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function showtime (){

这是一段JAVAScript代码,用于在网页的某个地方显示当前时间,每个一秒刷新一次。function showtime (){ var now = new Date(); // 取得当前时间var year = now.getYear(); // 取得当前时间的年份var month = now.getMonth() + 1; // 取得当前时间的月份var date = now.getDate(); // 取得当前时间的日期var hours = now.getHours(); // 取得当前时间的小时var minutes = now.getMinutes(); // 取得当前时间的分钟var seconds = now.getSeconds(); // 取得当前时间的秒var day = now.getDay(); // 取得当前时间的星期Day = new MakeArray(7); // 用于存储一星期每天名称的数组Day[0]="星期天"; Day[1]="星期一"; Day[2]="星期二"; Day[3]="星期三"; Day[4]="星期四"; Day[5]="星期五"; Day[6]="星期六"; // 以下开始准备要显示的字符串var timeValue = ""; // 置空字符串,timeValue += year+ "年"; // 添加年timeValue += ((month < 10) ? "0" : "") + month + "月"; // 添加月timeValue += date + "日 "; // 添加日timeValue += (Day[day]) + " "; // 添加星期timeValue += ((hours <= 12) ? hours : hours - 12); // 添加时timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes; // 添加分timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds; // 添加秒timeValue += (hours < 12) ? "上午" : " 下午"; // 添加上下午document.all.clock.innerText = timeValue; // 显示到网页上timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000); // 一秒之后再次刷新显示timerRunning = true }//标准日期到中文日期的转化函数 function startclock () { stopclock(); showtime() }//打开闹钟函数__________________________这和C语言语法比较接近+= 是把后面的字符串连接到前面的那个字符串后面((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds;是什么表达式? 这里的 ? :是一个条件表达式,根据问号前面的表达式的值的真假来决定整个表达式是取冒号前面的表达式的值还是取冒号后面的表达式的值,为真取冒号前面的表达式的值,为假取冒号后面的表达式的值。上面的表达式也就是在秒小于10时,在前面加个0,如 01、02、09等,否则直接取该数值,如10、15、59等


湿的 酒 炉子,管道 击打,敲击 磁带 愉悦,乐趣 drive 的过去时态,开车,行驶

function notation是什么意思




求brian culbertson funkin like my father的歌词

MiscellaneousNo One Could Do It Like My Father! (2 Apr 1909)[1st verse:]I hate to brag about my fam"ly but I must say thatMy father is the greatest man who ever wore a hatHe always took things easy in an easy sort of wayAnd when it came to taking things, just kindly let me say[1st chorus:]No one could do it like my father!Ever clever, stunning, cunning father!Other men might do the sameBut when it came to make a nameNo one could do it like my dad![2nd verse:]At keeping servant girls, my father always was an ace!He had a certain way to keep the ladies in their placeTheir place was in the kitchen and his place to keep them thereI don"t know how he did it but I really must declare[2nd chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherServants liked the cops, of courseSo father joined the police forceNo one could do it like my dad[3rd verse:]One night papa went in to see that great Salome danceYou talk about attention, say! he gave her ev"ry glanceHe has my mother dancing now, her brain is in a whirlAnd only here last week he came home with a string of pearls[3rd chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherNow he always stays at homeMama has learned that dance SalomeNo one could do it like my dad[4th verse:]My mother weighs three hundred pounds but don"t give it awayShe bought a brand new sheath gown and she wore it yesterdayMy father showed his dignity when mother showed her sockThen just to make the two ends meet he used a big padlock[4th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherNeighbor Jones and his neighbor LeeAre hunting for my father"s keyAnd no one could do it like my dad[5th verse:]I haven"t told you how my father and my mother wedShe was an old maid, he a burglar underneath her bedShe flashed a gun at father and said, "I must be your wife"My father wears a medal now for saving someone"s life[5th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherMother thinks a lot of paBut father drinks to think of maAnd no one could do it like my dad[6th chorus:]The other night when pa came home, he found to his surpriseThe iceman and my mother on the sofa making eyesHe did not get excited, no! not one word did he sayBut when the iceman"s bill came due, papa refused to pay[6th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherFather proved he was no slouchHe fooled them all when he sold the couchAnd no one could do it like my dad[7th verse:]When father went to school they tell me he was very badThey also say he had a purpose to make teacher madShe"d make him stay in after school and pa would ne"er refuseFor when it came to helping teacher tie her dainty shoes:[7th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherTeacher knew a thing or twoShe always wore a low cut shoeNo one could do it like my dad[8th verse:]We lived right by a railway station not so far from hereAnd father would make faces at the passing engineersThey"d all throw coal at father, yes they would upon my soulAnd when the winter came around we never needed coal[8th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherFirst he got coal one by oneAnd now he sells it by the tonAnd no one could do it like my dad[9th verse:]Around election time my father never knows his nameSometimes it"s Breen, or Smith, or Green, Gilhouley or McShaneThen other times it"s Harrigan, O"Connor, or O"DellThey ought to call him "Winchester" "cause he repeats so well[9th chorus:]No one could do it like my fatherEver clever, stunning, cunning fatherWhen you see him change his coatYou know that means another voteAnd no one could do it like my dadMiscellaneousNo One Could Do It Like My Father! (2 Apr 1909)

歌词里有baby i don 什么fun tonight 然后有观众附和一串英文

Cheap Thrills--sia

hedge fund是什么意思 请详细解释一下

对冲基金的英文名称为Hedge Fund,意为"风险对冲过的基金",起源于50年代初的美国。其操作的宗旨,在于利用期货、期权等金融衍生产品以及对相关联的不同股票进行实买空卖、风险对冲的操作技巧,在一定程度上可规避和化解投资风险。 在最基本的对冲操作中,基金管理者在购入一种股票后,同时购入这种股票的一定价位和时效的看跌期权(Put Option)。看跌期权的效用在于当股票价位跌破期权限定的价格时,卖方期权的持有者可将手中持有的股票以期权限定的价格卖出,从而使股票跌价的风险得到对冲。在另一类对冲操作中,基金管理人首先选定某类行情看涨的行业,买进该行业几只优质股,同时以一定比率卖出该行业中几只劣质股。如此组合的结果是,如该行业预期表现良好,优质股涨幅必超过其他同行业的股票,买入优质股的收益将大于卖空劣质股的损失;如果预期错误,此行业股票不涨反跌,那么较差公司的股票跌幅必大于优质股,则卖空盘口所获利润必高于买入优质股下跌造成的损失。正因为如此的操作手段,早期的对冲基金可以说是一种基于避险保值的保守投资策略的基金管理形式。 经过几十年的演变,对冲基金已失去其初始的风险对冲的内涵,对冲基金已成为一种新的投资模式的代名词。即基于最新的投资理论和复杂的金融市场操作技巧,充分利用各种金融衍生产品的杠杆效用,承担高风险、追求高收益的投资模式。

北美ETF与Mutual Funds到底选哪个

在选择ETF还是共同基金投资的问题上,许多投资者觉得不知作何选择。那我们就来聊聊北美市场中的ETF和共同基金各自有什么特点。两相比较之下,可知其优缺长短。1区别一:投资标的不同ETF —— 通常是追踪一个特定的(包括但不限于市场中现存的)指数。这个指数可以由发布者自己搭建。目前,在北美市场上公开发行交易的ETF产品十分丰富。譬如关注全球机器人自动化产业的ROBO(NASDAQ)、锚定国防军工板块的ITA(NYSE)都是各自领域中的佼佼者(其他业绩优异ETF指数产品将在今后的文章中介绍)。Mutual Fund —— 既可以追踪指数,也可以由基金经理自己选择股票组合,投资策略和风格各不相同。2区别二:流动性不同ETF —— 顾名思义,是可在交易所和股票一样交易的上市产品。交易日内价格随市场上下波动,因而流动性溢价较低,流动性更高。ETF在闭市之后不能再进行交易。Mutual Fund —— 不在交易所进行交易,交易的价格根据基金里包含的所有股票当天的闭市价格来计算。共同基金每个交易日只能交易一次,流动性相对较低。3区别三:仓位调整灵活性不同ETF —— 大多数ETF是被动型基金,追踪某一指数或某一市场。因此ETF的异质性风险(idiosyncratic risk)较低。每个季度基金经理会调整并公布仓位,调整后一个季度内一般不进行主动调仓。Mutual Fund —— 共同基金一般为主动管理型。基金经理和投资团队会每天进行仓位的调整和买卖。因此,投资仓位方面共同基金更加灵活。4区别四:投资人自主掌控能力不同ETF —— 允许投资者根据自身投资组合及市场的变化及时买卖,从而调整投资策略。相应地,投资者也为自己投资决策的盈亏负责。Mutual Fund —— 共同基金仓位的灵活性,也决定了投资者无法自主决定其投资标的。在投资目标方面,只能倚赖基金经理与其投资团队的力量,投资者的议价能力低。5区别五:佣金及税务不论投资者购买ETF或Mutual Funds,都需向基金经理支付佣金。税务方面,由于ETF追踪一个指数,换手率低,能满足股利发放日前后61-120天的要求,因此只需缴纳较低的长期资本利得税,不需缴纳未达存续要求的个人所得税。ETF在税收上有一定的优势,佣金也较低。相反,共同基金在销售分发过程中一般存在多层网络,有许多隐含收费。这也导致了基金管理人和投资者之间潜在的利益冲突。买卖共同基金也可能产生资本利得税。通过以上对比,希望大家对ETF和Mutual Funds的投资模式和特点有了基本的了解。但不论是ETF还是Mutual Funds,作为长期的投资选择而言,其回报远好于其他被动理财投资,其中也有每年高分红的类型。

共有基金(mutual funds)是什么?详细一点。

我一般在基金买卖网、天天基金网上面看各种基金的排行、持仓啥的,你说的共同基金有点陌生,我帮你查了一下。共同基金(Mutual Fund)是一种利益共享、风险共担的集合投资方式,即通过发行基金单位,集中投资者的资金,从事股票、债券、外汇、货币等投资,以获得投资收益和资本增值。共同基金就是汇集许多小钱凑成大钱,交给专人或专业机构操作管理以获取利润的一种集资式的投资工具。这和一般的基金实质一样,集合管理赚钱。在国内,共同基金的正式名称为「证券投资信托基金」,是由投信公司依信托契约的形式发行受益凭证,主要的投资标的为股票、期货、债券、短期票券等有价证券。基金的优点 1、分散投资风险共同基金的资产较一般投资人来得庞大,故足以将资金分散於不同的股票、甚至不同的投资工具中,以达到真正的风险分散,而不致因一支错误的选股,而产生重大的亏损。 2、 专业操作管理共同基金公司聘有专业基金经理人及研究团队从事市场研究,对於国内、外的总体、个体投资环境,及个别公司状况都有深入了解。而且,只要花少许的基金管理费就可享受到专家的服务,可以说是小额投资人的最佳福音。主要类别 开放式开放式共同基金随时可以以净资产价值(net asset value,NAV)赎回或发行股份,净资产价值是所持全部证券的市场价格除以发行股数。用公式表示:NAV=(组合的市场价值-组合的负债价值)/发行的份额数。此外,基金的净值或价格在每次闭市后进行一次清算,所有新申购或赎回的份额都按当天闭市后的净值计算。封闭式不以NAV赎回或发行股份。封闭式基金的股份和其他普通股一样通过经纪人进行交易,因此它们的价格不同于净资产价值。信托制度对投资基金的巨大影响是深远的。它并不限于对后者产生的直接影响,还体现在:一方面,使投资基金在组织形式上划分为公司型基金与契约型基金;另一方面,导致了开放式基金的产生。在历史上,开放式投资基金是为提高基金的流动性,借鉴现代信托制度允许信托人解除信托存约的制度安排而设计形成的。

Mutual Fund代表什么

  Mutual Fund共同基金给与小投资者参与包含股票、债券及其他证券的多元化投资组合的证券。每名股东都可以分享基金的收益及分担损失。发行的股票在有需要时可以赎回。基金每日计算净资产值。每种共同基金都根据公开说明书中声明的目标进行投资。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。

甚么是 Mutual Funds?

就中文的意思来看 Mutual Funds = 共同基金、互助基金,又或称为单位信托基金 Stock = 股票 我不知道你的学历高或低 最简单的解释方法是: Stock系一间公司集资方式 透过卖出部份股份,来换取更多资金运作 而Mutual Funds会买很多种不同的股票 因为股票有升有跌、严重的甚至会倒闭 以基金形式买多种股票可以分散风险 例如买10只股票,6只升4只跌,你还是赚了钱 当然,实际操作会比10只股票多得多 而且基金经理会控制股票的止赚止蚀 所以风险会比买数只股票为低,当然回报也相对地低了 2008-11-15 18:13:34 补充: 我唔知有无误解你个问题....有问题再问丫... 希望可以帮到你..:) 2008-11-17 15:19:52 补充: 太夸奖了....我都系识少少咋~ 股票有很多种,出名的例如长实、汇丰、港灯、中电、港交所、中银、...很多我相信你都听过 以汇丰为例,假设汇丰想收购另一间银行,她突然需要很多资金。除了借钱外,她也可以发行一些股票比大家买,大家买左之后就拥有呢间银行既一部份,成为股东,而汇丰也可以筹集到资金(即系集资)去买左另一间银行。 2008-11-17 15:20:01 补充: 但系想买汇丰既股票都需要颇为大笔的资金,e.g.40000蚊(不定,视乎当时股价)。一般小市民可能买不起 于是市场上有一些基金可供小市民投资,这些基金收集这些小额投资,再用这笔钱买长实、汇丰、中电....等等股票,视乎该基金投资甚么产品。当然基金有很多种,但运作方式都是收集一笔钱,再买很多不同种类的投资产品。 例如有股票基金、债券基金等,参考: 以前睇书学的...,【Fund】 基金公司透过金融机构委外发行,募集社会大众的资金,而将募集的资金投入到有价证劵交易市场(股市、债市、期货市场),进行各种金融性商品的操作(股票、债劵、外币、期货 及其他金融商品)。 而基金公司并非发行股票的公司,而是透过募集来的资金,进入金融交易市场买进多种股票及多项金融性商品。 【Stock】 在台湾称之为有价证劵,有价证劵为有价值、有价格的证劵,在其他国家的称呼应该也相似。 有价证劵可以在开放交易市场,进行议价、金钱交易、价差获利的行为,而提供此交易的市场,若是以股票交易称为股票市场、股市,以债劵交易称为债劵市场、债市。 发行股票的公司,只能为合乎该国制定证劵交易法条件的企业,才能将公司的股票发放到股市,让投资人买进持有。 【End】 基金与股票不同的是: 基金:透过募集的资金买进各种金融性商品,不具提供股票给投资人持有的条件,提供股票给投资人持有,只能为企业才行。 股票:企业为募集资金,且又合乎法律条件,因而向 *** 申请,将公司的有价证劵,可以透过交易市场进行买卖,让社会大众持有,成为公司的股东之一,而公司在股票市场流通的有价证劵,称之为股票【Stock】。 2008-11-21 02:09:44 补充: 证劵:有权利证明的文字纸劵(也可称凭证),此权利只能为发行机构所有。简单来说就是纸劵上印有公司名称,而公司名称印在纸劵上的权利及用途,只能为公司所有。,参考: 在台湾股市交易的 Tom,以下网址给你参考: hankyu-wk-investment.blogspot/2008/04/ifa,

Mutual Fund代表什么?

mutual fund[英][ˈmju:tʃuəl fʌnd][美][ˈmjutʃuəl fʌnd]n.共有基金; 合股投资(公司); 复数:mutual funds

Mutual Fund是什么意思啊?


Mutual Fund是什么意思?

共同基金(mutual fund)共同基金的概念其实很简单,就是汇集许多小钱凑成大钱,交给专人或专业机构操作管理以获取利润的一种集资式的投资工具。 在国内,共同基金的正式名称为「证券投资信托基金」,是由投信公司依信托契约的形式发行受益凭证,主要的投资标的为股票、期货、债券、短期票券等有价证券。 在美国,通称为共同基金(mutual fund),除了证券投资外,也投资黄金(或其他贵重金属)、期货、选择权(options)和房地产等。 另外,英国系统的基金(包括许多对全球各地发行的海外共同基金)则称为「单位信托基金」(unit trust),投资标的也相当多样化。

什么是mutual fund?


日语中指时间的 分 有好几种说法,fun bun pun

指时间的话 没有读bun的当分的前面有っ或者ん的时候 读ぷん其他的时候读ふん

whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been br

or not是在前面一部分的。请注意以下whether的短语:短语1. whether or no (或 not)a. 不管怎样,无论如何b. 不论是否c. 是否短语2. whether…or…a. 是…还是…;无论是…还是…;或者…或者…;不是…就是…b. 不管…还是…所以原句中whether we find a joke funny or not为一部分largely depends on where we have been br 为第二部分第一部分whether ... or not 是短语,第二部分largely depend on 意思是不部分取决于...(depend on 是短语)这样划分好句子理解就容易了,不能以中文思维理解哦

DJMaxTrilogy破解版老是出现pure virtual function call如何解决?高分伺候!

跳出个Pure virtual function call error! 啥东西呀,竟然遇上了,就探个究竟吧!MSDN上的解释 这时讲得很详细 看看Codeproject上的一个例子 (1)出现 Pure virtual function call 的原因是:the child destructor is called and finished, so, we don"t have an object of type child now, but the current object (which is only being destructed) is of type Parent, so all calls in the destructor are calls to functions in this object. So, you can get a pure virtual function.继承类的对象析构被调用,而且完成了释放,那么现在这个对象就不存在了,但是当前的对象(正在释构的父类对象)却要调用其子类的虚函数实现(因为自身是纯虚函数),所以就会出现Pure virtual function call error! (2) 由面向对象的概念知,对象的析构是子类先析构再到父类析构,所以如果在父类中要调用自身的虚纯数将会很危险了,而且在是运行时出现的。 以下是codeproject的例子 Class Parent{public: Parent() { } ~Parent() { ClearALL(); } void ClearALL() { ThePure(); //调用自身的纯虚函数,包装一下是因为直接调用编译器会识别出这样调用是有问题的!} virtual bool ThePure() = 0 ;}; class Child : public Parent{public: Child() { } ~Child() { } //The implementation of the pure virtual function virtual bool ThePure() { return true; } }; void main(){ Child c;}当C析构时,虚函数表里的 ThePure() 已经注销,那么父类 Parent 里的ClearALL() 里的ThePure() 虚表指针就会指向一个空地址(成了 dangling pointer 了), 所以在Parent里调用 ClearALL() 就会出错了 (3)如果上面的情况还算直观的话,看看下面的一种造成 pure virtual function call的情况就更隐蔽了。//不过我在VC6里没有问题class Base {public: virtual void function() = 0;};class B : public Base{public: virtual void function() { cout<<"pure function call in B"<<endl; }};class A {public: A(B* b):_b(b) {} ~A() { _b->function(); } B* _b;};B b;a(&b);int main(){ return 0;}这种情况在某些编译器下会出pure virtual function call错误。主要的原因是因为全局变量的释放顺序不确定,全局变量A依赖全局变量B。如果编译器决定让B先释放,A后释放。那么,当A析构时,_b是一个dangling pointer。此时如果b对象的内存系统没有释放的话,那么b的vptr表指向的是Base的vptr,而不是B的。此时,_b->function()就指向了pure virtual function了。详细情况可以到看看论坛上关于出现pure virtual function call 的情况总结: 1. 基类构造器直接调用虚函数2. 基类析构器直接调用虚函数3. 基类构造器间接调用虚函数4. 基类析构器间接调用虚函数5. Calling a virtual function via a dangling pointer.(4)为了在遇到 pure virtual function call 时不致于程序蹦掉,可以实现在一基类的纯虚函数,但要记住找出原因后要删掉实现的代码

struct student*fun(struck student *a)怎么解释啊,struct fun(struck student *a)对不对?麻烦解释下

struck应该是拼写错误吧。。。struct student是之前定义的一个结构体struct student * 是该结构体的指针struct student * fun(struct student *a); 声明了一个函数,名字叫fun,参数是struct student *,返回值也是struct student *。struct fun(struct student * a); 编译会报错,struct后面必须 有结构体的名称

that tv ___ is very funny.6个字母 s打头

series tv series电视连续剧

Gerald Levert&The Funk Brothers的《Shotgun》 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun歌手:Gerald Levert&The Funk Brothers专辑:Standing In The Shadows Of MotownThe Rasmus - ShotProducer:AQTonight we escapeJust you and meWe"ll find our peaceSomewhere across the seasEnough of the frightEnough of the fussI"ll be awake if he finds usNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI will protect youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotFor youFor youTonight we"ll be freeI"ll find us a homeTonight we will beFinally on our ownEnough of the hellEnough of the painI won"t let him touch youI love youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI will defend youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotFor youFor youEnough of the scarsEnough broken heartsI will protect youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotI"ll take the shotI"ll make it stopI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shot

求一首英文歌,男声,很欢快,有点funk风格的,说唱占很大一部分,听起来有一句是“snake s

just one last dance

what funk是什么歌曲啊!?

《What Funk》是美国电影《惊奇队长》抖音短视频电影剪辑中的背景音乐。《What Funk》是一首纯音乐(无歌词)歌曲,作者:Jakepool,专辑:《What Funk》,语种:纯音乐,唱片公司:North Code Records,发行时间:2021-03-10。Jakepool,美国音乐人、制作人。作品有《Pump It》、《Reset》、《Good Vibes》、《What Funk》、《Static》等。纯音乐简介纯音乐作曲初衷就不包含填词的音乐。这种音乐模式完全以纯粹优美的音乐来表达作者的情感,所以一般被称为纯音乐。它没有歌词,却能以自己优美的曲调体现美妙的意境。纯音乐的概念是为了区分有词的音乐和没词的音乐,而不是说有词的就是“杂”音乐,毕竟声乐也是一种音乐形式。一首优美的纯音乐可以有效地调节你的心情,陶冶你的情操,甚至让你能有所感悟,从而拓展你的胸襟,完善你的人格。


funny读作[u02c8fu028cnu026a]。解释:adj.形容词;滑稽的,好笑的,有趣的;可疑的;稀奇的,古怪的,奇怪的;无礼的,放肆的;难以解释的;非法的;小病的,微恙的,有病的;不诚实的;嬉皮笑脸的;疯疯癫癫的;不很正常的;出故障的;欺诈的,欺骗性的。adv.副词;滑稽可笑地;古怪地。n.名词:(口)笑话;滑稽人物;单人双桨小艇;(口)滑稽连环漫画栏,滑稽连环画;有趣的故事;风趣;令人捧腹的演出;反常的怪事。同义词辨析:humorous:指富有幽默感、诙谐、引人发笑的。funny:非正式用词,通常侧重因古怪、奇特或不合适宜的举动等引起的发笑。queer:指一种无法解释的怪诞,强调事物的奇特和不可思议。odd:通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人困惑或奇怪。funny:较通俗用词,指奇怪得滑稽可笑或反常。有关funny的句子:1、He looked so funny,we all roared.(他看上去那么滑稽,我们都哈哈大笑。)2、She was always so funny and entertaining.(她总是那么风趣,令人愉快。)3、there"s something funny about him.(他有点儿怪。)4、She went a bit funny after her husband died.(丈夫死后她神志就有点不大正常了。)5、My computer keeps going funny.(我的计算机老出故障。)6、She found it hilariously funny.(她觉得这事儿滑稽极了。)7、It"s good you can see the funny side of the situation.(你能看到情况可笑的一面,这很好。)8、It wasn"t supposed to be a comedy but I found it hysterically funny.(它本不是个喜剧可我觉得它非常滑稽。)9、He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.(他想滑稽而不粗鲁难以把握分寸。)10、For some unaccountable reason,it struck me as extremely funny.(很难解释是什么原因让我觉得它极为可笑。)11、She went a bit funny after her husband died.(她自丈夫死后就变得疯疯癫癫的。)12、The cooker is giving off a funny smell.(锅里冒出一股怪味。)13、Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat!(你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!)14、Well,funny things seem to be happening.(哦,似乎有些怪事正在不断发生。)15、That drink has made me feel quite funny.(我喝了那种饮料很不好受。)

Con Funk Shun的《Juicy》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Juicy歌手:Con Funk Shun专辑:Spirit Of LoveJUICY呗:幸田来未作词:Yo Taira(Digz/Inc Group)作曲:Sty(Digz/Inc Group)ギュッと绞った Juiceグッと饮み干す Your bodyもっと Deep inside of me远くへ行こうもっと ギリギリなトコちゃんと Make it real hot热い 热い今夜に暴れてみない?Kill me nowOoh 连れて行って夜を越え明けてもそのままKill me tonight溢れ出す热いポーション今にも噛りつきたい香りに诱われて炎に照らされたJust you and meyou and me...and youふたりだけのWonderland何度でも访れたいならどうぞRemember my love特别な夜の果実Ooh 食べたいでしょう?じっと见つめたままもっとPlay with my mindずっとココにいたいならやり方あるでしょ?そっと耳元でWhisperDon"t tell 谁も知らない密会现场でちょっと游んでみない?Love me nowOoh 燃えるキャンドル吹き飞ばし月夜の下でLove me tonight香り立つ热いポーション目眩がするような烟に诱われて星空にさらしたJust you and meyou and me...and youyou and me ふたりだけのParty timeさえぎる物は何も无いTonightRemember my loveこぼれそうな果実Ooh 味わいましょうU know I want it babyI know u want it babyU know I want it babyYou make me hot (and wet)...x4Love me nowOoh 燃えるキャンドル吹き飞ばし月夜の下でLove me tonight香り立つ热いポーション今にも噛りつきたい香りに诱われて炎に照らされたJust you and meyou and me...and youふたりだけのWonderland何度でも访れたいならどうぞRemember my love特别な夜の果実目眩がするような烟に诱われて星空にさらしたJust you and meyou and me...and youyou and me ふたりだけのParty timeさえぎる物は何も无いTonightRemember my loveこぼれそうな果実Ooh 味わいましょう......oh juicy!http://music.b***.com/song/1527437




Overall, the cities ,having the first railway and the longest railway, the railway of having the biggest carrying capacity, the most effective railway are London, Tokyo, Los Angeles respectivelyverson 113 task 1 There is a chart which illustrate the number of softwoods and hardwoods in new South Wales, Australia from 1990 to 1998, which was divided into five short we can see from the diagram, the number of softwoods increased steadily from the period of 1990-1991 to the period of 1996-1997, peaking at x1, and then decreased slightly in 1998. however, There was a slight increase in the number of hardwoods at the first three periods. by 1996 this trend continued to climb up at a quicker rate especially from 1997 to 1998 and reached a peak at x2.Obviously, the number of the hardwoods went up dramatically during the whole period while the corresponding data of the softwoods fluctuate slightly. i rather say, both the numbers of hardwoodsand softwoods went up gradually the first 7 years, while softwoods come down to the level similarto that of the year before, noticeably, hardwoods multiplied its number to more than two time in According to an investigation of girls and boys watching TV in a school day, we can see that fewer and fewer students have a chance to watch TV being face with a heavy school day.It is shown in the table that about 50 percent of girls and boys can watch TV for 1 to 5 hours. Approximately 20 percent of girls have less than 1 hour to watch TV and the percentage of boys ismuch lower, which is almost the same as the situation of watching for 5 to 9 hours. We will be astonished to see that less than 5 percent of children have no time to watch TV but the same percentage of them have more than 9 hours to watch.As is described in the table, we can find that the latest time is allowed for watching TV is centeredon the time between 7:30pm to 11:00pm. Nearly 50 percent of children have to stop watching at 7:30pm to 9:30pm and 40 percent at 9:30pm to 11:00pm. Nevertheless, there are still a fewstudents indulge in the TV world after 11:00pm.

oracle 小白 求解释 Create or replace function

Create Or Replace Function Mov_Biz Return Number Is Out_Vals Number(8);Begin Select Max(m_Date) Into Out_Vals From Mov_Task Where Sy_Type = "cts"; If Out_Vals Is Null Then Out_Vals := 0; End If; Return Out_Vals;Exception When No_Data_f Then Return 0;End;


  咱们很有缘分,一收问题你排第一个。我来认真的负责任的回答你!  我买了。我是教打鼓的!  我以前用的是哑鼓教学,学生没感觉。后来用的是真鼓,感觉好了。可是邻居感觉不好!就像别人说的一样我买了消音垫,钱白花了,手感不行!尤其是小军鼓一加垫子很多技术就无法完成了!比如双跳、复合跳,更不用说多跳滚奏了……以牺牲手感的消音是失败的!  有的朋友说用网皮,我认为消音还可以,但我觉得手感还是不行!更主要的是太麻烦,如果去演出,所有的鼓皮都换一次,时间来得及还好说。装鼓最费时间的就是安装鼓皮和调鼓皮!真不是个好办法!职业鼓手自己会调时间允许还行,如果是孩子家里人还不会调鼓,那就免了!  如果没有用过FUNK鼓的人让他想象手感,真是难为他了。  如果在公寓楼练鼓,用鼓钥匙把制音装置抬上来贴到鼓皮上就OK了。我来告诉你比较接近的感觉:就像打高级哑鼓一样而且有调子(有音程关系),很好听的。手感非常好!而且真不扰民!每一个鼓都能消音,包括小军鼓消音效果真的不错。  如果演出,随时用鼓钥匙把制音装置放下就可以了。音色相当可以!  鼓皮非常的好,我是教鼓的,很多学生连续使用很是具有抗击打能力(需要找个明白人调好)。  关于厂家说使用的是什么木料我就不清楚了,因为我不是木匠。什么枫木、桦木的……不过我觉得funk鼓音色真的不错。应该是好木料吧!买鼓别太图便宜,一分钱一分货。没人做赔本的买卖!我认为买多少钱的鼓?主要看用途和钱包!如果家里住的是别墅,不存在扰民问题。我不建议买FUNK鼓!我会建议你去买MES鼓,信价比不错。同样的价钱会买到配置更高的鼓!  结论:如果想买一个能消音的鼓,不二的选择——FUNK鼓!  如果不怕扰民,那就买香港品牌MES鼓!信价比极高。

funk 架子鼓 的音色 质量如何 消音效果好吗

我的先问 你家隔音怎么样 即使现在隔音好的房子 打鼓 也是能听到响的



斜坡函数(ramp function)

自动控制中用到,其数学表达式为:f(t)=0 t<0;f(t)=Rt t>=0表示再t=0时间开始, 以恒定速率R随时间而变化的函数。在工程实践中,某些随动系统常常工作于这种外作用下,例如雷达-防空炮系统,当雷达跟踪的目标以恒定速率飞行时,便可视为该系统工作于斜坡函数下。

mini countryman fun和jcw的区别

  截至今年  MINI分为MINI三门版、MINI五门版、MINI COUNTRYMAN、MINI PACEMAN、MINI CABRIO、MINI COUPE、MINI ROADSTER、高性能的John Cooper Works版,以及即将上市的新版MINI CLUBMAN  明显的外观区别:  MINI三门版:2014款,最经典的,双排座,双门+后掀背,宝马最新的1.2T、1.5T、2.0T发动机  MINI五门版:2015款,为三门版增加了两扇后排门,稍有加长,最新1.2T、1.5T、2.0T发动机  MINI CABRIO:2007款三门版的敞篷版本,上一代1.6L、1.6T发动机  MINI COUPE:双座双门版MINI,1.6L、1.6T发动机  MINI ROADSTER:双座双门敞篷版,1.6L、1.6T发动机  MINI COUNTRYMAN:双排座,四门版的SUV,1.6L、1.6T发动机  MINI PACEMAN:双排座,双门版SUV,1.6L、1.6T发动机  John Cooper Works(JCW):类似宝马的M、奔驰的AMG,对现有车型的高性能改装版  MINI CLUBMAN:最新一代即将上市,双排座、四门+后备箱对开门,外观变化较大  纠正2个错误:  1、Mini自从被宝马收购,名字全部改为大写MINI;  2、MINI就叫MINI,COOPER代表动力级别,比如  MINI ONE是1.2T、MINI COOPER是1.5T、MINI COOPER S是2.0T,以上每个系列都有COOPER版。

英语书上fun time是什么意思



fun用英语的读法是[fu028cn]。fun的意思是乐趣,有趣的人或者事,嬉戏。相关短语有for fun为了好玩,have fun玩得高兴,make fun of嘲弄,poke fun at取笑,Chew Mei Fun嚼美乐,have fun with玩得开心。可造句如下:1、Surfing the Internet is fun, but it"s also a time waster.上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。2、Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。3、The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun!下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!4、She would have cracked up if she hadn"t allowed herself some fun.她若是没给自己找点乐趣的话,早就崩溃了。


fun 英[fʌn] 美[fʌn] n. 乐趣; 娱乐活动; 嬉戏,嬉闹; 有趣的事; adj. 开心的; 使人愉快的; vi. 嬉闹; 开玩笑; [例句]This year promises to be terrifically good fun今年一定会非常有意思。[其他] 第三人称单数:funs 现在分词:funning 过去式:funned过去分词:funned









英文翻译 节拍器 flat / trans function 什么意思?


lt’s kinda funny什么意思


raven.min.js里面的各种字母方法(function a(){}等等等)代表什么意思

js中的json. 一种轻量级数据格式.json中的值是map形式的就是key->value. 具体看下边的示例;var person = { // 用 大括号括声明一个json."name":"lz" //key是name, value是lz;};//这个时候你可以这样使用它alert(;//-----------如果你试了一下代码,到这里你应该明白它是什么格式了..//------a:function(){} 中 a是key,function() 是 valuevar person2 = {"name":"lz", //有多个 key,value 用,号分开."say" : function(){alert("hello word!");}}person2.say();/ * 其中 say:function(){alert("hello word!")}; 类似于var say = function(){alert("hello word!");};*/

一篇关于My summer fun的英文作文,50个单词左右要用到weather,clouthes,spots,plant


equity stake, equity firm, equity funds都什么意思呢?

equity stake:股权

happy week-end and have fun怎么回复对方

same to you



fun和funny的区别 1.He likes English because it is (funny) 2.--Wh?

这里的 because it is funny,那就表示英语滑稽可笑,使人发笑,英语有那点滑稽可笑呢.这显然是错的. It is funny film.是成立的 这个电影是个滑稽片,搞笑片.He behaves funnily.他的表现古怪. Chaplin was a funy guy.卓别林是个滑稽的家伙.Oh my,it is funny to sit on this chair.这张椅子上可能有什么张兮兮的东西 这里的funny 是怪怪的意思 fun 是指高兴地,愉快的,乐子的,欢笑的.令人愉快的 It is fun to go to the counytryside.We have a fun time.Playing piano for some kids is a fun activity..What fun do you get by fooling around here. 我看那道题倒是挺funny 的,7,fun和funny都有形容词词性 1、fun 偏指愉快的 We had a fun night in the club. 我们在俱乐部度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。 2、funny 偏指有趣的(事物) That"s the funniest joke I"ve ever heard. 那是我所听过的最风趣的笑话。 另外, fun 主要词性是名词,...,1,funny也有“有趣的”的意思,这句话应该是说英语很有趣。,0,fun和funny的区别 1.He likes English because it is (funny) 2.--Why do you like biology?--It"s fun. 这两个题困扰我一天了,我也上网查了.一般的说法主要fun是有趣的,funny是滑稽的,可笑的,我想第一题学英语也不应该是滑稽的可笑的呀?我怀疑是题的答案错了,请指教.

歌词是you can hace so much fun,一首英文轻快歌,女声

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky我发誓 当着天空的日月星辰 And I swear like the shadow that"s by your side我发誓 如同守候你的身影 I see the questions in your eyes我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问 I know what"s weighing on your mind也听见你心中的忐忑不安You can be sure I know my heart你可以安心演绎你的生活 我很清楚我自己的角色 `Coz I"ll stand beside you through the years在往后共渡的岁月里You"ll only cry those happy tears你只会因为喜极而泣 And though I make mistakes即使我偶尔也会犯错 I"ll never break your heart也绝不会让你心碎 And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky我发誓 当着天空的星星月亮 I"ll be there我会永远伴随在你身边 I swear like a shadow that"s by your side我发誓 如同守候你的身影 I"ll be there我会永远在那里For better or worse till death do us part无论丰腴困厄至死不渝 I"ll love you with every beat of my heart心跳不息 爱无止尽And I swear我发誓I"ll give you everything I can我愿付出我的一切I"ll build your dreams with these two hands用双手为你筑梦We"ll hang some memories on the walls将最美好的回忆挂在墙上And when just the two of us are there当我们单独在一起 You won"t have to ask if I still care你不再对我的爱存质疑`Coz as the time turns the page my love won"t age at all任时光荏苒 我的爱永不老去 And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky我发誓 当着天空的星星月亮 I"ll be there我会永远在那里 I swear like the shadow that"s by your side我发誓 如同守候你的身影 I"ll be there我会永远在那里 For better or worse till death do us part无论丰腴困厄至死不渝 I"ll love you with every beat of my heart心跳不息 爱无止尽And I swear我发誓I swear by the moon and stars in the sky当着天空的星星月亮 I"ll be there我会永远伴随在你身边 I swear like the shadow that"s by your side我发誓 如同守候你的身影 I"ll be there我会永远在那里 For better or worse till death do us part无论丰腴困厄至死不渝 I"ll love you with everything beat of my heart心跳不息 爱无止尽I swear I swear oh I swear我发誓 我发誓 哦~ 我发誓



Pension fund和 endowment fund的区别

Pension funds 养老金,endowments主要指非盈利为目的的公益基金,比如给大学捐赠 搞奖学金而设立的基金,为教会募捐而设立的基金。

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Rosemary Clooney的《Funny Face》 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Face歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Mothers & DaughtersFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need youMy whole world"s wrapped up in youWhen the road I walk seems all uphillAnd the colors in my rainbow turn blueYou kiss the tears awayYou smile at me and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youAnd when I hurt your feelings as I sometimes doAnd I say those mean things that we know are not trueYou forgive my childish wayYou hold me close and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need you FADEThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave me

Smells Like Funk 歌词

歌曲名:Smells Like Funk歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Elephunk (Ecopac)Black Eyed Peas - Smells Like FunkBy 天蓝@jiajia1215Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n" onThere"s no need to hold your nose,Cause this pong sing like a roseBig booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk"Reekin" like diseased athlete"s feet,The stench didn"t come till after this beatSmellin" like droors no weezin no pausePut your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass pawsYou know we was coming before we entered the doorCause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking down the hallWe bring the Funk worse then a wet dogStinkin" like fat ladies shittin" out LogsWe drop enough shit to keep them toilets cloggedKeep the people jumpin" like them BullfrogsThe first one who smelt it ain"t the one who delt itBlack Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like deltaFunky like onions you fryin"(Sure is Funky) girl you ain"t lyin"If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,Yo" you Funkin" with the Funk familyThe non fabricated factual faculty"We formulatin" up in a factoryFocusin" on the energid" of fluid flow free"We flawless, everything is for freeWe florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh"Can you believe we flip them frequency"s andFreak MCs they leave all frantically but"Our intent is ought to be friendly but"They fightin" when we start the freestylin" frenzyI funk up ya" flat till your girlfriend beefFillin all anatomy, bringin" me flatery, huh"She"ll be diggin these rhymes that ease beatsLike celulite lyrics all flabbyWe bring the funk to your festivitiesIf you think something stank then it must be the peas!If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)Celulite overweight stankin" MCsStench smells so strong it"s insanitaryCause you can sense me a mile away so ChankyWith the jungle Funk sound from SerengetiMeaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty"s tightsGettin" dirty like mudfights and dirtbikesTurning these droors black they used to be whiteAnd we shittin" on these tracks that you gonna" need to wipeThe odor"s so contagious that it shows up in your dream,Man, you could pick me out like food in betweenYour two front teeth cause you be lackin" the streetsWe got beefy ass beats that we bumpin" in the streetsWe so nice n" sweet like steak box n" feetSour underarm Funk you ain"t washed in a weekAnd, man, we be reekin" every day or weekendWe could all bounce to the Funk and the seasonBounce, bounce, bounce...Whoo!haha hahaYeah that"s Funky", Yeah that"s Funky"If you smellin" somethin funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" Fat Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" something Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk than it must be usIf you smellin" elephants than it must be usIf you smellin" somethin Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" elephant shit it must be us....

英语作文《how do you have fun 》

Features periodical `Glamour" readers" response on how to enjoy lovemaking. Includes using the ABC game in foreplay; Making love on top of petals of roses; Using nontoxic body paints to draw on private body parts.


fun这个单词前面加most,fun 是作为名词用,表示“好玩的/有趣的事”,不是表示最高级,而是表示“非常”的意思。例如: It"s most fun to see him walk like this! 看他这么走路的样子,好玩极了/有趣极了!

matlab中如何用function建立一个y=f(x)函数?直接function y=f(x) y=x.^2+3*x+2不对啊,请高手指点

你想做因式分解吧syms xy=x.^2+3*x+2;factor(y)试试


Fun;JanelleMonáe-WeAreYoungmp3链接: 提取码:acgr

今年格莱美获奖的那首英文歌曲,那个fun.乐队的《we are young》有没国语中文版本?


fun things in school对不对?


选不同类单词:A。funnier.B.heavier.C.thinner A还是C

C吧。。前两个单词的比较级形式都是先变Y为I,后加的er, C是后加了最后一个字母后加的er.

no,she is funny.的问句是什么?

Is she funnyuff1f

bomfunk mcs的《freestyler》 歌词

歌曲名:freestyler歌手:bomfunk mcs专辑:in stereoFreestyler...rock the microphoneStraight from the top of my domeFreestyler...rock the microphoneCarry on with the freestylerI gotz to hmmm, to throw onAnd go on, you know i gotz to flow onSelectors on ya radio play usCause were friendly for ozoneBut thats not all so hold onTight, as I rock the mic rightOh.. excuse me, pardonAs I syncronize with the analyzedUpcomin vibes the session,Let there be a lession, questionYou carry protectionOr will your heart go onLike Celine Dion - Karma ChameleonYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneHit me!Styles, steelos, we bring many kilosSo you could pick yours, from the variousAmbitious, nutrious, delicious, deliriousOr vicious, just tell usWe deliver anything from accappellasTo best sellers, suckers get jealousBut their soft like marshmellowsyou know they cant handle uslike debbie does dallasYeah, we come scandalous so who tha fuckIs alice, is she from buckinham palace?Yeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneHit me!Freestyler...rock the microphoneStraight from the top of my domeFreestyler...rock the microphoneCarry on with the freestylerYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my domeAs I rock, rock, rock, rock, rock the microphoneYeaah, straight from the top of my dome

正比例函数和反比例函数用英文怎么表达? 不要告诉我是direct proportion function 和 inverse proportion

一次函数 linear function正比例函数 directly proportional function反比例函数 inverse proportional function

interpersonal function是什么意思

interpersonal function网络人际功能; 交际功能; 人际意义; 人及功能双语例句1The Role of the Interpersonal Function in the Top-Down Strategy in Comprehensive English Discourse Teaching人际功能在综合英语语篇反向教学策略中的作用

Simon & Garfunkel的《The Boxer》 歌词

歌曲名:The Boxer歌手:Simon & Garfunkel专辑:The Simon And Garfunkel CollectionArtist : Simon and GarfunkelAlbum : The Best of Simon & GarfunkelTitle :The BoxerI am just a poor boythough my story"s seldom told.I have squandered my resistancefor a pocketful of mumbles,such are promises.All lies and jest.Still, a man hears what he wants to hearand disregards the rest.Mmm.......Mmm.......<Music>When I left my homeand my family.I was no more than a boy.In the company of strangers,in the quiet of the railway stationrunning scared.<Music>Laying low,seeking out the poorer quarterswhere the ragged people go.Looking for the placesonly they would know.Lie-la-lie.....<Music>Asking only workman"s wages,I come looking for a jobbut I get no offers.Just a come-on from the whoreson Seventh Avenue.I do declare,there were timeswhen I was so lonesomeI took some comfort there.Lie-la-lie...................................................................................Lie-la-lie.....Lie-la-lie.....<Music>Then I"m laying outmy winter clothesand wishing I was gone.Going home,where the New York City wintersaren"t bleeding me.Leading megoing home.<Music>In the clearing stands a boxer,and a fighter by his trade.And he carries the remindersof ev"ry glove that laid him downor cut him till he cried out.In his anger and his shame,"I am leaving, I am leaving."But the fighter still remains.Mmm............<Music>Lie-la-lie..............Lie-la-lieLie-la-lie..............Lie-la-lieLie-la-lie..............Lie-la-lieLie-la-lie..............Lie-la-lie..............................................................................<End>...................@@@@@

delphi7 自己定义的FUNCTION应该放在哪?

你的函数写的有问题啊~~~函数参数是num1,num2,那你怎么还在过程中定义num1,num2呢?还有你调用也有问题啊!label1.Caption:=mystr(edit1.Text,edit2.Text); 你自己定义函数返回值和参数都是整形,你调用使用的字符串类型,你把函数返回值赋给label1.Caption也不对啊~~~他不是整形啊你写好函数声明部分写在 private或者public下都行type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } //添加函数声明 public { Public declarations } //添加函数声明 end;添加好函数声明后,将光标放到函数声明上,按下“Ctrl+Shift+C”这样delphi自动为你生成函数定义部分框架,你在begin end;中添加代码即可

如何处理old style function declarations not supported

它任然具有对象的抽象性,类可以声明为 static 的,以指示它仅包含静态成员。不能使用 new 关键字创建静态类的实例。静态类在加载包含该类的程序或命名空间时由 .NET Framework 公共语言运行库 (CLR) 自动加载。

polynomial function是什么意思

直接翻译过来就是多项式函数,比如 f(x) = ax^2 + bx +c




按照Microsoft帮助信息提示,把C:Documents and SettingsllgApplication DataMicrosoftWordSTARTUP里面的文件和C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11STARTUP 里面的文件先放到桌面上,一个一个往回运,看看是哪个文件出了问题,再查问题编号。可是根本没用,甚至于有的上述两个文件夹根本就是空文件夹。怎么办呢?请看下面:一、可能是normal.dot模板损坏了。normal.dot是一个自动保存模板,比如写着word文档时电脑非正常关机,再启动计算机后word会启动关机前保存的文档,使你的损失降为最低。(顺便说一句,Word默认10分钟自动保存一次,我们可以到“工具/选项/保存”,将自动保存时间间隔修改为1分钟,这样可以把非正常关机引起的文档损失降为最小。)解决办法:zxk M"8J C1、删除你使用的用户名下的TEMP所有文件,OFFICE在你安装时的备份文件,清空所有系统的日记信息...也就是删除Normat.dot模板文件。 即删除G:Documents and Settings用户名Application DataMicrosoftTemplatesNormal.dot文件;2、点开始,在运行中输入“winword /a”可以启动word,此时不会有无法打开对话框出现,将word文档另存一下,会提示是否替换,这时Word用新的模板替换损坏的那个,选择是。这样Word就可以正常启动了。二、可能是注册表包含了OFFICE的错误信息,而注册表无法智能更新。解决办法:1、进入控制面板的添加删除程序,WINDOWS组件,随便选择一个把打沟取消掉,确定,更新以后,在进入添加删除程序的WINDOWS组件,把打勾还原,再确定。作用是:当你在添加或者删除WINDOWS组件的时候,系统会自动更新注册表的内容,把错误信息删除,更新。(当然,WINDOWS优化大师的医生程序也可以删除非法注册表信息,但不及系统自己搞定。)2、确认上面所有操作之后,你再重新安装OFFICE。三、怎么,还不能搞定吗?我这里还有一绝招,而且超简单。点开始,在运行中输入“winword /a”可以启动Word,我们打开“工具/选项/常规”,找到“打开时更新自动方式的链接”这一选项,看见前面选择框里的对勾了吗?直接把它去掉,保存退出。重新启动试一下,一切正常,

funsong-sponge的歌词 跪求 扣扣音乐里有 求大家啦

(Speaking Part)Spongebob: It"s not about winning, it"s about fun!Plankton: What"s that?Spongebob: Fun is when""s kinda...sorta like a...What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!Spongebob: F is for Friends who do stuff together.U is for You and me.N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.Sea Creatures: Down here in the deep blue sea!Plankton: F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.U is for URANIUM...BOMBS!N is for No survivors when you"re-Spongebob:Plankton! Those things aren"t what fun is all about!Now, do it like this,F is for Friends who do stuff to-Plankton: Never! That"s completely idiotic!Spongebob: Here, Let me help you...F is for friends who do stuff together.U is for You and me, TRY IT!Plankton: N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.Sea Creatures: Down here in the deep blue sea!Plankton: Wait...I don"t understand ...I feel all tingly inside...Should we stop?Spongebob: No! That"s how you"re supposed to feel!Plankton: Well I like it! Lets do it again!Spongebob:Okay!Spongebob & Plankton:F is for Frolic through all the flowers.U is for Ukelele.N is for Nose picking, chewing gum, and sand licking.Here with my best buddy.(Laughing part)Sea Creatures: Down in the deep blue sea.

JavaScript 在同一个事件(onblur="")里面可以同时调用2个function a(){} function b(){}吗?

当然可以了,,不过是顺序执行的,,,先执行a然后b事件后面接的是 一段js代码。。并不是,必须是一个函数

a kickstarter crowd-funding campaign是什么意思

a kicks tarter crowd-funding campaign一开始目标人群筹资运动starter 英[u02c8stɑ:tu0259(r)]美[u02c8stɑ:rtu0259(r)]n. (发动机的) 启动装置; 参赛人; (主菜之前的) 开胃小吃; (赛跑等的) 发令员;[网络] 启动; 起动机; 前菜;[例句]A car"s starter is basically an electric motor.汽车的启动装置基本上是个电动机。[其他] 复数:starters 形近词: charter started smarter

entertaining humor ——what is funny什么意思


entertaining funny 和interesting的区别是什么

funny 滑稽可笑的,搞笑的.侧重指人或物的样子或动作很滑稽,可笑.funny 还偏重指通俗的有意思,好玩,比方说称赞一个可爱的毛绒玩具,就可以说funny.interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,侧重指人或物能激发人的兴趣.偏重指比较高雅的有趣,令人感兴趣,比方说某个展览,某部电影,某本书,如果有趣的话都可以用interesting来形容.

FUN乐队的《STARS》 歌词中文翻译


dysfunctional behaviour是什么意思

thymeleaf js function中if条件<号怎么表示?

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