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most[英][mu0259u028ast][美][mou028ast]adv.最,最多(大); much的最高级; 非常,很; 几乎; adj.many的最高级; 最多的,最大的; 大概的; 大多数的,大部分的; n.最大限度; 大部分; 大多数人;


most形容词 a. 1.(many, much的最高级)最多的;最高程度的Which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多? 2.多数的;大部分的Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。


most: [ mu0259ust ] n. 最多,最大a. 大多数的,几乎全部的,最多的ad. 最,最多,极其


一、most后可直接跟名词(可数或不可数),同时,也可接有形容词修饰的名词.注意:跟可数名词时,谓语动词要用复数形式.如: Most boys like playing football.大部分男孩都喜欢踢足球. I always spent most time learning English.我总是把大部分时间花在英语学习上. 二、most后不能直接跟有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词所修饰的名词.




  most有最;最多;极其;大多数;大部分等意思,那么你知道most的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    most的用法:   most的用法1:most用作副词时是many和much的最高级,可与部分两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词构成最高级。与形容词连用构成最高级时,前面通常要加定冠词,尤其是在有明确的比较范围时。   most的用法2:most在构成最高级时,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。   most的用法3:在口语中, most可作almost解,与含有every, any, all的词语连用。   most的用法4:most还可用作名词,意为“最大量”“大多数,大部分”。   most的用法5:most用作名词时常与介系of连用,放在其他名词前作限定用法(该名词前应有my, our, the等限定词)。   most的用法6:“most+of+名词”用作主语时,其谓语动词的数须根据该名词的数来决定。    most的常用短语:   用作形容词 (adj.)   for the most part   用作名词 (n.)   at (the) most   make the most of    most的用法例句:   1. The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display.   这个晚上最让人高兴的就是精彩的焰火表演。   2. Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards.   美国早期的风向标大多截自平直的木板。   3. Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption.   这些酒中大部分都不适于人类饮用。   4. Mark was condemned to do most of the work.   马克被迫承担大部分工作。   5. I think I"ve got one of the most stressful jobs there is.   我想我得到的这份工作是其中最繁重的工作之一。   6. A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people.   有几个是愚笨的寄生虫,但是大多数是有才能却不得志而自暴自弃的人。   7. He is one of the most wanted criminals in Europe.   他是欧洲最重要的通缉犯之一。   8. We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.   我们正在经历现代最严重的一段经济衰退。   9. The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.   大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。   10. India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.   印度一直都是宗教信仰最多元的国家之一。   11. He spends most of his pocket money on PlayStation games.   他大部分零花钱都用来买PS游戏了。   12. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm.   不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静地度过。   13. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   14. Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44lbs per passenger.   我们大多数航班行李限重为每位乘客44磅。   15. For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.   一年中大部分时间里,这个地区游人如织。

most是什么意思 英语most是什么意思

1、adv.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最;(程度上)最大;最多;最高;非常;极其;完全。 2、det./pron.大多数;(数量上)最多;最大;几乎所有,many的最高级;much的最高级。 3、例句:This is one of the most commonly used methods. 这是最常采用的方法之一。

most怎么读 英语most怎么读

1、most英[m??st]美[mo?st]。 2、adv.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最;(程度上)最大;最多;最高;非常;极其;完全,det./pron.大多数;(数量上)最多;最大;几乎所有。3、例句:This is one of the most commonly used methods. 这是最常采用的方法之一。

most怎么读 英语most怎么读

1、most英[mu0259u028ast]美[mou028ast]。 2、adv.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最;(程度上)最大;最多;最高;非常;极其;完全,det./pron.大多数;(数量上)最多;最大;几乎所有。 3、例句:This is one of the most commonly used methods. 这是最常采用的方法之一。






most后面可以加形容词、副词的原级,表示最高级,另外还可以加名词,表示大多数。most是many和much的最高级。作副词有“最;(程度上)最大,最多,最高;非常;极其;完全”的意思,作形容词有“大部分的,多数的,最多的”意思,可修饰名词。1.形容词most可用作many、much的最高级,意为“最多的”、“最高程度的”,后面可跟复数可数名词或不可数名词;形容词most可表示“多数的”、“大部分的”、“多半的”等意思,后面可跟复数可数名词。例如: (1)Who has the most need of help?谁最需要帮助? (2)Most people think so.大多数人都这么想。 2.most用作副词时,有下面几种用法: (1)常置于两个音节以上的形容词或副词之前,并与其一起构成该词的最高级形式。例如: Which lesson is the most difficult in this book?这本书里哪一课最难? (2)表示“极”、“得”、“十分”、“非常”等意思,用来强调或加强语气。在这种情况下,most前面不用定冠词the。例如: a.That"s most kind of you.你心肠真好。 b.We shall most certainly come.我们一定来。 (3)表示“几乎”、“差不多”等意思,相当于almost/nearly。例如: a.Most everybody talks about it.几乎每个人都在谈论此事。 3.most用作名词,其意为“最大量”、“最多数”、“最高额”、“大多数”、“大部分”、“大多数人”。例如: (1)Do the most you can.尽你所能去做。 (2)The most are on our side.大多数人都支持我们。


Many和Much用法①many和much都作“许多”解,但many用于修饰可数名词,而much修饰不可数名词。例如:1. China has many oil fields. 中国有许多油田。2. In our view, there is much oil here. 在我们看来,这里有许多石油。② 代词many和名词much用法举例:1. Many of the students want to sum up the past experience before going on. 许多学生(原意为:学生中间有许多人)要总结一下过去经验在继续干。2. Much of the waste acid is utilized. 废酸中大部分被利用了。③“much(副词)+比较级”作“……得多”解:1. The sun is much large than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多了。2. This problem seems much more difficult than that one. 这道题似乎比那道题难得多。3. We turned back a much larger enemy force. 我们把力量强得多的敌人顶了回去。④ 副词much修饰动词、过去分词时作“十分”解:1. We all love Beijing very much. 我们大家都非常热爱北京。2. We are much interested in heat utilization. 我们对热量利用十分感兴趣。注:上述两种句子,一般不能用very代替much。有时much也可修饰作表语用的形容词:It is much the same. 差不多相同。⑤ many和much的一些常用词组:many a time 许多次 how many books 多少书 how much water 多少水as much (many) 同样多 as much (many) as 像……那么多倍数+as much (many) as… ……的……倍(那么多) much less 何况(用于否定)much more 何况(用于肯定)注1:much和many的比较级和最高级都是more和most,分别详见第337页和225页。“more(或most)+形容词或副词原级”还分别构成比较级和最高级。如:more useful较为有用的;most widely 最广泛地。注2:“many a+可数名词单词”用法特殊,举例如下:1. Many a worker often shows concern for us. (注意谓语用第三人称单数形式)许多工人经常关心我们。2. Many a time have they been to Beijing.(注意Many a time作状语位于句首时,后面要引起主语、谓语颠倒现象,因为many a time和often近义,often位于句首时也引起主语、谓语颠倒。)他们去过北京多次。much加不可数名词,如much milkmany加可数名词复数,如many applesHow many加可数名词复数,如How many pearsHow much加不可数名词,如How much waterHow much也可用于问价钱,如How much are the apples?意思是这些苹果多少钱?这是How many与How much的最大区别some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can"t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? --I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友。 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 选题角度: 辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。lot、lots、a lot、a lots、lot of、lots of、a lot of、a lots of的区别 1. lot——相当,许多2. lots——土堆3. a lot的用法a lot是口语中的一个常用词组,多用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句。其主要用法有如下几点:①作名词短语,表示“很多;多量”,在句中作主语、宾语或表语,其后常有动词不定式短语作后置定语,如:There is a lot to see at the party. 聚会上有许多可观赏的东西。(作主语)You know a lot/much about English names. 你知道许多有关英语姓名的情况。(作宾语)This is a lot. 这真多。(作表语)②作副词短语,在句中作程度状语,表示“很;非常;常常”,修饰动词、感叹词、介词短语、形容词或副词的比较级,如:It usually rains a lot/much at this time of year. 每年这个时候都经常下雨。(修饰动词rain)Thanks a lot/very much ---that"s very kind. 多谢,十分感激。(修饰感叹词thanks,thanks=thank you)He is feeling a lot/much better. 他感觉好多了。(修饰比较级better)③a lot前可被such,what,quite,rather修饰,如:I like him quite a lot. 我非常喜欢他。---How much money is left? ---还剩下多少钱?---Rather a lot. ---还有相当多。4.a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。a lot, a lot of, lots of通常用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much,如: There"s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there. 有许多事情要做,许多人已派去那里了。 5.用于固定搭配构成习语。have a lot to answer for为糟糕的情况负责have a lot on your plate有很多困难的工作要处理 have a lot on/have a lot going on 近期很忙Do you have a lot on for tonight? 你今晚很忙吗?They will have a lot on tomorrow. 他们明天将很忙。have a lot on one"s mind把很多事情挂在心上see + n. (a lot/little/less/more/much/nothing/something) + of + sb./sth. ……见到某人/物He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。We hope to see something of you during the holidays. 我们希望在假期里不时能看到你。something of…表示“几分; 多少”lots 不单独用的,lots of=a lot of 后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。a lot 当然不是名词性短语了,而是副词性短语,修饰动词。比如:Thanks a lot.= Thanks very much. 再比如:I know him a lot。 plenty of 和以上lots of 和a lot of相似,后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。more用法1.(many, much的比较级)更多的;更高程度的[+(than)]He has more chance than ever. 他从来没有这样的大好机会。 2.另外的,附加的If you still feel hungry, there is more food in the kitchen. 如果你还饿,厨房里还有东西。 代词 pron. 1.更多的数量;更多的人(或事物)[(+of/than)]Instead of fewer accidents, there were more. 意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。 2.额外的数目;另外的一些副词 ad. 1.(用以构成形容词或副词的比较级)更[(+than)]His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病情比医生原先所料的更严重。 2.(much的比较级)更多;更大程度地You should sleep more than you do. 你应该有更多的睡眠。 3.另外;再They stayed there two days more. 他们在那里又呆了两天。 4.而且


u2022MOST - Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (梅纳德操作排序技术)

most 用法上与best有什么区别吗

most 大多数 来自于 many/muchbest最好 来自于 good/well老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢!^_^


most一词既可以作副词,意为“最多,最。。。”;又可以作名词,意为“大部分,大多数”;还可以作形容词,意为“大部分的,多数的;最多的”。如:1. 作副词:Your attitude to life is the most important thing in your life.在你的生活中,你怎样看待生活是极其重要的。2. 作名词:Most of her life is spent teaching and helping the country children.她一生的大部分时间都是在教育和帮助那些乡村孩子。3.作形容词:The finding was reported in most newspapers.大多数报纸上报道了这个发现。提问句的句子是对的,全句句意为:...因为,当时荷兰有最多的商船。句中the most 修饰merchant ships;而most of the merchant ships意为:大部分的商船,在此不符合句意。愿你满意, 望你采纳。


more 为比较级most为最高级



a most 和the most有什么区别




many , most ,much , more的意思和用法



形容词的比较级和最高级: 绝大多数形容词有三种形式,原级,比较级和最高级,以表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同. 形容词的原级:形容词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的原形.例如:poor tall great glad bad 形容词的比较级和最高级:形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的.分为规则变化和不规则变化. 规则变化如下: 1) 单音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成. great (原级) greater(比较级) greatest(最高级) 2) 以 -e 结尾的单音节形容词的比较级和最高级是在词尾加 -r 和 -st 构成. 3)少数以-y,-er,-ow,-ble结尾的双音节形容词的比较级和最高级是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成. clever(原级) cleverer(比较级) cleverest(最高级) 4) 以 -y 结尾,但 -y 前是辅音字母的形容词的比较级和最高级是把 -y 去掉,加上 -ier 和-est 构成. happy (原形) happier (比较级) happiest (最高级) 5) 以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加 -er和-est. big (原级) bigger (比较级) biggest (最高级) ) 双音节和多音节形容词的比较级和最高级需用more 和 most 加在形容词前面来构成. beautiful (原级)?difficult (原级) more beautiful (比较级) more difficult (比较级) 常用的不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级: 原级 比较级 最高级 good better best many more most much more most little less least ill worse worst far farther(further) farthest(furthest) 形容词前如加 less 和 lest 则表示"较不"和"最不" important 重要 less important 较不重要 lest important 最不重要 形容词比较级的用法: 形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,其结构形式如下: 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分.也就是,含有形容词比较级的主句+than+从句.注意从句常常省去意义上和主句相同的部分,而只剩下对比的成分.

Most 和most of 什么区别

most是任何东西中最多的,most of 是一组东西中最多的

请问most后面接名词用单数还是复数?表示什么意思?most of呢?



most一词既可以作副词,意为“最多,最.”;又可以作名词,意为“大部分,大多数”;还可以作形容词,意为“大部分的,多数的;最多的”.如: 1.作副词:Your attitude to life is the most important thing in your life. 在你的生活中,你怎样看待生活是极其重要的. 2.作名词:Most of her life is spent teaching and helping the country children. 她一生的大部分时间都是在教育和帮助那些乡村孩子. 3.作形容词: The finding was reported in most newspapers. 大多数报纸上报道了这个发现. 提问句的句子是对的,全句句意为:...因为,当时荷兰有最多的商船.句中the most 修饰merchant ships;而most of the merchant ships意为:大部分的商船,在此不符合句意.


most作为名词时意为“大多数,大部分”,前面不用冠词,most of后面接表示范围的介词短语.当它作主语时,of后的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,其谓语动词用单数形式;当of后的名词是复数时,谓语动词用复数形式.如: Most of the students in our school are League members.我们学校大多数的学生是团员.


most of 才有


most用作副词时有最,最大程度地等含义,用作名词时有大部分,最大限度等含义;常与of连用,放在其他名词前作限定用法。 一.most用作副词 1.most用作副词时是many和much的最高级,可与部分两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词构成最高级。与形容词连用构成最高级时,前面通常要加定冠词,尤其是在有明确的比较范围时。 2.most在构成最高级时,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。 She helped me (the) most when my parents died. 我父母死时她给我的帮助最多。 We heard a most interesting talk about Japan. 我们听了一个关于日本的非常有趣的谈话。 二.most用作名词 1.most用作名词时常与of连用,放在其他名词前作限定用法(该名词前应有my, our, the等限定词)。 2.“most+of+名词”用作主语时,其谓语动词的数须根据该名词的数来决定。 Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分书被偷走了。 Most like it. 大多数人都喜欢它。




most /mu0259u028ast/ CET4 TEM41.QUANT You use most to refer to the majority of a group of things or people or the largest part of something. 大多数; 大部分例:Most of the houses in the capital don"t have indoor plumbing.首都大多数房屋没有室内管道装置。By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.通过戒烟,你就是在消除吸烟所致的大多数危害。2.DET Most is also a determiner. 大多数的例:Most people think the queen has done a good job over the last 50 years.大多数人认为女王在过去的50年中尽职尽责。3.PRON Most is also a pronoun. 大多数例:Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-first birthday party.17名平民受了伤,其中大多数是参加一个21岁生日聚会的学生。4.ADJ You use the most to mean a larger amount than anyone or anything else, or the largest amount possible. 最多的例:The president himself won the most votes.总统本人赢得了最多的选票。5.PRON Most is also a pronoun. 最多例:The most they earn in a day is fifty rubles.他们一天最多挣50卢布。6.ADV You use most to indicate that something is true or happens to a greater degree or extent than anything else. 最例:What she feared most was becoming like her mother.她最害怕的是变得像她母亲一样。...Professor Morris, the person he most hated.…莫里斯教授,他最恨的那个人。7.PHRASE You use most of all to indicate that something happens or is true to a greater extent than anything else. 最8.ADV You use most to indicate that someone or something has a greater amount of a particular quality than most other things of its kind. 最例:Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighbourhood.她孩子们的生日聚会是左邻右舍中最好、最精心策划的。He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz.他是最有影响力的现代爵士乐表演者之一。9.ADV If you do something the most, you do it to the greatest extent possible or with the greatest frequency. 最大程度地; 最频繁地例:What question are you asked the most?什么问题是你最常被问到的?10.ADV You use most in conversations when you want to draw someone"s attention to something very interesting or important that you are about to say. (谈话中用于吸引注意力) 最例:Most surprisingly, quite a few said they don"t intend to vote at all.最令人吃惊的是,相当一部分人说他们根本不打算投票。11.PHRASE You use at most or at the most to say that a number or amount is the maximum that is possible and that the actual number or amount may be smaller. 至多例:Poach the pears in apple juice or water and sugar for ten minutes at most.把梨放入苹果汁或水和糖中,煮最多十分钟。12.PHRASE If you make the most of something, you get the maximum use or advantage from it. 充分利用例:Happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.幸福就是充分享用你所拥有的一切的能力。

most 是什么意思

much 和 many 的最高级最多的意思


  most的汉语意思   英 [mst] 美 [most]   原级:much比较级:more   副词 最,最多(大); much的最高级; 非常,很; 几乎   形容词 many的最高级; 最多的,最大的; 大概的; 大多数的,大部分的   名词 大部分; 最大限度; 大多数人   相关例句   形容词   1. Which of you has made the most mistakes?   你们当中谁错得最多?   副词   1. It is really most unfortunate.   这真是太不幸了。   2. It"s most annoying.   这实在令人非常气恼。   most的词典解释   1. 大多数;大部分   You use most to refer to the majority of a group of things or people or the largest part of something.   e.g. Most of the houses in the capital don"t have piped water...   首都的大部分房屋没有自来水。   e.g. By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused...   通过戒烟可以消除吸烟造成的大部分危害。   2. 最多的;最大量的   You use the most to mean a larger amount than anyone or anything else, or the largest amount possible.   e.g. The President himself won the most votes...   总统本人获得最多选票。   e.g. The skippers get the most money, and after them the cooks...   船长拿到的钱最多,其次是厨师。   3. 尤其;最为   You use most to indicate that something is true or happens to a greater degree or extent than anything else.   e.g. What she feared most was becoming like her mother...   她最怕的就是变得像她妈妈那样。   e.g. What they wanted most from the president was a leader who at least would try to educate the country.   他们对总统最大的期待是,至少他应尽力教诲国民。   4. 最;极其   You use most to indicate that someone or something has a greater amount of a particular quality than most other things of its kind.   e.g. Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighborhood...   她的孩子们的生日聚会在街坊四邻里是最好、最讲究的。   e.g. He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz...   他是现代爵士乐最有影响力的表演者之一。   5. 最大限度地;最频繁地;最多地   If you do something the most, you do it to the greatest extent possible or with the greatest frequency.   e.g. What question are you asked the most?...   你们被问及最多的问题是什么?   e.g. Inevitably those who suffer the most are the mothers and children...   妇女和儿童必然是最遭罪的`。   most的情景对话   培训   A:It was the (best summer/ most beautiful day/ easiest exam) ever.   这是(最美好的夏天/最好的天气/最简单的测验)。   B:I"m so jealous.   真羡慕。   销售商务会谈   A:How many do you intend to order?   这种产品你们想订多少?   B:I want to order 900 dozen.   我们想订900打。   A:The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.   目前我们至多只能提供600打。   道谢及回答   A:I really like the record you lent me the other day.   我真的很喜欢你那天借给我的唱片。   B:I"m glad you like it.   我很高兴你喜欢它。   A:And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.   还要谢谢你借给我那么长的时间。   B:Not at all.   别客气。   A:I"m most grateful. Everyone in our class enjoyed it.   我非常感激。我们班每一位同学都喜欢它。   B:I"m glad.   我很高兴。   A:Would you mind my keeping it for another week?   你介意再借给我一个星期吗?   B:No problem.   没问题。


most的三种形式:most的词性有副词、形容词和名词,音标是英 [mu0259u028ast]或美 [most] 。一、词汇分析mostadv. 最;非常,极其;最多;几乎adj. 大部分的,多数的;最多的n. 大部分,大多数二、短语1、most of them 他们中的大多数2、most likely 最可能3、most of the time 绝大部分时间,在很多时候4、in most cases 大部分情况下


adv. 1.最2.很,非常3.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最 4.几乎;差不多5.(程度上)最大,最多,最高 pron. 1.大多数,大部分,几乎所有2.最高额; 最大值 adj. 1.最大的,最多的 例句 副词 adv. 1.最 It was the most exciting holiday I"ve ever had. 那是我经历过的最令人兴奋的假日. Of course you"re the most aristocratic of the two of us. 你当然是我们两个人中最有贵族气派的. 2.很,非常 He spoke most bitterly of his experiences in prison. 他非常痛苦地讲述了他在监狱中的经历. 3.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最 4.几乎;差不多 5.(程度上)最大,最多,最高 代词 pron. 1.大多数,大部分,几乎所有 We spend most of March ploughing. 三月份的大部分时间我们都在春耕. Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分书都被偷走了. 2.最高额; 最大值 Do the most you can. 尽你最大的力量去做. 形容词 adj. 1.最大的,最多的 Peter made the most mistakes of all the class. 全班同学中,彼得出的错最多.


most 英语怎么读

[mu0259u028ast] 楼下是抄翻译的这个词经常出现在比比较级最高级中,这个是many,mach的最高级,用在句子中前面要加the






adv.最It was the most exciting holiday I"ve ever had.那是我经历过的最令人兴奋的假日。很, 非常He spoke most bitterly of his experiences in prison.他非常痛苦地讲述了他在监狱中的经历。pron.大多数, 大部分We spend most of March ploughing.三月份的大部分时间我们都在春耕。最高额; 最大值Do the most you can.尽你最大的力量去做。adj.最大的, 最多的Peter made the most mistakes of all the class.全班同学中, 彼得出的错最多。绝对对




most,读音:英[mu0259u028ast],美[mou028ast]。释义:adv.最;非常,极其;最多;几乎。adj.大部分的,多数的;最多的。n.大部分,大多数。短语:enjoy most最喜欢。interest most最令人感兴趣。trouble most最困惑。most people多数人。most的用法most在构成最高级时,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。在口语中,most可作almost解,与含有every,any,all的词语连用。most用作名词时常与介系of连用,放在其他名词前作限定用法(该名词前应有my,our,the等限定词)。“most+of+名词”用作主语时,其谓语动词的数须根据该名词的数来决定。

outlaw moscow是什么牌子 俄罗斯风情潮牌

outlaw moscow是莫斯科的一个潮牌,这个牌子之前和puma合作过一个很精彩的系列,让不少朋友知道了这个小众潮牌,我们一起来了解下吧。 outlaw moscow是什么牌子 2014 年,Maksim Bashkaev 和 Dilyara Minrakhmanova 在莫斯科创办了Outlaw(俄语:AYTΛO)。Outlaw 有 「离经叛道的人」之意,起这个名字是两位设计师对在俄罗斯生活和工作状态的感悟,「俄罗斯是一个自相矛盾的地方,有时候在这里,不管你是谁,表达自己的想法、以自己喜欢的方式穿着、追求尊严的方式生活,都意味着你是一个『离经叛道的人』。我们感受到了这种冲突感,所以试图用设计来修补。」outlaw moscow单品推荐 1.羽绒外套 印有莫斯科卫星地图装饰的 PUMA x AYTΛO 羽绒外套,在设计上绝对是满满的科技感,融合机能性大口袋等元素。整体造型酷炫十足,功能多变更是强大,不仅防风、防水和保暖,穿到街上绝对够炸,根本不可能撞衫好吧!说它是新一代 “眼球收割机” 也不为过。 2.帽衫 结合时装解构理念,将抽绳孔眼上移,营造出前所未见的异形设计,胸前点缀西里尔语文字的 “俄罗斯制造” 字样装饰,将现代造型与机能完美结合。 3.羽绒鞋 鞋面融合以氯丁橡胶、皮革以及橡胶三种材质,丰富整体造型层次感。后跟处配有插扣结构的超大鞋面束带和侧式拉链设计,助你尽展机能造型魅力。outlaw moscow彪马联名 outlaw moscow与puma此次的联名系列以和服式外套作为主打,采用俄罗斯复古插画书籍中的花卉图案,并将 PUMA 翻译成西里尔文搭配 Outlaw Moscow 的品牌标识,尽显俄罗斯街头风。鞋款包括低中高筒三种鞋型,鞋面采用传统俄罗斯艺术风格的提花织物,同样选用俄罗斯经典花卉图案并设计撞色效果展现俄罗斯风格的精髓。本次系列的围巾则是作为对此次世界杯的致敬单品。outlaw moscow18新品 OutlawMoscow的主设计师是DilyaraMinrakhmanova和MaximBashkaev。这个品牌还非常年轻,风格时尚大胆又创新,深受年轻人喜爱。这季18秋冬时尚大片在破旧的修车库房拍摄,服装个性硬朗,帅气摩登,蒙面搭配十分酷感,犹如叛逆青年出去大干一架。




应该是Ti amo. 是意大利语中我爱你的意思。 amo是动词amore的单数第一人称,就是i love ti是宾语你的非重读形式 。

100词的英语作文——the women i respect most

The woman I respect mostMargaret Thatcher born: 13-10-1925 birth place: Lincolnshire The daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham, she was educated at the local grammar school, and at Oxford, where she obtained a degree in chemistry, and was president of the Conservative Association. Upon graduation she worked for four years as a research chemist. She then qualified as a barrister, specialising in taxation law, in 1954. As Miss Margaret Roberts, she stood twice in parliamentary elections for the Conservative Party, before being elected (after her marriage) to the House of Commons, in 1959, as Member for Finchley. Thatcher"s first ministerial appointment came in 1961, and she quickly became a front-bench spokesman for her party, and member of the Shadow Cabinet. When the Conservatives returned to office in June 1970, she was appointed secretary of state for education and science, becoming famous as "Thatcher, milk snatcher", after her abolition of the universal free school milk scheme. After the Conservatives lost power in 1974, she was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet, and was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975. In May 1979 she became Britain"s first female prime minister, after the Conservatives regained power from Labour. In power, she was best known for her destruction of Britain"s traditional industries, through her attacks on labour organisations such as the miner"s union, and for the massive privatisation of social housing and public transport. Also for her right-wing, pro-corporate alliance with US President Regan. She resigned on November 28, 1990, after her disastrous attempt to implement a fixed rate local tax (Poll Tax), and to disenfranchise those who did not pay it, led to huge popular protest, and disapproval from within her party. In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords, as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. In the last few years she has been occupied by writing and by lucrative speaking engagements. Her increasingly poor health has forced her to cut back on public engagements more recently.

The place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops near

这是一个完整句子的一部分,前面应该还有主语谓语,the place是宾语,后面是where引导的修饰the place的从句。此部分的翻译为“主语”“宾语”那个地方(什么样的地方呢,一个你可以好好享受你自己时间的地方,其中最安静的位置就在公园附近咖啡厅的其中一间里)希望能够帮到你 :D



most of the children 与most of children 的意思和区别

the children 指特定的一群孩子children 泛指所有的孩子

That afternoon Molly almost danced along the street, as she walked home with her father from the st

那天下午,当和父亲一起从车站回家时,莫丽几乎要沿着街跳起舞来。他们刚送Mrs. Gibson and Cynthia去往伦敦。 莫丽希望她的继母能多去几次伦敦。“呵呵现在,爸爸,整个一星期你都将只属于我一人了”,她说,“你要乖乖的哦”。“可别对我颐指气使,莫丽。你已经让我走得上气不接下气了。我们可不能匆忙到错过Mrs. Goodmays ”。他们穿过街道去和Mrs. Goodmays 说话,Mrs. Goodmays 是医生的一位患者。“我们刚刚送我的妻子和女儿去伦敦。她们要去一星期。”

I walked a long way home.I ( ) almost 20 miles填空

walkedI walked a long way home.I ( walked ) almost 20 miles

求someone likeyou、rolling the deep、because of you、almost lover中文歌词

The score is very lowYou can download from the internet

vivo almost out of rice at home保持句意基本不变

1.What a good swimmer Peter is! 2.How well she dances! 3.The lady in red is Annie. 4.What good English she speaks! 5.There were little rice at home.

I will almost be home? 语法对吗

对的。be home到家

almost home中文歌词

steven shengYou"re almost home你的彼岸在即I"ve seen the light,In the sky我已受灵光感召,就在天际In the skies are like fireflies,Burning bright好似荧光在闪,光荣地照耀Just to vanish in the dark然后划过长夜I"ve held hope ,In my two hands但我已牢攥希望,用我双手That there would be another chance,To find the kingdom我深知这是我的再次恩遇,去追逐我的心中属岛I"m believing in my heart我深信,我景仰Cause underneath the good there"s something greater than you know那里有宝藏,超越你想像When you"re almost there当你靠近彼岸And you"re almost home你会一见如故Just open up your eyes and go go放开双眼,一路前行吧When you"re almost there,Almost home,Know you"re not alone当你靠近彼岸,就像重逢一样,不觉孤单You"re almost home理想就在前方When you run,Run so far当你前行,披荆斩棘You"ve forgotten who you are,Where you"re from不顾自我,来自何方,It"s like some other universe那是一个新的时空,You count your steps,Like they"re regrets你拾级而上,放纵遗憾回放You catch one breath then lose the rest你品着呼吸,释然而安详Wrong is right,Right is left执着即是非执着,非执着即是执着And there"s nowhere left to turn再也不需要难以割舍So don"t believe in everything所以,请勿执着眼前You think,You think you know一转念,你只需一转念When you"re almost there梦想转瞬即达你眼前And you"re almost home就像在你自己的港湾Just open up your eyes and go go擦亮双眼,就此上路吧!When you"re almost there,Almost home,Know you"re not alone当你靠近彼岸,就像重逢一样,不觉孤单You"re almost home你彼岸在即When you let your heart be the compass当你追随内心的罗盘You won"t get lost,Not if you trust it你再不会迷失方向,只要你深信不疑 歌曲MVWhen you hear the sound of the trumpet,Louder than ever before当你感觉到召唤之音,震撼心扉,胜过以往

求翻译 you are almost there almost hoom 急 在线等


谁能翻译一下almost home这首歌?


almost home什么意思

歌曲名:Almost Home 歌手:Mariah Carey 专辑:Almost Home Almost Home Mariah Carey Hey, hey..... You"re almost home You"re almost home You"re almost home I"ve seen the light in the sky In the skies are like fireflies Burning bright...

英语,【He is almost home】什么意思?


Almost Home 歌词

歌曲名:Almost Home歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Almost HomeAlmost HomeMariah CareyHey, hey.....You"re almost homeYou"re almost homeYou"re almost homeI"ve seen the light in the skyIn the skies are like firefliesBurning bright, just to vanish in the darkI"ve held hope in my two handsThat there would be another chanceTo find the kingdom, I"m believing in my heartCause underneath the good there"s something greater than you knowWhen you"re almost thereAnd you"re almost homeJust open up your eyes and go, goWhen you"re almost there, almost homeKnow you"re not aloneYou"re almost homeWhen you run, run so farYou"ve forgotten who you areWhere you"re from,it"s like some other universeYou count your steps, like they"re regretsYou catch one breath then lose the restWrong is right, right is leftAnd there"s nowhere left to turnSo don"t believe in everythingYou think, you think you knowWhen you"re almost thereAnd you"re almost homeJust open up your eyes and go, goWhen you"re almost there, almost homeKnow you"re not aloneYou"re almost homeWhen you let your heart be the compassYou won"t get lost, not if you trust itWhen you hear the sound of the trumpetLouder than ever beforeOh, when you"re almost thereAlmost homeJust open up your eyes and go, goCause you"re almost thereAlmost homeKnow you"re not aloneYou"re almost homeWhen you"re almost thereAlmost homeJust open up your eyes and go, goAlmost thereYou"re almost homeKnow you"re not aloneYou"re almost home

泰戈尔“The most distant way in the world” 这首诗的解析是什么?

赏析:印度诗人泰戈尔的《世界上最遥远的距离》令许多人潸然泪下。是的,人世间有一种比生与死更遥远的距离,不是时间上的跨古今,也非空间上的囊括宇宙,而是一种最难逾越的距离,心与心的距离。生与死本是一种永远无法融合的距离,而近在咫尺却形同陌路是单相思者的心与所爱的人更遥远的距离。相爱却不能相处,有情人不能成眷属,是千古遗憾。情人间的距离,明明爱着却装着不放在心上,是矛盾而痛苦,逆离真心的距离。可,比这更遥远的距离,你可知?是心的冷漠,是对爱的藐视,是面对爱自己的人断然掘上一条无法跨越的沟渠,把爱远远拒绝在世界上最遥远的距离外。距离原本可以产生美,但这样一种世界上最遥远的距离却是痛苦的。全诗以爱为主线,诗人敏感的字里行间,流露着痛苦而无奈的情感,不能不令人从容。诗歌简短而整齐,全诗由四组“不是……而是……”构成,采取对比的手法,层层深入,把读者带到了那种痛苦的最遥远的距离,并把诗人情怀感染给每位读者。读至最后令人恍然大悟时——世界上最遥远的距离实际上是心与心的距离,早已泪眼模糊。人,为何不放下心的冷漠,把心与心的距离拉近,好好去感受别人赋予你的爱呢? 别让心与心成为世界上最遥远的距离吧!这是一种悲哀。我觉得泰戈尔写这首诗的时候,感受到的是被人拒绝,或者是失恋?类似的感受吧。而且这几段的关系,应该是逐渐加深的吧,距离越来越远,越不能逾越的吧? 他从最开始的生死之隔(生与死之距离,无法改变,只能接受,但对于相互没有渊源的人,也许没有关系。即使是对于爱人的离去,但是因为心中有爱,你知道尽管她逝去了,但是她是爱你的,而她也知道你在这里为他难过忧伤,这是相互的爱与思念,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->我爱你可你不知道(面对面,一个人有感受,有强烈的爱,但是他没有表达出来,另一个人也许并不知道,这是很远的距离,但是还有希望,也许表达出来后会有幸福的答案。待定的状态,尽管煎熬,但是有莫名的欣喜,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->相爱的人不能在一起(两个人相爱着,但是由于各种各样的原因,最终却不能在一起,这留给人的是痛心的遗憾,但是终究是两个人相爱的,有爱存在的,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->很思念却不表现出来(尽管很思念,但是由于各种原因,比如怕对方担心?怕失去对方?怕影响某些事情?……,压抑自己而不表现出来,这尽管也会非常的压抑,痛苦,难受,但是毕竟,心中是有爱的,有希望的,等一切烟消云散了,就也许还会有幸福结局,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->对爱你的人挖了条鸿沟(冷漠的,毫不关心的,拒绝一个爱你但是你没有感觉的人?对于你来说,也许这是无关痛痒的,而对于那个被你拒绝的人来讲,则是彻底的毁灭和幻灭,这才是最令人痛心的事情,而又毫无能力改变,被迫的接受这样一个现实,在鸿沟面前遥望,痛苦,流泪,悲伤,却得不到任何的回应,同情。被冷漠的拒绝了,这也许最遥远的距离了吧,因为根本就没有任何生机和希望了)《世界上最遥远的距离》世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end.而是我就站在你面前It is when I stand in front of you你却不知道我爱你 but you don"t understand I love you.世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是我就站在你面前 is not when I stand in front of you你却不知道我爱你 you don"t know I love you而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul却不能说我爱你 but I can"t speak it out世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can"t say I love you.而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after missing you deeply into my heart却只能深埋心底 I only can bury it in my heart世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是我不能说我想你 is not that I can"t say to you I miss you而是彼此相爱 It is when we are falling in love却不能够在一起 but we can"t stay nearby世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是彼此相爱 is not we love each other .却不能够在一起 but can"t stay together而是明知道真爱无敌 .It is we know our true love is breaking through the way却装作毫不在意 we turn a blind eye to it所以世界上最遥远的距离 So the furthest distance in the world不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees.而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches却无法在风中相依 but can"t depend on each other in the wind世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是树枝无法相依 is not can"t depend on each other in the wind而是相互瞭望的星星 It is in the blinking stars who only can look with each other却没有交汇的轨迹 but their trade intersect.世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是星星没有交汇的轨迹 is not in the blinking stars who only can look with each other而是纵然轨迹交汇 It is after the intersection却在转瞬间无处寻觅 but they can"t be found from then on afar世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away.而是尚未相遇 It is the coincidence of us便注定无法相聚 is not supposed for the love.世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world是飞鸟与鱼的距离 is the love between the bird and fish.一个翱翔天际 One is flying in the sky,一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea.飞鸟与鱼的故事有一条鱼生活在一片海域里,它每天就是不停的游来游去。一天,有一只迷途的鸟儿飞过这片海域的上空,它很疲倦,低下头寻找海中的一片陆地,水里的鱼觉得水面的光线变得有些昏暗,就抬头望向天空,这样,鱼和鸟的视线交织到了一起。孤独的鱼和迷途的飞鸟深深地彼此吸引着对方。飞鸟给鱼讲辽阔的天空,讲广袤的大地,……鱼给飞鸟讲深邃的海洋,……它们为彼此打开了一扇未知的却又丰富多彩的窗;它们还有好多共同的话题:每个早晨的朝霞,每个傍晚的落日,每个夜晚的星空,每分钟空气里的味道,树木的,土地的,海水的,春天的,夏天的,秋天的,冬天的,……它们彼此深深爱慕着对方,这样就过了好久,它们以为此生就这样厮守,飞鸟可以忘却飞翔的天空,鱼可以忘却深潜过的海底。谁说鱼和飞鸟就不能在一起?一天,飞鸟看见别的鸟飞过,它想起了天空,它问鱼是否愿意和它一起感受风从身边掠过的自由,鱼看看自己的鳍没有说话;又是一天,鱼为了躲避暴风雨,深深潜入水中,在太阳重现的时候,它兴奋的问飞鸟是否能看到水中珊瑚的灿烂,飞鸟只能看着波光粼粼的水面苦笑。它们知道了飞鸟与鱼是不可以在一起的,虽然彼此相爱,但是鱼终归是水里的鱼,飞鸟终于飞离了那片海域,永远的再也没有回来,它并不知道,鱼亦再没有游回这片海域,它们都在小心翼翼地躲避那段往事,那段飞鸟与鱼的故事。

【Kate Moss】英国超模凯特·莫斯的时尚人生

说到英国的超模,绝对绕不开一个人,那就是超模Kate Moss(凯特·莫斯)。Kate Moss出名甚早,在上世纪90年代爆火,其名气直到今天依然不减,仍旧是许多大牌的代言人,到处都能看到她熟悉的脸庞。凯特·莫斯14岁被发掘出模特天赋,15岁在英格兰Camber沙滩为《The Face》杂志拍摄照片开始自己的模特生涯。 Kate Moss是70后,1974年出生在英国。她被发掘的机遇是非常巧合的,在1988年和父母外出度假的时候,她在美国纽约的肯尼迪机场偶遇了《Storm》模特经纪公司的星探。14岁的凯特就这样签订了一份改变她命运也改变英国模特界的合约。当时凯特的身体条件很不好,她并不高,不到1.70米,因为没有发育,所以胸部也很平坦,还有点罗圈腿和雀斑,凯特一直很瘦,所以看起来非常的柔弱。年轻的Kate Moss也对自己的身体非常自卑,刚开始拍摄的时候不敢当众脱衣服,还会偷偷流泪。下面为大家补一张凯特年轻时候的照片,真的非常青涩美丽,很有气质。 90年代的英国模特界,正是简约主义兴起之时。Kate Moss的独特体型和病态气质受到了人们的欢迎,因为凯特,模特的身高要求都被降到了1.70米之下。因为体形独特,所以凯特第一次拍摄照片就受到了广泛的关注,人们都想看看这位病态“矮小”的女孩能够拍出什么样的照片。毫无疑问,Kate Moss首个作品非常成功。 不过Kate Moss并不是一个堪称漂亮的模特,比起什么Naomi Campbell(娜奥米·坎贝尔)Jourdan Dunn(卓丹·邓)这些模特而言,凯特是显得与众不同的。很多人认为凯特的美丽之处在于两点:一是她的病态之美,二是她超强的镜头表现力和服装驾驭能力。 但是真正让18岁的凯特一炮而红的,是 Calvirl Kleirl,凯特被选中担任该品牌代言人,年轻的Kate Moss看起来清纯而忧郁,迷茫又干净,完美地诠释了CK的衣服。因为凯特的瘦弱,一时间很多模特都喜爱追求Kate Moss式的“骨感”气质。 2004 年,时尚杂志《魅力》在“世界衣着最佳女人”,30岁的Kate Moss依然位于榜首,她的获奖评语是:“她个人的时尚品位得到读者的广泛认同”。Kate Moss还三次上榜《名利场》最佳着装的明星榜,2006年她还斩获“英国时尚奖”的“最佳模特奖”。凯特的私服经常都会火,穿什么火什么,一件小吊带和小饰品都足以引起时尚界的震动。 没有一位偶像是完美的,Kate也有自己的软肋。2005年,在Kate事业如日中天的时候被《每日镜报》爆出了吸毒丑闻照片。Kate的事业受到了很大的打击,Burberry Prorsum、Hennes&Mauritz 、Chanel等等大牌纷纷宣布和她解约,Chanel甚至表示她就算戒毒成功也不会再被启用,这对于一个模特来说是致命的。这时候的凯特被人称为是“可卡因凯特”。Kate的吸毒源于她失恋后的堕落,除了毒品,她还曾经一度迷恋酒精。 受到打击后的Kate去了美国安心戒毒,熬过最痛苦的戒毒过程,Kate终于看到了人生的希望,她很感谢媒体的揭露,让她没有走上毒品这个万劫不复的深渊。这时候的Kate多亏了Alexander McQueen的支持,麦昆在Kate最艰难的时候伸出了援助之手,帮助她走出来困境,Kate复出后东山再起,风光依旧不减当年,收入更是之前的3倍。在麦昆自杀后,Kate心痛至极,对媒体说:“永远不会原谅自己,我的心脏和灵魂都有了缺口。” 对于她吸毒和结交吸毒男友这件事,我只想说:美丽的女人总是容易被原谅。其实凯特自己也知道并且很无奈:她的病态和颓废气质非常让人容易将她和毒品、厌食、抽烟等等联系起来。Kate在这一时期产生了对事业的巨大迷茫,她甚至对记者说到“服装卖的就是性!”她怀疑自己的身体已经成为了商业道具。 尽管在事业上取得了成功,但是Kate的婚姻并不美满。很多人都认为她爱上的都是浪荡子,从来不能给凯特最安稳的平淡幸福生活。凯特·莫斯的男友换得非常频繁,她的历任男友有影星强尼·德普、丹尼尔·克雷格、 绿洲乐队(Oasis)的主唱利亚姆·加拉弗和 伊万·丹杜等等。有人总结道Kate的男友都有一种流浪气质,我想着或许是因为:Kate自己也是这样的人。 凯特和强尼·德普(Johnny Depp)恋爱长达4年,他们非常登对,粉丝们都非常看好。这对荧屏眷侣爱的非常认真,彼此还在身体上刺上对方的名字以示忠贞,但是两人还是分手了。2000年,Kate又遇见了《Daze & Confused》创办者兼执行主编杰斐逊·海克(Jefferson Hack),海克是Kate事业上的绝佳帮手,也是Kate的伯乐。在海克的热捧之下,凯特的事业如日中天,他们育有一女叫莉拉·格蕾丝(Lila Grace)。但是好景不长,3年后两人终于分手。 之后Kate又与皮特·杜赫蒂(Pete Doherty)相恋,了解绿洲的都知道凯特·摩斯简介,Pete是那种放荡不羁的性格凯特·摩斯简介,他抽烟吸毒,玩世不恭,Kate和他在一起的时候也是尽情地释放了自己,还全力支持小男友的事业。这时候的Kate也染上了毒品,甚至晕倒在T台,这时候的Kate已经有一个女儿了,但是皮特严重依赖毒品,很难戒掉。虽然凯特很爱皮特,但是为了自己的女儿,毅然决定和他分手。2011年,Kate经友人介绍和摇滚歌手Jamie Hince相恋,两人相爱不到一年就结婚了,但是两人的婚姻也没有维持多久便破裂了,其中详情也只有当事人才知道吧。 作为一个模特,凯特是成功的;在婚姻上,也许世俗的眼光会认为Kate并不是一个幸福的女人。但是我觉得,Kate每一次的爱都是认真的,是发自内心的。玩世不恭的Kate活出了自己最酷炫的样子,只有这样个性真我的女子,才能成为永远的时尚Icon。 "> 说到英国的超模,绝对绕不开一个人,那就是超模Kate Moss(凯特·莫斯)。Kate Moss出名甚早,在上世纪90年代爆火,其名气直到今天依然不减,仍旧是许多大牌的代言人,到处都能看到她熟悉的脸庞。凯特·莫斯14岁被发掘出模特天赋,15岁在英格兰Camber沙滩为《The Face》杂志拍摄照片开始自己的模特生涯。 Kate Moss是70后,1974年出生在英国。她被发掘的机遇是非常巧合的,在1988年和父母外出度假的时候,她在美国纽约的肯尼迪机场偶遇了《Storm》模特经纪公司的星探。14岁的凯特就这样签订了一份改变她命运也改变英国模特界的合约。当时凯特的身体条件很不好,她并不高,不到1.70米,因为没有发育,所以胸部也很平坦,还有点罗圈腿和雀斑,凯特一直很瘦,所以看起来非常的柔弱。年轻的Kate Moss也对自己的身体非常自卑,刚开始拍摄的时候不敢当众脱衣服,还会偷偷流泪。下面为大家补一张凯特年轻时候的照片,真的非常青涩美丽,很有气质。 90年代的英国模特界,正是简约主义兴起之时。Kate Moss的独特体型和病态气质受到了人们的欢迎,因为凯特,模特的身高要求都被降到了1.70米之下。因为体形独特,所以凯特第一次拍摄照片就受到了广泛的关注,人们都想看看这位病态“矮小”的女孩能够拍出什么样的照片。毫无疑问,Kate Moss首个作品非常成功。 不过Kate Moss并不是一个堪称漂亮的模特,比起什么Naomi Campbell(娜奥米·坎贝尔)Jourdan Dunn(卓丹·邓)这些模特而言,凯特是显得与众不同的。很多人认为凯特的美丽之处在于两点:一是她的病态之美,二是她超强的镜头表现力和服装驾驭能力。 但是真正让18岁的凯特一炮而红的,是 Calvirl Kleirl,凯特被选中担任该品牌代言人,年轻的Kate Moss看起来清纯而忧郁,迷茫又干净,完美地诠释了CK的衣服。因为凯特的瘦弱,一时间很多模特都喜爱追求Kate Moss式的“骨感”气质。 2004 年,时尚杂志《魅力》在“世界衣着最佳女人”,30岁的Kate Moss依然位于榜首,她的获奖评语是:“她个人的时尚品位得到读者的广泛认同”。Kate Moss还三次上榜《名利场》最佳着装的明星榜,2006年她还斩获“英国时尚奖”的“最佳模特奖”。凯特的私服经常都会火,穿什么火什么,一件小吊带和小饰品都足以引起时尚界的震动。 没有一位偶像是完美的,Kate也有自己的软肋。2005年,在Kate事业如日中天的时候被《每日镜报》爆出了吸毒丑闻照片。Kate的事业受到了很大的打击,Burberry Prorsum、Hennes&Mauritz 、Chanel等等大牌纷纷宣布和她解约,Chanel甚至表示她就算戒毒成功也不会再被启用,这对于一个模特来说是致命的。这时候的凯特被人称为是“可卡因凯特”。Kate的吸毒源于她失恋后的堕落,除了毒品,她还曾经一度迷恋酒精。 受到打击后的Kate去了美国安心戒毒,熬过最痛苦的戒毒过程,Kate终于看到了人生的希望,她很感谢媒体的揭露,让她没有走上毒品这个万劫不复的深渊。这时候的Kate多亏了Alexander McQueen的支持,麦昆在Kate最艰难的时候伸出了援助之手,帮助她走出来困境,Kate复出后东山再起,风光依旧不减当年,收入更是之前的3倍。在麦昆自杀后,Kate心痛至极,对媒体说:“永远不会原谅自己,我的心脏和灵魂都有了缺口。” 对于她吸毒和结交吸毒男友这件事,我只想说:美丽的女人总是容易被原谅。其实凯特自己也知道并且很无奈:她的病态和颓废气质非常让人容易将她和毒品、厌食、抽烟等等联系起来。Kate在这一时期产生了对事业的巨大迷茫,她甚至对记者说到“服装卖的就是性!”她怀疑自己的身体已经成为了商业道具。 尽管在事业上取得了成功,但是Kate的婚姻并不美满。很多人都认为她爱上的都是浪荡子,从来不能给凯特最安稳的平淡幸福生活。凯特·莫斯的男友换得非常频繁,她的历任男友有影星强尼·德普、丹尼尔·克雷格、 绿洲乐队(Oasis)的主唱利亚姆·加拉弗和 伊万·丹杜等等。有人总结道Kate的男友都有一种流浪气质,我想着或许是因为:Kate自己也是这样的人。 凯特和强尼·德普(Johnny Depp)恋爱长达4年,他们非常登对,粉丝们都非常看好。这对荧屏眷侣爱的非常认真,彼此还在身体上刺上对方的名字以示忠贞,但是两人还是分手了。2000年,Kate又遇见了《Daze & Confused》创办者兼执行主编杰斐逊·海克(Jefferson Hack),海克是Kate事业上的绝佳帮手,也是Kate的伯乐。在海克的热捧之下,凯特的事业如日中天,他们育有一女叫莉拉·格蕾丝(Lila Grace)。但是好景不长,3年后两人终于分手。 之后Kate又与皮特·杜赫蒂(Pete Doherty)相恋,了解绿洲的都知道,Pete是那种放荡不羁的性格,他抽烟吸毒,玩世不恭,Kate和他在一起的时候也是尽情地释放了自己,还全力支持小男友的事业。这时候的Kate也染上了毒品,甚至晕倒在T台,这时候的Kate已经有一个女儿了,但是皮特严重依赖毒品,很难戒掉。虽然凯特很爱皮特,但是为了自己的女儿,毅然决定和他分手。2011年,Kate经友人介绍和摇滚歌手Jamie Hince相恋,两人相爱不到一年就结婚了,但是两人的婚姻也没有维持多久便破裂了,其中详情也只有当事人才知道吧。 作为一个模特,凯特是成功的;在婚姻上,也许世俗的眼光会认为Kate并不是一个幸福的女人。但是我觉得,Kate每一次的爱都是认真的,是发自内心的。玩世不恭的Kate活出了自己最酷炫的样子,只有这样个性真我的女子,才能成为永远的时尚Icon。

“progressive scan cmos”是什么意思?

progressive scan cmos==逐行扫描CMOS图像传感器。一般是针对CCD图像传感器来说的。行间转移型CCD图像电荷读出方式有逐行扫描和隔行扫描两种。逐行扫描就是一行一行的输出。隔行扫描就是先输出偶数行,再输出奇数行。CMOS图像传感器是一种典型的固体成像传感器,与CCD有着共同的历史渊源。CMOS图像传感器通常由像敏单元阵列、行驱动器、列驱动器、时序控制逻辑、AD转换器、数据总线输出接口、控制接口等几部分组成这几部分通常都被集成在同一块硅片上。其工作过程一般可分为复位、光电转换、积分、读出几部分。

That afternoon Molly almost danced along the street, as she walked home with her father from the st


需要atmosphere situation state phenomenon的辨析

1 .atmosphere :气氛 ,尤其带有有感情色彩。the cold atmosphere in that room made me uncomfortable . 2 .state:状态,指感情的状况,或者专业术语中使用. she met him during the state of sadness .or liquid state 3 .situation :状况,多指事态。the situation got more and more serious . 4 . phenomenon:现象,通常比较抽象的现象,社会,自然,人际。。。this will be a new phenomenon among men .

I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I w..

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了杰克参加一个电视节目的过程,这让杰克很兴奋,他的父母也为她感到骄傲.小题1:细节理解题.根据第一段Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV!描述,可知昨天杰克很兴奋,因为他上电视了.故选B.小题2:细节理解题.根据短文第一段This is how it happened. 及第二段I was playing soccer in the park with my friends,描述,可知这件事情首先是杰克在公园里面和朋友们踢球,联系下文描述,可知接下来一个女人问他是否愿意上电视节目,杰克又问他的朋友们是否愿意上电视节目,然后这个女人问了杰克许多问题,最后杰克仔细思考,努力给出答案.故选B.小题3:词义猜测题.联系前半句,我仔细地思考.可知此处指的是给出了合理的答案.故选C.小题4:细节理解题.根据短文最后一段My mum and dad were proud of me too!描述,可知杰克的父母很为他骄傲.故选A.

the Most important DAy in my Life的简介

the important day of my life As for me now ,something always happen in my life .The big one ,the little one .something is very important for me .The most important day in my life is the day i receive the notebook for a permit into the college .I remembered that"s a fine day .When I returned back from my friend"s.My father looked very happy on his face .He told me that I was permitted into the PeKing university .After hearing that ,I had a a feeling of flying .May be you think that"s nothing .but for me ,you know ,that"s a long terms hard working .I have waited for this day for a long time .Though it has passed for one year ,but the day will always in my mind .not for myself ,but also for my whole family for my success is always theirs.

英语作文 one day of my most interesting 最有趣的一天,用过去时 (70~80词)谢谢

英语作文 one day of my most interesting 最有趣的一天,用过去时 (70~80词)谢谢 The most interesting day in my summer vacation is to visit the beautiful city---Guang Zhou.I was very glad there. The day after I reached Guang Zhou,my mum took me to the Guangzhou Ocean Aquarium. I walked into the aquarium.It was just like swimming in the colorful ocean like a *** all pretty fish.Blue water went around me.How wonderful the feeling is! The aquarium is really large.Fishes were beautiful and colorful and let me be happy all the way。 My favourite animal is dolphins.Dolphin, bodily form looks like the fish, the mouth is thin and long, upper and lower jaws have 46- 6 sharp and thin teeth respectively, the body is thin and long , generally about 2- 2. meters long. The back in the shape health of streamline, the dorsal fin with sickle form . The back is greyish black, the belly is white, the place close to head of belly has a pair of pectoral fins. The weight is beeen 100- 20 kilograms. Although its mouth is kissed long, there are so many teeth in the mouth, it can"t chew the food , just consume *** all fish , shrimp , cuttlefish ,etc.. a day in the life of my father 这篇英语作文要用过去时吗 如果是回忆以前的一天,则使用过去式。 如果是今天,也可以用一般现在时。 用过去时态写一篇英语作文“mg interesting dag” My Day I had a tired but happy Saturday.I went to the beach with my friends last Saturday, It was a sunny and we were very happy.We went there by bus.We arrived there at 7o"clock.We sang mang songs.And played many interesting games.We ate lunch at 12 o"clock.We cooked many delicious food for ourselves.At 6 o"clock.We must went home.Because it was too late. We were having a good time last Saturday. 以 The Best Day(过去时)为题 英语作文 The best day that I ever had was my 13th birthday. That day, my friends planned a surprise birthday party for me. I was both surprised and happy. We sang and danced. We ate a huge birthday cake. We also played games that were very fun. My best friend gave me the newest album of my favourite singer as a present. I was very happy that day. I felt that I had such wonderful friends. That was the best day of my life. 我是美国高一学生,水平与初二更相近~我英文都快比中文好了 P.S. granparents应该是grandparents dumplins应该是dumplings sponsered应该是sponsored medy应该是edy 纠正一下一楼的拼写 有趣的事,英语作文,要用过去式 the most interesting subjuct and the most did To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me.My answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very useful. (采纳我的答案) 英语作文:中秋节的一天 用过去时态写 100字 During the festival, my family members got united and have mooncakes together. THere were various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake was round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, we got together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, my Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival . 英语作文《最有趣的一堂课》70字 一节有趣的英语课 An interesting English lesson 今天,我们上了一节非常有趣的英语课。 Today, we had a very interesting English lesson. 上课 *** 响了,陈老师却带着各种各样的食品和饮料走进教室,我既惊喜又好奇,心里砰砰地跳,想:出什么事了,上英语课干什么要带这些东西来呢? When the bell rang, Chen took a variety of food and drink into the classroom, I was very surprised and curious, heart thumping, like: what happened, what the English want to take these things? 只见陈老师宣布了今天要玩的游戏规则,要求一个同学走到讲台上闻出咖啡、橘子汁、茶、牛奶……等等的味道,用英文说出它的名字,说对了,就可以任意选一样自己喜欢的饮料喝。就这样一个个同学都美美地喝到了饮料,可一直没有轮到我。 Chen saw announced today to play the game rules, ask a student went to the podium to *** ell Coffee, orange juice, tea, milk...... And so the taste, name it with English, right, you can arbitrarily choose as your love drink. So the students one by one nice drink to drink, has not my turn. 不一会儿第一个游戏结束,陈老师又开始和我们玩第二个游戏,老师请一位同学上台和老师对话,如果对话很流利的话,也可以获得一份奖品。又一个个同学得到奖品了。终于,轮到我了。我怀着激动的心情走上讲台,和老师对话了一番,最后,得到了cake,我开心地跑下了讲台。 After a while the first game ended, Chen started to play our second game, the teacher invited a dialogue students and teachers came to power, if the dialogue is very good, can also get a prize. After all students receive prizes. Finally, it was my turn. I am excited to the podium, and teachers a lot of dialogue, finally, get the cake, I"m happy to run down the platform. 这节课真有趣,它在同学们的笑声中很快结束了。 This class is really interesting, it quickly at the end of the students laugh. 英语作文用过去时45词初一简单的3篇 1 In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone.And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets.Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 2 A Rainy Day the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly,someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a *** ile.i felt so moved and warm. 3 I had a dream that I wanted to be a dancer .But now it"s just a dream in my heart. I lost my both legs in an aident.I had cried for a long time for I couldn"t aept this truth.I like dancing on the platform where I can show myself well. Three years has passed since that terrible thing.I began to learn how to make myself happy and mature.Even I still want to dance but I love my new job better. And I believe that trust yourself and you will do it best. Last sunday. I and tom, went to Superior Lake by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. tom said to me,“Jill, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the , the of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, ate cold rice noodles .finally we went to the lake boating,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。I was very happy 寒假计划英语作文要用过去时的 那就用呗

rammstein的《Moskau》 歌词

歌曲名:Moskau歌手:rammstein专辑:The Very Best Of 2004Rammstein - MoskauAlbum: Reise Reise(Eta pesnya o samom prekrasnom gorode v mire - MOSKVA/moskow)Diese Stadt ist eine Dirne,hat rote Flecken auf der Stirn"Ihre Z?hne sind aus Gold,sie ist fett und doch so holdIhr Mund f?llt mir zu Tale,wenn ich sie dafür bezahleSie zieht sich aus doch nur für GeldDie Stadt die mich in Atem h?ltMOSKAU (raz,dva,tri) MOSKAU (posmotri) Pioneri tam i tut Pesni Leninu poyut Sie ist alt und trotzdem sch?n,ich kann ihr nicht wiedersteh"n (ne mogu ustoyat") Pudert sich die alte Haut,hat sich die Brüste neu gebautSie macht mich geil,ich leide QualenSie tanzt für mich,ich muss bezahlen (ya dolzhen platit") Sie schl?ft mit mir,doch nur für GeldIst doch die sch?nste Stadt der Welt.. (poyehali!) Pesni Leninu poyut (raz, dva, tri) Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst(Kogda ti nochyu krepko spish)Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst(Kogda ti predo mnoi lezhish) (Kogda so mnoju govorish) Ich sehe was, das siehst du nie!MOSKAU (raz,dva,tri) MOSKAU (posmotri) Pioneri tam i tut




most可用作副词、形容词,也可用作名词。most可用作副词、形容词,也可用作名词。most用作副词时有“最;最大程度地”等含义,用作形容词有“多数的”含义,用作名词时有“大部分,最大限度”等含义。一、most用作副词时有三种用法。(1)most是many和much的最高级,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。与形容词连用构成最高级时,前面通常要加the。例如:It was the most exciting holiday I"ve ever had. 那是我经历过的最兴奋的假日。(2)most可表示“十分”、“非常”等意思,用来强调或加强语气。在这种情况下,most前面不加the。例如:We shall most certainly come. 我们一定来。(3)表示“几乎”、“差不多”等意思,相当于almost / nearly。例如: Most everybody talks about it. 几乎每个人都在谈论此事。二、most用作形容词表示“多数的”、“大部分的”、“多半的”等意思,后面可跟复数可数名词。例如:Most people think so. 大多数人都这么想。三、most用作名词常与of连用,放在其他名词前起限定作用。例如:Most of her books were stolen. 她的大部分书被偷走了。双语例句:1、Most tickets have been snapped up, so get cracking if you want one.大部分门票已被抢购一空;所以,如果你想弄一张的话,得赶快行动了。2、I was witness to one of the most amazing comebacks in sprinting history.我目睹了短跑历史上一次最令人称奇的东山再起。3、Debts swallowed up most of the money he had got for the house.债务已经耗尽了他绝大部分准备买房子的钱。4、[as noun harvesting]after harvesting, most of the crop is stored in large buildings.收割之后,大部分收成都被储存在大仓库里。5、His approach is the inverse of most research on ethnic and racial groups.他的研究途径与大多数对少数民族和种族研究方法正好相反。6、Even with £10,000 to invest, you are still small beer for most stockbrokers.即使你有一万英镑可投资,大部分股票经纪人仍把你看作是无足轻重的。7、The green parties have had most of their ideas co-opted by bigger parties.这些绿党的大部分观点都已被大一些的党派吸收借鉴。8、Most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city.大部分居民对将歹徒清除出城市心存怀疑。9、Unlike most chairmen, he gets his hands dirty working alongside the other managers.和大多数董事长不同,他不辞辛劳,和其他经理们一起干活。10、Most sellers are palmed off with a fraction of what something is worth.大多数店主被骗接受了不及货物价值零头的价格。

What is Most Important in Language Learning英语作文?

What is Most Important in Language Learning?英语作文:Learning language, especially foreign language, requires us to follow a right way. Most Important in Language Learning islistening, writing and speaking.Listening is to make you familiar the language. Writing makes you to understand its words and sentences. Of course, speaking leads you eventually say it out by your own tongue .

泰戈尔“The most distant way in the world” 这首诗的解析

赏析:印度诗人泰戈尔的《世界上最遥远的距离》令许多人潸然泪下。是的,人世间有一种比生与死更遥远的距离,不是时间上的跨古今,也非空间上的囊括宇宙,而是一种最难逾越的距离,心与心的距离。生与死本是一种永远无法融合的距离,而近在咫尺却形同陌路是单相思者的心与所爱的人更遥远的距离。相爱却不能相处,有情人不能成眷属,是千古遗憾。情人间的距离,明明爱着却装着不放在心上,是矛盾而痛苦,逆离真心的距离。可,比这更遥远的距离,你可知?是心的冷漠,是对爱的藐视,是面对爱自己的人断然掘上一条无法跨越的沟渠,把爱远远拒绝在世界上最遥远的距离外。距离原本可以产生美,但这样一种世界上最遥远的距离却是痛苦的。全诗以爱为主线,诗人敏感的字里行间,流露着痛苦而无奈的情感,不能不令人从容。诗歌简短而整齐,全诗由四组“不是……而是……”构成,采取对比的手法,层层深入,把读者带到了那种痛苦的最遥远的距离,并把诗人情怀感染给每位读者。读至最后令人恍然大悟时——世界上最遥远的距离实际上是心与心的距离,早已泪眼模糊。人,为何不放下心的冷漠,把心与心的距离拉近,好好去感受别人赋予你的爱呢? 别让心与心成为世界上最遥远的距离吧!这是一种悲哀。我觉得泰戈尔写这首诗的时候,感受到的是被人拒绝,或者是失恋?类似的感受吧。而且这几段的关系,应该是逐渐加深的吧,距离越来越远,越不能逾越的吧? 他从最开始的生死之隔(生与死之距离,无法改变,只能接受,但对于相互没有渊源的人,也许没有关系。即使是对于爱人的离去,但是因为心中有爱,你知道尽管她逝去了,但是她是爱你的,而她也知道你在这里为他难过忧伤,这是相互的爱与思念,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->我爱你可你不知道(面对面,一个人有感受,有强烈的爱,但是他没有表达出来,另一个人也许并不知道,这是很远的距离,但是还有希望,也许表达出来后会有幸福的答案。待定的状态,尽管煎熬,但是有莫名的欣喜,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->相爱的人不能在一起(两个人相爱着,但是由于各种各样的原因,最终却不能在一起,这留给人的是痛心的遗憾,但是终究是两个人相爱的,有爱存在的,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->很思念却不表现出来(尽管很思念,但是由于各种原因,比如怕对方担心?怕失去对方?怕影响某些事情?……,压抑自己而不表现出来,这尽管也会非常的压抑,痛苦,难受,但是毕竟,心中是有爱的,有希望的,等一切烟消云散了,就也许还会有幸福结局,因此不算最遥远的距离) -->对爱你的人挖了条鸿沟(冷漠的,毫不关心的,拒绝一个爱你但是你没有感觉的人?对于你来说,也许这是无关痛痒的,而对于那个被你拒绝的人来讲,则是彻底的毁灭和幻灭,这才是最令人痛心的事情,而又毫无能力改变,被迫的接受这样一个现实,在鸿沟面前遥望,痛苦,流泪,悲伤,却得不到任何的回应,同情。被冷漠的拒绝了,这也许最遥远的距离了吧,因为根本就没有任何生机和希望了)《世界上最遥远的距离》世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end.而是我就站在你面前It is when I stand in front of you你却不知道我爱你 but you don"t understand I love you.世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是我就站在你面前 is not when I stand in front of you你却不知道我爱你 you don"t know I love you而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul却不能说我爱你 but I can"t speak it out世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can"t say I love you.而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after missing you deeply into my heart却只能深埋心底 I only can bury it in my heart世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是我不能说我想你 is not that I can"t say to you I miss you而是彼此相爱 It is when we are falling in love却不能够在一起 but we can"t stay nearby世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world不是彼此相爱 is not we love each other .却不能够在一起 but can"t stay together而是明知道真爱无敌 .It is we know our true love is breaking through the way却装作毫不在意 we turn a blind eye to it所以世界上最遥远的距离 So the furthest distance in the world不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees.而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches却无法在风中相依 but can"t depend on each other in the wind世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是树枝无法相依 is not can"t depend on each other in the wind而是相互瞭望的星星 It is in the blinking stars who only can look with each other却没有交汇的轨迹 but their trade intersect.世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是星星没有交汇的轨迹 is not in the blinking stars who only can look with each other而是纵然轨迹交汇 It is after the intersection却在转瞬间无处寻觅 but they can"t be found from then on afar世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world不是瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away.而是尚未相遇 It is the coincidence of us便注定无法相聚 is not supposed for the love.世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world是飞鸟与鱼的距离 is the love between the bird and fish.一个翱翔天际 One is flying in the sky,一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea.飞鸟与鱼的故事有一条鱼生活在一片海域里,它每天就是不停的游来游去。一天,有一只迷途的鸟儿飞过这片海域的上空,它很疲倦,低下头寻找海中的一片陆地,水里的鱼觉得水面的光线变得有些昏暗,就抬头望向天空,这样,鱼和鸟的视线交织到了一起。孤独的鱼和迷途的飞鸟深深地彼此吸引着对方。飞鸟给鱼讲辽阔的天空,讲广袤的大地,……鱼给飞鸟讲深邃的海洋,……它们为彼此打开了一扇未知的却又丰富多彩的窗;它们还有好多共同的话题:每个早晨的朝霞,每个傍晚的落日,每个夜晚的星空,每分钟空气里的味道,树木的,土地的,海水的,春天的,夏天的,秋天的,冬天的,……它们彼此深深爱慕着对方,这样就过了好久,它们以为此生就这样厮守,飞鸟可以忘却飞翔的天空,鱼可以忘却深潜过的海底。谁说鱼和飞鸟就不能在一起?一天,飞鸟看见别的鸟飞过,它想起了天空,它问鱼是否愿意和它一起感受风从身边掠过的自由,鱼看看自己的鳍没有说话;又是一天,鱼为了躲避暴风雨,深深潜入水中,在太阳重现的时候,它兴奋的问飞鸟是否能看到水中珊瑚的灿烂,飞鸟只能看着波光粼粼的水面苦笑。它们知道了飞鸟与鱼是不可以在一起的,虽然彼此相爱,但是鱼终归是水里的鱼,飞鸟终于飞离了那片海域,永远的再也没有回来,它并不知道,鱼亦再没有游回这片海域,它们都在小心翼翼地躲避那段往事,那段飞鸟与鱼的故事。

most of whom与most of which的区别是什么?

most of whom 指代人,意思指先行词所表示的这些人中的大多数。most of which 指代物,意思指先行词所表示的这些事物中的大多数。

most of them的翻译是什么?

"Most of them" 的翻译是 "他们中的大多数"。

all of them most of them some of them哪个正确?

都正确。All of them have passed this English exam. 他们中的所有人都通过了这次的英语考试。Most of them have passed this English exam.Some of them have passed this English exam.

during most of his waking life he will take his code for....翻译




Vickie had most probably ______ her for another sort of girl

3 mistaken her for another sort of girl 把她错认为是另外一种女生mistaken sb. for ... 固定搭配补充:regard sb. as ... 把某人当成。。。view sb. as ... 把某人当成。。。两个都是固定搭配,意思差不多


年轻人是一种会做梦的人当他们的青春老去他们有会不在有梦想有的还有 在这个世界上有很少一部分人不会想着好处你别在一条线上想太多 所以没用!


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