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Empire Dogs的《Everywhere》 歌词

Everywhere演唱:Cara Dillon歌词搜索:jian3002Everywhere you goEverywhere you seeThere"s nothing much to say nowAnd days go by betweenAnd if I had a signI wouldn"t feel the needCause if I held you nowI might as well hold a dreamEverywhere you goEverywhere you seeThere"s nothing much to say nowAnd days go by betweenIf I had a signI wouldn"t feel the needIf I held you nowI might as well be holding a dreamEverywhere you goEverywhere I"ll beThere mightn"t be much left to sayBut says go by, and I"ll not forgetWe"ve got all this timeAnd I"ve got all I needWill you hold me nowCause you"re all that matters to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2689229



为什么英国以前叫British empire,现在成了united kingdom

United Kingdom 是正式国家名称, British empire可以视作对自己国家的自傲的称呼。在未有United Kingdom联合王国之前,不列颠岛上各以英格兰国、苏格兰国、威尔士国自称。British Empire最早出现于16世纪,作者们为英格兰国的建立出书立著的时候。鄙人认为可以把British empire 视为如同我国历朝的自称‘天朝上国"的这一类词语。

EMPEROR的第二张专辑《anthems to the welkin at dusk》

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Within Temptation的哪些歌好听?

1.Destroyed (Japanese AIbum THE SILENT FORCE Bonus Track 2004)2.Blue Eyes (Cd-Single WHAT HAVE YOU DONE - 5 tr.Edition 2007)3.Sounds Of Freedom (Cd-single FROZEN -5tr.Edilion 2007)4.Jane Doe (Japanese Album THE SILENT FORCE Bonus Track 2004)5.Say My Name (cd-single ANGELS 2005)6.Towards The End (cd-single STAND MY GROUND 2004)7.The Last Time-Demo (cd-single ALL I NEED 2007)8.Ice Queen-Acoustic 2002 (cd-single MOTHER EARTH 2003)9.The Cross-Acoustic (cd-single FROZEN-5tr.Edition 2007)10.What Have You Done-Acoustic (cd-single FROZEN-5tr.Edition 2007)11.Stand My Ground-Acoustic (Japanese Album THE HEART OF EVERYTHING-Special Edition Bonus Track 2007)12.Ice Queen-Acoustic (Japanese Album THE HEART OF EVERYTHING-Special Edition Bonus Track 2007)13.Aquarius-Live (cd-single WHAT HAVE YOU DONE - 5 tr.Edition Bonus Track 2007)14.See Who I Am-Live (Japanese Album THE HEART OF EVERYTHING-First Edition Bonus Track 2007)15.Caged-Live (cd-single WHAT HAVE YOU DONE - 5 tr.Edition Bonus Track 2007)16.Deceiver Of Fools-Live (Japanese Album THE HEART OF EVERYTHING -First Edition Bonus Track 2007)Within Temptation成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。 The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到! 1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle[后来更名为Voyage],希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。 不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨。时隔四年 Within Temptation第三张大碟《The Silent Force》仍然依循着华丽的管弦乐合奏、明亮丰富的乐器层迭包裹、唱诗班的合音歌咏为主导

电脑出现Failed to create empty document

我有一次CNC的软件打不开了,出现了这句话,后来发现是文件名太长了,或者是上级文件名太长了, 删掉一些就好了

the truth that you leavemp3什么时候除的

《The truth that you leave》这首曲子发行于2005年9月8日,是 Pianoboy 众多曲目中知名度较高的一首,也是Pianoboy完成的第一部作品和第一次公开发表过的音乐作品。虽然只是在网络上传播,但其知名度也不容小觑,这首曲子现在是暨南大学图书馆的闭馆音乐,也是北京林业大学浴室的闭室音乐,至今仍有无数的人为它填词,但一直都没能有合适的歌词,整曲洋溢着忧伤的气氛。Pianoboy 名叫高志豪,是台大的研究生也是很有才华的一个男孩子,他作了不少曲子,但公开的很少,是一位独立的音乐创作人,他的作品极具个人化,都是旋律非常简单的钢琴,没有大师般华丽的技巧,有过一定钢琴基础的人都能够弹奏;然而,简单的旋律能够如此讨人喜欢,亦是一种不简单;他的作品只在网上传播,赢得很多网友的支持,小众范围内很有知名度,他做的不只是音乐,还有自己追求的梦想,他和一些朋友成立了一个免费教学的网站,目的是帮助一些没钱补习的学生提升他们的成绩作者自介:台大FunLearn是一群由台大学生所召集, 发起的教学计划;希望结合对教育有热忱,有想法的同学老师们,针对台湾的国中,高中课程,挑选自己最擅长的教学项目,自行规划拍摄出一两部精采,浅显易懂的基础教学影片,若能集结到有心的教师,每人尽一份心力,我们将能架构出一个相当丰富的中学线上免费影音教学平台,帮助到全台湾所有的国高中生,免费家教网!Pianoboy 在他的博客上有这么句话:我从很久以前,就痛恨自己只是因为怕失败,就不敢去做一件你想做,或你认为该做的事,做一件不一样的事,走在别人没有走的轨道上,就像走在一片原始丛林里,没有人帮你开道,没有人告诉你方向,你必须自己决定,然后承担后果,这确实是一件充满变数的冒险之旅。在这过程中,你可能会跌倒,可能会迷失,可能会失败,更可能会犯错。虽然未来一切充满未知,但一旦你认为是对的事,就应该要继续走下去!——以上内容摘自百度百科词条“The truth that you leave”,希望能够帮到题主你

求《One heart Million Voice》New Empire 的歌词

verse 1:it may be over for nowbut i am sure i"ll see you againone day my friendwhen the lights fade awaythe memory remainstime may take us take us far awaysurely time time can bring us back togetherlike an old school reunionill be standing at the doorand you"ll still look the samechorus:one heart with a million voicesone day it could all be gonehold on to the words they told ushold on to it all my sonoh oh oh oh woah woahoh oh oh woah woahoh oh oh ohhhhhverse 2:it may be over for usbut seasons change oh they change for a reasonwith the autumn leaves that fall downi wrote your name across them allso you know that I"m here with youand the spring is coming soon my friendchorus:one heart with a million voicesone day it could all be gonehold on to the words they told ushold on to it all my sonone heart with a million voicesone chance to remember your namehold to the words they told ushold on to it allbridge:just stay forevercan"t come back to mejust stay forevercan"t come back to mewould you just stay forevercan"t come back chorus:one heart with a million voicesone day it could all be gonehold on to the words they told ushold on to it all my sonone heart with a million voicesone chance to remember your namehold to the words they told ushold on to it alloh oh woah oh woaah (x8)

partially exempt obligation是什么意思 partially exempt obligation的中文翻译及音标

免除部分责任,partially exempt obligation 免除部分责任 ,partially exempt obligations 部分免除责任 ,obligation to n.对...的义务 ,exempt goods 免税货物 ,conditionally exempt 【经】 有条件的免(税) ,exempt corporation 非课税法人 ,exempt employees 免受限制的职工 ,exempt property 免税财产 ,exempt zone 辖免区 ,exempt gift 免税赠与 ,exempt adj.免除(责任、付款等),获豁免v.[T]【正式】免除,豁免,partially ad. 1.部分地2.【古】偏袒地;偏爱地,obligation n.1.[C](法律、道义、承诺等的)义务,职责,责任2.[C,U](被迫或被要求做某事的)责任, 义务,tax exempt a. 免税的,partially self checking 【计】 局部自检验

lafayette empire是什么酒


请问java用spring jdbctemple中的什么方法可以返回List


HP LaserJet 5100打印机显示TRAY 2 EMPTY无法工作

显示TRAY 2 EMPTY是提示你2纸盘没有检测到纸张。2纸盘的纸张检测是靠一个光电传感器来检测。你可以试着取出纸盘,能看到一个黑色可活动的塑料杆。用手把它向上顶起看是否还会提示TRAY 2 EMPTY。如果不提示,说明是纸盘问题;如果故障依旧,建议送修。

empty lower input tray 中文什么意思?放射打片机出问题的英语。看不懂


HP LaserJet 5100打印机显示TRAY 2 EMPTY无法工作


HP LaserJet 5100打印机总是显示TRAY 2 EMPTY,这是怎么回事啊?以前都是用TRAY1打印


Sanell Dempster的《Sucker》 歌词

歌曲名:Sucker歌手:Sanell Dempster专辑:D"Soca Zone: 6Th Wukk UpSuckerYou"re more than tongue tied this timeWell I can feel it in you lipsNobody told me you were a sucker for a kissMusic lowWe"re all aloneBeing wrong never felt so rightTell me about your first kissTell me or have you already forgotten itTell me about your first kissWhat do I have to do to get through all of this?I"m writing it downI bet you thought this song was about youYou"re more than just mad this timeYou"ve got that look in your eyeNobody told me you were a sucker for a kissMusic lowWe"re all aloneBeing wrong never felt so rightTell me about your first kissTell me or have you already forgotten it?Tell me about your first kissWhat do I have to do to get through all of this?I"m writing it downJust leave me here and tell me to my face what you think aboutCan we figure outWhat happened to our happy ending anyway?How you feel aboutLeaving me hereWith a lot more left to sayMusic lowWe"re all aloneBeing wrong never felt so rightTell me about your first kissTell me or have you already forgotten itTell me about your first kissWhat do I have to do to get though all of this?I"m writing it downI bet you thought this song was about youwas about youwas about youwas about youI bet you thought this song was about youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8231313

在英语中rhythm,groove,beat tempo,flow等似乎都有节奏的意思,但是他们的具体区别是什么呢?

Beat n. 节拍 rhythm n. 旋律, 韵律, 节奏 tempo n. 速度, 拍子, 速率 以牛津高阶为准,Groove和flow都没有节奏的意思。韦伯也没有收录。柯林斯仅对groove有节奏的解释,但没有例句,可见非常罕见。因此对这两个词作为节奏讲可以不加考虑。 Beat实际上是节拍的意思,tempo则是节拍的速度。 Tempo is usually measured in beats per minute (BPM). Rhythm具有节拍、旋律的意思。在节奏上,它可以代替beat。但beat只是rhythm的部分意思,rhythm所具有的旋律、韵律等意思是beat不能表示的。


rhythm:节奏,韵律,V;节拍,C. tempo :速度,拍子; Beat实际上是节拍的意思,tempo则是节拍的速度. Tempo is usually measured in beats per minute (BPM). Rhythm具有节拍、旋律的意思.在节奏上,它可以代替beat.但beat只是rhythm的部分意思,rhythm所具有的旋律、韵律等意思是beat不能表示的.

请问 tempo 和 rhythm 区别 谢谢!!!

rhythm跟中文“节奏”的意思是一样的tempo是“每分钟节拍数”,是一个表示乐曲速度的数值,比如tempo = 100表示每分钟100拍 音标:rhythm /"ri@m/ (@表示this里面th那个音标)tempo /"temp3u/ (3表示倒过来的e)

请问 tempo 和 rhythm 区别 谢谢! 音标

rhythm跟中文“节奏”的意思是一样的 tempo是“每分钟节拍数”,是一个表示乐曲速度的数值,比如tempo = 100表示每分钟100拍 音标: rhythm /"ri@m/ (@表示this里面th那个音标) tempo /"temp3u/ (3表示倒过来的e)



Degree的《Empire》 歌词

歌曲名:Empire歌手:Degree专辑:ScoobaySkyscrapers, earthmovers, ground-breakers.Our buildings rival the heavens.Our bridges span the seas.Ingenuity is so cunning.Innovation is not ours.Creativity is a luxury.We build with our hands what we have in our hearts.Fight the avalanche.You"ll be buried every time.We run and run and run.Keep falling behind.Fight the avalanche.You"ll be buried every time.We run and run and run.Always last in line.Before lines were lines,before time was time,the Author wrote a story in he sky, and earth below.Little do we know we have only what we"re given.Light up the sky(light up the sky).We"re going where no man has ever gone.Little do we know we have only what we"re given.Light up the sky. We"re going where no man"s forgotten.All You are is all we want. It burns inside us all.We"re finding heart in giving soul.We"re walking home into thin air singing....We are justice fighters with faces of fire.Many walk away, but we stand firm.We are justice fighters with faces of fireOur decisions affect our descendants.WE ARE JUSTICE FIGHTERSWITH FACES OF FIRE.Skyscrapers, earthmovers, ground-breakers.Our footsteps, bringing purpose, changing history.Skyscrapers, earthmovers, ground-breakers.Our footsteps, bringing purpose, changing historyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7511433

谁知道DeepThroat 3.1 Connection attempt 这个木马程序的功能和机理是什么

远程控制 管理 提供后台上传下载数据,说难听点:资料被窃取,电脑被监控,丢账号,丢密码,系统破坏,开不了机,杀毒软件失效,语音被监控 视屏被监控、

independent contractor和employee区别

People such as lawyers, contractors, subcontractors and auctioneers who follow an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the public, are generally not employees. However, whether such people are employees or independent contractors depends on the facts in each case.通常律师,承包商,分包商,拍卖商等,有自己的独立的业务,或者从事公益事业,不被称为employee(雇员),但也要视具体的情境。The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if you, the person for whom the services are performed, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result.总的原则是,为你服务的这个人,若你对他的权利只局限在控制或指挥事情的结果,而控制不了达到这个结果采取的方式方法,这个人就是independent contractor。


这是怎么审核的啊 不是问题也进来了 无语



实现一个名为Person的类和它的子类Employee, Manager是Employee的子类,设计一个接口Add用于涨工资,普通

package Ex5_1; public class Person { public String name,address,telephone; public Person(String name, String address, String telephone) { this.name = name; this.address = address; this.telephone = telephone; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public String getTelephone() { return telephone; } } package Ex5_1; public class Employee extends Person { private String office; private double wage; public Employee(String name, String address, String telephone,String office,double wage) { super(name, address, telephone); this.office=office; this.wage=wage; } public String getOffice() { return office; } public double getWage() { return wage; } } package Ex5_1; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee a=new Employee("cui","shanghai","1234567","505b",0); System.out.println(a.getName()); System.out.println(a.getAddress()); System.out.println(a.getTelephone()); System.out.println(a.getOffice()); System.out.println(a.getWage()); } }

employee advances是什么意思

employee advances的中文翻译employee advances 员工的进步




// 调试过了.强烈要求加分哈class Employee{ private int id; private String sex; private String name; private String duty; private float salary; private int holidays; public int money=0; public Employee(int id,String sex,String name,String duty, float salary,int holidays) { this.setId(id); this.setSex(sex); this.setName(name); this.setDuty(duty); this.setSalary(salary); this.setHolidays(holidays); } public void setId(int id) { this.id=id; } public int getId() { return this.id; } public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex=sex; } public String getSex() { return this.sex; } public void setName(String name) { this.name=name; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setDuty(String duty) { this.duty=duty; } public String getDuty() { return this.duty; } public void setSalary(float salary) { this.salary=salary; } public float getSalary() { return this.salary; } public void setHolidays(int holidays) { this.holidays=holidays; } public int getHolidays() { return this.holidays; } public void display() { System.out.println("姓名: "+this.name+", 性别: "+this.sex+", 职务: "+this.duty); } public int getDecMoney(int day) { if(day<=3) { this.money=day*30; }else { if(day>3) { this.money=day*50; } } return this.money; }}public class Main{ public static void main(String args[]) { Employee p=new Employee(001,"男","张三","经理",3000,7); p.display(); System.out.println("该员工因请假天扣除工资"+p.getDecMoney(7)+"元"); }}






package com.test;public class Employee { private String name; private int id; private String address; private double salary; public Employee(){ //无参构造器 } public Employee(String name,int id,String address,double salary){ //构造器 this.name = name; this.id = id; this.address = address; this.salary = salary; } public double js(){ //计算工资的方法 return 0; } public String print() { //输出员工基本信息 return "姓名:" + name + " 职工号:" + id + " 地址:" + address; } public String getName() { //对一些属性的设置和修改方法 return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(double salary) { this.salary = salary; } public static void main(String[] args) { ZsEmp z = new ZsEmp(); z.setName("正式员工"); z.setId(1001); z.setAddress("China"); LsEmp l = new LsEmp(); l.setName("临时员工"); l.setId(1002); l.setAddress("China"); Employee[] emps = new Employee[2]; emps[0] = z;emps[1] = l; for(Employee e : emps){ System.out.println(e.print()+",他的工资:"+e.js()); } } }class ZsEmp extends Employee{ //正式员工 @Override public double js() { double s = 3000; //不知道具体的计算方法是怎样,这里简单写了 return s; }}class LsEmp extends Employee{ //临时员工 @Override public double js() { double s = 1000; return s; }}




employee读法: 英 [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai;u02ccemplu0254u026au02c8i:]美 [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai;u025bmplu0254u026au02c8i]n. 雇工;雇员造句:(1)雇工A teacher or employee has the right of authorship, but only a slender portion of the profits.署名权虽然给了教职工,但事实上,教职工真正得到的经济利益相当微薄。(2)雇员An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking 律师也可以说是你的雇员。Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.社会工作者说,雇员的平均工作量是每人32个家庭。




employee [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai:] 职员的意思。谐音记忆法 姨母泼了椅子 加上意思的记忆就是姨母泼了职员坐的椅子。(结果椅子是湿了) 解决请采纳,有问题可以继续提问。


employee 英式音标: [emplu0252u026au02c8iu02d0; emu02c8plu0252u026aiu02d0; u026am-] 美式音标: [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai] i就相当于I


/* 用C++实现的代码*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Employee {private: char *name,*address,*city,*postCode;public: Employee(char *_name,char *_address,char *_city,char *_postCode) { name = _name; address = _address; city = _city; postCode = _postCode; } void change_name(char *_name){ name = _name; } void display() { cout << "name : " << name << endl; cout << "address : " << address << endl; cout << "city : " << city << endl; cout << "postcode : " << postCode << endl; }};int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ Employee *e = new Employee("zhangsan","chang d d","beijing","100056"); e->display(); e->change_name("lisi"); e->display(); delete e;}




为什么要去y? 不就像crying,flying...一样吗?还有empty用作动词的情况较少,clear可以作为替代。


比较级是:emptierempty:adj.空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的;空虚的;无意义的;无目的的;没有v.倒空;腾空;掏空;变空;把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处);(把…)撤出,撤离;流入例句:1、The theatre was practically empty.剧院几乎是空的。2、Stores are closing, malls are emptying.商店纷纷关门,购物中心门庭冷落。3、There are a lot of empty properties in the area.这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。4、I returned from work to find the house empty.我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。5、My life seems empty without you.没有你,我的生活似乎就没有了意义。6、She woke from an uneasy sleep to find the house empty.她睡得不安稳,醒来时发现屋子里空无一人。






vacant主要侧重“没被占用的” empty主要侧重“空间不拥挤、有空余的”或者包袋等“没有装东西的”


Empty: Holding or containing nothing. 不含任何东西的 Vacant: Without an incumbent or occupant; unfilled: 空缺的:没有现任者或占有者的;空的: 单词vacant经常出现的场合: A vacant position 空缺的职位 由以上英文释义可看出empty和vacant的区别!2. Vacant的单词记忆。 在之前的文章里,我们就已经谈到极其重要的经典理论之凹凸理论了。 英语词根Vac-就属于凹凸理论中的 “凹,空的”。 Vac(空的)+ant (形容词性后缀)---空的,空缺的 后缀“-ant”我们上课时就已强调过,没必要关注它是什么,毕竟它和单词意思没什么直接联系,在这里只表形容词性后缀。其实,它还可表名词后缀 assistant 助手。。。 由此可看出词缀的不确定性太强,所以,词缀的学习相比词根要灵活些,难以掌握。既然难以掌握,何必去花太多精力去学后缀呢?


emptinessn.空虚, 无知emptyingn.动名词倒空, 空出




walk walked walked ask asked asked boil boiled boiled turn turned turned wash washed washed empty emptied emptied open opened opened paint painted painted type typed typed air aired aired sharpen sharpened sharpened have had had clean cleaned cleaned listen listened listened answer answered answered

empty 这个单词的音节划分

/em p ti


empty的ing形式是emptying. emptying: v.倒空;腾空;掏空;变空;把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处)。 empty的现在分词。 扩展资料   There are a lot of empty properties in the area.   这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。   Three months after his death, she still felt empty.   他死后三个月她仍然感到心里很空虚。   My life has been an empty shell since he died.   他死后,我的生活就成了一个徒有其表的空壳子。   I returned from work to find the house empty.   我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。   They made for an empty table in the far corner.   他们走向远处那个角落的空桌子。   There are still a good few empty seats.   还有好几个空座位。


你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:Please empty the rubbish bin..请把垃圾桶清空。***************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************


歌词:Girl I swear女孩我发誓I"m never going through this again我再也不会参与了I know that you thought you"d win我知道你认为你赢了And before I give you another try I"d die再我给你另外一个机会之前我会死Love won"t make you cry or ask why Oh why爱情不会让你哭或者问为什么OH为什么So I"ll deny my heart cause I won"t live a lie Why try所以我放弃了我的心因为我不想活在谎言里为什么要这样Your heart is empty你的心是空的And you"re so cold你是冷血的You don"t care about you and I你不在乎自己或者我Your heart is empty你的心是空的You won"t let go你不肯放手But I"m walkin out this life但是我要走出这种生活了Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的There you go Tryna tell me how to be a man你现在又教我怎么做一个真正的男人When that"s something you just don"t understand当你不知道发生了什么事It"s time to bring your truth to light No lie是时候把真相说出来了不是谎言Love won"t make you cry or ask why Oh why爱情不会让你哭或者问为什么OH为什么So I"ll deny my heart cause I won"t live a lie Why try所以我放弃了我的心因为我不想活在谎言里为什么要这样Your heart is empty你的心是空的And you"re so cold你是冷血的You don"t care about you and I你不在乎你自己或者我Your heart is empty你的心是空的You won"t let go你不肯放手But I"m walkin out this life但是我要走出这种生活了Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的Your heart is gone你的心消失了My heart is strong我的心是坚强的Leave me alone让我自己呆着Leave me alone让我自己呆着Your heart is gone你的心消失了My heart is strong我的心是坚强的Leave me alone让我自己呆着Leave me alone让我自己呆着Your heart is empty你的心是空的Your heart is empty你的心是空的Your heart is empty你的心是空的Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的Your heart is empty你的心是空的And you"re so cold你是冷血的You don"t care about you and I你不在乎自己或者我Your heart is empty你的心是空的You won"t let go你不肯放手But I"m walkin out this life但是我要走出这种生活了Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的Why can"t you let it go你为什么不肯放手(Let it go let it go let it go)Girl because your heart is empty女孩因为你的心是空的《Empty》是JYJ演唱的一首英文歌曲,收录在专辑《The Beginning》中。填词:Kyoko Hamler,L. Daniels,T. Parker 谱曲:Rodney Jerkins发行时间:2010年10月14日 歌曲时长:03:35




empty的过去式: emptied;过去分词: emptied. empty:adj.空的;空洞的; 扩展资料   I returned from work to find the house empty.   我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。   They made for an empty table in the far corner.   他们走向远处那个角落的空桌子。   There are still a good few empty seats.   还有好几个空座位。


1. 大学英语四级词汇vacant和Empty的用法。提起“空的”英文,大家脑海中立马闪现“empty”.而今天要谈的vacant也有 “空的”含义。两者有何区别呢?vacant为大学英语四级词汇之重点。在中文层面上我们无法区分开他们的区别了,“空的”。那我们来看它们的英文释义。我们去 最好用的在线英语词典 查询 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/empty Empty: Holding or containing nothing. 不含任何东西的Vacant: Without an incumbent or occupant; unfilled: 空缺的:没有现任者或占有者的;空的:单词vacant经常出现的场合: A vacant position 空缺的职位由以上英文释义可看出empty和vacant的区别!我们再来比较下面的场合: a vacant room 空房间 (空缺的,没人使用的)an empty room 空房间(房间里什么都没有)所以,同学们以后去国外想开个房间就不要闹笑话:do you have an empty room?酒店前台估计也能听懂,付之一笑罢了,毕竟也不是第一次听人这样说了。“开房间”地道的表达方式:或do you have any vacancies ?do you have a vacant room,please? Have you any vacant room ?2. Vacant的单词记忆。在之前的文章里,我们就已经谈到极其重要的经典理论之凹凸理论了。英语词根Vac-就属于凹凸理论中的 “凹,空的”。Vac(空的)+ant (形容词性后缀)---空的,空缺的后缀“-ant”我们上课时就已强调过,没必要关注它是什么,毕竟它和单词意思没什么直接联系,在这里只表形容词性后缀。其实,它还可表名词后缀 assistant 助手。。。 由此可看出词缀的不确定性太强,所以,词缀的学习相比词根要灵活些,难以掌握。既然难以掌握,何必去花太多精力去学后缀呢?





winner empty歌词中文

镜子里的我的样子像是空荡荡的空虚。一个人走路也空荡荡的街道很空洞。Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat,Baby don"t worry你从梦中醒来的早晨不现实。早上好,又自觉迎接我叫醒你的不是闹钟铃声该死的床为什么这么宽。旷野的风中的一部。我是空壳的胆小鬼没有你周围人的同情的眼神让我杀了你!what a day一天开始之前无意中看到的镜子里的我是空荡荡的空虚啊(微笑一样没有表情。)一个人走出来的太空荡荡的空洞。(我的心一样安静)Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat Baby don"t worry(Da dat dat dat ra)你从梦中醒来的早晨不现实。(我心里很空虚。)结束了我的你在哪里?现在我们回忆了幸福了。你不要再见面。好的日子难过的日子和艰难的日子和幸福的日子在过去的时间里回忆了过去停留在你和我over回到了现实生活的理由消失头脑复杂早上睁开眼睛,心里空荡荡的空虚感觉像你和我一样镜子里的我是空荡荡的空虚啊(微笑一样没有表情。)一个人走出来的太空荡荡的空洞。(我的心一样安静)Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat Baby don"t worry(Da dat dat dat ra)你从梦中醒来的早晨不现实。(我心里很空虚。)结束了我的你在哪里?现在我们回忆了幸福了。你不要再见面。你还知道了就闭上眼睛渐渐钝吧。后悔。有点遗憾。不想看到你哭了。我觉得我越来越害怕(没有微笑的表情。)虚弱的我怕看到自己(我的心一样安静)没有你在我周围的空气都重(Da ra ra ra dat)你从梦中醒来的早晨现实结束了(结束了)我的你在哪里?(在哪里?)现在我们回忆了幸福(幸福)。不要忘记。(不要忘记。)再见面。用百度翻译的 可能不是很标准






empty英 [u02c8empti] 美 [u02c8u025bmpti]adj.空的,空虚的,空洞的;空闲的,无效的,徒劳的;无聊的,愚蠢的;言语或行动空洞的vt.(使)成为空的, 把…弄空;把…腾出来vi.成为空的;流空n.空车;空的东西


过去式: emptied 过去分词: emptied 比较级: emptier 最高级: emptiest 派生词: emptily adv. 扩展资料   The offices on either side were empty.   两边的`办公室都是空的。   The theatre was practically empty.   剧院几乎是空的。   There are a lot of empty properties in the area.   这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。




empty英 [ˈempti] 美 [ˈɛmpti] adj.空的,空虚的,空洞的; 空闲的,无效的,徒劳的; 无聊的,愚蠢的; 言语或行动空洞的vt.(使)成为空的, 把…弄空; 把…腾出来vi.成为空的; 流空n.空车; 空的东西

empty 翻译成中文

"Empty" 可以翻译成中文为 "空的" 或 "空虚的"。具体的翻译取决于上下文。下面是一些常见的翻译它的例句:The cup is empty.(这个杯子是空的。)2. The room feels empty.(房间感觉空荡荡的。)3. Don"t leave the trash can empty.(不要把垃圾桶留空。)4. She had an empty feeling inside.(她内心感到空虚。)




empty ["empti]n. 空车;空的东西adj. 空的;无意义的;无知的;徒劳的vt. 使失去;使…成为空的vi. 成为空的;流空


empty 英[u02c8empti] 美[u02c8u025bmpti] 过去式:emptied 过去分词:emptied 现在分词:emptying adj. 1.空的 2.空闲的, 空虚的, 寂寥的; 无意义的; 无目的的 3.言语或行动空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的 4.没有;缺乏;无 vt. & vi. 1.(使)成为空的, 把…弄空 vt. 1.把…腾出来, 倒空 2.把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处) 3.(把…)撤出,撤离;撤空 vi. 1.流入;走进 2.变空 形容词 adj.1.空的 The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding-bottle.那个孩子正在吮吸着空奶瓶。2.空闲的, 空虚的, 寂寥的; 无意义的; 无目的的 He didn"t want to live an empty life.他不想过一种空虚的生活。3.言语或行动空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的4.没有;缺乏;无 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)成为空的, 把…弄空 The tank gradually emptied.蓄水池的水渐渐流空了。The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle.婴儿喝干了瓶子里的东西就大哭起来。及物动词 vt.1.把…腾出来, 倒空 He emptied his tool bag.他腾出自己的工具袋。The room was emptied very quickly.房间很快就腾空了。2.把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处)3.(把…)撤出,撤离;撤空不及物动词 vi.1.流入;走进2.变空


【 #英语资源# 导语】empty有空的;空洞的;空虚的等意思,那么你知道empty的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】empty的用法大全   empty的用法1:empty指房间等时意思是“空的”“里面没装东西的”; 指座位时意思是“没有人占据的”; 指人心理时意思是“空虚的”。empty含有否定意义,且一般不与inside连用。   empty的用法2:(be) empty of的意思是“缺少”“没有”。   empty的用法3:empty修饰stomach时,通常只限用在口语里。   empty的用法4:empty在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。   empty的用法5:empty用作形容词的意思是“空的”,用作及物动词时意思是“把…倒空”。用作不及物动词时意思是“变空”“流空”。   empty的用法6:empty用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 【篇二】empty的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   empty into (v.+prep.)   empty onto (v.+prep.)   empty out (v.+adv.) 【篇三】empty的用法例句   1. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.   将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。   2. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   3. She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass.   她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。   4. His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.   他的声音在这空荡荡的房间里听起来异常嘹亮。   5. Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.   她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。   6. He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.   他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。   7. There were two empty beer bottles on the table.   桌子上有两个空啤酒瓶。   8. Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl.   把汤面倒进上菜用的碗中。   9. He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes and his melancholy smile.   他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物。   10. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.   桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。   11. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire.   除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。   12. We were given an office in the empty west wing.   给我们在空置的大楼西翼分了一间办公室。   13. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit".   他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。   14. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty.   张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎很惊讶。   15. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.   在遇到他之前,我的生活非常繁忙却很空虚。

empty 代表什么意思?


empty基本解释:空的,空虚的,空洞的;空闲的,无效的,徒劳的;无聊的,愚蠢的;言语或行动空洞的。empty 用法和例句:1.Life is but an empty dream !人生不过空梦一场!2.Right now these spacious halls are absolutely empty .现在这些宽敞的大厅空荡荡的。3.Inside the empty envelope propped up against a cup .紧靠在杯子旁的那个空空的信封里面。4.But that may be an empty threat .但这可能是个空洞的威胁。5.Logistics managers say they negotiate deeper discounts every week on ships that are leaving half empty .后勤部经理说,他们每个星期协定的船运量严重减少,有一半是空的。


形容词 a. 1.空的;未占用的;无人居住的The streets were almost empty. 街上几乎空无一人。 2.无,没有,缺少[F][(+of)]His words are empty of sincerity. 他的话没有诚意。 3.空洞的,无意义的;徒劳的He didn"t want to retire and lead an empty life. 他不想退休过空虚的生活。 及物动词 vt. 1.使成为空的[(+out)][(+of)]The police made the thief empty out his pocket. 警察让小偷把口袋中的东西全部掏出来。 He emptied out all his pockets onto the table. 他将所有口袋里的东西都拿出来放在桌子上。 2.倒,倒空[O]They emptied the bottle of XO. 他们把那瓶XO喝完了。 3.使流入不及物动词 vi. 1.成为空的;流空2.(江,河等)流入[(+into)]

empty怎么读 英语empty怎么读

1、empty英[u02c8empti]美[u02c8empti]adj.空的; 空洞的; 说话不算数的; 无诚意的; 空虚的; 无意义的; 无目的的;v.倒空; 腾空; 掏空; 变空; 把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处);n.空车; 空的东西。 2、The offices on either side were empty. 两边的办公室都是空的。


empty [u02c8empti]adj. 空的,空虚的,空洞的; 空闲的,无效的,徒劳的; 无聊的,愚蠢的; 言语或行动空洞的;vt. (使) 成为空的, 把…弄空; 把…腾出来;vi. 成为空的; 流空;

empty是什么意思 empty的中文解释?

empty的相关词汇3. His words were empty.(他的话是空洞无物的。)3. empty-headed:形容词,意为“头脑空洞的、愚蠢的”。empty作为形容词,可以修饰名词或代替名词。例如:总之,empty是一个常用的英语词汇,它的中文解释是“空的、无人的、空洞的、空虚的、无效的、空荡荡的”。希望本篇文章能够帮助读者更好地理解empty的含义。2. I feel empty inside.(我感觉内心空虚。)


  empty做动词有倒空;变空;排空等意思,那么你知道empty的过去式是什么吗?下面我为大家带来的empty的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   empty的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: emptied   过去分词: emptied   现在分词: emptyin   empty的用法:   empty的用法1:empty用作形容词的意思是“空的”,用作及物动词时意思是“把u2026倒空”。用作不及物动词时意思是“变空”“流空”。   empty的用法2:empty用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   empty的用法3:empty指房间等时意思是“空的”“里面没装东西的”; 指座位时意思是“没有人占据的”; 指人心理时意思是“空虚的”。empty含有否定意义,且一般不与inside连用。   empty的用法4:(be) empty of的意思是“缺少”“没有”。   empty的过去式例句:   1. Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper.   进浴室前,他把脏衣服全都放进洗衣筐里。   2. She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle.   她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧上了电水壶。   3. He emptied the contents out into the palm of his hand.   他把东西都倒在手心里。   4. The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.   首日比赛结束后,体育场空无一人。   5. I emptied the contents of the fridge into carrier bags.   我把冰箱里的东西全都腾到手提袋里。   6. Breakfast plates were collected and the slops emptied.   早餐的盘子已经收走,剩饭也清理干净了。   7. The contents are emptied into color-coded buckets.   东西都被倒进不同颜色的桶里。   8. I emptied the sweet wrappers from the ashtray.   我把烟灰缸里的糖纸倒掉。   9. I emptied the ashtray.   我把烟灰缸倒空了。   10. He emptied a few overflowing ashtrays.   他将几只满满的烟灰缸倒干净。   11. The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle.   婴儿喝干了瓶子里的东西就大哭起来.   12. The police emptied her bag and examined the contents.   警察倒出她包中的东西检查.   13. When you"ve emptied the water out, please clean the bucket.   把水倒光后, 清洗一下水桶.   14. The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake.   城堡有一条很深的流入湖里的护城河.   15. He emptied the bottle of water and then filled it with beer.   他把瓶子里的水倒了,然后装上啤酒.

empty 中的p 为什么不发音



对于初学php的人来说,empty()和和isset()用法的区别是很难搞清楚的,他们的用法的差别不仔细去琢磨的话确实很难弄清楚。先说一下他们的共同点:都可以判定一个变量是否为空;都返回boolean类型,即true或false。下面具体说一下他们用法之间的区别:isset()用来检测变量是否设置,只能用于变量,因为传递任何其它参数都将造成解析错误。若想检测常量是否已设置,可使用 defined() 函数。如果已经使用 unset() 释放了一个变量之后,它将不再是 isset()。若使用 isset() 测试一个被设置成 NULL 的变量,将返回 FALSE。(注意的是一个 NULL 字节("")并不等同于 PHP 的 NULL 常数)empty()用来检查一个变量是否为空。他们之间最大的区别就是对于0的判断,若用empty判断会认为是空,用isset则认为不为空,举个例子:<?phpvar $a=0;//empty($a)返回trueif(empty($a)){echo "判断结果是空"}//isset($a)返回trueif(isset($a)){echo "判断结果不是空"}?>

empty 前面应该用 “a” 还是“an”

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