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都含“暂时的”意思。(1)temporary指“暂时的”、“临时的”,如:temporary needs暂时需要。(2)temporal 指“暂存的”、“短暂的”,如:temporal matters of but fleeting moment不过是转瞬即逝的一时性的事物。


temporal表示“当时或某个时候呈现的状态或动作时的时间”,意味“当时的” provisional 表示“暂时的、尚未解决的”,多用于合同、协议的条款中 contingent 表示“可能发生但不一定发生需要依赖一定的环境条件的一种临时状态” transient强调的是“时间短暂” temporary表示“短暂的时间或状态”,强调缺乏持续性,耐性.


temporaryadj.临时的;短暂的;一时的;n.临时雇员;临时工同义词:transitory1、用作形容词 (adj.)He suffered a temporary loss of memory.他暂时丧失了记忆。2、用作名词 (n.)The boss hired some temporary workers.老板雇佣了一些临时工。She works in the office as a temporary.她在办公室做临时雇员。


temporary,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词的意思是“临时工,临时雇员”,作形容词的意思是“暂时的,临时的”。来自 temporal,时间的,-ary,形容词后缀。原义为持续一段时间的,后引申词义临时的,暂时的。


temporary形容词:短暂的,暂时的,临时的;名词:临时工,临时雇员短语动词:temporary shelter临时避难所(或收容所)temporary solution 权宜之计 temporary substitute 临时替代品同义词:Ephemeral形容词:暂时的,短暂的,片刻的,短促的momentary形容词:暂时的,短暂的,片刻的,短促的short-lived形容词:短暂的

问:这个英语单词怎么读 temporary / conversion 求谐音


Temporary Internet Files里面的文件能删除吗


nick lachey - temporary歌词,最好是中英文对照的,谢谢

Artist:nick lacheySongs Title:temporaryStop wait a minute cuz I didn't say thatYour putting words in my mouth and I really hate thatWhen did you discover you could read my mindWhen I don't even know what I'm feeling insideStaring in your eyes do I really see youMaybe I'm blinded by the things I've been throughLooking for the answers but we don't have anyQuestions well I got them and there's just so manyTearing me apart cuz there's so much to loseWhere do we go, where have we goneCan I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive, forever's so long,Well tell me are we are we just, temporaryWere so deep in it that it's hard to see itAnd if there's a big picture tell me where do we fitCuz the lines of our lives have fallen acrossDown Lyrics From www.SuperLyrics.netAnd we can't go back cuz history is lostAnd the futures cloudy as the skies overheadWhere do we go, where have we goneCan I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive, forever's so long,Well tell me are we are we only just, temporaryAnd baby I'm still fighting all the things I've been denyingIt's so hard to figure outAre we loving, leaving, losing, who we areAnd if we've come this farWhere do we go, where have we gone (where have we have gone)Can I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive(will we survive), forever's so long (forever's so long)Well tell me are we are we only just, temporaryI don't wanna be the one to look back and regret the things I've doneI don't wanna be the one who's standing here waiting for the air to clearSo can't we make it right tonight, or tell me are we only just temporary


美国有个别州,比如,佛罗里达,田纳西,还有您提到的印第安纳,驾照标记temporary或temporary visitor只是表明持有人的在美身份状态,并不是临时驾照,但国内一些地方比如魔都的车管所以标注不清为由拒绝换领中国驾照,但是同样情况在其他省份就可以换。所以只能说是土政策吧,想让这些人去考驾照贡献地方财政收入吧。魔都的换照还要指定翻译机构翻译驾照内容,其他省份自己翻译好拿去即可,我去问的时候,换照翻译的人和我说一年前你这种情况是给换照的。

experimental ,temporary ,tantative区别

experimental 实验的; 用於实验的; 用实验的; 以实验为基础的; 基于新理念、新方法的。temporary 暂时的; 临时的; 一时的; 非永久的tentative, 不是tantative,试验性质的; 踌躇的; 试探性的; 不确定的; 非决定性的:区别非常明显,这3个单词根本不可能有什么相似之处。


Temporary 的意思是:临时性或暂时性。






contemporary,当代的,同时代的 当代艺术是the contemporary art temorarily 是临时性的,反义就是eternal,永恒的


从图中看到你运行″weGame"可能发生了错误。那两个TemporaryFile(即临时文件)就与此有关,且在进程中还有一个相关的错误报告正在运行。结束它们进程应该就解围了。拓展资料:临时文件:在您下载和安装"卸载软件、打开电子邮件和即时消息程序中的文件或传输文件时创建。通常,创建临时文件的程序会在完成时将其删除,但有时候这些文件会被保留。临时文件被保留的原因可能有多种:程序可能在完成安装前被中断,或在重新启动时崩溃。在您进行网上冲浪时也会创建临时文件。Internet Explorer 之类的 Web 浏览程序也会在您的硬盘中保存网页的缓存,以提高以后浏览的速度临时文件百度百科中央处理器(CPU,Central Processing Unit)是一块超大规模的集成电路,是一台计算机的运算核心(Core)和控制核心( Control Unit)。它的功能主要是解释计算机指令以及处理计算机软件中的数据。中央处理器主要包括运算器(算术逻辑运算单元,ALU,Arithmetic Logic Unit)和高速缓冲存储器(Cache)及实现它们之间联系的数据(Data)、控制及状态的总线(Bus)。它与内部存储器(Memory)和输入/输出(I/O)设备合称为电子计算机三大核心部件。CPU百度百科


temp(临时文件夹),位于C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal Settings内。很多临时文件放在这里,用来收藏夹,浏览网页的临时文件,编辑文件等。根据操作的过程进行临时保存的文件技术。

Brush court arbitrary circumstance subsequent fate temporary stroll downfall employment. 求翻译

楼大你确定你没有截取文章的部分吗?这句话单看非常奇怪,fate temporary stroll 和dowmfall employment怎么放在一起翻啊?根本就不是一个句子~我网上查了人家的原文是这样的:A Brush with the Law I have only once been in trouble with the law. The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court. In happened in February about twelve years ago. I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go to university until the following October. I was still living at home at the time. One morning I was in Richmond, a suburb of London near where I lived. I was looking for a temporary job so that I could save up some money to go travelling. As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. It was about half past eleven when it happened. I was just walking out of the local library, having unsuccessfully sought employment there, when I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me.而你给的句子只能一个一个词翻译~希望对你有帮助哦~

登陆搜狐邮箱时出现"Service Temporarily Unavailable"为什么


503 Service Temporarily Unavailable 每次都是出现这个0 0

哦耶 你是我回答第11个问 为什么空间打不开的人. TX服务器维护 过段时间就OK 我今天也是这样空间出问题了不用管,服务器访问太多拥挤了出错误

小米4刷了win10M后打不开百度百科,提示503 Service Temporarily Un


Service Temporarily Unavailable是啥意思


QQ空间打不开总显示这个“503 Service Temporarily Unavailable”这是甚么原因呢。

一、 如果出现“Service Unavailable”的提示,刷新几下又可以访问。 出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了iis限制造成的 由于2003的操作系统在提示IIS过多时并非像2000系统提示“链接人数过多”,而是提示"Service Unavailable",出现这种情况是由于网站超过了系统资源限制造成的,主要是程序占用资源太多。 比如同样是100人在线的论坛,雷傲论坛所占的资源就是PW论坛所占资源的10倍以上;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。不过WINDOWS2003的操作系统,各网站之间是以独立进程运行的,不会相互影响。 如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 "xxx" 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误,或者提示:应用程序池 "xxx" 超过了其作业限制设置。这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。一般系统会在30秒左右恢复正常,多刷新几次就能正常访问了。 另外,如果你的网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable) 二、没有限制IIS连接,还是遭遇Service Unavailable 多见于使用ACCESS数据库的网站 一般使用windows 2003 IIS 6的用户可能这个问题一直正常的系统,突然有一个网站打不开了 提示: Service Unavailable 但这个网站并没有限制IIS连接数。然后马上影响到了别的网站,不到一会,其他的网站也全变成了 Service Unavailable 这是什么原因呢? 我们分析后可以知道,还是MS的老问题。ACCESS引擎当了。用服务器医生的文件医生修复,查看修复结果时会发现一些文件引起ACCESS引擎“灾难性故障”及“未将对象引用设置到对象的实例”的错误。 通过文件医生修复后,系统才会恢复正常。 三、浏览一个 Windows SharePoint Services Web 站点时,提示:Service Unavailable 1.Microsoft Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 6.0 中没有正确地配置用于虚拟服务器的应用程序池,就可能会发生此问题。 解决方案 要解决此问题,按照下列步骤操作: 1.验证是否已为虚拟服务器配置了应用程序池。默认的应用程序池是 MSSharePointPortalAppPool。 请按照下列步骤来确定虚拟服务器正在使用的应用程序池。 a. 单击“开始”,指向“管理工具”,然后单击“Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 管理器”。 b. 展开“ServerName”,展开“Web 站点”,右键单击虚拟服务器,然后单击“属性”。 c. 单击“主目录”选项卡。 为虚拟服务器配置的应用程序池列在“应用程序池”框中。 d. 单击“确定”。 2. 验证应用程序池帐户使用的密码是否正确。IIS 不会自动轮询 Active Directory 目录服务中的密码更改。如果应用程序池帐户是一个域帐户,其密码已过期,则在为此帐户重新指定一个新密码后,您可能会收到本文“症状”部分所描述的错误信息。 3. 验证应用程序池帐户是服务器上的 IIS_WPG 组和 STS_WPG 组的成员。 4. 重新启动 IIS 以回收应用程序池

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


503 Service Temporarily Unavailable是什么意思?


Service Temporarily Unavailable 是什么意思


temporary residence是什么意思


Spy (Empty Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Spy (Empty Album Version)歌手:Tait专辑:EmptyThe MoffattsSpyVERSE # 1Seen thru a blur on the wallI feel so disillusioned of it allI spy on myselfThru that blur on the wallI feel so connected to my faultsCHORUSAnd it"s me that I am spying onWithout seeing all the things gone wrongAnd it"s me that I am crawling fromVERSE # 2I feel like a trampThat"s been blown off for yearsI can"t hold back theseAcidic tearsPlaced in a worldLike a head without a bodyI feel as though my fingernails are curledCHORUSINSTRUMENTALCHORUS (twice)http://music.baidu.com/song/8099619


《temple 》这首歌属于流行音乐,含义是反映人们真实生活情绪

求GPU-Z中GPU Temp.1,2,3表示什么意思,5870的卡


The Temptations的《Zoom》 歌词

歌曲名:Zoom歌手:The Temptations专辑:1990ZoomTata YoungTemperature RisingZoom Zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchYou think you knowWhen u see me in my videosHow the story goesBut that"s just the side that I exposeLook through the lensYou see my body, not who I am...So don"t pretendAnd try to act like you"re my boyfriendYou wanna get somewhereThen boy don"t touch me thereJust get up close and personal, personalZoom Zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in... to my headGotta want me and not my bedBoy, prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchYou won"t behaveYour hands are all over the placeBarely know your nameYou"re tryin" to score but it"s not a gameBoy get a clueYeah, u gotta spend the time, pay your duesFollowing the rulesIf you want me to want to be with youYou wanna get somewhereThen boy don"t touch me thereJust get up close and personal, personalZoom Zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in... to my headGotta want me and not my bedBoy, prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchZoom Zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in... to my headGotta want me and not my bedBoy, prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchDon"t you dareTouch me thereIf you want to get somewhereZoom in set to know me, boy, don"t rushZoom in if you want me, boy, don"t touchBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in... to my headGotta want me and not my bedBoy, prove your loveYou can look but don"t touchZoom Zoom in under my skinGotta slow down now to beginBaby don"t rushYou can look but don"t touchZoom zoom in... to my headGotta want me and not my bedBoy, prove your loveYou can look but don"t touch~~by vickyuihttp://music.baidu.com/song/8529709

AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3000 1.8ghz处理器是什么 性能和P4 3.0比哪个好?


AMD Sempro(tm) Processor是什么意思?

1 AMD Sempro(tm) Processor 3800+ 处理器型号2 2.20GHz 计算机是CPU主频3 480MB是内存大小,你的机子可能是512内存,因为你的机子是集成的显卡分了64MB显存,所以显示480MB。4 这个数据是你电脑的配置,无法改变,除非你升级机子。5 现在内存最大支持4G,一根内存最大2G。现在内存便宜,你可以考虑买个1G的内存,大约150元吧!


sempron  Sempron(闪龙)是美国AMD公司的低阶微处理器,用以取代Duron处理器及与英特尔公司的CeleronD处理器竞争。Processor【电脑】信息处理器;处理程序TM是商标的意思

矩阵 temp.ptr是什么意思

意思是指针调用结构的属性或者成员。ptr是一个指向结构的指针,这个结构中有a这个成员,相当于(*ptr).a. (*ptr)就是指针ptr指向的这个结构。

the Empire of China是什么意思?


Empire Of The Sun的《The World》 歌词

歌曲名:The World歌手:Empire Of The Sun专辑:Walking On A Dream (Special Edition)The WorldI asked the world a questionWhen did you begin?I asked him of his problemsWhen did you go wrong?My singing cells have powerAn army by my sideYou so want my mind, you trick my timeAnd I run around and you"re on your ownWithout with, without you say at home, at homeHow hard do you make it go?No mothers and fathers to make us anymoreNo arms or eyes to shape us like life itselfThen a thousand red coats scorn meYou so want my mind, you trick my timeAnd I run around and you"re on your ownWithout with, without you say at home, at homeHow hard do you make it go?You so want my mind, you trick my timeAnd I run around and you"re on your ownWithout with, without you say at home, at homeHow hard do you make it go?It"s just a memoryBillions, and billionsAnd billions of lights and heartsBefalling to embers through to coalSave from dust to dustTo wind, to desert, to deathI asked the world a questionWhen did you begin?I asked him of his problemsWhen did you go wrong?Those lead you who wake from the dreamsWhich lies and shapes the farm in their eyesYou so want my mind, you trick my timeAnd I run around and you"re on your ownWithout with, without you say at home, at homeHow hard do you make it go?You so want my mind, you trick my timeAnd I run around and you"re on your ownWithout with, without you say at home, at homeHow hard do you make it go?http://music.baidu.com/song/2906772

Empire State Of Mind歌词中文翻译


求:Empire State Of Mind (Part II) 歌词的中文翻译,最好有相关注释,请不要用翻译软件。谢谢!

生长在一个小镇,是作为一个著名的电影幕后进行噪声总是大声,有警报器四周,街上的意思。如果我能在这里,我可以在任何地方,这就是他们说。看到我的脸或灯光我在帐篷的名字找到了在百老汇即使不是全部看来,我的口袋里得到了充分的梦想宝贝我是从纽约。水泥丛林中的梦想是做成的,没有什么你不能做。现在你在纽约举行。这些街道将让你感到全新的,大的灯光将激励你。听到纽约,纽约,纽约它。大街上没有永远的宵禁,女士们如此辛苦这样一个大熔炉,在拐角处销售岩石,传教士向上帝祈祷。冰雹是吉普赛出租车,带我从哈林下降到布鲁克林大桥。今晚有人睡了更多的饥饿一空,然后冰箱。<a href=

empire state of mind中文意思


empire state of mind叫什么?

名字叫《Empire State of Mind》是由美国说唱歌手Jay-Z和女歌手艾丽西亚·凯斯演唱的歌曲。词曲由亚历山大·舒克伯勒、艾丽西亚·凯斯、安吉拉·亨特、伯特·凯斯、珍妮·塞维尔、肖恩·卡特和思薇雅·罗宾森创作。歌曲歌词:Yea, yea I"m out that Brooklyn, now I"m down in TribecaRight next to DeNiro, but I"ll be hood foreverI"m the new Sinatra, and, since I made it hereI can make it anywhere, yea, they love me everywhere I used to cop in Harlem,All of my Dominicano"s right there up on Broadway,Pull me back to that McDonald"s, took it to my stashbox, 560 State St.Catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons wippin" pastry"sCruisin" down 8th St., off white LexusDrivin" so slow, but BK is from TexasMe, I"m out that Bed-Stuy, home of that boy BiggieNow I live on Billboard and I brought my boys with meSay whattup to Ty-Ty, still sippin" Mai Tai"sSittin" courtside, Knicks and Nets give me high fiveNigga I be Spike"d out, I could trip a refereeTell by my attitude that I"m most definitely fromIn New York,Concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothin" you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLet"s hear it for New York, New York, New YorkCatch me at the X with OG at a Yankee gameShit, I made the Yankee hat more famous then a Yankee canYou should know I bleed blue, but I ain"t a Crip thoughBut I got a gang of niggas walkin" with my clique thoughWelcome to the melting pot, corners where we sellin" rockAfrika Bambataa shit, home of the hip-hopYellow cab, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla backFor foreigners it ain"t for, they act like they forgot how to actEight million stories, out there in it nakedCity is a pity, half of y"all won"t make itMe, I got a plug, Special Ed "I Got It Made"If Jesus payin" Lebron, I"m payin" Dwayne WadeThree dice cee-lo, three card monteLabor Day Parade, rest in peace Bob MarleyStatue of Liberty, long live the World TradeLong live the King yo, I"m from the Empire St. that"sIn New York,Concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothin" you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLet"s hear it for New York, New York, New YorkLights is blinding, girls need blindersSo they can step out of bounds quick, the sidelines isLined with casualties, who sip to life casuallyThen gradually become worse, don"t bite the apple, EveCaught up in the in-crowd, now you"re in styleEnd of the winter gets cold, en vogue, with your skin outCity of sin, it"s a pity on the whimGood girls gone bad, the city"s filled with themMommy took a bus trip, now she got her bust outEverybody ride her, just like a bus routeHail Mary to the city, you"re a virginAnd Jesus can"t save you, life starts when the church endCame here for school, graduated to the high lifeBall players, rap stars, addicted to the limelightMDMA got you feelin" like a championThe city never sleeps, better slip you an AmbienIn New York,Concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothin" you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLet"s hear it for New York, New York, New YorkOne hand in the air for the big cityStreet lights, big dreams, all lookin" prettyNo place in the world that could comparePut your lighters in the air everybody say yeah, yeah,Yea, yeaIn New York,Concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothin" you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLet"s hear it for New York, New York, New York拓展资料:创作背景:歌曲由两位纽约布鲁克林的创作者——安吉拉·亨特和珍妮·塞维尔出于对家乡的思念之情而创作。2009年2月,两人在一次海外旅途中分享了她们的思乡情感,并简单写下了这首歌曲以表对家乡的渴望。一个月后,她们将歌曲秘密送到了Roc Nation唱片公司,希望Jay Z能够采纳这首歌曲,但却受到了负面的评价。之后在一次聚会上,EMI唱片的Jon "Big Jon" Platt听到了歌曲,并在之后将歌曲送到了Jay Z手上。在听过后Jay Z喜欢上了这首歌曲,他保留了歌曲的副歌部分,并立即录制了歌曲。而当被询问到演唱副歌部分的合适人选时,亨特推荐了艾丽西亚·凯斯 。歌曲采样自1970年The Moments歌曲《Love on a Two-Way Street》 。2009年,艾丽西亚·凯斯推出了歌曲的个人版本《Empire State Of Mind Part II: Broken Down》。该版被收录在艾丽西亚·凯斯于2009年12月15日发行的录音室专辑《Element of Freedom》。

the empire on which the sun never sets”中为什么有介词on?

是的,the Empire which the Sun never sets 肯定不对。下面说明为什么不对:这个短语不是个完整的句子,the Empire 做为名词,后带一个定语从句,构成了一个名词性结构。学过定语从句的都知道,连接词通常在从句中指代某部分内容,或主语或宾语或状语。这里的连接词就是指代状语。on 是在其之上的意思,on which 中的 which 是指代 the Empire,就是 “在帝国的土地上” 的意思。on which 几乎可以等同于 where,即这个短语可以写成 the Empire where the Sun never sets。为了强调日不落帝国的威风及其疆土之大,这里不用 where 而是用 on which。如果把定语从句转换为主句,你就会容易看到介词 on 是从哪里来的了:The Sun never sets on the Empire. 定语从句中的主语是 the Sun,不是 the Empire,连接词在定语从句里起的实际作用是状语,所以要在前面加上介词 on。比较一下这个短语:the Empire which never has a sunset,定语从句的主语是 the Empire,所以连接词前面没有 on。如果你硬要拿掉题述短语前面这个 on,那你就得把它写成 the Empire which the Sun never sets on,但这肯定不是好的文法。总之这个 on 是不可或缺的。怎样,这下明白了吧?

Empire Of The Sun的《Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Girl歌手:Empire Of The Sun专辑:Walking On A Dream (Special Edition)Destiny"s ChildGirlDestiny FulfilledTake A Minute Girl Come Sit DownAnd Tell Us What"s Been HappeningIn Your Face I Can See The PainDon"t You Try To Convince Us That You"re Happy (Yeah)We"ve Seen This All BeforeBut He"s Taking Advantage Of Your PassionBecause We"ve Come Too FarFor You To Feel AloneYou Don"t Let Him Walk Over Your HeartI"m Telling YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouSee What You All Don"t Know About HimIs I Can"t Let Him Go Because He Needs MeIt Ain"t Really Him It"s Stress From His JobAnd I Ain"t Making It EasyI Know You See Him Bugging On Me SometimesBut I Know He Be Tired He Don"t Mean ItIt Gets Hard SometimesBut I Need My ManI Don"t Think Ya"ll UnderstandI"m Telling YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, Take A Good Look At YourselfHe Got You Going Through HellWe Ain"t Never Seen You Down Like ThisWhat You Mean You Don"t Need Our Help?We Known Each Other Too WellGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2906824


empire怎么读如下:empire,读音:英[u02c8empau026au0259r],美[u02c8empau026au0259r]。释义:n.帝国;帝王统治,君权。例句:This invincible empire eventually collapsed.这个不可匹敌的帝国最终灭亡了。变形:复数empires。短语:build up an empire建立帝国huge empire庞大的企业ancient empire古代帝国oil empire石油王国empire over对…的绝对控制empire的近义词dominion读音:英[du0259u02c8mu026aniu0259n],美[du0259u02c8mu026aniu0259n]。释义:n. 统治权;支配;领土;管辖;统治(权);版图;英联邦自治领。例句:Man has dominion over the natural world.人类拥有对自然界的统治权。复数:dominions。短语:the Old Dominion State自治州Dominion Post新西兰邮报right of dominion支配权Dominion of Canada加拿大自治领Old Dominion University奥多明尼昂大学

求《Empire State of Mind》的歌词

Empire State of Mind歌词everybody ride her, just like a bus route,Hail Mary to the city your a Virgin,and Jesus can"t save you life starts when the church ends,came here for school, graduated to the high life,ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,MDMA got you feeling like a champion,the city never sleeps better slip you a Ambien[Alicia Keys]New York!!!!Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,There"s nothing you can"t do,Now you"re in New York!!!These streets will make you feel brand new,the lights will inspire you,Let"s hear it for New York, New York, New York[Alicia Keys]One hand in the air for the big city,Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,no place in the World that can compare,Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeaaahhcome on, come,yeah,[Alicia Keys]New York!!!!Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,There"s nothing you can"t do,Now you"re in New York!!!These streets will make you feel brand new,the lights will inspire you,Let"s hear it for New York, New York, New York[End] 专辑名:The Blueprint 3演唱者 Jay-Z 语种 英语 唱片公司 Roc Nation 发行时间 2009年09月 专辑介绍: 期待已久的Jay-Z 最新音乐大碟 The Blueprint 3 (蓝晒图3) 预计于2009年9月11日正式发售。由 先前 我们介绍过的 Jay-Z嘲讽流行音乐过多电子音效的D.O.A 单曲之外, 还有和 Kanye West 与 Rihanna 三方合唱的Run This Town 单曲都将收录于其中, 值得期待。MTV新闻已经证实Jay的新专辑《The Blueprint 3》,会在他的超白金专辑 《Blueprint》发行的8周年纪念日9月11日推出,专辑会由Atlantic发行。 01 What We Talkin" About Jay-Z;Luke Steele of Empire of the Sun 02 Thank You 03 D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune) 04 Run This Town Jay-Z;Kanye West and Rihanna 05 Empire State of Mind Jay-Z;Alicia Keys 06 Real As it Gets Jay-Z;Young Jeezy 07 On to the Next One Jay-Z;Swizz Beatz 08 Off That Jay-Z;Drake 09 A Star is Born Jay-Z;J. Cole 10 Venus vs. Mars 11 Already Home Jay-Z;Kid Cudi 12 Hate Jay-Z;Kanye West 13 Reminder 14 So Ambitious Jay-Z;Pharrell15 Young Forever Jay-Z;Mr Hudson本篇文章来源于 外语爱好者网站( http://www.ryedu.net) 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址: http://www.ryedu.net/syy/200912/15664_2.html

Empire Of The Sun的《Half Mast》 歌词

歌曲名:Half Mast歌手:Empire Of The Sun专辑:Walking On A DreamHalf MastCome on now can we talk about it like we used to talk aboutHotel in the hills with a carouselFarmhouse in the front a tractor in the loungeOh oh oh honey I need you round I know I knowListen now can we talk in love and walk the townBe easy now, go hiking through the hills in a summer gownRaise the kids, peace within and make our soundHear me now, I"m down on knees and prayingThough my faith is weakWithout you so please baby please give us a chanceMake a mends and I will stand until the endA million times a trillion moreOh oh oh honey I need you round I know I knowSmile baby don"t cryI will only fly with you by my sideBaby I"m cornered nowBaby don"t push me outLately I walk in doubtMaybe it"s crashing downBaby can you save it nowOh oh oh honey I need you round I know I knowOh oh oh honey I need you round I know I knowBaby I"m cornered nowBaby don"t push me outLately I walk in doubtMaybe it"s crashing downBaby I"m cornered nowBaby don"t push me outLately I walk in doubtMaybe it"s crashing downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2696951

Empire Of The Sun 的We are the people 这首歌的中文和英文歌词


什么是Blocking temperature


什么是Blocking temperature?

阻拦温度 或临界温度临界温度 开放分类: 名词解释、物理 (1)定义或解释①物质处于临界状态时的温度。②物质以液态形式出现的最高温度。(2)说明①每种物质都有一个特定的温度,在这个温度以上,无论怎样增大压强,气态物质不会液化,这个温度就是临界温度。降温加压,是使气体液化的条件。但只加压,不一定能使气体液化,应视当时气体是否在临界温度以下因此要使物质液化;首先要设法达到它自身的临界温度。水的临界温度为374℃,远比常温度要高,因此,平常水蒸汽极易冷却成水,有些物质如氨、二氧化碳等,它们的临界温度高于或接近室温,对这样的物质在常温下很容易压缩成液体。有些物质如氧、氮、氢、氦等的临界温度很低,其中氦气的临界温度为一268。C。要使这些气体液化,必须相应的要有一定的低温技术,以使能达到它们各自的临界温度,然后再用增大压强的方法使它液化。②通常把在临界温度以上的气态物质叫做气体,把在临界温度以下的气态物质叫做汽。导体由普通状态向超导态转变时的温度称为为超导体的转变温度,或临界温度,用Tc 表示.


employees。Employee的复数形式为employees,用于表示两个或两个以上的雇员或员工。根据语法规则,当一个名词是以辅音字母加y结尾的时候,变为复数时,需要将y换成ies,并加上s。employee中是以辅音字母e结尾的,因此,单数的employee变成了复数的employees。mployee的复数例句:He has said he will firee ditorial emplovees with out reqard toseniority翻译为:他说过不管资历如何,任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。

《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》里面有哪5句经典的话

It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 强者自救,圣者渡人Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. 译文:希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝I"ve had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts . time can draw out like a blade. That was the longest night of my life. 我也曾熬过孤寂长夜 独自在暗心东想西想 时间慢的如同刀割 那是我毕生最长的一夜Fear can hold you prisoner,hope can set you free. 怯懦囚禁灵魂,希望还你自由.I find I"m so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. 坐立不安,我内心激动无法抑制 I think it"s the excitement only a free man can feel. 我想只有自由人才能这么兴奋吧 A free man at the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain. 踏上未知旅程的...前途捉摸不定的...自由人。关注“猫将军说”获得更多精彩电影


redemption有救赎的意思。 redemption n.拯救;救赎;赎回(股票等) 复数: redemptions 例句: He craves redemption for his sins. 他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。 扩展资料   I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.   我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。   No man is beyond redemption   没有人是不可救药的。   In the 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption, the main character needs to crawlthrough a sewer pipe.   在1994年的.电影《肖申克的救赎》中,主角需要爬过下水道。


shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息


shawshankredemption的读音是:。shawshankredemption的读音是:。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的意思是肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息

需求肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption 1994 迅雷下载地址和剧情简介

  http://hi.baidu.com/82305037/blog/item/dc37d43c516bebcc9f3d628b.html  剧情介绍  故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪因为妻子有婚外情,用枪杀死了她和她的情人,因此他被指控枪杀了妻子及其情人,安迪被判无期徙刑,这意味着他将在肖恩克监狱中渡过余生。  阿瑞1927年因谋杀罪被判无期徙刑,数次假释都未获成功。他现在已经成为肖恩克监狱中的“权威人物”,只要你付得起钱,他几乎有办法搞到任何你想要的东西:香烟,糖果,酒,甚至是大麻。每当有新囚犯来的时候,大家就赌谁会在第一个夜晚哭泣。阿瑞认为弱不禁风、书生气时足的安迪一定会哭,结果安迪的沉默使他输掉了两包烟。但同时也使阿瑞对他另眼相看。  好长时间以来,安迪不和任何人接触,在大家报怨的同时,他在院子里很悠闲地散步,就象在公园里一样。一个月后,安迪请阿瑞帮他搞的第一件东西是一把小的鹤嘴锄,他的解释是他想雕刻一些小东西以消磨时光,并说他自己想办法逃过狱方的例行检查。不久,阿瑞就玩上了安迪刻的国际象棋。之后,安迪又搞了一幅丽塔.海华丝的巨幅海报贴在了牢房的墙上。  一次,安迪和另几个犯人外出劳动,他无意间听到监狱官在讲有关上税的事。安迪说他有办法可以使监狱官合法地免去这一大笔税金,做为交换,他为十几个犯人朋友每人争得了两瓶Tiger啤酒。喝着啤酒,阿瑞说多年来,他又第一次感受到了自由的感觉。  由于安迪精通财务制度方面的的知识,很快使他摆脱了狱中繁重的体力劳动和其它变态囚犯的骚扰。不久,声名远扬的安迪开始为越来越多的狱警处理税务问题,甚至孩子的升学问题也来向他请教。同时安迪也逐步成为肖恩克监狱长沃登洗黑钱的重要工具。由于安迪不停地写信给州长,终于为监狱申请到了一小笔钱用于监狱图书馆的建设。监狱生活非常平谈,总要自己找一些事情来做。安迪听说阿瑞原来很喜欢吹口琴,就买了一把送给他。夜深人静之后,可以听到悠扬而轻微的口琴声回荡在监狱里。  一个年轻犯人的到来打破了安迪平静的狱中生活:这个犯人以前在另一所监狱服刑时听到过安迪的案子,他知道谁是真凶!但当安迪向监狱长提出要求重新审理此案时,却遭到了断然拒绝,并受到了单独禁闭两个月的严重惩罚。为了防止安迪获释,监狱不惜设计害死了知情人!  面对残酷的现实,安迪变得很消沉……有一天,他对阿瑞说:“如果有一天,你可以获得假释,一定要到某个地方替我完成一个心愿。那是我第一次和妻子约会的地方,把那里一棵大橡树下的一个盒子挖出来。到时个你就知道是什么了。”当天夜里,风雨交加,雷声大作,已得到灵魂救赎的安迪越狱成功。  原来二十年来,安迪每天都在用那把小鹤嘴锄挖洞,然后用海报将洞口遮住。安迪出狱后,领走了部分监狱长存的黑钱,并告发了监狱长贪污受贿的真相。监狱长在自己存小账本的保险柜里见到的是安迪留下的一本圣经,里边挖空的部分放这一把几乎磨成圆头的鹤嘴锄。  阿瑞获释了,他在橡树下找到了一盒现金,两个老朋友终于在墨西哥阳光明媚的海滨重逢了。  影片评价  弗兰克.达拉邦特的这部摄于一九九四年的影片取材于斯蒂芬.金的小说《丽塔.海华丝与肖申克的救赎》。但千万别指望影片会提供给你廉价的感官刺激。(斯蒂芬多次声明,他的作品是“恐惧”小说而非恐怖小说)导演达拉邦特只是透过监狱这一强制剥夺自由,高度强调纪律的特殊背景来展现作为个体的人对“时间流逝、环境改造”的恐惧。  怯懦囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人,到影片最后,真正需要拯救的人恰恰是一直在努力拯救别人的瑞德。然而,同样面对命运的不公,安迪却能表现的不以物喜,不以己悲,在与典狱长的较量中,默默构建属于自身的未来。当别人还在为如何打发狱中无聊时间而终日生活在蝇营狗苟中时。安迪已经开始展望属于自己的另一种生活。当他爬过那条象征着生活中一切龌龊与不公的下水道,最终投入到阔别二十载的自由时,相信每个观众都被这终于战胜了“习惯”的“希望”所震动。


shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息


shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息


shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息


shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的意思是:肖申克的救赎(电影名称)。shawshankredemption的例句是"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。一、网络释义点此查看shawshankredemption的详细内容 刺激二、刺激1995(ShawshankRedemption):4/26,保守党候选人GuyOpperman。 肖申克救赎我看的最多的一部是ShawshankRedemption(肖申克救赎),至少有十遍,好多台词都会背了。 月黑高飞这几天看了很多碟,其中一向是自己最爰的的影"月黑高飞"(ShawshankRedemption),又翻看了两次。二、例句"TheShawshankRedemption"toomanypeoplerecommend.《肖申克的救赎》太多人推荐了。ShawshankcourageisthekindofcourageexemplifiedintheShawshankRedemption.电影《肖申克的救赎》就是“肖申克”式勇气的例子。"Letmetellyousomethingmyfriend.Hopeisadangerousthing.Hopecandriveamanmad."-TheShawshankredemption.朋友,让我告诉你一些事儿。希望是件恐怖的事情,希望可以让人变得疯狂。——肖申克救赎。shawshankredemption的相关临近词shaw、Shawna点此查看更多关于shawshankredemption的详细信息




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后者的文件建立在默认的临时文件目录中 不在当前目录createNewFilepublic boolean createNewFile()throws IOException当且仅当不存在具有此抽象路径名指定名称的文件时,不可分地创建一个新的空文件。检查文件是否存在,若不存在则创建该文件,这是单个操作,对于其他所有可能影响该文件的文件系统活动来说,该操作是不可分的。 createTempFilepublic static File createTempFile(String prefix,String suffix)throws IOException在默认临时文件目录中创建一个空文件,使用给定前缀和后缀生成其名称。调用此方法等同于调用 createTempFile(prefix, suffix, null)。 参数:prefix - 用于生成文件名的前缀字符串;必须至少是三字符长suffix - 用于生成文件名的后缀字符串;可以为 null,在这种情况下,将使用后缀 ".tmp" 返回:表示新建空文件的抽象路径名

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100 miles from memphis歌词

100 Miles From Memphis (Scent of an angel)Keeps me driving all night just to get to you(Scent of an angel)I keep your picture on my dash just to get me through(Scent of an angel)Reminds me of those crazy nights down in Mexico(Scent of an angel)Ah, temptation got a way of turning the lights down lowYou"re cool in your faded blue jeansJust a fool in a tequila soaked dreamBut you ain"t no saintYou know I ain"t no beauty queenI was stuck in this border townIf we make it out before sundownBaby let"s slide on overOver to the other side of the tracksI got nothing behind meNothing left to remind meJust a worn out pictureAnd a number written on the backSo let"s move on downShake this townDrive a whileA hundred miles from MemphisA song playing in my headSend me an angelMove on up ahead(Scent of an angel)Sending a messageCause I feel a little cold and blue(Scent of an angel)Ah, expensive habit sure took one hold of youCrawling in on a SundayAnd leaving town on MondayThere"s a whole world waitingWaiting on the other side of the lineI got nothing behind meNothing left to remind meJust a worn out pictureA vision of you by my sideSo let"s head on downShake this townDrive a whileA hundred miles from here(Rolling, rolling)(Somewhere back in town)I"m stuck in this border townIf we make it out before sundownBaby let"s slide on overOver to the other side of the tracksI got nothing behind meNothing left to remind meJust a worn out pictureAnd a number written on the backSo let"s move on downGet around, shake this townDrive a while, go in styleA hundred miles from hereHere comes the morningAnd here comes the morningHere comes the morningHere comes the morning

it can dissipate just as rapidly,depending on what side of the dew point the temperature is on.

it 主语can dissipate 谓语just as rapidly, 状语,一样快depending on 现在分词做状语。depend on 固定用法,决定于取决于。下面是介词 on 的宾语从句what side of the dew point the temperature 宾语从句的主语is on. be动词+表语what side of the dew point the temperature is on 它在露点的哪一侧。整句:取决于它在露点的哪一侧,它也能同样快地消散。

用java声明一个 Employee 类,其中包括单位名称,姓名,街道地址,城市和邮编等属属性。

public class Employee{String companyName; // 单位名称String name; // 姓名String address; // 街道地址String city; // 城市String mailCode; // 邮编char sex; // 性别void change_name(String name){name = "需要修改的名字";this.name = name;}void display(){System.out.println("单位名称:"+this.companyName+",姓名:"+this.name+",街道地址:"+this.address+",性别:"+this.sex+",邮编:"+this.mailCode+",城市:"+this.city );}}

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BEBE的《Siempre Me Quedara》


The temperature was below zero.It was difficult to ________ the car.


Memphis Slim的《Baby Doll》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Doll歌手:Memphis Slim专辑:Raining The BluesIt"s 2:11 and I"m stressingWatching Tv in my hotel suiteI check my service every secondAt 2:10 you still hadn"t called meSo I"m gonna leave my cell phoneTurned on in my purse by the bedAnd before I fall asleepI guess I"ll just check my machineAgain and again because I"mObsessing on youI wanna be your babydollWrap me up nice and tightLove me through the nightCome lay me downEnfold me in your armsCover me with velvet kissesRock me on and onAnd whisper softly to meYou wanna be my babydollZoning out thinking aboutYou and me between the sheetsI want to get intimateBut you"re not within my reachSo I"ll have a little more wineAnd I"ll try to drink youOut of my headAnd I"ll lay awake awhile"Til I"m high enough I canForget about you untilI wake up againI wanna be your babydollWrap me up nice and tightLove me through the nightCome lay me downEnfold me in your armsCover me with velvet kissesRock me on and onAnd whisper softly to meYou wanna be my babydollSlipping into dreamsI feel my love surround youNy subconscious seemsTo weave itself around youDo you care for meBeyond idolizationTell me how you feelBut don"t keep me at bay"Cause I won"t be waiting longI wanna be your babydollWrap me up nice and tightLove me through the nightCome lay me downEnfold me in your armsCover me with velvet kissesRock me on and onAnd whisper softly to meYou wanna be my babydollI wanna be your babydollWrap me up nice and tightLove me through the nightCome lay me downEnfold me in your armsCover me with velvet kissesRock me on and onAnd whisper softly to meYou wanna be my babydollhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7561411

Para Siempre 歌词

歌曲名:Para Siempre歌手:La Diferenzia专辑:La DiferenziaPara siempre.Para siempre.Puedes olvidarte de mis ojos, de mi voz,de las veces que con vino derrochabamos pasion.Puedes olvidarte de que un tiempo fuiste yo,pero nunca olvidaras que me quisiste tanto, tanto, tanto.Puedes olvidarlo todo y no mirar atras,esconder en tu memoria mi recuerdo mas carnal.Pero hay algo muy sencillo que jamas olvidaras,los momentos que me amaste.Eso no lo olvidaras.Para siempre, para siempre me tendras escondidoen tu memoria, en tu alma, en tu verdad.Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me veras,regalandote caricias, regalandote un quizás.Puedes olvidarte de la fuerte tentacioncon la que necesitabas apretarme hasta el dolor.Puedes olvidarte de las horas del reloj,pero nunca olvidaras mis segundos en tu alma.Para siempre, para siempre me tendrasescondido en tu memoria, en tu alma,en tu verdad.Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me veras regalandote caricias,regalandote un quizás.Para siempre, para siempre puedo estarenjaulado en tu pasado muy callado sin hablar.Y la llave de tu voz mantiene el tiempo que al finalhara que te recuerde que jamás me olvidarás.Para siempre, para siempre me tendrasescondido en tu memoria, en tu alma,en tu verdad.Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me verasregalandote caricias,regalandote un quizás.Para siempre, para siempre puedo estarenjaulado en tu pasado muy callado sin hablar.Y la llave de tu voz mantiene el tiempo que al finalhara que te recuerde que jamás me olvidarás.Para siempre.Para siempre.http://music.baidu.com/song/7994618

para siempre 翻译


para siempre 的西语和汉语歌词

     Para siemprePuedes olvidarte de mis ojos, de mi voz, 你可以忘了我的眼睛,我的声音 de las veces que con vino derrochabamos pasion. 忘了我们一起用酒来挥霍激情的时光 Puedes olvidarte de que un tiempo fuiste yo, 你可以忘了有段时间你曾经是我 pero nunca olvidaras que me quisiste tanto, tanto, tanto. 但是千万别忘了你曾经那么那么那么爱我 Puedes olvidarlo todo y no mirar atras, 你可以忘了一切,不再回想以前 esconder en tu memoria mi recuerdo mas carnal. 把有关我最鲜活的会议深藏在你的记忆中 Pero hay algo muy sencillo que jamas olvidaras, 但有些简单的东西你永不会忘 los momentos que me amaste. 就是你爱过我的时光 Eso no lo olvidaras. 这些你不会忘 Para siempre, para siempre me tendras escondido 你可以永远永远把我深藏 en tu memoria, en tu alma, en tu verdad. 在你的记忆,你的灵魂,你的真相中 Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me veras, 不管你有多努力你还是会在梦中见到我 regalandote caricias, regalandote un quizás. 给你温存,给你一个也许 Puedes olvidarte de la fuerte tentacion 你可以忘了这强烈的诱惑 con la que necesitabas apretarme hasta el dolor. 你曾经为此紧紧的抱疼我 Puedes olvidarte de las horas del reloj, 你可以忘了时钟的时间 pero nunca olvidaras mis segundos en tu alma. 但你不会忘了我在你灵魂里的分分秒秒 Para siempre, para siempre me tendras escondido en tu memoria, en tu alma,en tu verdad. 永远,永远,你可以把我深藏在你的回忆,你的灵魂和你的真相里 Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me veras regalandote caricias, regalandote un quizás. 不管你有多努力,你还是会在梦中见到我,给你温存,给你一个也许 Para siempre, para siempre puedo estar 永远永远,我会 enjaulado en tu pasado muy callado sin hablar. 沉默不语,囚禁在你的过去 Y la llave de tu voz mantiene el tiempo 你的声音象钥匙控制着时间 que al final 到最后 hara que te recuerde que jamás me olvidarás. 让你记起,你永不会忘了我 Para siempre, para siempre me tendras escondido en tu memoria, en tu alma,en tu verdad. Y por mucho que lo intentes en tus sue?os me veras regalandote caricias, regalandote un quizás. 永远,永远,你可以把我深藏在你的回忆,你的灵魂和你的真相里 不管你有多努力,你还是会在梦中见到我,给你温存,给你一个也许


tiempo指抽象的时间,比如说no hay tiempo para comer我没时间吃饭而hora是指小时,是具体的,比如说我花了两个小时到北京 tardo dos horas en llegar a Beijing.但是hora还有一个很特别用法,表示到了该做····的时候了,相当于英语的it is time to ···,不用tiempo用hora,es la hora de ····后面可加动词原形可加名词,或者单用ya es hora表示时间到了。


In geological settings w ith magmatic or high-temperature systems the geothermal gradient is several times above the crustal average and rock temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius exist at depths of only a few kilometers. The locations of these geothermal fields is invariably tectonically determined,and they are often found in areas of block faulting,grabens or rifting and in collapsed caldera structures,w ith reservoir depths of around 1 - 3 km. Typical settings are around active plate margins ( Figure 18. 3) such as subduction zones ( e. g. Pacific Rim) , spreading ridges ( Mid-Atlantic ) , rift zones ( East Africa ) and w ithin orogenic belts ( Mediterranean,Himalaya) .Figure 18. 3 Hottest know n geothermal areas ( dark gray) around the w orldHigh-temperature systems are often volcanogenic,w ith the heat provided by intrusive masses. Geothermal systems also develop on the flanks of young volcanoes. As mentioned, high-temperature fields w ith a non-volcanogenic or tectonic heat source are less common.Hydrothermal system related to volcano-plutonic and volcanic settings start as static- magmatic systems,in the closed systems of a plutonic body. The magmatic body rises closer to the surface or even ruptures it forming a stratovolcano. Due to the igneous bodies,providing a pow erful heat engine,convection cells form w ith fluids supplied from meteoric w aters. This environment is typical for porphyry or epithermal ore deposits and alteration features know n as potassic,propylitic,phyllic,and argillic. The active time span of such systems may range from 105to 106years.( 1) Silicic/Andesitic SystemsThere are four principle settings of silicic / andesitic geothermal systems w ithin a great number of possible scenarios. Hence,silicic or andesitic magmatic terrains can be divided into ① silicic volcanism ; ② andesitic stratovolcanoes; ③ highland volcanoes; ④ volcanic islands. The cases ① and ② are described as examples w ithin the follow ing section.All kinds of the mentioned systems are characterized by regions w here boiling occurs somew here w ithin the geothermal field. These boiling events may result in epithermal ore deposits,especially gold but also other precious metal formations.Vapor-Dominated Figure 18. 4 displays characteristic features of vapor-dominated systems. Fumaroles,steaming ground and acid sulfate-w aters from hot springs are observed at the Earth"s surface. The reservoir is composed of steam ( w ith gases) and it is assumed that saline,boiling w ater feeds the reservoir at depth. In these extensively exploited systems,the undisturbed states are poorly know n because deep drillings often do not penetrate the vapor zone. Vapor-dominated reservoirs show a relatively constant temperature w ith depth of about 236℃ ,w hich is the temperature of maximum enthalpy of saturated steam. The system is convecting due to the steam up-flow ,rising from depth and flow ing laterally at the top of the reservoir along the base of capping low -permeability rocks. The steam cools as it flow s and eventually condenses and recirculates into the deep reservoir. Less-soluble gases remain more readily concentrated in the steam phase than the more soluble gases. The chemistry of the steam changes w ith upflow ,lateral flow ,and condensation. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in the steam and subsequent absorption into the geothermal w ater w ill produce acid condensates ( acid sulfate waters ) , whereas condensation of CO2results in formation of hydrogen carbonate w aters ( Figure 18. 4 ) . Vapor-dominated systems are less common than liquid- dominated systems and only three have been w ell characterized: The Geysers ( California, USA) ,Larderello ( Italy) ,and Kaw ah Kamojang ( Indonesia) .Figure 18. 4 Conceptual model w ith characteristic features of vapor-dominated geothermal systemsLiquid-Ddominated The characteristics of high temperature volcanic hosted and liquid dominated systems are show n in Figure 18. 5 and Figure 18. 6 distinguishing betw een high relief and low relief terrain,respectively. Liquid dominated geothermal systems in a high relief are typical of andesitic volcanic terrains and in a low relief of silicic volcanic terrains. Many systems display lateral flow structures created by strong hydraulic gradients often caused due to a high relief and a near-surface low -permeability horizon. Cooling by conduction and groundw ater mixing are reflected in the chemistry of the discharges. Even in low relief settings ( < 250 m, e. g. Taupo Volcanic Zone,New Zealand) ,near surface lateral flow s can extend for several kilometers. This is greatly extended in terrain of high relief ( > 1000 m) w here flow s are 10 - 50 km in length.High relief is common in island arc settings w ith characteristic andesitic volcanism. The up-flow part of the system is revealed by fumaroles and steam heated aquifers fed by the tw o- phase zone and supplying the springs from the condensate layers ( Figure 18. 5) . It is the steep topography that likew ise prevents the chloride fluid from reaching the Earth"s surface resulting in large lateral flow s,often over some 10 km. Over this distance the chloride fluid can be diluted w ith groundw ater or mix w ith descending sulfate w aters from steam condensates. The acid sulfate,chloride,or mixed w aters can also emerge dow n-slope as hot springs,or descend into the system through fractures. Examples of these systems are found in Indonesia,Taiw an in China,Japan,and the Philippines.Figure 18. 5 Conceptual model of liquid dominated geothermal systems in a high relief, typical of an andesitic volcanic terrainFigure 18. 6 Conceptual model of liquid dominated geothermal systems in a low relief, typical for silicic volcanic terrain ( alteration / metasomatism processes in italic letters)Low relief systems are generally characterized by recharge provided from meteoric groundw ater and heat supplied, together w ith some gases, from deeply buried magmatic systems producing a convective column of near neutral pH chloride w ater emanating in springs and pools at the surface ( Figure 18. 6) . The deep geothermal fluid can express at the surface, often close to the up-flow area. Lateral flow is possible but,because of the gentle topography, is not as extensive as in areas of high relief. Tw o-phase or steam zones are commonly present but are not as thick as in high relief systems. How ever,these steam zones can increase in depth w hen fluid removal on exploitation of the systems exceeds natural fluid recharge,as has happened at Wairakei,New Zealand. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas in the steam,together w ith condensation or mixing of the steam w ith groundw aters,produces acid sulfate w aters. Condensation of carbon dioxide, w hich is less soluble than hydrogen sulfide, produces hydrogen carbonate rich w aters,w hich are often found on the margins of the field. Because of the low relief over these systems,hot springs of chloride,sulfate,and hydrogen carbonate w aters as w ell as fumaroles,and steaming ground often occur in relatively close proximity to one another. These types of systems are found in New Zealand,USA,East Africa and Iceland.( 2) Basaltic SystemsSpreading Centers Hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges,in sea-floor environments, occurs on a large lateral scale. The recognition of fossil systems of such kind is difficult because oceanic crust is subsequently destroyed at convergent plate boundaries and only fragments may survive. Convective cells result from penetration of seawater to depths between 5 km and 10 km. Flow occurs in cracks as well as in the porous media with discharges of the return flow through localized vents or clusters of vents with short life spans of several years only. Seawater circulation in oceanic crust was modeled by Taylor in 1983 based on field mapping for the Samail ophiolites in Oman,translated into the geometry as shown for the general hydrothermal system in Figure 18. 7. The proposed system consists of two circulation schemes. The upper circulation is located above the bird-shaped magma chamber within the region containing sheeted dykes and pillow lavas. The lower part of the system is located beneath the wings of the magma chamber above the ultramafic basement. Both circulation systems act decoupled with a high water- rock ratio in the upper part compared to a low ratio in the lower part.Figure 18. 7 Hydrothermal system w ithin the environment of mid-ocean ridges consisting of tw o circulation systems,the low er part below the w ings of the magma chamber and the upper part above,w ithin a region of sheeted dykesGeothermal fluid movement w ithin the seaw ater,above the discharging vents,is important for the development of ores. This hydrothermal system is called a plume. Plumes are diluted hydrothermal fluids rising above the vent producing sulfide particles ( black smokers) ,w hich settle around the vents. The deposits contain sulfates ( anhydrite and barite ) ,talc,calcite, pyrrhotite,sphalerite,chalcopyrite,and galena. These muddy deposits are often rich in organic carbon material and tend to form hydrocarbons.Continental Rifts The geodynamic evolution of rifted basins leads to the activation of hydrothermal solutions follow ed by their ascent along active faults. The geological settings are manifold and it is beyond the scope of this unit to describe all of them. How ever,studies on recently active rift settings ( Red Sea,East African Rift) emphasize that the occurrence of sediment-hosted mineral deposits may be due to hydrothermal systems in continental rift settings.Hydrothermal system development w ith accompanying ore deposition is characterized by a reaction continuum from early stages during diagenesis ( movement of meteoric w ater and compaction) to metamorphic processes. Types of deposits thought to be due to ancient rift settings are: ① sediment-hosted stratiform metals ( active modern analogues are deposits formed w ithin the Red Sea brines or w ithin the East African Rift lakes) ; ② stratabound carbonate- hosted deposits ( like the Mississippi-valley type) .During burial and diagenetic compaction considerable amounts of w ater are released from the sediments. The composition of the w aters depends on the composition of the sediments w ithin the basin. With increasing depth the formation w aters are enriched w ith various anions and cations resulting in increasing salinity. Additionally these brines may be heated by a deep seated heat source. Migration of the fluids along the aquifer and up along basin faults result in trapping of the brines below an impermeable cap. Heat flow may drive circulation of the brines w ithin convection cells in the rift setting.Within the area of the Red Sea rift,linked to geodynamic and magmatic evolution, metalliferrous sediments occur w ith ores of numerous kinds. Hot brine pools are characteristic for these stratabound and stratiform deposits. The pools are due to active discharges of hydrothermal fluids located at the intersection of fractures and transform faults and are found to be density-stratified. A low er brine layer of high salinity is in contact w ith the metalliferrous sediments and of slightly higher temperature compared to the upper brine layer ( Figure 18. 8) . The high salinities of the hydrothermal fluids result because they originate from seaw ater and additionally due to circulation through evaporitic formations on the shoulders or the floor of the rift basin. The w ater is heated by the local heat flow and carries the metals leached from the basaltic rocks of the basement. The fluids subsequently discharge at the sea floor w here they precipitate metal sulfides,sulfates and silicates.Figure 18. 8 Typical features of a stratified brine pool in the Red Sea rift,resulting from sea w ater circulating through evaporites and the basaltic basement subsequently emanating from vents and finally leading to precipitation of minerals


,contemporary,是现代的同时代的意思;比如contemporary chemistry现代化学consequently是因而所以的意思,一般都在文章中单独使用,加逗号;coincidence,巧合,一致,符合的意思,其实就是名词,表示很巧;controversial就是有争议有争论的,形容词conventional传统的traditional一样的意思。习惯的,常规的意思。这几个是形容词当然在使用中作定语用了、。。


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