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the elephant man 讲的是什么故事?

剧情 故事发生在十九世纪,一位英国人患有先天的毁容症,无法根治,日常生活受到很大的困扰,常常被人歧视。幸好一位好心的医生,以其高明的医术医好他,并帮他重拾信心……发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24) 故事讲述维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人又将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其它畸型人暗中他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-31 16:23:58)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。

求 The Elephant Man 英文简介……谢谢


The elephant man象人

故事发生在19世纪英国,有一个人长得奇丑无比,头很大,手很粗,皮肤很恐怖,看起来像大象,于是被称为象人,被大家取笑。后来被伦敦医院的treves医生发现,医生把他带到医院治疗和看护。但这没法改变,医院也没有多余的床位免费收留他。 医院主席向泰晤士报写信求助,并获得民众支持,给象人merrick捐助了一大笔钱,这些钱可以为他在医院后面租两间房间照顾他。treves医生除了身体上照顾他,也经常和他交流,并带很多书和杂志给他阅读,同时也创造机会让异性朋友与他交流,社会是美好的,民众是善良的,很多人抽时间去帮助他,与他交流,后来英国女王也抽空跟她交流,给他寄明信片,鼓励他,帮助他,让他感受到爱与正能量。在好心人的帮助下,他还去看了戏剧表演,并且去他渴望的乡村居住了六星期,与大自然亲密接触,很开心。不幸的是,由于他头太重,回伦敦的一次睡觉中,尝试躺着睡,脖子被重重的头压窒息而过世。非常遗憾! 本故事体现了人性的美好,首先是treves医生的善良,其次是大众的爱,还有很恐怖长相的merrick背后的善良,像孩子般的心和善良,能真正打动人。

the elephant man 讲的是什么故事




求文档: Stephen是什么意思


stephen chow 怎么读




stephen crane历史背景对他作品的影响,以及他为什么要以这些做为他的写作主题

“The Open Boat” is a fictionalized account of a very traumatic personal experience in Crane"s life: a ship on which he was a passenger sank off the coast of Florida, and he found himself one of four men in a tiny open dinghy, struggling to make it through a narrow strip of rough sea and pounding surf that separated them from dry land.As it was, the men were forced to remain for thirty hours in the boat, rowing frantically against the tide and bailing constantly to keep the craft afloat in the treacherous water, before they were able to come ashore at Daytona Beach. We would expect that this story would be written as a heart-pounding adventure tale; yet it is very cerebral in its approach, focusing less on the adrenaline rush of danger than on the philosophical question of man"s relationship to the world of nature that so completely overwhelms him.As Crane shows in this story, the protagonist"s salvation is dependent upon whether or not he will adapt to his surroundings and help his fellow man, not whether or not he can conquer nature. As he demonstrates, this is a moot point, because it is impossible to conquer nature; it is too big, and too impersonal, and man is just a speck against its awesome power. The best one can do is learn nature"s ways and work with, not against, them.This sense of complete absorption in the struggle against nature is illustrated by the famous first line of the story: “None of them knew the color of the sky.” The reason for this is soon made obvious; the imperiled survivors could not take their eyes off the waves, for to let their guard down for a moment would mean certain death. Significantly, Crane does not deal with the question of heroism; the men in the boat do not feel heroic, nor do they ask us to think of them in those terms. They are simply doing what they need to in order to survive, and supporting one another in this effort.Interestingly, however, this does not make Crane"s story realistic; it actually creates a kind of hyper-realism, an excruciatingly vivid nightmare state, in which waves resemble horses “scrambl[ing] over walls of water,” “carpets on a line in a gale,” and “white flames,” to mention only a few of the dozens of metaphors. The homeliness of these images does not make the Crane"s rendering of the experience any less profound; they simply call attention to the inability of mere words to convey it.They also accentuate the gulf between an objective journalistic rendering of going down with a ship and the only way to convey the full horror of this experience. Crane borrows, in his fierce and startling imagery, something from Gothic romantics such as Poe; but in no other respect is this story romanticized. On the contrary, the threat of death is not in any way sensationalized, because it does not need to be; the usage of such extreme imagery makes it even more terrifyingly real.In addition to vivid language, Crane uses carefully-chosen anecdotes to make the situation seem harrowing. The extent to which these men are poised on the brink of life and death is illustrated by the seagull that lands on the captain"s head; as Crane says, “The captain naturally wished to knock it away with the end of the heavy painter, but he did not dare do it, because anything resembling an emphatic gesture would have capsized this freighted boat; and so, with his open hand, the captain gently and carefully waved the gull away.” To have remained in this state for thirty hours seems almost incomprehensible.Crane"s remarkable use of rhythm in this story reminds one of the motion of the sea; while each phrase has a distinct sense of rising and falling, each one is also a different length, just like the waves -- some of which are huge and rolling, while others are merely little swells. One can feel this in the lines “The craft pranced and reared, and plunged like an animal. As each wave came, and she rose for it, she seemed like a horse making at a fence outrageously high.” In his imagery, in his rhythm, Crane never allows us to forget the story"s setting, even for a second; the huge and harrowing presence of nature, poised to destroy the insignificance which is man, commands our attention at all times.But the most significant aspect of this struggle lies in the men"s attempts to help one another survive. Consider this passage where Crane describes the time “when we were swamped by the surf and making the best of our way toward the shore”. “But finally [the correspondent] arrived at a place in the sea where travel was beset with difficulty. He did not pause swimming to inquire what manner of current had caught him, but there his progress ceased. The shore was set before him like a bit of scenery on a stage, and he looked at it and understood with his eyes each detail of it. -- As the cook passed, much farther to the left, the captain was calling to him. ‘Turn over on your back, cook! Turn over on your back and use the oar." -- ‘All right, sir." The cook turned on his back, and paddling with an oar, went ahead as if he were a canoe.”There is no fighting the sea; it cannot be conquered; but one can learn to bob along on its surface, and aid to the best of one"s ability those fellow human beings who are also caught in the grip of nature"s immense indifference.

什么鸟能举起重物?1、crane 2、elephant 3、bat

1 crane [krein] n.鹤;吊车,起重 elephant 是大象 bat是蝙蝠

美国旧金山的SEPHORA(丝芙兰) 在哪里啊?

Sephora525 Market St #11San Francisco, CA 94105美国


Call me at telephone number.打我的电话。

a suitcase goes in the trunk of a car or in that of an elephant?这句话什么意思






求雪莉:现实的愿景2013年免费高清百度云资源,Stephanie Cumming主演的

《雪莉:现实的愿景 Shirley Visions of Reality 2013 》百度网盘资源在线播放链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rP_qXRl235EFUlqXrb-KMw?pwd=9hnf 提取码: 9hnf 导演: 古斯塔夫·德池编剧: 古斯塔夫·德池主演: Stephanie Cumming、克里斯托夫·巴赫、弗洛伦廷·格罗尔、埃尔弗里德·伊拉尔、汤姆·汉斯尔迈尔、杰夫·伯勒尔类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 奥地利语言: 英语、法语片长: 92分钟又名: 十三个雪莉(港)、13个雪莉-现实的幻象(台)影片《13 个雪莉:现实的幻象》用美国画家爱德华u2022霍普的 13 幅绝世名画构成了美国社会历史的现实风景,而历史正是由无数的个人故事所书写的——雪莉,一个美国女性的缩影,她走进霍普的画作,走过美国 20 世纪的重大历史时刻,见证政治、社会和文化等各层面的剧变:从珍珠港事变到第二次世界大战、从麦卡锡时代和冷战到肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡和越战爆发、从股市崩盘到经济萧条、从猫王埃尔维斯u2022普利斯莱和摇滚乐到马龙u2022白兰度和玛丽莲u2022梦露……爱德华u2022霍普的绘画作品受“黑色电影”流派影响,相应的也影响了希区柯克、贾木许、文德斯等电影导演的创作。本片导演古斯塔夫u2022德池敏锐地捕捉到霍普的绘画与电影艺术之间的关联,精选霍普的 13 幅生活风景画作,以绘画与电影的对话为主轴,加以现实的叙述,用绘画、现实和影像组合出新的电影语言,利用灯光、颜色和音乐建构出剧场化的体验。宏大的议题倚...





























Stephanie Says 歌词

歌曲名:Stephanie Says歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Royal TenenbaumsStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy she"s given half her life, to people she hates nowStephanie says when answering the phoneWhat country shall I say is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy it is thought she"s the door She can"t be the roomStephanie says but doesn"t hang up the phoneWhat sea shell sea is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindShe asks you is it good or badIt"s such an icy feeling it"s so cold in Alaska,it"s so cold in Alaska, it"s so cold in AlaskaBy:赤脚http://music.baidu.com/song/59148783

Stephanie Says求翻译

Stephanie says That she wants to know Why she"s given half her life To people she hates now Stephanie说她想知道为什么她在她现在很讨厌的人身上浪费了大半辈子 Stephanie says When answering the phone What country shall I say is calling From across the world Stephanie说当她接电话的时候,会是从世界的哪一端来的佳音? That she"s not afraid to die The people all call her Alaska 她不怕死。 人们都叫她Alaska Between worlds so the people ask her "Cause it"s all in her mind It"s all in her mind 人们都这么问她因为她心里很清楚,很清楚。 Stephanie Says That she wants to know Why is it though she"s the door She can"t be the room Stephanie 说她很想知道为什么她不可以成为房间而是一扇门。 Stephanie Says (Stephanie Says) But doesn"t hang up the phone (Hang up the phone) What seashell she is calling From across the world Stephanie说但是她没有挂掉电话是世界另一端的哪块贝壳正在和她通话呢?She asks you is it good or bad It"s such an icy feeling It"s so cold in Alaska, it"s so cold in Alaska It"s so cold in Alaska 她问你这样好不好?好冰冷的感觉。Alaska现在好冷。Alaska现在好冷。




歌名:フレンズ〖朋友〗【TV动画】『机动戦士ガンダムOO』<机动战士高达OO> 第二季片尾曲作词:ステファニー & 矢住夏菜| 作曲:Joe Rinoie & MASAKI | 编曲:Joe Rinoie & 峰正典演唱:ステファニー <Stephanie>Made By 『月光疾风TT』<GaRReTT>☆★ For dear MoniQue ★☆同(おな)じ笑颜(えがお)してた〖曾经我们 带着同样的笑容〗そんな仆(ぼく)らも几年(いくねん)も重(かさ)ね过(す)ぎて〖也曾共同经历过 多年时光〗すれ违(ちが)う景色(けしき)を〖可是如今 擦身而过的景色〗受(う)け入(い)れられずにもがいてる〖我们却格格不入 苦苦挣扎〗无駄(むだ)なプライド舍(す)て去(さ)り〖将无谓的高傲统统抛下〗この世界(せかい)に优(やさ)しさを〖向世界展现出你的温柔〗I Gotta Say〖我要说〗勇気(ゆうき)を见(み)せつけても 强(つよ)がっても〖即使一味逞强 炫耀着勇气〗一人(ひとり)では生(い)きられない〖也无法一个人生存下去〗あの日(ひ)の约束(やくそく)なら〖那天我们曾许下的约定〗心(こころ)の深(ふか)くに残(のこ)っているよ〖仍深深残留在我的心底〗今(いま)でも〖即使如今〗别(わか)れてまた出会(であ)い〖一次次悲欢离合〗新(あら)たな道(みち)に 光(ひかり)见(み)つけ歩(ある)き出(だ)す〖为寻觅光芒 迈上新的旅程〗生(う)まれてからずっと〖从降生之刻起 我们就一直〗缲(く)り返(かえ)すことで 繋(つな)がってく〖用不断的重复 迎接着明天〗いつの间(ま)に君(きみ)と仆(ぼく)も〖不知不觉间我们也已经〗それぞれ未来(みらい)を手(て)にして〖各自找到了自己的未来〗I Gotta Say〖我要说〗远(とお)く离(はな)れていても 会(あ)えなくても〖即使相隔遥远 无法再见面〗强(つよ)い绊(きずな)はあるから〖我们也有着坚强的羁绊〗「梦(ゆめ)が叶(かな)いますように」〖愿我们的梦想能够实现〗心(こころ)の底(そこ)から祈(いの)っているよ〖心中一直怀着这个心愿〗We"re friends forever〖我们永远是朋友〗また会(あ)うことを誓(ちか)い ゆびきりして〖勾着手指 许下重逢的誓言〗仆(ぼく)らは歩(ある)き出(だ)したね〖我们从此各自走上旅途〗见(み)えない行先(ゆきさき)へと〖向着前方看不见的终点〗迷(まよ)いながらでも 进(すす)んでいるよ〖即使迷茫依旧不断前进〗いつでも〖无论何时〗注:这是一个描述友情的诗篇,以电子轻摇滚的铿锵有力来烘托肃穆背后的笑魇,道是喜跃却分明透着丝丝别离前的残酷,温暖与刺痛同行。『高达OO』的故事渐渐走近高潮,那些坚毅着的少年,此刻在我们眼前的背影竟然朦胧了起来。是友情凝聚了他们,还是他们锻造了友情?我们不曾知晓,但能明了:在所有的幸福背后,有人站起来,有人倒下去,不再醒来...変(か)わりゆく季节(きせつ)と〖不断变迁的四季〗瞬间(とき)の中(なか)〖与一个个瞬间中〗懐(なつ)かしいmelodies〖回响着令人怀念的旋律〗大人(おとな)になっても〖即使长大成人后〗色(いろ)褪(あ)せはしないよ〖也丝毫不会褪色〗仆达(ぼくたち)のprecious memories〖那属于我们的美好回忆〗I Gotta Say〖我要说〗勇気(ゆうき)を见(み)せつけても 强(つよ)がっても〖即使一味逞强 炫耀着勇气〗一人(ひとり)では生(い)きられない〖也无法一个人生存下去〗あの日(ひ)の约束(やくそく)なら〖那天我们曾许下的约定〗心(こころ)の深(ふか)くに残(のこ)っているよ〖仍深深残留在我的心底〗As life goes on...〖生命不断地流逝〗忘(わす)れちゃいけないからYeah〖我们也绝对不能忘记〗Don"t let it go...〖别让回忆与友谊消逝〗この広(ひろ)い大地(だいち)と仲间(なかま)达(たち)のこと〖这片广阔的大地 和永远的朋友〗


Stephanie Victoria ...? 感觉这个名字不怎么好诶我觉得 Stephanie Olsen 要好很多



Stephanie Says 歌词

歌曲名:Stephanie Says歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Very Best Of The Velvet UndergroundStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy she"s given half her life, to people she hates nowStephanie says when answering the phoneWhat country shall I say is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy it is thought she"s the door She can"t be the roomStephanie says but doesn"t hang up the phoneWhat sea shell sea is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindShe asks you is it good or badIt"s such an icy feeling it"s so cold in Alaska,it"s so cold in Alaska, it"s so cold in AlaskaBy:赤脚http://music.baidu.com/song/7918028

Stephanie Says 歌词

歌曲名:Stephanie Says歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:GoldStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy she"s given half her life, to people she hates nowStephanie says when answering the phoneWhat country shall I say is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindStephanie says that she wants to knowWhy it is thought she"s the door She can"t be the roomStephanie says but doesn"t hang up the phoneWhat sea shell sea is calling from across the worldBut she"s not afraid to die, the people all call her AlaskaBetween worlds so the people ask her "cause it"s all in her mindIt"s all in her mindShe asks you is it good or badIt"s such an icy feeling it"s so cold in Alaska,it"s so cold in Alaska, it"s so cold in AlaskaBy:赤脚http://music.baidu.com/song/7509464


stephanie是个名字孙燕姿的英文名就是这个。歌词可能是这个witness      姓名:黄崇旭   艺名:Witness   生日:10月13日   国籍:美国   语言:英文、国语、西班牙、粤语   星座:天秤   身高:176   体重:63   学历:UniversityOfTexas   专长:作词、写诗、DJ及各种球类运动   兴趣:阅读、拳击、功夫   初恋:7岁   喜欢的女生类型:可爱与性感兼具   喜欢的颜色:蓝色、红色   最喜欢的书:Bible   最喜欢的动物:狗   最喜欢的城市:台北、洛杉矶   最感动的一首歌:LookAway/Chicago   最喜爱的歌手:阿姆Eminem   最喜欢的演员:AlPacino   最喜欢的食物:Cajun   最害怕的事:酒精中毒、喝醉后的失忆   小时后最希望做的工作:职业运动员   优点:诚实   缺点:太多写不完   最想认识的女艺人:Sweety的言言   最骄傲的事:完成自己的专辑   最想尝试的事:跟海豚游泳   最大的梦想:独立照顾家人   进入演艺圈的动机:用音乐感动人   出道方式:自行录制Demo到唱片柜台毛遂自荐 英译汉有目击者的意思

Stephanie 和 Trista 哪个英文名更好呢






Stephanic 是一个英文名字,请说出它的意义和读法~~~~


STEPHANIE friends 歌词

onaji egao shitetasonna bokura mo ikunen wo kasanesugitesurechigau keshiki woukeirerarezu ni mogaiterumuda na puraido sutesarikono sekai ni yasashisa woI Gotta Sayyuuki wo misetsukete mo tsuyogatte mohitori dewa ikirarenaiano hi no yakusoku narakokoro no fukaku ni nokotteiru yo ima demowakarete mata deaiarata na michi ni hikari mitsuke arukidasuumarete kara zuttokurikaesu koto de tsunagattekuitsunoma ni kimi to boku mosorezore mirai wo te ni shiteI Gotta Saytooku hanareteite mo aenakute motsuyoi kizuna wa aru kara"yume ga kanaimasu youni"kokoro no soko kara inotteiru yoWe"re friends forevermata au koto wo chikaiyubikiri shitebokura wa arukidashita nemienai ikisaki etomayoinagara demosusundeiru yoitsudemokawariyuku kisetsu totoki no nakanatsukashii melodiesotona ni natte moisoase wa shinai yobokutachi no precious memoriesI Gotta Sayyuuki wo misetsukete mo tsuyogatte mohitori dewa ikirarenaiano hi no yakusoku narakokoro no fukaku ni nokotteiru yoAs life goes on...wasurecha ikenai kara YeahDon"t let it go...kono hiroi daichi to nakama-tachi no koto


艺名:Stephanie the grace(uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8the grace)【2006~今】Stephanie天舞(uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8 ucc9cubb34)【2005~2006】原名:金宝京罗马音写法:Kim Bo Kyung韩文写法:uae40ubcf4uacbd昵称:Cheon Moo 、小色、Stephanie、天舞、Step队内职务:领舞出生日期:1987年10月16日身高:168cm体重:49KG血型:O型

এ᭄Stephanie ℒღ᭄ꦿ如何理解什么意思?

Stephanie -斯蒂芬妮,就是一个人名。是喜欢斯蒂芬妮吧。Stephanie(ステファニー),1987年8月5日出生于美国加州,日本歌手。她住在东京都,青山学院大学法学部在读。父亲是美国人,母亲是日本人。因为练得五个高八度的音域,受到注明而被发掘出来。同模特儿太田莉菜及歌手矢住夏菜关系友好。




斯蒂芬妮stephanie1、["stefu0259ni]2、名字性别:女孩英文名。3、来源语种:古英语、德语。4、名字寓意:花环。5、名字含义:花冠,花环 法国女性形式的STEPHEN。花冠,花环 雌性形式的STEPHEN。情侣名:Tony1、配对理由:Tony和Stephanie取自影片《周末夜狂热》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。片名《周末夜狂热》,英文名《 Saturday Night Fever 》,1977年上映。2、["tu0259uni]3、名字性别:男孩英文名。4、来源语种:拉丁语、古英语。5、名字寓意:善良的,厚道,老实,注重安全。6、名字含义:无价的,Anthony,Antony的昵称,非常高贵的名字,Tony意思是“可贵” 无价的,Anthony,Antony的昵称 ANTHONY的简短形式。


Southern California Youth Ballet(SCYB)就是南加州的青年芭蕾学校。在美国算是很有名的芭蕾学校而且在其他国家也有分校是专门栽培芭蕾舞蹈员的学校,创办人是一位世界著名的芭蕾舞蹈家(忘了叫什么名不过这位名人大概在80多年前,1920就挂了)。Stephanie Kim 曾经在SCYB的"A Mid Summer Night"s Dream"里面扮演 "Titiana"的角色,扮演"Swanilda"在Coppelia的演出,和在Nutcracker中饰演"Snow Queen"兼"Turkish Delight" 的角色。她也出现在SCYB的Cinderella和Paquita的演出中。Stephanie参与了Houston芭蕾,Marin舞蹈剧场等的学习营。她现在持有两个 Cecchetti 硕士主修文凭(关于芭蕾舞蹈的而Cecchetti就是那位名人的部分名字吧)我们家小色虽然很厉害可是如楼上说的小色没有参加过百老汇。至于姐姐们的家境;小色;很好毕竟妈妈在美国是有名的歌剧演员又在美国长大所以应该很不错。呆呆;就是普通,中等阶级那种。拉拉跟公主;应该还不错因为之前有节目去她们家拍摄,咋看之下家境算不错。


家庭派对中的Stephanie脱掉上衣的方法有两种:1. Stephanie双手拉住衣服下缘,往上拉,单手伸进衣服里,另一只手再整件褪去。2. Stephanie直接从头顶脱去整件衣服,直接上衣一脱就掉。


唉~~这也是我的英文名啊~~ 所以它必须好听~

dj stephanie百度百科

stephanie是个名字孙燕姿的英文名就是这个。歌词可能是这个witness      姓名:黄崇旭   艺名:Witness   生日:10月13日   国籍:美国   语言:英文、国语、西班牙、粤语   星座:天秤   身高:176   体重:63   学历:UniversityOfTexas   专长:作词、写诗、DJ及各种球类运动   兴趣:阅读、拳击、功夫   初恋:7岁   喜欢的女生类型:可爱与性感兼具   喜欢的颜色:蓝色、红色   最喜欢的书:Bible   最喜欢的动物:狗   最喜欢的城市:台北、洛杉矶   最感动的一首歌:LookAway/Chicago   最喜爱的歌手:阿姆Eminem   最喜欢的演员:AlPacino   最喜欢的食物:Cajun   最害怕的事:酒精中毒、喝醉后的失忆   小时后最希望做的工作:职业运动员   优点:诚实   缺点:太多写不完   最想认识的女艺人:Sweety的言言   最骄傲的事:完成自己的专辑   最想尝试的事:跟海豚游泳   最大的梦想:独立照顾家人   进入演艺圈的动机:用音乐感动人   出道方式:自行录制Demo到唱片柜台毛遂自荐 英译汉有目击者的意思



天上智喜 天舞Stephanie的档案

ucc9cubb34uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8 (uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8 ub354 uadf8ub808uc774uc2a4)天舞Stephanie(天舞史蒂芬妮)(现Stephanie the Grace) ubcf8uba85 : uae40ubcf4uacbd本名:金宝京uc9c1uc5c5 : uac00uc218职业:歌手ucd9cuc0dduc77c : 1987ub144 10uc6d4 16uc77c出生日:1987年10月16日 uc18cuc18d : ucc9cuc0c1uc9c0ud76c ub354 uadf8ub808uc774uc2a4所属:天上智喜 the Graceud559ub825 : ud55cuad6duc678uad6duc778ud559uad50学历:韩国外国人学校uc2e0uccb4 : 168cm身材:168cmucd9cuc0dduc9c0 : ubbf8uad6d出生地:美国ud608uc561ud615 : Oud615血液型:O型ud2b9uae30 : ubc1cub808, uc7acuc988ub304uc2a4特技:芭蕾舞、爵士舞uac00uc871 : ubb34ub0a8ub3c5ub140家族:独生女视频http://tieba.baidu.com/stephanie%CC%EC%CE%E8/shipin/照片http://tieba.baidu.com/stephanie%CC%EC%CE%E8/tupian




没查出有 不对! 斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie)

stephanie 女孩取这个英文好吗?是什么意思?

Christina 怎么样? 或者Rinoa很淑女














(女子名) 斯蒂芬妮; [人名] 丝黛芬尼; [女子名] 斯蒂芬妮 Stephen的阴性; 艺名:Stephanie the grace(uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8the grace)【2006~今】Stephanie天舞(uc2a4ud14cud30cub2c8 ucc9cubb34)【2005~2006】原名:金宝京罗马音写法:Kim Bo Kyung韩文写法:uae40ubcf4uacbd昵称:Cheon Moo 、小色、Stephanie、天舞、Step队内职务:领舞出生日期:1987年10月16日身高:168cm体重:49KG血型:O型


  Stephanie  n.斯蒂芬妮; (女子名) [人名] 丝黛芬尼;  [释义][女子名] 斯蒂芬妮 Stephen的阴性;  [网络]记者; 史蒂芬妮;  [例句]I heard you and Stephanie are really getting serious.  我听说你和斯蒂芬妮来真的了?


翻译过来是 斯蒂芬人名之类的




Stephanie["stefu0259ni][词典释义]n. 斯蒂芬妮(女子名)[网络短语]Stephanie荣誉的标志,斯蒂芬妮,丝特芬妮stephanie pratt斯蒂芬妮·普拉特,普拉特,斯蒂芬妮普拉特Stephanie Daley杀婴少女,斯蒂芬妮·达丽,好女孩的秘密




《The Physics of Star Trek》(Lawrence M. Krauss)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DgPX0gdwMF6tJT5qn414fA 提取码:r6vi书名:The Physics of Star Trek作者:Lawrence M. Krauss出版社:Basic Books出版年份:2007-07-09页数:280内容简介:Fully revised and updated to include the latest discoveries in cosmic science, "the essential tubeside companion for the fans of the venerable Star Trek series" ( Washington Post ). What warps when you"re traveling at warp speed? What is the difference between a wormhole and a black hole? Are time loops really possible, and can I kill my grandmother before I am born? Anyone who has ever wondered "could this really happen?" will gain useful insights into the Star Trek universe (and, incidentally, the real world of physics) in this charming and accessible guide. Lawrence M. Krauss boldly goes where Star Trek has gone--and beyond. From Newton to Hawking, from Einstein to Feynman, from Kirk to Picard, Krauss leads readers on a voyage to the world of physics as we now know it and as it might one day be.作者简介:(美国)劳伦斯u2022M.克劳斯美国著名理论物理学家、评论家和备受赞誉的科普作家。是宇宙学和天体物理学研究领域备受推崇的国际领导者,凯斯西储大学的教授和教育与研究中心主任。出版了多部具有影响力的科普作品,著作《无中生有的宇宙》曾获2011年美国最佳科普图书奖。他还是纽约时报的评论家,被《科学美国人》杂志誉为“罕见的公共知识分子”。

定语从句误区。the telephone_____ was the invention of the Alexander Graham Bell

选择B选项用以修饰the telephone.

the telephone_____ was the invention of the Alexander Graham Bell

这是让步状语从句,正如我们所知,AS在从句中不做成份,所以句子必须是完整的。TELEPHONE 和 IT 是同位语。

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.


the big elephants come from south africa大象为什么是复数?


polyethylene terephthalate是聚脂还是乙二醇

polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯;例句:1.Intracardiac patch or pledget made of polypropylene polyethylene terephthalate or polytetrafluoroethylene. 聚丙烯、聚对苯二甲酸乙酯或聚四氟乙烯制成的心内补片或纱布。2.Intracardiac patch or pledget made of polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, or polytetrafluoroethylene. 聚丙烯,聚对苯二甲酸乙酯或聚四氟乙烯制成的心内补片或纱布。3.Polyvinyl chloride ( pvc) and polyethylene terephthalate ( pet) were ranked last. 而聚氯乙烯(pvc)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(pet)则排在了名单的最后。4.Most bottled water comes in polyethylene terephthalate bottles, indicated by a number 1, pet or pete on thebottle"s bottom. 大多数的瓶装水都是由聚对苯二甲酸材质的塑料瓶盛装的,这一点通过标注在塑料瓶底部的1pet或pete可以看出。5.Estar base: the trade name applied to the polyethylene terephthalate film base manufactured by eastmankodak company. 伊士曼柯达公司生产的聚乙烯对苯二酸酯胶片片基的商品名称。

polyethylene terephthalate是什么意思

polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯双语对照词典结果:polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯; 例句:1.Polyvinyl chloride ( pvc) and polyethylene terephthalate ( pet) wereranked last. 而聚氯乙烯(pvc)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(pet)则排在了名单的最后。

persephone. coming home歌词翻译





Persephone [pə:"sefəni] n. 珀尔塞福涅(宙斯之女,被冥王劫持娶作冥后)很久很久以前,槲寄生就一直是迷信崇拜的对象,它可以用来对抗巫术,希腊神话中,冥后珀耳塞福涅(Persephone)就是用一枝槲寄生,打开阴界的大门。


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