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What are you going to do on sunday

1,what are you going to do on Sunday?2ehh...a good question?1I am going hiking.2WOW! Cool! Then where are you going?1, blue bridge mountain.2 who is gonna go with you?1, li, anna, john....2, wow, can I join you guys?1, yes, of course. we gonna leave at 7:30pm2: ok, what do i need to take with me?1, some cash, sleeping bag, that"s all. do notworry about the food and water. we "ve had everything in our van. but... you know, we do really need split the charge if you wanna come with us... not too much, just 5 dollars.2, oh! that"s cool. i would like to.see you guys sunday morning

9 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year

原文地址 To reach your goals, you need a system. You need to build habits and you have to stick around long enough to let them do their magic. You hear it over and over again because it"s true. In 2019, one of the most popular books was Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It"s a pratical guide to break bad habits and build good ones. The author explains clearly why small, everyday habits lead to great success. If you haven"t read the book yet, make sure you do. But don"t just read it. Put in practice everything you learn from it. Unitl you do so, here are 0 micro-habits that can improve your life. I know, I know, it"s a fast-moving world. But that does not mean we have to respond quickly to everything. Learn to say "I"ll let you know later","I"ll get back to you on this", and other similar phrases. Instead of saying yes to an offer only to realize later that it doesn"t fit your schedule, better to take a few miniutes to think about it. It will save you a great amount of time and disappiontment in the long run. Every day, pick a small task you don"t want to do then go ahead and complete it. From washing the dishes to making your bed and from going for a run to making dinner instead of ordering food. It can be anything. After doing this for a few days, you"ll realize the problem is not the task itself. It"s your habit of postponing things. It"s being comfortable, especially when you have a choice. But often, once you make the first step, you get yourself in the mood and get the job done. Once you"ve spent a few days completing small tasks, make the jump to bigger ones. There were days when my phone was the extension of my hand. I would pick it up for no reason and then scroll on social media for 30 minutes without realizing it. And I"m not even big on social media platforms. I never post anything on Facebook and have around 200 followers on Instagram, whom I spam with pictures of my travels from time to time. But I can"t give it up for good, nor do I want to. Facebook is a great way to find out about local events, and Instagram is a great source of inspiration for my writing. But all of these are useful if I use the platforms in moderation. So instead of deleting the apps from my phone, I"ve decided that I"m not going to use them on Sundays. And so I did. After four weeks, I"ve drasitcally reduced my screen time and even set a 1-hour limit for social apps. So if you"re struggling with this as well, start small. Spend a day away from social media or don"t connect your phone to wifi at all. After you realize you"re not missing out on anything, by being offline for one day, you"ll consciouly choose to spend less time online,every day. Choose your outfit and put everything in your bag (men might not understand this, but most women hava a looong list of things that they need to have in their everyday bag). Write down a to-do list and check your calendar to see if you scheduled any meetings of calls. Do anything you can to make the next day easier. If you have a plan, you get things done faster. There"s no magic involved, it"s pure logic. When you"re eating and working/reading/watching a movie at the same time, you often eat more than you need. Plus, you"re not enjoying the food, nor are you being productive. Can you even taste those vegetables if you"re busy trying to make sense of an excel document? Probably not. Having lunch or dinner shouldn"t take more than 10-15 minutes. So when did we become so busy that we don"t even have 10 minutes to spare to fuel our bodies? Next time you eat, do just that: eat. You"ll see it"s not easy at all to not reach for your phone. And the simple fact that we have to talk ourselves out of doing it should raise some questions. The Pomodoro Technique might as well be called the Bible of Productivity. It got so famous because it works so it does deserve all the praise. Out of all the mircro-habits I mention here, this one has helped me the most. Working and traveling full-time is not always easy (or fun, might I add) and you have to come up with a schedule and stick to it. So I"ve adjusted the Pomodoro Technique in a way that works for me: I write for one hour, take a 10-minute break, and then write for another hour. This is one of the main tricks that have helped meet my deadlines while exploring a few different cities every month. If you keep your phone next to you when you sleep, you"ll just keep hitting the snooze button until it"s almost too late to get out of bed. But for most of us, the hard part is standing up, not waking up. And this is why this method works. When your phone is on the opposite side of the room, you have to get up and take a few steps to stop it from ringing. Then you might realize you are also thirsty and have a lot to do in the next following hours. So your bed doesn"t look so comfortable anymore. For the past few years, I"ve been applying two rules before buying anything. First, if I see something I like, I never buy it on the spot--unless it"s something I need and have been looking for. Instead, I wait for a few days to see if it"s still going to be on my mind. If after three days I still dream about a dress or some shoes, I go ahead and buy them. If I completely forget about them, then I just dodged a bullet because it was probably just compulsive shopping. The second rule applies to items on sale. Everybody loves the sales periods, right? Of course we do. But it"s also when we tend to buy a lot of stuff we don"t need. It"s how our brains are wired. That"s why marketing works. Getting a good deal makes us happy. Satisfied. Until we get home and realize it was just a temporary feeling. To avoid buying unnecessary things, ask yourself a simple question:" Would I pay the full price for it?" If the answer is "yes", then take out your wallet. If it"s negative, walk away. "It"s ok, I"ll remember it" should go down in history as the biggest lie we tell ourselves. Out of all the things you pick up during the day, you end up forgetting more then half of it. So make a habit of writing everything down, even the silly stuff that seem unimportant. The main reason why people don"t reach their goals is that they make drastic changes instead of building small, everyday habits. To do so, you only need to follow these two simple rules: Make a list of all the bad habits you have and want to get rid of. Instead of going on a war against yourself, trying to get rid of all of them at the same time, pick only one and focus on that. Take baby steps. Smoke one less cigarette. Buy one less unnecessary item every week. Stop eating one thing out of a few you want to give up. Only after you"ve managed to give up a bad habit, start working on another one. The same goes for good changes you want to make. Don"t try to drink 2 liters of water every day if you only drank 1 glass before. Instead, try to drink 2 glasses per day and slowly increase. Add one more vegetable to your plate. Run one more minute on the treadmill. Read one more page every night. Choose something you"re struggling with and slowly increase the time you spend building that good habit. When you feel like it became a habit, start working on the next one, As James Clear said in Atomic Habits: So make sure you have a well-established system for every goal. 翻译如下: 为了达到你的目标。你需要一个系统。你需要建立习惯并一直保持以便让它们发挥奇效。你不胜其烦地听到这种论调恰好证明了其正确性。 在2019年,James著的原子习惯是一本畅销书。这是一本手把手教你改掉坏习惯并培养好习惯的书。作者解释了为何日拱一卒能够带你走向成功。 如果你还没读过这本书,请读读看,但请别只是“读”,去实践你的所学。直到你做了这些后,我这列出了9条能改善你生活的微小习惯。 现在一切都是快节奏的,我懂,但这也不意味这我们必须对所有事情快速反应,学会去说“我等下告诉你”、“我回头跟你说”等话术。 相对于答应一个后面发现日程有冲突的请求,多想想是件好事。 这会长期替你省下大把时间且能更好地达成承诺。 每天找一件自己不想做的小任务并完成它,从洗盘子到叠被子,从跑步到自己做饭而非叫外卖,可以是任何事情。 这样做一段时间后,你会明白任务本身并没有问题,只是你习惯性地抗拒它们,因此当你还有选择的时候,主动解决它们吧。之后,当你踏出第一步,你就能找到状态并且完成它。 一旦你花了几天去拍了些“小苍蝇”,你就可以去试试处理“大老虎”了。 曾几何时我机不离手,我会无理由地拿起来,漫无目的地刷个30分钟且意识不到时间的流逝。 我并非社交平台的大咖,从未在脸书上发表文章且在Instagram仅有200来个粉丝,上面我也只是时不时放些旅游照片。 但我还是有些不能放下它的理由。脸书是个获取社区新闻的好渠道,Instagram是我的写作灵感源泉。但这一切好处仅在我有节制地去使用时才有。 所以,与其把它们从手机上删掉,我决定周日都不再使用它们。我做到了,几个星期后,我神奇地减少了看手机的时间甚至养成了每天最多使用1小时社交软件的习惯。 若你也苦恼于此,一点点改变吧,一天内不用社交软件或者不连wifi。当你意识到你这期间并没有错过什么事后,你理所当然地减少线上时间,每天都是。 把你要带的东西都放到包包里(直男可能不懂,但很多女性每天都有一大堆东西要带)。 在你的日历上写下一个清单去规划你的会议,总之做一些会让你第二天更容易上手的事情。 如果你有了个计划,你会做事更有效率,这不是魔法,这是纯逻辑。 当你在工作、阅读、看电影时吃东西,你经常会吃得更多。另外,你既没有享受食物,又没有效率。你能一边做Excel一边好好品尝你的蔬菜吗?显然不行。 吃顿午餐或晚餐不会超过10到15分钟,我们什么时候忙到连10分钟都没法留给身体补充营养呢? 下次你吃的时候,只做一件事:吃。你会发现放下手机吃饭不容易,但我们还是要告诉自己,不这么干会引发一些问题的。

do you like what you see?

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你所看见的吗?

rather that和rather than的用法,网工考试的英语题里有这两个的辨析

I would rather that 加句子

What are the differences between America Education and China Education?


gimme that的中文翻译

Gimme fuel Gimme fire Gimme that which I desire Ooh 给予我火 请给予我我所欲求的 Ssha Yeah Turn on ...I see red 兴奋吧, 我见到了火红的颜色 Adrenaline crash and crack my head 肾上腺已经裂开,暴烈我的头 Nitro junkie, paint me dead 硝基上瘾者,给我纹上骷髅 And I see red 我见到了红色火焰 A hundred plus through black and white War horse 战马 Warhead 战争狂 Fuck "em man, white knuckle tight X他们,恐惧的快感 Through black and white 只此一条路 Ooh 哦 On I burn 我燃烧吧 Fuel is pumping engines 燃油正在轰击引擎 Burning hard, loose, and clean 狠狠地烧,放开,清除 And on I burn 我继续燃烧吧 Churning my direction 搅乱我的方向 Quench my thirst with gasoline 用汽油来满足我的饥渴 So gimme fuel Gimme fire Gimme that which I desire Yeah Turn on beyond the bone 无比兴奋 Swallow future 将未来吞噬 Spit out home 喷回家 Burn your face upon the chrome 在铬上烧你的脸 Yeah hey hey, oh yeah 噎,嘿嘿 Take the corner, join the crash, shaa 急转弯,加入撞毁,刹 Head lights 前灯 Headlines 头条 Another junkie lives too fast 又是一个活的不耐烦的汽油瘾君子 Yeah, lives way too fast 是的,活的太快乐 Fast, fast, fast, ooh whoa 快,快,快,哈哈哈

What are the best outdoor activities to do in Vancouver?

As an language model, I do not have personal experiences, but here are some popular outdoor activities to do in Vancouver:1. Hiking in the mountns - Vancouver is surrounded by mountns with some of the best hiking trls. Grouse Grind, Stawamus Chief, and Lynn Canyon are some popular ones.2. Cycling around Stanley Park - Stanley Park is a vast park with numerous scenic cycling paths, beautiful beaches and dining options.3. Kayaking in False Creek - Rent a kayak or join a tour to explore the beautiful waters and enjoy spectacular views of the city.4. Skiing and snowboarding in local mountns - Vancouver is home to spectacular ski resorts like Whistler Blackcomb and Cypress Mountn that attract ski enthusiasts throughout the year.5. Beachcombing and swimming- Kitsilano Beach, English Bay, and Spanish Banks offer beautiful sandy beaches, where visitors can sunbathe, swim, and enjoy water sports.6. Island hopping - There are several islands off the coast of Vancouver, such as Bowen Island and Galiano Island, which can be accessed by ferry and offer unique experiences.

What do you have for summer?根据实际回答问题


this is() hat. lts too small

This isn"t my hat. 这不是我的帽子。It"s too small. 它太小了。

hata和punti 在中国属于什么民族?

Punti 是广东话本地的意思,指原住民,土人。Hakka 是客家,是从宋朝开始,中原汉民大举南迁,经赣南、闽西到达梅州,最终形成的民系。Punti-Hakka Clan Wars or Hakka-Punti Clan Wars (Chinese: 土客械斗) refers to battles or conflicts between the Hakka and the Punti in Guangdong (广东), China, between 1855 and 1867, during the reign of the Qing Dynasty. 土客冲突专指明清时期,在中国南方的族群混居地区,各族群(汉族不同民系、壮族)之间的激烈冲突,其最高峰是清朝末年发生在广东的土客械斗。土、客两词,分别是先住民和后住民的意思,按当地不同族群到来的先后进行区分1。各时期的土客冲突土客冲突发生的地点很多,在广东、广西、福建、江西、湖南、台湾的许多地方都曾经发生过。土客冲突发生的时间跨越度也很长,从明朝中期到清末均有发生,但绝大多数土客冲突均发生在清末(十九世纪四十年代-十九世纪末)。晚清以前的土客冲突土客冲突自明以前就在中国南方不时出现,但都规模不大。土客械斗到了清末,由于当时中国的政治、经济都处在急剧变动时期,人民生活困苦,清政府也要面对太平军等反政府势力,生存资源处于极度紧张的状态。与此同时,广东沿海等地的人口剧增(各地移民及自然人口增长),惨烈的土客械斗就在这个背景下发生了。四邑地区的土客械斗四邑地区处于广东珠江三角洲西部,原本人丁稀少,明清年间,来自广府地区 、粤东地区的人移民到四邑地区,四邑的人口才逐渐增加。在移民的初期,由于双方的人口均不多,生存资源足够需求,双方一直相安无事。从移民开始算一百多年后,双方开始了一定程度的冲突。到了清末咸丰同治年间,双方爆发了土客大械斗。土客冲突的成因土客冲突给冲突地人民,无论是土方还是客方,都造成了深重的灾难,归究其原因,不同研究者的说法都各异,但普遍接受的一点是:土客冲突的本质,在于争夺生存资源;而其极端形式--土客械斗,则乡村争夺资源的一个极端形式。此外,当时政府的挑动,以及地主土地制度的限制等,也是土客冲突的重要原因。土客冲突的影响客家称谓的形成土客冲突的双方在不同地点均并不完全相同,例如广西的土客冲突,土方为壮族及当地的汉族人,客方为广东汉族的广府、客家等民系2。但就一般状况而言,处于客方的民系,无论是在两广、湘赣还是闽台,其原籍均来自赣南、闽西、粤东、粤北,使用相同的汉语方言,有着相同的习俗。作为土客冲突的客方,他们的处境往往要比土方更差,因此在土客冲突最激烈的几十年间,即清末土客械斗期间,这些移民到外地的人与原籍地的人相互之间有着强烈的民系认同,最终的结果是这些人普遍接受以客家作为民系通用的名字,这也就代表着客家民系的正式形成。对土客冲突的研究在中国,受政府意识形态的限制,土客冲突从清末到二十世纪末均未受到学者的重视,近年来才有《被遗忘的战争》等学术作品问世。在海外,Myron Cohen等人都有一定的研究

What are the functions of lunguage according to Halliday?

According to Halliday, language varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations. the type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register.

what could you do as a volunteer 英语作文80词左右

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now, there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend, but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day, I want to be a volunteer.ing to treat small animals around.People around me love animals, make the world better!


《All That Is Bitter And Sweet》(Ashley Judd)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D51NjXB3Dp8uqkEkKOy4Cg 提取码:wxw1书名:All That Is Bitter And Sweet作者:Ashley Judd出版年份:2011-4页数:352内容简介:Ashley Judd is best known as the acclaimed actress in films such as De Lovely and Double Jeopardy , but these days she is more likely to be found wading through an African refugee camp or Asian brothel than on a film set. For most of the past decade Judd has been visiting human rights hotspots around the world to spread the word of hope, health, and gender equality on behalf of one of the leading public health nonprofits, PSI/YouthAIDS. Her work has put her in the company of Bono, Bill Clinton, and other world leaders in the battle against disease and poverty and in advocating grassroots programs to improve the lives of women and children.Memories of her own painful childhood inspired Judd to reach out to those in desperate need, especially abused and abandoned girls. She writes movingly of friends such as Kausar, an AIDS sufferer in the slums of Mumbai who becomes an activist and peer-educator, and heroes such as Dr. Rene, who lends his heart and soul to keep the sex workers of Madagascar from contracting and spreading HIV.Judd also describes her own personal spiritual journey of discovery that takes place during the interludes between her trips overseas. Through being of service to others, she unlocks the door to her own unsettled past, including an abusive childhood, and later on, her issues with co-dependency and depression. Through the act of bearing witness to others, Judd finds her own path to healing. Her recovery becomes integral to her ability to continue her humanitarian work. It reaffirms what her faith teaches her: “When I change myself I help change the whole world.”Judd recorded her experiences both abroad and at home in more than five hundred pages of journal entries, which she has woven into a highly personal and powerful memoir about change, hope, and human transformation.
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