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2011高考英语天津卷完形填空翻译 急!!!!!!!!!!

A Love Note To My Mom 一张充满爱意的字条给我妈When I was a little girl, would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that finally understood what role modeling 16 in your life. Little did I known you were 17 every penny you earned to go to 18 school. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,通常会陪你当你空间和时尚摄影师。多年以后,终于明白什么角色建模16在你的生活。我不知道你17岁你赚的每一分钱去18学校。I cannot thank you enough for 19 you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework. I wanted into the dining where you were buried 20 piles of law books. I was 21 .Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for 22 ?When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn"t known. Moms 23 be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.” 我不知道如何感谢你告诉我一个19秋日下午当我只有九岁。在我完成家庭作业了。我想要到餐厅,在那里你被埋20成堆的法律书。我21岁,为什么你做我do-memorizing教材和学习为22吗?当你曾说过你是在法学院,我更感到困惑。我不知道。妈妈是律师也23。你微微地笑着,说:“在生活中,你可以做任何你想做的事。”As young as I was ,that statement kept 24 in my ears. I watched as you faced the 25 of completing your studies, staring companies with Dad, while still being a 26 and a Mom if five kids. I was exhausted just watching you 27 .With your words of wisdom in my 28 mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world 29 .I set out to live my life filled with 30 ,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements. 作为年轻了,这种说法保持24在我耳边叫。2我就观看,你所面对的25完成你的学业,目不转睛的盯着公司,同时仍然作为一个爸爸和妈妈26如果5个孩子。我累坏了就看你;你27智慧的言语在我28介意,我突然感到无限的自由的梦想。我的整个世界,我着手29过我的生活充满了30,看到无尽的可能性,为个人和专业上的卓越成就。Your words became my motto. I 31 found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) 32 one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I"ll try that.” 你的言语、就当我的座右铭。我发现自己在31日独特的位置(或者是第一个女医生在马里兰扶轮)32个为数不多的女性(首席医疗记者)我的领域。我得到的力量每次我说,“是的,我会试试。”Encouraged by your 33 , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life"s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and 34 meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I"m 35 it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live. 鼓励你的33岁,我有迎难而上(毅然前行)和我人生的旅途,不怕犯错,34会议的每一个挑战。你做到了,而且现在我35。对不起,该走了。太多事情要做了,所以许多梦想生活。16. A. found B. play C. kept D. provided 16岁。答:发现> > b发挥一直提供17. A. saving B. making C. donating D. receiving 17岁。答:储蓄b使c d捐赠接收18. A. business B. fashion C. law D. medical 18岁。答:商业b > >医疗法律时尚19. A. what B. that C. which D. where 19岁。答:这是什么地方,d . c20. A. at B. to C. upon D. under 20。答:在b,c在d .之下21. A. amused B. worried C. puzzled D. disappointed 21。答:好笑之> b担心困惑失望22. A. role B. tests C. positions D. shows 22。答:角色> > b测试位置显示23. A. must B. ought to C. need D. could 23。答:必须b应该c d可能需要24. A. ringing B. blowing C. falling D. beating 24岁。答:响b > >吹落在跳动25. A. choices B. chances C. challenges D. changes 25。答:选择机会的挑战> > b的变化26. A. professor B. doctor C. reporter D. model 26岁。答:b > >教授医生记者模型27. A. in danger B. in action C. in trouble D. in charge 27岁。答:在危险行动中的麻烦b > >负责28. A. weak B. powerful C. youthful D. empty 年仅28岁。答:弱b强大的c d年轻是空的29. A. came back B. closed down C. went by D. opened up 29。答:回来了b关闭> >打开30. A. hope B. hardship C. harmony D. sadness 30岁。答:希望b > >悲伤苦难和谐31. A. constantly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly 31日。答:不断b > >不久几乎近32. A. and B. but C. or D. for 32。答:和b .但c或基于33. A. description B. statement C. praise D. introduction 33。答:描述> > b声明赞扬的介绍34. A. secretly B. curiously C. carelessly D. eagerly 34。答:秘密> > b好奇地不急切地说35. A. doing B. considering C. correcting D. reading 35岁。答:做b > >考虑修正阅读


高考英语词汇详解:free的用法   1. 表示“自由的”、“自发的”、“独立自主的”等义,有比较等级的变化 ;表示“空闲的”、“空着的”、“免费的”等义,没有比较等级变化。如:   She believes that women should befreer. 她相信妇女应该更自由些。   He gets a free afternoon oncea week. 他每周有一个下午空闲。   Are the drinks free? 这饮料是免费的吗?   2. be free to do sth 可以自由地做某事。如:   You are free to goor to stay. 要走要留悉听尊便。   Please feel free to askquestions. 有问题请随便问。   3. be free with 对…随便。如:   He is free with money. 他花钱随便。   Don"t be too free with your parents. 对你父母的态度不能太随便。   4. 表示“免除…”或“无…的”,可以用be free of和be freefrom:相比之下,后者指免除或摆脱,多用来指一些不好的东西。试比较:   be free of charge 免费   be free of debts没有债务   be free of rent 免收租金   be free of the station 不在 车站   be free from pain 没有痛苦   但有时两者可换用:   The city is free of [from] thieves. 这个城市没有盗贼。   5. 除用作形容词外,还可以用作动词 或副词 。如:   I freed the bird from the cage. 我把笼子里的鸟放了出去。   Children admitted free. 儿童免费入场。   注意用作副词的 free 与 freely 不同。如:   前者指“免费”,后者指“无限制地”、“自由地”。试比较。如:   You can travel free withthis special ticket. 你用这张特别的票可以免费旅行。   You cantravel freely to all parts of the country. 你可以自由地到这个国家的各个地旅行。


  写出一篇满分的英语作文,应该是每一个准高考生的真挚愿望。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   1996年高考英语满分作文***一***   my name is li hua. i"ve seen the advertisement. i want to apply for the job. i was born in february, 1977. i e from dalian, liaoning. i studied in guang ming primary school from 1984 to 1990. then i studied in no.6 middle school in dalian from 1990 to 1996. the main subjects are chinese, maths, english, physics, chemistry and puter. i am good at english and puter. last year i won the first prize in a puter petition in my school. in my spare time, i like swimming, skating, collecting stamps and listening to pop music. i will be glad to work in your pany.   1996年高考英语满分作文***二***   my name is li hua. i was born in dalian, liaoning province in feb. 1977. i started my school in guangming elementary school in 1984 and graduated there in 1990. then, i entered dalian no.6 middle school. the main subjects i studied at school were chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, english and puter. i was fond of english and puter and good at them. what the most important was that i won the first prize in the school puter petition last year. now, i am very interested in it. i have a lot of hobbies in my spare time, such as, collecting stamps, swimming, skating, pop music, etc. i think i am petent for the job. i am sure i will exert all myself to work hard.   1996年高考英语满分作文***三***   my name is li hua. i was born in dalian, liaoning province in february 1977. i entered guangming primary school at the age of seven and studied there from 1984 to 1990. then i went to no.6 middle school of dalian and graduated recently. i studied chinese, english, physics, chemistry and puter at school. of all the subjects i like english and puter best and i learn them well. last year i took part in the school puter petition and won the first place. i am fond of listening to music and collecting stamps. my favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.   1996年高考英语满分作文***四***   my name is li hua. i was born in feb. 1977 in dalian, liaoning province. from 1984 to 1990, i studied in guang ming primary school, and from 1990 to 1996 i studied in the no.6 mid-school in dalian city. the main subjects which i have learnt are chinese, maths, english, physics, chemistry, puter and so on. i am especially good at english and puter. i won the first prize in the puter petition in our school last year. i also have some hobbies. i like swimming, skating, collecting stamps and listening to music in my spare time.   1996年高考英语满分作文***五***   my name is li hua. i was born in dalian, liaoning province in february 1977. i studied in guang ming elementary school between 1984 and 1990. then i went to the 6th middle school in dalian to continue my study during the years from 1990 to 1996 and graduated this summer. my major subjects at school are maths, chinese, english, physics, chemistry and puter.   i got especially interested in english and puter. last year, i won the first prize in school puter petition. and i have passed tofel last year also.   my hobby is swimming and skating. and i also like collecting stamps and listening to the pop music. i hope very much to work in your pany and work as hard as i can.   1996年高考英语满分作文***六***   my name is li hua. i was born in dalian, liaoning province infebruary 1977. at the age of seven i went to school. i studied in guangming primary school from 1984 to 1990. from then on i studied in no.6 middle school of dalian. and i graduated this summer. the subjects i have to learn at school are chinese, maths, english, physics, chemistry and puter. i am very good at english and puter. i won the first prize in the puter petition of school last year. in spare time i like listening to the pop music and collecting stamps. and i like swimming and skating, too.


  例1. A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor.   原子反应堆需要一种合适的燃料。   例2. By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives.   大战结束时,这个组织拯救了八百人,但那是以二百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。   例3. And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.   许多人认为,普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维过程相比,而且认为这些思维过程必须经过某种专门的训练才能掌握。   (4)翻译成汉语的无主句。例如:   例1. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.   应该尽最大努力告? nbsp|年轻人吸烟的危害,特别是吸上烟瘾后的可怕后果。   例2. By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivity of their inhibit to heat.   通过这种方法分析发现不同种类的蜂蜜的抗菌活动对热的敏感程度也极为不同。   例4. Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.   在我们这个世纪内研制了许多新奇的交通工具,其中最奇特的也许就是气垫船了。   例5. New source of energy must be found, and this will take timeu2026。   必须找到新的能源,这需要时间u2026u2026   另外,下列结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:   It is hoped that u2026希望u2026u2026   It is reported that u2026据报道u2026u2026   It is said that u2026据说u2026u2026   It is supposed that u2026据推测u2026u2026   It may be said without fear of exaggeration that u2026可以毫不夸张地说u2026u2026   It must be admitted that u2026必须承认u2026u2026   It must be pointed out that u2026必须指出u2026u2026   It will be seen from this that u2026由此可见u2026u2026   (5)翻译成带表语的主动句。例如:   例1. The decision to attack was not taken lightly.   进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。   例2. On the whole such an conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.   总的来说,得出这种结论是有一定程度把握的,但必须具备两个条件:能够假定这个孩子对测试的态度和与他比较的另一个孩子的态度相同;他也没有因为缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被扣分。   (注意上述翻译技巧在该句翻译中的综合运用。)   2.译成汉语的被动语态。英语中的许多被动句可以翻译成汉语的被动句。常用“被”, “给”, “遭”, “挨”, “为u2026u2026所”, “使”, “由u2026”, “受到”等表示。例如:   例1. Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by Man.   地球上早期的火肯定是由大自然而不是人类引燃的。   例2. These signals are produced by colliding stars or nuclear reactions in outer space.   这些讯号是由外层空间的星球碰撞或者核反应所造成的。   例3. Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colours.   自然光或者“白光”实际上是由许多种颜色组成的。   例4. The behaviour of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped.   流体在管道中流动的情况,受到诸如流体粘度、泵送速度等各种因素的影响。   例5. They may have been a source of part of the atmosphere of the terrestrial planets, and they are believed to have been the planetesimal-like building blocks for some of the outer planets and their satellites.   它们可能一直是地球行星的一部分大气的来源。它们还被认为是构成外部行星以及其卫星的一种类似微星的基础材料。   例6. Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.   工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。   例7. Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.   政府是以减少技术的经费投入来增加纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看作是驱动的力量。   例8. The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.   石油的供应可能随时会被中断;不管怎样,以目前的这种消费速度,只需30年左右,所有的油井都会枯竭。   三、形容词译法   英语和汉语语言结构和表达习惯有很多差异之处,翻译时往往能死扣原文逐词逐句译出。下面拟谈谈形容词的翻译问题。   (一)、一些原义并无否定意思的形容词和别的词搭配,有时可译成否定句。   1.These goods are in short supply.   这些货物供应不足。   2.This equation is far from being complicated.   这个方程一定也不复杂。   (二)、为了使译文自然流畅,读起来顺口,在一些形容词前可根据上下文内容加上副词“很”、“最”等字。   1.It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.   这是我度过最愉快的一天。   2.It is easy to compress a gas.   气体很容易压缩。   (三)、有时可将英语的“形容词+名词短语”译成汉语的主谓结构。   1.She spoke in a high voice.   她讲话声音很尖。   2.This engine develops a high torque.   这台发动机产生的转矩很大。   (四)、如果一个名词前有几个形容词修饰,英译时应根据汉语习惯决定其顺序。   1.a large brick conference hall   一个用砖砌的大会议厅   2.a plastic garden chair   一把在花园里用的塑料椅子   (五)、英语中一些表示知觉、情感、欲望等心理状态的形容词,同连系动词构成复合谓语时,翻译时可将形容词译成动词。   1.You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying.   你完全不懂你在婚姻方面承担的责任。   2.Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America.   类似的批评在他后来写的评论美国的文章中屡见不鲜。   3.He is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever.   他诚恳地忏悔过去,并保证永远不再玩汽车。   (六)、由于语言习惯不同,英语里的形容词有时译成汉语副词。   1.I am going to be good and sweet and kind to every body.   我要对每一个人都亲切、温顺、和善。   2.He asked me for a full account of myself and family.   他详尽地问起我自己和我家里的情况。   3.Another war will be the absolute end of our country.   再来一次战争将彻底毁灭我们这个国家。   从以上几个方面可以看出,译好形容词是使译文通顺、流畅的一个环节   四、举例before和good具体译法   (一)连词before的含义是“在u2026u2026以前”(previous to the time when)。在句法上,它引导状语从句。可见它的词义颇为单纯,功能比较专一。然而,由于汉英表达习惯的不同,在将before汉译时,其译法却多种多样。常见的有以下几种:   1,直译成“(在)u2026u2026(以或之)前”。这时主句与before从句中的两个动作按时间先后依次发生。   Before I enter on the subject I have something to say.   在讨论这一问题之前,我有些话要说。   They led a miserable life before their hometown was liberated.   他们家乡解放前生活很苦。   2,译成“(后)u2026u2026才”。副词“才”在汉语中表示某事发生得晚或慢。如果在含有before从句的复合句中,强调从句动作发生得晚或慢时,就可以应用这种译法。这里又有两种情况,一种是主句主语为名词或代词,另一种是主语与非人称it.   The train had left before he got to the station.火车开了他才到车站。   It seemed a long time before my turn came.似乎过了好大一会儿才轮到我。   3,连词before与barely, scarcely, hardly连用时还可译成“刚u2026u2026就”。在汉语中,“就”强调事情发生得早或快。如果原文突出主句与从句的动作一前一后紧接着或几乎同时发生,即可用此译法。


  英语作文写作是英语学习的重要内容,也是英语学习的最终目标。下面,是我为你整理的2017高考英语作文范文及翻译,希望对你有帮助!   2017高考英语作文范文及翻译篇1   As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to peopleu2019s life. Cell phone is one of the biggest inventions, people can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. It is natural that every adult has a cell phone, but for some students who are belong college, they are not admitted to use cell phone, the reason is that they need to focus on study, cell phone will make them distract. In my opinion, all the students can have cell phone, it is just a communication tool, there is no need to forbid students using it. At first, students may be addicted to playing cell phone, because they are curious about new things. But if they keep it for a long time, they get used to it and will use it in a right way.   随着高科技的发展,人们可以接触到各种各样的新产品,这些高科技产品给人们的生活带来了方便。手机是其中一项最伟大的发明,人们可以随时随地地保持联系。很自然地,每个成年人都有一部手机,但是对于一些大学以下的学生来讲,他们不被允许使用手机,理由在于他们需要集中精力学习,手机会让他们分心。在我看来,所有的学生可能都可以使用手机,那只是一个交通的工具,没必要去禁止学生使用。一开始,学生会沉迷于玩手机,因为他们对新食物好奇。但是如果他们长时间接触手机,他们就会适应,然后正确使用手机。   2017高考英语作文范文及翻译篇2   I am the only child in my family, nowadays, people have the bad impression on the only child, they think the only child is spoiled by the parents, so they get bad temper and count on the parents so much. While I am not one of them, my parents are very strict to me, they never spoil me, when I make the mistake, they will tell me what the result will be which is caused by my mistake, so that I know I do the wrong thing and wonu2019t do that again. My parents pay special attention to my independence, they will ask me to do the thing alone, sometimes they only teach me how to finish, but never give me a hand. To my parentsu2019 education, at first, I feel they are unfair to me, but as I grow up, I am so thankful to them, they help me become a strong person.   在我的家庭里,我是独生子,如今,人们对独生子的印象很不好,他们觉得独生子被父母宠爱着,因此他们脾气不好,还很依赖父母。然而我和他们不同,我的父母对我很严格,他们从来不溺爱我,当我犯错误,他们会告诉我我的错误会造成的后果,这样我就知道自己做错了事,下次再也不犯这样的错误了。我的父母很注重我的独立性,他们会叫我去独立做事情,有时候他们只教我怎么去完成,但是从来不帮助我。对于父母的教育,刚开始,我觉得他们对我不公平,但是随着我长大,我很感激他们,他们帮助我成长为一个坚强的人。   2017高考英语作文范文及翻译篇3   Today, as the development of the media, people are affected by the advertisements greatly. When we are walking on the street, we can see the ads everywhere, they are spread by the newspaper, the radio and so on. The most obvious are the ads attached in the buildings. When we see the advertisements, we will be attracted by them and have the strong desire to buy the products. But the negative sides of advertisements will mislead the customers. Some products exaggerate the function, when people use them, they will realize that they are cheated and waste the money. The worst situation is that people use the fake products and get sick seriously, their health is under threat. So we must check out the advertisements before we buy the products. We should ask the doctor or see the customersu2019 real reaction.   今天,由于媒体的发展,人们受到广告的很大影响。当我们在街上走的时候,可以看到广告无处不在,广告通过报纸,广播等等方式传播。最明显的广告就是贴在建筑物上面的。当我们看到这些广告,我们会被吸引,会有强烈的愿望要去买这些产品。但是广告的负面对误导消费者。一些产品夸大了功能,当人们使用,就会发现被骗,浪费了钱。最糟糕的情形就是人们使用了虚假产品,染上重病,他们的健康受到了威胁。因此我们必须在买产品前检查清楚。我们应该咨询下医生或者看看消费者的真是反应。


《高中英语语法-插入语六大用法小结》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 插入语六大用法小结 在英语学习中,插入语是一个比较重要的知识点。由于插入语是一种独立成分,通常与句中其他成分没有语法上的关系,许多同学在学习过程中会有一定的困难。其实,插入语大都是对一句话进行附加说明或解释,通常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成,常置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。下面举例归纳插入语的几种用法。 例1 _____the more expensive the camera, the better its quality. A.General speaking B.Speaking general C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally 解析:本题答案为C.generally speaking为分词短语,意思是“一般来说”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:许多分词短语可以用作插入语,这样的分词短语有:strictly speaking(严格地说),generally considering(一般认为), judging fromu2026u2026(根据u2026u2026判断)等。 例2 Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. ____,neither of them could swim. A.In fact B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Naturally 解析:本题答案为C.unfortunately为副词,意思是“令人遗憾地,不巧,可惜”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的副词或副词短语有:indeed(的确),surely(无疑),however(然而),frankly(坦率地说),obviously(显然),naturally(天然地),luckily (happily) for sb.(算某人幸运),fortunately(幸好),strangely(奇怪),briefly(简单地说)等。 例3 Your performance in the driving test didnu2019t reach the required standard,_____, you failed. A.in the end B.after all C.in other words D.at the same time 解析:本题答案为C.in other words为介词短语,意思是“换句话说”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的介词短语有:in conclusion(总之),in a word(简而言之),in short(简而言之),in general(一般说来),in a sense(在某种意义上),in my view(在我看来),in his opinion(按照他的看法),in fact(事实上),at first(首先), in addition(此外),of course(当然),to my surprise(使我惊奇的),to her regret(使她遗憾的),for example(例如)等。 例4 It is so nice to hear from her._____,we last met more than thirty years ago. A.Whatu2018s more B.That is to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not 解析:本题答案为D.believe it or not为一分句,意思是“信不信由你”,在句中作插入语。 小结:用简短的句子结构作插入语,它们常置于句中或句末。这类简短的句子有:I am sure(我可以肯定地说),I believe(我相信),do you know(你知道吗),you see(你明白),Iu2019m afraid(恐怕),it is said(据说),I suppose(我想),whatu2019s more(而且),whatu2019s worse(更糟糕的是),that is(也就是说),what is important(重要的是)等。 例5 _____ with you,I have no money to spare. A.To be frank B.Whatu2019s more C.In addition D.However 解析:本题答案为A.to be frank为不定式短语,意思是“坦率地说”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的不定式短语有:to be sure(无疑地),to sum up(概括地说),to tell the truth(老实说)等。 例6 _____, he should have done such a thing. A.Speaking general B.Strange to say C.Luckily D.Of course 解析:本题答案为B.strange to say为形容词短语,意思是“说也奇怪”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的形容词或其短语有:true(真的),funny(真可笑),needless to say(不用说),most important of all(最为重要),worse still(更糟糕的),even better(更好)等。 【试题设计】 1._____, he often forgot to turn off the lights. A.Even better B.Strange C.However D.Fortunately 2.Greenland, _____ island in the world,covers over two million square kilometers. A.it is the largest B.that is the largest C.is the largest D.the largest 3.An awful accident_____,however,occur the other day. A.does B.did C.has to D.had to 4.Yesterday Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise,she ____ something she would regret later. A.had said B.said C.might say D.might have said 5.Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has ____IQ. A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest 6.Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _____,of course,made the others envy him. A.who B.that C.what D.which 7._____ the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given 8._____,success results from hard work. A.Worse still B.Sure enough C.To sum up D.Whatu2019s worse 9.As I know,there is _____ car in this neighborhood. A.no such B.no a C.not such D.no such a 10.He made another wonderful discovery, _____ of great importance to science. A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is 11.One day, _____,Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. A.to sum up B.whatu2019s more C. it is said D.in addition 【参考答案】 1~5 BDBDB 6~11 DACAAC 《高中英语语法-插入语六大用法小结》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/

2022年高考英语全国甲卷 - 阅读理解C

As Ginni Bazlinton reached Antarctica, she found herself greeted by a group of little Gentoo penguins longing to say hello. These gentle, lovely gatekeepers welcomed her and kick-started what was to be a trip Ginni would never forget. 吉妮·巴兹林顿到达南极洲时,一群渴望问好的小巴布亚企鹅向她打招呼。这些温柔可爱的看门人欢迎她,开始了一段吉妮永远难忘的旅程。 Ever since her childhood, Ginni, now 71, has had a deep love for travel. Throughout her career as a professional dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed to explore further. When she retired from dancing and her sons eventually flew the nest, she decided it was time to take the plunge. 现年71岁的吉妮从小就热爱旅行。在她的职业舞蹈生涯中,曾在英国巡回演出,一直渴望继续探险。当她从舞蹈中退休,儿子们最终各自成家立业后,决定是时候冒险了。 After taking a degree at Chichester University in Related Arts, Ginni began to travel the world, eventually getting work teaching English in Japan and Chile. And it was in Chile she discovered she could get last-minute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the South American mainland. "I just decided wanted to go," she says. "I had no idea about what I"d find there and I wasn"t nervous, I just wanted to do it. And I wanted to do it alone as I always prefer it that way." 在奇切斯特大学获得相关艺术学位后,吉妮开始周游世界,最终在日本和智利找到了教英语的工作。她发现,在智利,她可以在最后一刻买到从南美大陆最南端火地岛出发前往南极洲的便宜船票。“我只是想去,”她说,“我不知道在那里会发现什么,我也不紧张,我只是想去。我想一个人去,因为我总是喜欢这样。” In March 2008, Ginni boarded a ship with 48 passengers she"d never met before, to begin the journey towards Antarctica. "From seeing the wildlife to witnessing sunrises, the whole experience was amazing. Antarctica left an impression on me that no other place has," Ginni says. "I remember the first time I saw a humpback whale; it just rose out of the water like some prehistoric creature and I thought it was smiling at us. You could still hear the operatic sounds it was making underwater." 2008年3月,吉妮登上一艘载有48名乘客的船,开启了她从未经历的南极洲之旅。“从看野生动物到看日出,整个过程令人惊叹。南极洲给我留下了独一无二的印象,”吉妮说,“我记得我第一次看到座头鲸时,它就像史前生物一样从水中浮出水面,我认为它在向我们微笑。你还可以听见它在水下发出的歌剧般的声音。” The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni. 认识到这是一块宝贵的土地,应该受到人类的尊重,这就是对吉妮来说最重要的事情之一。


1. Should tourists take photos with animals? Koalas in wildlife parks can‘t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them. The movement is thinking to make the tourists" behaviour illegal to protect the animals. When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals. Reasons for this are varied. Some people may think taking photos with animals are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons. Others may think that it will be an interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit. If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel annoyed when people keep photographing with me. My life would be greatly influenced and I wouldn‘t feel happy at all! I think I should have some private space and time to relax myself. However, I don‘t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals. Tourists pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can"t have a photo with an animal. Perhaps wildlife parks can set some special time, during which tourists can take photos with animals. It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animals.2.June 8th Dear Haiqing, I hear you are very unhappy these days because your parents can"t afford to buy you some brand-name shoes and garments you like very much. And I write you this letter to share with you what I think about this matter. To begin with, beauty is just skin deep. Don"t you think it silly to pay so much attention to your appearance? He is a shallow person who judges others by their appearance; in the same sense, he is a shallow person who thinks that a brand-name garment can add to his glamour. So please, just forget about those brand-name things. What really matters is not whether you wear brand-name shoes or garments but whether your clothes fit you. As a student, you have to wear the school uniform on the weekdays and to be honest, you look very smart in it. Then why do you have to bother to buy the expensive brand-name things? Secondly, I know your parents are both average workers. Hard as they work, they don"t earn much. Despite this, they do their best to give you a lot of things on demand. Look at the callus on their hands and wrinkles on their faces, how can you have the heart to ask for more than they can afford, which will surely break their hearts? Remember, parents don"t owe us expensive summer camps; they don"t owe us Sony Walkman; nor do they owe us Nike shoes, If you really want those fancy things, you should take a part-time job to contribute to their purchase rather than ask your parents for money to add to their already heavy burden. Don"t you think so? Thirdly, we have such a wide variety of things available these days which are both nice and inexpensive. What"s the point of paying much more for those brand-name things that are not much better? My friend, take my advice, and you"ll be a wiser consumer as well as a more considerate child to your parents. Poverty, sometimes, is a good thing. It can test a person"s character and it makes a man out of a boy faster than anything else. Keep working hard, and you are bound to be able to afford those things in the near future. Now you may as well focus on your study. Anyway, wouldn"t it be funny for a would-be achiever to be so preoccupied with brand-name things all day long? Keep in touch. Yours Huangping 3.Have you skimmed over this year"s English examination paper of college entrance exams? Did you pay any attention to the composition topic? It is about the mouse as a tool featuring in the communication between human beings and the computer. Frankly speaking, at first sight of the chart given, the idea arose swiftly in my mind was the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer and internet, which we have been debating. As is pointed in the directions above the chart, mouse makes it much easier for us to operate a computer. But, it is also pointed out that “over depending on mouse” will bring some side effects. In this regard, I have thought and considered a great deal but I failed to link “depend on” and a mouse. A mouse is an essential part of a computer as it is, and we can hardly operate a computer without a mouse, even for notepads. When a computer is used, a mouse is used. There"s no parlance of “depend too much on a mouse”. It"s the same case as we Chinese have meals with chopsticks. We use them everyday and even every meal, and can we perorate that we over depend on chopsticks? No one would, I suppose. This is the first point I want to mention The second one is that the use of a mouse is quite different from getting information from web. From the model essay given, we can clearly find that the so called disadvantages of depending excessively on a mouse are nothing but the drawback of relying on the readymade information from the net. That"s incorrect. I will take the chopsticks for an example again. If we overate and became fat, can anyone contribute his fozy body to his overuse of chopsticks? I don"t think anyone would be funny enough to complain this way. Personally, I think these are two inappropriate spots in this topic. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the examinees were thinking as to the side effects of over depending on a mouse. If their way of thinking was getting around what the topic assigner tried to accomplish, they were lucky. If not, where were their thoughts flying? 还有一个结尾是 :A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn"t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically. 4.What a Great Olympic Games! The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing, China on August 24,2008, which has left a great impression on the whole world. About 204 countries and regions attended the Olympic Games. In the Games, our Chinese athletes have won 51 gold medals, while America,36; Russia,23. This is the first time that we, Chinese athletes have won so many gold medals in one Olympic Games, which means our sports games belong to the first class in the world! It is our athletes" intelligence and other qualities that have won the great honor for us Chinese all! Days when we were looked down upon have gone forever! From the very Games, we have proved that our government has the ability to hold the Olympic Games successfully! Not only can we hold the Olympic Games well, but also we can perform well. The fact has showed everything to the world! It is the successful 29th Olympic Games that destroys the saying of those who doubted about it days ago! What a great, successful and impressive Olympic Games! 尽力了…………¥##%@#@


《高中英语语法-英语阅读中的猜词技巧》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 英语阅读中的猜词技巧 ?在阅读英语文章时,常常会碰到一些生词,这是无法避免的。如果一遇到生词就翻词典,这在很大程度上影响了我们的阅读速度,而且在出现几回这样的“停顿”之后,我们难免会感到趣味索然,心烦意乱,从而中止阅读。如果遇到生词不翻词典,这势必会造成一些词义理解上的困难,从而妨碍我们对文章的正确理解,同时也达不到通过阅读文章获得信息的目的。但是“会读”的人总能通过上下文准确地猜出一些生词的含义,这决非他有什么特异功能,而是巧妙地运用了“猜词”的技巧。 ??在此,笔者结合自己多年的教学经验就英语阅读过程中的猜词技巧做一简单介绍,希望能对大家今后的英语阅读有所帮助。 ??一般情况下,培养猜词技巧、提高猜词能力可以从以下几方面入手: ??一、利用提示词猜词 ??英语中的提示词能帮助读者推断词义,主要的提示词有表示定义关系的is(are),mean, (be)called等和表示同位语关系的that is,or, i.e.,such as,in other words,namely, put another way等。比如: ??1?Numbers such as 1,2,3,4,10,100 are called whole numbers,or integers. ??“integer”是生词,但从整个句子来看,“integers”其实就是“whole numbers”(整数)的同位语,所以“integer”的意思是:整数。 ??2?The word“adolescence”means the period between children and adulthood. ??“adolescence”是生词,但我们根据它的定义可以猜出其含义:青春期。 ??3.A byline,that is,the line at the head of a newspaper article that tells the authoru2019s name,is rarely given to an inexperienced reporter. ??“byline”是生词。从整个句子来看,“byline”的含义就是“the line at the head of a newspaper article that tells the authoru2019s name”,即“(报刊文章开头)标出作者名字的一行或作者署名处”。 ??二、利用标点符号猜词 ??有些生词的含义会以诸如破折号、括弧或逗号等标点“暗示”给读者。这是因为破折号、括弧或逗号具有解释、说明前面名词的功能。比如: ??1.The man has worked in Taiwan for a decade(ten years)since he graduated in 1992. ??“decade”是生词,但从括弧可知该词的含义是:10年。 ??2?We can feel acceleration,an increase in speed. ??“acceleration”是生词,由逗号的功能可知“an increase in speed”与该生词是同位语关系,所以“acceleration”是指“加速度”。 ??三、利用构词法猜词 ??英语中某些生词的产生有一定的规律可循,这种规律称之为构词法。英语中常见的构词法有转换、派生、合成三种。如果对构词法知识有一定的了解,在阅读中,我们就可以运用相应的构词法来猜测某些生词的含义。 ??比如,我们也许不知道unforeseeable的含义,但我们可以根据构词法得知它是一个派生词。于是把它拆成un,fore,see,able;其中see是词根,fore是“先、前、预”的含义,un是否定,able是“能u2026的”,因此unforeseeable就是“未能预见到的”。 ??再如,我们也许从未见过“lipservice”这个词。通过观察分析该词,我们知道它是一个合成词,由“lip”和“service”两词构成,“lip”的“嘴唇”,“service”是“服务”,于是,我们不难猜出“lipservice”是“口惠而实不至,空话”的意思。 ??四、利用对比关系猜词 ??在一个生词的前后有时会出现它的反义词或常用来对比的词语,我们从而可以推知该生词的意思。这时应该特别注意表示转折或对比的连词(although,but,while,etc.)、副词(instead,yet,etc?)或介词短语(on the other hand, on the contrary,etc.)。比如: ??1.He told me two stories. One was interesting while the other was dull. ??“dull”是生词。从这两句话的大体意思和“while”表示对比来猜测,我们不难得出“dull”的意思是“not interesting”,即“乏味的”。 ??2.The lighting of fire is prohibited, but picnicking is allowed. ??“prohibited”是生词。“but”作为转折连词可使我们确认“be prohibited”的含义是“be not allowed”,即“prohibited”的意思是“禁止的”。 ??五、利用同义词或同义关系猜词 ??一个生词出现的上下文中,有时会出现与之同义或近义的词或短语,它往往暗示了该生词的含义。比如: ??1.One night Mrs.Rochester succeeded in setting the house on fire.Mr. Rochester managed to lead the servants to safety and then went back into the burning mansion to rescue his wife. ??第二个句子中的“mansion”是生词。从前后两个句子来看,我们不难发现“mansion”指的就是第一句中的“house”。 ??2.One day,from his lookout post, he sees about thirty savages dancing before a fire. They have already cooked one prisoner and are getting ready to murder two m ore when Crusoe attacks them with his two loaded muskets(滑膛枪)and a sword. He shoots several of the cannibals. ??最后一句中的“cannibals”是生词,但通过对上文的分析,我们可以猜出“cannibals”就是指第一句中的“savages”,即“野人”。 ??六、利用常识、自己的经验、经历及社会、科技等方面的知识猜词 ??有时碰到生词,也不必惊慌。根据对上下文或整句的理解,运用常识或相关的知识,也能猜出该生词的含义。比如: ??1.She read my letter slowly +to the end and then tore it to shreds. ??这个句子中的“shreds”是生词。但我们从整句来理解,“她慢吞吞地把我的信看完,然后把它撕成u2026”,从“撕成u2026”,我们可以猜出“shreds”是“碎片”的意思。 ??2.The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. ??本句中的“lintel”是生词,但从句意来看,“门很矮,我的头撞在u2026上了”,我们不难猜出“lintel”的意思是“楣,过梁”。 ??3.After inventing dynamite, Nobel became a very rich man. ??本句中的“dynamite”是生词。整个句意是:在发明u2026之后,诺贝尔变成了一位很富有的人。根据对诺贝尔的了解可知“dynamite”指的是“甘油炸药”。 ??降了以上常见的猜词技巧外,我们有时也可以利用与文字相关的插图来猜测词义。另外,在阅读过程中,对于一些不妨碍我们整体理解文章的生词如人名、地名、组织机构和一些不重要的形容词、副词、功能词等,我们可以稍加理会或不用理会而跳过去。 ??猜词能力不仅涉及到一个人的语言知识水平,还涉及到一个人的语言应用能力和综合素质水平。要掌握一定的猜词技巧、提高自己的猜词能力就必须增大泛读量,掌握或认识较多的英语词汇,准确无误地理解上下文,培养思维、分析、归纳、综合等语言信息加工的能力。 《高中英语语法-英语阅读中的猜词技巧》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com


2017年高考英语阅读答题技巧「四选一」   高考英语阅读理解常见的题目形式是四选一,顾名思义,就是从四个备选答案中选出符合题目要求的答案。为了帮助大家备考,我整理了一些答题技巧,希望能帮到大家!   1、细节题解题技巧   细节题,顾名思义,就是指针对文章的某个细节而设置的试题。细节题的命题方法很多,如可能是对某个细节用同义结构转换后进行考查、也可能是将文章中的几个细节(通常是四个)放在一起要求考生判断是非(选出正确的一项或选出错误的一项)或对几个细节进行排序等。解答这类试题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干或选项中的线索词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案(此时要特别注意一些常见的同义转换)。   现在围绕上述的定位理论,引申出几个小的技巧:   (1) 关键信息定位法。这个主要是细节题,如涉及到数字(日期、时间、价格等),就可以在文章中快速圈出数字,再找出目标数字及相对应的细节作息,还有人物姓名、地点名词等等,其他的还包括一些提示情节发展,或条纲性关键字眼,如First, Next, Finally等等。   As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 2011,when my husband arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday. (2011年高考英语北京A篇)   What happened to the author in 2011?   A. She flew an airplane   B. She entered a competition   C. She went on a hot air balloon ride   D. She moved into a retirement community   解析:此题属典型细节题,通过题干中的时间in 2011不难定位到文中粗体字部分,很容易可以锁定正解为C。   (2) 同义定位法。英文中可以用Paraphrase表示。同义定位就是指问题所用的关键词和文中的不一致,但属于同义性质,同义转换其实是在关键间的基础上拐了个弯。   He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what he"s doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your paper. (2010年高考英语北京B篇)   What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks?   A. Finding the news value of his stories.   B. Giving him financial support.   C. Helping him to find issues.   D. Improving his good ideas.   解析:此题属细节题,定位方式为同义定位法。题干中的talks和文章中conversations对应,而want most和longs for对应,这样不难得出答案为D。   小结:在阅读中,精准快速的定位加上正确的理解力才能保证做题的量与质。定位法是需要在做题的过程中有意识的培养的,做题的技巧也是可以总结的,关键是要自觉培养这种分析归纳和总结的意识以及能力。   2、推理题解题技巧   推断题定义:在理解原文字面意思的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得到文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。   出现特征:在考题中经常出现的词有infer, imply, indicate, conclude, learn from, probably, most likely, prove /according to等。   She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. “We"re moving house."; “No space for her any more with the baby coming.” “We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present.” People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.   How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house? (2010年高考英语北京A篇)   A. Shocked. B. Sympathetic. C. Annoyed. D. Upset.   解析:由题目得知:是考察作者的态度题。首先定位到文章作者的话语和行为,即   (1) No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway.   (2) We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present.“   (3) People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.   可知作者对它是正的情感,排除C,D.再由作者对它的不舍,答案选B   3、主旨大意题解题技巧   Topic/Title型-使用逆推法   (1) 要在阅读原文基础上,仔细考虑选项是否与文章主题有密切联系   (2) 再看选项对文章的概括性或覆盖面如何   (3) 要注意题目是否过大或者过小   (4) 要避免下列三种错误   概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,导致范围过小)   过度概括(多表现为扩大范围)   以事实、细节代替抽象概括的大意。   Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergency alert (警报) system using text messages delivered to cell phones.   Text messages have been popular in recent years, particularly among young people. The wireless industry"s trade association, CTIA, estimates(估计) more than 48 billion text messages are sent each month.   The plan comes from the Warning Alert and Response Network Act, a 2006 federal law that requires improvements to the nation"s emergency alert system. The act tasked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with coming up with new ways to alert the public about emergencies.   “The ability to deliver accurate and timely warnings and alerts through cell phones and other mobile services is an important next step in our efforts to help ensure that the American public has the information they need to take action to protect themselves and their families before, and during, disasters and other emergencies,” FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said, following approval of the plan.   Participation in the alert system by carriers -telecommunications companies is voluntary, but it has received support from the wireless industry.   The program would be optional for cell phone users. They also may not be charged for receiving alerts.   There would be three different types of messages, according to the rules.   The first would be a national alert from the president, likely involving a natural disaster. The second would involve “approaching threats”, which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or storms or even university shootings. The third would be for child abduction (绑架) emergencies, or so-called Amber Alerts.   The service could be in place by 2010.( 2008年高考英语山东卷B篇)   66. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?   A. Cell Phone Alerts Protecting Students   B. Cell Phone Alerts by Wireless Industry   C. Cell Phone Alerts of National Disasters   D. Cell Phone Alerts Coming Soon   解析:D。主旨大意题。第一段开门见山,提出将创建一个全国性的短信警报系统;最后一段重申主题,对这种新系统的未来进行展望。因此最准确的标题是D。A项错在protecting students;B项错在by wireless industry;C项错在National Disasters。   4、词义句意题解题技巧   要求考生通过阅读上下文,结合中学生应有的赏识来推测尚不熟悉的词或者词组的意思。出现特征:划线或者引号   解题方法之一:根据上下文,往往是本句中的同位关系进行猜测。   Weeks later, standing before this unfriendly mass, I was totally lost. Oh well, I lowered the paper and sat down at my desk, burning to find out what I had done wrong. As a classmate began his report, it all became clear, “My report is on George Washington, the man who started the American Revolution.” The whole world became quite! How could I know that she meant that George Washington?   62. The underlined word “burning” in Para. 3 probably means _______.(2012年北京,B篇,62,答案D)   A. annoyed B. ashamed C. ready D. eager   解析:从burning这个词来说,意为“发热的`,强烈的,燃烧的”,后面紧跟动词词组“find out”说明在寻找时刻的心情是很紧张和急迫的,最后是一个宾语从句,是我曾经做错过什么,那么这个题目显然就是选择和“渴望的,热切的”词义,显然为D选项。   5、结构顺序题解题技巧   常见提问方式:   How is the passage organized?   Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?   The author develops the passage mainly byu2026.   解题思路:   (1) 注意主题段。主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,   (2) 找出或者总结每段的主题句。主题句可能在段落的开头,也可能出现在段落的中间或末尾。如何确定主题句的方法见主旨题之main idea型。   (3) 最后根据每段主题确定段与段之间的结构关系,承上启下,使文章行文连贯,逻辑严密。为突出主题,作者可能采用不同的写作手法来组织文章,通过举例、比较、类比等手法来透彻阐明主题观点。   The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place   Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable dietu2026 We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and listen. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上).   Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food labels.   On another level, diet products have greater psychological effects. Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don"t have to work to get results. Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle.   The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they cause. Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分). Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calories only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially dangerous.   Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicals. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using them. (2008高考英语北京卷E篇)   75. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?   题目   解析:文章第一段点明节食产品在误导人们;第二段说明节食产品对人们心理上的影响;第三段说明节食产品误导人们认为不费劲就可以减肥,即对人们身体上的危害;第四段说明节食产品的危害;第五段说明人们应该慎重对待节食产品,故从文章结构上看应该是B项正确。 ;


decide:[di"said] vt.&vi.决定,决心;名词形式为decision。其基本用法如下:   1)跟名词或代词:   ①It is the people who decide the fate of mankind.   决定人类命运的是人民。   ②The question will be decided by themselves.   问题将由他们自己决定。   2)跟不定式:   ①He decided to give a one-man show.他决定唱一段独角戏。   ②We haven"t decided when to start.我们还没决定何时动身。   3)跟从句:   ①Let"s first decide where we should go.   (=Let"s first decide where to go.)   我们先决定一下到什么地方去。   ②It is not decided whether we will go there.   还没有决定我们是不是去那儿。   4)跟介词短语(跟on或upon,表示“就某事做出决定”):   ①Don"t decide on important matters too quickly.   重要的事情不要匆忙做出决定。


《高中英语语法-高三第七至九单元词语辨析》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 高三第七至九单元词语辨析 一、 last 和 continue 这两个词均有“继续”之意,但是用法有别。 continue 可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词、带 to 的不定式或 V-ing 形式(无意义上的差别)。例如: She continued doing / to do her lessons. 她继续做功课。 After a short break, the play continued. 休息一会儿后,演出继续进行。 此外, continue 还可用作系动词,意为“继续处于某种状态”,其后常接形容词作表语。例如: He continued silent. 他继续沉默不语。 last 强调“持续一段时间”时,常用作不及物动词,多用于指时间、气力、友谊、金钱、利益和食物等方面的延续。例如: We"re sure our friendship will last forever. 我们相信我们的友谊将会万古长青。 How long did the concert last? 音乐会开了多久? 此外, last 亦作“维持”解,此时既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,但不可用于被动语态。例如: The food can only last ( us ) three days. 食物只够三天用。 二、 anxious 和 eager 这两个词均有“渴望的;急于”之意,但是用法有别。 anxious 强调由于没把握、担心失败或遭到意外而产生苦恼,常译为“焦急的;担心的”,其后通常接介词 about .例如: The old man was anxious about his health. 这位老人担心他的健康。 eager 意为“渴望的”,表示对成功的希望和进取的热情,其后常接介词 for 或 about .例如: He"s eager for success. 他渴望成功。 We"re all eager about our progress. 我们都渴望进步。 注意: a. 二者均可接不定式,表示“急于、渴望做某事”,此时意思相同,可以互换使用。例如: We"re anxious / eager to know the result of the exam. 我们急于知道考试的结果。 b. 二者作“急于”解时,均可接 that 从句,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“ should +动词原形”形式, should 可省略。例如: She was very anxious that her son should succeed. 她十分渴望她的儿子能取得成功。 The boss is eager that the workers ( should ) come in time. 老板热切希望工人都能按时来。 三、 some, about, around 和 or so 这四个词均可表示“大约”。 about 用于表示时间、距离等的大约数值。例如: It is about two miles from here. 离这儿大约有两英里。 around 多用来修饰时间和日期。例如: We set off around four o"clock. 我们大约四点钟出发。 some 一般用来修饰时间和数额,但是不能用来修饰表示时间点概念的数词。例如: It happened some thirty years ago. 这件事大概发生在 30 年前。 or so 要放在数词的后面。例如: I want a hundred or so. 我要 100 个左右。 There will be twenty or so people at the party. 晚会上有 20 人左右。 四、 highly 和 high 二者都可以用作副词,但用法有别。 high 表示具体位置的“高”。例如: They climbed high. 他们爬得高。 The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞。 highly 表示抽象概念的“高”,意为“高度地;非常;很高地”。 highly 不仅可以用来修饰动词,还可以用来修饰形容词或用作形容词的分词。例如: He speaks highly of the boy"s behavior. 他十分赞赏这个男孩的行为。 五、 get, achieve 和 gain get 是通用词,指用某种方法或手段得到某东西,这东西可能是主语需要的或企图获得的,也许不是。例如: I got a new car. 我得到了一部新车。 He got a bad reputation. 他名声太臭。 achieve 意为“获得”,指经过努力而取得一定的成就或达到某种目的。例如: He finally achieved success. 他最终获得了成功。 gain 意为“获得”,指经过努力或奋斗,获得某种利益、好处或经验。例如: His hard work gained him a good reputation. 他的艰苦努力使他获得了良好的声誉。 The masses gain experience through struggle. 群众通过斗争取得经验。 六、 clothes, clothing 和 cloth clothes 是指具体的衣服,包括上衣、外衣、内衣等,它不可与具体的数词连用,如不可说 four clothes ,但可以说 many ( these, those, a few, some ) clothes ;表达“一套衣服”通常说 a suit of clothes .例如: Do I have to change my clothes for the meeting? 我去参加会议需要换衣服吗? 另外, clothes 总是以复数形式出现,因此单独作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式。 clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,范围比 clothes 广,除表示衣服外,还包括帽子、鞋袜、手套之类。 clothing 是集合名词,没有复数形式;表达“一件衣服”可以用 an article of clothing 或 a piece of clothing .例如: We need warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要暖和的衣服过冬。 cloth 指做衣服等用的材料,如“布”、“毛料”等,作此义解时, cloth 是不可数名词,无复数形式;表达“一块布料”不可说 a cloth ,而应该说 a piece of cloth .例如: I need a lot of cloth if I"m going to make a new dress. 如果我要做新衣服的话,就需要很多布料。 但是,当 cloth 用于指特殊用途的布时,是可数名词,此时可与不定冠词连用,亦有复数形式( cloths )。例如: Pass me a dish cloth, please. 请递给我一块洗碗布。 One by one he took out the books and wiped them with a cloth. 他一本一本地把书拿出来,用一块布把它们擦干净。 《高中英语语法-高三第七至九单元词语辨析》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/


In his 1930 essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” , John Keynes, a 在他的1930篇论文《我们子孙后代的经济可能性”,约翰凯因斯,一famous economist, wrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs, which are 著名经济学家,写道,人类需要分为2类:绝对的需要,这是independent of what others have, and relative needs, which make us feel superior to our 独立别人所拥有的东西,和相对的需要,这使我们感到我们的优秀fellows. He thought that although relative needs may indeed be insatiable(无止境的), this is 研究员。他认为,虽然相对需求可能确实是贪得无厌的(无止境的),这是not true of absolute needs.不正确的绝对需要。Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending is decided by the desire 凯因斯肯定是正确的,只有一小部分的总开支决定的愿望for superiority. He was greatly mistaken, however, in seeing this desire as the only source of 优势。他错了,然而,在看到这一愿望的唯一来源insatiable demands.无尽的需求。Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influence the demand for 决定花也带动了思想品质能影响需求almost all goods, including even basic goods like food. When a couple goes out for an 几乎所有的商品,甚至包括基本商品如食品。当夫妇去为一个anniversary dinner, for example, the thought of feeling superior to others probably never 周年晚宴,例如,思想感情优于其他人可能永远不会comes to them. Their goal is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals.到他们的。他们的目标是分享一顿,脱颖而出从其他餐。There are no obvious limits to the escalation of demands for quality. For example, 不存在明显的界限的升级的质量要求。比如说呢。Porsche, a famous car producer, has a model which was considered perhaps the best sports car 保时捷,著名的汽车制造商,有一个模型,认为可能是最好的跑车on the market. Priced at over $120,000, it handles perfectly well and has great speed 在市场上。售价超过120000美元,它处理的很好,有很大的速度acceleration. But in 2004, the producer introduced some changes which made the model 加速度。但在2004,制片人介绍一些变化使模型slightly better in handling and acceleration. People who really care about cars find these small 略好于处理和加速度。人谁真正关心汽车找到这些小improvements exciting. To get them, however, they must pay almost four times the price.改进激动。让他们,然而,他们必须付近四倍的价格。By placing the desire to be superior to others at the heart of his description of insatiable 通过将欲望是优于其他人在他心中描述贪得无厌demands, Keynes actually reduced such demands. However, the desire for higher quality has 要求,凯因斯实际上减少这样的要求。然而,高质量的愿望no natural limits.没有限制。72. According to the passage, John Keynes believed that .72。根据短文,约翰凯因斯相信。A. desire is the root of both absolute and relative needs答:欲望的根源是绝对和相对需求B. absolute needs come from our sense of superiorityB .绝对需要来自我们的优越感C. relative needs alone lead to insatiable demandsC .相对需要单独导致无尽的需求D. absolute needs are stronger than relative needsD .绝对需要比相对需求73. What do we know about the couple in Paragraph 3?73。我们知道什么对夫妇在3段?A. They want to show their superiority.他们想展示自己的优势。B. They find specialty important to meals.他们找到的重要膳食。C. Their demands for food are not easily satisfied.他们的粮食需求是不容易满足。D. Their choice of dinner is related to ideas of quality.D .他们所选择的晚餐与质量观。74. What does the underlined word “escalation” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?74。什么是强调“升级”4款可能意味着什么呢?A. Understanding B. Increase C. Difference D. Study.A B C D增加理解差异研究。75. The author of the passage argues that .75。文章的作者认为。A. absolute needs have no limits答:绝对需要没有限制B. demands for quality are not insatiableB .质量要求不知足C. human desires influence ideas of quality人类欲望的思想品质影响D. relative needs decide most of our spendingD .相对的需要决定了我们的大多数开支 楼主是这篇吗要答案吗71~75 ccdba好累啊

2020年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解C

When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list, fur probably didn"t cross your mind. But some ecologists and fashion enthusiast are trying to bring back the market for fur made from nutria. 当你想给环保人士的假日购物清单增加些什么时,你可能不会想到皮毛。但是一些生态学家和时尚发烧友们正试图恢复海狸鼠皮毛的市场。 Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles. “It sounds crazy to talk about guilt-free fur – unless you understand that the nutria are destroying vast wetlands every year,” says Cree McCree, project director of Righteous Fur. 新奥尔良和布鲁克林的不同寻常时装秀展示了海狸鼠皮毛制成的不同风格的服装。“谈论没有罪恶感的皮毛听起来很疯狂——除非你知道海狸鼠每年都在破坏大片湿地,”Righteous Fur(正义皮毛)项目总监克里·麦克里说。 Scientists in Louisiana were so concerned that they decided to pay hunters $5 a tail. Some of the fur ends up in the fashion shows like the one in Brooklyn last month. 路易斯安那州的科学家非常担心,他们决定付给猎人每尾5美元。一些皮毛最终出现在时装秀上,比如上个月布鲁克林的时装秀。 Nutria were brought there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild. “The ecosystem down there can"t handle this non-native species. It"s destroying the environment. It"s them or us,” says Michael Massimi, an expert in this field. 海狸鼠是皮毛农场主从阿根廷带到这里并放生的。“那里的生态系统无法应对这种非本土物种,它正在破坏环境”,这一领域的专家迈克尔·马西米说。 The fur trade kept nutria in check for decades, but when the market for nutria collapsed in the late 1980s, the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy. 几十年来,皮毛贸易一直控制着海狸鼠数量,但是20世纪80年代末海狸鼠市场崩溃后,这些猫一样大小的动物疯狂繁殖。 Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana. He says it"s not easy to convince people that people that nutria fur is green, but he has no doubt about it. Hunters bring in more than 300,000 nutria tails a year, so part of Mouton"s job these days is trying to promote fur. 生物学家埃德蒙·莫顿负责路易斯安那州的海狸鼠控制。他说要让人们相信海狸鼠皮是绿色的并不容易,但他对此毫无疑问。猎人们每年带来超过30万条海狸鼠尾巴,所以莫顿现在的部分工作就是推广皮毛。 Then there"s Righteous Fur and its unusual fashions. Model Paige Morgan says,“To give people a guilt-free option that they can wear without someone throwing paint on them – I think that"s going to be a massive thing, at least here in New York.” Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable. She"s trying to come up with a label to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly. 还有Righteous Fur和它不同寻常的时尚。模特佩奇·摩根说,“给人们一个没有罪恶感的选择,让他们可以穿着,而不用被人往身上泼油漆——我认为这将是一件大事,至少在纽约是这样。”设计师詹妮弗·安德森承认,她花了一段时间才意识到,用海狸鼠皮制作作品在道德上是可以接受的。她正尝试给海狸鼠时尚贴上环保标签。

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-worth 用法拾零

《高中英语语法-worth 用法拾零》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 worth 用法拾零 一、作形容词 1. worth 作形容词,意为“值(多少钱)”、“相当于u2026u2026的价值”或“值得”等。其后通常接表示钱数的名词或相当于“代价”的比喻性名词。例如: It was worth five hundred francs at most. Itu2019s worth the time and effort we devoted to it. How much is the picture worth? It is worth twice the money we paid for it. 2. be worth 后还可接动词的 -ing 形式,意为“值得做”,应使用主动结构表示被动意义。 be worth 不能接不定式。例如: I think the film is worth seeing twice. 不可说:I think the film is worth being seen twice./ I think the film is worth to see. 该结构中的主语与动词之间为逻辑的动宾关系,故只能使用及物动词或相当于及物动词的词组。例如: His speech is worth listening. (错) His speech is worth listening to. (正) His plan is not worth thinking. (错) His speech is not worth considering/ thinking about. (正) 二、作名词 作名词时,意为“价值,值u2026u2026钱(的东西)”。例如: What is the worth of the old painting? 这张旧油画值多少钱? 三、构成的词组 worth 的常用词组有: 1. be worth it 值得(这样做) Well,it was a hard climb,but the view from the top is worth it. 哦,爬到顶真不简单!不过,山顶的风景值(这样做)! 2. for all one is worth 拼命地 When the boat sank,he swam towards the shore for all he was worth. 船沉没后,他拼命地游向岸边。 3. worth the name 名副其实的,合格的 Any art student worth the name would tell you that that is a bad painting. 任何名副其实的艺术系的学生都会告诉你,那是一幅很糟的油画。 4. get oneu2019s moneyu2019s worth (钱)花得值,合得来,过得满意 You will get your moneyu2019s worth if you go to Paris for holiday. 如果你去巴黎度假,一定(让你觉得)值。 《高中英语语法-worth 用法拾零》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/




高考英语词汇:ahead的用法   1. 是副词,不要把它误认为是名词:   正:There"s danger ahead. 前面有危险。   误:There"s danger in [at] ahead.   2. 主要用作状语,有时也用作后置定语或表语:   The road aheadwas full of sheep. 前面的路上全是羊。   Our team is ahead by three runs. 我们队3分。   3. 用于 ahead of, 注意以下用法:   (1) 指时间或空间的“在…之前”:   He is always ahead of theage. 他总是走在时代的前面。   He left one day ahead of me. 他比我早走一天。   Ahead of us is a river. 我们前面是一条河。   (2) 表示“比…强 (高)” (主要用作表语):   He"s ahead of me inEnglish. 他的英语比我强。   He is two classes ahead of me. 他比我高两班。   (3) 用于 ahead of time, 意为“提前”或“提早”:   The work was done ahead of time. 工作提前完成了。   He didn"t want go thereahead of time. 他不想提前去那儿。   有时用于 ahead of schedule:   He finished his job ahead ofschedule. 他提前完成了工作。   4. 用于 go ahead, 注意以下用法:   (1) 表示同意或允许,意为“说吧”、“做吧”:   A:May I start?我可以开始了吗?   B:Yes, go ahead. 好,开始吧。   A:Will you do mea favour? 请你帮个忙好吗?   B:Go ahead. 说吧。   A:Do you mindif I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?   B:No, go ahead. 不介意,你抽吧。   (2) 表示继续做某事,意为“继续…吧”:   Go ahead, we are alllistening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听呢!   A:Don"t interrupt me whenI am explaining the problems to you. 我在给你们解释这些问题时,请不要打断的话。   B:All right, go ahead. 好,说下去吧。


高考英语词汇详解:ahead的用法   1. 是副词,不要把它误认为是名词:   正:There"s danger ahead. 前面有危险。   误:There"s danger in [at] ahead.   2. 主要用作状语,有时也用作后置定语或表语:   The road aheadwas full of sheep. 前面的路上全是羊。   Our team is ahead by three runs. 我们队3分。   3. 用于 ahead of, 注意以下用法:   指时间或空间的“在…之前”:   He is always ahead of theage. 他总是走在时代的前面。   He left one day ahead of me. 他比我早走一天。   Ahead of us is a river. 我们前面是一条河。   表示“比…强 ” :   He"s ahead of me inEnglish. 他的英语比我强。   He is two classes ahead of me. 他比我高两班。   用于 ahead of time, 意为“提前”或“提早”:   The work was done ahead of time. 工作提前完成了。   He didn"t want go thereahead of time. 他不想提前去那儿。   有时用于 ahead of schedule:   He finished his job ahead ofschedule. 他提前完成了工作。   4. 用于 go ahead, 注意以下用法:   表示同意或允许,意为“说吧”、“做吧”:   A:May I start?我可以开始了吗?   B:Yes, go ahead. 好,开始吧。   A:Will you do mea favour? 请你帮个忙好吗?   B:Go ahead. 说吧。   A:Do you mindif I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?   B:No, go ahead. 不介意,你抽吧。   表示继续做某事,意为“继续…吧”:   Go ahead, we are alllistening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听呢!   A:Don"t interrupt me whenI am explaining the problems to you. 我在给你们解释这些问题时,请不要打断的话。   B:All right, go ahead. 好,说下去吧。

2020年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解B

Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills. 一些家长只要认为对孩子有益,他们就会购买任何高科技玩具,但研究人员认为拼图有助于提高孩子们的数学相关技能。 Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children the University of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition after controlling for differences in parents" income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said. 芝加哥大学儿童数学发展专家心理学家苏珊·莱文发现,在2岁到4岁之间玩拼图游戏的孩子们随后会发展出更好的空间技能。莱文说,在避免了父母收入、教育程度和父母交谈量的差异后,拼图游戏被认为是认知能力的一个重要预测因素。 The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age. 研究人员分析了53对父母与子女在家庭日常活动中的视频记录,发现26至46个月之间玩拼图游戏的孩子在54个月大时空间技能更好。 “The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate and translate shapes,” Levine said in a statement. “玩拼图游戏的孩子在评估他们旋转和变换形状能力要比没有玩拼图游戏的孩子好,”莱文在一份声明中说。 The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of children in the study played with puzzles at one time. Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than parents of girls. 研究人员要求父母像平时一样与孩子互动,研究中约有一半的孩子曾玩过拼图游戏。高收入的父母往往让孩子多玩些拼图,玩拼图的男孩和女孩都会有更好的空间技能。不过,男孩往往玩的拼图比女孩的更复杂,男孩的父母在玩拼图游戏时比女孩的父母提供了更多的空间语言,也更活跃。 The findings were published in the journal Developmental Science . 研究结果发表在《发展科学》杂志上。


此题问的是:姓氏中“不”包含下列那个方面:生活地点;人的性格(character);人拥有的才干;人的职业。第五段第一句说:最早的姓氏取自地名,比如Brook(布鲁克)取自地名brook(小写意思是小溪)第六段第一句说:另一些早期姓氏取自职业名称,比如Smith(史密斯)取自smith(小写意思是铁匠)第八段说:有些人相貌与众不同,或才干突出,于是姓氏中加入了这些元素。如同一村中有两个John,头发呈灰色的那个,就叫John Gray,音译成约翰格雷,意思是“约翰灰色”另比如一个人叫John Fish,就是指那个擅长游泳的John,像鱼一样擅长游泳的John。证明C被提到。我想你不理解的是character的准确意思---这里意思是“(内在)性格”, 不是外貌特征(looks)。英汉字典上有的把character译成“特征”,指的是“性格特点,特征”英英字典例句:主要体会下边例句,都是指性格方面的,抽象的,非外貌方面的。1.N-COUNT (可数名词)The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places. 性格; 特性例:Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven"t seen yet.或许他性格中有你还未看到的消极一面。2.N-COUNT(可数)You use character to say what kind of person someone is. For example, if you say that someone is a strange character, you mean they are strange. (具有某种特性的) 人例:It"s that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character.正是那种勇气和决心使他成为这样卓越的人。参考资料:http://www.zxxk.com/article/302230.html

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较

《高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较 doubt 与 suspect 作动词用 , 都有“怀疑”的意思,但实际上它们的用法还是有区别的。下面我们就来比较一下: 一 . 如果后面接名词、代词或名词性词组时,两者基本上可通用。例如: I doubt/suspect the truth of her statement. 我对她那番话的真实性表示怀疑。 He says he can cure me, but I still doubt/suspect him. 他说他能治好我的病,但我仍对他不放心。 二 . 如果后面接 that 从句,意思就截然不同。 doubt 意为“无把握;不相信( question the truth of; don"t believe/think )”,怀疑其无。 suspect 意为“有存在或属实的想法;相信( have an idea of the existence; believe; guess )”,怀疑其有。例如: I doubt that he has stolen my watch. 我不相信他偷了我的手表。 I suspect that he has stolen my watch. 我怀疑 / 猜想他偷了我的手表。 The doctor suspected that he was ill with flu. 医生怀疑 / 认为他得了流感。 这时 doubt 更多用于否定句或疑问句中。如: I don"t doubt that he is right. 我确信他是对的。 I didn"t doubt that he would come. 我当时相信他会来的。 Why did she doubt that they were cheats? 她为什么怀疑他们是骗子? 三 . doubt 用于肯定句中时,多接 whether/if 引导的从句,意义与 that 从句不同,这时意为“不敢肯定( feel uncertain about )”。而 suspect 不可接这种从句。例如: I doubt whether/if he"ll come. 我不敢肯定他来不来。 It"s raining hard. I doubt whether it will be fine tomorrow. 雨下得很大,我不敢说明天会晴。 四 . 其他搭配。 doubt 可作不及物动词,用于 doubt of sth; suspect 用于 suspect sth to be, suspect sb of(doing) sth .例如: She never doubted of his success. 她从不怀疑他的成功。 I suspected him to be the spy. 我认为他就是那个间谋。 What made you suspect her of having taken the money? 你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的? 《高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

2010年高考英语上海卷完形填空的翻译 急需啊!!!速度啊!!!!

36.seat37.telling38.until39.watched(looked at)40.not41.come42.had43.wife44.waiting45.angry46.didn"t47.recognize48.shocked49.still50.emotion(类似的,猜的,具体还要结合选项)51.apply52.53.need to54.enjoy55.True knowledge


What day is this today?Today is YAMADAY


高考英语作文100个经典短句:1   1. at the thought of一想到…   2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论   3. at will 随心所欲   4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be wellsupplied with) 富于,富有   5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解   6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外.Without accident(=safely) 安全地,   7. of one"s ownaccord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地   8. in accord with 与…一致 . out ofone"s accord with 同…。不一致   9. with one accord (=with everybodyagreeing)一致地   10. in accordance with (=in agreement with)依照,根据   11. on one"s own account   1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益   2) (=at one"s own risk) 自行负责   3) (=by oneself)依靠自己   12. take…intoaccount(=consider)把..。考虑进去   13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)   14. account for (=give an explanation orreason for) 解释,说明。   15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。   16. on no account(=in no case, for noreason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)   17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blamesb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告   18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of,be used to)习惯于。   19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledgeof) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉   20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理   21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于   22. adapt…(for) (=make sth.Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)   23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之   24. in addition to(=as well as, besides,other than)除…外   25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to,comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循   26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的   27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;   28. admit of (=be capable of, leave roomfor) …的可能,留有…的余地。   29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先   30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地   31. have an advantage over 胜过   have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件   have the advantage of sb。知道某人所不知道的事   32. take advantage of (=make the best of,utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用   33. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agreeto 同意   34. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致   35. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…. ahead of time 提前   36. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中   37. above all (=especially, most importantof all) 尤其是,最重要的   38. in all (=counting everyone oreverything, altogether) 总共,总计   39. after all 毕竟,到底; (not)at all 一点也不;   all at once(=suddenly)突然; once andfor all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎   40. allow for (=take into consideration,take into account) 考虑到,估计到 高考英语作文100个经典短句:2   41. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于。   42. answer for (undertake responsibilityfor, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责。   43. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合。   44. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for   45. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉   46. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁.appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力   47. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; applyfor申请; apply to 适用。   48. apply to 与…有关;适用   49. approve of (=consent to, be in favorof, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准   50. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起。    51. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…   52. arrive on 到达; arrive at到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);   53. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt orsorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻   54. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause tobelieve or trust in sth.) 向…保证,使…确信。   55. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结   56. make an attempt at doing sth. (to dosth.) 试图做…   57. attend to (=give one"s attention,care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料   58. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度。看法   59. attribute…to…(=to believesth. to be the result of…)把.。归因于.., 认为.。是.。的结果   60. on the average (=on average, on anaverage) 平均   61. (be) aware of (=be conscious of ,having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道。   62. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面   63. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on theback of 在…后部(外面); be on one"s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起。   64. at one"s back(=supportingor favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one"s back 有…支持,有…作后台   65. turn one"s back on sb. (=turnaway from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃   66. behind one"s back 背着某人(说坏话)   67. be based on / upon 基于   68. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上   69. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢   70. begin with 以…开始. tobegin with (=first of all) 首先,第一(经常用于开始语) 高考英语作文100个经典短句:3   71. on behalf of (=as the representativeof) 以…名义   72. believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰。   73. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处。   74. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)   75. for the better 好转   76. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过。   77. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth在出生时; give birth to 出生   78. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 .blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上   79. in blossom开花(指树木) be inblossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)   80. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机   81. boast of (or about) 吹嘘   82. out of breath 喘不过气来   83. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之   84. in bulk 成批地,不散装的   85. take the floor 起立发言   86. on business 出差办事。   87. be busy with sth。于某事。 be busydoing sth. 忙于做某事   88. last but one 倒数第二。<   89. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设   90. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买   91. be capable of 能够, 有能力   be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的   92. in any case(=for love or money, at anyrate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何   93. in case (=for fear that) 万一;   94. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一   in the case of 至于…, 就…而言   95. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)   96. be cautious of 谨防   97. center one"s attentionon(=focus one"s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上   98. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定。   99. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地   100. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然


-1-1.学习.用心学习,记住结合.随着.结合/联合.随着.3.在那个电路中,在那种情况下4.替换.随着.随着.5.保持记录的记录6.评论.对.作出评论.7.至少8.期待/来自.期待来自.9.作为回报10.对?的调查.关于的调查.1.不同之处在于.不同之处在于.12.(问题等)出现.从.出现.对?感到满意.14.玩.角色扮演的角色.15.弯下身子.弯腰.6.结果证明了这一点17.在沉默中在沉默中18.突然大笑起来。19.专心于.专心于.20.被替换为.21.为了?的目的.为.22.区分.从.区分.从.与23沟通。沟通.24.彼此,彼此25.用.用?的方法.在.临近时.当.的时候.会到达。27.不同于.不同于.例如,举例来说29.划分.到?里面.划分.到?里面.30.使某人有能力。去做.使某人能够做某事31.挥手告别32.同情地,赞同地从?看过去.34.缺少.35.检查.协商.36.往往.往往.而且喜欢做。37.以?命名.38.呼吁要求,提倡39.对抗.(在敌人之间)战斗40.和?打架.(战友之间)41.协议.关于达成的协议.42.合计总数43.添加到添加到44.拿.举个例子.例如45.按价格46.从长远来看,最终47.特价出售。48.可供选择.可供选择.49.好奇.好奇.面临.做鬼脸,做鬼脸51.有兴趣地52.平均.平均值是.53.在高海拔地区非常高。吸引某人的注意力55.专注于,专注于在未来的几年里57.事实上58.采取积极的态度去采取正确的方法59.等着等着。60.通过,通过61.一系列的序列62.拿.理所当然.理所当然。63.意识到/注意到64.译成65.打算做想做的事66.期待期待67.由.建造.建造于.68.各种各样的69.在高级水平是在高级范围内70. carry out 完成,实施71. according to 根据72. aim to do 指望做某事73. make sacrifices to do.. 做出牺牲去做某事74. in depth 深入地75. a series of 一系列,一连串76. above all 首先,最重要的是 77. after all 毕竟,究竟78. ahead of 在...之前 79. ahead of time 提前80. all at once 突然,同时 81. all but 几乎;除了...都82. all of a sudden 突然 83. all over 遍及84. all over again 再一次,重新 85. all the time 一直,始终86. all the same 仍然,照样的 87. as regards 关于,至于88. anything but 根本不 ,决不89. as a matter of fact 实际上90. apart from 除...外(还有) 91. as a rule 通常,照例92. as a result(of) 因此,由于 93. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言94. as far as 远至,到...程度 95. as for 至于,关于96. as follows 如下 97. as if 好像,仿怫98. as good as 和...几乎一样 99. as usual 像平常一样,照例100. as to 至于,关于 -2- 101. all right 令人满意的;可以102. as well 同样,也,还 103. as well as 除...外(也),即...又104. aside from 除...外(还有) 105. at a loss 茫然,不知所措106. at a time 一次,每次 107. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不108. at all costs 不惜一切代价 109. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何110. at all times 随时,总是 111. at any rate 无论如何,至少112. at best 充其量,至多 113. at first 最初,起先114. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 115. at hand 在手边,在附近116. at heart 内心里,本质上 117. at home 在家,在国内118. at intervals 不时,每隔... 119. at large 大多数,未被捕获的120. at least 至少 121. at last 终于122. at length 最终,终于 123. at most 至多,不超过124. at no time 从不,决不 125. by accident 偶然126. at one time 曾经,一度;同时 127. at present 目前,现在128. at one"s disposal 任...处理 129. at the cost of 以...为代价130. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 131. at the moment 此刻,目前132. at this rate 照此速度 133. at times 有时,间或 134. back and forth 来回地,反复地135. back of 在...后面 136. before long 不久以后137. beside point 离题的,不相干的 138. beyond question 毫无疑问139. by air 通过航空途径 140. by all means 尽一切办法,务必141. by and by 不久,迟早 142. by chance 偶然,碰巧143. by far 最,...得多 144. by hand 用手,用体力145. by itself 自动地,独自地 146. by means of 用,依靠147. by mistake 错误地148. by no means 决不,并没有149. by oneself 单独地,独自地 150. by reason of 由于151. by the way 顺便说说 152. by virtue of 借助,由于153. by way of 经由,通过...方法 154. due to 由于,因为156. each other 互相 157. even if/though 即使,虽然158. ever so 非常,极其 159. every now and then 时而,偶尔160. every other 每隔一个的 161. except for 除了...外162. face to face 面对面地 163. far from 远非,远离164. for ever 永远 165. for good 永久地166. for the better 好转 167. for the moment 暂时,目前168. for the present 暂时,目前 169. for the sake of 为了170. for the time being 暂时,眼下 171. from time to time 有时,不时地172. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联 173. head on 迎面地,正面的174. heart and soul 全心全意地 175. how about ... ...怎么样176. in a hurry 匆忙,急于 177. in case of 假如,防备178. in a moment 立刻,一会儿 179. in a sense 从某种意义上说180. in a way 在某种程度上 181. in a word 简言之,总之182. in accordance with 与...一致,按照 183. in addition 另外,加之184. in addition to 除...之外(还) 185. in advance 预先,事先186. in all 总共,合计 187. in any case 无论如何188. in any event 无论如何 189. in brief 简单地说190. in charge of 负责,总管 191. in common 共用的,共有的192. in consequence(of) 因此;由于 193. in debt 欠债,欠情194. in detail 详细地 195. in difficulty 处境困难196. in effect 实际上,事实上 197. in general 一般来说,大体上198. in favor of 支持,赞成 199. in front of 面对,在...前200. in half 成两半 -3- 201. in hand 在进行中,待办理202. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念 203. in itself 本质上,就其本身而言204. in line with 与...一致 205. in memory of 纪念206. in no case 决不 207. in no time 立即,马上208. in no way 决不 209. in order 按顺序,按次序210. in other words 换句话说 211. in part 部分地212. in particular 特别,尤其 213. in person 亲自,本人214. in place 在合适的位置 215. in place of 代替,取代,交换216. in practice 在实践中,实际上 217. in proportion to 与...成比例218. in public 公开地,当众 219. in quantity 大量220. in question 正在谈论的 221. in regard to 关于,至于222. in relation to 关于,涉及 223. in return 作为报答/回报/交换224. in return for 作为对...的报答 225. in short 简言之,总之226. in sight 被见到;在望 227. in spite of 尽管228. in step 齐步,合拍 229. in step with 与...一致/协调230. in tears 流着泪,在哭着 231. in the course of 在...期间/过程中232. in the distance 在远处 233. in the end 最后,终于234. in the event of 如果...发生,万一 235. in the face of 即使;在...面前236. in the first place 首先 237. in the future 在未来238. in the least 丝毫,一点 239. in (the)light of 鉴于,由于240. in the way 挡道 241. in the world 究竟,到底242. in time 及时 243. in touch 联系,接触244. in turn 依次,轮流;转而 245. in vain 徒劳,白费力246. instead of 代替,而不是 247. just now 眼下;刚才248. little by little 逐渐地 249. lots of 许多250. many a 许多 251. more or less 或多或少,有点252. next door 隔壁的,在隔壁 253. no doubt 无疑地254. no less than 不少于...;不亚于... 255. no longer 不再256. no more 不再 257. no more than 至多,同...一样不258. none other than 不是别的,正是 259. on one"s guard 警惕,提防260. nothing but 只有,只不过 261. now and then 时而,偶尔262. off and on 断断续续,间歇地 263. off duty 下班264. on a large/small scale 大/小规模地 265. on account of 由于266. on(an/the) average 平均,通常 267. on behalf of 代表268. on board 在船(车/飞机)上 269. on business 为了公事,出差270. on condition that 如果 271. on duty 上班,值班272. on earth 究竟,到底 273. on fire 起火,着火274. on foot 步行275. on guard 站岗,值班276. on hand 在场,在手边 277. on occasion(s) 有时,间或278. on one"s own 独立,独自 279. on purpose 故意地280. on sale 出售,廉价出售 281. on schedule 按时间表,准时282. on second thoughts 经重新考虑 283. on the contrary 正相反284. on the grounds of 根据,以...为由 285. on (the) one hand 一方面286. on the other hand 另一方面 287. on the point of 即将...的时刻288. on the road 在旅途中 289. on the side 作为兼职/副业290. on the spot 在场;马上 291. on the whole 总的来说,大体上292. on time 准时 293. once again 再一次294. once(and)for all 一劳永逸地 295. once in a while 偶尔296. once more 再一次 297. once upon a time 从前298. one another 相互 299. or else 否则,要不然300. or so 大约,左右 -4- 301. other than 非;除了302. out of 从...中;由于;缺乏 303. out of breath 喘不过气来304. out of control 失去控制 305. out of date 过时的306. out of doors 在户外 307. out of order 出故障的308. out of place 不合适的,不在适当的位置 309. out of practice 久不练习,荒疏310. out of sight 看不见,在视野外 311. out of the question 毫无可能的312. out of touch 不联系,不接触 313. over and over(again) 一再地,再三地314. prior at 在...之前 315. quite a few 相当多,不少316. rather than 不是...(而是) 317. regardless of 不顾,不惜318. right away 立即,马上 319. speak about 谈及320. set in 开始321. set apart from 把...区分开322. side by side 肩并肩,一起323. so far 迄今为止 324. sooner or later 迟早,早晚325. step by step 逐步地 326. such as 例如,诸如327. thanks to 由于,多亏 328. that is (to say) 就是说,即329. to the point 切中要害,切题 330. under control 处于控制之下331. under the circumstances 这种情况下 332. up to date 在进行中333. up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 334. what if 假使...将会怎样335. what about ...怎么样 336. with respect to 如果...将怎样337. with regard to 关于,至于 338. without question 关于,至于339. with the exception of 除...之外 340. word for word 逐字地相关问答:


近年来,高考英语命题有个新特点,就是陆续出现一些考查某些“难认”副词的用法的考题。这类题与其说是考查副词的用法,还不如说是考查考生是否“认识”这些副词——因为这些副词都比较“长”(大都多于八个字母),同时也比较“难”(对那些基础不好的考生来说可能是生词)。事实上,同学们只要知道这些副词的词义,然后分别将其代入句子,意思最通顺的即为答案。   1. — Do you think it"s a good idea to make friends with your students?   —_______,I do. I think it"s a great idea.   A. Really   B. Obviously   C. Actually   D. Generally   2. The questionnaire takes _______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.   A. mainly   B. punctually   C. approximately   D. precisely   3. In the good care of the nurses,the boy is recovering from his heart operation _______.   A. quietly   B. actually   C. practically   D. gradually   4. The incomes of skilled workers went up. _______,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.   A. Moreover   B. Therefore   C. Meanwhile   D. Otherwise   以上四道题的答案分别为CCDC。同学们,你们认识这些副词吗?下面是为大家归纳的最常考的15个“长难”副词。   1. moreover adv. 而且,再者,此外,加之   The firm did the work very well. Moreover,the cost was not too high.   这家公司做得十分出色,而且费用也不太高。   The price is too high,and moreover it isn"t in a suitable position.   价钱太高,而且位置也不合适。   2. therefore adv. 因此,所以   He was busy;therefore he could not come.   他很忙,所以不能来。   The new trains have more powerful engines and are therefore faster.   新火车安装了更强的发动机,因此车速更快。   3. otherwise adv. 否则,不然   You must pay your taxes on time;otherwise,you will be punished.   你必须及时交税,否则你就会受罚。   You must work hard;otherwise you will not learn English well.   你必须用功,否则就学不好英语。   4. meanwhile adv. 与此同时,在此期间   They"ll be here in ten minutes. Meanwhile,we"ll have some coffee.   他们10分钟后到这儿,现在我们先喝点咖啡。   Jane was painting the wall and meanwhile Pat was watching TV.   简在刷墙漆,与此同时帕特在看电视。   5. practically adv. 几乎,简直,差不多;实际上,事实上   The holidays are practically over;there is only one day left.   假期差不多完了,只剩下一天了。   Practically,we have solved all these problems.   事实上,我们解决了全部的问题。   6. gradually adv. 逐渐地   Things gradually improved.   情况在逐渐改善。   And gradually their talk ceased;long silence followed.   他们的谈话慢慢停了下来,接着便是长时间的沉默。   7. actually adv. 实际上,事实上,说实在的   Actually that"s not quite right.   实际上,那不完全正确。   He talks big but doesn"t actually do anything.   他光吹牛,什么实际的事都不干。   8. approximately adv. 大约,大概   The accident happened at approximately 5:30.   事故大约发生在五点半。   These visits had continued regularly,approximately every third week.   这些参观定期进行,大约每三周一次。   9. generally adv. 通常,一般,广泛地,普遍地   Doctors generally work long hours.   医生通常工作时间都很长。   Generally he watches TV for two hours in the evening.   一般他晚上看两小时的电视。   10. obviously adv. 明显地,显然   He was obviously drunk.   他显然喝醉了。   He found a young and beautiful girl,who kept shouting and crying,obviously mad.   他发现了一个年轻漂亮的姑娘,这个姑娘又喊又哭,分明是疯了。   11. however adv. (表示转折)可是,然而   My room is small;however,it"s comfortable.   我的房间很小,但很舒服。   He said that it was so;he was mistaken,however.   他说情况如此,可是他错了。   12. extremely adv. 极其,非常   I admire his courage extremely.   我非常钦佩他的勇气。   I can"t work because your radio is extremely loud.   你的收音机太响,我都不能工作了。   13. narrowly adv. 勉强地,差点没   He narrowly escaped being run over.   他差一点被车撞倒。   He narrowly missed being seriously injured.   他差点受了重伤。   14. occasionally adv. 偶尔,间或   We only have dinner parties very occasionally these days.   这些日子我们不经常有宴会。   It"s all right to borrow money occasionally,but don"t let it become a habit.   偶尔借点钱倒没什么,只是不要成为一种习惯。   15. eventually adv. 最后,终于   He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.   他工作如此努力,以至于最后病倒了。   We waited three days for the letter and eventually it came. 我们等了三天,信终于来了。   【边学边练】   1. The committee is discussing the problem right now, _____it will have been solved by the end of next week.   A. eagerly   B. hopefully   C. immediately   D. gradually   2. Progress so far has been very good. _______,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.   A. However   B. Otherwise   C. Therefore   D. Besides   3. He began to take political science _______only when he left school.   A. strictly   B. truly   C. carefully   D. seriously   4. She devoted herself to her research _______and it earned her a good reputation in her field.   A. strongly   B. extremely   C. entirely   D. freely   5. —Hi,Mark. How was the musical evening?   —Excellent!Ales and Andy performed _______ and they won the first prize.   A. skillfully   B. commonly   C. willingly   D. nervously   6. As he works in a remote area,he visits his parents only______.   A. occasionally   B. anxiously   C. practically   D. urgently   参考答案:1~6 BCDCAA


1. easy用作副词通常只用于某些特定的表达中。如:   Take it [things] easy. 别着急(慢慢来)。   Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。   Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。   2. easily 的用法则很广,除表示“容易地”、“轻而易举地”外, 还可表示“无疑地”、“可能地”,可用于动词之前或之后。如:   That can be done easily. 这很容易办到。   Some children learn languages easily. 有些孩子学语言很容易。   Our team was easily beaten. 我们轻而易举地被打败。   I can easily finish the work. 我可以毫不费力地完成这工作。   The window shuts easily. 窗子很容易就关上了。   They could easily get to do the typing. 他们可以很容易地找到另一个姑娘来打字。   She is easily the cleverest girl in the class. 她无疑是这个班最聪明的女孩。   A skilled worker can perform the task easily. 熟练工人做这项工作很容易。   I"m on a diet, since I put on weight easily. 由于我很容易长胖,我现在在节食。   Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 他不仅说得更正确,而且讲得更不费劲了。

高考英语词汇: easy与easily的用法区别

高考英语词汇:easy与easily的用法区别   1. easy用作副词通常只用于某些特定的表达中。如:   Take it [things] easy. 别着急(慢慢来)。   Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。   Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。   2. easily 的用法则很广,除表示“容易地”、“轻而易举地”外, 还可表示“无疑地”、“可能地”,可用于动词之前或之后。如:   That can be done easily. 这很容易办到。   Some children learn languages easily. 有些孩子学语言很容易。   Our team was easily beaten. 我们轻而易举地被打败。   I can easily finish the work. 我可以毫不费力地完成这工作。   The window shuts easily. 窗子很容易就关上了。   They could easily get to do the typing. 他们可以很容易地找到另一个姑娘来打字。   She is easily the cleverest girl in the class. 她无疑是这个班最聪明的女孩。   A skilled worker can perform the task easily. 熟练工人做这项工作很容易。   I"m on a diet, since I put on weight easily. 由于我很容易长胖,我现在在节食。   Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 他不仅说得更正确,而且讲得更不费劲了。


以下是 高考英语作文栏目 !   2015年湖北高考英语作文题目:   请根据以下提示,并结合具体事例,有英语写一篇短文。   Questioning is a bridge to learning. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer,you will learn.   注意:1.无须写标题;   2.除诗歌外,文体不限;   3.内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例;   4.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;   5.词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。   2015年湖北高考英语作文精选范文   Questioning can lead to searching for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to whether what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.   Two years ago, our teacher offered us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody but I doubted it. Thinking that his solution might be wrong, I carefully analyzed the problem and tried to work it out in a different way. Half an hour later, I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my independent thinking.   From this experience I have learnt that questioning can serve as a bridge that helps us to seek the truth.   质疑会导致寻找答案。如果我们在居住舱的提高怀疑是否我们被告知的是真实的,我们可以找到正确的答案,学习更多的知识。   两年前,我们的老师给我们一个解决困难的数学问题我n类。虽然答案似乎有点奇怪,没有人但我怀疑它。认为他的解决方案可能是错的,我仔细分析了问题,并试图以不同的方式工作。半小时后,我设法找到正确的答案。我显示我的回答他的时候,老师表扬了我的独立思考。   从这个经历我学会了质疑可以作为桥梁,有助于我们寻求真相。


《高中英语语法-实用英语五十句》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 实用英语五十句 支持别人的十句话 1. I will support you. 我会支持你的。 2. I"ll back you up. 我会挺你的。 3. I"m on your side. 我站在你这边。 4. You can count on me. 你可以依靠我。 5. You can rely on me. 你可以依赖我。 6. You can trust in me. 你可以信赖我。 7. I"ll be available if you need me. 你需要帮助时,我就有空。 8. I"ll be there if you need a hand. 你需要帮助时,我就会出现。 9. I"m a phone call away. 我随call随到。 10. I"m with you all the way. 我一路上陪着你。 命令别人的十句话 1. Do as I tell you. 照我的话做。 2. Don"t question what I say. 别质疑我的话。 3. Do what you are told. 叫你怎么做,你就怎么做。 4. Do as I say, and you"ll be just fine. 照我的话做就没错了。 5. Shut your mouth and do it. 闭嘴照做。 6. Just do it. 做就是了。 7. You"d better take me seriously. 你最好把我的话当真。 8. Don"t ever disobey me. 别想违背我。 9. My way or the high way. 照我的方式做,不然就滚蛋。 10. Listen, I"m the one who calls the shots here. 听好,这里由我做主。 追求异性的十句话 1. You"ve given me a reason to live. 你给了我活下去的理由。 2. I"m drawn to you. 我被你吸引。 3. I"m so happy I met you. 真高兴能认识你。 4. You"re a knockout. 你美(帅)呆了。 5. I"m mad about you. 我为你疯狂。 6. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. 见到你的那一瞬间,我就爱上你了。 7. You fill my life with joy. 你使我的生命充满喜悦。 8. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. 我要和你共度余生。 9. I didn"t stop thinking about you all day. 我整天都在想你。 10. You complete me. 你使我的生命更完整。 「与老外搭讪」的十句话 1. Where are you from? 你从哪里来? 2. How long have you been in Taiwan? 你来台湾多久了? 3. Do you speak Chinese? 你会说中文吗? 4. Wow, where did you pick up your Chinese? You speak Chinese so well! 哇,你在哪里学的中文?你中文讲得好棒喔! 5. Why did you come to Taiwan? Did you come here to study Chinese or just visit? 你为什么来台湾?你来台湾学中文还是只是观光? 6. What do you do in Taiwan? 你在台湾从事什么工作? 7. Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国食物吗? 8. Are you interested in doing a language exchange with me? 你有兴趣和我做个语言交换吗? 9. What do you like about Taiwan? 你喜欢台湾哪些东西? 10. Where have you been in Taiwan? 你去过台湾哪些地方? 形容「身材」的十句话 1. She is thin / fat. 她瘦瘦的。 / 她胖胖的。 2. He"s big / small. 他个头满大的。/ 他个头小小的。 3. She"s slim. 她很苗条。 4. She"s really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 5. She is chubby. 她胖嘟嘟的。 6. He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。 7. He"s got a spare tire. / He"s got love handles. 他有游泳圈。(他腰部都是赘肉。) 8. He"s very muscular. 他肌肉很发达。 9. She has an hourglass figure. / She"s got a curvy figure. 她的身材玲珑有致。/ 她曲线玲珑。 10. She"s pretty stacked. 她身材身材婀娜多姿 《高中英语语法-实用英语五十句》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/




(1)better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。   (2)easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。   (3)something is better than nothing. 有总比没有好。   (4)better safe than sorry. 安全比遗憾好。(事后追悔不如事前稳妥。)   (5)two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。   (6)actions speak louder than words. 行动比言语更有说服力。(事实胜于雄辩。)   (7)health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。   (8)the sooner begun, the sooner done. 开始越早,完成得越早。   (9)honesty is the best policy. 诚实总是上策。   (10)the best fish are / swim near the bottom.好鱼居水底。(有价值的东西不能轻易得到。)   (注:以上谚语运用了形容词或副词的比较级、级。)   (11)seeing is believing. 眼见为实。   (12)saving is getting. 节约而后有。(节约就是获得。)   (13)it is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。(打翻牛奶,哭也没用。)   (14)a rising tide lifts all boats. 水涨众船高。   (15)time lost cannot be recalled. 光阴一去不复返。   (16)one is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。   (17)it"s never too late to mend. 改过迁善从不嫌晚。(亡羊补牢,未为迟也。)   (18)to stand still is to move back. 逆水行舟,不进则退。   (19)to live is to learn, to learn is to better live. 活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。   (20)live not to eat, but eat to live. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着。   (注:以上谚语运用了非谓语动词。)   (21)all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作/学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。   (22)early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.




高考英语词汇详解:tough的用法   tough含义较多,其主要用法有:   1. 指身体“强壮的”、“结实的”。如:   He seems to bethe toughest of all the children. 他似乎是所有孩子中最结实的。   2. 指物体“韧的”。如:   This wire is tougher thanthat. 这条铁丝比那条要韧。   3. 指肉“硬的”。如:   This meat is tough. 这肉吃不动。   4. 指事情或工作“困难的”。如:   It"s tough findinga job these days. 近来很难找到工作。   This is tough work. 这是棘手的工作。   5. 指态度等“强硬的”、“严厉的”、“不客气的”。如:   It"s timeto get tough with them. 是该对他们采取强硬措施的时候了。   Hewill be tough on you if you waste his time. 你要是浪费他的时间他会对你不客气。   6. 在口语或非正式文体中表示“倒霉的”。如:   It"stough on him. 他真倒霉!   Tough luck. 真倒霉!

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”

《高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 慧眼巧识“ pick up” 生活中往往越是微小的事物越会起着重要的作用,下面这个词组以其“短小精悍”而闻名在英语世界中。 上海市 2003 年春季高考试题中有这样一道题: He _________ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in 本题答案为 B .本题主要考查动词词组的用法。 pick up some French 意为: begin to learn it without taking lessons or studying. pick up 这一词组在教材中多次出现,而每次出现的意思也各不相同。为便于同学们掌握它的用法,现将 pick up 的用法小结,供大家参考。 1. pick up : to take hold of and lift 捡起,拾起 2. pick up : to be able to hear receive 收听,接听 3. pick up : to collect or gather together 收集 4. pick up : to buy sth with less money than usual / abtain sth cheaply 用少数的钱买到 5. pick up : take sb along with one 用(车)来接,可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走。 6. pick up : to raise oneself after a fall 跌倒后站起来 7. pick up : to start again 继续做某事 8. pick up : to catch 染上、得到 9. pick up : to improve in health or improve 恢复健康、提高 10. pick up : to tidy a room 整理、收拾 巩固练习: 1. I can _________ up the programme __________ my radio. A. pick; in B. pick; on C. take; from D. make; in 2. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to ________ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up 3. Without proper lessons, you could ________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. pick up C. catch up D. draw up 4. While working in the country, the students __________ a great deal of knowledge on plant life. A. looked B. picked up C. put up D. called up 5. I had not only ___________ the purse but also the person who had lost it. A. picked up B. found out C. noticed D. found 《高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/




f 1、fairly, quite, rather 这三个副词都可用来说明形容词和副词的程度,十分容易混淆。 1).fairly意为“相当,还算”,是这一组词中语气最轻的一个。quite为“相当,或多或少地,在某种程度 上”,语气比fairly稍强。rather为“相当,有点,颇”,在这三个副词中语气最强。试比较下列各句: this film is fairly good.这部电影还可以看看。 your composition is quite good.你的作文还不错。 his homework is rather good.他的作业相当不错。 又如: this book is fairly easy.这本书还算浅易。 he is quite grown up.他差不多长大成人了。 that is rather hard to explain right away.要立即说明是颇有难度的 2).fairly只用于修饰褒义的形容词和副词,如可以说she is fairly clever,不可说she is fairly foolish。rather主要用于贬义,如rather poor/bad/stupid/ugly,但它也可以用在某些褒义的形容词和副词前,具有比fairly更强烈的褒义,相当于very,如rather good/ well/pretty /clever。另外,若在没有褒贬意义的词前用fairly,表示说话人赞同;若用rather,则表示不赞同。试比较: this soup is fairly hot.这汤蛮热的。 this soup is rather hot.这汤太烫了。 she is fairly tall for her age.就她的年龄来说,她长得算是高了。 she is rather tall for her age.就她的年龄来说,她长得过于高了。 3).rather可与too及比较级连用,而fairly和quite则不可。如: my mother is rather better today.我母亲今天病好多了。 this book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors. 这本书对低年级学生说来未免太难,对高年级学生说来又嫌太容易。 4).quite和rather还可和动词连用,fairly则不可和动词连用。如: this does not quite satisfy me.这没有完全使我满意。 i don"t quite follow you.我不大懂你的话。 they rather expected to win the match.他们颇想赢得这场比赛。 i rather like her.我相当喜欢她。 5). quite和rather都可修饰名词,但须放在不定冠词前。如: that was quite an accident.那是一次不太寻常的事故。 it"s rather a pity.这真是相当遗憾。当名词前有形容时,quite和rather可放在不定冠词后,也可放在不定冠词前。如:they had a quite good time. 也可说quite a good time。it is a rather cold day. 也可说rather a cold day。 2、familiar with, familiar to 这两个形容词短语都表示“熟悉”的意思,但用法不同。familiar to表示“(某事)对(某人来说)是熟悉的”意思;因此,句子的主语总是表示事物的名词,介词to后接人称名词或代词的宾格形式。例如:this subject is familiar to us.我们熟悉这个课题。these are the rules that are familiar to every schoolboy.这些是一个学童都熟知的规则。 familiar with则表示“(某人)对(某事)是熟悉的,精通的”的意思。因此,句中的主语总是人称名词或代词,介词with后接事物名词。如:we are all familiar with the three states of matter.我们都熟悉物质的三态。they are familiar with english.他们精通英语。 3、fall, drop 两者均表示“落下”。fall表示物体由于本身的重量失去平衡或其他原因向下坠落,多为无意识的行为。它是不及物动词。fall也常作连系动词,表示“变得,进入某种状态”。 drop表示物体由高处往低处落下,或让物体落向低处。它既可指有意识的行为,也可指无意识的行为,当指无意识的行为时,可与fall交换使用。drop为及物动词或不及物动词。如:the man fell/dropped from the top of the building.(两者都指无意识的行为。)her hair falls to her shoulders.(指无意识的行为。)many trees fell in the storm.(指无意识的行为。)one after another, all three of them fell asleep. fall作连系动词。)he dropped a letter into the post-box.(指有意识的行为。)the enemy plane dropped several bombs.(指有意识的行为。) 4、famous for, famous as 这两个形容词短语都表示“以u2026u2026而出名”的意思。但在用法和含义上有异。 famous for 主要有三种用法:1.主语是表示人的名词或代词时,意为“以某种知识技能,作品或特征而出名”。2.主语为地点名词时,表示“以某种特产或特征出名”。3.主语为事物名词时,表示“以其内容,特征,价值等而被人所知”。如:he is famous for his skill in playing football.他因球艺而出名。the area is famous for its green tea.这个地区以产绿茶而著称。guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery.桂林因美丽的风景而著称。this grammar book is famous for its practical usage.这部语法书以其实用而出名。 famous as 也有三种用法:1.当主语是表示人的名词或代词时,意指“以某种身份或职业而出名”。2.当主语为地点名词时,表示“作为什么产地或地方而出名”。3.当主语为事物名词时,表示“以某种形式而出名”。如:mark twin was famous as a children-story writer.马克.吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。this area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区作为绿茶产地而著名。this book is famous as a reference book.这本书作为参考书而出名。  5、farther, further这两个词都是far的比较级形式。1.farther和further都可指具体的距离,即空间时间上的“较远”。如: let"s not go any farther/further.我们别再走了吧。 the service desk is at the farther/further end of the hall.咨询处在大厅稍往里的地方。2.further还可用于抽象的引申义,如时间,程度和数量等,表示“进一步,更进一层”,此时,不能与 farther换用。如: i may be able to give you some further information about it. 关于这个问题,我还可以给你一些 信息。 the problem will be further discussed at the class meeting. 这个问题在班会上还将进一步讨论。  6、favourable, favoured, favourite 这三个形容词尽管词根相同,但在意义上有所差异。favourable主要有下列三种意思:1. 赞许 2.有利的 3.讨人喜欢的,良好的。例如:the teacher made a favourable report on the boy"s work at school.教师报告说,该生在校成绩优良。it was a favourable time for our trip, since business was light.生意清淡,正是我们旅行的好时光。he made a favourable impression on his future colleagues.他给他未来的同事留下良好的印象。 favoured在表示“有利的(条件或地位等)”的意义时,一般可用favourable代替;有时favourite也有这一含义。此外,它还可表示“受优惠的,优惠的”意思。如:he has gained a favoured (or: favourable/favourite) position.他已取得了有利的地位。this country cannot have the treatment of the most-favoured-nation clause.这个国家不能享有最惠国条款上的待遇。 favourite作形容词时,主要表示“最受人喜欢的”意思。它还可用作名词,表示“最受人喜欢的人或物”。如: my favourite type of food is chinese food.我最喜欢的食品是中国食品。who is your favourite novelist?谁是你最喜欢的作家?he is a favourite writer.他是最受人喜欢的作家。this book is a great favourite of mine.这是我最喜欢的一本书。his last son, john, is his favourite.他的小儿子约翰是他最喜欢的。  7、far too, too far 1).修饰形容词和副词的too可以被far修饰,以示强调。far too即表示“实在太,过于”的意思。如: the coffee is far too hot.咖啡过于烫了。 he was at the airport far too early.他来飞机场太早了。 2).too far是“太远了,太过分”的意思。在词组结构里,副词too(过于,太)被用来修饰形容词或副词 far。如: it is too far to the music hall.离音乐厅太远了。 you"ve gone too far. 太过分了。 3).除far以外,too还可以被all, rather, much等修饰,表示“实在太”,或被a bit修饰,表示“有点儿”。如: the holidays were all too short.假期太短了。 you"re going much too fast.你走得太快了。 this dress is a bit too small for me.这条裙子对我来说太小了点儿。  8、find, find out find是及物动词,表示“找到,发现”的意思,其后可跟名词,复合结构或that从句。如:i have looked for him several hours, but i haven"t found him yet.我找了他好几个小时,但还是没有找到。i found it necessary to learn french if you know english.我发现如果你懂英语的话,有必要学法语。 find out是一个短语动词,表示通过研究,观察或调查等一系列工作后“找出或发现”,其后一般跟名词,代词或从句。如:we soon found out that he was a secret agent.我们很快查明他是个特务。they have found out the truth.他们已经查明了真相。 9、fast, quick, rapid 这一组形容词表示“快的,迅速的”。 1).fast多指运动着的人或物体本身具有高速度的特点,或指一段时间内持续的快速运动。quick一般用于指迅速的,一瞬间的或短暂的动作与反应,侧重匆忙的含义,不强调速度。它另可指智力方面反应灵敏, 以下例句和短语中的fast和quick都不能相互替换: a fast runner, a fast train, a fast job, a quick turn, a quick answer, be quick about one"s work。又如: the clock is five minutes fast.这只钟快了五分钟。 he was such a fast talker that nobody could understand him.他说话如此之快,以致于没有人能 听懂他的意思。 she is very quick at learning languages.她学语言很快。 he had a quick mind, and answered all the questions put to him by the reporter.他反应很快,回答了记者提出的所有问题。 2).rapid常与fast相互换用,但前者侧重动作本身,后者常指动作中的人或物体。rapid有急促的含义,它所指的动作可能是一个或一连串的。如:rapid progress, rapid pace, rapid practice。又如: the improvement in her health is rapid.她恢复得很快。 this school promised rapid results in the learning of languages.这所学校承诺在语言学习方面见效相当快。 3).这一组词的副词也有同样的区别。如: he speaks fast. come here quickly! she ran rapidly up the stairs.  10、first, firstly, at first first表示“第一,首先”的意思,可以用作形容词或副词。如:this is the first time that i"ve heard of it.这是我第一次听说。to answer this question, we must consider a few factors first.为了回答这个问题,我们必须首先考虑几个因素。 firstly只用于列举事实或论点,如:第一,第二,最后(firstly, secondly, lastly),此时,可与first, second, last互换使用。如:firstly (or: first) brush your teeth, secondly (second) wash your face.你先刷牙,后洗脸。 at first表示“起初”的意思,它有at the beginning的含义,主要相对“后来”而言的。如:at first, he found english difficult.他起初觉得英语很难学。if at first you don"t succeed, try, try, and try again.如果你第一次未成功,就应该多试几次。 11、fault, mistake 1).fault作“过失,缺点,毛病”解,指道德、性格和习惯上的弱点或行为上的过失,也指违反某一规定所造成的错误。如: he is still a good boy with all his faults.他尽管有这样那样的过错,但还是一个好孩子。 it was the boy"s fault. he didn"t obey the traffic rules.是那个孩子不好,是他没有遵守交通规则。 2).mistake作“错误,过失,误会”解,指因认识不足或判断失误而无意中犯下的错误。如: since a lot of people make mistakes in life, i"ll give you a change. 因为很多人在一生中都会犯错误,所以我会给你一个机会。 the mistake was made entirely through your fault.出了这个错完全是由于你的过失。  12、for a moment, for the moment, in a moment, at the moment for a moment常与持续性动词连用,表示“一会儿,片刻”的意思。如:please wait for a moment.请等一下。he read the paper for a moment and went out.他看了一会儿报纸,就出去了。 for the moment常用于现在时,意为“暂时,目前”。如:stop discussing for the moment, please.请暂停讨论。let"s leave things as they are for the moment.让我们暂时维持现状吧。 in a moment常与终止性动词连用,一般用于将来时,表示“一会儿,立即,马上”等意义。如:i"ll come back in a moment.我马上就回来。he"ll meet you in a moment.他一会儿就见你。 at the moment用于现在时,表示“此刻”的意思;用于过去时,表示“那时”的意思。如:i"m busy at the moment.我此刻很忙。i was busy at the moment.我那时很忙。  13、festival, holiday, vacation 1).festival意为“节日”,指喜庆日和持续一段时间的文娱活动,如the spring festival(春节),the film festival(电影节),the tv festival(电视节)。 2).holiday为“假日,休息日”,主要指按风俗习惯或法律规定的纪念日及休息日。其复数形式可表示延续一段时间的“假期”,美式英语中则习惯用单数。如:a pleasant roman holiday (愉快的罗马假日), the christmas holidays (圣诞节假期),the school holiday (学校的假期)。 3).vacation为“假期”,指放下工作与学习的一段常时间的休息时间,常可用holidays替换。如 a paid vacation (带薪假期),the winter vacation/holidays (寒假),the summer vacation/holidays (暑假)。  14、free, freely free用作副词时,主要表示下列两种意义:1.“自由地,随意地(in a free manner)” 2.“免费地”。如:don"t let the dog run free on the main road.不要让狗在公路上随意乱串。babies are allowed to travel free on buses.婴儿乘公共汽车可以免费。 freely也可表示“自由地,随意地”的意思,可以与free互换。它还常用于以下四种含义:1. 自愿地,坦诚地;2. 活动和行为“没有阻力地”;3. 慷慨地,大方地;4. 大量地。如:i freely admit that what i said was wrong.我主动承认我所说的不对。you may speak quite freely in front of me. i shall not tell anyone what you say.在我面前,你可以坦诚地谈,我不会把你说的话告诉别人的。oil the wheel, then it will turn more freely.给轮子上点油,那么它会转得更好。he gives freely to many organizations that help the poor.他对那些帮助穷人的组织慷慨援助。the wound was bleeding freely.伤口大量出血。 15、fine, good, well 这三个形容`词都表示“好”。 1).fine作“好”解时,程度胜过good。它可以指人的身体安好,还可用来指优秀,高尚,优美,文雅,令人满意,天气晴朗等。它另可表示纤弱,稀薄,细致,精致,单纯等。如fine weather (好天气), fine artist (优秀的艺术家),fine salt (精制盐),fine gold (纯金)。 2).good是一个意义极其广泛的词,几乎可用来指除“健康”以外的所有的“好”,如美好,美丽,良好, 愉快,高明,充分,完全,适当,正确,有效,亲切,有礼貌,精神好及质量好等。如:good days, good students, a good chance, a good book, good looks。 3).well用作形容词时,只能表示身体和情况的“良好”,即指身体正常或痊愈,情况顺利或处于令人满意的状态,不能用来指工作,学习与劳动等方面的“好”。它着重指一时的或某一段时间的状态。well在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。试比较: he looks good.他看来是个好人。 he looks well.他看来很健康。 i"m feeling very good.我感到情绪很好。 i"m feeling very well.我感到身体很好。又如:the patient didn"t feel well after the operation.术后,病人没有感到身体有好转。i am not well.my head aches.我不太舒服,头很疼。everything is well with us.我们一切都好。all is not well in that mountainous country.那个山村的情况不太好。


以get为中心的词组   get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传   get above oneself 自视高傲   get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常   get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解   get ahead of 胜过,超过   get along 前进,进步;同意;离去   get along with 与~~相处   get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击   have got to do 不得不,必须   get away 离开,逃脱   get back 取回,回来;报复   get behind 落后;识破   get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁   get down to 认真对待,静下心来   get familiar with 熟悉   get hold of 获得,取得   get home 到家   get in 进入,陷入;牵涉   get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身   get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处   get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功   get one"s hand in 熟悉;习惯   get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休   get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成   get ready for 为~~作准备   get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱   get through 到达,完成,通过;及格   get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见   get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织   get used to 习惯于


听力十大场景 一. 住房和住宿 checking二. 地理场景taking about hometown 三. 旅游场景 Travel四. 日常场景 daily life 五. 新生报到 new student六. 图书馆场景a楼层介绍b借到什么样的书,书名,作者,年号 Library七. 选课场景,科目,学科 Subjects

2021年高考英语全国卷 - 阅读理解C

When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife. Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely. Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources. Millions of waterfowl were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen. Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat. 当探险家们第一次踏上北美洲大陆时,天空和大地上到处都是各种各样的野生动物,美洲土著人智慧地保护了这些宝贵的自然资源。然而仅仅几十年,探险家和定居者们就夺走了这些资源中的大部分。数百万只水鸟在市场猎人和一些野心勃勃的运动员手中被杀。上百万英亩,用于喂养和容纳不断增加的水禽种群的湿地干涸,水禽栖息地大大减少。 In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival. Under this Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, a political cartoonist from Des Moines, Iowa, who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey. Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our natural resources. 1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎邮票法案》的通过,越来越受到关注的国家采取了坚定的行动,制止对候鸟水禽以及对它们的生存至关重要的湿地的破坏。根据该法案,所有16岁及以上的水禽猎手每年都必须购买并携带联邦鸭票。第一张联邦鸭票是由J.N.“丁”达林设计的,他是爱荷华州得梅因的一位政治漫画家,当时被富兰克林·罗斯福总统任命为生物调查局局长。猎人愿意购买鸭票,可以确保我们自然资源的生存。 About 98 percent of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System — a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come. Since 1934, better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat. Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated. 每一张鸭票的98%直接进入候鸟保护基金,用于购买湿地和野生动物栖息地,纳入国家野生动物保护区系统——确保这片土地得到保护,提供给子孙后代。自1934年以来,已有超过5亿美元的资金投入该基金,用于购买超过500万英亩的栖息地。难怪联邦鸭票计划被称为有史以来最成功的保护计划之一。


你可以在百度搜索专业高考作文,历年的都可以,如2008,2009年的高考英语作文,如: 1 Dear John, I was excited to hear that you would come to China next month. Now let me tell you something different you may meet here. To begin with, the weather here is totally different from that in your place. It hardly ever rains but whenever it does, it rains heavily. So you"d better bring a raincoat and overcoat. Another big difference is food. The Chinese food is quite different from yours. You have to try to get used to it, and learn how to use chopsticks. I"m sure you can do it. Finally please bring me a big American map if possible. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours Zhang Nan 2、 Sep. Sec. 1995 Wednesday Fine Today our school had an opening ceremony in the school auditorium. All the teachers and students as well as some famous scientists and government officials attended. Our principal made a speech. He hoped everybody in our school would work harder and make even more progress in the new term, “three-good-deed” students were rewarded with prizes. Principal also announced that some honour students received Zhou Peiyuan scholarships because they had won medals in various competitions. A famous scientist then made a speech. He told the students about his learning experience and how he achieve success in his research work. I was so moved by what he said. 3、 May 20th Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle Yesterday my classmates and I went to on a picnic. According to our plan we would climb the West Mountain. Early in the morning all of us gathered at the gate of our school, we started of at seven, soon it began to have a little rain. We kept on riding for an hour till we reached the foot of the mountain. The little rain stopped then. We began to climb. Soon we reached the top of the mountain. How beautiful it was when we looked at the view from the top. We ran. sang, jump, played chess, and had the pictures taken on the top of the mountain. and had lunch on the rocks. How happy we were! After the lunch we went down the mountain. We got home at four, all of us almost gave out. 4、 Dear Tom, My friend Lucia"s cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe on Flight 607. I have promised Lusia to pick him up at the airport. But I have just got something important to do. Would you please go to the airport to pick him up instead of me? His cousin is medium height and average weight; he wears glasses, and dresses very well, his hairs is blond and curly. He has a beard, and his name is Ernic Norton. Thanks a lot. Yours Clara 5、 Hi, Mr. Li, Could you please check on the car to take me to the airport? Please remind the car driver of this. I want to be sure of this car, because it will be too early in the morning to call a taxi if the school car doesn"t show up. I am sorry to trouble you again. Here I thank you again for all you have done for me during my stay in your school. I really enjoy teaching here, and will never forget the day I spent with my students. Probably I will come back some day. I leave some English books to your library. I hope they will be useful to your students. Yours Lynne 6、 Dear Dad, I am very excited to tell you that I have passed the entrance examination and been admitted into Peking University-the famous university which I have been longing for. The university is beautiful and has excellent equipment. There is a large library in it. The teachers here are very good. They are very kind and patient to the students. I am satisfied with all these and determined to study harder. Don"t worry about me. I have grown up and can deal with all kinds of matters. Wish you a good health. Respectfully Li Ming 7、 Attention please, everyone: About twenty Japanese students will come to our school for a visit on September 15th. We"ll meet at the school gate at 8:45 a.m., and give them a warm welcome when they arrive at 9:00. Then we"ll take them to the reception room. After a get-together there, we"ll show around the school, the library, the labs and the school factory, At 11:30 we"ll have lunch with the Japanese students in the dining-hall, and then give the presents each other. The Japanese students will leave at about 12:00. That"s all. Thank you. 8、 Dear sir, Last year I bought a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like the shape and colour of the refrigerator. But recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it is turned on. At first it is low but gradually it becomes louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointed with. I am writing to you to ask for help. Would you please send somebody to repair it. I will be at home this weekend. Please call me before you come. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thank you very much. Customer Li Ming

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别   1. area是这组词中用得最广的,表示的“地区”可大可小,但通常不指行政分区:I find the people in this area very friendly. 我发现这个地方的人很友好。   2. region通常指较大的地区,它既可以表示一个国家的行政分区,也可以指非行政分区:The south east is the richest of England. 英国的东南部是最富有的。/ Italy is divided into 20 regions. 意大利被分为20个行政区。   其它用例:the Arctic region 北极地区 / in country regions在农村地区 / a faraway region 遥远的地区 / an oil region 石油产区 / a forest region 林区   3. district 指相对于 region 稍小的地区,通常指一个国家或城市的行政分区,有时也指非行政分区:The letters SW1 stand for apostal district of London. SW1这几个字母代表伦敦的邮政分区。/ The busiest shopping district in Beijing is aroundWangfujing Street. 北京最热闹的商业区是王府井大街一带。

找20篇高考英语作文并翻译。 急

1.假设你是李华,你在报上看到北京电视台今年七月将举办外国人“学中文,唱中文歌”才艺大赛。你的美国朋友Peter正在北京一所大学学中文,你觉得他应去试一试。请按以下要点给他写信告知此事,并表示可以提供帮助。比赛时间:7 月18日 。报名时间:截止到6月30日。报名地点:北京电视台注意:1.词数:100左右 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3.参考词汇:才艺大赛—talent showDear Peter,I read in a newspaper today that a “Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs” Foreigners" Talent Show will be held in Beijing Television Station on July 18. I know you like singing, and you are in Beijing during that period. I think this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent, and how well you"ve learned Chinese. If you would like to try, you have to go to the TV station to sign up before the end of June. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.Yours,Li Hua2.Dear Andy,I"m so glad that you"ll be here with me and my family for the summer holiday. I"m writing to express our warm welcome and introduce the activities during your stay here.In the morning ,some activities at school will be arranged. You"ll visit our classrooms, reading rooms, labs, and so on. We"ll take this opportunity to exchange our views, talking about school life, and so on.In the afternoon, you can tour around the city. And I"ll act as your tour guide. Our city has changed a lot and takes on a new look. You can see what is our city like with your own eyes.At night , we can watch TV, play games and talk about what we"re interested in. I"m sure you"ll enjoy yourself. I"m looking forward to your coming.Yours sincerely,Li hua3.Dear David,I"m a student from China and have noticed your requirement on line. You would like to search for a Chinese friend to help you get to know China and its culture. Maybe I"m your good choice.China is a country that has a long history of 5,000 years. Not only our history ,but also our culture is the access to understand us better.There are so much that I want to know, if you are interested. I"ll be looking forward to your reply. I"ll show you around our great China if you come to China.Yours sincerely ,Li hua


一、动词 1.“看”:look;see;watch;observe;notice;catchsightof;stare;glare;glance;glimpse;seeafilm;watchTV 2.“说”:telllsthtosb.=tellsbsth;talkwithsbaboutsth;saysth;speakinEnglish;whispersthtosb;informsbofsth;reason/talk/persuadesbintodoingsth;bargain;chat;repeat;explain;warn;remind;discuss;debate;figure;declare;claim;mention;admit;deny;describe;announce;introduce;complain 3.“叫”:cry;call;shout;scream;moan;sigh;quarrel 4.“问”:ask;interview;express;question 5.“答”:answer;respond;reply 6.“听”:listento;hear;pickup;overhear 7.“笑”:smile;laugh;burstintolaughter;burstoutlaughing 8.“哭”:cry;shedtears;weep;sob;burstintotears/burstoutcrying 9.“吃/喝”:eat/drink;sip;haveameal;havesupper;toast;taste;treatsbto;helponeselfto 10.“穿”:puton;wear;haveon;bedressedin;makeup;getchanged;beinred;takeoff;remove 11.“行”:walk;run;climb;jump;skip;slip;come/go;enter;move;drive;ride;fly;crawl 12.“坐”:sitdown;beseated;seatoneself;takeaseat,stand;lean 13.“睡/休息”:lie/onone"sback/onone"sside/onone"sstomach;stayinbed;havearest;takeanap;beasleep;bend;turnover;rest 14.“写”:dictate;writesth;describe;dropaline;draw;takedown/writedown 15.“拿/放”:take;bring;hold;carry;fetch;lif;put;lay;pull;push 16.“抓”:takeholdof;seize;grasp;scratch 17.“打”:hit;beat;strike;blow;attack 18.“扔”:throw;drop;fall;wave;shake 19.“送”:send;deliver;give;offer;seeoff 20.“摸/抱”:ouch;fold;embrace;hug;hold;inone"sarms 21.“踢/碰”:kick;knock;tip 22.“找/查”:find;lookfor;findout;discover/explore;huntfor;searchfor;seek,seekforinsearchof;searchsb;searchsp.forsth;check;examine;test;inspect 23.“得”:get;obtain;acquire;gain;possess 24.“失”:lose;belost/bemissing/gone;greatloss 25.“有”:have;own;conquer;occupy;possess 26.“无”:nothingleft;theremainingthing;disappear;bemissing/gone 27.“增/减”:rise/goup,drop;raise;bringdown/reduce;increase/decrease 28.“买/卖”:buy;purchase;afford;pay;payoff;payfor;sell;onsale;bargain;bill/cheque/cash/creditcard/notes/coins;discounts 29.“存在/消失”:comeintobeing;exist;appear;survive;live;show;turnup;disappear;die;dieout;passaway;beoutofsight 30.“变化”:develop;improve;become;grow;go+bad/wrong/sour;turn+colour;change/changeinto;reform 31.“成功/失败”:makeit;succeed;makeprogress;cometrue;realizeone"sdream;win;lose;failtodo;defeat;sufferloss;beat;turnsth.intoreality 32.“努力”:try/manage;makeefforts;attempt;doone"sbest;doasmuchasonecantodo 33.祝贺:congratulatesb.onsth.;celebrate;observe;gettogether 34.敬佩:admire;respect;showrespectfor/to;adore;envy;bejealousy 35.赞美/批评:praise;thinkhighlyof;blamesbforsth;sbistoblame;criticize/scoldsb.forsth.;havealowopinionofsb;speakillof 36.喜/恶:like;love;befondof;bekeenon;becrazyabout;adore;beinto;prefer;enjoy;dislikehate;ignore 37.到达:arriveat;reach;returnto;getto;stayinsp.;visit;leave;leavefor 38.受伤:hurt;injure;wound;cut;kill;drown;bleed;getburnt;sufferfrom;sufferaloss 39.损坏:damage;destroy;ruin;breakdown;crash;bebroken 40.修复:repair;rebuild;restore;fix;recoveroneself 41.“认识的过程”:feel;sense;guess;suppose;wonder;doubt;know/learnrealizeunderstandremember;befamiliarwith;recall;recite;applyto 42.认为;判断:think;believe;consider;find;feel;conclude;infer;doubt 43.想/考虑:thinkof…as...;thinkabout;consider;thinkover 44.支持/反对:agree;disagree;accept;receive;refuse;turndown;beagainst;elect;votefor/against 45.花费:sth/doingsth+cost;sb+spend+(in)doingsth;sb+afford+n/todosth;It+takes/tooksometime/money/energytodosth;sbpaysomemoneyforsth. 46.省/存钱:save/saveup;setaside;putaway 47.参加:takepartin;join/joinin;attend;competein/for/against 48.控告:accusesb.of;chargesb.with 49.救治/帮助:help/helpout;save/rescuesbfromsth.;treat;curesb.ofsth;aidsbindoingsth/todosth;helpsbwithsth;assistsbindoingsth 50.逃避:runaway;escapefrom;flee;hide 51.阻止/禁止:prevent/keep/stopsb.fromdoingsth;forbiddoingsth.;ban;prohibit 52.对付/处理:handle/dowith/dealwith/tackle/overcomesth;solve;settle 53.效仿:copy;imitate;learnfrom;learn 54.爆发/发生:comeabout;happento;takeplace;breakout;burstout;gooff;explode 55.安装/装备:fasten;fix;set;equip;bearmedwith;beequippedwith 56.追求:pursuit;ranafter;seekafter;chase;catchupwith;keepupwith 57.建议:advise;suggest;recommend;propose;urge;demand;persuade 58.打算:plan/intend/designtodo;begoingtodo/beabouttodo/willdo 59.似乎/好象:seem;appear;looklike;asif/asthough 60.开办/关闭:open;start;setup;close/closeup;end;closedown二、名词 假期 vacation,holiday,springbreak,leave,twodaysoff 2.旅游 trip,journey,tour,voyage,travel,tourist,passenger 3.职务人员 clerk,secretary,passer-byfriend,minister,manager,waitress,guest,host,hostess,assistant,customer,adult,neighbor,relative,patient,vet,staff,crew,nurse,teacher,conductor,tailor,sailor,inventor,gardener,guard 4.餐馆/定餐/就餐 inn,restaurant,kitchen,menu,bill,order,tip,forkandknife,reserve/booktable,tastedelicious,salad,vegetables,fruit,tray,napkin 5.诊所/看病/服药 clinic,hospital,takeone"stemperature,takemedicine/pills,haveafever/flu/headache,doctor,physician,surgeon,specialist,patient 6.车站/机场 airport,onboard,missthetrain/bus,catchatrain,meetsb. 7.身体部位 arm,head,hair,brain,waist,back,shoulder,pulse,wrist 8.意志 will,courage,patience,determination,faith,effort,confidence,ambition,energy 9.才能/品质 talent,gift,ability,potential,intelligent,promising,smart,stupid,careful,proud,strict,honest,cold,serious,easy-going,learned,knowledgeable 10.优缺点 advantage,disadvantage,strength,weakness,merit,drawback,strongpoint,shortcoming 11.目标 aim,goal,intention,purpose,belief,faith 12.方式 means,method,way,manner,approach 13.身体素质 strong,weak,pale,sick,ill,well,slim,fit,cutweight,putonweight 14.图表 photo,picture,graph,drawing,table,line/bargraph,piechart,drawasketch(划草图) 15.文章 reading,translation,essay,poem,paper,novel,fictionarticle,magazine,newspaper,journal,diary,files 16.课堂 class,course,lecture,example,reason,message,notes,words,phrase,scholarship,degree,subject,question,trouble,difficulty,grades,comment,marks 17.学校活动 match,game,activity,holdameeting/debate/speech/ceremony 18.建议/观点 advice,suggestion,idea,proposal,view,recommandation 19.气候/天气 climate,weather,storm,wind,cloud,rain,snow,hotness,coldness,heat,warmth 20.交通 bytrain/bus/boatbike,onthetrain/bus/abike,driveacar,rideabike,givesb.alift/ride 21.习惯 habit,custom,practice(惯例) 22.感觉 sight,hearing,touch,smell,taste,sense 23.情感 feeling,emotion,anger,delight,sadness,sorrow 24.财富 money,possessions,wealth,belongings,fortunes,treasure,diamond 25.运动比赛 playground,trackandfiled,pitch,event,game,match,sports,player,coach,judge,jogging,weightlifting,volleyball,soccer三、形容词和副词 1.immediateadj立即的,立刻的,马上 2.clearadj清楚的,清晰的 3.cautiousadj小心翼翼的 4.vividadj生动的,逼真的 5.exactlyadv①确切地,精确地②恰好地,正好地③(用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样) 6.fortunatelyadv幸运地 7.surprisinglyadv令人惊讶的 8.hardlyadv几乎不 9.insteadadv代替,相反 10.properlyadv适当地;正确地;恰当地 11.speciallyadv专门 12.reliableadj可靠的,可信赖的 13.simplyadv简单地;仅仅,只不过 14.namelyadv即,也就是 15.notnearly=farfrom=nowherenear远非,远远不,一点也不 16.patientadj耐心的;n病人 17.plainadj简单的,朴素的 18.familiaradj熟悉的 19.luckyadj幸运的 20.amazingadj令人惊异的 21.accidentallyadv①偶然地;意外地②附带地 22.silentadj沉默的 23.calmadj平静的,冷静的 24.secretadj秘密的 25.otherwiseadv否则 26.meanwhileadv期间,同时 27.besidesadv除…..以外还有 28.efficientadj高效的,有效的 29.flexibleadj灵活的 30.complexadj复杂的 31.smoothadj平稳的,光滑的,顺利的32.regularlyadv定期的,有规律的 33.sensitiveadj敏感的,体贴的 34.honestadj诚实的 35.confidentadj自信的 36.shyadj害羞的,羞涩的 37.thoughtfuladj①深思的,沉思的②富有思想的;经认真推敲的 38.lightheartedandoptimisticadj无虑而且非常乐观的 39.neverthelessadj然而 40.privateadj私人的(privatecars) 41.personaladj个人的(personalbelongings) 42.uniqueadj的,独一无二的;独特的 43.favorableadj赞同的,有利的 44.preciousadj宝贵的,珍贵的 45.essentialadj必要的,重要的 46.worthwhileadj值得的 47.physicaladj身体的,物理的 48.suddenadj突然的 49.merelyadv仅仅,只=only 50.rarelyadv罕见的 51.splendidlyadj极好地,灿烂地 52.increasinglyadv越来越多地 53.naturallyadv自然地 54.accurateadj精确的,准确的 55.ridiculousadj可笑的,荒谬的 56.urgentadj紧急的,急迫的 57.shallowadj浅的,肤浅的 58.frequentlyadv经常地,频繁地 59.especiallyadv特别地,尤其地=particularly 60.obviouslyadv显而易见=apparently 61.necessarilyadv必要地,必须地,必然地 62.generallyadv一般地,通常地 63.eventuallyadv最终,最后 64.adoptableadv可采用的,可收养的 65.acceptableadj可以接受的 66.availableadj可利用的,可使用的,可得到的 67.accessibleadj易接近的,易受影响的,可理解的 68.relativelyadv相对地,比较地 69.approximatelyadv大约 70.absolutelyadv绝对正确地 71.punctualadj守时的 72.gentleadj温柔的 73.neatlyadv整洁地 74.entirelyadv完全地 75.highlyadv高度地,非常地 76.stronglyadv强烈地,坚固地 77.extremelyadv极端地,非常 78.reasonablyadv合乎情理地 79.eagerlyadv热切地;渴望地 80.badlyadv很,非常 81.slightlyadv稍微,轻微地 82.equallyadv平等地 83.latelyadv最近 84.enthusiasticadj热情的;热烈的;热心的 85.energeticadj精力充沛的,有活力的 86.talkativeadj①喜欢说话的②多嘴的③健谈的 87.impressiveadj影象深刻的 88.traditionaladj传统的 89.practicaladj实践的,实际的 90.similaradj类似的,相似的 91.convenientadj方便的,便利的 92.soonerorlater迟早,早晚 93.moreorless或多或少,差不多,几乎 94.onceinawhile偶尔,时不时地 95.nowandthen偶尔,有时 96.willinglyadv情愿地 97.unexpectedlyadv出乎意料地 98.unwillinglyadv不情愿地 99.unforgettableadj难忘的 100.doubtfuladj可疑的;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定 101.hardly/scarcelyadv几乎不 102.respectableadj值得尊敬的 103.respectfuladj恭敬的,有礼貌的 104.distinguishedadj的;卓著的;高贵的 105.complicatedadj难懂的,复杂的 106.awkward/clumsyadj尴尬的,笨拙的 107.previousadj以前的


高考英语词汇详解:有关burst短语的用法   1 . be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事。如:   He was bursting to tell her the news. 他急于要告诉她这条消息。   2 . burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出。如:   A broad smile burst forth on his face. 他顿时笑容满面。   A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd. 人群中突然发出恐惧的叫喊声。   "Why don"t you behave? " he burst forth. “你为什么不放规矩一点呢? ”他大声喊。   3 . burst into   突然闯入。如:   Don"t burst into my bedroom without knocking. 请不要不敲而贸然闯入我的卧室。   突然……起来。如:   She burst into tears . 她突然哭起来。   The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers. 全场发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。   注:这样用的 burst into 后通常接具有动作意义的名词。   4 . burst out   大声叫喊。如:   "I don"t believe it", he burst out. “我不相信”,他大声说道。   注:这样用的 burst out 与 burst forth 同义。   突然……起来。如:   She burst out crying . 她突然哭起来。   注:这样用的 burst out 后通常接动名词。


《高中英语语法-put词组练习》由liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 put词组练习 put 词组 1. We put _____ the tools before we leave the workshop. 2. All the medical workers in the region helped to put _____ the influenza epidemic(流感). 3. Never put _____ until tomorrow what you can do today. 4. We are putting the play _____ again next week owing to(由于) its success. 5. The fire man soon put the fire _____. 6. The doctor told me to put _____ my tongue. 7. Itu2019s time that we put _____ the Christmas decorations(装饰物) in the living room. 8. Drop your weapons and put your hands _____. 9. Another supermarket has been put _____ near our house. 10. I canu2019t put _____ _____ a lot of noisy people when I am working. 11. 使进入,输入 12. 全神贯注于u2026u2026之中 key: 1. put away 放好,受起来 2. put down 扑灭,平息,镇压 3. put off 延期,拖延 4. put on 上演,穿戴 5. put out 熄灭,扑灭,使u2026u2026停止燃烧 6. put out 伸出,拿出 7. put up 挂起,张贴 8. put up 举起,抬起 9. put up 建造,搭起 10. put up with 忍受,容忍 11. put into 12. put oneu2019s heart into 12. keep up with 跟上 13. keep watch 守望,值班,放哨 《高中英语语法-put词组练习》由liuxue86.com我整理


2014高考复习全攻略历年真题模拟试题提前招生家长专区报名咨询【13】keep keep up with 跟上,不落后于 keep up 保持,继续,持续 keep … away 使不靠近 keep back 后退,阻止,抑制,扣留(钱) keep from 避免 keep off 不靠近,使离开,不提及,不吃(喝) keep on 继续 keep out 使不入内,使留在外面 keep to 不离开,遵守 keep…to oneself 不把……告诉别人,将…….供自己一人使用 【14】knock knock about/around 接连打击,冲击,漫游,闲逛 knock on/at 敲(门、窗) knock against 撞在……上 knock off 停止(工作),减价 knock into 撞上,遇见 knock down 撞倒 knock over 撞翻,打翻 【15】lay lay off (暂时)解雇,裁员,使下岗,停止 lay aside 把……放在一边,储存 lay down 放下,铺设(铁路) lay out 花费,布置,摆设 【16】leave leave out 省去,遗漏,忽视,不考虑 leave over 使剩下,遗留,延期,暂时搁置 leave off 停止,脱掉 leave behind 遗留,忘记带走,将某人抛在后面,离开 leave … alone 不管,不理会,不招惹,不干涉 【17】let let … alone 不打扰,不理会,不招惹,丢下不管 let alone 更不用说 let sb. be 不干涉某人 let sb. down 让某人失望,辜负某人的期望 let out 放开,释放,发出(声音),泄露(秘密) 【18】live live up to 不辜负,配得上,遵守 live with 忍受,接受,与……住在一起 live by 以……为生 live on 以……为主食,靠……生活 live through 度过……而不死,活过 【19】look look up to 尊敬,佩服 look down 向下看,俯视 look on 旁观 look out 小心 look through 仔细检查 look into 调查,向里面看 look forward to 盼望 look around/about 环顾四周 look up 查看,查阅,抬头看 look down upon 看不起,轻视 look on … as … 把。。。看作。。。 look over 检查,过目 look back 回头看,回顾 look after 照料 【20】make make up 组成,构成,占;编出,虚构,捏造;和解,言归于好;化妆,打扮;弥补,把……补上 make up for 弥补,补上 make out 分辨出,勉强认出,理解,明白 make for 向……奔去,有助于,可促进 make off 匆匆离开,逃走 make over 转让,修改 【21】pass pass away 去世,消散,痊愈 pass by 经过 pass through 穿过,经历,遭受 pass on 传递 【22】pick pick out 挑出,选好,辨别出,认出,看清楚 pick up 拾起,(用车)接,搭载,恢复,(偶然)得到,学会,收听,(车辆)加速 【23】pull pull up 拉起,拖起,使……停止 pull down 拉下(帘子等),拆毁,拆除 pull away (汽车等)开走 pull off 脱下,取下 pull on 穿上,戴上 pull over (车等)停靠路边 【24】put put away 把……收起来,储蓄 put back 放回原处,推迟,拨慢 put down 写下,放下,镇压,取缔 put forward 提出,拨快 put on 穿上,增加 put up 举起,挂起,搭建,张贴,使住宿 put up with 忍受,容忍 put off 推迟,延期 put out 熄灭,产生 【25】run run out 耗尽,用光 run after 追逐 run across 偶然遇到 run over 跑过去,碾过去 run out of 用光,用完 run for 竞选 run into 偶然遇到 run short 快用完,将耗尽 【26】send send in 寄送,呈递,上交 send away 撵走,开除,解雇 send for 派人去叫(请) send off 寄出,为……送行,解雇 send out 发出,放出 send up 发射 【27】set set up设立,创立,建立 set about 着手做 set aside 储蓄,搁置 set off 动身,启程,引爆,燃放 set out 出发,开始做 【28】stand stand for 代表,象征,支持,主张,忍耐,容忍 stand out 突出,引人注目,卓越 stand by 支持,遵守 stand up 起立,耐久,耐用 【29】stay stay up 不睡觉,熬夜,不倒塌,不下沉 stay out 在外面过夜,远离 stay away from… 离开,不接近,缺席 【30】take take over 把……从一地带到另一地,接管,接受 take along 携带去 take away 拿走,带走,剥夺走 take back 收回,取回,带回,归还 take down 取下来,写下来,拆毁,拆卸 take in 拿进来,吸收,收容,理解,欺骗 take off 起飞,脱掉,摘下,除去 take on 雇用,承担,呈现 take to 喜欢上 take up 拿起,举起,占(时间、空间),开始做,从事于 【31】tear tear down 扯下,弄倒,拆除 tear apart 拆散,拆开,使分离 tear off 扯掉,撕掉 tear oneself away from 忍痛离开,忍痛与。。。分离,挣开 tear at 用力扯,撕扯 tear up 撕毁,撕裂 【32】throw throw away 扔掉,丢弃 throw up 呕吐,吐出,放弃(职业、学业等) throw off 抛弃(习惯、拘束等),摆脱,甩掉 throw out 抛出,丢弃 throw over 放弃(计划),抛弃(朋友),革除(习惯) 【33】turn turn around 转过身,转过来 turn against 背叛 turn away 转过脸去,不理睬,拒之门外,辞退 turn back 折回,返回 turn down 调小,关小,拒绝(请求、要求) turn in 上交,递交 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn out 结果是,被证明是,生产出,解雇 turn over 翻过来,翻身,仔细考虑 turn to 求助于,查阅,翻到,转向 turn up 出现,出席,来到,露面,开大,拧大 【34】wor


1. 一封高中水平的英文建议信,5 Dear ______, ①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. ②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容). ③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (这是一个模版,自己填充完善就可以了) 2. 高考英语书信体万能句 开头: 1.How is it going? 最近怎么样? 2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。 3.You asked me about(+problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我。.,现在,让我给你一些建议。 4.It has been a long time since we met.我们很久没见面了 结尾: 1.I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。 2.Thank you in advance.提前谢谢你。 3.Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信 4.Good luck |Best wishes.祝你好运 这些都是我们平常背的,希望有帮助。 3. 用英语写一篇建议信关于高中学习烦恼的 When asked about the problems that they have, the majority of students, about 80%, said that they were troubled by the exam results, while about a half of them were constantly haunted by their mass of homework. Only a few students" biggest trouble was about friends or money.当被问及他们的问题,大多数学生,大约80%,说他们是困扰的考试成绩,而大约一半的人不断地被他们的家庭作业困扰。 只有几个学生最大的麻烦是关于朋友或金钱。On methods to deal with the troubles, a great number of 70% suggested talking to friends, while a very small number of 5% were intended to talk to parents. For the others, leisure activities like music, books or sports were their special way.在处理这些问题的方法上,有大量的70%人建议和朋友们交谈,而5%个小部分人打算和父母交谈。 对于其他人,如音乐,书籍或体育休闲活动是他们的特殊方式。So you see, we students are faced with extremely heavy burden and big problems. We must find a suitable way to deal with it.所以你看,我们学生都面临着极其沉重的负担和大问题。 我们必须找到一个合适的方法来处理它。ON划词翻译ON实时翻译 Growing pains Do not know from when to rise, growing pains together, for there are many grievances to vent me, this topic is good warm. Xin Qiji once said: "the young do not sorrow taste". Perhaps his old youth be light of heart from care, with the continuous development of history, the more trouble, all left us.As I grew up day by day, there are a lot of troubles around me. Some of the things that have happened in the school and parents, most are reluctant to talk about, because as long as about, they will be a long and minute statement, I"m not allowed to say a word, and my ears can not stand so much in and out, so I don"t want to let the ear suffer, don"t want to say hello and parents! However, I all want to say, they are written in a book every day, also is the diary. After that, allow yourself to appreciate, to solve their own their own things. To begin well, but gradually, I think parents looked at me very natural, it seems I have some things to keep them The Growing Pains成长的烦恼 When we are little, we are eager to grow up, so that we can break free of parental discipline even leave them far.Since we were a little child, we have to be governed by teachers in school and endure parent"s ramble at home.These are our growing pains.Besides, study, friendship, sometimes campus romance may trouble us.However, as we grow up, we gradually find that things mentioned above are not pains at all. There are much more serious things brother us.For example, we may be less sensitive to the simple happiness and loss them gradually. It"s hard for us to laugh from our heart.Moreover, we are in the age that we are eager to grow up but afraid to grow up either.The ambivalence afflicts us a lot. However, no matter what happens in our growth, they are parts of our lives. We must accept them actively and do not let the pains prevent us from happiness.小的时候,我们都渴望长大,以便能脱离父母的管束,甚至离他们远远的。 自从孩提起,在学校我们就被老师管着,在家又得忍受父母的絮絮叨叨。这就是我们成长中的烦恼。 此外,学习、友情,有时候甚至校园恋情都会来叨扰我们。但是,随着慢慢长大,我们逐渐发现以上这些根本称不上是成长的烦恼,还有很多更烦恼的事让我们纠结不已。 例如,我们慢慢地对一些简单的快乐麻木了,于是就失去这些快乐了,我们变得很难发自内心地微笑了。还有,我们正处在渴望长大但又害怕长大的阶段,这种矛盾情绪折磨着我们。 但是,不管在成长的过程中遭遇到什么,它们都是我们生活中的一部分,我们要乐观地接受,不让烦恼挤走快乐。 4. 求10 句建议信 常用句型 您好: 以下都是常用的建议句型: 1,why not do sth ?。(why not eat a piece of cake?) 2,shall we。(shall we go to the park?) 3,let"s。(let"s go swimming this afternoon.) 4,Don"t you think it would be better if。(don"t you think it would be better if you give up the task?) 5,Don"t you think it a good idea to。(don"t you think it a good idea to put the bag on the shelf?) 6,I suggest 。(I suggest that you (shuold) put on more clothes.)此种用法不如上面几种委婉,一般用于比较熟的人之间. 7。 Will you please do…? 是表示“建议”或“请求”的常用句型。 8.You"d better do sth . 9.Why don"t you do sth ? 10.Shall we/I …? 表建议;What about…?后跟名词或动词的—ing形式。 11。 Will you please do…? 是表示“建议”或“请求”的常用句型 5. 英文建议信 高中水平 急 自己写的 希望给分 2 my dear friend ,i"m really glad that you are interested in chinese ,as a chinese people,I have to tell you that chinese is really a hard language ,It has really a long history ,you have to work really hard and keep study without complaining,but if you can really put yourself in it, you will find actually chinese is really funny,now i"d like to give you some little tips in learning english 1 you should first learn how to distingush the four diffirent tone in chinese ,your country may only have two tones in oral language ,so you should work really hard on the pronounciation of chinese 2 our chinese words are not combined by some letters but some single character you should take a lone time in remebering those single character,only in this way can you improve you chinese really fast That"s all for my comments,Hope it can help you your sincerely xx 就这么多了,希望能满意给个分,谢谢 6. 高中英语 如何写建议信 可以参考以下范文。 Dear Jack, I"ve received your e-mail and I"m glad to give you some advice on how to learn Chinese. First, you should be confident. As we"ve found, successful language learners share quite a few characteristics: self-confidence, curiosity and willingness to experiment with different ways of learning. Besides, doing a lot of reading is necessary, and you can enlarge your vocabulary at the same time. Most importantly, don"t miss every opportunity to communicate with others in Chinese, and don"t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you use it, the better you"ll master it! Good luck in your Chinese study! Yours, Li Hua 7. 高中英语写信作文通用句子,求带翻译 以下是我在邮件中会用到的一些例句我分先后分语境的给你列好了希望能对你有帮助~~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 邮件的开头1. Most formal (最正规的,再给外部或者领导根据这个人的title不同视情况而定) Dear Mr. Bourne,Dear Prof. Bourne,Dear Dr. Bourne,2. Appropriate (中规中矩,一般同事之间就这样就好了) Hi Jason,Dear Jason,3. Informal (不是很正规,比较要好的相互了解比较深的人之间) Hi,Hi there,Hi boss,称谓下面的祝福话(显得客气友善) 首先,第一种情况,就是初次写信给一个人,那么有以下几种情况可以借鉴:1. Warmly greeting from Beijing! (给不太熟的老外,北京发来的诚挚的问候)2. How are you? How"s everything? How"s going?(中规中矩,一般同事之间)3. Hope this email find you all well (很客气,就跟我们的“展信笑”差不多) 其次,第二种情况,就是这个人帮助了你,你现在回信开头就要感谢人家:Thank you for your promptreply.当一个同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们(比如那个今天早上9点回复你的家伙你就要给人家说这句话哟)。 如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providingthe requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。Thank you for all yourassistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly/ highlyappreciate your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.I sincerely appreciateyour warmly help to improve my Chinese grammar. 诚挚的感谢你为我帮助我提高语文语法(我爸妈从小就没有教好我 55555) 就算某个人对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。 这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你可以用“Thank you for yourfeedback.” 以下还有一些常见的开头,在特定的语境下可以使用 Hope you have a good tripback. 祝旅途愉快。 How is the project goingon? 项目进行顺利吗?邮件里面经常涉及的内容1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议(我想这应该是你最常用的了吧~~我总结了几种场景,特别希望涵盖全部,但是由于能力有限,只能尽全力啦!嘿嘿~) Hi Boss,I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30 pm (China Time) with Mr.Lu. Please kindly let me know if the time is okay for you. 我建议我们今晚九点半和陆先生小聚一下,请您告知您是否有时间。Dear Hugh,I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about ourdevelopment planning for the project A. May I have to know if you"ll beconvenience to attend? 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下,不知道您是否有时间出席。 Dear All We"d like to have the meeting on Feb 30. Same time. 2月30号,老时间开会。Dear Mr. Lu Let"s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM (SLC time). I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the B project. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和B项目的情况。2. Seeking for moreinformation/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议(相信这个你也经常需要,我最喜欢有效地沟通能够用一封邮件把所有想知道的事情都弄明白) a. 询问信息:Hi Yufei, Could youplease warmly help with the following issues? 宇飞,你能帮我以下的问题嘛?(然后罗列你想知道的问题,以后慢慢我们具体问题具体分析) Hi Yufei, Can I checkwith you if there is any update about XXX project? 宇飞,我能问下这个XXX项目有什么进展嘛?Hi Yufei, I wonder if you could help me outfor this problem. 宇飞,你能帮我个忙嘛?(我的回答必须是乐意之极:))Regards with this issue, I"m not comfortableto make this decision based on the current files, and I may need moreinformation. 关于这个问题,根据目前所了解的文件我不太想草率的做决定,我需要更多的信息。 b. 寻求反馈:Hi Huge, shall you haveany problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 辉啊,如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。Dear Huge, thank you andlooking forward to have your opinion on the schedule. 老板谢谢您,并希望能听到您对日程计划的建议。 What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?您对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?Please feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。Any question, please don"t hesitate to let me know.Please contact me if you have any questions.Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。 Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on XXX.您若是能够就XXX方面提供更多的信息。 8. 英文建议信 高中水平 急 自己写的 希望给分2 my dear friend ,i"m really glad that you are interested in chinese ,as a chinese people,I have to tell you that chinese is really a hard language ,It has really a long history ,you have to work really hard and keep study without complaining,but if you can really put yourself in it, you will find actually chinese is really funny,now i"d like to give you some little tips in learning english1 you should first learn how to distingush the four diffirent tone in chinese ,your country may only have two tones in oral language ,so you should work really hard on the pronounciation of chinese2 our chinese words are not combined by some letters but some single character you should take a lone time in remebering those single character,only in this way can you improve you chinese really fastThat"s all for my comments,Hope it can help you your sincerely xx就这么多了,希望能满意给个分,谢谢。


高考英语重点词汇总结大全1. ought to应当,应该 2. keep up with跟上,赶上3. plenty of许多,大量的(作定语)4. in plenty许多,丰富(作状语)5. make a choice做出选择 6. now and then偶尔,时而7. prepare a dish做一道菜 8. a balance diet均衡饮食9. be/go on diet在节食 no longer不再10. be based on/upon以…为基础 take medicine吃药11. be harmful to对…有害 12. offer advise about/on提…的建议13. lose weight减肥 14. cut …into pieces把…切碎 15. gain weight=put on weight增肥 16. make up for补偿17. get along with和…相处 18. put up with忍受19. go for sb对某人也一样 20. in large amount大批地21. be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少22. do up one"s hair做发型 23. refer to查阅,提到24. settle down定下心来,安家落户 25. settle up付清,结账26. settle for勉强同意,接受 27. settle in(使)习惯(环境等)28. settle on定居(短暂停留) of high/good quality高质量的29. sign an agreement with…与…达成协30. in relation to与…有关的 31. but for要不是 32. thanks to由于,幸亏33. apart from除…之外 34. hand down传下来 35. and so on等等 36. in ancient time在古代37. go against违背 38. guide to(介词)指导39. of (no) effect(无)效 40. take effect生效,奏效41. bring/carry…into/to effect实施42. come/go into effect开始实施 43. depend on/upon依靠44. That/It (all) depends.这很难说。 i. stand for代表45. in condition身体好 46. out of condition身体不好47. on condition that….如果,条件是48. in/under favorable conditions在有利形势下49. bring in引进,赚钱 a) year after year年复一年50. Point out指出 51. make use of利用52. tongue twister绕口令 a) be on good terms (with sb.)关系好53. drive off开走,击退 54. look on…as把…看作…55. Ahead of更前,更早 56. give sb a hand给某人帮助57. Get through通过,到达 58. tear down拆毁59. Hold up举起 60. Intend to do sth打算做某事 61. Intend to have done本想做(而没能做) 62. Intend…for…=be intended for…供……用63. Dress up打扮,装饰 64. in one"s opinion依某人之见65. Play a trick on sb开某人玩笑 66. take in收容,理解,包含,欺骗67. Be determined to do sth下决心做……68. Gift money压岁钱 69. fire works鞭炮70. Save money存钱 71. ask for a day off请一天假72. Happen to meet碰巧遇见 73. be jealous of sb嫉妒某人74. Believe in信仰 75. dress up as装扮成,打扮成76. Do crime犯罪 77. light up照亮 78. Do honor to sb=do sb honor礼遇某人,对某人表示敬意 79. On purpose=by accident故意地 80. care for喜欢,照顾81. Make fool of愚弄 82. in other words换句话说83. hope for对…希望 84. seek after追求85. A similar to B A和B相似 86. take on呈现87. Or else或者 88. personal affair隐私89. Date back to =date from始于,追溯到90. Appreciate good food欣赏美味 91. suit…to…使…适合于…92. Be suit to/for适合于… 93. In all direction朝四面八方 94. in …direction=in direction of朝…的方向95. under the direction of在…的指导下96. Follow one"s directions遵照某人的指示 97. Be angry with sb for sth…因…生某人的气 98. be likely to很有可能 99. make fun of取笑100. No laughing matter不是闹着玩的 101. exist…in 存在于…102. Get into contact with sb与某人取得联系103. Make contact with sb与某人联络104. (be) in contact with 与…有交往105. lose/break contact with与……失去联系106. go ahead 前进 107. be crazy about对…着迷108. go into details细说 109. in detail详细地110. focus…on…把…集中于… 111. occur to sb使某人突然想到112. fell down感到闷闷不乐 113. in a hurry匆忙地114. accept …as认为…是… i. bring on引发 115. make oneself done使…被… 116. make conversation交谈117. have/hold a conversation with与……交谈118. be in conversation with与…谈话中119. divide…into..把…分成… 120. ivide between/among…把…分给…121. achieve success获得成功 122. an injured look一副受冤的表情123. call on 拜访(某人) a) call at拜访(某地)124. bring back拿回来,使恢复 125. day and night日日夜夜地 126. pay off还清 127. at most 至多128. a number of许多129. a great deal of许多 i. pick out挑出,辨别出130. test on在…做实验 131. be continued 未完待续132. pay back偿还,报复 133. sth of good/poor quality质量好的…134. would rather宁愿 135. after all毕竟136. be well worth 很值得 137. without luck运气不好138. in the hope of doing…抱着…的希望139. bring about引起,导致 140. bring up哺育141. belong to sb/sth属于… 142. without limit无限地143. run/take a risk冒险 144. limit…to …把…限制在…a) at risk处于危险中 145. at any risk不顾一切146. at the risk of冒着…的危险 147. to one"s sorrow使…悲伤的是148. than usual 比平常… 149. badly off贫穷的150. bear/take one"s share of…负担…的部分


第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  Zigfried, a little mouse, blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside. Still nobody came. Maybe today, he thought 31 . It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹)。  This farmhouse had been 32 too long. It needed a family. Zigfried"s  33 made a noise. He realized that he hadn"t eaten anything since yesterday. He jumped from the windowsill (窗沿), grabbed a 34 from his home, and went next door to Farmer Mike"s。  Farmer Mike"s house had been a great place for the little mouse 35 the farmer married a wife who had a cat. Zigfried 36 when he thought of it. He looked around cautiously as he 37 into the room where grain was stored and was quite 38 as he filled his bag with wheat. He was turning to leave when suddenly he 39 a hot breath about his ear. His heart beat 40 , and without thinking he started to run and luckily 41 the cat"s paws (爪子)。  The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news: a 42 family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. Zigfried"s granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to  43 with him. He hoped that the family would come before his granny came. Before long, a car came 44 the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and chocolate。  Zigfried"s Christmas miracle did arrive!  The house came 45 the next few days. Zigfried 46 every single hour of them. 47 , the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 48 smile at the door of his home, he heard the 49 of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas. What? A cat? The 50 froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. After a long while, he at last found his voice: “Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?”  31. A. carefully B. excitedly C. hopefully D. proudly  32. A. shabby B. noisy C. messy D. empty  33. A. mouth B. nose C. stomach D. throat  34. A. bag B. stick C. bowl D. coat  35. A. although B. until C. whereas D. unless  36. A. leapt B. sniffed C. trembled D. withdrew  37. A. broke B. marched C. paced D. stole  38. A. curious B. nervous C. pitiful D. sensible  39. A. took B. released C. felt D. drew  40. A. strongly B. irregularly C. slowly D. wildly  41. A. escaped B. seized C. rubbed D. scratched  42. A. close B. happy C. new D. young  43. A. celebrate B. communicate C. compete D. compromise  44. A. across B. from C. off D. up  45. A. alive B. loose C. open D. still  46. A. counted B. enjoyed C. missed D. wasted  47. A. However B. Instead C. Moreover D. Therefore  48. A. bitter B. forced C. polite D. satisfied  49. A. introduction B. discussion C. comment D. debate  50. A. blood B. smile C. tear D. sweat


选D,因为在回答中Because the day I have looked forward to ________ at last! 此处I have looked forward to用的是现在完成时,所以后边应用一现在时的语句才恰当!!!


高考英语词汇详解:finally的用法   1. 表示先后顺序的“最后”、“终于”,通常放在句首。如:   The carwouldn"t start, so finally we decided to go on foot. 汽车不能发动,所以我们最后决定走路去。   此用法尤其用于在列举时引出最后一项。如:   He lived in Turkey, France, Norway and finally Mexico. 他曾在土耳其、法国、挪威等国住过,最后还在墨西哥住过。   2. 表示等了好久才“终于”,此时通常放在谓语动词之前 。如:   After several long delays, the plane finallyleft at 6 o"clock. 在几次长时间的耽误之后,飞机终于在6点钟起飞。   When he finally arrived he explained he had lost hisway. 他最后赶到时,他解释说他迷路了。   3. 表示决定性的或不再更改的“最后”。如:   It is not finallysettled yet. 这事还未最后解决。   4. 区别 finally, at last, in the end。如:   三者都可表示经过许多变化、一段等候或一番拖延或曲折之后的“最后”,但有细微区别:finally 语气较轻,且平铺直叙,一般不带感情色彩,有时可与 in the end换用;而 at last则语气稍重,且往往带有一定的感情色彩 。如:   Finally [in theend] he succeeded. 最后他成功了 。   He succeeded at last. 他终于成功了 。   in the end 可用来谈论将来的事,而其它两者一般不这样用。如:   In the end things will mend. 船到桥头自然直。   I"m sureeverything will turn out all right in the end. 我相信最后一切都会好起来的。


作文自己写,考试你咋办 慢慢写吧


新东方在线高考英语秘招“括号法” 新东方在线李辉 众所周知,“大量阅读”是快速提升英语成绩的重要手段。在进行高考英语阅读训练时,“长难句”可谓让人头疼的大麻烦。那么,有没有一种简便方法能让我们迅速破解长难句呢?当然有! 只要你真心渴望提升高考英语成绩,愿意拿出 2~3 个小时研读本文, 就一定能够在不远的将来创造奇迹。新东方在线 高考英语辅导李辉老师结合过去八年教学实践经验,通过分析 英语句子中的重要特点——“三长两短一并列” ——创造了一套简单而有效的方法,即“组件分析三步法”(江湖人称“括号法”),帮助学员快速看清英语句子结构,轻松读懂长难句。 为帮助量学员了解“括号法”的神奇魅力,辉辉老师决定将这个方法撰文公开。帮助大家早学会,早。 什么是“三长两短一并列” 我们先来看两句话:①我是李辉。(I am LiHui.) ②我爱你。(I love you.)这两句话中只有“主干成分”而没有“修饰成分”。像这样的句子,中文和英文的“语序”(单词排列顺序)基本是一致的,都是“主—系—表”或者“主—谓—宾”,理解起来非常容易。然而,在加上修饰成分后,中文与英文句子之间的语序就会发生变化。来看两个例子:①我是新东方的李辉。(I am LiHui from New Oriental School.) ②我全心全意地爱你。(I love you with all my heart.) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解。 例如:After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I returned to my office. 这个句子中含有大量的“介词短语”这种修饰成分。我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成:(After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned两个单词而已。可见,介词短语正是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因之一! 当然,以上几个句子还比较简单(少量介词短语对句意理解的影响不大),但是,当句子中出现更多类似介词短语的修饰成分时,可想而知,由于中英文语序的不同,英文句子会变得“面目全非”,令人难以理解。由此看来, 英语中灵活多变的修饰成分正是造成英语句子又长又难的头号罪犯 ,只要搞定这些修饰部分,就能搞定英语长难句。 幸运的是,尽管这些修饰成分数量很多、位置也不好把握,但是,它们的种类却是非常固定的。笔者将这些修饰成分总结为“三长两短”。所谓“三长”,就是构成长难句的三种较长修饰成分(即介词短语、从句、非谓语动词短语);所谓“两短”,指的是镶嵌于句子之中的、会稍稍提高句子复杂度的两种较短修饰成分(即形容词、副词)。而除了“三长两短”之外,另外一个使句子变得复杂的结构就是“平行并列结构”。“平行并列结构”是由一些并列关系的连词(and、or、as well as等)将句子变长的重要手段。 事实上, 再长的句子都是由非常简单的主干成分 (主干成分的基本语序和中文语序一致,此外还有若干与中文语序不一致的“特殊句型”,如there be句型、It is adj. for sb. to do句型、倒装句型、强调句型等等) 再加上这“三长两短一并列”而组成的 。由于水平所限,本文字讲解略显繁琐。如果自己看不懂,搜索新东方在线网络课程《高考英语15天基础速成班》,聆听辉辉老师为你清晰讲解这一方法,早学会、早。“三长两短一并列”的含义、结构及标记方法 如果把句子的主干比作树干,那么修饰成分就可以比作繁茂的枝叶。若能把这些枝叶都标记出来,主干自然就清晰了。标记时,只需按照句子顺序,一个挨一个做出标记即可。不过在此之前,我们要先学会每一种成分该从何处标起,又从何处结束。下面笔者分别对“三长两短一并列”进行具体介绍,并给出的每一种成分的标记方法。 1. “三长” (1)介词短语 【定义】从介词开始到名词结束、表达一个独立的完整的含义的结构。 【起止标识】标记介词短语时,要从介词开始到介词之后的第一个名词终止。如:at home、in the school、in the beautiful park、during my happy childhood、over the last few years、for three weeks 【例句】(After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00 to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). (2)从句 【定义】从句是复合句中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、whom、when、why、where、how、which、if、although等关系词引导的非主句部分。 【起止标识】标记从句时,一定从关系词开始,到以下四种终止。 ① 到句尾终止,如:Li Hui is a teacher (who teaches English). ② 到句中的逗号终止,如:(When I was young), I listened to the radio. ③ 到下一个修饰成分终止,如:I will invite Yao Ming (who was a top basketball player) to Beijing. (to Beijing是介词短语,属于另一个修饰成分,故从句的标记在此处终止) ④ 到下一个谓语动词终止,如Yao Ming (who was a top basketball player) is studying in Shanghai. (3)非谓语动词短语 【定义】非谓语动词是指动词在句子中“不是谓语”时的几种变化形式,主要包括动词不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词)三类。非谓语动词不能独立作谓语,而是充当句子的其他成分。由非谓语动词开头的、表示一个独立、完整的含义的结构叫做非谓语动词短语。 【起止标识】标记非谓语动词短语时,一定是从动词不定式(to do)、动名词(doing)或分词(现在分词doing或过去分词done)开头,到以下四种情况终止。 ①到句尾终止,如:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English). ② 到句中的逗号终止,如:(To improve my English), I often listen to the English radio. ③ 到下一个修饰成分终止,如:Jack walked into the hall, (waving) to the audience. (to the audience是介词短语,属于另一修饰成分。) ④ 到下一个谓语动词终止,如:We, (singing a happy song), rode to school. 2. “两短” (1)形容词 【定义】形容词是指用来修饰名词的单词,往往带有-ous、-y、-ful、-able等后缀。 【常见位置】 ① 一般置于名词之前,如a beautiful park。 ② 修饰不定代词(something、anything、nothing、somebody、anybody、nobody)时置于不定代词之后,如“一些有趣的事”应译为something interesting。 (2)副词 【定义】副词用来修饰形容词、动词等词,往往带有-ly等后缀。 【常见位置】英语中,副词的用法比形容词灵活得多。 ① 可置于整句之前,如:Unfortunately, he failed to make it. ② 可置于整句之后,如:The teacher greets his students individually. ③ 可置于“助动词、系动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前”,如: The princess looks extremely beautiful today. (系动词之后) He immediately saw the black cat. (实义动词之前) He has undoubtedly fallen in love with the princess. (助动词之后,实义动词之前) He can hardly speak anything. (情态动词之后,实义动词之前) ④可置于形容词或副词之前,如:There is an extremely beautiful garden in our campus. 从上面的分析可以看出,虽然英文中形容词和副词的在句中的位置和中文略有不同,但一般情况下,它们较短且易于辨识,对句意理解影响不大,因此在给修饰成分做标记时,形容词和副词可不标记。 3. 平行并列结构 【定义】并行并列结构是指由并列词将两个或两个以上含义相似、结构相同的并列项连接起来构成的结构。 【标记方法】给平行并列结构做标记的要求是:给并列词加方框,给并列项加下划线。标记时要先找到并列词,然后再找并列项。在标注形如A and B的平行并列结构时,应先找B (即右并列项)后找A (即左并列项)。由于英语中的修饰成分往往置于中心词之后,所以A和B两个并列项后面可能各自带有很长的尾巴,形成“A … and B …”的形式,导致A离and相对较远,不易辨认,而B通常离and很近,容易识别。找到B之后,利用A和B结构相同、含义相似的原则,很容易将A确定出来。 【常见并列关系】 英语中可以并列的成分有很多,读句子时要注意识别到底是谁跟谁并列。 ①名词并列:I like the box placed on the deskand the flowers in your hand. ②形容词并列:Mr. Smith is a kind , patient and knowledgeable English teacher. ③副词并列:You are supposed to answer the following questions quickly and accurately . ④谓语动词并列:With the Internet, people can not only play computer gamesbut also do online shopping. ⑤介词短语并列:And that government of the people , by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. ⑥从句并列: I"ve finished reading the book ( which is written by Mo Yan) and( which you lent me last month) . ⑦非谓语动词并列: Singing and laughing , we headed to the park. ⑧整句并列: The children can go with us or they can stay at home. 三步搞定长难句 根据以上分析,英语句子是由“主干部分+三长两短一并列”组成的。我们可把这个“三长两短一并列”称为构成英语句子的“组件”。想要快速读懂一个句子,就要快速识别并准确译出每一个组件,再按照一定的逻辑将一个个组件连接起来。这就是“组件分析三步法”(“括号法”)。 Step1: 做标记 做标记时应按照上文中的方法,给“三长”加括号,给并列词加方框,给并列项划下划线。 【例句】Li Hui is a teacher teaching English in Beijing which is the capital of China. 这个句子做完标记后为:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English) (in Beijing) (which is the capital) (of China). 可以看出,做完标记后的句子层次变得清晰了很多,很容易就能看出该句子是由 一个主系表结构的主干加上四个修饰成分组成的 。原句直译起来稍显复杂,但是加上括号之后,每一小节都能轻松看懂。不过在标记时要注意:一旦出现下一修饰成分,就应果断将上一修饰成分结束掉,而不要管上一修饰成分本身结束了没有,即允许括号连括号,尽量避免括号套括号。由于英语中的修饰成分实际上存在很多“嵌套”现象,如果把每个修饰成分的嵌套关系都用括号理清楚,会显得非常麻烦,无法使句子显得简单。如上文中的例句,如果我们关注其中修饰成分的嵌套关系,则需要将其处理为:Li Hui is a teacher {teaching English (in Beijing) [which is the capital (of China)]}.这样处理会导致句中出现很多“括号套括号”的现象,显得非常乱。而用括号连括号的标记法则使句子结构更为清晰。 Step2: 做直译 经过Step1的标记之后,句中的修饰成分都被我们用括号标注了出来,而不带括号的主干成分自然浮现在我们眼前,整个句子变成了“一小节一小节”的形式,而每一小节都很容易直接翻译出来。 我们在翻译句子时,可利用每个括号里的第一个单词,以“提问和回答”的方式将一个个的括号连接起来。 如上面的例句:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English) (in Beijing) (which is the capital) (of China). 翻译时可先处理为:李辉是个老师。教什么的?教英语。在哪儿教?在北京。哪个北京?是那个首都。谁的首都?中国的首都。这样整个句子的意思就一目了然了。 Step3: 调语序 我们将Step2中得到的“译文”再按照中文表达习惯进行一些调整,最终得到了一句地道的中文译文:“李辉是个在中国的首都北京教英语的老师。”或者“李辉是个老师,在中国的首都北京教英语。”事实上,由于大部分省市的高考都不考“英译中”,所以我们一般不必进行Step3的操作,因为前两个步骤已经能够帮助我们准确理解英语句子了。 真题演练 由于所举例子比较简单,所以上文中的Step 2看起来或许有些多此一举。其实不然。现在,我们来用一些高考题中出现过的长难句来试验上述方法,你会发现理解长难句竟变得如此轻而易举! 【真题1】The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. (19词,来自2012年江苏卷阅读理解B篇) Step1: 做标记 The Department (of Agriculture) has programs (aimed) ( at developing more farmers ) and ( at increasing interest ) (in locally grown food). 实际操作过程如下: 括号1:看到of,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词Agriculture结束。 括号2:由于has是谓语动词形式,所以可判定句中第二个出现的动词aimed应为非谓语动词;由于该词后面紧接着出现了介词at,按照“一旦出现下一修饰成分,就果断将上一修饰成分结束掉”的原则,我们将aimed用括号单独括起来。 括号3:看到at,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词farmers结束。 方框1:and是并列词,该并列词的后面紧接着是由at引导的介词短语,为右并列项,因此左并列项应该同为at引导的介词短语at developing more framers。 括号4:看到in,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词food结束。 标记结束后,主干已经非常清晰了,即The Department has programs。 Step2: 做直译 要理解这句话的意思,光知道主干还不够,其他部分代表了关键的细节信息,需要对句子大致进行翻译。根据“组件分析三步法”中所讲解的,要按照句子语序,对被标记后句子的每一小节挨个进行翻译,翻译时利用每小节的头一个单词进行提问和回答。The Department:这个部门;of Agriculture:什么的部门?农业的部门;has programs:有什么?有计划;aimed:针对什么的计划?针对……;at developing more farmers:针对发展更多的农民;and:以及什么?at increasing interest:针对提高利润;in locally grown food:哪方面的利润?本土出产的食物的利润。根据提问和回答后,我们大概理解了这句话的意思:农业部有针对发展更多农民和提高本土出产食物的利润的计划。 Step3: 调语序 将句子语序调整后,得到更地道的译文:农业部已经制定了相关计划,以培养更多农民和提高本土出产的食物的利润。 【真题2】 If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go. (41词,来自2012年山东卷阅读理解D篇) Step1: 做标记 (If you started ) (to dry clothes) (in the morning) and forgot (to take them out), you can go (to your phone) and restart your dryer (for the time) (when come home), (so your clothes are refreshed and ready) (to go). 具体标记过程如下: 括号1:If引导了条件状语从句,从if开始做标记。 括号2:to dry clothes是非谓语中的不定式,故在to之前结束上一修饰成分。 括号3:in引导介词短语,故结束上一修饰成分。该介词短语标记到名词morning结束。 方框1:and为并列连词,紧跟其后的forgot是其右并列项,向前寻找结构相似的左并列项,发现是started。 括号4:看见to,发现to your phone为非谓语中的不定式,标记到名词phone结束。 方框2:and为并列连词。紧跟其后的restart是其右并列项,向前寻找结构相似的左并列项,发现是go。此处为谓语动词并列。 括号5:for the time为介词短语,标记到名词time结束。 括号6:when come home为定语从句,标记到逗号结束。 括号7:so引导结果状语从句。 括号8:to go为不定式。 Step2: 做直译 参照被标记后的句子,按照句子语序一小节一小节进行提问和回答。If you started:如果什么?如果你开始;to dry clothes:去做什么?烘干衣服;in the morning:在什么时候?在早上;and:而且什么?forgot:而且忘了;to take them out:忘了做什么?把它们拿出来;you can go:你可以去;to your phone:去做什么?去(使用)你的电话;and;并做什么?restart your dryer:并重启你的烘干机;for the time:为了什么?为了这个时间; when come home:当什么时候?当回家的时候;so your clothes are refreshed and ready 这样就怎么了?这样你的衣服就被重新烘干并且准备好了;to go:准备好去做什么?去走(即已经准备好“出炉”了)。 Step3: 调语序 将译文调整之后为:如果你早上开始烘干衣服并忘了把它们拿出来,那么你可以用手机重新启动烘干机,这样在你回到家的时候,衣服已经重新烘干并可以取出来了。以上讲解为大家演示了“括号法”的具体操作过程。“三长两短一并列”揭示了英语句子的组成规律,而“括号法”给出了快速破解长难句的重要方法。在教学实践中,辉辉老师发现,中等水平的同学经过5~10篇高考阅读理解文章的训练,可以在2分钟内快速读懂一篇文章(Step1+Step2)。遗憾的是,由于书面文字所限,无法像上课那样更为直观、生动地向大家展现这一操作过程,所以想快速掌握此方法的学员可以关注新东方在线的完整版网络课程。期待大家迅速掌握这一方法,勇于实践,熟能生巧,突破英语学习瓶颈。 最后,新东方在线网络课堂高考辅导团队预祝大家备考顺利!


新东方在线高考英语秘招“括号法” 新东方在线 李辉 众所周知,“大量阅读”是快速提升英语成绩的重要手段。在进行高考英语阅读训练时,“长难句”可谓让人头疼的大麻烦。那么,有没有一种简便方法能让我们迅速破解长难句呢?当然有!只要你真心渴望提升高考英语成绩,愿意拿出2~3个小时研读本文,就一定能够在不远的将来创造奇迹。新东方在线高考英语辅导李辉老师结合过去八年教学实践经验,通过分析英语句子中的重要特点——“三长两短一并列”——创造了一套简单而有效的方法,即“组件分析三步法”(江湖人称“括号法”),帮助学员快速看清英语句子结构,轻松读懂长难句。 为帮助量学员了解“括号法”的神奇魅力,辉辉老师决定将这个方法撰文公开。帮助大家早学会,早。 什么是“三长两短一并列” 我们先来看两句话:① 我是李辉。(I am Li Hui.) ② 我爱你。(I love you. ) 这两句话中只有“主干成分”而没有“修饰成分”。像这样的句子,中文和英文的“语序”(单词排列顺序)基本是一致的,都是“主—系—表”或者“主—谓—宾”,理解起来非常容易。然而,在加上修饰成分后,中文与英文句子之间的语序就会发生变化。来看两个例子:① 我是新东方的李辉。(I am Li Hui from New Oriental School.) ② 我全心全意地爱你。(I love you with all my heart.) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解。 例如:After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I returned to my office. 这个句子中含有大量的“介词短语”这种修饰成分。我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成:(After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned两个单词而已。可见,介词短语正是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因之一! 当然,以上几个句子还比较简单(少量介词短语对句意理解的影响不大),但是,当句子中出现更多类似介词短语的修饰成分时,可想而知,由于中英文语序的不同,英文句子会变得“面目全非”,令人难以理解。由此看来,英语中灵活多变的修饰成分正是造成英语句子又长又难的头号罪犯,只要搞定这些修饰部分,就能搞定英语长难句。 幸运的是,尽管这些修饰成分数量很多、位置也不好把握,但是,它们的种类却是非常固定的。笔者将这些修饰成分总结为“三长两短”。所谓“三长”,就是构成长难句的三种较长修饰成分(即介词短语、从句、非谓语动词短语);所谓“两短”,指的是镶嵌于句子之中的、会稍稍提高句子复杂度的两种较短修饰成分(即形容词、副词)。而除了“三长两短”之外,另外一个使句子变得复杂的结构就是“平行并列结构”。“平行并列结构”是由一些并列关系的连词(and、or、as well as等)将句子变长的重要手段。 事实上,再长的句子都是由非常简单的主干成分(主干成分的基本语序和中文语序一致,此外还有若干与中文语序不一致的“特殊句型”,如there be句型、It is adj. for sb. to do句型、倒装句型、强调句型等等)再加上这“三长两短一并列”而组成的。由于水平所限,本文字讲解略显繁琐。如果自己看不懂,搜索新东方在线网络课程《高考英语15天基础速成班》,聆听辉辉老师为你清晰讲解这一方法,早学会、早。 “三长两短一并列”的含义、结构及标记方法 如果把句子的主干比作树干,那么修饰成分就可以比作繁茂的枝叶。若能把这些枝叶都标记出来,主干自然就清晰了。标记时,只需按照句子顺序,一个挨一个做出标记即可。不过在此之前,我们要先学会每一种成分该从何处标起,又从何处结束。下面笔者分别对 “三长两短一并列”进行具体介绍,并给出的每一种成分的标记方法。 1. “三长” (1) 介词短语 【定义】从介词开始到名词结束、表达一个独立的完整的含义的结构。 【起止标识】标记介词短语时,要从介词开始到介词之后的第一个名词终止。如:at home、in the school、in the beautiful park、during my happy childhood、over the last few years、for three weeks 【例句】 (After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00 to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). (2) 从句 【定义】从句是复合句中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、whom、when、why、where、how、which、if、although等关系词引导的非主句部分。 【起止标识】标记从句时,一定从关系词开始,到以下四种终止。 ① 到句尾终止,如:Li Hui is a teacher (who teaches English). ② 到句中的逗号终止,如:(When I was young), I listened to the radio. ③ 到下一个修饰成分终止,如:I will invite Yao Ming (who was a top basketball player) to Beijing. (to Beijing是介词短语,属于另一个修饰成分,故从句的标记在此处终止) ④ 到下一个谓语动词终止,如Yao Ming (who was a top basketball player) is studying in Shanghai. (3) 非谓语动词短语 【定义】非谓语动词是指动词在句子中“不是谓语”时的几种变化形式,主要包括动词不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词)三类。非谓语动词不能独立作谓语,而是充当句子的其他成分。由非谓语动词开头的、表示一个独立、完整的含义的结构叫做非谓语动词短语。 【起止标识】标记非谓语动词短语时,一定是从动词不定式(to do)、动名词(doing)或分词(现在分词doing或过去分词done)开头,到以下四种情况终止。 ① 到句尾终止,如:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English). ② 到句中的逗号终止,如:(To improve my English), I often listen to the English radio. ③ 到下一个修饰成分终止,如:Jack walked into the hall, (waving) to the audience. (to the audience是介词短语,属于另一修饰成分。) ④ 到下一个谓语动词终止,如:We, (singing a happy song), rode to school. 2. “两短” (1) 形容词 【定义】形容词是指用来修饰名词的单词,往往带有-ous、-y、-ful、-able等后缀。 【常见位置】 ① 一般置于名词之前,如a beautiful park。 ② 修饰不定代词(something、anything、nothing、somebody、anybody、nobody)时置于不定代词之后,如“一些有趣的事”应译为something interesting。 (2) 副词 【定义】副词用来修饰形容词、动词等词,往往带有-ly等后缀。 【常见位置】英语中,副词的用法比形容词灵活得多。 ① 可置于整句之前,如:Unfortunately, he failed to make it. ② 可置于整句之后,如:The teacher greets his students individually. ③ 可置于“助动词、系动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前”,如: The princess looks extremely beautiful today. (系动词之后) He immediately saw the black cat. (实义动词之前) He has undoubtedly fallen in love with the princess. (助动词之后,实义动词之前) He can hardly speak anything. (情态动词之后,实义动词之前) ④ 可置于形容词或副词之前,如:There is an extremely beautiful garden in our campus. 从上面的分析可以看出,虽然英文中形容词和副词的在句中的位置和中文略有不同,但一般情况下,它们较短且易于辨识,对句意理解影响不大,因此在给修饰成分做标记时,形容词和副词可不标记。 3. 平行并列结构 【定义】并行并列结构是指由并列词将两个或两个以上含义相似、结构相同的并列项连接起来构成的结构。 【标记方法】给平行并列结构做标记的要求是:给并列词加方框,给并列项加下划线。标记时要先找到并列词,然后再找并列项。在标注形如A and B的平行并列结构时,应先找B (即右并列项)后找A (即左并列项)。由于英语中的修饰成分往往置于中心词之后,所以A和B两个并列项后面可能各自带有很长的尾巴,形成“A … and B …”的形式,导致A离and相对较远,不易辨认,而B通常离and很近,容易识别。找到B之后,利用A和B结构相同、含义相似的原则,很容易将A确定出来。 【常见并列关系】 英语中可以并列的成分有很多,读句子时要注意识别到底是谁跟谁并列。 ① 名词并列:I like the box placed on the desk and the flowers in your hand. ② 形容词并列:Mr. Smith is a kind, patient and knowledgeable English teacher. ③ 副词并列:You are supposed to answer the following questions quickly and accurately. ④ 谓语动词并列:With the Internet, people can not only play computer games but also do online shopping. ⑤ 介词短语并列:And that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. ⑥ 从句并列: I"ve finished reading the book (which is written by Mo Yan) and (which you lent me last month). ⑦ 非谓语动词并列:Singing and laughing, we headed to the park. ⑧ 整句并列:The children can go with us or they can stay at home. 三步搞定长难句 根据以上分析,英语句子是由“主干部分+三长两短一并列”组成的。我们可把这个“三长两短一并列”称为构成英语句子的“组件”。想要快速读懂一个句子,就要快速识别并准确译出每一个组件,再按照一定的逻辑将一个个组件连接起来。这就是“组件分析三步法”(“括号法”)。 Step 1: 做标记 做标记时应按照上文中的方法,给“三长”加括号,给并列词加方框,给并列项划下划线。 【例句】Li Hui is a teacher teaching English in Beijing which is the capital of China. 这个句子做完标记后为:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English) (in Beijing) (which is the capital) (of China). 可以看出,做完标记后的句子层次变得清晰了很多,很容易就能看出该句子是由一个主系表结构的主干加上四个修饰成分组成的。原句直译起来稍显复杂,但是加上括号之后,每一小节都能轻松看懂。不过在标记时要注意:一旦出现下一修饰成分,就应果断将上一修饰成分结束掉,而不要管上一修饰成分本身结束了没有,即允许括号连括号,尽量避免括号套括号。由于英语中的修饰成分实际上存在很多“嵌套”现象,如果把每个修饰成分的嵌套关系都用括号理清楚,会显得非常麻烦,无法使句子显得简单。如上文中的例句,如果我们关注其中修饰成分的嵌套关系,则需要将其处理为:Li Hui is a teacher {teaching English (in Beijing) [which is the capital (of China)]}. 这样处理会导致句中出现很多“括号套括号”的现象,显得非常乱。而用括号连括号的标记法则使句子结构更为清晰。 Step 2: 做直译 经过Step 1的标记之后,句中的修饰成分都被我们用括号标注了出来,而不带括号的主干成分自然浮现在我们眼前,整个句子变成了“一小节一小节”的形式,而每一小节都很容易直接翻译出来。我们在翻译句子时,可利用每个括号里的第一个单词,以“提问和回答”的方式将一个个的括号连接起来。如上面的例句:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English) (in Beijing) (which is the capital) (of China). 翻译时可先处理为:李辉是个老师。教什么的?教英语。在哪儿教?在北京。哪个北京?是那个首都。谁的首都?中国的首都。这样整个句子的意思就一目了然了。 Step 3: 调语序 我们将Step 2中得到的“译文”再按照中文表达习惯进行一些调整,最终得到了一句地道的中文译文:“李辉是个在中国的首都北京教英语的老师。”或者“李辉是个老师,在中国的首都北京教英语。”事实上,由于大部分省市的高考都不考“英译中”,所以我们一般不必进行Step 3的操作,因为前两个步骤已经能够帮助我们准确理解英语句子了。 真题演练 由于所举例子比较简单,所以上文中的Step 2看起来或许有些多此一举。其实不然。现在,我们来用一些高考题中出现过的长难句来试验上述方法,你会发现理解长难句竟变得如此轻而易举! 【真题1】 The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. (19词,来自2012年江苏卷阅读理解B篇) Step1: 做标记 The Department (of Agriculture) has programs (aimed) (at developing more farmers) and (at increasing interest) (in locally grown food). 实际操作过程如下: 括号1:看到of,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词Agriculture结束。 括号2:由于has是谓语动词形式,所以可判定句中第二个出现的动词aimed应为非谓语动词;由于该词后面紧接着出现了介词at,按照“一旦出现下一修饰成分,就果断将上一修饰成分结束掉”的原则,我们将aimed用括号单独括起来。 括号3:看到at,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词farmers结束。 方框1:and是并列词,该并列词的后面紧接着是由at引导的介词短语,为右并列项,因此左并列项应该同为at引导的介词短语at developing more framers。 括号4:看到in,说明是介词短语,该介词短语到名词food结束。 标记结束后,主干已经非常清晰了,即The Department has programs。 Step2: 做直译 要理解这句话的意思,光知道主干还不够,其他部分代表了关键的细节信息,需要对句子大致进行翻译。根据“组件分析三步法”中所讲解的,要按照句子语序,对被标记后句子的每一小节挨个进行翻译,翻译时利用每小节的头一个单词进行提问和回答。The Department:这个部门;of Agriculture:什么的部门?农业的部门;has programs:有什么?有计划;aimed:针对什么的计划?针对……;at developing more farmers:针对发展更多的农民;and:以及什么?at increasing interest:针对提高利润;in locally grown food:哪方面的利润?本土出产的食物的利润。根据提问和回答后,我们大概理解了这句话的意思:农业部有针对发展更多农民和提高本土出产食物的利润的计划。 Step3: 调语序 将句子语序调整后,得到更地道的译文:农业部已经制定了相关计划,以培养更多农民和提高本土出产的食物的利润。 【真题2】 If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go. (41词,来自2012年山东卷阅读理解D篇) Step1: 做标记 (If you started) (to dry clothes) (in the morning) and forgot (to take them out), you can go (to your phone) and restart your dryer (for the time) (when come home), (so your clothes are refreshed and ready) (to go). 具体标记过程如下: 括号1:If引导了条件状语从句,从if开始做标记。 括号2:to dry clothes是非谓语中的不定式,故在to之前结束上一修饰成分。 括号3:in引导介词短语,故结束上一修饰成分。该介词短语标记到名词morning结束。 方框1:and为并列连词,紧跟其后的forgot是其右并列项,向前寻找结构相似的左并列项,发现是started。 括号4:看见to,发现to your phone为非谓语中的不定式,标记到名词phone结束。 方框2:and为并列连词。紧跟其后的restart是其右并列项,向前寻找结构相似的左并列项,发现是go。此处为谓语动词并列。 括号5:for the time为介词短语,标记到名词time结束。 括号6:when come home为定语从句,标记到逗号结束。 括号7:so引导结果状语从句。 括号8:to go为不定式。 Step2: 做直译 参照被标记后的句子,按照句子语序一小节一小节进行提问和回答。If you started:如果什么?如果你开始;to dry clothes:去做什么?烘干衣服;in the morning:在什么时候?在早上;and:而且什么?forgot:而且忘了;to take them out:忘了做什么?把它们拿出来;you can go:你可以去;to your phone:去做什么?去(使用)你的电话;and;并做什么?restart your dryer:并重启你的烘干机;for the time:为了什么?为了这个时间; when come home:当什么时候?当回家的时候;so your clothes are refreshed and ready 这样就怎么了?这样你的衣服就被重新烘干并且准备好了;to go:准备好去做什么?去走(即已经准备好“出炉”了)。 Step3: 调语序 将译文调整之后为:如果你早上开始烘干衣服并忘了把它们拿出来,那么你可以用手机重新启动烘干机,这样在你回到家的时候,衣服已经重新烘干并可以取出来了。 以上讲解为大家演示了“括号法”的具体操作过程。“三长两短一并列”揭示了英语句子的组成规律,而“括号法”给出了快速破解长难句的重要方法。在教学实践中,辉辉老师发现,中等水平的同学经过5~10篇高考阅读理解文章的训练,可以在2分钟内快速读懂一篇文章(Step 1 + Step 2)。遗憾的是,由于书面文字所限,无法像上课那样更为直观、生动地向大家展现这一操作过程,所以想快速掌握此方法的学员可以关注新东方在线的完整版网络课程。期待大家迅速掌握这一方法,勇于实践,熟能生巧,突破英语学习瓶颈。 最后,新东方在线网络课堂高考辅导团队预祝大家备考顺利!


《高中英语语法-英语近义词辨析(七)之一》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 英语近义词辨析(七)之一 Kind, Sort, Species, Type, Category Kind(n.)---“种类”。指同种类的东西。 Sort(n.)---“种类”。指大体相似的东西, 有时用于贬义判断。 Species(n.)---“种类”。指相同种类的生物。 Type(n.)---“种类”。指不太明确类别的划分,有主观判断之意。 Category(n.)---“种类”。正式用语。指对材料?或图书等进行分析而划分的种类。 例:This is the best kind of pen. 这是最好的一种钢笔。 I can feel at home in this kind of room. 在这样的房间里我感到象在家里一样。 What sort of food do you like best? 你最喜欢吃什么食物? I will make no attempt of the sort. 我不愿做这种事。 This is an extinct species of fish. 这是一种已经灭绝的鱼。 Blackmail is a species of crime which we all hate. 恫吓勒索是我们大家憎恨的一种罪行。 The horticulturist developed a new type of rose. 园艺师培育了玫瑰的一个新品种。 Her beauty is of the Italian type. 她的美是意大利型的。 Put it there, it belongs to that category. 把它放在那儿,它属于那一类。 Place these books in categories, please. 请把这些书分门别类地进行整理。 Kill, Assassinate, Execute, Dispatch, Murder, Slay, Slaughter Kill(v.)---“杀”,“杀死”。普通用语。指任何一种致死行为。 Assassinate(v.)---“暗杀”。指出于政治目的进行的暗杀行为。 Execute(v.)---“处决”。指依据法律,判处死刑。 Dispatch(v.)---“杀死”。指采用直接方法,如刺,射击等手段杀死,强调迅速。 Murder(v.)---“谋杀”,“凶杀”。指非法地?有目的的杀害他人。 Slay(v.)---“杀死”,“杀害”。指残酷地打死或用武器杀死。现多用过去分词slain。 Slaughter(v.)---“屠杀”。尤指为肉食而屠杀;还指错杀或残酷地杀死很多人。 例:Two people were killed in a car accident. 在一次车祸中有两人丧生。 The frost killed the flowers. 霜把花冻死了。 President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963. 肯尼迪总统于1963年在达拉斯被暗杀。 Martin Luther King was assassinated by a white people. 马丁路德金是被一个白人暗杀的。 Nathan Hale was executed as a spy by the British in 1776. 1776年,内森黑尔被英国人当作间谍处决了。 Mussolini was caught by Italian guerrillas on April 27, 1945, while trying to escape to Switzerland and executed after a brief trial. 1945年4月27日,墨索里尼试图逃往瑞士时,被意大利游击队抓获,经简短审讯之后,即被处决。 The injured horse was dispatched by its owner. 受伤的马被他的主人杀死了。 The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man. 行刑者迅速将该犯处决了。 According to the historians he murdered his rival in cold blood. 根据历史学家考证,他蓄意杀死了他的竞争对手。 It is said that one person was murdered on the beach. 据说一个人在海滩上被谋杀了。 The slain man has not yet been identified. 被杀的人至今还未被查出身份。 He was slain in battle. 他战死在沙场。 Many cattle and sheep are slaughtered here. 这儿屠宰了许多牛羊。 Tens of thousands were slaughtered on the battlefields of Macedonia. 成千上万的人在马其顿战场上被杀死了。 Keen, Acute, Penetrating, Sharp, Shrewd Keen(adj.)---“锐利的”。普通用语。一般指刀或尖的锋利。 用于比喻时,指看穿一切事物,含有慧眼?耳聪和机敏之意。 Acute(adj.)---“尖锐的”。一般指角的形状。用于比喻时,指思维敏捷。 Penetrating(adj.)---“锐利的”。强调透过细节调查事物根源的能力。 Sharp(adj.)---“锐利的”。普通用语。一般指刀的锋利。用于比喻时,强调有洞察力,有时含不诚实的意味。 Shrewd(adj.)---“锐利的”。表示谙于世故,遇事老谋深算,有看穿一切事物内情的能力。 例:He is a keen politician. 他是个厉害的政治家。 Tom keeps a knife with a keen edge. 汤姆有一把锋利的小刀。 He is an acute observer. 他是一个敏锐的观察家。 This is not a right angle, but an acute one. 这不是直角,而是锐角。 The professor gave us a penetrating analysis of the play. 教授给我们作了一次深刻的剧本分析。 Premier Zhou has an extremely penetrating mind. 周总理头脑异常敏锐。 The knife is not sharp enough and need grinding. 这刀不快,需要磨了。 I have a sharp mind for figures. 我头脑聪明,善于计算。 He is too shrewd to trust in bussiness matters. 他在商业事务上太精明了,不能信赖。 & 《高中英语语法-英语近义词辨析(七)之一》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com


高考英语3500词详解2017   勿庸置疑,记忆单词在英语学习中占据了半壁江山还要多,不重视单词的学习和记忆,英语提升便无从谈起。下面是我整理的,欢迎阅读! 以D开头的高考英语3500词详解   1.daily n. adj. adv. a daily visit be visited daily   The story was in all the dailies.   2.damage v. The storm did / caused great damage to the country.   Smoking seriously damages your health.   3.danger n. How many workers are in danger of losing their jobs?   Doctors said she is now out of danger. Police said the man was a danger to the public. dangerous adj It would be dangerous for you to stay here.   4.dare v. He didnu2019t dare (to) say what he thought.   How dare you 你竟敢 How dare you talk to me like that?   I dare say 我想,很可能 I dare say you know about it already.   5. date n. v. We need to fix a date for the next meeting .   date back to / date from a law dating from the 17th century. make a date   6.dawn n. They start work at dawn.   We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke. He works from dawn till dusk.   7.deal dealt dealt v. deal with对付,应付;解决,处理;涉及,关于   She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.   Have you dealt with these letters yet?   Her poems often deal with the subject of death.   a good/great deal of   They spent a great deal of money. It is a deal. 就这么办吧!   8.◎debt n. 债务,欠款 pay off/clear/repay the debts be in debt 欠债   go/get/run/slip into debt 陷入债务之中   9.decision n. make a decision   10.declare v.公布,宣布;声明,断言   The government has declared a state of emergency.   Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.   He declared that he was in love with her.   declare for 声明支持 declare against 声明反对   11.● decline 拒绝,谢绝,下降   The number of tourists declined by 10%. Her health was declining rapidly.   I offered to give them a lift but they declined with thanks.   12.◎decorate v. 装饰修饰 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品,奖章   decorate A with B 装点,布置 decorate sb. for bravery 因为勇敢授予奖章   13.◎decrease v. (使) 减少,变小 decrease (sth.) to 1000 decrease (sth.) by 10%   14.deed n. do a good deed   15.defeat v. n. a narrow defeat 惜败 a heavy defeat 惨败 admit defeat   He defeated the champion.   16.defend v. We are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.   我们都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。   Troops have been sent to defend the borders. 已派出部队去守卫边疆。   He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.   针对谣言和指控他为妻子进行了辩护。   defence n. Soldiers who died in defence of their country   17.degree n.度数(角); 度数(温度);程度; 学位 an angle of ninety degrees   Water freezes at zero degree. I agree with you to a certain degree.   He has a masteru2019s degree from Harvard.   18.delay v. a delay of two hours a two-hour delay   report it to the police without delay   Thousands of passengers were delayed for over an hour.   delay doing:He delayed telling her news,waiting for the right moment.   19. ● delight 快乐,乐事 to the delight of sb with delight   take(great)delight in doing: He takes great delight in proving others wrong.   The guitar is a delight to play. delight in sth/ doing sth   delighted: be delighted to do/ that/ by/at/ with   He was delighted at the news of the wedding.   20. ● deliver deliver a baby   Do you have your milk delivered?   She is due to deliver a lecture. 安排她做一个演讲。   21.demand v. meet / satisfy oneu2019s demands   in demand Good secretaries are always in demand. I demand to see the manager. I demand that all the books be sent to Tibet.   22. depend v. depend on He was the sort of person you could depend on .   Depend upon it we wonu2019t give up. 请相信我们绝不会放弃。 It / That depends.   23.describe/ description Can you describe him to me? a brief / general description   24. design v. design a car/ a kitchen a badly designed kitchen   be designed for The film is designed for children.   be designed to do The programme is designed to help poor people.   25.desire n. v. we all desire health and happiness. a strong desire for power   26. destroy v. The building was completely destroyed by fire.   27.determine v. determine to do They determined to start early.   be determined to do I am determined to succeed.   determination He fought the illness with courage and determination.   28.develop v.发展,壮大; 疾病开始侵袭;冲洗   She developed the company from nothing. I had the film developed.   Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop a habit   developed / developing/ development with the development of science and technology   29.◎devotion n. 奉献,奉献精神 devote v. 奉献,贡献   oneu2019s devotion to his job devote oneself/ oneu2019s time /oneu2019s energy to sth. /doing sth. be devoted to sth/doing sth   30.diary 日记 n. keep a diary   31. dictation 听写 n. have a dictation   32.◎diet n. 饮食 go/be on a diet 节食   33.different adj. 不同的` A be different from B in sth difference n. 区别   tell the difference between A and B in sth make a / no / some difference to sb/sth The rain didnu2019t make much difference to the game.   34.difficult adj. /difficulty n. have difficulty (in) doing sth have difficulty with 名词   35.dig (dug ,dug ,digging) v.挖;挖掘   dig a hole dig sth up 掘地,平整土地;挖掘出   36.direction n. 方向,指导 in the direction ofu2026朝u2026.方向 in all directions 朝四面八方   under sbu2019s direction 在u2026u2026指导下   37.◎disabled a. 残废的,残疾的 The disabled were sent to the hospital.   38.◎disadvantage advantages and disadvantages take advantage of   have an advantage over 优于u2026   39.◎disagree vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见   disagree with what sb. said disagree on/about sth 就某事达成一致意见   sth disagree with sb 食物天气等使某人身体不适   40.disappoint v. 使u2026..失望 The movie disappointed me.   disappointed / disappointing   be disappointed with /in about /at be disappointed to see/hear/find   a disappointed expression disappointing news   disappointment n. 失望 much to oneu2019s disappointment   be a disappointment to sb   41.◎discount n. 折扣 discount price at a discount 以折扣价   42.● discourage使气馁 discourage sb from doing sth   discouraged discouraging discouragement   43.discover v. / discovery n. make a discovery   44.discuss v. discuss sth with sb   discussion n. under discussion have/ hold a discussion   45.dish n.盘子,餐具 Iu2019ll do the dishes. 我来洗碗。   46.◎dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶 1) dislike doing 2) dislike it + 从句   47. ◎dismiss v. 1) 拒绝考虑 dismiss sth as   He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.   他只是笑笑,就以不实际为由拒绝了我的建议。   2)解雇 dismiss sb for sth dismiss sb. from the post   3) 打发走,解散 The teacher will dismiss the class early today because of the snow .   48.distance n. 距离 distant adj. 远的 in the distance 在远处   at a distance of 数字 隔u2026.距离   49.distinction n. 区别,差别;卓越,优秀   1)make/draw a distinction 区别对待 2)the distinction between A and B   3) of great distinction 卓越的 4)have the distinction of doing sth 有荣誉殊荣做某事   50. distinguish v.区别,辨别 distinguish between A and B =distinguishA from B   51.divide v. 划分;分配;除 ; divide sth up into 把u2026..分成u2026..份   divide sth up between / among sb 在u2026.. 之间均分   The food was divided among all the people。 Nine divided by three is three.   Opinions are divided on the problem.   52.◎divorce 离婚,离异 1) n. get a divorce divorce rate 2) v. get divorced   53.●donate 捐赠,捐献 donate sth to sb/sth   donation: organ donation make a donation to   54.doubt n./ v. 怀疑 I never doubted that she would come.   I doubted whether / if she would come. without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问   there is no doubt about sth   55.downstairs adv.到楼下,在楼下 go downstairs   56.downtown adj. 市中心的; adv.往市中心区 a downtown office go downtown   57.dozen n. 打 2 dozen eggs 2 dozen of these eggs dozens of eggs   sell eggs by the dozen.   58.drag-dragged-dragged 拖,拽 1) drag a leg 2) drag sb down 使某人感到不愉快   59.draw-drew-drawn v.画; 拉,拖;吸引; draw the curtains   draw sbu2019s attention to sth draw a conclusion 得出结论   u2026u2026draw near 临近,接近 Christmas is drawing near.   60.dream n. v. 做梦 dream of/about + n/doing dream a good dream   61.dress n. 衣服 v.穿衣服 She dressed the child in a coat.   She dressed well / badly. be dressed in 状态 get dressed in 动作   dress up 打扮 dress up as Father Christmas   62.drink-drank-drunk n.饮料 v. 喝   drink to 为u2026u2026干杯 Letu2019s drink to the friendship between us.   drunk 喝醉的 drunken 喝醉了的   63. drive v.驾驶, 开车; 驱逐; 迫使 drive a car / taxi drive sb mad   64.drop n.滴 v. 落下; 降低; 倒下 The fruit dropped down from the tree.   The price of sugar will drop soon. drop behind 落在后面   drop in on sb/ at sp 顺便拜访人、地   drop off 下降,减退; 睡着了,打盹   drop out of sth 从u2026..退出,不再参加u2026u2026 He dropped out of politics.   65.drown v. 淹死; (声音)掩盖 a drowning man/ a drowned man   The noise of the train drowned his voice.   66.drug n. 药;毒品 take drugs 吸毒 drug addict 吸毒上瘾的人   67.dry adj.干的 v.弄干 dry up 干涸 ;枯竭,耗尽   68.due adj.到期的,预期的   be due to sb/sth 因为,由于 The teamu2019s success was largely due to her efforts.   be due to do 预期干某事 The next train is due to arrive in five minutes.   The homework is due. ;


  第Ⅱ卷(共 40分)   第四部分 任务型阅读   请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最适当的单词。注意:每空只填一个单词。(满分10分)   Chinau2019s admiration of outstanding scholars has turned the well-preserved childhood home of TuYouyou, the Chinese pharmacologist who won this yearu2019s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, into a popular tourist destination.   Since it was announced on Monday that 84-year-old Tu had become the first Chinese citizen to win the international prize, her former home in the old town of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, has attracted visitors, especially parents and their children-even though it is not open to the public.   The house, which is for sale, is part of a complex of 37 traditional buildings, including several city-and district-level cultural relic preservation sites, that have been transformed into a high-end art and commercial zone.   Tu won the prize for developing a lifesaving malaria drug, artemisinin, a staple of traditional Chinese medicine, which has helped save millions of lives across the globe.   “There are continually parents taking their children, from infants in strollers to college students, to take photos in front of Tuu2019s former home. Security guards have been ordered to go on patrol around the clock,” said a sales person surnamed Zhao, from Ningbo Real Estate Inc Co.   Shanghai resident Xu Lingfei, who was on a trip to Ningbo, took her 9-year-old son to walk around the complex on Wednesday. “Chinese people believe in exams and awards and have a strong preference for high performers. Taking children to visit the former dwelling places of celebrities is a way to inspire them to study harder,” Xu said.   Something similar happened after Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2012.   Tourists started visiting Mou2019s former home in rural Gaomi, Shandong province, in an endless stream starting the day after he won the prize. Some even plucked the radishes planted in front of the house and carted away some bricks.   Another site that has become a bigger tourist attraction these days because of Tuu2019s success is the Luofu Mountain scenic area in Huizhou, Guangdong province, where Ge Hong, a TCM master of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-340) picked herbs, developed herbal medicines and wrote the classic Manual of Clinical Practice and Emergency Remedies.   After winning the Lasker Award in the United States in 2011, Tu said she and her team were inspired by Geu2019s theory to solve the puzzle in getting artemisinin(青蒿素) from the herb Artemisia annual, also known as sweet wormwood.   A garden and a monument on Luofu Mountain celebrate Geu2019s dedication. The mountain is home to 3,000 species of plants, including more than 1,200 with medicinal uses.   第五部分:词汇检测(根据所给的首字母,写出形式和意义都正确的词,每小题1分,共10分)   第一节 新概念III词汇检测:根据所给句义,进行同义缺词填空(首字母已给)(每空一词,每词1分)   76. If the money was not paid in time, the gangsters would quickly make a man go bankruptcy.   If the money was not paid p______, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business.   77. Only the children who are very good at saving money can fill up a money box successfully.   Only very t_______ children manage to fill up a money box.   78. Its wool, whose colour had been changed into black, had been washed clean by rain!   Its wool, which had been d_______ black, had been washed clean by the rain!   79. It has been calculated roughly that the bridge parked with cars would still be carrying a third of its total capacity.   It has been e________ that if the bridge were parked with cars, it would still be carrying a third of its total capacity.   80. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to give a shock to peopleu2019s emotion, but also to give them electric shocks as well!   These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people e________, but to give them electric shocks as well!   第二节 课本词汇考查:根据所给首字母提示, 写出语法和意义上均正确的词。(每空一词,每词1分)   81. Itu2019s recommended that the children under 12 not be p_______ to ride bicycles to school.   82. No matter where I go, my a________ for my hometown will never be changed.   83. Without proper measures a_______ immediately, the flood would have done greater damage to the village.   84. While I have been away for more than a decade, everything here is still quite f________ to me.   85. The study shows that positive leadership could make a big d_______ to employeesu2019 performance.   第六部分: 书面表达(满分20分,150词左右)   书面表达   请阅读下列文字和图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。   When was the last time you had fun with your parents? Your parents are all busy during working days; during the weekends, you may want to hang out with them but they may have to work extra hours. This is not uncommon. In China, both of the parents have their jobs. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. A recent survey done in the US found that more than half of American parents spend less than three hours having fun with their children each week.   As the Daily Mail noted: Families are spending little quality time creating bonds and precious memories together during the week because of the demands of modern life.   【写作内容】   1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;   2. 简要分析父母陪伴孩子的时间越来越少的原因;   3. 结合自己的经历,谈谈父母多陪伴孩子对其孩子的影响。   【写作要求】   1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;   2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;   3. 不必写标题。   参考答案   听力: 1—5 BCBCC 6—10 CBAAA 11—15 CBBCA 16—20 CCAAB?   单选:21-25 ABCAB 26-30 BDDCA 31-35 BCADC   完型:36-40 BDCDA 41-45 CADCB 46-50 CADAB   阅读:51-53 CDC 54-57 CBDA 58-61 BDDC 62-65 CADB   完形填空解析   本文主要讲述了跑到农场来的大黑狗Kalu是如何一步步深得主人翁一家喜爱的。   36题:由上文我的愤怒和下文对父亲的责怪可知,大黑狗应该是毁了我们的庄稼,故选B.   37题:上文说大黑狗不断的出现在农场,它应该是想让我们收养它,故选D。   38题:由上一段的最后一句和该空后面的内容,便知此处为转折,故选C。   39题:该句是父亲对此事的假设,如果当时不收养它,那我们现在就没有狗了,故选D。   40题:根据空后所讲的它会放下一切东西去追赶,可知当它发现了一只老鼠时,故选A。   41题:从后面的它像一个警觉的卫兵可以知道,任何风吹草动,它都会叫,故选C。   42题:由空后面的more aggressive可知,该空需要一个系动词,意为“变”故选A。   43题:之前我和父亲并没有听到有人说话,而此时突然有人在呼救,故选D。   44题:从下文我设法把Kalu拖开可知,它应该是把这个人按在了地上,pin名词为“别针”,此处为动词,表示将此人死死按在地上,故选C。   45题:由于是发生在夜晚的事,故应该是消失在黑夜中,故选B。   46题:as 此处表示“当u2026时候”,引导的是时间状语从句,故选C。   47题:经过此事后,它在我们家更受欢迎了,故选A。   48题:七年来,它都忠实地和我们生活在一起,故选D。   49题:听到它死的消息,我们应该是非常震惊,难以接受,故选A。   50题:此处表达尽管后来我们还养了好几只狗,但没有一只能和它相比,与此相当,故选B。   A篇   本文讲了谷歌无人驾驶汽车的研发及其运行方式。   51细节题 Pictures of the Google vehicle show it looks like a city car with a “friendly” face, designed to make it seem non-threatening and help people accept self-driving technology. 可知答案为C   52,细节题,答案D,包含A,B,C。   53,主旨大意题 A,B, D 都是片面的。C,Self-driving cars are on the way.可以概括全文。   B篇   本文主要讲述了人们对叙利亚难民进入美国一事所持有的态度。   54题:选C,主旨大意题。纵观全文即可得出C选项是正确的。A, B选项过于片面,从文章的最后一行便知D本身是错误说法。   55题:选B,主旨大意题。根据文章对Radwan Jarrouj的描述,可以知道该部分主要说明了应该“谨慎进行”叙利亚难民工作,故选B。其它三个选项过于片面。   56.题:选D,猜测词意题。由该句中的however可知,前后两句意思发生转折,本句讲他记起了9.11事件(该事件是恐怖分子所为,给美国民众造成了巨大的伤害),所以他对于那些政客们对此事的担忧应该表示理解,而不是赞同,故选D。   57题:选A,细节理解题。文章倒数第二段第三行的but heu2019s doesnu2019t see any upside to accepting Syrian refugees.是他的观点,从紧接着他的解释“If we were to find out tomorrow that 1,000 people are coming into the Lehigh Valley next week, people are going to think, u2018Well, what if one of them was an ISIS terrorist who got through the cracks?u2019 ”便知。   C篇   本文由新加坡国父李光耀的去世,讲述了李光耀立国治国以及帮助新加坡从一个穷国到亚洲金融中心的故事,同时多渠道引用大量的对李光耀的各种评价。   58,细节理解题 其中的high taxes, otheru2019s aid 原文没有提到。答案B   59,推理总结题,答案为D 文中第四段 Lee oversaw Singaporeu2019s independence from Britain and separation from Malaysia.A New York Times article says that Lee saw himself in a never-ending struggle to overcome the nationu2019s lack of natural resources, a potentially hostile international environment and a unstable ethnic mix of Chinese, Malays and Indians.以及段第六段 Lee was famous for his “Singapore model”, sometimes criticized by the West as soft authoritarianism(独裁主义), including centralized power, clean government and economic liberalism   可以得到他是far-sighted, determined, innovative   60,答案为D   A选项表述不准确, one of postwar Asiau2019s most respectable and controversial politicians,   B 选项由Lee was famous for his “Singapore model”, sometimes criticized by the West as soft authoritarianism(独裁主义), 是错误的   C选项由Leeu2019s sharp intellect meant his advice was sought by US presidents from Lyndon B Johnson to Barack Obama,可知是错误的。   D选项综合表达了全文。   61,答案C, 综合引用各种对李光耀的是非功过的评价。   D篇   本文主要讨论了在利比亚一个10岁孩子感染病毒可能存在的途径以及研究表明这种病毒暂留于幸存者的精液之中。   62题:选C,细节理解题。从第三段第一句Itu2019s still unclear how the boy became infected便知。根据文章第一句可知A是错的;C选项中的only one case文章没有提及;从第二段最后一句可知D是错误的。   63题:选A,推理判断题。从第三段的He also said that his office believes this case is linked to what he calls “persistence(暂留)of the virus” in the semen of male Ebola survivors.可知他认为小男孩感染和男性精液中的病毒残留有关系,故选A。   64题:细节理解题。从文章第五段The concern is that they continue to be sources of the deadly virus. Doctors have found Ebola staying in the eyes and spinal fluid of some survivors.可知人们关注的是这些幸存者体内仍然存留有埃博拉病毒,也就是说他们是病毒携带者,故选D。   65题:选B,推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段可知:西非现在有大量的幸存者,而上文有讲到幸存者体内有这种病毒的残留,所以可以推测B是正确的。由倒数第三段第一句可知A是错误的;由倒数第三段第三句可知C是错误的;D是原文的再现,不是推论。   任务型阅读:   66. attraction 67. Phenomenon 68. condition 69. Reasons 705delivered/made   71. killed/claimed 72. inspiration 73. example/case 74. continually 75. thanks/due/owing   任务型阅读答案详解   66,由第一段 popular tourist destination,可知attraction。   67,综合第一段,由于屠呦呦获奖而产生的源源不断旅游参观故居的现象。   68,well-preserved 转换为 in good condition   69,产生的原因   70, make/deliver an announcement 固定搭配   71 kill/claim oneu2019s life 固定搭配   72,Taking children to visit the former dwelling places of celebrities is a way to inspire them to study harder," Xu said. 词性转化 inspiration.   73, 列举了莫言例子所以 case/example 均可   74,in an endless stream starting the day after he won the prize. Some even plucked the radishes planted in front of the house and carted away some bricks. 所以可填continually   75, because of = due/thanks/owing to   单词拼写:76.promptly, 77.thrifty, 78.dyed, 79.estimated, 80.emotionally   81.permitted, 82.affection, 83.adopted, 84.familiar, 85.difference   Suggested version:   Nowadays, it is not uncommon that parents spend little time accompanying their children, which may result from the demands of modern life and some other reasons.   There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon. First, in contemporary society parents are facing more stress from living and work than before, so they have to spend most of their time making money. In addition, parents today are more easily distracted by various electronic products when keeping their children company.   Take my own experience for example. Once upon a time, I got into trouble in my studies. It was my parentsu2019 company and comfort that had a great effect on my regaining self-confidence. Plain and peaceful as it was, this experience left an unforgettable impression on me, which is of great significance to my growth.   To conclude, itu2019s vital for parents to spend more time with their children. However busy parents are, they should afford their time to accompany their children.(158)


point是用手指示的意思,pointing across the bay to a shabby old house是说:手指着月桂树/港湾那边的一个破旧不堪的房子。pull up这里是停下车或马。We soon pull up by the house and I tell her what it was like here是说:我们在房子旁边停下(车或马)来,我告诉她这里的情况。


高考英语阅读理解旨在考查考生的知识和能力,顾名思义,阅读主要是获取信息,是理解的前提和手段;理解是分析、加工和处理信息,是阅读的目的和结果。阅读理解通过不同的体裁,如记叙文,描述文、说明文、议论文、应用文等,和不同的题材,如科普知识、天文地理、人物传记、仁人轶事、哲理小品、科技教育、风土人情、广告宣传、新闻报道、体育赛事、历史文化、人间百态等,全面考查考生记忆、识别、换算、判断推理、逻辑思维、分析归纳、概括总结等能力。本文介绍几种常用的阅读方法,然后附上练习,并给出解题思路。 一、阅读理解的方法 1.略读法(skimming) 2.查阅法(scanning) 考生在回答具体信息时,通常不需要阅读整篇文章,而只需要找出可能包括所需要的信息部分,然后加以阅读就行,这种方法就是查阅法。查阅法主要用于获得具体的信息,回答具体的问题,即测试中的细节问题,它常常与5w"s和1h(who,what,when,where,why和how)有关,有时又跟具体的数字有联系,如长度、宽度、高度、距离、大小、尺寸等。考生在使用查阅法时,应该注意文章结构和顺序的排列,文章结构有的是按时间顺序排列,有的是按空间顺序排列,有的是按逻辑顺序排列。弄清楚文章的排列顺序能帮助考生在阅读和回答问题时做到高效省时、准确无误。要注意提高阅读的速度和解题效率,考生应该学会用眼睛扫读的本领,在最短的时间内找到所需的信息,要把注意力集中在所需信息直接相关的词语上,这样可以迅速作出正确的选择。 3.根据上下文判断词义法(contextual meaning of words) 考生应该平时有意识地积累英语单词,没有一定量的英语单词作基础和保障,英语的听、说、读、写、译等技能都无从谈起。考生平时可以根据“词离法”,把一个生词放在具体的语境中记忆,可以使用转换法(conversion:同一个单词可能同时有名词、动词、形容词、副词等词性)、词缀法(affixation:在某个单词前面或后面加一些词缀,可能改变单词的词性和词义,使之成为一个新单词)、派生法(derivation)、合成法(compounding)等记忆英语单词,也可以从影视广播和报刊杂志中获得英语词汇。 考生在考试的时候,可根据上下文,利用定义、重述、对比、举例和逻辑推理等方式推断单词的意思。例如: (1)a satellite is a machine which goes around the earth to relay communication signals over long distance。 此句中satellite是一个围绕地球转动,能够接收传递远距离通讯信号的机器(或装置),据此可判断satellite是卫星。 (2)i am a resolute man once i set up a goal,i won"t give it up easily 此处后面的句子的意思:一旦我设定了一个目标,我就不会轻易地放弃,由此推断“我”是一个“刚毅”的人。 (3)he is very dependable,but his brother is untrustworthy。 “but”在此句中明确暗示了前后的对比关系,dependable“可靠的”,那么“untrustworthy”肯定是“不可靠的,不可信任的”。 (4)doctors suggest that everyone should exercise every day,especially those who spend hours doing sedentary activities like reading,typing or sewing。 此句中的“sedentary”的意思可以从跟like后面的“reading,typing,sewing”中轻易地猜出是“坐着做的”意思。 阅读理解是全面考查考生综合运用英语进行交际和获取信息的能力,它是一个渐近的过程,需要经过一定阶段的积累才能达到得心应手的境界。因此,考生平时扩大自己的阅读量,广泛地进行课外阅读,不断地开拓自己的视野,丰富自己的知识。 二、练习 阅读下面短文,并从a,b,c,d四个答案中找出正确的答案。 archimedes was a famous greek mathematician and scientist he was born around 287 bc and he died in the year 212 bc. archimedes is most well-known for one specificidea that he came up with “archimedes"s principle”states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves for example,if you put a piece of wood and a piece of gold the same size in water,only the wood will float both the wood and gold move the same amount of water,but the wood weighs less than this water,while the gold weighs more。 it is believed that archimedes discovered this principle when the king of syracuse asked him to solve a problem .the king wanted to know if his crown(王冠)was pure gold or a mixture of gold and silver the king,of course,did not want to melt his crown to find out the idea came to archimedes as he lowered himself into his bath he noticed how the water spilled out of the tub he decided to use the same idea for the crown he knew that a gold crown immersed in water would weigh more than one made of silver the experiment was done and the goldsmith was proved guilty of trying to cheat the king。 1.a good title for the selection is ______ a.archimedes b.archimedes"s principle c.a gold and silver crown d.the king of syracuse 2.the word “immersed”in the second paragraph means“_______” a.raised b.lifted c.under water d.rose 3.we drop a piece of metal into a jar full of water,the metal will float if it weighs less than_______ a.an equal amount of gold b.the water that leaves the jar c.all the water in the jar now d.an equal amount of silver 4.from this selection we may conclude that the king"s crown______ a.moved more water than pure gold of the same weight b.moved less water than pure gold of the same weight c.moved more water than pure gold of the same size d.moved less water than pure gold of the same size 5.the following sentences tell what happened many years ago which is the right order of the events? a.achimedes took a bath b.archimedes discovered his principle c.the king of syracuse asked him to solve a problem d.archimedes did the experiment on his crown a.b;c;a;d; b.c;a;b;d; c.c;a;d;b; d.b;c;d;a; 答案与提示 1.b,主旨大意题,这是一篇历史人物介绍与科普知识相结合的文章。本文第一段简要介绍了阿基米德的职业与生卒年月,第二、三段大篇幅内容是介绍了阿基米德定律及其发现的经过。选项a所包括的时空太大,选c、d都与选项b有密切联系,但包含的内容不及b项,故排除a、c、d三项,b为正确答案。 2.c,猜测词义题。在文章第二段开头解释了阿基米德定律,一个浸在水中的物体被水托起的力(f)等于这个物体排开水的重量(g),即关系式f浮= ρ水 gv排=g物。从这句话中,我们可以猜测到“immersed”在句中的含义应该是“浸在水中”,故选c项。如果考生懂一点英语词汇构词法就很容易选c答案,因为“im-”意思是“inside”,“-merse”意思是“go down,lay down”。 3.b,判断推理题。从文章第二段最后几句话的例子中可以看出,物体的质量如果小一于它浸入水中后排开的水的质量,它就会浮起来;反之则没入水中。故选b项。 4.a,判断推理题。从文章第三段倒数第二句可知,一个纯金的王冠浸入水中要比合金重,也就是说,质量相同的合金王冠体积要大,排开的水要多一些。国王新做的王冠是合金的,若质量相同,体积必定增加,排开的水自然要多。故选a项。 5.c,排序题。此题是要求按照逻辑先后顺序排序,最初应该是国王请阿基米德解决一个问题判断王冠的真假,后来阿基米德在浴池洗澡的时候,发现浴池的水溢出来了,这一现象引发了他的思考,接着他用自己的冠鼎做实验,最后发现了这一定律。


One possible version:Dear Editor,As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house. These books have many advantages. One of them is that we can find a variety of topics, such as science, culture and history. These topics, I think, are very popular with us students. What"s more, along with the texts there are many beautiful and colorful pictures, which can help us understand English better. Even the students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. However, some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us. Therefore, I"d like to suggest changing them into easier ones.Best regards,Li Hua

高考英语作文:我的梦之家 (My Dream House)

  my dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. there are two yards in the villa. the front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. there is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming. on the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate.   on the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch tv and enjoy entertainments. on the left there is a computer room and a study belonging to me. on the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. the villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors. well, that is my dream house.

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物

《高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 Greek gift 别有用心的礼物 汉语中有句俗语“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心”,仔细一想,倒与英语中的Greek gift(存心害人的礼物)颇有异曲同工之处。 Greek gift直译为“希腊人的礼物”,源于著名的the battle for Troy(特洛伊战争)。因这场“美人战”,流传下来的短语还真不少,先是an apple of discord(不和之因)埋下战争祸根,再之Helen of Troy成了“倾国倾城”甚或“害人精”的代名词,而后the Trojan Horse(木马计)被看做“奸细”的同义语,而Greek gift实质上指的就是这只“攻破特洛伊的u2018希腊木马u2019”。 希腊人攻特洛伊久攻不下,最后使出“木马计”——由20名希腊勇士藏进木马里,全体希腊将士随后伪装撤退,木马则被置于特洛伊城外。特洛伊人误认为希腊人已经败退,大开城门,看到城外的巨大木马,以为这是希腊人敬神的“祭品”,就把它当作战利品拖进城来。不想,到半夜,木马里的希腊人与城外大军里应外合,一举摧毁了特洛伊城。 看到这儿,您该明白了,Greek gift(希腊人的礼物)确实不是什么好东西。看来,收礼物时,可真得堤防那些“存心害人的礼物”! 看下面一个例句:He is always buying you expensive clothes,Iu2019m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.(他总是给你买昂贵的衣服,我怕他别有用心。) 中国日报网站 《高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

2018年高考英语北京卷 - 阅读理解B

Find Your Adventure at the Space and Aviation Center 来航空航天中心探险 If you"re looking for a unique adventure, the Space and Aviation Center (SAC) is the place to be. The Center offers programs designed to challenge and inspire with hands-on tasks and lots of fun. 如果你正在寻找一次独特的冒险,航空航天中心(Space and Aviation Center,SAC)就是你的理想之地。该中心提供的课程旨在通过动手任务和丰富的乐趣来挑战和激发灵感。 More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC, with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions. They come to camp, wanting to know what it is like to be an astronaut or a pilot, and they leave with real-world applications for what they"re studying in the classroom. 超过75万人从SAC毕业,其中许多人正在寻求工程、航空、教育、医学和其他各种职业的就业机会。他们来到夏令营,想知道当宇航员或飞行员的感觉,然后带着教室里要学习的真实世界的应用离开。 For the trainees, the programs also offer a great way to earn merit badges. At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they build and fire model rockets, learn about space tasks and try simulated flying to space with the crew from all over the world. The Aviation Challenge program gives trainees the chance to earn their Aviation badge. They learn the principles of flight and test their operating skills in the cockpit of a variety of flight simulators. Trainees also get a good start on their Wilderness Survival badge as they learn about water- and land-survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of "downed" pilot. 对于学员来说,这些课程还提供了一种获得荣誉徽章的好方法。 在太空营,学员可以通过建造和发射火箭模型,学习太空任务,尝试模拟和来自全世界的机组人员一起太空飞行来获得太空探索徽章。航空挑战课程为学员提供了获得航空徽章的机会。他们学习飞行原理,并在驾驶舱内通过各种飞行模拟器测试操作技能。学员还可以通过设计任务以及对“坠落”飞行员的搜索营救来学习水陆生存技能,这为获得野外生存徽章开了个好头。 With all the programs, teamwork is key as trainees learn the importance of leadership and being part of a bigger task. 在所有的课程中,团队合作是关键,学员会了解到领导的重要性,并成为更大任务的组成部分。 All this fun is available for ages 9 to 18. Families can enjoy the experience together, too, with Family Camp programs for families with children as young as 7. 所有这些乐趣适用于9至18岁的青少年。家庭也可以一起享受这种体验,为有7岁孩子的家庭提供家庭营课程。 Stay an hour or stay a week — there is something here for everyone! 逗留一小时或逗留一周——这里适合每个人! For more details, please visit us online at www.oursac.com . 更多详细信息,请访问我们的网站 www.oursac.com 。


就是11年上海高考的英语听力试题。Section A1. W: It"s nice of you to come here to pick me up, Mr. Smith.M: Don"t mention it. How was the flight?Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?2. W: I wonder if there is a service charge for our meal.M: I think so. The menu said the service charge is 10%.Q: How much is the service charge if the food costs 50 dollars?3. M: Here is your room key and the checkout time is 12 noon.W: Thanks for reminding me.Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?4. W: Sorry, sir. We are working on your order right now and we"ll be delivering it soon.M: Soon? How soon is soon?Q: How does the man feel?5. M: Hi, Jane. It"s been ages. You haven"t changed a bit!W: Except for the hair!Q: What does the woman mean?6. W: OK, Mathew. Time for bed.M: But mom, the talent show is starting in 5 minutes.Q: What does the man mean?7. M: Hi, Jenny. How are you getting on with your packing?W: I"m still deciding what to take with me.Q: What can we learn about Jenny?8. M: Everybody is here except John. Shall we start the meeting?W: If we wait for John. We might be here all night.Q: What does the woman mean?9. M: I"m glad you are finally moving.W: I can"t tell you how happy I am. I won"t have to listen to my neighbor"s TV.Q: What can we learn about the woman?10. M: Oh, we left our road map at home.W: Well, since we haven"t gone very far. We might as well just turn around.Q: What will the speakers probably do?Section BBlank 11-13 are based on the following Passage.The Common Wealth is a group of 54 countries. The member states all use English as a common working language and have similar legal and education systems, but represent nearly every religion, race and political system on the planet. The Common Wealth is active in a huge number of areas such as health and economics. The heads of government meeting is held every two years where the leaders of the member states get together to discuss current issues. Common Wealth Day is held in the second week of March every year when Common Wealth"s citizens, particularly children, have a chance to celebrate their friendship. The Common Wealth also holds sporting and arts events. There is an annual writer"s price and a yearly arts and crafts competition. Perhaps the most well-known event sponsored by organization is the Common Wealth games, which is held every four years in one of the member countries. The games have gained another name, the friendly games because of their reputation for good-natured competitiveness.Q: 11. What do the member states of the Common Wealth have in common?12. What do people do on Common Wealth Day according to the passage?13. What is the passage mainly about?Blank 14-16 are based on the following speech.There is a popular belief that a college education is something to be endured in order to become qualified to obtain certain kinds of jobs or to go to graduate school. This is not what we are trying to do at Harvard. The most obvious goal of a college educationer is to give knowledge, but it is far from the most important. Remarkably few of the facts you learn here will remain in your memory for many years, and some of those that do might be proved false by new knowledge. At Harvard, we have looked to other things we can give that will last a little longer. Among these things are certain habits of mind, such as the ability to have more critical analysis, to make more accurate and logical use of information and so forth. In addition to these habits of thought, it is our hope that we can help you develop certain attitudes of mind like a willingness to accept uncertainty and the lack of definite truth. Beyond providing these qualities, a college education should try to lay a foundation for the creative use of leisure time which can be cultivated in the classroom. Yet, the cultivation of this ability will also occur outside of the classroom. For example, on sports fields, in music rooms, and so on.Q:14. Which of the following is regarded as the most important at Harvard?15. Which quality mentioned below can be cultivated both inside and outside the classroom?16. What is the speech mainly about?Section CBlank 17-20 are based on the following conversation.W: Good morning! Green Sense. Can I help you?M: Hello, my name is Mary White and I want to complain about a sea food restaurant.W: OK, can I take down your telephone number?M: My phone number is 655038.W: Good! So what would you like to complain about?M: Actually two things. First, the restaurant dumps its rubbish on the street and you can imagine what that attracts—rats!W: Right! I"ve got that! And the second problem?M: The restaurant doesn"t put bottles and cans in recycling bins. It"s not responsible.W: Got it! What"s the address of the sea food restaurant?M: It"s 449 Shanghai Street.W: OK! We"ll look into it and call you back.M: Thank you. Goodbye!Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blank 21-24 are based on the following conversation.W: What"s the article about?M: It"s basically about memory. And it says you"ve got three memories: short term, medium term and long term.W: Um…M: They say that short term memory lasts only a few seconds. So you just sort of read something and you remember the beginning of the sentence just until you get to the end of the sentence.W: Um…M: And then medium term memory. The example they give is something like trying to remember that you"ve got to buy bread.W: Like a sort of a shopping list of things to do?M: Yeah! After you buy bread, you don"t need to store that memory. So it"s erased.W: Just sort of a day-to-day management.M: Eh…then long-term memory. They are talking about the major events that happen in your life such as your wedding.W: And you never forget them.M: Yeah…I suppose so. Permanent memory.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.【参考答案】01—05. BAABA 06—10. CDCDC 11—13. CDD 14— 16. CBA17. 655038 18. seafood 19. rubbish 20. recycling21. a few seconds 22. a shopping list 23. Major events 24. is permanent


70单词,范文10篇(希望能对楼主有所帮助)一:THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱.我认为这是不对的.为什么?因为我们大家都知道我们能够用工作赚钱,但无论如何却无法把时间争取回来.基于此种理由,我们可以说时间比钱钱更宝贵.许多人不知爱惜时光.这确实是可惜的.我们必须记住浪费时间等于浪费生命.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------二:WHY SHOULD WE STUDY ENGLISH 为什么我们要学英文If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.如果你要问我们为什么我们要学英文.我的答复很简单明了.现在让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面:英文已成为一种国际语言.如果你通晓它,你可以环游世界不会被人误解.大多数有价值的书籍,报纸和杂志都是用英文写的.如果你希望获得知识,你必须学习英文.三:MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼.母亲给我准备一个茶会.我邀请他们都前来参加.茶会下午六点半开始.有冷饮和点心.我们又吃又谈又笑.我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人.时间过得很快.转瞬间,墙上的钟敲九点了.我们不得不互道再见.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------四:HOW TO SPEND SUNDAYS 如何消度星期日Some of us always spend Sundays aimlessly. We can seldom derive profits from the valuable hours (time) of Sundays. This is indeed a great pity. Though Sundays are set aside as a day for rest, we must make good use of them.We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient. We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books. In this way we will increase our knowledge. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies.我们许多人终是把星期日毫无目的地消度掉.这确实是十分可惜.我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处.虽然星期日是被指定为一个休息的日子,但是我们却应好好利用它.我们知道我们学校的功课通常是不够的.我们应时常利用星期日来阅读参考书.如此我们的知识就会增加了.此外,我们必须从事运动或郊游以便强壮我们的身体.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------五:HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY 诚为上策There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty.What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy.英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”.它说明了诚的重要性.诚的益处是什么?如果你对他人诚实,他们也会对你诚实作为报答.当你忧悉的时候,他们会安慰你.当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你.无法在这里数述不诚实的害处.一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌.六:HOW EXERCISE HELPS 运动的利益If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different k


b 1、base与basis 这两个词在作名词时可表示"基础;基地",但其意义是不同的。base用来指某物体的具体"基础"或底部的"支柱"。 例如:we camped at the base of the mountain.我们在山脚下扎营。 our company"s base is in new york , but we have extended many branches all around the world.我们公司的总部设在纽约,但是分公司遍及全世界。 而basis则用来表示抽象意义上的"基础",常用于比喻句。 what"s the basis of your opinion?你的意见的根据是什么? we are willing to develop economic relations with all countries on the basis of mutual benefits.我们愿意在互利互惠的原则下同各国发展经济关系。 2、be about to这个短语与"be to do","be going to do"两个短语都可用来表示"将要做某事,但含义和用法有所不同。be about to 从时间上来讲,等于be just going to do,意思是"即将,马上就要去做"。因此,在由这个短语构成的句子中,一般不可再加上表示时间的状语(如at once, next) 例如:i am about to leave for shanghai.我将要去上海。 be to do主要表示安排或计划要在将来做的事情,它还可以表示命令等语气,相当于should, must 等。它可以同将来的时间状语连用。 例如:the us president bill clinton is to visit japan next week.美国总统比尔?克林顿将于下周访日。the letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须面交他本人。 be going to do 一般可以和be to do 换用,它在通常情况下表示计划,安排或准备去做某事的意向,但并不一定马上去做。它一般都与时间状语连用;此外,它还可以用来表示某种推断或可能性。 例如:what are you going to do for your holiday?假期有什么打算吗?it"s going to rain soon, look at those black clouds.看那些乌云,快要下雨了。 3、beat; hit; strike这三个词都有"打;击;敲"的意思,但仔细分辩,还是有其各自的用法。beat 表示"连续不断地打击";尤其指心脏的跳动。hit表示"撞击"(尤指一次性的)或命中(目标)。而strike除了与hit同义外,还可以理解为划(火柴);给人深刻印象等。 例如:the man looked dead but his heart was still beating.这个人看上去已经死了,可心脏还在跳动。he hit the ball so hard that it went over the wall.他使劲地击球,结果球越过了墙。 she struck (or: hit) him hard on the head with a vase.她用一只花瓶使劲地往他头上一敲。 he went in, struck a match and lit a candle to give light. 他进屋,划了根火柴并点燃了蜡烛照亮了房间。the foreigner was deeply stricken by the beauty of the west lake.外宾对西湖之美印象极深。 4、before long; long before这两个词组只是在顺序上有所颠倒,其含义却完全不同。before long = soon ,表示"不久以后"。 例如:i hope you will be back before long.我希望你不久就回来。 而long before = long time ago很久以前, 例如:i saw that american film long before.我很久以前就看过那部美国电影了。 有时long before后面可以跟一个句子,这时候before是连词,引出一句时间状语,表示"在…… 前很久"的意思。 例如:he had been a party member long before he came to our school.他到我们学校来之前早就是一个党员了。 5、begin这个词看来再普遍不过了,但它用于某些词组时,其意思就会有所不同,让我们看一下: 1.begin by 作"先(做某事)"解。 例如: i must begin by telling you about the factory itself. 我先给你们谈一谈工厂本身。 2.begin with它的意思是以…开始。 例如:knowledge begins with practice.知识从实践开始。 3.to begin with 1). 首先we can"t go. to begin with, it"s too cold. besides, we"ve no money.我们不能去。首先天太冷。此外,我们没有钱。 2). 开始时to begin with, they had little support but later on people began to trust them.开始时支持他们的人很少,但后来人们开始信任他们了。 6、believe与believe in。 believe作及物动词时,其后可跟名词,表示相信的意思;后接从句时表示认为。 例如:i don"t believe his story.我不相信他所说的。i believe he told us the truth.我认为他告诉我们的是真的。 而believe in是一个动介型短语动词,这时believe是不及物动词,一起表示信任即trust" 的意思。 例如:she doesn"t believe in god.她不信奉上帝。 they believe in astrology and let it rule their lives completely.他们相信占星术并且由它来绝对支配他们的生活。 believe与believe in的后面均可接人的名词或代词,但其意义不同。试比较:i believe in him. (= i trust him.) 我信任他。i believe him. (= i believe what he says.)我相信他的话。 7、beside与besides 8、blow up与blow out。 9、break into与break in10、burn out与burn up 11、but do与but to do12、by heart与at heart 13、by turns与in turn。 14、by chance与by any chance。 15、but for与but that。 我们的论坛,还有更多b打头的英文单词详解。希望我们今天的努力,成就您明日的辉煌。

高考英语高分作文:如何通过遣词造句 写出亮点



高考英语词汇整理之cut短语用法详解   1. cut sb sth 为某人切某物。   如:Cut me some pineapple. 给我切几片菠萝吧。   He cut me a slice of bread. 他为我切了一块面包。   注:该句型也可转换为:   Cut some pineapple for me.   He cut a slice of bread for me.   2. cut sth into sth 把某物切成某物。   如:First cut the meat into small pieces. 先把肉切成小块。   He cut the apple into halves. 他把它切成了两半。   注:若指分为两半,可说成 cut sth into halves 或 cut sth in half。   3. cut down   (1) 砍倒。   如:They cut down the big tree. 他们把这棵大树砍倒了。   (2) 削减,压缩,应该在一切方面减少开支。   You"d better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。   4. cut inin   (1) 插入,插话。   如:Don"t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。   He kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们谈话时他老是插话。   注:cut in on sth 有时可说成 cut into sth, 如上面第二句也可说成:He kept cutting into our conversation.   (2) 插队,超车。   如:He cut in at the head of the line. 他在队伍的前面插队。   He cut in at the head of the line. The car overtook me and then cut in on me. 那辆小车超了我的"车,然后插在我前面。   5. cut off 切断,隔断,断绝。   如:We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。   The flood cut the villagers off from the rest of the world. 洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。   6. cut out 剪成,戒掉。   如:I must cut out smoking. 我必须戒烟。   The rain and wind have cut out a deep valley. 风雨侵蚀出了一条深谷。 ;


2013高考英语高频词汇解析, 无 为大家进行详细的整理,希望考生能够有所收获。 【句子】   Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests.   黄菊花通常令人生厌,它挤走不那么顽强的植物,并找来很多害虫。   【解析】   1.annoy   1)v.使恼怒;使烦恼;骚扰   Some peoples" daily mission is to annoy you!   一些人的日常使命就是骚扰你!   2)annoy的词汇搭配   ~+名词   annoy the enemy 骚扰敌人   副词+~   excessively annoy 极度恼怒   greatly annoy 非常烦恼   much annoy 很生气   ~+介词   be annoyed about 为…感到烦恼   be annoyed at 为…而生气   be annoyed beyond measure 生气极了   be annoyed by the neighbours 受邻居打扰   be annoyed with 对(某人)生气   3)annoy的用法   ①后面可以接that从句   She is annoyed that he has not answered her letter.   他没有给她回信使她很恼怒。   ②annoy的基本意思是“打扰,干扰”,引申可作“使烦恼,使恼怒”解,强调经常的、不断的干扰、激怒或苦恼。只用作及物动词,其后多接名词、代词作宾语。   ③annoy表示“因…而生气”时,常用于be ~ed 结构。be annoyed后常接介词at, by, with,介词with之后一般只接人;be annoyed之后还常接动词不定式或that从句。   2.weed   1)n.杂草;野草   The garden is choked with weeds.   花园杂草丛生。   2)vi.除草;清除;淘汰   Tomorrow I have to weed the garden.   我明天得给花园除草。   3.crowd用法   1)用作名词,是集合名词。作主语时,谓语用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体成员)均可。   The crowd moves on, and no one tries to stop it.   人群向前移动,谁也没试图阻止。   2)用作动词,表示“聚集”、“挤满”,可用作及物或不及物动词。   Shoppers crowded the streets.   买东西的人挤满了大街。   3)派生形容词 crowded 意为“拥挤的”。   crowded trains (hotels, roads, shops)   拥挤的火车(旅馆,道路,商店)   但是,汉语的“拥挤的交通”不能直译为 crowded traffice, 而是用 busy [heavy] traffic。   4.act重要短语   1)act as (临时)担任,充当,起……的作用   A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.   经过训练的狗可以担任盲人的向导。   2)act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事   Please act for me during my absence.   我不在时请代理我处理事务。   3)act out (用手势和语言)表演出来   Let"s act out the story of the three bears once more.   让我们再把这三只熊的故事表演一次吧。[heavy] traffic。   4) act on (upon) 对……起作用,对……有效   Alcohol acts on the nervous system.   酒精对人的神经系统有影响。[heavy] traffic。   5) in the act (of) 当场,正在动作时   He was caught in the act (of reading my private letters).   他(在读我的私信时)被当场抓住。   【练习】   1、The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported _____ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race. (07辽宁)   A breaking B having broken   C to have broken D to break


  Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets.   长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国Kennel Club却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养。     【解析】   1.hunt   1)v.狩猎;打猎;搜索   The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden.   猎人和我把动物赶出花园。   2)n.狩猎;追捕;搜寻   The dog was trained to the hunt.   这只狗受过狩猎训练。   3)pursue,follow,chase,hunt,trace,track,trail简单辨析   这些动词均含“跟随、追踪”之意。   pursue指坚持不懈、毫不动摇地紧跟、追赶某人、某物或某个事业。   follow普遍用词,含义最广,多指跟随起引导作用的人或物,跟随的动机可以是善意的,也可能是恶意的。   chase指快速追赶或决心追踪,褒义贬义均可用。   hunt原义为“追猎、猎取”,现用于指追捕或搜寻逃犯等。   trace指根据线索或足迹进行跟踪。用于抽象意义时指找到某事物的根源。   track指沿着人或动物留下的印迹或行迹追踪。   trail一般指跟踪追击。   2.consider做动词的用法   1)作"思考"、"考虑"(=think about)解,后面可接动名词、由"how, what等+动词不定式"或者从句作宾语.但要特别注意,consider后面不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语   He has never considered how to solve the problem.   他从未考虑过如何解决那个问题。   2)consider还可作"顾虑到"、"顾及"、"体谅"(=take into account)解。这时其后用名词或动名词作宾语。   All of you should consider the feelings of other people.   你们必须顾及到他人的感情。   3)作"认为"、"以为"、"觉得"(=be of the opinion, regard as)解时,后面多接宾语从句,这时一般不接动名词作宾语。   I consider that he is fit for the position of the manager.   我认为他胜任经理的位置。   4)固定结构"consider... as/ to be+名词/形容词"多侧重于表示经过思考"认为……是……"。   We consider his suggestion as having possibilities.   我们认为他的建议具有可行性。   3.primarily   1)adv.主要地;起初地   I am primarily interested in history.   我主要对历史感兴趣。   2)mainly,chiefly,greatly,largely,mostly,primarily,principally,generally辨析   这些副词均可表示“主要地、大量地”之意。   mainly指主要部分,突出在一系列事物中的相对重要性。   chiefly侧重某人或某物在众多的人或物中占主要和显著地位。   greatly通常强调程度的高。   largely着重范围或分量大大超过别的成分。   mostly强调数量占多半,近乎全部。   primarily侧重基本地,首要地。   principally侧重居首要地位。   generally通常强调普遍性。     【练习】   1.Not until he retired from teaching three years ago ______ having a holiday abroad. (2012陕西)   A. he had considered B. had he considered   C. he considered D. did he consider


《高中英语语法-常考词语的固定搭配2》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 常考词语的固定搭配2 take one"s time 不急不忙,从容进行 keep in touch 保持联系 keep track 通晓事态,注意动向 lose track 失去联系 make use of 利用 put to use 使用,利用 give way 让路,让步 lead the way 带路,引路 make one"s way 前进,进行 make way 让路,开路 keep one"s word 遵守诺言 第十七组 act on 作用 appeal to 呼吁,要求 attempt at 企图,努力 attitude to/towards 态度,看法 a great/good deal of 大量(的),许多(的) influence on 影响 interference in 干涉 interference with 妨碍,打扰 第十八组 introduce to 介绍 a lot (of) 许多(的),大量(的) lots of 大量,很多 fall in love with 相爱,爱上 a matter of (关于u2026u2026)的问题 a number of 若干,许多 reply to 回答,答复 a series of 一系列,一连串 其他固定搭配 第十九组 trolley bus 无轨电车 I.D. card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 no doubt 无疑,必定 next door 隔壁 out of doors 在户外 face to face 面对面地 as a matter of fact 实际情况,真相 a few 有些,几个 quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的 a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许 little by little 逐渐地 quite a little 相当多,不少 no matter 无论 the moment (that) 一u2026u2026就 no more 不再 第二十组 fair play 公平竞赛;公平对待 in demand 有需要,销路好 rest room 厕所,盥洗室 primary school 小学 side by side 肩并肩,一个挨一个 heart and soul 全心全意 step by step 逐步 ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直,始终 once upon a time 从前 once in a while 偶尔,有时 no wonder 难怪,怪不得 word for word 逐字地 decline with thanks 婉言谢绝 (二)动词的固定搭配 动词+介词形式 第二十一组 account for 说明(原因等) aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for 考虑到 appeal to 呼吁,要求 arrive at 达成,得出 ask after 询问,问候 ask for 请求,要求 attach to 附属于,隶属于 begin with 从开始 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束 break through 突破 break up 中止,结束;打碎,折断 bring about 带来,造成 bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 bring forth 产生,提上 第二十二组 bring forward 提出 bring out 使出现;公布;出版 bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求;需求 call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起 call off 放弃,取消 catch at 抓住(东西) call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁 call up 召集,动员;打电话 care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲 carry off 夺去 carry on 继续下去;从事,经营 carry out 贯彻,执行;实现 come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原 count on 依靠;期待,指望 count up 把u2026u2026相加 第二十三组 cover up 掩饰,掩盖 cut across 走捷径,抄近路 deal with 处理,对付,安排 do without 没有u2026u2026也行 fill in/out 填充,填写 get at 得到,接近;意思是 get into 进入,陷入 go after 追求 go into 进入;研究,调查 go for 竭力想取得;喜爱;支持,拥护 go through 经历,经受;详细检查 go with 伴随,与u2026u2026协调 go without 没有u2026u2026也行 improve on 改进 keep to 保持,坚持 lie in 在于 live up to 不辜负 第二十四组 live on/by 靠u2026u2026生活,以u2026u2026为食 live through 度过,经受过 look after 照管,照料 look at 看望,注视 look for 寻找,寻求 look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视 look over 检查,查看,调查 look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 make for 走向,驶向;有助于 occur to 被想到,被想起 play with 以u2026u2026为消遣,玩弄 refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到 run for 竞选 run into 撞上,偶然碰见 see to 注意,负责,照料,修理 send for 派人去请,召唤;索取 第二十五组 send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 sit for 参加 stand by 支持,帮助;袖手旁观 stand for 代替,代表,意味着 stand against 反抗,抵抗 stick to 坚持,忠于,信守 take after 与u2026u2026相像 take for 把u2026u2026认为是,把u2026u2026看成是 take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解 take to 喜欢,亲近 touch on 关系到,涉及 turn into 变成 turn to 变成;求助于,借助于 turn off 关上;出产;解雇 动词+副词形式 第二十六组 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to 使恢复知觉 burn out 烧掉 burn up 烧起来,旺起来;烧完 catch on 理解,明白 check in 办理登记手续 check out 结账后离开;检验,核查 check up (on) 校对,检查,检验 cheer up 使高兴,使振奋 clear away 扫除,收拾 clear up 收拾;澄清;放晴 make it clear that 弄清楚 come off 实现,成功,奏效 come on 请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是 第二十七组 come round (around) 来访,前来;苏醒,复原 come through 经历,脱险 come up 走近,上来;发生,被提出 cross out 删去,取消 cut back 削减,减少 cut down 削减,降低 cut in (汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off 切断;删去;停止 cut out 删除 cut short 突然停止 die down 渐渐消失,平息 die out 消失,灭绝 draw in (火车、汽车)到站 draw up 写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up 穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 drop by/in 顺便来访 dry out 干透,使干 dry up 干涸,枯竭 第二十八组 drop off 减弱,减少 drop out 退出,离队 fall behind 落后 fall out 争吵;结果是 fall through 落空,失败 feed in 输入 find out 查明 get across 解释清楚,使人了解 get around/round 走动,旅行;(消息)传开 get away 逃脱,离开 get by 通过,经过 get down 从u2026u2026下来;写下 get in 进入;收获,收集 get off 从u2026u2026下来;离开,动身,开始 get over 克服;(从病中)恢复过来 get through 结束,完成;接通电话 have got to (do) 不得不,必须 第二十九组 get together 集合,聚集 get up 起床;增加,增强 give away 泄露;分送 give back 送还,恢复 give in 交上;投降,屈服 give off 放出,释放 give out 分发,放出 give up 停止,放弃 go ahead 开始,前进;领先 go by 过去 go down 下降,降低;被载入,传下去 go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开 go out 外出;熄灭 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温 go round/around 足够分配 go under 下沉,沉没;失败;破产 go through 通过,审查,完成 第三十组 go up 上升,增加;建起 hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传 hand in 交上,递交 hand on 传下来,依次传递 hand out 分发,散发,发给 hand over 交出,移交,让与 hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留 hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩 hang on 抓紧不放;继续下去 hang up 挂断(电话) have back 要回,收回 have on 穿着,戴着 hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 hold on 继续,握住不放 hold out 维持,支持;坚持,不屈服 hold up 举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫 第三十一组 hurry up (使)赶快,迅速完成 keep back 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留 keep down 控制,压制,镇压;压低 keep off 不接近,避开 keep up 保持,维持;继续,坚持 let down 放下,降低;使失望 let in 让u2026u2026进入,放u2026u2026进来 let off 放(烟,烟火),开(枪) let out 放掉,放出,发出 line up 排队,使排成一行 look back 回顾,回头看 look out 留神,注意,提防,警惕 look on 旁观,观看;看待,视作 look up 查阅,查考;寻找(某人) look in 顺便看望 make out 辨认,区分;理解,了解 make out of 用u2026u2026做,从u2026u2026得出 第三十二组 《高中英语语法-常考词语的固定搭配2》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/


较好的高考英语作文范文,供大家学习参考用.一. What can I do for our environment? Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in. 二 Dear sir, I"m Li Hua from Fujian. When I was reading the advertisement , the aim of this activity impressed me greatly, I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation. As a boy of 17, I am outgoing, good at English and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12, I think it is a kind or win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation. I am looking forward to your early reply. 三 Dear David, I"m glad that you"ve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. Thank you for your concern. As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our govenment encourages us to use environment-friendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them. I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment. This is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even cleaner place. 四 One possible version: Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came up with several choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing. The next day, we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However, when reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter. Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively. We were tired but happy. 五 08全国2June 8, 2008 Dear Peter, I"m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you"ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible. Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you"ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write me in Chinese next time. Best wishes Li Hua 六 We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power. We can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day"s study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily. 七 Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”. Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don"t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. (151) Thank you for your listening!

高考英语复习词汇 字母A-Z的~



   1. 表示“总 (的)”,注意以下用法:   (1) 常见修饰的名词有。   如:the general population 总人口 thegeneral line 总路线 a general manager 总经理 general editor总编辑,主编 general strike 总罢工 general mobilization 总动员 general policy 总方针 general comment 总评 generalrules 总则 the general branch 总支部 the general plan 总计划   (2) 有时译为“大”。   如:a general elect 大选 a general meet-ing 全体大会 the UN General Assembly 联合国大会 the generalsituation 大局 general idea 大意,大概   (3) 与职位名词连用,通常置于其后,意为“总…”、“…长”。   如:Secretary General 秘书长 Postmaster General 邮政总长,邮务部长 a consult general 总领事   但也有个别的情况是置于职位名词之前。   如:a general manager 总经理 General Secrectary 总书记    2. 表示“普遍的”、“公众的”、“一般的.”等义,主要用作定语。   如:the general public 公众,一般公众 the generalfeeling 多数人的感觉 general education 普通教育 general education generalknowledge 一般性知识,常识 general impression 大致印象 thegeneral idea 大概的想法   有时也用作表语。   如:The fog was general. 到处都是雾。   Rainyweather is general in June. 六月一般都是下雨的天气。    3. 用于 in general, 意为“一般说来”、“总的说来”、“通常”等。有以下用法:   (1) 用作状语。   如:In general the plan is good. 总的说来,这个计划是好的。   The weather in Florida is warm in general. 一般说来弗罗里达州的天气是暖和的。   He was in general quite glad togo. 总的说来,他还是很乐意去。   (2) 放在复数名词后作定语。   如:放在复数名词后People in general like her. 人们一般都喜欢她。   Children in general are fond of candy. 小孩子一般都喜欢吃糖。    4. 用作名词,表示“将军”,可用于称呼。   如:Here"s the report, General. 将军,这是报告。   This is General MacArthur. 这是麦克阿瑟将军。    5. 派生词generally adv. 通常地,一般地,普遍地。   如:Dinner isgenerally served at 7 am. 晚餐通常在7点吃。   The new plan wasgenerally welcomed. 新计划普遍受到欢迎。   Generally speaking, women cry more easily than men. 一般说来,女人比男人容易哭。


高考英语词汇general用法详解    1. 表示“总 (的)”,注意以下用法:   (1) 常见修饰的名词有。   如:the general population 总人口 thegeneral line 总路线 a general manager 总经理 general editor总编辑,主编 general strike 总罢工 general mobilization 总动员 general policy 总方针 general comment 总评 generalrules 总则 the general branch 总支部 the general plan 总计划   (2) 有时译为“大”。   如:a general elect 大选 a general meet-ing 全体大会 the UN General Assembly 联合国大会 the generalsituation 大局 general idea 大意,大概   (3) 与职位名词连用,通常置于其后,意为“总…”、“…长”。   如:Secretary General 秘书长 Postmaster General 邮政总长,邮务部长 a consult general 总领事   但也有个别的情况是置于职位名词之前。   如:a general manager 总经理 General Secrectary 总书记    2. 表示“普遍的”、“公众的”、“一般的”等义,主要用作定语。   如:the general public 公众,一般公众 the generalfeeling 多数人的"感觉 general education 普通教育 general education generalknowledge 一般性知识,常识 general impression 大致印象 thegeneral idea 大概的想法   有时也用作表语。   如:The fog was general. 到处都是雾。   Rainyweather is general in June. 六月一般都是下雨的天气。    3. 用于 in general, 意为“一般说来”、“总的说来”、“通常”等。有以下用法:   (1) 用作状语。   如:In general the plan is good. 总的说来,这个计划是好的。   The weather in Florida is warm in general. 一般说来弗罗里达州的天气是暖和的。   He was in general quite glad togo. 总的说来,他还是很乐意去。   (2) 放在复数名词后作定语。   如:放在复数名词后People in general like her. 人们一般都喜欢她。   Children in general are fond of candy. 小孩子一般都喜欢吃糖。    4. 用作名词,表示“将军”,可用于称呼。   如:Here"s the report, General. 将军,这是报告。   This is General MacArthur. 这是麦克阿瑟将军。    5. 派生词generally adv. 通常地,一般地,普遍地。   如:Dinner isgenerally served at 7 am. 晚餐通常在7点吃。   The new plan wasgenerally welcomed. 新计划普遍受到欢迎。   Generally speaking, women cry more easily than men. 一般说来,女人比男人容易哭。 ;

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A. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happenD 磷酸盐矿被毁坏了(这是不符合文章的,磷酸盐被开采完了,造成的结果是环境被破坏)
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