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playground 的意思是:操场。例如:We often have our PE on the playground of our school.




playground是名词, 意思是操场

in the playground和on the playground有什么区别?

【解答】in the playground与on the playground 完全互相替换,意义相同。on the playground最早出现在英式英语中,in the playground出现在美式英语中。下面辞典中出现例子:■用in的例证:1. He bullies all other little boys in the playground. 他在运动场上称王称霸,欺负其他小男孩。见商务印书馆的《朗文当代高级英语辞典》bully词条2. He was bashed up in the playground by some older boys. 有几个年龄较大的男孩子在操场上对他动武。见商务印书馆的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)bash词条3. children skipping in the playground 在操场中跳绳的儿童,见商务印书馆的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)skip词条4. The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力。见商务印书馆的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)steam词条5. The children were running about in the playground. 孩子们在运动场上跑来跑去。见上海外教社的《朗文多功能分类词典》6. There were children fighting in the playground. 见《剑桥高级英语词典》 (Cambridge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary)的fight词条■用on的例证:The children ran out and played on the playground at recess. 休息的时候孩子奔出来到操场上玩耍。见王文昌主编的《英语搭配大词典》The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall. 男孩子们在运动场的墙上用粉笔画上了球门柱。见商务印书馆的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)chalk词条■另补充用at的例证:He supervised the children at the playground. 他看管在操场上的孩子们。见外研社的《当代美国英语学习词典》的supervise词条。

on the playground与in the playground的区别

on the playground与in the playground/at the playground的区别:表示“在运动场上”或“在操场上”,playground前既可用介词in也可用介词on,但以用in为普通,并举如下:The children were all in [on] the playground. 孩子们都在操场上。They are playing baseball in the playground. 他们在运动场上打棒球。The sports meeting was held on the playground. 运动会在操场上举行。■用in的例证:1. He bullies all other little boys in the playground. 他在运动场上称王称霸,欺负其他小男孩。2. He was bashed up in the playground by some older boys. 有几个年龄较大的男孩子在操场上对他动武。3. children skipping in the playground 在操场中跳绳的儿童。4. The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力。5. The children were running about in the playground. 孩子们在运动场上跑来跑去。6. There were children fighting in the playground. 孩子们在操场上打闹。■用on的例证:The children ran out and played on the playground at recess. 休息的时候孩子奔出来到操场上玩耍。The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall. 男孩子们在运动场的墙上用粉笔画上了球门柱。■另补充用at的例证:He supervised the children at the playground. 他看管在操场上的孩子们。这里主要是考察了介词at, in, on的区别 表示地点、场所、位置等,注意以下用法: (1) 表示某一点位置,用 at。如: We live at No 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路 87 号。 The hospital is at the end of the street. 医院在这条街的尽头。 与名词所有格连用表示地点,也用 at。如: at my sister"s 在我姐姐家 at the doctor"s 在医务室 (2) 表示空间或范围,用 in。如: What"s in the box? 这盒子里有什么? He lives in Paris with his wife. 他同他妻子住在巴黎。 但有时两者可换用。如: The meeting was held at [in] the hotel. 会议在宾馆举行。 (3) at 与 in 的另一个区别是:at 用于指较小的地方,而 in 用于指较大的地方。如: in Shanghai 在上海 at the station 在车站 但是,大与小是相对的,有时随着说话者的着眼点不同,大地方也可能用 at(比如把一个大地方看作一个点时)。如: Our plane refuelled at London. 我们的飞机在伦敦加油。 We stopped for an hour at Moscow on our way to Paris. 我们在去巴黎的途中在莫斯科停了 1 个小时。 (4) 介词 on 用于地点,主要指在某物的表面。如: What"s on the table? 桌上有什么? There"s a wallet lying on the ground. 地上有个钱包。 注:在少数搭配中,也用介词 on。如: He works on a farm. 他在农场工作。


操场,尤指提供如秋千等设备的户外场地;游乐场;(某些集体聚会游乐的)园地。英音 ,[u02c8pleu026agrau028and],美音 [u02c8pleu02ccɡrau028and]。What worked on the playground is effective all over again .在操场上行之有效的办法在这里依然有效。playground和stadium的区别stadium这个词也有“运动场”的含义,那其和playground之间有什么区别呢?playground通常是指学校的运动场或公园内供儿童活动的游戏场地,而stadium通常是指设有观众席的大型体育场,常用于举办体育赛事、音乐会、演唱会等。例如:Mike prefers to go to the stadium to watch football matches.克更喜欢去体育场观看足球比赛。

playground有两种吗?in the playground和on the playground有什么区别

in the playground和on the playground的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the playground意思:坐落在操场上2.on the playground意思:在操场;在操场上二、用法不同 the playground用法:in the playground并不一定就是在操场上,也许在操场外围,甚至操场附近,当然也不排除是在操场上。所以in the playground与前两者意思上是稍有区别的。2.on the playground用法:用on,则是把操场看作一个点、一个具体的地方,所以on the playground的意思是,在操场那儿,在操场那里。并不一定就是在操场上,也许在操场外围,甚至操场附近,当然也不排除是在操场上。所以on the playground与前两者意思上是稍有区别的。三、侧重点不同 the playground侧重点:侧重于固定物体,比如旗杆,球门等。2.on the playground侧重点:侧重于可以动的人或物,在操场上活动。



playground 是词组吗?



playground是一个英语名词,它的意思是游戏场,游乐场;操场,园地,天地,活动场所。其复数形式为:playgrounds。 扩展资料   playground的"一般用法   playground可以与以下词性连用:   1、形容词,如:public playground 公共运动场;   2、名词,如:city playground 市立运动场;school playground 学校操场   3、介词,如:in playground 在操场上。   playground例句分享   The primary students played noisily in the playground.   小学生们在操场上欢闹。   Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground   孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。   上面为同学们解释了playground是什么意思,并且整理了playground的相关知识点,希望对同学们有帮助。


playground[英]["pleu026aɡrau028and] [美][u02c8pleu02ccɡrau028and] 生词本简明释义n.操场,尤指提供如秋千等设备的户外场地;游乐场;(某些集体聚会游乐的)园地复数:playgrounds易混淆的单词:Playground以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词1.N-COUNTSee also:adventure playground;(学校的)操场,运动场;(儿童)游乐场A playground is a piece of land, at school or in a public area, where children can play.2.N-COUNT(某一群体的)游憩胜地,度假场所If you describe a place as a playground for a certain group of people, you mean that those people like to enjoy themselves there or go on holiday there. ...St Tropez, playground of the rich and famous.圣特罗佩,富豪和名流的游憩胜地




playground 英[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd]美[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd]n. (尤指学校或公园中的) 游戏场,游乐场; 操场; (某些集体聚会游乐的) 园地,天地,活动场所;[例句]He limped off the playground.他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。[其他] 复数:playgrounds


playground的意思:操场;儿童游乐场。读音:英[u02c8pleu026aɡrau028and],美[u02c8pleu026aɡrau028and]。释义:n.运动场,操场;游乐场。复数:playgrounds。短语:Stunt Playground特技障碍赛车。in the playground在操场;在操场上。Play on a playground去操场玩;到操场上玩。playground的例句1、The students swarmed towards the playground.学生们一窝蜂似地奔向操场。2、There are swings and slides in the children"s playground.在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯。3、The twins were allowed to play badminton on the playground.这对双胞胎可以在操场上打羽毛球。4、One day, I took my two kids to the local playground.有一天,我带着两个孩子去当地的游乐场。5、The children are skipping rope on the playground.孩子们正在操场上跳绳。





Sustainable Growth Rate是什么意思啊?

意见反馈>> 译文:英 -> 中复制结果 双语对照 提示:“%outstr%”以后的内容没有被翻译,单次翻译最多5000字 可持续增长率

Sustainable Growth Rate 是什么意思啊啊?

Sustainable Growth Rate可持续增长率一家公司可以无需提高负债率而维持的最高增长率计算方法为:股本回报率 x (1 - 股息支付率)。

Sustainable Growth Rate代表什么?

可持续增长率 希望你能满意

为什么我endnote建立了group 但是在word中插入参考文献的时候找不到呢?

我之前也苦于这个问题,但是发现只要在word中设置一下style就可以啦!步骤1:连续插入所需文献,或者插入选中的多篇文献;步骤2:选择word中endnote加载项,在bibliography中选择 Format bibliography,对话框中有个With output 从Brows中选择Numbered就可以啦!如果你是word07,直接在bibliography上面的Style中选Numbered。当然Style中还有很多其他选项,你可以根据自己的需要试一下~~


我玩这个游戏时候 玩不了 这个游戏本身有很大的问题 就算就解决了现在这个问题 我敢打保票 还有其他的问题 建议 不玩

使命召唤8无法定位程序输入点_BinkControlBackgroundIO@8 于动态链接库binkw32.dll上

去这个网站下载进入网页后搜索binkw32.dll然后按download!(把bink32.dll 放入C:WINDOWSsystem32 里)不可以把binkw32.dll 放在游戏目录里!

analog ground在电路板中什么意思

Analog ground 模拟地


living room 英[u02c8liviu014b ru:m]美[u02c8lu026avu026au014b rum]n. 客厅起居室;同living space名词复数:living rooms






living room读音:英 [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm],美 [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm]。1、释义: n.客厅;起居室。2、living的用法:作形容词时,意为活(着)的,健在的。作名词时,意为生计,生存。3、搭配短语:living will 生前遗嘱(绝症患者所立不愿用人工方法勉强延长其生命的书面声明)。the living 活着的人们。there is room for 有…余地。


who"s in the living room?谁在客厅?


go to the living room watch tv 翻译:去客厅看电视词汇分析:room,英 [ruu02d0m],美 [ruu02d0m]    n. 房间;空间;机会;客厅v. 寄宿;给…提供留宿过去式: roomed 过去分词: roomed 现在分词: rooming 第三人称单数: rooms 名词复数: roomswatch,英 [wu0252tu0283],美 [wɑu02d0tu0283]    v. 注视;看守;观看n. 手表;监视;看守;值班过去式: watched 过去分词: watched 现在分词: watching 第三人称单数: watches扩展资料:watch近义词:see,英 [siu02d0],美 [siu02d0]    v. 看见;明白;了解;经历;设想n. 主教教区;主角权限过去式: saw 过去分词: seen 现在分词: seeing 第三人称单数: seessee既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语。有时也可接与see不同形的同源宾语。



动词-ing 改写下列句子1.The teather is taking a walk on the playgroun?

1.The teacher is taking a walk on the playground is our teacher of English. 正在操场上散步的老师是我们的英语老师. 2The birds singing in the trees filled the air with music . 小鸟正在树上唱歌,使空气弥漫着音乐. 3.Do you know the number of students ing to the English Evening. 你知道即将来英语晚会的学生的数量吗? 4.I could hear the boys playing in the field. 我可以听到男孩们正在田野里玩耍. 5.He was glad to find the fire burning brightly. 他非常高兴找到了正燃烧地发亮的火焰. 6.I watched them dancing. 我看着他们跳舞. 7.Mary sat on the ground,talking with Jane. Mary坐在地上,正与Jane聊着天. 8.I stood at the gate waiting for his arrival. 我站在门口等待着他的到来. 10.Seeing that it was raining John put on his raincoat. 看见正在下雨,John穿上了他的雨衣. 11.Stepping carelessly off the pavement,he was knocked down by the bus. 不小心走出了人行道,他被一辆公车撞了.,1,The teather walking on the playground.he is our teacher of english. The birds filing the air with music. They were singing in the trees.,2,动词-ing 改写下列句子 1.The teather is taking a walk on the playground .he is our teacher of English 2.The birds filled the air with music .They were singing in the trees 3.Do you konw the number of students They are ing to the English evening 4.I could hear the boys .They were playing in the field 5.He was glad to find the five .It was burning bringhly 6.I watched them .They were dancing 7.Mary sat on the ground .She talked with jane 8.I stood at the gate .I was waiting for his arrival 10.John put on his raincoat because he saw that is was raining 11.As the was stepping carelessly off the pavement he was knocked down by the bus (并将句子翻译)


livingroom的音标为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014bruu02d0m/。living room是指客厅,通常是一个家庭中休闲、娱乐和交谈的场所。客厅通常配有沙发、椅子、茶几、电视等家具设施,也可能摆放一些装饰品来增加舒适感和美观度。客厅通常是进入房子后第一个进入的房间,也是家庭成员和客人交流互动的重要场所。包含livingroom的句子The living room is the most comfortable place in my house, where I can relax after a busy day.客厅是我家最舒服的地方,忙碌了一天后可以在这里放松一下。We always gather in the living room to watch TV together as a family.我们一家人总是聚在客厅一起看电视。My living room has a beautiful view of the garden outside, which makes it a peaceful place to read a book.我的客厅可以看到外面花园的美丽景色,这使它成为一个安静的读书场所。I love to decorate my living room with colorful pillows and curtains to make it look more lively.我喜欢用五颜六色的枕头和窗帘装饰我的客厅,使它看起来更活泼。

请问allegro non troppo大概是什么速度?一分钟多少拍?

120左右吧 Allegro就是快板的意思 不用刻意慢下来 听听别人弹的录音 不同人风格很不同的。比如说黄河颂最开始吧郎朗弹得很慢 别人比如说殷承宗弹的速度就还可以

Water Music, Suite No.1 in F major: X. [Allegro moderato] 歌词

歌曲名:Water Music, Suite No.1 in F major: X. [Allegro moderato]歌手:Linde Consort&Hans-Martin Linde专辑:100 Best HandelXzibit Ft. Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - XYeah, ladies and gentlemanBroadcasting live to you and yoursIt"s Mr. X to the Z, XzibitYeah, bounce itCome onThe first day of the rest of my life (X)Stand behind the mic like Walter KronkikeYo, keep the spotlightI"m keeping my rhymes tightLose sight of what you believeAnd call it a nightThis ain"t the light-weight, cake mix shit that you"re used toTeflon territory, you just can"t shoot throughYou gon shoot who? (who?)Not even on your best dayRollin" the Wild West way, givin" it upLeavin" the whole world stuck, not givin" a fuckLaid in the cut, now we break through in the rutHennesy and Orange Juice, baby fill up a cupQuick to grab Mary Jane by the butt and squeezeLoosen up, let your hair down, and join the festivitiesOvercrowd the house like lockdown facilitiesBitches be quick to give me brains while I post the rangeGoing up and down my dick like the stock exchange(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familyEver since Xzibit could spit, been on some pimp shitApproach every woman like a potential mistressShine bright, make sure that (X) stay tightCause tonight I might meet my next ex-wifeMr. Big Chief Reefa (uh-huh), Xzibit use his dick like a VisaI run it through and money come outRunnin" your mouth, I"ll have somebody run in your houseRavel your spouse and have a little fun on the couchNow you know that it was bound to happenI came to give you what you lackin"Whenever you hear them other niggas rappinRockin" chains, stadium, paladiums, cracked craniumsMy whole skeleton is dipped in titaniumDrop tops sittin" on twentiesUsing rappers like crash test dummiesStackin" real estate and moneyIt"s funny how things change overnight when you thinking rightI beat the odds like Ike beat on his first wife(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familyWhat an event?We hardcore 100%Making it stick, Los Angeles proudly presents (X)The real deal, how does it feel?No special effectsYank the chain off of your neck and demand the respectNow all your conversations sound strange to meSeems like everybody around me want me to change but meI stand alone, on my own two feetStagger tracks, strangle the beatRestless, no time for sleepNiggas be weak, I"m concrete like bitumen gritIt"s a very thin line between a foe and a friendStraight to the chair(Not these niggas again)Crawl back, bounce in the spot and slide right inI ain"t trying to see nothing but progress, regardlessHome of the heartless, move right, remain cautiousRepresent nothing but the hustle and struggleHennesy, rock plenty of ice, making a double, now SCREAM(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familySo there you have itA-B-C-D-P-G-CX to the motherfuckin" ZMr. Xuberant, XtravagantXtrodinary, Xciting, X-alottaX "em with a little bit of XtasyX-ing your bitch out if you tryna test a gAnd what"s the recipe?Xcalibur weaponaryAnd we shoot XceptionallyThat there is hotX marks the spot?Fuck naw, X spots the marksXclamation point, niggaz.....EndXzibit Ft. Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - X

allegro moderate 是什么意思


乐谱中Allegro Moderato是什么速度

moderato与其它速度标记连用时,含有加以节制的意思。即快或慢都要有所节制,如有节制的快板(allegro moderato)比快板(allegro)稍慢些。快板allegro的速度为132--144。allegro moderato速度可以为120-130左右。

乐谱中Allegro Moderato是什么速度?



(Allegro) 的速度范围是120-168 bpm,小快板(Allegretto)的速度范围是104-112 bpm。因此,Allegro Moderato的速度范围大概是112-120 bpm。 扩展资料   Allegro Moderato:有节制的快板、中庸的快板。allegro moderato速度可以为120-130左右。   moderato与其它速度标记连用时,含有加以节制的意思,即快或慢都要有所节制。如有节制的快板(allegro moderato)比快板(allegro)稍慢些;有节制的柔板(adagio moderato)则比柔板(adagio)稍快些。   首先肯定它是快板ALLEGRO,但由于后面有MODERATO这个定语,所以这个快板的速度便受到了制约(限制)。   即理解解释为适中的快板或中庸的"快板,其速度要比正常的快板稍慢。大约处于108-120左右之间。有很多进行曲都用了这个速度标记,所以也有称为进行曲速度的。


allegro: 速度标记,快板; moderato: 速度标记,中板; 常用的速度标记,按速度由慢到快主要是: 意大利语: grave largo lento adagio larghetto andante andantino moderato allegretto allegro presto prestissimo 中文: 庄板 广板 慢板 柔。

钢琴术语moderately速度(钢琴allegro moderato是多少速度)

1、钢琴moderato速度是多少。 2、钢琴moderate的速度。 3、钢琴术语moderately速度。 4、钢琴中的moderato是什么意思。1.钢琴moderato速度是约120-130。 2.moderato和其它速度标记连用时,含有加以节制的意思,即快或慢都要有所节制。 3.如有节制的快板比快板稍慢些。 4.有节制的柔板则比柔板稍快些。 5.中的快板或中庸的快板,其速度要比正常的快板稍慢。 6.大约处于108-120左右之间。 7.有很多进行曲都用了这个速度标记,所以也有称为进行曲速度的。 8.钢琴速度语分为两种:一种是基本速度术语,一种是变化速度术语。 9.基本速度术语指示整首乐曲或一个乐段的统一速度。 10.变化速度术语同基本速度术语相反,它指示弹奏过程中速度的临时变化。

allegro moderato是什么意思

allegro moderatona.中快板中庸的快板;有节制的快板;中速的快板例句1.Franz Joseph Haydn. London Trio 01 Allegro Moderato.弗朗茨约瑟夫海顿。伦敦三重奏01中庸的快板。2.Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 33: No. 9 in D major: Allegro moderato.九首练习曲——舞台造型,作品33:第九首,D大调:中速的快板。3.Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191: III. Finale: Allegro moderato - Andante - Allegro vivo.b小调大提琴协奏曲,作品104,B.191:第三乐章、终曲:适中的快板——柔板——活跃的快板。4.Violin Concerto In D Major, Op. 35: Allegro moderato.大调小提琴协奏曲,作品35:第一乐章,中庸的快板。5.Franz Joseph Haydn. Sonata In Eb Allegro Moderato First Half.弗朗茨约瑟夫海顿。在EB中庸的快板奏鸣曲上半。

allegro moderato什么意思

allegro moderato 网络 适中的快板; 中快板; 快板; 中庸快板; allegro 英[u0259u02c8legru0259u028a] 美[u0259u02c8legrou028a] adv. <音>活泼地(的); n. 快板; [例句]Several sets of variations, a few independent movements, two concertos, and a concert allegro were published after his death.他逝世后出版的有:几部变奏曲,一些独立的乐章,两首协奏曲,和一首协奏曲快板。

代表一群时,bunch, bundle, cluster, flock, group 的区别,不要

cluster of是星群flock of是蜜蜂群羊群group是人群bundle of 是一捧bunch of可以是人群

What do you want to be when you grow up?A teacher?A doctor?How about an ice-cream taster?全文翻译

是的,真的有一种可以让你吃着冰激凌还拿工资的工作。去问问John Harrison, 在过去的21年里,他都是个正式的品尝测试家。品尝测试帮助生产商确保产品味道的质量。在他的职业生涯中,Harrison负责认证了很多甜冰激凌,也开发了超过75种味道。 一些人认为这个工作做起来很简单。毕竟,你们都喜欢冰激凌,所以做起来会简单,对吗?但是拥有化学学位的Harrison却说:不,这工作不是想象中那么简单,其中还有很多事情需要做。他指出乳制或者食品科学学位对想拥有这样一份看起来酷的职业的人很有用。 一个工作日早晨,Harrison要品尝和评价60 多个冰激凌样品。他一般都是给冰激凌加热到12F. Harrison解释道:你可以从更暖的冰激凌中品尝到更多的味道,这是为什么孩子们都喜欢把冰激凌搅拌成汤状的原因。 当冰激凌融化时,Harrison察看这些样品的外观并且给它们的外观打分。他说:品尝从眼睛开始。他检测这个冰激凌是否吸引人,并且问自己:这个冰激凌预期的颜色是否和这个味道相符。接下来就是好好品味了。 持续不断的想出新的点子、尝试新的味道和测试品尝很多种类的冰激凌样品,这样的工作使得Harrison每天都很忙并快乐着。楼主,翻译时间花费较多。希望对你有所帮助。

go to the livingroom. watch TV. go to the study.


allegro 的层叠设置cross section中的shield选项是做什么用的


请教:Butterfly Valve Grooved是什么阀,怎么译! 谢谢!


在allegro中,在setup命令下,为什么我少了一个cross_section命令? 难道是安装有问题吗,哪位大侠帮帮我?

1 首先你启动的时候 是有版本让你选择的,不同的版本 菜单是有差别的2 allegro的菜单是可以随便修改的,可以加 也可以减 x:CadenceSPB_xx.xsharepcb extcuimenus 下面都是菜单文件 用写字板就可以打开的 是allegro的菜单 你可以随便修改


living room 是固定搭配 起居室的意思 一般加ing有两种,一种是进行时,还有一种是做名词 希望对你有帮助哦~

bridegroom 这个英语音标中的d不发音吗?

bridegroom 英[u02c8brau026adɡruu02d0m] 美[u02c8brau026adɡruu02d0m] n. 新郎; 即将(或刚刚)结婚的男子; 可以看出,bridegroom 这个英语单词中的d发[d]音。


My living room is large.There is a talbe in the midde of the room.There is air conditioning in the living room.It is on the right.The air conditioner is white.There is a television.The television is white, too. It is on the cabinets.There are three sofas near the talbe.There is a light on the ceiling.I like my living room because it"s very beatiful!


客厅英语怎么读livingroom介绍如下:英[u02c8liviu014b ru:m] 美[u02c8lu026avu026au014b rum]。n. 客厅,起居室;同“living space”。拓展:客厅是家庭中重要的活动区域,通常是家庭社交、娱乐和放松的重点。它的装饰和布置,可以反映出家庭的文化程度和审美品味。一个舒适的客厅可以让人放松身心、打造轻松和愉悦的居住体验。客厅的大小和布局应该根据家庭的需要和灵活性来确定。对于空间较小的客厅,使用清新和轻盈的家具或布料可以增大空间感。而对于空间较大的客厅,则可以通过使用沙发、茶几和其他家具来划分出居住区域。此外,客厅的颜色和风格也应该与居住者的喜好和要求保持一致。客厅的家具摆放非常重要,通常要根据整个空间的结构来选择和布置。沙发通常都是客厅的主要家具。沙发可以放置在房间的中央或靠近墙壁的位置。如果您的房间有窗户或门,那么可以把沙发放在窗户或门的位置上,这样可以最大化的利用空间。此外,放置在沙发旁边的茶几、花瓶、书柜也可以营造出独特的氛围。客厅的灯光也非常重要。选择顶部或壁灯时,要注意其亮度不应过亮或过暗。不同颜色、大小和形状的书柜、装饰画、窗帘、壁毯等,都可以制造出氛围和空气质量的不同效果,为房间带来更多的趣味和艺术欣赏。


My living room is large.There is a talbe in the midde of the room.There is air conditioning in the living room.It is on the right. The air conditioner is white.There is a television.The television is...


hall n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍 livingroom n. 客厅,起居室 diningroom n. 餐厅,食堂 要区分这一间房子三个词的话,hall 一般指门厅,livingroom 指卧室,diningroom 指餐厅


1.This is our living room.这是我们的起居室. 2.There is a TV In our living room有一台电视在我们的起居室里. 3.There is a TV In our living room 有一台电视在我们的起居室里. 4.You can see a bedroom, a living room.你能看见一个卧室, 一个起居室。 5.Anns bedroom is above the living room.安的卧室在客厅的上面.


1. These are living rooms. 2. These are kitchens. 3. These are bathrooms. 4. These arc closets.






living是居住的意思,room是房间的意思,故“living room”表示“起居室、客厅”的意思。一般有沙发,电视,灯具,茶几等等家具。


livingroom的音标为 /_l_v__ru_m/。living room是指客厅,通常是一个家庭中休闲、娱乐和交谈的场所。客厅通常配有沙发、椅子、茶几、电视等家具设施,也可能摆放一些装饰品来增加舒适感和美观度。客厅通常是进入房子后第一个进入的房间,也是家庭成员和客人交流互动的重要场所。The living room is the most comfortable place in my house, where I can relax after a busy day.客厅是我家最舒服的地方,忙碌了一天后可以在这里放松一下。



livingroom怎么读 英语livingroom怎么读

1、living room读音:英 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m],美 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m],释义: n.客厅;起居室。 2、living的用法:作形容词时,意为活(着)的,健在的。作名词时,意为生计,生存。 3、[例句]I want to personalize this livingroom.我想让客厅更具亲切感。




kitchen=厨房dining room=餐厅living room=sitting room=drawing room=lounge=客厅。 room家具


起居室(living room)顾名思义供居住者会客、娱乐、团聚等活动的空间。但是起居室这个概念在中国似乎还不是十分盛行,人们更多地接受的是客厅这种说法。所以我们通常理解为客厅


living的中文翻译是“客厅”,是家庭中最常用的房间之一,通常用于接待客人、休息和娱乐。除了livingroom,还有许多其他房间的英语单词,下面我们来拓展一下。Bedroom 卧室:用于睡觉和休息的房间。Bathroom 浴室:用于洗澡、刷牙、上厕所等个人卫生的房间。Kitchen 厨房:用于烹饪和准备食物的房间。Dining room 餐厅:用于进餐的房间。Study room 书房:用于学习和工作的房间。Playroom 游戏室:用于儿童玩耍和娱乐的房间。Gym 健身房:用于锻炼身体的房间。Attic 阁楼:位于屋顶上方的房间,通常用于存放物品或作为储藏室。Basement 地下室:位于地下的房间,通常用于存放物品、做工作室或娱乐室。Conservatory 温室:用于种植植物的房间,通常有大量的玻璃窗户,以便阳光照射。Foyer 门厅:位于房屋入口的房间,通常用于迎接客人和存放外套、鞋子等物品。Mudroom 靴帽间:位于房屋入口的房间,通常用于存放外套、鞋子、雨伞等物品,以便进入房屋前更换。Home office 家庭办公室:用于家庭办公和工作的房间。Laundry room 洗衣房:用于洗涤和烘干衣物的房间。Storage room 储藏室:用于存放杂物和物品的房间。




Livingroom在英语中的发音为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014bu02ccruu02d0m/。其中,第一个音节"liv"发音为/u02c8lu026a/,读者可以注意这个音节的音与单词"live"的发音同,是一个重读音节;第二个音节"ing"发音为/u026au014b/,为非重读音节,读起来比较轻松;第三个音节"room"发音为 /ruu02d0m/,也是重读音节,读者需要重点注意这个音节的发音。Livingroom是指客厅的含义,是家庭生活中的一个重要房间。客厅是一个家庭聚集、互动的空间,不仅给人们带来舒适的感觉,而且也展现了居住者的生活品味和文化内涵。在英语中,客厅通常被称为livingroom、sitting room、family room或lounge room等,不同的英语国家和不同的地区可能会使用不同的术语。例如,在英国,livingroom和sitting room的用法相同,都指代客厅;而在澳大利亚,lounge room常常被使用。总之,正确的发音及使用客厅相关的术语,可以帮助我们更加准确地使用英语,达到更好的沟通效果。




"living room"是常见的英语单词,用于描述住宅中的一个房间。它的发音是 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m/ ,其中的音标表示为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b/(第一个音节强调)和 /ruu02d0m/(第二个音节强调)。"living room"通常用于指家庭中的起居室或客厅,是一个用于休息和娱乐的房间。在这个房间里,人们通常会看电视、阅读、和家人或朋友交谈、玩游戏等。由于这个房间通常是家中最大的房间之一,因此它经常用于举办各种聚会或庆祝活动。在一些地区,特别是在英国,人们也称之为 "sitting room" 或 "front room"。总之,"living room"是一个常见的英语单词,用于描述住宅中的一个房间,通常是指家庭中的起居室或客厅。其发音为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m/,表示第一个音节强调的 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b/和第二个音节强调的 /ruu02d0m/。

上海HUMAN CAPITAL GROUP是一家猎头公司吗?她在上海的猎头公司中属于什么水平?一般她推荐的公司怎么样?

Human Capital GroupCompany introduction:Human Capital Group is a professional HR consulting company focused on developing client"s Human Capitals through Recruiting, Developing, Retaining and Succession Planning. We work towards aligning organizations and individuals with strategic objectives. We are very proud to partner and build long-term relationships with many organizations, both large and small, from a myriad of industries since 2006.Training Focus:Corporate Culture, Leadership Development, Teamwork, Sales and Business Skills, Coaching CertificationTraining Courses / Programs available:Coaching Certification ProgramCorporate Culture Establishing and CascadingLeadership Development & CoachingTeam BuildingSales & Business SkillsLocation of Parent Company:Hong KongYear Parent Company Established:2006Year Company Registered in China:2006AmCham Shanghai Member Since:2006Awards / Accreditation / Relevant Memberships:Certifications include: Caliper, DISC, FIRO-B, Cultural Orientation Indicator, Executive and Global Leadership Evaluation, Strength Deployment Indicator Associations include: American Chamber of Commerce, Alliance for Strategic Leadership, International Association of Coaches, International Coaches Federation, Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches, American Society of Training and Development, Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, and Association of Coach Training Organizations.No. of staff:25Office locations:Shanghai, Xi"an and BeijingClients:PhilipsUnileverBayer Technology ServicesContact details:Anna TangTel: 021 5237 2336Email: annat@hcgchina.comDingxi Rd #1310 Building 16


ground coffee beans咖啡豆

authorization group如何定义?


Once a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to break the world basketball marathon(马拉松)rec

小题1:A小题2:A小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:小题1:A 计算题。根据第一段第二行They wanted to play for 90 hours ,breaking the record by adding 6 hours .说明他们想创造的记录是90小时,比以前多了6小时,那么以前的就是84小时。故A正确。小题2:A 细节题。根据第二段第二句When it was their turn to rest, they were too excited to fall asleep at once.说明他们第一天晚上太兴奋了,故A正确。小题3:C 推理题。根据本句, the players looked as fresh as when they started. How happy everyone was!说明fresh是指与他们在第一天刚刚开始的时候差不多的感觉,而在第一天他们很兴奋,故该词也应该指兴奋。故C正确。小题4:A 细节题。根据文章第二段第二句When it was their turn to rest, they were too excited to fall asleep at once.说明B正确。第一段最后一句Then they started at 6 o"clock in the evening.说明A正确。文章最后一段最后两行For the last few minutes, the players looked as fresh as when they started. How happy everyone was!说明D正确。只有A项文章没有涉及,文章只是说他们在第二谈根据和疲惫,没有说受伤,故A错误。点评:文章介绍了一群男孩子努力破马拉松世界纪录的经过。故事类短文要抓住故事的人物,地点,时间和故事发生的线索。本文集中考查细节题,要求考生在阅读时,关注各种细节,做好标志,减少回读的次数,提高阅读的效率。


【答案】:D试题17分析FROM 用于选择出自哪个表; WHILE用于条件判断;GROUP BY是对结果进行分组;ORDER BY对结果进行排序。试题17答案D

vegetable growing是什么意思


The uff08divideuff09division of children into group



大致如此 不过 科普文章 用词还可以更讲究些produce是生产 a+b->cgrow是 生长 a->A


earth地球 soil土壤 land陆地 ground场地

Underground 歌词

歌曲名:Underground歌手:Eminem专辑:Relapse: RefillEminem - UndergroundA lot of people ask meWhere the fuck I"ve been at the last few yearsShit I don"t knowBut I do know, I"m back nowHAHAHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundDre I"m down here, under the ground dig me upBroken tibias fibias, yeah fix me upSixty sluts all of ‘em dying from mass afixialAfter they sip piss through a Christopher Reeves sippy cupdixy cups toxins boxes of oxy padsenough oxycotin to send a fucking ox to rehabwack job in the back with a black stocking capjacking off to a hockey mask at a boxing match(you can"t say that) yes he canI just did faggot now guess againbetter text message your next of kintell him shits about to get extra messy especially whenI flex again and throw a fucking lesbian in wet cementSo faggoty faggoty faggoty raggedy Ann and AndyNO raggedy Andy and Andy no it can"t be, it can"t beYes it can be the fucking anti christ is back Dannyits Satan in black satin pantiesthis is Amityville calamity got damnit insanity pillsfanny pack filled with zanaxthrough every nook and crannylookin for trannys milk and cookies spilt on my silk neglociet lookyRazor balades wit me to make you bleedcases of maboline make up lay on the table of weedslim shady shit sounds like a fable to meuntil he jumps out the fucking toilet when you"re taking a peeHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundSix seaman samples Seventeen strands of hairFound in the back of a van after the shoot at Vanity FairHannah Montana prepare to elope with a can openerAnd be cut open like cantaloupe with canopy bedsWith glad bags, yeah glad to be back"Cause last year was a tragedy that landed me smack dab in rehabFucking doctor I didn"t understand a damn what he saidI planned to relapse the second I walked out of that bitchTwo weeks in Brighton, I aint enlightenBitin" into a fucking Vicodin like I ‘am vikingOh, lightning strike it might be a fucking sign I need a psychicEvaluation, fuck Jason it"s Friday the nineteenthThat means it"s just a regular dayAnd this is the kind of shit I think of regularlyFucking Lesbians shouldn"t of had her legs in the wayNow she"s pregnant and gayMissing both legs and begging to stay.Here comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundTell the critics I"m back and I"m comingTo spit back an abundanceHit a fag with onionsThen split a bag of FunionsMad at me understandableCannibal shooting animalOut of a cannon and have him catapult at an adultCaptain of a cult with an elite followingTo turn Halloween back to a Trick of Treat holidayHave Micheal Myers looking like a liarSwipe his powers replace his knife with flowers and a stack of flyersHit Jason Vorheys with a fortyStuck a repository up his assAnd made him tell me a storyGave Hannibal Elector a fucking nectarineAnd sat him in the fucking fruit and vegetable section and gave him a lectureWalked up elm street with a fucking whiffle bat drewFought Freddy Krougar and Edward Scissor hands tooAnd came out with a little scratch owwLooking like I got into a fucking pillow fight with a triple fat gooseInsanity can itbe vanity, where"s the humanityIn havin a twist of fantasy with a arm an leg amputeestraight jacket with 108 bracketsand a strap the wraps twice around my back then they latch itcut ya fuckin head off and ask where you headed off to?get it headed off too?medice this headaches awful, this anistetics pathetic so is the diabetic waffeland this prostetic arm keep crushin my hard tacoHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m underground
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