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This battery charging is temporarily disabled press F2 entering BIOS setup Menu Battery status for

您好英文翻译是:该电池的充电是暂时禁用按F2进入BIOS设置菜单的电池状态可以开机按F2 进入BIOS找到EXIT,里面有一个LoadFail-Safe Defaults,恢复出厂安全设置按F10保存一下重启再看下如果还是不行,笔记本拿到当地最近的戴尔售后服务点检修戴尔售后服务点查询链接:www.dell.com.cn/cis(可以查到你家附近最近的戴尔售后服务点)

serice Temporarily Unavailable是什么意思

Service Temporarily Unavailable 服务暂时不可用.

Api is temporarily blocked.这个是什么意思?

Api 暂时封锁,api为程序接口。

网站出现“302 Moved Temporarily”该怎么办

302 Moved Temporarily并不是错误,意思是文件的URL临时改变,你应该采用Location返回的地址重新发送一次GET。cookies是保存在%USERPROFILE%cookies文件夹里的,如果IE设置里接受cookie的话,返回set-cookie就会保存到cookies里,并且会在后面的连接里发送。最有可能是网址搞错了

网页显示Service Temporarily Unavailable怎么办


You have been temporarily blocked.


the page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable,please try again later,什么意思

the page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable,please try again later您正在寻找的页面暂时不可用,请稍后再试。

工行网上支付出现This server is temporarily unable to service requests. Error code: 95是什么意思啊

翻译: 此服务器暂时无法服务请求。错误代码:95



网站出现“302 Moved Temporarily”该怎么办?

应该是连接超时吧302 Moved temporarily (redirect) 你所连接的页面进行了Redirect 302 Found 类似于301,但新的URL应该被视为临时性的替代,而不是永久性的。注意,在HTTP1.0中对应的状态信息是“Moved Temporatily”,而HttpServletResponse中相应的常量是SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY,而不是SC_FOUND。出现该状态代码时,浏览器能够自动访问新的URL,因此它是一个很有用的状态代码。为此,Servlet提供了一个专用的方法,即sendRedirect。使用response.sendRedirect(url)比使用response.setStatus(response.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY)和response.setHeader("Location",url)更好。这是因为: 首先,代码更加简洁。 第二,使用sendRedirect,Servlet会自动构造一个包含新链接的页面(用于那些不能自动重定向的老式浏览器)。 最后,sendRedirect能够处理相对URL,自动把它们转换成绝对URL。 注意这个状态代码有时候可以和301替换使用。例如,如果浏览器错误地请求http://host/~user(缺少了后面的斜杠),有的服务器返回301,有的则返回302。 严格地说,我们只能假定只有当原来的请求是GET时浏览器才会自动重定向。


temporary 英 [ˈtemprəri] 美 [ˈtempəreri] 词形变化: temporarily temporariness temporaries 基本释义 adj.暂时的;临时的 n.临时工 【问】:temporary是什么意思 【答】:要看是形容词,还是名词的. 通常是作为形容词来用的,即暂时的

temporarily out of stock是什么意思

temporarily out of stock——>暂时缺货

temporarily out of stock是什么意思


so i have temporarily put my books on the floor为什么要加have


The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers________one of the main pipes....

D 考查动词时态。句意为:水供应已暂时被切断,因为工人们正在维修其中一个主管道。根据has been cut off判断应该是现在的某种时态。再根据时间状语temporarily可以判断出repair是现在正在发生的动作,故用现在进行时。


这是虚拟语气的一种情况. 在建议,要求,命令,想法后的动词后的从句里,用should + 动词原形,should 可以省略.如 advise,agree,command,decide,demand,determine,grant,indicate,insist,order,prefer,propose,request,require,stipulate,suggest,urge,vote. 例:She had requested that the door to her room be left open.

glacier; ancient; temporarily 这英语用谐音怎么读?

glacier; 葛勒射而 ancient;恩肾特 temporarily 贪破若瑞

temporarily unavailable什么意思

temporarily unavailable暂时不可用望采纳,谢谢


那么这两个单词有什么区别? temporary, 临时的,暂时的,短期的, tentative 相对于 established,fixed, accepted, (确定的,固定的,已被确认的

Your account has been temporarily suspended.是什么意思





英语单词temporary记忆方法之根据音标和中文意思记忆1:temporary英 [u02c8tempru0259ri] 美 [u02c8tempu0259reri]adj.短暂的;临时的,暂时的n.临时工,临时雇员英语单词temporary记忆方法之根据例句记忆2:Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature.两国之间的边界争论,比起两国的悠久友谊来说,是一个暂时性和局部性的问题。Some Democrats support granting the Haitians temporary safe haven in the US.一些民主党人支持为海地人在美国提供临时避难所。




暂时;造句:1、l could easily escape discomfort,temporarily, by answering email or browsing theweb under the pretense of so-called "research".(我可以通过回复电子邮件或以所谓的“研究”为名浏览网页,轻松地暂时摆脱掉不适感。)2、They simply avoid paying more than they have to when one of their customary brands istemporarily available at a reduced price.(当他们惯用的品牌暂时降价时,他们只是避免支付更多的钱。)

this server is temporarily unable to service requests是什么意思

Service UnavailableThis server is temporarily unable to service requests. Error code: 95


temporary的副词是temporarily。temporarily,英语单词,主要用作为副词,用作副词译为“临时地,临时”。短语搭配:temporarily ad(一时地);Temporarily relieves(临时缓解);Temporarily On(临时开启)。temporary,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词的意思是“临时工,临时雇员”,作形容词的意思是“暂时的,临时的”。temporarily例句1、The stress of war temporarily unhinged him.战争的压力暂时使他精神错乱。2、When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.走出户外时,她一时被阳光照得眼睛昏花。3、Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries.士兵们已暂时封闭了两国的边界。


“Temporarily” 是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“暂时地、临时地”。它经常出现在英语考试、商业、旅游、健康保健等场合中,下面我们来详细了解一下它的用法和常见搭配。一、常见用法1. Temporarily adj./adv. + be/have/do例如:I will temporarily stay at my friend"s house for a few days while I look for a new apartment.(我暂时会在朋友家住几天,找新房子的时候再说。)2. Temporarily + Noun例如:The store is temporarily closed due to renovation.(这个店因为装修暂时关闭。)二、常见搭配1. Temporarily suspend/stop/postpone例如:We have decided to temporarily suspend the project to do more research on it.(我们决定暂时停止这个项目,更多地去研究它。)2. Temporarily halt/shut down/cease例如:Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school was temporarily closed from March to June. (因为新冠疫情,学校从三月到六月暂时关闭了。)3. Temporarily relocate/move/interrupt例如:The company will temporarily relocate to another office while the original one is being renovated.(公司将在原办公室装修期间暂时搬到另一处办公室。)4. Temporarily struggle/adjust/modify例如:After graduation, it"s common for students to find themselves struggling temporarily before finding a job they are satisfied with.(毕业后,学生暂时找不到满意的工作,是很常见的。)三、常见错误1. 错误用法:I will come back in a temporary.正确用法:I will come back temporarily.2. 错误用法:We will temporary postpone the meeting.正确用法:We will temporarily postpone the meeting.总的来说,“temporarily” 是一个非常常用的单词,我们在日常生活和工作中如果需要表达“暂时”的意思,就可以用这个单词。同时在写作和口语中,我们也需要准确地使用它,以避免造成不必要的困惑或误解。


temporarily 英[tempu0259u02c8reru026alu026a] 美[tempu0259u02c8reru026alu026a] adv. 暂时地; 临时地; [例句]Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries.士兵们临时封锁了两国之间的边境线。

电阻的参数中有rated ambient temp.和rated terminal part temp.有什么区别

西威变频器调试资料 一. 西威变频器是由意大利生产的一种高性能的驱动器,在国内最先是由西子OTIS应用的,在匹配同步电机方面有着独特的优越性:首先该驱动器的PI功能相当丰富,可以细分为4段(包括一个零速PI),而且宽度可调,所以在匹配无齿电机时可以不加予负载,启动不会有倒溜的情况发生;其次它内部有两套自整定程序:一是电机参数自整定,它可以自动的整定出电机的相间电感和电阻常数,避免了由于电机厂家提供电机参数不全而导致调试难度的提高;另一个是无齿定位自整定,该程序是检测编码器和电机磁极相对应的位置。 二. 配线说明: U1,1,W1变频器的进线输入 U2,2,W2变频器的输出 +BR1,-C 接制动电阻 1,2模拟量输入端 12(ENERGE)使能 13(FWD)正转 14(RE)反转 19(COM) 公共端 36(SPD1)多段速1 37(SPD2)多段速2 38(SPD3)多段速3 80,82(DRIE OK)故障输出 83,85(BRAKE)抱闸检测输出 由于变频器内部控制板的0和变频器的地是连通的,而我们主板的0和地是不连通的,在有些场合,变频器的0和主板的0就存在着压差,会导致主板反馈口或变频器分频卡的损坏。变频器控制板上(拆下分频卡就可以看到)有个S24的跳线,需将该跳线拔掉(3.5版请剪掉S35的连接线),变频器中的零和地就分开了,小功率的变频器中电源板上还有个红色的S1跳线,位置就在风扇控制线的下方,必须拔掉S1跳线才可能将零和地彻底分开,另外请注意,控制板上也有个S1的跳线,用于版本的初始化,这跳线不能拔去,否则所有参数将全部初始化。如果实在不能分开,请将开关电源上的0和地连起来,这就保证变频器控制板的0和主板的0同电位。 编码器:XS插座 分频卡EXP-E上的XF0端子 分频卡上的跳线S1,S2决定分频系数,1分频(S1-OFF,S2-OFF),2分频(S1-OFF,S2-ON),4分频(S1-ON,S2-OFF),8分频(S1-ON,S2-ON) 编码器尽量选用海德汉的型,而编码器有些地方能匹配,有些地方却不行。 关于的接线请注意: 将插件正对着看,上面有凸出部分为TOP,上层为b,下层为a,从右到左分别使1到7; 其接线如下: 6b(A+),2a(A-),3b(B+),5a(B-),4b(R+),4a(R-),7b(C+),1a(C-),2b(D+),6a(D-),1b(5),5b(0) 三. 菜单和参数:(参数以宁波欣达的WYJ-D--S6同步主机为例) 主机参数:曳引轮直径mm,梯速2.5m/s,曳引比:2:1 额定转速:r/min 功率:17.4KW 电流42A 反电势: 转矩: 频率:47HZ Menus:(一级目录) 1. MONITOR(监控) 2. STARTUP(启动) 3. TRAEL(驱动) 4. REGULATION PARAM(调节参数) 5. I-O CONFIG(I-O配置) 6. ALARM CONFIG(配置) 7. COMMUNICATION(通讯) 8. APPL CARD CONFIG(APPL卡配置) 9. CUSTOM FUNCTIONS(客户功能) 10. SERICE(服务功能:无齿自动定位用) 二级目录介绍 STARTUP: 1. Startup config( 启动配置) (1).Enter setup mode DRIE DATA Mains voltage Ambient temp 40 Switching fre 8kHz Spd ref/fbk res 0.rpm(SIN/COS编码器要设为该值) MOTOR DATA Rated voltage Rated current 42 A Rated speed rpm Pole pairs(极对数)12 请注意该值为极数的一半:P=f*/N=47*/=24 Torue constant /42=16. Nm/A(根据额定转矩除以额定电流算出来) EMF constant (反电势) *s(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入) Stator resist (定子阻值) ohm(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入) LsS inductance (阻抗值) H(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入)电机自整定时,请一定要将上面3个参数设为0,否则可能会导致变频器有给定而没有输出电流的情况发生。 CURREG AUTOTUNE RESULTS Measured Rs ohm Measured DTL Measured DTS ohm Measured LsSig H 电机自学习: 设定好电机参数,? 进入Autotune ,再按Start? ? 短接变频器使能; 按面板上I键,出现进度表? 自动进行电机自学习;? 学习完毕后要用Load setup 菜单保存参数? (2).Load setup(保存设置)用于储存自学习电机参数 (3).Mechanical data(机械数据) Travel units sel 选择Millimeters Gearbox ratio 变速比 2 Pulley diameter 曳引轮直径 Full scale speed 满速 注意:机械数据一定要在电机自学习后才能设定,否则可能会出现有给定变频器无电流输出的现象。 (4).Weights Car weight (轿箱重量) kg Counter weight(对重重量) kg Load weight(载重量) kg Rope weight (钢丝绳重量) kg Motor inertia (电机惯量) 0.1 kg*m2 Gearbox inertia (变速箱惯量) kg*m2 (5).Landing zone(停靠区域)提前开门用 Landing control disable 设为无效 (6).Encoders config(编码器设置) Speed fbk sel Std encoder Std enc type 1. SinusoidalHall(正弦)。 2. SinusoidalSinCos(正余弦编码器)选这项 3. SinusoidalExtern 4. DigitalHall 5. DigitalExtern 6. SinCos 7. Resolver 8. SinusoidalHiper Std enc pulses ppr Std dig enc mode 1. FP mode 2. F mode 选1 Std enc supply 1. 5.41/8.16 2. 5.68/8.62 3. 5.91/9.00 4. 6.16/9.46 选1 Std sin enc p 0.5 (7).Motor protection Motor OL control 1.Disabled 2.Enabled 选1 (8).BU protection(制动电阻保护) BU control 1.Internal 2.External 3.off 选1 BU res ol time 60S (制动电阻过载保护时间,请设大否则空载上行容易过压保护) BU resistance 12.5 ohm(照实际阻值设) BU res cont pwr 4 kw(照实际功率设) (9).Load default(载入出厂参数) (10).Load saved(载入上次保存参数) 2. Regulation mode(调节模式) 注:手动无齿定位时用,新版本程序在SERICE菜单中可自动无齿定位。 3. Save config(保存配置) TRAEL: 1. Speed profile(速度给定) Smooth start spd: mm/s(平滑启动速度) Multi speed 0: mm/s Multi speed 1: mm/s 检修半速(75) Multi speed 2: 开门再平层速度(50) Multi speed 3: 爬行(50) Multi speed 4: 检修() Multi speed 5: 单层() Multi speed 6: 双层() Multi speed 7: 多层() Max linear speed: mm/s(最大线速度) 该参数就是额定梯速,由曳引轮直径和转速自动换算出来。 2. Ramp profile MR0 acc ini jerk: rpm/s2(开始加速时的加加速度) MR0 acceleration: rpm/s(加速度) MR0 acc end jerk rpm/s2(结束加速时的加加速度) MR0 dec ini jerk rpm/s2(开始减速时的减减速度) MR0 deceleration rpm/s(减速度) MR0 dec end jerk rpm/s2(结束减速时的减减速度) MR0 end decel rpm/s(结束运行时的减速度) 3. Lift seuence Cont close delay (接触器闭合延时) ms Brake open delay (抱闸打开延时) 0 ms Smooth start dly (平滑启动延时) 0 ms Brake close dly (抱闸闭合延时) ms Cont open delay (接触器打开延时) ms Door open speed : mm/s 注意:该值不能设太小,否则可能会出现DB err 故障 4. Speed reg gains(速度环PI) SpdP1 gain% 7 %(速度环比例增益1)高速 SpdI1 gain% 1.2 %(速度环积分增益1)高速 SpdP2 gain% 13 %(速度环比例增益2)中速 SpdI2 gain% 3.2 %(速度环积分增益2)中速 SpdP3 gain% 13 %(速度环比例增益3)低速 SpdI3 gain% 3.2 %(速度环积分增益3)低速 Spd 0 enable 1.Disable 2.Enable as spd 0 3.Enable as start 选择3 Spd 0 P gain% 16 %(零速比例增益) Spd 0 I gain% 20 %(零速积分增益) Sfbk der base ms Sfbk der filter 5 ms Prop filter 3 ms 5. Speed thresholds(速度门限) Spd 0 ref thr 1 rpm Spd 0 ref delay ms Spd 0 speed thr 0 rpm Spd 0 spd delay ms SGP tran21 h thr 15 % SGP tran32 I thr 1 % SGP tran21 band 2 % SGP tran32 band 2 % 6. Ramp function(斜率功能) Ramp out enable :Enabled/Disabled(模拟量请设为Disabled,数字量设Enabled) Ramp shape 1.S-Shaped 2.Linear 选1 7. Speed setpoint (1) Speed ref src Speed ref 1 src 1.LZ speed ref (数字量给定) 2.An inp1 output(模拟量给定) 选1 Speed ref 2 src 1.Int speed ref 2/… Speedref inv src NULL/DOWN cont mon(选择该项可使模拟量时有下行)/… (2) Speed ref cfg Int speed ref 1 rpm(模拟量可以调整10电压对应转速) 8. Travel-Save Parameters(保存参数) REGULATION PARM:(该菜单的参数要在SERICE中输入,后才能修改) 1. Spd regulator(速度调整) (1) Spd regulator percent values(速度环调整百分值) SpdP1 gain%: 9.99 %(速度比例1增益) SpdI1 gain%: 13.12 %(速度积分1增益) (2).Spd regulator base values(速度环调整基准值) SpdP base value:18 A/rpm(无齿需调整到最大18) SpdI base value: A/rpm/s(无齿需调整到最大) *按SHIFT键,再按HELP键,就可出现该数据的设定范围。 2. Curr regulator(电流环调整) 3. Regulation param(3.5版的软件在该菜单下进行无齿定位)进入Flux config,选择Magnetiz config 出现Autophase rot(旋转整定,选择Still是静止整定),按Start开始。 4. Save Parameters(保存参数) I-O CONFIG: 1. Analog inputs(模拟输入) (1) Std og inps 1. Analog input 1(端子1和2) An inp 1 cfg An inp 1 type:-10…+10/0-20,0-10(模拟量时选该项) 2. Digital outputs(数字量输出) (1) Std digital outs 1.Std dig out src DO 0 src: Drive OK/….(变频器故障,端子80和82) DO 1 cont mon/…(抱闸输出等同于运行,端子83和85) 2.Std dig out cfg DO 0 inverted/Inverted(选择Inverted可使变频器故障点由出厂的常闭点变为常开点) 3. I-O Config-Save Parameters SERICE:(是,)(无齿定位)在3.5版本的软件中该菜单不能进入。 在Insert password中输入 在Check password 中选择Brushless(无齿轮),再选择Autophasing(自动相位测试),然后按Start,接下来短接变频器的使能和方向,面板上出现进度表,整定的值在SinCos/Res off: .2 deg 中 切记整定后千万要在STARTUP中用SAE CONFIG来保存参数 如果整定完毕电梯开出来电机电流很大,说明电机相序有可能反了,只要任意交换电机主回路的两相线就可以了,交换后不需要重新做自学习。 *如何将参数全部初始化:在check password中选择size change,然后size config 在sel drive size 中改变功率设置,然后退出,再进入Restart复位。 然后再到sel drive size 中将功率改回来,再退出,再进入Restart 复位。全部数据将被初始化。这真的很难一下子说明白最好上硬之城看看吧。

rational philosophy 和 empiric philosophy 有什么不同

分类: 文化/艺术 问题描述: 两种哲学的思维方式有什么不同? rational philosopher 和empiric philosopher 的代表(欧洲历史上)有哪些?谢谢啦 解析: 唯理论承认理性认识的可靠性,否认理性认识依赖于感性经验。分为唯物主义的唯理论和唯心主义的唯理论。唯物主义的唯理论以斯宾诺莎为代表。他承认规律是客观的,主张只有理性才能把握规律,认识的对象是客观存在的自然界。唯物主义的唯理论在承认认识对象即自然界的客观性这一点上是唯物主义的,在反对信仰高于知识的宗教观念的斗争中起过进步作用,但它片面夸大理性的作用,所以是形而上学的,在认识论的全体上是错误的,并且实际上会导致把理性看作是主观自生的东西,对唯心主义让步。 经验论又译“经验主义”。它是“唯理论”的对称。认识论的一种学说。认为感性经验是知识的唯一源泉,主张一切知识都通过经验而获得,并在经验中得到证明。有唯物主义的经验论和唯心主义的经验论。英国哲学家洛克(1632—1704)是唯物主义经验论体系的代表。他批判天赋观念说,认为“我们的一切知识都是建立在经验之上的,而且归根结底是来源于经验”的。主张经验按照其来源可分为外部经验和内部经验两类,前者即感觉,后者指反省。唯物主义的经验论在其对感性经验作唯物主义的说明这一点上是正确的,在反对中世纪经院哲学的斗争中也起过积极的作用,但它片面夸大感性经验的作用,不懂得从感性认识到理性认识的能动的飞跃,所以是形而上学的,在认识论的全体上是错误的。 经验论代表人物: 洛克,巴克莱,休谟 唯理论代表人物: 笛卡儿,斯宾诺莎,莱布尼兹

歌词 if i have my way never let you go 澳洲电音团体(empir

歌名:High and Low by Empire of the sun

介绍一下 Within temptation乐队

  兰的Within Temptation是一支来自荷兰的女声金属乐队,现已在世界范围内获得了很大成功。  前成员:  Ciro Palma (ex-Dissect (Hol), Xenomorph (Hol)) - Drums (on The Dance)  Michiel Papenhoeve - Guitars (on Enter, The Dance and Mother Earth) (ex-Voyage, Project: Lynchpin)  Martijn Westerholt - Keyboards (on Enter, The Dance and Mother Earth) (Delain)  Dennis Leeflang - Drums (on the Enter demo) (ex-Sun Caged)  Ivar De Graaf - Drums (see also Les Faidits)  Jelle Bakker - guitars (ex-Frozen Sun)  现成员:  Sharon(主唱)  全名: Sharon Janny den Adel  生日: 12-07-1974  喜欢的歌手: Arid, Tori Amos, Heather Nova, Type O Negative, Paradise Lost, Bjork, Alanis Morisette, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, A Perfect Circle, Ayreon, The Verve, Orphanage, Annie Lennox, Enigma, HIM and Bob Marley.  喜欢的电影: The X-men, Braveheart, Interview with the vampire, Dracula, Legends of the fall, Sleepy hollow, Grease, Dumb & Dumber and Dancing with wolves (+ Ren and Stimpy)  Robert(吉他手)  全名: Robert Westerholt  生日: 02-01-1975  主要乐器: Guitar  其他乐器: Keyboards and PC  喜欢的歌手: Tori Amos;Rhapsody;Iron Maiden;  喜欢的电影: X-men, Braveheart, The matrix  Jeroen(贝斯手)  全名: Jeroen van Veen  生日: 26-10-1974  主要乐器: Bass  Other intruments: Drums  喜欢的电影: American Beauty, Twelve Monkeys, American History X, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Leon, Tarantino movies, Monthy Python movies, Dogma movies and a lot of sci-fi and horror movies  Martijn(键盘手)  全名: Martinus Johannes Everardus Spierenburg  生日: 30 January 1975  主要乐器: Keyboards  喜欢的歌手: 喜欢的很多,不喜欢的也很多....  喜欢的电影: The Matrix  Ruud(吉他手)  全名: Rudolf Adrianus Jolie  生日: 19-04-76  主要乐器: Guitar  其他乐器: A little drums, bass, keys  喜欢的歌手: Spock"s Beard, Pain of Salvation, Incubus, Tori Amos, Ryan Adams, Renaissance, Cynic, Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell, Nine Inch Nails, Tribal Tech, Lucinda Williams  喜欢的电影: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, God"s Lonely Man, the Virgin Suicides, the Sixth Sense  Stephen(鼓手)  全名: Stephen van Haestregt  生日: 12-09-1972  主要乐器: Drum  酷配网

Within Temptation的《Lost》 歌词

歌名:Lost歌手::Within Temptation歌词:My hope is on fireMy dreams are for saleI dance on a wireBut don"t want to fail herI walk against the streamFar from what I believe inI run towards the endTrying not to give inShe"s lost in the darknessFading awayI"m still around hereScreaming her nameShe"s haunting my dreamworldTrying to surviveMy heart is frozenI"m losing my mindHelp me, I"m buried aliveBuried aliveI"m burning the bridgesAnd there"s no returnI"m trying to reach herI feel that she yearnsI walk against the streamFar from what I believe inI run towards the endTrying not to give inShe"s lost in the darknessFading awayI"m still around hereScreaming her nameShe"s haunting my dreamworldTrying to surviveMy heart is frozenI"m losing my mindHelp me, I"m buried aliveBuried aliveI tried to revive what"s already drownedThey think I"m a foolCan"t realise,Hope plays a wicked game with the mind‘Cause I thought that love would bindI cannot revive what"s already drownedShe won"t come aroundShe"s lost in the darknessFading awayI"m still around hereScreaming her nameShe"s haunting my dreamworldTrying to surviveMy heart is frozenI"m losing my mindHelp me, I"m buried aliveBuried alive

Sweet Temptation [Hollow] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Temptation [Hollow] (Album Version)歌手:lillix专辑:Sweet Temptation [Hollow]Jewel - Sweet TemptationRunning fast through a fairy taleDark woods; starless nightFeel cold air in my lungsFull moon, u follow me-u say"Why do hearts so often stray?"U pierce me like an arrowBeneath the blanket of nightLonging for flightWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationI awake, do a double take 2 seeWhere it is that I lay-it could beDay or night, I"m not quite sureYour absence is a thornYour flesh, your skinIs the only flag there is 2 believe inWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationI can love u like nobody elseCaouse I can love u like nobody elseWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heart you can hearSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7654356

帮忙找下within temptation的《Say my name》的歌词

Say my name 叫我的名字 So I will know you"re back you"re here again 这样我就知道你又回来了 For a while 仅是一会儿 Oh let us share 哦 让我们分享 The memories that only we can share只有我们才能分享的记忆 Together 在一起 Tell me about 告诉我 The days before I was born 那些我诞生之前的日子 How we were as children 我们的童年是怎样的 You touch my hand 你触摸我的手 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 We breath the air 我们呼吸着空气 Do you remember how you used to touch my hair? 你还记得你过去如何触摸我的头发么 You"re not aware 你意识不到 Your hands keep still 你不为所动 You just don"t know that I am here 你只是不知道我就在这里 It hurts too much 这深深地伤害了我 I pray now that soon you"re released现在我祈祷你很快获释 To where you belong 去你属于的地方 You touch my hand 你触摸我的手 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 Please say my name 请叫我的名字 Remember who i am 永远记得我是谁 You will find me in the world of yesterday 你会在这个世上找到曾经的我 You drift away again 你又一次地飘走了 Too far from where I am 离我是如此遥远 When you ask me who I am 当你问我我是谁 Say my name 呼唤我的名字 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 Say my name 呼唤我的名字.......

哪位高手翻译一下within temptation的memories中文歌词

Memories 回忆In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着Not leaving me alone behind 不把我丢下There"s no other way 除此没有其他的选择I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上苍让他留下The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤口Now i know why 现在我终于知道为什么了All of my memories 我所有的回忆Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁It"s all about us 那是我俩的(回忆)I magine you"d be here 我想象你就在那All of my memories 我所有的记忆Keep nou near 让你在我身边The silent whispers 那些喃喃私语The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴Made me a promise i"d try 给我一个承诺我会尽力To find my way back in this life 回到今生I hope there is a way 我希望有人能指引To give me a sign you"re okay 给我你还平安的讯号Reminds me again 再一次提醒我It"s worth it all 那是无价之宝So I can go home 这样,我就能回家了。Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中I see your smile 我都看见你的笑容 All the memories i hold dear 亲爱的,我所拥有的记忆,Darling you know i love you till the end of time 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到海枯石烂。好多哦,好晚哦,我觉得我翻译的没得文采,没的灵感了,我先睡觉了。明天硬到头皮翻完。。。今天翻完了,不好。。。有空来修改。。。

有首歌有句好像是“tempreature in my heart,i burning for apart”,以前是在ok168里的,一首歌。

Temptation (Arash Ft Rebecca)(意思就是Arash跟Rebecca一起唱的)这是下载地址http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Temptation+Feat+Rebecca&lm=-1这是歌词Temptation in my heart I"m burning, I fall apart When the night falls My heart calls For another devotion Temptation, I want you Can you be my only one When the night falls My heart calls For the touch of your hands To asemoone eshqam to budi (you have been my love from heaven) Setareye man to budi (you have been my star) Esme to hast setare (your name is setareh"star") Biya pisham dobare (come back to me again) Un moohaye meshkit mano kosht (your dark hair is killing me) Chesh maye zibat mano kosht (your beautiful eyes are killing me) Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again) Yalla bego areh, setare (hurry up, say ok, my star) Ah ah ah... Temptation in my heart I"m burning, I fall apart When the night falls My heart calls For another devotion Temptation, I want you Can you be my only one When the night falls My heart calls For the touch of your hands Hama fekro khialam to hasti (you are on my mind all the time) Donya ye man to hasti (you are my world) Esme to ro labame (your name is on my lips) Setare vay setare (star oh star) Ye omre bedoonet khab boodam (a year without you, i have been sleeping (not awake)) Ta man toro peyda kardam (until I finally found you) Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again) Yalla bego areh, setare (come on, say ok, my star) Ah ah ah... Temptation in my heart I"m burning, I fall apart When the night falls My heart calls For ANOTHER devotion Temptation, I want you Can you be my only one When the night falls My heart calls For the touch of your hands Man emshab toro mikham, whoa (tonight I want you) Setare toro mikham, whoa (I want you my star) Ah ah ah... Temptation in my heart I"m burning, I fall apart When the night falls My heart calls For another devotion Temptation, I want you Can you be my only one When the night falls My heart calls For the touch of your hands Temptation in my heart I"m burning, I fall apart When the night falls My heart calls For another devotion Temptation, I want you Can you be my only one When the night falls My heart calls For the touch of your hands Man emshab toro mikham, whoa (tonight I want you) Setare toro mikham, whoa (I want you my star)

The temptation to steal是动状关系吗


求Within Temptation《Stand my ground 》这首歌歌词的中文翻译

i can see我能看到 when you stay low nothing happens 当我俯视,一切相安无事does it feel right 而却被危机感包围Late at night 夜已深things I thought I put behind me 我面前的一切haunt my mind 印于我心I just know there"s no escape 我只知道,一切都来不及了now once it sets its eyes on you 当它的目光灼视着你but I won"t run, have to stare it in the eye 我不能溃退,只得面对Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守我的领地,绝不屈服no more denying, I got to face it 不再逃避,我必须面对won"t close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相的存在if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到,会有谁践踏我的领地stand my ground It"s all around 重重包围getting stronger, coming closer 封闭我的世界into my world I can feel 我能感觉到that it"s time for me to face it 面对它的时刻已经到来can i take it? 我能否掌控?Though this might just be the ending也许这只是生命的终结 of the life I held so dear我决心已定but I won"t run, there"s no turning back from here 退路已断 我不能奔逃Stand my ground (repeat chorus) 坚守我的领地All I know for sure is I"m trying 我只能确定 我正竭尽全力I will always stand my ground 我将永远坚守Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守我的领地I wont give up绝不屈服,绝不放弃no more denying, I got to face it不再逃避,必须面对 won"t close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相的存在if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到,会有谁stand my ground 践踏我的领地Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守领地,绝不屈服no more denying, I got to face it 不再逃避,必须面对won"t close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相存在if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到stand my ground会有谁 践踏我的领地我是自己翻译的,但是鉴于本人刚刚初二,水平有限……在直译的基础上加了一点意译,供你参考吧~PS:我很喜欢WT~




爱恋=Temptation作词:やいり作曲:やいり编曲:やいり呗:GUMI·初音ミク今失うのはima ushinau nowa求めてはいないものでmotomete wa inai mono de今消えないからima kienai kara触れられず陥れるfurerarezu otoshiireru鲜やかな真実がazayaka na shinjitsu ga怖いとkowai to信じているものさえshinjiteiru mono sae要らないとiranai to目を见张る全てに me wo miharu subete ni惹かれてhikareteあと少しato sukoshi优しさを 溶かしてyasashisa wo tokashite悲しい歌を歌おうkanashii uta wo utaou悲しみと 同化してkanashimi to doukashite优しい君に逢えたらyasashii kimi ni aetaraあの强请った 玩具は すぐに壊れたano nedatta omocha wa sugu ni kowaretaそれ以上 言わないでsore ijou iwanai de揺れるyureru後悔と少し爱をkoukai to sukoshi ai wo混ぜて饮み干したいよmazete nomi hoshitai yoこれ以上は 待てないから 君のせいよkore ijou wa matenai kara kimi no sei yo感情がない? 今まで?いつまで?kanjou ga nai ? ima made ? itsumade ?他人のふりならやめてよね 困るからね?tanin no furi nara yamete yone komaru kara ne ?答えならいらないkotae nara iranai途中で终わるtochuu de owaru物语monogatari出会えない二人描けないよ もっとdeaenai futari egakenai yo motto心のままにこの爱をkokoro no mama ni kono ai wo吐き出すよhaki dasu yoあのね、今まで どうかしていたんだano ne , ima made doukashite itanda後ろめたいなushiro metai na好き嫌い しちゃ駄目でしょう?suki kirai shicha dame deshou ?残さず食べましょうnokosazu tabe mashouあの强请った 玩具は すぐに乞われるano nedatta omocha wa sugu ni kowareruそれ异常? 言わないでsore ijou ? iwanai de优しさを 溶かしてyasashisa wo tokashite悲しい歌を歌おうkanashii uta wo utaou悲しみと 同化してkanashimi to doukashite优しい君に逢えたらyasashii kimi ni aetaraあの强请った 玩具は すぐに壊れたano nedatta omocha wa sugu ni kowaretaそれ以上 言わないでsore ijou iwanai de

temptation 后面接of 还是to呢?有什么区别?分别怎么用


Temptation Rag 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation Rag歌手:The Benny Goodman Sextet专辑:Benny Goodman SextetTemptationCradle Of FilthI"ve never been closer,I"ve tried to understand,That certain feeling,Called by another sound,But it"s too late to hesitate,We can"t keep on living like this.Leave no track,Don"t look back.All I desire (temptation)Keep climbing higher and higher (temptation)Adorable creatures (temptation)With unacceptable features (temptation)And Trouble is coming (temptation)It"s just a high cost of lovin(temptation)And you can take it or leave it (temptation)But you better believe it.You"ve got to make me an offer,That cannot be ignored,So lets head for home now,Everything I have is yours,Step by step and day by day,Every second counts I can"t break away.Leave no trace,Hide your face.All I desire (temptation)Keep climbing higher and higher (temptation)And you can take it or leave it (temptation)But you better believe it. (yeah)Step by step and day by day,Every second counts I can"t break away.(keep us from temptation, Keep us from temptation, Keep us from temptation, lead us right to temptation)Trying to find it (temptation)You"ve got to get up behind it (temptation)But you"ve turned into heart slots(temptation)But it"s a million to one shots (temptation)That fit you right now (temptation)You"ve got to fake it tonight now (temptation)But don"t give me a breakdown (temptation)Because it"s life or a shakedownTemptation (x16)http://music.baidu.com/song/8088715

Wet Wet Wet的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲:《Temptation》歌手:Wet Wet Wet 语言:英语 所属专辑:Best Of 发行时间:2008-04-03When the big guns start to shootingWith their bullets of deceptionWith the smile upon your faceGoing from second hand to almost newWell I try to live life eye to eyeBut I say, I find it far to tallShow me one more signGive me one more timeCos you give meYou give me temptationShow me one more signGive me one more timeCos you give meYou give me temptationSing along sing along babySing along for the love of the childrenAnd if this was to be trueSay I"d give all the tea in ChinaAnd maybe all the tulipsIn AmsterdamWell I try to live life eye to eyeBut I say I find it far too tallShow me one more signGive me one more timeCos you give meYou give me temptationShow me one more signGive me one more timeCos you give meYou give me temptationFirst you make me moveUntil I"m so damn closeTake me back again, take me back againSay I"m mighty thankfulBut it"s much too easyPaying dues and learning vicesBut no, but no, but oh noYou won"t waste my spiritShow me one more signGive me one more timeCos you give meYou give me temptationShow me one more signGive me one more time

New Order的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:New Order专辑:Live At The London TroxyTemptationBy 电动木乃伊Heaven, a gateway, a hopeAnd I"ve never seen anyone quite like you beforeNo, I"ve never met anyone quite like you beforeJust like a feeling I need, it"s no jokeAnd though it hurts me to see you this wayBetrayed by words, I"d never heard, too hard to sayUp, down, turn aroundPlease don"t let me hit the groundTonight I think I"ll walk aloneI"ll find my soul as I go homeEach way I turn, I know I"ll always tryTo break this circle that"s been placed around meFrom time to time, I find I"ve lost some needThat was urgent to myself, I do believeOh, you"ve got green eyesOh, you"ve got blue eyesOh, you"ve got grey eyesAnd I"ve never seen anyone quite like you beforeNo, I"ve never met anyone quite like you beforeBolts from above hurt the people down belowPeople in this world, we have no place to goOh, it"s the last timeOh, I"ve never met anyone quite like you beforeOh no, I"ve never met anyone quite like you beforehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17000396

Holly Cole的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:Holly Cole专辑:Temptation<Temptation>Rusted brandy in a diamond glasseverything is made from dreamstime is made from honey slow and sweetonly the fools know what it meansTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resistDutch pink and italian blueHe is there waiting for youMy will has disappearedNow confusion is oh so clearTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resist!Temtation, temptation, temptationI can"t resisthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2560642

trik turner的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:trik turner专辑:Trik TurnerTiana Xiao(萧鸣儿) - TEMPTATION作诗:佐々木美和作曲:JEEVEHey you boyDon"t turn away"Cuz you knowYou wanna stay落书きのスナップ押しまくるスタンプいきなりじっと覗かれてアガる心臓の音まで写ってそうそーゆーあどけない笑い方と気まぐれで浮かれてそうな噂に油断してたTemptation in your eyesハマりそうでヤバイTemptation in my mind诱惑のクレープ状态Temptation in your eyes溶けそうになってるTemptation in my mindこの时计ちょっと早いやたらと携帯鸣りっぱなしでいつもどっかに走ってる途中だから今だってきっと企 んでる実は something bad 放っとけない主义自由でいたいとかって言うくせに本当の绊とか爱なんてマジな颜しちゃってTemptation in your eyes冷たそうでアマイTemptation in my mind (yeah)捕われた恋の正体Temptation in your eyes (my mind)解けそうになってる (break apart)Temptation in my mind (on my mind)ただハートが暖 かいんだ一瞬でかかった魔法 秘密もっと知りたいTemptation in your eyes (just with me)変わりそうでヤバイTemptation in my mind (my mind)诱惑のクレープ状态Temptation in your eyes堕ちそうになってるTemptation in my mind (in my mind)でもキスはちょっと早いFall in completelyThere"s somethin" about your eyesThere"s just somethin" about your eyesHey you boy (They call out to me, draw me in...)Don"t turn away"Cuz you knowYou wanna stay终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/940745

Teddi King的《Temptation》 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box-ARASH歌名:TemptationTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation, I want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night fallsMy heart callsFor the touch of your handsTo asemoneshqam to bodi (you have been my love from heaven)Setareye man to bodi (you have been my star )Esme to hast setare, (your name is star )Biya pisham dobare (come back to me again )Un moohaye meshkit mano kosht (your dark hair is killing me)Chesh maye zibat mano kosht (your beautifill eyes is killing me)Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again)Yalla bego are, setare (yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsHama fekro khialam to hasti ( you are in my mind all the time )Donya ye man to hasti ( you are my world )Esme to ro labame ( you name is on my lips )Setare vay setare! ( star! oh my star )Ye omre bedoned khab boodam (a whole life, i have been sleeping without you )Ta man toro peyda kardam ( untill i finally found you )Bia bia pishe man dobare ( come come back to me again )Yalla bego are, setare! ( yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )Chrous x 2:Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )http://music.baidu.com/song/8233264


歌词:白鲸-诱惑 专辑:酒店 白鲸-诱惑 天堂 通往希望 一样的感觉 我需要,这不是开玩笑 虽然这伤害我 看到你这样 他们交易的话 我从来没有听说过 硬说他们 上,下,扭转; 请不要让我撞到地面 今晚我想我独行 找到我的灵魂渴望回家 噢这是最后一次,这是最后一次 噢这是最后一次,这是最后一次 我想谈谈单程 我知道我会一直尝试 打破循环 这已被轮箱 不时 我觉得我们失去了 Semeaning 这是迫切 我自己 我不相信 哦,上,下,扭转; 请不要让我撞到地面 今晚我想我独行 找到我的灵魂渴望回家 噢这是最后一次,这是最后一次 噢这是最后一次,这是最后一次 和我从未见过任何一个很喜欢你面前 和我从来没有见过任何一个很喜欢你面前 和我从来没有见过任何一个很喜欢你面前 哦,上,下,扭转; 请不要让我撞到地面 今晚我想我独行, 找到我的灵魂渴望回家 我从未见过任何一个很喜欢你面前 上,下,扭转; 请不要让我撞到地面 今晚我想我独行, 找到我的灵魂渴望回家 上,下,扭转; 请不要让我撞到地面 今晚我想我独行 找到我的灵魂渴望回家

Temptation (Album Version) 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box-ARASH歌名:TemptationTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation, I want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night fallsMy heart callsFor the touch of your handsTo asemoneshqam to bodi (you have been my love from heaven)Setareye man to bodi (you have been my star )Esme to hast setare, (your name is star )Biya pisham dobare (come back to me again )Un moohaye meshkit mano kosht (your dark hair is killing me)Chesh maye zibat mano kosht (your beautifill eyes is killing me)Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again)Yalla bego are, setare (yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsHama fekro khialam to hasti ( you are in my mind all the time )Donya ye man to hasti ( you are my world )Esme to ro labame ( you name is on my lips )Setare vay setare! ( star! oh my star )Ye omre bedoned khab boodam (a whole life, i have been sleeping without you )Ta man toro peyda kardam ( untill i finally found you )Bia bia pishe man dobare ( come come back to me again )Yalla bego are, setare! ( yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )Chrous x 2:Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )http://music.baidu.com/song/8133680


temptvt. 吸引; 引诱,怂恿; 冒…的风险; 使感兴趣; vi. 有吸引力;


n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物


  n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物


诱惑,引诱的意思。Chocolate is a big temptation to me as I"m on a diet



resist the temptation是什么意思

resist the temptation 抵制诱惑; [例句]Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?他们能忍住诱惑不买吗?

求助,temptation 2的游戏攻略


give way to temptation/. To temptation做状语 定语 同位语?

to temptation状语

Temptat10n ゜ 是什么意思

打错了吗?是不是temptation?temptation是引诱,诱惑的意思,也指煽诱人的事物例如:I couldn"t resist the temptation to open the letter.(我抵制不住好奇心把信打开了)

Temptat10n ゜ 夜什么意思

temptation [temp"tei0605n] n. 引诱;诱惑物



Temptation Rag 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box-ARASH歌名:TemptationTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation, I want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night fallsMy heart callsFor the touch of your handsTo asemoneshqam to bodi (you have been my love from heaven)Setareye man to bodi (you have been my star )Esme to hast setare, (your name is star )Biya pisham dobare (come back to me again )Un moohaye meshkit mano kosht (your dark hair is killing me)Chesh maye zibat mano kosht (your beautifill eyes is killing me)Bia bia pishe man dobare (come come back to me again)Yalla bego are, setare (yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsHama fekro khialam to hasti ( you are in my mind all the time )Donya ye man to hasti ( you are my world )Esme to ro labame ( you name is on my lips )Setare vay setare! ( star! oh my star )Ye omre bedoned khab boodam (a whole life, i have been sleeping without you )Ta man toro peyda kardam ( untill i finally found you )Bia bia pishe man dobare ( come come back to me again )Yalla bego are, setare! ( yalla say ok, my star )Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )Chrous x 2:Temptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsTemptation in my heart,Im burning, i fall apart!When the night falls,My heart calls for love and devotion.Temptation! i want youCan you be my only oneWhen the night falls,My heart calls, for the touch of your handsMan enshab toro mikham, wooooooooooo! ( tonight, i want you wooooo )Setare toro mikham, woooooooooo ( i want you my star, woooo )http://music.baidu.com/song/8582963

temptation moby 英文歌词翻译。

temptation的意思是“诱惑,引诱”,Moby是电子音乐顽童,他很早就出道了,只是到1999年除了最最著名的《Play》后才算走红,《Play》的18首单曲的版权全部卖出(卖给广告,电影等方面作主题曲插曲),之后的《18》则是我最最喜欢的,它延续了《Play》的元素,所以对于追求完美新颖的Moby来说,他不是很满意这张专辑,不过可以告诉你,这张碟超级好听(我的可是正宗的国外原盘,京文唱片也早已引进发行,我买了卡带),去年Moby发行了两个版本的《Hotel》(步升EMI已经引进发行,但是删除了两首歌《Where You End》《I Like It》),单碟装和双碟豪华版(我都有,而且都是国外的原盘),加入了摇滚的元素,更加过瘾好听。

这两个单词用谐音怎么读 tempt temptation

tempt v.(动词)1.tempt的基本意思是“劝说或鼓动某人去做某事”,常指以某种诱惑使人不顾理智而行事以致犯罪,即“引诱”“怂恿”。也可不加褒贬地指“吸引”。2.tempt是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。3.tempt的过去分词tempted可用作形容词,在句中作表语,意为“很想”。temptation n.(名词)1.诱惑,引诱 tempting or tempted2.诱惑物 thing that tempts or attracts

Diana Krall的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:Diana Krall专辑:The Girl In The Other Room<Temptation>Rusted brandy in a diamond glasseverything is made from dreamstime is made from honey slow and sweetonly the fools know what it meansTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resistDutch pink and italian blueHe is there waiting for youMy will has disappearedNow confusion is oh so clearTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resist!Temtation, temptation, temptationI can"t resisthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2161988

Omarion的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:Omarion专辑:OllusionOmarion - Temptation( Edited By YoYo @ MaxRnB )Girl: Hi PapiOmarion: YeaSo what you trying to do?Oh forreal?Let me hit you right back then.Now this girl at work she"s on me really bad ya"llAnd the looks she gives my girl she be mad ya"llShe has no shame in her gameShe lets it be known that she wants me, she wants meShe gently touched my arm as she walks byThe girl is dope and I cannot lieBut it"s not worth the pain or the shameAnd it"s sure not worth losing my babyShe"s begging me come over, overI"m tempted to drive over, overIf I do it"s over, overI got a girl at homeTemptations calling meShe"s txting me come over, overI"m tempted to walk over, overBut if I do it"s over, overI got a girl at homeTemptations calling meTemptations TemptationsTemptations TemptationsTemptations TemptationsHer body kepps calling meHer body kepps calling meNow my momma used to warn me about these types of girlsHow they break up happy homes and they do it wellAnd their style is to kiss and never tellWhat goes around comes aroundShe whispers in my ear, oh no, oh noShe whispers in my ear, oh no, oh noShe whispers in my ear, oh no, oh noShe"s telling me to come, come overShe"s begging me come over, overI"m tempted to drive over, overIf I do it"s over, overI got a girl at homeTemptations calling meShe"s txting me come over, overI"m tempted to walk over, overBut if I do it"s over, overI got a girl at homeTemptations calling meTemptations TemptationsTemptations TemptationsTemptations TemptationsGot my baby waiting at home so I can tap (laughs)Aight I"m coming home to you babyYou know I love you, even though she badEven though I heard it"s good, I"m all goodYea( Edited By YoYo @ MaxRnB )Omarion - Temptationhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3490583

关于temptation 的用法?

你可以这样理解,对 do sth 的 诱惑 英语里常有反常的东西,比如 to 在这里不是介词,你记住就行了,不用太在意


temptation,中文名是天美娇.价格在七十到一百左右emptation 天美娇,韩国化妆品集团株式会社自 20 世纪 60 年代创建以来,韩国化妆品在过去半个世纪秉持“品质至上”的理念,始终致力于实现消费者肌肤健康。凭借在化妆品研发和销售方面 56 年经验,坚持高质量标准,践行持续技术进步,提供价值。


temptation英 [tempu02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [tu025bmpu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.诱惑,引诱;诱惑物不可数名词





temptationsn.诱惑,引诱( temptation的名词复数 ); 诱惑物网络诱惑; 诱惑合唱团; 诱惑乐队形近词:temptatiousadaptations数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度知道新1The many temptations to which you will be exposed你将面临的许多诱惑




temptation [tem(p)"teu026au0283(u0259)n] n. 引诱;诱惑物


temptation英 [tem(p)"teu026au0283(u0259)n]美 [tu025bmp"teu0283u0259n]n. 引诱;诱惑物[网络短语]Temptation 诱惑,引诱,邪念resist temptation 抵制诱惑,抵抗引诱,不受引诱Lost temptation 迷失诱惑


temptation 英[tempu02c8teu026au0283n]美[tu025bmpu02c8teu0283u0259n]n. 诱惑,引诱, 诱惑物


temptvt. 诱惑,引诱,引起,吸引,冒…风险;luren. 饵,诱惑vt. 引诱,诱惑通过比较可以看出 首先他们在词性上就有区别:第一个没有名词性,只是动词;第二个还有名词词性,另外第二含有贬义的词性色彩。


1、Windows自带墙纸,推荐转移。 C:WindowsWebWall*** 2、用不到的东西 C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 中ati*.inf 、nv*.inf 、mdm*.inf 、 rn*.inf (781M) prn 注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 建议保留。3、不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。 C:Boot 4、系统测试之后的测试记录文件 C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics 5、有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。 C:WindowsDownloaded Installations6.帮助文件 C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 7、比较少用的输入法,依次为微软输入法、日文输入法、韩文输入法、繁体输入法 C:WindowsIMEIMESC5 C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10 C:WindowsIMEimekr8 C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 8、备份文件 C:WindowswinsxsBackup

the higher the temperature ,air can contain more steam,vice virus,翻译正确吗?

朋友,反之亦然是vice versa...不是virus...评论里竟然没一个人看出来这个typo吗...另外,用the more...the more句式就要前后用全,要么别用;此处水汽也不能译作steam(蒸汽),可作moisture或water vaporises in the air。The higher the temperature, the much moisture in the air, vice versa.要么就用formal一点的措辞。As the temperature raises, the moisture of the air increases, vice versa.

Memphis in June 歌词

歌曲名:Memphis in June歌手:Beegie Adair专辑:The Great American Songbook CollectionMemphis In June- Matt MonroMemphis in JuneA shady verandaunder a Sunday blue skyMemphis in Juneand cousin Amandais making a rhubarb pieI can hear the clock insidea-ticking and tockingEverything is peaceful and dandyI can see old granny acrossthe street still a-rockingWatching the neighbours go byMemphis in Junewith sweet oleanderBlowing perfume in the airUp jumps the moonto make it that much granderIt"s paradise Brother take my adviceNothing"s half as nice as Memphis in JuneMemphis in June with sweet oleanderBlowing perfume in the airUp jumps the moonto make it that much granderIt"s paradise brother take my adviceNothing"s half as nice as Memphis in Junehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15418415
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