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fairy tale是什么意思?

《Fairy Tale》意为童话,是《传奇》的英文版。歌曲:Fairy Tale歌手:Michael Learns To Rock填词:Various Artists谱曲:Various Artists歌词In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face晨雾依稀隐笑颜You only look at me and I was yours入伊眼帘,入我心田But when I turn around you were nowhere to be seen蓦然回首,消失不见You have walked away and closed the door伊已循迹把门掩When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田Did I ever meet you in the sunshine曾否邂逅晴潋滟And when we were both a thousand years away曾否等待逾千年Did I ever hold you in the moonlight曾否月色撩人手相牵Did we make every minute last another day曾否把须臾萤火熔成恒久想念On a cold December night I gave my heart to you寒冬腊月我把真心献And by the summer you were gone庚日伏天难睹伊人面Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim时光流转人老星辰暗All I have are memories and this song唯余此曲回响记忆随风散When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田Did I ever meet you in the sunshine曾否邂逅晴潋滟And when we were both a thousand years away曾否等待逾千年Did I ever hold you in the moonlight曾否月色撩人手相牵Did we make every minute last another day曾否把须臾萤火熔成明日想念When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田In that misty morning I saw your smiling face晨雾依稀隐笑颜扩展资料《Fairy Tale》该歌曲收录在专辑《Everlasting Love Songs》中,由星外星唱片公司发行于2010-12-01,该张专辑包含了18首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、Toni Braxton演唱的《Fairy Tale》,该歌曲收录在专辑《The Heat》中,由索尼音乐公司发行于2000-04-25,该张专辑包含了12首歌曲。2、郑成河演唱的《Fairy Tale》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Two Of Me》中,由ubba4uc9c1ub79cub4dc公司发行于2015-05-04,该张专辑包含了12首歌曲。

《Fairy Tale》是什么意思?

《Fairy Tale》意为童话,是《传奇》的英文版。歌曲:Fairy Tale歌手:Michael Learns To Rock填词:Various Artists谱曲:Various Artists歌词In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face晨雾依稀隐笑颜You only look at me and I was yours入伊眼帘,入我心田But when I turn around you were nowhere to be seen蓦然回首,消失不见You have walked away and closed the door伊已循迹把门掩When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田Did I ever meet you in the sunshine曾否邂逅晴潋滟And when we were both a thousand years away曾否等待逾千年Did I ever hold you in the moonlight曾否月色撩人手相牵Did we make every minute last another day曾否把须臾萤火熔成恒久想念On a cold December night I gave my heart to you寒冬腊月我把真心献And by the summer you were gone庚日伏天难睹伊人面Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim时光流转人老星辰暗All I have are memories and this song唯余此曲回响记忆随风散When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田Did I ever meet you in the sunshine曾否邂逅晴潋滟And when we were both a thousand years away曾否等待逾千年Did I ever hold you in the moonlight曾否月色撩人手相牵Did we make every minute last another day曾否把须臾萤火熔成明日想念When will I see you again何时才能再相见When will the sky stop to rain何时待到连阴雨When will the stars start to shine何时星辰光芒闪When will I know that you are mine何时抱得美人归园田In that misty morning I saw your smiling face晨雾依稀隐笑颜扩展资料《Fairy Tale》该歌曲收录在专辑《Everlasting Love Songs》中,由星外星唱片公司发行于2010-12-01,该张专辑包含了18首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、Toni Braxton演唱的《Fairy Tale》,该歌曲收录在专辑《The Heat》中,由索尼音乐公司发行于2000-04-25,该张专辑包含了12首歌曲。2、郑成河演唱的《Fairy Tale》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Two Of Me》中,由ubba4uc9c1ub79cub4dc公司发行于2015-05-04,该张专辑包含了12首歌曲。

fairy tale是什么意思

fairy tale意思是神话故事,童话;谎言。fairy tale的造句如下:1、the real world is not a gentle fairy tale.(真实的世界不是一部温婉的童话。)2、Our love is the process of fairy tale ,but no ending.(我们的爱情有着童话的过程,却没有结局。)3、But not all of the content in the fairy tale is positive.(但是并不是童话中所有的内容都是正面的积极作用。)4、The sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty.(云海像童话中一样美丽。)5、Their love story sounds like a fairy tale.(他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。)6、You shall believe that we would be like in fairy tale.(你要相信,相信我们会象童话故事里。)7、Your life is a fairy tale , with the journey unscripted.(你的生活是一个没有剧本的神话故事。)

fairy tale是什么意思

  fairy tale 英[u02c8fu025bu0259ri teil] 美[u02c8fu025bri tel]  n. 童话; 编造的故事,谎言;  [例句]She was like a princess in a fairy tale.  她就像童话里的公主。  [其他] 复数:fairy tales

fairy tale是什么意思

童话; 编造的故事,谎言; 网络谎言; 神话故事; 仙话

fantasy story和fairy tale的区别

tale 1(尤指充满惊险的)故事She was reading tales of adventures.她在读冒险故事.2.传言; 谣言This is a folk tale.这是一个民间传说.3.(精彩但不一定完全真实的)讲述,叙述 4.传说;陈述 n.故事,传说,谎言,叙述,新闻报道 n.The story stirred her sympathy.n.这故事激起了她的同情心.n.故事 n.The story stirred her sympathy.n.这故事激起了她的同情心.n.The story took place in a serene summer night.n.故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜.n.传说 n.This novel has been developed out of a folk story.n.这部小说脱胎于民间传说.n.谎言 n.He took the girl in with his stories.n.他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩.n.叙述 n.The boy"s story has some colour of truth.n.这男孩的一番叙述听来似乎是真的.n.新闻报道 n.He will break the story tomorrow morning.n.他明天上午将发表这篇新闻报道.n.楼层(=storey)n.楼层(=storey) story n.That is a house of six stories.n.那是一栋六层楼的房子.vt.以历史事件为图案装饰

谁能提供fairy tale的中英文对照歌词?

Who are those little girls in pain just trapped in castle of dark side of moon? Twelve of them shining bright in vain like flowers that blossom just once in years. *They"re dancing in the shadow like whispers of love just falling in that place where they"re free as dove. They"re never been allowed to love in this cursed cage. It"s only the fairy tale they believe. 这些痛苦的少女们是谁? 她们被囚禁在月亮背后的城堡里 这12位少女空虚的散发着光辉 宛如数年才盛开一次的花朵一样 她们如同爱情的呓语般舞动着 仅仅梦想自己能像鸽子一样自由飞舞 她们在这座被诅咒的牢笼中连恋爱都不被允许 她们所深信的不过是个童话而已

有谁知道《Fairy Tale》这首歌的中文版叫什么吗?


Omnia的Fairy Tale的歌词翻译.请看清楚题目,我就不相信没一个人知道!

这是《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的续作)的卷首诗Child of the pure unclouded brow And dreaming eyes of wonder!Though time be fleet, and I and thouAre half a life asunder,Thy loving smile will surely hailThe love-gift of a fairy-tale.两道纯洁清秀的眉毛一双如梦似玉的眼睛孩子,时光虽飞逝你我仍忘年之交笑容可掬的你,定会欢迎童话故事这份爱的厚礼(另一个版本的翻译,只找到了第一段:孩子,你的前额纯洁又开朗, 梦幻的双眸映射奇思和妙想! 虽然时光如梭,你和我 年龄相差有一大箩, 而你可爱的微笑定将接纳 我这作为爱的礼物的童话。)I have not seen thy sunny face,Nor heard thy silver laughter;No thought of me shall find a placeIn thy young life"s hereafter -Enough that now thou wilt not failTo listen to my fairy-tale.明媚的脸庞不在眼前银铃般笑声已绝于耳你那幼稚的心灵里再不会想起有个我你现在愿听童话故事我已经感到心满意足A tale begun in other days,When summer suns were glowing -A simple chime, that served to timeThe rhythm of our rowing -Whose echoes live in memory yet,Though envious years would say "forget".那时往昔讲述的故事当夏日放射着耀眼的光辉教堂的钟单调地敲着恰恰定好了划桨的节奏钟声的回响还留在记忆中妒忌的岁月强令我忘却Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread,With bitter tidings laden,Shall summon to unwelcome bedA melancholy maiden!We are but older children, dear,Who fret to find our bedtime near.来啊,来听故事吧赶在严厉训斥的声音把郁郁不乐的女孩召到讨厌的卧室之前我们不过是年长的孩子见睡眠时刻临近也愤慨Without, the frost, the blinding snow,The storm-wind"s moody madness -Within, the firelight"s ruddy glow,And childhood"s nest of gladness.The magic words shall hold thee fast:Thou shalt not heed the raving blast.室外严寒逼人,飞雪迷漫风暴阴沉地把大地涤荡室内炉火熊熊,春意融融儿童尽情地玩耍嬉戏神奇的故事引人入胜不必理睬狂风的肆虐And though the shadow of a sighMay tremble through the story,For "happy summer days" gone by,And vanish"d summer glory -It shall not touch with breath of baleThe pleasance of our fairy-tale.或许叹息的阴影会浮现在主人公的嘴角为的是幸福的夏天已经流逝为的是夏日的光辉已经消失童话故事欢乐的主调却不会掺杂痛苦的气息 。。。。。。。。。望采纳

拜托那位高手迈克尔学摇滚fairy tale翻译谐音中文

迈克尔学摇滚的《fairy tale》的翻译谐音如下:啊哦疼 啊哦疼 啊哦疼 啊哦疼乌鸦在黑暗中 钻石般闪耀接着奏乐接着舞 直到天明童话故事里的情节 都那么迷人但我却心有所属 像被困在牢笼中你是我命中注定 却得不到的恋人漫天的星光 都不如你迷人你的裙摆 像美丽的彩虹跟着你步伐 我如梦如醉我们终于走到 童话的尽头但故事里的结局 却让我神伤你是我命中注定 却得不到的恋人漫天的星光 都不如你迷人你的裙摆 像美丽的彩虹跟着你步伐 我如梦如醉你是我命中注定 却得不到的恋人漫天的星光 都不如你迷人你的裙摆 像美丽的彩虹跟着你步伐 我如梦如醉你是我命中注定 却得不到的恋人

today is a fairy tale的歌词

Today Was A FairytaleToday was a fairytale, you were the prince.今天是一个童话,你是王子I used to be a damsel in distress.我是常常处于忧伤中的女孩You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six.你牵着我的手说六点来接我Today was a fairytale。今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress,今天是一个童话,我穿着裙子You wore a dark grey T-shirt你穿着深灰色的T恤You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess.你说我很漂亮,当我看起来一团糟时Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around.每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale,今天是一个童话You"ve got a smile that takes me to another planet.你的笑容带我去到了别的星球Every move you make, everything you say is right.你做的每个动作,你说每一句话都是对的Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale,今天是一个童话All that I could say is now it"s gettin so much clearer.我想要说的话,现在已经变得越来越清晰了Nothin" made sense till the time I saw your face.当我看到你的时候所有事情都变得有意义了Today was a fairy tale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around, yeah每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around.每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢I can feel my heart-It"s beating in my chest.我可以感觉心跳地剧烈Did you feel it?你能感觉到吗?I can"t put this down.我不能使它停下来Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way…一定是那样Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Ohh ohh yeaahOhh ohToday was a fairytale 今天是一个童话

一首歌的翻译 《Fairy Tale》

如果我错了,我知道我不值得这个 不要停留太久,我需要听到这些话你来告诉我 回程时,从我们只是朋友 在此之前的恋爱开始 告诉我怎么我爱你赢 或如何心都碎了可以修补 只是告诉我这不是结束 请告诉我现在 如何童话开始 或者它是怎么来结束 请告诉我的那部分再次 广告库 现在告诉我有什么错,我从来没有要伤害你,没有孩子,户外 这是在家里,汽车,或达令所有这些事情,我们认为我们需要 告诉我,即使是不正确的 但是,婴儿请不要说我们通过 告诉我怎么我爱你赢 或如何心都碎了可以修补 只是告诉我这不是结束 请告诉我现在 如何童话开始 或者它是怎么来结束 请告诉我的那部分再次 广告库 我想知道, Feelin "这是从早 当时的确,爱情是甜蜜的和无辜的 当你和我仍然可以成为朋友 所有的错误是正确的 凡真正的爱情从来没有结束 广告库 告诉我怎么我爱你赢 或如何心都碎了可以修补 只是告诉我这不是结束 请告诉我现在 如何童话开始 或者它是怎么来结束 请告诉我的那部分再次

fairy tale 中文翻译

fairy tale 中文翻译童话。童话是儿童文学的一种。这种作品通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来塑造形象,反映生活,对儿童进行思想教育。语言通俗、生动,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。童话又往往采用拟人的方法,举凡鸟兽虫鱼,花草树木,整个大自然以及家具、玩具都可赋予生命,注入人的思想感情,使它们人格化。扩展资料:“童话”一词在《现代汉语词典》中的解释是“儿童文学的一种体裁,通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来编写适合于儿童欣赏的故事”。“童话”一词在《辞海》中的基本解释是“儿童文学的一种,经过想象、幻想和夸张来塑造艺术形象,反映生活,增进儿童性格的成长”。综上所述,所谓童话是儿童文学体裁之一,通过丰富的幻想和夸张、象征、拟人的手法塑造形象,以适宜于儿童阅读的作品。童话是儿童文学的一种体裁,通过丰富的想像、幻想和夸张编写的适合于儿童欣赏的故事。童话的基本特点有:根据儿童心理发展的特点编写。有独特的修辞手段,如象征、比喻等。对于处于人生早期的儿童来说,他们富于幻想,对世界上的一切事物都非常好奇,没有明确的主客体概念,认为万物有灵,如认为周围的一切都像自己一样,既会高兴也会哭鼻子,也会肚子饿和口渴。因此,儿童有自己的独特认识世界的方式。为了帮助儿童认识周围的环境和事物,就要创造一种既适合他们的心理特点,又利于他们的发展的中介。童话的本质及其对儿童发展的价值正好可以起到这样的作用。同时,童话也是儿童喜爱的。正如列宁所说:“儿童的本性是爱听美妙的童话的。”

谁知道李健的传奇和《Fairy tale》(不是光良的童话的英文版)是谁翻唱谁的啊?


fairy tale的歌曲歌词

fairy taleAnd if I was wrong, I know I don"t deserve thisDon"t stay too long,I need to hear those words you used to tell meFrom way back when we were just friendsBefore this love affair beganTell me how I love you winsOr how a broken heart can mendJust tell me this is not the endPlease tell me nowHow the fairy tale beginsOr how it was supposed to endPlease tell me that part againTell me now(Tell me now baby)Tell me now(Again baby)Tell me now(Whoo!)Now tell me what"s wrong,I never meant to hurt you, no baby, oohWas it the home, the car,or darling all those things we thought we NeededTell me even if it ain"t trueBut baby please don"t say we"re through, no noTell me how I love you winsOr how a broken heart can mendJust tell me this is not the endPlease tell me now(Tell me now baby)How the fairy tale beginsOr how it was supposed to endPlease tell me that part againTell me now(Tell me now baby)Tell me now(Break it down darling)Tell me nowI wanna know thatFeelin" that"s from way backA time when it was true that,love was sweet and innocentWhen you and I could still be friendsMake all the wrong be right againWhere true love never has to end, oh~Tell me how,Tell me how I love you winsOr how a broken heart gonna mendJust tell me this is not the endPlease tell me now(Tell me now baby)How the fairy tale beginsOr how it was supposed to endPlease tell me that part again,oh babyI need to know, oh~oh~ baby, lalalalalala~~ 童话如果我错了,我知道我不配不要停留时间过长,我需要听到的那些话,你曾经告诉我从遥想当年,我们只是朋友在此之前的恋情开始告诉我,我怎么爱你就战胜一个破碎的心如何能补只要告诉我这是不是结束在请告诉我如何童话开始或它是如何应该结束请告诉我,再现在告诉我(告诉我现在宝宝)现在告诉我(再次婴儿)现在告诉我(Whoo!)现在告诉我,什么是错的,我从来没有想过要伤害你,宝贝,噢是因为房子,车子,或亲爱的所有这些事情,我们认为我们需要告诉我,即使它是不正确的但是宝贝请不要说我们正在通过,没有告诉我,我怎么爱你就战胜一个破碎的心如何能补只要告诉我这是不是结束请告诉我(告诉我现在宝宝)如何童话开始或它是如何应该结束请告诉我,再现在告诉我(告诉我现在宝宝)现在告诉我(打破它下来的宠儿)现在告诉我我想知道回来的路上的感觉的时候,它是真实的,爱情是甜蜜和无辜当你和我仍然是朋友让所有的错误,便又真正的爱情就永远不会结束,哦u301c告诉我,如何告诉我,我怎么爱你就战胜如何修补一颗破碎的心会只要告诉我这是不是结束请告诉我(告诉我现在宝宝)如何童话开始或它是如何应该结束请你告诉我的那部分再次,宝贝哦我需要知道,哦u301c哦u301c宝贝,lalalalalalau301cu301c fairy taleAnd if I was wrong, I know I don"t deserve this如果我做错了,我知道我不值得这样Don"t stay too long,不要在这里太久地驻足I need to hear those words you used to tell me我想听你很早以前曾经对我说过的那些话From way back when we were just friends那时,我们还只是朋友Before this love affair began那时,这爱情还未萌芽Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart can mend告诉我,怎样才能治愈一颗受伤的心Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now请现在就告诉我How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again请再次告诉我那一部分Tell me now(Tell me now baby)现在告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)Tell me now(Again baby)现在告诉我(再一次,亲爱的)Tell me now(Whoo!)现在告诉我Now tell me what"s wrong,现在告诉我到底哪里错了I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh我并不是有意伤害你的,不是的,亲爱的Was it the home, the car,这不是家吗,这车or darling all those things we thought we Needed还有亲爱的,这所有我们认为需要的东西Tell me even if it ain"t true告诉我,即使这一切都不是真实的But baby please don"t say we"re through, no no但是亲爱的,请不要说我们已经结束了,不要,不要Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart can mend告诉我,怎样才能治愈一颗受伤的心Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)请现在就告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again请再次告诉我那一部分Tell me now(Tell me now baby)现在告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)Tell me now(Break it down darling)现在告诉我(让它结束吧啊,亲爱的)Tell me now现在告诉我I wanna know thatFeelin" that"s from way back我想感受以前曾经感受过的感情A time when it was true that,那时,这一切都还是真实的love was sweet and innocent那时,爱情还是甜蜜纯真的When you and I could still be friends那时,我们还只是朋友Make all the wrong be right again让所有的错误都再次变为正确吧Where true love never has to end, oh~让真爱永远不再终结Tell me how,告诉我怎样Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart gonna mend告诉我,为何一颗受伤的心在寻求治愈Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)请现在就告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again,oh baby请再次告诉我那一部分,Oh,亲爱的I need to know, oh~oh~ baby, lalalalalala~~我需要知道, oh~oh~ 亲爱的,lalalalalala~~

fairy tale歌词及中文翻译…谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Child of the pure unclouded brow And dreaming eyes of wonder! Though time be fleet, and I and thou Are half a life asunder, Thy loving smile will surely hail The love-gift of a fairy-tale. 两道纯洁清秀的眉毛 一双如梦似玉的眼睛 孩子,时光虽飞逝 你我仍忘年之交 笑容可掬的你,定会欢迎 童话故事这份爱的厚礼 (另一个版本的翻译,只找到了第一段: 孩子,你的前额纯洁又开朗, 梦幻的双眸映射奇思和妙想! 虽然时光如梭,你和我 年龄相差有一大箩, 而你可爱的微笑定将接纳 我这作为爱的礼物的童话。) I have not seen thy sunny face, Nor heard thy silver laughter; No thought of me shall find a place In thy young life"s hereafter - Enough that now thou wilt not fail To listen to my fairy-tale. 明媚的脸庞不在眼前 银铃般笑声已绝于耳 你那幼稚的心灵里 再不会想起有个我 你现在愿听童话故事 我已经感到心满意足 A tale begun in other days, When summer suns were glowing - A simple chime, that served to time The rhythm of our rowing - Whose echoes live in memory yet, Though envious years would say "forget". 那是往昔讲述的故事 当夏日放射着耀眼的光辉 教堂的钟单调地敲着 恰恰定好了划桨的节奏 钟声的回响还留在记忆中 妒忌的岁月强令我忘却 Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread, With bitter tidings laden, Shall summon to unwelcome bed A melancholy maiden! We are but older children, dear, Who fret to find our bedtime near. 来啊,来听故事吧 赶在严厉训斥的声音 把郁郁不乐的女孩 召到讨厌的卧室之前 我们不过是年长的孩子 见睡眠时刻临近也愤慨 Without, the frost, the blinding snow, The storm-wind"s moody madness - Within, the firelight"s ruddy glow, And childhood"s nest of gladness. The magic words shall hold thee fast: Thou shalt not heed the raving blast. 室外严寒逼人,飞雪迷漫 风暴阴沉地把大地涤荡 室内炉火熊熊,春意融融 儿童尽情地玩耍嬉戏 神奇的故事引人入胜 不必理睬狂风的肆虐 And though the shadow of a sigh May tremble through the story, For "happy summer days" gone by, And vanished summer glory - It shall not touch with breath of bale The pleasance of our fairy-tale. 或许叹息的阴影 会浮现在主人公的嘴角 为的是幸福的夏天已经流逝 为的是夏日的光辉已经消失 童话故事欢乐的主调 却不会掺杂痛苦的气息满意请采纳

fairy tale的创作背景

《FAIRY TALE》于仓木麻衣20岁生日前五日发行,是她告别19岁,步入成年的作品,所以仓木麻衣选择把“童话”作为主轴,以“如果要舍弃梦想才能长大,那便不要成为大人”的想法制作表达希望永远留住纯真的赤子之心的概念专辑 。该专辑于2001年至2002年间录制,由长户大幸担任制作人 。2002年1月,仓木麻衣于巡回演唱会“Mai Kuraki Loving You... Tour 2002”中首次公开该专辑的制作,并演唱专辑原创曲《Loving You...》 。该专辑共收录4张单曲主打曲及8首专辑原创曲,由仓木麻衣完成所有歌曲的歌词,作曲由德永晓人、大野爱果、Yoko Black. Stone完成,编曲由Cybersound和德永晓人完成 。该专辑的第1首歌曲《Fairy tale ~my last teenage wish~》为凸显专辑的“童话”主题,在歌词中使用了“南瓜马车”、“毒苹果”等词汇。第2首歌曲《Feel Fine!》则是仓木麻衣首度演唱海滩男孩风的乐曲,是仓木麻衣从歌词的曲风要多元化的角度出发而演唱的。第11-12首歌曲《不思议的国度》及《fantasy》不同于仓木麻衣平常根据曲子作词的方式,由仓木麻衣先写词,她认为这种方式能创造出有趣的音乐出来 。

跪求这首歌的中文歌词ti: Fairy Tale (传奇英文版) ar: Michael Learns To Rock

It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸You only had to look at me and I was yours 你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen 我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化You had walked away and closed the door 你离开了并且关上了门When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再见你一面When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天开始不下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛苦开始结束Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?That cold December night I gave my heart to you 我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你[And] by the summer you were gone 而在夏天你却走了Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim 现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变得暗淡All I have are memories and this song 我的所有记忆和这首歌When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再一次见到你When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天空停止下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛开始到尽头Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你吗?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?

fairy tales的歌词是什么?

fairy tales 打印此页 歌手:divine 专辑:fairy tales Chorus:Love ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingLove ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingVerse 1:Mama said you better watch yourselfWhen you"re flying highOn the wings of loveKeep your balance or you just might fallAnd when you fall you gotta be strong"cause love ain"t like no fairy taleChorus:Love ain"t like no fairy taleDivineIt"ll break our heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingLove ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingVerse 2:Everytime i see you "round the wayI start thinking about yesterdayA picture perfect world is what i sawA picket fence, a house, a fancy carBridge:I just knew that you were heaven sentYou would make all ofMy wishes come trueYou"d be my knight and shining armorSomedayI was your princess soon to be queenChorus:It"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingLove ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingBridge:I just knew that you were heaven sentYou would make all ofMy wishes come trueYou"d be my knight and shining armorSomedayI was your princess soon to be queenChorus:Love ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy endingLove ain"t like no fairy taleIt"ll break your heart"cause it don"t always haveA happy ending

fairy tale的专辑鉴赏

复古味道POP曲风、充满透明感的嗓音、出色的外型,仓木麻衣在日本歌坛有着一块属于她的疆土,而专辑《Fairy Tale》就是一张让人听了会很舒服的专辑。专辑的核心开场曲《Fairy Tale~my last teenage wish~》,充满80年代节奏的中板舞曲,充满仓木纯真风格又令人怀念的曲风,是一首听了会想跟着身体一起摇摆的作品。而紧接在开场曲后的轻摇滚POP曲《Feel fine! 》竟意外地流畅,转瞬间彷佛夏日的阳光跟海洋迎面而来。《key to my heart》是一首抒情与中板混合的作品,仓木歌声的透明舒适感在这首作品里表现度100%,是一首不熟悉仓木麻衣的人也会轻易喜欢上的作品。《Winter Bell》在推出单曲时并没有取得很好的效果,但在专辑中段承接效果很好,可说是一首缓冲歌曲。《Loving You》,听见仓木麻衣令人怀念的R&B味道,在转音跟歌词的变换间,有年轻女生特有的青涩甜美。《Can"t forget your love》当初在推出单曲时,其实不太有单曲主打曲的气势,但在专辑中登场却充分透露出这首抒情歌强烈的存在感跟优越性。美式舞曲《Trip in the dream》与重节奏R&B曲《Not that kind a girl》,接连两首美式风格强烈的作品透露了仓木麻衣音乐的多样可能性,这种歌曲类型也正好跟她的抒情曲各自画分了不同的乐迷。第10首的抒情曲《Like a star in the night》加强了专辑后半的冬日印象,接下来的《不思议的国度》、《fantasy》,整张专辑的“童话”概念再次浮现,顺畅地结束了整张专辑。正是这种整体均衡感、个人风格充分地发挥,不刻意追求所谓的“新意”,而是制作“想要做出来的音乐”,仓木麻衣彷佛是Being系某种坚持的缩影 。(网易评)

fairy tale中文歌词

Fairy Tale 神话Michael Learns To Rock

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英文歌Fairy Tale Michael Learns to Rock 中文歌词是什么?

歌名:Fairy Tale (传奇英文版) 歌手:MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCKfairy tale 中文是指:童话; 编造的故事,谎言迈克学摇滚(Michael Learns To Rock),始建于1987年,曾被形容是斯堪的纳维亚音乐传统与西洋流行音乐的相遇,绝非「丹麦团」三个字就可以解释。他们全球千万张惊人的销售量是一般乐团少有的,迈克学摇滚深入慢摇音乐情感层面并从中精确掌握音符组构成果的能力,使得他们成为丹麦音乐史上最成功的团体之一。迈克学摇滚在家乡已经有超过五十万张唱片的销售,但更惊人的是他们在全球的销售数字更是高达千万张之高!其中在亚洲更是掀起一阵狂潮。

fairy tale什么意思


求Fairy Tale/传奇英文版 歌词和中文翻译

  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远

Fairy Tale什么意思,外带中文歌词.

“童话”的意思And if I was wrong, I know I don"t deserve this 如果我做错了,我不知道这是值得的Don"t stay too long, 不要留在这里太久I need to hear those words you used to tell me我想听你很早以前曾经对我说过的那些话From way back when we were just friends那时,我们还只是朋友Before this love affair began那时,这爱情还未萌芽Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart can mend告诉我,怎样才能治愈一颗受伤的心Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now请现在就告诉我How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again请再次告诉我那一部分Tell me now(Tell me now baby)现在告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)Tell me now(Again baby)现在告诉我(再一次,亲爱的)Tell me now(Whoo!)现在告诉我Now tell me what"s wrong, 现在告诉我到底哪里错了I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh我并不是有意伤害你的,不是的,亲爱的Was it the home, the car, 这不是家吗,这车or darling all those things we thought we Needed还有亲爱的,这所有我们认为需要的东西Tell me even if it ain"t true告诉我,即使这一切都不是真实的But baby please don"t say we"re through, no no但是亲爱的,请不要说我们已经结束了,不要,不要Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart can mend告诉我,怎样才能治愈一颗受伤的心Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)请现在就告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again请再次告诉我那一部分Tell me now(Tell me now baby)现在告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)Tell me now(Break it down darling)现在告诉我(让它结束吧啊,亲爱的)Tell me now现在告诉我I wanna know thatFeelin" that"s from way back我想感受以前曾经感受过的感情A time when it was true that,那时,这一切都还是真实的 love was sweet and innocent那时,爱情还是甜蜜纯真的When you and I could still be friends那时,我们还只是朋友Make all the wrong be right again让所有的错误都再次变为正确吧Where true love never has to end, oh~让真爱永远不再终结Tell me how, 告诉我怎样Tell me how I love you wins告诉我,怎样才能成功地爱你Or how a broken heart gonna mend告诉我,为何一颗受伤的心在寻求治愈Just tell me this is not the end仅仅只需告诉我,一切还未结束Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)请现在就告诉我(现在告诉我,亲爱的)How the fairy tale begins童话是如何开始的Or how it was supposed to end告诉我,它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again,oh baby请再次告诉我那一部分,Oh,亲爱的I need to know, oh~oh~ baby, lalalalalala~~我需要知道, oh~oh~ 亲爱的,lalalalalala~~

fairy tale什么意思

Fairy tale是童话的意思。

fairy tale是什么意思

  fairy tale 英[u02c8fu025bu0259ri teil] 美[u02c8fu025bri tel]  n. 童话; 编造的故事,谎言;  [例句]She was like a princess in a fairy tale.  她就像童话里的公主。  [其他] 复数:fairy tales

fairy tale怎么读

fairy tale[英][u02c8fu025bu0259ri teil][美][u02c8fu025bri tel]n.童话; 编造的故事,谎言;

fairy tale怎么读

fairy tale 英 [_fe_ri te_l]。中文翻译: 神话故事,童话,谎言。举个例子:1、She was like a princess in a fairy tale。她像童话故事里的一位公主。2、Am I to hear a fairy tale。我可以听一个童话故事吗。3、"But that is no fairy tale," said the little boy, who was listening to the story。“不过这并不是童话!”正在听故事的小男孩说。他可以变形为:fam 预言 -> 原指能预测说出精灵所在之地,后泛指仙子 -> fairy 小仙子。可以联想下面的单词:defame v. 诋毁。fabulous adj. 极好的。巨大的,神话似的。近义词:fiction/leasing。神话故事,童话,谎言。

Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s You (Special Edition)Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2814266

Civil Affairs Bureau是什么意思


Alexander Rybak所唱fairytale的歌词

翻译:Amy Jiao @ LK歌词组 翻译分队校对:Spike Dai @ SPIKEDAI的优酷视频空间Years ago, when I was younger / 数年前 当我还年少I kinda liked a girl I knew / 我有点 喜欢上一个女孩She was mine, and we were sweethearts / 她是我的 我们惺惺相惜That was then but then it"s true / 故事已老 却是真实I"m in love with a fairytale / 我深陷爱的童话中Even though it hurts / 尽管它让人伤痛"Cause I don"t care if I loose my mind / 但我不惮于失去理智I"m already cursed / 我已被施了魔咒Every day we start a fighting / 每一天 我们不停争吵Every night we fell in love / 每一晚 我们重归于好No one else could make me sadder / 只有你 让我伤心欲绝But no one else could lift me high above / 也只有你 让我无限快乐I don"t know, what I was doing / 我不知 自己做了些什么When suddenly, we fell apart / 突然间 我们就分了手Nowadays, I cannot find her / 而如今 我寻不到她But when I do, we"ll get a brand new start / 如若找到 将会是崭新开始I"m in love with a fairytale / 我深陷爱的童话中Even though it hurts / 尽管它让人伤痛"Cause I don"t care, if I loose my mind / 但我不惮于失去理智I"m already cursed / 我已被施了魔咒She"s a fairytale yeah / 她是我爱的童话Even though it hurts / 尽管它让人伤痛"Cause I don"t care, if I loose my mind / 但我不惮于失去理智I"m already cursed / 我已被施了魔咒LRC translated by Amy Jiao & Revised by Spike Dai

scarborough fair 中文歌词


all is fair in love and war是什么意思



fair]y和rather同属程度副词,可以修饰形容词、副词、动词等,两个词的意思很接近,都表示“相当”、“有点”。但仔细分析的话,区别有三: 一、意思上的区别。rather往往含有“褒义”,因此常常跟表示“好”的意思的词连用;fairly往往含有“贬义”,常同包含“坏”的意思的词连用。例如可以说fairly good,fairly safe,不可以说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,因为bad和dangerous都表示“坏”的意思,只能同rather连用:rather bad,rather dangerous.   有时rather可以表示一种“批评”,含有否定的意思;而fairly则表示“尽管有点不满意之处,但总的来说还是肯定”的意思。试比较下列例句:   this is a fairly easy book.这是一本相当浅易的书(虽然浅,还是适宜读的)。   this is a rather easy book.它是一本过于浅易的书(太浅了,或许适宜读)。   he wants a fair1y 1arqe car.他要一辆相当大的汽车(不要小的,也不要太大的)。   that car is rather larger than he wants.那辆汽车比他所需要的大了一点(太大了)。   a fairly cold day.相当冷的一天(虽然冷还能忍受)。   a rather cold day.过于冷的一天(太冷了,有点不能忍受)。   rather偶尔也以跟表示“好”的意思的词连用,这时往往表示说话者较强烈的情绪或感情。例如:   youu2019ve done rather well.你做得相当好。 i was rather pleased when i won the nobel prize.当我获得诺贝尔奖金时,我高兴极了。   二、rather可以和比较级形容词或者too连用,fairly则不行。例如:   my brother is rather better today.我兄弟今天好多了。   this book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.这本书对低年级学生太难对高年级学生又太容易。 在上述各句子中fairly都不能用。   三、rather和fairly在修饰形容词时位置也有些不同。如果形容词前有不定冠词a,rather可以放在a前面也可以放在a后面;fairly则只能放在a后面。例如:   a rather hot day也可说:rather a hot day   a fairly cold day不可说:fairly a cold day   如果形容词前有定冠词the,rather和fairly都只能放在the后面。例如: the rather cold weather the fair1y cold weather   如果形容词前没有冠词,rather和fairly均可直接放在形容词前。   rather cold weather   fair1y cold weather
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