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G代表了创造的原则(Generating principle); O代表了组织的原则(Organizing principle); D代表了毁灭的原则(Destroying principle)。 我们把这三个词的第一个字母组合在一起就变成“GOD”这个词。神是你内在的创造原则,这个原则也渗透到了整个创造中。在与整个创造性的关系中,它是无限到无限。通过它的变化,一切才会发生。当你成为一个具有神性意识的人时,你才会拥有精神无限性的力量。如果您找到人来协助你并带你经历这一体验,那将是巨大的帮助。你可以从任何人那里得到知识,那总会有美好的回报。你可以在任何层面上工作,但你得训练你自己,通过你的体验变得睿智和富有成效。要记住,你有三个方面。你有一个低等的自我,粗糙的或生理的自我;你还有一个核心的自我,也就是存在的自我;你还有一个高等的自我,那是一个强大的、复杂的、精微的自我。当你让你的心智经常地去体验无限的境界时,你才将它维持在一个基本人类的品质和水准上。妙平平摘自《水瓶年代的教师》



GTA5 XBOX360 god版是什么意思?

GTA5 XBOX360 god版是XBOX360破解版游戏的一种格式,即破解后的自制系统机器用的,传到硬盘里的。god格式是给xbox自制系统专用的。必须要拷贝到xbox本机的硬盘上使用,简单的说游戏要拷贝到xbox的硬盘上用。XBOX360硬盘复制的游戏,只能运行GOD或者XEX格式的游戏。光盘版要刻录光盘,GOD和XEX都是从光盘版转换过来的。扩展资料DVD1和DVD2的GOD文件必须同时拷贝到本机的硬盘上,不能在移动硬盘上玩,或者是DVD2的GOD文件放到移动硬盘上,而DVD1的GOD文件放到本机的硬盘上。XBOX360的破解方法主流的有两种,破解光du驱,自制系统,还有一种是光驱模拟器,GOD版为自制系统专用,还有个XEX版,这种格式是经过压缩的那种,去除了原ISO游戏镜像里的多余文件,一般解压缩后4G左右。因为自制系统无视锁区,所以写不写那个就无所谓了,中文全区的意思就是光盘版提取的ISO游戏镜像,如果是光驱破解得刻盘才能玩。




[英文名]:Joon Park[韩文名]:ubc15uc900ud615[出生]:1969年07月20日[出生地]:首尔[血型]:O型[身高]:181CM[家族关系]:一个哥哥,一个姐姐[宗教]:天主教[登台]:为了音乐97年归国,在准备专辑的期间,以CF登台[学历]:毕业于mC Garvin Junior High[毕业于]:LA Quinta High School[毕业于]:California State University Long Beach [毕业于]:Thomas Paine Elementary School[性格]:领导力强、诚实的性格[兴趣]:欣赏音乐、吃东西、跆拳道、看汽车杂志、健身[特技]:Rap和Dance[魅力]:尽管外表很刚强,但是很细腻[外号]:Road Man、老人、Joon[音乐观]:现在所做的音乐及更强烈些的音乐[睡觉习惯]:打鼾、擦鼻涕[Jinx]:有好事时,必定要祈祷[理想型]:没有什么固定的,只希望性格开朗、知心,也希望她能像我爱她、理解她一样的爱我、理解我[喜欢的音乐风格]:Rock、抒情、Hip-hop、R&B、七、八十年代Disk[座右铭]:诚实、谦逊的生活![最想对歌迷说的话]:希望fan在没有负担的情况下能更爱god [英文名]:YoonGye-Sang[韩文名]:uc724uacc4uc0c1[出生]:1978年12月20日[出生地]:首尔[血型]:A型[IQ]:不是天才就是蠢才(这个是韩国一网站上写的,好玩)[身高/体重]:182CM/62KG[家族关系]:一个姐姐[外号]:Dog Table、朴相民[学历]:京畿大学[宗教]:佛教[登台]:以god“致母亲”登台![兴趣]:游戏、听音乐、看电影等[特长]:歌、鬼脸、Dance、Rap[性格]:很能调动气氛,也有点认生[喜欢的颜色]:白色, 黑色,银色[喜欢的音乐]:Hip-hop、Disk、Rock、R&B[喜欢的服装]:酷的和正装[小时候]:很想成为一个Rock歌手[理想型]:像女人的女人,个子越高越好,清晰干净的眼睛,可爱的鼻子,红红的嘴巴要天天想着我的人[想对歌迷说的话]:请继续热爱我们god,更关注我们 [英文名]:Danny[韩文名]:ub370ub2c8uc548 (uc548uc2e0uc6d0)[出生]:1978年12月22日[出生地]:美国西雅图[血型]:O型[身高]:180CM[家族关系]:一个姐姐[外号]:电池(日语),炼油厂儿子、テンプラ、行不行啊[学历]:汉城外国人小、中、高 –〉单国大学产业设计学[登台]:以严正花“招待”的Raper登台![性格]:细腻、慈祥,社交性强,所以很容易与人亲近[兴趣]:欣赏音乐、滑雪、漫画[特长]:运动、Rap、洗碗、架子鼓[魅力]:浓浓的眉毛、一双亮眼[睡觉习惯]:比较老实[成为歌手的动机]:在表兄joon的劝说下和Hoi一起参加了比赛[一号宝物]:家族、车、乐器[习惯]:咬手指、疲劳的时候眨巴眼睛[喜欢的颜色]:蓝色[喜欢的饮食]:烤鳗鱼[喜欢的衣服]:干净的衣服,喜欢代戒指[喜欢的音乐风格]:不分类型[想挑战的音乐类型]:爵士[觉得做歌手是正确的时候]:看着喜欢我们歌迷的时候[理想型]:感觉好得,长得可爱,拥有漂亮的眼睛,性格活泼,对长辈恭敬,讲礼貌的贤明的女子[最想对歌迷说的话]:遵守秩序,fan们一定要成为一体 [英文名]:Andrew Son[韩文名]:uc190ud638uc601[出生]:1980年3月26日[出生地]:美国,四岁时随父亲回国,母亲仍在美国。[胎梦]:在山崖边上一童子把手搭在一老虎背上,眺望远方[血型]:B型[IQ]:136[身高/体重/脚长]:177CM/60KG/285mm[家族关系]:一个姐姐,一个妹妹[外号]:Hoi、Ho Bang、wang妈妈(育婴日子中)、孙悟空、小老虎[学历]:单国大学戏剧学[登台]:以god“致母亲”登台![兴趣]:各种体育运动、游戏、听音乐等[特长]:歌、Rap、Dance[性格]:作为Smile man乐于助人、害羞、自尊心特强![魅力]:灿烂的微笑、所有的一切[初恋]:初三[睡觉习惯]:如同死了似的老实[一号宝物]:家钥匙、车、照片[喜欢的颜色]:红色[喜欢的饮食]:菜包肉、酒、糕点…喜欢甜食[喜欢的季节]:秋天[喜欢的音乐]:Hip-hop、Disk、Rock、R&B[喜欢的香水]:CKB[最喜欢唱的歌曲]:Blue sky的《把最后的遗憾埋藏于那漫长的时间里》[小时候]:有过很多梦想,但是只想做个事业家的。小时候寡言内向的性格,由于受父亲的影响只会学习,身边没什么朋友….还有就是想成为一个普通的父亲…[爱情是]:很难确认!不在一起的时候会感觉到她的重要性、有难同当的[理想型]:没什么特定的,只要见面时感觉好、有共同语言、理解我支持我爱我的心胸宽广的女人[座右铭]:不要把今天的事拖到明天,凡是都要百分之二百的努力 [英文名]:Kim Tae Woo[韩文名]:uae40ud0dcuc6b0[出生]:1981年5月12日[出生地]:韩国庆尚北道[血型]:B型[身高/体重]:190CM/85KG[家族关系]:妻子和两个女儿 [外号]:猪,熊[学历]:京畿大学[登台]:最后一个加入god。以god“致母亲”登台![初恋]:初三老师[兴趣]:欣赏音乐、电影,Dance[特长]:模仿别人唱歌、篮球[性格]:性格开朗、社交性好,但是特倔强[魅力]:比起大块头,很会撒娇[睡觉习惯]:好动!必须得抱着东西睡[习惯]:不管干什么都喜欢哼着小曲[Jinx]:与成员们喊完加油之后,必须得去卫生间[喜欢的音乐]:soul、Jazz、R&B[喜欢的衣服类型]:休闲的衣服[想挑战的音乐类型]:Jazz[理想型]:善解人意、贤明的女子[最想对歌迷说的话]:希望歌迷能够多给god鼓励的掌声






真主的意思。英语音标在不断改进,近代的语言学家认为原来DJ音标中的/tr/、/dr/、/ts/、/dz/是一种辅音连缀,而并非独立的音位。故在BBC English网站上的音标表中已经删去了传统DJ音标表中的清辅音/tr/、/ts/和与之对立的浊辅音/dr/、/dz/ 。从而与美式音标的辅音完全一样,英式音标也是24个辅音。英式音标:就是通常我们说的英语音标,是由英国语音学家Daniel Jones研究制订的,英式发音的国际音标由他的姓名首字母缩写DJ表示。英国语音学家Daniel Jones根据IPA编了一本英国英语的发音辞典《英语正音辞典》(English Pronouncing Dictionary)。这本辞典后来成为一种典范。它代表了被称为“Received Pronunciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。以上内容参考:百度百科-英语音标


godn.1. 神2. 男神3. 神像;偶像4. 被过分崇拜(或神化)的人(或物);权力极大的统治者5. [G-]【宗教】上帝;天主;造物主6. [G-]【基督教科学派】神性的总和7. [复数][主英国英语](剧场的)顶层楼座;顶层楼座的观众vt.使神化,崇拜…为神interj.天啊!啊呀!(用于表示怀疑、失望、烦恼、厌烦等)


god 是英语 上帝的意思。


god英[ɡɒd];美[ɡɑd]。英语发音的重要性其实,英语发音在日常交流起着至关重要的作用,错误的发音可能会导致信息被错误传递。值得注意的是,字母的发音在一个单词中的发音,以及音节对单词部分的强调,往往会大大改变单词的意思和上下文,从而不可逆转地改变句子本身想要表达的意思。不仅如此,英语发音对学习英语的人来说是一件锦上添花的事儿,举个简单的例子:如果一个学生的英语语法和词汇量都特别好,TA可能会写好英语文章。但是,如果一个学生有很好的语法知识,但却缺乏基础的发音知识,那么TA在用英语交流的过程中会受到严重的阻碍,尤其是那些希望在英语语言方面出类拔萃的人必须重视发音知识。对于那些将英语作为第二语言学习的学生来说,应该给予所有方面的英语同等的重要性。如果同学希望被认为是有效的沟通者,你也应该更加努力更彻底地学习英语发音这方面的知识。规则中的例外与大多数语言一样,英语并非总是遵循自己的规则。比如说,虽然大多数以-or结尾的三个音节的单词都要重读第一个音节,但有一些例外:behavior beHAVior和receptor reCEPTor。如前所述,学习英语发音规则并没有什么快速简单的过程,需要花费大量的时间和精力来记忆。然而,这也并不意味着你需要连续学习几个小时,一定要掌握特定的发音技巧,不然花费再多的时间也是徒劳。可以在练习英语发音的同时,多注意字母在单词中的不同的发音,在你的日常交谈中多使用它们。




god意思是:天呐。god英 [ɡu0252d]     美 [ɡɑu02d0d]    n.神;偶像;(复数)<英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝。int.天呐。Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea.波赛冬是希腊海神。The Greeks dedicated a shrine to the god.希腊人把一座庙奉献给神。god的语法:god的意思是“神”,是可数名词,有复数形式,也可在前面加定冠词the。God是在各种宗教中,尤指基督教、天主教、犹太教、和伊斯兰教中对宇宙的创造者和主宰者的称呼,即“上帝,真主”,其前不可加定冠词the。god有时也用以表示“极受崇敬的人”或“过分注意的事物”。习语God forbid常置于句末,如接that从句,则从句用虚拟语气。




god 英 [ɡu0252d] 美 [ɡɑu02d0d] n. 神;(大写首字母时)上帝vt. 膜拜,崇拜n. (God)人名;(索、阿拉伯)古1.Their society was built around a belief in God.他们的社会建立在信仰上帝的基础上.来自《简明英汉词典》2.I swear by God I didn"t mean it.我对上帝发誓我不是这个意思.来自《简明英汉词典》3.By God he"s done it!老天为证,他确实做了此事.来自《简明英汉词典》4.God will live for all eternity.上帝是永存的.来自《简明英汉词典》5.God will bless this union.愿上帝保佑这桩婚姻.来自《简明英汉词典》6.I hope the grace of God would descend on me.我期望上帝的恩惠.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》7.His writings were branded as obscene and a blasphemy against God.他的著作被定为淫秽作品,是对上帝的亵渎.来自《简明英汉词典》8.God knows where he went!天晓得他去哪儿了!来自《简明英汉词典》9.Before the battle, the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the god of war.打仗之前, 指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛.来自《简明英汉词典》





Only God Knows Why 歌词

歌曲名:Only God Knows Why歌手:Kid Rock专辑:公告榜前100单曲(2000)I"ve been sittin"heretryin" to find myselfI get behind myself,I need to rewind myselfLookin" for the payback,listen for the playbackThey say that every man bleeds just like meAnd I feel like number oneYet I"m last in lineI watch my youngest sonand it helps to pass the timeI take to many pills...it helps to ease the painI made a couple dollar bills,still i feel the sameEverybody knows my name,say it way out louda lotta folks fuck with me,its hard to hang out in crowdsi guess that"s the price you payto be some big shot like I amoutstretched hands and one night stands,just like mestill i cant find loveI feel like number one,yet I"m last in lineand when your walls come tumblin" down,i will always be around...yea anyone and now...and when your walls come tumblin" down,I will always be aroundpeople don"t know aboutthe things I say or dothey don"t understandabout the shit that I"ve been throughit"s been so longsince I"ve been homeI"ve been goneI"ve been gone for way to longmaybe i forgotall the things id missoh somehow i know there"s more to life then thisi said it too many timesand i still stand firmyou get what you put in,and people get what deservestill i ain"t seen mineno i ain"t seen mineI"ve been givin"just ain"t been gettin"I"ve been walkin back that lineso I think ill keep on walkinwith my head held highill keep movin" onand only god knows whyonly god..only god..only god knows whyonly god knows...why why why whyonly god knows whytake it to the devilhey wont you take me to the riverhey hey hey hey hey....http://music.baidu.com/song/18655654

god,please do not fool me是什么意思?


oh my god,you fool me.什么翻译


For God and Country 歌词

歌曲名:For God and Country歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:ZeitgeistFor God And CountrySmashing PumpkinsZeitgeistSmashing Pumpkins - For God And CountryFor my friend NarcissusI want to live for God and countryI want to give for God and countryIt"s too late for someIt"s too late for what you"ve doneI can"t help what I divide in youFor God and country I"ll fightFor God and country I"ll dieFor God and countryMy soul is so aliveMy soul is so aliveLay down your arms to meLay down your arms for God and countryI want to live where no one"s watching my way homeI want to give until I"m bursting with unknownIt"s too late for someIt"s too late for everyoneI can"t help what I destroy in youWell who needs this anymoreC"mon make it soThat when they build their cross of deathYou won"t build your ownIt"s time to wake up!It"s time to wake up for goodI can"t help you though I shouldFor God and country we"ll fightFor God and country we"ll dieFor God and countryMy soul is so aliveMy soul is so aliveLay down your arms to meLay down your arms for God and countryYou can"t deny God and countryWe"re fighting for our livesYou can"t deny God and countryOur souls are so alignedIn this time of God and countryWe"ll take you on our sideIt"s all rightMy soul is so aliveWith God and nightWith God and countryMy soul is so aliveWish my friedn would live alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52796435

一首韩文歌,女的,歌词唱我只知道“never say godbay,.godbay ,godbay..”

Never say good bye

Godsmack的《Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Awake歌手:Godsmack专辑:Good Times, Bad Times - Ten Years Of GodsmackGodsmack - AwakeWait another minute.Can"t you see what this pain has fucking done to me.I"m alive and still kicking.What you see I can"t see and maybeYou"ll think before you speak.I"m alive. for you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!Take another second.Turn your back on me and make believe, thatYou"re always happy.It"s safe to say you"re never alive.A big part of you has died and by the way,I hope you"re satisfied.I"m alive. For you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!For you, I"m awakeBecause of you,I"m alive. I told you I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Alive for you.I"m awake, because of youI"m alive, I told youI"m awake swallowing youI"m alive, i told youI"m awakeBecause of youI"m alive, I told you I"m awakeSwallowing you aliveEnjoyGodsmack - AwakeChaBhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10261811


是复数goldilocks 英["gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks] 美["gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ks] n. 金发姑娘,金凤花; [例句]Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.

known unto god 什么意思


请问购买 godaddy 的VPS需要指定地区吗,如想选到欧洲的机房如何操作


上传asp网站到godaddy hosting服务器无法访问

在ASP.NET中。当一个网站发布出去后,你在另一台机器上访问,利用文件上传控件上传一个文件时,网站会在你服务器电脑中找你上传的文件路径。就会出现找不到文件的错误。你们有遇到过吗? 请教!补充: 我的截图上就可以看出来啊!服务器上肯定不存在啊。我是想怎么解决啊。 我网站发布到服务器,是在另台机器上访问,上传文件,网站代码却不是从我的机器上查找。


heavenn.[常用复]天, 天空[常作 Heaven ]天堂, 天老爷, 神极大的愉快, 高兴之极至福; 极乐世界(伊丽莎白女皇时代某些剧场 用来覆盖舞台的)天篷宇宙法则, 天道宇宙伦理原则the kingdom of heaven 天国I was in heaven when I heard the good news. 听到这个好消息后我兴奋异常。godn.[God ]上帝神, 男神神像, 偶像, 神化人物; 极受崇拜[极有影响]的人; 极受注意的事物[the gods](戏院)最高楼座(观众)习惯用语blind god (=god of love) 爱神By(my) God ! 的的确确!depart to God [婉]去见上帝, 死

英汉双语小故事:上帝之国 Kingdom of God

亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随他而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派坚持:王国藉着世界上教会的出现而部分实现,而最后审判之后将会完全实现。 In Christianity, the spiritual realm over which God reigns as king, or the eventual fulfillment of God"s will on earth. The term is often used in the New Testament, and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus. Theologians differ as to whether Jesus implied that the kingdom had arrived in his person or whether it was expected as a future event. Christian orthodoxy now holds that the kingdom has been partially realized by the presence of the church in the world, and that it will be fully realized after the Last Judgment.

谁有god only knows 的歌词 演唱者Orianthi 我就得第一句似乎是i feel very low.

God Only Knows lyricsI feel so alone, can"t seem to find my out of this lone?No, it don"t seem rightI didn"t have a chance to say goodbye.In this this silent space, I close my eyes I can hear you sayThat it"s alright, but my world"s such an empty place tonight.Cause I know that, it"s all part of life.I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.So hard to see through the tears I"ve cried.Yeah, I still need you.Cause I don"t want to, if I don"t have to ever let you go.The longest I"ll hold on... God only knows.As the time goes by, it gets a little easier to smile.I know I"ll never forget everything that you said.You said it"s alright, it"s all part of life.I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.So hard to see through the tears I"ve cried.Yeah, I still need you.Cause I don"t want to, if I don"t have to ever let you go.The longest I"ll hold on... God only knows.{The hard times} will never fade if you keep looking upRight around there is a better place if you believe in love.Cause I know that, it"s all part of life.I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.So hard to see through the tears I"ve cried.Yeah, I still need you.Cause I don"t want to, if I don"t have to ever let you go.The longest I"ll hold on, the longest I"ll hold on.The longest I"ll hold on... God only knows.God only knows.Ya, God only knows.God only knows.大概表示她和一个人还没来得及说再见就分开了,但她一直都很想念那个人,可是这种感情却只有上帝知道,格调挺悲伤的一首歌,有的时候唱着唱着容易唱哭,歌词写得很美~


god:专指上帝lord:贵族; 领主, 君主; 统治者; 巨头, 大王





如果只是单纯的god bless you.而不是may god bless you。是不是应该翻译为:你玩完了。

god bless you:上帝保佑你may god bless you:愿上帝保佑你You"re done for:你玩完了

可以说回答god bless you too吗?


god bless you怎么回答?

这句话不用回答 接受即可

我对老外说我英语不好,他回我God bless you是不是嘲讽我???

给一楼跪了。上帝保佑你 意思是这个意思。但这就是一句口头禅而已。有什么祝福不祝福你的。就是表达一种祝福而已。和祝你好运 一个意思。

god bless you用在哪

翻译过来是“上帝保佑你” 一般都是基督徒用。祷告之后啊,祝福谁谁谁啊,对方有什么困难的时候之类的。也用于笑话中。。。。比如说如果一个人要去做一件很傻的事,别人会对他说 god bless you~

求God Bless the U.S.A.中文歌词?

If tomorrow all the things were gone如果明天我的一切离我而去I"d worked for all my life我需要为生计奔波And I had to start again With just my children and my wife和我的妻儿一道重新开始I"d thank my lucky stars To be living here today我会感激我的幸运星 到今天为止都在这里"Cause the flag still stands for freedom旗帜(美国国旗)仍然为着自由高高飘扬And they can"t take that away他们不能带走(“我”对自由的向往)And I"m proud to be an American我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国From the lakes of Minnesota从明苏尼达周的湖泊To the hills of Tennessee到田纳西州的小山Across the plains of Texas横越德克萨斯州的平原From sea to shining sea直到那片光辉的海洋From Detroit down to Houston从底特律到休斯顿And New York to L.A.纽约到洛杉矶(意指美国全境)Well there"s pride in every American heart每个美国人的心中都充满自豪And it"s time we stand and say that I"m proud to be an American在这个时刻,我们宣告,我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国And I"m proud to be an American我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国

想找一首歌。歌词里面有god bless us everyone(好像是这样一句。记不大清楚了)

来晚了,现在才看到这个问题林肯公园(LP/Linkin Park)的The Catalyst机动战士高达 EXTREME VS的OP

god bless能单独用吗

可以。比如说 你最期望和你并肩作战的人终于决定和你一道了 最后你可以说一句:GOD BLESS



God bless you.为什么是虚拟语气


在西方国家,当一个人打喷嚏,旁边的人会说:上帝保佑你(God bless you!).为什么?

打喷嚏这一刻其实你没有呼气。古人怕灵魂在这一刻断气时会离开身体,所以说“上帝保佑你(可别死啊!)”。之后变成了习惯俚语。在非宗教的国家一般省略掉上帝,就说“bless you"。 规矩上其实,打喷嚏的人因为吓了旁人也应道歉,然后说”Thank you"。 "Achoo! Oh, excuse me!" "Bless you!" "Thank you."

上帝保佑我的英文是:God bless me,还是God blesses me(有人说第三人称单数)

God bless me!确定这个答案~到底为什么我也不知道~不过不是第三人称复数

人死了能否说God bless you?

通常时候Rest in Peace, 即安息之意,简写:RIP。

God Bless The Child 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The Child歌手:The Fenicians专辑:Stoned MomentsGod Bless The ChildThem thats got shall getThem thats not shall loseSo the Bible said and it still is newsMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownYes, the strong gets moreWhile the weak ones fadeEmpty pockets dont ever make the gradeMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15003393

God Bless The U.S.A. 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The U.S.A.歌手:Lee Greenwood专辑:Classic Country GoldGod Bless The UsaJump5If tomorrow all the things were goneI"d hoped for all my lifeAnd I had to start againWith just my family by my sideI"d thank my God aboveTo be living here today"Cause the flag still stands for freedomAnd they can"t take that awayCHORUSAnd I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedWho gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand up next to youAnd defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod Bless the USAFrom the lakes of MinnesotaTo the hills of TennesseeAcross the plains of TexasFrom sea to shining seaFrom Detroit down to HoustonAnd New York to LAThere"s pride in every American heartAnd it"s time we stand and sayAnd I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedWho gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand up next to youAnd defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod Bless the USAAnd I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedWho gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand up next to youAnd defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod Bless the USAhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10222401

God Bless The U.S.A. 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The U.S.A.歌手:Lee Greenwood专辑:The Best Of Lee GreenwoodGod Bless The U.S.A.If tomorrow all the things were gone,I"d worked for all my life.And I had to start again,with just my children and my wife.I"d thank my lucky stars,to be livin here today.Because the flag still stands for freedom,and they can"t take that away.And I"m proud to be an American,where at least I know I"m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.From the lakes of Minnesota,to the hills of Tennessee.Across the plains of Texas,From sea to shining sea.From Detroit down to Houston,and New York to L.A.Well there"s pride in every American heart,and its time we stand and say.That I"m proud to be an American,where at least I know I"m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.And I"m proud to be and American,where at least I know I"m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.Because there ain"t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.http://music.baidu.com/song/3471030

God bless u.这个怎么英语回答?

Ohh uff0cthank you so much

God bless you and me 请翻译中文好吗?


God Bless The Child 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The Child歌手:比莉 荷莉戴专辑:Golden HitsGod Bless The ChildThem thats got shall getThem thats not shall loseSo the Bible said and it still is newsMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownYes, the strong gets moreWhile the weak ones fadeEmpty pockets dont ever make the gradeMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15745987

god bless you是什么意思


God Bless And Goodbye 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless And Goodbye歌手:Morcheeba专辑:The Antidote-= Morcheeba 《 God Bless And Goodbye 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Questions are never answeredGlances you"ll always missToo ready to push and pamperYou just took the gloryYou thought you stole my thunderI had to snatch it backYou failed to take me underI hit the bottom and bounced right backOh what can happen nowI won"t cave in,My heart will open outWith loveCaught in a struggleGoodness, i"ve triedYou"re such a puzzleI guess, God bless and goodbyeThis aint a propositionCan you clear out your deskSomeone in my positionI"d rather take a risk……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……In a struggleGoodness, i"ve triedYou"re such a puzzleI guess, God bless and goodbyeCaught in a struggleGoodness, i"ve triedYou"re such a puzzleI guess, God bless and goodbyeIn a struggleGoodness, i"ve triedYou"re such a puzzleI guess, God bless and goodbyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14658939

可以说god bless to you吗

bless是及物动词,不用to应该为 god blesses you



God Bless The USA 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The USA歌手:Beyonce专辑:2011年5月欧美新歌速递1If tomorrow all the things were goneI"d worked for all my lifeAnd I had to start againWith just my family by my sideI"d thank my lucky starsTo be livin" here today"Cause the flag still stands for freedomAnd they can"t take that awayAnd I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedWho gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand upNext to you and defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod bless the USAFrom the lakes of MinnesotaTo the hills of TennesseeAcross the plains of TexasFrom sea to shining seaFrom Detroit down to HoustonTo New York to L.AWell there"s pride in every American heartAnd it"s time to make a changeThat I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedAnd who gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand upNext to you and defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod bless the USAAnd I"m proud to be an AmericanWhere at least I know I"m freeAnd I won"t forget the men who diedAnd who gave that right to meAnd I gladly stand upNext to you and defend her still today"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this landGod bless the USAhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20354598

"God Bless Me"翻译成德语

Gott segnen mich

上帝保佑我的英文是:God bless me,还是God blesses me

两个句子都是合乎英语语法的,只是句意有所不同. God bless me.这是个祈使句.也就是说是在请求上帝保佑我,是一个祈祷用语,或者说是对神的一种希望,希望他保佑我. God blesses me.这是个陈述句.此句是要表述上帝保佑我的这个事实,说明上帝一直是在保佑我. 不同的情况下,可选择合适的句子来达意. 愿上帝保佑楼主,与世人同在!

god bless you怎么读

告的 不来四 右


不是,这就是一句套话。God bless you,可以用到很多场合。你英语不好,God bless you. 你胃口不好,God bless you. 你学习环境不好,God bless you.等等。对方只是对你的遭遇表示理解和同情。

God bless moon ,And God bless me 的翻译

这是一首诗吧 The Moon I see the moon, And the moon sees me; God bless the moon, And God bless me. 月亮 我见月亮点点头, 月亮见我招招手; 上帝保佑月亮, 上帝保佑我。

God bless you是什么意思


God bless you.为什么BLESS后不加S


i wish god bless这句话语法正确吗

**保佑,有固定用法:God bless you!

may god bless me什么意思



God bless you .动词不要用三单形式,这是一种虚拟语气表达形式。

英语的God bless you,为什么不用第三人称单数呢?


may god bless 可以说的具体一点吗

God bless you.

为什么是god bless you 而不是god blesses you?

这句话是May god bless you的缩写。因为May后面跟原型,所以是May god bless you.

God Bless Me如何回复


God bless you 这里的bless是动词 为什么不加"s"

不是因为什么习惯才把本应是"God blesses you."说成"God bless you."也不是因为什么“上帝是复数”。重点在于这个句子的意思是“愿上帝保佑你。”所以"God bless you."应是"May god bless you." 省略了其中的"may" 而来的.这中说法楼主理解么,我再说的通俗一点,再给你举个例子.may是情态动词,后面+sb.或者+动词的原形,这里确实是省略了may,就象平常所说的 Let me help you 一样.

为什么外国人看见别人打喷嚏会说God bless. you

人在打喷嚏时,魔鬼会趁虚而入,这时,如果旁边的人能及时说" God bless you"那么魔鬼就不敢趁虚而入了.God bless you 简化为:bless you! 参考: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/13786607.html?si=2

god bless you 什么意思


god bless you什么意思


god bless you 是什么教徒说的


God bless us什么意思?

"God bless us"是一种祈求上帝保佑的祷告语,意思是"愿上帝保佑我们"。这个表达通常用于表达对神的信仰和祈愿,希望得到神的保佑和庇护。在宗教场合、庆祝活动或日常交流中,人们可能会使用这个祷告语表达自己的祝福或感恩之情。

god bless you什么意思


god bless you后面接什么

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