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air jordan 1 los primeros涂鸦款是限量的吗_在哪买?

这双涂鸦款的air jordan 1 los primeros之前ins大神曝出谍照的时候就吸引了不少人,这次终于公开了全部面貌,特别有个性。下面我给大家讲讲air jordan 1 los primeros涂鸦款是限量的吗?air jordan 1 los primeros涂鸦款在哪买? AJ1涂鸦款 这双air jordan 1 los primeros全球限量4000双,所以非常值得入一双收藏,夸张的涂鸦图案也特别好看。 此前这双 Air Jordan 1 “Los Primeros” 一经 INS 账户 @zsneakerheadz 曝光就引发众多讨论,整体风格都颠覆了 Air Jordan 1 的经典风格。鞋款最大的亮点在于鞋舌及鞋头处大面积加入艳丽的卡通涂鸦,鞋垫也采用相同主题,视觉效果十分夸张。而以黑色为主调的鞋身上还布满激光镭射图案,后跟印有 POMB 字样向巴西艺术家 Thales Fernando 致敬,另类的风格不知你能否接受?AJ品牌介绍 空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列。1985年,迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产商耐克(Nike) 签约至旗下,耐克 (Nike) 更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列的第一款。虽然这款球鞋在当时具备奇特的配色以及新奇的科技,但是谁都不曾想到,这居然会是一个神话的开始。AIR JORDAN外底使用坚实的牵引力和出色的柔性。凹槽模仿人类脚的自然运动而设计。 Jordan Brand的汤姆Luedecke解释说:“它的纬向工程实际相匹配的足迹。我们正在寻找一个脚印发现鞋的磨损最初发生地方,适量的牵引模式”。乔丹品牌开发的专有编织技术和标准碳纤维并不会有什么不同,但它的大小和形状是有不同的。它提供了适量的刚性,同时还允许脚自然弯曲。AJ鞋子怎么样 Air Jordan 7 Sweater,因为喜欢篮球所以喜欢AJ的,对于我这种不打篮球只喜欢看篮球赛的,只是出于喜欢入了双,颜色很棒很抢眼。以白色鞋身辅以多彩纹理,细节则以红蓝黑装扮点缀 在白色氛围的活力显现之下。缤纷细节带来的抢眼效果让人难以忘怀。 这款Air Jordan 6全明星配色又被称为变色龙,其鞋面采用闪光的皮革材料,可以进行颜色的改变,据说带有类似Air Jordan 12 “Wings” 的“刮刮乐”属性。个人很喜欢3M反光透气孔与彩色鞋带头设计,就是开箱气味较大,放了几天才穿,Nike的做工真是越来越来不敢恭维……AJ系列我其实最喜欢的乔7法国蓝的配色。夏天穿太清新太酷。不过先买AJ6是因为我移情别恋了。那一眼太让人难忘。真是都改变世界观了。在学校穿这双的时候直接被偷拍发学校贴吧了。 Air Jordan 7热熔岩,所谓的乔丹7女神款,乔丹7代各双男款我都没爱,几双女鞋倒是拿到了男码,罗拉兔,热熔岩都有上脚。这双鞋配色也是亮骚感十足。7代的鞋舌又长又厚,也是当年huarache设计的理念,非常包脚,软软绵绵的,也是挺舒服。可惜的是,我女朋友并不喜欢球鞋,买了几双不穿之后,也就不给她留女鞋了,这双也就留了我自己一双。

Pride and Joy 歌词

歌曲《Pride and Joy》歌手:Stevie Ray Vaughan发行时间:1997-05-22所属专辑:《Live At Carnegie Hall》Pride And Joy演唱:Stevie Ray VaughanWell you"ve heard about love givin" sight to the blindMy baby"s lovin" cause the sun to shineShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my baby....Heart and soulLove like ours won"t never grow oldShe"s my sweet little thang...She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my lady....She"s long and leanYou mess with her....You"ll see a man get meanShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyWell I love my baby....Like the finest wineStick with her until the end of timeShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my baby....Heart and soulLove like ours won"t never grow oldShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boy

专辑 《better days》的歌手Joe谁知道



Midjourner原画风格篇Realism —— 现实主义Impressionism —— 印象派Cubism —— 立体派Surrealism —— 超现实主义Abstract —— 抽象派Expressionism —— 表现主义Pop Art —— 波普艺术Minimalism —— 极简主义Pointillism —— 小点派Fauvism —— 野兽派Symbolism —— 象征主义Romanticism —— 浪漫主义Art Nouveau —— 新艺术Renaissance —— 文艺复兴Baroque —— 巴洛克Gothic —— 哥特Post-Impressionism —— 后印象派Dadaism —— 达达主义Photorealism —— 照片写实主义Modernism —— 现代主义Contemporary —— 当代艺术Abstract Expressionism —— 抽象表现主义Neo-Expressionism —— 新表现主义Conceptual Art —— 概念艺术Installation Art —— 装置艺术Street Art —— 街头艺术Graffiti —— 涂鸦艺术Digital Art —— 数字艺术Mixed Media —— 综合媒体艺术Collage —— 拼贴艺术Watercolor —— 水彩画Oil Painting —— 油画Acrylic Painting —— 壁画Ink Wash Painting —— 水墨画Pastel Painting —— 粉彩画Charcoal Drawing —— 炭笔画Pencil Sketch —— 铅笔素描Digital Painting —— 数字绘画Mixed Media Collage —— 综合媒体拼贴画Sculpture —— 雕塑Pottery —— 陶艺Glass Art —— 玻璃艺术Wood Carving —— 木雕Metalwork —— 金属工艺Printmaking —— 版画Calligraphy —— 书法Mosaic —— 马赛克Textile Art —— 纺织艺术Ceramics —— 陶瓷艺术Engraving —— 雕刻Stained Glass —— 彩色玻璃Etching —— 蚀刻画Bronze Sculpture —— 青铜雕塑Paper Quilling —— 纸艺卷轴Woodblock Printing —— 木刻印刷Batik —— 蜡染Metal Sculpture —— 金属雕塑Screenprinting —— 丝网印刷Collagraphy —— 胶版画Fiber Art —— 纤维艺术


Midjourney艺术风格艺术风格篇Abstract Expressionism — 抽象表现主义Impressionism — 印象派Cubism — 立体派Surrealism — 超现实主义Pop Art — 波普艺术Realism — 现实主义Romanticism — 浪漫主义Minimalism — 极简主义Fauvism — 野兽派Dadaism — 达达主义Post-Impressionism — 后印象主义Renaissance — 文艺复兴Baroque — 巴洛克Art Nouveau — 新艺术Symbolism — 象征主义Abstract Art — 抽象艺术Neo-Expressionism — 新表现主义Photorealism — 照片写实主义Op Art — 光影艺术Constructivism — 构成主义Conceptual Art — 概念艺术Land Art — 地质艺术Performance Art — 表演艺术Street Art — 街头艺术Installation Art — 装置艺术Digital Art — 数字艺术Kinetic Art — 运动艺术Graffiti Art — 涂鸦艺术Classical Realism — 古典写实主义Contemporary Art — 当代艺术Abstract Expressionism — 抽象表现主义Impressionism — 印象派Cubism — 立体派Surrealism — 超现实主义Pop Art — 波普艺术Realism — 现实主义Romanticism — 浪漫主义Minimalism — 极简主义Fauvism — 野兽派Dadaism — 达达主义Post-Impressionism — 后印象主义Renaissance — 文艺复兴Baroque — 巴洛克Art Nouveau — 新艺术Symbolism — 象征主义Abstract Art — 抽象艺术Neo-Expressionism — 新表现主义Photorealism — 照片写实主义Op Art — 光影艺术Constructivism — 构成主义

Trick or treat 歌手 Geof Johnson 的完整歌词

 Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋  Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚  Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西  Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵  Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你  The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上  She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子  She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛  She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵  We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西  If you don"t, I don"t care. 如果你不给,没关系  I"ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西  Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果  And I won"t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你


“取英文名,宁叫Dick 不选 John”Why?Because,‘John" means Toilet.为什么 John = Toilet? 故事是酱紫的,大约1778年的时候,伊丽沙白一世的某位干儿子,Dr. John Harington,为了讨自己的干妈欢心(其他干儿子都在为干妈攻城掠地),独避蹊径,设计发明了一套抽水马桶装置,希望干妈每天上朝的时候,心情都是干干爽爽的,John 就不小心等于了 Toilet 其实当年John讨好干妈的马桶设计并不完美,没有考虑到下水系统,So~便便们赖在里边,并冲不走。而干妈也并没有实现香喷喷上朝的愿望~ Dr. John Harington 没有完成的伟业,一位叫做Thomas Crapper 英国水管工人接过了接力棒。他改良了John的抽水马桶,保证了里边的便便们有一个非常好的归宿,所以,他的马桶大获成功。 不过这位发明家决定把自己的名字 Thomas Crapper 印在马桶上!事情就有点失控了。 一战时,美国兵来到英国,上厕所时看到了印在马桶上的 Crapper,所以想象力丰富的美国人认为英国佬们把便便叫做Crap”, 回去后以讹传讹,于是好好的一个姓氏Crapper就变成了Crap=便便了。 再补充三种“方便一下”的英文表达: 1、正式场合,厕所有两个比较文雅的说法,即Bathroom 和 Restroom,Bathroom 一般是指家里的厕所,因为Bath有洗澡的意思,而 Restroom 一般指公共场合的厕所,比如酒店的,公司的,商场的。 所以在朋友家里你可以说I"m gonna [going to] go to the bathroom. 在公共场合你可以说 Where is the restroom? I"ll be right back. I need to use the restroom. 2、朋友家人之间就不用那么文邹邹啦,可以掌握几种比较俗气的说法。 首先上小号你可以说Pee,比如:Where"s the bathroom, I really have to pee ! 有意思的是,中文有“小号”和“大号”之分,英文正好对应上:Number One & Number Two, 比如: A: I have to go to the bathroom. B: Number 1 or number 2 ?(有病吧...你问那么清楚干嘛) 还有一种更加简单的说法,一个超级简单的词Go,你可以说: Where"s the bathroom, I really have to go! 这里可不是说他要走咯哟! 3、最后只能用在朋友间,非常不雅,大号叫Dump,比如: He went to take a dump.他要去发射原子弹。 小号叫Piss,比如: We drank a lot of beer and now we all have to piss. 我们喝多了,现在准备取放水咯。

ysl sac de jour包有分大小型号吗






字母job, operator中相同的元音音素是

【问题答案】单词job, operator中相同的元音音素是[ɔ]。【问题分析】job[dʒɔb],operator["ɔpəreitə]从音标上看或者从单词读音中听辨,都不难发现它们的相同元音音素。





and my major is business english



Colorful Blocks —— 多彩积木Bubblegum Pop —— 泡泡糖流行Whimsical Characters —— 奇幻角色Playful Patterns —— 欢乐图案Candyland Adventure —— 糖果乐园冒险Sweet Treats —— 甜蜜零食Balloon Animals —— 气球动物Rainbow Dreams —— 彩虹梦境Toy Wonderland —— 玩具仙境Bubble Blast —— 泡泡爆破Happy Faces —— 快乐表情Sparkling Gems —— 闪闪发光的宝石Whirling Carousel —— 旋转木马Toy Train Adventure —— 玩具火车冒险Candy Rain —— 糖果雨Bubble Wrap Fun —— 泡泡膜乐趣Colorful Ferris Wheel —— 多彩摩天轮Ice Cream Delight —— 冰淇淋美味Bubble Bath Time —— 泡泡浴时间Magical Wands —— 魔法棒Circus Spectacle —— 马戏团壮观Toy Block Tower —— 玩具积木塔Bubble Gum Bubble —— 泡泡糖泡泡Carousel Horses —— 旋转木马马匹Candy House —— 糖果屋Whirling Tops —— 旋转陀螺Teddy Bear Parade —— 泰迪熊游行Rainbow Slide —— 彩虹滑梯Toy Airplanes —— 玩具飞机Bubblegum Music —— 泡泡糖音乐Colorful Lollipops —— 多彩棒棒糖Ferris Wheel Ride —— 摩天轮游乐Toy Car Race —— 玩具车赛跑Bubble Wrap Popping —— 弹出泡泡膜Circus Tents —— 马戏团帐篷Toy Robot Adventure —— 玩具机器人冒险Bubblegum Bubble Blowing —— 吹泡泡糖泡Colorful Balloons —— 多彩气球Candy Cane Delight —— 拐杖糖快乐Whirling Merry-Go-Round —— 旋转木马Toy Store Excursion —— 玩具店郊游Bubblegum Fashion —— 泡泡糖时尚Rainbow Umbrellas —— 彩虹伞Toy Tea Party —— 玩具茶会Bubblegum Bubble Gum —— 泡泡糖口香糖Colorful Kites —— 多彩风筝Candyfloss Clouds —— 棉花糖云Whirling Dancers —— 旋转舞者Toy Boat Adventure —— 玩具船冒险Bubblegum Bubble Bath —— 泡泡糖泡泡浴Circus Clowns —— 马戏团小丑Toy Castle —— 玩具城堡Bubblegum Bubble Trouble —— 泡泡糖麻烦Colorful Parachutes —— 多彩降落伞Candy Coated Dreams —— 糖衣梦境Whirling Whirligigs —— 旋转风车Toy Playground —— 玩具游乐场Bubblegum Bubblegum Song —— 泡泡糖口香糖歌曲Rainbow Bridge —— 彩虹桥Candyland Princess —— 糖果乐园公主

do you enjoy eating lollipops 为什么用eating


单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the?

1. supported 2. announcement 3. applied 4. fiction 5. aboard 6. permanent 7. relationship 8. relatively 9. variety 10. latest,1,单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the teachers was accepted. 2. We were shocked by the ________ (声明) that the mayor was resigning. 3. He spent a lot of time learning _______ (应用) chemistry. 4. I prefer _______ (小说) to poetry. 5. All the passengers ______ (在船上) were waiting for the ship to land at the port. 6. She thought she got a _______ (固定的) job, but now she has been fired again. 7. Density is the ________(关联)between mass and volume. 8. Water has a _________ (相对) high freezing point. 9. A great _____ (各种各样)of reasons were given for his failure. 10. He used the ________(最新的) ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books.


enjoy的副词为 enjoyably adv. 愉快地;有趣地;可享乐地; enjoy v.享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受 扩展资料   She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.   她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。   People in this country enjoy a high standard of living.   这个国家的人民享有很高的`生活水平。   By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.   总的说来,我在学校很开心。   Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!   我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!





Bye Bye Johnnie 歌词

歌曲名:Bye Bye Johnnie歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:Singles 1963-1965Mariah Carey-Bye Bye E=MC2我等你pw ~语后诗雨~This is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeAs a child there were them timesI didn"t get it but you kept me in lineI didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimesOn Sunday mornings and I missed youBut I"m glad we talked throughAll them grown folk thingsSeparation bringsYou never let me know itYou never let it show becauseYou loved me and obviouslyThere"s so much more left to sayIf you were with me todayFace to faceNever knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye)But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeAnd you never got a chanceTo see how good I doneAnd you never got to see meBack at number oneI wish that you were hereTo celebrate togetherI wish that we could spendThe holidays togetherI remember when you used toTuck me in at nightWith the teddy bear you gave meThat I held so tightI thought you were so strongYou"d make it through whateverIt"s so hard to accept the factYou"re gone foreverI never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your faceAnd be right here next to youBut it"s like you"re gone too soonNow the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeThis is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeNever knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye)But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byebye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye bye


-- 蔡依林完美资料 本名:蔡宜凌 英文名: JOLIN 小名:娃娃 出生日期:1980-9-15 身高:162CM 生日:9.15 星座:处女座 专长:唱歌 嗜好:研究健康资讯、看电影、出外游玩 最爱的颜色:白、黑、粉蓝、粉红 最爱的一本书:傲慢与偏见、我们不结婚好吗 最爱的音乐型态:HIR-HOP、Pop Rock 宗教信仰:佛教 家中排行:排行老二 口头禅:是喔! 、嘘 收集品:手饰、低腰牛仔裤 休闲嗜好:看电视、修指甲(做指甲艺术) 最讨厌的事:失眠、胃痛 最喜欢的事:表演(singing only)、和朋友聊天、买衣服 最想见的人:Destiny`s Child、Madonna、金城武 最尊敬的人:Mother 最喜欢吃的菜:蒟蒻、秋葵、自己作的菜 最喜欢的季节:凉凉的秋天 最喜欢的动物:Dog 最喜欢的花:百合、白色郁金香 最喜欢的水果:都爱 最喜欢的运动:羽球、桌球 最喜欢的音乐:Hip hop、R&B、Pop Rock 最喜欢的食物:水果、全麦吐司 最讨厌(不吃)的食物:苦瓜、炸的东西、牛肉 最满意的身体部位:眼睛、眼睫毛、指甲、头发 自己最有信心的地方:目前是唱歌,以后就不知道了 自己最不满意的身体部位:身高太矮 最尴尬的事:被电梯门夹到 最难忘的事:去纽约两个月游学 最失望的事:没留学成功 最喜欢的异性类型:有个性的帅(像金城武)、心地善良 最喜欢的男演员:尼可拉斯凯吉、汤姆克鲁斯、还有一些新生代演员 最喜欢的女演员:茱莉亚罗伯斯 最喜欢的男歌手:陶吉吉 最喜欢的女歌手:王菲 欣赏异性由何处看起:脸的样子 家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、姊姊 座右铭:最通俗的~胜不骄败不馁 擅长的语言:国语、台语、英文 特殊专长:胡思乱想 最喜欢的饮料:低脂牛奶,矿泉水 最喜欢的服装品牌:MISS SIXTY.Levis Jeans 最喜欢的饰物:戒指 、低腰牛仔裤 最喜欢的宠物:小狗 最喜欢的作家:珍奥斯丁、藤井树 最喜欢的人:母亲 最喜欢的场所:热闹的地方 最喜欢的中文字:凌 最喜欢的数字:1019 最喜欢的英文字:Victory 最喜欢的交通工具:车 最喜欢吃的零食:苏打饼乾、Diet Coke、蒟篛片 最得意的事:有机会与罗南合作 最想做的事:交男朋友、充实知识 最头痛的事:拍照摆Pose 最怕听到的话:脸变圆罗! 最怕的动物(昆虫):蟑螂 如果改行想作:英文老师、营养师 自己最大的优点:神精大条 自己最大的缺点:神精大条 最喜欢的香水味道:sweet的水果味 自己最满意的事:牙齿很整齐 最喜欢收集的东西:低腰牛仔裤 最想旅游的地方:法国 最喜欢的发型:长直发 生气时最想做的事:找人诉说、不理人 委屈时最想做的事情:打电话、大哭 初恋的年纪:18 高兴时最想做的事:找朋友出去 最想做的一件事:出国念六个月法文 最喜欢的卡通:柯南 最喜欢的日剧:没有 最喜欢的漫画:没有 最喜欢的节日:只要放假都喜欢 最大的愿望:大家会喜欢我的专辑 最喜欢的一部电影:My best friend"s wedding(新娘不是我) 第一次打工的工作:没有 最希望结婚的年龄:30 最不喜欢的国家:卫生环境不良的都不爱 曾经做过最疯狂的事:玩到早上五点 相不相信鬼神之说:一半一半 最害怕的异性类型:瘦到不行、很自以为是、没有主见 世界末日时最想做的事:很开心地与大家同归於尽! 觉得自己是什麼样个性的人:随性、无所谓、糊涂 老了之后的生活:享福吧!或在使用SK2护肤 最遗憾的事:在高一时失去留学一年的机会 最想跟好朋友说的一句话:请支持我! 时光倒流最想做的一件事:出国留学一年一出道不久就拥有一大群歌迷深受大家欢迎的环球唱片年度新人蔡依林。於1998年5月,在MTV音乐台 [新生卡位战] 大赛中在说长不长说短不短的两个月中,击败了三千多位参赛者,最后以惠妮休斯顿的 [THEGREATEST LOVE OF ALL] 在总决赛中以高分获得胜利。1999年三月,依林正式成为环球体系中的一员。 经历 1.景美女中校内歌唱比赛第一名 2.中广高中职热门音乐组歌唱比赛第二名 3.1998年MTV台-新生卡位战-歌唱冠军 4.1998年 7-11 [和世界做邻居]年度企业形象广告曲主唱 5.1999年10月19日依林的首张个人专辑-"蔡依林1019 6.拍摄广告~~1999开喜水果复合果汁 7.1999获 Channel V (亚洲年度最受欢迎新人~~女歌手奖) 8.1999三立电视台音乐风云榜外榜 (最佳潜力新人奖) 9.1999 TVBS 劲碟民选大赏 (最受欢迎新人奖) 10.2000全国中等学校运动会代言人 11.2000拍摄:(1)上山采药植物化妆品 (2)东信电讯e世纪 (3)520速配网 (4)My Wap (5)康宝独享杯 12.2000年04月26日出第二张专辑Don"t Stop 13.2000年5月5日出版写真集 14.2000年9月17日荣获新加坡新人奖金奖 15.2000年9月19日当任千禧奥运之星守护天使 16.2000年10月4日荣获十大偶像明星 17.2000年11月拍摄东信电讯e世纪广告第二集 18.2000年12月22日发行第三张专辑Show Your Love 19.2001年纽约领mtv台的最佳中文音乐录影带奖 20.2001年7月发行第四张国语专辑LUCKY NUMBER 21.2001年12月代言依堤金饰 22.2002年3月国际品牌彩妆Always Black年度代言人



John William的《Day O》 歌词

歌曲名:Day O歌手:John William专辑:MississippiKurt Nilsen - Day OffI see the morning sun from my windowNot a cloud for a mile or twoWearing out my slippers when I walkBut that"s what I"m supposed to doWhat is the purpose, what am I doing hereWhen I ought to be at workI"m going round and round in circles all dayBecause I"m thinking about where it hurtsLook ahead, is this what I want to dofor the rest of my lifeWell that"s not rightLook ahead, does it mean that I"m afraid to give it a tryYeah just a tryI"m taking a sick leave I got to make the call,Just let him know that this is too hardI can"t figure out what I"m gonna sayBecause telling my lies will end up bad anywayA little scared as I dial the phoneSaying that the fever has got to my boneI"m sweating like a pig when you return my callNow get well soon and take the day offLook ahead, is this what I want to dofor the rest of my lifeWell that"s not rightLook ahead, does it mean that I"m afraid to give it a tryYeah just a tryDay off, day offDay off, day offKeeping a straight face trying to seem realEnjoying myself, well here"s the dealI"m never ever going back there againNo, no Mmm, Mmm, no way at allI"m never ever going back there againI got to be honest with myself, yeahI got to be honest with myselfLook ahead, is this what I want to dofor the rest of my lifeWell that"s not rightLook ahead, does it mean that I"m afraid to give it a tryYeah just a tryLook ahead, is this what I want to dofor the rest of my lifethat"s not rightLook ahead, does it mean that I"m afraid to give it a tryYeah just a try

Lil Jon的《Killas》 歌词

Lil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - KillasHey Hey Hey, Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on Mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin wit the killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fukin realist niggasLil Jon:Now what"s your mutha fuckin word, say somethingFuck around and get your goddamn ass whoopedNigga I feel like start some shit, and I might just snap to pissall the pussy-ass niggas like you, nigga fuck yaTake a 45 across the head go butcha (Yeah!!)Ya"ll pussy-ass niggas ain"t hard, stuff that ass like that nigga named martSawwed off shot gun hand on the pump, finga on the triggaready to duckGo mutha fuckas bye byewouldn"t make way, yeah niggas gon" dieThat"s why I never leave the tril wthout packing my gatStrap on my vest, put on my hat. Mutha fuckers I liedGettin laid out flat, let me show you how a real nigga actHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin WitYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasThe Game:It"s 3, The hard wayBlack Lambo, No passengersBlack Ski mask, Chain Saw MassacreKill fast wit the Ak-four 7(Blacka) Yellow Take the intersectionLoaded clips, Lock "em inGot a black four fiveCall it Pac"s revengeI"m a mutha fuckin animalLil Jon be canibalEvery nigga in Atlanta KnowI"m psycho inasne about my cash, nigga we open alpa trashAnd sentance with a life without rehabillitaionFuck up in a schortsi niggaIt"s my stamentDear Mr. President Barack Obama, Righ after you catch Osama, Tell Mr. WasoPlease let oprah know that I won"t ever stop sayin bitch and hoeHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou Fuckin with some killas you fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasIce Cube:Dirty Mutha fuckas tryina clean hip-hop, but it don"t stop, like L.A grip LockIf you did pop, your shit will stopClostamy bags, for all these bags, I don"t wanna hear that shitHue Heff"s a prince, Mesh Gwan"s a pimpI learned the word bitch from you, so why can"t a nigga get rich from youThese are English wordsScarred to be used by geeks and nerds,Mad cause I flip these verbs and pull that phantom away from the turnI think they jelous of the hood fellas,hot dogs make alota relishRemember a world withouthip-hop, Lord used to believe these bitch copsHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasyou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasEndLil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - Killas


AI绘画midjourney杰作杰作篇Masterpiece —— 杰作Magnum Opus —— 杰作Tour de Force —— 杰作Monumental Achievement —— 巨大的成就Culmination of Creativity —— 创造力的巅峰Iconic Work —— 标志性作品Perfection in Artistry —— 艺术上的完美Paradigm Shift —— 范式转变Groundbreaking Creation —— 开创性的创作Exemplary Representation —— 典范的代表Unforgettable Masterpiece —— 难以忘怀的杰作Unparalleled Excellence —— 无与伦比的卓越Extraordinary Achievement —— 非凡的成就Timeless Classic —— 永恒的经典Remarkable Artwork —— 卓越的艺术作品Landmark Creation —— 里程碑式的创作Revolutionary Masterpiece —— 革命性的杰作Inspiring Opus —— 鼓舞人心的作品Outstanding Achievement —— 杰出的成就Defining Moment —— 定义时刻Unrivaled Brilliance —— 无与伦比的辉煌Unforgettable Legacy —— 难以忘怀的遗产Visionary Creation —— 富有远见的创作Definitive Artwork —— 决定性的艺术作品Monumental Masterpiece —— 巨大的杰作Revolutionary Breakthrough —— 革命性的突破Groundbreaking Innovation —— 开创性的创新Unmatched Ingenuity —— 无与伦比的独创性Legacy of Greatness —— 伟大的遗产Transcendent Artistry —— 卓越的艺术性Captivating Opus —— 迷人的作品Pinnacle of Creativity —— 创造力的顶峰Iconic Masterpiece —— 标志性的杰作Unforgettable Creation —— 难以忘怀的创作Unparalleled Brilliance —— 无与伦比的辉煌Timeless Legacy —— 永恒的遗产Revolutionary Artwork —— 革命性的艺术作品Inspiring Masterpiece —— 鼓舞人心的杰作Extraordinary Opus —— 非凡的作品Landmark Achievement —— 里程碑式的成就Remarkable Creation —— 卓越的创作Visionary Masterpiece —— 富有远见的杰作Unrivaled Excellence —— 无与伦比的卓越Groundbreaking Achievement —— 开创性的成就Monumental Opus —— 巨大的作品Revolutionary Brilliance —— 革命性的辉煌Inspiring Legacy —— 鼓舞人心的遗产Defining Masterpiece —— 决定性的杰作Unmatched Achievement —— 无与伦比的成就Pinnacle of Brilliance —— 辉煌的顶峰


AI绘画midjourney大师之作大师之作篇Masterpiece —— 大师之作Magnum Opus —— 大师之作Iconic Creation —— 标志性的创作Timeless Masterpiece —— 永恒的杰作Landmark Achievement —— 里程碑式的成就Unforgettable Artwork —— 难以忘怀的艺术作品Revolutionary Masterpiece —— 革命性的杰作Captivating Opus —— 迷人的作品Pinnacle of Creativity —— 创造力的顶峰Defining Moment —— 定义时刻Unparalleled Brilliance —— 无与伦比的辉煌Timeless Legacy —— 永恒的遗产Visionary Masterpiece —— 富有远见的杰作Monumental Achievement —— 巨大的成就Unrivaled Excellence —— 无与伦比的卓越Inspiring Masterpiece —— 鼓舞人心的杰作Extraordinary Opus —— 非凡的作品Landmark Creation —— 里程碑式的创作Remarkable Artwork —— 卓越的艺术作品Inspiring Opus —— 鼓舞人心的作品Iconic Masterpiece —— 标志性的杰作Unforgettable Creation —— 难以忘怀的创作Monumental Opus —— 巨大的作品Revolutionary Brilliance —— 革命性的辉煌Inspiring Legacy —— 鼓舞人心的遗产Defining Masterpiece —— 决定性的杰作Unmatched Achievement —— 无与伦比的成就Pinnacle of Brilliance —— 辉煌的顶峰Monumental Breakthrough —— 巨大的突破Revolutionary Ingenuity —— 革命性的独创性Timeless Greatness —— 永恒的伟大Captivating Masterpiece —— 迷人的杰作Legacy of Creativity —— 创造力的遗产Transcendent Achievement —— 卓越的成就Inspiring Artistry —— 鼓舞人心的艺术性Masterful Creation —— 娴熟的创作Unforgettable Opus —— 难以忘怀的作品Monumental Masterpiece —— 巨大的杰作Revolutionary Achievement —— 革命性的成就Inspiring Brilliance —— 鼓舞人心的辉煌


MidjourneyIP风格化杰作杰作篇Masterpiece —— 杰作Magnum opus —— 代表作Tour de force —— 一流之作Work of art —— 艺术品Culmination of creativity —— 创意的顶峰Stroke of genius —— 天才之笔Pinnacle of achievement —— 成就的巅峰Exemplary creation —— 典范之作Outstanding achievement —— 杰出的成就Extraordinary accomplishment —— 非凡的成就Remarkable feat —— 卓越的壮举Iconic creation —— 标志性的创作Impeccable masterpiece —— 无可挑剔的杰作Unforgettable work —— 难以忘怀的作品Monumental achievement —— 巨大的成就Timeless masterpiece —— 永恒的杰作Unparalleled creation —— 无与伦比的创作Unrivaled masterpiece —— 无可比拟的杰作Flawless artwork —— 完美无瑕的艺术品Captivating opus —— 迷人的代表作Revolutionary creation —— 革命性的创作Inspiring masterpiece —— 鼓舞人心的杰作Awe-inspiring accomplishment —— 令人惊叹的成就Unmatched masterpiece —— 无与伦比的杰作Brilliant creation —— 卓越的创作Monumental work —— 巨大的作品Unforgettable masterpiece —— 难以忘怀的杰作Signature creation —— 独特的创作Trailblazing achievement —— 先驱性的成就Groundbreaking masterpiece —— 开创性的杰作Exquisite artwork —— 精美的艺术品Iconic masterpiece —— 标志性的杰作Unsurpassed creation —— 无与伦比的创作Flawless masterpiece —— 无瑕的杰作Visionary creation —— 富有远见的创作Revolutionary masterpiece —— 革命性的杰作Inspiring creation —— 鼓舞人心的创作Awe-inspiring opus —— 令人惊叹的代表作Unmatched creation —— 无与伦比的创作Brilliant masterpiece —— 卓越的杰作Timeless creation —— 永恒的创作Unparalleled masterpiece —— 无与伦比的杰作Unrivaled creation —— 无可比拟的创作Captivating masterpiece —— 迷人的杰作Revolutionary achievement —— 革命性的成就Inspiring opus —— 鼓舞人心的代表作Exquisite creation —— 精美的创作Iconic artwork —— 标志性的艺术品Unforgettable achievement —— 难以忘怀的成就Flawless opus —— 完美无瑕的代表作Monumental creation —— 巨大的创作Groundbreaking achievement —— 突破性的成就Awe-inspiring creation —— 令人惊叹的创作Unparalleled opus —— 无与伦比的代表作Brilliant achievement —— 卓越的成就

关于约翰温德汉姆(John Wyndham)的介绍? 有加分

约翰·温德汉姆(John Wyndham,1903—1969),英国著名科幻作家。1925年开始写短篇小说,1930至1939年曾以各种笔名在美国发表作品。1946年开始写科幻小说,主要作品有《三分鼎立的日子》、《海妖醒了》和《时间种子》等;前两部作品曾被译成多种文字,并被摄成电影,还被缩写成小故事在电台广播。

John Walker的《Compromise》 歌词

歌曲名:Compromise歌手:John Walker专辑:Soul Of The Gypsy CowboySarah West - Compromise~ Thanks 映云! ~i feel like the walls closin in on me nowevery breath i take seems to give me awayi feel like somebody turned off the lightsis there anybody here gonna kiss me goodnightand it"s not unusualyou always trip before you fallbut ima strong enough to let you knowi"m not gonna stay here foreverand i won"t apologizewhen the something wrong insidemaybe i"m afraid to be close to youi"m not gonna compromisewhen something ain"t rightit"s too hard to takeand i don"t wanna fightstuck on the ground no wings to flyi can"t mediateand i won"t even swayit"s gettin cleari can"t stay till night ohnow it"s not unusualto be afraid to lose it allima strong enough to let you goi"m not gonna stay here foreverand i won"t apologizewhen the something wrong insidemaybe i"m afraid to be close to youi"m not gonna compromise noooi"m losin my faith of youyou push me awayi can"t take it anymoreunless this is the last thingi won"t talk it fast when it"s wrongi"m not gonna stay here foreverand i don"t wanna compromisei"m not gonna stay here foreverand i won"t apologizecos the something wrong insidemaybe i"m afraid to be close to youi"m not gonna compromisewhen something ain"t right

Jools Holland的《Holy Cow》 歌词

歌曲名:Holy Cow歌手:Jools Holland专辑:The CollectionBeckah Shae - HolyNothing could ever compare to YouYou"re so amazing!No one could ever do the things the way You doYour love saves me!Some try, but they just can"t get it right, no!No power, no might, only by Your Holy SpiritI"ma overflow, oh!You"re so beautiful, perfect in all your waysAnd I"m so amazed! You"re so holy!So magnificent and holyI"ve got nothing to give, but my praiseHoly, holy, holy are You Lord!There"s no one like YouYour glorious!It"s overwhelming, just the thoughtOf Your unending love!Righteousness and goodness and purity!Worthy of my complete devotion, You"re all I needWe are desperate for youOnly You can make us newEver so lovely, I know I was only, made for Your glorySo fill us with Your sound, turn it aroundAs we bow down proclaiming You are holy




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AI | by Midjourney·咒语分享:Fifty year old Chinese mother playing skateboarding, smiled, surrounded by flowers, art by Rinko kawauchi, in the style of naturalistic poses, low angle, youthful energy, body extentions, analog film, super detail, dreamy lofi photography, colourful, volumetric lighting, shot on kodachrome, shot on fujifilm XT4 rich in detail, 8k --ar 3:450岁的中国母亲玩滑板,微笑着,被鲜花包围,艺术由Rinko kawauchi创作,风格为自然主义姿势,低角度,年轻的能量,身体伸展,模拟电影,超细节,梦幻的lofi摄影,色彩鲜艳,体积照明,在柯达彩色相机上拍摄,在富士XT4上拍摄,细节丰富,8k - ar 3:4


AI | by Midjourney·咒语分享:Fifty year old Chinese mother playing skateboarding, smiled, surrounded by flowers, art by Rinko kawauchi, in the style of naturalistic poses, low angle, youthful energy, body extentions, analog film, super detail, dreamy lofi photography, colourful, volumetric lighting, shot on kodachrome, shot on fujifilm XT4 rich in detail, 8k --ar 3:4·50岁的中国母亲玩滑板,微笑着,被鲜花包围,艺术由Rinko kawauchi创作,风格为自然主义姿势,低角度,年轻的能量,身体伸展,模拟电影,超细节,梦幻的lofi摄影,色彩鲜艳,体积照明,在柯达彩色相机上拍摄,在富士XT4上拍摄,细节丰富,8k - ar 3:4


I"m Jack,when I went home to do homework, I found myself taking the wrong English books, I"m sure this English book is Tracy, because there is a Tracy book.I think my English book may be in your home on the desk. If really in, would you please help me keep it, so when they met again to me, if the book is not here with you, please tell me Tracy"sphone number, I call him, tell him, his book in my this, let him not to worry.我是Jack,,当我回到家开始做作业时,我才发现自己拿错了英语书,我确定这本英语书是Tracy的,因为书上有Tracy的名字。我想我的英语书可能在你家的书桌上。如果真的在,请你帮忙保存起来,等见面的时候再还给我,如果书不在你这里,请麻烦告诉我Tracy家的电话号码,我打电话给他,告诉他,他的书在我这,让他不用担心。

Bjork的《Pluto》 歌词

歌曲名:Pluto歌手:Bjork专辑:Homogenic - LivePLUTO (冥王星)BY BjorkExcuse mebut I just have toexplodeExplode this bodyoff me(准备呜...).....呜个5下..........呜完.....I"ll brand newbrand new tomorrowA little bit tiredbut brand new.....呜个3下...... (准备继续嚎叫).....嚎个14下接一声尖叫..........嚎完.....(你累我也累!-___-!!!)(哥们,你品味还真是。。。。再汗一个-___-!!!).......

Bjork的《Pluto》 歌词

歌曲名:Pluto歌手:Bjork专辑:HomogenicPLUTO (冥王星)BY BjorkExcuse mebut I just have toexplodeExplode this bodyoff me(准备呜...).....呜个5下..........呜完.....I"ll brand newbrand new tomorrowA little bit tiredbut brand new.....呜个3下...... (准备继续嚎叫).....嚎个14下接一声尖叫..........嚎完.....(你累我也累!-___-!!!)(哥们,你品味还真是。。。。再汗一个-___-!!!).......

Bjork的《Pluto》 歌词

歌曲名:Pluto歌手:Bjork专辑:Live BoxPLUTO (冥王星)BY BjorkExcuse mebut I just have toexplodeExplode this bodyoff me(准备呜...).....呜个5下..........呜完.....I"ll brand newbrand new tomorrowA little bit tiredbut brand new.....呜个3下...... (准备继续嚎叫).....嚎个14下接一声尖叫..........嚎完.....(你累我也累!-___-!!!)(哥们,你品味还真是。。。。再汗一个-___-!!!).......

Bjork的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Bjork专辑:Debut (Ecopac)come to meCeline DionI will always love youno matter whatNo matter where you goor what you doAnd knowing youYou"re gonna haveto do things you"re own wayAnd that"s okaySo be free, spread your wingsAnd promise me just one thing...If you ever need a place to cryBaby, come to meCome to meI"ve always knownthat you were born to flyBut you can come to meIf the world breaks your heartNo matter where on Earth you areYou can come to meDon"t walk around with the worldon your shouldersAnd you"re highest hopeslaying on the groundI know you thinkyou"ve gotta try to be my heroBut dont you know the starsyou wish upon they fall its trueBut I still belive in youAnd though seven seas" you sailedAlthough the winding road you"re onLeave you lost and feeling all aloneLet my heart be your beacon home


MidJourner关键词洛克王国篇Rock Star - 摇滚明星Guitar - 吉他Stage Performance - 舞台表演Concert - 音乐会Band - 乐队Music Notes - 音符Drum Set - 鼓套装Rock Anthem - 摇滚圣歌Rock and Roll - 摇滚乐Guitar Solo - 吉他独奏Rock Outfit - 摇滚服饰Rock Festival - 摇滚音乐节Rock Poster - 摇滚海报Rock Legend - 摇滚传奇Rock Concert - 摇滚音乐会Rock Energy - 摇滚能量Rock Lyrics - 摇滚歌词Rock Album - 摇滚专辑Rock Star Makeup - 摇滚明星妆容Headbanging - 摇头乐Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - 摇滚名人堂Rock God - 摇滚神灵Rock Fashion - 摇滚时尚Rock Memorabilia - 摇滚纪念品Rock Hairstyle - 摇滚发型Rock Band Logo - 摇滚乐队标志Rock Influence - 摇滚影响力Rock Star Attitude - 摇滚明星态度Rock and Roll Spirit - 摇滚乐精神Rock Concert Crowd - 摇滚音乐会观众Rock and Roll Lifestyle - 摇滚乐的生活方式Rock Star Autograph - 摇滚明星签名Rock Music History - 摇滚音乐历史Rock and Roll Rebellion - 摇滚乐的叛逆精神Rock Star Poses - 摇滚明星造型Rock and Roll Dance - 摇滚舞蹈Rock Star Vocalist - 摇滚明星主唱Rock Concert Lighting - 摇滚音乐会灯光Rock and Roll Energy - 摇滚乐的能量Rock Star Memorabilia - 摇滚明星纪念品Rock and Roll Revolution - 摇滚乐的革命Rock Star Fashion - 摇滚明星时尚Rock Concert Stage - 摇滚音乐会舞台Rock and Roll Icons - 摇滚乐的偶像Rock Star Performance - 摇滚明星表演Rock and Roll Spirit - 摇滚乐的精神Rock Star Hairstyle - 摇滚明星发型Rock and Roll Legacy - 摇滚乐的遗产Rock and Roll Attitude - 摇滚乐的态度Rock Star Music Video - 摇滚明星音乐视频


用Midjourney设计鱼缸?(附关键词)关键词:鱼缸,工业设计图,描述标记,iPad,繁衍,白色背景,设计图,只有线条,Patricia Urquiola, Piero Lissoni, Antonio Citterio,未来主义,简单曲线,白色背景,高端

Hank Jones&Roberta Gambarini的《Lush Life》 歌词

歌手Hank Jones&Roberta Gambarini专辑You Are There - Ep歌名Lush Life歌词Lush LifeJohn Coltrane & Johnny HartmanJohn Coltrane & Johnny HartmanI used to visit all the very gay placesThose come-what-may placesWhere one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of lifeTo get the feel of life from jazz and cocktailsThe girls I knew had sad and sullen gray facesWith distingue traces that used to be thereYou could see where they"d been washed awayBy too many through the day, twelve o"clock talesThen you came along with your siren songTo tempt me to madnessI thought for awhile that your poignant smileWas tinged with the sadness of a great love for meAh yes, I was wrongAgain, I was wrongLife is lonely again and only last yearEverything seemed so sureNow life is awful againA trough full of hearts could only be a boreA week in Paris could ease the bite of itAll I care is to smile in spite of itI"ll forget you, I will while yet you are stillBurning inside my brain romance is mushStifling those who striveI"ll live a lush life in some small diveAnd there I"ll beWhile I rot with the rest of thoseWhose lives are lonely tooRomance is mushStifling those who striveI"ll live a lush life in some small diveAnd there I"ll beWhile I rot with the rest of thoseWhose lives are lonely too


We are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life. To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up? The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudingssometimesmayupsetyoualot.Nevertheless,thankstotheloyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness . So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.

帮忙写一篇关于Part time jobs 的英语作文,先谢谢了

On Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students donu2019t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who wonu2019t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. Whatu2019s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.

谁帮我写一篇英语作文my view on part-time job

My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now.Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job.As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before.On the other hand,however,many disadvantages come flooding to us,which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time.The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time.It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time.Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life.Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by.While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well.In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands.Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.

英语作文my view on part-time job

My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time. 42

急求大学英语作文一篇,以part time job (兼职)为题,120——150词

要给分哦~~~~On Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.

谁帮我写一篇英语作文my view on part-time job

As the world becomes more competitive, many students are choosing to take on part-time jobs to support themselves financially or gain work experience. From my perspective, I believe that part-time jobs can have both positive and negative effects on a student"s life.On the positive side, part-time jobs can provide valuable experience and skills that will benefit students in the future. For example, a student who works in a retail store will learn how to communicate effectively with customers and work as part of a team. Such skills can be invaluable when it comes to finding a job after graduation. Additionally, part-time jobs can provide students with a sense of independence and financial responsibility, which can be very beneficial for their personal growth.However, there are also potential negative effects of part-time jobs on a student"s life. Students who work long hours may struggle to keep up with their academic work, which could negatively impact their grades. Additionally, students who work in jobs that are physically demanding may experience fatigue or injury, which can impact their overall health and well-being. In some cases, students may also struggle to balance their work and personal life, which can lead to stress and burnout.In my opinion, the key to successfully balancing a part-time job and academic work is to prioritize time management and self-care. Students should make sure to schedule enough time for their academic work and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout. They should also prioritize their physical and mental health by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep.Overall, while part-time jobs can have both positive and negative effects on a student"s life, they can be a valuable learning experience for those who are able to balance them with their academic work and personal life.

Plastic Beach (Feat. Mick Jones And Paul Simonon) 歌词

歌曲名:Plastic Beach (Feat. Mick Jones And Paul Simonon)歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Plastic BeachGorillaz - Plastic BeachTo the dark dark sea"sComes the only whaleWatching ships go byIt"s the day we tryIt doesn"t knowIt"s a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a styrofoam deepsea landfillIt"s sort of made a computer speechIt"s a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a CasioIf they hold you, whaleOn a really hot dayWhen the call got madeYou"ve gone awayIt doesn"t knowIts a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a styrofoam deepsea landfillIt"s sort of made a computer speechIt"s a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a CasioIts a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a styrofoam deepsea landfillIt"s sort of made a computer speechIt"s a Casio on a plastic beachIt"s a Casio

撒打死大家哦iasdjdoiasjda isdj阿斯顿赛道就撒 iasjd赛道isad哦isdjojd 大多数得到 阿斯顿阿斯顿的


It is my own problem when I quit my job怎么分析结构?

这个句子只有一个从句,应该是同位语从句吧,就是那个问题,就是我什么时候辞职,也就是说,作为表语的my own problem 和后面的那个从句的意思是一样的,不是相互补充,所以不是定语从句,也就是同位语从句。



toy joy的oy音标是什么





oy:toyjoydestroyboycott roy oyerloyalist coyness groyneor:boring borebornbefore,sport,short,horse,for,corn,form,born,horn,corner,lord,lore,morning,north,


英文原文:enjoy英式音标:[u026anu02c8du0292u0252u026a; en-] 美式音标:[u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026a]

boy toy joy中oy的音标

boy toy joy中oy的音标【u0254u026a】请采纳





Elton John的《Tonight》 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight歌手:Elton John专辑:Live In Australia南拳妈妈---Tonight鹰飞雁武 编辑走了又是几条路我们读了又是几本书它们没任何帮助 tonight雨天找到一杯茶我的笑声找到了笑话你的眼睛特别大 tonight看着镜子里的我心里的话不敢说出来会不会解脱 tonightI wanna cry I wanna cry直到你明白 我的全世界停在 tonightI wanna try I wanna try有没有未来 不准谁遗忘变坏 tonight牵我的手 La la la la看着镜子里的我心里的话不敢说出来会不会解脱 tonightI wanna cry I wanna cry直到你明白 我的全世界停在 tonightI wanna try I wanna try有没有未来 不准谁遗忘变坏 tonight眨眼 明天 会不会改变而我们 只存在tonightI wanna cry I wanna cry直到你明白 我的全世界停在 tonightI wanna try I wanna try有没有未来 不准谁遗忘变坏 tonight牵我的手 La la la laI wanna cry I wanna cry直到你明白 我的全世界停在 tonightI wanna try I wanna try有没有未来 不准谁遗忘变坏 tonight

Dear John 的中英文对照歌词 taylor swift 的。

Long were the nights还记得那些漫漫长夜When the days once revolved around you那些都围绕着你转的日子Counting my footsteps,数着自己的脚步Prayin" the floor won"t fall through, again祈祷着这次别再成为泡影My mother accused me of losing my mind妈妈说我疯了But I swore I was fine但我发誓我很好You paint me a blue sky and go back你为我画出一片蓝天And turn it to rain却又让它下起雨And I lived in your chess game我成了你的游戏里的棋子But you changed the rules every day而你却不断改变游戏规则Wonderin which version of you想着到底什么样的你I might get on the phone, tonight,会在今晚打电话给我Well I stopped pickin" up于是我不再回应你And this song is to let you know why这首歌会让你知道原因Dear John,I see it all now that you"re gone.我现在看清了你已彻底离开Don"t you think I was too young难道你不觉得我当时太年轻To be messed with不应该被你玩弄感情么The girl in the dress那个穿着裙子的女孩Cried the whole way home一路哭着回家I shoulda known.我早就应该知道的Well maybe it"s me可能是我的错And my blind optimism to blame可能是我盲目乐观Maybe its you and your sick need可能是你和你的病态需求To give love then take it away你爱了却又把它收回And you"ll add my name你将把我的名字To your long list of traitors加到你那长长名单上Who don"t understand名单上满是那些不懂你的背叛者And I"ll look back in regret我现在回想起来满是后悔How I ignored when they said我怎么忽略了他们对我的告诫Run as fast as you can让我离你越远越好Dear John,I see it all now that you"re gone.我现在看清了你已彻底离开Don"t you think I was too young难道你不觉得我当时太年轻To be messed with不应该被你玩弄感情么The girl in the dress那个穿着裙子的女孩Cried the whole way home一路哭着回家Dear John,I see it all now it was wrong我现在看清自己做错了Don"t you think nineteen"s too young难道你不觉得19岁的我太年轻To be played by your dark twisted games不应该被你黑暗扭曲的友情游戏玩弄么When I loved you so我曾那么爱你I shoulda known我早就应该知道的You are an expert at sorry你是一个And keeping lines blurry不懂得划清界限And never impressed by me也从没真正欣赏过我Acing your tests一直想着玩你的游戏All the girls that you run dry那些被你伤透了心的女孩们Have tired lifeless eyes她们的眼睛都已无神Cuz you burned them out因为你让她们绝望But I took your matches我在你的火烧着我之前Before fire could catch me就拿走了你的火柴So don"t look now所以现在看我(字面上:别看)I"m shining like fireworks我像烟花一样耀眼Over your sad empty town而你处在空荡的城市却很可悲Oh woah ohDear John,I see it all now that you"re gone.我现在看清了你已彻底离开Don"t you think I was too young难道你不觉得我当时太年轻To be messed with不应该被你玩弄感情么The girl in the dress那个穿着裙子的女孩Cried the whole way home一路哭着回家I see it all now that you"re gone.我现在看清了你已彻底离开Don"t you think I was too young难道你不觉得我太年轻To be messed with不应该被你玩弄感情么The girl in the dress那个穿着裙子的女孩Wrote you a song写了一首歌给你You should"ve known你应该早就知道的You shoulda known你应该早就知道的Don"t you think I was too young难道你不觉得我当时太年轻么You shoulda known.你应该知道的

jet aime to us les jours




关于poppin John

个人档案 PROFILE 姓名: 南贤俊 Poppin Hyun-Joon 生日: 1979年1月30日 星座: 水瓶座 身高: 1.73米 体重: 60kg 血型: B型 爱好: 开车兜风,画画 特长: 跳舞 家庭成员: 爸爸、妈妈、哥哥 教育背景: 韩国中京高等学校毕业 韩国舞者们一致推崇的最高偶像!! 韩国国内外现有的众多舞者中被赋予“舞蹈至尊”称号的POPPIN 贤俊!! 2007年以强烈的HIP-HOP 魅力全副武装横空出世,震憾登场! POPPIN 贤俊 不仅在国内外的B-BOY大赛中连获大奖, 并且通过海外的演出得到众人的一致肯定, 从而获得“舞蹈至尊”殊荣, 他的身影频繁出现在广告,电影,电视剧,舞蹈教学DVD,图书杂志出版等各个领域中, 以多栖明星的身份得到大众的认可,而这张POPPING贤俊的首张个人大碟《 One & Only 》的正式发行无疑也反映了他强烈的自尊心! 不知不觉已与舞蹈共同度过了15年的POPPIN贤俊,正如这如此长的时间一样,时间带给他的也是别人不曾拥有过的历练。因此他有着自己独特的音乐取向及个性,及谁人都无法得知,通过这张个人大碟《 One & Only 》,也是舞者POPPING贤俊晋升到艺人POPPING贤俊的大飞跃! 在POPPING贤俊这张专辑的准备期间,从国内外100多名作曲家的谱曲中选出了最优秀的作品才得以完成的高水准视听享受。 11月8日下午1:30,北京亚酷步公司联合长安戴斯大饭店、中进百旺共同举办由北京亚酷步公司制作发行的POPPIN贤俊 (南贤俊)的首张个人中文专辑《 One & Only 》的专辑新闻发布会和首唱会。届时将有J.C贾宗超、胡灵等多位明星前来祝贺,各大唱片经纪、网络媒体以及合作赞助商均会到场。 发布会上将由亚酷步公司会长向POPPIN贤俊赠送金唱片贺礼表示祝贺,POPPIN贤俊的好友J.C贾宗超也将献上神秘礼物前来祝贺,同时许多明星艺人也发来视频贺词进行了祝贺。 《 One & Only 》是亚酷步公司为POPPIN 贤俊制作的首张中文专辑,主打曲《 Don"t STOP 》是一首中文歌曲,融合了1970年代的FUNK和最新的电子音乐的 HIP HOP舞曲,由韩国黑人嘻哈之父Jung YeonJun亲自创作。许多韩国知名音乐人参与其中,表现了POPPIN贤俊的特有个性魅力和华丽而细心的演出。 另外一首 “Fly High”则找来了他的好友 李俊基 和性感歌后 徐仁英 客串献声。大碟合共收入11首歌曲,外加特别收录的1首中文歌。 这张专辑,也是集合了韩国国内各领域最佳的团队一起奉上的《 One & Only 》, 所以有着特别重大的意义。韩国黑人HIP HOP音乐之父——制作人郑寅俊,HIP HOP的革命家——李铉道,RAPPER出身的制作人Rhymer,BEATBOX恩俊等韩国最高HIP HOP音乐人参与制作的专辑无疑也为POPPIN贤俊自身所拥有的HIP-HOP感觉做了一个新的提升。 值得一提的是2007年最佳性感娇娃 徐仁英 和席卷全亚洲女性芳心的人气美男 李俊基 ,以及 李珉宇 和 张佑赫 等大牌歌手专辑的制作人 张俊浩 老师的参与完成,则又成了另一大亮点。 经历事项 HISTORY “YOUNG TURK CLUB” 组合发表第四张专辑时的客员歌手 创建“GORLLA DANCE FACTORY” 的最初成员 第一届 世界 HIP-HOP 舞蹈节 代表韩国出战(获得大奖) 第一届 Adidas 舞蹈节上担任 评委及嘉宾 HIP-HOP 服装 Karl Kani 形象及舞蹈代言人 Lee Joo No 的 Asian 伴舞 卫星电视 M-NET HIP HOP 舞蹈 The Viiv 的讲师 与POPPIN feet(Electric Boogaloos)演出及交流 出演赵PD的MTV及电视节目舞蹈 曾担任 李俊基、张佑赫,赵诚模,SES等多数歌手的编舞老师及 MTV 的演出 ASIA DANCE PROJECT “DOSI” 演出嘉宾 第五届东南劲爆音乐榜上担任 演出嘉宾 第十一届无锡七彩金曲排行榜荣获“最受欢迎海外人男歌手” 2007大学生音乐节上担任 演出嘉宾 第九届“中韩歌会”担任 演出嘉宾 出演LG手机 Can You 广告,出演 Hite 啤酒广告 出演起亚 careens 车广告 出演IPOD广告,出演三星YEPP MP3播放器广告 出演《 Fly,Daddy,Fly 》电影,中文名《飞吧,爸爸》,与李俊基合演 出演 MBC 电视台拍摄的电视剧 《 Over the Rainbow 》 韩国B-Boy界的人气舞者POPPING 贤俊,以精湛的舞技闻名于韩国和世界的舞坛。他擅长多种舞蹈,每次演出都为观众带来惊喜。 POPPIN贤俊于 05 年时以一曲“Lion"s Roar”正式作跨界发展。06年又参与剧集《 Over the Rainbow 》和电影《 Fly,Daddy,Fly 》(《飞吧,爸爸》)的演出。2007年正式出道,推出首张中文大碟《 One & Only 》。

语法分析 paid的词性 The maid got paid for the job?

get+动词过去分词构词系表结构,常见四种情况:1.表示进入某种状态get lost迷路,如:We don"t want any of you to get lost. 我们不想你们当中任何人迷路。)get drunk喝醉,如:He went out and got drunk. 他出去喝醉了酒。类似的结构还有get started 行动起来,get engaged订婚,get devoced离婚2.表示对自己身体外部做某事;get dressed/undressed穿衣服/脱衣服,get changed换衣服get shaved刮脸、刮胡子3.表示一种状态渐变为另一种状态;get tired of厌倦,如:She got tired of learning English. 她对学英语厌倦了。get used to习惯You will soon get used to this kind of work.你很快就会习惯这种工作。4.表示引起心理或情感变化。get pleased满意,如:She got pleased with her grade.她对她的分数很满意。get surpried惊讶,如:I got surpried at the news.这消息使我吃惊。getdemote喜悦,如:youarethesupportofmyheart。getouts喜悦,如:youarethegottoofmyheart。

Angelina Jolie演过哪些电影?

《原罪》《史密斯夫妇》《古墓丽影》系列 《移魂女郎》 《拾骨者》 《天空上校和明日世界》 《机动杀人》 《亚历山大大帝》 《鲨鱼故事》 《骇客》

求bonjovi的have a nice day的中文歌词

Have A Nice Day Why you wanna tell me how to live my life? 为何 你要告诉我该如何过我的生活? Who are you to tell me if it"s black or white? 你是谁 要告诉我那是黑还是白? Momma, can you help me try to understand 妈妈,你能帮助我试着了解吗? Is innocence the difference "tween a boy and a man? 一个男孩和一个男人之间的区别就在于天真吗? My daddy lived to die, that"s just the price that he paid 我爸爸过着漠然的生活,那正是他付出的代价 Sacrificed his life just slaving away 牺牲了他的生活只是拼命工作 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Take a look around you; nothing"s what it seems 望望你的周围 看起来似乎没什么东西 We"re living in the broken home of hopes and dreams 我们正生活在希望和梦想的破碎之家 Let me be the first to shake a helping hand 让我作那首先握住帮助之手的人 Anybody brave enough to take a stand 任何足够勇敢坚定立场的人 I"ve knocked on every door on every dead-end street 我已敲了每条死巷的每一扇门 Looking for forgiveness and what"s left to believe 找寻宽仁之心和被遗留下的信仰 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me down 此刻当这世界继续尝试,尝试把我拖垮 I"ve gotta raise my hands to stand my ground 我必须举起手来坚持我的信念 Well I say, have a nice day 我说,过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧

bon jovi 的 have a nice day 中英互对歌词

Have A Nice Day Why you wanna tell me how to live my life? 为何 你要告诉我该如何过我的生活? Who are you to tell me if it"s black or white? 你是谁 要告诉我那是黑还是白? Momma, can you help me try to understand 妈妈,你能帮助我试着了解吗? Is innocence the difference "tween a boy and a man? 一个男孩和一个男人之间的区别就在于天真吗? My daddy lived to die, that"s just the price that he paid 我爸爸过着漠然的生活,那正是他付出的代价 Sacrificed his life just slaving away 牺牲了他的生活只是拼命工作 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Take a look around you; nothing"s what it seems 望望你的周围 看起来似乎没什么东西 We"re living in the broken home of hopes and dreams 我们正生活在希望和梦想的破碎之家 Let me be the first to shake a helping hand 让我作那首先握住帮助之手的人 Anybody brave enough to take a stand 任何足够勇敢坚定立场的人 I"ve knocked on every door on every dead-end street 我已敲了每条死巷的每一扇门 Looking for forgiveness and what"s left to believe 找寻宽仁之心和被遗留下的信仰 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me down 此刻当这世界继续尝试,尝试把我拖垮 I"ve gotta raise my hands to stand my ground 我必须举起手来坚持我的信念 Well I say, have a nice day 我说,过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Have A Nice Day Why you wanna tell me how to live my life? 为何 你要告诉我该如何过我的生活? Who are you to tell me if it"s black or white? 你是谁 要告诉我那是黑还是白? Momma, can you help me try to understand 妈妈,你能帮助我试着了解吗? Is innocence the difference "tween a boy and a man? 一个男孩和一个男人之间的区别就在于天真吗? My daddy lived to die, that"s just the price that he paid 我爸爸过着漠然的生活,那正是他付出的代价 Sacrificed his life just slaving away 牺牲了他的生活只是拼命工作 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Take a look around you; nothing"s what it seems 望望你的周围 看起来似乎没什么东西 We"re living in the broken home of hopes and dreams 我们正生活在希望和梦想的破碎之家 Let me be the first to shake a helping hand 让我作那首先握住帮助之手的人 Anybody brave enough to take a stand 任何足够勇敢坚定立场的人 I"ve knocked on every door on every dead-end street 我已敲了每条死巷的每一扇门 Looking for forgiveness and what"s left to believe 找寻宽仁之心和被遗留下的信仰 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Oh, if there"s one thing I hang onto that gets me thru the nite 哦,是否有件我牢牢坚守的东西 使我熬过黑夜 I ain"t gonna do what I don"t want to; I"m gonna live my life 我不会去违背自己的心,我要过我自己的生活 Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice 像钻石一样闪烁,和骰子一起翻滚 Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly 站在悬崖边,我向风儿展示如何飞翔 When the world gets in my face, I say Have a nice day 当这世界袭面而来 我说 过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧 Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me down 此刻当这世界继续尝试,尝试把我拖垮 I"ve gotta raise my hands to stand my ground 我必须举起手来坚持我的信念 Well I say, have a nice day 我说,过美好的一天吧! Have a nice day 过美好的一天吧

Welcome to Franklin Hotel! We will make your stay here as enjoyable as possible. We hope we wil...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:A小题5:B 小题1:细节理解题,由文中语句“You can use the service 24 hours a day.”可知。小题2:细节理解题,由文中语句“If you need, please fill in a card and hang it outside your room”可知。小题3:细节理解题,由文中语句“We will tell you to wait a moment if the lines are busy.”可知。小题4:细节理解题,由文中语句“You can drink coffee here at the following times: 12:00 to 14:00, 20:00 to 23:30.”可知。小题5:理解归纳题,纵观全文归纳可知。

Determination is a kind of basic quality and this is _____ it takes to do jobs well.

答案C主要测试表语从句。结合具体语境可知句子_____ it takes to do jobs well中的动词take需要宾语,另外还能够引导表语从句,因此只能选what。译文:决心是一种最基本的能力,这就是做好工作多需要的。

1.Determination is a kind of basic quality and is --it takes to do jobs well. 为什么填what不是which

1. Determination is a kind of basic quality and is _____it takes to do jobs well 1) 从句跟在is 后面, 是表语从句, 也就是名词性从句一种。 2) 名词性从句,如果少了成分, 常用what 。 从句it takes 后面少了宾语, 用what 完全正确。2. 从句接在 streets and small house 后面, 是定语从句 定语从句少成分用关系代词, 这个从句少主语,用关系代词,that, which都可以。分清楚 从句类型再做题。

谁有Bon Jovi 的have a nice day 中文歌词 急!!!



joshikirin" 可以读作 "じょしきりん",发音为 "jo-shi-ki-rin",其中:"じょ" (jo) 发音类似于英语单词 "joke" 中的 "j"。"し" (shi) 发音类似于英语单词 "she" 中的 "sh"。"き" (ki) 发音类似于英语单词 "key" 中的 "k"。"りん" (rin) 发音类似于英语单词 "reen" 中的 "r" 和 "n" 的混合音。

Glenn Jones的《Every Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Every Time歌手:Glenn Jones专辑:Feels GoodMark :Lately I"m not who i used to beSomeones come and taken meWhere i dont wanna goIf i knew exactly what i have to doIn order to be there for youWhen you were feeling lowBen: And all the things we ever wantedWere once yours and mineNow i know we can revive itAll the love we leftPaul :Everytime i kiss i feel your lipsAnd everytime i cry i see your smilaAnd everytime i close my eyesI realize that everytime i hold your hand in mineThe sweetest thing my heart could ever findAnd i had never felt this waySince the day i gave your love awayChristian: Save me ive fallen from my destinyYou and i were meant to beIve thrown it all awayNow yourre goneIts time for me to carry onBut baby i juz cant go onWithout you by my sideBen: We can survive itAll the pain we feel insideYou relied on me and now I"ve let you downNow i promise you foreverI will be the best I canNow i know we can revive itAll the love we leftPaul: Everytime i kiss i feel your lipsAnd everytime i cry i see your smileAnd everytime i close my eyesI realise that everytime i hold your hand in mineThe sweetest thing my heart could ever findAnd i had never felt this waySince i gave your love awayPaul :Everytime i kissEverytime i cryAnd everytime i close my eyes i realiseThat everytime i hold your hand in mineThe sweetest thing my heart could ever findAnd i had never felt this waySince the day i gave your love away



John Scofield的《Fat Lip》 歌词

歌曲名:Fat Lip歌手:John Scofield专辑:Time On My HandsStorming through the partyLike my name was El ninioWhen I"m hangin" out drinkin"In the back of an El caminoAs a kid, I was a skid andNo-one knew me by nameI trashed my own house party"Cause nobody cameI know I"m not theOne you thought you knewBack in high schoolNever going, ever showing upWhen we had toIs it attention that we craveDon"t tell us to behaveI"m sick of always hearing"Act your age"I don"t wantTo waste my timeAnd become aCasualty of societyI"ll never fall in lineBecome a victimOf your conformityAnd back downBe-cause, you don"tKnow us at allWe laugh when old people fallBut what would you expectWith a conscience so smallHeavy metal and mulletsIt"s how we were raisedMaiden and priestWere the Gods that we praised"Cause we like having funAt other peoples expense and,Cutting people down isJust a minor offence thenIt"s none of your concernI guess I"ll never learnI"m sick of being told to"Wait my turn"I don"t wantTo waste my timeAnd become aCasualty of societyI"ll never fall in lineBecome a victimOf your conformityAnd back downDon"t count on meTo let you know whenDon"t count on meI"ll do it againDon"t count on meIt"s the point you"re missingDon"t count on me"Cause I"m not listeningWell I"m a no goodnickLower middle class brat,Back packed and I don"tGive a sh*t about nothingYou be standing on the cornerTalking all that kufuffinBut you don"t make sense fromAll the gas you be huffingThen if the egg don"t stainYou"ll be ringing off the hook,You"re on the hit list wantedIn the telephone bookI like songs with distortionTo drink in proportionThe doctor said my momShould have had an abortionI don"t wantTo waste my timeAnd become aCasualty of societyI"ll never fall in lineBecome a victimOf your conformityAnd back downWaste my time with themCasualty of societyWaste my time again,Victim of your conformityAnd back down

billy joel唱的Vienna中文意思。别糊弄我哦~!

Vienna— Billy Joel(翻译的可能太直白了哈) Slow down you crazy child 慢下你的脚步,疯狂的小孩 You"re so ambitious for a juvenile 你总是雄心勃勃 But then if you"re so smart tell me why 但是如果你够聪明请告诉我 Are you still so afraid? 为什么你依旧害怕你的生活 Where"s the fire, what"s the hurry about? 哪里有熊熊大火?你到底在紧张什么 You better cool it off before you burn it out 你最好能在它燃烧之前就把他扑灭 You got so much to do and only 在你每天的生活里 So many hours in a day 你真的有太多事情要做 But you know that when the truth is told 你得知道曾经真理说过 That you can get what you want 你可以得到你想要的 Or you can just get old 或者就这样变老 You"re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through 你已经开始了当你发觉你在路上 When will you realize...Vienna waits for you 你总会明白,维也纳会等着你 Slow down you"re doing fine 慢下来你能做得很好 You can"t be everything you want to be 要知道在有限的时间里 Before your time 你不能得到你想要的所有事情 Although it"s so romantic on the borderline tonight (tonight) 虽然今晚站在边境看上去很浪漫 Too bad but it"s the life you lead 但是你的生活并不总是好的 You"re so ahead of yourself 你走的太急 That you forgot what you need 你忘记了你所需要的东西 Though you can see when you"re wrong 当你错的时候你能看见 You know you can"t always see when you"re right(you"re right) 但是你并一定总能看见你对的时候 You got your passion you got your pride 带着激情,带着骄傲 But don"t you know that only fools are satisfied? 但是你不知道有时候愚蠢也能让人满意 Dream on but don"t imagine they"ll all come true 做梦吧,但是不要期待他们都会实现 When will you realize 你总会明白 Vienna waits for you 维也纳会等待着你 Slow down you crazy child 满下脚步,疯狂的小孩 Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while 关掉电话消失一段时间 It"s alright you can afford to lose a day or two 或者只是走失一两天 When will you realize... 你总会明白 Vienna waits for you. 维也纳会等着你 And you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You"re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through Why don"t you realize...Vienna waits for you When will you realize...Vienna waits for you
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