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过去式:greeted。greet,作动词时意为“欢迎;迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘”,作名词时意为“人名;(英)格里特”。 扩展资料   greet基本含义   v.和(某人)打招呼(或问好); 欢迎; 迎接; (以某种方式)对…作出反应; 映入…的.眼帘; 传入…的耳中(或鼻中);   第三人称单数:greets   现在分词:greeting   过去式:greeted   过去分词:greeted   greet双语例句   She floated down the steps to greet us.   她轻盈地下楼来迎接我们。   We"ve come to see you, so you could at least stand and greet us properly.   我们来是为了看你,因此你至少可以站起来适当地欢迎我们。  


great: [ greit ],adj. 大量的,很好的,美好的,伟大的,重要的ad. (口语)好极了词形变化:副词:greatly 形容词比较级:greater 最高级:greatest 名词:greatness例句与用法:1. It was a great loss to us all.这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的损失。2. He is a great talker.他是一个非常健谈的人。3. What a great idea!好主意!4. It"s great to have met you!与您会面令人十分愉快5. It"s a great relief to know you"re safe.知你平安无事才放下心来6. The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion.公主那时即将成婚, 人人都在首都等待这一盛典.7. This little gadget"s great for opening tins.这小玩意儿开罐头挺好用.


greeted, greeted直接加ed


greeted 英[ɡ"ri:tɪd] 美[ɡ"ri:tɪd] v. 迎接; 致意; 欢迎( greet的过去式和过去分词 ); (以某种方式) 对…作出反应; [例句]The audience at once greeted him warmly.观众立即对他作出了热情的反应。[其他] 原型: greet




welcome和greet都有“欢迎,致意”的意思,这两个单词之间的区别是: welcome这个单词大多指的是热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。而greet这个单词常用于指友好而热诚地欢迎。    扩展资料   welcome作为动词使用时,单词含义为欢迎,迎接,迎新,乐于接受,welcome表示形容词时,单词含义为受欢迎的",令人愉快的,可随意的,尽管……好了,welcome被用作名词时,单词含义为欢迎,迎接,接受。   greet这个单词的词性是动词,属于及物动词,greet的单词含义为欢迎,迎接,致敬,致意。


见到老师要问好用英语怎么翻译?要用great谢谢你一见到老师问好,那就是how is going


greet [gri:t] great [greit],1,没有的!!!,1,2级助理说的对,该给提拔提拔了.,0,greet 中的 ee 发音如开音节中的e,如tree, three; great 中的 ea 发音如开音节中的a,如brake.,0,greet和great在发音上有什么不同? 我知道他们在音标上的差异,但是听不出来他们的差别,有人能再说的详细点吗



greeting 什么时候加s?

greeting做问候时,要用复数 如果我的答案对你有所帮助请给个好评谢谢


greet意思: v.和(某人)打招呼(或问好);欢迎;迎接;(以某种方式)对…作出反应;映入…的眼帘;传入…的耳中(或鼻中) 第三人称单数: greets现在分词: greeting过去式: greeted过去分词: greeted 扩展资料   He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.   他对所有的客人都以他的一贯笑容相迎。   He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.   他只晃了一下头算是和我们打过招呼。   The team members were greeted like conquering heroes.   队员像凯旋而归的英雄一样受到了人们的欢迎。

greeting from

greeting 确定肯定以及一定

My mother sends her greetings to you all,为什么用 greetings

send sth to sb.所以greet在这里应为名词greeting。而you all 指的是一个集体。不能只是一个问候。所以greeting后要加s

问候你用英语怎么说? 是greetings to you还是with you还是for you或者是greeting you?

greetings to you是 :你的问候. greetingsto you是 :问候你. 你也可以说:regards to your

问候某人是greet sb还是greet to sb

是 greet sb,greet这里同其他动词一样,在宾语前面.楼主混淆的应该是 greeting to sb,这个语法正确,但是greeting这里是动名词,意为“给某某问好”.

send greetings的意思是什么?


Greeting( ) Beijing China

Greeting( ) Beijing ChinaGreeting from Beijing China.来自中国北京的问候。


可以这样表达的 We are going to greeting patients greeting 是greet的动名词形式. 而你说 的这句We greeting the sick sick是名词或形容词的. 哪


titleAn identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.See Synonyms at name A doctor has the title ‘Dr" in front of his name.greetingA word or gesture of welcome or salutation.Christmas greetingsaddressAddress we also can say address means the number on your home or apartment.For example: The president will address the nation in the time of emergency.ownTo have or possess as propertyowns a chain of restaurants.friendlyOf, relating to, or befitting a friend:friendly advice.keed 不知是什么!


问候,招呼,就像congratulations一样一般是复数形式。请看下边这些例子:Asked joe after the usual greetings .乔照例地招呼了之后,问道。Greetings among people should be formal because it is a sign of respect .人们之间应该正式的问候,因为这是尊重他人的表现。Greetings from lappeenranta , in eastern finland .这是从芬兰东部城市拉彭兰塔发出的问候。As for what they give us , I love the frenzied greetings and snuggles on the couch .说到它们给了我们什么,我喜欢它们热情的问候和沙发上的依偎。

greeting season什么意思怎么译

greeting season 节日名;庆祝节日;常见春节习俗例句筛选1.Season"s greeting and sincere wishes for a bright and happy Spring Festival!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的春节!2.12, season"s greeting a warmest wishes for a bright and happy new year.谨对光辉灿烂、欢欣快乐的新年致以节日的问候与温馨的祝福。


greetings n. 问候;打招呼;问候语(greeting的复数)网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 问候 打招呼 寒暄 司候


要的.greeting做问候时,要用复数 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.


因为是过去时态啊,与前面的saw并列的吧 。翻译为他看见我们来了,笑着跟我们打了个招呼,并没有意识到我们已经知道了他的背叛。(不专业,答错的话请指教)

greeting each other是什么意思


我对一个老外见面说了句Greetings 他先笑,也回了句Greetings 是不是我说...


英语翻译我觉得greetings不好 有没有其他的

问 候 greeting(常用复数+s)表示的是欢迎或表达敬意的言语或行为; 因此常出现在与人接触的开头;它也表达一种良好的祝福或欢呼的情绪; 是一种对某种事情或情绪的高兴的相应;

以greetings为话题的英语作文,80~100字 注意字数

sometimes,a greeting,a caring,around a wish can make any small thing become more beautiful,more moving.Even a stranger,need to take the initiative to raise your corners of the mouth,will make strange ...





greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么

greeting(常用复数+s)表示的是欢迎或表达敬意的言语或行为; 因此常出现在与人接触的开头;它也表达一种良好的祝福或欢呼的情绪; 是一种对某种事情或情绪的高兴的相应;regards则是有两重意思:一种亲近的、尊重的态度,在信结尾,其实就等同于take care; 而它也表示一种关注,等同于pay attention to,这个时候,只是关注,是否敬意,不得而知; 它常用的成语或惯用法,as regards,in/with regard to.

greeting和regard有什么区别 分别怎么用

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。greeting:n. 问候,招呼;祝贺;v. 致敬,欢迎(greet的现在分词)Greeting season节日名Greeting people问候;打招呼时;打招呼Client greeting迎接客户Greeting Pine迎客松Greeting Strangers问候陌生人Greeting Call电话问候advanced greeting高级问候语the greeting称谓语或尊称语Greeting laughter打招呼的笑greeting card 贺卡 season"s greeting 新年祝福;节日问候 regard:n. 注意;尊重;问候;凝视;vt. 注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关;vi. 注意,注重;注视regard highly重视;器重;尊重regard sb视某人为某集体的一员due regard适当顾及true regard真实的心意field regard注视区regard n关心Without Regard不关心My Regard我心意Regard Coolly淡然处之with regard to adv. 关于;至于 in this regard 就这一点而言 in regard to 关于 regard as vt. 把…认作 as regards 至于,关于 regard for 对…的注意没,尊重;考虑到 without regard to 不考虑;不顾及 in regard of 关于… pay regard to 重视;注意到 regard highly 器重;重视;尊重 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

greeting 英语作文

In the morning you use your pocket money to buy some flowers to your mother and put them in the vase 。in the afternoon you go to the market to buy vegetables and make a simple and delicious meals for the whole family . After dinner, you send holiday greeting cards to your mother and wish her a happy holiday and then write what you want to say to your mother

greeting 关于问候 greeting 英文作文 要500字以上!

An Improper Greeting It happened during my first year in my junior middle school. One evening, after supper, I went out for a walk with several friends. On the way we saw a few Americans coming towards us. When they came near, I said "Good night" to them. They smiled and answered "Good evening". After that we talked for a while. On my way home, Iwas curious to know why they didn"t use the same expression. So as soon as I got home, I looked the expression up in the dictionary. Only at that time did I know that "Good night" shouldn"t be used when people met in the evening. "Good night" is an expression used when people depart in the evening Instead "Good evening" is the very greeting expression.不恰当的问候 这件事发生在我初中一年级的时候。 一天晚饭后,我和几个朋友一起散步。在路上,我看到几个美国人迎面走来。当他们走近的时候,我对他们说:“Good night”。他们笑着对我说:“Good evening”,之后我们聊了一会儿。 在回家的路上,我好奇地想他们为什么不用相同的表达方式呢。一到家,我就在词典中查找这种表达方式。直到那时我才知道"Good night"不能用于晚上人们相遇的时候,它是人们在晚上分别时的一种用法。相反“Good evening"才是正确的问候方式。


作名词用,多表示 问候,致意,祝贺 例:Most handshakes are a simple greeting.大多握手只是一种简单的问候。作形容词,表示 问候的例:You should see the greeting modified in step4.将看到在步骤4中修改的问候语。作动词,为greet的进行时,表示 招待例:Mrs. green was greeting her guests at the door.格林太太站在门口招呼她的客人。






greetings问候语 拼音 双语对照 greetings英 [ɡ"ri:tu026au014bz] 美 [ɡ"ri:tu026au014bz] n.问候; 问候; 祝贺; 招呼( greeting的名词复数 ); 祝词网络招呼语; 挨拶; 贺词形近词: Greetings数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度百科百度知道1He nodded greetings to Mary Ann and Michael and shook hands with Burke.他向玛丽·安及迈克尔点头致意,并和伯克握了手。





请教一下,greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么?

前面“曾老先生”说的不错,写信的时候,的确greetings在开头,regards在结尾; greeting(常用复数+s)表示的是欢迎或表达敬意的言语或行为; 因此常出现在与人接触的开头;它也表达一种良好的祝福或欢呼的情绪; 是一种对某种事情或情绪的高兴的相应; regards则是有两重意思:一种亲近的、尊重的态度,在信结尾,其实就等同于take care; 而它也表示一种关注,等同于pay attention to,这个时候,只是关注,是否敬意,不得而知; 它常用的成语或惯用法,as regards,in/with regard to.

请教一下,greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么?

greetings 和 regards 的区别是:greetings 是打招呼应放在前面。regards 是问候,若写信时,多放在信尾。

greeting salutation有何区别?

greeting: 问候,欢迎salute: 致敬,敬礼。更正式的场合下。

greeting是什么意思 解析greeting的含义和用法?

Greeting是指用语言或行为表示出的问候、祝贺、感谢、道歉等。它是一种礼节性的表达方式,可以用于不同的场合,如见面、告别、祝贺、感谢、道歉等。## 用法常见的道歉语有:- Hi!(嗨!)5. 礼节性语言2. 祝贺语

greeting是什么意思 解析greeting的含义和用法?



green 绿色的


degrees读作/du026au02c8griu02d0z/或者/du026au02c8griz/。degrees:n.级别;程度;度数;学位;学位课程。词组搭配:by degrees;Little by little;gradually;一点一点地;逐渐地。to a degree;To a small extent;in a limited way;有点,稍微;在小范围内;以限制的方式。同义词辨析:class,grade。这些名词均有“级,等级”之意。class:含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。双语例句:1、The wall is several degrees off the vertical. 这堵墙倾斜了有好几度。2、New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success. 引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。3、She"s reading for a law degree. 她在攻读法学学位。4、Her job demands a high degree of skill. 她的工作要求有高超的技能。5、I agree with you to a certain degree. 我在某种程度上同意你的观点。

grin 和green怎么区别读音

grin “i”读短一点[gru026an]green “ee”读长一点[gri:n]一个是长元音,一个是短元音满意请采纳,谢谢




Green是一个英文单词。可指绿色的;绿的;青葱的;也指姓氏格林, 可做名词、形容词、动词。可以例句:The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。The oil is green in colour这种油是绿色的。

英语单词怎么拼读方法,如greet [gri:t]要怎么拼,先拼gri还是先拼t。这是什么[:]

先拿辅音拼元音,[ri:] [ri:t] [gri:t][:]是元音的长音符号!

accept receive agree admit区别是...


i firmly believe that this agreement will be for our metual benefit,什么意思


Some people firmly agree ,but others against it.这句话的意思?




green hand是什么意思

green handn.新手;生手;缺乏经验的人菜鸟;没有经验的人;绿色的手复数:green hands 例句1.Thanks, a green hand, please comment more! !感谢,新手,请多关照!!2.Though Sue is a green hand, she"s completely at grips with the details of her job.休虽然是生手,但她完全了解她工作的细节。3.He is a green hand in business management.在商务管理方面他是个新手4.Icy road is a hazard to all the drivers, especially the green hand.结冰的公路对所有的司机来说都是一种危险,对新手来说尤其如此。5.Our office assistant is not only a green hand, but a (troublemaker).我们办公室助理不仅仅是个新手,也是个麻烦制造者。

a green hand是什么意思


英语常识如“green hand"是新手不是绿手


Stop Being Greedy 歌词

制作------" Co"gunz "QQ-------" 675149036 "歌名: " Stop Being Greedy "演唱: " DMX "Y"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateI could flip that flow, I could stick that hoeI could get that dough, you know I"m with that yoAnd the thing about the shit I came through, I haven"t seenBut when it gets dark, it"s like a nigga"s havin dreamsAll nightmares, the light dares to desert meGot me like everybody wants to hurt meParanoid, so I strike out at what everThe closest thing to me is gonna get itbut, never Will I, can I think death is wrongSo I"ma keep holdin on til, what"s left is goneYou could put that on my nigga BooneThese other rap cats will give a nigga roomBut if it ccalls for me to force my way in the doorHeadhuntin mother fuckers, stay on the floor4-4, that"s what I get sick wit rrrrrrrFour more, now all this is liquid rrrrrrY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateI thank the lord everyday that I"m blessed with a giftI"m The best, so, unless you wanna rest with the stiffDon"t touch that, uh-uh, leave it aloneWhen you walk pass the dog house leave it a boneDogs bite, dogs fight, dogs knifeScratch, shake, and hold all nightSo when you hear the arf arf, start runninCause when you hear the arf arf, I"m cominBut I don"t like drama so I say to myself,"Keep focus with this rap shit and pray for the wealthI want the money and give me the honeys with big assesThe most expensive champagne you got in big glasses"I"m broke so I"ma bash his head wide openBeggin me to stop but at least he died hopinDidn"t get his wish, and now he"s a dish with a catTwo glowin red eyes, everything else is blackY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateWhen the sun is up the gun is up on the shelfAnd all the runners up are thankin me for their helpHopin that they not around when it gets dark outsideSun"s goin down you hear the bark outsideLocks off the cage, gauge, With the buck shots, faggotYou"ve been lucky all day thats when your luck stopsOne drops, and another and anotherGun pops, go into you and your motherWhen does it all end, I found a friend in a dogCause fuckin wit these cats will send a friend to the morgueMany questions, no answers, just stressTry to hold my head and remember that I"m blessedIf you curse and it gets worse as time goes byCan"t see straight cause I"m so high, Why ask why when you knowNigga when its your time to go, You goY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plateY"all been eatin long enough now stop bein greedyJust keep it real partner give to the needyGrips is touchy, so don"t make me waitfuck around and I"m go"a bite you and snatch the plate



为什么赌桌的英文是green carpet

这是个俗语,约定俗成的语句。当然赌桌也叫green table,由来就是赌桌通常铺着绿色桌布。台球桌也是铺着绿色的桌布,但是台球桌叫做 billiard table。


  已经制作好了,你把下面的内容用写字本保存了将后缀名改为lrc就可以了,比如名字改为Greenwaves.lrc就可以用了  [ti:Greenwaves]  [ar:Secret Garden]  [al:Once In A Red Moom]  [by:aster7]  [offset:500]  [00:01.13]Greenwaves 碧波荡漾  [02:30.74] " Her voice is touched by God".  [00:01.19]I remember a meadow one morning in May,对某个五月清晨的草场场记忆犹新  [00:09.63]With a sky full of dreams  [00:14.36]that sailed in that day.那一天,空中驰骋着天马行空的梦  [00:18.76]I was dancing through green waves of grass like the sea在犹如碧波荡漾的草海中我尽情地舞蹈  [00:29.03]For a moment in time I could feel I was free.一瞬间,我可以感觉到无拘无束的自由  [00:42.38]There are waves of forgiveness and waves of regret,宽容和遗憾在这碧波中舞动  [00:50.94]And the first waves of true love那第一个象征真爱的草波  [00:55.98]I"ll never forget.我将永远无法释怀  [00:59.95]In the meadow that morning as I wandered alone在那个清晨,在那个草场,我独自沉思  [01:10.66]There were green waves of yearning for life 那是渴求生命的碧波 still unknown.  [02:36.75][01:23.96]Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart带我回归到抚摸我心灵的草场  [02:45.41][01:32.95]Where the waves reach as far as you can see.那里碧草连天  [02:54.02][01:41.61]Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,带我归家,回到真爱分离的那个草场  [03:03.17][01:50.55]I can still hear you calling for me.我仍然听见你对我的呼唤  [03:11.51]What I"d give to remember that heavenly state在我记忆中的天国  [03:20.22]Just a moment in time - all mine to create.仅仅在自我创造的那一刻  [03:28.74]As I"m taking my last breath I know what I"ll see当我深呼最后一口气的时候,我深知我将看到什么  [03:38.45]There"ll be green waves forever out there waiting for me.这里将永久的碧波荡漾并向外延伸,等待我的到来  [03:53.09]Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart带我回归到抚摸我心灵的草场  [04:01.85]Where the waves reach as far as you can see.那里碧草连天  [04:10.07]Take me home to the meadow - we"ve been too long apart,带我归家,回到真爱分离的那个草场  [04:19.28]I can still hear you calling for me.我仍然听见你对我的呼唤

Green River简介的介绍

Green River成立于1983年,是80年代美国Grunge音乐的领军乐队,他们的音乐将硬核朋克、重金属、根源布鲁斯、噪音实验以及美好旋律完美的结合,对后来的美国Grunge音乐产生了深远的影响。 发行时间:1990年 80年代,美国Grunge音乐的领军乐队.本张专辑亦是他们的代表作品.他们的音乐将硬核朋克、重金属、根源布鲁斯、噪音实验以及美好旋律的完美结合.对后来的美国Grunge音乐产生了深远的影响.Grunge最早的萌芽则来自于成立于83年的Green River,其后的乐队则包括Mud honey、Tad、Soundgarden、Babes In Toy Land、Meat Puppets、Dinosaur Jr.、Melvins等,这些早期的Grunge乐队听上去更像更重一些的重金属音乐,而以Nirvana为代表的后来成名的Grunge乐队则在歌曲的旋律性和噪音的使用上作了聪明的结合,获得了对主流市场的胜利,这件事,其实是,幸也不幸。最后Cobain的死证明摇滚和社会之间总是一个残忍的错误。后进的Grunge代表乐队包括Nirvana、Pearl Jam、Screaming Trees、Alice In Chains、The Smashing Pumpkins、L7、Hole等。而最后的最后,Cobain的最后一枪使Grunge运动涂抹上了神化般的悲剧色彩。 专辑曲目: 1、This Town 2. P.C.C. 3. Ozzie 4. Unwind 5. Baby Takes 6. Searchin" 7. Ain"t Nothing To Do 8. Queen Bitch 9. Forever Means 10. Rehab Doll 11. Swallow My Pride 12. Together We"ll Never 13. Smiling And Dyin" 14. Porkfist 15. Take A Dive 16. One More Stitch



karachi agreement造句 karachi agreementの例文

The Karachi Agreement beeen India and Pakistan estabpshed a cease-fire pne to be supervised by the miptary observers. Additionally, the United Nations Miptary Observer Group in India and Pakistan reported violations on both sides of the Karachi Agreement of 1949. As according to India, the purpose of UNMOGIP was to monitor the cease-fire pne as identified in Karachi agreement of 1949 which no longer exists. The 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement did not clearly mention who controlled the glacier, merely stating that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842. India and Pakistan disagree on UNMOGIP s mandate in Kashmir because India argued that the mandate of UNMOGIP has lapsed after the Simla agreement because it was specifically estabpshed to observe ceasefire according to the Karachi Agreement . Pakistan, as explained in the Karachi Agreement , maintained that the wordings ""thence north to the glaciers ""means that the CFL terminated at the last known location ( NJ9842 ) in the glaciated area. Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir showing the Cease Fire Line as Agreed Upon in the Karachi Agreement , Ratified by the Governments of India and Pakistan on 29 and 30 July Respectively . ( See Annex 26 to the third Interim Report of the United Nation Commission for India and Pakistan) Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text. Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text. US maps of the area and many world atlases starting in the 1960s incorrectly showed the Line of Control beeen Pakistani and Indian territory running from the last defined point in the 1949 Karachi Agreement , NJ9842, east-northeast to the Karakoram Pass, thus putting the whole of Saltoro Kangri and the entire Siachen Glacier in Pakistan. It"s difficult to see karachi agreement in a sentence. 用 karachi agreement 造句挺难的 Even though it is known that the negotiators had agreed on a cease-fire pne that stopped at a map coordinate known as NJ9842 a mountaintop northeast of the Kashmiri city of Srinagar, the ""thence north to the glaciers ""portion of para B 2 ( d ) of Karachi Agreement was later misread which further confused the status of Siachen glacier. According to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan ( UNCIP ) 39 resolutions, Azad Kashmir is neither a sovereign state nor a province of Pakistan, but rather a local authority with responsibipty over the area assigned to it under the current 2003 ceasefire pne agreement . 40 The local authority or Provisional government of Azad Kashmir as estabpshed in October 1947 handed over to Pakistan under the Karachi Agreement of April 28, 1949, matters related to defense, foreign affairs, negotiations with the UNCIP and coordination of all affairs relating to Gilgit and Baltistan ( strategically important territories that now prise Pakistan s Northern Areas. Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement , and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph"B"2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement. Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement, and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph"B"2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement .

The company will_to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.

选D adhere to (固定搭配) " 遵循,坚持"

请问下面句子里面的"green gulf"应该怎么翻译


—Which colour do you like _______, blue or green? —Blue.


Adom的《Green》 歌词

歌曲名:Green歌手:Adom专辑:Idiot SavantGreenBrendan JamesThe Day Is BraveZeppelin never left herNever died or second guessed herPainted on her bodyThe stars would never hurt herNever lie, never desert herPainted on her bodyShe prayed to God when she was youngAfter the storm a calm would come above herI thought that I could be the one to part the cloudsBefore the sun above herGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againMother moves to town againHolds her upside down again said its nice to see herBrendan now you"ve got to come she"s where I get my smile fromI"d like for you to meet herNow Andrea was paint and pride a step behind oh how she triedI loved herAnd all she wore from head to floor was shades of green from our storeI loved her oh oh ohGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againAnd oh, oh, oh, all for me she criedAnd oh, oh, oh, all for loveIn retrospect wish ICould have said three words that nightAll me, all me, all meNow, green reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to youGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you again

Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方


Adress is at No.183 on Green Street这种表达正确吗?

错误的地址表达法,改正:My address is 183 Green Street. 我的地址是格林大街183号。

adverb of degree中文翻译

You can use adverbs of degree in front ofparative adjectives 形容词比较级前可用程度副词加以修饰。 The parison of use beeen engpsh adverbs of degree and russian adverbs of degree 俄英中程度副词的用法比较 Semantic constraints on the nouns in chinese quot; adverbs of degree noun quot; constructions 句法手段对名词性并列结构中语义量级的强制 When the bination of adverb of degree " hen ( 很 ) " and negation " bu ( 不 ) " is used to modify adjectives , the quantity - restrains of different patterns of bination on the adjectives are different 摘要程度副词“很”和否定副词“不”双项连续连用修饰形容词时,不同的连用情况对形容词有著不同的量性规约。

Little Green Apples 的歌词中英对照翻译

And I wake up我在早晨醒来,In the morning with my hair我的头发放下来Down in my eyes在我眼里,And she says Hi她说嗨And I stumble我栽倒To the breakfast table在早餐桌上While the kids are goingOff to school goodbye当孩子们上学说再见时And she reaches out,And takes my hand她伸出我的手,And squeezes it并注意到Says how you feeling honey它说你如何挤出蜂蜜的感觉And I look acrossAt smiling lips我看在这温暖的嘴唇That warms my heart在温暖我的心And see my morning sun和我早上看到太阳And if that"s not loving me如果这不是爱我Then all I"ve got to say God didn"t make 那我得说上帝没有让The little green apples and it don"t rain in Indianapolis in the summertime小绿苹果和它没有在印第安纳波利斯夏季时下雨There"s no such thing as Dr. Seuss Disney land 有没有作为苏斯博士的迪斯尼乐园and mother goose no nursery rhymes和鹅妈妈童谣God didn"t make上帝没有这样的事情没有做The little green apples and it don"t rain in Indianapolis in the summertime小绿苹果和它没有在印第安纳波利斯夏季时下雨And when myself is feeling low而当自己情绪低落I think about her face aglow and ease my mind是我想念她的脸发红和缓解我心中Sometimes有时I call her up at home我打电话找她Knowing she"s busy知道她很忙,And ask her问她She could get away她可以蒙混过关And meet me and迎接我Maybe we could grab a abite to eat也许我们可以抓住吃点东西And she drops what she"s doing而她在做什么And hurries down to meet me和着急见我And I"m always late我总是迟到But she sits waiting patiently但总是她坐着耐心等待,And smiles when she first sees me当她第一次看到我时微笑Because she"s made that way因为她提出这样And if that not loving me如果这不是爱我God didn"t make then all I"ve got to say那我得说上帝没有让The little green apples and it don"t snow小绿苹果在不下雪时In Minneapolis when the winter comes在明尼阿波利斯在冬季来临时There"s no such thing As make believe 有没有作为让狗或小狗相信Puppy dogs or autumn leaves and BB guns叶秋和BB枪神并没有离开P.S;记得给我分,谢了

dairy degree什么意思

dairy degree 奶度degree 英[du026au02c8gri:] 美[du026au02c8ɡri] n. 程度; 学位; [乐] 音阶,度; [数] 度,度数; [例句]These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection这些人造屏障将会确保提供高度的保护。[其他] 复数:degrees

agree on 和agree to的不同

gree to sth-------同意对方开出的条件agree on sth-----同意双方制定的协议条款,合同1.He didn"t get the job because he didn"t agree to the working conditions here.2.They agreed on the contract and signed their names.

agree 近义词辨析

1. agree (to sth) 意为同意;愿意2. agree with sb 意为适3agree to do sth.同意做某事4agree on 同意


第二个音节。agree音标为美[??ɡri] ;英[??ɡri?],重音在第二个音节。agree的基本含义是“同意”;指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意。


agree短语有agree upon、agree about、agree together等。一、agree解释agree,英语单词,既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“同意,赞成;承认;约定,商定”。作不及物动词时意为“同意,意见一致;约定,商定”。二、agree短语agree upon达成协议 ; 意见一致 ; 同意某主意 。agree about对 ; 同意有关 ; 达成协议 ; 关于同意。agree together同意一起 ; 一起议定 ; 同意共同。agree you同意您 ; 同意你 ; 您同意。AGREE Chamber复合型环境试验机。agree more同意更 ; 更加同意 ; 同意。Astronomers Agree天文学家一致认为 ; 地理学家分歧以为。Agree Contract认定合同。三、agree例句What do you agree or not agree?你怎么同意还是不同意吗?。I agree with you on that.在那个问题上我和你一致。And whether you agree with them, or not.你是否同意他们的想法,还是没有。

agree与agree with有什么区别

agree to:agree to常与plan(计划)、arrangement(安排)、suggestion(建议)、proposal(建议)、terms(条件)、method(方法)等名词连用。这时agree to不仅指其主语与对方看法一致,而且暗含自己也愿合作、承担义务或效法的意味。(agree to sth/agree to do sth)agree with:agree with可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。与agree to不同之处是,仅表示看法或意见一致,没有愿意进行合作或效法的含义。(agree with sb/sth)另外,agree with除了有赞成,同意的意思,还有适应,适合的意思,可以用于食物,气候等方面例如 The food agrees with me(这食物合我口味)

agree怎么读 agree解释

1、agree,同意。读音:美/u0259u02c8ɡriu02d0/;英/u0259u02c8ɡriu02d0/。 2、解释:vt.同意,赞成;承认;约定,商定。vi.同意,意见一致;约定,商定。 3、例句:I agree with the basic point of view put forward in this article.我赞成这篇文章中提出的基本观点。
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