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lunar month是什么节日的介绍?


voucher date,eco-month,etd,ets,eta的全称各是什么


One and a half months 后面谓语用单数还是复数?

其实应该用 one month and a half...那就肯定用单数...

1.The ______ of ice sold increases sharply in the summer months.

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A

With prices rising sharply, we now have to spend _______ three months ago on basic living materials.



January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

按月计算工资英语的表达方式是by month还是by the month 为什么

by the monthby + the +单位名词,意为“按……”

工资单UI EE, PIEE, MIEE ,PHFEE,HF Pay Monthly什么意思

UI 是失业没错PI是养老保险 MI是医疗保险 PHF是住房公积金

连词成句 a have month school yuo trip this

1.Do you have a school trip this month ?这个月你们有校游吗?2.Our school has a book sale on May 18th.我们学校在五月十八号有一个图书售卖活动。

not until it is repaired next month翻译

10. C句意:——请问先生,我们什么时候可以在水池中游泳? 一 直到它下个月被修好。本题考査动词的时态和语态。答语省略了 主句,until引导一个时间状语从句,应用一般现在时表示将来,排 除B、D两项;泳池是被修的 应用被动语态。故选C项。

Dina___for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency


Dina,横线 for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a

答案是 C. having struggled这个句型叫 Perfect Participle (完成式分词)这是固定的句型。having struggled for months to find a job as a waitressafter having struggled for months to find a job as a waitressafter struggling for months to find a job as a waitress上面三个句子有相同意思 现在分词的完成式表示其动作在谓语动词的动作之前已完成。例句:Having finished her homework, the little girl began to watch TV.做完作业后,这个小女孩开始看电视。Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well.(因为)在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。百度对这个句型有详细解释:


=ROUNDUP(MONTH(A1)/3,0)假设A1中是日期,以2015-9-3日为例。首先 month(a1) 是取A1中日期对应的月份,本例中是9然后用 month(a1)/3, 即9/3 ,结果为3。推而广之,如果是1/3结果为0.333,2/3结果为0.67,3/3结果为1,4/3结果为1.333,5/3结果为1.6667。。。。。等等最后一部,对第二步的结果用roudup函数取整,0表示没有小数位。roundup为向上取整,只要有小数,一律向上进位,不管后面的数字是大于5还是小于5,所以roundup(0.333,0)结果就是1,roundup(0.66667,0)结果也是1,roundup(1,0)结果同样是1,这就是第一季度的三个月。roundup(3,0)结果自然是3,表示第三季度。其余的月份同样的道理。



at the latest equal to the time period of shelf-life plus one month


Sam made a tentative guess that six months of his flying course lay ahead of

5th Solar Term



( ) economically, one tin of oil will last at least three months.


() economically,one tin of oil will last at least three months Ato use bto be used c using d used

B 分词短语做条件状语,后面主语是一加仑油,所以要用过去分词,表被动 D d 不定式短语的被动形式,表示还没有去做,符合这个句子的假设条件 .

second month能不能说是二月的意思?




fourth month四月的另外一个英文怎么写


jogging everyday ,he has lost 5 pounds this month.中的 jogging 是现在分词做独立主格结构吗??谢谢呢


my family is going to beijing next month ,对划线部分提问(next month) ---------------

when is your fanily going to beijing

If the work _____ by the end of this month is d...

A 考非谓语。做后置定语。由by the end of this month 可知,这是将来的时间,用不定时表示将来。故选A。B选项 不是非谓语,C选项是正在完成。D选项是已经完成了。

If the building project to be completed by the end of this month is delayed,


by the end of this month,all this___. change




the earth monther is tricking you是什么意思


Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water


It is said that Wang Feng’s new CD will ________ next month. A.come up B.come along ...

D 试题分析:句意:据说汪峰的新碟将在下个月发行。A.走进,发生被提出 B 出现,一起来C. 过来,顺便来访D.出版,发行。根据句意故选D.


这个句子应改为:She wrote to his friend last month.



翻译下Duration: 6 Months


after three months study

1.不可以:three-month本身就是可做定语的复合形容词,无须在其后再加"s形式. 2.答案错,rice为不可数名词,没有复数形式,答案是:three bowls of rice 3.答案错,不过two more days = another two days

Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


Jenny told me that she___an English Speech Contest the next month.A.take part in


It took me about 2 months to plan my daughter’s b

1-5. three; nights; buy; for; invitedTwo monthsTwo beautiful skirtsHer daughter"s friendsOn September 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Monte Verde ParkCakes

---Where have you been recently? --- I _______ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month. ...

D 试题分析:考查时态,根据句意:最近在哪里的?--上个月在杭州出差一个星期。可知在杭州是上个月的事,用过去时。点评:时态的考查要根据本句的关键词,本题的关键词是last month.本题特别容易错选AB项。

where have you been recently I in hangzhou on business for a week last month

过去完成式。用had been。

a couple of months翻译成几个月还是两个月?

couple名词意思是:一对,一双 ,夫妇;未婚夫妻;一对舞伴 例如:The young couple decided to start their tour immediately. 那对年轻夫妇决定立即开始旅游。 在口语中的意思是:几个,三两个 例如:They walked a couple of miles. 他们步行了几英里。所以a couple of days的意思是“几天”(也就是两、三天的意思,是泛指),所以a couple of months是几个月的意思

This month是什么时态?

这个不好说啊,很多时候并不是一个短语就可以决定句子时态的。单看this month的话,可能是过去时,未来时和完成时。过去时:This month I went to see the concert. (这个月我去看了演唱会,指这个行为发生在本月,并且已经过去)将来时:I‘ll go to Japan this month. But I don"t know the exact time. (本月我将去日本,但我不知道确切时间。指的是去日本这个动作将发生在本月,且还未发生)完成时:Only this month I have earned 1000 dollars. (光这一个月我就已经挣了1000美元,指的是动作在本月已经完成,强调完成。)


带有in the past/last few/several months/years...的用现在完成时很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

C语言编程,输入是yyyy-month-dd格式的日期 ,求出K天後的日期

不懂啊 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

int day,month,year,sum,leap; 提示说语法错误,有不有高手指点一下啊



artist of the month》是东方卫视从英国BBC电视台引进的汽车类真人秀综艺节目,由东方卫视、BBC中国、鸿翼传媒以及爱奇艺四方共同打造。一、简介《artist of the month》是东方卫视从英国BBC电视台引进的汽车类真人秀综艺节目,由东方卫视、BBC中国、鸿翼传媒以及爱奇艺四方共同打造。8月3日在珠海正式开机,8月25日在上海博大汽车公园举行盛大的开机新闻发布会。9月2日、3 日也在横店进行了拍摄。据主办方透露,拍摄的场景将包括城市生活、极限驾驶、自驾游、趣味驾驶等类型,拍摄范围横跨10多个省市。嘉宾有乔振宇、马天宇、叶璇、胡彦斌、周韦彤、姜武、柯有伦、王阳明、郑嘉颖等,节目于2014年11月12日22:00-23:30,在东方卫视震撼开播。巅峰拍挡第二季 于2015年10月19日22:15震撼开播。二、节目内容Top Gear作为全世界最疯狂、最受欢迎的汽车节目,长久以来拥有深厚的收视群体。由鸿翼传媒制作的Top Gear中国版节目引自英国BBC王牌汽车节目《Top Gear》,正式定名为《artist of the month》,并由红牛独家冠名赞助, 于2014年11月12日晚10点,在东方卫视播出。巅峰极速榜的拍摄在珠海机场进行,第一季节目中,全新福特Mustang野马、迈凯伦650S、KTM X-Bow GT、保时捷918 Spyder、宾利、宝马、MINI、玛莎拉蒂、阿斯顿·马丁都将出现在巅峰极速榜的现场。《artist of the month》(Top Gear)节目组表示超跑高性能车测试是拍摄中开销最大的部分:每拍摄10分钟,就会耗资30万元人民币!极致高昂的成本,为的是极致高品质的测试,更是为了满足每位中国Top Gear车迷的期待。而将这些豪车汇集在一起,其难度和成本之高,可想而知道了。

a lot of money -------------------(donate)to the poor areas next month

一般将来时被动语态,will be donated

求求各位大虾用How often提问6组句子,要回答, 例子:How often do you shop? I shop once a month。

1,how often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies onece a week.2,how often do you brush your teeth?I brush my teeth every often do you go back to your home?I go back to my home three times a month.随意改啊,1万个都造的出,,,


错了。12months是主语,inayear是状语。 倒装句有很多种。 其中你问的第二句是“否定副词开头的要到装”。 land既然是不及物动词就没有宾语。所以它是主谓倒装。 后面的when引导的是状语从句。满意请采纳

forward 12month

第一个:在向前推展12月的期间 第二个:在往后追溯12月的期间 意思是相反的.

12 month guarantee on new rediators意思


12 month with R&E是什么意思

R&E 是“。。。”的缩写。我猜是个公司,因此,应译成:在R&E公司工作了12个月。



12 month warranty


12 months为什么用三单?


compounded monthly什么意思



Portsmouth[英][ˈpɔ:tsməθ][美][ˈpɔrtsməθ, ˈport-]朴茨茅斯(英国港市); 1They travelled to Portsmouth, where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown.他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。2Parole the prisoners there, refit as necessary, and we shall rendezvous in portsmouth使俘虏宣誓后释放,船如有必要就整修我们将在朴茨茅斯会合

Typically there is a waiting list of at least a couple of months to purchase a hybrid ...翻译?

典型地,去购买一辆混合动力汽车需要至少几个月,因此你必须有耐心,而且在投资方面你没有快速的回报,与许多人相信的相反除非油和米价涨得更高。unless相当于if not

12months with Rolls and Extensions 是什么意思


two month later

after 8 months是8个月之后 two months later是2个月之后,完全不一样嘛 同义句的话可以用 eight months later ps:那就基本是一样的

two months ago i went to

two months ago ,i went abroad for further study.before i left ,i wasj

for two months 提问

我的奶奶每年和我们在一起两个月。(for two months表示一段时间)

I am afraid it will be two months----------- 这句话的后面应该选哪个,求答案及讲解


less than two months

fewer than little more than的意思是多一点,而不是少一点

for two months不能和

有错误 如果 dare 是情态动词:敢;竟敢 应该用:dare not do 的结构:I dare not wash my trouseres for two months. 如果 dare 是行为动词:敢;胆敢,后跟动词不定式 所以应该改为:I don"t dare to wash my trousers for two months. 但是我是想说敢啊,I don"t dare或I dare not不就变成不敢吗,如果是这样的话就用肯定句:I dare ( to ) wash my trousers for two months. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

She is only two months _____ (old)


I stayed there for two months last year. stay是延续性动词,而且还有for+时间段,为什么不用had been

就是一个时态的问题啊,过去时和过去完成时表达的意义是不一样的。但看前一部分的话用完成时什么问题都没有,但最后给出的时间是last year!!!!所以限定了时态。。。要细心哦,亲 。。。。

提问in two months


she has been to Beijing for two months这句话有错吗?

it should be :She has been in Beijing for two months.

for two months last year 用什么时态

A 时态考查题。句意:去年泰德在伦敦接受了为期两个月的年训。题中虽然有段时间for two months但还是不能用完成时态因为此处只重在叙述过去的动作和现在无关,所以选A


In November,December and January constitute the winter. 两个多月的时间你不能看见太阳.

I bought the watch two months ago. --- You mean that you __________ it for nearly two months.


there are two months in year

1 Are there 2 There are two balls 3 There isn"t any 4 How many ,are there

对in two months提问

My sister will leave school in two months.(对in two months 提问) (How soon will) your sister leave school? 你姐姐还有多久完成学业啊? how soon用于对将来的一段时间提问.

two months ago 是两个月了 还是两个月前?

两个月前 ago 副词 ad.在...以前 We toured France about three years ago. 我们大约三年前去法国游玩过.

话说“两个半月的”adj.英语该如何表达 两个月是two-month,那两个半月呢?

Two and a half months 例句:他们希望能在两个半月之内做完. And they want this done in two and half months.

用定语从句合并下列句子,1,july and august are the months the weather is?

1.July and august are the months in which the weather is the hottest. 2.Do you see the house whose windows are all broken. 3.History museum the first museum in china that he visited. 4.Those who havent been to the west lakewill gather at the school gate.,3,1. July and August are the two months in which the weather is the hottest. 用引导词 which 引导,因为涉及到在哪一月要用介词 in. 2. Do you see the house whose windows are all broken? 用引导词 Whose 来引导,用来表达 “谁的”等附...,1,1. july and august are the months that the weather is the hottest in both months. 2. do you see the house which windows are all broken . 3. the first museum was h...,0,1. July and August are the months in which the weather is the hottest. 2. Do you see the house of which windows are all broken? 3. The first museum that he visited in china was history museum. 4. Those who haven"t been to the west lake will gather at the school gate.,0,1.July and august are the months which in both months the weather is the hottest 2.Do you see the house whose windows are all broken. 3.H e visited the first museum in China which was history museum. 4.Those who haven"t been to the west lake will gather at the school gate.,0,用定语从句合并下列句子, 1,july and august are the months the weather is the hottest is the hottest in both months 2,do you see the house lts windows are all broken 3,the first museum was history museum he visited the first museum in china 4,those will gather ar the school gate those havent been to the west lake 要下课了,求大师

in the past two months后面为什么用现在完成时?


为什么It is two months since she left Beijing用is不用has been


two months ago

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