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enjoyable用作形容词,基本含义是有快乐的,有乐趣的,令人愉快的;enjoyable的副词形式是enjoyably。 扩展资料   enjoyable的例句:   1、Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable--as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans.   我和妻子在巴尔干半岛的`一次旅行中发现,到真正偏僻的村庄去旅游并不是一件愉快的事情。   2、We all had an enjoyable evening.   我们全都度过了一个愉快的夜晚。   3、The hotel staff spares no pain to ensure that our stay is as enjoyable as possible.   旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至,尽量让我们住得舒适。




enjoyable翻译为:令人愉快的;有乐趣的。Over the moon兴高采烈超级满意、非常开心Do you remember how happy we were when we first stayed out for a night? We were over the moon.还记得第一次外出时我们有多快乐吗?那种感觉就像在天上飘。极拳乃“缠”法也之说。In seventh heaven欢天喜地十分愉悦的状态Real happiness is when you work for it. I"m sure you"ll be in seventh heaven when you get your first salary and buy a scooter.有为之奋斗的目标,才是真正的快乐。当你拿到自己的第一桶金,用自己的钱买踏板车时,一定会超级开心。短语搭配:enjoyable experience愉快经验;愉快的体验;愉悦体验enjoyable trip愉快的旅行;愉快的行程;令人愉悦的旅途enjoyable occasion令人愉快的场合


enjoyable翻译是:令人愉快的;有乐趣的1、短语搭配:(1)enjoyable experience愉快经验;愉快的体验;愉悦体验(2)enjoyable trip愉快的旅行;愉快的行程;令人愉悦的旅途(3)enjoyable occasion令人愉快的场合2、双语例句:(1)The planning should be every bit as enjoyable as the event itself.策划应该和活动本身一样有趣。(2)The decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable.这项决定旨在增加购物的乐趣。(3)It"s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable.正是因为变化多才使得我的工作如此有趣。(4)The journey was fast and enjoyable.这次旅行进行得既快又很愉快。3、近义词:pleasant使人快乐的;lovely可爱的;grateful感激的;festival节日;cheerful开心的


enjoyable[英][ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl][美][ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl]adj.愉快的,快乐的; 以上结果来自金山词霸


enjoyable的意思为令人愉快的。短语搭配:enjoyable experience。愉快经验;愉快的体验;愉悦体验。enjoyable trip。愉快的旅行;愉快的行程;令人愉悦的旅途。enjoyable occasion。令人愉快的场合。adj.令人愉快的;有乐趣的。网络释义:令人愉快的;愉悦的;愉快的;有趣;有乐趣的。双语例句:1、The planning should be every bit as enjoyable as the event itself.策划应该和活动本身一样有趣。2、The decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable.这项决定旨在增加购物的乐趣。3、It"s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable.正是因为变化多才使得我的工作如此有趣。4、Fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.第四,它有助于回顾生活的历程,第五,这种经历让人感到愉悦、刺激。5、The journey was fast and enjoyable.这次旅行进行得既快又很愉快。


enjoyable的意思为令人愉快的。短语搭配:enjoyable experience。愉快经验;愉快的体验;愉悦体验。enjoyable trip。愉快的旅行;愉快的行程;令人愉悦的旅途。enjoyable occasion。令人愉快的场合。adj.令人愉快的;有乐趣的。网络释义:令人愉快的;愉悦的;愉快的;有趣;有乐趣的。双语例句:1、The planning should be every bit as enjoyable as the event itself.策划应该和活动本身一样有趣。2、The decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable.这项决定旨在增加购物的乐趣。3、It"s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable.正是因为变化多才使得我的工作如此有趣。4、Fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.第四,它有助于回顾生活的历程,第五,这种经历让人感到愉悦、刺激。5、The journey was fast and enjoyable.这次旅行进行得既快又很愉快。



a enjoyable day还是an enjoyable

是an enjoyable。enjoyable前面用an。enjoyable用作形容词,基本含义是有快乐的,有乐趣的,令人愉快的;enjoyable的副词形式是enjoyably。I do not think that movie is very enjoyable.我看那部电影并不怎么有趣。In fact, life gets more enjoyable as you age.事实上,生活随着时间的流逝变得更有趣。We all had an enjoyable evening.我们全都度过了一个愉快的夜晚。The hotel staff spares no pain to ensure that our stay is as enjoyable as possible.旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至,尽量让我们住得舒适。

He is enjoyable.对吗


高一英语必修一单词 enjoyble





able是形容词,意思是“能、有能力的”,able还是一个功能就是做动词或名词的后缀,很多动词或名词加上able后就变成一个形容词。 enjoyable:adj.有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的。 扩展资料   形容词(英文 :adjective,简称adj. )是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。   语法是语织规律,任何人在使用语言时,不管他是否学过语法,但都必须合乎语法。另外,总结语法本身的规律也能加深我们对语言的理解,让我们能够真正熟练地运用语言。想要掌握规范标准的英语,语法是不可忽略的部分。就形容词而言,也是英语语法中一个不可或缺的部分。   以able后缀的形容词:   1.adjustable adj.可调节的   The lamp on my desk is adjustable.   我书桌上的台灯是可以调节的。   2.exchangeable adj.可交换的;可兑换的   U.S dollar is one of the exchangeable currencies in the orld money market.   美元是国际金融市场上可兑换货币之一。   3.classifiable adj.可分类的   Not all the books are classifiable by subjects.   并非所有的书籍都能按照科目来分类。   4.movable adj.可移动的;活动的.   My son wants some toy soldiers with movable arms and legs.   我儿子要一些手脚会活动的玩具兵。   5.suitable adj.合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的。   She had no other dress suitable for the occasion.   她没有其他适合这种场合穿的套裙。

joy enjoy enjoyable 的区别



因为enjoy 是动词,形容词是enjoyable 愉快的is后跟形容词

joy enjoy enjoyable 的区别



enjoyable的动词是enjoy。enjoy的意思是享受…的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱,过得快活,玩得痛快,得到乐趣,享有,享受。enjoy的例句:He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full(他是个尽情享受生活的人)。 扩展资料 enjoy的例句:Ross had always enjoyed the company of women(罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴);I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment(我得说此刻我感到非常愉快)。


可以指人也能指事物。只要是能够带给你欢乐,让你开心,就是enjoyableHe is enjoyable to be with.I watched an enjoyable film yesterday.


enjoyable的比较级是more enjoyable,最高级是the most enjoyable。最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词the,副词最高级前面的the可以省略。 扩展资料 比较级就是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词或副词原级转化而来,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则的"转化,比如good—better,bad—worse,有很多。相对二者的比较,还有三者及以上的比较,这时就产生了最高级。在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加。


enjoyable在句子中用作定语,放在be动词之后。enjoyable在句子中用作定语,修饰比较级。enjoyable在句子中用作定语,放在动词之后。 短语: Enjoyable Rest 快乐的休息; An enjoyable 一个愉快的时光; E Enjoyable 令人愉悦的享受 扩展资料   I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you .   我希望对您来说这将是一个有趣和令人愉快的.日子。   You want this day to be special and enjoyable for your guest of honor.   您想要在这一天要特别和愉快的为您的客户的荣誉称号。   You see, it was all this simplistic and completely enjoyable for all of us at one time.   你看,这是这一切都简单化,而且完全愉快的,为我们大家都在同一时间。


i am feel enjoyable








I have an enjoyable day shopping with my girlfriend today.It is really enjoyable to see my kids" laughter


enjoyable 翻译成中文 :愉快的反义词:懊恼的,悲忧的,凄惨的,苦闷的,烦恼的,苦恼的,不快的,悲痛的,郁悒的,悲哀的,痛苦的,忧郁的


enjoyable用作形容词,基本含义是有快乐的,有乐趣的,令人愉快的;enjoyable的副词形式是enjoyably。 一、enjoyable的释义 adj.有乐趣的,使人快乐的,令人愉快的 词形变化:adv. enjoyably 二、enjoyable的例句 1、Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable--as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans. 我和妻子在巴尔干半岛的一次旅行中发现,到真正偏僻的村庄去旅游并不是一件愉快的事情。 2、We all had an enjoyable evening. 我们全都度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 3、The hotel staff spares no pain to ensure that our stay is as enjoyable as possible. 旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至,尽量让我们住得舒适。 三、enjoyable的短语 enjoyable goods 享用货物 not enjoyable 使人不愉快的;不合意的;不和善的;讨厌的 Enjoyable Rest 快乐的休息 An enjoyable 一个愉快的时光


more enjoyable

enjoyable怎么读 英语enjoyable怎么读

1、enjoyable英 [u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026au0259bl] 美 [u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026au0259bl] ,adj.愉快的;有乐趣的;使人快乐的。 2、双语例句:In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。




in jo ei bou 音标是【?n"d????bl】

enjoyable 什么意思

enjoyable 英[u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026au0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026au0259bl] adj. 愉快的,快乐的 [例句]And selfless acts can also help your marriage become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.一些无私的举动还可以让婚姻变成你与配偶更快乐的经历。。article.yeeyan.org2.But that apart, it is an enjoyable yarn about a famous author"s incongruousrole in a murky, vitally important period of european history. 但是除了这些,这是一个挺有意思的故事在欧洲至关重要的历史时期,描写了一位知名作家不为人知的阴暗面。3.Research has shown that the most enjoyable moments of our life are the oneswhere we are most engaged. 研究表明,生活中最快乐的时刻在我们最忙碌的时候。4.That does not mean they want to play games all day, but that they want thework itself to be enjoyable. 这并不是说他们想要整天玩,而是他们希望工作本身就是一件快乐的事。5.As the document web of old shrinks, the new connected web expands anddelivers experiences that make our time online more effective, efficient, andenjoyable. 就像老旧的文本网络衰退,而新的互联网络扩展而且提供让我们在线的时间更加的有效、高效和快乐的体验。


enjoyable 英[ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl] 美[ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl] adj. 愉快的,快乐的; [例句]It was much more enjoyable than I had expected.这比我预期的有趣得多。


enjoyable的意思为令人愉快的。短语搭配:enjoyable experience。愉快经验;愉快的体验;愉悦体验。enjoyable trip。愉快的旅行;愉快的行程;令人愉悦的旅途。enjoyable occasion。令人愉快的场合。adj.令人愉快的;有乐趣的。网络释义:令人愉快的;愉悦的;愉快的;有趣;有乐趣的。双语例句:1、The planning should be every bit as enjoyable as the event itself.策划应该和活动本身一样有趣。2、The decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable.这项决定旨在增加购物的乐趣。3、It"s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable.正是因为变化多才使得我的工作如此有趣。4、Fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.第四,它有助于回顾生活的历程,第五,这种经历让人感到愉悦、刺激。5、The journey was fast and enjoyable.这次旅行进行得既快又很愉快。

Jojo的《Good Ol》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Ol歌手:Jojo专辑:The High RoadGood Ol"JOJOThe High Road【Good Ol"】OhPosted in the front seat of my maybachNo where to goReady to do whatever"s cleverPut on a showDon"t really matter, we can chop chop chop it upWe can get it poppin even thump in the parkin lotWhatever you like, I"m on the same sideWe can go the distance homieCause I"m always neutralGive me the green lightBe there in no timePlay the right positionBaby you can have it allPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good ol, good olKick back and roll down the windowAnd just let the wind blowGet high off that ol you know, good ol" good ol"We"ll beat the trafficAnd I know all the back streetsWe can take the alleys baby there"s no hurryPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good olGet some of that ol good ol, good olBaby boy right here I got the powerSo what"s the showIt"ll keep you goin after hoursStuck in a zoneWhat I got right here will make the boys hallucinateHave you braggin, ecstaticNo one can duplicateWhatever you like, I"m on the same sideWe can go the distance homieCause I"m always neutralGive me the green lightBe there in no timePlay the right positionBaby you can have it allPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good ol, good olKick back and roll down the windowAnd just let the wind blowGet high off that ol you know, good ol" good ol"We"ll beat the trafficAnd I know all the back streetsWe can take the alleys baby there"s no hurryPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good olWe can uh uh uh, let the speakers bump, keep it on the hush, this don"t need to rushWe can uh uh uh, let the speakers bump, keep it on the hush, this don"t need to rushWe can uh uh uh, let the speakers bump, keep it on the hush, this don"t need to rushBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce with mePut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good ol, good olKick back and roll down the windowAnd just let the wind blowGet high off that ol you know, good ol" good ol"We"ll beat the trafficAnd I know all the back streetsWe can take the alleys baby there"s no hurryPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good olPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol you know, good ol, good olKick back and roll down the windowAnd just let the wind blowGet high off that ol you know, good ol" good ol"We"ll beat the trafficAnd I know all the back streetsWe can take the alleys baby there"s no hurryPut the pedal to the metalRoll out with my shades lowGet some of that ol good ol, good olBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce with meBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce with meLet"s rollBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce with meBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce with meLet"s roll

John Klemmer的《Naked》 歌词

歌曲名:Naked歌手:John Klemmer专辑:Barefoot BalletNaked - Jon Bon JoviLyrics & Music by Jon Bon JoviMy friend had a girlfriendShe liked her drinkSucked the head off her lagerThrew me a winkAnd she said to me "Buddy, what"s your sign?"---I was off I was runnin"Knocked me clean off my feetHer tongue kept on sellingWhat any blind man could seeI just kept on stumbling through the stop signs----She said "What you hiding underneath that shirt?"Right behind the buttons there"s a heart that hurtsAdam"s evening left the curseTake it off make it workNaked, Naked, Just get back to basicsNaked, Face it, You can"t fake it when you"re nakedNaked, Face itAll I"m saying----The tail you been chasingPut the K back in kinkThrew a coin in her jukeboxI started to thinkShe just smiled and offered me a peace sign----How far you gonna run in those designer shoesThe soul with holes ain"t gonna be the one you loseI don"t know which one is worseAdam, me or youNaked, Naked, Just get back to basicsNaked, Face it, You can"t fake it when you"re nakedAll I"m saying----------Solo----------Take it, embrace itBaby, here we areCan"t you almost... taste itNaked, Naked, Just get back to basicsNaked, Face it, You can"t fake it when you"reNaked, Naked, Naked, NakedNaked, Naked, Naked, Naked----------Ending Solo-------------The End---Naked, Face it

Johnny Hallyday的《Always》 歌词

歌曲名:Always歌手:Johnny Hallyday专辑:AlwaysAlwaysAtlantic StarrGirl you are to meAll that a woman should beand I dedicate my life to you, alwaysA love like yours is rareIt must have been sent from up aboveand I know you"ll stay this way, for alwaysAnd we both knowThat our love will growand forever it will be you and meOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysCome with me my sweetLet"s go make a familyand they will bring us joy for alwaysOh boy I love you soI can"t find enough ways to let you knowBut you can be sure, I"m yours, for alwaysAnd we both knowThat our love will growand forever it will be you and meOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysOoh~~

John Black has his clothes made at the___

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求SHINee的《JOJO》《Ring Ding Dong》《姐姐太美了》《Y.O.U.》歌词

姐姐真漂亮 中文歌词【钟铉】姐姐很漂亮 男人们只是不能接近 她的内心事实上都知道 【温流】给她的爱 这一瞬间的感觉不知道 我不管别人的说法 这是我人生的everything 【ALL】也许在她看来孩子一样的我是她的负担 【KEY】看着我的眼神不说话 and i think i"m gonna hate it girl. 快要结束了爱 【钟铉】用内心把话说出来了 不管别人说什么 *【ALL】姐姐你真漂亮 ([泰民]看着她的我 )疯了 ([ 泰民]不要做 现在精疲力尽) replay,replay replay~! 忘记了我的心 ([泰民] 现在我的心很疼) 改正 ([泰民] 我离别的瞬间) replay replay replay~! 【温流】 姐姐是我的M.V.P. 合适吧 【泰民】视线集中 和她在一起的我 so cool~! 【钟铉】千万别放手 这是我说过的决心 【温流】从哪个瞬间开始 虚假的人知道 【ALL】也许她的善良看上去对我的祈求并没有兴趣 [key] 面对我的身躯不想说 and i think i"m gonna hat it girl 快要结束了爱 【钟铉】内心的声音 在分手之前 **【ALL】姐姐你真漂亮 ([泰民]看着她的我 )疯了 ([ 泰民]不要做 现在精疲力尽) make up ,shake up,break up 忘记了我的心 ([泰民] 现在我的心很疼) 改正 ([泰民] 我离别的瞬间) make up,shake up,break up 【ALL】A A 漂亮的她 A A 至今可以和谁变成真实相爱的心 A A 焦急的她 A A 小孩似的我真是的可以有爱情的内心 【钟铉】不能接受吧 *【REPEAT】 *【ALL】 姐姐你很漂亮([泰民]看着她的我) 疯了 ([珉豪]uh 和她一起的我的love) 疯了 ([泰民]不要做 现在精疲力尽) ([珉豪]uh i just go crazy "cuz) replay,replay replay~! ([珉豪]i ,i,i love you girl) 忘记了我的心 ([泰民] 现在我的心很疼) ([珉豪]uh 心很疼) 改正 ([泰民]我离别的瞬间 ([珉豪]yo~! i wanna hold you girl) replay,replay,replay~! ([珉豪]i ,i ,i love you ) 【ALL】 姐姐你很漂亮( i keep thinkin "bout you) 姐姐你很漂亮(i keep dreaming "bout you) 【珉豪/KEY】可以真实相爱滋味还不清楚 【ALL】姐姐你很漂亮( i keep thinkin "bout you) 姐姐你很漂亮(i keep dreaming "bout you) 【珉豪】变成真实相爱的心罗马音译[Jonghyun] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo [Onew] keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything [All] ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa [Key] nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah [All] and I think I"m gonna hate it girl kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol [Jonghyun] gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo ( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo ) Replay Replay Replay chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh ( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo ( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan ) Replay Replay Replay [Onew] nuh nan nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee [Minho] neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool [Jonghyun] jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun [Onew] eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah [All] ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa [Key] nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah and I think I"m gonna hate it girl kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol [Jonghyun] gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo Make up Shake up Break up [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo ( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo ) Make up Shake up Break up chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh ( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo ( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan ) Make up Shake up Break up [All] ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo ( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo ) Replay Replay Replay chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh ( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo ( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan) Replay Replay Replay [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( [Taemin] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo ( [Minho] uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love ) mee chyeo ( [Taemin] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo ) ( [min ho] uh I just go crazy "cuz ) Replay Replay Replay ( [Minho] I I I love you girl ) chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh ( [Taemin] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) ( [Minho] uh mah eum ee ah pah seo ) goh cyeo ( [Taemin] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan ) ( [Minho] Yo I wanna hold U girl ) Replay Replay Replay ( [Minho] I I I love you ) [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( I keep thinkin " bout you ) nuh nan yeh bbeo ( I keep dreaming " bout you ) [Minho/Key] jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee [All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( I keep thinkin " bout you ) nuh nan yeh bbeo (I keep dreaming "bout you) [Minho] jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul


AI绘画midjourney英勇的战士英勇的战士篇Heroic Warrior —— 英勇的战士Mysterious Assassin —— 神秘的刺客Wise Wizard —— 智慧的巫师Fearless Pirate —— 无畏的海盗Noble Knight —— 高贵的骑士Enigmatic Sorcerer —— 神秘的魔法师Cunning Thief —— 狡猾的盗贼Fierce Barbarian —— 凶猛的野蛮人Elegant Princess —— 典雅的公主Charismatic Pirate Captain —— 有魅力的海盗船长Loyal Bodyguard —— 忠诚的保镖Mischievous Trickster —— 淘气的恶作剧者Mysterious Vampire —— 神秘的吸血鬼Magical Fairy —— 魔法的仙女Wise Elder —— 聪明的长者Charming Enchantress —— 迷人的女巫Swift Ninja —— 迅捷的忍者Courageous Knight Templar —— 勇敢的圣殿骑士Fierce Amazon Warrior —— 凶猛的亚马逊战士Mysterious Shaman —— 神秘的萨满祭司Artful Bard —— 狡猾的吟游诗人Wise High Priestess —— 智慧的女高僧Ruthless Warlord —— 无情的军阀Cunning Spy —— 狡诈的间谍Fearless Gladiator —— 无畏的角斗士Enigmatic Oracle —— 神秘的神谕者Chivalrous Samurai —— 骑士道的武士Sneaky Rogue —— 机敏的流氓Noble Elf Princess —— 高贵的精灵公主Wise Druid —— 智慧的德鲁伊Fierce Valkyrie —— 凶猛的女武神Elegant Duchess —— 典雅的公爵夫人Mischievous Jester —— 淘气的小丑Mysterious Necromancer —— 神秘的死灵法师Magical Sorceress —— 魔法的女巫Wise Alchemist —— 智慧的炼金术士Courageous Paladin —— 勇敢的圣骑士Fierce Huntress —— 凶猛的女猎手Enigmatic Warlock —— 神秘的术士Charming Siren —— 迷人的塞壬Swift Archer —— 迅捷的弓箭手Noble King —— 高贵的国王Ruthless Queen —— 无情的女王Cunning Mastermind —— 狡诈的策划者Fearless Mercenary —— 无畏的雇佣兵Enigmatic Spirit Guide —— 神秘的灵魂导师Artful Puppeteer —— 狡猾的木偶师Wise Scholar —— 智慧的学者Fierce Warrioress —— 凶猛的女战士Elegant Countess —— 典雅的伯爵夫人Mischievous Pixie —— 淘气的小精灵Mysterious Dark Knight —— 神秘的黑暗骑士Magical Enchanter —— 魔法的附魔师Wise Hermit —— 智慧的隐士Courageous Crusader —— 勇敢的十字军战士Enigmatic Time Traveler —— 神秘的时间旅行者Charming Gypsy —— 迷人的吉普赛人Swift Duelist —— 迅捷的决斗者Noble Queen Consort —— 高贵的王后配偶





joshua fit the battle of jericho 中文什么意思

joshua fit the battle of jericho约书亚适合耶利哥战役重点词汇joshua约书亚,约书亚书battle争斗; 与…作战; 战争,战役; 比赛,较量; 长期论战或长期作战; 激烈的竞争jericho古时 Palestine地方的都市,偏僻的地方


10个关键词!!让你的Midjourney作品直接起飞1:takato yamamotc2:Miho Hirano3:satoshi kon4:Audrey Kawasaki5:Jasmine Becket-Griffith6:Tomokazu Matsuyama7:Don Bluth8:Hirohiko Araki9:lexander Jansson10:Studio Ghibli

we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun

seasons in the sun西城男孩的歌词:Goodbye to you trusted friend Weve known each other since we were nine or ten Together weve climbed hills and trees leamed of love and ABCs skinned our heart and Skinned our knees Goodbye my friend its hard to die But all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and Ill be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climeed were just seasons out of timeGoodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little chidren everywhere When you see them Ill be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feel back on the ground Goodbye Michelle its hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the Flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach(Repeat)But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone All our lives we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hill that we clmbed were just seasons out of time!.

joao lucas eu quero tchu谐音歌词是什么,求谐音歌词

来自星星的你OST再见&sistar 孝琳唔要你内给他噶巴康撒杭那具够搜路木那你怕那不哒空呢满 啊扭~空宋给搜满斯求噶斗起哭弄内呀啊呸 ~ 诶撒浪因万能嘚哭度都能嘚ki嘚撩能嘚都不苏噶后嘚那巴不求楼哭嘚楞能够因买嘿诶~啊扭gi切GoodbyeHello Hello Hello~Hello Hello~唔卡西满那肯内噶梦就~肯恰那啊扭哭没搜拉都满就起er卡度木怒卡那啊哟撒浪因万能嘚哭度都能嘚ki嘚撩能嘚都不苏噶后嘚那巴不求楼哭嘚楞能够因买嘿诶~啊扭gi切Goodbye西噶你搜度楼弄内给咯忒撩哇去ki撒浪啵满吗拉去ki你到起起安你你呀给路~哦及哟嫩及内忙怕嫩及普够西碰嘚他西谷苏哦嫩给噻诶~(怕吗嫩类搜里求啦啊扭)撒浪因万能嘚(撒浪~)哭度都能嘚(哭度都能嘚~)ki嘚撩能嘚都不苏噶后嘚那巴不求楼哭嘚楞能够因买嘿诶~啊扭gi切 GoodbyeHello Hello Hello~Hello HelloBY:sky转瞬即逝


JoJo的奇妙冒险系列中的“世界塔罗牌”是在第三部《星尘斗士》中出现的,它是由反派角色迪奥使用的强大能力,可以控制时间。世界塔罗牌的出现时间是在《星尘斗士》的第47话(动画版第23话)中,名为“强制停止的时刻(The Miasma of the Void, Cool Ice, Part 3)”。在这一话中,主角空条承太郎与反派迪奥之间的最终决战拉开帷幕,迪奥使用世界塔罗牌的能力让时间停滞了数秒钟,从而获得了短暂的优势。

of which enjoy Taichi the best中ofwhich应做什么成分?


prismatic joint是什么意思

prismatic joint 柱状节理 移动关节;棱镜铰;滑移铰例句筛选1.Nonholonomic Motion Planning of Space Robots with Prismatic Jointfor Obstacle Avoidance via Hierarchical Lyapunov Methods滑移铰空间机器人基于分级Lyapunov方法的避障碍非完整运动规划2.Nonholonomic Motion Planning of Space Manipulator with PrismaticJoint Using Genetic Algorithm带滑移铰空间机械臂的非完整运动规划遗传算法

SQL语句 INNER JOIN 后如何降序排列?


Joseph son of David 什么意思



MidJourner关键词神奇宝贝篇Pokémon —— 神奇宝贝Pikachu —— 皮卡丘Ash Ketchum —— 小智Misty —— 小霞Brock —— 小刚Team Rocket —— 火箭队Gym Leaders —— 道馆馆主Elite Four —— 四天王Legendary Pokémon —— 传说宝可梦Pokédex —— 宝可图鉴Poké Balls —— 精灵球Evolution —— 进化Starter Pokémon —— 初始宝可梦Charizard —— 喷火龙Bulbasaur —— 妙蛙种子Squirtle —— 杰尼龟Eevee —— 伊布Meowth —— 喵喵Jigglypuff —— 胖丁Gyarados —— 暴鲤龙Mewtwo —— 超梦Team Valor —— 红队Team Mystic —— 蓝队Team Instinct —— 黄队Pokémon Battles —— 宝可梦对战Pokémon Trainers —— 宝可梦训练师Poké Centers —— 宠物中心Poké Mart —— 宠物商店Legendary Birds —— 传说鸟宝可梦Legendary Beasts —— 传说兽宝可梦Legendary Titans —— 传说巨像宝可梦Mythical Pokémon —— 神秘宝可梦Mega Evolution —— 超级进化Z-Moves —— Z招式Gym Badges —— 徽章Pokémon League —— 宝可梦联盟PokéRide —— 骑行宝可梦Battle Frontier —— 战斗前线Pokémon Contests —— 宝可梦比赛Pokémon Breeding —— 宝可梦繁殖Pokéathlon —— 宝可体操Pokédollars —— 宝可币Pokéathlon Dome —— 宝可体操馆Poké Flute —— 宝可笛Poké Radar —— 宝可雷达Pokéathlon Points —— 宝可体操点数Poké Pelago —— 宝可休憩岛Battle Tower —— 战斗塔Battle Frontier Brains —— 战斗前线大师Pokémon Centers —— 宝可梦中心Pokémon Daycare —— 宝可梦托儿所Pokémon Amie —— 宝可达到Pokémon Refresh —— 宝可梦调理Pokémon Bank —— 宝可梦银行Pokémon Go —— 宝可梦GoPokémon Sword and Shield —— 宝可梦剑盾Pokémon Sun and Moon —— 宝可梦太阳月亮Pokémon Black and White —— 宝可梦黑白Pokémon X and Y —— 宝可梦X和Y



《罪案终结》(The Closer)中的布兰达利约翰逊(Brenda Leigh Johnson)拿的拿个包包是什么牌子的?


我需要Jon Secada的Just Another Day中英歌词

just another day---jon secada [ti:just another day][ar:jon secada][al:jon secada]morning alonewhen you come home, i breath a little fasterevery time we"re togetherit"d never be the sameif you"re not herehow can you stay away, away so longwhy can"t we stay togethergive me a reasongive me a reasoni, i don"t wanna say iti don"t wanna find another waymake it trough the day without youi, i can"t resisttrying to find exactly what i missit"s just another day without youit"s just another daymaking the timefind the right lines to make you stay foreverwhat do i have to tell you i"m just trying to hold on to something(trying to hold on to something good)give us a chance to make itdon"t wanna hold on to neveri"m not that strongi"m not that strongi, i don"t wanna say iti don"t wanna find another waymake it trough the day without youi, i can"t resisttrying to find exactly what i missit"s just another day without youwhy can"t you stay foreverjust give me a reasongive me a reason

he enjoy the pop music改为否定句?

He enjoys the pop music.否定句:He doesn"t enjoy the pop music.

Do you enjoy ____(listen) to the pop music?

【分析】 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事,故填listening。句意:你喜欢听流行音乐吗?

lily enjoy listening to pop music。listen为什么要加ing?

这里有个语法点:enjoy doing sth.(something)doing指动词的现在分词,就是ing形式。

英语·····he enjoys _____pop music while i prefer classical music高手解述一下

listen to是固定搭配listen是不及物动词,因此后面要加介词

John is crazy about pop musiC.

【答案】:B【题 干】约翰对流行音乐很疯狂。 A.抱歉的 B.疯狂的 C.关注的 D.担心的 【解 析】本题考查形容词。划线单词crazy的意思是“疯狂的”,与mad意思相近,故本题选B。

请各位老大看看这是什么牌子的手表,CHARLES JOURDAN Paris

这款表比较老了,charles jourdan 最早是做鞋子和服装的,后面出了些手表,女装表,价钱之前大约HK$2000~3000,现在不知。







jourdanmiller 全美超模大赛的Jourdan的身高体重星座

185 94年 只知道这么多…

全美超模大赛第20季冠军jourdan miller赛后发展的好吗??? 成为超模了吗??

全美超模大赛第20季冠军jourdan miller,现在发展的怎么样?



AI绘画midjourney建筑建筑篇Classical Architecture —— 古典建筑Gothic Architecture —— 哥特式建筑Renaissance Architecture —— 文艺复兴建筑Baroque Architecture —— 巴洛克建筑Neoclassical Architecture —— 新古典主义建筑Art Nouveau Architecture —— 新艺术建筑Art Deco Architecture —— 装饰艺术建筑Modernist Architecture —— 现代主义建筑Brutalist Architecture —— 野兽派建筑Postmodern Architecture —— 后现代主义建筑Contemporary Architecture —— 当代建筑Vernacular Architecture —— 民俗建筑Colonial Architecture —— 殖民地建筑Victorian Architecture —— 维多利亚式建筑Bauhaus Architecture —— 包豪斯建筑International Style Architecture —— 国际风格建筑Organic Architecture —— 有机建筑Futurist Architecture —— 未来主义建筑Post-Modernist Architecture —— 后现代主义建筑Deconstructivist Architecture —— 解构主义建筑High-Tech Architecture —— 高科技建筑Minimalist Architecture —— 极简主义建筑Sustainable Architecture —— 可持续建筑Parametric Architecture —— 参数化建筑Regionalism Architecture —— 区域主义建筑Islamic Architecture —— 伊斯兰建筑Chinese Architecture —— 中国建筑Japanese Architecture —— 日本建筑Indian Architecture —— 印度建筑Greek Revival Architecture —— 希腊复兴建筑Romanesque Architecture —— 罗曼式建筑Byzantine Architecture —— 拜占庭建筑Moorish Architecture —— 摩尔式建筑Egyptian Revival Architecture —— 埃及复兴建筑Tudor Architecture —— 土特尔建筑Georgian Architecture —— 乔治亚式建筑Beaux-Arts Architecture —— 美术学院建筑Prairie School Architecture —— 草原学派建筑Streamline Moderne Architecture —— 流线型现代主义建筑Neolithic Architecture —— 新石器时代建筑Mayan Architecture —— 玛雅建筑Inca Architecture —— 印加建筑Aztec Architecture —— 阿兹特克建筑Colonial Revival Architecture —— 殖民复兴建筑Federal Architecture —— 联邦式建筑Shingle Style Architecture —— 木瓦式建筑Queen Anne Architecture —— 安妮女王式建筑Craftsman Architecture —— 工匠建筑Mission Revival Architecture —— 传教士复兴建筑Spanish Revival Architecture —— 西班牙复兴建筑



Mr Jones went to the sea f...


Killing Joke的《Millennium》 歌词

歌曲名:Millennium歌手:Killing Joke专辑:Singles Collection 1979 - 2012i was born to see two thousand yearsof man"s effect upon the planetextinction seems to be a plausible riskwhatever happens well i"m part of all thisKilling Jokemy life i"ve been waiting for this momentall my life i"ve been waiting for this moment to cometaste the salt of my tearstake the wealth of my yearssinging in the millennium with youfire burn all our uncertaintieswater wash away impuritiescontradictions and predictions aboundyes i believe that we can turn it aroundmy life i"ve been waiting for this momentmy life i"ve been waiting for this momentall my life i"ve been waiting for this momentall my life i"ve been waiting for this moment to come


kennys拿过1次major,是在Dreamhack Open克鲁日2015。这届在罗马尼亚克鲁日举办的Major是K神圆梦的一届比赛,EnvyUs在这届比赛夺冠,KennyS也获得了属于他的第一个Major冠军。不过这届比赛之后EnvyUs队员集体把头发染成五颜六色的,自此他们的状态也一度陷入低谷。基本经历K神一开始是在VG里的,但是后来由于VG希望能打败NIP,所以在2013年5月用ScreaM替换掉了kennyS。在接下来短短的6个月时间,k神辗转于LDLC、 WARMAKER,、WE GOT GAME以及Recursive ,虽说如此但是K神仍在为了进入2014年major DH冬季赛的淘汰赛而奋斗,同年kennyS在我们的2013年Top前20列表中,排名第12。2015年7月的一次换人让K神开始了成功的道路,2015年7月kennyS和apEX加入EnVyUs,SmithZz和shox换到了Titan,自此K神的成功道路就开始了,经过短暂的磨合适应后,K神逐步发挥出自己的实力,极致的反应能力,对AWP极致的理解以及无解的身法给了K神最为坚实的基础,再加上他的临场反应能力、良好的心态等等一切的因素造就了如今的狙击之神。

starry journey是什么意思


Jesus Jones的《Magazine》 歌词

歌曲名:Magazine歌手:Jesus Jones专辑:PerverseThe Hold Steady - MagazinesShe always funny in the morning;She isn"t always funny in the night.Once she gets a couple drinks in,She"s probably gonna tell youYou ain"t doing anything right.Then you"ll roll your eyes,And you"ll probably fight.She made her (traits?) and adorations;She gets pretty wasted at the celebrations,Benefits and the building dedications.It"s always sunny in the morning,Sucks around the ending of the night.When she storms out of the restroom,I think you"re supposed to chase her to the lights.One more hits her like a tambourine,The other dissin" me on her message machine.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.I hope you still let me kiss you.I hope you still let me kiss you.One more calls while the other texts;She"s got boys on board and boys on deck.Second dates and lipstick tissues,Your heart gets pretty heavy,Girl I hope it doesn"t crush you.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.Second dates and lipstick tissues,Your heart gets pretty heavy,Girl I hope it doesn"t crush you.Magazines and Daddy issues,I know your pretty pissed;I hope you still let me kiss you.

Joana Zimmer的歌《lucky star》歌词中文意思是什么?


你知道joker and the queen是什么意思吗?

《The Joker And The Queen》表达的是Ed Sheeran喜欢上了一个女神,或者说是暗恋,然后自己觉得配不上女神,开始加戏抒发自己的想法,认为自己不配。在这首歌里,坠入情网的少年面对心爱的人,感觉自己一无是处,像皇后驾前的小丑一样,可笑而无足轻重。因此,他决定放弃这不可能的爱情。世界竟是如此疯狂,在他绝望地放弃追求这一刻,皇后无视石榴裙下众多追求者,偏偏垂青于这个小丑,接受了他卑微的爱情。歌曲歌词How was I to know我如何知晓It"s a crazy thing实在太疯狂了I showed you my hand我让你看了所有底牌And you still let me win你依然让我赢了And who was I to say我又如何去说That this was meant to be我们是命中注定The road that was broken这条破碎的道路Brought us together竟让我们汇合And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明有成千上万个国王可以去爱And hearts和那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们愿意给你钻石戒指When I fold当我选择弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后I"ve been played before我曾被玩弄过If you hadn"t guessed如果你还不懂So I kept my cards closed因此我不曾泄露底牌To my foolproof vest以求万无一失的自保But you called my bluff但你发现我在虚张声势And saw through all my tells通过观察我所有表现And then you went all in然后你押上真心And we left together我们一同离开了游戏And I know而我知道You think that what makes a king你以为要成为我心中的国王Is gold要有黄金A palace and diamond rings宫殿和钻石戒指When I fold当我弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明可以为成千上万个国王可以沦陷And hearts还有那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们能够给你钻石戒指When I folded当我弃牌You saw the best in me你看到了我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后The joker and the queen小丑和皇后

joker and the queen什么意思?

Joker and the queen小丑和王后

the joker and the queen什么意思?

《The Joker And The Queen》表达的是Ed Sheeran喜欢上了一个女神,或者说是暗恋,然后自己觉得配不上女神,开始加戏抒发自己的想法,认为自己不配。在这首歌里,坠入情网的少年面对心爱的人,感觉自己一无是处,像皇后驾前的小丑一样,可笑而无足轻重。因此,他决定放弃这不可能的爱情。世界竟是如此疯狂,在他绝望地放弃追求这一刻,皇后无视石榴裙下众多追求者,偏偏垂青于这个小丑,接受了他卑微的爱情。歌曲歌词How was I to know我如何知晓It"s a crazy thing实在太疯狂了I showed you my hand我让你看了所有底牌And you still let me win你依然让我赢了And who was I to say我又如何去说That this was meant to be我们是命中注定The road that was broken这条破碎的道路Brought us together竟让我们汇合And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明有成千上万个国王可以去爱And hearts和那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们愿意给你钻石戒指When I fold当我选择弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后I"ve been played before我曾被玩弄过If you hadn"t guessed如果你还不懂So I kept my cards closed因此我不曾泄露底牌To my foolproof vest以求万无一失的自保But you called my bluff但你发现我在虚张声势And saw through all my tells通过观察我所有表现And then you went all in然后你押上真心And we left together我们一同离开了游戏And I know而我知道You think that what makes a king你以为要成为我心中的国王Is gold要有黄金A palace and diamond rings宫殿和钻石戒指When I fold当我弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明可以为成千上万个国王可以沦陷And hearts还有那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们能够给你钻石戒指When I folded当我弃牌You saw the best in me你看到了我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后The joker and the queen小丑和皇后


《The Joker And The Queen》表达的是Ed Sheeran喜欢上了一个女神,或者说是暗恋,然后自己觉得配不上女神,开始加戏抒发自己的想法,认为自己不配。在这首歌里,坠入情网的少年面对心爱的人,感觉自己一无是处,像皇后驾前的小丑一样,可笑而无足轻重。因此,他决定放弃这不可能的爱情。世界竟是如此疯狂,在他绝望地放弃追求这一刻,皇后无视石榴裙下众多追求者,偏偏垂青于这个小丑,接受了他卑微的爱情。歌曲歌词How was I to know我如何知晓It"s a crazy thing实在太疯狂了I showed you my hand我让你看了所有底牌And you still let me win你依然让我赢了And who was I to say我又如何去说That this was meant to be我们是命中注定The road that was broken这条破碎的道路Brought us together竟让我们汇合And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明有成千上万个国王可以去爱And hearts和那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们愿意给你钻石戒指When I fold当我选择弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后I"ve been played before我曾被玩弄过If you hadn"t guessed如果你还不懂So I kept my cards closed因此我不曾泄露底牌To my foolproof vest以求万无一失的自保But you called my bluff但你发现我在虚张声势And saw through all my tells通过观察我所有表现And then you went all in然后你押上真心And we left together我们一同离开了游戏And I know而我知道You think that what makes a king你以为要成为我心中的国王Is gold要有黄金A palace and diamond rings宫殿和钻石戒指When I fold当我弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明可以为成千上万个国王可以沦陷And hearts还有那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们能够给你钻石戒指When I folded当我弃牌You saw the best in me你看到了我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后The joker and the queen小丑和皇后

《The Joker And The Queen》是Ed Sheeran演唱的歌曲。

《The Joker And The Queen》表达的是Ed Sheeran喜欢上了一个女神,或者说是暗恋,然后自己觉得配不上女神,开始加戏抒发自己的想法,认为自己不配。在这首歌里,坠入情网的少年面对心爱的人,感觉自己一无是处,像皇后驾前的小丑一样,可笑而无足轻重。因此,他决定放弃这不可能的爱情。世界竟是如此疯狂,在他绝望地放弃追求这一刻,皇后无视石榴裙下众多追求者,偏偏垂青于这个小丑,接受了他卑微的爱情。歌曲歌词How was I to know我如何知晓It"s a crazy thing实在太疯狂了I showed you my hand我让你看了所有底牌And you still let me win你依然让我赢了And who was I to say我又如何去说That this was meant to be我们是命中注定The road that was broken这条破碎的道路Brought us together竟让我们汇合And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明有成千上万个国王可以去爱And hearts和那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们愿意给你钻石戒指When I fold当我选择弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后I"ve been played before我曾被玩弄过If you hadn"t guessed如果你还不懂So I kept my cards closed因此我不曾泄露底牌To my foolproof vest以求万无一失的自保But you called my bluff但你发现我在虚张声势And saw through all my tells通过观察我所有表现And then you went all in然后你押上真心And we left together我们一同离开了游戏And I know而我知道You think that what makes a king你以为要成为我心中的国王Is gold要有黄金A palace and diamond rings宫殿和钻石戒指When I fold当我弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明可以为成千上万个国王可以沦陷And hearts还有那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们能够给你钻石戒指When I folded当我弃牌You saw the best in me你看到了我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后The joker and the queen小丑和皇后
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