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都可以,过去式过去分词有两种形式swelled 核心词汇 英 [swel]     美 [swel]    v.(使)膨胀;(使)鼓起;(使)增长n.增大;膨胀;肿胀;汹涌adj.<口>很棒的;时髦的;一流的


已经吞下去的 。

塞班岛Tropical Blend Spa的电话号码是多少

Tropical Blend Spa的电话号码是+1670-287-6197,如果去那边旅游找不到景点的具体位置,可以拨打+1670-287-6197咨询景点的具体位置信息。Tropical Blend Spa周边还有很多景点、酒店、餐厅,比如:景点圣母露蒂斯圣地与Tropical Blend Spa距离0.92km塔帕丘山与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.24km鳄鱼头海滩与Tropical Blend Spa距离3.06km酒店Maya之家民宿5分店与Tropical Blend Spa距离0.99km顶峰360度海景别墅与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.17km布鲁森花园与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.54km餐厅Monster Pizza与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.01kmHimawari与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.06kmHard Rock Cafe与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.3km。

易语言如何实现连接TLENET 服务

直接调用telnet 比如 运行 ("telnet", 假, )

我的服务器远程能PING的通,但是TLENET 80和3389都不通??




matlab中: tau=(-length(x1)+1:length(x1)-1)/fs; tau代表的什么意思


用单词deal unless unfair affect solve challenge regard smart duty insted分别造句初三的水平

deal: I can"t deal with your personal problems.unless:You will fail unless you work hard.unfair:The referee made an unfair decision.affect :The audience was deeply affected.solve: We can solve the problem by ourselves.Challenge:The job doesn"t really challenge him.regard:They all regarded him highly.smart:i am smart.duty:it"s our duty to protect the earth.instead:Mike doesn"t study at all.Instead, he sits idle all day.

Dyland & Lenny的《Posesiva》 歌词

歌曲名:Posesiva歌手:Dyland & Lenny专辑:My WorldThe yellow walls are lined with portraitsAnd I"ve got my new red fetching leather jacketAll these poses such beautiful posesMakes any boy feel like picking up rosesThere"s never been such grave a matterAs comparing our new brand name black sunglassesAll these poses such beautiful posesMakes any boy feel as pretty as princesThe green autumnal parks conductingAll the city streets a wondrous chorus singingAll these poses oh how can you blame meLife is a game and true love is a trophyAnd you saidWatch my head about itBaby you said watch my head about itMy head about itOh no oh no oh noOh no oh no no kiddingReclined amongst these packs of reasonsFor to smokes the days away into the eveningsAll these poses of classical tortureRuined my mind like a snake in the orchardI did go from wanting to be someone nowI"m drunk and wearing flip - flops on Fifth AvenueOnce you"ve fallen from classical virtueWon"t have a soul for to wake up and hold youIn the green autumnal parks conductingAll the city streets a wondrous chorusSinging all these poses now no longer boyishMade me a man ah but who cares what that itAnd you said watch my head about itBaby you said watch my head about itMy head about itOh no oh no oh noOh no oh no well you saidWatch my head about itBaby you said watch my head about itMy head about itOh no oh no oh noOh no oh no no kiddingEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7423927

小提琴音乐术语un poco piu lento的意思?


小提琴音乐术语un poco piu lento的意思?


钢琴谱上的 a tempo 和 piu lento是什么意思?


联想LENOVO BIOS REV:1.0如何设置启动盘的顺序





尊敬的联想用户您好!尊敬的联想用户您好!对于您所提出的问题,首先,建议您打开电源管理,将电源模式设置为高性能,然后参考以下操作设置您的电脑:按下win+R键,输入msconfig后,在启动选项卡下选择全部禁用,在服务选项卡下,勾选隐藏所有microsoft 服务后,选择全部禁用,重新启动查看(重启前建议截图保存启动项和服务,方便重新还原),若干净启动模式下正常,可逐一选中加载项目和服务,确认导致不能启动的项目,将其对应软件卸载,或禁用即可。具体方法您可以参考:win7:http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/htmls/detail_20121112170909404.htmlwin8的干净启动http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/htmls/detail_20131217095143222.html更多问题您可以咨询联想服务微信链接http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/weixin.html?intcmp=Baiduzhidaoidea论坛:http://lenovobbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureplyThink论坛:http://thinkbbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply联想乐社区:http://bbs.lenovomobile.com/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!


一楼的解释的很清楚,这是联想迈向国际市场的一步,同时也因为原标志"LEGEND"在其它国家有被注册过,"LENOVO"也代表新联想的核心就是创新 现在基本上联想笔记本天逸/昭阳系列都带有"NOVO"键,也就是联想的专利"一键恢复"键



He stood silently with his arms___(交叠).

答案:folded 考查翻译填空.根据句意和句子结构,要填入动词,fold意为"交叠"此处是with复合结构为:with+宾语+宾语补足语.当宾语与宾语补足语之间构成被动关系时,使用过去分词,构成主动关系时,使用现在分词.本题的arm与fold构成被动关系,使用过去分词.

being silently

允许我完善了你的句子. Taking a walk while talking is actually more fun than siiting being silently miserable. 1 用动名词sitting,是因为句子的主语Taking a walk也是动名词.这叫保持相应对称.又如: To take a walk while talking is actually more fun than to sit being silently miserable.你看,这也是相应对称 2 being silently miserable 做sitting的伴随动作.siiting being silently miserable.可以改写成sitting and being silently miserable,这时候sitting and being 是并列关系.




silent的副词形式是silently。 名词形式是silence。 silent:adj.不说话的;沉默的;很少说话的;不爱说话的;少言寡语的;无声的;安静的;不喧闹的; n.无声电影; 复数: silents 扩展资料   As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent.   幕启时,观众安静下来。   The report is strangely silent on this issue.   很奇怪,报告对这个问题避而不谈。   They huddled together in silent groups.   他们一群群地围在一起,默不作声。   They stood in silent homage around the grave.   他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。   They nodded in silent agreement.   他们默默地点头表示同意。

in silence的同义词(silence的其他形式)


sit silently

sit still应该知道吧 sit做系动词可以跟adj sit silently就不用说了. 还有问题可以hi我.

lay silent与silently 泰戈尔诗集的错误

lay silent 另外,泰戈尔用的是古英语,有很多跟现在的用法不一样的,第二,在诗里面是没有必要一定按照语法来的,这个很普遍的,没必要这样去扣 采纳哦

in silence 的同意词,是silencet吗

in silence副词adv 只可以做状语 silent形容词adj 可以作表语 silence名词n in silence=silently

in silence可以与silently互换吗



silent的副词形式是silently 默默地;静静地; silent: adj. 沉默的;寂静的;无记载的; n. 无声电影; 比较级 more silent 最高级 most silent 扩展资料   When I approached, they grew silent.   当我走近时,他们变得沉默了。   She was silent, smiling mysteriously.   她沉默不语,神秘地笑着。   Her voice quavered and she fell silent.   她的声音颤抖着,继而沉默了下来。   Owen has been uncharacteristically silent.   欧文一反常态地保持着沉默。   Harry was curiously silent through all this.   哈利自始至终都令人不解地保持着沉默。

Everyone was silent对还是Everyone was silently对?

Everyone was silent是对的。silent是形容词,silently是副词。英语中系动词和形容词连用,可构成系表结构。副词是和动词连用的。be动词was属于系动词,所以用silent.


silence的副词是silently。adv.默默地;静静地短语1、Blooming Silently静暗暗地开2、Move Silently无声移动 ; 潜行 ; 默默前进3、silently kill全关暗杀例句1、She seethed silently in the corner.她在角落里默默地生闷气。2、She prayed silently.她默默地祷告。3、They marched silently through the streets.队伍无声地穿过街道。


silently等于in silence 意思是: 默默地


  1、silent的副词形式是silently。   2、意思:默默地、不说话地、悄悄地、静静地、无声地、不用言语表达地。   3、例句:She crept silently out of the room.她悄悄溜出房间。   4、例句:He silently agreed with much of what she had said.对于她所讲的,有很多他暗自赞同。


您好!silence 名词, silently 副词 。望采纳!谢谢!

silently protect you


It is only because they are not afraid of being down upon they remain silently怎么改错


歌词翻译一下:Blonde Redhead-Silently

静静地,我希望进入你的港口,我是你的水手 我的体重下降,我悄悄地进你的海洋,我掉我的锚定 我在你的波浪,我唱歌你睡了 我呆到我在你的生活 我现在才知道,你不应该受到责备,我的爱 你没有选择你的名字我的爱 你从未见过的 我现在才知道,你不应该受到责备,我的爱 你没有选择你的名字我的爱 你从未见过的 哦,甜蜜的生物 我明白你的感受 你的钟滴答滴答滴答声,是策略方针 你的心脏泛联泛联泛联泛联泛联 静静地,我希望进入你的港口,我是你的水手 我的体重下降,我悄悄地进你的海洋,我掉我的锚定 我现在才知道,你不应该受到责备 你没有选择你的名字我的爱 你死在我的胳膊 我现在才知道,你不应该受到责备 你没有选择你的名字我的爱 我们从未见过的 我现在才知道,你死在我的胳膊 歌词, 之前,你甚至可以体会到我的爱 我们从未见过的 我现在才知道,你不应该受到责备 你没有选择你的名字我的爱 你死在我的胳膊 我现在才知道大体是这样了!

在英文中静静的站着为什么不是“stand silently”




求Ellior Minor的 《silently》的中文歌词

Y超级(Super Junior)ub110 ubcf4uba74 (ub09c) uc6c3uc74cub9cc (ub098uc640)看着你笑(我),(我)uc218uc90duc740 ubbf8uc18cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4 Yeah羞涩的微笑都巴黎ub0a0 ubcf4ub294 ub124 ub208ube5buc740 uc2acud508 uac78我看你的眼神悲伤。ud639uc2dc uc774ubcc4uc744 ub9d0ud558ub824uace0 ud558ub2c8 Baby你别想说,亲爱的ub9e4uc77cuac19uc774 ub610 ubc18ubcf5ub420 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc5d0每天又恢复我的班ub108ub294 uadf8ub9acub3c4 uc9c0ucce4ub294uc9c0 ub0a0 uc6a9uc11cud558uaca0ub2c8?那么你也原谅了我。ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub354 uc0dduac01ud574 uc0dduac01ud574uc904ub798再考虑考虑吗uc774uc81cub294 ub193uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c我不放。ub108ub97c uc6b8ub9b0 uac74 ub0b4uac00 ubc14ubcf4ub77cuc11c你是我的傻瓜。ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b8 uac74 ub0b4uac00 ubd80uc871ud574uc11c ub110你看到的是我的不足。uc9c0uc6b0ub824 ud588ub358 uadf8ub7f0 ub098ub97c uc6a9uc11cud574 uc918 ub0a0别担心我会原谅你的uc81cubc1c ub2e4uc2dc uc228uc744 uc274 uc218 uc788uac8c千万不要再呼吸。ub110 ubcf4uba74 (ub09c) ub208ubb3cuc774 (ud758ub7ec)你(我)流(流)ub098ub97c ubc14ubcf4ub85c ub9ccub4dcub294 ub108我是傻瓜的你ud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub124 ub9d8 ubcc0ud560 ub54c如果你改变的时候。ub3ccuc544uc62c uae38uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 uc11c uc788uc744uac8c Baby回来的路上,我的亲爱的uc900ube44ud588ub358 ub124 uc774ubcc4uc774 ub098uc5d0uac8cub294准备的是我的离别uc9c0uae08 uc8fduc744 uac83 uac19uc774 uc544ud30c uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098ub3c4现在死一样痛的时间。uc544uc9c1 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b4uae30uc5d4 ubcf4ub0b4uae30uc5d0ub294还有你发送,发送。ud574 uc904uac8c ub108ubb34 ub9ceuc740ub370 Yeah给你太多的巴黎。ub108ub97c uc6b8ub9b0 uac74 ub0b4uac00 ubc14ubcf4ub77cuc11c你是我的傻瓜。ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b8 uac74 ub0b4uac00 ubd80uc871ud574uc11c ub110你看到的是我的不足。uc9c0uc6b0ub824 ud588ub358 uadf8ub7f0 ub098ub97c uc6a9uc11cud574 uc918 ub0a0别担心我会原谅你的uc81cubc1c ub2e4uc2dc uc228uc744 uc274 uc218 uc788uac8c千万不要再呼吸。uc5b4ub514uc11cubd80ud130 uc598uae30ud560uae4c uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 ubb50ub784uae4c从那时候开始,嗯uc18cuc911ud568uc774ub780 uac78 uc783uc5b4uac14uc796uc544 (ub9d0 uc548 ud574ub3c4 uc54cuc796uc544)珍贵的东西,失去了(不知道)uadfcub370uc694, uadf8ub300uc5ec uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8uc600ub358 uc77cubd84 uc77cucd08uac00但是,我们在一起的一分一秒ub208ubd80uc2dcuac8c uc544ub984ub2f5ub358 uc608uc05c ubbf8uc18cuac00 uadf8ub9acuc6cc ub124 ub9d8uc5d0 uaf2d ub2ffuae38绚丽的漂亮的微笑一定会想念着你。ub0b4 uc2acud508 uae30ub3c4uac00 uc774 ube57uc18duc744 uc9c0ub098 ud639uc2dc ubcfc uc218 uc788uc744uae4c我悲伤的祈祷这个或许能过。ub0b4uac00 uc9c0uae08 ub108ubb34 uc544ud30c ub124uac00 ub5a0ub09c uc9c0uae08uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34 uc544ud30c我现在很疼,你现在离开我好痛ubb50uac00 uc774ub9ac ud798ub4e0uc9c0 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 ub09c ub110 uc0dduac01ud574你这么辛苦,每天晚上我都想著你ud558ub8e8ub77cub3c4 uc548 ud558uba74 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 ubd88uc548ud55c uac78 ub10c uc544ub2c8不,我的心不安的你。uc74c uc544ub2c8 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0 uc774ub7f0 ub0a0 uc54c ub9acuac00 uc5c6uc9c0嗯我不知道这样的日子不会知道ub108ub3c4 uac00ub054 ub0b4 uc0dduac01uc774 ub09cub2e4uba74 uadf8 ub54c ub10c ub3ccuc544uc624uba74 ub3fc有时候我想你了,那时候你就可以回来uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ub9d0 ub110 ud5a5ud574 ud558ub294 ub9d0我爱你这句话对你说ubcf4uace0 uc2f6ub2e8 ub9d0 ub110 uc548uace0 uc2f6uc740 ub9d0 uc624uc9c1 ud55c uc0acub78c你想不想说的只有一人。ub108ub97c uc9c0ud0a4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub2e4uc2dc (ub0b4uac8c)你想再(我)ub3ccuc544uc640 uc904 ub108ub97c uc704ud574我为你回来

这句话为什么用silent 不用 silently ?


Silently (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Silently (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Del Shannon专辑:Home And AwaySilentlyBlonde Redhead骨占制作SilentlyI wish to sail into your portI am your sailorQuietlyI drop my weight into your seaI drop my anchorI sway in your wavesI sing in your sleepI stay till I"m in your lifeI realize nowyou were not to be blamed my loveYou didn"t choose your name my loveYou never crossed the seven seasI realize nowyou were not to be blamed my loveYou didn"t choose your name my loveYou never crossed the seven seasOh, sweet creatureI know exactly how you feelYour clock is ticking, tick tack tick tackYour heart is beating tum tum tum tum tumSilentlyI wish to sail into your portI am your sailorQuietlyI drop my weight into your seaI drop my anchorI realize nowyou were not to be blamed at allYou didn"t choose your name my loveYou die a little in my armI realize nowyou were not to be blamed at allWe didn"t choose your name my loveWe never crossed the seven seasI realize nowyou die a little in my armBefore you even taste my loveWe never crossed the seven seasI realize nowyou were not to be blamed at allYou didn"t choose your name my loveYou die a little in my armI realize nowSilently------Blonde Redheadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2599413

为什么是be silent 不是silently

因为 be silent 用来描述主语,需用形容词。silently 是副词,用来描述动作或修饰形容词和其它副词。

Elliot Minor的《Silently》 歌词

歌曲名:Silently歌手:Elliot Minor专辑:Elliot MinorElliot Minor - SilentlyTake your swing and fallPass through the turn tableAnd fall a first timeStanding so far awayAnd so we"ll saySo silentlyYou make this daySo sureal and neverendingStanding on the edge believingThat this will never endAs the day gets olderI hear your voiceNothing stays for freeAs the rain keeps fallingI hear you calling my nameAnd so we"ll saySo SilentlyYou make this daySo unreal and never-endingStanding on the edge believingThat this will never endThis will never endSilentlySo SilentlySo SilentlySo SilentlyYou make this daySo unreal and never-endingStanding on the edge believingThis waySo silentlyYou make this daySo unreal and neverendingStanding on the edge believingThat this will never endThis will never endThis will never, this will never endLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/2167154

She sat by the window dll day(silent/silently)

silently 静静地坐在床边一整天。 这个是修饰坐着的副词。

silent的副词形式 silent怎么写成副词

1、silent的副词形式是silently。 2、意思:默默地、不说话地、悄悄地、静静地、无声地、不用言语表达地。 3、例句:She crept silently out of the room.她悄悄溜出房间。 4、例句:He silently agreed with much of what she had said.对于她所讲的,有很多他暗自赞同。


一般有两个方案第一个方案:用AutoLisp方案,首先用 取得图块这个图元,然后用 entnext 逐一找到属性块来找到其中length的属性,然后将它的值给找出来,然后进行运算,注意 entnext 的运用。这个很简单,你自己应该写吧。第二个方案:用VisualLisp方案,注意vla-getattributes,vlax-variant-value,vlax-safeArray->list这几个函数的运用,以下为 VisualLisp的例子(Defun C:Test () (setq en0 (car (entsel))) ;;此处请选有属性定义的图块 (setq vn0 (vlax-ename->vla-object en0)) (setq lstVar (vla-getattributes vn0)) (setq lstAttrs (vlax-safeArray->list (vlax-variant-value lstVar))) (setq TextString nil) (foreach attr lstAttrs (setq TagString (vla-get-TagString attr)) (if (equal TagString "length") ;此处为你想要的元素 (setq TextString (vla-get-TextString attr)) ) ) (if TextString (princ (strcat "The content of length = " TextString)) (princ "没有找到length ") ) (prin1))

selena gomaz 拍了哪些电影 近年的

(最近是多近?)2008年《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹(Another Cinderella Story)》;2009年《公主保护计划 (Princess Protection Program)》;2009年《少年魔法师电影版 (Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie)》;2010年《蕾蒙娜和姐姐(Ramona and Beezus)》;2010年《蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)》。

Silent Voices 歌词

歌曲名:Silent Voices歌手:Doug Hamer专辑:Rainforest Suiteサイレント ヴォイス星が降りしきるペントハウスで空のオルゴールひとりで聴いてたガラスのロープを目隠しで渡るみんな淋しいサーカスの子供さひとりぼっちの哀しみに轧んだ纲が  心で揺れてる…Silent Voice, Silent Voice优しい瞳(め)をした谁かに逢いたいSilent Eyes, Silent Eyesささやいてくれよそばにいるよって…サイレント ヴォイス人という文字をそっと涙で手のひらに书くと胸が热くてあきらめるたびにあきらめ切れずに途方に暮れる気の弱いピエロさ拍手鸣らない星空で玉乗りたちが  両手をあげるよSilent Voice, Silent Voice优しさ街に降り积もる夜はSilent Eyes, Silent Eyes本当のことが言える気がするねサイレント ヴォイスSilent Voice, Silent Voice优しい瞳(め)をした谁かに逢いたいSilent Eyes, Silent Eyesささやいてくれよそばにいるよって…サイレント ヴォイスhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15060248

mortgage lender 是什么意思啊?


stylenanda朴韶拉(park sora)CY多少!!!!!!!!!!!各种求

中文名:朴韶拉韩文名:ubc15uc18cub77c 英文名:park sora别名:朴素拉 性别:女血型:A型国籍:韩国 家乡:仁川(uc778ucc9c)现居住地:韩国首尔职业:stylenanda常驻模特出生年月日:1988.7.29年龄:24婚姻状况:单身身高:166CM裤子尺寸:25~26size家庭成员:爸爸妈妈姐姐[ubc15uc18cuc601] 妹妹[ubc15uc9c4uc120]

c语言编程 编写求字符串长度的函数int strlen(char*s),在主函数中调用该函数输出指定字符串的长度

代码:#include&lt;stdio.h&gt;int mystrlen(char*str){int size=0;if(NULL==str)return-1;while(*str){size++;str++;}return size;}int main(int argc,const char*argv[]){char str[1024];printf("please input string:");gets(str);printf("mystrlen=%d ",mystrlen(str));return 0;}方法二、int Strlen(char*s){int i;for(i=0;*s!="";s++)//计算字符串串长(不用strlen)i++;return i;}//返回值为累加的iint main(){char a[100],*s;int n;printf("Enter a string:");scanf("%s",a);n=Strlen(a);printf("该字符串串长为:%d ",n);return 0;}扩展资料:C语言strlen()函数用法头文件:#include&lt;string.h&gt;strlen()函数用来计算字符串的长度,其原型为:unsigned int strlen(char*s);s为指定的字符串eg:#include&lt;stdio.h&gt;#include&lt;string.h&gt;int main(){char*str1="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/shipin/";char str2[100]="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/shipin_liming/";char str3[5]="12345";printf("strlen(str1)=%d,sizeof(str1)=%d ",strlen(str1),sizeof(str1));printf("strlen(str2)=%d,sizeof(str2)=%d ",strlen(str2),sizeof(str2));printf("strlen(str3)=%d,sizeof(str3)=%d ",strlen(str3),sizeof(str3));return 0;}运行结果:strlen(str1)=38,sizeof(str1)=4strlen(str1)=45,sizeof(str1)=100strlen(str1)=53,sizeof(str1)=5



Lenny这个名字在美国有什么特殊含义么 在美剧里经常有人叫别人别叫自己Lenny 比如生活大爆炸里的Leonard

因为Lenny像女生的名字啊= =





Johnny Ray Allen的《Poverty》 歌词

歌曲名:Poverty歌手:Johnny Ray Allen专辑:AnnunciationMick Hucknall - PovertyUp every morning with the sunI work all day til the evening comesBlisters and corns all in my handsLord, have mercy on a working manI guess I"m gonna die just like I"m livingIn povertyMy pay goes down and my tax goes upI drink my tea from a broken cupBetween my woman and Uncle SamI can"t figure out whose fool I amI guess I"m gonna die just like I"m livingIn povertyOh, Lord, it"s so hardBut it"s fairEverybody talks butNobody really caresLord!I can"t save a dime, can"t buy me one centI pay my bills, I can"t pay my rentThe old lady"s fussing and the kids are cryingThey won"t let me join the welfare lineI guess I"m gonna die just like I"m livingIn povertyThey say there"s one povertyThey say it"s going around nowBut all I need is people Oh LordThey"re trying to keep you down nowOh!PovertyThat"s where I"m gonna stay nowOh Lord!It seems that"s where I"m gonna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8822896

Lily Allen的《Naive》 歌词

歌曲名:Naive歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (Music from the Motion Picture)Naive-Lily AllenI"m not saying it was your faultAlthough you could"ve done moreOh you"re so naive, yet soHow could this be doneBy such a smiling sweetheartOh and your sweet and your pretty faceIn such an ugly waySomething so beautifulThat every time I look insideI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...But she"s still out to get meI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...But she"s still out to get me~~~I may say that it was your fault"causd I know you could"ve done moreOh you"re so naive, yet soHow could this be doneBy such a smiling sweetheartOh and your sweet and pretty faceIn such an ugly waySomething so beautifulAnd everytime I look insideI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...She"s still out to get meI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...But she"s still out to get me~~~But she"s still out to get me~~Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah~~~Ah~~~And how could this be doneBy such a smiling sweetheartOh you"re so naive, yet soSuch an ugly thingSomeone so beautifulAt every time you"re on this sideI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...But she"s still out to get meI know, she knowsI"m not fond of askingTrue or false, it may be...But she"s still out to get me~~~~But she"s still out to get me~~~~But she"s still out to get meJust don"t let me downJust don"t let me downAnd hold on to your kiteJust don"t let me downJust don"t let me downJust don"t let me downAnd hold on to your kiteJust don"t let me downJust don"t let me downJust don"t let me downJust it.By 李赫@summieleehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59106923

Lenny Kravitz的《Rosemary》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary歌手:Lenny Kravitz专辑:Let Love RuleDo you remember when you walked with meDown the street into the square?How the women selling rosemaryPressed the branches to your chest,Promised luck and all the rest,And put their fingers in your hair?I had met you just the day before,Like an accident of fate,In the window there behind your door.How i wanted to break inTo that room beneath your skin,But all that would have to wait.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.My sister says she never dreams at nightThere are days when i know why;Those possibilities within her sight,With no way of coming true.Some things just don't get throughInto this world , although they try.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.All i know of youIs in my memoryAll i ask is youRemember me.http://music.baidu.com/song/3455486



英语Besides violence怎么翻译?


Valencia is in the east part of Spain(西班牙). It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coa

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:B小题4:D小题5:D 试题分析:本文详细介绍了西班牙的著名城市Valencia的多方面的情况。小题1:C 细节题。根据文章第一段和最后一段Valencia is in the east part of Spain(西班牙)It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.there is also an important city in Venezuela(委内瑞拉)named Valencia.说明有Valencia这个城市,另外还有Valencia这个省,在委内瑞拉还有一个城市Valencia。一共3个地方。故C正确。小题2:C 细节题。根据第三段1,2行Valencia has an old part with white buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings.说明有新城和旧城,差别在于城市的历史。故C正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据最后一段In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain.说明在8世纪,Valencia是西班牙的首都,故是在8世纪,它很重要,故B正确。小题4:D 细节题。根据第三段2,3行Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens.说明D正确。小题5:D 细节题。根据第二段第二句Most of the city"s money is made from farming.说明大部分的收入都来自于农业。故D正确。点评:本文介绍了西班牙著名城市Valencia。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。

圣安地列斯Helena Wankstein这名女友除了要求肥胖度低,不要太彪悍之外,


关于圣安地列斯里名叫Helena Wankstein 女友的事

Helena不喜欢太壮或是太胖的,主角的肌肉指数低于25%她会更喜欢,脂肪也越少越好,但同时也要保持很高的吸引力。坐上一辆漂亮的摩托机车或跑车去邀请她和你约会。这样会提高一点额外的吸引力。 约会时间:下午2点以后 Helena喜欢去餐厅吃饭,最近的餐厅就是在Los Santos的Rodeo。如果她要兜风,悠着点开,她不喜欢飙车。 其实,你可以先不必急着跟她约会,等到你收集齐了50个贝壳以后再来找她,那时她不会在意你的身材。把50个贝壳全部都收集到的奖励就是:女友不会在意你的身材,并且不会分手。



圣安地列斯helena wankstein女友送的乡村服装有什么用?


意大利语stai zita silenzio是什么意思?

stai zitta 你闭嘴(对 女孩子说) 如果你对男孩子说,应该是 :stai zitto silenzio 意思是:安静,是一个名词 zitto 形容词,安静的寂静的 请注意:zitto,是两个t

意大利语stai zita silenzio是什么意思?

焦虑的弱弱新闻 silenzio是寂静的意思

Selena Gomez的《WHIPLASH》 歌词

歌曲名:WHIPLASH歌手:Selena Gomez专辑:When the Sun Goes DownSelena Gomez & the Scene - WhiplashA baby moonlightHits the spotlightI"m on my flightTo take you awayI"m feeling so freeYou"re makin me crazyThat"s what you doThat"s what you doLet"s go now!Lickety splitA girl in al bilShe falls in a pitSay hello darlingTwisted insanityFallen humanityAll I want is some tranquilityDo you hear me?Do you hear me?Well come on, boyA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashLike a first kissWith a sweet listOf some love songs, oh yeahAnd with this melodyFalling over meIt makes me weakSo damn weakSo let"s go nowLickety splitA girl in a bilShe falls in a pitSay hello darlingTwisted insanityFallen humanityAll I want is some tranquilityDo you hear me?Do you hear me?Well come on, boyA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la ohh yeaLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laSo let"s go nowA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7181510


首先我们需要安装ogretools工具,不然导出的时候会报错。 $sudo apt-get install ogre-1.9-tools 然后获得“blender2ogre”插件包,在里面找到“io_ogre”文件夹。 把“io_ogre”文件夹直接放在blender安装目录下的“addons”文件夹中。打开blender菜单中选择“文件”--“用户设置”。 搜索“ogre”勾选这个插件,然后“保存用户设置”。 现在我们就可以选择要导出的模型,然后然后菜单中“文件”--“导出”--“Ogre3D(scene and mesh)”。 选择位置以及填写名称,然后“Export Ogre”。 然后我们的模型就被导出为mesh文件了。


新的blender已经换了组织目录结构了。。那个ogre_import.py也不能用了。。google一下torchlight-to-blender 这个东西可以用,上面也有说明 。

Silent Scream 歌词

歌曲名:Silent Scream歌手:Lunatica专辑:AtlantisInsomnia, I welcome thee能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollIn the nights I see the world bleedIn my dreams I have to hideI cannot close the door to this mystique placeMy eyes blinded by the miseryNever I felt so much fearIt seems that I"m already in hellOh help me, my silent screams remain unheardInsomnia is the key to my lifeI don"t want to see the world behind this thin curtainWhich separates conscience from sleepIn my back the knife is getting nearThis could be my last breathBut somewhere I must find the door to morningThis time, if my senses are awakeI may pass the tin line into safetyBut tomorrow it starts againOh help me, my silent screams remain unheardInsomnia is the key to my lifeI don"t want to see the world behind this thin curtainWhich separates conscience from sleephttp://music.baidu.com/song/23438810



silent oath--knights歌词和罗马音

呦 我最好的朋友 陪我到世界终结的朋友Yo, my best friend, best friend til the very end因为你是我最好的朋友 最真心的朋友 我无须在你面前百般伪装Cause best friends, best friends don"t have to pretend你需要帮忙的时候 我会一直在你近旁You need a hand, and i"m right there right beside you你困顿潦倒 我会是天际那道耀眼的亮光为你导航You in the dark, i"ll be the bright light to guide you还记得那一次次 一次次 我们偷偷溜出去玩儿"Member the times, times, times sneaking of the house那一次次 一次次 你疑云密布All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts也别忘了我们曾经那么多次深陷困境And don"t forget all the trouble we got into我们有那么多难以从记忆中擦除的美好回忆We got something you can"t undo, do我们笑得肆无忌惮Laughing so damn hard不小心撞毁你爸的新车Crashed your dad"s new car我们一起经历的那些创伤All the scars we share我承诺 我发誓I Promise, I swear无论你在何方 你要永远记住Wherever you go, just always remember我永永远远都是你可以停靠的避风港That you got a home for now and forever如果你人生低迷 无论何时只管来找我And if you get low, just call me whenever这是我对你不变的誓约This is my oath to you无论你在何方 你要永远记住Wherever you go, just always remember你不是一个人 我永远都是你的狐朋狗党You never alone, we"re birds of a feather无论天气怎样冷暖无常 我们的情意永远一往如常And we"ll never change, no matter the weather这是我对你永恒的誓约This is my oath to you我知道我有时候让你抓狂 额 有时候I know I drive you crazy, mm, sometimes我总是叫你懒猪 大多数情况下I know I called you lazy, and that"s most times但是你让我变得更加完美 这一点儿不假But you complete me, and that"s no lie你是我飘逸靓丽的燕尾服 而我是你光彩夺目的领带You are my tuxedo, and i"m your bow tie坐在车里我们的歌声随风飘荡We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song撼袭建筑 将之毁灭 像我们是金刚一样Rocking the building, tear it down, like we king kong在我眼中 你并不是美玉无瑕And in my eyes, you can"t do, do no wrong但你有我这个最铁的朋友陪你一起唱 一起唱You got the best friends sing, sing along我们笑得肆无忌惮Laughing so damn hard不小心撞毁你爸的新车Crashed your dad"s new car我们一起经历的那些创伤All the scars we share我承诺 我发誓I Promise, I swear无论你在何方 你要永远记住Wherever you go, just always remember我永永远远都是你

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简介 :如果是对Computer Vision有所了解的同学应该都不会对LeNet-5陌生,这篇由LeCun和Bengio在1998年(我竟然还没出生)撰写的论文着实牛掰。实际上LeNet-5的诞生还要早(大约是1994年)。LeNet-5基本上为CNN在2012年以后的爆发奠定了基调。当然除了LeNet-5还有LeNet-1、LeNet-4等网络结构,在原始论文中也作为比较提到。 背景 :当初LeNet-5的设计主要是为了解决手写识别问题。那时传统的识别方案很多特征都是hand-crafted,识别的准确率很大程度上受制于所设计的特征,而且最大的问题在于手动设计特征对领域性先验知识的要求很高还耗时耗力,更别谈什么泛化能力,基本上只能针对特定领域。 稍微有一点computer vision经验的人都不会对下面这张图陌生,这张图是LeCun在原始论文中po的一张结构图,很直观能get到LeNet-5的结构。但是原始论文的操作手法和现在的大多数人的implementation稍微不同,这里针对每一层做一个阐释。 原论文中的损失函数采用MSE,并添加了一个惩罚项(后文查看 为什么要添加惩罚项 ),计算公式为: 右边这个对数部分就是惩罚项,且小于等于左边。但实际上现在很多对于LeNet-5的实现是没有这一部分的,因为效果不明显。 关于标准化和归一化,网上有的博客是混用的,这个我都接受,毕竟英文翻译都是normalization,但是有人怎么会把正则化和这两个搞混???正则化完全不同,英文是regularization,这里按下不表。个人认为归一化和标准化只是方法上的区别,这两者都是数据缩放的方法,本质都是一种 线性变换 ,但是标准化特指将数据缩放为均值为0,方差为1的区间(z-score normalization/Standardization)。而归一化有Rescaling、Mean normalization、Scaling to unit length三种不同的选择,方法不同,目的一致。但是这两者还是稍有差别,具体表现在归一化的方法直接是根据极值进行缩放到 ,易受极值影响。而标准化是根据方差进行数据缩放平移,数据范围可能是 ,也就是会考虑数据分布特征,更适合对于噪声和异常值的处理。 但……我还是没说normalization到底有什么用? 这里祭出Andrew Ng的图: 所以总结一下normalization作用就是更容易 正确收敛 ! 这里这个权重和偏置很有意思,大多数初学者可能都没有考虑过,你细品,这 难道不就是初中的 ???套了件马甲就不认识了?一次函数在高等数学里应该是一条直线,能够用直线区分的两个类别被称为线性可分,但是有这么一个问题,如果非要用线性去解决线性不可分问题呢??? 这里就是为什么要用w作为权重,w是决定那个分离超平面的方向所在。b就是对该平面的移动,如果没有b,所有的分离超平面都过原点。 对于输入图像(或者特征图)大小为input_size,给定kernel_size、padding、stride,计算得出output_size为: 该公式既适用于卷积过程,也适用于池化过程。 根据Occam"s Razor原理: 如无必要,勿增实体 。在机器学习过程中,我们希望训练得到的是泛化能力强的模型,然鹅生活中越简洁、抽象的对象越容易描述,越具体、复杂、明显就越不容易描述区分,描述区分的泛化能力就越不好。问题来了:如何控制这个复杂度?通常的做法是在损失函数后面加上一个正则惩罚项: 没有加上正则项的部分叫做 经验风险 ,加上正则项的损失函数叫做 结构风险 ,结构风险多的 这一部分叫做penalty(惩罚项),惩罚项常用的是 或者 范数。惩罚项的意思就是通过计算权重绝对值的均值加上一个权重因子 作为重视程度,也叫做惩罚系数。 结构风险通过通过惩罚项控制模型复杂程度,降低过拟合并提高泛化能力。 由于笔者本身能力有限,文章内容和文字可能出现一些错误,欢迎各位批评指正,共同讨论,共同学习。

联想笔记本lenovo v330-141kb,如何更改boot mode,安装win7后不能正常进入win7系统,识别不了硬盘

联想笔记本lenovo v330-141kb安装win7后不能正常进入win7系统解决步骤如下:1丶重启你的电脑并按“Delete”键进入BIOS。2丶键盘方向键移到菜单栏中的[Boot]选项→出现[Boot]选项界面。3丶选择“硬盘驱动器”,之后按“Enter”两次以进入下一步。4丶选择你的系统盘名称,这里我的系统盘名称为PM-Maxtor 2F040L0,选择“PM-Maxtor 2F040L0”选项→Enter。5丶硬盘驱动器变为“PM-Maxtor 2F040L0”,最后按F10保存设置并重新启动计算机即可。

Valentine - Kina Grannis的MP3下载地址。


大神,有木有Valentine Kina Grannis歌词+++中文读音 跪求跪求!~

Valentine - Kina Grannis情人Love, it"s a special day爱,这是个特别的日子We should celebrate and appreciate我们应该庆祝和感激That you and me found something pretty neat你我都找到了如此美好的感情And I know some say this day is arbitrary我知道有些人说这节日太过轻浮随意But it"s a good excuse, put our love to use不过它却是个好借口,让我们去感受爱Baby, I know what to do亲爱的,我知道该怎么做Baby, I...亲爱的,我……I will love you我会爱你I"ll love you, I"ll love you我会爱你,爱你Love, I don"t need those things爱,我不需要那些证明I don"t need no ring不需要戒指I don"t need anything不需要任何东西But you with me只要你陪着我"Cause in your company只因有你做伴I feel happy, oh so happy and complete我觉得快乐,是那么的幸福而完整But it"s a good excuse, put our love to use不过它却是个好借口,让我们去感受爱Baby, I know what to do blabzo trans亲爱的,我知道该怎么做Baby, I...亲爱的,我……I will love you我会爱你I"ll love you, I"ll love you我会爱你,爱你Yeah, it"s a good excuse,是,这确实是个好借口put our love to use Baby, I know what to do Baby,让我们感受爱情亲爱的,我知道该怎么做blabzo transI... I will love you I"ll love you,我会爱你,爱你I"ll love you So won"t you be my honey bee?我会好好爱你,你是否愿意做我的情人?Giving me kisses all the time Be mine,吻我,成为我的be my Valentine我的情人吧So won"t you be my honey bee?你愿意做我的情人吗?Giving sweet kisses all the time Be mine,甜蜜的亲吻,成为我的be my Valentine我的情人吧~Oh~~~be my Valentine 当我的情人吧歌词真的没难度!不用谐音把!


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