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Shannon 是谁



Alpha多样性是指一个特定区域或生态系统内的多样性,是反映丰富度和均匀度的综合指标。Alpha多样性主要与两个因素有关:一是种类数目,即丰富度;二是多样性,群落中个体分配上的均匀性。群落丰富度(Community richness)指数主要包括Chao指数和Ace指数。群落多样性(Community diversity)指数,包括Shannon指数和Simpson指数。 群落丰富度指数 Chao指数:是用chao1 算法估计群落中含OTU 数目的指数,chao1 在生态学中常用来估计物种总数,由Chao (1984) 最早提出。 Ace指数:用来估计群落中含有OTU 数目的指数,是生态学中估计物种总数的常用指数之一,与Chao1的算法不同。 Chao和Ace越大,说明群落中含有的OTU数目越多,群落的丰富度越大。 群落多样性指数 Simpson指数:是生态学中常用的一个指数,它反映的是优势种在群落中的地位和作用,若一个群落中优势种占的多,其他非优势物种所占的比例则会减少,那么Simpson 指数值较大,这说明群落多样性较低,该指数与其他多样性指数均呈负相关。 Shannon指数:用来估算样品中微生物的多样性指数之一。它与Simpson 多样性指数均为常用的alpha 多样性的指数。Shannon值越大,说明群落多样性越高。 Coverage:是指各样品文库的覆盖率,其数值越高,样本中序列没有被测出的概率越低。该指数反映了测序结果是否代表样本的真实情况。 在评价样本的Alpha多样性时,既要考虑群落的丰富度,又要考虑群落的多样性!


通过假设的群落条件及情景设计证明 Simpson指数对物种均匀度更为敏感 Shannon-Wiener指数对物种丰富度更敏感 参考文献: 《Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数若干特征的分析及“稀释效应”》

如何理解 jensen shannon

香农-威纳指数和辛普森指数包括了测量群落的异质性。香农-威纳指数借用了信息论方法。信息论的主要测量对象是系统的序( order)或无序(disorder)的含量。香农-威纳指数(Shannon-Weiner index),是用来描述种的个体出现的紊乱和不确定性,不确定性越高,多样性也就越高。在香农-威纳多样性指数中包含两个因素:①种类数目,即丰富度;②种类中个体分配上的平均性(equitability)或均匀性(evenness)。种类数目多,可增加多样性;同样,种类之间个体分配的均匀性增加也会使多样性提高。如果每一个体都属于不同的种,多样性指数就最大;如果每一个体都属于同一种,则其多样性指数就最小。均匀性指数的测定可以通过估计群落的理论上的最大多样性指数(Hmax),然后以实际的多样性指数对Hmax的比率,从而获得均匀性指数,具体步骤如下:Hmax=-S(1/S log21/S)=log2S,其中 Hmax=在最大均匀性条件下的种多样性值,S=群落中种数如果有S个种,在最大均匀性条件下,即每个种有1/S个体比例,所以在此条件下Pi=1/S,举例说,群落中只有两个种时,则:Hmax=log22=1这与前面的计算是一致的,因此,我们可以把均匀性指数定义为:E=H/ Hmax,其中 E=均匀性指数,H=实测多样性值,Hmax =最大多样性值= log2S辛普森多样性指数=随机取样的两个个体属于不同种的概率=1-随机取样的两个个体属于同种的概率=1-每个物种的物种个数除以总植株个数的平方的加和例如,甲群落中A、B两个种的个体数分别为99和1,而乙群落中A、B两个种的个体数均为50,按辛普森多样性指数计算,甲群落的辛普森指数:D甲=1-(0.99^2+0.01^2.)=0.0198乙群落的辛普森指数:D乙=1-(0.5^2+0.5^2)=0.5可以看到,群落中种数越多,各种个体分配越均匀,指数越高,指示群落多样性好。

什么事Shannon’s 信息指数?

群体遗传多态度用Shannon′s 多样性指数( H0 ) 表示,按照Wachira 等(1995) 的公式,Shannon′s 多样性指数 H0 = - ∑Xi ln ( Xi / n) ,式中, X i 为位点i 在某一群体中出现的频率, n 为该群体检测到的位点总数






  Maggie Grace  马吉u2022格雷斯,又译玛姬u2022格雷斯(Maggie Grace)。  美国女演员。  生于1983年9月21日,处女座。  原名Margaret Grace Denig ,艺名Maggie Grace。  出道于2001年。  来自沃辛顿 , 俄亥俄州 ,是三个孩子中的老大。父母离婚后,她放弃了高中随母亲迁移到加州洛杉矶。虽然经济窘迫,她在2001年第一次出演了基于Web的视频系列。 2002年出演电影 ,该电影在真实的故事——格林威治谋杀案的基础上改编,讲述15岁的玛莎Moxley被谋杀的事,由于这是Moxley题材中表现最佳的电视电影,她被提名为青年艺术家奖 (短剧或特别-领先年轻女演员类。  2004年出演美国人气电视连续剧《迷失》(《Lost》),从而走红,成为她演艺生涯的转折点。  “我去一次又一次地试镜,只给我几个零星的小角色,没有实质性的出演,但洛杉矶让我成长...我很幸运,我从来没有迷上到什么,但我看到了毒品、聚会。我来自一个小城镇,中西部地区的宗教价值观和好莱坞让我真正的大开眼界。 ”  当被问到她亲密的朋友,她说,她和她的母亲更像姐妹们一样,她是“幸运地有一个非常酷妈妈” 。  她是一个自封的亲英派 ,8岁第一次访问英国 , 13岁欣赏了一些英语诗人以及威廉莎士比亚 。  她自称非常笨拙。  创作年表  电影:  2001 《Rachel"s Room 》 饰Rachel Reed 基于Web的视频系列  2002 《Murder in Greenwich》 饰Martha Moxley 电视电影 ;提名为青年艺术家奖  2003 《Twelve Mile Road》 饰Dulcie Landis Dulcie 电视电影  2004 《Creature Unknown》饰 阿曼达 DVD  2005 《The Fog 》 饰 Elizabeth Williams  2007 《Suburban Girl》饰Chloe  《The Jane Austen Book Club》饰Allegra Avila Allegra  2008 《Taken 》饰 Kim  2009 《Malice in Wonderland》 饰Alice 后期制作  电视 :  2002 《Septuplets Septuplets Hope Wilde》 (从未播出 )  2003 《CSI: Miami 》饰 Amy Gorman 插曲《Spring Break 》  《The Lyon"s Den 》饰 Haley Dugan 插曲:《Duty to Serve》 《Beach House》  《Miracles 》饰 Hannah Cottrell插曲《 Mother"s Daughter 》  2004 《Like Family 》饰 Mary玛丽 插曲 "My Two Moms"  《Cold Case 》饰 Rene 插曲: " Volunteers "  《Oliver Beene 》饰 Elke  2004-2007年 《Lost》饰 Shannon Rutherford 莎伦 赢得演员工会奖; 最青少年欢迎演员奖提名  http://baike.baidu.com/view/1707982.html?wtp=tt






香农-威纳(shannon)指数的公式及其含义  去百科搜索!


  Shannon—Wiener指数:衡量种群多样性的指数,由下式计算各样品的多样性指数(Shannon—Wiener指数):H=-∑ (ni ∕ N)lg(ni / N)式中,ni为各条带吸收峰的面积;N为所有条带吸收峰的总面积.

Shannon 理论

首先,评价密码体制安全性的不同途径,定义了几个有用的准则 P与K的概率分布到处C的概率分布: 把密文元素看出随机变量,用Y表示,则有:P[Y=y].对于K∈K定义: C(K)={e k (x):x∈P} 即C(K)代表密钥是K时的所有可能的密文。对于任意的y∈C,我们有: 同样可以观察到,对任意的y∈C和x∈P,可如下计算条件概率P[Y=y|X=x] (给定明文x,求密文y的概率): 利用贝叶斯定理可以计算出计算条件概率P[X=x|Y=y] (给密文y,求明文x,的概率) 一个例子: 这个密码体制可以用以下加密矩阵表示: 则在C(密文)上的概率分布: P[1]=P[K1] P[a] =1/2 1/4=1/8 C=1 p[2]=p[k2] p[a]+p[k1] p[b]=7/16 C=2 P[3]=P[a] P[k3]+p[k2] p[b]=1/4; C=3 P[4]=...=3/16 C=4 计算出给定密文后,明文空间上的条件概率分布为: P[a|1]=(1/4 1/2)/(1/8)=1 P[b|1]=(3/4 0)/(1/8)=0 p[a|2]=(1/4*1/4)/(7/16)=1/7 p[b|2]=6/7 p[a|3]=1/4 p[b|3]=3/4 p[a|4]=0 p[b|4]=1 一次一密: 假设随机变量X在有限集合X上取值,则随机变量X的熵定义为: 如果|X|=n,并且对于所有的x∈X,P[X]=1/N,那么H(X)=log2n。同样的,对任意的随机变量X,H(X)>0。 一个例子 计算上个例子的熵: H(P)=-1/4log2(1/4)-3/4log2(3/4)≈0.81; H(K)=1.5 H(C)≈1.85 条件熵H(K|C) 称为密钥含糊度,度量了给定密文下密钥的不确定性 伪密钥,可能但不正确的密钥 简单起见,以C=P的密码体制为例:这种类型的密码体制称为内包的密码体制。设S1={P,P,K1,E1,D},S2={P,P,K2,E2,D2} 具体两个相同明文空间(密文空间)的内包的密码体制。那么S1与S2的乘积是:{P,P,K1xK2,E,D} 乘积密码体制的密钥形式为K=(K1,K2),加密和解密的规则定义如下: P[(K1,K2)]=P[K1]xP[K2] ,即K1和K2的概率分布,独立的选取K1和K2 则乘法密码的密码体制如下: 以上研究的密码体制都是幂等的


香农   克劳德·香农(Claude Elwood Shannon,1916-2001)1916年4月30日诞生于美国密西根州的Petoskey。在Gaylord小镇长大,当时镇里只有三千居民。父亲是该镇的法官,他们父子的姓名完全相同,都是Claude Elwood Shannon。母亲是镇里的中学校长,姓名是Mabel Wolf Shannon。他生长在一个有良好教育的环境,不过父母给他的科学影响好像还不如祖父的影响大。香农的祖父是一位农场主兼发明家,发明过洗衣机和许多农业机械,这对香农的影响比较直接。此外,香农的家庭与大发明家爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison,1847-1931)还有远亲关系。   香农的大部分时间是在贝尔实验室和MIT(麻省理工学院)度过的。在“功成名就”后,香农与玛丽(Mary Elizabeth Moore)1949年3月27日结婚,他们是在贝尔实验室相识的,玛丽当时是数据分析员。他们共有四个孩子:三个儿子Robert、James、Andrew Moore和一个女儿Margarita Catherine。后来身边还有两个可爱的孙女。   2001年2月24日,香农在马萨诸塞州Medford辞世,享年85岁。贝尔实验室和MIT发表的讣告都尊崇香农为信息论及数字通信时代的奠基之父。   1936年香农在密西根大学获得数学与电气工程学士学位,然后进入MIT念研究生。   1938年香农在MIT获得电气工程硕士学位,硕士论文题目是《A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits》(继电器与开关电路的符号分析)。当时他已经注意到电话交换电路与布尔代数之间的类似性,即把布尔代数的“真”与“假”和电路系统的“开”与“关”对应起来,并用1和0表示。于是他用布尔代数分析并优化开关电路,这就奠定了数字电路的理论基?9鸫笱У馁さ悄?Howard Gardner)教授说,“这可能是本世纪最重要、最著名的一篇硕士论文。”   1940年香农在MIT获得数学博士学位,而他的博士论文却是关于人类遗传学的,题目是《An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics》(理论遗传学的代数学)。这说明香农的科学兴趣十分广泛,后来他在不同的学科方面发表过许多有影响的文章。   在读学位的同时,他还用部分时间跟温尼法·布什(Vannevar Bush)教授进行微分分析器的研究。这种分析器是早期的机械模拟计算机,用于获得常微分方程的数值解。1941年香农发表了《Mathematical theory of the differential analyzer》(微分分析器的数学理论),他写道:“大多数结果通过证明的定理形式给出。最重要的是处理了一些条件,有些条件可以生成一个或多个变量的函数,有些条件可使常微分方程得到解。还给出了一些注意事项,给出求函数的近似值(不能产生精确值)、求调整率的近似值以及自动控制速率的方法。”   1941年香农以数学研究员的身份进入新泽西州的AT&T贝尔电话公司,并在贝尔实验室工作到1972年,从24岁到55岁,整整31年。1956年他当了MIT的访问教授,1958年成为正式教授,1978年退休。   人们描述香农的生活,白天他总是关起门来工作,晚上则骑着他的独轮车来到贝尔实验室。他的同事D. Slepian写到:“我们大家都带着午饭来上班,饭后在黑板上玩玩数学游戏,但克劳德很少过来。他总是关起门来工作。但是,如果你要找他,他会非常耐心地帮助你。他能立刻抓住问题的本质。他真是一位天才,在我认识的人中,我只对他一人使用这个词。”   香农与John Riordan一起工作,1942年发表了一篇关于串并联网络的双终端数的论文。这篇论文扩展了麦克马洪(Percy A. MacMahon,1854-1929)1892年在Electrician上发表的论文理论。1948年则创立了信息论(information theory)。   在漫长的岁月,他思考过许多问题。除在普林斯顿高等研究院工作过一年外,主要都在MIT和Bell Lab度过。需要说明的是,在二次世界大战时,香农博士也是一位著名的密码破译者(这使笔者想到比他大4岁的图灵博士)。他在Bell Lab的破译团队主要是追踪德国飞机和火箭,尤其是在德国火箭对英国进行闪电战时起了很大作用。1949年香农发表了另外一篇重要论文《Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems》(保密系统的通信理论),正是基于这种工作实践,它的意义是使保密通信由艺术变成科学。   1948年香农在Bell System Technical Journal上发表了《A Mathematical Theory of Communication 》。论文由香农和威沃共同署名。前辈威沃(Warren Weaver,1894-1978)当时是洛克菲勒基金会自然科学部的主任,他为文章写了序言。后来,香农仍然从事技术工作,而威沃则研究信息论的哲学问题。顺便提一句,该论文刚发表时,使用的是不定冠词A,收入论文集时改为定冠词The。   熵的概念   香农理论的重要特征是熵(entropy)的概念,他证明熵与信息内容的不确定程度有等价关系。熵曾经是波尔兹曼在热力学第二定律引入的概念,我们可以把它理解为分子运动的混乱度。信息熵也有类似意义,例如在中文信息处理时,汉字的静态平均信息熵比较大,中文是9.65比特,英文是4.03比特。这表明中文的复杂程度高于英文,反映了中文词义丰富、行文简练,但处理难度也大。信息熵大,意味着不确定性也大。因此我们应该深入研究,以寻求中文信息处理的深层突破。不能盲目认为汉字是世界上最优美的文字,从而引申出汉字最容易处理的错误结论。   众所周知,质量、能量和信息量是三个非常重要的量。   人们很早就知道用秤或者天平计量物质的质量大?H欢颐枪赜谌取⑷剂稀⒐τ肽艿募屏课侍猓僦?9世纪中叶,随着热功当量的明确和能量守恒定律的建立才逐渐清楚。能量一词就是它们的总称,而能量的计量则通过“卡、焦耳”等新单位的出现而得到解决。   然而,关于文字、数字、图画、声音的知识已有几千年历史了。但是它们的总称是什么,它们如何统一地计量,直到19世纪末还没有被正确地提出来,更谈不上如何去解决了。20世纪初期,随着电报、电话、照片、电视、无线电、雷达等的发展,如何计量信号中信息量的问题被隐约地提上日程。   1928年哈特利(R.V. H. Harley)考虑到从D个彼此不同的符号中取出N个符号并且组成一个“词”的问题。如果各个符号出现的概率相同,而且是完全随机选取的,就可以得到DN个不同的词。从这些词里取了特定的一个就对应一个信息量I。哈特利建议用N log D这个量表示信息量,即I=N log D 。这里的log表示以10为底的对数。后来,1949年控制论的创始人维纳也研究了度量信息的问题,还把它引向热力学第二定律。   但是就信息传输给出基本数学模型的核心人物还是香农。1948年香农长达数十页的论文“通信的数学理论”成了信息论正式诞生的里程碑。在他的通信数学模型中,清楚地提出信息的度量问题,他把哈特利的公式扩大到概率pi不同的情况,得到了著名的计算信息熵H的公式:   H=∑-pi log pi   如果计算中的对数log是以2为底的,那么计算出来的信息熵就以比特(bit)为单位。今天在电脑和通信中广泛使用的字节(Byte)、KB、MB、GB等词都是从比特演化而来。“比特”的出现标志着人类知道了如何计量信息量。香农的信息论为明确什么是信息量概念作出决定性的贡献。   事实上,香农最初的动机是把电话中的噪音除掉,他给出通信速率的上限,这个结论首先用在电话上,后来用到光纤,现在又用在无线通信上。我们今天能够清晰地打越洋电话或卫星电话,都与通信信道质量的改善密切相关。   克劳德·香农在公众中并不特别知名,但他是使我们的世界能进行立即通信的少数科学家和思想家之一。他是美国科学院院士、美国工程院院士、英国皇家学会会员、美国哲学学会会员。他获得过许多荣誉和奖励。例如1949年Morris奖、1955年Ballantine奖、1962年Kelly奖、1966年的国家科学奖章、IEEE的荣誉奖章、1978年Jaquard奖、1983年Fritz奖、1985年基础科学京都奖。他接受的荣誉学位不胜枚举,不再赘述。   今天,我们怀念香农,要熟悉他的两大贡献:一是信息理论、信息熵的概念;另一是符号逻辑和开关理论。我们更应该学习他好奇心强、重视实践、追求完美、永不满足的科学精神,这是他获得成功的重要经验。




shannon我记得是 某一个地方的公主 ..


Shannon Arrum Williams国籍:英国Shannon( 中文:香侬),是MBK Entertainment旗下Dap sound brand channel的女歌手。

Shannon 女生英文名解析

Shannon 女生英文名解析 起源:爱尔兰 含义:古老而又有智慧的 可替换拼写:Shanon 感觉:在70年代非常流行,不过近些年这个男女皆宜的名字没排到前1000,然而,是一个被大家认可的名字,更多被女生使用。 适合:聪明开朗的女孩,总是对新点子感兴趣,休闲,自信。 名人:Shannon Elizabeth,女演员


Shannon香农双语对照词典结果:Shannon[计]香农; [人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 香农 Shane的昵称; [地名] [爱尔兰、美国、南非共和国、新西兰] 香农; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Aer lingus suspended its trans-atlantic service between new york and shannon airportbetween jan. 5 and march 27. 艾尔林格斯暂停了1月5日至3月27日的纽约与香农机场间的跨大西洋服务.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Slam Harder 歌词

歌曲名:Slam Harder歌手:Onyx专辑:Bacdafucup Part IIOnyx - Slam HarderWho"da thought we"d need ya? (Who"da thought we"d need ya?)Back there where we need ya? (Back there where we need ya?)Yeah we tease him a lot, cause we got him on the spotWelcome back.. welcome back, welcome back, welcome back..What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Aiyyo we back in the e-zayThe game is over, it"s a rapIt"s a ree-zay, straight like datIt"s a good look, we put, hardcore on the mapTen years to be exact, still throwin up gatsSee a thug on the TV, and chicks dig thatBut we rap for them streets where them thugs play atSo "Bacdafucup," comin" through, comin through, get ya "SLAM" onY"all the hardest niggas in rap, ya dead wrongY"all the niggas sittin on 20"s with no gas moneyY"all niggas think you shinin like Puff, who got money?Like you really pop shots in the clubYou only pop bottles of bub"Y"all ain"t got no real street loveTo the death, to the ghetto, my kids with heavy metalOn the everyday hustle, never ready to settle, uhBack together, with the, classic terrorOnyx, back forever, bustin", gats together, WHAT!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Bigger than the streets" anthems, you stealin" the flowReppin" other people"s money and we takin" ya doughMy killas the grimiest, we keep it the gulliestWe leave you the bloodiest, cause we be the hungriest(GRRRRRRR) Hear that? Hunger painsThat"s the things that"ll numb your brain, run ya changeIt"s not a threat, it"s a promiseI even got my St. Louis niggas SLAMMIN haters offa OnyxWhat! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)You wanna know the truth? Take a look in my eyeI"m like B.I.G."s first album, I"m "Ready to Die"It"s Sticky Fingaz, if you didn"t already know who I amThe minute I reached out and touched the whole hood with no handsCause in the streets I live through it, it"s more than musicWhatever I"m spittin" on, I put my life into itGot a reputation on the streets of keepin" it roughThere"s just too many of us, you get rushed, you get bust - what!Big trucks, chrome rims spinnin"The mad faced niggas got money so now we grinnin"Pull your sticks out, we the group you listen to, kid!Niggas told me my music helped em" through they bidI"m the voice of the ghetto, the heart of New YorkA fiend will give his last hit, just to hear me talkNiggas paid for their mistakes, death is the priceThat"s right motherfucka, Onyx for life!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!Aiyyo, who slam harder? Onyx, or Vince Carter? (ONYX!)All my thugs gettin dollars (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)All my ladies just holla (Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!)Slam Harder!What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)What! What! What! What!Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (What!) Yeah! (C"mon)http://music.baidu.com/song/20846189

harman/kardon onyx开机后按键失灵,连关机都关不了。只有等没电。




谁能帮我详细分析一下这个句子?being friendly is a virtue that




scrub hands front and back 是什么语法

是名词hand作动词的语法,手意义为擦手的意思,这句话是前后擦手的意思即洗手心和手背。help(用作名词和动词)的用法注意点:1. 用作名词,泛指一般意义的“帮助”,是不可数名词。如:He gave me a lot of help. 他给了我许多帮助。It wasn"t (of) much help. 这并无多大帮助。表示具体的有帮助的人或事物,是可数名词。如:You are a great help to me. 你对我帮助很大。Her advice is a great help. 她的建议大有益处。2. 表示“在……的帮助下”,通常用介词 with,不能按汉语意思用under。如:I can read the French book with the help of a dictionary. 我可以借助字典阅读这本法语书。3. 用作动词,表示“帮助”,其后可接不定式或不定式的复合结构作宾语,其中的不定式可以带 to 也可以不带 to。I helped him (to) find his things. 我帮他找东西。Mother helped me (to) do my homework. 妈妈帮助我做家庭作业。在被动语态中,不定式要带 to。如:Millie was helped to overcome her fear of flying. 米利被帮助克服了她的飞行恐惧。另外,当 help 之后接一个较长的名词词组作宾语,或当其中的不定式所表示的动作主语不直接参加时,不定式一般都要带 to。如:Help the little boys at the back of the hall to carry the chairs out. 请帮大厅后面那些小男孩把椅子搬出去。


shake-up n. 动摇; 搅动,震动; 权宜之计; 人员变动; satellite-peaks:卫星峰;伴峰

What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix)歌手:Alphabeat专辑:What Is HappeningAlphabeat-What Is Happening★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Oh, when I said I need you so muchI was dead,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhOh, when I said I need you so muchI was scared,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said, yeah yeah yeah.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (hey!)Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you, (yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-ih-yeah)What is happening?Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see, (don"t go)What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).http://music.baidu.com/song/2915974

XPS中振起伴峰(shake up peaks)算不算在元素的总面积内?


Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 歌词

The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll演唱:Cage The ElephantWilliam Zantzinger killed poor Hattie CarrollWith a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring fingerAt a Baltimore hotel society gath"rin".And the cops were called in and his weapon took from himAs they rode him in custody down to the stationAnd booked William Zantzinger for first-degree murder.But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears,Take the rag away from your face.Now ain"t the time for your tears.William Zantzinger, who at twenty-four yearsOwns a tobacco farm of six hundred acresWith rich wealthy parents who provide and protect himAnd high office relations in the politics of Maryland,Reacted to his deed with a shrug of his shouldersAnd swear words and sneering, and his tongue it was snarling,In a matter of minutes on bail was out walking.But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears,Take the rag away from your face.Now ain"t the time for your tears.Hattie Carroll was a maid of the kitchen.She was fifty-one years old and gave birth to ten childrenWho carried the dishes and took out the garbageAnd never sat once at the head of the tableAnd didn"t even talk to the people at the tableWho just cleaned up all the food from the tableAnd emptied the ashtrays on a whole other level,Got killed by a blow, lay slain by a caneThat sailed through the air and came down through the room,Doomed and determined to destroy all the gentle.And she never done nothing to William Zantzinger.But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears,Take the rag away from your face.Now ain"t the time for your tears.In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavelTo show that all"s equal and that the courts are on the levelAnd that the strings in the books ain"t pulled and persuadedAnd that even the nobles get properly handledOnce that the cops have chased after and caught "emAnd that the ladder of law has no top and no bottom,Stared at the person who killed for no reasonWho just happened to be feelin" that way without warnin".And he spoke through his cloak, most deep and distinguished,And handed out strongly, for penalty and repentance,William Zantzinger with a six-month sentence.Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears,Bury the rag deep in your faceFor now"s the time for your tears.http://music.baidu.com/song/13812328


hdfs dfsadmin -setQuota <N> <directory>...<directory> 例如:设置目录下的文件总数为1000个hdfs dfsadmin -setQuota 1000 /p/work hdfs dfsadmin -clrQuota <directory>...<directory> hdfs dfsadmin -setSpaceQuota <N> <directory>...<directory> 例如:hdfs dfsadmin -setSpaceQuota 9T /p/work dfsadmin -clrSpaceQuota <directory>...<director> 计算公式: QUOTA – (DIR_COUNT + FILE_COUNT) = REMAINING_QUOTA SPACE_QUOTA – CONTENT_SIZE = REMAINING_SPACE_QUOTA space quota 的设定所看的不是上传的档案大小,是写入 HDFS 的所有 block size,假设一个档案要写入两个blocks,在core-site.xml设定dfs.block.size为64MB,dfs.replication为3,那所需空间:2 64MB 3=384MB

what a piece of junk?中文是什么??

junk = 垃圾, 废物, what a piece of junk!真是一块废物!

“What a lot of junk!”said Wilf

upon which poor Marlow"s funeral took place

junk这个单词有没有臀部的意思?kesha的tik tok的中文翻译为什么把junk翻译成美臀呢?

没有 意思是垃圾 废物 旧货

Hi! I’m Harry. Life used to be kind of difficult for me. The muscles(肌肉) in my arms and l...

小题1:A小题1:B小题1:A小题1:D 小题1:根据第二段I have a helping hand. Pete is a golden dog that has been trained to help kids like me.描述,可知选A小题1:根据第一段The muscles(肌肉) in my arms and legs are weak. I have to be in a wheelchair all day. 可知选B小题1:根据短文第三段描述,Pete能做很多事情,但是没有它能打扫房间的描述,可知A小题1:联系上文上文描述,可知作者认为它不只是一个帮手,还是一个朋友,故选D




就给几个实用的例子哈,并不是全部动词意思啥。shelter v. 躲避We sheltered from the rain in a doorwayshade v. 给……遮挡She shaded her eyes against the sun.shadow v. 跟随……实地学习She asked if she could shadow interpreters and MEP Robert Sturdy agreed to take her along as his guest.

l had the muscle ,and they made money out of it

l had the muscle ,and they made money out of it我有肌肉,他们赚钱了



The zend studio executable launcher was unable on locate its companion shared library?

首先要检查安装方式吧。。如果只是copy过去的目录,可能会有一些系统的库文件找不到。一般来说,正常安装的是不会这样的。除非你在正常安装的情况下没有管理员权限。这种情况在公司配备的电脑中比较常见。。:-(其他的不熟。。。只是尝试过1此ZendStudio。后面发现和EPP3没有太大差别,所以没有在用。然后现在在用Eclipse PDT。这个挺好用的。扩散一下。

DHA EPA EHA 的作用是什么

EFA(Essential fatty acid),即必需脂肪酸。所谓的必需脂肪酸就是人体不能自己合成,需要从食物中摄取,对机体正常机能和健康有着重要的保护意义的脂肪酸。像亚麻酸(ω-3族)、亚油酸(ω-6族)和花生四烯酸这三种是动物的必需脂肪酸。但目前由于相关的研究越来越多,所以也不能一概而论。EPA(Eicosapntemacnioc acid):即二十碳五烯酸,是ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸的一种,是人体所需的必需脂肪酸之一,主要存在于鱼油中。其主要的作用是降低胆固醇,促进血液循环,能够预防动脉粥样硬化形成和发展,脑血栓等心血管疾病。DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid):即二十二碳六烯酸,也是ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸中的一种,也是人体所需的必需脂肪酸之一,主要存在于鱼油当中。DHA是人大脑生长发育的主要组成成分,在孕期适量的补充能够促进胎儿的大脑发育,和减少产后抑郁。另外还具有一定的抗炎性,降血脂、预防心血管疾病的作用。除此之外,还能够改善老年痴呆,抗衰老,抗癌等作用。tips:在选择上注意两点:1uff64看品牌,选择大品牌,质量好,效果佳;2看平台,资质是否齐全、是否有追溯机制,是否与消费者站在一起,售后有保障。




DHA是二十二碳六烯酸,是有六个双键的多元(C22H32O2),是一种Ω-3。DHA是神经系统细胞生长及维持的一种主要元素,是大脑和视网膜的重要构成成分,在人体大脑皮层中含量高达20%,在眼睛视网膜中所占比例最大,约占50%,因此,对胎婴儿智力和视力发育至关重要。EPA是,一种具有20个和5个双键的直链脂肪酸,分子量为302,存在于和动物磷脂中,是一种对抗高血症的多烯脂酸制剂。 EFA是是指机体生命活动必不可少,但机体自身又不能合成,必需由食物供给的(PUFA)。必需脂肪酸主要包括两种,一种是ω-3系列的(18:3),一种是ω-6系列的(18:2)。

解答高考英语试题。 情态动词+have done

1. c 2. b 3. d

Anda adalah kebahagiaan saya 马来语是什么意思。。。


what a unusual

应该用what或者how .排除234.这个是感叹句,意思是“他弹奏着多么特别的音乐啊”,不用an修饰是因为music不可数,只有unusual后面的名词可数时前面才用an.所以这里有一个小小的陷阱,以后遇见类似元音开头的不要轻易选了an.现在没什么问题了吧~~

HAL Tejas-LCA 是什么飞机,那个国家制造的?








哪位英文高手帮下忙````翻译下 超级男孩的《Just Don't Tell Me That》要准确的哦`!

我这里有急事,暂时没法写的太详细 抱歉。。可以给我发消息,我详细告诉你详细讲的就是:女孩很风流,出现在每个party里,并且用love的名义花男孩信用卡里的钱,总是欺骗男孩,这首歌主题就是告诉女孩,要和她分手,和bye bye bye大意差不多。。给我发消息。。我明天详细告诉你。。

英文 别人说i have to go怎么回答?不要介意我 英文怎么说

I have to go我需要离开了,别人可能有什么事需要离开那你可以回答sure, go ahead 就是没问题,你去吧不要介意我- just ignore me/don"t bother about me

英语I prefer music which has great lyrics怎么翻译?


hard chrome plating是什么意思


timeisnothowmuchyouhave, buthowyouuseit。怎么翻译。

Time is not how much you have, but how you use it.时间不在于你拥有多少,而在于你如何利用它。

求教no greater than的用法

具有讽刺意味的是,该政党领导为建立进步党的努力所遭遇的阻碍与遭受到已当选到立法机构的进步人士的阻力一样大。no greater.... than...与……旗鼓相当;不比……小

I have been laid是什么意思


I have been laid是什么意思


scx 4300提示toner exhausted replace toner怎么办


第一种There happened an accident,killing 10 people第二种 … , 10 people killed 第三种…and 10 pe...

第二种是独立结构。第三种是并列句。l do not get what we needed 主语是I ,谓语是GET,后面是宾语从句。

求分析德语句子:wie weit der Weg auch sein mag,ich werde überall nach der Wharheit suchen.


what funk是什么歌曲啊!?

《What Funk》是美国电影《惊奇队长》抖音短视频电影剪辑中的背景音乐。《What Funk》是一首纯音乐(无歌词)歌曲,作者:Jakepool,专辑:《What Funk》,语种:纯音乐,唱片公司:North Code Records,发行时间:2021-03-10。Jakepool,美国音乐人、制作人。作品有《Pump It》、《Reset》、《Good Vibes》、《What Funk》、《Static》等。纯音乐简介纯音乐作曲初衷就不包含填词的音乐。这种音乐模式完全以纯粹优美的音乐来表达作者的情感,所以一般被称为纯音乐。它没有歌词,却能以自己优美的曲调体现美妙的意境。纯音乐的概念是为了区分有词的音乐和没词的音乐,而不是说有词的就是“杂”音乐,毕竟声乐也是一种音乐形式。一首优美的纯音乐可以有效地调节你的心情,陶冶你的情操,甚至让你能有所感悟,从而拓展你的胸襟,完善你的人格。

there is no doubt that是什么句型?

there is no doubt that是同位语从句。There be+(修版饰词权)+名词+that(同位语从句);方式主语结构是:(It 方式主语)be+ 名词/形容词/过去分词+that(引领真正主语从句)例句There is no doubt that you can have a good time there.毫无疑问,你在这儿一定能度过美好的时光。

thereis no doubt that什么意思?

there is no doubt that.that 后跟表语从句。例如:1)There is no doubt that she has the makings of a successful journalist. 毫无疑问,她具备成为一名成功记者的素质。2)There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of air pollution. 毫无疑问,我们必须对空气污染问题有足够的重视。

有没有人帮我讲一下no doubt、what'more、in addition用法的区别

1 no doubtadv. 无疑地;很可能地I suppose you have no doubt about that?我想对你这个说法不会有疑问吧?2 what‘s more而且;此外;加之;更重要的是What"s more, taking exercise is very helpful to our health.而且锻炼对身体非常有好处。3 in addition另外,此外In addition, the new treatment reduces the number of injections needed.此外,新型疗法减少了注射剂的使用数量。 in addition表示另外,一般用于插入语,跟what"s more比较接近In addition ,there are six other applicants.what"s more,there are six other applicants除此之外, 还有六个申请人in addition to后面可直接跟名词In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。

英文问题 it is no doubt that

1.It is no doubt that s.v.o. (1 2 3 are ALL CORRECT) or 2.There is no doubt that s.v.o. 3) There could be no doubt that ( past tense) is and be <----------are called " helping verbs" in English. " no doubt" is an English phrase.片语 No doubt he didn"t need me. ( you can place it in front of a sentence) OR place this phrase right after the helping verb It is<------helping verb no doubt that ................ One more example for you No longer<-------------------不再 ( phrase ) - I am<---------helping verb no longer a kid. <----------------------- I am not a kid anymore(adverb). I am no longer a kid. = I am not a kid anymore(adverb). Both sentences are correct but the structure of the sentences are different. I explain (2) first which is simpler. There is = There exists There is a man. There is a slim chance that he will succeed. There is no doubt that he will fail in the venture. The sentence is just like "There is something". (1) "It is no doubt that ..." is a different sentence structure. "It" in this case is a "helping" subject and the real subject of the sentence is at the end of the sentence. e.g. It is no doubt that he is a great person. The sentence actually me to say That is he is great person is no doubt. Although "It" is a subject the real subject is the noun clause "That he is a great person". It is just like the following example: It is exciting to ride on the roller-coaster. "It" is not referring to any person or any thing. "It" is just a subject. What the sentence me is: To ride on the roller-coaster is exciting. I think your second question is why "It is" is not followed by an adjective and whether it is correct to have a noun after "it is". The wer is yes. e.g. It is a rumour that they are getting married. It is not a rumour that they are getting married. It is no rumour that they are getting married. Similarly It is a doubt that they can finish the work in time. It is not a doubt that they can finish the work in time. It is no doubt that they can finish the work in time. 1 and 2 are both correct. But I have seen (2) is more monly used.

there is no doubt that引导的是什么从句?


There is no doubt that是什么意思

There is no doubt that毫无疑问,


固定用法是:There is no doubt that毫无疑问

What did the do at the pαrty是什么意思?

the应该是they What did they do at the party?在聚会上他们做了什么?

求Magnet的歌词,中英文的,不是日本初音的那个,是美国歌手Lindsay Lohan唱的,万分感谢!

"Magnet"I don"t know whether I should hate it or should like itThe way you read through me I"d swear you were a psychicI tried to not reach for the phoneBut something bigger makes me call youI don"t know what to doI"m into you.[Chorus]Is it gravity, chemistry, physically pullin meWhat could it be boyCause I"m so drawn to youLike a foolI keep coming back, it"s trueI can"t stand itYou"re like a magnet.I don"t know whether I should move on or move inMaybe a part of me is fine with never knowingCause I try to leave, but that won"t workCause being strong just makes it worse soWhat should I do? I"m torn into two[Chorus][Bridge]Oh come a little closer cause I"m loving you, loving you, loving youOh come a little closer cause I"m missing you, missing you, missing youOh come a little closer cause I"m loving you, loving you, loving you[Chorus]

在电影天生一对中 Lindsay Lohan是一个人扮演2个角色么


请问哪位高手知道电影《辣妈辣妹》片尾,安娜在妈妈婚礼上唱的那首lindsay lohan 唱的《ultimate》……


急求林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan的 what are you waiting for的歌词

Lindsay Lohan<What Are You Waiting For>Sometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,So sad theFaces on TV,If i try to make a difference would it help anyway,Then i stop and to myself i say[Chorus]So you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,Sometimes, I feel a little helpless,Seems like (well) I can"t do a thing,But anything is possible,Just you want and see,Good things happen,If you Just believe,[Chorus 1x]Someday, somehow, I"m gunna take that step,Cause time is tickin away,Right here,Right now,Before it"s to late,Gunna face tomorrow today,(Don"t wait,Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)[Chorus 2x] 以上是英语歌词。

急求林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan的 what are you waiting for的歌词

人:lindsay lohan专辑:青春舞会皇后lindsay lohan - what are you waiting for电影插曲:青春舞会皇后(Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen)what are you waiting forSometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,So sadthe faces on TV,If i try to make a difference would it help anyway,Then I stop and to myself I saySo you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,Sometimes, I feel a little helpless,Seems like (well) I can"t do a thing,But anything is possible,Just you want and see,Good things happen,If you Just believe,So you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,Someday, somehow, I"m gunna take that step,Cause time is tickin away,Right here,Right now,Before it"s to late,Gunna face tomorrow today,(Don"t wait,So you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,So you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,

求You Never Change - Lindsay McCaul歌词

Every day I wake up expectingYour mercies to fadeAnticipating your grace has gone awayI keep hesitating before I open my eyesThe nerves that I feel keep me believing that is surrealThat Iu2019m only dreaming, the daylightu2019s gonna stealYour love away if I open my eyesBut Iu2019ve got to give it a tryI hold my breathAnd I count up to three and take a quick peekAnd there you areJust smiling at meYouu2019re waiting to seeThe look on my faceCompletely amazedThat youu2019re still the sameYesterday and today and foreverYou never changeGradually, Iu2019ll be persuaded that youu2019ll never leaveYou canu2019t separate us, and Iu2019m eternallyLoved unconditionally for reasons I canu2019t explainYou are more real than the fear that Iu2019m hiding and somehow you hearMy heart without speaking, and you made it very clearYou will be with me to stay, youu2019re never going awayYou are never going awaySun and the rain, joy and the painAutumn, winter, spring and summerIn the heat of the day or the cool of the nightYouu2019re still the sameYouu2019re holding my hand wherever I amYou keep me in wide-eyed wonderAnd through it all, you will remainYou never change

lindsay lohan演的《天生一对》的片头曲叫《LOVE》是谁唱的

Nat "King" Cole

林赛·洛翰Lindsay Lohan的所有电影

牧场之家好作伴 A Prairie Home Companion (2006) Bobby (2006) 疯狂金车 Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) 青春舞会皇后 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) 贱女孩 Mean Girls (2004) 辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday (2003) 小记者大侦探 Get a Clue (2002) 天生一对 The Parent Trap (1998)

有谁了解Lindsay Lohan?

  姓名:Lindsay Lohan  译名:林赛·罗韩  出生日期:1986年7月2日  出生地:美国 纽约  星座:巨蟹座  最喜欢的颜色:浅色系  最喜欢的运动:游泳、旱冰、自行车  因为出演《贱女孩》(Mean Girls)而一炮打红的18岁的美国偶像歌手林赛-罗韩,自从踏入歌坛后更是人气飙升,炙手可热。这使得她当之无愧地赢得了风靡全世界的“芭比娃娃”一般的待遇,目前,美国著名的“My Scene”公司已经推出与她形象酷似的玩偶娃娃。  这个娃娃跟罗韩一样拥有一头光泽动人的红色披肩长发,穿着米色的上装和带有狐狸领的仿皮大衣,打扮得简约而正式,仿佛就是正准备踏上红地毯领奖的罗韩。为了起到搞笑的目的,与娃娃一起出售的还包括一张导演座椅和一根便于悬挂的天鹅绒制成的绳索。  今年6月“罗韩娃娃”即将在全球推出,零售价大约30美元。届时罗韩的歌迷影迷们可要乐翻天了。事实上就在上周日纽约举行的一年一度的美国国际玩具展览会上,“罗韩娃娃”首次露面就已经获得了疯狂订货,看来,哪怕是此前有关她曾经因为飙车而撞伤一对夫妇惹上官司的丑闻也没有让追星族们减弱对她的崇拜和追捧。  偶像新星罗韩曾经主演《Freaky Friday》,最近还完成了新片《疯狂金车(Herbie: Fully Loaded)》的拍摄,该片改编自关于一辆勇敢的大众小汽车的迪斯尼童话故事。  主要作品:  《贱女孩》《青春舞会皇后》  《辣妈辣妹》《天生一对》

lindsay lohan 为什么入狱


lindsay lohan演过什么电影、

天生一对 The Parent Trap 导演: 南希·迈耶斯 (Nancy Meyers) 主演: 琳赛·罗翰 Lindsay Lohan/丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid/娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 中文名: 天生一对 小记者大侦探 Get a Clue 导演: Maggie Greenwald 主演: Lindsay Lohan/Bug Hall/Ian Gomez 中文名:小记者大侦探 小孩子们的力量 找到最后的答案 青春舞会皇后 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 导演: Sara Sugarman 主演: 琳赛·罗翰 Lindsay Lohan/格莱恩·亨德利 Glenne Headly/卡洛尔·凯恩 Carol Kane 中文名: 青春舞会皇后 贱女孩 Mean Girls 导演: Mark Waters 主演: Lindsay Lohan/Rachel McAdams/Jonathan Bennett 中文名: 贱女孩 从什么不懂到用自己的力量反击不公 笑料连连 感觉到有的时候太天真是不行的 疯狂金车 Herbie: Fully Loaded 导演: Angela Robinson 主演: Lindsay Lohan/Matt Dillon/Carolina Garcia 评语: 英文名:Herbie Fully Loaded 赛车 神奇的金龟车 科幻般的~~ 认和人之间也应该这样的信任吧 家有辣嬷 Georgia Rule 导演: Garry Marshall 主演: 简·芳达 Jane Fonda/林赛·罗翰 Lindsay Lohan/菲丽西提·霍夫曼 Felicity Huffman 中文名:乔治亚法则 外婆 妈妈 自己 的家庭亲情故事 外婆的法则没有人不服从 lindsay尽现性感,本色出演 我知道谁杀了我 I Know Who Killed Me 导演: Chris Sivertson 主演: Lindsay Lohan/Spencer Garrett/Julia Ormond 评语: 不敢看 等着找人一起看
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