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mircle happen 歌词

Miracles Happen 歌手 公主日记 (Princess Diaries) Miracles happen, miracles happen You showed me faith is not blind I don"t need wings to help me fly Miracles happen, miracles happen I can"t imagine living my life without you now Not ever having you around We found our way out (on you I can depend) Don"t have to look back to realize how far we"ve come There are million reasons I"m lookin up I don"t want this to end Nothin Nothin should ever bring you down Knowing what goes around will come around You showed me faith is not blind I don"t need wings to help me fly Miracles happen, once in a while When you believe (miracles happen) You showed me dreams come to light That takin a chance on us was right All things will come with a little time When You believe There is no question we found the missing pieces Our picture is complete It"s fallen into place (it"s fallen into place) This is out moment, you and I are looking up Someone is watching over us Keeping me close Closer to you everyday Nowhere Nowhere on earth i"d rather be No one can take this away from you and me You showed me faith is not blind I don"t need wings to help me fly Miracles happen, once in a while When you believe (miracles happen) You showed me dreams come to light That takin a chace on us was right All things will come with a little time When You believe When you believe The soul is a shining light When you believe The heart has the will to fight You can do anything, don"t be afraid We"re gonna find our way You showed me faith is not blind I don"t need wings to help me fly Miracles happen, once in a while When you believe (miracles happen) You showed me dreams come to light That takin a chace on us was right All things will come with a little time When You believe

10. 在AutoCAD的Circle命令下,提示3P/2P/TTR分别所指含义是什么?


margins/haircuts spike 是什么意思?好像是钉子一样造型的短发

circumstance, situation, state, environment, condition如何区别?

这五个词的区别我懂,circumstance常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。situation更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。state更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。environment主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。condition更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:1.内容范围区别:- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)- The patient"s condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)2. 强调程度区别:- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。例句:- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)- The state of the patient"s health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child"s development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)3. 时间和空间维度区别:- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)- The state of the patient"s mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)


这五个词的区别我懂,circumstance常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。situation更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。state更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。environment主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。condition更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:1.内容范围区别:- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)- The patient"s condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)2. 强调程度区别:- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。例句:- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)- The state of the patient"s health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child"s development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)3. 时间和空间维度区别:- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)- The state of the patient"s mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)

别克车内仪表盘上VENT RECIRC什么意思


Talk in circles 说话绕圈子

我们今天来讲一个描绘言谈方式的习惯用语: talk in circles。 Circle意思是园圈,中文也有“说话绕圈子”的说法,意思是说话不直截了当,迷惑听话的人。 我们通过个例子来体会英文talk in circles是不是含义相同。我们知道要是一名辩护律师承*据不利于当事人的案子,那他作辩护时就可能会采取迂回战术,以混淆法官和陪审团的视听。下面这段话正是这样的例子。 例句:He was caught standing over the victim with a smoking gun. His lawyer talked in circles trying to confuse the jury. But they still remembered that smoking gun and found him guilty. 他说:他被逮住的时候脚下就躺着被害人,手上还握着冒烟的手枪。他的律师绕着圈子说话,试图把陪审团弄糊涂,但是陪审团还是忘不了那把冒烟的手枪,仍然判定他有罪。 他的罪证确凿,所以律师想为他开脱罪责就不能实话直说了,只得转弯抹角地误导听众。这就是talk in circles这个习惯用语的意思。



circle jerk什么意思

circle jerk狡猾的混蛋jerk英 [du0292u025c:k] 美 [du0292u025c:rk] vt.猛拉;把(牛肉)切成薄片晒干vt.& vi.(使…)猝然一动[颤动]n.突然的拉[推,扭];<医>(肌肉的)痉挛,抽搐;蠢人;急促而猛烈的动作,猛地一拉

circle jerk什么意思

Circle-Jerk圆的混蛋此结果来自百度翻译,长句或段落建议您使用翻译频道双语例句更多资料1. The process is not a circle but rather a spiral. 这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型的。来自柯林斯例句2. He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends. 他为人文雅,结交广泛。来自柯林斯例句3. They formed a circle and sang "Auld Lang Syne" 他们围成一个圆圈,唱起了《友谊地久天长》。来自柯林斯例句4. Oxford"s social circle was far too liberal for her taste. 牛津的社交圈过于开放,不合她的胃口.来自柯林斯例句5. He used a rope to mark off the circle. 他用绳子把那个圈围了起来。

restircted 的意思

restricted英 [ru026au02c8stru026aktu026ad] 美 [ru026au02c8stru026aktu026ad] adj.有受限制的; (土地)对公众不完全开放的; 保密的v.限制( restrict的过去式)网络受限的; 限制的; 约束

JAL AirChina ANA KLM 这4个哪个大哦?

现在的大小顺序是这样: ANA >AirChina>JAL> KLM ,再过5年,这几个公司里面AirChina将会是最大的。



CAD快捷命令的英文注解,如 L 是直线 英文为 line C 圆 circle I 插入块 insert……


中国科学院生态环境研究中心主办的,环境科学学报(Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae)和环境科学学报(英文

好像不一样额 英文版的是SCI了

求Perfect Circle的 the outsider歌词

Perfect Circle - The OutsiderHelp me if you canIs just that this,is not the way 飧m wiredso could you please,help me understand whyyo壧ve given in to all thesereckless dark desires yo壧reCrying to yourself againSuicidal imbecileThink about it, and put it on a faultlineWhall it take to get it through to you precious飧m over thisWhy do you wanna throw it away like thisSuch a messI dot wanna watch youDisconnect and self-destructone bullet at a timeWhas your rush now,everyone will have his day to dieMedicateddrama queenPicture perfect non-belligerenceNarcissisticdrama queenCraving fame and all its decadenceLying through your teeth againSuicidal imbecileThink about it, and put it on a faultlineWhall it take to get it through to you precious飧m over thisWhy do wanna throw it away like thisSuch a messI dot wanna watch youDisconnect and self-destructone bullet at a timeWhas your rush now,everyone will have his day to dieThey were right about youThey

pomp and circumstance是什么意思


是vicious cycle,还是vicious circle?谢谢

Both Okay,trust me两个都对

Vicious Circle 歌词

歌曲名:Vicious Circle歌手:Lou Reed专辑:Perfect DayMillencolin - Vicious CircleI see the sunlight on your face,I see the darkness in your eyes.In my mind, that"s lover"s paradox.I always try to give you space,No way to cut you down to size.We got lost in our heart shape box.Oh, should we try to have some cuts,Or should we just go separate ways?Or best yet, why don"t we move our grot?Maybe Belgrade on the train,But we can get out of this maze.It sounds like we"re both confused and bored.So tear me upAnd knock me down.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.I messed you up,To watch you frown.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.You know that I depend on you,You know that you depend on love.And then love, well, love depends on me.From my subjective point of view,It never works like hand in glove.But still I, I hope you disagree.So tear me upAnd knock me down.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.I messed you up,To watch you frown.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.And I"m tired of you being tired of me,Oh yeah, that"s right, sometimes I wish we just could let it be.And I"m tired of me being tired of you,It"s something, yes, sometimes you wish you meet somebody new.You...Sometimes I wish that too.It"s like a vicious circle no one gets around.I messed you up,To watch you frown.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.So tear me upAnd knock me down.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.I messed you up,To watch you frown.Just like a vicious circle no one gets around.No one gets around.No one gets around.It"s like a vicious circle no one gets around.So tear me upAnd send me out.It"s like a vicious circle no one gets around.

vicious circle是什么意思?

vicious circle 英[ˈviʃəs ˈsə:kl] 美[ˈvɪʃəs ˈsɚkəl] n. 恶性循环; vicious 英[ˈvɪʃəs] 美[ˈvɪʃəs] adj. 邪恶的,恶毒的; 有恶意的; 凶猛的; 有缺点的; 全部释义>>[例句]He fought a vicious smear campaign against them.他开始针对他们进行恶毒的诽谤。

"stairs" 与 "staircases" 有何分别?

stair (countable noun) 楼梯的一级 (阶梯的某)一级 = one of the steps in a set of stairs stairs (plural noun) (楼层之间的) 楼梯 = a series of steps that go from one level or floor to another. staircase (singular noun) 楼梯 (包括扶手 栏杆) = a set of stairs inside a building including the posts and the rails (banisters) that are fixed at the sides. banister (noun) (楼梯的〕栏杆 扶手 = the posts and the rail which you can hold for support when going up or down stairs. 最大差异 stairs 不包括栏杆 扶手. 许多时 staircase 与 stairs (相同解”楼梯”) 可互换使用 不理有无栏杆 扶手 a flight of stairs = 一段楼梯 (无 a flight of staircases 这个 phrase) A stair is one of a succession of steps leading from one floor to another; stairs me either the steps of staircases or a series or "flights" of such steps. 2014-06-27 04:45:22 补充: Jenkin: "但外国住宅(例如三层的村屋或...里面的楼梯只会叫(stairs)" ~ 你这个 statement 是错 美国波士顿 不论 town houses bungalows 有些屋出售卖点是有 spiral staircase wickedlocalbostonhomes/2013/09/boston-real-estate/charlestown-triplex-boasts-signature-spiral-staircase/ 2014-06-27 09:00:57 补充: stairs 和 staircases 同是 plural staircases 是多过 one set of steps 例如前后门有 合计 o staircases stairs 多过一级楼梯 可能 2 3 4 ..estairs stairs 并且可指 one set of steps 参考: Yahoo Dictionary; Oxford Dictionary stairs通常是指上落的梯级 staircase是指建筑结构的整个楼梯内部= 梯间 stairs通常意义是指走上落的梯级 staircase是指建筑结构上设置的楼梯 中国香港见到的大都是大厦楼宇或商场公众的楼梯或走火通道的楼梯(staircase),但外国住宅(例如三层的村屋或两层的别墅式平房里面的楼梯只会叫(stairs) 希望这种简单的分帮助你解决大部份写作的取舍。 He ran down the stairs in the fire escape staircase when he heard the fire alarm.

加拿大旅游签证状态的IRCC Offic是什么


circle the ones that rhyme是什么意思?


Listen and circle the pictures that rhyme.英文卷上的,请问中文是什么意思


circle the ones that rhyme是什么意思?

circle the ones that lrhyme.圈出押韵的(词)。

在s7-200 编程软件step 7-mirco/win中怎样使用 pid 回路实现三步控制


请问20 Birchwood Place,STRETTON,QLD,4116的中文意思是什么

这是一个地址。在澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班市南郊的一个地方的地址20 Birchwood Place 就相当于某条街的多少号,STRETTON相当于国内城市的某个区,QLD是Queensland,中文为: 昆士兰,相当于国内的省。4116是邮编。我刚问了办公室来自澳大利亚布里斯班的一个同事,确认了你的问题。如果满意的话,那就采纳吧。谢谢哦。^_^

shave Haircut插件安装方法

因为你没有破解安装好文件后执行下面步骤1.拷贝patched files文件夹里的libShave.dll到(maya2013的安装目录)in2.拷贝patched files文件夹里的shaveMRshader.dll到(maya2013的安装目录)mentalrayshaders3.拷贝patched files文件夹里的vray_Shave.dll到(maya2013的安装目录)vrayvrayplugins4.拷贝patched files文件夹里的libShaveEngine.dll到(shave的安装目录)JoeAltershavehaircutmaya2013samples5.在C盘创建一个文件夹命名为rlm,拷贝license目录里的shave.lic到rlm目录下(C: lm)6.打开maya,加载shave

circular reasoning是什么意思





空调(调节空气的东西)读音:air conditioner(艾尔 肯迪神呢儿)


明显是在考抽象类。一个Shape有封闭的边界,它总是可以被计算周长和面积,但是Shape本身没有明确的描述时不是一个实体,故Shape是抽象类。Rectangle和Circle都应该继承Shape并实现其抽象方法。123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930public abstract class Shape{public abstract double CalculateArea();public abstract double CalculatePerimeter();}public class Circle : Shape{public double Radius { get; set; }public override double CalculateArea(){return Math.PI * Radius * Radius;}public override double CalculatePerimeter(){return 2 * Math.PI * Radius;}}public class Rectangle : Shape{public double Width { get; set; }public double Height { get; set; }public override double CalculateArea(){return Width * Height;}public override double CalculatePerimeter(){return 2 * (Width + Height);}}


abstract class Graph { public void getArea(){};}class Circle extends Graph{ double radius; Circle(double radius){ this.radius=radius; } public void getArea(){ System.out.println("圆面积:"+Math.PI*radius*radius); }}class Rect extends Graph{ double width; double length; Rect(double length,double width){ this.length=length; this.width=width; } public void getArea(){ System.out.println("圆面积:"+length*width); }}public class TestArea{ public static void main(String[] args){ Graph g=null; g=new Rect(10,20); g.getArea(); g=new Circle(10); g.getArea(); }}



they are circle这样写对吗?

错的,主系表,circle没有形容词词性。它们都是圆的 They are round.round 英[raʊnd] 美[raʊnd] adj. 圆形的; 环形的; 球形的; 弧形的; 圆弧的; 整数的; 尾数是0(或5)的; adv. 旋转; 环绕; 兜圈子; 周长; 周围; 绕一整圈; 在周围; 围绕; prep. 环绕; 围绕; 绕过; 在另一侧; 在…周围; 包围; [例句]They were sitting round the kitchen table他们正围坐在餐桌旁。[其他] 比较级:rounder 最高级:roundest 第三人称单数:rounds 复数:rounds 现在分词:rounding 过去式:rounded 过去分词:rounded

请问有人知道《K》里面,十束多多良(梶裕贵)Circle of friends(圆整版)歌词(中文+罗马拼音)吗?


动画『K』第六集的片尾曲 十束多多良所唱的『Circle of friends』的日文歌词 拜托了~~急需

『Circle of Friends』作词:TOMBOW作曲:宫埼诚编曲:宫埼诚歌:十束多々良(CV:梶裕贵)几千もの交差する道で仆らは出会えた真っ直ぐな眼差しで未来を见据えてた何か起こっても共に歩けば何倍もの勇気が満ち溢れ乗り越えられる守られている赤に染まった夕日に誓った言叶はセピアの月に吸い込まれてゆく遥か结んだ厚い绊どうか永久に続きますように

stair,stairs,staircase,step,stairway 这五个词都有楼梯的意思,有什么不同吗?

stair,n.1. (阶梯等的)一级,梯级2. [用复数,用作单数或复数]阶梯,楼梯3. [用复数]【船舶学】浮动平台4. 阶梯,途径stair [stεu0259] n. 英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway stairs——是stair的复数形式。staircase ["stεu0259keis] n.楼梯;楼梯间【即可指“楼梯”,还可指“设置楼梯的房间部分”】英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of stepsstep 【重点强调“台阶”,而且,单复数意义不同。】 梯级,台阶;踏板。 [用复数]一段楼梯,一段台阶英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairwaystairway n.【建筑专业用词】 阶梯,楼梯英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps 当然,指代“台阶,阶梯”时,stair与step一般可互换。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~

c++题 设计一个基类Shape,派生出圆形Circle类,再分别派生出圆球类Ball,

#include<iostream>#define PI 3.14159using namespace std;//shape类class Shape{public:virtual float area() const { return 0.0;}//虚函数virtual float volume() const {return 0.0;}//虚函数virtual void shapName() const =0;//纯虚函数} ;//Circle类class Circle : public Shape{public:Circle(float radius = 0 ){ this->radius = radius;;}void setRadius( float radius ) const{ this->radius = radius;}float getRadius( ) const { return radius; } virtual float area() const { return PI * radius * radius ;}virtual void shapName() const { cout<<"Circle类"<<endl;}private:float radius;};//Ball类class Ball: public Circle{public:Ball( float radius = 0):Circle( radius ){}virtual float area() const{ return Circle::area() * 4.0 ;}virtual float volume() const{ return Circle::area() * Circle::getRadius() * 4.0 / 3.0; }virtual void shapName() const {cout<<"Ball类"<<endl;}};//Taper类class Taper:public Circle{public:Taper( float radius = 0, float height = 0 ):Circle( radius ){ this->height = height;}virtual float area() const{ return Circle::area() ;}//这个面积就自己去找了把virtual float volume() const{ return Circle::area() * Circle::getRadius(); }//同上virtual void shapName() const {cout<<"Taper类"<<endl;}private:float height;};//Cylinder类class Cylinder:public Circle{public:Cylinder( float radius = 0, float height = 0 ):Circle( radius ){ this->height = height;}virtual float area() const{ return Circle::area() ;}//这个面积就自己去找了把virtual float volume() const{ return Circle::area() * Circle::getRadius(); }//同上virtual void shapName() const {cout<<"Cylinder类"<<endl;}private:float height;};




APEC 亚太经济贸易合作组织MTV 音乐电视TM Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦或者Technical Manual 技术手册IRC 在线聊天系统IOC 国际奥林匹克委员会ID身份CAA中国民航PRC中华人民共和国ABC 美国广播公司/澳大利亚广播公司


virchow三要素读菲尔绍。Virchow三要素Virchow"s triad:血流中断现象,Phenomena of interrupted blood-flow、血管及其周围受累现象,Phenomena associated with irritation of the vessel and its vicinity、血液凝固现象,Phenomena of blood-coagulation。现代三要素Modern triad:血液瘀滞Stasis、内皮受损或血管壁受损Endothelial injury or vessel wall injury、高凝Hypercoagulability。第一要素,血流改变指多种情况,包括静脉血瘀滞、长时间手术、长时间制动和静脉曲张。第二要素,内膜受损包括血管穿破和因血流剪切应力或高压导致的损伤,包括促凝物表面对血液接触,如细菌、异物、医疗植入物或进入血管的医疗器械、活化的血小板和慢性炎症反应中的单核细胞。第三要素,血液组成成分的改变,包括多种风险因素所致的高凝状态,如血黏度增高、V因子Leiden突变、II因子G2021A突变、抗凝血酶III缺乏、蛋白C或S缺乏、肾病综合征、创伤或烧伤后机体改变、恶性肿瘤、妊娠晚期和分娩、种族、高龄、吸烟、避孕药、肥胖等。

The Circus 父亲之间的默契 人工翻译 没大错的有加分!!!

Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were tacitly understanding each other.

rejected from the law circuit意思?

rejected 是 reject 的过去式,属于及物动词,没有 reject from 这种搭配形式,如果把后缀 ed 去掉变成名词,即 a reject from the law circuit,则是一个名词短语,意思是“一个巡回审判法庭不予立案的人”。

this is _____the first time you have been late. a.under no circumstances no means选哪个?

答案:b 意为“决不,并没有”。句子的意思是:这决不是你第一次迟到了。a.under no circustances也有“无论如何不,决不”的意思,但一般在句中作独立短语或后面接从句


IRCA --国际审核员注册协会,是世界上管理体系审核员注册的创始机构,也是最大的国际化管理体系审核员注册机构。 CCAA--中国认证认可协会,是国内负责管理体系审核员注册认定、发布相关政策的国家机构。就适用范围来说,一般国际性机构更倾向于IRCA认证审核员,不过相应的培训及考试费用较国内较高;国内机构通常要求审核员取得CCAA注册资格方可执业。不过目前IRCA与CCAA已签订了互认协议,即:两个证书在国际及国内机构是互认且都有效的。

求[C83][121229]Circle of friends(伊东歌词太郎、コニー、ゆう十、はしやん、天月-あまつき-)TUUUT


mircea catusanu怎么读?

音译基本是:mier"qia katusannu(拼音音译)具体读音可以有道查一下有读音,单独查mircea和catusanu要不然会查不出来。米尔恰是罗马尼亚的姓氏,也可以查一下罗马尼亚发音。

"Yikes! The kids are moving back in!" Thus goes the moan of the baby boom generation, circa 2007.

是倒装句,Thus goes the.....的结构和Here comes the bus是一样的。Thus是副词,goes是谓语,后面的the moan是主语。Thus是如此的意思,Thus goes the moan of the....意思是说:生育高峰期出生的一代人这样抱怨道。




亲爱的 你找到 这首歌了 吗,我也最近也听见了 很喜欢~

WalkinRound In A Circle 歌词

歌曲名:Walkin" "Round In A Circle歌手:Jessica Simpson专辑:A Public AffairLife is a curve ballThrown with the wild armAnd if I"m going to swing in, I must get motivatedInstead of lying in my bedI"m like a train wreck, trucking down a fast hillHeartbreak is overratedIf I dry the tears nowI can get a head start out the doorI never loved the sun until the rainI"ll never get anywhere if I stay in the same placeAlways afraid I"mGonna just get stuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out of here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circleBeing redundant is never the one trick I ever want to masterOne quirk can get me focused"Cause the start of a circle is also the endingOne door has to close before the next can openGotta give my own lifeMy whole life is a given one sweet goalI never loved the sun until the rainI"ll never get anywhere if I stay on a same placeAlways afraid I"m...And I just get stuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out fo here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circleHow can I be my best, there"s never failHow can I ever find peace if I never yellI gotta be strongerI can"t let cold wind blow me on a cold nightI follow the skyline and I am no longerStuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out of here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circle

Black Circus的《Bound》 歌词

歌曲名:Bound歌手:Black Circus专辑:JoySuzanne Vega - BoundThe way of the worldHas taken its tollRavaged my bodyAnd bitten my soulI am ruined by rainWeathered by windI"ve been invadedWithout and withinAnd I askI am asking youAsking you if youMight still want meOnce you saidI"m made of fine stuffBut I"ve been corruptedAnd taken enoughNow you appearMaking your claimInside my heartIs the sign of your nameAll these wordsLike "darling" and "angel" and "dear"Crowd my mouthIn a path to your earBitten my soulWhen I said"I am bound to you for ever,"Here"s what I meant:I am bound to you for ever

fail gracefully with an open circuit是什么意思

fail gracefully with an open circuit开路时优雅地失败

JAVA编程题,构造一个Circle类实现圆。急!!*** @Description TODO* @Author Becolette* @Date 2017-4-11 下午09:13:39* @Modified By Becolette at 2017-4-11 for TODO*/public class Circle {private double radius; // 半径public double getRadius() {return radius;}public void setRadius(double radius) {this.radius = radius;}public double getArea(double radius) {return Math.PI * radius * radius;}public double getLength(double radius) {return 2 * Math.PI * radius;}}Test1.javaimport java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.util.Scanner;/*** @Description TODO* @Author Becolette* @Date 2017-4-9 下午07:52:35* @Modified By Becolette at 2017-4-9 for TODO*/public class Test1 {/*** @Description TODO* @Author Becolette* @Date 2017-4-9 下午07:52:35* @Modified By Becolette at 2017-4-9 for TODO*/public static void main(String[] args) {Circle circle = new Circle();DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");Scanner input = new Scanner(;System.out.println("输入半径:");double r = input.nextDouble();System.out.print("周长=" + df.format(circle.getLength(r)) + " 面积=" + df.format(circle.getArea(r)));System.out.println("周长=" + df.format(2 * circle.getLength(r)) + " 面积=" + df.format(2 * circle.getArea(r)));}}

staight masterpirces是什么意思

你又没有写错啊,straight masterprices ,一个直接的专业性的价格,你如果没写错当我白说


其实这里不存在“circle”,只是你误以为大家读“circle”来指代SQL吧。SQL读快起来就有点英文“circle”的发音。结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL(发音:/u02c8es kjuu02d0 u02c8el/ "S-Q-L"),是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统;同时也是数据库脚本文件的扩展名。结构化查询语言是高级的非过程化编程语言,允许用户在高层数据结构上工作。它不要求用户指定对数据的存放方法,也不需要用户了解具体的数据存放方式,所以具有完全不同底层结构的不同数据库系统, 可以使用相同的结构化查询语言作为数据输入与管理的接口。结构化查询语言语句可以嵌套,这使它具有极大的灵活性和强大的功能。1986年10月,美国国家标准协会对SQL进行规范后,以此作为关系式数据库管理系统的标准语言(ANSI X3. 135-1986),1987年得到国际标准组织的支持下成为国际标准。不过各种通行的数据库系统在其实践过程中都对SQL规范作了某些编改和扩充。所以,实际上不同数据库系统之间的SQL不能完全相互通用。



“c” “ir” “c” le各是什么读音(circle)

c /s/ ir /u0259:/(音标打不出来,) c /k/ le /l/


前面一个“c”读/s/后面一个读/k/circle英 ["su025cu02d0k(u0259)l]美 ["su025dkl]n. 循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vt. 画圆圈;环绕…移动vi. 盘旋,旋转;环行



circle the same letters怎么读,甚么意思

circle the same letters圈出同一个字母


car circle两个单词中c的发音是不同的。car中c发/k/,circle中c发/s/。

圆形的英语怎么读 圆形的英语怎么读circle

1、圆形英语:circular,英 [u02c8su025cu02d0kju0259lu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8su025cu02d0rkju0259lu0259r]。 2、新设备发出明亮的圆形光柱。The new device emits a powerful circular column of light。 3、我们坐在炉火前,围成一个半圆形。We sat in a semicircle round the fire。 4、剪出两个圆形纸片。Cut out two circles of paper。




1、英[?s??kl]、美[?s??rkl]2、n.圆圈; 圈; 圆; 圆形; 环; 圆周; 圆形物; 环状物;3、v.(尤指在空中)盘旋,环行,转圈; 围绕…画圈; 圈出; 圈起;4、[例句]Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。5、[其他]第三人称单数:circles 复数:circles 现在分词:circling 过去式:circled 过去分词:circled

求ladygaga的speechless以及bad romance歌词翻译,以及布兰妮的3和circus的歌词翻译!

大哥!!给点分会怎样!!!Speechless 无言以对(Lady GaGa/Stefani Germanotta)I can"t belive what you said to me我不敢相信你对我说的话Last night when we were alone昨晚我们两人独处You threw your hands up你举起双手Baby you gave up, you gave up宝贝你投降了,你投降了I can"t believe how you looked at me我不敢相信你这样看著我With your James Dean glossy eyes用你帅气闪亮的双眼In your tight jeans with your long hair穿著你的紧身牛仔酷 留著长发And your cigarette stained lies还有你用菸头烧过的谎言Could we fix you if you broke?如果你坏掉了 我们可以修好吗 ?And is your punch line just a joke?难道你那些甜言蜜语只是场笑话 ?I"ll never talk again我再也不能言语Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对And I will never love again而我再也不能去爱Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对I can"t believe how you slurred at me我不敢相信你如此的无视我With your half wired broken jaw用那歪一边的下巴You popped my heart seams你穿透了我的心缝On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams刺破了我美梦的泡影,美梦的泡影I can"t believe how you looked at me我不敢相信你这样看著我With your Johnnie Walker eyes用你醉茫茫的眼睛He"s gonna get you and after he"s through他一定会逮到你 当她结束There"s gonna be no love left to rye再没有爱情可以被收成And I know that it"s complicated而我知道这很复杂But I"m a loser in love但我在爱情里是个输家So baby raise a glass to mend所以宝贝举起杯来弥补All the broken hearts我那些破碎的心Of all my wrecked up friends给我那些残败的朋友I"ll never talk again我再也不能言语Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对And I will never love again而我再也不能去爱Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对Hooow?Haaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?WowHaaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?WowAnd after all the drinks and bars that we"ve been to喝过那麼多杯 去过那麼多家酒吧Would you give it all up?你还是要抛弃一切?Could I give it all up for you?我可以为你抛弃一切吗?And after all the boys and girls that we"ve been through在我们经历了那麼多红男绿女之后Would you give it all up?还是要抛弃一切?Could you give it all up?还是要抛弃一切?If I promise to you boy如果我答应你That I"ll never talk again我永远不会再言语And I"ll never love again我永远不会再去爱I"ll never write a song我永远不会再写歌Won"t even sing along连跟著唱都不会I"ll never love again我永远不会再去爱So speechless多麼无言以对You left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对,多麼无言以对Why you so speechless, so speechless?为何你无言以对,多麼无言以对?Will you ever talk again?你可会再度言语Oh boy, why you so speechless?噢 男孩 为什麼你如此无言以对You"ve left me speechless你让我无言以对Some men may follow me有些男人可能会跟著我But you choose “death and company”但你却选死亡与陪伴Why you so speechless? Oh oh oh为何你无言以对 , 噢 噢 噢Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇I want your ugly垂涎于你的丑恶I want your disease垂涎于你的病态I want your everything垂涎于你的所有As long as it"s free与自由同样长久I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋I want your drummer垂涎于你的鼓点The touch of your healing你治愈的的抚摸I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene垂涎于剧本中抽搐肮脏的吻And I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋You know that I want you你明白我垂涎于你And you know that I need you你明白我想占有你I want it bad我要它更邪恶Bad and bad肮脏 堕落I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge我垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编织邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编织邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于邪恶传奇I want your horror我垂涎于你的恐惧I want your design垂涎于你的阴谋"Cause you"re a criminal只因你是罪孽As long as your mine与我属于你的时日一样长久I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋I want your psycho我垂涎于你的灵魂You"re burning this stick枯木因你燃烧Want you in my room垂涎于囚在我牢房里的你When your baby is sick亲爱的每当你充满攻击性时I want your love我就垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋You know that I want you你明白我要占有你And you know that I need you你明白我无法放弃你I want it bad我要它更邪恶Bad and bad肮脏 堕落I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge我垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋And I want your revenge垂涎于你的复仇I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋I don"t wanna be friends我可不是你的同伴Said I want your love我要占有你的爱And I want your revenge占有你的复仇I want your love我要占有你的爱恋I don"t wanna be friends我可不是你的战友Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编制邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇31,2,3不仅仅只有你和我找一个性奋的猛男加入我们我要被夹在中间和你们融为一体1,2,3皮特,鲍尔,玛丽我们一起来3P大家都喜欢干干在一起乖乖,选一个晚上我们一起去开房打跑如果你觉得主意不错的话你会说什么多倍愉悦多倍乐趣我们在地板上高你说怎么样你OO进来了吗?享受这种坏坏的新鲜快感你进来了吗?我已经要融化了~!1,2,3不仅仅只有你和我找一个性奋的猛男加入我们我要被夹在中间和你们融为一体1,2,3皮特,鲍尔,玛丽我们一起来3 P大家都喜欢oo在一起3 P很刺激和2人对战完全不一样我不觉得有什么不好的你快点投入进来吧我们要开火车要你一边O我一边喊我的名字circusThere"s only two types of people in the world世界上有两种人The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe一种是寻找乐趣的,一种是观赏者Well baby I"m a put-on-a-show kinda girl好吧,宝贝,我是那种被人观看的女孩Don"t like the backseat, gotta be first (oh, oh)不喜欢坐后排,要坐最前面I"m like the ringleader我就像是个头头I call the shots (call the shots)我喊“投掷”(喊投掷)I"m like a firecracker我像个放烟花的人I make it hot (make it hot)我让它很精彩(让她精彩)I run a tight ship我开着船I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah)我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah)聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得All the eyes on me in the center of the ring站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)就像一个马戏团When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)就像一个马戏团Don"t stand there watching me, follow me别站着看着我,跟着我Show me what you can do让我看看你能做什么Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho)就像一个马戏团There"s only two types of guys out there,世界上只有两种男人Ones that can handle me, and the mamma boys are too scared一种能掌握我,一个太可怕So baby ,I hope the true can prepared哦宝贝,我希望事实能准备好I wanna ??? , so be there我想要??(听不出来是什么)。所以我在这里I"m like the ringleader我就像是个头头I call the shots (call the shots)我喊“投掷”(喊投掷)I"m like a firecracker我像个放烟花的人I make it hot (make it hot)我让它很精彩(让她精彩)I run a tight ship我开着船I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah)我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah)聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得All the eyes on me in the center of the ring站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)就像一个马戏团When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)就像一个马戏团Don"t stand there watching me, follow me别站着看着我,跟着我Show me what you can do让我看看你能做什么Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho)就像一个马戏团

Paramore的《circle》 歌词

歌曲名:circle歌手:Paramoretake this time to realizethat you always shut your eyesin the midst of trialand everything is always rightand I think that it"s timethis battle must be wonbut you pushed it asidepushed it asidepretend that it"s gonethis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overtake this time to realizethat you always force a smilein the midst of trialand everything is always rightand I think that it"s timethis battle must be wonbut you pushed it asidepushed it asidepretend that it"s gonethis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overand it never endsit never endsand it never endsand it never endsno, it never endsthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s over, it"s over


circle 英["sɜːk(ə)l] 美["sɝkl]square 英[skweə] 美[skwɛr]


circle 英["sɜːk(ə)l] 美["sɝkl]square 英[skweə] 美[skwɛr]

circle 和 square 这两英语单词 怎么读

circle 色科尔square 斯怪厄

plane,flight,fly 与aircraft的区别



“Circles”真切地表达了SEVENTEEN想对总是尽全力支持着他们的粉丝们以及成员们说的话。这首歌在制作之初,就明确了其为经历困难时刻的人们带去慰藉的清晰目标。SEVENTEEN(uc138ube10ud2f4),是Pledis Entertainment于2015年5月26日推出的男子组合,由崔胜澈(S.COUPS)、尹净汉(JEONGHAN)、洪知秀(JOSHUA)、文俊辉(JUN)、权顺荣(HOSHI)、全圆佑(WONWOO)、李知勋(WOOZI)、李硕珉(DK)、金珉奎(MINGYU)、徐明浩(THE8)、夫胜宽(SEUNGKWAN)、崔韩率(VERNON)、李灿(DINO)13名成员组成,其中有9位韩国成员,1位美籍混血成员、1位美籍韩裔成员和2位中国成员,分为嘻哈队、表演队、主唱队3个小分队。SEVENTEEN代表13名成员+ 3个分队+ 1个团体。



英语commercial circle怎么翻译?



abstract class Shape{}class Point extends Shape{}以下同...

circular debt什么意思

circular[英][u02c8su025c:kju0259lu0259(r)][美][u02c8su025akju0259lu025a]adj.圆形的; 环行的; 迂回的,绕行的; 供传阅的,流通的; n.通知,通告; 印制的广告,传单; debt[英][det][美][du025bt]n.债务; 负债情况; 义务; 罪,过失;


closedcircuittelevision的读音是:。closedcircuittelevision的读音是:。closedcircuittelevision的例句是用作名词(n.)Thereisaclosedcircuittelevisionandhi-fisystemintheroom.房内有闭路电视和高保真音响。closedcircuittelevision的意思是n.闭路电视。一、网络释义点此查看closedcircuittelevision的详细内容[电视] 闭路电视...有一种监控系统称为CCTV,注意,这处的CCTV可不是我们清楚知道的中国中央媒体的减写,而是ClosedCircuitTelevision(闭路电视)的略称,该系统经过遥感摄像机及其匡助设施,直接仔细查看被检查查看场所的事情状况,同时可以把被检查查看场所的事情状况施行同... 闭路电视监控系统它也是闭路电视监控系统(ClosedCircuitTelevision)的缩写。就是在这时,宋见波接到老总的内线电话要他过去。 闭路电视系统我估计你连CCTV是什么的简称都不知道,告诉你,在国际上,CCTV就是闭路电视系统(ClosedCircuitTelevision)的简称,不是某个电视台的简称。 检测管道内窥检测(ClosedCircuitTelevision)是目前国际上用于管道状况检测最为先进和有效的手段。二、例句Thereisaclosedcircuittelevisionandhi-fisystemintheroom.房内有闭路电视和高保真音响。Ineducation,closed-circuittelevisionmakesiteasyforawholeclasstoseeeverythingateacherdemonstrates.在教育方面,闭路电视能使全班同学易于看清教师所演示的一切。closedcircuittelevision的相关临近词closed、closedabout点此查看更多关于closedcircuittelevision的详细信息

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佩内洛普·崔,生于1950年,英裔美国时装模特,以姣好的面庞及美腿成为上世纪六十年代的时尚界标志人物。她的家庭出生较好,母亲是社会名流,民主党的活跃人士,父亲是记者,也是国会议员。这样的家庭使得佩内洛普有着很多的先天优势,但她的父母却反对她做模特,还曾经为了不让摄影师出版佩内洛普(当时13岁)的照片闹到法院。她与南非摇滚歌手Ricky Fataar(海滩男孩成员)结婚,并育有二子。目前,佩内洛普正为一家慈善基金会工作,该基金会主要是帮助柬埔寨贫困女孩接受课堂教育。

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