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contemporary 英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri] 美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri] adj. 当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的; n. 同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人; [网络] 当代文学; 现代感; 当代性; [例句]She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.她给像惠特尼·休斯敦这样的人写了很多当代音乐作品。[其他] 复数:contemporaries




contemporary英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri]美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri]adj.当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的n.同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人网络当代文学; 现代感; 当代性复数:contemporaries形近词:cotemporaryextemporarycontemporize当代拼音双语对照contemporary英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri]美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri]adj.当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的n.同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人网络当代文学; 现代感; 当代性复数:contemporaries形近词:cotemporaryextemporarycontemporize1.Id like to recommend three contemporary novelists to you-Ursula Le Guin, Ernest Hemingway, and Doris Lessing.我在此推荐3个当代的小说家给大家:厄休拉勒奎恩,欧内斯特海明威还有多丽丝莱辛。2.The contemporary fashion industry is a large and diverse market:$ 80 billion, with thousands of brands.当今的时尚界是一个大型的多元化市场:有成千上万个品牌,市值高达800亿美元。3.It"s run by a young duo who are inspired by traditional Greek cuisine but give it a real contemporary take.它的老板是一对年轻人,他们受传统希腊美食的启发,但为之添加了真正现代的元素。4.Bach and Handel were contemporary composers.巴哈和亨德尔是同时代的作曲家。5.There is a lesson in the decline of bees about how to respond to the most fundamental challenges facing contemporary human societies.蜂群数量的减少告诉我们要如何回应当代人类社会所面临的最基本挑战。6.Drawing upon official records and the reports of contemporary witnesses利用官方的记录与当时的见证者的报告7.The parts of his book which deal with contemporary Paris他的书中涉及当代巴黎的那些部分8.The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。9.He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.他从芭蕾和现代舞中得到极大的快乐。10.We weren"t out to design a contemporary utopia.我们并不是要设计一个现代乌托邦。11.The museum contains 6,000 contemporary and modern artworks.博物馆收藏了6,000件近现代艺术作品。12.The contemporary crossover of pop, jazz and funk当今流行音乐、爵士乐和乡土爵士乐的融合13.A lot of contemporary music is virtually inaccessible.许多当代音乐几乎难以理解。14.A one-act opera about contemporary women in America关于当代美国女性的独幕歌15.The mediocrity of most contemporary literature大多数当代文学作品的平庸16.Jessie Marshall, a contemporary craftsperson杰西·马歇尔,当代手工艺人17.A global vision of contemporary societies对当代社会的总体看法18.The beliefs underpinning contemporary art支撑现代艺术的一些观念19.A contemporary clubland sound当代夜总会流行音乐20.My studies were devoted almost entirely to contemporary literature.我的研究几乎全部集中在当代文学上了。21.A verse by a contemporary poet supports this.时人有诗为证。22.The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary.电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。23.Shakespeare was not contemporary with dickens.莎士比亚与狄更斯不是同时代的人。24.He is currently living and working in Beijing, on architectural design, city plan and contemporary art design.现生活工作于北京,主要工作包括建筑设计及城市规划,当代艺术及产品设计等。25.But the surreal debate over the FIFA scandal has already told us much about the state of contemporary geopolitics.但是,关于FIFA丑闻的超现实争论,已经向我们透露了许多关于当代地缘政治状况的信息。26.To this contemporary management must also now add the challenge of weaving a governance program into delivery and execution.对于这些人,管理还必须增加将治理计划加入交付和执行的挑战27.The song has another version featuring pop star Justin Timberlake, who gives the song a more contemporary touch.


a.1. 当代的His lecture is on contemporary American novelists.他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。2. 同时代的;同年龄的[(+with)]Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare?琼森是否与莎士比亚同辈?n.1. 同时代的人;同年龄的人He was looked down upon by his contemporaries.他被他的同时代的人瞧不起。2. 同时期的东西3. 当代人,现代人

attempt to 和try to的区别



seek偏向于追寻什么,寻求什么.作为“尝试找到”较为合适,常用于表示有大致目的,但还没找到确切的目标.attempt则是有明确的标的企图的.以下为例子: 1. Every one is seeking happiness. 2. Every one is attemting to win her love.

try to do和attempt doing的区别是什么啊?

attempt to do 和attempt doing 汉语意思相近,但是用法不一样; 1、attempt to do表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为; 2、attempt doing指比较一贯性的,长期以来的.try to do:尽力,企图做某事。 try doing: 试验,试着做某事。 eg.You must try to be more careful. 要多加小心。 I tried gardening but didn"t succeed. 我试着种果木花卉,但没成功。这样的还很多,总之,记住:to do 是将要去做的事,表示还未做;而 doing 是已完成的事,表示已经做过了。

attempt固定搭配 是to do sth.还是doing sth. 用法是什么

to do sth和at doing sth.用法相同

attempt experiment try 三者都有尝试有何区分?

Experiment.实验的意思 ATTEMPT , 企图(时常和 TO 一起用)如题,我只是做了个尝试,用哪个呢用TRY ...



attempt和try区别 都有试图的意思! manage和他们有没有区别?

attempt与try两者均可表示“设法”“尝试”,有时可互换,只是 attempt 比 try 更正式.如:The prisoners tried [attempted] to escape but failed.犯人企图逃跑,但未能得逞.注意两者在用法上区别较大:1.attempt 在现...



有be attempted to的用法吗?

楼主,您好没有(attempted是attempt的过去式,在这里行不通)attempt to do 和attempt doing 汉语意思相近,但是用法不一,1、attempt to do是表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为;2、attempt doing是指比较一贯性的,长期以来的。谢谢采纳!


attempt与try两者均可表示“设法”“尝试”,有时可互换,只是 attempt 比 try 更正式。如:The prisoners tried [attempted] to escape but failed. 犯人企图逃跑,但未能得逞。注意两者在用法上区别较大:1. attempt 在现代英语中只用用及物动词,而 try 则可用作及物或不及物动词。如:我恐怕做不了,但我要试试。误:I"m afraid I can"t do it, but I"ll attempt.正:I"m afraid I can"t do it. but I"ll try.2. attempt 后接不定式或动名词均可(以不定式为常见),且含义无多大差别;try 后接不定式或动名词差别较大 (即后接不定式时,表示试图做某事;后接动名词时,表示做某事试试看有何效果)。如:He attempted to climb [climbing] the moutain. 他们试图要攀登这座山。He tried to persuade her to stay. 他试图要说服她留下。Try phoning his home number. 给他家里打个电话试试。

attempt to do和attempt doing的区别是什么?

attempt to do 和attempt doing 汉语意思相近,但是用法不一样; 1、attempt to do表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为; 2、attempt doing指比较一贯性的,长期以来的.try to do:尽力,企图做某事。 try doing: 试验,试着做某事。 eg.You must try to be more careful. 要多加小心。 I tried gardening but didn"t succeed. 我试着种果木花卉,但没成功。这样的还很多,总之,记住:to do 是将要去做的事,表示还未做;而 doing 是已完成的事,表示已经做过了。


有。(attempted 是attempt的过去式)be attempted 被动式。attempt to do 和attempt doing 汉语意思相近,但是用法不一,1、attempt to do是表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为;2、attempt doing是指比较一贯性的,长期以来的。






1、I was forced toattempt a gallop.(我被迫尝试一次骑马疾驰。)2、I willattempt to answer all your questions.(我将努力回答你的全部问题。)3、She made a patheticattempt to smile.(她勉强地微微一笑。)4、Anattempt was made to furl the headsail.(有人试着收起前桅帆。)5、She made noattempt to disguise her surprise.(她毫不掩饰自己的惊奇。)6、That wasn"t bad for a firstattempt.(第一次尝试,还算不错。)7、I failed in myattempt to persuade her.(我未能说服她。)8、More than once, depression drove him toattempt suicide.(不止一次,抑郁驱使他试图自杀。)


是加ed,可以表示形容词,表示“有企图的” 动词过去式:attempted 过去分词:attempted 现在分词:attempting 第三人称单数:attempts


attemp基本翻译n. 尝试;试图v. 尝试;试图;企图网络释义HP ATTEMP BLOCK VLV::高旁减温水闭锁阀HP BYPASS & HP ATTEMP VLVS::高压旁路及减温水阀attempt [05"tempt]基本翻译v.&n. 企图,试图vt. 尝试,试图网络释义attempt:尝试|企图|试图Attempt to:试图做某事|尝试,企图|试图,企图attempt frequency:尝试频率


attempt的用法小结 1. 用作动词,是及物动词,其后常接: (1) 名词: I didn"t attempt the last question in the exam. 我没有试图去做试卷中最后一题。 He has attempted a difficulttask. 他开始了一项艰难的工作。 (2) 不定式: He attempted to lie. 他企图说谎。 He attemptedto leave but was stopped. 他试图要走,但被拦住了。 I"d rathernot attempt to guess what the result will be. 我不愿去猜测会有什么结果。 (3) 动名词 (不如用不定式常见): He attempted swimming across the river. 他试图要游过河去。 有时以上用法有时可互相转换,且含义上没有多少变化: 不要企图一个人去做这件事。 正:Don"t attempt to do it by yourself. 正:Don"t attempt doing it by yourself. 犯人企图逃走,但失败了。 正:The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. 正:The prisoner attempted to escape but failed. 2. 用作名词,是可数名词,其后常接: (1) 不定式: He made no attempt to carry it out. 他没有设法把它付诸实施。 I failed in my attempt to finish it in time. 我未能及时把它完成。 (2) 介词 at: My first attempt at English composition was poor. 我第一次试写的英语作文很差。 He made an attempt atwinning the first prize. 他试图要获头奖。 有时接介词 on [upon]: He made an attempt on the life ofthe President. 他企图刺杀总统。 以上用法有时可互相转换,且含义上没有多少变化: 他未曾企图逃走。 正:He made no attempt to escape. 正:He made no attempt at escaping.


  attempt有企图;尝试等意思,那么你知道attempt的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来attempt的同义词和例句,希望的大家有所帮助。   attempt同义词:   attempt, try, endeavour, strive   attempt同义词辨析:   这些动词均含有"试图,努力,力图"之意。   attempt 较正式用词,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果。   try 普通用词,可与attempt换用,但强调努力或尝试,后跟不定式表示努力或争取;后跟动名词表示尝试。   endeavour 正式用词,指尽最大努力、认真地克服困难去做某事。   strive endeavour一样,表示付出巨大努力,但strive侧重劳累与紧张,而不强调努力的结果。   attempt的例句:   1. An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.   反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。   2. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.   军官们昨天夺权未遂。   3. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.   这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。   4. The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.   这一试图推翻人民党政府的行动似乎缺乏策略。   5. The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century.   英国最早尝试在爱尔兰开拓殖民地是在12世纪。   6. The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.   这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。   7. Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.   警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入贝尔法斯特机场的阴谋。   8. Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils.   学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。   9. Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.   家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。   10. They were sentenced to death for their part in April"s coup attempt.   他们因参与了4月份的政变而被判处死刑。   11. His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.   他的对手会试图揪住他过去政策陈述的漏洞不放。   12. Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.   到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。   13. Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.   在把各部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。   14. More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.   抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。   15. An attempt was then made to dive the sump.   之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。




  attempt表示试图; 尝试的意思,那么你知道attempt的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了attempt的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!    attempt的短语 :    attempt at   在u2026方面的试图 an effort made to do sth at sth   He made an attempt at escaping from jail.他试图越狱逃跑。    attempt on   试图做 an effort made to do sth on sth   They made an attempt on a fortress.他们试图夺取这一要塞。    attempt on one"s life   试图谋杀某人 the attempt to kill sb   They made an attempt on his life.他们要谋害他的性命。    同义词辨析:   attempt, try, endeavour, strive   这些动词均含有"试图,努力,力图"之意。   attempt :较正式用词,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果。   try :普通用词,可与attempt换用,但强调努力或尝试,后跟不定式表示努力或争取;后跟动名词表示尝试。   endeavour :正式用词,指尽最大努力、认真地克服困难去做某事。   strive和endeavour一样,表示付出巨大努力,但strive侧重劳累与紧张,而不强调努力的结果。    attempt短语的例句:   1. An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.   反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。   2. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.   军官们昨天夺权未遂。   3. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.   这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。   4. The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.   这一试图推翻人民党政府的行动似乎缺乏策略。   5. The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century.   英国最早尝试在爱尔兰开拓殖民地是在12世纪。   6. The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.   这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。   7. Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.   警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入贝尔法斯特机场的阴谋。   8. Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils.   学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。   9. Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.   家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。   10. They were sentenced to death for their part in April"s coup attempt.   他们因参与了4月份的政变而被判处死刑。   11. His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.   他的对手会试图揪住他过去政策陈述的漏洞不放。   12. Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.   到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。   13. Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.   在把各部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。   14. More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.   抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。   15. An attempt was then made to dive the sump.   之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。


attempt / u0259u02c8tempt; u0259ˋtu025bmpt/ v [Tn, Tt] make an effort to accomplish (sth); try (to do sth) 尝试; 努力; 试图: The prisoners attempted an escape/to escape, but failed. 囚犯企图逃跑, 但是失败了. * Don"t attempt the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事. * He was charged with attempted robbery. 他被控以意图抢劫罪. * All candidates must attempt Questions 1-5. 所有考生均须回答第15题. * They are attempting (to climb) the steepest part of the mountain. 他们努力攀登这座山的最陡的部分. * She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录.> attempt n ~ (to do sth/at doing sth) act of attempting sth 试图; 企图; 尝试: They made no attempt to escape/at escaping. 他们并未图谋逃跑. * My early attempts at learning to drive were unsuccessful. 我曾经几次打算学开车, 却都没有学成. * They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain. 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了. ~ (at sth) thing produced by sb trying to do or make sth 试图做某事物而得到的产物: My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible. 我首次试做的巧克力蛋糕难吃极了. ~ (on sth) effort to improve on or end sth; attack 对改进或结束某事物所做的努力; 攻击; 袭击: the latest attempt on the world land speed record 为创造世界陆上速度纪录所做的最新尝试 * An attempt was made on the Pope"s life. 有人策划杀害教皇.

attempt to do 和attempt doing 的区别

attempt to do 和attempt doing 汉语意思相近,但是用法不一,1、attempt to do是表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为;2、attempt doing是指比较一贯性的,长期以来的.动名词和不定式的区别就在于此,一贯性与一次性!切记.具体的可以参考类似的:如be afraid /to do sth.of doing sth.


attempt前面用an。词汇搭配:attempt a stroke试图击球attempt to do尝试去做;试图;企图去做Call attempt试呼;呼叫尝试;冲击呼叫示例:The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.我们惟一一次试图做那样的事是在费城。词语用法:attempt的基本意思是“尝试”,指某人需要很大的勇气第一次做一次具体的努力或尝试做事的艰难过程,它只强调动作实际开始,其结果可能成功,也可能失败,往往带有“妄图”的意味。attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。attempt比较正式,多用于书面语。attempt的过去分词attempted在句中可用作定语。

attemptation attempt区别

attemptation 、attempt的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、词性不同。一、指代不同1、attemptation:企图。2、attempt:试图。二、语法不同1、attemptation:基本意思是“尝试”,引申可表示“企图”,是可数名词。在句中可用作主语或宾语,其后也可接动词不定式作定语。2、attempt:attempt的基本意思是“尝试”,指某人需要很大的勇气第一次做一次具体的努力或尝试做事的艰难过程,它只强调动作实际开始,其结果可能成功,也可能失败,往往带有“妄图”的意味。三、词性不同1、attemptation:是名词词性。2、attempt:是动词词性。




及物动词 vt. 1.试图;企图;试图做[+to-v][+v-ing] They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务. 2.试图攻占 They attempted the life of the dictator. 他们试图杀死这个独裁者. 名词 n.[C] 1.企图,尝试[(+at/on)][+to-v] He made an attempt on the world record. 他试图打破世界纪录. Her attempt at poetry was a failure. 她尝试写诗失败了. 2.攻击[(+on)] Several attempts have been made


attempt有两种用法,一是用作名词,表示“企图、试图、尝试”的意思;二是用作动词,表示“努力、尝试、试图”的意思。一、attempt用作名词attempt用作名词时的基本意思是“尝试”,引申可表示“企图”,是可数名词,复数形式是attempts。在用法上,attempt在句中可用作主语或宾语,其后也可接动词不定式作定语。The enemy failed in their attempt to land on the island.敌人在岛上登陆的企图失败了。He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam.他努力学习试图通过考试。二、attempt用作动词attempt用作动词时的基本意思是“尝试”,指某人需要很大的勇气第一次做一次具体的努力或尝试做事的艰难过程。attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。We"ll attempt solving the problem.我们将努力解决这个问题。The enemy vainly attempted destroying the bridge.敌人妄图破坏这座桥梁。




attempt的用法:attempt有两种用法,一是用作名词,表示“企图;试图;尝试”的意思,二是用作动词,表示“努力;尝试;试图”的意思。常见的固定搭配有attempt at“在…上尝试”,attempt to do sth(试图做某事),attempt doing sth(试图要做某事)。下面就attempt的用法以及固定搭配进行一个详细的讲解。一,attempt用作名词attempt用作名词时的基本意思是“尝试”,引申可表示“企图”,是可数名词,复数形式是attempts。在用法上,attempt在句中可用作主语或宾语,其后也可接动词不定式作定语。常见句型:The enemy failed in their attempt to land on the island.敌人在岛上登陆的企图失败了。He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam.他努力学习试图通过考试。二,attempt用作动词attempt用作动词时的基本意思是“尝试”,指某人需要很大的勇气第一次做一次具体的努力或尝试做事的艰难过程。attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。常见句型:We"ll attempt solving the problem.我们将努力解决这个问题。The enemy vainly attempted destroying the bridge.敌人妄图破坏这座桥梁。三,attempt to do sthattempt to do sth的基本意思是“试图去做某事”,当你想要用英文来表示“试图去做某事”时,就可以用这个短语。常见句型:The prisoner attempted to escape.囚犯企图逃跑。ne"s attempt to do sth is in vain.某人尝试做某事是徒劳的。四,attempt at doing sthattempt后可加不定式,如attempt to do,也可加介词和动名词勾结,如attempt at doing,不过习惯上,不定式的用法更为普遍。常见句型:The attempt to murder him had failed.谋杀他的企图失败了。He began a new attempt to solve the problem.他开始做解决这一问题的新尝试。




attempt作为动词的意思是努力、尝试、企图,作为名词的意思有努力、尝试、(杀人)企图,它的复数形式为attempts,第三人称单数为attempts,过去式为attempted,过去分词为attempted,现在分词为attempting。attempt可以用作动词attempt的基本意思是“尝试”,指某人需要很大的勇气第一次做一次具体的努力或尝试做事的艰难过程,它只强调动作实际开始,其结果可能成功,也可能失败,往往带有“妄图”的意味。attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。attempt比较正式,多用于书面语。attempt用作动词的用法例句He attempted to smother up the scandal about his family.他企图掩饰有关他家庭的丑闻。I would be the last to attempt to answer the question.我是最不可能去尝试回答这个问题。The enemy failed in their attempt to land on the island.敌人在岛上登陆的企图失败了。attempt可以用作名词attempt的基本意思是“尝试”,引申可表示“企图”,是可数名词。attempt在句中可用作主语或宾语,其后也可接动词不定式作定语。attempt后面也可以接介词at引起的短语,表示“在…方面的试图”,偶尔也可接介词on或upon,表示“试图做…”。attempt用作名词的用法例句The enemy failed in their attempt to land on the island.敌人在岛上登陆的企图失败了。He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam.他努力学习试图通过考试。


attemptedv.试图( attempt的过去式和过去分词); 尝试; 试图夺取或攻克(堡垒、要塞等); 试图征服(高山); adj.未遂的,企图的; [英][u0259u02c8temptu026ad]The attempted assassination of ronald reagan was 30 years ago. 试图暗杀里根的行动则是三十年以前的事了。

有be attempted to的用法吗?





attampt to

attempt 可不可数





attempt 贬义effort 褒义


"try" 和 "attempt" 这两个动词都有尝试、企图的意思,但是它们的用法和意义略有不同。"try" 意为 "尝试,试着做某事",通常用于表示正在进行某种尝试或探索,并且可能会失败。例如:- I"m trying to learn English this semester. (我正在这个学期尝试学习英语。)- He always tries to do better in school. (他总是试图在学校里做得更好。)"attempt" 意为 "企图,试图做某事",通常用于表示已经尽力去做某事,但是结果并不如预期。例如:- I tried to make a cake, but it didn"t taste right. (我试着做了一道蛋糕,但是它味道不好。)- He attempted to commit fraud, but was caught. (他试图欺诈,但是被抓住了。)另外,"attempt" 还可以表示一种意图或企图,例如:- He is planning to attempt to run for President in the next election. (他计划参加下一次总统选举,试图成为总统。)- She made an attempt to save her life, but it was too late. (她尽力去拯救自己的生命,但是已经太晚了。)




attempt与try两者均可表示“设法”“尝试”,有时可互换,只是 attempt 比 try 更正式。如:The prisoners tried [attempted] to escape but failed. 犯人企图逃跑,但未能得逞。注意两者在用法上区别较大:1. attempt 在现代英语中只用用及物动词,而 try 则可用作及物或不及物动词。如:我恐怕做不了,但我要试试。误:I"m afraid I can"t do it, but I"ll attempt.正:I"m afraid I can"t do it. but I"ll try.2. attempt 后接不定式或动名词均可(以不定式为常见),且含义无多大差别;try 后接不定式或动名词差别较大 (即后接不定式时,表示试图做某事;后接动名词时,表示做某事试试看有何效果)。如:He attempted to climb [climbing] the moutain. 他们试图要攀登这座山。He tried to persuade her to stay. 他试图要说服她留下。Try phoning his home number. 给他家里打个电话试试。


attempt的名词表示“企图;试图;尝试”的意思。拓展资料:英语单词(English words)的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。单词的记忆算法设计的宗旨是以最大限度的计算机资源耗费取代学习者的精力耗费。单词的记忆算法基于两个比较成熟的记忆理论或算法,一个是艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,另一个是Super Memo记忆算法。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线[1]理论在1885年提出,通过大量数据,证实了人的记忆存在着一个相似的遗忘规律。而Super Memo算法作者则从1985年开始研究,在长时间和海量的数据基础上,总结出了Super Memo算法。该算法至今还在研究,在差不多20年的时间里已发展成为世界上最科学最有效的记忆算法之一。比较有效的英语单词记忆方法并不是将其与中文一一对应,死记硬背;而是将其与图像和英语语境联系起来,积少成多地完成背诵。


attempt to do sth 在这里attempt动词但是他确实有名次的形式。

attempt 的用法



attempt与tryx0dx0ax0dx0a两者均可表示“设法”“尝试”,有时可互换,只是 attempt 比 try 更正式。如:x0dx0ax0dx0aThe prisoners tried [attempted] to escape but failed. 犯人企图逃跑,但未能得逞。x0dx0ax0dx0a注意两者在用法上区别较大:x0dx0ax0dx0a1. attempt 在现代英语中只用用及物动词,而 try 则可用作及物或不及物动词。如:x0dx0ax0dx0a我恐怕做不了,但我要试试。x0dx0ax0dx0a误:I"m afraid I can"t do it, but I"ll attempt.x0dx0ax0dx0a正:I"m afraid I can"t do it. but I"ll try.x0dx0ax0dx0a2. attempt 后接不定式或动名词均可(以不定式为常见),且含义无多大差别;try 后接不定式或动名词差别较大 (即后接不定式时,表示试图做某事;后接动名词时,表示做某事试试看有何效果)。如:x0dx0ax0dx0aHe attempted to climb [climbing] the moutain. 他们试图要攀登这座山。x0dx0ax0dx0aHe tried to persuade her to stay. 他试图要说服她留下。x0dx0ax0dx0aTry phoning his home number. 给他家里打个电话试试。

attempt 既然是及物动词为什么能attempt to do

attempt to do是固定搭配,attempt在里面也不是不及物动词,因为后面跟的是不定式to do,而不是介词


根据百度经验资料显示,attempt和try区别:一、意思不完全相同:attempt的意思是:企图;尝试;try的意思是:试图; 想要; 设法; 努力; 试做;试验; 审理;持球触地得分。二、用法不同:attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。多用于书面语。try既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、wh-从句作宾语。try用作名词时意为“尝试”,是可数名词,后可接由at或for引起的介词短语。三、侧重点不同:attempt :较正式用词,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果。try :普通用词,强调努力或尝试,后跟不定式表示努力或争取;后跟动名词表示尝试。


attempt与try两者均可表示“设法”“尝试”,有时可互换,只是 attempt 比 try 更正式。如:The prisoners tried [attempted] to escape but failed. 犯人企图逃跑,但未能得逞。注意两者在用法上区别较大:1. attempt 在现代英语中只用用及物动词,而 try 则可用作及物或不及物动词。如:我恐怕做不了,但我要试试。误:I"m afraid I can"t do it, but I"ll attempt.正:I"m afraid I can"t do it. but I"ll try.2. attempt 后接不定式或动名词均可(以不定式为常见),且含义无多大差别;try 后接不定式或动名词差别较大 (即后接不定式时,表示试图做某事;后接动名词时,表示做某事试试看有何效果)。如:He attempted to climb [climbing] the moutain. 他们试图要攀登这座山。He tried to persuade her to stay. 他试图要说服她留下。Try phoning his home number. 给他家里打个电话试试。




attempt to do sth 企图做某事;尝试做某事

attempt to do 和attempt doing 的区别



attempt 英[əˈtempt] 美[əˈtɛmpt] vt. 尝试; 试图; n. 进攻; 尝试,冲击; 同义词strive make try effort endeavor undertake struggle venture make effort offer反义词abandon quit


attempt英 [u0259"tem(p)t]美 [u0259"tu025bmpt]n. 企图,试图;攻击vt. 企图,试图;尝试


attempt的读音:英[tempt],美[tempt]。意思为企图;试图;尝试;努力。短语搭配:Attempt to试图做某事;suicide attempt自杀意图;Access Attempt接入尝试。双语例句:1、That wasn"t bad for a first attempt.第一次尝试,还算不错。2、The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.扩展业务的尝试使这家公司陷入困境。3、Someone has made an attempt on the President"s life.有人企图刺杀总统。4、Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.我们的研究试图对不同药物的疗效进行评估。5、I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我考汽车驾驶执照一次就通过了。

handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, 1500) 里面的第一个参数 (int what) 的作用是什么呀 ,有点看不懂


experience on,embark on, employ in 的区别

experience on sth:关于某方面的经验经历,强调个人经历经验 Experience On Campus Recruitment熟悉校园招聘 Exchange experience on learning English英语学习经验交流 Experience on lean manufacturing.具备精益生产经验 embark on sth:上(船、飞机等)着手开始做,通常是重要的或者是艰难的事情 China embark on a massive programme of reform. 中国着手进行大规模的改革。 He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。 employ in doing:从事某事,做某事,之后加动名词 be employed in doing sth 是忙于干某事或者是从事于,事情没有embark on重要艰难 He is employed in doing his homework. 通过例句同学再细细琢磨三个词组的区别

experience on,embark on, employ in 的区别



他们的区别如下:embark 英[ɪmˈbɑ:k] 美[ɪmˈbɑ:rk] vi. 上飞机,上船; 着手,从事; vt. 使…上船或飞机; 使从事,使着手; 投资于; [例句]He"s embarking on a new career as a writer.他即将开始新的职业生涯——当一名作家。employ 英[ɪmˈplɔɪ] 美[ɛmˈplɔɪ] vt. 雇用; 使用,利用; n. 受雇; 服务; 工作; [例句]The company employs 18 staff.公司雇用了18名员工。insist 英[ɪnˈsɪst] 美[ɪnˈsɪst] vt. 坚持; 强调; 坚决要求; 坚决认为; [例句]My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight.家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争。persist 英[pəˈsɪst] 美[pərˈsɪst] v. 坚持; 存留; 固执; 继续存在; [例句]Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量?

什么是EBRT(empty bed residence time)?????

1、EBRT是一个B2B的电子商务平台, 它隶属于深圳亚晔实业有限公司。它是电子元器件分销商,授权经销3500余家半导体、连接器、光电和显示产品、无源、电源和机电产品、软件等产品 。 2、EBRT是集产品、软件、互动社区、研究门户和电子商务网站于一体的电子元器件分销商。中国的电子设计工程师可以在无最小采购数量和无最小选购金额限制下,通过EBRT的中文产品目录、网站、客服中心和销售团队查询和选购产品。

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速卖通Your account is temporarily unavailable.怎么处理


Service Temporarily Unavailable的503错误是怎么回事

先简单说一下 很多时候是由于网站空间服务器的配置或者资源限制导致的不足以承受运行的情况有些是买的时候 不知道有所限制 而不能满足程序的运营需求最好是联系服务商查阅相关日志 对症下药 如果撑不住最好换机器-----------------------------------------出现这种情况是由于您的网站超过了系统资源限制(CPU或者IIS)造成的,这个现象在WINDOWS2003+IIS6的环境下都会出现,主要是程序占用资源太多。不同的程序占用的资源都不一样,这个跟程序设计的合理性和优化程度有关;另外,一些死循环程序,或者不优化的程序都会占用太多的系统资源,而系统资源明显是有限的。 如果一个网站的程序占资源太多或者发生太多的错误,系统日志就会提示:“应用程序池 "User_pooll" 被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误, 或者提示:应用程序池 "User_pooll" 超过了其作业限制设置。这时,访问这个网站就会提示:Service Unavailable。一般系统会在30秒左右恢复正常,多刷新几次就能正常访问了。但是这个时间恢复后因为访问量太大在极短的时间网站又不能上了。 另外,如果网站当前访问人数过多,超过了系统的iis连接数(或CPU峰值)限制,也会出现Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主机下出现连接过多就会提示:连接过多,请稍后再试;而win2003的主机刚直接提示:Service Unavailable)如果经常出现类似的错误,请及时优化网站程序,或者升级你的主机至更高的款型,以获得更多的系统资源。 网站超CPU的四种可能原因: 一.网站攻击 二.程序设计不合理,资源占用高,或本身在做占资源的操作,如采集 三.访问量过大四.有搜索蜘蛛收录程序占用资源太多的原因: 有一个或多个ACCESS数据库在多次读写过程中损坏,微软的MDAC系统在写入这个损坏的ACCESS文件时,ASP线程处于BLOCK状态,结果其他线程只能等待,IIS被死锁了,全部的CPU时间都消耗在DLLHOST(ASP进程)中。 参考解决办法: 压缩和修复我的数据库 下载数据库文件--[如果是.asp的扩展名,请改为.mdb的扩展名]--用ACCESS打开--选择工具--数据库实用工具--压缩和修复数据库--[改回.asp的扩展名]--上传覆盖原来数据库文件注册了不良的Com组件,特别是用VB开发的ACTIVE X控件,可能导致占用内存使用量不断增长 参考解决办法:尽量减少或避免非官方或是客户要求的不必要的组件多媒体等文件下载占用服务器带宽 参考解决办法:停止下载程序问题 需要及时的关闭不再使用的数据库,以避免一直占用服务器资源 在conn.asp 连接数据库字符串语句中加入如下 sub endConnection() conn.close set conn=nothing end sub 其它程序问题:把IE选项里 显示友好HTTP错误信息 的勾取消掉,再访问网站看出现什么错误信息,然后再调试上传重要的数据库等文件更新,由于正处于受访问状态,可能导致瞬间占用率上升 一般此情况较少,若有出现此情况时,可能有必要先暂停站点,再作更新ACCESS论坛(如动W)大了以后就很容易出现数据库方面的问题,当你的论坛数据库在30M以上,帖子5万左右,可能就会出现数据库吃不消的情况建议取消程序中使用的on error resume next这个容错语句,对错误进行调试。 临时解决办法:定期删除多余的数据、压缩数据库,限制论坛灌水,甚至限制论坛注册。如果是ASP论坛,可以使用分表储存功能,会有较好的效果 比较长远办法:更换论坛和数据库,一般都采用商业版本+MSSQL 的方案来解决

Resource temporarily unavailable,该怎么处理

经过深入查询,排除了内存,句柄数等问题. 并且切换至root用户打开大量线程时没有问题。试着调整ulimit各项参数,最后发现是"max user processes "参数有问题,通过root用户调整大小至 12000,线程数也随着增大.Java代码 root@blog:/home/badqiu# ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 143360 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 2048 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 2046 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited 在linux系统内生效。vi /etc/security/limits.confJava/">Java代码 * soft nproc 12000 * hard nproc 12000 nproc就是"max user processes",完整描述是: nproc - max number of processes参数含义:单个用户可以启动的线程数,因为进程也会启动一个线程,所以也间接对进程数有限制。注意:该参数只对普通用户有用,root用户不在此限制。 所以用root用户可以启动几万个线程,无法重现这个问题.

Resource temporarily unavailable,该怎么处理

经过深入查询,排除了内存,句柄数等问题. 并且切换至root用户打开大量线程时没有问题。试着调整ulimit各项参数,最后发现是"max user processes "参数有问题,通过root用户调整大小至 12000,线程数也随着增大.Java代码 root@blog:/home/badqiu# ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 143360 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 2048 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 2046 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited在linux系统内生效。vi /etc/security/limits.confJava/">Java代码 * soft nproc 12000 * hard nproc 12000nproc就是"max user processes",完整描述是: nproc - max number of processes参数含义:单个用户可以启动的线程数,因为进程也会启动一个线程,所以也间接对进程数有限制。注意:该参数只对普通用户有用,root用户不在此限制。 所以用root用户可以启动几万个线程,无法重现这个问题.

网站打不开出现这个:The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.什么原因?



employ,hire,rent employ 多指商店或公司长期雇员的雇用. hire 日常用语ue004指以工作量计酬雇用人员的雇用. rent 一般指房屋、地产等的租借.

hire与employ的区别 hire,employ都有雇佣~聘用的意思,它们区别在哪?

hire是短期雇佣 employ是长期,正式雇佣


投影仪怎么调整上下角度有下面三种方法:1、投影机是有上下调节支脚。2、投影机支架上可以通过调节支脚来调节上下角度。3、从菜单中找到一个上下方向的箭头图标确认后,按遥控器上的上下箭头即可。 中文名爱普生EMP-81产品类型投影仪品 牌爱普生标准分辨率1024*768投影技术TCD亮 度2000流明对比度:400:1,灯泡寿命:2000小时(标准模式) / 3000小...整机功率:280W,产品重量:4kg,投影距离:30-300英寸(0.9 - 11米)

Redemption-IRON MAN 3主题曲的中文翻译


New Empire Across the ocean歌词

Across the Oceans--New Empire歌词We could sail across the seven seas我们可以越航七大洋Take you far away from the mysteries带你远离that reminds you of the loneliness in your heart你内心的寂寥We could search for islands far and near我们可以四处寻觅岛屿Join in creation look to hear且观且听加入创造All the songs they"ve been singing all these years所有这些年传唱不息的歌Search across the oceans越洋而觅For who you are been lost for too long你遗失已久的故人Searching for a secret探寻秘密In coming home we find we have what we need将要归去之时领悟我们早已拥有所求If my boat were ever to drift ashore若我的小船曾经漂流至岸would you come find me你会来找我Your ropes and oars are a beacon你的缆和桨就是灯塔that"s hidden deep within my soul深藏在我的灵魂深处So I"ll bury my treasure and bury it deep而我将深深埋下我的宝藏With all of my footprinrs I"ve hidden the keys亦将抹去暗藏线索的足迹You can find them at the bottom of this sea你将会在大海深处找到他们Search across the oceans越洋而觅For who you are been lost for too long你遗失已久的故人Searching for a secret探寻秘密In coming home we find we have将要归去之时领悟Search across the oceans越洋而觅For who you are been lost for too long你遗失已久的故人Searching for a secret探寻秘密In coming home we find将要归去之时领悟So why are we always going to waste何故时常浪费Pull me together and put me in place将我拯救出来然后挫去我的傲气吧So why are we always going to waste何故时常浪费Pull me together and put me in place将我拯救出来然后挫去我的傲气吧Search across the oceans越洋而觅For who you are been lost for too long你遗失已久的故人In coming home we find将要归去之时领悟Search across the oceans越洋而觅For who you are been lost for too long你遗失已久的故人Searching for a secret探寻秘密In coming home we find we have all we need将要归去之时领悟我们早已拥有所求In coming home we find we have all we need将要归去之时领悟我们早已拥有所求In coming home you"ll find you have all you need将要归去之时领悟我们早已拥有所求

sql server 2000查询哪些employee没有dependent。并查询哪些employee的dependent多于2个人

1.select * from employee where dependent_id is null;2.不明白你是什么意思,是查询那些dep的emp多于2人吧..... 如果是select dependent_id,count(dependent_id) from employee group by dependent_id having count(dependent_id)>2;

resttemplate 504 gateway time-out怎么解决

情况一:由于nginx默认的fastcgi进程响应缓冲区太小造成这种情况下导致fastcgi进程被挂起,如果fastcgi服务队这个挂起处理不是很好的话,就可能提示“504 Gateway Time-out”错误。解决办法:默认的fastcgi进程响应的缓冲区是8K,我们可以设置大一点,在nginx.conf里,加入:fastcgi_buffers 8 128k这表示设置fastcgi缓冲区为8块128k大小的空间。解决办法(改进):在上述方法修改后,如果还是出现问题,我们可以继续修改nginx的超时参数,将参数调大一点,如设置为60秒:send_timeout 60;经过这两个参数的调整,结果没有再提示“504 Gateway Time-out”错误,说明效果还是挺不错的,问题基本解决。情况二:PHP环境的配置问题这里我们需要对php-fpm和nginx进行配置修改。因为这种情况下,也会出现“504 Gateway Time-out”错误提示。解决办法( php-fpm配置修改):将max_children由之前的10改为30,这样操作是为了保证有充足的php-cgi进程可以被使用。将request_terminate_timeout由之前的0秒改成60秒,这样使php-cgi进程处理脚本的超时时间提高到60秒,可以防止进程被挂起以提高利用效率。解决办法(nginx配置修改):为了减少fastcgi的请求次数,尽量维持buffers不变,我们要更改nginx的几个配置项,如下:将fastcgi_buffers由4 64k改为2 256k;将fastcgi_buffer_size 由64k改为128k;将fastcgi_busy_buffers_size由128k改为256k;将fastcgi_temp_file_write_size由128k改成256k。解决办法修改完,我们需要重新加载php-fpm和nginx的配置,然后再进行测试。

求Gamma Ray 的 empress 这首歌的歌词!

Gamma Ray - EmpressThe sun is going down, the curtain"s falling The heat is rising now, the master"s calling Into the night I thunder, into the dead of night and I will head the calling and leave it all behind The holy man has lost the grail, signs of love from yesterday the eyes of god of have turned away, the dream became alive all my life I"ve waited for the yearning in my heart right out there I see a star, the sun is going down Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark drink the poison , listen to your heart Feed the Princess, Empress of the dark All shall feel the fire My heart is crying out, the fever rising no one can stop me now, it"s meserizing I break the chains that bind me, the chaos in my life I leave the world behind me and live in my own mind A holy land, another shore, no more pain and no more war she"s calling me from far away, makes me feel alive here I stand in front of her, losing my disguise no regrets, I"m standing there, waiting for the bite Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark drink the poison , listen to your heart Feed the Princess, Empress of the dark All shall feel the fire Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark feel the poison , flowing through your heart Kiss the Princess, Empress of the dark All shall feel her fiery Love Another life,a different way, signs of life from yesterday the memory will fade away, the dream became alive here I stand in front of you, tearing off the lies no regrets, I"m standing tall, I now am free to bite Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark drink the poison , listen to your heart Feed the Princess, Empress of the dark All shall feel the fire Kiss the princess, Empress of the dark drink the poison ,listen to your heart Kiss the Princess, Empress of the dark All shall feel the fiery Love

EMPER PERFUMES是什么香水品牌,在法国买的,正面盒子写着CHIFON

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