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呵呵,说得真是好听,一分也不悬赏。不过还是告诉你了,呵呵……【解决问题】安装时不要装在中文目录即可解决你所说的问题,与版本无关。比如安装时选择路径为:D:cool3d 这样就可以了。【新版推荐】 目前最新最好的版本我可以自信地说猎人亮剑版最好,因为这个软件是我汉化,我打包的。这是软件的地址:http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 里面有截图,你完全可以把3.5版的COOL3D删掉了。


COOL3DSTUDIO猎人亮剑绿色完美版http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 这事新的 你那个事旧版



我刚装了一个Ulead COOL 3D 3.5怎么不能用其中的功能呀!

【解决办法】 你安装时不要装在中文目录,即可解决。比如安装时选择路径为:D:cool3d 这样就可以了。官方的3.5版是这样,最新的cool3dstudio1.0也是这样,都不可以安装在中文目录。 【新版推荐】 其实在去年已经有新版本了,也就是上面说到的cool3dstudio1.0。目前最好的汉化版我可以自信地说猎人亮剑版最好,因为这个软件是我汉化,我打包的。这是软件的地址:http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 里面有截图,你完全可以把3.5版的COOL3D删掉了。 【教程推荐】 我也以亮剑版为蓝本制作了教程。买不买随你了,呵呵……http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/79287705200872754244266【联系猎人】 qq:504645410

i learned to help others写篇作文要有翻译

You take the left foot into the door, you looked around the hall, the sound can be heard without end stops, you seea young mother was sitting in the passenger seat and, hands are holding a crying baby, as the end of volume andtone, as if whispering, arms holding, is the only treasure in the world. The sun through the dust fall in her browncurls, shadows scattered on the ground, outline their detailed outline. Suddenly, you feel like crying.You think of your dear mother, morning do you favorite chicken, you think of him to dress when you carefully, you think of her quarrel with you when you think of her anger, when washing clothes back, you think you have a view you as the only treasure. You can be good for the world and willful neglect her, you can take her to your connivance aside dismissive, you can also back to other SMS phone but forgot her worry, you can also like now toput everything into the community to the free heart for life and all the burden of losing give her. Of course you can go to the outside after twenty years may scenery lichen homecoming for her BMW LV package, but the whole worldnow, you just because she is your mother she love you dare to think so, and this is the only reason she became so humble.

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letter of award封奖双语对照例句:1.My son"s reaction to the letter was somewhat indifferent. A few of his friendswere dismissive of the award. 我儿子并不认真把这封信当回事。他的几个朋友也都不看重这个奖状。

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Being a Global Citizen 4 - 懂你英语 流利说 Level7 Unit3 Part1

But despite all of this momentum, we face some huge challenges. See, you might be thinking to yourself, how can we possibly persuade world leaders to sustain a focus on global issues? Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O"Neill once said, "All politics is local." That"s what always got politicians elected: to seek, gain and hold onto power through the pursuit of local or at very best national interests. I experienced this for the first time when I was 21 years old. I took a meeting with a then-Australian Foreign Minister who shall remain nameless -- [Alexander Downer] (Laughter) And behind closed doors, I shared with him my passion to end extreme poverty. I said, "Minister -- Australia has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We can do this." And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid." Except he didn"t use the word "funk." He went on. He said we need to look after our own backyard first. This is, I believe, outdated, even dangerous thinking. Or as my late grandfather would say, complete BS. Parochialism offers this false dichotomy because it pits the poor in one country against the poor in another. It pretends we can isolate ourselves and our nations from one another. The whole world is our backyard, and we ignore it at our peril. See, look what happened when we ignored Rwanda, when we ignore Syria, when we ignore climate change. Political leaders ought to give a "funk" because the impact of climate change and extreme poverty comes right to our shore. Now, global citizens -- they understand this. We live in a time that favors the global citizen, in an age where every single voice can be heard. See, do you remember when the Millennium Development Goals were signed back in the year 2000? The most we could do in those days was fire off a letter and wait for the next election. There was no social media. Today, billions of citizens have more tools, more access to information, more capacity to influence than ever before. Both the problems and the tools to solve them are right before us. The world has changed, and those of us who look beyond our borders are on the right side of history. So where are we? So we run this amazing festival, we"ve scored some big policy wins, and citizens are signing up all over the world. But have we achieved our mission? No. We have such a long way to go. But this is the opportunity that I see. The concept of global citizenship, self-evident in its logic but until now impractical in many ways, has coincided with this particular moment in which we are privileged to live. We, as global citizens, now have a unique opportunity to accelerate large-scale positive change around the world. So in the months and years ahead, global citizens will hold world leaders accountable to ensure that the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development are tracked and implemented. Global citizens will partner with the world"s leading NGOs to end diseases like polio and malaria. Global citizens will sign up in every corner of this globe, increasing the frequency, quality and impact of their actions. These dreams are within reach. Imagine an army of millions growing into tens of millions, connected, informed, engaged and unwilling to take no for an answer. Over all these years, I"ve tried to reconnect with Sonny Boy. Sadly, I"ve been unable to. We met long before social media, and his address has now been relocated by the authorities, as often happens with slums. I"d love to sit down with him, wherever he is, and share with him how much the time I spent on Smoky Mountain inspired me. Thanks to him and so many others, I came to understand the importance of being part of a movement of people -- the kids willing to look up from their screens and out to the world, the global citizens. Global citizens who stand together, who ask the question "Why?," who reject the naysayers, and embrace the amazing possibilities of the world we share. I"m a global citizen. Are you? Thank you.




Solex是1家法国企业,当然神龙汽车本身就是法国PSA与东风的合资企业,所以选用法国的配件不足为奇.下面的英文主要是介绍SOLEX公司及其产品的.目前在中国无制造据点,如果是正宗Solex的产品,那麼就是法国生产的.Solex was a French manufacturer of carburetors and the powered bicycle VéloSoleX.The Solex company was founded by Marcel Mennesson and Maurice Goudard to manufacture vehicle radiators. These were fitted to several makes of early cars including Delauney-Belleville and buses of the Paris General Omnibus company.After World War I the radiator business went into decline and the company bought the rights to the carburettor patents of Jouffret and Renée and named them Solex after their business.CarburetorsSolex H30 as fitted to a 1970 VolkswagenSolex carburetors were until the mid 1980s used on many European cars including Volkswagen, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Audi, Ford, BMW, Citroen, Opel, Simca, Saab, Renault, Peugeot, Lancia, Lada, Mercedes Benz, Volvo and Porsche. Solex carburetors have been made under licence by a number companies including the Mikuni company of Japan who supplied them to auto makers including Toyota, Mitsubishi and Suzuki as well as to various Japanese motorcycle makers. Mikuni originally entered into a licensed manufacturing agreement with Solex in 1960 and further developed many of Solex"s original designs.The Solex brand is now owned by Magneti Marelli. The original Solex company changed its name in 1994 to Magneti Marelli France and on May 31, 2001, Magneti Marelli France partially bought its assets (including the trademark SOLEX) from Magneti Marelli Motopropulsion France S.A.S.







sempre legato音乐术语是什么意思?

sempre legato指的是始终连贯。sempre指的是自始至终,legato在钢琴中是指连奏(连音)、连贯的意思,与断奏相反,演奏的时候音与音之间要连贯、圆滑、不间断,是一种世界通用的音乐术语,不仅在钢琴谱中使用,还会出现在各种器乐或声乐作品中。1、sempre—自始至终,一直。2、staccato—吐音。其他相关音乐术语:1、连奏—(legato)(缩写Leg)2、断奏—(Spiccato)3、装饰音—(ornament)4、颤音—(trill)5、震音—(Tremolo)6、柔弦—(vibrato)7、拨弦—(pizzcato)8、变格定弦—(Scordatura)

a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle。这里的an enormous dead beetle

你把这个短语当成一个完整的句子来看。实际可以改写成:a column of ants are triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle.bear home sth. = bear sth. home 意思是带着某物回家。这里可以看成是一个倒装句。实际是 ants bear an enormous dead beetle home. 但由于这样写有点头重脚轻,所以把home提前,把an enormous dead beetle这个长短语放后面。 例句:He sent home a very beautiful and special gift. = He sent a very beautiful and special gift home. 一般前面那句较常用。不觉得后面的那句话读起来更别扭么

《Phil,the Fiddler》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Phil, the Fiddler》(Horatio Alger)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rgoClwIB40JnwjKnyg3XMw 提取码: ej52书名:Phil, the Fiddler作者:Horatio Alger出版社:General Books LLC出版年份:2010-03-06页数:90内容简介:This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

《我是传奇》 I Am Legend 片尾音乐叫什么名字?

原唱是鲍勃.马利! 歌词翻译: 他们这群强盗 劫走了我刚买的船 一分钟后 他们返回 是万能的手解救了我 这恶心的时代 我曾经爱唱自由之歌 可我也无法解释 我所拼命鼓吹的东西 我唱着那些关于救赎的歌曲 我们真的把身体解放了 可我们的精神依旧被禁锢着 现在我谁也不怕 甚至不怕原子弹 观望或是战斗 又能怎样 他们能屠杀多少无辜的人 我只写完了这本书的一部分 我会继续 这是我的事业 让我继续为自由高歌 redemption song Bob Marley Old pirates yes they rob I Sold I to the merchant ships Minutes after they took I from the Bottom less pit But my hand was made strong By the hand of the almighty We forward in this generation triumphantly All I ever had is songs of freedom Won"t you help to sing these songs of freedom Cause all I ever had redemption songs, redemption songs Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds Have no fear for atomic energy Cause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophets While we stand aside and look Some say it"s just a part of it We"ve got to fulfill the book Won"t you help to sing, these songs of freedom Cause all I ever had, redemption songs, redemption songs, redemption songs Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds Have no fear for atomic energy Cause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophets While we stand aside and look Yes some say it"s just part of it We"ve got to fulfill the book Won"t you help to sing, these songs of freedom Cause all I ever had, redemption songs All I ever had, redemption songs These songs of freedom, songs of freedom

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viva la gloria(little girl)中文歌词

小女孩,小女孩 你为什么哭? 在你的你的心不安的灵魂正在死去 小一,小一 你的灵魂是清洗 爱情和刀片 你的血液是飙升 离家出走 内河街头 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你的一只流浪的救世军 大家没有地方像家 当你有没有地方可去 小女孩,小女孩 你的生活要求 该骗子和圣人的放弃 小一小一 天空正在下降 救生艇欺骗现在帆船 随着所有的道路 没有依据 您的血丝的眼睛 将显示您的心脏有叛国罪 小女孩小女孩 你肮脏的骗子 您只是一个贩毒 说教的合唱团 离家出走 你失去了安宁 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你的一只流浪的糟粕人类 大家没有地方像家 当你有没有地方可去 血的痕迹 总是跟着你回家 像睫毛膏的眼泪 从您的假期 您走路水泡 并运行剪刀 如此邪恶。 妹妹的宽限期。 离家出走 内河街头 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你是一个迷途的救世军 大家没有地方像家


130W的卤素灯.卤素灯泡(英文:halogen lamp),简称为卤素泡或者卤素灯,又称为钨卤灯泡、石英灯泡,是白炽灯的一个变种。原理是在灯泡内注入碘或溴等卤素气体,在高温下,升华的钨丝与卤素进行化学作用,冷却后的钨会重新凝固在钨丝上,形成平衡的循环,避免钨丝过早断裂。因此卤素灯泡比白炽灯更长寿。

halogen cycle是什么?具体解释一下么能?


halogen free和lead free的区别

1.halogen free 无卤;无卤素(技术);无卤素添加(无卤化)1). Halogen(卤素)是第ⅦA族非金属元素,包括了氟(Fluorine-)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、碘(Iodine)和砹(Astatine)五种元素,合称卤素。其中砹(Astatine)为放射性元素,人们通常所指的卤素是氟、氯、溴、碘四种元素。卤素化合物经常作为一种阻燃剂:PBB , PBDE , TBBP-A , PCB ,六溴十二烷,三溴苯酚,短链氯化石蜡等,应用于电子零组件与材料、产品外壳、塑胶等。此种阻燃剂无法回收使用,而且在燃烧与加热过程中会释放有害物质,威胁到人类身体的健康、环境和下一代子孙。2).无卤化要求 :目前对于无卤化的要求,不同的产品有不同的限量标准:如无卤化电线电缆其中卤素指标为:所有卤素的值 ≦50PPM(根据法规 PREN 14582) ;燃烧后产生卤化氢气体的含量<100PPM(根据法规 EN 5067-2-1) ;燃烧后产生的卤化氢气体溶于水后的 PH 值 ≧4.3( 弱酸性 )(根据法规 EN-5 0267-2-2);产品在密闭容器中燃烧后透过一束光线其透光率 ≧60%(根据法规 IEC 61249-2-21);要求如下:氯< 900 ppm;溴< 900 ppm;卤素总量< 1500ppm2. lead free 无铅的;无铅喷锡,无铅制程,无铅状态;无铅化如:I would like you to send me these cards for my reference if you can cfm lead free.如果你能确认是无铅的,请寄卡片样品参考。

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130W的卤素灯.卤素灯泡(英文:halogen lamp),简称为卤素泡或者卤素灯,又称为钨卤灯泡、石英灯泡,是白炽灯的一个变种。原理是在灯泡内注入碘或溴等卤素气体,在高温下,升华的钨丝与卤素进行化学作用,冷却后的钨会重新凝固在钨丝上,形成平衡的循环,避免钨丝过早断裂。因此卤素灯泡比白炽灯更长寿。
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