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Heartbeat VIP/IP 与 别名/辅助IP

真实IP又被称为管理IP,一般是配置在物理网卡上的实际IP,这可以看作你本人的姓名,如:张三在负载均衡及高可用环境中,管理IP是不对外提供用户访问服务的,而作为管理服务器用,如SSH可以通过这个管理IP连接服务器。 虚拟IP即VIP,这只是一个概念而已,可能会误导你,实际上就是heartbeat临时绑定在物理网卡上的别名(heartbeat3以上页采用了辅助IP),如eth0:x ,x为0-255的任意数字,你可以在一块网卡上绑定多个别名。这个VIP可以看作是你上网的QQ网名、昵称、外号等。在实际生产环境中,需要在DNS配置中把网站域名地址解析到这个VIP地址,由这个VIP对用户提供服务。如:把 www.zhangcong.top 解析到VIP 上。 这样做的好处就是当提供服务的服务器宕机以后,在接管的服务器上会直接自动配置上同样的VIP提供服务。如果是使用管理IP的话,来回迁移就难以做到,而且,管理IP迁移走了,我们就只能去机房连接服务器了,VIP 的实质就是确保两台服务器有一个管理IP不动,就是随时可以连上服务器,然后增加绑定其他的VIP,这样就算VIP转移走了,也不至于服务器本身连不上,因为还有管理IP可以使用 Linux系统给网卡配置VIP的方法常见的有两种,即别名IP(alias ip)以及辅助IP(secondary ip address)。 ip alias 和 secondary ip address 是两种不同的实现方式,用来在 Linux 系统中给同一个物理网卡增加多个ip地址 ip alias 是由 Linux 系统的 ifconfig 命令来创建和维护的,别名IP就是在网卡设备上绑定的第二个及以上的IP,例如: 注意: 别名IP将被遗弃,用辅助IP替代 辅助IP则是由Linux系统的ip命令创建和维护的,ip addr add 创建的辅助IP,不能通过ifconfig查看,但是通过ifconfig创建的别名IP却可以在ip addr show 命令查看。 提示: heartbeat 和 keepalived 在启动时就是分别利用上面命令来配置VIP的。在停止时利用下面的命令来删除VIP。以上两种方式配置VIP,在高可用环境中的作用是一样的,没什么区别,只是由于当时的系统环境等历史原因,选择的配置命令方式不同。heartbeat3 版本起,不在使用别名,而是使用辅助IP提供服务,而 keepalived 软件一直都是使用的辅助IP技术。

在hit fm里听到一个新歌,男女对唱,歌词中有 i can feel you heartbeat certainly.

在hit fm里听到一个新歌,男女对唱,歌词中有 i can feel you heartbeat certainly. 你说的可能是Amy diamond的HeartBeats. I can"t figure out Is it meant to be this way Easy words so hard to say I can"t live without Knowing how you feel Know if this is real Tell me am I mistaken Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" Please don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me away I just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us away I can"t understand How it"s making sense That we put up such defense When all you need to know No matter what you do I"m just as scared as you Tell me am I mistaken Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" Please don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me away I just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us away Please don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me away I just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us away 歌词中有cruse you feel like paradise,女生,近期经场在hit fm听到,规求歌名 是Cause you feel like paradise啦 小甜甜britney 的新单 《hold it against me》听听看是不是 男女对唱的日文歌 歌词中有英文 男的有唱I don t know why you love you my baby angel [ar:sarah mclachlan] [by:阿笨] spend all your time waiting for that second chance for a break that would make it okay there"s always one reason to feel not good enough and it"s hard at the end of the day i need some distraction oh beautiful release memory seeps from my veins let me be empty and weightless and maybe i"ll find some peace tonight in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you"re in the arms of the angel may you find some fort there so tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn there"s vultures and thieves at your back and the storm keeps on isting you keep on building the lie that you make up for all that you lack it don"t make no difference escaping one last time it"s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you"re in the arms of the angel may you find some fort there you"re in the arms of the angel may you find some fort here 求歌名 男女对唱的日文歌 歌词中有英文 男的有唱I don t know why you love you my baby 是不是这首啊 演唱 宏実 feat. Full Of Harmony 歌名 Why 专辑 RAINBOW (2009) いつもわがままばかり言って贵方を 困らせている日常を 本当はどう思っているの? 気分で Yes or noを答えても 尖った态度をぶつけても You stay with me 贵方以外は 扱えないでしょう I don"t know why you love me my baby 荷物だらけの私を 全てだって包んでくれるのは どうして? I don"t know why you love me my baby 物好きな贵方だけは もう この手をずっと 离さずに居て欲しいの Won"t you please love me forever 口を开けば梦みたいなことばかり奏でて 守れなかった约束と 言い訳だけが増えていく 伤つけることで自分保ったり 不器用にも 程があるよな I know 君が居なけりゃ 何も出来ないのに I don"t know why you love me my baby 梦见るだけのこんな俺の となりで笑ってくれるのは どうして? I don"t know why you love me my baby 物好きな君のことは もう 离さないよ 繋いだこの手もずっと Please love me forever もしも世界中が敌だとしても 贵方だけは変わらず 隣に居てくれる I don"t know why you love me my baby 梦见るだけのこんな俺の となりで笑ってくれるのは どうして? I don"t know why you love me my baby 物好きな君のことは もう 离さないよ 繋いだこの手もずっと Please love me forever I don"t know why you love me my baby 荷物だらけの私を 全てだって包んでくれるのは どうして? I don"t know why you love me my baby 物好きな贵方だけは もう この手をずっと 离さずに居て欲しいの Won"t you please love me forever 男女对唱歌词中有,唱就要唱得最响亮 我最闪亮(2007《快乐男声》主题曲) 演唱:许飞 作曲:吴梦奇 作词:郭敬明 制作人:吴梦奇 灯光和花火一起闪亮 也亮不过我的梦想 我旅途的开场 我沿路的徽章 风沙搁浅的希望 时光让脸庞渐渐发光 风雪把悲伤轻轻吹亮 被淋湿的翅膀 才拥有穿越过那暴风雨的力量 曾经的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 你给我梦想 我勇敢往前闯 风吹雨打拍拍肩膀 现在的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 记忆的远方 我披戴的荣光 照进天窗擦亮梦想 我最闪亮 灯光和花火一起闪亮 也亮不过我的梦想 我旅途的开场 我沿路的徽章 风沙搁浅的希望 时光让脸庞渐渐发光 风雪把悲伤轻轻吹亮 被淋湿的翅膀 才拥有穿越过那暴风雨的力量 曾经的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 你给我梦想 我勇敢往前闯 风吹雨打拍拍肩膀 现在的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 记忆的远方 我披戴的荣光 照进天窗擦亮梦想 我最闪亮 曾经的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 你给我梦想我勇敢往前闯 风吹雨打拍拍肩膀 现在的我想唱就唱我最闪亮 这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 记忆的远方 我披戴的荣光 照进天窗擦亮梦想 我最闪亮 男女唱 歌词有who we are i can feel you happy 是Enrique Iglesias 最近的“Heartbeat” I can feel you heartbeat--我能感受到你的心跳,我保证是这首歌曲。 歌词中有下雨天纯洁的,男女对唱 这个貌似有点难度!要说那个年代我们都还小!好在我爸爸妈妈还是比较有音乐细胞的! 参考参考 《我听过你的歌》 王焱 何影 《知心爱人》任静、付笛生 《糊涂的爱》王志文、江珊 《心雨》毛宁 杨钰莹 《明天更辉煌》毛宁 杨钰莹 男女对唱,歌词中有爱情折断了翅膀 黄丽玲的《四季》。 歌词如下: 明明是春天我却感到绝望 夏天来临了我还是看不见阳光 秋天的落叶将往事都埋藏 准备好冬天将你的一切都遗忘 我的爱情已折断了翅膀 无法继续飞翔在风里飘飘荡荡 等待天亮好好大哭一场 再让眼泪风干在微笑中释放 走过四季是你给我的力量 当我觉得孤单沮丧害怕还依然能坚强 不管四季如此无情的交替 我已不寂寞 因为你和我曾多么快乐 你走了以后日子是否无恙 是不是有谁代替我陪在你身旁 你住的城市阳光多么灿烂 可曾想起我正一个人面对孤单 如果没有你现在我会在哪里 过着怎样的生活会不会也寂寞 祈祷这世界祝福我们所有一切 因为你和我曾多么快乐 欧美男女对唱快歌有一句歌词是can you feel my heartbeat ,mv里两个人的心脏处一直闪着光 Enrique Iglesias ft Nicole - Heartbeat :tudou./programs/view/9J2uJfl83vs/ 男女对唱歌词中有不管…我都爱着你 爱着你 - 华生 词:华生 曲:吴东 . 我多想就这样紧紧抱着你 静静的感觉你的呼吸 我明知我们不可能在一起 可是我却依然爱着你 写这一段悲伤的旋律 纪念着我们的过去 许多年以后也许你把我忘记 也没关系只要你幸福就可以 我多想深深爱你 永远保护你永远都不想放弃 只是这是个梦而已 因为你不可能把我当成你的唯一 我一个人在夜里 偷偷思念你 直到天明才睡去 也许我做的都是多余 只知道我自己爱着你 . 我知道我没有什么能给你 我会选择悄然的离去 我明白有一种爱叫做放弃 只是不能忘记最美的回忆 唱着这段悲伤的旋律 告诉你我真的爱过你 或许有一天你再把我记起 是否记得我曾深深吻过你 我多想深深爱你 永远保护你永远都不想放弃 只是这是个梦而已 因为你不可能把我当成你的唯一 我一个人在夜里偷偷思念你 直到天明才睡去 也许我做的都是多余 只知道我自己爱着你 我多想深深爱你 永远保护你永远都不想放弃 只是这是个梦而已 因为你不可能把我当成你的唯一 我一个人在夜里偷偷思念你 直到天明才睡去 也许我做的都是多余 只知道我自己爱着你 .

the heartbeat什么意思


求一首女生唱的 歌名叫 heartbeat 节奏欢快 有一段歌词是 listen to my heartbeat BBB。。

Heartbeat (Nightcore) 哥只能帮你到这了


You said you"d be there for me In times of trouble when I need you and I"m down And likewise you need friendship It"s from my side pure love 你说你会在我困难的时候当我需要你和我,你也需要从我身边的友谊是纯洁的爱but I see lately things have been changing You have goals to achieve 你也需要从我身边的友谊是纯洁的爱但我看到最近的情况已改变你的目标实现But the roads you take abroad are heartless That wants you make another way 但你的道路在国外是无情的另一种方式You throw stones Can you see that I am human I am breathing But you don"t give a damn Chorus:希望你能你扔石头看到我是人我呼吸但你不在乎合唱: Can you feel my heart is beating Can you see the pain you"re causing Can you feel my heart is beating Can you see the pain you"re causing Blood blood blood.... 你能感觉到我的心跳你能看到痛苦的你让你能感觉到我的心跳你能看到您的痛苦造成血液血的。。。。 blood is rushing And now the world is asleep How will you ever wake her up when she is deep in her dreams,血冲和现在世界睡着了你如何才能唤醒她,当她在她的梦想 wishing And yet so many die And still we think that it is all about us It"s all about you You sold your soul to the evil and the lust and the passion and the money and you See innocent ones die,希望,但如此多的死亡,我们仍然认为它是关於我们的一切关于你的一切你出卖自己的灵魂的邪恶与欲望和激情和金钱 people hunger for decades suffer under civilized armedrobbers, modern slaveholders Chorus Can you feel my heart is beating Can you see the pain you"re causing Can you feel my heart is beating Can you see the pain you"re causing Blood blood blood.... 你看无辜的人死去,人们几十年来遭受饥饿文明下的armedrobbers,现代奴隶主合唱团你能感觉到我的心跳你能看到痛苦的你让你能感觉到我的心跳你能看到您的痛苦造成血液血、、keeps rushing Evaded, eliminated, erased, interrogated Our tradition, our love for our fellow countrymen, our property, our resources - our pride Can you feel my heart beating no no no....让急于回避,消除,抹去,审问我们的传统,我们爱我们的同胞,我们的财产,我们的资源——我们的骄傲,你能感觉到我的心跳不不不……you don"t Chorus: Can you feel my heart is beating Can you feel the pain you"re causing Can you feel my heart is beating Can you feel the pain you"re causing你不合唱:你能感觉到我的心跳你能感到疼痛你让你能感觉到我的心跳你能感觉到您的痛苦造成的


该曲是韩国制作人朴振英作词作曲。该曲根据一本书中的一个分手故事创作。强烈的鼓点作为节奏基准 ,复古性的RAP ,再加上表达与恋人离别后男子仍旧沉迷与往日恋爱的无奈和悲伤的歌词,构成了《Heartbeat》一曲。

抖音heartbeat是什么歌 抖音heartbeat歌词介绍

"少年游 - 魏晨词: 唐恬曲:涂逸朱门半掩谁家庭院 我骑白马路过门前只闻见 一曲琵琶点破 艳阳天待字闺中谁家小姐 琴声幽幽拨我心弦盼相见 日日在她门前 放纸鸢不过茫茫人海 偶然的遇见谁知(踏破所有铁鞋) 只在1瞬间注定沦陷你眉间佳人少年 前世种下的纠结姻缘红线 邀你人世共并肩RAP 夕阳下我拉着你一起望着天慢慢的静静地度过旧旧的时间真的好想让你永远留在我的身边数着蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞翩翩今生与你相遇 前世柔情继续你的身影为何消失得这样了无音讯曾经为你写满那封相思的信啊再也不会变成我心里那道忧伤的印待字闺中谁家小姐 琴声幽幽拨我心弦盼相见 日日在她门前 放纸鸢不过茫茫人海 偶然的遇见谁知(踏破所有铁鞋) 只在1瞬间注定沦陷你眉间佳人少年 前世种下的纠结姻缘红线 邀你人世共并肩佳人少年 前世种下的纠结姻缘红线 邀你人世共并肩"



急求Joey moe-heartbeat的英文歌词

Heartbeat-The FrayWe"re on an open bed truck on the highwayRain is coming down and we"re on the run.Think I can feel the breath in your body.We gotta keep on running til" we see the sun.Oh you gotta fire and it"s burnin" in the rain.Thought that it went out, but it"s burnin" just the same.And you don"t look back, not for anything."Cause love someone, love them all the same.If you LOVE someone, love them all the same.Oh I feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundIf you can love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.I"m Singing, Oh, I Feel Your Heartbeat.I"m tryin" to put it all back together.I"ve got a story and I"m tryin" to tell it right.I"ve got the kerosene and the desire.I"m trying to start a flame in the heart of the nightOh you gotta fire and it"s burnin" in the rain.Thought that it went out, but it"s burnin" just the same.And you don"t look back, not for anything."Cause you love someone, you love them all the same.If you LOVE someone, you love them all the same.Oh feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundIf you can love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.I"m singing, Oh, I feel your heartbeat.I know the memories rushing into mind.I want to kiss your scars tonight.I"m laying here,"Cause you"ve gotta try, you"ve gotta let me in, let me inOh feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundYou love somebody, you gotta, you gotta love somebodyYou gotta, I"m singing, oh, I feel your heartbeat,All your heartbeat, yeah, I said,All your heartbeat, yeah,All your heartbeat


2pmCan you feel my heartbeat你噶 几把儿够 到难 西木脏一 啊几都 对够一扫克够都 闹了儿 样也一字料够 啊木里 闹料开吧都塞楼问 撒拉木的了儿 啊木里 满那吧都给艘 他西 都 他西 头拉扫面外 你 桑卡满 那嫩几汗 啊来 可吗那来啊木里 乃 家西呢儿 他来够 都 他来吧都 啊木 艘用一哦不扫 乃西木脏一 口脏那 破料扫 外外 啊几都 那嫩 一论 怕包 卡特恩 几四儿 哈嫩几摸里论 啊儿给嫩带 卡四门 外 几 吗木带论几闹了儿 家够 闹几了儿 某太 起个木都 你噶那也 giao忒一嫩够 卡忒一票了儿 米几某太怒古满那都 吗饿木艘按够森 要儿几 某他够 开艘你 家里儿 批我怒啊偶儿 里噶哦不嫩带偶儿几都 某了恩他够 外 米嫩几卡四米 外 吗了儿 按 的你Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you个那大嫩 够儿 啊几都 某拉 外 一楼嫩几 一还噶 按噶Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you闹也 僧噶开 啊几都 啊怕 卡四木 对儿 带 吗大 僧噶那一早呀 还 一早呀 撒儿素一扫起我 破料呀满 还 按 可楼面 乃噶 句够Stop trying to get her back. She ain"t comingShe"s gone, gotta be moving on. 噶扫 偶几啊那 可年 你 僧噶 卡几 啊那克鸟嫩 乃噶 ki大里嫩够儿早鸟 某了恩 才 家儿 撒儿够一扫克鸟嫩 一米 那儿 一早扫 完早你 几我扫外 那嫩 可蒌开 某他你Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you个那他嫩够儿 啊几都 某拉 外 一楼嫩几 一也噶 按噶Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you闹也 僧噶开 啊几都 啊怕 卡四米 对儿 带吗大 僧噶那My heart is beating Faster and fasterMy heart is beating Faster and fasterMy heart is beating Faster and fasterMy heart is beating Faster and fasterCan you feel my heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat



求2pm heartbeat中文歌词

Can you feel my heartbeatCan you feel my heartbeatheartbeat heartbeatheartbeat heartbeat【泽演】你践踏过的心脏还在为你跳动想怎么努力忘记去开始新的际遇怎么一转身还是一遍遍想起你【灿成】算了,放弃了再怎么安慰自己也没用我的心脏怎么出故障了为什么我还在继续着愚蠢的行为头脑清醒心却不能自已无法放弃你感觉你还在我的身边无法相信这离别【佑荣】无论遇见谁内心总有一个角落为你保留【俊昊】明知没有可能为何还坚信你会回来为何我的心不受控制【峻秀】Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you 还不知道都已经结束不能理解为什么会变成这样【佑荣】Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you 想起你还是令我心痛每次心跳都会想起你【Nichkhun】要忘记,忘记你才能活下去要抹去你,否则我将死去Stop trying to get her back. She ain"t coming She"s gone, gotta be moving on. 她已离去,不再回来,亦不会再想你【俊昊】她过得很好不知道我在等她她已经把我忘记从记忆中抹去为什么我做不到【峻秀】Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you 还不知道都已经结束不能理解为什么会变成这样【佑荣】Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for you Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you 想起你还是令我心痛每次心跳都会想起你My heart is beating Faster and faster My heart is beating Faster and faster

Scouting For Girls的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Scouting For Girls专辑:Scouting For GirlsAm I alone in your heart?Have I hope with your heart?She"s such a teaser, she"s such a star.Give me a reason or gimme a chance.Am I alone in your heart, or am I alone...?It tears me apart.Am I alone?Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Give me an evening, or give me a night.I"ll show you the time, of your life.I"ll walk you home safe, from the dark.I"ll give you my jacket, I"ll give you my heart.But she won"t come dancing tonight, She"s having the time of her life.Am I alone?Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/481318

The Grid的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:The Grid专辑:456You came into my lifeAnd you showed me how to feel.You covered me with loveAnd you made me feel so real.I don"t wanna lose your love -You"re the only one I"m dreaming of.Let this feeling never end -You were heaven sent!<Chorus>Love is just a heartbeat awayNow here is my promise:I"ll take you to the moon and backI"ll light each star for youLove is just a heartbeat awayTo you I"ll swear - babe:I"ll let the snow fall down in JuneTo make my dream come true - that you"ll be mine!I"ll be there for youYou can always count on me.I don"t wanna live without you(Without your love - without you near by my side)I just wanna spend my time - close to youYou make me feel so right.Let this feeling never endYou were heaven sent!<Chorus>You came and changed my lifeCause you showed me:Honesty, true love and dignity.It"s so amazing it"s so sweet it feels like heaven!<Chorus>http://music.baidu.com/song/2655450

黄莺莺的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:黄莺莺专辑:FeelingsHeartbeat- Tracy HuangHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses meHeartbeatwhy does a lovekiss stay in my memoryPiddle dee patI know that new love thrills meI know that true love will beHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses mePiddle dee patand sing to me love storiesand bring to me love"s gloriesHeartbeatwhy do you skipwhen my baby"s lips meet mineHeartbeatwhy do you flipthen give me a skip beat signHa......Ha......http://music.baidu.com/song/2578175

Cloud Nothings的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Cloud Nothings专辑:Cloud NothingsHeartbeat- Tracy HuangHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses meHeartbeatwhy does a lovekiss stay in my memoryPiddle dee patI know that new love thrills meI know that true love will beHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses mePiddle dee patand sing to me love storiesand bring to me love"s gloriesHeartbeatwhy do you skipwhen my baby"s lips meet mineHeartbeatwhy do you flipthen give me a skip beat signHa......Ha......http://music.baidu.com/song/7358566

Wham的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Wham专辑:威猛金曲辑Am I alone in your heart?Have I hope with your heart?She"s such a teaser, she"s such a star.Give me a reason or gimme a chance.Am I alone in your heart, or am I alone...?It tears me apart.Am I alone?Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Give me an evening, or give me a night.I"ll show you the time, of your life.I"ll walk you home safe, from the dark.I"ll give you my jacket, I"ll give you my heart.But she won"t come dancing tonight, She"s having the time of her life.Am I alone?Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the arse.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1767107

求Don Johnson版的heartbeat歌词

歌曲:Heartbeat歌手:Don Johnson语言:英语所属专辑:Love Songs Box Set发行时间:2002-00-00歌词:Am I alone in your heart?Have I hope with your heart?She"s such a teaser, she"s such a star.Give me a reason or gimme a chance.Am I alone in your heart, or am I alone?...It tears me apart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the assEvery time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Give me an evening, or give me a night.I"ll show you the time, of your life.I"ll walk you home safe, from the dark.I"ll give you my jacket, I"ll give you my heart.But she won"t come dancing tonight, She"s having the time of her life.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.

Alvin Stardust的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Alvin Stardust专辑:Alvin StardustBasim - HeartbeatHeartbeat heartbeatMy heartbeat heartbeatMy heartbeatThinking bout the dayI let you slip awayNow I see I made a mistakeAnd I know that babyI guess we all live and learnBut the learn keeps burningI often dream that ur here with meLaughing loud holding handsOMGCuz I"m here all alone on my phoneTryna get u to come back home nowI"m missing the way that u wear ur hairI"m missing the way that I knew u caredWhat have I done?Cuz I know deep inside that I lost the oneNow my heartbeat heartbeatNow my heartbeat heartbeat (feels so still)Now my heartbeat hearbeat (and I can feel)My heartbeart, so feel my heartbeatI need you girl to rescue meCuz my heartbeat heartbeatCuz my heartbeat heartbeat (lost is cool)The reason I life, is all for youMy heartbeat, so feel my heartbeatFeel my heartbeat yah yahhI need you girl to rescue meEveryone around saysForget about youThat you ain"t coming backYou and I are throughBut I keep holding on thatMaybe someday u"ll walk back in my lifeI never meant to throw your love awayTook you for grantedThere"s nothin else to sayI got it bad so badTell me what to do girl to get you backI just can"t stop this feelingI need some kind of healing nowBaby you knowYou"re the only oneThat can stop this pain going on going onI need you baby to come and save mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/12331003


Heartbeat - Mat Kearney Nashville, it"s burning tonight 音乐之乡那什维尔 今夜激情燃烧 You turn me right "round, 你带我去向那里 baby, like a 45 宝贝 ,就像一个45 I"m feeling every song 我能感觉到 that this town could write 这座城写的每首歌 Oh, the fire in my head 哦 那欲火在我脑海里燃烧 And the drummer in my chest 鼓声在我的胸口回荡 Just take one look in my eyes 只是看一眼我的眼神 And they will confess 他们会承认 That you 是你 Got me feelin" so high 让我感觉很嗨 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 And you 你 Are the rhythm of my life, my life 是我生命的美好旋律 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat, 我能感受到你的心跳 心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 The heat, heat, heat, 那热度 got me feeling like I believe 让我们感觉像我所相信的一般 All the things, baby, 一切 宝贝 that we could be 我们可以是那美妙的所有 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat, 我能感受到你的心跳 心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 Beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 Beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 Heartbeat, your heartbeat 心跳 你的心跳 Ain"t bringin" you no games 并不是耍你 Ain"t learnin" on no cliche 也不会说些陈词滥调 If you"re sharin" my bed, then baby, 如果你与我共度良宵 you share my name 你就会是我要娶的那个 "Cause you 因为你 Got me feeling so high 让我感觉很嗨 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 Oh baby you 哦 宝贝 你 Are the rhythm of my life, my life 就是我生命的美好旋律 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat 我感受到你的心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 The heat, heat, heat, 那热度 got me feeling like I believe 让我们感觉像我所相信的一般 All the things, baby, 一切 宝贝 that we could be 我们可以是那美妙的所有 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat, 我能感受到你的心跳 心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 Beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 Beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 Heartbeat, your heartbeat 心跳 你的心跳 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat, 我能感受到你的心跳 心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 The heat, heat, heat, 那热度 got me feeling like I believe 让我们感觉像我所相信的一般 All the things, baby, 宝贝 that we could be 我们可以是那美妙的所有 I feel your heartbeat, beat, beat, 我能感受到你的心跳 心跳 beating right next to me 就在我身旁跳动 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat (I feel it) 我感受到你的心跳 我感受 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 Heartbeat, your heartbeat 心跳 你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 I feel your heartbeat 我感受到你的心跳 Heartbeat, your heartbeat 心跳 你的心跳 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶

2PM的heartbeat 罗马音译或中文音译歌词

2pm - Heartbeat Can you feel my heartbeat! Heart beat heart beatNiga jitbarpgo tteonan simjangiAjikdo ttwigo isseo geugeotdo neoreul hyanghaeIjeuryeogo amuri noryeokhaebwadoSaeroun saramdeureul amuri mannabwadoGyesok dasi tto dasi doraseomyeon wae nisaenggangman naneunjiAnhallae geumanhallae amuri naejasineulDallaego tto dallaebwado amu soyongieobseoNae simjangi gojangna beoryeosseo waeWae ajikdo nan ireon babogateun jiseul haneunjiMeoriron algenneunde gaseumeun wae jimamdaeronjiNeoreul japgo nochireul motaeJigeumdo niga naui gyeote inneun geot gataeGeureul mitjimotaeNugu mannado maeum sok han goseun yeolji motagoGyesok nijaril biwonaOlliga eomneunde oljido moreundagoWae mitneunji gaseumi wae mareul andeutniListen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s waiting for you)Kkeutnatdaneun geol ajikdo mollaWae ireoneunji ihaega angaListen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s waiting for youNeoui saenggage ajikdo apaGaseumi ttwil ttaemada saenggangnaIjeoyahae ijeoya salsuisseoJiwo beoryeoyamanhae an geureomyeon naega jugeoStop trying to get her back she ain"t comingShe"s gone gotta keep moving onGasseo ojianha geunyeoneun nisaenggak haji anhaGeunyeoneun naega gidarineungeolJeonhyeo moreunchae jal salgo isseoGeunyeoneun imi nal ijeosseo wanjeonhi jiwosseoWae nan geureoke motaniListen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s waiting for you)Kkeutnatdaneungeol ajikdo mollaListen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s waiting for you)Neoui saenggage ajikdo apaGaseumi ttwil ttaemada saenggangna

康妮 法蓝西斯的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:康妮 法蓝西斯专辑:The Buddy Holly SongbookMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/22446066

steps的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:steps专辑:Essential Pop Anthems: Classic 80S, 90S And Current Chart HitsHeartbeatHere I am Just longing for you once againIf your arms would only let me inYou"d see the messI"m in I have dreamed your heart will come and rescue, Oh baby set me freeOnly your love can win(Chorus) You are only a heartbeat awayBaby and my love one day will find you It will remind youWhen it comes your way,It comes your wayOh, when it comes your wayHere I amMy heart in the palm of your handYour every wish is my commandDarling understand If I live a lieThen all my dreams are doomed to dieOh baby just let me tryTo have my heart"s desire(Chorus) You are only a heartbeat awayBaby and my love one day will find you It will remind youWhen it comes your way,It comes your wayOh, when it comes your wayOoh but my feelings are in vainJust like the feelings they won"t go awayMy love remains In my heart we"ll always stay(Chorus) You are only a heartbeat awayBaby and my love one day will find you It will remind youWhen it comes your way,It comes your wayOh, when it comes your way(Chorus 2) You are always in my heart to stayBaby Love comes once in a lifetimeI think it"s high timeOur hearts beat as one (hearts beat as one)Our hearts beat as oneMaybe as one...http://music.baidu.com/song/7514356

Nneka的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Nneka专辑:Here Comes The WeekendHeartbeat- Tracy HuangHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses meHeartbeatwhy does a lovekiss stay in my memoryPiddle dee patI know that new love thrills meI know that true love will beHeartbeatwhy do you misswhen my baby kisses mePiddle dee patand sing to me love storiesand bring to me love"s gloriesHeartbeatwhy do you skipwhen my baby"s lips meet mineHeartbeatwhy do you flipthen give me a skip beat signHa......Ha......http://music.baidu.com/song/7519599

Enrique Iglesias的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Enrique Iglesias专辑:Heartbeat - India MixEnrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger - HeartbeatMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI saw you talking on the phoneI know that you are not aloneBut you steal my heart awayYeah you steal my heart awayYou"re acting like you"re on your ownBut I saw you standing with a girlStop tryn" to steal my heart away,Stop tryn" to steal my heart awayI don"t know where we goingI don"t know who we areI can feel your heartbeat x2He said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meFeel your heartbeatShe saidI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meHeartbeatFeel your heartbeatMaybe it"s the way you moveYou got me dreaming like a foolThat I can steal your heart awayI can steal your heart awayNo matter what it is you thinkI"m not the kind of girl you thinkAnd give my heart awayStop tryin" steal my heart awayI don"t know where we goingI don"t know who we areI can feel your heartbeatHe said to meI can feel your heartbeatHe said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meHeartbeatFeel your heartbeatShe saidI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meStop stealing my heart away x3You"re stealing my heart awayI don"t know where we goingI don"t know who we areFeels like we are flowingHigh above the stars, the stars, the stars, the starsI can feel your heartbeatHe said to meI can feel your heartbeatHe said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meI can feel your heartbeatShe saidI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatShe said to meI can feel your heartbeatRunning through meHeartbeatFeel your heartbeatStop stealing my heart awayTalk to me girlStop stealing my heart awayGive it to me boyStop stealing my heart awaySay it to me girlYou"re stealing my heart awayStop stealing my heart away x3Your heartbeat.http://music.baidu.com/song/7357002

Heartbeat (Hot Chip Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat (Hot Chip Remix)歌手:Late Of The Pier专辑:HeartbeatYou came into my lifeAnd you showed me how to feel.You covered me with loveAnd you made me feel so real.I don"t wanna lose your love -You"re the only one I"m dreaming of.Let this feeling never end -You were heaven sent!<Chorus>Love is just a heartbeat awayNow here is my promise:I"ll take you to the moon and backI"ll light each star for youLove is just a heartbeat awayTo you I"ll swear - babe:I"ll let the snow fall down in JuneTo make my dream come true - that you"ll be mine!I"ll be there for youYou can always count on me.I don"t wanna live without you(Without your love - without you near by my side)I just wanna spend my time - close to youYou make me feel so right.Let this feeling never endYou were heaven sent!<Chorus>You came and changed my lifeCause you showed me:Honesty, true love and dignity.It"s so amazing it"s so sweet it feels like heaven!<Chorus>http://music.baidu.com/song/2624477



Bahramji & Mashti的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Bahramji & Mashti专辑:SufiyanMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/57596977


怎么你都不会发现我爱你 心跳的声音 悸动的频率这片刻烧着我的热情要你 要你知道我的心 很透明 可是你 从来都不在意我爱你 深深地 可是你 从来不看仔细我毫无考虑 将我的真心献给了你而你 保持的距离 忽远忽近太过於神秘这是个难题 如何静静靠近你依靠你胸襟 调整相同的心跳怎么你都不会发现我爱你 心跳的声音 悸动的频率这片刻烧着我的热情要你 要你知道不懂你究竟在玩什么把戏 我按捺的心 快喘不过气我的每次呼吸延续着爱你的气息城市一彩霓虹 像你的心迷惑我闪烁不定是我陷太深 BABY 听听爱的心跳


Can you feel my heartbeatheartbeat 。。。heartbeat。。。ub2c8uac00 uc9d3ubc1fuace0 ub5a0ub09c uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub6f0uace0 uc788uc5b4 [你践踏过的心脏]uadf8uac83ub3c4 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574. [还在为你跳动]uc78auc73cub824uace0 uc544ubb34ub9ac ub178ub825ud574ubd10ub3c4 [想怎么努力忘记]uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 uc0acub78cub4e4uc744 uc544ubb34ub9ac ub9ccub098ubd10ub3c4 [去开始新的际遇]uacc4uc18d ub2e4uc2dc ub610 ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uc11cuba74 uc65c ub2c8 uc0dduac01ub9cc ub098ub294uc9c0 [怎么一转身还是一遍遍想起你]uc548 ud560ub798 uadf8ub9ccud560ub798 [算了,放弃了]uc544ubb34ub9ac ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 ub2ecub798uace0 ub610 ub2ecub798 ubd10ub3c4 uc544ubb34 uc18cuc6a9uc774 uc5c6uc5b4 [再怎么安慰自己也没用]ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uace0uc7a5ub098 ubc84ub838uc5b4 uc65c [我的心脏怎么出故障了]uc65c uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub098ub294 uc774ub7f0 ubc14ubcf4 uac19uc740 uc9d3uc744 ud558ub294uc9c0 [为什么我还在继续着愚蠢的行为]uba38ub9acub860 uc54cuaca0ub294ub370 uac00uc2b4uc740 uc65c uc9c0 ub9d8ub300ub860uc9c0 [头脑清醒心却不能自已] ub108ub97c uc7a1uace0 ub193uc9c0ub97c ubabbud574 [无法放弃你]uc9c0uae08ub3c4 ub2c8uac00 ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc788ub294 uac83 uac19uc560 [感觉你还在我的身边]uc774ubcc4uc744 ubbffuc9c0 ubabbud574 [无法相信这离别]ub204uad74 ub9ccub098ub3c4 ub9c8uc74c uc18d ud55cuacf3uc740 uc5f4uc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 [无论遇见谁]uacc4uc18d ub2c8 uc790ub9b4 ube44uc6ccub194 [内心总有一个角落为你保留]uc62c ub9acuac00 uc5c6ub294ub370 [明知没有可能]uc62cuc9c0ub3c4 ubaa8ub978ub2e4uace0 [为何还坚信你会回来]uc65c ubbffub294uc9c0 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc65c ub9d0uc744 uc548 ub4e3ub2c8 [为何还坚信你会回来,为何我的心不受控制]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for youub05dub0acub2e4ub294 uac78 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ubab0ub77c [还不知道都已经结束]uc65c uc774ub7ecub294uc9c0 uc774ud574uac00 uc548uac00 [不能理解为什么会变成这样]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for youub108uc758 uc0dduac01uc5d0 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 uc544ud30c [想起你还是令我心痛]uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f8 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4 uc0dduac01ub098 [每次心跳都会想起你]uc78auc5b4 uc57c ud574 uc78auc5b4uc57c uc0b4uc218 uc788uc5b4 [要忘记,忘记你才能活下去]uc9c0uc6cc ubc84ub824uc57cub9cc ud574 uc548 uadf8ub7ecuba74 ub0b4uac00 uc8fduc5b4 [要抹去你,否则我将死去]Stop trying to get her back. She ain"t coming She"s gone, gotta be moving on. uac14uc5b4 uc624uc9c0 uc54auc544 uadf8ub144 ub2c8 uc0dduac01 ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544 [她已离去,不再回来,亦不会再想你]uadf8ub140ub294 ub0b4uac00 uae30ub2e4ub9acub294uac78 [她过得很好]uc804ud600 ubaa8ub978 ucc44 uc798 uc0b4uace0 uc788uc5b4 [不知道我在等她]uadf8ub140ub294 uc774ubbf8 ub0a0 uc78auc5c8uc5b4 [她已经把我忘记]uc644uc804ud788 uc9c0uc6e0uc5b4 [从记忆中抹去]uc65c ub098ub294 uadf8ub807uac8c ubabbud558ub2c8 [为什么我做不到]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for youub05dub0acub2e4ub294 uac78 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ubab0ub77c[还不知道都已经结束]uc65c uc774ub7ecub294uc9c0 uc774ud574uac00 uc548uac00[不能理解为什么会变成这样]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for youub108uc758 uc0dduac01uc5d0 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 uc544ud30c [想起你还是令我心痛]uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f8 ub54c ub9c8ub2e4 uc0dduac01ub098 [每次心跳都会想起你]My heart is beating Faster and faster My heart is beating Faster and fasterMy heart is beating Faster and faster My heart is beating Faster and faster


玉泽演:你践踏过的心脏 还在为你跳动 这个都是因为你想怎么努力忘记 去开始新的际遇怎么一转身 还是一遍又一遍想起你算了 放弃了 再怎么安慰自己也没用我的心脏怎么出故障了黄灿盛:为什么我还在继续着愚蠢的行为头脑清醒 心为什么却不能自已无法放弃你 感觉你还在我的身边无法相信这离别张佑荣:无论遇见谁 内心总有一个角落 为你保留俊昊:明知没有可能 为何还坚信你会回来为何我的心不受控制Jun. K(金峻秀):Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)(重复)还不知道都已经结束 不能理解为什么会变成这样张佑荣:Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)(重复)想起你还是令我心痛 每次心跳都会想起你Nichkhun:要忘记 忘记你才能活下去要抹去你 否则我会死去Stop trying to get her back She ain"t comingShe"s gone gotta be moving on她已离去 不再回来 也不会再想你李俊昊:她过得很好 不知道我在等她她已经把我忘记 从记忆中抹去为什么我做不到Jun. K(金峻秀):Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)(重复)还不知道都已经结束 不能理解为什么会变成这样张佑荣、Jun. K(金峻秀):Listen to my Heartbeat (It"s beating for you)(重复)想起你还是令我心痛 每次心跳都会想起你My heart is beating Faster and faster(重复)

哪首韩国歌歌词是listen to my heartbeat





1.求HEARTBEAT 2PM前奏说话版本 前面说的话是叫MY HEART、是他们专辑的一首歌、和heartbeat是连着的《My heart》My heart My heart is still looking at you 怎么会这样但是无法停止心脏不受控制心脏。 不受控制了why why I can"t stop it nowI don"t know why I am like this I"m still into you My heart is still beating for you. From 全天候。 2.Secret Garden《神秘园》的哪个版本比较好,想收藏,请帮忙推荐 楼主说的哪个版本是什么意思? 以下是神秘园的所有专辑: Songs from a Secret Garden (1996) 神秘园之歌 White Stones (1997) 白石 Dawn of a New Century (1999) 新世纪的晨曦 Dreamcatcher: Best of Secret Garden (2001) 精选集 Once in a Red Moon (2002) 红月亮 The Ultimate Secret Garden (2004, Asia) 亚洲版精选集 Dreamcatcher: Best of Secret Garden (2004, Australia) 澳大利亚版精选集 Earthsongs (2005) 大地之歌 Inside I"m Singing (2007) 倾情歌唱 3.Heartbeat的中英文歌词 歌手名:Sweetbox专辑名:The Next Generation In a HeartbeatArtist: Sweetbox All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me 你给我带来的所有的压力和担心Oh baby I"m sorry 哦 宝贝,对不起Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now 为什么我看不到已经是时间忘记你了I"m trying to get over you now 现在我试着忘记你Every word and page of our history 我们历史的每一字每一页Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me 说我不是你的你也不是我的It"s time to get over you now 现在是时间忘记你了I"ve got to to get over you now 我已经忘记你了My heart needs time to heal 我的心需要时间来治疗I give you anything for you to not mean a thing 我给你任何东西并不代表什么I can"t change the way it feels inside 我改变不了我心里的想法But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情From the wreckage of us 从我们的废墟中I walked away 我离开了Made a promise to myself 给自己作出了承诺A love another day 我会再爱上在某一天Said I"m so over you now 说我现在已经彻底忘记你了But if I"m so over you now 但是如果现在我已经彻底忘记你了Why do I get pain alone 为什么我还会一个人受伤After everything I take you back again 当所有都结束的时候我将你带回来I can"t change the way it feels inside 我不能改变心里想什么But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情The broken heart and tears that made you proud 那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做ooh~I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做I say I"m here for you last 我说我会在这里一直等你That I dserve the best 这是我最应得的I know you"re no good for me我知道你对我不好I take you back 我将你带回In a heartbeat 付出感情I can work on 我可以继续翻译heartbeat的解释这首歌指的是一个不能付出真感情的人,所以可以说是没有心跳的,所以翻译的时候我就直接说的意义的,虽然这个词也有心跳的意思。 4.求Don Johnson版的heartbeat歌词 歌曲:Heartbeat歌手:Don Johnson语言:英语所属专辑:Love Songs Box Set发行时间:2002-00-00歌词:Am I alone in your heart?Have I hope with your heart?She"s such a teaser, she"s such a star.Give me a reason or gimme a chance.Am I alone in your heart, or am I alone?。 It tears me apart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the assEvery time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Give me an evening, or give me a night.I"ll show you the time, of your life.I"ll walk you home safe, from the dark.I"ll give you my jacket, I"ll give you my heart.But she won"t e dancing tonight, She"s having the time of her life.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.I do love, she does a heartbreak.I did love, till she broke my heart.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.Always up for a laugh, she"s a pain in the ass.Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.I skip a heartbeat for you.。





Adrian Belew的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Adrian Belew专辑:Young LionsBasim - HeartbeatHeartbeat heartbeatMy heartbeat heartbeatMy heartbeatThinking bout the dayI let you slip awayNow I see I made a mistakeAnd I know that babyI guess we all live and learnBut the learn keeps burningI often dream that ur here with meLaughing loud holding handsOMGCuz I"m here all alone on my phoneTryna get u to come back home nowI"m missing the way that u wear ur hairI"m missing the way that I knew u caredWhat have I done?Cuz I know deep inside that I lost the oneNow my heartbeat heartbeatNow my heartbeat heartbeat (feels so still)Now my heartbeat hearbeat (and I can feel)My heartbeart, so feel my heartbeatI need you girl to rescue meCuz my heartbeat heartbeatCuz my heartbeat heartbeat (lost is cool)The reason I life, is all for youMy heartbeat, so feel my heartbeatFeel my heartbeat yah yahhI need you girl to rescue meEveryone around saysForget about youThat you ain"t coming backYou and I are throughBut I keep holding on thatMaybe someday u"ll walk back in my lifeI never meant to throw your love awayTook you for grantedThere"s nothin else to sayI got it bad so badTell me what to do girl to get you backI just can"t stop this feelingI need some kind of healing nowBaby you knowYou"re the only oneThat can stop this pain going on going onI need you baby to come and save mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10222478

Heartbeat, Heartbreak 歌词

Avicii 的一首歌里面也有类似的歌词,这首歌叫The days





日本ACG的《heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:heartbeat歌手:日本ACG专辑:アンバークォーツ -サウンドトラック-Miael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/26939673



伊藤由奈的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:伊藤由奈专辑:WishHEARTBEAT作词:Hidenori Tanaka/Kaori Fukano作曲:Hayato Tanaka去り际のキスのflavor终わったはずの恋が胸をknockする戸惑いとI needed more time alone甘い记忆"tell me what to do"不意にsweet sweet days目覚めるFeel it, can you hear my heart beat, Just for you今すぐ あの顷のようにまた抱きしめてBaby I just wanna get back there with you覚えてる その声も…この指も…I stay with you幼かった言叶たち伤つけ合うための道具だったそれぞれにWe have moved from love to love恋もしたOn the swing of loveそしてday by day気づいたFeel it, can you hear my heart beat, Just for you後悔しない 振り返るためじゃなく始めたいBaby I just wanna get back there with youきっと二人 何度でも惹かれ合うI stay with youWe were so youngI wanted more to brighten my daysWe went our own ways and found other lovesThen I suddenly realized that you are what I wantIs there still a place for meHold me the way that you didI don"t want anything elseI want youI"m forever yoursAnd I know now, And I need youDo you…. Want meFeel it, can you hear my heartbeat, Just for youせつない 気持ちほど爱しさと今なら解かるFeel it, can you hear my heartbeat, Just for you今すぐ あの顷のようにきつく抱きしめてBaby I just wanna get back there with you触れた手の温もりが消えぬようにI stay with youBe my love againI will cherish youForever be mineWe can…. Be onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1348122

sweetbox的In A Heartbeat 中英文歌词

歌手名:Sweetbox专辑名:The Next Generation In a HeartbeatArtist: Sweetbox All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me 你给我带来的所有的压力和担心Oh baby I"m sorry 哦 宝贝,对不起Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now 为什么我看不到已经是时间忘记你了I"m trying to get over you now 现在我试着忘记你Every word and page of our history 我们历史的每一字每一页Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me 说我不是你的你也不是我的It"s time to get over you now 现在是时间忘记你了I"ve got to to get over you now 我已经忘记你了My heart needs time to heal 我的心需要时间来治疗I give you anything for you to not mean a thing 我给你任何东西并不代表什么I can"t change the way it feels inside 我改变不了我心里的想法But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情From the wreckage of us 从我们的废墟中I walked away 我离开了Made a promise to myself 给自己作出了承诺A love another day 我会再爱上在某一天Said I"m so over you now 说我现在已经彻底忘记你了But if I"m so over you now 但是如果现在我已经彻底忘记你了Why do I get pain alone 为什么我还会一个人受伤After everything I take you back again 当所有都结束的时候我将你带回来I can"t change the way it feels inside 我不能改变心里想什么But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情The broken heart and tears that made you proud 那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做ooh~I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做I say I"m here for you last 我说我会在这里一直等你That I dserve the best 这是我最应得的I know you"re no good for me我知道你对我不好I take you back 我将你带回In a heartbeat 付出感情I can work on 我可以继续翻译heartbeat的解释这首歌指的是一个不能付出真感情的人,所以可以说是没有心跳的,所以翻译的时候我就直接说的意义的,虽然这个词也有心跳的意思


heartbeat (Linux-HA)的工作原理:heartbeat最核心的包括两个部分,心跳监测部分和资源接管部分,心跳监测可以通过网络链路和串口进行,而且支持冗 余链路,它们之间相互发送报文来告诉对方自己当前的状态,如果在指定的时间内未收到对方发送的报文,那么就认为对方失效,这时需启动资源接管模块来接管运 行在对方主机上的资源或者服务。




歌手名:Sweetbox专辑名:The Next Generation In a HeartbeatArtist: Sweetbox All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me 你给我带来的所有的压力和担心Oh baby I"m sorry 哦 宝贝,对不起Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now 为什么我看不到已经是时间忘记你了I"m trying to get over you now 现在我试着忘记你Every word and page of our history 我们历史的每一字每一页Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me 说我不是你的你也不是我的It"s time to get over you now 现在是时间忘记你了I"ve got to to get over you now 我已经忘记你了My heart needs time to heal 我的心需要时间来治疗I give you anything for you to not mean a thing 我给你任何东西并不代表什么I can"t change the way it feels inside 我改变不了我心里的想法But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情From the wreckage of us 从我们的废墟中I walked away 我离开了Made a promise to myself 给自己作出了承诺A love another day 我会再爱上在某一天Said I"m so over you now 说我现在已经彻底忘记你了But if I"m so over you now 但是如果现在我已经彻底忘记你了Why do I get pain alone 为什么我还会一个人受伤After everything I take you back again 当所有都结束的时候我将你带回来I can"t change the way it feels inside 我不能改变心里想什么But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情The broken heart and tears that made you proud 那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做ooh~I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做I say I"m here for you last 我说我会在这里一直等你That I dserve the best 这是我最应得的I know you"re no good for me我知道你对我不好I take you back 我将你带回In a heartbeat 付出感情I can work on 我可以继续翻译heartbeat的解释这首歌指的是一个不能付出真感情的人,所以可以说是没有心跳的,所以翻译的时候我就直接说的意义的,虽然这个词也有心跳的意思



4minute after school 唱的heartbeat中文歌词谁知道啊?

原唱 是2pmHeartbeat - 2PMCan you feel my heartbeatheartbeat 。。。heartbeat。。。니가 짓밟고 떠난 심장이 아직도 뛰고 있어 [你践踏过的心脏]그것도 너를 향해. [还在为你跳动]잊으려고 아무리 노력해봐도 [想怎么努力忘记]새로운 사람들을 아무리 만나봐도 [去开始新的际遇]계속 다시 또 다시 돌아서면 왜 니 생각만 나는지 [怎么一转身还是一遍遍想起你]안 할래 그만할래 [算了,放弃了]아무리 내 자신을 달래고 또 달래 봐도 아무 소용이 없어 [再怎么安慰自己也没用]내 심장이 고장나 버렸어 왜 [我的心脏怎么出故障了]왜 아직도 나는 이런 바보 같은 짓을 하는지 [为什么我还在继续着愚蠢的行为]머리론 알겠는데 가슴은 왜 지 맘대론지 [头脑清醒心却不能自已] 너를 잡고 놓지를 못해 [无法放弃你]지금도 니가 나의 곁에 있는 것 같애 [感觉你还在我的身边]이별을 믿지 못해 [无法相信这离别]누굴 만나도 마음 속 한곳은 열지 못하고 [无论遇见谁]계속 니 자릴 비워놔 [内心总有一个角落为你保留]올 리가 없는데 [明知没有可能]올지도 모른다고 [为何还坚信你会回来]왜 믿는지 가슴이 왜 말을 안 듣니 [为何还坚信你会回来,为何我的心不受控制]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you끝났다는 걸 아직도 몰라 [还不知道都已经结束]왜 이러는지 이해가 안가 [不能理解为什么会变成这样]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you너의 생각에 아직도 아파 [想起你还是令我心痛]가슴이 뛸 때 마다 생각나 [每次心跳都会想起你]잊어 야 해 잊어야 살수 있어 [要忘记,忘记你才能活下去]지워 버려야만 해 안 그러면 내가 죽어 [要抹去你,否则我将死去]Stop trying to get her back. She ain"t coming She"s gone, gotta be moving on. 갔어 오지 않아 그년 니 생각 하지 않아 [她已离去,不再回来,亦不会再想你]그녀는 내가 기다리는걸 [她过得很好]전혀 모른 채 잘 살고 있어 [不知道我在等她]그녀는 이미 날 잊었어 [她已经把我忘记]완전히 지웠어 [从记忆中抹去]왜 나는 그렇게 못하니 [为什么我做不到]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you끝났다는 걸 아직도 몰라[还不知道都已经结束]왜 이러는지 이해가 안가[不能理解为什么会变成这样]Listen to my Heartbeat. It"s beating for youListen to my Heartbeat. It"s waiting for you너의 생각에 아직도 아파 [想起你还是令我心痛]가슴이 뛸 때 마다 생각나 [每次心跳都会想起你]My heart is beating Faster and faster My heart is beating Faster and fasterMy heart is beating Faster and faster My heart is beating Faster and faster

Paris hilton--heartbeat 歌词

她的stars are blind很好听




等一个让我心动的人的英文翻译 Wait for a person that makes me heartbeat 重点词汇


~Heartbeat~Intitial DNathalieMade by HandsomeCKdance to the heartbeatdance to the heartbeatwoh oh ohyou better take your chances right nowdance to the heartbeatand let it goseek the power that in your body flowsdance to the heartbeatwoh oh ohyou better take your chances right nowdance to the heartbeatand let it goseek the power that in your body flowsit"s the beat of my heartwhat you feel deep insideand it means you better stay behind my loveit"s the dance of your soulthat you try to releasenever unchain your hot emotionsfeel it, feel it baby feel the fireis burning deep inside melisten, listen honey listen todrum is in to youdance to the heartbeatwoh oh ohyou better take your chances right nowdance to the heartbeatand let it goseek the power that in your body flowsdance to the heartbeatwoh oh ohyou better take your chances right nowdance to the heartbeatand let it goseek the power that in your body flowsdance to the heartbeatit"s the sound of your heartthat you hear deep insideand it means you better change your plans right nowit"s a whisper of lifethat you try to believenever give up without defendingfeel it, feel itlisten, listendrum is in to youdance to the heartbeatdance to the heartbeatdance to the heartbeatwoh oh ohyou better take your chances right nowdance to the heartbeatand let it goseek the power that in your body flowsdance to the heartbeat

抖音Heartbeat是什么歌 完整歌词分享

歌曲名:对不起歌手:王子对不起 - 王子作词:王子/糖糖/王维皓(COLOR)作曲:王维皓(COLOR)多久了没有你的消息上一封简讯是星期几又错过了与你的约定对不起真的不是故意有时候没办法陪着你你总是对我说没关系放不下我对你的任性对不起不该让你伤心有时候 你会让让我尽管我大男人发作有时候 你会装作不懂默默地 留一些空间给我这些事情 其实 我一直都藏在心里请你原谅我不懂逗你开心请你原谅我不懂听你的心回想这过去 我学着让你更安心别赌气别任性别放弃 说声对不起别赌气别任性别放弃请你相信我我会更加珍惜请你相信我我会呵护着你小小的爱情 却是我最大的幸运疼爱的 想念的都是你请你相信 一个这样的我请原谅我 对不起 对不起


Heartbeat:是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为心跳、心搏,等等。歌曲名称:Heartbeat:2PM正规一辑《1:59pm》歌曲Heartbeat:Mat Kearney 演唱歌曲其它含义:Heartbeat:Linux-HA工程的一个组件




歌手名:Sweetbox专辑名:The Next Generation In a HeartbeatArtist: Sweetbox All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me 你给我带来的所有的压力和担心Oh baby I"m sorry 哦 宝贝,对不起Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now 为什么我看不到已经是时间忘记你了I"m trying to get over you now 现在我试着忘记你Every word and page of our history 我们历史的每一字每一页Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me 说我不是你的你也不是我的It"s time to get over you now 现在是时间忘记你了I"ve got to to get over you now 我已经忘记你了My heart needs time to heal 我的心需要时间来治疗I give you anything for you to not mean a thing 我给你任何东西并不代表什么I can"t change the way it feels inside 我改变不了我心里的想法But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情From the wreckage of us 从我们的废墟中I walked away 我离开了Made a promise to myself 给自己作出了承诺A love another day 我会再爱上在某一天Said I"m so over you now 说我现在已经彻底忘记你了But if I"m so over you now 但是如果现在我已经彻底忘记你了Why do I get pain alone 为什么我还会一个人受伤After everything I take you back again 当所有都结束的时候我将你带回来I can"t change the way it feels inside 我不能改变心里想什么But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud 但是为了那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想转身离开但是不知道怎么做Cos no one"s here for you last 因为最后没有人在这陪你That I deserve the best 这是我应得的I know you"re no good for me 我知道你对我不好But I take you back in a heartbeat 但是我将你付出感情Oh~ ooh~In a heartbeat ahh~ 付出的感情The broken heart and tears that made you proud 那些令你骄傲的破碎的心和眼泪For all the decent beats that I allow 为了所有我允许的正面打击I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做ooh~I wanna turn away but don"t know how 我想离开但是我不知道怎么做I say I"m here for you last 我说我会在这里一直等你That I dserve the best 这是我最应得的I know you"re no good for me我知道你对我不好I take you back 我将你带回In a heartbeat 付出感情I can work on 我可以继续翻译heartbeat的解释这首歌指的是一个不能付出真感情的人,所以可以说是没有心跳的,所以翻译的时候我就直接说的意义的,虽然这个词也有心跳的意思


heartbeat n. 心跳;情感; 例句:Her heartbeat steadied. 她的心跳平稳下来。 扩展资料   What"s a normal heartbeat?   正常心跳是什么样的"?   What is the heartbeat of earth?   地球的心跳是什么?   If you hear your heartbeat.   如果你听到你的心跳。   I am your own heartbeat.   我是你们自己的心跳。   Listen to my heartbeat.   你听一听,我的心跳。





求My heartbeat 的歌词中文翻译

中英翻译:Its been a while since the last time that we‘ve seen each other 自从我们上次见面,这是一个很短暂的时间 Got me thinking bout that time when we were together 这让我想起那时我们一起共度的时光You used to make me laugh, with a silly act你曾经用一个愚蠢的动作来哄我笑With your funny voice and that small koala nose of yours用你有趣的声音和你的像小考拉的鼻子(来哄我笑)I guess good things werent meant to last我想好的东西不会持久的 Because you were by my side因为你在我身边But now its just all in the past但现在好像全部都成为了过去All the things that stood between us 在我们之间隔着所有东西Was more than just love and trust这些都比只是爱和信任的多I guess youd agree were better off how we are now我想你也会同意我们过去比现在好得多But when you tell me all the terrible things但当你告诉我这糟糕的事情That are happening in your life这糟糕的事在你的生命中发生Something feels weird and its hurting me deep inside有些事感觉很奇怪 它伤害了我的内心深处 And it cuts me like a knife它像一把刀刺向我You dont deserve all the things youre going through 你不应该得到你正在经历的所有事物——MS不对And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside你哭的更多,我坠进深渊而死的速度更快——MS不对Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat它杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat它杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳I guess good things werent meant to last我想好的东西不会持久的 Because you were by my side因为你在我身边But now its just all in the past但现在好像全部都成为了过去All the things that stood between us在我们之间隔着所有东西Was more than just love and trust这些都比只是爱和信任的多I guess youd agree were better off how we are now我想你也会同意我们过去比现在好得多But when you tell me all the terrible things但当你告诉我这糟糕的事情That are happening in your life 这已经在你生命中发生了Something feels weird and its hurting me deep inside有些事感觉很奇怪 它伤害了我的内心深处 And it cuts me like a knife它像一把刀刺向我You dont deserve all the things youre going through你不应该得到你正在经历的所有事物And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside你哭的更多,我坠进深渊而死的速度更快Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat 他杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat他杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳Can you hear my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat beating for you 你能听见我的心跳吗? 我的心跳,是为你而跳动的Can you hear my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat beating for you你能听见我的心跳吗? 我的心跳,是为你而跳动的You dont deserve all the things youre going through你不应该得到你正在经历的所有事物And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside你哭的更多,我坠进深渊而死的速度更快Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat它杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat它杀死了我的心跳,心跳,心跳,心跳英文:YLAMPRODUCTIONS - My Heartbeat Its been a while since the last time that weve seen each other Got me thinking bout that time when we were together You used to make me laugh, with a silly act With your funny voice and that small koala nose of yours I guess good things werent meant to last Because you were by my side But now its just all in the past Was more than just love and trust All the things that stood between us I guess youd agree were better off how we are now But when you tell me all the terrible things That are happening in your life Something feels weird and its hurting me deep inside And it cuts me like a knife You dont deserve all the things youre going through And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat I guess good things werent meant to last Because you were by my side But now its just all in the past All the things that stood between us Was more than just love and trust I guess youd agree were better off how we are now But when you tell me all the terrible things That are happening in your life Something feels weird and its hurting me deep inside And it cuts me like a knife You dont deserve all the things youre going through And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat Can you hear my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat beating for you Can you hear my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat beating for you You dont deserve all the things youre going through And the more you cry, the more Im dying deep down inside Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat Its killing my heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat YLAMPRODUCTIONS - My Heartbeat



关于Amy Diamond Heartbeats 的理解


哪位能告诉我heartbeats歌词 英文中文都要

I can"t figure out 我搞不清楚   Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着只能如此   Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语却难以说出口  I can"t live without 我不能生存  Knowing how you feel 如果无法触摸到你的感觉  Know if this is real 如果无法得知这是否真实   Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗?   Cause I don"t have another heart for breaking 因为我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎   Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开   I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留   Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳   Giving me away 出卖了我   I just wanna know 我只是想知道   If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心   I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳   Giving you away 出卖了你   Giving us away 出卖了我们    I can"t understand 我无法理解   How it"s making sense that we put up such defense 我们建立那么多的防御 有什么意义   When all you need to know 你需要知道一切   No matter what you do 无论你做什么   I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧   Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗?   Cause I don"t have another heart for breaking 我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎   Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开   I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留   Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳   Giving me away 出卖了我   I just wanna know 我想知道   If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心   I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳   Giving you away 出卖了你   Giving us away 出卖了我们   Please don"t let me go请别让我离开   I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留   Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳   Giving me away 出卖了我   I just wanna know 我想知道   If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心   I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳   Giving you away 出卖了你   Giving us away 出卖了我们


Heartbeats中文歌词歌手:Amy Diamond专辑:Still Me Still NowI can"t figure out 我不明白 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语冻结在唇边I can"t live without 我不能生存Knowing how you feel 如果触摸不到你的感觉Know if this is real 如果无法得知是否真实Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们  I can"t understand 不能理解How it"s making sense (zuochamo)That we put up such defense 我们建立的防御 会是如此情景When all you need to know 当你必须知道所有No matter what you do 无论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们Please don"t let me go 不要让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们


safe and sound---Taylor Swift这首歌绝对符合你的胃口。

heartbeats 歌词意思想表达什么意思

歌曲《Heartbeats》专辑: Swings And Roundabouts 歌手: Amy Diamond 音乐风格: 流行 发行时间: 2009年10月21日 地区: 瑞典 语言: 英语I can"t figure out 我搞不清楚Is it meant to be this way 是意味着就该这么做吗Easy words so hard to say 简单的词却难以说出口I can"t live without 我活不下去Knowing how you feel 要是不知道你的感觉如何Know if this is real 要是不知道这是不是真的Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们I can"t understand 我不明白How it"s making sense 怎么会这样That we put up such defense 我们建造了那么多防卫When all you need to know 当你需要知道一切No matter what you do 不论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我都跟你一样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们

Heartbeats 这首歌的大意是什么意思

那一瞬的倾心 不会在顷刻间消失 更不会没有踪迹,回首间那些曾经 是你永远忘记不掉的 Heartbeats中文歌词歌手:Amy Diamond专辑:Still Me Still Now I can"t figure out 我不明白 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语冻结在唇边I can"t live without 我不能生存Knowing how you feel 如果触摸不到你的感觉Know if this is real 如果无法得知是否真实Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们  I can"t understand 不能理解How it"s making sense (zuochamo)That we put up such defense 我们建立的防御 会是如此情景When all you need to know 当你必须知道所有No matter what you do 无论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们Please don"t let me go 不要让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们Story About:轻灵的声音,却找不到词语为之描绘。希望不会和原意相差太远。


望采纳哦谢谢Heartbeats Amy Diamond歌词o全全o制作II can"t figure out 我搞不清楚Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着只能如此Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语却难以说出口I can"t live without 我不能生存Knowing how you feel 如果无法触摸到你的感觉Know if this is real 如果无法得知这是否真实Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗?Cause I don"t have another heart for breaking 因为我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 出卖了我I just wanna know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们I can"t understand 我无法理解How it"s making sense that we put up such defense 我们建立那么多的防御 有什么意义When all you need to know 你需要知道一切No matter what you do 无论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗?Cause I don"t have another heart for breaking 我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 出卖了我I just wanna know 我想知道If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 出卖了我I just want to know 我想知道If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们o全全o制作




A YO! FINALY! IS THIS WHAT YOU"VE BEEN WATING FOR? BRAND NEW G.D! I MOVE BY MY SELF YOU"RE MY HEARTBREAKER DJ! YG! LET ME TAKE THIS SONG HERE 我又有哪里对不起你 这样没用 干脆死了算了 因为你 我不知所醋 心却再也找不回消失的梦 若是为了你 我可以抛下所有 向着你存在的地方奔去 但你却一再而再地离开又离开 你说你讨厌我 理由又是什么 你那么有自信的表情 说了这些我很难过 不过这样也好 我NO NO YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER 我是做错了什么YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER NO WAY NO WAY 就算我离开你的身边 我也可以好好过的 无人知晓 越来越近 我的爱情遇上了悲剧NO WAY 每天一样的问题 你是不是变心了] 这样的问着你 我说也知道对方是谁了 我现在 OUT OF CONTROL 还傻傻地独自相信 但你却在这里一再地离我而去 你说你讨厌我 理由又是什么 你用那么生气的声音 说了这些我很难过 不过这样也好 我就没有机会了 你再回来 那冷漠的微笑 令我厌恶 NO NO YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER 我是做错了什么 YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER NO WAY NO WAY 就算我离开你的身边 我也可以好好过的 无人知晓 越来越近 我的爱情遇上了悲剧 THE STILL STILL BE THRER 你开关的手机 THE STILL STILL BE THRER 你家的信箱里 我现在还记得你的一切 I WILL STILL BE THERE WOW....... 说要永远在一起的话 只有太过短暂的甜蜜 为什么你能装作没事 让我这么心疼 YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER 我是做错了什么 YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART BREAKER NO WAY NO WAY YOU"RE MY HEART HEART HEART HEART BREAKER BREAKER H. E. A. R, T. BREAKER I"M OUT

歌手jose gonzlez的Heartbeats歌词大意?

Heartbeats中文歌词歌手:Amy Diamond专辑:Still Me Still Now翻译:Zuochamo曲目:lesson12-3选自:《左茶摩极品音乐典藏lesson12》I can"t figure out 我不明白 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语冻结在唇边I can"t live without 我不能生存Knowing how you feel 如果触摸不到你的感觉Know if this is real 如果无法得知是否真实Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们  I can"t understand 不能理解How it"s making sense (zuochamo)That we put up such defense 我们建立的防御 会是如此情景When all you need to know 当你必须知道所有No matter what you do 无论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们Please don"t let me go 不要让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们


I can"t figure out 我搞不清楚Is it meant to be this way 是意味着就该这么做吗Easy words so hard to say 简单的词却难以说出口I can"t live without 我活不下去Knowing how you feel 要是不知道你的感觉如何Know if this is real 要是不知道这是不是真的Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们I can"t understand 我不明白How it"s making sense 怎么会这样That we put up such defense 我们建造了那么多防卫When all you need to know 当你需要知道一切No matter what you do 不论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我都跟你一样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们Please don"t let me go 请别让我走I just wanna stay 我只想留下来Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动Giving me away出卖了我I just want to know 我只是想知道If you too feel afraid你是否也感到担心I can feel your heartbeats我可以感受你的心动Giving you away 出卖了你Giving us away 出卖了我们


Heartbeats 中文歌词2010-04-12 15:04Heartbeats中文歌词歌手:Amy Diamond专辑:Still Me Still Now翻译:Zuochamo曲目:lesson12-3I can"t figure out 我不明白 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语冻结在唇边I can"t live without 我不能生存Knowing how you feel 如果触摸不到你的感觉Know if this is real 如果无法得知是否真实Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们I can"t understand 不能理解How it"s making sense (zuochamo)That we put up such defense 我们建立的防御 会是如此情景When all you need to know 当你必须知道所有No matter what you do 无论你做什么I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是否已是错Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为没有另一颗心为你破碎Please don"t let me go 别让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们Please don"t let me go 不要让我走I just wanna stay 只愿为你停留Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳Giving me away 放弃了我I just want to know 只为了体会If you too feel afraid 如果你也怯畏I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳Giving you away 放弃了你Giving us away 放弃了我们


heartbeats n. 心跳,中心( heartbeat的名词复数 ); [例句]Smoking could lead to irregular heartbeats.吸烟会引起心律失常。


give away 是出卖不是放弃吧。。。


《Heartbeats》英文歌词I can"t figure out Is it meant to be this way Easy words so hard to say I can"t live without Knowing how you feel Know if this is realTell me am I mistaken Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" Please don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me awayI just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us awayI can"t understand How it"s making sense That we put up such defense When all you need to know No matter what you do I"m just as scared as youTell me am I mistaken Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" Please don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me awayI just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us awayPlease don"t let me go I just wanna stay Can"t you feel my heartbeats Giving me awayI just want to know If you too feel afraid I can feel your heartbeats Giving you away Giving us away


I can"t figure out 我搞不清楚 Is it meant to be this way 是意味着就该这么做吗 Easy words so hard to say 简单的词却难以说出口 I can"t live without 我活不下去 Knowing how you feel 要是不知道你的感觉如何 Know if this is real 要是不知道这是不是真的 Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错 Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了 Please don"t let me go 请别让我走 I just wanna stay 我只想留下来 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我只是想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我可以感受你的心动 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们 I can"t understand 我不明白 How it"s making sense 怎么会这样 That we put up such defense 我们建造了那么多防卫 When all you need to know 当你需要知道一切 No matter what you do 不论你做什么 I"m just as scared as you 我都跟你一样恐惧 Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我我是不是犯了错 Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心可以破碎了 Please don"t let me go 请别让我走 I just wanna stay 我只想留下来 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我只是想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我可以感受你的心动 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们 Please don"t let me go 请别让我走 I just wanna stay 我只想留下来 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你感觉不到我的心动 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我只是想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我可以感受你的心动 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们

有一首英文歌开始是弹壳掉地上的声音。里面有句歌词是否my heartbeats my heartbeats。节奏感挺强的。

歌名:my heart skips a beat歌手:Olly Murs可试听下看是否为这首。
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