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西班牙语里面“加油”一般是用vamos。x0dx0avamos 西班牙语,相当于go的第一人称复数,等同英语里Let"s go"我们去"的意思,和come on 差不多,语气的意义要强于字面意思,属于激励士气用语。x0dx0a【例如】x0dx0aVamos Argentina!阿根廷加油!x0dx0avamos,rafa 加油,拉斐尔(Rafael Nadal前两年错过澳网,法网成了当年第一项大满贯赛事。 为了鼓励自己能够卫冕,Nadal在左边鞋子写了vamos,右边鞋子写了rafa,就是“加油,拉斐尔!”的意思。)x0dx0aanimo 西班牙语,“振作起来”的意思。


vamos在西语中的意思:1、我们走吧2、加油!vamos 是动词变位,相当于英语中go的第一人称复数,等同英语里Let"s go"我们去"的意思,和come on 差不多,语气的意义要强于字面意思,属于激励士气用语。【举例】Vamos Argentina! —— 阿根廷加油!vamos,rafa —— 加油,拉斐尔




有多种意思,要结合上下文,有可能单纯是动词 去,也有可能是构成将来式的我们要做什么,也有可能是语气词鼓励别人

Vamos Agentina 是什么意思?

不知道啊 去词霸

Vamos Rafa


国内汽车公司(像一汽 上汽 广汽之类的)有使用Catia Vamos的设计软件吗?


vamos 还有怎么读,请用 拼音给我读出来


vamos 什么意思啊,还有怎么读,请用 拼音给我读出来,呵呵

let"s go 的意思 wa mo si


  Vamos Vamos Vamos (ken furiage!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  hikari no naka  asu ni mukatte  ima hashiridasunda  WOW  ujiuji to kangaete te mo  CHANSE no DOA wa hirakanai yo  omoikkiri keyabutte  yume wa jibun no te de tsukame!  FIIRUDO ni tatteru no wa  nakamatachi sa (onaji YUNIFOOMU)  hitotsu no SUTOORI  jibun wo shinjite kekka wo desou  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  mune no oku no  sono ENERUGII  saa shiboridasunda  WOW  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  shouri no michi  tsunagaru you ni  Vamos Vamos  WEEBU ni nare!  moshimo maketatte  CHANSU no DOA koko dake janai  atama kirikaerunda  tsugi wa dou sureba ii ka?  namida ga koboreru kurai  kuyashii nara (atsuku narunda)  sore ijou ase kaite  takaburu tamashii  tsubasa hirogete...  Vamos Vamos Vamos (kibou yo todoke!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  doshaburi demo  yasumu kotonaku  saa hashiri tsuzukero!  WOW  Vamos Vamos Vamos (kibou yo todoke!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  ikiru koto wa  moeru koto da yo  Vamos Vamos  moetsukiro yo!  moshi kimi ga tsuraku nattara (nattara)  mimamotteru SAPOOTAA no koe wo kiite!  Ha~!  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  mune no oku no  sono ENERUGII  saa shiboridasunda  WOW  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  shouri no michi  tsunagaru you ni  Vamos Vamos  WEEBU ni nare!  massugu ni (Vamos) massugu ni (Vamos)  hashirunda (WOW WOW WOW WOW)  hitamuki ni (Vamos) hitamuki ni (Vamos)  ikirunda (WOW WOW WOW WOW)  gamushara ni (Vamos) gamushara ni (Vamos)  shinjirunda (WOW WOW WOW WOW)  jounetsu wa itsuka mukuwareru  Vamos Vamos Vamos (kibou yo todoke!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  doshaburi demo  yasumu kotonaku  saa hashiri tsuzukero!  WOW  Vamos Vamos Vamos (kibou yo todoke!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  ikiru koto wa  moeru koto da yo  Vamos Vamos  moetsukiro yo!  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  mune no oku no  sono ENERUGII  saa shiboridasunda  WOW  Vamos Vamos Vamos (minna de utaou!)  Vamos Vamos Vamos (Vamos Vamos)  shouri no michi  tsunagaru you ni  Vamos Vamos  WEEBU ni nare!  想找罗马音建议上这个网站找

阿根廷歌中的vamos是不是西班牙语?和 animo有什么区别呢?

是西班牙语哦 因为阿根廷的官方语言也是西班牙语。vamos 和animo意思不一样哦,一般来说 vamos是我们走的意思,我们去。。。animo是加油的意思~~ 嘿嘿 希望对你有帮助哦~


VamosPortugal什么意思?Vamps PortugalAnswer :葡萄牙吸血鬼


let‘s go




Vamos 是第一多人称的:走。翻译过来就是:我们走。在口语中,也类似英语中的Come的意思。用于催促别人做出行动。




vamos,rafa 加油,拉斐尔拉斐尔·纳达尔[Rafael Nadal]前两年错过澳网,法网成了当年第一项大满贯赛事。 为了鼓励自己能够卫冕,Nadal在左边鞋子写了vamos,右边鞋子写了rafa,就是“加油,拉斐尔!”的意思。


“Vamos”在阿根廷通常读作[ˈba.mos]。一、音节分解“v”读作[b],类似于英语中的“b”音。“a”读作[a],发音接近英语中“a”的音。“m” 读作[m],与英语中的“m”相同。“o”读作[o],发音接近英语中“o”的音。“s”读作 [s],与英语中的“s”相同。二、Vamos是什么意思“Vamos”是西班牙语中的一个常用词,它有多种意思,具体含义取决于上下文。用来表示鼓励、激励或呼唤行动的意思。在阿根廷,人们通常用它来表示"让我们去"、“加油”、"行动起来"等的意思。以下是几种常见的解释:1、“让我们去”:作为一种鼓励或邀请的表达,用于邀请或鼓励他人一起行动或参与某个活动。例如,在比赛中,球队支持者可能会喊出“Vamos”来鼓励队伍。2、“加油”:作为一种鼓励的口号,用于激励或支持某个人或团体。例如,在体育比赛中,观众可能会高喊“Vamos”来给运动员打气。3、“出发”:“Vamos”可以表示即将开始或出发的意思。例如,旅行团领队可能会说 “Vamos”来告诉大家准备动身。4、“走吧”:用于表示即将离开某个地方或开始进行下一个活动。例如,朋友们聚会结束时,可能会彼此说“Vamos”表示要各自回家了。总之,“Vamos”是一个常见的西班牙语词语,用于表达鼓励、邀请、支持或开始行动的意思。具体的意义会根据具体的情境而有所不同。三、Vamos一词的来源"Vamos"这个词是源自西班牙语和葡萄牙语,它起源于拉丁语中的动词"vadĕre",意为"去"或 "走"。随着时间的推移,这个词在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中发展出了各种含义和用法。拉丁语中的"vadĕre"在口语中逐渐演变为"vamos",并随着语言的发展,它成为西班牙语和葡萄牙语中常用的动词。在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中,"vamos"作为第一人称复数形式的动词 "ir"(去)的现在时形式,表示"我们去"或"我们走"。随着时间的推移,"vamos"逐渐扩展了其含义。在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中,它被用于表示鼓励、邀请、支持或开始行动的意思。例如,当人们在体育比赛中为队伍加油时,会高喊 "Vamos"来表示支持和鼓励。它也可以用作出发或前进的动作的口号。总之,"Vamos"这个词的来源可以追溯到拉丁语中的"vadĕre",意为"去"或"走"。它在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中发展出了多种含义和用法,表示鼓励、邀请、支持或开始行动的意思。




vamos在西语中的意思:1、我们走吧2、加油!vamos 是动词变位,相当于英语中go的第一人称复数,等同英语里Let"s go"我们去"的意思,和come on 差不多,语气的意义要强于字面意思,属于激励士气用语。【举例】Vamos Argentina! —— 阿根廷加油!vamos,rafa —— 加油,拉斐尔

谁能翻译一下somos de la calle 歌词意思?


my most rewarding experience的作文

有不会的问题,就上求解答网Do we need "Nerve give up" "Nerve giving up" is considered a positive life style and it is a decisive factor for personal success.As we all know,people have to encounter a multitude of problems in their life.People won"t finish anything that they just give problems up.Besides,it will extremely disturb people"s moon and they may have low confidence to face difficulties. However,some people have opposed idea and they say giving up properly is advisable.There are two reasons as follows.The main reason is people can"t solve anything when they encounter emergencies or incidents.Another reason is people may avoid some problems to get better result sometime. Regarding this issue,I think you can decide whether giving up by how many costs you have to pay.If the costs lead to destruct you original target,you should give up.If you have abundant capability and energy,I suggest you sticking to the end.

the most precious thing in my room和“学校里给你的印象最深刻的事”高中英语作文 100字左右,谢谢

不经意打开抽屉,我又看到了那截折断的尺子,不禁又想起了几年前的那件事…… 那是小学6年级的一次数学期中考试,考试前一天,老师嘱咐我们:“同学们,这次考试有画图题,大家一定要带好铅笔尺子。”当天晚上,我复习到很晚,没有收拾考试要带的东西。第二天早上,我睁眼一看,啊?都7点30了!糟了,考试要迟到了!我匆忙穿好衣服,把摊在桌上的铅笔,橡皮等等一股脑地往书包里一赛,就飞奔向了学校。 到了教室,我把东西一件一件地掏出来。铅笔,橡皮,钢笔,尺……咦?啊!尺子!我忘带尺子了!完了,离考试就剩5分钟了,怎么办? 我把书包翻了个底朝天,又在座位周围找来找去,希望能找到一把直尺。可是奇迹到底没有发生,书包里空空的,地上干干净净的,什么也没有。唉,这下惨了,没带尺子,画图题怎么做啊。 老师已经拿着卷子进来了,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。忽然,我听到身后传来一个声音:“你怎么了?丢东西了吗?”回头一看,不认识。所谓病急乱投医,我虽然觉得他帮不上什么忙,可还是把忘带尺子的事告诉了他。他沉没了一会,说:“我给你吧。”我正在纳闷,忽然见他把他那把新尺子“啪”的一声折成了两半,把其中一截递给我,说:“给,拿去用吧。” 我接过那半截尺子,一股感激之情从心底升起,可我还没来的及说什么,铃声就响了,开始考试了,我只好转过身,开始聚精会神地答题,用那截断尺仔细地画着图…… 铃声再一次响起了,考试结束了。我长长地吁了一口气。我转过身,想向他道谢,可是却不知道说什么好,他好像明白我的心思,笑了笑,说:“不用谢,互相帮助是应该的嘛,那截尺子就送给你了。”说完,他就拿起东西走了。望着他离去的背影,又看了看手中的尺子,心里有种说不出的感觉。 这件事情已经过去好几年了,可是我仍然记得很清楚,它还将继续留在我心里。它让我感受到了人间的真情,我也会把这种真情继续传播下去,希望所有的人都能感受到这种真情,并把它传下去。

求Angel Beats中my most precious treasure的歌词.

英文Brandy - Shattered HeartLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang@ @Don"t shatter my heart (x5)I"ve been saving up this treasure for yearsI hid it somewhere so no-one could touch it, yehWith every love I had some reason to leaveNo other like it "cause it"s so authenticMany driver couldn"t bear her thoughTry to break through the gate but didn"t have the gaulWhen I looked in your eyes, I felt a glitch, yehSo I present you with my most precious giftI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heart (x9)Never knew that love can be so epic, yehBut you save me "cause you"re all heroicLegend has it that you"ve earned this throneSince you came and pulled the sword out the stoneMany driver couldn"t weather the stormYou came in my life and turned the lights onNow when you touch me baby, I can"t resistSo I present you with my most precious giftI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heartIn a big emergencyDon"t break the glass, call meOur love can save anything like the fatherBelieve meI"ll give you my all "causemy heart makes me strongerAnd if you pour into itI can go even harderI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heart (x25)

求my most precious treasure歌词啊! 求英语的 拜托了 跪求 在线等

是这种的吗?Long before we just said, "Goodbye."All our fights would make hate appearI don"t know why those are the daysI hold dearYou taught me how to be so fearlessAlways pushing me further each daySaying,"You can overcome it all,And find happiness along the wayIf you try."I"ll go on alone with the painAnd I swear that I won"t complain"Cause I"ll have the dream you gave meTo keep me strong just how I should beYou were once what made me happyWhat I once had called my everythingBut it faded and I could seeBeing with you was all just a dreamI once thought we would always beAnd never cross the finish lineBut I knew that was just a wishOf mineI don"t regret being born any longerI have learned to cherish life"Cause you gave me all you had and moreThough we now move on our separate waysWithout strifeI"ll go on alone with the painAnd I swear that I won"t complain"Cause I"ll have the dream you gave meTo keep me strong just how I should beEven if I am far from youWhen there"s more than distance between usI will pick myself up once moreWith the strength I have thanks to youI"ll go on alone with the painThough I want to die I"ll restrainIt"s your voice that I can still hereLike a light that will not disappearEven if it"s hard to move onEven if I cannot stop my tearsMy heart is warm because of youAnd I"ll hold that dear for all my yearsOur time came and went by so fastI now look back and make it lastI cannot recall what broke usInto pieces like inside my heartIf I close my eyes I can hearSomeone laughing long ago with meTo this day I"ve held that right here"Cause you"re still my most precious treasure

You are my most precious treasure什么意思?


分析一下句子充分:Ask most people how they define the American Dream?

首先 ask 是原型 这是一个祈使句 再者 ask most people sth. 而how they define the American Dream and chances are则是上面的sth 注意这里是陈述语序 即这里是一个宾语从句 句意要解释吗 怎么定义.是成功,4, 本非妙风 举报 句中的are做什么成分?我觉得应该去掉are.你认为呢? 举报 赌坊146号 确实说不通的 把这句还原成问句 are就矛盾了 本非妙风 举报 完全赞同!这可是六级真题呀,郁闷~~ 是文章中的一句话? 我也表示郁闷,我觉得应该去掉are,这句子错了吧,1,分析一下句子充分: Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are ,they"ll say ," Success."

有听过《almost lover》这首歌吗?有什么特别含义




one of the most important city对吗?

是错的,正确表达为one of the most important cities。one of后面接可数名词复数,表示什么中的一个,动词用单数第三人称。例如:This is one of the mistakes.这是其中的一个错误。This is one of my favourite records.这是我最喜欢的唱片之一。




我是看了绯闻少女听到的mimosa就是一种酒它的做法非常简单 就是用香槟和橙汁调配的我当天就去超市买拉 然后自己弄得 还蛮好喝的 味道有点像橘子汽水 但是还带酒味我买的Korbel Extra Dry 10美金不是很贵 加橙汁1:1就好 超级棒


含羞草鸡尾酒【中文名称】:含羞草<br>【英文名称】:Mimosa<br>【材 料】:香槟1/2,橙汁1/2<br>【制 法】:①在比尔森式酒杯中倒入香槟;②用橙汁注满,轻轻地调和。 <br>【详细说明】<br>含羞草开黄色的花,此酒因为与其花色相近,所以取用此名。<br>盛装此酒的酒杯可以是香槟酒杯、酸酒杯等,根据专业调酒师的喜好不同,酒杯的选用也各有不同。本站所列配方的这款鸡尾酒采用比尔森式啤酒杯。<br>为了调和此酒,单独开一瓶香槟酒有点不划算。酒会中开香槟酒时,可是一个调和此酒的好机会。即使不是专业调酒师,也可以简单上手制作,将香槟鸡尾酒与皇家科尔一起调和试试看。<br>如果用悬浮香槟酒杯调和的话,就成为罗神菲士鸡尾酒了,此名是因在伦敦的罗神酒吧中调和而来的。




这是种开着金黄色小花的植物,原来生长在美丽的澳洲大陆,它有个很好听的名字叫:Mimosa,中文名字:含羞草。 Mimosa,金合欢属豆科的有刺灌术或小乔木,二回羽状复叶,头状花序簇生于叶腋,盛开时,好像金色的绒球一般。 在澳大利亚,你稍加留意就会发现,居民的庭院不是用墙围起来,而是用金合欢作刺篱,种在房屋周围,非常别致。花开时节,花篱似一金色屏障,带着浓郁的花香,令人沉醉。金合欢还是一种经济树种,芳香的花可提炼芳香油作高级香水等化妆品的原料。果荚、树皮和根内含有单宁,可做黑色染料,茎中流出的树脂含有树胶,可供药用。术材坚硬,可制贵重器具用品。 上个世纪,一个法国人,决定把Mimosa可爱迷人的金黄色带去遥远的北半球,好让法国也能享受这灿烂的夏季。于是Mimosa被移植到了北半球。但是在她的基因里,仿佛早已牢牢记住了她开花的季节,是南半球的夏季。因此,就算在北半球寒冷的冬季,Mimosa还是执意要和南半球的伙伴们一同开放。 每逢冬末,走在法国迷人的小镇里,当所有的花朵都还禁受不住寒冷的时侯,Mimosa已经用它那第一道金黄,迎接春天的到来。 Mimosa非常可爱,也许我们了解的很少,但是法国人对她的喜爱不亚于薰衣草。 总是让人同情和爱怜的Mimosa,她以她的特殊的方式展现了她的永恒。离别了故土、亲人,但却终日念念不忘。不能和伙伴们相见,自己的后代也无法回去寻根,却永远珍藏着记忆,坚守着爱恋,不愿意在彼时彼地改变自己的习惯。思乡的Mimosa,她的倔强与坚强,成为她生命中最美的部分的,和生命的支撑。 一直以来很想到法国MONDULA看看那一片金黄的、满山遍野、比太阳还要灿烂的Mimosa。 她没有薰衣草的含蓄,她给人的就是热烈和朴素,没有任何修饰,散发的却是无与伦比的力量。美丽的法国南部小城普罗旺斯冬天的Mimosa和夏天的薰衣草,形成了一道亮丽的风景,害羞与坚强并存,这才是完整的Mimosa。 Mimosa ,一种人生态度,深情地、坚韧地,即使在别人看来是固执的,也独自承受其中的酸甜苦辣。


mimosa的意思是:含羞草。含羞草(学名:Mimosa pudica Linn. ):为豆科多年生草本或亚灌木,由于叶子会对热和光产生反应,受到外力触碰会立即闭合,所以得名含羞草。形状似绒球。开花后结荚果,果实呈扁圆形。叶为羽毛状复叶互生,呈掌状排列。大约在盛夏以后开花,头状花序长圆形,2-3个生于叶腋。花为白色、粉红色,花萼钟状,有8个微小萼齿,花瓣四裂,雄蕊四枚,子房无毛。荚果扁平,每荚节有1颗种子,成熟时节间脱落。花期9个月。含羞草的花、叶和荚果均具有较好的观赏效果,且较易成活,适宜在阳台、室内的盆栽花卉(人食用或过度接触含羞草也会引起毛发脱落)。在庭院等处也能种植。含羞草与一般植物不同,它在受到人们触动时,叶柄下垂,小叶片合闭,因此人们理解它为“害羞”,故称之为感应草、喝呼草、含羞草、知羞草和怕丑草(粤语)。原产于南美热带地区,喜温暖湿润,对土壤要求一般。2022年6月,由中科院武汉植物园组织的第二次青藏高原综合科学考察水生植物专项调查中,来自湖北大学、武汉大学、西藏大学以及武汉植物园的研究团队首次发现了生长于青藏高原的“含羞花”。


Mimosa的发音为 /mu026au02c8mou028asu0259/,其中的音标表示为:[mi-moh-suh]。Mimosa是一种常见的植物,也称作含羞草,产于热带和亚热带地区。它的叶子十分敏感,会在受到触碰或者其他外界刺激时迅速合拢,是一种十分特别的植物。Mimosa的名称来源于拉丁语,意为“模仿”,是因为它的叶子合拢的姿态很像人类的身体受到惊吓时的反应。除了作为装饰植物外,Mimosa还有很多药用价值,可以用于治疗一些疾病。


mimosa含羞草双语对照词典结果:mimosa[英][mu026au02c8mu0259u028azu0259][美][mu026au02c8mou028azu0259]n.含羞草; 复数:mimosas以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Is there any coffee? You know what, let"s get-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Almost love歌词急求!

Almost Love Jessica Jarrell 歌词 Race home, open the door, run upstairs, throw my bag on the floor, log on, 2 seconds later, I get a message from you saying "hey baby", been going crazy thinking bout you all day, so much to tell you, boy I feel the same way, can"t wait to see you, just you and I cuz every night I"ve been thinking what it would be like. I get a rush, more than a crush, almost love, makes me feel high, every time I think about us. Even though we talk every day I still can"t get enough, I"m gonna pause getting kinda close, almost love. I"m 5-6 your 5-10, 14, 15, talk twenty four - seven , 34,24,36, talk twenty four - seven, For-ever, lol,you and I talk twenty four - seven, g2g, xox, uhh, uhh, uh, twenty four -seven Give you my number, you call, we were both nervous, nothing at all, I was breathless, you were speechless, said it good to finally hear your voice, started talking, kinda random, said you were a shy boy, for such a fly boy, you said it"s you that makes me feel that way, I"m like sometimes even i dont know what to say I get a rush, more than a crush, almost love, makes me feel high, every time I think about us. Even though we talk every day I still can"t get enough, I"m gonna pause getting kinda close, almost love. I"m 5-6 your 5-10, 14, 15, talk twenty four - seven , 34,24,36, talk twenty four - seven,for-ever, lol, you and I talk twenty four - seven, g2g, xox, uhh, uhh, uh, twenty four -seven How I wish you were here now, How I, How I, How I, How I wish you were here, How I wish you were here now, b-b-b-boy, b-b-b-boy, boy, boy, boy how I wish you were here now, boyy, boyy, boyyy, wish you were here now. I get a rush, more than a crush, almost love, makes me feel high, every time I think about us. Even though we talk every day I still can"t get enough, I haven"t got a pulse, getting kinda close, almost love im 5"6 your 5"10 14 15 talk 24/7 forever lol you and I talk 24/7 call me at 3 2 3 2 1 5 12 7 8 talk 24/7

next to your mother,who are you love most?这句的next







[ti:]almost [ar:]Tamia [al:] [by:]lyrics by wylouise [00:00.99]Can you tell me [00:01.95]How can one miss what she"s never had [00:05.00]How could I reminisce when there is no past [00:08.76]How could I have memories of being happy with you boy [00:13.36]Could someone tell me how can this be [00:16.36]How could my mind pull up incidents [00:20.09]Recall dates and times that never happened [00:23.96]How could we celebrate a love that"s to late [00:27.51]And how could I really mean the words I"m bout to say [00:30.69]I missed the times that we almost shared [00:33.71]I miss the love that was almost there [00:37.29]I miss the times that we use to kiss [00:41.00]At least in my dreams [00:42.42]Just let me take my time and reminisce [00:45.46]I miss the times that we never had [00:48.35]What happened to us we were almost there [00:52.13]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [00:58.16]Never almost had you [01:07.02]I cannot believe I let you go [01:10.05]Or what I should say I should"ve grabbed you up and never let you go [01:15.18]I should"ve went out with you [01:17.15]I should"ve made you my boo boy [01:19.74]Yes that"s one time I should"ve broke the rules [01:22.94]I should"ve went on a date [01:24.42]Should"ve found a way to escape [01:26.19]Should"ve turned a almost into [01:27.83]If it happened now its to late [01:30.35]How could I celebrate a love that wasn"t real [01:33.57]And if it didn"t happen why does my heart feel [01:37.40]I missed the times that we almost shared [01:40.43]I miss the love that was almost there [01:43.75]I miss the times that we use to kiss [01:47.47]At least in my dreams [01:48.75]Just let me take my time and reminisce [01:51.99]I miss the times that we never had [01:54.81]What happened to us we were almost there [01:58.62]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [02:04.59]Never almost had you [02:07.67](sometimes I wanna rub ya, some nights I wanna hug ya) [02:12.72]And you seem to be the perfect one for me [02:14.67]You (some nights I wanna touch ya but tonight I wanna love ya) [02:18.64]You"re all that I ever wanted [02:20.78]And you"re my everything yes its true [02:24.61]Boy its hard to be close to you [02:28.26]My love [02:32.54]I know it may sound crazy [02:34.49]But I"m in love with you [02:37.18]I missed the times that we almost shared [02:39.71]I miss the love that was almost there [02:43.46]I miss the times that we use to kiss [02:46.57]At least in my dreams [02:48.07]Just let me take my time and reminisce [02:50.82]I miss the times that we never had [02:53.92]What happened to us we were almost there [02:57.77]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [03:03.67]Never almost had you [03:05.67]I missed the times that we almost shared [03:08.68]I miss the love that was almost there (sometimes I wanna rub ya) [03:12.52]I miss the times that we use to kiss [03:16.11]At least in my dreams [03:18.04]Just let me take my time and reminisce (but tonight I wanna love ya) [03:21.22]I miss the times that we never had [03:23.46]What happened to us we were almost there [03:27.17]Whoever said its impossible to miss when you never had [03:34.99]Never, never almost had you (but tonight I wanna love ya)

求 Tamia的almost的歌词翻译

I don"t understand我不能理解You look just like the man你看上去像个男人In the picture by our bed在我们床上的照片里The suspence is pounding and clouding up my headI"m checkin" your clothesAnd you wear the same size shoe你穿同一码的鞋子You sleep in his spotAnd you"re driving his car你正在开他的车But I don"t know just who you are但是我不知道你究竟是谁1 - There"s a stranger in my house这里有一个陌生人在我家里It took a while to figure outThere"s no way you could be who you say you are你没有办法说清楚你是谁You gotta be someone else你也许是别的人Cuz he wouldn"t touch me like thatAnd he wouldn"t treat me like you doHe would adore me , he wouldn"t ignore me So I"m convinced there"s a stranger in my houseI"m not sure who you are我不确信你是谁Don"t see your shadow around when you walk看不见你的影子,当你走路的时候Ain"t leavin" no kissesGoodbye with no words没有词语的再见If these walls could talk如果可以和墙壁说话They would have nothing to tell他们不会有任何事可以谈论So what could it be?所以,这应该怎样发展?Is there someone immitating me ?Could she be taking my place?她能够离开我的地盘吗?Look me in the face看着我的脸And tell me that I"m wrong然后对我说,我不好When I say...当我说1 - There"s a stranger in my houseIt took a while to figure outThere"s no way you could be who you say you areYou gotta be someone elseCuz he wouldn"t touch me like thatAnd he wouldn"t treat me like you doHe would adore me , he wouldn"t ignore me So I"m convinced there"s a stranger in my housePop quizTell me where we first kissedTell me where my spot isTell me if I liked it, loved itOr could it beThat the stranger is meHave I changed so drastically?Is it I want more for me ?And you remain the same1 - There"s a stranger in my houseIt took a while to figure outThere"s no way you could be who you say you areYou gotta be someone elseCuz he wouldn"t touch me like thatAnd he wouldn"t treat me like you doHe would adore me , he wouldn"t ignore me So I"m convinced there"s a stranger in my house1 - There"s a stranger in my houseIt took a while to figure outThere"s no way you could be who you say you areYou gotta be someone elseCuz he wouldn"t touch me like thatAnd he wouldn"t treat me like you doHe would adore me , he wouldn"t ignore me So I"m convinced there"s a stranger in my house 因为找不到这首歌的中文歌词,所以自己看着办翻译了几句,不好意思哦~不过应该可以帮忙理解大意。


[verse 1]can you tell me你能否告诉我how can one miss what she"s never had如何让我感受到从未有过的思念how could i reminisce when there is no past如何让我追忆没有的过去how could i have memories of being happy with you boy如何让我拥有与你在一起的回忆,男孩could someone tell me how can this be现在有人告诉我如何去做how could my mind pull up incidents如何让我的脑海浮现这样的场景recall dates and times that never happened记忆里的所有,从未发生how could we celebrate a love that"s to late如何让我们庆祝那份姗姗来迟的爱and how could i really mean the words i"m bout to say如何让我真正表达出我想述说的话语[chorus]i missed the times that we almost shared我错过了我们在一起的美好时光i miss the love that was almost there我错过了这份曾经存在的爱i miss the times that we use to kiss我错过了我们亲吻的时刻at least in my dreams至少在我美好的梦中just let me take the time and reminisce就让我带回我们过去的时光i miss the times that we never had我错过了我们从未有过的时光what happened to us we were almost there在我们之间好似什么都没发生whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had是谁说从未拥有过的就是不可能的never almost had you我从未拥有过你吗[verse 2]i cannot believe i let you go我无法相信我竟然让你离开了or what i should say i shoulda grabbed you up and never let you go我应该抓住你,绝不让你走i shoulda went out with you或者我应该跟你一起走i shoulda made you my bop boy我应该让你成为我的,男孩yes that"s one time i shoulda broke the rules是的,那一次是我错了i shoulda went on a date我应该在那天离开shoulda found a way to escape应该寻找一条逃避的路shoulda turned a almost into应该完全改变那天的做法if it happend now its to late如果现在才发生便是太迟了How could I celebrate a love that wasn"t real你让我该怎样庆祝那份虚假的爱And if it didn"t happen why does my heart feel如果没发生为什么我的心会感觉到[chorus]i missed the times that we almost shared我错过了我们在一起的美好时光i miss the love that was almost there我错过了这份曾经存在的爱i miss the times that we use to kiss我错过了我们亲吻的时刻at least in my dreams至少在我美好的梦中just let me take the time and reminisce就让我带回我们过去的时光i miss the times that we never had我错过了我们从未有过的时光what happened to us we were almost there在我们之间好似什么都没发生whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had是谁说从未拥有过的就是不可能的never almost had you是我从未拥有过你吗[verse 3](sometimes i wanna rub ya, some nights i wanna hug ya)有时候我想和你亲揉在一起 某个晚上我想拥抱你(额,这个意思应该是做爱)And you seem to be the perfect one for me对我来说你很完美You (some nights I wanna touch ya but tonight I wanna love ya)也许某个晚上我是那么的想触摸你 但今晚我只想爱你You"re all that I ever wanted你就是我想要的And you"re my everything yes its true你是我一切,是的,是真的Boy its hard to be close to you男孩,我很难靠近你My love我的爱I know it may sound crazy我知道这听起来很疯狂But I"m in love with you但是我爱上了你Never, never almost had you (but tonight I wanna love ya)却未曾, 未曾拥有过你 (但今晚我只想爱你)i missed the times that we almost shared我错过了我们在一起的美好时光i miss the love that was almost there我错过了这份曾经存在的爱i miss the times that we use to kiss我错过了我们亲吻的时刻at least in my dreams至少在我美好的梦中just let me take the time and reminisce就让我带回我们过去的时光i miss the times that we never had我错过了我们从未有过的时光what happened to us we were almost there在我们之间好似什么都没发生whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had是谁说从未拥有过的就是不可能的never almost had you是我从未拥有过你吗完整歌词[ti:]almost[ar:]Tamia[al:][by:]lyrics by wylouise[00:00.99]Can you tell me[00:01.95]How can one miss what she"s never had[00:05.00]How could I reminisce when there is no past[00:08.76]How could I have memories of being happy with you boy[00:13.36]Could someone tell me how can this be[00:16.36]How could my mind pull up incidents[00:20.09]Recall dates and times that never happened[00:23.96]How could we celebrate a love that"s to late[00:27.51]And how could I really mean the words I"m bout to say[00:30.69]I missed the times that we almost shared[00:33.71]I miss the love that was almost there[00:37.29]I miss the times that we use to kiss[00:41.00]At least in my dreams[00:42.42]Just let me take my time and reminisce[00:45.46]I miss the times that we never had[00:48.35]What happened to us we were almost there[00:52.13]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had[00:58.16]Never almost had you[01:07.02]I cannot believe I let you go[01:10.05]Or what I should say I should"ve grabbed you up and never let you go[01:15.18]I should"ve went out with you[01:17.15]I should"ve made you my boo boy[01:19.74]Yes that"s one time I should"ve broke the rules[01:22.94]I should"ve went on a date[01:24.42]Should"ve found a way to escape[01:26.19]Should"ve turned a almost into[01:27.83]If it happened now its to late[01:30.35]How could I celebrate a love that wasn"t real[01:33.57]And if it didn"t happen why does my heart feel[01:37.40]I missed the times that we almost shared[01:40.43]I miss the love that was almost there[01:43.75]I miss the times that we use to kiss[01:47.47]At least in my dreams[01:48.75]Just let me take my time and reminisce[01:51.99]I miss the times that we never had[01:54.81]What happened to us we were almost there[01:58.62]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had[02:04.59]Never almost had you[02:07.67](sometimes I wanna rub ya, some nights I wanna hug ya)[02:12.72]And you seem to be the perfect one for me[02:14.67]You (some nights I wanna touch ya but tonight I wanna love ya)[02:18.64]You"re all that I ever wanted[02:20.78]And you"re my everything yes its true[02:24.61]Boy its hard to be close to you[02:28.26]My love[02:32.54]I know it may sound crazy[02:34.49]But I"m in love with you[02:37.18]I missed the times that we almost shared[02:39.71]I miss the love that was almost there[02:43.46]I miss the times that we use to kiss[02:46.57]At least in my dreams[02:48.07]Just let me take my time and reminisce[02:50.82]I miss the times that we never had[02:53.92]What happened to us we were almost there[02:57.77]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had[03:03.67]Never almost had you[03:05.67]I missed the times that we almost shared[03:08.68]I miss the love that was almost there (sometimes I wanna rub ya)[03:12.52]I miss the times that we use to kiss[03:16.11]At least in my dreams[03:18.04]Just let me take my time and reminisce (but tonight I wanna love ya)[03:21.22]I miss the times that we never had[03:23.46]What happened to us we were almost there[03:27.17]Whoever said its impossible to miss when you never had[03:34.99]Never, never almost had you (but tonight I wanna love ya)


网上找了个介绍,我翻译一下mosconi glanden zero1-2通道功放,功率2X450瓦特均方根(大概2X630的峰值功率)/4欧姆立体声。Amplificatore in classe AB con alimentazione stabilizzata che raggiunge incredibili potenze e suono di grandiosa dinamica. Funzioni MOS HyperDrive & OverCold per essere protagonisti nelle gare di SPL.AB类放大器和稳压电源 带来极其强劲的高动态声响。mos hyperdrive&Overcold(超空间引擎模式和主动降温模式?英文我读不懂啊) 产生高声压。Con la funzione MOS HyperDrive abbiamo tolto il "limitatore" ad un amplificatore già . Utilizzando MOS HyperDrive si raggiungono potenze molto elevate che consentono di ottenere una dinamica mai provata prima con altri sistemi acustici. La funzione MOS OverCold attiva le ventole di raffreddamento alla massima velocità.Mos HyperDriver模式下自动关闭功放上的限幅器。用该模式可以达到前所未有之高的前段动态。Mos OverCold过冷模式则会使全速散热风扇全速运行Caratteristiche tecniche: - 2x 450 Watt RMS / 4 Ohm stereo - 2x 850 Watt RMS / 2 Ohm stereo - 1x 1700 Watt RMS / 4 Ohm mono - 1x 3000 Watt RMS / 2 Ohm mono - Modalità MOS HyperDrive e MOS OverCold da gara! - Misure 590 x 250 x50 mm产品规格:- 2x 450 瓦特平方根 / 4 欧姆立体声 -2x 850 瓦特平方根 / 2 欧姆立体声-1x 1700 瓦特平方根 / 4 欧姆单声道 -1x 3000 瓦特平方根 / 2 欧姆单声道-上文说到的那两种牛逼闪闪的模式-尺寸 590 x 250 x50 毫米Per spiegare cosa è MOS HyperDrive abbiamo allegato il documento con le istruzioni tecniche del prodotto.关于牛逼闪闪模式1 MOS HyperDrive 我们附上了技术说明书(哦,怪不得我之前不知道他是什么意思)"La funzione MOS HyperDrive è da intendersi esclusivamente come una modalità ad alta potenza dinamica. Con l"utilizzo della funzione MOS HyperDrive è possibile raggiungere potenze molto elevate e chiare che consentono di ottenere una dinamica mai provata prima con ogni sistema acustico. Il vero limite nell"uso del MOS HyperDrive è l"intervento della protezione termica.Più bassa è l"impedenza del sistema altoparlanti, più velocemente interverrà la protezione termica.MOS suggerisce di limitare la funzione MOS HyperDrive per subwoofer grandi e pesanti (particolarmente per le configurazioni a 2 Ohm BTL) solo per le competizioni nei campi gara, perché l"intervento termico verrà raggiunto così velocemente da rendere l"amplificatore inutilizzabile e lo stress termico al quale sono esposti i componenti interni potrebbe essere potenzialmente dannoso per l"affidabilità a lungo termine dell"amplificatore. La suddetta modalità deve essere intesa esclusivamente come un over-boost temporaneo."牛逼闪闪1模式能够带来超强且清晰的动态。使用热保护限制保护功放。所以越低阻抗的音响系统就会越快的进入热保护状态。(类似于电脑过载,玩了命使劲跑,跑到热就歇)建议只在大型音响(特别是2欧姆桥接时)上使用该模式,并且只在竞赛场合短期使用,长期使用多少会对设备带来损害加快老化VANTAGGI:- Potenze molto alte (aumento superiore al 50%)- Qualità acustica e dinamica incomparabile, impossibile da ottenere con qualsiasi altro amplificatore ad alta potenza in classe AB presente sul mercato.优点:-非常牛叉(效果提升50%)-音质和动态超出市面上的其他传统AB类功放SVANTAGGI:- Alte temperature nel funzionamento, specialmente per le configurazioni a 2 Ohm e 4 Ohm BTL.Come in ogni competizione, per ottenere i migliori risultati è necessario correre qualche rischio. Per questa ragione MOS ha sviluppato la funzione MOS HyperDrive espressamente per uso gara, perciò per brevissimi tempi di utilizzo.Tuttavia, nell"utilizzo normale in configurazioni a 4 Ohm stereo la funzione MOS HyperDrive è consigliata perché arricchisce il suono di una qualità acustica e dinamica incomparabile.La funzione MOS OverCold attiva le ventole di raffreddamento alla massima velocità.缺点:工作温度高,特别是配置2欧姆和4欧姆桥接时。如同任何竞争场合,为了达到最佳效果你就必须承担一定的风险,这个MOS模式设计初衷就是必要时短期暴走用的。总之,为了正常使用MOS Hyperdriver模式,建议4欧姆立体声,将达到最佳的动态和清晰度。MOS OverCold(主动冷却模式)则会使散热风扇直接全速转动

At _most basic. photography is a chemical process


________ the most versatile of the common metals, lead was widely valued and used in ancient times.

【答案】:C此题考查的是介词的用法。根据题干,在诸多金属中,铅是怎样的。选项C是正确的。 【句子大意】在大多数通用的普通金属中,铅是非常贵重的金属,并且在古代就被使用。

The tree,the branches _______are almost bare ,is a very old tree

B the branches of which = whose brances

Your heart is the most important not to me. 这句话的解释 是 你心里最重要的人不是我吗?

Your heart is the most important not to me.你的心是最重要的不是我.The most important person in your heart is not me?你心里最重要的人不是我


眠らないこの街はnemura naikono machi ha饰り立てた场末の风情饰 ri tate ta 场 matsu no 风 jou意味も无く歩いているとimi mo mu ku arui teiruto见知らぬ少女が一人见 shira nu shoujo ga hitori突然腕を组んで来たtotsuzen ude wo 组 nde kitaきっときみも仆と同じkittokimimo fu to onaji全世界のコンセン卜からzensekai no konsen boku kara电気コードを引き抜いて电 ki ko^do wo hikinui te暗闇の中にあるkurayami no nakani aru光が见たいんだろ?hikari ga 见 taindaro ?Mosquito 仆と朝まで歩こうよMosquito fu to asa made aruko uyo名前?知らなくていいnamae ? shira nakuteiiMosquito 何も大事な物が无いMosquito nanimo daiji na mono ga mu i君の冷たい手を握りながらkun no tsumeta i te wo nigiri nagaraビル风が吹き溜まりbiru 风 ga fuki tama ri轮をえがき踊る枯れ叶たち轮 woegaki odoru kare kanou tachi白い足で蹴散れしてshiroi ashi de kechire shite振り返って笑ってみせるfurikaette waratte miseruまだあどけない颜madaadokenai kao本当に死ぬわかったらhontou ni shinu wakattara本当に生きたいと愿うhontou ni iki taito gen u激しく感じる心でhageshiku kanji ru kokoro deこの街を縁取ればkono machi wo fuchidore baどんな絵になるんだろう?donna e ninarundarou ?Mosquito やがて通勤の人并みにMosquito yagate tsuukin no nin hei mini君を见失うからkun wo 见 ushinau karaMosquito 朝の光に溶ける前にMosquito asa no hikari ni toke ru mae ni仆なの真実のキスをしようfu nano shinjitsu no kisu woshiyouMosquito 仆から抜き取ったサイフをMosquito fu kara nuki totta saifu wo握りしめ君はネオン消えた。。。 nigiri shime kun ha neon kie ta ...


hardlyadv.刚刚, 几乎不, 仅, 严厉的, 艰辛的He hardly ever eats meat.他几乎从来不吃肉。almostadv.几乎, 差不多We saw almost all of them.I almost fell.nearlyadv.几乎, 密切地用法同almost


因为那句话是virtually totally isolatedvirtually是几乎的意思,所以almost inaccessible就等于virtually totally isolated于是答案选Y

most relevant是什么意思

most relevant 网络 最相关; [例句]For which countries is this most relevant?这对哪些国家最有关系?


Many和Much用法①many和much都作“许多”解,但many用于修饰可数名词,而much修饰不可数名词。例如:1. China has many oil fields. 中国有许多油田。2. In our view, there is much oil here. 在我们看来,这里有许多石油。② 代词many和名词much用法举例:1. Many of the students want to sum up the past experience before going on. 许多学生(原意为:学生中间有许多人)要总结一下过去经验在继续干。2. Much of the waste acid is utilized. 废酸中大部分被利用了。③“much(副词)+比较级”作“……得多”解:1. The sun is much large than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多了。2. This problem seems much more difficult than that one. 这道题似乎比那道题难得多。3. We turned back a much larger enemy force. 我们把力量强得多的敌人顶了回去。④ 副词much修饰动词、过去分词时作“十分”解:1. We all love Beijing very much. 我们大家都非常热爱北京。2. We are much interested in heat utilization. 我们对热量利用十分感兴趣。注:上述两种句子,一般不能用very代替much。有时much也可修饰作表语用的形容词:It is much the same. 差不多相同。⑤ many和much的一些常用词组:many a time 许多次 how many books 多少书 how much water 多少水as much (many) 同样多 as much (many) as 像……那么多倍数+as much (many) as… ……的……倍(那么多) much less 何况(用于否定)much more 何况(用于肯定)注1:much和many的比较级和最高级都是more和most,分别详见第337页和225页。“more(或most)+形容词或副词原级”还分别构成比较级和最高级。如:more useful较为有用的;most widely 最广泛地。注2:“many a+可数名词单词”用法特殊,举例如下:1. Many a worker often shows concern for us. (注意谓语用第三人称单数形式)许多工人经常关心我们。2. Many a time have they been to Beijing.(注意Many a time作状语位于句首时,后面要引起主语、谓语颠倒现象,因为many a time和often近义,often位于句首时也引起主语、谓语颠倒。)他们去过北京多次。much加不可数名词,如much milkmany加可数名词复数,如many applesHow many加可数名词复数,如How many pearsHow much加不可数名词,如How much waterHow much也可用于问价钱,如How much are the apples?意思是这些苹果多少钱?这是How many与How much的最大区别some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can"t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? --I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友。 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 选题角度: 辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。lot、lots、a lot、a lots、lot of、lots of、a lot of、a lots of的区别 1. lot——相当,许多2. lots——土堆3. a lot的用法a lot是口语中的一个常用词组,多用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句。其主要用法有如下几点:①作名词短语,表示“很多;多量”,在句中作主语、宾语或表语,其后常有动词不定式短语作后置定语,如:There is a lot to see at the party. 聚会上有许多可观赏的东西。(作主语)You know a lot/much about English names. 你知道许多有关英语姓名的情况。(作宾语)This is a lot. 这真多。(作表语)②作副词短语,在句中作程度状语,表示“很;非常;常常”,修饰动词、感叹词、介词短语、形容词或副词的比较级,如:It usually rains a lot/much at this time of year. 每年这个时候都经常下雨。(修饰动词rain)Thanks a lot/very much ---that"s very kind. 多谢,十分感激。(修饰感叹词thanks,thanks=thank you)He is feeling a lot/much better. 他感觉好多了。(修饰比较级better)③a lot前可被such,what,quite,rather修饰,如:I like him quite a lot. 我非常喜欢他。---How much money is left? ---还剩下多少钱?---Rather a lot. ---还有相当多。4.a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。a lot, a lot of, lots of通常用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much,如: There"s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there. 有许多事情要做,许多人已派去那里了。 5.用于固定搭配构成习语。have a lot to answer for为糟糕的情况负责have a lot on your plate有很多困难的工作要处理 have a lot on/have a lot going on 近期很忙Do you have a lot on for tonight? 你今晚很忙吗?They will have a lot on tomorrow. 他们明天将很忙。have a lot on one"s mind把很多事情挂在心上see + n. (a lot/little/less/more/much/nothing/something) + of + sb./sth. ……见到某人/物He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。We hope to see something of you during the holidays. 我们希望在假期里不时能看到你。something of…表示“几分; 多少”lots 不单独用的,lots of=a lot of 后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。a lot 当然不是名词性短语了,而是副词性短语,修饰动词。比如:Thanks a lot.= Thanks very much. 再比如:I know him a lot。 plenty of 和以上lots of 和a lot of相似,后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。more用法1.(many, much的比较级)更多的;更高程度的[+(than)]He has more chance than ever. 他从来没有这样的大好机会。 2.另外的,附加的If you still feel hungry, there is more food in the kitchen. 如果你还饿,厨房里还有东西。 代词 pron. 1.更多的数量;更多的人(或事物)[(+of/than)]Instead of fewer accidents, there were more. 意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。 2.额外的数目;另外的一些副词 ad. 1.(用以构成形容词或副词的比较级)更[(+than)]His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病情比医生原先所料的更严重。 2.(much的比较级)更多;更大程度地You should sleep more than you do. 你应该有更多的睡眠。 3.另外;再They stayed there two days more. 他们在那里又呆了两天。 4.而且

more 、most、much、many的用法不同?不同在哪儿?求大神帮助

more是much、many的比较级 most是much、many的最高级 而much是修饰不可数名称 many是修饰不可数名词

为什么much 的比较级最高级是more most



比较级much-more-most 一班后面加形容词 many后一般加冠词或名词"(●—●)


可以的 之前不是告诉过你吗,

mosso681XC的车架,套件是禧玛诺m610的大套,轮组是久裕的041 042,轮胎是建


请问4000-5000元组装山地车,要怎么装,MOSSO 2631 TB用这车架,加M596大套可以吗,谢谢


捷安特汉特1.0的 前叉 和 花鼓 能不能装上峰大的MOSSO车架?


看重了MOSSO 2630TB的车架,想搭配XCR的前叉,车架内置碗组 44MM XCR的前叉线控的是32MM 不知道能不能配上






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我就是misslie team 强度足够的

山地车mosso 681xc这款车架怎么样?



很简单,用尺子量一下车架架高就知道了(车架中管的长度:从五通轴的中心量到装座杆的那个管的顶端, 然后用毫米的数值/ 25.4=车架的架高手15“ 或17”或19”



有听说过柬埔寨暹粒mosso somnus的乳胶床垫吗?怎么样?


meno mosso音乐术语是什么?






MOSSO 2670TB车架,ATX 7车架,和公爵600车架比,这几天昏了

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山地车车架 mosso 2620tb 和windspeed wsr700

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MOSSO 的7046/679车架和捷安特的XTC TEAM车架比如何




piu mosso音乐术语是什么?

piu mosso指的是更快的节奏。钢琴乐里的MOSSO是快速、活跃的意思。“MOSSO”最早出现于音乐曲谱上的意大利术语,“MOSSO”的出现,要求演唱者和演奏者必须快速地演唱或演奏这段旋律,使旋律充满骄傲和活跃的感觉。音乐术语庄板(Grave)(缓慢速)广板(Largo)(稍缓慢速)慢板(Lento)(慢速)柔板(Adagio)(慢速)小柔板(Adagietto)小广板(Larghetto)(慢速)行板(Andante)(稍慢速)小行板(Andantino)中板(Moderato)(中速)小快板(Allegretto)(稍快速)渐弱(Diminuendo/dim)最弱(Piano Pianissmo/ppp)很弱(Pianissmo/pp)弱(Piano/p)


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