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Greece是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“希腊(欧洲南部国家)”。短语搭配Roman Greece希腊的罗马时期Greece Albania希腊阿尔巴尼亚 ; 希腊Greece Buddhist希腊佛教式1、Spain and Greece have not.西班牙和希腊还没有。2、Except for Greece, that is not what happened.除了希腊以外,情况并不是这样的。3、It may not be the only one, for Greece or the eurozone.而且对于希腊或欧元区这可能还不是唯一的成效。


音译的是HellasHellas虽然在英语字典里说是希腊的古称,但是希腊语里就是对希腊这个国家的称呼。在城邦时代,Hellas是全体希腊人的自称,区别与“蛮夷”,类似中国的春秋战国时期中原地区虽然各有国号,但是都自称属于“华夏”。希腊共和国的英文全称:The Hellenic Republic中就没有用Greek,和Greece。Hellas这个词来自神话中希腊的祖先皮拉和丢卡利翁的儿子赫楞(Hellen),中文的“希腊”直接译自希腊语,不是从英语过来的。


楼上的同学,您的答案的前面两段和后面两段是相矛盾的,而我同意后面两段,因为那曾经是偶写滴,所以偶复制粘贴修改一下相信你不会介意: Hellas虽然在英语字典里说是希腊的古称,但是希腊语里就是对希腊这个国家的称呼。看过雅典奥运会开幕式的人大概会有印象,当希腊代表团最后入场时,观众席上大喊Hellas,Hellas,Hellas;希腊共和国的英文全称:The Hellenic Republic中就没有用Greek,和Greece。Hellas这个词来自神话中希腊的祖先皮拉和丢卡利翁的儿子赫楞(Hellen)。英语里面Greece这个词来源于一个部落名。此部落名源于印欧语系的Gra,在古代,它曾住在今天希腊的西北,阿尔巴尼亚的南部。意大利人称其为Graecus,法语中变为Gréce,英语的Greece来自法语。后来这个词被用来称呼希腊这整个国家。(我是看到伏尔泰的《风俗论》中的注脚中有提到)




greece是希腊。 希腊地处欧洲东南角、巴尔干半岛的南端的共和制国家。全国由半岛南部的伯罗奔尼撒半岛和爱琴海中的3000余座岛屿构成。希腊为连接欧亚非的战略要地,本土从西北至正北部分别邻阿尔巴尼亚、北马其顿、保加利亚三国,东北与土耳其国境接壤。周围自东而西分别濒临爱琴海、地中海本域与伊奥尼亚海。 希腊是一个发达的资本主义国家,是欧元区、申根区、北约的成员国。希腊生活质量较高,人类发展指数为极高。其独特的文化、旅游业、船运业及战略地位使其跻身中等强国之列。


greece是希腊。希腊共 和国(英语:The Hellenic Republic ),简称希腊(英语:Greece)。希腊位于欧洲巴尔干半岛最南端,国土面积131957平方千米。希腊北同保加利亚、北马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚相邻,东北与土耳其的欧洲部分接壤,西南濒爱奥尼亚海,东临爱琴海,南隔地中海与非洲大陆相望。海岸线长约15021千米。希腊是经济中等发达国家,经济基础较薄弱,工业制造业较落后,海运业与农业较发达。希腊是东南欧地区重要国家,在巴尔干半岛具有较大影响力。希腊的地形地貌希腊境内多山,四分之三均为山地,沿海有低地平原。国土三面临海,河流短小而急促,海岸多曲折港湾。岛屿众多,最大半岛是伯罗奔尼撒半岛,最大岛屿为克里特岛。希腊最高峰是奥林匹斯山,海拔2917米。希腊最低点海平面为0米。品都斯山脉纵贯希腊西部,中部为色萨利盆地。



??? Error using ==> plus Matrix dimensions must agree.怎么解决


为什么广东话中的“青山”就是精神病院的意思,这跟“Green Hills”有什么关系,因为这个英文的翻译也是青


为什么广东话中的“青山”就是精神病院的意思,这跟“Green Hills”有什么关系,因为这个英文的翻译也是青


Diploma/Degree/Certificate/GED/nome 填什么

是选一个天的意思,但这是什么地方出现的啊。。。如果是要求你填简历的地方,最好填最高学历呀,大学填bachelor"s degree

Greensleeves 歌词

歌曲名:Greensleeves歌手:Mike Auldridge专辑:Dobro / Blues And BluegrassLoreena McKennitt - GreensleevesAlas my love you do me wrongTo cast me off discourteously;And I have loved you oh so longDelighting in your company.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.I have been ready at your handTo grant whatever thou would"st crave;I have waged both life and landYour love and goodwill for to have.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.Thy petticoat of sendle whiteWith gold embroidered gorgeously;Thy petticoat of silk and whiteAnd these I bought gladly.Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.

disagree with和disagree on的区别是什么

disagree with sb.disagree on sth.

green day——lazy bones中文歌词

I"m too tired to be bored我疲惫不堪,以至于感觉不到无聊I"m too bored to be tired我无所事事,以至于感觉不到疲惫And the silence is so deafening寂静沉默是如此的震耳欲聋It"s like picking at a sore就像在痛苦之上做出的选择 I"m too mental to go crazy我愚笨脆弱,以至于感觉不到疯狂I"m too drunk to be pure我烂醉如泥,以至于丧失了清晰的意识And my mind is playing tricks on me我的思想在对我耍着阴谋诡计And I can"t sleep tonight今晚我就是无法入睡 "cause I so tired因为,我太累了……I can"t take it anymore以后我可不能再这样下去了What with all the liars就像所有的撒谎者说的那样Like a prisoner of war就像一场战争中的俘虏 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了 It"s good to see you见到你感觉真的很舒服But I really must admit但是我必须承认There"s an odor in the air在空气中有一种气味And I think you look like shit让我感觉你就像一撮屎一样 I can"t stand from falling down我无法忍受失败地跌倒I"m too sick to throw up我厌恶至极以至于不能轻松放弃Everyone keeps talking所有的人都在不停地谈论着And they can"t shut the **** up他们就不能闭上高高在上的烂嘴 "cause I so tired因为,我太累了……I can"t take it anymore以后我可不能再这样下去了What with all the liars就像所有的撒谎者说的那样Like a prisoner of war就像一场战争中的俘虏 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了I don"t want to hear about it我不需要听取它的声音I don"t want to scream about it我不需要与之有关的尖叫I don"t want to hear it anymore我再也不想听到那些东西了

greet hofstede提出文化具有几个维度


a peace agreement这里为什么总用peace

peace agreement是"关于和平的协议" 而peaceful则会翻译为"和平的协议",协议本身不能用和平与否来形容,而内容可以

I agree ______ his ideas

agree with sb agree to sth 所以你是对的。



green day《梦碎大道》中文歌词

boulevard of broken dreams___梦碎大道 I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known 我独自的走在这熟悉的寂寞公路上 Don t know where it goes But it s home to me and I walk alone 却不知它通往何方,只有我和自己做伴 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams 我走在这条空荡荡的梦碎大道 Where the city sleeps and I m the only one and I walk alone 当城市一片寂静时,只有我和自己做伴(+城市都睡着了吗?) I walk alone I walk alone 我孤单的一直走着,走着 My shadows the only one that walks beside me 和我并肩而行的只有我的孤独的影子 My shallow heart s the only thing that s beating 空虚的心中传来微弱的心跳声 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 有时我希望有人能够陪伴我 Til then I walk alone 直到我要独自前行 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I m walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind 我走着,脑海中陷入深深的思索 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 我在徘徊,不知该去向何方 Read between the lines What s fucked up and everything s alright 我恍然大悟,生命中的一切对与错不断在脑海涌现 Check my vital signs To know I m still alive and I walk alone 聆听我的生命迹象,感受到我的脉搏还在不停的跳动

一首歌,开头是ladys and gentleman然后是什么什么然后是一个类似于be agree

Betty Boop (Ghost remix)?

like greek statues p__?_and中间应填啥单词


Black Swan Green是一部小说的名字吗?中文里叫什么?谢谢!


Black Swan Green是一部小说的名字吗?中文里叫什么?谢谢!

分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 解析: 是一部小说的名字:大卫·米歇尔的《绿野黑天鹅》 下面是一点介绍。希望对你有用^_^ 英语世界最负盛誉的文学奖之一布克奖2006年度的候选名单于8月14日晚在伦敦揭晓。在这份评委经过6个小时争论才得出的候选名单上,列出了19部作品。其中,读者熟知的大卫·米歇尔的作品《绿野黑天鹅》被认为最有可能摘取桂冠,莎拉·沃特斯、皮特·凯里也是有力竞争者。 一名13岁的口吃男孩,独自一人的时候却能写出流畅的诗句,他不止一次好像听到召唤,独自走进黑天鹅村边的绿野,奇遇不断……《绿野黑天鹅》讲奇遇 在布克奖评审委员会14日公布的19部候选作品中,既有多位前布克奖得主的作品,也有文学新秀第一次出版的小说。由两男三女组成的评委会为了选出19名候选作品,进行了长达6个小时的激烈辩论,这个时间不但长于过去四十多年中任何一次推出候选名单所花的时间,还比以往评委选出最终胜利者的时间都长。 原本受到热捧的畅销小说家厄文·威尔什这次落选布克奖候选名单,前不久他刚刚遭受沉重的打击。上周六晚,在爱丁堡图书节公共 *** 上,这位《迷幻列车》的作者因为他的新作《高级厨师的卧室秘密》中的一段关于一位年老女性的描写遭到读者抨击,人们认为威尔什有“厌女症”倾向。此外,他前卫的笔触也不太受欢迎。 马丁·埃米斯的第17部作品、中篇小说《会议厅》也被排除在这项文学大奖的第一道大门之外,在此之前,他还曾公开表示希望凭这部作品获奖。 大卫·米歇尔的《绿野黑天鹅》被认为是最有可能获奖的作品。这部作品讲述了一名13岁的、在别人眼中有些口吃的寻常男孩,在独自一人的时候却能写出流畅的诗句,他不止一次好像听到召唤,独自走进黑天鹅村边的绿野,奇遇不断。而哪些奇遇是他的真实经历,哪些是他的想像,叫人难以分辨。


《Black Swan Green》(David Mitchell)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:jl99书名:Black Swan Green作者:David Mitchell豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Random House Trade Paperbacks出版年份:2007-2-27页数:304作者简介:大卫·米切尔是英国著名作家,欧美文学界公认的新一代小说大师。1969年生于英格兰伍斯特郡,在肯特大学主修英美文学、比较文学。曾在日本广岛担任工程系学生的英文教师八年。米切尔博采村上春树、奥斯特、卡尔维诺、博尔赫斯诸大师作品之所长,自成一派,其作波诡云谲,灵气无穷。处女作《幽灵代笔》(1999)轰动欧美文学界,荣获莱斯文学奖,入围《卫报》处女作奖决选;《九号梦》(2001)入围布克奖决选,米切尔也因此书被评为英国最佳青年小说家;《云图》(2004)荣膺英国国家图书奖最佳小说奖和理查与茱蒂读书俱乐部年度选书,同时入围布克奖、星云奖、克拉克奖决选;《绿野黑天鹅》(2006)获得美国图书馆协会最佳青少年图书和《学校图书馆报》最佳图书称号,入围科斯塔图书奖和《洛杉矶时报》图书奖;《雅各布·德佐特的一千个秋天》(2010)问鼎英联邦作家奖。米切尔小说原创性十足,为二十一世纪英语小说开启了全新的模式与风貌。2007年,以杰出的文学成就被美国《时代》杂志评为“世界100位最具影响力的人物”之一。

英语作文my green lifestyle

my green lifestyleDifferent people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifest   Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. One day, I stayed in bed very late. It was a weekday. The clock rang. It was six thirty. But I didn"t hear it. I stayed in bed until seven o"clock. I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor. I was afraid, “Oh, my God, I will be late.” I shouted. So I didn"t have breakfast. I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school. I was in good luck that day. I wasn"t late for school. I was pleased that time. I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or I will be late. I believe you get up earlier on weekdays. Best wishes for you.

Individuals differ greatly in the degree 分析一下句子


Do you agree that it is important to make yourself understood 为什么这里要用understood 而不用原形

这是:make+sth+done(宾补) 的结构 make oneself understood 意思是“是某人被理解”希望对你有帮助O(∩_∩)O

Mr Green has not come to work since last week.Where do you think he

Chave/has been to ...表示去过某地,已经回来:He has been to Hongkong 3 times so far.have/has gone to ...表示去..., 还未回来 :A: Where is your father? B: He has gong to the US.


Welcome visitor you friends Hello everybody , welcome to come to Shanghai , I was in Shanghai travel guide Zhang, very pleased to be able to meet everyone to do all tour guides in the past few days , the meet that fate , first travel agency on behalf of our we extend a warm welcome , thank you for years of support and trust of our agencies , we hope to be able to have fun in the past few days , eat at ease , comfortable stay , leave a good memory ! I then called Zhang, Gong Zhang , because I Zhang, again we are guided , so everyone called me that how it ~ Oh, call me Sally on the line, someone said Zhang , I gladly accepted it , because Zhang cried too grand , and Zhang Yimou is called Zhang guide ! Our master driver surnamed X, I and everyone from all over the world together with the master comes really kind of fate , China is so big, it happens that we get together to such a small compartment to , if our car metaphor these days we mobile home , then our X master is our housekeeper , control of the steering wheel , hand power, our license plate number is our house number, slipped out the door when we must remember their own house number , and after all, our home is on wheels will run , I say again that we remember it : Shanghai XXXX Although I can not recall all the names one by one , but I think in the next X days where I would slowly we understand , we are familiar with , so now we just need to remember I can, you remember my last name anything? Then the car there and my surname , and hands . I"m sorry, I"m talking about the same surname , the surname another name. Well, the joke , and finally give us a few small suggestions , first of all, let us sit in the seat , do not walk around after a good casual avoid excessive speed is dangerous , followed by car is easy to be hungry , then eat leftover under it in a convenient trash bag , thrown off when the front of the trash can or carry down , let the house we want to live in X days , I hope we can maintain a good environment together , the last point is to sit Do not handle the window of a friend or head out of the window Shu , to avoid being scratched another vehicle , then I think away from home , travel is important, but peace is the most important, I think is a safe away from home happy , then I hope that this trip be able to take out everyone happily , safely brought back !

虐杀原形中Elizabeth Greene到底是谁


求关于 Lee greenwood 的介绍 超喜欢

Lee Greenwood生于美国加利福尼亚州,是美国著名的乡村音乐大师,80年代开始活跃于乐坛,纵横歌坛已近30载,发表过20多张专辑,有35首单曲上过美国乡村音乐每周排行榜。God Bless the USA(上帝保佑美国)是Lee Greenwood最有名的单曲,发行于2001年。 唱片公司:Mca公司(环球唱片) 生 日:10-27 星 座:天蝎座 类 型:乡村音乐【Country Music】 语 言:英语英语介绍(稍微全一点)Lee Greenwood (born October 27, 1942 in South Gate, California) is an American country music artist. Active since the early 1980s, he has released more than twenty major-label albums and has charted more than thirty-five singles on the Billboard country music charts.Although he is best known for his single "God Bless the USA", Greenwood also has charted seven Number One hits in his career: "Somebody"s Gonna Love You", "Going, Going, Gone", "Dixie Road", "I Don"t Mind the Thorns (If You"re the Rose)", "Don"t Underestimate My Love for You", "Hearts Aren"t Made to Break (They"re Made to Love)", and "Mornin" Ride". His 1983 single "I.O.U." was also a Top Five hit on the Adult Contemporary charts, and a #53 on the Billboard Hot 100. A 2001 re-release of "God Bless the USA" became his highest charting pop hit, reaching #16 on the Hot 100.Early lifeAfter the separation of his parents, Lee grew up in Sacramento on the poultry farm of his grandparents. At the age of seven, he began playing the saxophone, and at the age of nine became a member of a dance ensemble. In 1969, he joined the Chester Smith Band and had his first television appearance. A short time later, he worked with the country musician Del Reeves.He founded his first band, Apollo, in 1962. He briefly battled a cocaine addiction and moved to Iceland to go to rehab. The band, which changed its name later to Lee Greenwood Affair, played mostly pop music and appeared mostly in casinos in Las Vegas. A few records were recorded in Los Angeles with the Paramount label. After the band broke up in the 1970s, Greenwood moved back to Las Vegas, where he worked as a blackjack dealer during the day, and as a singer at night.CareerIn 1979, he was discovered in Reno, Nevada by Larry McFaden, the bandleader and bassist of Mel Tillis. After making some demo tapes, Greenwood was signed in 1981 by the Nashville division of the MCA label (who had recently absorbed the Paramount label), and McFaden became his manager.The first single, "It Turns Me Inside Out", made it to a spot in the top 20 of the country charts. Greenwood had written this song for Kenny Rogers, but Rogers turned it down due to the sheer volume of songs he had been offered at the time. "Ring On Her Finger, Time on Her Hands" landed him in the country top 10. Each song was marketed heavily, particularly in the South Florida market by MCA Account Service Rep, Brad Fitzgerald, among others.He is best known for writing and recording the patriotic song "God Bless the USA" in the early 1980s. "God Bless the USA" gained renewed popularity following the launch of Operation: Desert Storm in 1991, and again, ten years later, following the September 11, 2001 attacks; in fact, the song even re-entered the Top 20 of the country charts in late 2001. Since then, Greenwood has played at many public events and commemorations of the attacks. He supports the United States Republican Party.In November 2008, President Bush appointed Greenwood to a 6 year term to the National Arts Council.[1]TheaterIn 1995, Greenwood took a break from his touring schedule to spend time with his wife and newborn son. In his time off, he elected to build a theater in Sevierville, Tennessee, and in April 1996, the "Lee Greenwood Theater" opened its doors. This gave Greenwood the opportunity to still perform daily shows, in addition to being with his family. The theater operated for five seasons, and closed for Greenwood to continue touring. The theater was not located in the heavily entertainment and tourist oriented areas of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and Gatlinburg, Tennessee which contributed to the theater closing. The former theater building is now host to a church.


大家听说过Greenland吗?与它的名字,绿色岛屿,恰恰相反,它实际上是个冰雪世界。它就是“格陵兰岛”,世界上的岛。   Greenland is blessed with a peaceable(爱好和平的)people that has never waged war with anyone, and people generally show great openness to visitors.   被爱好和平的人民所保佑,格陵兰从没发生过战争,而且,人们张开双臂欢迎八方来客。   The population of Greenland is predominantly(占优势地)Inuit, a people bearing(关联)an affinity(密切关系)and solidarity(团结一致)with the Inuits of Canada, Alaska and Siberia. It is only 130 years since the last immigration(移居)from Canada took place.   生活在格陵兰的人被称作“因纽特人”(就是我们现在常说的Eskimo爱斯基摩人),与加拿大、阿拉斯加、西伯利亚的因纽特人血脉相连。仅仅130年前,最后一批移民才从加拿大登陆。   The symbols of the ancient culture are still alive even in the larger towns. Many people build and use their own kayak(爱司基摩小船)as you"ll see in every harbor(港湾)。The old drum dance is performed(表演)by a growing number of artists. The musical and theatrical(戏剧的)life is largely based on myths and sagas(英雄事迹)conveyed(表达)in a modern form.   即使在大城镇,古老的文明依然生机盎然。在每个港口,都能见到人们在修造和使用他们的小艇,表演古老的鼓点舞的人也越来越多了。人们在神话和英雄史诗的基础上,用现代的方式演绎歌舞升平的生活。   「世博读书笔记」   1.wage做动词,意思是“进行、从事”,如:   England and Spain waged war for many years.   英国和西班牙曾打过多年的战争。   大家比较熟悉wage的名词用法,意思是“工资”,这里也给大家讲一讲。   Salary,wage和pay这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但其含义不同。salary是指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly,sometimes three months or a year, for a job, esp. as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发给(Wages are paid weekly for a job, esp. as for labourers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。来看看相应的例子:   She draws a substantial salary.   她的薪水相当高。   His average wages are¥250 a week.   他每周平均工资是250元人民币。   I get my pay on time every month.   我每月按时领工资。   2.form是名词,有“表格”的意思,也可由此引申出以下几个意项。   (1)表示“形状、外形”,如:   Churches are often built in the form of a cross.   教堂常常建成十字形。   (2)表示“表现形式”,如:   He adopted the prose form.   他采用散文形式。   (3)表示“(运动员的)体能健康状况”,如:   If she is in form, she can win the match easily.   如果她竞技状态良好,她可以轻易赢得这场比赛。   「世博资料库」   因纽特人印象   4500年前因纽特人的祖先图勒人跨越白令海峡来到北美大陆,当地印地安人称他们为“爱斯基摩人”,意思是“吃生肉的人”。为了表示对图勒人的厌恶,而这个民族自称“因纽特族”,在其民族语言中,是“人”的意思。   北极地区自然环境恶劣,极不适于人类生活,而因纽特人在这里繁衍生息数千年,可称世界上生活条件最艰苦的民族之一。为了生存,他们一成不变的延续着类似原始公有制的社会组织形式,各种生活、渔猎技巧代代相传。因纽特文化则基于海上捕猎及爱斯基摩划子的使用。   现在的因纽特人,过着怎样的生活呢?   如果你以为这里会到处是帐篷、雪屋,因纽特人仍旧渔猎为生,就大错特错了。自从上世纪中后叶,阿拉斯加等因纽特人生活的地区发现石油等资源之后,大量移民来到此地,他们带来了现代文明、现代生活方式,几乎将因纽特人的传统彻底打翻。   在街头能看到很多因纽特人,黄色近黑的皮肤,长而黑的头发,看不清年龄,穿着不能说破烂,却有点邋遢,三三两两的站在商店、酒吧门口。当你从他们身边走过,他们会主动伸出手来,说声“WELCOME”,或者“我们是朋友、是兄弟”之类,然后就是带有浓重口音的,不明其意的英语。当然,要想见到他们,更多还是在酒吧。不论是白天还是黑夜,昏暗嘈杂的酒吧内,总有一些因纽特人坐在里面推杯换盏。   一夜之间从原始社会跨越到现代社会的因纽特人,正承受着巨大的心理落差。不用工作就可以过富足的生活,让许多年轻人失去了生活的热情和奋斗的理想,整天吃喝玩乐混日子。   当然,对于想要度假的人来说,格陵兰绝对是个不可多得的好去处!

除了 blue,green表达心情以外,还有哪些颜色词表引申意义

red 表示热情奔放

23 degrees and south歌词中文翻译

23 degrees and south维度23的南方Ride the river down to the mouth顺着河流一直往下This crazy life I can do without没有你在我身旁Long as you"re here with me这样疯狂的日子我也不想度过Catch a wave and ride the crest冲击着波浪,在山顶上肆意Hang ten and hook it to the west把它们都挂到西边去Sell it all til" there"s nothing left就全部都卖出去吧Long as you"re here with me只要你还在我身边就好Gonna play this old guitar再弹起那把心爱的旧吉他For beer and tips at a beachside bar在海滨的酒吧里喝着酒付着小费Little out of key, we"ll sing it loud无人注意的话我们就唱的再大声点吧Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Rediscover what our love is all about在那里再次发现什么是爱You and me and 23 degrees south你与我一起去向南方Remember me,remember you记得自己,挂念着你All those crazy things we said we"d do那些我们曾夸下海口的蠢事We got so lost and out of the blue最终却迷失自己,伤痕遍体Dreams just slip away梦已不再But I"m still here and you"re my girl我仍在原地,你也还是我的爱人Still you and me against the world还是我们一起面对这世界Pack a bag and pack it light随意打包轻装上路Come on baby,we can leave tonight来吧bae我们今晚就出发了Gonna play this old guitar再拾起那把旧吉他For beer and tips at a beachside bar在海滨的酒吧里喝着酒,付着小费Little out of key,we"ll sing it loud无人注意的话我们就唱的再大声点吧Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Rediscover what our love is all about在那里再次发现什么是爱You and me and 23 degrees south你与我一起去向南方Play songs on this guitar就在这旧吉他上奏起我们的曲子We"ll get back to who we are我们终会回到最初Fall like shooting stars that don"t burn out就像不会焚尽的流星Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Remember what our love is all about终究能看到什么是爱情You and me and 23 degrees south那梦中的南方mmm,hmmWell,come on baby,pack it light来吧我们轻装就走mmm,hmm23 degrees south就去往那南方oh yeah

这英语 business ;green ;neutral 怎么读?


Green Day是谁啊


急求Green day - basket case的LRC{中文}歌词!!

Do you have the time 你有时间吗To listen to me whine? 能听我抱怨吗About nothing and everything 是关于无关紧要的事和所有事(也可以说成:其实没事,也有好多事。这得自己体会。)all at once 突然I am one of the those 我是一个那些Melodramatic fools 情景喜剧中的傻子(B)Neurotic to the bone 骨子里就是个神经病No doubt about it 不要怀疑它(指说他自己神经病)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了I went to a shrink 我去看个精神病医生(shrink,这里是指精神病医生)To analyze my dreams 去分析我的梦(这句得意会他梦见了什么)She says it"s lack of sex 她说我的J-B缺乏性欲(it,在这里指他的性征器官)that"s bringing me down 她说这话让我软了 (that"s就是只上面那个是个男的一听就软的话,down,就是那玩意软下来了。)(这得意会)I went to a whore 我去找鸡He said my life"s a bore 他说我的生活真操行。(也可以说成,他说我的生活就知道“钻孔”,或含蓄点:他说在他的生活里(我)是个招讨厌的人)So quit my whining cause 所以放弃抱怨的原因。it"s bringing her down 这些让它没欲望了。(这得意会)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 呃,啊,啊,呀Grasping to control 抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思)So I better hold on 我更能更好的控制Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了P.S. 这是一个非常经典的,含沙射影很多东西的NEWSCHOOL PUNK老歌。如果你是切身使地的朋克,千万别成为朋克圈里装腔作势的人。如果你只是一个爱好者,请你用尊重的心态对待朋克的每一首歌,哪怕他们说的唱的很不尊敬。我已经过了PUNK的年龄。但是,我骨子里仍然保留着朋克热情。在给你翻译这个歌的时候我也在打开好久没打开的文件夹一遍一遍的听着,翻译的只是一个侧面,如果你能真正体会,还会体会出很多东西。PUNK NOT DEAD!

怎么用 zoom g2nu 效果器调出green day的吉他音色

不可能调出来 green day的音色大部分来源于两个串起来的marshall箱头 然后加过载做推子 在加一些周边 zoom g2nu这种中低端综合效果器是绝对调不出来那么饱满的过载的 你可以开一点失真 不要开高 然后把高频调高点 这种还可以忽悠人 想调出那种音色除非你有一样的设备 有gibson

green day - basket case歌词

Artist: Green Day Lyrics Song: Basket Case Lyrics Do you have the time to listen to me whine About nothing and everything all at once I am on oh those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it Sometimes i give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I"m cracking up Am I just paranoid? I"m just stoned I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me down I went to a whore He said my live"s a bore And quit no whining cause it"s bringing her down Grasping to control So you better hold on The hottest songs from Green Day

如何理解评价Green Day的basket case的这首歌

  “Basket Case”是美国朋克摇滚乐队Green Day的歌曲,是该乐队的第三张专辑 “Dookie”中的第7首。这首歌曾在“现代摇滚曲目”榜的第一名的位置保持过5个星期。  这首歌可以说是PUNK史上划时代的巨作。从1994年创作至今,风靡不尽。艾薇儿也翻唱过。在加盟Reprise公司之后,1994年初,Green Day乐队发行了第三张专辑,也是他们主流公司的首张专辑《Dookie》。由于第二支单曲《Basket Case》的连续推动,这张专辑成为了整个1994年的一个现象,这首单曲成为了现代摇滚单曲榜的冠军,而此后在大名鼎鼎的Woodstock音乐节上的精彩演出,以及第三首冠军单曲《When I Come Around》推出之后,Green Day乐队的这张《Dookie》风靡美国,继而蔓延全球。  乐队主唱Billie Joe Armstrong说这首歌是关于他在焦虑中挣扎的。在他被诊断为恐慌症之前,他觉得自己快要发疯了,他说“我知道的唯一的解决办法就是写一首歌。”  就像其他Dookie里的歌曲一样,这首歌是用降E大调的乐器演奏的。乐曲前奏的第一个小节是Armstrong的吉他独奏,到乐曲中间的高潮部分时乐队的其他部分加入,有鼓手Tré Cool爆炸性快节奏的鼓声和贝斯手Mike Dirnt演奏的与演唱曲调吻合的贝斯曲段。

Green Day专辑 的每首歌的故事和整体含义?

您很强~~这种问题也提的出来~~ 赶紧关了吧 ~~兄弟我回答不上来的估计也没人能回答了~~

谁有GREEN DAY成员的详细资料啊?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 主要是主唱``黑眼圈的那个~~ 解析: GREEN DAY 成员:Billie Joe Armstrong(主唱/吉他手),Mike Dirnt(贝司手/和声),Tre Cool(鼓手/和声) 厂牌:华纳 GREEN DAY的风格一向都被定义为Alternative Rock或者Punk Rock。因为实在太受欢迎,后来又被定义为Pop Rock,听到这首 Wake Me Up When September Ends,我建议把Green Day的风格定义为British Rock。 Wake Me Up When September Ends以反战为主题。伊拉克战争?!在 这里你可以看到他们的MV。很清晰得记得MV中男主角用瞄准两个孩子和一个母亲的枪口指向了另一边,母子眼中的惊恐,士兵眼中的无奈,看到这个镜头,我想说些什么,可说不出来,只有一种颤动,这种颤动来自内心深处最柔软的地方。 这首歌选自他们的专辑“American Idiot”,一个美国乐队,这样的专辑名称......关乎政治,关乎战争,他们不是愤青,只是一个乐队,以他们的方式告诉人们:NO WAR! 总而言之,我喜欢这样的乐队,这样的歌,这样的英伦摇滚风格。 如今Billie Joe Armstrong也成了小女生们的偶像,这哥们长得倒确实可爱,Elijah Wood一样的大头娃娃脸,张开双臂做十字架时尤其惹人怜爱,难怪Green Day能成为继Pearl Jam以后从Alternative攻入Pop最成功的一伙人——但是,他们骨子里还是想做个朋克的,看Billie那身小领带行头和熊猫眼——虽然Avril把这身朋克行头也整成了一个小恶俗;再不然就看看《American Idiot》封套上那个手榴弹涂鸦,好歹也可以说它体现了反 *** 和DIY的精神。 1988年,Billie(主唱/吉它)与青梅竹马Mike Dirnt (贝司,原名Mike Pritchard) 在伯克利草创Green Day的前身Sweet Children,时年不过十四岁。身为六个孩子中的老末、十岁丧父,他有充分的理由成为一个硬核。1989年第一个鼓手Al Sobrante加入,Sweet Children成为了Green Day,发了第一张EP,得到当地indie厂牌Lookout的一纸合约;一年后Green Day在这个厂牌下发了第一张专辑《103,9/Smoothed Out Slappy Hour》,同年鼓手换成Tre Cool (原名Frank Edwin Wright, III),形成延续至今的乐队阵容。此后四年,四个硬核小子在加州地下乐坛日益风光起来,92年的最后一张地下专辑《Kerplunk》最终把他们“拱”上了主流。 而Billie如今遭人诟病的背叛地下亲近主流,也可以说就是这张indie专辑种下的因:《Kerplunk》大热使主流厂牌对Green Day伸出了橄榄枝。1994年发生了两件事:春天,Green Day在主流厂牌Reprise下的第一张专辑《Dookie》大卖;夏天,Billie娶了他的女朋友Adrienne Nesser。《Dookie》最终销量超过八百万张,一年后Billie也有了第一个儿子Joseph Marcicano。至此事业家庭两得意,Billie倘要在主流的路上“一意孤行”下去,也不难理解。 但《American Idiot》还是Pop Punk,有Pop的轻软甜,也不放手Punk的冷硬重。整张专辑相当注重歌曲间的连续性,就连《Holiday》与《Boulevard of Broken Dreams》的MV场景都像一出连续剧。音乐上,鼓点是朴实的,和声是简单的,吉他贝司简约而有分量,遵循着朋克经典的三个 *** 传统,总的说来既谈不上什么技巧但是也不难听——虽然也有几首旋律相当有味道的歌,但仍旧不免沦为极力讨好游离于Pop与Punk之间的境地,给人不够痛快彻底的印象。 有人说《American Idiot》在2004美国大选年推出,有强烈的政治倾向,虽然Green Day没像Dave Grohl亲身投赴克里竞选前线助阵,但他们挺的肯定也不是在位的小布什。也有人说American Idiot有影射American Idol之嫌,从攻击新媒体这一点上说,倒似乎也能扯上点关系。但是这张专辑并非身体力行针砭时弊那一型,对现实社会也没有什么明确的指向性,反而更像是一场少年心气的梦魇,仍旧是90年代那张《Warning》里惨烈阳光下走来那一群颓废雅痞的资本主义少年。头一首歌布下了环境基调:a nation that under the media, the subliminal mind *** America(一个被媒体奴役的国度,潜意识里 *** 了脑袋的美国),词句有否章法灵性不论,摆出的还是一副声讨现代性后工业社会的面孔,警告媒介的过度发达造成了人的异化。We"re not the ones who"re meant to follow(我们不是那种生来追随别人的人),听来仍是几十年前Pink Floyd《the Wall》的回响。 有意思的是,第二首《Jesus of Suburbia》和倒数第二首《Home Coming》,是一对互为对照的孪生歌,各分为五部分,都长达九分钟。《American Idiot》挑起的反叛幕布在《Jesus of Suburbia》中展现了有血有肉的舞台,挑衅宗教、前途渺茫、怀疑爱情、控诉破碎家庭、还有嗑药,给整张专辑的“社会关怀”做了一场预告,像是资本主义白人青少年成长的经典烦恼集锦。二者的音乐风格都试图在每一部分中花样翻新,但《Jesus of Suburbia》没有它的兄弟《Home Coming》来得收放自如。这其实也是因为后者的角色类似总结性发言,不存在前者资讯泄露的顾虑,供其掌控的资源便囊括了专辑中几乎所有动人的东西,包括《Letterbomb》中小女孩音质的那四行残酷童话(Nobody likes you/Everyone left you/They"re all out without you/having fun…),也由Billie的嗓子狠狠回顾了一把童年创伤。 说到《Letterbomb》,这首歌本身并不显眼,语词的乖张在整张专辑中也算不得特出。但只有它的intro使人眼前一亮,一个小女孩的声音唱着孩提时代最残酷的话语,蓦然点醒了在燥热的Pop Punk中渐渐麻木的耳朵。 而整张专辑中最为Pop迷钟情的要数那首青涩而又深情款款的《Wake Me Up When September Ends》,一些对Green Day的硬核年代念念不忘的乐评反而认为他们在这首歌中向商业实在谄媚了太多。intro一串清洌爽朗的acoustic吉他,Billie在这首歌中使用的是介乎男孩与男人之间、游离梦想与现实之外的唱腔,青涩、淡漠,而又微微泛苦。intro之后电声与鼓的音墙压将下来,主唱的声音单薄却不曾示弱,始终顽强地支撑在舞台中央。这首歌的MV是一支不惜血本的小电影,由2003年主演残酷青春片《Thirteen(十三岁)》受人瞩目的少女影星Evan Rachel Wood扮演清纯亮丽的小镇女孩,她的恋人是一个单纯敏感、惧怕成长的小镇男孩。对未来的期待与不安使男孩不顾家人女友的反对应征入伍,懵懵懂懂被送到战场,目睹血与火的人间地狱——战争场面拍得煞是逼真,竟然动用了好几辆坦克——而女孩独自坐在定情的郊野,仰望天空默念着当初的誓言。爱与和平,青春与死亡,集纳了如此讨好的元素,这首歌对排行榜的企图心实在是不言而喻了;而抛却Green Day的硬核历史不顾,这也是一首难得的Pop Rock佳作。 对于老资格的乐迷来说,《American Idiot》恐怕算不上惊喜,充其量是水准之中。但这张专辑包装之精良、宣传炒作手法之纯熟,确实使Green Day再次升温,从2004年发CD到2005年发DVD,着实痛痛快快火了一年。而Billie Joe Armstrong最难能可贵的,则是已届不惑之年为人夫为人父,却仍然保有一种孩子般纯净的魅力。

什么是associated degree?

associate degree,是指两年制的学习拿到的证书

degrees awarded是什么意思


英语有哪些用颜色表示深意的句子/比如红眼病用green eyes,黄笑话用bule joke,

blue mood

Cee Lo Green的《Fuck You 》 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You 歌手:Cee Lo Green专辑:Fuck You (EP)I see you driving "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Fuck you!And fuck her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with a...Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooYeah I"m sorry, I can"t afford a ferrari,But that don"t mean I can"t get you there.I guess he"s an xbox and I"m more atari,But the way you play your game ain"t fair.I pity the fool that falls in love with you(Oh shit she"s a gold digger)Well(Just thought you should know nigga)OooooohI"ve got some news for youYeah go run and tell your little boyfriendI see you driving "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Fuck you!And fuck her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with a...Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooNow I know, that I had to borrow,Beg and steal and lie and cheat.Trying to keep ya, trying to please ya."Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap.I pity the fool that falls in love with you(Oh shit she"s a gold digger)Well(Just thought you should know nigga)OooooohI"ve got some news for youYeah go run and tell your little boyfriendI see you driving "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Fuck you!And fuck her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with a...Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooNow baby, baby, baby, why d"you wanna wanna hurt me so bad?(so bad, so bad, so bad)I tried to tell my mamma but she told me"this is one for your dad"(your dad, your dad, your dad)Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy? Uh!Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh!I still love you. Oooh!I see you driving "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Fuck you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Fuck you!And fuck her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with a...Fuck you!Oo, oo, ooo

gee lo green -fuck you 歌词翻译

哎呀瞧绿色 ----去你妈的

Yes,the traffic lights are red ,yellow and green.这句英文的问句是什么?

Is the traffic lights are red, yellow and green?我分析觉得是一把疑问句。

跪求!急!加拿大大学里:undergraduate study和bachelor degree有什么区别啊?

没有什么区别的 bachelor也是本科 只不过undergraduate有不带学位的。建议还是申请bachelor degree的课程~这样带学士学位。 什么意思啊?

大概是bachelor degree学士学位吧,但不知道C是什么



请问university degree与bachelor degree的区别 ?

university degree大学学位bachelor degree学士学位

“双学位”翻译成“Double Degree”正确吗?

Double degrees

bachelor degree和college degree有什么差别?



bachelor和honorsdegree的区别在于: bachelor是普通学士,honors degree是荣誉学士,略高于普通学士。单词详解:bachelorn. 学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽Honors Degree荣誉学位相关短语:bachelor degree 学士学位;大学本科学位证书bachelor of science 理学学士Honors Bachelor Degree 荣誉学士学位BED Honors Degree Course 教育学士荣誉学位课程双语例句:She graduated in Oil Painting from ShanDong College of Arts as a Top Student in 1998, andearned a Bachelor of Art Degree. 1998年,她以山东艺术学院美术系综合评分全系第一的成绩毕业,并荣获1998年山东省优秀毕业生称号;Albert obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration degree with First Class Honors in 1981and his Master of Business Administration degree in 1988. 吴先生于1981年以优异的成绩获得一等荣誉工商管理学士学位,并于1988年获得工商管理硕士学位。

bachelor degree是什么意思


英语:什么是green-field investment?什么叫 brown-field investment?


绿地投资(greenfield investment)是什么意思


Greenfield Investment是什么意思?



很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为: Mr Wang told his son that it is polite to greet others. 王先生告诉他儿子,给别人问好是礼貌的.,8, 女篮09号 举报 is 不用变成was么,再问一下有be polite to do sth 这个形式么 举报 OZYSYGGM 应该把is 变为was it is polite to do sth 是个固定句型 女篮09号 举报 那就是Mr Wang told his son that it was polite to greet others. 对,这样才是正确的,“一分二定三检查”连词成句方法佳 “一分”是指分清每个单词的词性与功能。通常情况下,名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当句子的主语或宾语;动词、动词短语作谓语;形容词担任定于或系动词构成表语;副词或介词短语作状语。如: 1. chinese, learn, we, at school (名词) (动词)(代词)(介词短语) We learn ch...,2,Mr Wang told his son that it is polite to greet others . ***************************************************************************** 祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问; 如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!...,1,Mr. Wang told his son that it is his polite to greet others,1,英语初中连词成句 polite,Mr.Wang,greet,told,son,his,is,to,that,it,others.不是问句,是陈述句,

英语applicable law or agreed怎么翻译?

applicable law or agreed适用的法律或协议

Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who

原文:Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals (基础) of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Plato.Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics.His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology (认识论) and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed.Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect (宗派). 翻译:苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域做出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。求采纳,谢谢!


green crew 意思是 “没经验的乘务员(或船员)”。四个 eeee 连写表示 ee 音的加长,如果译为汉语就是 “没 -- 经验的”,所以可以谐音为 “古锐 -- 恩/克入乌 ”。

If they agree with us,weuff08carry outuff09___________the

will carry out

The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.翻译


The Great Green Wall是什么意思


F:DmC.Devil.May.Cry.Cracked.CHS.4.0.Green.Edition-ALI213 如何解压?


如何评价Lorde的单曲Green light

成人抒情,录制和演唱的质量挺高,不说和all of me比肩,起码和stay还有say something 一个水平,加上“久违的灵魂歌姬”,“屠榜小能手”等加成,单曲和专辑成绩应该很好看。但是钢琴打底的慢板情歌虽然不腻味,但也乏善可陈,可以疗伤,但是在音乐风格的尝试上偏于保守。流行乐坛的大风向总是随着一代一代diva的更迭而变化,mariah carey等一众成人抒情,rihanna一众的EDM,现在又有lana del rey lorde这样的复古indie势力,不能说哪种风格更高端,只能说一代一代的年轻人的需求不一样,这些不同的需求导致了不同曲风的风靡,只不过我们这批人听成人抒情听够了,所以觉得hello没有进步。又回去听了几遍 hello,连同MV和单曲列表一起看了,感觉这张专辑Adele可能会往民谣和Dream pop上靠,而氛围可能会沉闷些,节奏会平缓些,有些像Ben Howard的 I forget where we were。不过这也是个人猜测,毕竟为Adele做唱片就像一场重要的战役,Max Martian,Ryan Tedder这样的制作人不会做一张成人抒情来砸自己的牌子,首发芭乐点到即止告诉歌迷自己不忘初心就可以了。其实第一次听不觉得,后来一看hello的mv让我突然想到Sarah Connor的real love,同样作为专辑主打,同样在苒苒物华休的秋天怀念逝去的长辈,同样强力的vocal,只不过后者没有在国际榜单上有个好成绩,嗯只能说Adele的运气很好咯。现在独立音乐和主流音乐的分界越来越模糊,主流歌手邀请独立音乐人制作专辑,独立歌手又feat主流的歌手希望能出榜单金曲,我觉得从21开始,Adele除了出身独立厂牌并保有独立歌手“预算有限”的专辑封面风格以外,其他都流行化了,21又有多少soul的影子呢,只不过是一张旋律好,制作好,歌词朴挚动人的抒情专辑又恰好碰到Adele烟熏火燎的嗓子和被舞曲搞得无趣的流行音乐界而已。我不是Adele的粉,不过我还是会预购25,因为只是单纯想尽一点微薄之力,帮阿呆压制一下贾斯婷碧波儿——尽管他的专辑或许更加锐意进取。

Green tea is the best choice for office worker. P

绿茶是办公室人员最好的饮料总是在空调房间里工作的人们会面临许多皮肤问题,比如皮肤干燥。在所有的饮料中,绿茶是最好的选择,因为绿茶中有重要的元素,而且还能防止电脑辐射。冬天喝红茶中医认为不同的人应该根据茶叶的不同特点和口味选择自己要喝的茶。红茶能暖胃并促进消化。因此在寒冷的冬季喝红茶是个不错的选择。不要喝浓茶浓茶可能会使身体过度兴奋,并严重影响心血管和神经系统的功能。对于上述器官有问题的人来说,过量饮用红茶会导致心血管疾病,或使现有病症加重。吃饭时不要喝太多茶。过量饮茶或饮浓茶会影响人体对常量元素和微量元素的摄取。还有,不应在饮茶时喝牛奶或奶制品。  这里不是回答的内容:上面这段英语,一看就是中国式英语。

degree qualification certificate 有什么区别

degree qualification certificate降级合格证

degree qualification certificate 有什么区别 是指学位,比如bachelor"s degree, docter"s degree  2.qualification 是指获得某种资格和条件。  3.certificate 则是证书,偏向于纸面上的东西。  用一个例句来解释三者之间的关系:Since I finished the bachelor"s degree in medical college, I"ve got a docter"s certificate, so I have qualification to be a docter.

请英语语法达人来解答~~! Green plants combine_______ with water and carbon dioxide to ma


the essex green的《By the Sea》 歌词

歌曲名:By the Sea歌手:the essex green专辑:the long goodbyeA moment taken slowly by the seaWind blowing downBells ring a sigh, of good morning, goodbye...Ooooo...Faces pass you by on a blue train flyin" highWho do you see this time?Everybody"s talkin" at onceThey got the look of a strangerOoh..The shoreline is a map, as sure as anyone you"ve ever knownTracing the wayTo good morning, good day...Ooooo...

Dave green 是男生还是女生?


Office体验长、曾为新执行长接班人选 Julie Larson-Green自微软退离

微软稍早证实,担任Office事业群体验长的JulieLarson-Green确定从微软离开。 在此之前,JulieLarson-Green在微软已经任职超过25年时间,除了在微软体系担任执行副总,并且于Office事业群担任体验长之外,更曾在微软Windows事业群、Xbox及Surface硬体部门担任主管职位。在此之前,JulieLarson-Green曾被视为接替SteveBallmer担任微软执行长潜在人选,但之后则是由SatyaNlla接手。 目前微软并未透露JulieLarson-Green未来发展动态,但未来其业务预期将由负责Office、OneDrive及SharePoint相关业务的微软副总裁JeffTeper接手。 JulieLarson-Green过去曾主导Windows8介面革新,虽然在当时并未让动态砖为主的操作介面成为市场主流,却让现今推行的Windows10打下基础。同时,在Office后期采用的Ribbon操作选单也释出自JulieLarson-Green提议。

Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human problmes.


the brilliant green的《Stand by》 歌词

歌曲名:Stand by歌手:the brilliant green专辑:The Brilliant GreenSunday she said I cannot bear to say goodbyeThen she turned away and began to cryMonday she said goodbye my love she'd made up her mindShe's down and in the darkness she sits she needs me nowEvery dream I have is realI can deliver sweet magicIt will be no trouble to help you my friendYou know I'll always stand by you whatever happensDon't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alrightGoodbye, the sun is going down in the west, are you ready?Let's go, there's something waiting for you, a brand new dayEverybody has troubles, they're wishing for peace everydayThough no one else can see me, I watch over youRemember I'll stand by you whatever happensDont worry, I'll stand by you cos it's alrightEvery dream I have is realI can deliver sweet magicIt will be no trouble to help you my friend, I'll always hereYeah, the guiding light above the roofThe shooting star that follows you roundWon't be any trouble to help you my friendYou know I'll always stand by you whatever happensDon't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alrightRemember I'll stand by you whatever happensDont worry, I'll stand by you cos it's alright

holland&barrett garcini gambogia and green coffee

holland & barrett garcinia cambogia and green coffee beanholland &巴雷特藤黄属植物藤黄和绿色咖啡豆

poison -green dress 这儿poison怎么翻译?

poison-green dress : poison-ivy- green dress像毒常春藤叶的绿色衣物poison = poison-ivy 毒常春藤
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