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讣告的英语是:Obituary。Obituary的例句:1、我在《泰晤士报》上看到了你哥哥的讣告。I read your brother"s obituary in the Times.2、我想在你为约翰·凯奇写的讣告后补充一点内容。I should like to add a postscript to your obituary for John Cage.3、讣告里全是对他的客套溢美之词。There were pleasant and flattering obituaries about him4、我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。I rang The Globe with news of Blake"s death, and put notices in the personal column of The Times.5、人们在世的时候就有人给他们写讣告?People"s obituaries are written while they"re still alive?6、一天,马克·吐温在报上读到一则关于他的死亡讣告。One day Mark Twain read an announcement of his death in a newspaper.7、收到那封信五天后,他在早报上发现了安德森的讣告。Five days after the letter came, he found Andersen s obituary in the morning paper.8、他在1920年接任该报主编时,发现社论版对面的版面“混杂着书评、各类通用文本和讣告”。When he took over as editor in 1920, he realized that the page opposite the editorials was "a catchall for book reviews, society boilerplate, and obituaries2".9、而蒸汽机车的数量正在急剧减少,所以他在更新自己的网站his website时就好像在发布讣告,他说:世纪之交以来,蒸汽机车的数量就开始渐渐减少,几乎都消失了。Now their numbers are in such swift decline that updating his website is like running an obituaries page, he said. It"s been a steady decline since the turn of the century. Virtually everything has gone.10、《纽约时报》杂志(The New York Times)和其他大多数主流媒体都没有为他发布讣告。He did not get an obituary in The New York Times or in most other major media outlets.