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hell is empty,the devil is in the world



目前比较好的将设计与Joomla!结合起来比较有名的是TemplateMonster(怪兽模板)的Joomla!模板。精美的设计,高度的开发弹性,短缩了的开发设计时间,使Joomla!模板网页模板更加受到欢迎。怪兽模板还开发了很多CMS网站模板包括WordPress ,magento ,drupal ,mambo 等,以及设计精美的ZenCart,magento,oscommerce网店系统等目前市场上最流行各种类型各种行业的的网站模板。

"If we catch an employee stealing ,they will be given a verbal warning ."这句话有语法错误吗?

"If we catch an employee stealing ,they will be given a verbal warning ."将 they 改为 he/she,又或者直接用 it。句意:“如果我们逮到一个雇员正在行窃,他(或她)会得到口头警告。”

If we catch an employee stealing, they are...

这种问题属于英语的使用习惯的问题。在英语里,属于定理,规定,规则,制度之类的问题,统一只使用一般现在时。所以这句话只能用are gived,不是根据语意来确定语态的。

华硕bios里设置风扇转速的这个CPU UPPER TEMPERATUER[70°/158°F]是什么意思呀?能具体说明下么。谢谢啦

CPU UPPER TEMPERATUER[70°/158°F]温度上限CPU fan max.duty cycle[100%]CPU风扇最大转速CPU fan min duty cycle[20%]CPU风扇最小转速 没事的 超上限就自我保护了 自动关机或重启


回答一些问题。第一个条件:未经允许,不可以在加拿大工作;第二个条件:在指定的学校读书。(你申请的时候肯定有填写哪个学校去读书)细节问题:b)institution的分类。应该是你申请的学校的类别。c)条件1指未经允许不可打工,但如果校内打工,你到学校的时候具体了解有关这个学生签证的限制。如果有限制,学校也不让你打工的。D)这个是你去报道的学校一定是你申请的学校。至于以后转学,那需要经过一定的转学程序,不是说就不可以转学了。Field of study跟学校无关,是指学习的方向,专业。希望帮到你。

泰国签证中"employment prohibited"什么意思


employment prohibited意思



安装与配置线上部署与安装, twenproxy 部署到170上,安装目录/opt/module/twenproxyapt-get install automakeapt-get install libtoolgit clone git://github.com/twitter/twemproxy.gitcd twemproxyautoreconf -fvi./configure --enable-debug=logmakesrc/nutcracker -h输入src/nutcracker -h 在命令行可以显示帮助信息,那么就证明安装成功假如192.168.30.170的redis跟192.168.30.171的redis安装成功现在通过twenproxy代理集群直接看/opt/module/twenproxy/conf/nutcracker.xrk.yml配置文件,还有很多配置参数详细请看https://github.com/twitter/twemproxyredis:listen: #twenproxy部署在192.168.30.170:55555 上hash: fnv1a_64distribution: ketamaauto_eject_hosts: truepreconnect: trueserver_connections: 50redis: trueserver_retry_timeout: 2000server_failure_limit: 1servers:- #部署170的redis- #部署171的redis启动服务cd /opt/module/twenproxy#查看命令信息./src/nutcracker -h Usage: nutcracker [-?hVdDt] [-v verbosity level] [-o output file] [-c conf file] [-s stats port] [-a stats addr] [-i stats interval] [-p pid file] [-m mbuf size]Options: -h, --help : this help #帮助 -V, --version : show version and exit #版本 -t, --test-conf : test configuration for syntax errors and exit #测试配置文件是否有语法错误 -d, --daemonize : run as a daemon #是否守护进程启动 -D, --describe-stats : print stats description and exit #描述 -v, --verbosity=N : set logging level (default: 5, min: 0, max: 11) -o, --output=S : set logging file (default: stderr) -c, --conf-file=S : set configuration file (default: conf/nutcracker.yml) #指定配置文件 -s, --stats-port=N : set stats monitoring port (default: 22222) #端口 -a, --stats-addr=S : set stats monitoring ip (default: #设置地址 -i, --stats-interval=N : set stats aggregation interval in msec (default: 30000 msec) -p, --pid-file=S : set pid file (default: off) -m, --mbuf-size=N : set size of mbuf chunk in bytes (default: 16384 bytes)#查看命令信息#启动命令1. 为了方便调试启动./src/nutcracker -c /opt/module/twenproxy/conf/nutcracker.xrk.yml2.守护进程启动./src/nutcracker -d -c /opt/module/twenproxy/conf/nutcracker.xrk.yml连接并测试是否成功redis-cli -h -p 55555连接失败:提示信息:Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused连接成功:提示信息:redis> set key1 1get key1以上是twenproxy安装配置与测试连接


allegretto 是小快板 的意思, Tempo 是原速度的意思。 所有速度音乐术语: 庄板(Grave)(缓慢速) 广板(Largo) (稍缓慢速) 慢板(Lento) (慢速) 柔板(Adagio) (慢速) 小柔板(Adagietto) 小广板(Larghetto) (慢速) 行板(Andante) (稍慢速) 小行板(And

tax-paying employed person什么意思

taxpaying employed person:纳税从业人员; employed vt. 雇佣(employ的过去分词) adj. 被雇用的 person n. 人;身体;容貌,外表;人称 扩展资料   例句:   You"re self-employed, I gather.   我想你是个体经营吧。   Both parents were gainfully employed.   双亲都曾是做的"有酬工作。   We want more support for the self-employed.   我们需要更多给个体经营者的支持   She"s a sensible sort of person.   她属于那种通情达理的人。   He"s the one person I can trust.   他是我唯一可以信赖的人。   The price is $40 per person.   价格为每人40元。

My mother is a selp-employed person 英文作文 50字


a self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends这句话什么意思啊


Self-employment 自主创业可行吗?

尽管有不利方面,我认为从自由和保障方面看自主创业仍是值得一试的。世界经济和就业市场前景仍不明朗,将命运掌握在自己手中也许是最好的选择。The more I look around me, the more self-employment seems to be the way to go for many people. I"m not sure if this is just my observation or if it"s indeed a global phenomenon, so I"d like to discuss it with you.There are two reasons why self-employment seems to be the way to go:NecessityMany people lose their jobs because of the recent financial crisis. I read many stories about people with high salary who suddenly found themselves out of work and found it difficult to get new jobs. For them, self-employment could be the only way to go because the job market isn"t as good as it was.OpportunityMany other people choose self-employment not because of necessity but because of opportunity. They find that self-employment gives them more freedom and flexibility, not to mention the potentially big financial reward they could get. I am an advocate of self-employment and over time I become more and more convinced because of the stories I hear from people around me. I often hear about those who lose their jobs and how it could take them months to get new jobs, if ever. I imagine that if only more people went through the path of self-employment, I would hear less such stories.More specifically, here are some reasons why I advocate self-employment:Your income source won"t depend on one partyIf someone works for a company, his boss could fire him and eliminate his income source. I don"t know about you, but I don"t feel comfortable giving the control of my entire income to someone else. Being self-employed means that nobody can fire you.Your income won"t drop to zero if something bad happenedIf someone got fired from his work, his income practically dropped to zero. Those who are self-employed won"t experience that. Sure, you might lose clients, but it"s unlikely that you lost all of your clients at once. If something bad happened, it wouldn"t be drastic. Instead of having your income dropped to zero, it would drop gradually and therefore give you time to work on something else.You can cut work-related expensesSince you work on your own, you have more control over the way you work. This often translates to saving on work-related expenses such as transportation costs.Your have more control over your timeIn most cases, you can arrange your own work time. This flexibility means that it will be easier for you to allocate time for other things in your life.Your reward is more proportional to your effortWhen you are in a corporate environment, providing twice as much value doesn"t necessarily mean getting twice as much reward. But when you work on your own, that can happen more easily. You contact with the market directly so any extra value you provide is more likely to be rewarded.The Internet opens new opportunitiesThe Internet allows you to deliver your value directly to those who need it without any middleman. In addition, the Internet helps you aggregate potential demand. Let"s say you have a specific skill that only02one in a million people need. Without the Internet, it will be difficult to find even one client in your local area. But thanks to the Internet, you now have access to over 6000 potential clients. It means that your ability to make a living from that specific skill increases exponentially.The first and the second reasons are the most important, in my opinion. Self-employment can give you more security. You are less likely to suddenly fall into a deep financial trouble because of lost income.Of course, there are also negative aspects of self-employment. First of all, it"s not easy to start a self-employment career. It could be difficult to get consistent income in the beginning because of the difficulty to find clients. You might also need to work harder than when you work for a company since you are now on your own.That being said, I think the freedom and security is still worth it. With the world and the job market becoming more unpredictable, having your destiny in your own hand seems to be the best alternative.This is just my opinion, of course. I"m interested to hear yours. What do you think?

Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Other prefer to work for an employer.


我是学生,申请的短期商务签证到澳大利亚开会,456表中employment details项填Employed还是Self-employed?


self employed worker是什么意思

自己雇佣自己 可以理解为自己创业的人 也可理解为个体户。


The following facts are known about him:He uses his own tools to do his job[self employed]He normally waits to be given work by others[employed]If something goes wrong the company and not Timothy pays to fix the problem[employed]Timothy can choose when he works[self-employed]He cannot choose who he works with[employed]Timothy‘s work is very closely controlled by others[employed]不用犹豫~答案100%正确。表示要解释才和我说吧~我比较懒散解释的说笑纳答案哦

i’m selfemployed.是什么意思


the self-employed是什么意思?

个体经营的,就是自己做生意的人 self是自己 employed是被雇佣 self-employed就是自己雇自己,个体经营者


self-employed美 [.self u026am"plu0254u026ad]英 [.self u026am"plu0254u026ad]adj.个体经营的;单干的;自由职业的;自雇的 自由职业者;自雇者;自雇人士例句筛选1.Work for yourself To be self-employed can be lonely, and is likely to be hardwork.为自己工作自己当老板可能会很孤单,而且可能工作繁重。2.Fashion designers used to be self-employed earlier now find a number of careeropportunities open for them.如今时装设计师发现许多数量的就业时机为他们翻开。



the last redemption什么档次

The Last Redemption (TLR)是由Chris Huang于2018年在美国洛杉矶创立的。 The Last Redemption品牌致力于打破传统,把本就不相容的街头文化与高端时尚这两种元素完美融合,探索更多的可能性,打造一个在任何场合都能让使用者感到舒适美观的时尚品牌。

Even if beyond redemption, even if Acacia into th


redemption rate是什么意思

redemption rate[英][ru026au02c8dempu0283u0259n reit][美][ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n ret][经] 偿还(赎回)价格; 双语例句California plans to destroy the IOUs after they are redeemed.And state officials say they expect a high redemption rate.加州政府计划在赎回借据后将其销毁,政府官员也表示,他们预计赎回率会很高


窗口化是游戏BUG。碰到这种情况是游戏优化的问题,直接调回全屏即可。窗口化是游戏BUG,更新后很可能碰到这种问题,每次进游戏都是窗口化,要再设置一遍全屏,可以尝试更新最新的显卡驱动,要不只能等游戏更新修复。《Red Dead Redemption 2》:《Red Dead Redemption 2》,简称RDR2,是Rockstar San Diego工作室制作,Rockstar公司发行的一款以美国西部拓荒史为题材的动作冒险类开放世界游戏,为2010年该公司发行的《Red Dead Redemption》的正统续作。游戏中述说亚瑟·摩根和声名狼藉的范德林德帮派的传奇故事,让玩家体验在 19 世纪的最后岁月里横跨美国的亡命之旅。美国,1899年。当警察开始打击残余亡命之徒的帮派时,蛮荒的西部时代迎来了最后的黄昏。不愿投降或是屈服的人,只有死路一条。亚瑟·摩根和范德林德帮众在黑水镇的一次抢劫行动遭遇了始料不及的意外,他们不得不逃离这个西部小镇。联邦侦探和全国顶尖的赏金猎人在他们的身后穷追不舍,亚瑟一行人必须在广袤蛮荒的美国腹地上四处劫掠、挣扎求生。而帮派内部的矛盾分化日渐加深,摆在亚瑟面前的将是他无法避免的抉择:究竟是选择自己的理想,还是选择效忠于抚养了自己的帮派。



Redemption Song 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song歌手:Eternal专辑:Power Of A WomanPirates, I"m sayin" they rob IBoard the merchant shipsI"m not sayin" we"re not a part of itFrom the bottomless pitBut my hands were made strongBy the force of the AlmightyThey don"t say that your generation, triumphantlyWon"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookThey don"t say I"m your generationOh, and I say...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)Emancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookSay some say it"s just a part of itYou got to fulfill the book...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)This song of freedomOh...http://music.baidu.com/song/3473520

redemption coupon是什么意思

redemption coupon兑换券



redemption song 歌词

歌曲名:redemption song歌手:no use for a name专辑:leche con carne(Bob Marley)Oh, pirates, yes, they rob IPut me on the merchant shipsThen they tell me they took I>From the bottomless pitBut my hand will be strongEven though I"m on my kneesThese following generationsWill try to honor meNo Use For A NameCHORUSSo won"t you help me singThis song of freedomAll I ever hadRedemption song, redemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but us can free our mindsHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timesHow long shall they kill our prophetsWhile we stand aside and lookWe"ve got to fulfill the bookCHORUSEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but us can free our mindsWe have no use for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timesHow long shall they kill our prophetsWhile we stand aside and lookSome say it"s just a part of itWe"ve got to fulfill the bookCHORUShttp://music.baidu.com/song/14151274

英语beyond redemption or salvation怎么翻译?

beyond redemption or salvation无法救赎


因为很火的老电影叫<肖生克的救赎>英文名就是The Shawshank Redemption,所以..哈哈哈,可以叫The Shawshank..原谅我脑洞大


只有简单和正常模式可以使用!CheatsIngame press [^], and type in console in big letters... (大写)SV_CHEAT_GODMODE_1 GodmodeSV_MAX_AMMO_1 All AmmoSV_EVERYTHING_1 Max Health and AmmoSV_DEMON_1 Demon MorphSV_PERFECT_FINISH_1 End Level

redemption ticket什么意思

redemption ticket兑换券This has sparked speculation that frequent train passengers will soon be able to use their mileage for similar ticket redemption例句筛选Please print out for redemption. Ticket cannot be redeemed without theprintout.请打印此信函以认领车票。无此信函将不得认领车票。



red dead redemption 翻译

Red dead redemption直译是红色死亡救赎,被翻译为荒野大镖客。《Red Dead Redemption》,简称RDR,是Rockstar San Diego工作室制作,Rockstar Games发行的游戏。游戏中述说前罪犯约翰·马斯顿因联邦探员以其家人性命相要挟,而被迫前往美国边境协助执法的故事 。2016年7月5日,Rockstar Games宣布《Red Dead Redemption》将于7月8日加入微软的Xbox One向下兼容计划行列;7月8日,该游戏已可在Xbox One上游玩。背景设定:20世纪初期的美国,牛仔时代已步入尾声。因联邦探员以家人性命相要挟,金盆洗手的前罪犯约翰·马斯顿(John Marston)被迫前往美国边境协助执法。游戏中可体验巨变年代中上演的激烈枪战、高潮迭起的火车劫案、赏金猎捕以及决斗。该游戏是一场在美丽的开放世界中所展开的壮烈生存战,看主角约翰·马斯顿如何一次一人地埋葬自己血腥的过去。

Salvation和Redemption的区别 如题,Salvation和Redemption两个词的区别

区别在于:redemption由redeem来的,原意是换取,赎回.比如人要行善,积德,这样给自己积攒德行,以后才可以得到救赎. 而salvation 由save 来的,不包含“换得”含义.



Blood. Sweat & Tears的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Blood. Sweat & Tears专辑:B, S & T; 4REDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 面对你静静归还於天空的姿态what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた到泪水乾涸为止都无法转移视线溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 暗自对满溢的哀伤发誓忘れはしないと誓った 决不遗忘这无法抹消的伤痕折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起断折之翼振翅翱翔すべてを消してみせよう 消灭万象存有看看吧いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎接终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直到终结的钟声响彻云霄为止you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 以颤抖的指尖描绘出鲜红泪痕I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 虚幻脆弱的回忆坠落於黑闇深处最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 浮现最终微笑又随即消逝温もりだけを残して 只残留些许暖意优しいだけの言叶なら 仅是温柔的言语今の仆は愈せない  无法疗愈现在的我果てしなく続く戦いに 只有将全身全灵この身をすべて捧げるだけ  都投入无止尽的斗争中いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 既然任谁都终将归还於天空彼方别れの言叶はいらない 就无须多做道别make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起断折之翼振翅翱翔すべて消してみせよう 消灭万象存有看看吧いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎接终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直到终结的钟声响彻云霄为止优しいだけの言叶なら  如果只是温柔的言语今の仆は愈せない  无法疗愈现在的我果てしなく続く戦いに 只有将全身全灵この身をすべて捧げるだけ  都投入无止尽的斗争中REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8920409

Carleen Anderson的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Carleen Anderson专辑:Blessed BurdenREDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 看着你静静回归宇宙的身影what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた我不舍移开目光 直至泪水枯竭溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 满腔悲伤化作难以愈合的伤痕忘れはしないと誓った 我许下永不忘怀的誓言折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべてを消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 颤抖着指尖细数血红泪滴I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 渺茫的记忆坠入无尽黑暗最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 最后的微笑转瞬即逝温もりだけを残して 只剩一丝温暖气息优しいだけの言叶なら 若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 世间万物终将回归浩瀚宇宙别れの言叶はいらない 你我无需告别的话语make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべて消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将会迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂优しいだけの言叶なら  若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向永无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2676199

redemption 这个单词的发音用中文音译怎么说

瑞一(re) 的哎木 (dem) P训(ption)其中木不要发明显,只要保证说完“的哎”嘴巴闭合;P是语文拼音的念法,“瑞一”和“的哎木P训”之间稍微停顿。总体读快点,顺了就是了~

redemption 中文歌词

Redemption 静かに宇宙に帰る贵様の姿を    (What else can I do besides evenge you?)涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた 溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に忘れはしないと誓った 折れた翼を羽ばたかせ全てを消して见せよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまで (You told melive as if you were to die tomorrowfeel as if you were to be reborn nowface as if you were to live forever) 震える指で红い涙をなぞった(I had nothing to lose, nothing truth)儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 最後の微笑みが浮んでは消える温もりだけを残して 优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身を全て捧げるだけ いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから别れの言叶はいらない(Make it up) 折れた翼を羽ばたかせ全てを消して见せよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身を全て捧げるだけ RedEmption RedEmption直到泪水枯竭仍然找寻着消失在空虚的宇宙中你的身影 满盈的悲伤伴随着从未消失的伤口立下永不忘记的誓言 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 颤动的手指,轻轻拭去红色的泪水思绪坠入无尽的黑暗 脑中浮现出她最后的微笑,而又转瞬消失只留下些细微的温存 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 总有一天,谁都会回归宇宙的吧所以,不需要道别的话语 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 赎罪 赎罪


redemption 英[ru026au02c8dempu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n] n. 赎回; 偿还; 补救; [网络] 赎回条款; 偿还; 补偿; [例句]Some funds have lock-ins or long redemption notice periods.一些基金设有投资锁定期或较长的赎回通知时间段。[其他] 复数:redemptions 形近词: ademption redemptive peremption



redemption 是什么意思

redemption 英[ru026a"dempu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n] n. 赎回;偿还;补救 名词复数:redemptions [例句]His answer was that service brought redemption and renewal.他的回答是这样做的目的是为了救赎和重生。


redemption英 [ru026a"dempu0283n]     美 [ru026a"dempu0283n]   名词 (n.)救赎;赎回;偿还1. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。2. No man is beyond redemption.没有人是不可救药的。3. He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。4. the redemption of the world from sin将世界从罪恶中拯救出来5. They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption.他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛,为赎罪而祈祷.6. Help me with the redemption of jewelry.请帮我把珠宝饰物赎回。7.Creation and redemption belong together.创造与救赎相连一起。


redemption[英][ru026au02c8dempu0283n][美][ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n]n.赎回; 偿还; 补救; 复数:redemptions例句:1.His answer was that service brought redemption and renewal. 他的回答是这样做的目的是为了救赎和重生。2.But it is certainly not a simple path to redemption. 但是这肯定不是一条简单的救赎之路。

Redemption Day 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Day歌手:Sheryl Crow专辑:Sheryl CrowREDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 看着你静静回归宇宙的身影what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた我不舍移开目光 直至泪水枯竭溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 满腔悲伤化作难以愈合的伤痕忘れはしないと誓った 我许下永不忘怀的誓言折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべてを消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 颤抖着指尖细数血红泪滴I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 渺茫的记忆坠入无尽黑暗最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 最后的微笑转瞬即逝温もりだけを残して 只剩一丝温暖气息优しいだけの言叶なら 若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 世间万物终将回归浩瀚宇宙别れの言叶はいらない 你我无需告别的话语make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべて消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将会迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂优しいだけの言叶なら  若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向永无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1722358

《red dead redemption 2 》中文名是什么?

《荒野大镖客2》。游戏简介:中文名:荒野大镖客:救赎2。原版名称:Red Dead Redemption 2。游戏平台:Xbox One/PS4。游戏语言:繁体中文、英语等。开发商:Rockstar San Diego。游戏价格:标准版385RMB。在Steam平台上,游戏《荒野大镖客2》的名字为《Red Dead Redemption 2》。玩家在Steam商店页面中输入该名字即可进入商店页面,登录Steam账号,购买该游戏并下载即可游玩《荒野大镖客2》。游戏介绍:《荒野大镖客:救赎2》(Red Dead Redemption 2)是一款由Grand Theft Auto V及Red Dead Redemption的制作团队所开发的一款沙盒第三人称游戏。《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的故事背景是1899年的美国西部。正值美国西部领土扩张末期,执法人员开始搜捕其余的亡命之徒。主角亚瑟所在的范德林帮由于前期行动失利而开始逃亡,后期帮派内部逐渐复杂化,而主角也需要做出自己的抉择。



Redemption 怎么解释呢?意思是什么啊?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Redemption的翻译是赎回,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的意义如下:向投资者退还证券例如股票、债券或共同基金的本金。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


直到泪水枯竭仍然找寻着消失在空虚的宇宙中你的身影 满盈的悲伤伴随着从未消失的伤口立下永不忘记的誓言 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 颤动的手指,轻轻拭去红色的泪水思绪坠入无尽的黑暗 脑中浮现出她最后的微笑,而又转瞬消失只留下些细微的温存 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 总有一天,谁都会回归宇宙的吧所以,不需要道别的话语 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 赎罪 赎罪


赎回; 偿还; 补救


n.赎回; 偿还; 补救;


在宗教语境中,Redemption通常指的是上帝通过耶稣基督的救赎,使人类从罪恶中得到拯救和救赎的过程。在商业和金融领域,Redemption通常指的是赎回债券或股票等金融产品的过程。拓展:在宗教语境中,Redemption是基督教信仰中的一个重要概念。基督教认为,人类因为原罪而堕落,需要通过信仰和行善来得到上帝的救赎。耶稣基督被认为是上帝的儿子,他通过自己的牺牲和复活,为人类赎回了罪恶,使人类得到了救赎和拯救。这种救赎的过程被称为Redemption。在商业和金融领域,Redemption通常指的是赎回债券或股票等金融产品的过程。债券Redemption指的是债券到期后,债券发行人按照约定的利率和本金向债券持有人支付债券本金和利息的过程。股票Redemption则指的是公司回购自己的股票,从而减少股本和股东人数的过程。这种Redemption通常是为了改善公司的财务状况或者提高股东的收益率。除了宗教和金融领域,Redemption还可以指其他方面的救赎和挽回。例如,电影《救赎》(The Redemption)讲述了一个前罪犯试图通过拳击比赛来挽回自己的尊严和赎回自己的过程。这种Redemption强调的是个人的努力和奋斗,通过自己的努力来赎回自己的过去和未来。


Redemption翻译为:赎回或[电影]搏击之王第五集; 易混淆单词:redemption例句:1.The story"s about redemption? 故事是关于救赎的?望采纳,谢谢


redemption 英[rɪˈdempʃn] 美[rɪˈdɛmpʃən] n. 赎回; 偿还; 补救; 全部释义>>[例句]His redemption will cost you plenty!他的救赎将让你付出巨大代价!

redemption 是什么意思





redemption的意思是:1、赎回,赎买,赎身。2、履行,实践,偿还,(票据的)兑现。3、赎罪,救济,超度。4、补救,补偿之物,可取的地方,长处。例句:1、Sinners are doomed without redemption from the beginning.罪人从一开始就注定得不到救赎。2、Spiritual redemption can take a huge turn in the direction of your life.精神上的救赎可以使你的生活方向发生巨大的转变。3、The bank carries out cash redemption business on weekdays.本银行在工作日进行现金赎取业务。4、He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。5、He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望对其罪孽的救赎。6、No man is beyond redemption.没有人是不可就药的。7、Some specialized securities possess mandatory redemption features.一些专业证券具有强制赎回的特征。8、The film is a nuttily engaging tale of betrayal and, perhaps, redemption.这部电影是一个关于背叛和救赎的疯狂诱人故事。9、Also, my soul needs redemption.还有就是我的灵魂需要救赎。

redemption /怎么读

redemption 英[ru026au02c8dempu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n] n. 赎回; 偿还; 补救; [网络] 赎回条款; 偿还; 补偿; [例句]Some funds have lock-ins or long redemption notice periods.一些基金设有投资锁定期或较长的赎回通知时间段。[其他] 复数:redemptions 形近词: ademption redemptive peremption 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Redemption [词典] [电影]搏击之王第五集

Soil的《Temptation》 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation歌手:Soil专辑:Picture PerfectSomething"s knocking at my doorwill i have strength to ignoremy world has turned to blackand i must surrenderhe said sign here on this linemake your mark your soul is mineit is said and doneand i won"t rememberthe devil is sitting on my shouldertemptation is creeping ina devils deal is that of your soulthe only price i have to givearound, its pulling mearound, i can"t fight itaround, it"s time for me to givetemptation is taking overwhat did i just go and doall the hell now put me throughi am too far goneand no one can save methe devil is sitting on my shouldertemptation is creeping ina devils deal is that of your soulthe only price i have to givearound, its pulling mearound, i can"t fight itaround, it"s time for me to givetemptation is taking overaround, its pulling mearound, i can"t fight itaround, it"s time for me to givetemptation is taking overthe devil is sitting on my shoulderthe devil is sitting on my shoulderthe devil is sitting on my shouldertemptation is creepingthe devils deal is that of your soulthe only price i have to givearound, its pulling mearound, i can"t fight itaround, it"s time for me to givetemptation is taking overaround, its pulling mearound, i can"t fight itaround, it"s time for me to givetemptation is taking overaroundaroundtemptation is taking overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26163452

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怎么解决might not be accessible by any of the configured template resolvers

怎么解决might not be accessible by any of the configured template resolversapplication.properties配置文件spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/spring.thymeleaf.suffix=.htmlspring.thymeleaf.mode=LEGACYHTML5#spring.thymeleaf.encoding=UTF-8#spring.thymeleaf.content-type=text/html # ;charset=<encoding> is addedspring.thymeleaf.cache=falsespringboot使用thymeleaf时报html没有结束标签在使用springboot的过程中,如果使用thymeleaf作为模板文件,则要求HTML格式必须为严格的HTML5格式,必须有结束标签,否则会报错!解决办法如下:1、你可以使用严格的标签,也就是每个标签都有结束标签,这种可能比较麻烦2、在application.properties中增加spring.thymeleaf.mode=LEGACYHTML5,即声明thymeleaf使用非严 格的html。maven依赖如下<dependency><groupId>net.sourceforge.nekohtml</groupId><artifactId>nekohtml</artifactId><version>1.9.22</version></dependency>现在就可以正常访问了。希望对你有帮助~

The receptionist,__job was to answer the phone,was a part-time employee.


求助啊,VRM temperature到底是什么温度啊,好热


But for the fact that China _ also affected by the global economic crisis,we _fewer unemployed work

would have down fewer workerdown算什么呢?

这个句子Australia has experienced a serious enconmic recession , making many people unemployed?



frictionallyunemployed摩擦失业frictionally ["friku0283u0259nu0259li] adv. 摩擦地,带有摩擦地frictionally confined 摩擦约束 frictionally driven 摩擦推动的 frictionally slipping contact 摩擦滑动接触




unable unbelievable uncomfortable impossible immoral dishonest disagree discover dismiss disconnect disarmunfinished(未完成的) undoubted(无疑的) unemployment(失业) unabashed(不害羞的) unaccessible(难亲近的) unaccountable(不能说明的) unadjusted(未调整的) unaffiliated(非附属的) unhealthy(不健康的) dislike dislove unfinished(未完成的) undoubted(无疑的) unemployment(失业) unabashed(不害羞的) unaccessible(难亲近的) unaccountable(不能说明的) unadjusted(未调整的) unaffiliated(非附属的) unhealthy(不健康的) uncomfortable(不舒服的) unbelievable(难以置信的) dislike(不喜欢) dismiss(解雇) dishonest(不诚实的) disconnect(分离;断开) disarm(消除) disagree(不同意) discover(发现)

unemployed和not employed的区别

从词义上说,unemployed = not employed。unemployed 的词典解释就是 not employed。但它们在句子中的词性和句子功能则不完全一样。unemployed 除了是形容词,可以用作定语、表语和宾语补足语外,还可以是名词。而 not employed 只是形容词,也只能作表语和宾语补足语。至于在特定句子里选哪一个,要看用在句子的什么地方,是否合乎语法或习惯表达方式。




temperature : 温度

c++中temp 什么意思





temp 是 temporary 的略写,代表临时
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