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Erroll Garner的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Erroll Garner专辑:ContrastsElla Fitzgerald - MistyLook at me, I"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m clinging to a cloud, I can"t understandI get misty, just holding your handWalk my way And a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThe music I hear, I get misty the moment you"re nearcan"t you say that you"re leading me on,and it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you notice how hopelessly I"m lost,That"s why I"m following youOn my own, Would I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my left,My hat from my gloveI"m too misty, and too much in love.Too misty, and too much in love,

Erroll Garner的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Erroll Garner专辑:The Essence Of...MistyLook at meI"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m hanging to a cloudI can"t understandI get mistyJust holding your handWalk my wayAnd a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThat music I hearI get mistyThe moment you"re nearYou can say that you"re leading me onBut it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you know just how hopelessly I"m drawnThat"s why I"m following youOn my ownWhen I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my leftMy hat from my gloveI am too MistyAnd too much in loveI am just too MistyAnd too much in love

Erroll Garner的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Erroll Garner专辑:Erroll Garner"S Finest HourMistyLook at meI"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m hanging to a cloudI can"t understandI get mistyJust holding your handWalk my wayAnd a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThat music I hearI get mistyThe moment you"re nearYou can say that you"re leading me onBut it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you know just how hopelessly I"m drawnThat"s why I"m following youOn my ownWhen I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my leftMy hat from my gloveI am too MistyAnd too much in loveI am just too MistyAnd too much in love

Erroll Garner的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Erroll Garner专辑:Jazz Around Midnight: Erroll GarnerMistyLook at meI"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m hanging to a cloudI can"t understandI get mistyJust holding your handWalk my wayAnd a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThat music I hearI get mistyThe moment you"re nearYou can say that you"re leading me onBut it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you know just how hopelessly I"m drawnThat"s why I"m following youOn my ownWhen I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my leftMy hat from my gloveI am too MistyAnd too much in loveI am just too MistyAnd too much in love

Erroll Garner的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Erroll Garner专辑:Instrumental Themes For Young Lovers (Music For Gracious Living Volume 2)MistyLook at meI"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m hanging to a cloudI can"t understandI get mistyJust holding your handWalk my wayAnd a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThat music I hearI get mistyThe moment you"re nearYou can say that you"re leading me onBut it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you know just how hopelessly I"m drawnThat"s why I"m following youOn my ownWhen I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my leftMy hat from my gloveI am too MistyAnd too much in loveI am just too MistyAnd too much in love

三星CP45NEO在生产过程中出现[E100] Error occurred in I/O Board 3[Error Ox1] 无法开机,咋办

造成MPU-STOP故障有很多,控制板坏,还有软件的问题,有时机器运行的时候就出现MPU-STOP,但重新开机又正常,运行不了多久故障重复,老设备最容易出现此种问题,请查连接控制板的线,在拖链中长期弯折,磨损,通讯不良造成,由于线路太多,请仔细查找。1、CAN Master Board 的CAN连线相关的板或者是线路有int的情况。特别的相关的CON(连接器)__这个可能性最大2、如果是开机就出现MPU-STOP,再次开机故障仍然存在的话,可以使用上面提供的信息去查询,如果错误信息有问题的话,可以使用C:mark3systemconfig.db这个文件的[IOBoardNodeNotCheck](注意F/FV)来确定是哪个板或者哪段线路有问题。3.一般都是上面那些IC坏掉了,用万用表量一下找出不良IC更换掉即可,要不就里面几个全换掉反正全换掉也不会比你买一张卡价钱高..........4.MPU_STOP 你检查一下相关IO BOARD上面的接口,有没有接触不良现象.你查一下BOARD3是控制什么地方.

Vs2010 error c1083:无法打开包括文件:streams.h:no such fil

streams.h 写错了 iostream.h

stream read error是什么意思

stream read error流读取错误stream[英][stri:m][美][strim]n.河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的)连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串; vt.& vi.流,流动; vi.飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动; vt.按能力分班(或分组); 按能力分班(或分组); 第三人称单数:streams过去分词:streamed复数:streams现在进行时:streaming过去式:streamed易混淆单词:Stream例句:A nearby stream supplies fresh drinking water. 附近的一条小溪供应新鲜的饮用水

stream read error是什么意思

数据流读取错误 可能是魔术手里面的一些控件出现问题 或者是系统兼容性的问题。stream read error 数据流读取错误;stream 英[stri:m]美[strim]n. 河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的) 连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串;vt. 流,流动;vi. 飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动;[例句]There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河。[其他] 第三人称单数:streams 复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed

电脑出现stream read error怎么办?

数据流读取错误 可能是魔术手里面的一些控件出现问题 或者是系统兼容性的问题。stream read error 数据流读取错误;stream英[stri:m]美[strim]n.河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的) 连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串;vt.流,流动;vi.飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动;[例句]There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河。[其他]第三人称单数:streams 复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed

Error: mclInitializeApplication may not be called once mclTerminateApplicati

初始化执行一次就可以了,把if(!GetImageInitialize())提到for循环外,再把GetImageTerminate();mclTerminateApplication();放在return 0;前就可以了。另外程序设计有问题,观看程序,你应该是想检测图像,既然这样,当然是找出一幅检测一幅啊。再把所有图像检测部分代码也放在while()循环内。

排球比赛数据统计表中opp error是什么意思?

(1)第一裁判员观看发球一方有无位置错误犯规,第二裁判员观看接发球一方有无位置错误犯规。 (2)队员的位置,根据其脚着地部位来判定。 (3)位置错误犯规是击球瞬间造成的。击球前后均不存在位置错误犯规,击球后,队员可以在本场区任何地方和无障碍区自由活动。 (4)对位置错误犯规的处理办法同轮转错误相同。

客户询价ABC电缆型号是Chow, terrier, Shepherd,单凭这些代码如何计算出产品的具体型号?



意思是:杰丽读音:['du0292eri]中文音译:杰丽其他音译:杰瑞名字性别:男孩英文名来源语种:美式英语、英语名字寓意:神圣的,想象力丰富,有艺术细胞名字印象:非常上进,喜欢自由而且有个性。双重性格:一方面,喜欢变化和不同经历;另一方面,又喜欢整齐,规则,注意小节。对有兴趣的事物分析力强,苛求,耐心。但很可能半途而废。名字含义:持矛的勇士,很圣神的名字,矛战士 持矛的勇士 JEREMY,JEROME,GERALD,GERALDINE和其他以相同声音开头的名称的缩写。扩展资料:情侣女名:Sarah莎拉配对理由:Jerry和Sarah取自影片《我想象中的朋友拉斯·史蒂文斯》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。影片信息:片名:《我想象中的朋友拉斯·史蒂文斯》,2006年上映。主要演员:Jerry杰丽,由JeffSchine杰夫·希恩饰演。Sarah莎拉,由GillianDelgado吉莉安·德尔加多饰演。影片简介:杰瑞一生都把拉斯·史蒂文斯当成他想象中的朋友。但是杰瑞不知道拉斯·史蒂文斯是个真实的人,假装是虚构的。杰瑞必须克服他的“孤独恐惧症”,才能得到他梦中的女孩。







SMTP error, RCPT TO: 554 : Relay access denied是什么意思?

邮件传输协议错误 发送邮件至 的要求被拒绝



error MSB4023: 无法计算项元数据“%(RootDir)”。无法将项元数据“%(FullPath)”应用于路径。







toner 提示是碳粉用尽了换个新粉盒试试 如果错误还亮 检查有没有卡纸缺纸 重新安装一下硒鼓粉盒重启一下 应该能解决


没有werrty这个字,只有Wendy这个字,是一个女性的名字,意思是温迪,来源于威尔士语,意思是白眉毛的。元音字母e在重读闭音节里一般发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位适中,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平。这个音出现在字首、字中,但很少出现在字尾的位置,如:egg 鸡蛋well 井red 红的pen 钢笔hen 母鸡net 网络bed 床bell 铃铛希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

putty 连接出错:network error: connection refused 怎么解决?


putty连不上linux,提示:Network error:Connection refused

找网管 看是不是他那边做了ip限制了

katy perry新专辑《Prism》在美国首周销量是多少


socket error:Error:read ECONNRESET.怎么回事

  socket error:Error:read ECONNRESET.的解决方法当socket已经断开连接的时候,还继续往这个socket里面写数据就会出错。如若满意,请点击右侧【采纳答案】,如若还有问题,请点击【追问】

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can"T We? (The Complete Sessions 1991-1993)If you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Stars-The Best Of 1992-2002If you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:MTV UnpluggedIf you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Roses(Deluxe Version)If you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:This Is The Sound Of...The CranberriesIf you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger

The Cranberries的《Linger》 歌词

歌曲名:Linger歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Live 2010 Zenith Paris 22 03 10If you, if you could returndon"t let it burndon"t let it fadeI"m sure I"m happierbut it"s just your attitudeit"s tearing me apartit"s ruining everydayI swore, I swore I would be truebut honey so did youso why were you holding her handis that the way you standwere you lying all the timewas it just a game to youBut I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerOh, I thought I loved youI thought that nothing could go wrongbut I was wrongI was wrongIf you, if you could get bytrying not to liethings wouldn"t be so confusedand I wouldn"t feel so usedbut you always <something>I just wanna be with youand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingerand I miss youyou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it lingeryou know I"m such a fool for youyou got me wrapped around your fingerdo you have to let it lingerdo you have todo you have todo you have to let it linger



「摩天轮」英文怎么说?秒懂 Ferris wheel 中文意思!

摩天轮 英文 应该怎么说呢?「摩天轮」的英文叫做Ferris wheel,是一种游乐设施,就是那种有很大的箱子,可以让人坐在里面,并且由一个转轮转到高空,可俯瞰远方的游乐设施。 下面整理了「摩天轮」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. Ferris wheel 摩天轮 「摩天轮」的英文是Ferris wheel,Ferris wheel的中文意思就是指「摩天轮」。 摩天轮相关英文例句: 例: The Ferris wheel is my favourite ride at the park. 这摩天轮是我最喜欢的这公园游乐设施。 例: Do you want to ride the Ferris wheel and merry-go-round? 你想坐摩天轮跟旋转木马吗? Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel 中文, Ferris wheel 中文意思, Ferris wheel 中文的意思, Ferris wheel 中文解释, Ferris wheel 意思, Ferris wheel 用法, Ferris wheel 翻译, 摩天轮, 摩天轮 英文, 摩天轮 英文怎么说, 摩天轮的英文, 英文 Ferris wheel, 英文 摩天轮



注册Wiley时,显示Sorry an error has occurred


Jerry Jacobs Design现代经典室内设计作品欣赏

这是位于加州的Tiburon公寓,占地900平方英呎,是属于把住宅的原结构全面拆除并进行结构升级。Jerry Jacobs的设计实现了既能在室内欣赏到壮观的无敌海景,又在视觉上无形的扩大了室内空间。 这是一个5000平方英尺的公寓,采用阁楼式的设计,整个设计风格时尚、精致、充满现代气息。 这是位于美国三藩市的Presidio Heights neighborhood,Jerry Jacobs设计的目的是为了满足客户希望在海湾地区实现巴黎式公寓的梦想。

jmeter [LDAP: error code 8 - BindSimple: Transport encryption required.]

这个错误信息表示LDAP服务器需要使用加密传输进行身份验证,但是JMeter LDAP Sampler默认没有启用加密传输。要解决这个问题,您可以采取以下步骤:在JMeter中选择LDAP Sampler,然后在右侧的“配置元件”窗格中,找到“Security Settings”部分。选择“Use StartTLS”选项,这将启用加密传输。如果LDAP服务器需要使用SSL连接,则需要选择“Use SSL”选项,并提供相应的证书信息。在“User DN”和“User Password”字段中提供有效的LDAP管理员凭据,以便进行身份验证。确认您的LDAP服务器的端口号和主机名已正确配置。运行LDAP Sampler,看看是否成功连接到LDAP服务器并执行所需的操作。如果您仍然遇到问题,可以检查LDAP服务器的错误日志以获取更多信息。可能需要与LDAP管理员联系以获取支持。



win7 旗舰版,安装office2010时出现error1935。.netframework电脑提示已安装,可

方法/步骤1、安装office 出现1935错误,然后安装程序自动回滚。2、这个错误一般是由于Microsoft .NET Framework组件出现了问题。主要是因为:1.系统没有安装.NET Framework组件。2.系统中的.net Framework损坏。3、先到控制面板-->程序-->卸载程序。看看里面有没有.net framework 组件。4、没有的话下载安装即可(有的话可以卸载重装)小编win7系统测试过,推荐安装.net framework 4.0即可,新的4.5安装无法解决问题。5、关于.net framework ,大家可以去官网现在,也可以其他软件站下载,资源还是很多的,这里不说了,下载后直接安装即可。6、在控制面板-->程序-->卸载程序中。可以看到刚才安装.net framework 组件。7、OK,问题解决,现在可以正常安装office了。


merry的英语读法:/u02c8meri/释义:adj.欢快的;兴高采烈的;欢庆的;愉快的;微醉的。比较级merrier;最高级merriest。短语:1、make merry:尽情欢乐;欢宴作乐;2、merry hell:大惊小怪;搞破坏;造成损失;损坏;3、merry andrew:小丑;丑角;4、go on one"s merry way:坚持到底;一意孤行;5、lead someone a merry dance:给?造成许多麻烦;6、as merry as a grig:非常快乐;十分活跃。例句:1、After the third bottle of beer he began to feel quite merry.喝完第三瓶啤酒后,他开始颇有醉意了。2、He wished me a merry Christmas.他祝我圣诞快乐。3、The narrow streets were dense with merry throngs of students.狭窄的街道挤满了欢乐的学生。

对方服务器返回的原因如下: SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 mailbox



英国公元1856年,创办人Thomas Burberry在英国Hampshire的Basingstoke开设了一间成衣店,1879年,他研发出一种组织结实、防水透气的斜纹布料-Gabardine(轧别丁),因耐用实穿的特性使然,很快就被英国机师及军队广泛使用。 1901年,Burberry设计出第一款风衣,一次大战爆发,Burberry风衣被指定为英国军队的高级军服,而为配合军事用途,在设计上也修改为双排扣、肩盖、背部有保暖的厚片,腰际附上D型金属腰带环,以便收放弹药、军刀的Trench Coat!直到今日,翻开英国牛津辞典,如果想查「风衣」这个单字,你会发现「Burberry」已成为风衣的另一代名词,意义非凡!而原本用于风衣内里的格纹,于1924年首度现身,优雅时髦的调性,直到今日更被广泛运用。 90年代末期,时尚界吹起品牌新生的趋势,Burberry开始在大环境下寻求突破。现任品牌CEO的Rose Marie Bravo女士在1997年加入Burberry,并先后请来Roberto Menichetti与Christopher Bailey担任设计总监,搭配摄影师Mario Testino与超级名模Stella Tennant与Kate Moss的组合,在拥抱前人之余,透过独有的设计思考,将经典元素注入其中,让传统英国的尊贵个性与生活品味延伸,重新演绎Burberry的新动力哲学。实用与时尚并重的英伦名牌Burberry,以独家的布料、经典的格子图案、大方优雅的剪裁,赢取了无数人的欢心。要了解Burberry的形象,最好先从好莱坞电影中窥探一番。最早也是最成功的例子便是:亨弗莱.鲍嘉在影片《北非谍影》中身穿的战服;奥黛莉.赫本在《蒂凡内早餐》中身穿Burberry的避雨装;当然,这种服装也常常与间谍同日而语,因此间谍片总少不了它的身影。此外还有在《克蓝玛对克蓝玛》中身穿Burberry的梅丽.史翠普及《华尔街》中向城市大声呼喊的迈克尔.道格拉斯。另外,由骆驼色、黑色、红色、白色组合成的格子图案,几乎就代表了Burberry。这格子图案原是1924年Burberry雨衣系列的衬里设计,现在则成了Burberry的经典标志。 1853年出生的Thomas Burberry,曾在布店里当学徒,21岁那年,他决定自立门户,于英国的Hampshire开设服饰用品店,从而也开创了Burberry这一光辉的品牌。1879年Burberry研制了一种布料:gabardine,也就在此时Burberry赢得大家的认可。非常有意思的是这种布料的灵感来源,Thomas Burberry发觉当时的牧羊人及农夫,身上穿的麻质罩衫竟有冬暖夏凉的奇妙特性,便决定从中取经。经过几番研究,他以秘而不宣的独特手法,制成了一种防水防绉、透气耐穿的布料。Thomas Burberry给这种布料起名gabardine,并以此字作为Burberry的注册商标达40年。直到今天,Burberry制作轻便、防水服装的方法仍是个秘密。1891年,Burberry又在伦敦的比加得力广场附近开设了一家分店,沿袭并巩固了它原有的风格。 Burberry在成为时尚品牌之前一直是个较为实用的牌子,直到19世纪末,它还在人们的户外服饰中占了主流。在维多利亚后期和爱德华七世初期,Burberry几乎为所有的户外运动生产了专门的防水服和猎装,包括女士高尔夫球和射箭穿的衣服,男士的网球装、钓鱼装,以及登山、滑雪、骑单车的服装等。甚至在1914年第一次世界大战中,英国军官们也穿了Burberry专门生产的“防风雨服”,由此Burberry形成了一种“战衣”的风格并进而达到了极致:与众不同的肩章、带皮条的袖口、领间的钮扣、深深的袋兜、防风雨的口袋盖及附着的金属环。据估计,在大战期间有50多万的英国官兵都是穿Burberry的。 20世纪初,Burberry推出了多款分别适用于各种场合的运动装束,为喜爱户外活动者提供不同选择。由于具备极佳的防风和保温功能,它一次又一次成为探险家及飞行家之选。Roald Amundsen便以一身Burberry装束踏足南极,而在成为登陆南极的第一人后,他不但力赞Burberry是冰天雪地里的良伴,更于当地留下了一个Burberry帐蓬。其后Sir John Alcock及 Arthur Brown创下度成功飞越大西洋的纪录时,穿的也是Burberry服饰。 过去的几十年,Burberry主要以生产雨衣、伞具及丝巾为主,而今在杂志等媒介中,我们不难看到它的格子长呢披肩及各种结婚礼服,可谓是另谋新路。幕后的主脑是1998年被聘为设计总监和主管的Roberto Menichetti。他的宗旨是:汲取Burberry传统服装中的精髓以求更好地发展新一代产品。Menichetti将他的创作范围拓展到女装、裙装、配饰及男士西服上。为了将Burberry的新形象公诸于众,Menichetti还特意聘请了摄影师Mario Testino,并展开了一个名为“岩石与王权”的诙谐的宣传活动。现今,Burberry在世界各大城市开设多间专门店,其主要负责人Rose Marie Bravo表示她将会花数年时间去实现她对Burberry的梦想。我们拭目以待吧!

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上传照片老是显示upload error:500什么意思?


interrelate correlate relate区别 详细点

relate: give an account,narrat; be connected by blood/marriage强调血亲/婚姻关系;强调人与人之间关系,强调人与人发生的事情之间的关系等,其次也能强调事物之间的关系。cor-relate:have a mutual relationship/connection and 1 thing is depends/affects on another强调两个事物之间本就有一些共性从而有联系并互相影响/依赖inter-relate:relate or connect to one other单纯表达事物之间有联系/相通---relate最常用,几乎百搭不出错,除去特定搭配几乎可以囊括correlate和interrelate的情况。想要强调两者之间不仅有关系还有共同点的话用relate或者correlate,只想强调两者相关就用interrelate。从程度而言,relate、correlate的联系程度深于interrelate。---非要简单粗暴不严谨一点的话就是:你和父母之间是relate你和闺蜜之间是correlate你和学校/公司/中国之间是interrelate

Peacock Katy Perry讲的是什么?

wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockVerse 1Word on the street, you got somethin" to show me, eeMagical, colorful, Mr. Mystery, eeI"m intrigued, for a peek, Heard it"s fascinatingWords are misleadSuch a teaseWanna see the showIn 3D, a movieHeard it"s beautifulBe the judgeAnd my girls gonna take a bowPre-ChorusI want the jaw droppin, eye popin, head turnin, body shockin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)ChorusAre you brave enough to let me see your peacock?Don"t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a beeotchI"ma peace out if you don"t give me the pay offCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathAre you brave enough to let me see your peacock?What you"re waiting for, it"s time for you to show it offDon"t be a shy kinda guy I"ll bet it"s beautifulCome on baby let me seeWhatchu hidin" underneathI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockVerse 2Skip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walkBrake me off, if you bad, show me how"s the bossNeed some goose, if you lose, come on take a shotPre-ChorusI want the jaw droppin, eye popin, head turnin, body shockin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)ChorusAre you brave enough to let me see your peacock?Don"t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a beeotchI"ma peace out if you don"t give me the pay offCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathAre you brave enough to let me see your peacock?What you"re waiting for, it"s time for you to show it offDon"t be a shy kinda guy I"ll bet it"s beautifulCome on baby let me seeWhatchu hidin" underneathI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockOh my good no exaggerationNoy all this time was worth the waitingI just shared a tearI"m so unpreparedYou"ve got the finest architectureAnd on the rainbow looking treasureSuch a sight to seeAnd it"s all for me

Katy Perry的《Peacock》 歌词

歌曲名:Peacock歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream: The Complete ConfectionPeacockKaty PerryI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockWord on the street, you got somethin" to show me, me Magical,colorful, Mr. Mystery, eeI"m intrigued, for a peek, Heard it"s fascinatingCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathWords are misleadSuch a teaseWanna see the showIn 3D, a movieHeard it"s beautifulBe the judgeAnd my girls gonna take a bowCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathI want the jaw droppin, eye popin, head turnin, body shockin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)Are you brave enough to let me see your peacockDon"t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a beeotchI"ma peace out if you don"t give me the pay offCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathAre you brave enough to let me see your peacockWhat you"re waiting for, it"s time for you to show it offDon"t be a shy kinda guy I"ll bet it"s beautifulCome on baby let me seeWhatchu hidin" underneathpeacock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna seeSkip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walkBrake me off, if you bad, show me how"s the bossNeed some goose, if you lose, come on take a shotCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathI want the jaw droppin, eye popin, head turnin, body shockin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazin(Uh, uh, oh, Uh, uh, uh, oh)Are you brave enough to let me see your peacockDon"t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a beeotchI"ma peace out if you don"t give me the pay offCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathAre you brave enough to let me see your peacockWhat you"re waiting for, it"s time for you to show it offDon"t be a shy kinda guy I"ll bet it"s beautifulCome on baby let me seeWhatchu hidin" underneathI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockOh my god no exaggerationNoy all this time was worth the waitingI just shared a tearI"m so unpreparedYou"ve got the finest architectureAnd on the rainbow looking treasureSuch a sight to seeAnd it"s all for meAre you brave enough to let me see your peacockDon"t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a beeotchI"ma peace out if you don"t give me the pay offCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneathAre you brave enough to let me see your peacockWhat you"re waiting for, it"s time for you to show it offDon"t be a shy kinda guy I"ll bet it"s beautifulCome on baby let me seeI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockYour peacock, cock, cockYour peacockI wanna see your peacock, cock, cockYour peacock, cockCome on baby let me seeWhat you"re hiding underneath

Katy perry 的 Peacock的中文歌词

ti:hot n cold][ar:katy perry][al:one of the boys][by:lk歌词组tonychang][00:-2.00]katy perry - hot n cold 凯蒂·派瑞—忽冷忽热[00:-1.00]spike dai 译(欢迎访问spikedai的优酷视频空间)you change your mind 你,改变了主意like a girl changes clothes 像个女孩不停地更换新衣yeah you, pms 对,你,经前综合症like a bitch, i would know 就像个娘们儿,这我早该知道and you over think 你想得太多always speak crypticly 说话老是含含糊糊i should know 我早该知道that you"re no good for me 你根本就配不上我cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好(you)you don"t really want to stay, no (其实)其实你根本不想留下来,噢(but you)but you don"t really want to go-o (可你)可你又不想真的离开,噢you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in and you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up and you"re down 你畏畏缩缩we used to be 我们以前总是just like twins so in sync 像一对双胞胎步调一致the same energy 曾同样充满活力now"s a dead battery 现在却像是没电的电池used to laugh about nothing 曾为了无聊小事开怀大笑now your plain boring 而现在的你无聊透顶i should know 我早该知道that you"re not gonna change 你就是死性不改cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好(you)you don"t really want to stay, no (其实)其实你根本不想留下来,噢(but you)but you don"t really want to go-o (可你)可你又不想真的离开,噢you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in and you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up and you"re down 你畏畏缩缩someone call the doctor 谁快去找个医生来got a case of a love bi-polar 我得了爱情分裂症stuck on a roller coaster 卡在了云霄飞车上can"t get off this ride 怎么停也停不下来you change your mind 你,改变了主意like a girl changes clothes 像个女孩不停地更换新衣cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩y

Katy Perry的peacock唱得是什么???歌词是什么意思?

其实挺内涵的 0 0peacock本来是指孔雀,但在水果姐的歌词里是指男生的***哈哈哈LZ自己理解一下啦~其实之前我也搞不懂 还是同学告诉我的....采纳我的答案吧!!!

Katy Perry PEACOCK 歌词翻译成中文 请一行一行的翻译 不要百度找的 要准确点 我有点郁闷

你的孔雀“世界就在街上”你买了东西给我看的我神秘的魔法的彩色they "我非常感兴趣对聚醚醚酮听到它的迷人加油的孩子,让我看看你hidin "下面的话在卷起袖子准备大干一场这样一种挑逗想看表演的哦在3D的电影听说今天是美丽的作审判和我的女生都会投票表决的哦下面是什么你躲我想要的下巴掉“眼睛的“嘭嘭”声令人震惊的头转动的身体我想要我的心的悸动地动的鞋上的令人惊异的你有勇气让我看一看你的孔雀吗?别当胆小鬼呀小男孩的表现得象个beeotch停止我"mma和平,如果你不给我回报你在等什么?它的时间为您展示了它不要成为一个害羞的那种男人我敢打赌,(我觉得)它挺美的我想看一看你的跳过说话的习惯了一切时间走了走打破了我如果你是坏的给我看看谁说了算需要一些鹅会松脱来吧,试一下哦,我的上帝的一点都不夸张小男孩的所有这一切的时候,还是值得等待我只是流出了眼泪我太措手不及你有最优秀的建筑rainbow-looking珍惜的,这样一个壮观全是为了我你的孔雀的鸡(我想看到你的)

用白云一键重装系统重装电脑显示error15file not found,在网上搜了解决办法输入grub>root(hd0,0)没有用


为什么无线上网的电脑打开出现Error 404--Not Found连上网线就没有


电脑开机出现error(Not found..........)

vfloppy.sys是虚拟软盘系统.而vfloppy.sys 的引导程序是放在mbr中的并且占据磁盘开始的3个扇区,也就是说vfloppy.sys安装的时候需要向从mbr开始的3个扇区写数据,这样如果此时发生错误,将可能是系统无法引导。 Err 5:Error finding VFLOPPY.SYSErr 8:Fake FLOPPY driver not foundPress any key出现这句话,说明你的GHOST一键还原出现了重大错误,使得在0磁道的MBR信息缺损或者丢失。轻度的话,按任意键还能进系统,严重的话,连系统都进步了,只能使用工具修复MBR。已知可行办法:(经测试,可以修复,但需要一些计算机操作基础)用Windows 故障恢复控制台输入Fixmbr命令具体方法:拿出一张XP安装光盘(注意:GHOST版本的XP系统光盘不可以,番茄花园之类的可以)放进驱动器,重启电脑在出现"欢迎使用安装程序"的界面,我们可以看到第二项提示是"要使用"恢复控制台"修复 Windows XP安装,请按 R"。 在按了R键之后,安装程序会对磁盘进行检查。稍等片刻后,屏幕上会列出已经找到的操作系统及其安装目录,并且会自动编号。系统会询问你要登录到哪一个Windows系统,我们只要输入系统前面的序号,然后回车(千万不要直接按回车!系统会重新启动的!),然后会询问管理员的密码,输入之后按回车(没密码就直接回车),这样我们就进入了修复控制台。然后在出现的windows/>后面输入Fixmbr然后回车,输入Y,确认继续最后输入exit回车最终完成 如果不会操作,可以让懂电脑的同事,帮你弄下,前提先给对方看下这几段话



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关于统计的问题 在科技文献中 Error bars indicate SEM 应该怎么准确翻译 谢谢了

SEM = standard error of the mean 统计学中为均数标准误即 “误差线表示均数标准误”而不是电镜

请教origin中如何在多条曲线上都添加error bar

这个很简单,首先你自己作图的数据就需要处理好有标准误,然后在点击折线图时 进入plot setup,X、Y 、YEr,其中YEr就是标准误,每个Y下面都对应一个YEr,只能这样简单的说下了。如还有什么不懂,再说吧!祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

请教origin中如何在多条曲线上都添加error bar

这个很简单,首先你自己作图的数据就需要处理好有标准误,然后在点击折线图时 进入plot setup,X、Y 、YEr,其中YEr就是标准误,每个Y下面都对应一个YEr,只能这样简单的说下了。如还有什么不懂,再说吧!祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

Merry U的中文歌词

翻译中文歌词——《marry u》Love~oh baby my girl~你是我的全部光芒四射的新娘是神赐予我的礼物 很幸福吧?在你黑色的瞳中流出了眼泪就算白发苍苍我只爱你全世界独一无二的你我对天发誓 我爱你”这句话想用一生对你说 Would you marry me?想要爱着你珍惜着你度过今天后的生活你要进入梦乡时我的手臂就是你的枕头 Would you marry me?我这颗真诚的心可被你认定了吗? 这一生 我要守在你身边 I do我真的好爱你 I do 就算下雨下雪都会好好呵护你 I do永远保护着你 I do 穿着白色婚纱的你还有穿着礼服的我我们跟着彼此步伐一致地向着那星月发誓 I swear不要谎言不要猜疑我爱的公主 Stay with me就算我们年华已逝也要笑着生活 Would you marry me?你愿意和我度过一生吗? 就算眼前困难重重 I do我会陪你在身边 I do 我们一起走过的日子 I do我都会心存感激 My love 请你接受我从以前就准好好献给你的这只闪亮戒指 我会永远记得今天所许下的约定Would you marry me? 这一生我要守在你身边 I do我真的好爱你 I doRAP 我能给你的就只有我的爱就只有这些即使微不足道我不够成熟不够体贴RAP 可以答应我一件事吗?不管未来会如何我们要继续彼此相爱仅此而已~ 就算下雨下雪 都会好好呵护你 I do永远保护着你 I do 就算眼前困难重重 I do我会陪在你身边 I do我们一起走过的日子 I do我都会心存感激 My love 愿意嫁给我吗?I do! 音译歌词——《marry u》Love~ oh baby my girl~ 库dei那也/抢不/动不 惜给/啊录/(大屋)(那也)/心不 惜你就心/桑木 很博看嘎/有库(dei也)嘎/满 努内搜nun/木里呼里/出 嘎/满莫/里怕不里/tei dei/嘎几兜 那也撒郎/那也库dei/撒郎哈够/苏 那/门sei/哈(给有) 库dei路/撒郎按/大/嫩买 piong /森没/一累就够/惜泼 Would you marry me? no/撒郎啊(够啊)/gi缪/撒拉嘎够/惜泼 库dei嘎/恰米读给/麻大 内怕累/切哇就/够/惜泼 Would you marry me? 一咯(那也)嘛舞/后拉K就类 piong森/Q dei一苏给 I do no/撒郎哈嫩够 I do nun 挂皮嘎/哇兜/啊giu就/缪搜 I do no路起Q/就给my love 哈呀/读类苏努/里盆库dei 投惜/豆/一盆/那也某苏 怕够录木/嘛出有/口努努里 求/塔林挂/piu类 I swear 够几嘛/惜楼 Wi(惜木)/惜楼 撒郎哈nun/那也/共就stay/ with me 屋里嘎/那一录/莫够豆 舞素缪/撒拉嘎/够惜破 Would you marry me? 那也/摸等那路 很给/嘿就类 (hi木)dei/够啊/留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 屋里/喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 欧/类窘不投 no路/wi嘿/君比按 内/搜内比/那nun办/及路/怕大就 偶努挂/卡图嘛木楼 起古没雅/搜gi/有嘎类 Would you marry me? piong森/giu tei一苏给 I do no/撒郎/哈嫩够 I do nun 挂/皮嘎哇兜/啊giu /就缪搜 I do no路/几Q就给(I do) 内/卡/ 库dei也给/ 读里够孙/ 撒郎怕给/(哦不)就 库求/库盆您够/博恰/嘎投就 搜/涂楼/博一够 嘛/你不/就K豆 那也撒郎/那也库dei/几Q/就给有 喊嘎及慢/有苏给/就类 木苏/你一/搜豆 屋里/撒楼撒郎/哈gi楼…. 库普(你雅) hi木)读/够啊留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 屋里喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 那哇/Q楼内就类 I do~~~



打开workflow报错 Error accessing the system registry

右击workflow bulider, 以管理员角色运行

电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter而且键盘没反应

电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。

开机出现To interrupt normal startup怎么办?

联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的具体解决步骤如下:1、首先这句话的意思是”系统启动失败,请插入系统盘并按回车“这就说明我们的电脑系统是正常的,不然也不会反馈回这一句。2、然后我们先等待5~6分钟,如果系统又恢复了正常,那说明是我们的系统硬盘或者风扇区出了问题,需要更换硬盘或修理风扇区。3、如果过了5~6分钟依旧没有反应,我们把电池拔掉再装上试试,因为有可能是主板接触不良。4、如果依旧没有反应,我们按F12进到BIOS里,在STARTUP选项里,把QUICK换成diagnostic。5、然后重新启动一次就可以解决联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的问题了。

我的ThinkPad启动就一直出现 startup interrupt menu,该怎么弄呢?


联想电脑开机显示 to interrupt mormal startup


联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup, 这是怎么回事?

联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的具体解决步骤如下:1、首先这句话的意思是”系统启动失败,请插入系统盘并按回车“这就说明我们的电脑系统是正常的,不然也不会反馈回这一句。2、然后我们先等待5~6分钟,如果系统又恢复了正常,那说明是我们的系统硬盘或者风扇区出了问题,需要更换硬盘或修理风扇区。3、如果过了5~6分钟依旧没有反应,我们把电池拔掉再装上试试,因为有可能是主板接触不良。4、如果依旧没有反应,我们按F12进到BIOS里,在STARTUP选项里,把QUICK换成diagnostic。5、然后重新启动一次就可以解决联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的问题了。

速派 transmiss error


matlab som quantification error 怎么算

量化误差 Then via the introduction of Match-degree, Reduction-rate and quantification error of reducing sample, a novel approach to intrusion detection based on Multi-layered modified SOM neural network and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed. 然后通过引入自定义变量匹配度、约简率和约简样本量化误差,提出了一种新的基于多层自组织映射和主成分分析入侵检测模型与算法。 短句来源 The Self-Organizing Map(SOM) learning and classification algorithms are firstly modified. Then via the introduction of match-degree,reduction-rate and quantification error of reducing sample,a novel approach to intrusion detection based on multi-layered modified SOM neural network and Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is proposed. 首先改进了自组织映射学习和分类算法,通过引入自定义变量匹配度、约简率和约简样本量化误差,提出了一种新的基于多层自组织映射和主成分分析入侵检测模型与算法。

C语言 error C2143: 语法错误 : 缺少“;”(在“类型”的前面)?


E.T的歌词 Katy Perry的

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的赞同8| 评论



an error occured attempting to install client 怎么解决

解决办法: 只需要将 http改为https,然后在IE上打开,安装即可 问题如下 前段时间重装windows后,github就用不了,现在想重装,一直遇到一个问题。 提示如下an error occured attempting to inst








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