Show me your ass ~ 这是啥意思


Vince Gill的《Say Hello》 歌词

歌曲名:Say Hello歌手:Vince Gill专辑:I Still Believe In YouNEWS - Say Hello作词:ARCHIBOLD/阿闭真琴/春和文作曲:ARCHIBOLD编曲:PE"ZShalala...君は自分をもっと信じていいんだ仆らは今世纪初头をいかに饰ろうか?とりあえずもう カッコつけるのは饱きてしまったんだSay Hello Hello Hello 世界の恋人达よ& Bye Bye Bye 世间のバカ騒ぎよI LOVE YOU君の弱さを 君の强さを 全部抱きしめるんだ人を嘘を罪を爱をそして君を认めるところからすべて始まるMORE LOVE YOU君の痛みも君の涙も 全部抱きしめるからぎゅっと自信持って 自分らしさ出してこう切ない物语なんて どこにでもあるよとりあえず责めるのはやめて 笑い合わないか?Say Hello Hello Hello 世间の子供たちよ& Bye Bye Bye 世间の常识よ今日一日が素晴らしく过ごせるようにI wish...I wish...I LOVE YOU君の本音を 君の心を もっと知りたいんだ风を空を花を歌をそして君を爱するところから仆ら始めようMORE LOVE YOU君のこれまでも 君のこれからも 全部抱きしめるからそうさ自信を持って 自分らしさ光らせてI LOVE YOU君の弱さを 君の强さを 全部抱きしめるんだ人を嘘を罪を爱をそして君を认めるところからすべて始まるMORE LOVE YOU君の痛みも君の涙も 全部抱きしめるからぎゅっと自信持って 自分らしさ出してこうShalala... Shalala...http://music.baidu.com/song/8194755

鹿乃的hello how are you的罗马音

ハロ haro 窓を开けて 小さく呟いた mado wo ake te chiisa ku zupue ita ハワユ hawayu 谁もいない 部屋で一人 daremo inai heya de hitori モーニン mo^nin 朝が来たよ 土砂降りの朝が asa ga kita yo doshaburi no asa ga ティクタク teikutaku 私のネジを 谁か巻いて watashi no neji wo dareka mai te ハロ haro 昔のアニメにそんなのいたっけな mukashi no anime nisonnanoitakkena ハワユ hawayu 羡ましいな 皆に爱されて urayama shiina mina ni aisa rete スリーピン suri^pin 马鹿な事言ってないで支度をしなくちゃ baka na koto itsutte naide shitaku woshinakucha クライン kurain 涙の迹を隠す为 namida no ato wo kakusu tame もう口癖になった「まぁいっか」 mou kuchiguse ninatta ( maaikka ) 昨日の言叶がふと头を过る kinou no kotoba gafuto atama wo ka ru 「もう君には全然期待してないから」 ( mou kun niha zenzen kitaishi tenaikara ) そりゃまぁ私だって soryamaa watashi datte 自分に期待などしてないけれど jibun ni kitai nadoshitenaikeredo アレは一体どういうつもりですか are ha ittai douiutsumoridesuka 喉元まで出かかった言叶 nodomoto made deka katta kotoba 口をついて出たのは嘘 kuchi wotsuite deta noha uso こうして今日も私は贵重な koushite kyou mo watashi ha kichou na 言叶を浪费して生きてゆく kotoba wo rouhi shite iki teyuku 何故隠してしまうのですか naze kakushi teshimaunodesuka 笑われるのが怖いのですか warawa rerunoga kowai nodesuka 谁にも会いたくないのですか dare nimo ai takunainodesuka それ本当ですか sore hontou desuka 暧昧という名の海に溺れて aimai toiu mei no umi ni obore te 息も出来ないほど苦しいの iki mo dekina ihodo kurushi ino 少し声が闻きたくなりました sukoshi koe ga kiki takunarimashita 本当に弱いな hontou ni yowai na 一向に进まない支度の途中 ikkou ni susuma nai shitaku no tochuu 朦胧とした头で思う mourou toshita atama de omou 「もう理由を付けて休んでしまおうかな」 ( mou riyuu wo duke te yasun deshimaoukana ) いやいや分かってますって iyaiya waka ttemasutte 何となく言ってみただけだよ nantonaku itsutte mitadakedayo 分かってるから怒らないでよ waka tterukara ikara naideyo 幸せだろうと 不幸せだろうと shiawase darouto fushiawase darouto 平等に 残酷に 朝日は升る byoudou ni zankoku ni asahi ha noboru 生きていくだけで精一杯の私に iki teikudakede seiippai no watashi ni これ以上何を望むというの kore ijou naniwo nozomu toiuno 何故気にしてしまうのですか naze kini shiteshimaunodesuka 本当は爱されたいのですか hontou ha aisa retainodesuka その手を离したのは谁ですか sono te wo hanashi tanoha dare desuka 気が付いてますか kigatsui temasuka 人生にタイムカードがあるなら jinsei ni taimuka^do gaarunara 终わりの时间は何时なんだろう owari no jikan ha nanji nandarou 私が生きた分の给料は watashi ga iki ta fun no kyuuryou ha 谁が払うんですか darega harau ndesuka サンキュー sankyu^ ありがとうって言いたいの arigatoutte ii taino サンキュー sankyu^ ありがとうって言いたいよ arigatoutte ii taiyo サンキュー sankyu^ 一度だけでも良いから ichido dakedemo yoi kara 心の底から大泣きしながら kokoro no soko kara oonaki shinagara ありがとうって言いたいの arigatoutte ii taino 何故隠してしまうのですか naze kakushi teshimaunodesuka 本当は闻いて欲しいのですか hontou ha kii te hoshii nodesuka 绝対に笑ったりしないから zettai ni waratta rishinaikara 话してみませんか hanashi temimasenka 口を开かなければ分からない kuchi wo hiraka nakereba waka ranai 思ってるだけでは伝わらない omotte rudakedeha tsutawa ranai なんて面倒くさい生き物でしょう nante mendou kusai ikimono deshou 人间というのは ningen toiunoha ハロ ハワユ haro hawayu あなたに ハロ ハワユ anatani haro hawayu

harsh my mellow是什么意思?

你好harsh one"s mellow: to be a killjoy, to ruin sb"s happiness with sad news 煞某人风景,扫某人的雅兴。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

Camila Cabello、Young Thug - Havanamp3百度云

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pHcZkV-CBOmNqTolqEfXDQ 提取码: iqei《Havana》是卡米拉·卡贝洛与Young Thug共同演唱的一首拉丁流行歌曲,由卡米拉·卡贝洛、Young Thug、弗兰克·杜克斯、Starrah、Ali Tamposi、布赖恩·李、Watt、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯、路易斯·贝尔、Kaan Gunesberk共同作曲作词,发行于2017年9月8日,被收录在卡米拉·卡贝洛首张个人录音室专辑《Camila》中。

求Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug)MP3


chancellor 和 premier

政治体制不同称呼也不同,像中国的总理用premier,新加坡的总理用prime minister,德国的长官大臣用chancellor

为什么中国的总理用premier,新加坡用prime minister,而德国用chancellor??


歌词第一句是hello ,it is me的英文歌叫啥名字

Adele的《Hello》歌词:Hello, it"s me, I was wonderingIf after all these years you"d like to meet to go over everythingThey say that time"s supposed to heal, yeahBut I ain"t done much healingHello, can you hear me?I"m in California dreaming about who we used to beWhen we were younger and freeI"ve forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feetThere"s such a difference between usAnd a million milesHello from the other sideI must"ve called a thousand times To tell you I"m sorry, for everything that I"ve doneBut when I call you never seem to be homeHello from the outsideAt least I can say that I"ve tried To tell you I"m sorry, for breaking your heartBut it don"t matter, it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymoreHello, how are you?It"s so typical of me to talk about myself, I"m sorryI hope that you"re wellDid you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?It"s no secretThat the both of us are running out of timeSo hello from the other sideI must"ve called a thousand times To tell you I"m sorry, for everything that I"ve doneBut when I call you never seem to be homeHello from the outsideAt least I can say that I"ve tried To tell you I"m sorry, for breaking your heartBut it don"t matter, it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymoreOoh, anymoreOoh, anymoreOoh, anymoreAnymore...Hello from the other sideI must"ve called a thousand times To tell you I"m sorry, for everything that I"ve doneBut when I call you never seem to be homeHello from the outsideAt least I can say that I"ve tried To tell you I"m sorry, for breaking your heartBut it don"t matter, it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymore

hello,msy l s_ to shelly?sandy:sorry...完形填空详情见五下暑

Sandy Sally Suki Shelly Sugar Sweet Surewin Stacy Stella Stephanie Satine Sephinroth Samantha Selina Sarah Sara Susan Sophia Scorpion Sharon ....


应该不是环境变量问题了 你可能没注意大小写 名字 .JAVA



iet fellow是什么水准

没啥水准,没有听过,山寨版ieee fellow

“H ELLO KITTY”是什么意思?


哪里有朗费罗(Longfellow)的诗“The Secret of The Sea”(大海的奥秘)的分析,中英都可

The Secret of the Seafrom The Seaside and the Fireside by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882)Ah! what pleasant visions haunt me As I gaze upon the sea! All the old romantic legends, All my dreams, come back to me. Sails of silk and ropes of sandal, Such as gleam in ancient lore; And the singing of the sailors, And the answer from the shore! Most of all, the Spanish ballad Haunts me oft, and tarries long, Of the noble Count Arnaldos And the sailor"s mystic song. Like the long waves on a sea-beach, Where the sand as silver shines, With a soft, monotonous cadence, Flow its unrhymed lyric lines:-- Telling how the Count Arnaldos, With his hawk upon his hand, Saw a fair and stately galley, Steering onward to the land;-- How he heard the ancient helmsman Chant a song so wild and clear, That the sailing sea-bird slowly Poised upon the mast to hear, Till his soul was full of longing, And he cried, with impulse strong,-- "Helmsman! for the love of heaven, Teach me, too, that wondrous song!" "Wouldst thou,"--so the helmsman answered, "Learn the secret of the sea? Only those who brave its dangers Comprehend its mystery!" In each sail that skims the horizon, In each landward-blowing breeze, I behold that stately galley, Hear those mournful melodies; Till my soul is full of longing For the secret of the sea, And the heart of the great ocean Sends a thrilling pulse through me.

Hello Moro纪恋日属于什么档次

中端 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌介绍 Helo Moro纪恋日,是广州艾璐卡商贸有限公司旗下的内衣品牌,由国际内衣时尚品牌Helo Moro的中国区运营总部—广州艾璐卡商贸有限公司全权负责中国大陆区Helo Moro纪恋日品牌的经营与管理。 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌故事 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌内衣是为都市时尚女性设计的时尚内衣品牌。她倡导的是一种“自信、独立、健康、时尚”的生活方式。








hello语音怎么锁房锁房方法介绍.锁房方法介绍: 1、首先进入【我的房间】; n 2、进入之后点击右上角的图标; 3、点击之后即可弹出【房间加锁】的功能; n 4、然后设置最多为10为数字的房间密码即可; ps:房间加锁只有房主才具有的权限哦,以上则是管理资源吧为大家介绍的问题,希望对大家有帮助。

谁有hello mr. my yesterday的歌词

Hello Mr. my yesterday itte okureyo yume kanau sono shunkan toki nimata ae ru to  zenpou no ikuta zentotanan no michi  kouhou no michi koukai mo shittakeiken to kachi yume nakabaippon no michi kekka dagahitotsudake shiri taiyo kamisama gairunonara ...   shiawase no teigi ttenani  nakama tachihasorezore mamoru monowo teni shite  boku wo sen nda   demo hokore rumonomonashini   ima sara kaeru beki basho mo  ashita no riyuu mo midase naiyo bokuha   Hello Mr. my yesterday taimumashin de   ano nichi no boku he genzai ima tsutae takute  yume wo kataru mono yo anata no hitomi me ni   ashita no boku nokotoha utsutte masuka   daremo tesaguri hero to genjitsu   hazama de shiru kimochi itami   kako ha koko nihanai saki wo mita i  saa jibun shidai   moshiato hanseiki mo ejison ga iki tetara  jikanryokou mo dekita kamo nantesa   kibou to yuuutsu tono haigou baransu naku shitekara   moudorekuraidarou   kiduke ba yume no keika wo tsuge ru dousoukai nimo   ika nakunatta futashika nakono machi de   Hello Mr. my another way taimumashin de   mirai no boku hehora kii teokureyo   yume wo sute ta mono yo 10 nengo ni   boku datta anata ha warae temasuka ?  kono yoni umare ochi ta nichi kara kono michi he tsuduku   arayuru 1 byou ga ai no ato iki ta shou   asa gayatte kuru tabi boku ga boku de   yoka ttato hokore rusonna nichi made   ryou no te hanasa zuni shinji te hoshii   surechigau bokura ha doko heyukuno  Hello Mr. my yesterday taimumashin de   ano nichi no boku he genzai ima tsutae takute   koe ga kare hate temo seimei inochi de chikao u   yume kanau sono shunkan toki ni mukae niyukuyo  moshimo negai ga kanau toshitara   kibou tera su basho madezutto   itsuka arinomama au nichi made以上罗马音【很抱歉没有中文www 不过这首歌是柯南片尾曲你可以找一下www

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韩国综艺节目~类似shinee的hellobaby、beast的 Idol Maid和 Almighty、Infinite的你是我的哥哥~介绍一些吧


韩剧hello 小姐全集


韩剧 hello 小姐剧情介绍






hello baby有几种意思


Lady gaga的一首开头是HelloHelloBaby的歌是哪首











  最近有一首歌曲在抖音里很火,这首歌有一句歌词是Hellobaby要抱抱鼓起勇气要抱抱,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?    Hellobaby要抱抱鼓起勇气要抱抱是什么歌   要抱抱 - 王蓉   词:王蓉   曲:王蓉   编曲:王蓉   Don"t stop 继续跳 魅力不够 旁边靠   带上黑眼罩 压力统统消失掉   看到你出现 感觉全身在过电   你也看着我 好像注定我是你的   Hello baby 要抱抱 鼓起勇气 要抱抱   多么甜蜜 要抱抱 啊 啊 啊   我只要你 来抱抱   继续努力 要抱抱   如此美丽 要抱抱   啊 啊 啊 啊   Done done done   请你给我一分钟   你会成为我的 super boy   Done done done   不要关掉麦克风   我会让你知道 我最美   Done done done   只要给我一分钟   从此你是我的 super boy   Done done done   你会为我感动 为我发疯   嘿耶耶耶   我们脸对脸 也许可以再近点   现在把我拥抱 才是最佳表现   奇妙的音乐 口红绝对要鲜艳   微妙的变化 此刻我是你的一切   Hello baby 要抱抱 鼓起勇气 要抱抱   多么甜蜜 要抱抱 啊 啊 啊   我只要你 来抱抱   继续努力 要抱抱   如此美丽 要抱抱   啊 啊 啊 啊   Done done done   请你给我一分钟   你会成为我的 super boy   Done done done   不要关掉麦克风   我会让你知道 我最美   Done done done   只要给我一分钟   从此你是我的 super boy   Done done done   你会为我感动 为我发疯   嘿耶耶耶   Yes yes yes yes   Yes yes yes yes   Yes yes yes yes   Yes yes yes yes   Done done done   只要给我一分钟   从此你是我的 super boy   Done done done   你会为我发疯   我会让你知道 我最美   Done done done   请你给我一分钟   你会成为我的 super boy   Done done done   不要关掉麦克风   我会让你知道 我最美   Done done done   只要给我一分钟   从此你是我的 super boy   Done done done   你会为我感动 为我发疯   嘿耶耶耶

on helloween

day结尾的一般来说前面为“on”,小窍门:想想星期几(如“on monday”)怎么说 其余的节日为“at”

Helloween的《Dr. Stein》 歌词

歌曲名:Dr. Stein歌手:Helloween专辑:High Live (Live)Once they killed his monster when it went into a trapnow he"s making better ones on a higher stepOn a warm summer day the doctor went awayto a place where he could make it realhis assistant"s hips were niceso he cloned her once or twicenow his hips are aching what a dealDr. Stein grows funny creatureslets them run into the nightthey becomegreat rock musiciansSometimes when he"s feeling boredhe"s calling it a dayhe"s got his computers and they do it their own wayThey mix some DNA, some skina and a certain sprayyou can watch it on a laser screenand the fellow"s blue and greyor sometimes pink and greenjust check it out on HalloweenDr. Stein grows funny creatureslets them run into the nightthey becomegreat politiciansOne night he cloned himselfput his brother on a shelfbut when he fell asleep that nightit crept up from behind and thought "well never mind"took a syringe and blew out his lifeDr. Stein grows funny creatureslets them run into the nightthey becomea great possessionDr. Stein grows funny creatureslets them run into the nightthey becomea great oppressionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16611518

有人能翻译Helloween的windmill 吗?别用网络翻译器,麻烦专业点的~~

Tme goes wherever you are, time is your guiding starThat shines all through your life,makes you feel and move无论你走过天涯海角时光伴着你随风流逝岁月是遥望的北极星伴你一直到斗转星移陪你见证过悲喜冷暖My dreams are out in the far, so are yours apartOf secret fairy tales, dripped on the wings of omystery mill儿时向往的梦想远去远去的还有你的愿望然而一直都没离去的那些无人知晓的童话它们悄然无声地滴落滴在那风车的翅膀上Windmill, windmill, keep on turning; show me the way, take me todayWindmill, windmill, hearts are yearning, longing for love and a chance to be free风车,风车,转啊转是你指明前行的方向是你带我一路到如今风车,风车,思念长这般思慕世间的真爱这般热望不羁的放纵Don"t feel alone and depressed, someone will come at lastTo soothe your stumbling mind,to keep it away from the evil storm不要忧伤,不要绝望终有一天会不再孤单抚慰你支离破碎的心庇护你远离狂风暴雨Windmill, windmill, keep on turning; show me the way, take me todayWindmill, windmill, hearts are yearning, longing for love and a chance to be free风车,风车,转啊转是你指明前行的方向是你带我一路到如今风车,风车,思念长这般思慕世间的真爱这般热望不羁的放纵

If I could fly 是HELLOWEEN哪个专辑里面的歌曲?

看样子朋友不怎么了解helloween,这首歌是The Dark Ride 专辑里面的,不能说是成名曲,这是后期专辑,他们的成名作是专辑Keeper of the Seven Keys Part I和II,随便网上一搜介绍一大堆,只不过后期有些歌做的更旋律化,所以听金属不多的人或者刚听的人就记住他们后期那么几首听起来比较流行的歌,其实正真经典的专辑是早期,特别是我前面提到的那两张,那时的主唱还是嗓音超棒的Michael Kiske呢,而传奇式人物Kai Hansen还在担当吉他手。可惜后来全走人了。

When is Helloween.

十月三十一日 Helloween on 31 st of October in every year . 毎年十月三十一日 31/10 现时中文里万圣节通常指 Halloween,英文意为万圣节前夕(每年10月31日)。原本万圣节指的是每年11月1日的诸圣日(All Saints)或亡灵节(Day of the Dead),而 Halloween 中文应作万圣节前夕。本文介绍的是 Halloween,有关其他含义请参看万圣节。 每年的10月31日是西方传统节日万圣节前夜(Halloween),当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集榶果。节日主要流行于英语世界,如不列颠群岛和北美,其次是澳大利亚和纽西兰。 万圣节前夜英文写作 Halloween,是 All Hallow Even 的缩写,类似于平安夜被称为 Christmas Eve,是指万圣节(All Hallow"s Day)的前夜。Hallow 来源于中古英语 halwen,与 holy 词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为 All Hallow Mas,意思是在纪念所有的圣人(Hallow)那一天,要举行的弥撒仪式(Mass)。 类似于圣诞节和复活节,万圣节及万圣节前夜也来自于基督教对其它宗教的节日的吸收、改造和重新诠释。万圣节前夜起源于不列颠凯尔特人的传统节日,在10月的最后一天,他们相信这是夏天的终结,冬天的开始,这一天是一年的重要标志,是最重要的节日之一,被称为「死人之日」,或者「鬼节」。这一天各种恶鬼出没,死去人们的灵魂也会离开身体,在世间游走,这一天的晚上也就格外危险。人们会把食物放在门口吸引有主的鬼魂灵魂,而为了吓走邪恶的鬼魂,凯尔特人会载上面具。 当天主教传教士登陆不列颠诸岛的时候,传教士们为了压制这种被他们视为异端的德鲁伊传统,就把这一天之后的11月第一天定为万圣节,纪念天主教的圣人们,希望以此打压这些鬼怪观念,所以说是先有鬼节,后有万圣节。也因为这个原因,实际上万圣节和鬼节的习俗,主要是在英伦三岛和北美的前英属殖民地,也就是美国、加拿大、澳大利亚,纽西兰等等。其中美国的万圣节前夜传统最初由来自爱尔兰和苏格兰的移民于19世纪传入,而其他发达国家则于20世纪末受美国流行文化影响而开始庆祝万圣节前夜。 万圣节前夜通常与灵异的事物联系起来。欧洲传统上认为万圣节是鬼魂世界最接近人间的时间,这传说与中国的盂兰节类似。 美国明尼苏达州的 Anoka 号称是「世界万圣节之都」,每年都举行大型的巡游庆祝。 参考: zh. *** /w/index?title=%E8%90%AC%E8%81%96%E7%AF%80%E5%89%8D%E5%A4%9C&variant=zh- 31 Oct Halloween? 31/10~ Helloween is a German power/speed metal band founded in the early 1980s by members of Iron Fist and Powerfool. Helloween are known as major innovators of power metal. Members [edit] Current Members Andi Deris - Vocals (1994-present) Michael Weikath - Guitars (1982-present) Sascha Gerstner - Guitars (2002-present) Markus Grosskopf - Bass (1981-present) Daniel "Dani" Loeble - Drums (2005-present) [edit] Former members Kai Hen - Vocals (1978-1986) - Guitars (1978-1988) Michael Kiske - Vocals (1987-1993) Roland Grapow - Guitars (1988-2001) Ingo Schwichtenberg - Drums (1981-1993) Uli Kusch - Drums (1994-2001) Mark Cross - Drums (2001-2003) Stefan Schwarzmann - Drums (2003-2005) [edit] Discography [edit] Albums 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/e/e1/HelloweenHelloween/120px-HelloweenHelloween Helloween (1985) - Though an EP officially considered as a mini-LP. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/0/02/HelloweenWallsofjericho/120px-HelloweenWallsofjericho Walls of Jericho (1985) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/8/8b/Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_1/120px-Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_1 Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 1 (1987) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/4/46/Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_2/120px-Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_2 Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 2 (1988) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/b/b0/Helloween_-_PinkBubblesGoApe/120px-Helloween_-_PinkBubblesGoApe Pink Bubbles Go Ape (1991) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/3/33/HelloweenChameleon/120px-HelloweenChameleon Chameleon (1993) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/a/a0/HelloweenMasterofring/119px-HelloweenMasterofring Master of the Rings (1994) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/5/5a/Oathcover/120px-Oathcover The Time of the Oath (1996) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/1/1c/Rawcover.JPG/119px-Rawcover.JPG Better Than Raw (1998) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/a/ab/Helloween-thedarkride/120px-Helloween-thedarkride The Dark Ride (2000) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/1/11/Helloween-RabbitDontComeEasyCover/120px-Helloween-RabbitDontComeEasyCover Rabbit Don"t Come Easy (2003) 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/e/e7/Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_3/120px-Keeper_of_the_Seven_Keys_Part_3 Keeper of the Seven Keys - The Legacy (2005) [edit] Live I Want Out Live (1989) - US only. Keepers Live (1989) - Japan only. Live in the UK (1989) High Live (1996) [edit] Compilations Helloween / Walls Of Jericho / Judas (1988) - Compilation of Helloween EP Walls of Jericho and Judas single. Pumpkin Tracks (1989) The Best The Rest The Rare (1991) Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1 & 2 (1993) Pumpkin Box (1998) - Japan only. Karaoke Album vol. 1 (1998) Karaoke Album vol. 2 (1998) Metal Jukebox (1999) - Compilation of cover-version songs performed by Helloween. Treasure Chest (2002) - A limited edition included extra "Buried Treasure" CD with B-sides recorded after "The Best The Rest The Rare". [edit] Singles Judas (1986) Future World (1987) Dr. Stein EP (1988) I Want Out EP (1988) Kids of the Century (1991) Number One (1992) I Don"t Wanna Cry No More (1993) Step Out Of Hell (1993) When The Sinner (1993) Windmill (1993) Mr. Ego (1994) Perfect Gentleman (1994) Where The Rain Grows (1994) Sole Survivor (1995) Forever And One (1996) Forever And One Live (1996) Power (1996) The Time Of The Oath (1996) Hey Lord! (1998) I Can (1998) Lay All Your Love On Me (1999) If I Could Fly (2000) Mr. Torture (2000) Just A Little Sign (2003) Mrs. God (2005) Light The Universe (feat. Candice Night) (2006) [edit] Tribute The Eastern Tribute To Helloween (1999) The Keepers Of Jericho - Part I (2000) The Keepers Of Jericho - Part II (2003) [edit] External links The Official Website of Helloween The Official Messageboard of Helloween Italian Helloween Forum Indonesia Fan Site 参考: 详情 : en. *** /wiki/Helloween 31th october 每年新历10月31日 31st october in every year


I"m running on a dusty roadThe evil one behind meI hear his breath and turn aroundThere"s no place left to hide here.Wanna break the chains of fearThere"s no way backYou whisper in my earYour charge will save me again[Chorus]You change my dream, you guide my way to beYou are the light, you turn black into white.You change my dream, you bring realityYou shine so bright, you turn black into white.I"ve lost my soul in the game he playsNo doubt that he won"t spare meHaunting me trapped in his chainsSubject to violationI"m afraid to fall asleepWander day and nightIt was a man in my dreamsYou come to save me again[Chorus]You change my dream, you guide my way to beYou are the light, you turn black into white.You change my dream, you bring realityYou shine so bright, you turn black into white.(solos)You change my dream, you guide my way to beYou are the light, you turn black into white.You change my dream, you bring realityYou shine so bright, you turn black into white.You change my dream, you guide my way to beYou are the light, you turn black into white.You change my dream, you bring realityYou shine so bright, like stars into night.




那么I am yellow.意思是我很胆怯。I am green.意思是我是新手。I am blue.意思是我很郁闷;我的心情很糟糕。I am in the red.意思是我欠钱了。
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